The New Religion

The show was put together before the Trump verdict, so it is not about the Trump verdict or how we are supposed to think and feel about it. It is a shame, in a way, as the topic of the show gets at the reason the regime is persecuting Trump. From their point of view, he is not just a heretic, but a genuine threat to the new religion because he operates outside the framework of the new religion.

The reason they often refer to Trump as a racist, but not an antisemite, is they associate him with the region they continue to see as a holdout, in defiance of the dictates of the new religion, which is the South. Trump represents exclusion and hierarchy, which are the things they associate with the South and what they oppose. He also represents unreconstructed whiteness.

The funny thing about this new religion is that it is not entirely clear that the adherents understand that they are following the dictates of a new religion. The low-level zombies who charged and convicted Trump are not very smart and they seem to lack self-awareness, so they are most likely acting on instinct. The new religion is just what everyone they know says, so they believe it.

This may even be true higher up. People at the highest reaches of the managerial hierarchy often talk about themselves as if they are the oppressed, fighting the gathering storm of exclusion and discrimination. The fat women in the clip I played during the show has been handed a charmed life but speaks of herself in terms we would expect from a political prisoner or a crime victim.

The joke from the old movie the Usual Suspects is that “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn’t exist.” Perhaps the greatest trick from the usual suspects is to create a religion the adherents do not know exists. The power of the open society is that it habituates the people in it in such a way that this alien religion becomes a habit of mind.

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This Week’s Show


  • Introduction
  • The Setup (Link)
  • The Clip (Link)
  • What Do We Mean By Rights
  • What Diversity Means By Rights
  • The Moral Standard Of Access

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3 months ago

Right after the verdict, my business-colleagues were celebrating, while also whining about Trump being too rich and powerful to actually serve some time. They seem to truly believe that the oppressed class has just won a fight in a long war against the all powerful White billionaire patriarchy. I never talk politics with them, because it wouldn’t lead to anything good… but I couldn’t stay quiet and asked if they realize that to outsiders, this looks like a political trial, precisely timed to destroy an opponent before election. All I received back was a bewildered look and no verbal response.… Read more »

Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

You could not have said it better, Hun. I just talked to my best friend…I started out by quoting “What is happiness? To crush your enemies…to hear de lamentations, of de women” in my best Ahnold voice. I wanted to hear his elation.

I asked him, “Is this our Charlton Heston moment?”, since this all is the lead-up to the Planet of the Apes.

Last edited 3 months ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

This idea that a power-mad government would step up and say “I am going to jail my political opponents because I am a power-mad lunatic and I am evil and that’s just how it is going to be” and the population just shrugs and nods (because they are evil too, just in a banal way) is so ridiculous, but it is also implicitly what decades of Authoritarian Personality/Mustache Man propaganda leads people into thinking. When the Venezuela government jails political figures and outlaws parties, they’re bad, but when the American government jails political figures, and when the German government outlaws… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Mycale
Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

The argument of hypocrisy on the part of the Left is of no value in defeating them as they have no shame. It simply distracts from time possibly spent in more fruitful pursuits. However, such argument seems the mainstream in conservative media. Somehow the “normies” never tire of hearing of it and expounding upon it via call ins. If you tune into any conservative talk show, no more than 15 minutes can pass before an example of Leftist hypocrisy is cited and if no current examples are in the news, show hosts will create a straw man and use that… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

I agree with you, but my point was not about hypocrisy. It was about the fact that, for example, the USSR had a Constitution which included the right to free speech, assembly, and religious worship. I wonder how many boomers even know that. Yet despite that, everyone knows exactly what I am talking about when I say the phrase “Soviet Show Trials”. People don’t understand that the Soviets didn’t go out there and say they were going to stage a bunch of fake trials with the procedures and courts stacked against them for the purpose of crushing dissent and harming… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Mycale
Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

Your elaboration is well taken. Sorry to be so dense in my reading of your comment. You are of course spot on. Thanks.

Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

Trump was “prosecuted” using the Team Red rule book. Team Red rule book says a Democrat judge working with a Democrat DA in a Democrat city with Democrat jurors and a Democrat media can charge you with ANYTHING THEY WANT and convict you. And you can’t even speak about it in public or call witnesses in your defense.

I don’t know that anyone will react violently to that, but in human history there have been revolutions for far less than the power the Democrats just wrote down for themselves in the Team Blue rulebook.

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

I agree. I’ve said for years that calling them hypocrites is a waste of time. Instead, I talk about the two rule books. There’s a Team Blue rule book and there’s a Team Red rule book, and those rule books are not the same. People who are hypocrites are mostly just dicks and people have varying degrees of tolerance for that. But tell them they have to play by an entirely different set of rules, and that Team Blue writes the two rule books with the explicit intention of f**king you over and people react differently to that. This Trump… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
3 months ago

comment image

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

This is why we are in the consolidation phase of a communist* coup. The mopping up can only start when enough key demographics have been so thoroughly propagandized they buy into the biggest outrages. This conviction pales in comparison to throwing open the border but the symbolism of the formal abolition of the trappings of popular government is more immediately noticed.

*Most even if some of the new totalitarian are not communists but it’s the best descriptor.

Drive-By Shooter
Drive-By Shooter
Reply to  Jack Dodson
3 months ago

What is the goal of communism in (((Western))) civilization if not an extreme plutocracy? A few will hold and control most assets. All others will be servants.

Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

That almost seems to be the second lesson of today’s show. You can’t argue with these people. How can you hope to reason with them when they are perfect and virtuous and you are evil and hateful? Or they don’t have the intellect to frame a reasonable debate? Fear not – for these people will take care of themselves. The other day on OyTube I saw a poor elderly jewish prof, trying to get into the building where he taught. But he couldn’t get in – a bunch of rag headed mud flaps were protesting for Palestine and wouldn’t let… Read more »

Reply to  Filthie
3 months ago

The entire kangaroo court is the Democrats telling us there will be no peaceful coexistence. They can accuse, try, convict and sentence us for any crime they want, even if a crime doesn’t exist. We cannot call witnesses in our defense nor can we speak about the trial publicly. They will hire a Democrat judge and use a Democrat jury and the whole thing will be rigged That was the point of yesterday. This was Democrats saying they can do anything they want to anybody they want for any reason they want. And there’s nothing we can do about it.… Read more »

Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

I have a friend at work who complained that some of the guys were being “discriminatory” about a dude trying to turn himself into a woman. Rather than get offended, I just said, “You can’t turn lead into gold.” and shrugged. Her eyebrows shot up because she had never heard it put quite that way before. She had no argument for it. But I also know I said something that truly made her think without getting hostile. I’m not required to believe things that are neither true nor possible. Good for you for speaking up. I’m lucky to work someplace… Read more »

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  hokkoda
3 months ago

RWers, in general it seems no matter how “far” or “hard” they are, ultimately care about the opinion of libtards and emotionally need to justify themselves.
Libtards don’t.

Libtards can’t model or explain rightwing positions because they don’t care and simply write you off as evil.

