When was the last time you changed your mind? Most likely the answer takes some time as humans tend not to change their opinion on things that much and when they do, it happens over a slow period. Most people on this side of the great divide did not wake up one day and decided to abandon their old worldview. People slowly came to realize that the old way of looking at things was not working and then all of a sudden, they noticed lots of other people noticing the same thing.
That has always been the reality of the red pill experience. It is not so much that the person getting red pilled is going through a sudden transformation but that they are suddenly noticing lots of other people who are on the same road. Almost everyone in the dissident space came here by first running into a writer, YouTuber or social media character that articulated what they were thinking. Then it was another and another until the person was firmly in the dissident camp.
We see this with support for Israel. For a long time, the default position for most white people was to support Israel, mostly for American reasons. Americans love the underdog and Israel seemed like the underdog. In the 1960’s and 1970’s the Israelis had to fend off the much larger neighbors, often working together. The fact that Israel somehow beat the bigger opponent tickled the American respect for the small dog that has the heart of the big dog.
That changed starting with the Bush years. After being pummeled and denigrated for a couple of decades by the American war machine, Americans look at the Arabs as hapless nitwits and Israel as a protectorate of the American empire. The Jews are no longer the plucky underdog, so when they attacked the Palestinians, many Americans wondered if they should be cheering for the people of Gaza. As a result, support for Israel has plummeted over the last six months.
There are still people who think it is 1985 and that Israel is “fighting for its survival” but those people are strange anachronisms. This has in turn damaged the Republican Party as they roll out anti-speech measures thinking these prohibitions against criticizing Israel are popular with their base. Instead, most GOP voters are reacting in the same way they would if Mike Johnson showed up for work wearing a denim leisure suit and sporting a massive afro.
It is not that people are suddenly reading Mein Kampf and becoming antisemites or that they accidentally clicked on a Nick Fuentes video and were red pilled on the reality of Zionism in America. What happened is the tectonic plates of American perception have been slowly moving with regards to Israel for decades. The events in the Levant confirmed these changing perceptions and when people noticed this in other people, a critical mass of new opinion has formed around Israel.
We may be seeing something similar with regards to white identity. The other day, Ann Coulter was a guest on a podcast hosted by former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy to do the normal stuff. Coulter opened by stating right up front that she would not have voted for him, despite agreeing with him on many things, because he is an Indian and she does not want to be ruled by Indians. She went on to say that America is a white country and should remain so.
The normally unflappable Ramaswamy was poleaxed. He probably expected Coulter to attack Trump, as that is her current act. He would then defend Trump, as he is a Trump surrogate on the campaign trail. Instead, he was told by a very white woman that she would never vote for a very brown man. To his credit, Ramaswamy did not begin to shriek about racism, but then again, Indians are the most ethnocentric people on earth so at some level he certainly understood her position.
The remarkable thing about this exchange is not that she said it, but that there has been no reaction from the kooks. Further, the sissies of conservatism have not raced off to their fainting couches. In fact, there has been little reaction at all to what in the near past would have been a John Derbyshire moment. A few members of the kook squad have tried to make this a thing, but so far there are no mobs forming up to demand Coulter be cancelled from her various media gigs.
The important thing here is not so much that Coulter said what she said or that it has not resulted in a lynching. The important thing is that millions of normies heard a familiar voice say it is, in effect, okay to be white. It is one of those crystalizing moments for the suburban peasant when he realizes that lots of other people are thinking the same thing and that it is okay to think such things. The ground just shifted but in reality, the ground shifted long ago, and Coulter simply acknowledged it.
Like the changing views on Israel, the changing views on whiteness are the result of the winners overplaying their hand. The Israel lobby has made itself so obnoxious that it has turned natural sympathy into skepticism and even antipathy. The triumph of diversity has now normalized racial tribalism among white people. This Ann Coulter moment has confirmed to millions of normies that it is not only okay to be white, but it is a necessity of their politics now.
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No argument really persuaded me of anything. It was simply a matter of reality no longer according with the things I had been told. I grew up in the burbs and had a very “magical” view of diversity. Black people meant Michael Jordan leaping over people’s heads to slam dunk, or stoical black soldiers enduring persecution at the hands of white redneck sadists, like I saw in Glory. A few years later I wasn’t living in the suburbs anymore and I was in a school that was something like 50 percent black. I remember a couple clarifying moments. One was… Read more »
Well-said sir!
joey junger: I was with you up to J.D. Vance. So the way forward is to denounce your hillbilly family and roots, write about it to suck up to the leftist political glitterati, marry a subcon and produce brown children? Because that’s what ultimately endures – one’s family and children, not one’s politics. Vance’s choice is the essence of White negation.
Yep, that’s my biggest problem with him as well. It’s not just the racial mixing, but it’s also cultural and religious. Too much more of that, and you get a mishmash of people that this country was never intended to be.
I’m not saying to do what J.D. Vance does, but that’s a lot more what the presentation should look like. His approach will reach people who would literally rather die than follow Fuentes over a hill. Also, our fight for survival doesn’t really require a lot of big articles, like the Alt Right’s leftovers continue to insist on doing. Casting runes with the Countercurrents crowd or writing ten-thousand word articles on the Hegelian implications of Beyonce’s latest auto-tuned hit, like a lot of those erudite guys do. It’s a waste of brainpower. I saw where they or Arktos have a… Read more »
Pretty well agree with everything you wrote here. I would never vote for or accept a Pajeet as leader, but much can be learned from anyone. The key is to have a white person deliver the same message as King Cobra is just as acceptable of a way.
You are absolutely correct about the LARPing, too. It is loathsome.
Yeah, but good luck finding a white person who will deliver the same message as King Cobra. The only ones who will touch it are already persona non grata.
Agree on keeping away from the larping and personality cults, but the brown wife and kids is a deal breaker for me. In general, in my experience, it’s the non-White wife’s family that provides a bigger influence on mixed kids than the White father – and given Vance’s own denouncing of his admittedly dysfunctional family, I see that playing out here. His own kids are not White, will not ‘identify’ as White, and are only tenuously connected to Western Civilization.
On the political side of things, the US House of Representatives just voted as follows, concerning the question of whether U.S. Citizens [and only U.S. Citizens] are to be counted in the nation’s census:
GOP: 206 yea
DEM: 202 nay
In other words, there were precisely ZERO Whites in the DEM party who were willing to stand up and go on the record as requiring citizenship.
I honestly don’t see how a split like this finds its way to an amicable resolution.
tl;dr == Purchase Even Moar Ammμniti0n
With you about Counter-Currents. I scan it maybe once a week because now and then I find an article worth my time. Actually their heavy hitters like Jim Goad and Greg Johnson are talented stylists, as is Mark Gullick in the house comedian role. The frustrating thing, though, is that while Goad et al. usually say things I agree with, important things even, I never find their work very interesting because it’s all from the recycling bin. Once you see the topic you know what they’ll say about it, albeit in good prose. Other than perhaps for brand-new readers (I… Read more »
Counter-Currents is Greg Johnson, who is gay, right? I always thought that’s what happened between him and Roger A. Sphincter, jilted lovers sort of thing. yaaaath. Moldbug is Jewish. Taylor’s wife is also Jewish(?) That other boomer’s wife is Chinese. I haven’t really paid a moment’s notice to Vox Day since he, Cernovich and Molyneux had a thing going, which was back in like ’17? He mostly just seems like a goon. Not a great asset but not particularly detrimental either. “Mostly Harmless”. At this point the middle/’high’ brow right in the US seems more controlled zio-op than the freedom-trucker/MAGAt… Read more »
He sold out his people and even his own family for coin and recognition by people who hate him. He is a snake in the grass. The funny thing is, he could have done largely the same thing but without being a traitor about it. His whole hillbilly routine is to take the piss at his family and humiliate them. He doesn’t want to help them in any way. There is a large White underclass who are drug addicted and extremely dysfunctional. It is now significantly larger than it was in the 80s and 90s. The answer to this problem… Read more »
“The answer to this problem is not to make fun of them”
Wrong.That answers nothing.