Reply to  Bloated Boomer
3 months ago

If they refuse to ponder both deductivistic and empirical explanations of phenomena, then you are required to confess to yourself that they only react to PSYCHOLOGICAL appeals. Then the question becomes: What is their psychology, and (((who))) precisely is manipulating their psychology? A coupla decades ago, I started to realize that classical political argumentation was an utter and complete waste of time, and that only psychological methods & psychological explanations would get us out of the mess that we’re in. Furthermore, I also came to realize that psychological personalititties are determined AT CONCEPTION, and that there is effectively nothing anyone… Read more »

Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

I may be part of the White billionaire patriarchy (just without the billions on my account).

haha, the white part is enough

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

It’ll help you score points at the office if you talk about how great it would be to nuke Moscow. Maybe get you back in the good graces.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
3 months ago

This was an outstanding show. Bravo. On the subject of “equality” and all of this equity crap, it has really destroyed everything. Let’s look at the corporate world and job interviewing. I work in software, a profession that is somewhat demanding on intellect and requires, at times, deep critical thinking skills. Hiring poorly results in great cost and can even sink an entire company depending on its size. Now that we have to hire blacks or women (girl boss!) the productivity levels have sunk to record lows. Not only are these mutants incapable of performing, but now the productive folks… Read more »

Reply to  Tired Citizen
3 months ago

So you stop flying (as we did). You get all possible medical care and surgery now (why we had lasik done for both our boys). You plan on concierge medical and dental only. You withdraw as much as possible from the current system. As debased as it is, bits of it still function. That is eroding daily and most people assuming it will endlessly continue in its degraded form. They never, ever carry the degression to its natural endpoint, but it’s coming nonetheless.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

And you work your ass off at Building Tribe because it will be the group around you that determines whether you survive or not…

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

Concur. In my view it’s actually more merciful that change, deterioration of what we thought of as civilization in this case, come gradually. If nothing else, it gives people more chance to adapt. Quoting them somewhat out of context perhaps, a Talking Heads song ended “And as things fell apart, nobody paid much attention.”

I'm not left handed either
I'm not left handed either
Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

Dr wanted an ultrasound done, come to find out there is only ONE radiologist for my entire county and it has called in sick…. PS, my vehicle is still under warranty so the nearest dealership is an hours drive away, which mandates I have a friend or relative follow me there so I can get a ride back, because the dealership must keep the car overnight, then I have to ask/pay someone to again drive me down and follow me the work wasn’t fully done as the mechanic didn’t really want to get his hands dirty before lunch. My… Read more »

Reply to  I'm not left handed either
3 months ago

Do you own the house, or is there still a mortgage? If you own the house, then stop the structural insurance immediately. Instead, get just a $1 Million liability insurance policy from the likes of USLI [it’s a Berkshire Hathaway product, with an A++ rating, and it’ll cost you maybe $300 to $350 per year]. On average, structural insurance has been a catastrophic waste of money for homeowners during the last half century. Over the decades, since 1974, you would have become many orders of magnitude richer had you instead invested all of your structural insurance payments into the stock… Read more »

Reply to  Tired Citizen
3 months ago

 They hired a new engineer who was inexperienced but seemed to be at least somewhat qualified. Turns out that this person was a tranny and was forced into the role by upper management in order to keep the diversity harpies off their back. As the contract was coming to an end, my buddy decided not to renew, since it wasn’t actually working, and was having all kinds of mental issues. Extremely poor performance and not showing up for work wreaked havoc on their team. When he made the decision not to renew, the company lawyer got involved and told him… Read more »

Reply to  mmack
3 months ago

I say we kill all the Scrum Masters, too. Just after the Lawyers.

If there’s one thing I hate more than enforced diversity, it’s software engineering fads. Voodoo nonsense.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Zaphod
3 months ago

Oh. I thought mack was talking about a rugby club…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Ackshually scrum is a salty white residue that builds up on the insides of computer programmers’ pants while they work at the computer.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ploppy
3 months ago

Bloody hell…

Reply to  Zaphod
3 months ago

Current “software engineering” is now 100% fads and 0% actual coding. Just in the last 3 years or so, this new thing called DevOps has taken over everything. Basically you MUST be able to navigate the AWS or Azure console and be up on Scrum and Agile. Actual software design or knowledge of particular languages and toolchains seems not to matter. Many jobs now just have a list of programming languages and it’s OK if you know one of them. This is interesting because your work consists, or should consist, in developing software in some particular specific language. I’ve seen… Read more »

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
3 months ago

I have several normie, conservatard friends who believe in the system and would get uncomfortable with me saying things like voting is for retards and that our system is broken beyond repair.

yesterday they all texted me to tell me I was right. They were in “disbelief”. Maybe it’s finally starting to sink in?? Maybe???

Reply to  Tired Citizen
3 months ago

My own unscientific observation in the last 24 hours is that the phrase “banana republic” is very common. On the other hand, I also see a lot of “I’m definitely voting for Trump now!” Those are unreconcilable postions.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  KGB
3 months ago

I’m getting the distinct feeling there won’t be any voting for Trump. Or for Biden. That neither one of them will be on the ballot.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

Trump just won the election, if they’d let him participate in it. I have a feeling that this is just turning into yet another episode of “Permanent Revolution U.S.A.” that our managers must manage. These people thrive on crises; it’s the only way they feel anything…like a teen girl cutting herself and showing the scars. Trump will be allowed to campaign. But the election will be rigged again. Canned election night analysis after Biden gets 270: “Well Tom, those lawsuits really hurt the Trump campaign, and turned off much of his base. Biden, who brings “no-drama Obama” to mind, is… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Marko
Reply to  KGB
3 months ago

KGB: This. They still trust in ‘the system,’ the very system which has just been weaponized against Bad Orange Man. They cannot and will not conceive of a future outside of the system. When it crashes, so too will they.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

Exactly right. These same people are now saying “it won’t hold up in federal court.” When i hear these types of things, the anger I start to feel is immeasurable. This belief in the courts and that any of our institutions are legitimate is remarkable to me. I can’t relate to these people at all. I am truly a man without a nation.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

I have zero trust in the system in the USA or Canada but I still pray that there is some way to make it work. I have three dissident sons and a dissident son-in-law and I know what that means for them and their wives and my grandchildren. A bloody future awaits them when the gloves finally come off and the regimes are confronted and fought. Thus I pray that the regime sees that change is inevitably coming and they back down. So when we criticize the “vote harder” bloc, realize that it is mostly a prayer for avoiding what… Read more »

Reply to  Vaari
3 months ago

Better have Tribe Brother if you want a chance at having them survive…

Reply to  Vaari
3 months ago

Vaari: Prayer is always good . . . But I am a firm believer in the aphorism that God helps those who help themselves. If you know what is most likely coming – despite your prayers – then prepare for conflict and the means of independent survival.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tired Citizen
3 months ago

How anybody could possibly be in disbelief is unbelievable. BoM being convicted was more inevitable than Joey Depends fondling a school girl visiting the Anti-White House.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Ruled by the Deep Shit

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

I will confess that a tiny part of me was hoping that there was some tiny vein of sanity left in the system; that some part of it was still looking out for it’s own long-term best interests and that we’re not just ruled by lunatics, but, yeah, it’s not something I didn’t know. “Disappointment” more than “Disbelief”

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 months ago

The real rulers aren’t lunatics. If they were not sane, not all they do would congruously push things in the same direction, as it does.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 months ago

Same. The verdict was just tiring, not surprising.

Reply to  Tired Citizen
3 months ago

Tired Citizen: Don’t hold your breath. My husband has a smart and cynical friend, for whom the system has worked very well. He, too, used to think my husband’s predictions of coming changes were verging on tinfoil hat territory. He has long since admitted my husband was proven right in all particulars. Yet . . . he has made NO changes in his life to accord with the changes in AINO. Still thinks his sole child can live the same lifestyle as he has, despite all evidence to the contrary. Still thinks his fed pension and investments will always be… Read more »

Reply to  Tired Citizen
3 months ago

I was wondering about this myself! I haven’t followed the trial but every day I would read on Revolver News (which, on the whole, is a decent site) about how Judge Merchan got “owned” or how Cohen got “destroyed” or whatever. Thus telling me that people still believed that the system was going to work as intended. I thought, when Trump gets convicted, are people still going to believe this? Are people going to understand the fix was in from day one and Bragg coordinated with the WH (either directly or through intermediaries)? Are people going to understand that the… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Mycale
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

In all probability Merchan did get owned and Cohen did get destroyed many times over, and it didn’t make a dam’ bit of difference. That should tell you something.

Revolver is rather like Michael Anton–one foot in the DR camp, the other in Grillerville.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Yes. One got owned and one got destroyed. But it was all figurative. It reminds me of how in middle/high school the blacks would say something incomprehensible and say, ‘he be clown’ you <n-word>.’ It is all juvenile – at best. A healthy society would witness Merchan and Cohen lying and getting exposed as corrupt liars and then say, “What a disgrace. We must destroy them.” Instead we settle with the impotent banter of the black table in the lunch room. It is a horrific disgrace that we have permitted ourselves to become. Of course, when the government set about… Read more »

Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

Conservative Inc. Media works really well. Look how many people show up on the various blogs to trumpet RFK Jr. I read their comments and just laugh. He’s a flipping KENNEDY. We know everything about him that we need to know.

But Conservative Inc. Media was paid to talk about RFK Jr. and the clot shot and so now we’re supposed to vote for him or something.

Reply to  Tired Citizen
3 months ago

“Maybe it’s finally starting to sink in?? Maybe???” And what if it IS starting to sink in? What are they going to do about it? Nothing. They are going to have to suck it up and deal with it like the proles in every totalitarian society. When a drug addict with a felony record died in police custody of a fentanyl overdose, the Left burned cities and rioted from coast-to-coast. Congress and the police got down on their knees to beg forgiveness. When the leading presidential candidate of the white proletariat is convicted on transparently bogus political charges in an… Read more »

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Xman
3 months ago

100% spot on in every way as usual.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Xman
3 months ago

That post is dead-on-balls accurate. Well done.

Reply to  Xman
3 months ago

“When a drug addict with a felony record died in police custody of a fentanyl overdose, the Left burned cities and rioted…” I hear ya, but your implicit assumption is that the Left and the “Right” are basically two similar peoples divided by ideology and purpose. The Right (conservatives, or whatever you call such, but not simply DR types) are not the same as the Left. We simply don’t chimp out every time we get “disrespected”. As much as I’d like to see some changes in our overall behavior, it runs very deep. It’s something we need to recognize and… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

This country was founded by white people who rioted against, and shot at, the King’s troops.

The Pope Night Riots, the Stamp Act Riots, the riot that led to the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party…

Today’s white man is a cuck. Hey, I plead guilty. I don’t want to get shot by the SWAT team like that poor airport bastard in Little Rock.

They will kill us. Those are the stakes.

Reply to  Xman
3 months ago

But what if it’s not simply “behavioral” (“cucked”)? What if it’s in our very DNA? What if it was *always* in our DNA, but in some “epigenetic” sense has appeared/expressed due to our current condition of unimaginable prosperity since WWII?

Food for thought. But yes, I’ve guilty as well.

Reply to  Xman
3 months ago

Ding ding ding winner winner chicken dinner…If only we loved freedom enough right???

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

I don’t really support Trump on any substantive matter anymore, but it also seems that it is necessary to support his candidacy simply to oppose the domestic coup.

This is quite a miserable dilemma we’re in.

Neoliberal Feudalism
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

The domestic coup was with the 2020 election — between permanent vote by mail fraud, electronic voting fraud, the “broken water pipe”, etc. Trump won every bellweather county and voting counting was “paused” for 4 hours and then the results thereafter totally changed. The globohomo coup was successful – this is just cleanup.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

It’s not so much a coup as a decades-long march through and conquest of every institution of society, including the federal government. It came to its fruition when Joey Depends was inaugurated. Everything we’ve seen since is a mopping-up operation.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

I feel the “position” of Trump’s that I most agree with is the one where he extends his middle finger. I really don’t much care what the rest of his platform is about at this point and the guilty verdict from yesterday just strengthened my resolve to vote for him. It has crossed my mind that we’re all being played and that all this lawfare is a convoluted way for the establishment to make SURE he wins because they now feel confident that he won’t do anything to drain the swamp, fix the border, end the Green New Deal programs,… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
3 months ago

Well Brother I would say you are definitely right on the we are being played portion because it’s all just a game to them and we don’t leave the Casino…

3 months ago

“The low-level zombies who charged and convicted Trump are not very smart and they seem to lack self-awareness, so they are most likely acting on instinct.”

That, and fear. Imagine being the lone juror holding out? You would be doxed, disfigured, demolished, destroyed.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  WCiv911
3 months ago

Damned, defaced, degraded and devasted, too. Just for good measure…

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Destructed, defunded, denied, and denounced…..

stranger in a strange land
stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 months ago

and after all that…defenestrated

Reply to  WCiv911
3 months ago

Regime schmuck Weissman actually made the “nice family ya got there, hate to see anything happen to them” threat to the jurors…saying that the MAGA Militias “could” dox and expose them for *ahem*.

Reply to  WCiv911
3 months ago

yep, the big news is really about how people prefer to live unmolested and alive. as a juror would you make a stand for justice in ny environment? think about it. we are nearly an anarchy, with half the population believing the rule of law. the other half doing everything possible to undermine the rule of law and the destruction of civil society with no consequence cosigned by the government (more so in ny). its simple self preservation. shxxxt the mob boss deniro in ny even got his message out to the juror’s. i suspect a juror making the stand… Read more »

Reply to  WCiv911
3 months ago

In 95% Democrat New York, everyone on that jury was selected for their reliability. There was no “lone voice of reason” on that jury. If there had been, they’d have been removed because the other jurors would have ensured their removal. Guilty on 34 counts for a nonexistent crime? That’s partisans on a jury doing their part to allow Democrats to kill anybody they don’t like.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  WCiv911
3 months ago

Has anyone noticed the race of the lead prosecutors in at least the Atlanta and the New York cases? Due to the hurdles imposed by professional qualification, I find it difficult to believe that blacks are a significant fraction of attorneys (and thus state prosecutors) even in major urban areas. A cynic might suspect these people were specially chosen for their race, to send a message. The flimsy nature of the charges in these (all?) cases too recalls the stereotypes of incompetence. But is that a bug or a feature?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 months ago

Behold the fruits of affirmative action. But this is affirmative action on steroids. In the past the nuggras who were socially promoted at least had a modicum of competence and intelligence. Nowadays it seems they’re dragging a net through the worst part of the hood and whatever idiotic and bizarre trash they come up with, they install in the highest offices they can find. It seems that for the rulers, we can’t fall to third world status fast enough. I guess they figure whites will suffer the most in a third world environment.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

“In the past the nuggras who were socially promoted at least had a modicum of competence and intelligence. “ Yep. Some basic analysis will support your observation. WEB DuBois spoke of the “talented tenth” in his speeches 100+ years ago. He recognized intuitively what HBD study proves today—average Black IQ is 85. This leaves one SD of the Black population (14%) at average White or above level. The talented tenth of the population can be expected to have greater than an IQ of say 103/104–no great shakes—especially if we are talking lawyer level. 10% of 50M is 10M, 75% are too… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

The guy giving the opening remarks is completely wrong. We have no prohibitions against discrimination. In some cases, discrimination is not only OK, but is mandated. What we have is selective discrimination. We discriminate against White people and especially White men all the time. It is not only OK, but required in at least some circumstances.