Should be: “Making fun of them is not the answer to this problem. The answer is….”
And that’s where you are silent.
Sure, I could have phrased it better. I really don’t have an answer other than to fix the economy. We cannot have free trade with countries that have significantly lower costs than us. Production equipment and techniques along with logistics are just no longer bound to physical place. What happened is corp America fired their American workers, packed up the production equipment and moved production overseas. This system is evil. It’s a race to the bottom. It has huge negative impacts on our Western developed economies and severe negative impacts in the third world. China has been wrecked physically with… Read more »
You can read Vance’s breeding with a subcon the other way – diluting their race with white admixture. Wombs are more precious than sperm, and need more protection. A white man impregnating non-white women dilutes the woman’s race more so than the man’s.
It’s why the sight of a white woman with mixed-race kids is so off-putting. A white man with mixed-race kids is not as unnerving. The former is an affront to the tribe, the latter is just a sort of misguided soul.
The pajeets are so numerous that they can afford to toss their woemn about.
Vance is not perfect by a long shot, but in politics you will never get a perfect leader.
Despite Vance’s shortcomings, he gave an utterly brilliant speech in the Senate a couple of weeks ago in which he said we need to stop with the idiotic thinking that every foreign policy issue is always Munich, 1938. He said verbatim “Putin is not Hitler.”
It’s worth watching:
Senator JD Vance Issues Unvarnished Take About Pending Ukraine Aid Legislation – LRC Blog (lewrockwell.com)
Yep…I got disillusioned when (almost 50 years ago!) it became clear that unqualified blacks were being promoted over qualified whites in my State’s bureaucracy…,.
Over 50 years ago, huh? You were certainly in the vanguard. OTOH, in 1973 the views of the DR would have been pretty unremarkable albeit going against the prevailing current.
This began in the sixties. My dad, born 1921, depression baby, WW11 Pacific veteran, self-made man and lawyer, became chief of the real estate division of the US Post Office in 1956. In 1968 he said he was thrilled to hire their first lawyer graduated from Harvard. Too late he was shocked to discover the guy was completely useless. About that time his secretary left to raise family and he was assigned a new one. I met her, nice lady. Forty words a minute. My dad told her he could never recommend a merit raise without learning to type sixty.… Read more »
Knowing this stuff in the early 70’s wasn’t common but the handwriting was clearly on the wall. An admin survey back then (not anonymous in those innocent times) of students at my Ivy League college had a “race/religion” question. One of my White Protestant buddies tossed it away, saying “I refuse to provide information that can only be used to discriminate against me”.
As a certain icon of the 60s once said, you didn’t have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind was blowing.
I’m totally onboard with your train of thought, only I’m probably a few decades ahead of you. Since the 90’s I have been quietly but firmly calling out bullshit when it rears it’s head and stoically responding to the accusations of racism with, “so?” Ayn Rand was a huge idealist with her idea of the “perfect man” being born to guide us all to a capitalist Utopia, but she got something right in the speeches of Galt, Reardan and d’ Anconia. They WANT you to give their ideas credence. They NEED for you to agree with their premise and defend… Read more »
I like that.
Great answer, Cymry. “So”
Jesus…..One of the best comments I have ever read.
Israel had a good run.
Anti-white racism had a good run.
The timelines are directly related.
I wonder what they have prepared for the finishing phase of their run, once the whole world finally turns on them. Something exciting maybe?
Samson option. I believe the Germans sold them two subs that can launch the missiles when the order is given.
Doubtful, because such an attack (Israel only has atomic bombs, not thermonuclear devices) would be futile, and would result in Jews being attacked and killed all over the world, including those who have opposed Zionism….
Yep. Netanyahu has demonstrated conclusively that he is a criminal sociopath. The fact is most of the world has already turned on them and their benefactors in the West no longer have the conventional capability to deal with Iran.
The leadership in Israel may be quite capable of launching their nukes and not just because the state of Israel is threatened with extinction. They may do so if their planned excursion into Lebanon fails. We have no Western leaders to be the adults in the room.
Are you suggesting Israel is the engine of anti-white racism?
Correlation is not necessary causation.
Is it possible that a third variable affects both? (Hint. wealthy jews in USA/Europe)
Certainly. Israel had very little to do with campus radicalism–the first virulent irruption of AWR in the US–but postmodern, and to a lesser extent Frankfurt School philosophers had their fingers in that feculent pie. Then too, there were sociological factors at work.
Except those schools are full of leftist Jewish professors and fellow travelers. They’ve been preaching the anti-white pro-brown people gospel for years to keep the Anglo-Saxons down.
Now their stupid students see brown people being blown up by Jews who look white enough. So they protest and start noticing the Jews.
I can assure you America’s faculty in 1966 was not dominated by Finkels. And certainly nowhere near to the extent it is now. My larger point is that they didn’t immediately take over America the minute they debarked from Minsk. It took well over a century to reach peak Finkel. Just because they control the country now doesn’t mean they always did. And consequently, you can’t reasonably lay every terrible development in the past at their feet. We did a lot of this to ourselves.
> Are you suggesting Israel is the engine of anti-white racism?
Left-wing Jews – as embodied by the current Democratic party – primarily hate and want to destroy White people of European Christian background. Right-wing Jews – as embodied by the current Republican party – primarily support Israel and hate and want to destroy Arabs, Persians, and other mid-East Muslims. In the end, they are one “uniparty” who will, when the chips are down, support each other against both enemies.
Thank you for bolstering my point. If you want to blame the Finkels for anti-white racism–and they certainly deserve a hefty chunk of the blame–then you need to home in on the domestics, not the Levantines.
Except that I think that there are many fulcrum points, for example the ADL and Chuck Schumer, and also numerous orgs and billionaires that are not household names, who bridge anti-White racism in White countries with Israel. The Jewish corrosion of White countries could not have happened as it has with out the nest-of-vipers home base nation and sovereign private space as a foundation. When they say that “Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism” and “Jews everything are not safe without their own ethnostate”, they are telling the truth – the Jewish dominations and malfeasance outside of Israel rests on the existence of… Read more »
There was plenty of Jewish malefeasance before 1948. Just look at their prevalence within global communism and their spying on behalf of the USSR for evidence of that fact. Hell, Marx himself was a Finkel.
The last 20 years have been perfect for Israel, they got rid of Saddam, the Arab spring weakened Egypt and others, Syria has been wrecked But its all gone wrong, Iran has created a huge intractable problem for them, the Iranians now have the ability to hit Israel and any other country in the region, the Saudis are now running their one drone and missile program, they are doing this to counter Iran, but the same missiles could also hit Israel, If you were running Iraq you would also be interested in a missile program At best I could see… Read more »
This chat between Judge Napolitano and Col. MacGregor shows they both (((totally get it))). It brought to mind one of G.K Chesterton’s best: “It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged.”
I think there are a lot of commentators out there who, “get it,” but will not state it openly because they don’t want to be canceled and lose their highly lucrative YouTube stream.
Chronic Bagel Fatigue is becoming contagious.
As are Chronic Negro Fatigue, Chronic Tranny Fatigue and Chronic Feminist Fatigue. Too little, too late, though.
I’d argue the Leftist strain of CBF is different, because unlike the Vichy Right, or Normies, they play to win, and they never, ever, forgive or forget, and that rift between Leftists portends nothing but internecine chaos this summer, as Z predicted recently.
The part about them never forgiving or forgetting must be foremost in our peoples minds. The other day when the creatures on The Herd were jubilant about the prospect of Trump going to jail, someone on X commented about how once Trump went to prison, his “followers” needed to be rounded up and “disposed of” as well. An hour later I was listening to a noon time program and the host got into a spat with a caller over the protests. I can’t recall what the caller said, but the host shouted back, “Oh who the hell are you kidding,… Read more »
“Oh who the hell are you kidding, if the protesters ran the police department, they’d be rounding up their opposition and shooting them in the streets!” I greatly enjoy informing such people that shooting ranges are two ways, and that once that starts Trump supporters are not going to sit in their homes and wait to be raided, but will instead go out looking for people just like them. Leftists are not able to consider downrange effects of what they want, if they could they wouldn’t be a leftist. That the people they hate would respond in kind hasn’t even… Read more »
Those wouldn’t have existed without the Bagels coming first.
Chronic Falafel Disease will be no better but these types can’t help themselves.
Yep. First it was peak oil. Then peak negro. Now, peak smallhats and, jeez, just plain peak peak. I’m tired.
Don’t you mean exhaustion?
Being a writer these 9.5 years has changed me. A lot. I often quip that “nine year ago me would hate current me. And I hate him, too.”
I think I’ve been on this side of the great divide for a while so I don’t have to be red-pilled about the GOP and Con., Inc. cucks, but I hope some of what we’ve been seeing and hearing lately does it for others. As low as my opinion is of the cucks, I’m still pretty surprised about their recent obsession over a bunch of pampered rich kids getting heckled on the grounds of some of America’s most expensive colleges. I’m even convinced that the protesting would have died out a long time ago if the cucks weren’t obsessing over… Read more »
It’s not the Con Inc. that’s obsessed with the protests; it’s their boss, the small hats. Jews are obsessed with narrative and the protests mess up their narrative. Sure, the protesters are annoying anti-white rich kids, but they’re taking aim at Israel and thus Jews. Jews’ narrative – both to the world and themselves – is that they’re the ultimate victim, the ultimate good guy just trying to bring light into the world. The protests say otherwise and that can’t be allowed, so Jews have called out their minions on both sides of the isle, but it’s easier for the… Read more »
What particularly queers the Finkel narrative is that many of the protesters are non-white. The Finkels see themselves, with some justification, as the vanguard of the anti-white hellions and as the defender of all things non-white. So, when PoC visibly take up the cross against the Finkels it throws into grave doubt the immaculate righteousness of the Finkels on racial issues, and they’re panicking because of it. If the Finkels lose their mantle as the archangels of social justice, what do they have left to guarantee their imperviousness to examination, critique and attack?
Citizen of a Silly Country: “Jews are obsessed with narrative and the protests mess up their narrative.”
I’ve been warning peeps for years now that Rupert Murdoch is No True Scotsman…
How Rupert Murdoch quietly helped Mike Johnson survive Marjorie Taylor Greene’s ouster attempt https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/09/media/rupert-murdoch-mike-johnson-marjorie-taylor-greene/index.html
Murdoch is every bit the Narrativist as are all of his co-tribalists.
Mike Ehrmantraut’s “We had a good thing, you stupid son of a bitch” speech seems to be a running theme in this week’s Zman columns. This time, it’s Israel and anti-whiteness, which both just couldn’t bring themselves to stop while they were ahead.
“Indians are the most ethnocentric people on earth”
Surely not more ethnocentric than America’s most beloved and oppressed minority?
Nope. And also keep in mind that India is composed of any number of distinct ethnic groups. Also, they can’t match Jews in brain power, money, and global reach.
Not yet. The Brahmins are taking it to the Jews. Cobra is just one example. The Brahmins are entering politics, the media, academia, tech, you name it. They’re not as organized as the Jews, but they play a similar game.
Also, Jews haven’t proven themselves particularly impressive outside of the West. I suspect a good part of their success is having an easy opponent – high-trust whites whom they look like. When Jews go up against other smart races who will never see them as their own, Jews don’t do much.
This. I’m eager to see how the chosenites fare in low-trust places where they stick out like a sore thumb. I’m guessing it’s not going to work so well.
See my comment about the crooked nature of their behavior. Sure, when you work out side the established order, and the dullards who manage the established order are too stupid to see what’s going on or to do anything about it, you end up with things like all the newly minted Jewish billionaires of only in the last 30 or 40 years.
high-trust = gullible
Arshad Ali: Au contraire. They easily took the Brussels diamond trade away from the Jews. Indians are far more numerous than Jews, and equally ethnocentric. They also harbor a similar dislike for Whites, although it’s based more on envy (of ability and physiognomy) than an imagined chosen status. Just like Jews, they begin by taking over offices and businesses with their compatriots, running for the school board and city council, etc. Thus far the Jews think they are in charge of a strategic anti-White partnership with Indians and the Han. They remain confident in their supposed intelligence and money to… Read more »
Yep. I live around Indians. They’re wiping the floor with the Jews on the ground. The Jews still have the power because they’ve had generations to build wealth and networks, but they’re living off of past success. The Indians are making inroads.
Americans Jews have never had to deal with people like themselves. So far, they aren’t doing very well against them.
They never did so well in the Ottoman Empire against the Armenians and the Phanariot Greeks either. Admittedly we’re talking Sephardic and Mizrahi types in that instance and not Our Misfortune… but still… the obvious implication is that their natural habitat is the right place for them. It’s when you get the Sardaukar off their prison planet and into gen pop that they become a problem
Specifically the Gujarati Jains wiped the floor with Shlomo in the diamond biz. The Jains aren’t called the Jews of India for nothing. (The Parsees would be the Uber-Jews of India, and the Sindhi Diaspora the B-Team Jews of India, but that’s another story). It helped that the Jains control the cutting and polishing sweatshops of Surat, but beyond that for sure they’re clannish and high-trust within their own networks. And wicked smart when it comes to commercial acumen. There’s plenty of sub-80 IQ street-defecating Indians in India… What we ignore at our peril is that each different caste (oversimplifying)… Read more »
Indians are much more ethnocentric than Jews.
Such questions about which races are most ethnocentric are necessarily hard to quantify. In terms of methodology, how do we determine which races are most ethnocentric? I find that watching for clashes between two groups, and noting who wins the conflict, is illuminating. A good example of this was when the white feminists attacked rap in the 80s and 90s as misogynist. The blacks clearly shut down the white feminists, so I concluded that blacks were more powerful than the white feminists. Can the same methodology be applied to the indians versus the chosen? My instincts say that the chosen… Read more »
I have a proposal. Let’s answer the question of who is most ethnocentric by being the most ethnocentric. That makes it much more simple and removes all moral confusion. War is declared on and waged against us.
We close ranks and own it. It will feel great too. That solves most of the problems right there. Young white boys will suddenly feel more like men and have a purpose.
Hear, by gawd, hear.
Edward Dutton (HelloHelloHello!) wrote a book titled “Race Differences in Ethnocentrism.” I don’t remember which group, Indians or Jews, he considered most ethnocentric. He showed that South Asians and Arabs are more ethnocentric than East Asians and much more than Africans and Europeans. He said Jews are extremely ethnocentric, essentially the opposite of Europeans.
The Jews are certainly aware of the Indian threat. Commenter Sultan Knish* has railed at some length about the Indian Tech Bro takeover of the high ground of Californian political power-broking. Reading him you were supposed to imagine that the lily-white heirs of Leland Stanford were being done out of their natural inheritance and not the Hollywood and Real Estate Usual Suspects who rolled Whitey in that neck of the woods a long time back. *Dan Greenfield — part of a Mossad blogging operation which includes Caroline Glick. Greenfield’s job there is to play to the Boomercon demographic and make… Read more »
“Ethnocentrism” in the Anglosphere is anti-whiteness, and Indians are definitely more anti-white than Jews are. Their idea of whiteness includes Jews—fully consciously, unlike blacks whose anti-whiteness is a placeholder for what would be antisemitism if they knew what Jews are—so they’re the most efficiently/effectively anti-white group. Jews have a blurred boundary where they make individual us/them/ourguy distinctions. Indians don’t. Whites out.