The idea that we live in anti-racist society is comical. We live in the most race conscious society that has ever existed.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

If we are to agree that Leftism is a religion, anti-white racism is its Genesis.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

…abortion is its sacrament…

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

…and weed is its holy communion.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Xman
3 months ago

“The body of Jah given for you, Mon!”

3 months ago

People around me are gradually becoming more willing to speak against the new religion (once they look around to make sure it’s safe). They are noticing that being around people from other tribes (blacks and Jews in particular) is unpleasant and they’re tired of it.

The noticing will continue and white tribalism will grow despite all efforts.

3 months ago

Spending time in conversation with a true believer in the Civil Rights Act can be very informative. One discovers how much pretzel logic and cognitive dissonance required to maintain the fiction that CRA was actually a good for society.

3 months ago

When you’re feeling blue, just remember:

It’s always darkest before….

it’s pitch black.

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 months ago

If school’s a drag and life’s no fun,
Sell your books and buy a gun…

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

I see. You’re a former Chicago Public Schools student.

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

If the grid fails at least the lamposts will come in handy

Last edited 3 months ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 months ago

IF such an optimistic guy you are…

3 months ago

Here is what is happening. First the historical context. Anglo-Saxon America invited huge numbers of non-AngloSaxon/Germanic people into the country to fill our factories with workers after the continent was largely settled by the pioneering sons of the founding stock. They knew they had a problem and did the correct thing. They halted immigration and began an intentional project of assimilating Southern European, Eastern European and Irish (Catholic) peoples into the country. Had they done this halt and spent 100 years consolidating their gains and focused on the continent we would live in a near paradise. However, fate had it… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by RealityRules
Reply to  RealityRules
3 months ago

It’s up to us, it really is but most just don’t want to sacrifice anything to save our race Brother…I wish it wasn’t the case I really do…

3 months ago

I think every American who grew up here of a certain age, including myself, always lived with the idea that the country was special and unique, as cringe as that may be today. Certainly nobody ever contemplated the thought that the people in charge would use their power to prosecute their political enemies and stifle dissent. Well, I still think we were right – that country would not do that. Yet, as we all know, we don’t live in that country anymore. We now live in a third world mutantocracy, and this is just what they do in those countries.… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Mycale
3 months ago

Anti-traditional whiteness is a religion and the faith of the adherents is affirmed daily by the news and entertainment products of the hegemonic media. Not only do the faithful have the goodness of their faith praised continually, the vileness of traditional whites magnified, but all evidence that may disconfirm their faith, like crime statistics and the unflattering parts of the histories of the non-whites, is suppressed. (My brother in law solemnly told me that our Founders borrowed their best ideas from the wise natives, because NPR says so.) I don’t see a way to break the spell without the destruction… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 months ago

I would throw in there the most selfish also, most of the time to their detriment in the long run…

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 months ago

My faith is that many whites, certainly not all, would be salvageable…”

Some, less than half. They got on their knees for BLM (“I need my MLB…bleat”) — they rolled up their sleeves (I actually had an acquaintance, an attorney, tell me he was getting the jab “to go to sports events..”) — they put paper on their faces outdoors.

So no, most “whites” are not “salvageable.”

Reply to  Larval
3 months ago

You may be right, but it’s also possible that many of them simply can’t think for themselves. It’s not their fault; it’s just the way God or nature made them.

If we were dictating their morality, instead of the current media, they might be productive members of the nation. The policemen who disgracefully kneeled, for example, could probably make valuable contributions to their community, if properly directed.

But I want to agree with your larger point: there is a strain of whites that are spiteful mutants (Dutton) and should be treated as such. They are cancer in our collective body.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 months ago

“…spiteful mutants (Dutton) and should be treated as such. They are cancer in our collective body.”

Again, the only peaceful solution is to politically neuter them—earned suffrage.

Tom K
Tom K
3 months ago

The Left will never be satisfied with what they childishly think of as “victory.” In the Zoom meeting my wife regularly attends every Friday morning with her old “swim club” pals (a bunch of liberal hags), there was no gloating this morning over the verdict, contrary to what one might expect. She informs me that there was nothing but grousing. Grousing over the reactions on the Right. None of them can conceive how anyone can think in any way different from how they think. My wife remains quiet or mouthes vague anodyne platitudes, a talent she has developed for decades.… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Tom K
3 months ago

Like I always say, without something to agitate against, progressivism ceases to exist. It NEEDS an enemy. The progressive must always see himself as the underdog, battling against The Man. Obviously it’s comical watching them maintain this mentality today, but maintain it they do.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 months ago

The Trump verdict was explicitly timed as a lead-in to GAE Degeneracy Month.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 months ago

I thought Juneteenth is being extended to the whole month of June. I guess the two celebrations can coexist 🙂

Last edited 3 months ago by Hun
Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

Juneteenth and Pride Month sittin’ in a tree…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 months ago

A-humpin’ and a-twerkin’ with a box of KFC…

Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

First comes fags,
Then comes vamps,
Then comes a bullet in the gulag camps

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
3 months ago

Immortal verse! Eat your heart out, Mallarme!

Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

They call me the Bard, pard!
Cuz I’m a poet and don’t etc. etc.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 months ago

You mean Rectum Awareness Month.

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
3 months ago

Sodomy Month or Shit Month same same…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Lineman
3 months ago

I wonder if it would be legal to change my birth month…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Sure why not when everything else is changeable…

Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

Who says? Society says. The reason society says so is because the people of our society are subject to nonstop propaganda from the time they are children. The recent affirmative action case is a perfect example. As soon as affirmative action was shut down, all these “scholars” started coming out saying how colleges and employers could remain technically in compliance without changing their behavior! WHY? Because all these people assume less of whitey in and of itself is a moral good. We’re at the point where so many people believe this that they don’t even need the law. While normal… Read more »

3 months ago

Well that was just a spectacular show again Z. The second that chick started blathering I knew she wasn’t worth listening too. I might disagree with you though – she is NOT saying she has the right to impose herself and her values on you. She isn’t smart enough to think with that level of objectivity or dispassion. Most dirt women can’t think on those levels; I think she is saying her feelings are what’s important, that anything that makes her feel bad is your fault, she is the perpetual victim who is morally pure as the driven snow. It’s… Read more »

Din C. Nuttin
Din C. Nuttin
3 months ago

Obama was murdering people in seven countries with drones, including a U.S. citizen, without a declaration of war. Seems like a better candidate for prosecution.

Reply to  Din C. Nuttin
3 months ago

He got prosecuted with a Nobel Piss Prize.

Reply to  Din C. Nuttin
3 months ago

That “US Citizen” was an Arab, a Yemeni I believe. He wasn’t an American. He was an asset of the GAE who got citizenship in exchange for doing covert ops on behalf of the empire.

Everytime the opposition opens its mouth it validates the worst premises of the enemy. In this case, “Any person can be a US citizen.”

Reply to  RealityRules
3 months ago

“Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” — Some Jew

3 months ago

Doesn’t the judge look like he celebrated this victory by sniffing dirty gym socks and underwear? I can see the look of rolled-back eye ecstasy as he inhales…

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
3 months ago

No one is above the law, except when they are.