Asians (the good ones) are increasingly like this, too.
The frequency of Jewish outmarriage suggests you are correct. Indians, OTOH, marry their own kind. Relatedly, circa 1993 there was a reasonably cute Indian girl with whom I had a few Russian classes. We were friendly, although I had no designs on her. Well, one evening I stroll into a corner store to snag a pack of smokes and this girl is behind the register. (Turns out her family owned the joint.) We got to talking and perhaps flirting a bit, and then all the positive expressions on her face immediately turned negative. She nervously whispered to me that she… Read more »
And far less likely to marry out. Total irrevocable loss of caste.
Of course. Brahmins are less white. That is, leavened by White genetics.
Indians hire other Indians…period..Jews sometimes allow the goyim to assume lesser positions…
To whom are you referring? I can think of two candidates.
I mean Satan’s chosen people. Rappers are just their tool to harass normal people, while “First nations” fulfill the same role in Canada.
Tools they may be, but they’re damned ethnocentric tools. There’s a reason the word Afrocentric exists.
Sadly, Afrocentric means a lot of things, except going back to Africa.
I never understood the Coulter-hate.
“If you don’t want to be killed by ISIS, don’t go to Syria. If you don’t want to be killed by an illegal immigrant, there’s nothing I can tell you.”
She’s not a deep thinker or sharp political strategist (how many of those are there?). Her weapon is wit and she uses it adroitly. There’s a place for her in the dissident ecosystem.
I think the first glimmer I had about what I think now was many years ago when I observed a distinct lack of diversity in the libertarian circles I frequented. The guy I mentioned it to was taken aback by me stating such so plainly. But the point still stood that for some reason the minorities just didn’t care about “free markets and free minds.” I’ve since realized there’s many other things they don’t care about. Republicans think the same way, thinking if they just make the right argument the black vote will be theirs. Or some other minority. It’s… Read more »
A friend of mine once went to a libertarian meetup and he came back thinking that “they are all Nazis” 🙂 A few of the people on that meetup were later active in the NRx scene.
Well, quite a few were probably in the installment plan. The Libertarian -> Nrx -> Dissident pipeline is real, and I was one of them.
Same here
Okay, but are you based now? Or do you still harbor lolbert cringe residues?
I get the impression a lot of nrx type people won’t renounce their cringe, they just think they’re more likely to get it with white people.
was posted a while back, but related:
I still have a soft spot in my heart for Yarvin and company. I read some of the Moldbug stuff back when I was still mostly a liberal. It didn’t make me part of the DR (which didn’t exist yet) but it did result in my getting exiled by my lefty friends. I realized these people were not free thinkers when it came to things like HBD.
Stuff White People Like
There are many things in the world that only exist because white people like them, libertarianism is one of these things
Jazz music, caring about the environment, women’s rights are also SWPL
The only *real* break from the Democrats among blacks was when the various lawfare campaigns against Trump started. Some blacks then saw a parallel between Trump being railroaded over his “crimes” and the way they often get treated by the DA. Whether their perception of injustice over their often very real crimes is correct it’s impossible not to see the connection or to note that the recent black increase in approval for Trump was not due to them being convinced by Trump’s “positions on the issues”. Overall, it’s Whites who think ideologically. This even goes back to the 19th and… Read more »
And in that brawl whites have been cowering in the corner with a sarsaparilla and a table cloth pulled over them. Time to emerge with six-guns smoking.
No doubt a lot of White people, in 2020-2021, when the media was blasting out “cut down the tall trees” rhetoric every day, looked at their hands and realized what these people had in store for them. Once other, braver people start talking about it more openly, it becomes very easy to shift the conversation because people are already thinking it. Israel’s behavior has been so cartoonishly evil, so reckless, so out of control, so dangerous for the entire world, that it is basically impossible for any normal thinking person to support them, or the American and “American” leaders who… Read more »
Thank you for the Coulter/Ramaswamy report. I would comment upon a few more points here. Ramaswamy is U.S. born but 100% ethnic Indian/Hindu (source: Wikipedia). Dot Indians are in the low single digits in terms of percentage of U.S. population. But what I speculate is that Coulter got away with her comment at Ramaswamy not because he’s an ethnic minority, but the fact that he is not a pet minority (racial or other). In short, he’s not Black, Jewish, female, lesbian, a tranny, a left-handed pederast, or whatever. Had Ann dared make the same statement at one of those magic unicorns,… Read more »
Coulter has a history of “outlandish” statements. She took on the windows of the 9/11 victims who wanted even more money for their dead husbands who were in high level financial institutions that had offices in the twin towers. Implication being that they were as a group very wealthy—and greedy. She of course stated that Trump would win in 2016. Now as her star wanes, she jumps to another outlandish statement (outlandish not to we in the DR obviously) wrt White identity. Coulter does with her outlandish position have pretty good track record. I don’t particularly like the woman—she’s a… Read more »
I was never impressed by Coulter. She’s basically a self-serving bombthrower.
Coulter has also been historically Necrophilic.
Lol, autocorrect. That was “Negrophilic.”
I’m not sure which is more repulsive.
Perhaps both? Lusting for dead negros would certainly be a novel “sexual minority” to get woke-points for. Could also lead to a pretty hilarious Zombieland type movie.
Can’t get knocked up by a corpse.
I think the reason she got away with it is because Big Media desperately wishes to quarantine white identitarian sentiments. Any prominent white making WI noises will get the Big Silence. Of course, a few whites, namely BoM, are just too big to ignore, which largely explains TDS. They can’t quarantine his views, so their only recourse is to give him the silence of the hoosegow, or perhaps the grave.
My support for Israel started to get soft about 15 years ago. It was then I realized that the indigenous Christians of Palestine mostly support the Muslim side. Before that, we were propagandized to believe that Christianity and support for Israel were synonymous. Then when you add their liberalism and everything else they’ve supported that not only goes against what we want but is hostile to the interests of white Christians, it’s not hard to lose sympathy. Then we also have all of their fückery when it comes to money, manipulating our laws, fortifying elections, Jeffrey Epstein, weaponizing our government… Read more »
I remember watching one of Anthony Bourdain’s shows when he was in Lebanon. He spent a lot of time with a Lebanese Christian family, and they were unabashedly anti-Israel. I remember being gobsmacked about that at the time but now I understand how they felt.
It’s as simple as a fist fight, or any other conflict. A single yes vote is all that’s needed. Race based politics are on the table now and no one’s sense or sensibilities will change that.
Do Not Lose. You won’t like it.
White pills for Whites abound. Years ago, Jared Taylor said that he was only hoping to keep a record to prove that not all whites were insane. We now see small glimmers of hope. A friend of mine who teaches at an elementary school in Arlington VA told me that she waits in a long line to turn into the parking lot of the school. She sits in her car and watches the hoards of Africans, Middle Easterners and Guatemalans pour into the school from buses and cars. She told me that she finds herself more irritated by the day.… Read more »
Enlist her to form up a school or homeschool to teach her own kind. Take those 6-10 whites and give them a crack education in a small highly advanced setting. We invest in our own. It is time to turn the anger into constructive action.
An unrelenting stream of immigration is met with an unrelenting stream of disinvestment from them and full investment in Us.
The “unrelenting stream of immigration” line always brings to mind the sleazy, smarmy face of Mayorkas seated next to Biden. Yet another non Cuban like the equally repulsive Mark Cuban.
I know she and her husband are strongly considering homeschooling their two kids. Coordinating a coop with the other white kids/families is a great idea.
It’s the little things. I don’t hold the door open for blacks, I do not acknowledge them when i walk by them in my neighborhood. I do not smile at them or say “thank you”. I want them to feel like I don’t want them here, because that is truly how I feel. They are more than happy to return the favor so it works out just fine.
Tired Citizen,
I live in a very white (about 85%) area in a red state. I’ve been making an effort to be more friendly in my neighborhood and community. It’s such a pleasant feeling. American whites are so kind and good and genuine.
Black people mock and make fun of the goodness and friendliness of whites.
Stuff black people don’t like.
Our kindness is getting us killed. Whenever I see one of those “Love One Another” signs in a front yard–inevitably of whites–steam comes out of my ears. We tried that love-one-another shit for over half a century and lost our country in consequence. Time to reverse course in no uncertain terms.
Amen to that.
Coulter is never afraid to go against the crowd. Got to giver her credit for that.
Her latest gift, er, grift.
Coulter has done more for the cause than you have. 😉
The descent of whites into minority status in the US – and, later, Europe – will force identity politics to the surface for whites. While whites were still the overwhelming majority, we could just ignore identity politics. But 50 years of identity politics successfully beating whites at every turn has forced whites to deal with it. For now, many white cling to the “Rufo hope” that we can force a colorblind, equality under the law society onto non-whites because, after all, it’s in the Constitution and the Constitution embodies natural rights so it has to win. Naturally (and I mean… Read more »
The Rufo types are like a country that is being attacked by land but are desperately trying to pretend that they are being attacked by sea. In this analogy, the country believes that it is immoral to defend oneself by land or to even acknowledge the attack by land at all.
Rufo’s strategy is flawed, but at least, he recognizes that whites are being attacked, which allows whites in general to make the same recognition. Hopefully, some of those whites will see how to really fight back.
Israel was never a plucky underdog. They were aggressors in all but one of those wars, and had massive U.S. intelligence/satellite info to tell them exactly where there opponents were.
On the topic of changing your mind, Derb, a self-described “philo-semite,” can no longer overlook what he has dismissed as “the j3w thing.” I never thought I’d see the day…
Once you acknowledge these observations, the changing of your mind cannot be stopped. So if you want to observe a mind involuntarily changing, keep an eye on the Derb on this topic.
Line: I’m far more of a cynic than you, so I attribute Derbyshire’s acknowledgment of the JQ to the desire to avoid utter irrelevance. He’s smart enough to see the sea change. Sailer is more milquetoast, but even he has tepidly approached the anti-White issue. Just as in Covid, people are being forced to take sides. It’s not just the Levant, or sexual deviancy, or AINO foreign policy. Glacially slowly, but surely, a few are beginning to realize that your skin color is your uniform.
Derb is a man of his time and that can be a weakness when times are changing so fast. I don’t always agree with him but I highly admire him. I don’t think he worries at all about “irrelevance.” He’s near the end of his career and his fortunes are aligned with VDare, besieged on all sides. There’s literally no place left for him to be kicked out of. I mean, I suppose since Unz hosts his monthly diary, Unz might be willing to host Radio Derb if VDare is forced to shut down, but I don’t think Derb worries… Read more »
The other thing is that Coulter said what everyone was thinking: No one is going to vote for a Call Center American. The fact that she banked into a reason to cite race was a nice touch. Reminds me of a recent story where my barber got off speaker-phone tech support phone call while I was waiting and she remarked that at least she could understand the support rep to which I said “yeah it’s always easier when a White guy is on the other end of those calls” and what would have been a stop-think ten years ago was… Read more »
Just a little aside, one of my credit cards is with Citizens Bank. Their call center is in Puerto Rico or somewhere in Latin America. I don’t know if it’s just the rhythm or cadence of their speaking, but they are a lot easier to understand than Indians. American companies may want to consider that in the future
I believe the Indians you refer to learned their English entirely in India. To truly speak the language requires some time living among the native speakers. Indians in my former department were—after a time—totally fluent in English and never had a problem communicating.
I once made the mistake of hiring the cheapest guide at the ruins of Tipu Sultan’s summer palace(*) in Bangalore. It *was* English, but not as we know it. Pretty sure this guy was the classic Indian BA (failed) Johnny. As with Africa, there’s a lot of shall we say Aspirational English floating about at the bottom of the Indian middle classes. The Ramaswamys or Nadellas of this world are a totally different high-functioning beast. It’s important not to conflate the two. Practically different species. *Interior walls were covered with frescoed fleur-de-lis motifs. Perfidious French sided with him on the… Read more »
Speaking as a Briton I love seeing your cities going up in flames and reading about your fentanyl deaths. At long last your chickens are coming home to roost.
I assume you have AIDS like so many of your street-crapping compatriots.
Many moons ago I was heard to say that educated Indians often had a better command of the English language, using it with more precision in speaking than indigenous Americans. I believe that was true then, for Indians raised in the British-established educational system (even for some years after independence). But they were an elite whether in India or America. To put it mildly, they were not the same type of Indians pouring into the U.S. these days. Currently even dot-Indian technologists and managerial types seem to have no interests outside of business and technology. They’re not only ignorant of… Read more »
Evil Sandmich: “No one is going to vote for a call center American.” I wish you were right but you vastly underestimate White guilt and demoralization. There are millions out there who got excited hearing a brown man say “It’s ok to be White.” And that’s all it was, by the way – he still plans to be large and in charge. He didn’t even marry the White trophy wife yet (give it a few years). Skim around the web and read just how many think he’d be a great running mate (i.e. potential next president) for Trump. Plenty of… Read more »
Not nearly enough. It reminds me of some Wang Gang guys I met in Massachusetts in 2019. They were very well reasoned and level headed (amazingly enough) and they were also probably the only three white guys to vote for him in the primary (if they even did).
I don’t think he can win. I don’t think he should be in contention for anything.
But let’s not forget that Diocletian was a Wog, too. He bought some time.
Sometimes you just have to make the best of the hand you’re dealt.
Funny thing is if he did become Trump’s VP, Trump would begin disparaging and belittling him from Day One (Scorpion, Frog, River). Be interesting to see how that one went. I wonder just how much iron is in Ramaswamy’s soul.
Call center-American. I like this but I’m not sure if I like “tech-support American” more.
Ron Paul was my gateway. He questioned subjects such as civil rights legislation, which made me recognize how much assumption and conditioning I brought to a subject. Through recognizing how many assumptions are made before a subject is discussed, I recognized how much any political subject is based on egregious precedent, allowing me to realize, to paraphrase Chomsky, that the best way to control the population is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinions but encourage lively debate within. Paul let me see how much I was boxed in.
Another way to look at it Z, is that Dissidence is going mainstream. In retrospect, it could do nothing else. When I was exiled from the vault of liberal hiveminds I saw any number of writers trying to figure out what in hell had happened to us – and to them. I lurked around the Usual Suspects… The Alt Right was close to the way of things but was plagued by clowns like Spencer, Vox Day, and Milo. The NRx guys were eccentric with some rather disturbing ideas about women. The were adjacent to the Manosphere which was populated by… Read more »
Well, kudos to Adam’s Apple Annie for saying the unspoken part out loud. I would guess that most of us Euro-descended folks are resigned to the ubiquitous presence of less-than-Whites among us, but in our heart of hearts we’d much rather choose our elected officials from our own people. It puts me in mind of my DILs, who are die-hard lefty-Lucy’s, yet drew the line at pairing up with anything but lily-White men (although both would insist vehemently that this was mere “coincidence”.) As for Israel, I can honestly state that I never saw its significance to U.S. interests, nor… Read more »
Red pilling is gradual process. Ten years ago, I first guiltily watched YouTube videos pointing out feminist hypocrisy, and thinking “hey, they are full of shit”. It was not too long after I started realizing almost everything revered by the mainstream is also bullshit. Thanks William Briggs. (And I agree with Clayton Barnett: I kindof hate old me for not figuring it out much, much sooner.) Israel has found out the hard way that when you are no longer the underdog, you are held to higher standards. They are desperately trying to maintain their victim street cred so they get… Read more »
I watched the first 15 minutes of Ramaswarmy’s podcast with Ann Coulter and it was him doing the Dinesh D’Souza civic nationalism routine and how we’re a paperwork country. This is why I said when he was still running that I would vote Democrat before voting for Ramaswarmy. When his ethnic interests clash with the nation’s interest, he will chose his ethnic interest every single time. It doesn’t make him a bad guy. This is just what people do. If I turn communist tomorrow, I may be a retard, but I’ll still be an American. We’re not an idea nation.… Read more »
I stood on neutral ground with skepticism for King Cobra. Then he posted that photo of him and his son at The Colloseum claiming The West as their legacy. He tipped his hand. Every opportunist is or will come to our shores to pluck away what we let from our grasp. If we start today and we adopt the sentiment that Coulter did, we take it back. Men doing that may make Coulter feel animal spirits toward white men again. Women hate weakness and deference and we must be honest with ourselves. Now for White men to be as bold… Read more »
Idk, the guy seems genuine to me. I’ve always interpreted that, and similar statements by him, to mean that he has embraced Americanism. I wish more people would do that. We’re not exactly succeeding in stopping them from coming. I’d take King Cobra over some feckless Seattle soyboi white tranny any day.