Retired Admiral Robert Burke was just arrested for steering contracts for a post retirement gig.

Forgive me for my obtuseness, but isn’t that what ALL of those asshats do when they are at the flag level?

Magic 8 ball wonders who he pissed off to elicit the attention.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
3 months ago

He cut into the action another, more connected Regime war criminal coveted. The United States is a Third World shithole nation now and that’s the behavior of Third World shitholes. It didn’t help that he was white, of course, but even if ol’ Uncle Loyd Austin gets a piece of, say, Hillary’s action he will get punished.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

I have an old friend, we grew up together, who had always been a lefty. He was (A) a huge 9/11 “truther,” believing that 9/11 was staged by the MIC as a pretext for intervention in the Middle East on behalf of oil companies. Then later, he was afflicted with (B) a horrible, horrible case of TDS. Subsequently, he became (C) a triple jabbed mask zealot. I have been at a loss to comprehend the progression from A to C, and too averse to his political tirades to ask him about it. He doesn’t watch much TV news, I don’t… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Jeffrey Zoar
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

His original premise was not correct.

The main goal of 2 Planes 3 Buildings day was throwing the Middle East into chaos for Our Greatest Ally. The MIC and oil companies were just along for the ride.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 months ago

And you expected a subject of that ilk to choose to face the “main issue”.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 months ago

Likewise, he would blame gun companies for crime, not negros

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

“I have been at a loss to comprehend the progression from A to C,” and boy howdy, isn’t that the mystery of the ages.

It may be a question of compartmentalization and partition space. I’m afraid that rewiring people’s heads has become is an arms development we are really, really far behind on. Heck, it’s a culture, an industry…even a religion.

A militantly evangelical religion. Convert, submit, or die. Should we call it the Church of the Poison Mind? (hat tip to Boy George)

Last edited 3 months ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 months ago

Culture Club had two queers and a negro. They really should be the official band of Prideteenth.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

The evolution of pretty much every American libertarian organization (and a bunch of disappointing dudes we could list) suggests that being a conspiracy-minded follow-the-money noooticer represents not intelligent resistance to propaganda but a first “rational” step onto the slippery slope toward becoming a left-establishmentarian.

NO WAR FOR OIL, e.g., is well within the permitted range of “protest” slogans. You can pose as antiwar that way. Following the money is situationally encouraged. Just don’t follow it into certain zip codes. Etc.

The regime maintains a space for people whose dissidence consists of wanting to feel like clever critics.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

Jeffrey Zoar: “I have been at a loss to comprehend the progression from A to C, and too averse to his political tirades to ask him about it.” He desperately wants to sit at the Kool Kidz Table in the junior high skrewl [middle skrewl] cafeteria. But squishy simpy erratic volatile weirdo personalititties don’t get to sit at the Kool Kidz Table. Those personalititties have to sit back in the corner, with the rest of the nerds & the geeks & the losers. He’ll spend his entire life chasing behind the Kook Kidz, but never quite catching up with them.… Read more »

Clayton Barnett
3 months ago

>The low-level zombies who charged and convicted Trump are not very smart and they seem to lack self-awareness, so they are most likely acting on instinct.

On another blog, we discussed that perhaps most NPCs are bicameral, that is, not fully conscious.

Reply to  thezman
3 months ago

Yep. This topic—low IQ—and the results of placing those folk into positions of authority under the guise of “equity” always seems to come up through examples repeatedly posted here. Perhaps you could in the future to devote a dedicated column, or series of columns, to thrash this topic out. Just what will a future of such entail and what will we expect to see occur as we traverse toward such a society. For example, we’ve had an incident reported on here of a plumbing company sending out a “plumber” who was caught watching YouTube videos on his phone to figure… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

“…most NPCs are bicameral, that is, not fully conscious.” Thus my usage of “breeder brain,” versus “neutral neocortex.” I realized some speech- religious speech, in particular- evoked the immediate and very emotional gut punch of opinion. I came to the conclusion that since language serves two, not one, functions, there are two processors or processes; the term “bicameral” serves very well. (Those two functions would be the emosocial, immediate signalling of tribe and sex; the ultimate goal of social maneuvering is ‘who effs who’, that is, social positioning. This would be the older of the two, the monkey barking of women… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Alzaebo
Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 months ago

There is one (or more) documentaries of ESKOM, South Africa’s power company, about its woes with subheadings such as “How crime and corruption turned the lights off…” I haven’t actually looked at the documentary but one doesn’t really need to waste the time doing so. I’ll merely jump to conclusions and assume that the liberal weenies who made these documentaries dance around the fundamental issues. Perish the thought that anyone would inquire why the lights stayed on until the early 1990s and then things began to fell apart. Why, better break out the smelling salts and the fainting couches. In… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 months ago

There are YouTube videos by SA’s formerly in the business discussing ESKOM. They were former managers who were replaced by the current Black government according to their new quota laws (anti-White discrimination). The SA ESKOM problems are painfully predictable—an intersection of Black low IQ (incompetence) and Black propensity to resort to corruption (graft and other thievery). As I painfully witness in my city, the SA government does not know how to run a country and ESKOM illustrates such. The government did not provide funds—or rather reduced funds—needed for maintenance and expansion. What happened to this funding one can only imagine.… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

Well, you might see more of this in the future as more low level employees realize that the diversity hires that “manage” them don’t actually know how to train them because they don’t know anything. Looking up a video on YT might actually be the most responsible and sensible thing in those places. One place you’re already seeing this is software. Corporations are hiring all kinds of rainbow people directly into managerial roles. For a rank and file software engineer asking your manager how to do something might get you fired, not for not knowing it yourself, but showing that… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
3 months ago

Good points, hence a good topic to thrash out in future.

Reply to  thezman
3 months ago

Neither the high-90s or the ≈105 one determined any part of the events though, behind the surface.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Cmhi
3 months ago

Oh, the ones you’re talking about are rated at 110. Don’t mistake sinking ships carrying its cargo in the same direction as a distinct plan.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  thezman
3 months ago

Another brilliant comment by Z.

Frankly, I don’t know how he does it.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Clayton Barnett
3 months ago


Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Apex Predator
3 months ago

Thanks. Wouldn’t have guessed that in a million years.

Reply to  Apex Predator
3 months ago

interesting thought to project the idea of npc. npc to be a human who does not or will not have that inner conversation? to put away the conscious mind is not in alignment with self preservation. could it be the npc really fails to acknowledge the inner conversation? or the inner conversation only comes to light when the flight or fight response is initiated? im having trouble grasping the idea of no inner conversation in visibly functional humans. is this term npc another name for the mental illness cognitive dissonance? i see cognitive dissonance regularly. i recall as a child… Read more »

Reply to  Clayton Barnett
3 months ago

“Perhaps”, “not fully” ❔😏

3 months ago

There are three things apropos of the new Religion and Trump’s conviction. The wages of Christianity are cuckery. I wish it were not so, but it is. There is a straight line from Christianity to the new religion of cuckery. Cuckery does not scale. There is nothing in it for almost ALL White men and they know it, so rebellion against Christian Cuckery (without Christ) is built in. You cannot run a continent sized plus empire up against non-cucked, intelligent and resource rich opponents and win. Defeat of the US is guaranteed against Russia and China. Yes the new religion… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
3 months ago

“There is a straight line from Christianity to the new religion of cuckery. Cuckery does not scale.” Are you a practicing Christian? It’s an important question. From my view, there is a complete correlation in the collapse of any sincere Christian belief Protestant/Catholic/even complete looneys to today’s cuckery in the West. We live in secular world, even in the most Christian of Western countries/areas. Most of the people I meet have heard of Christianity, whether or not they’ve ever prayed or been to a church is an open question. The churches are not empty, but the number that would need… Read more »

Reply to  Wiffle
3 months ago

Modern people don’t want to engage in any sort of spiritual practice, Christianity or otherwise. Most modern people aren’t going to put in 45-60 minutes of religious practice per day, which is probably the bare minimum someone should be doing to claim they are actually practitioners of whatever spiritual system they follow. The average “Christian” I’ve met is bothered by having to commit an hour per WEEK to going to church despite claiming they believe that doing these practices is necessary for saving their soul. It isn’t surprising that the only sects that seem to be doing well at remaining… Read more »

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Wiffle
3 months ago

Christianity was anti-kin-specific altruism. It destroyed the hearth and the family. Jesus commanded us to hate our family, and let the dead bury the dead. Instead, all men are saved, all are equal, and our obligations are not to any specific people, but to all.