So eat an ice cream with only like two specks of shit mixed in vs. a full scoop of shit then? You hear yourself right, you grok this analogy, yes?
This incrementalism is what has destroyed us over the past 5 decades or so. Stop giving ground.
if you could write something coherent, I’ll try to answer I guess.
Apex: Fewer and fewer people here can even comprehend your point, fundamental though it may be. Zman’s commentariat is not what it was. Eventually, everywhere gets infested and dumbed down.
I was literally standing 25 meters outside the Colosseum just recently. No pajeet streetshitter built that place unless it was with a slave collar around his neck being directed by an Ancient Roman.
Am I the only reader who has remained skeptical of Israel since they killed 34 American sailors aboard a clearly marked USS Liberty?
I was nine years old when that happened and was a Navy cryptologist in the Med eleven years later. My Marine older brother is ridiculously pro-Israel and philo-semitic and tells me I should “get over” the Liberty. (I about got written up by an intelligence officer for bringing up the Liberty in an informal chat he was having with some of us sailors after he referred to Israel as our most valuable ally. He and I were from different units and he was not in my direct chain of command. I will never forget that conversation and I don’t think… Read more »
My dad was an LT on the USS Papago, which was the ship sent to retrieve the Liberty. He never bought the official story, either.
“For a long time, the default position for most white people was to support Israel, mostly for American reasons. Americans love the underdog and Israel seemed like the underdog. In the 1960’s and 1970’s the Israelis had to fend off the much larger neighbors, often working together. The fact that Israel somehow beat the bigger opponent tickled the American respect for the small dog that has the heart of the big dog.” “Seemed like” is correct. Because the Arab armies in those days were crud — poorly manned, poorly commanded, and poorly equipped. The Israelis and their Jewish chums in… Read more »
In the past, she dated an Indian, a jew and a negro. What are the chances she finally “gets it”?
To my mind she’s the worst kind of representative for white people — a shrill shrieking harpie with no children and who in the past went along with the neocon agenda.
Ann’s very intelligent but she’s no leader, IMO. I realize she’s not running for office and has been successful in selling lots of books. . . BUT after a while her schtick has run out of shteam;-) Also, her fashion sense is very 90s, with the long streaked hair and the anorexic body. Time to freshen up her look, don’t cha think?
She never married or produced White children. Her books will turn to dust while alien children populate the future. She’s a genetic dead end.
So what? Coulter has been out fighting in the streets for decades. Lack of hubby and kids cancels out her political contributions? 😂
Demographics > politics. Yeah, we all know you’re mister self-proclaimed ‘tough guy.’ You curdle my wame.
All you ppl do is sit behind your warrior keyboards and pick these ppl apart. Trump / Coulter / DeSantis et el.
Any positive contribution is side step “because this, because that.” because they aren’t this, did that.”
You turn wins into loses…
like RINO’s.
WTF are you doing?
There’s much to recommend Coulter, but her appearance isn’t one of them. Never understood why some guys have the hots for her. Of course, I’ve always felt the same way about Madonna.
I’ve never had the hots for Ann, but consider her reasonably attractive — especially these days when so many women (including women in her age range) tattoo large portions of their skin. Even if she were drop-dead ravishing, though, so what? Media face workers have to be on the better-looking part of the bell curve. It’s an unspoken part of their job descriptions. “Unfair,” maybe, but human nature will have its way until AI robots take over, and even they will probably be programmed to respond to designed beauty or handsomeness.
What’s that quote EMJ drops? Something about experience keeping an expensive school? Who knows.
I’m familiar with “Experience is a hard teacher. Test first, lesson afterwards.” From, of all things, a book about computer software. I don’t recall ever encountering it elsewhere.
Of course the same concept appears in many forms: school of hard knocks, etc. What seems notable is that such pearls of wisdom seem to have all but vanished in the [post-] modern world, where apparently we can bring anything we can conceive into reality merely by wishing it so. And Reality had damned well better deliver, or else.
I think this is the one:
”Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other, and scarce in that; for it is true we may give advice, but we cannot give conduct.” — Ben Franklin
So Ms. Ann’s position is that she will allow black and brown men to do as they please with her naked body, but she won’t vote for them. That’s a real honorable position.
It’s called the missionary position.
Yeah, I think she was very calculating in her target, but I do not think she thought about the second order effects. She attacked him because her Hollywood pals hate Indians and he is a Trump supporter. But, lots of suburban peasants just heard a white women get away with saying she will not vote for a brown guy, which is the part that matters.
Exactly. Just because someone is opportunistic does not mean they are not useful.
I won’t vote for a brown guy either.
That’s the right tempo, Tempo. Why would a White guy in his right mind vote for a non-white guy knowing that most members of Sailor’s coalition of the fringes, blacks, Jews especially, vote for the anti-white Progressive? “Hey Whitey, yeah you. You vote for hope & change & Obama. How did that work out for ya?”
The problem with her is that I don’t know whether to take her seriously or not. I don’t know if she has had an epiphany or just playing a role for TV. Someone who has dated an Indian, a Jew and a Negro (I’ve never done those things and I don’t feel lesser for it) leaves me skeptical that she has any clarity of thought or any actual devotion to the ideas that come out of her mouth.
In other words, she’s an archetypal talking head. A grifter’s griftress.
This is related to something that I’ve seen before. Whites – even liberal Good Whites – don’t like to be lectured about racism by Indians or Asians.
I’ve seen it firsthand. When some fat black lady or white-looking Jew rails about white racism, whites mostly nod along or, at least, keep from looking like someone just farted next to them. But when an Asian or an Indian try to pull the same schtick, the whites look very uncomfortable.
A lot of whites have read “The Rape of Nanking”…
I think that’s because, regardless of what you think about the black man, and I think nothing but negative things about him I assure you, when he starts his we wuz slaves schtick and points out that “I didn’t want to be here, I was forced to be here” to you there is a point there. Not a good point, mind you, slavery 200 years ago doesn’t excuse anybody’s behavior now, but you can at least see where he’s coming from: His people were, as a matter of pure fact, forced to come here, and expatriating themselves has been and… Read more »
Really? Because Saira Rao, an Indian woman, has made a career of charging getting rich liberal women to pay her to lecture them about their racism.
Easier for Coulter to say that about Indians than blacks or J’s, sure, but I wouldn’t say Indians are easy targets since no other mainstream figure has said anything like that that I’m aware of in recent years. Perhaps this is a Gateway Statement, leading to more White ethnocentrism…
*Shrug* — could be. But it seems to me that in the past the multi-culti brigade, run by the chosen ones, would have been up in arms. That is — *gasp* — racist and beyond the pale. I wonder if the multi-culti thing is coming apart at the seams?