Which is to say, to none. And with that, you have the seeds of the radical individualism of modernity and post-modernity. Ethical obligations to everyone means you have obligations to none, particularly one’s kin and ethnos.

3 months ago

For a novel and comprehensive perspective on the Big Picture which explains the current insanity, you may wish to read the post “A Civilization Beyond Reality” at the link below. Time really is running out.

Reply to  TomA
3 months ago

“The reason for the EU’s fragility is that it has been removed from the realm of reality. The foundations of its economy and competitiveness have been removed through its energy and sanctions policies, its governments and institutions are almost solely staffed by incompetents, its education system is failing, its uncontrolled immigration is unsustainable, and it is technically massively bankrupt with trillions and trillions of debt that can never be paid. No society or civilization can survive what has already happened to the EU.” The interesting part about this is that only one of these things can truly destroy a civilization… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Hun
Reply to  TomA
3 months ago

Good read.

The Euros could just turn away from the Ukraine like we did in Vietnam and Afghanistan – and go back to making beer and cars. Instead they keep getting more shrill and crazy as the evitable closes in on them.

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Maxda
3 months ago

Europe doesn’t have agency in any of this, so why are you blaming them?

3 months ago

Briggs is making a prediction about what will happen next:

tldr: Trump goes to jail, never-Trumpers say that “we can’t nominate a convicted felon” and Nikki Haley or Tim Scott will be nominated instead. Trump will go as independent, but may be unable to get on all the ballots in time. With Republican vote split, the Dems will be confident to not run Biden and will nominate Gavin Newsom instead.


Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

She does still seem as if she’s campaigning. For something

Nikki Haley writes ‘finish them’ on IDF artillery shells during Israel visit (

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

It is amazing that there are real Americans who think this is an appealing campaign move.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

Sorry but Nimarata Nikki is not a real American. Her fans are generally not real Americans either.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

I wasn’t talking about her, but about White Americans who idolize Israel.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

Thank you for using Nimrata Rhandawa’s ACTUAL name.

cheers to you.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

She’s a blood-gulping psychopath, and she’s got plenty of company in the Imperial Capital. Bloody Nikki, let’s call her.

plato spaghetti
plato spaghetti
Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

Variation: Trump goes to jail, never-trumpers replace him on the ballot, Dems bring in Michelle Obama, who brings back 99.9% of the black vote. Finis.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Hun
3 months ago


Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

I agree. Republicans would not nominate Nikky Haley, when they can go with rabbi Shmuley.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

Briggs is a daily read for me now. But I think he’s wrong here. I don’t think they will try to switch out Biden. Though I agree there is a good possibility the GOP cucks and sidelines Trump.

People have to understand that we are the RINOs. The “real” GOP is embarrassed by us. They are cowards, cucks and traitors.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

I don’t think they have ever considered switching Biden out. Why would they? They can do whatever they want with that retard at the helm. Whatever is brought to the desk that is most destructive for normal White people he will sign it. What’s the incentive for replacing him with someone with brain activity? The election is in the bag regardless of the Trump situation, so what’s the point?

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

Walk. Away.

Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

Didn’t the Trump clan take over the national RNC?

Reply to  Maxda
3 months ago

There is a Trump clan? Are you sure they aren’t mostly just opportunists?

Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

You made me look it up.

Lara Trump is co-chair of the RNC.

Reply to  Maxda
3 months ago

OK, that doesn’t answer my question.

Reply to  Maxda
3 months ago

Which is why a GOP “dump Trump” movement seems unlikely.

Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

I believe that Trump has firm enough control of the RNC to retain nomination. He will run and win. I don’t see the important States dumping him. If in jail, a Constitutional crisis looms where perhaps his VP must take office. SCOTUS must indeed get involved to the exception of all other considerations of law. However there is no path to victory without Trump on the ballot. The Dem’s win and go into hyperdrive to destroy what’s left of resistance to their rule. in any event, this all accrues to the DR’s benefit. The system is corrupt and prolonged dying… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

“He will run and win.”

Come on, man. You’re smarter than that. For God’s sake they just convicted him 34 completely bogus “felonies.” There’s no fucking way they’re going to let him win.

What the spic “judge” and the Negro “prosecutor” just did is ensure that you will be governed by Kamala Harris at some point within four years.

Reply to  Xman
3 months ago

Nonsense. If Trump is on the ballot, he wins. This of course assumes a great enough vote to overcome the election fraud they’ll throw into the mix and that they can’t fix a critical number of State election laws to prohibit him as a legal candidate. The actual verdict in the case mentioned was never in doubt, was already absorbed by the populace, and can only be shown by current metrics to have enhanced Trump’s status with the people. No one was dissuaded to *not* vote for Trump who would have voted for him. Money pours in. What we see… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Compsci
Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

Who cares? Soviet show trial, read Bukovsky.

Best approach: WALK AWAY.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Larval
3 months ago

Although to the uninitiated it seems a useless exercise, there is some value in building castles in the air (or drawing them on the walls of one’s cell), even if it’s nothing more than stimulating one’s mind while one is locked in solitary for an indefinite term.

To Build a Castle is a truly excellent work, ranking on par with Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago.

3 months ago

I’m hearing people say blacks will vote for Trump now. Idk. It would be hilarious if it takes being a convict for a Republican to finally break the Democratic stranglehold on the black vote. I hear this talk, and it’s another data point for whites becoming black imo.

My friends are also talking about a summer of Pride! riots. Again, Idk. I guess you can get away with Floyd riots because whites have a weird weakness for blacks, but I don’t think homos are as sympathetic.

Politics ain’t much fun anymore.

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 months ago

There is more black and hispanic support for Trump than you might suspect. The reason is mass illegal immigration. It lowers wages for those who work because illegals get all sorts of goodies and subsidies denied even those non-White who are citizens. Their neighborhoods are colonized by masses of illegals who being mostly military aged men age 18-30 and mostly recruited criminals from Venezuelan and African prisons prey upon the non White citizens next to them. This is why the Bronx turned out for Trump. Next, taxes go up and various social welfare goodies to citizens (non White of course,… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
3 months ago

I wonder though, if most blacks and Hispanics are ever exposed to an analysis like this. They’re not reading or similar blogs for the most part. Who is doing this sort of economic analysis for them? Perhaps no one is but they just sense things getting worse for them and notice the correlation with more illegals. I actually think a lot of the Trump support is just that they have sympathy for someone they see as being railroaded by the courts. I’m sure it also helps that most of the truly hysterical TDS people are fat White women, obnoxious gays,… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
3 months ago

If only whites would get off their knees and stop punishing themselves. No Klan needed, or any of that crap.