Indians are easy targets — bowing and scraping all time, obsequious and anxious to please.
Oh, just wait until you find yourself working under a high-caste Indian. You’ll see another side quickly.
“It is one of those crystalizing moments for the suburban peasant when he realizes that lots of other people are thinking the same thing and that it is okay to think such things.”
Somewhat reminiscent of that moment when Ceasescu got booed at his speech in December, 1989. He and his wife didn’t last long after that. It hasn’t gotten quite that far along yet but it’s on the same lines.
This is a great observation. I’ve described Jan 6th this way. A shit ton of people showed up in DC to reject the fake election and boo the people responsible for allowing it.
These are people who get their boots licked by obsequious groupies every day. Getting screamed at instead of cheered was a terrifying dose of reality.
Everything since then has proven that there definitely was not an insurrection that day…
…but there should have been.
The only way out for the regime is to widen these wars and to totalize repression at home in the name of countering defeatism in the eternal conflict against Eurasia.
No Brother Wars is a great way to put across many ideas at once in three words.
I’ve experienced two big eye-openers over the past 4 years. One is the utter craven avariciousness of the medical establishment. The other is the utter obsession the political class (both democrats and republicans) have with foreign interventionism. In deed, if the 2020 election was stolen (I’m not sure it was), I do not think it was the Democrats alone that stole it. Rather, I think is was a combination of both Democrats and Republicans at the behest of the neo-cons that stole it. It was very clear during 2020 that the GOP establishment hated Trump specifically because Trump wanted to… Read more »
If you were watching election coverage that night. It’s pretty obvious the election was stolen.
This election stolen or not stolen is a rabbit hole. Even I don’t jump into it via “Normie” discussion. What the meta question is, “What are the deficiencies in the current process that may allow fraud, how can we fix them, and why do we not?” These questions are better received and harder to counter. If you charge fraud, you are immediately told to “prove it”. Then the rules of evidence—in our State courts—is set that you not only have to prove/show fraudulent ballots, but also that this number of ballots would have changed the election results! That standard of… Read more »
The process by which the 2020 election was stolen is so simple that I am convinced that the GOP rolled out morons and losers talking about “the kraken” and what not to distract from the simplicity of it. The process is so simple that Molly Ball wrote an article bragging about it in TIME magazine a few months later. That article is absolutely a starting point to send to anyone who says “where’s the proof” because it is so blatant. But once you get past that article, which discusses the setup for the fraud, and how it is possible, the… Read more »
This is the process aspect I spoke of. The Courts here don’t allow it without proof it was used and then effective.
Don’t forget the complicity of the media including FOX. All of them REFUSED to call states in which Trump was strongly ahead. They were so clearly TOLD they had to wait it out till after the “water pipe broke” and we gotta shut down till 2am and tape up the windows, don’t mind those delivery trucks, etc. transparent lies where unfurled. That’s why their calls for “evidence” were so infuriating. The evidence was EVERYWHERE! Right in front of our eyes! “Baseless” my ass! Just like the covid scheme was baseless, the vax injuries are baseless, race is baseless, or a… Read more »
The early call on Arizona was rather suspicious. Subsequent “tallies” proving it “right” don’t make it any less so. I don’t recognize any possibility that the “decision desk” would know one way or the other that early. Unless……
The AZ call, followed by the vote counting pauses in the remaining states just as Trump was about to run the table, we the tell. It wasn’t just that the mail in ballot plan was executed…but that a LOT of people were in on it.
My standard thing to say is that alleging fraud is more a moral judgment than a legal one. It’s not that I can prove you did, I just know that you would.
When you declare your opposition to be Hitler, then you have a moral obligation to commit fraud to defeat him. It’s either that or you’re someone who tells lies about your opponent, which also brings fraud into question.
The very moment Trump won in 2016 the Left sprang into action to destroy him. The Russian collusion hoax is Exhibit A. Does anybody in their right mind actually believe they would suddenly down weapons on election night and scruple at stealing the dam’ thing? Please. They saw election theft as perhaps their last opportunity to exorcise BoM and they took it.
The Uniparty Right sprang into action to destroy him the minute he descended that escalator, and they’ve never stopped.
Beyond obvious.
Call me naive, but I have always perceived myself as being on the radical fringe of the dissident movement given my focus on solution versus analysis; which is verboten speech even here. Boy-o-boy was I wrong about that. I stumbled upon a new podcast genre while on a long ride the other day. It was based out of Arizona (home to a lot of military retirees) and I was shocked to find that my “mild” invective to action was downright tame compared to some of the “talk” coming out of the hinterlands. There are indeed many of us who correctly… Read more »
Serendipity… just before hopping over here for the daily Z commentary, I had a bit of an epiphany after watching a YT clip of Senator Kennedy being interviewed by the black lady at FOX, something Faulkner. The topic at hand was the mayhem on various American campuses. I watched because I kind of like Kennedy. Or did like him. Turns out he allies himself with the rest of the Israel-first tools in the GOP. Quoth the Senator: “The President of the United States, for a change, needs to do what is moral and right, and in his heart he knows:… Read more »
Very disappointing of Senator Kennedy but not unexpected. He’d like some ‘side’ to not be blood-thirsty maniacs who have some kindof sexual desert-tribal hang-ups that makes them act out in strange ways, but unfortunately that does not exist in this conflict, if anywhere.
“When was the last time you changed your mind on something” Ironically, the answer for me is my outlook on “our greatest ally.” I was fervently in the pro-Israel Republican boat a few years ago. My eyes were opened by numerous events, reading different historical facts, and listening to different well spoken content creators. I’m not an Israel hater, but I’ve come to realize there are no “good guys” in the Middle East, and that I have no interest in supporting any faction there. Both sides would like to ethnically cleanse the other. Peace comes when the US stops being… Read more »
My epiphany came when I learned that the Christians over there mostly support the Muslim side (and those Christians are majority or plurality Orthodox). It didn’t happen instantly, but I started connecting the dots in my head. I started understanding why Russia was friendly with the Palestinians, part of the reason being that they were the protectors of Orthodox Christians under the Ottoman Empire. I don’t hate Israel or the Jews (though it is fun to rant about them on the internet), but they have gotten too big for their britches, control too much of what our government and economy… Read more »
The wakeup call for me was the anti-white stuff going mainstream with Obama. I thought his election would be an olive branch, but it was weakness. Started looking, found an online right ecosystem. Started listening to Alex Jones, who was edgy libertarian at the time, I’d say.
Whatever you say about the guy, he has a lot of different voices on. Definitely broadened my horizons. (Led me to Vox Day, who led me here btw.)
And then there was 8chan, which was a ton of fun back then. Dare to be evil, and all of that.
At the election of Obama a silent (to us) switch was flipped. A bunch of my old friends, most prominently Steve Albini who just died suddenly, went from “edgy libertarian” to (now we might say) “woke left” over the course of, it felt like, a few days. Since he knew more famous people than I did, I wondered if he was given some kind of heads-up. It wasn’t only him, and the change seemed to proceed hierarchically: celebrities first, media figures second, etc. Every “old internet” guy could make a list of strange changes and disappearances. Down on the never-in-on-any-conspiracies… Read more »
My unstudied impression was that a black president was so aberrant that people who had restrained their crazy suddenly felt liberated. “A black guy is running the US? I guess anything is possible now!” Hope and Change lol.
I didn’t vote for Obama the first time because he was a democrat. I didn’t vote for him the second time because of his policies. I wouldn’t vote for a black the next time because I have realized they don’t like me or have my best interests in mind. I will vote for Trump, and agree with Ann. She is the last public figure I would want to debate.