I say punishing themselves because that’s what it comes down to. People treat you with the dignity you treat yourself with. Very frustrating!

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Paintersforms
3 months ago

Painters- A couple positives‐ By this point in 2020, we were months into the Beer Flu op and a couple weeks into the Floyd insurrection op. Domestically, there is nothing close to those in 2024. I figure that is because GAE regime competence is decaying at an exponential rate due to DIE. The current best example of that decay is the shiny new 155mm ammo plant in Mesquite, TX. The production guts of that plant had to be installed by visiting Turks from the Turkish arms firm Repkon. No need to look far for proof, this fact is reported in… Read more »

3 months ago

Whites of course rescued the black slaves from far far worse conditions in Africa, where their life expectancy was near zero…But gratitude is a rare thing….

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

The colonial and American slave trade was the best thing that ever happened to the negro, and perhaps the worst thing ever to befall the white race.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

We showed them fried chicken, and look how they repay us

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

It was all overseen by (((YKW))).

(((They))) ran the entirety of it.

On account of the transatlantic african chattel slave trade, the sephardim in Holland were amassing such massive mountains of shekels that poor Oliver Cromwell had to overturn the “Edict of Expulsion” and invite (((them))) back into England, lest Holland were to become the dominant power in Europe and England were to be reduced to a mere rump state.

The moar you delve into it, the moar you cum to realize that almost the entire history of Western Civilization is riddled with these sorts of esoteric tribal secrets.

Reply to  Bourbon
3 months ago

For those who aren’t aware, (((Spinoza)))’s fambly was up to their eyeballs in the transatlantic African chattel slave trade out of Holland.

Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

Gratitude comes from introspection and introspection comes from relatively high IQ people with a fully developed pre-frontal cortex.

Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

What is it that Muhammad Ali replied to the press, upon returning to the US afrer a visit to Africa? “Thank God my Grandaddy was put on that ship”… LOL!

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
3 months ago

Yesterday was potentially a very good day if you want the system destroyed sooner rather than later * The political aspect aside, the general negative reaction appears genuine and not to have been expected. Therefore, the Regime as always either will have to start another war or astroturf a terror attack, something along those lines, and as we see, they are as retarded as they are evil and it likely will prove catastrophic as well. Even totalitarian dictatorships require a degree of domestic buy-in. There won’t be a peasant uprising obviously but some elites seem poised to bail and/or scared.… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dodson
3 months ago

Interestingly, Biden gave Israel orders to stop the Gaza War saying it has damaged Hamas “enough.” He has also greenlit any and all attacks on Russian territory inside pre-2014 Russia including early warning radars. [Soros led organizations are calling for a “blockade” and “occupation” of the White House — circa Trump 2020.] FWIW, the Israeli Foreign minister is trolling Ireland, Spain, and Norway for recognizing Hamas. How soon will Mossad be arming and training the Irish, Spanish, and Norwegians opposed to moar mass immigration? After all the goal of Mossad now is to overthrow the entire system in those countries.… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Whiskey
3 months ago

The same people who fucked up a freaking show trial have control of nukes and are leading “us” into war. That doesn’t require a lot of exercise to see as rather frightening.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Whiskey
3 months ago

That’s right.

Folks, any opposition to the invasion of Ireland is Mossad-led. Got it? Mossad.

Do not participate. Do not fight back. You cannot win.

3 months ago

It is not a “new religion”. It is just a variation of Marxism, where the blacks are “proletariat” and the whites are those hated “rich”, whose possessions need to be redistributed at any cost.
As in every revolution, many “rich” switch to the other side either out of stupidity or malice.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Anna
3 months ago

Yes, I don’t think calling it “a new religion” adds anything to the argument. Even if there are senses of the word that pertain here, it’s tendentious and needlessly provocative.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

“…it’s tendentious and needlessly provocative.”

Well, if anyone should know…. 😉

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

You are the dumbest fucker on this website.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Anna
3 months ago

That’s a fair point. I’ve never been convinced of the Leftism-as-religion argument, either. And you’re certainly correct in noting the redistributionist aspect of Leftism, although it extends beyond “mere” wealth to include culture and history. That said, redistribution without historical dialectics and the communal telos, both of which are absent from contemporary Leftism, is basically socialism rather than Marxism. What’s more, it is quite clear that the Leftists have hijacked capitalism for their own purposes and show no inclination to jettison it now that they’re in control of the corporations. Marx and his epigoni would have no truck with such… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

It’s not religion in a theological sense with a catechism, it’s religion in a herd mentality sense. I spent decades in the Catholic church. I basically had it beaten into me as a kid. I agree with all its moral doctrines in opposition to homosexuality, abortion, war, etc. But I haven’t attended in years because it’s useless. Not once did I ever hear an actual sermon discussing the Church’s teaching on abortion, IVF, homosexuality, women, — nothing. All I ever heard was pure nonsensical gibberish from the pulpit. But as a Catholic, you were just supposed to instinctively know these… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Xman
3 months ago

Group behavior is certainly a very real thing. But all group behavior is not religion.

Reply to  Xman
3 months ago

“ learned more about Catholic doctrine studying Augustine and Aquinas under a Jewish philosophy professor in grad school than I ever learned in a Sunday sermon.” Yes, I know the feeling. But take heart that most people aren’t you and don’t really care that much about the philosophy. Further, parishes have their own culture. Each one exists as a community. A different community would have talked about abortion at least, which is what the average person can wrap their head around. There really not going to be deep dives into Aquinas at most parishes. “. But I haven’t attended in years… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Your last sentence is, in my opinion, the strongest evidence that whatever your wish to call our currently in vogue Leftism is, in fact a religion. Most religions, in the commonly accepted meaning of that term, promise adherents some glorious future which is usually unobtainable in the present world, and at times openly admitted as such (e.g. Christianity.) Other times the promised future will be a transformation of the present world, such as what Communism promised a New Soviet Man and that governments would fade away as no longer necessary once The Revolution was fulfilled. Now, certainly many non-religious movements,… Read more »

Reply to  Anna
3 months ago

Heh. I certainly must agree with you there, dear Anna.
It is indeed, a very old religion.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 months ago

Indeed 😀

Latter Day American
Latter Day American
Reply to  Anna
3 months ago

At this point, I’d rather call it Envyism instead of a forever mutated-revised-stretched Marxism. Like Spandrell’s Bioleninism says: they hate themselves for being mediocre and maladaptive and they hate us ’cause they ain’t us. They want to get their grubby hands on someone else’s stuff, and call it a moral imperative.

Marx and Engels just put a name and codification of something recurrent and fundamental: Green green Envy.
10th commandment.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
3 months ago

 Perhaps the greatest trick from the usual suspects is to create a religion the adherents do not know exists.

On the rare occasion that I’m able to bring this up to an adherent (“The Church of the NeoVagina”) they’ve gotten a sickened look on their face like “no, no, no, he HAS to be wrong!”

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 months ago

And a blank look comes over their faces if you say, “But he’s brave, you can’t deny it!”