I’ve come a long way since my 20s. Back then, very CivNat, very naive. Still naive in other ways, I’m sure, but not that one!
Z-Man, you are just wrong on this one. You are missing the already born Global Identity, Global Politics, and Global Morality. If you look CLOSELY at the videos of the various protests, you will see I am correct on this. Globalization is more than just cheap stuff sold by China and manufactured by slave Uighur labor. Its a Global Identity, Tribes, and Morality. And that morality is that huWhite people are genetically evil, all Yachtzees, and deserve anything and everything that non Whites do to them. This is why on 9/11 pretty much all the non-White world celebrated, and on… Read more »
Have you paid attention to the unproportional amount of young white women demonstrating for Hamas in the colleges around the US?
Do you know that women instincts lead them toward the winning side’s males in every war? Doing so women protect their future offspring.
It’s what happened to the French women in WWII, including Coco Channel, who lived with the German officer throughout the war. If it were not for the Russia and allies, the French women’s instincts would be just right.
Are these wrapped in keffiye young American girls’ instincts right too? Hmmm.
The 21st century childless AWFL seems to bestow her affection on the brown people more like they are puppy dogs, a transference of her unfulfilled mothering instinct
That’s exactly what they’re doing – except that they’re too young to realize that they’re not joining the strongest tribe. They think that they’re joining the strongest tribe because everyone for their entire lives have told them that the anti-white, sorry anti-oppressor, crowd is on top.
But, of course, the real tribe in charge is proving it by smashing the protests and getting Congress to pass all kinds of laws to protect them.
Rollo Tomassi covered this in his, “War Brides,” post.
What’s the backup plan for the day when the absence of melech ha moshiach can no longer be explained away?
Let’s review some reasons for the frustrating guaranteed failure:
• shamayim is rakia by another name,
• rakia is imaginary,
• mhm is to be annointed melech on the alleged authority of shamayim, but
• no shamayim, no mhm.
The conclusion is easy peasy. It’s been obvious for centuries.
So, back to the doctrine of the am being their own moshaich? How will that work out after the self-chosen am have stirred up the other nations against the self-chosen?
The “left” denounced and culturally exiled Coulter as an irredeemable racist long ago. I think fox news stopped putting her on several years ago (though I wouldn’t know for sure since I don’t watch). And she said what she said to Ramaswamy, who the “left” classifies with Clarence Thomas and Bill Cosby. So as far as the blob is concerned, this was just a conversation between non-persons taking place in the outer darkness. I question Zman’s assertion that “millions of normies” have any awareness of what was said on Ramaswamy’s podcast, or that he even has a podcast. I really,… Read more »
Things are changing in Canada, for sure. The flood of 1.5 million lower class Indians, Sikhs, and Pakistanis per year since COVID seems to have finally made some people notice. I’m not just talking about online. White people *in real life* are talking about demographic concerns, in particular when it comes to hiring and jobs. The housing market. Crime. People just know now, once you see it you can’t unsee it. And the non-whites can sense it. These conversations would have been unthinkable among normal people even 5 years ago. Especially among people who are upper middle class. But they’re… Read more »
There’s a universal miracle cure for not being a racist: Meet two Indians.
It’s a terrible thing what they have inflicted on Canadians. Trudeau is the Democratic Party of the USA’s crown/clown Prince. And it’s disgusting. And that horrid troll lady who wants to steal your bank account? Is this really how Canadians are, and we just didn’t know until now? I had the Canadian persona/image all wrong, but then America has “Joe Biden” now. Does Canada have a Trump or MCGA movement?
If Trump wins again just to see Trudeau and his troll squirm again would be worth it. They totally lost their shit when Trump was Pres.last time.
I think Trudeau was recently awarded the dubious title of most-hated Prime Minister in Canadian history, and it seems like his government may not last too long in any case. If he goes, he’s likely to be replaced by federal Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre, who, if not necessarily Trumpian, has at least been accused of keeping company with the likes of Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson.
What I want for Israel/Palestine is for both populations to stay where they are and not immigrate to historically white nations. Then, I want one single state, reparations and affirmative action for Palestinians, anti-racism training for Israeli Jews, and a strong refugee resettlement program to take in Afghanis, Syrians, etc. This would ideally prevent Jews from having a home base from which to launch their subversions of and attacks on other nations.
So, are DR opinion leaders actually influencing opinion or are they enunciating views that have already become prevalent? Does a Coulter catapult ambivalence about white identity into affirmation or is she merely giving voice to inchoate opinion? And if the latter, what is it then that has pushed large numbers of whites, often against their will, into white identitarianism? As to Israel, I neither oppose nor support it. To me, it’s just another country and unless it intentionally harms me or my people, I couldn’t care less about it. That said, AINO’s slavishness toward Israel is pathetic. But then again,… Read more »
I think what Coulter said was true and right, but she just said it to a swarthy pajeet. Now, if she said to, say, Tim Scott that America is a White country and she doesn’t want be ruled by blacks, then we’d really be getting somewhere. I guess if the JQ is actually gaing traction, anything is theoretically possible…
I’d call that a huge white pill. Coulter pushes the edge of mainstream. BUT remain skeptical, because mainstream is the grift. Beyond race lies ethnicity, in ethnicity an American nation. If you don’t want to live in strip mall, you have to keep going.
The last dramatic one for me was the Syrian civil war, per your opener. Always aware of paleocon thing but was formerly a pious WSJ/Weekly Standard type of crusader idiot, even defending the 43rd stooge’s good intentions occasionally. FWIW, already thought of myself as a race realist back then, so anyway, ideology is a helluva drug. With the disillusioned fallout from the coof I often said, it reminded me of me circa 2010 with wars. In retrospect the overall useless jerk Obama was preferable on balance since he was, apparently, only persyn in the building not sexually excited over nuking… Read more »
Slowly, then suddenly.
Every Bankruptcy and every Imperial Collapse.
😂😂😂 Like I said… Trump opened the door, Coulter stepped right through it. God I love being right! Would Coulter have said what she did when she said it if Trump hadn’t handed her a fastball over the plate? She has balls of steel, but probably not. She has skirted around on the edges for years on the white hate issue. But point blank in the presence of Ramaswamy? I don’t think so. Trump is now Coulters’s enemy. The enemy of her enemy is now her ally Trump! You see how that works boys and girls? You can like the… Read more »
Or it doesn’t matter now what White peoples politics are… is the cynical and doomer view. I shan’t go that far…
I do think voting our way out of it is passe.
I’ve changed my mind a lot over the last 4 years. For one, I now realize how avaricious the medical establishment is. It is way beyond anything I thought 5-10 years ago. I’ve also decided that our political class are no longer the “good guys” and now agree with that poll in Germany about 15-20 years ago when they said they considered America, meaning our political class, to be the greatest threat to world peace. I have also decided that the Islamic jihadi threat was bogus and never really existed. The tell tale signs? That the Bush administration never did… Read more »
She hated libertarians, and John Galt was a materialist scoundrel who turned the country upside down because he wanted to get his grasping hands on the power companies’ distribution networks without paying for their generation equipment, too. Force them into bankruptcy, then swoop in with his team for prized assets. Atlas Shrugged is a verbose tale of Jewy vulture capitalism. Call it also a case of Jewy projection, too.
Everything is part of a whole. You’re on a long journey and you’ve just started.
Or intuiting; or feeling; or, at this point, hearing and seeing through and with their ears and eyes.
Posting the 110th comment.
Z Man observes that, “Americans love the underdog,” which seems to be true.
But Bin Laden said, “When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse,” which also seems true.
Don’t these statements contradict each other? If they do, can they both still be true?
Or is there a racial dimension? Is the urge to root for the underdog a feeling that is mostly found in whites only?
An underdog is not necessarily weak. Admiration for an underdog who fights nobly in the face of overwhelming odds has a long history at least as far back as Thermopylae.