Last edited 3 months ago by Tom K
Joe S
Joe S
3 months ago

I think everyone is missing the point of putting Trump in jail. He has been outspoken about trying to make peace . The US is now allowed to strike inside Russia, new long range missiles in Philippines and a Mid East distraction . This is WW3

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Joe S
3 months ago

The GAE’s fixation on its Ukraine/Russia project, and Trump’s unwillingness to go along with it, is the only reason I’ve been able to come up with that they weren’t willing to co-opt his presidency for x number of years, rather than go to all the trouble they’ve gone to to be rid of him. The Ukraine/Russia thing, for some reason, is just that important to them. Even though you don’t need a president’s permission for much, you still need it to fight a war with Russia, if you want to keep up appearances anyway.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

“Even though you don’t need a president’s permission for much, you still need it to fight a war with Russia,…” Huh? I think I know what you meant, but technically war powers are in the domain of Congress. The President can (legally) only use military authority in a limited manner with restrictions as to when and how long. We seem to already be in violation of that proscription with US troops disguised as civilian contractors in Ukraine, as well as intelligence sharing with Ukraine in targeting Russian assets. This of course has been abused and Congress weak in asserting its… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

Trump sent Zelensky tanks after he promised to look into Burisma.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

At the rate things are going the highest ranking US official will be at “undisclosed location” deep under the Appalachians or the Rockies. 😡

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
3 months ago Cake — “Comfort Eagle” We are building a religion We are building it bigger We are widening the corridors And adding more lanes We are building a religion A limited edition We are now accepting callers For these pendant key chains To resist it is useless It is useless to resist it His cigarette is burning But he never seems to ash He is grooming his poodle He is living comfort eagle You can meet at his location But you’d better come with cash Now his hat is on backwards He can show you his tattoos He is… Read more »

3 months ago

“… the right to be free from discrimination.” By that standard the anti-white regime is illegitimate. If we can even win the debate, which I don’t think we can, how long will it take to win it? What will be left that isn’t destroyed by that time? Will there be enough left to rebuild, and how much and how well can we rebuild? In other words, is the risk of continuing with debating and losing or winning but there being nothing left to plant the flag of victory in, worth those costs versus some other tactic. I am not proposing… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  RealityRules
3 months ago

“We should be discussing Peaceful Separation.”

What in God’s good name makes you believe they would allow this? We cannot even have the peace of being left alone and you think they are just going to allow us to take over part of the US as our country? If we’re going to “fight” for this peaceful separation, why not fight for everything?

I have no idea what future awaits us. But the one future I know ain’t gonna happen is that we “peacefully” separate from the GAE and start our own country.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

You may have missed my point that I thought I made clearly. Let me restate it. You bring peaceful separation to the table as an entirely new point of discussion. The point of doing that is when they refuse peaceful separation they admit they are interested in conquest. You and I know that is what they want. However, unhealthy-delusional (what “normie” really is), is not clear on that. Once he sees the perfectly reasonable and well expressed idea of ending the conflicts by peacefully separating rejected out of hand while a demand is made to make him pay for crimes… Read more »

Flashing Red
Flashing Red
Reply to  RealityRules
3 months ago

“No, and FU–whatta you gonna do about it?”

Reply to  RealityRules
3 months ago

promote the inward conversation of npc’s with mental health therapy. reminds me of the movie “master”.

Neoliberal Feudalism
3 months ago

Unfortunately this isn’t a “new” religion. This is simply the existing religion intensified. The way it works is that the core values of a society get doubled down on over time as a ratchet effect until it either results in genocide, civilizational suicide, or conquest from external enemies. In the West’s case the core value is egalitarianism, which is derived from Christianity. I discuss the egalitarian ratchet effect here, but basically everything must become *more* “equal” over time as part of the Whig theory of history as progress from a dark past to a glorious future. It is rapidly heading… Read more »

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Neoliberal Feudalism
3 months ago

Egalitarianism is not derived from Christianity in any way, shape, or form. This stupid canard really needs to be retired. Is no longer worthy of effortful refutation.

Drive-By Shooter
Drive-By Shooter
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

NF wrote that In the West’s case the core value is egalitarianism, which is derived from Christianity. NF is incorrect on this point. The core value is egoism, which was elevated to a supreme principle of existence by Israel. See Shemot (Names) 3:14 for a critical verse expressing Israel’s perverse notion about the supremacy of self and willpower. The Nazi religion of the torahs—which was the religion of Jesus—is far from egalitarian except maybe for the children of Israel on one tier and eveyone else below them on one or more tiers. The Christianities however, while retaining that egoism and… Read more »

Reply to  Drive-By Shooter
3 months ago

The modern religion of Judaism was not the religion of Jesus, the Creator of the religion of the ancient Israelites. Your analysis shows very little familiarity with either the New or Old Testament. Taken on it’s ending, God’s Chosen people were chosen to produce Christ, the light for all nations. Even at the pre-Christ height of “choosiness'” it mostly meant being given no excuses to worship idols before God. Yes, there is an egalitarianism in Christianity. We can all be saved and we all have an equal dignity before God. Beyond that it’s the Kingdom of God. Christians are to… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

Greatly disagree. Christianity in today’s most widely accepted sense is under the strain of dichotomy.

It provides the strength of natural hierarchy, but the quality of mercy- in that we are all in the same boat- has been stretched into a weapon against the very people who made Christianity their flag, who shaped it into what it is.

(Try as you will, Dasein, never will I submit to your yhwh. You might as well tell me that we should all just recite the shahada together.)

Last edited 3 months ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

ID. Probably correct, but an understandable error. Google “Jesus teachings on ‘equality’ “and you’ll see a raft of information and quotations appear. However read them and you’ll see they refer to equality under law or under God, spiritual equality, not equality of men among each other with respect to each other. If there will ever be “equity”, it is promised only after death. How would/could it be otherwise in an ancient world of slaves, bondsmen, Kings and peasants?

Hell, we still don’t have many folk understanding the DoI statement: …all men are created equal…

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

“Egalitarianism is not derived from Christianity….This stupid canard really needs to be retired.”


You people terrorized me when I was a child that I was going to go to hell for the slightest childhood infraction.

Then I grew up and saw how your disgusting slave morality destroyed this civilization.

I’m going to keep rubbing in your face and I don’t care if you don’t like it or not.

Din C. Nuttin
Din C. Nuttin
Reply to  Tony
3 months ago

Too bad the ten commandments didn’t mention involuntary servitude. Maybe he just ran out of stationary?

I'm not left handed either
I'm not left handed either
Reply to  Din C. Nuttin
3 months ago

Bondsman or bondsmaidens also have a duty to be good stewards and look after their master’s property, remember Ben Hur?

Reply to  Neoliberal Feudalism
3 months ago

‘everything must become *more* “equal” over time as part of the Whig theory of history as progress from a dark past to a glorious future’ If your theory is correct, then when should I expect to see a demand that squat aztecs be equally represented in the NBA? When should I expect the demand that men be equally represented in colleges? Your theory doesn’t include “Who, Whom.” Demands for equality are weapons that specific groups employ against their enemies. Almost no one believes in equality as a universal, which is what I understand your theory to say is the primary… Read more »

3 months ago

Trump was a best con artist that system gets to think white publics that everything is ok
This show trial only reveals the truth that white people can’t get any their candidate nor political alliance within DC
It’s great, Trump is a candidate means again is another boil the frog one more time

white people lost faith in America is the only solution to abolish monstrous race-mixing agenda

Reply to  Yman
3 months ago

Your Engrish is bad. Your concrusions are good.

3 months ago

in the 2014-19 TV show “Gotham” there was a bit where Carol Kane, playing a ditzy/murderous Eastern European immigrant and mother of Oswald Cobblepot, aka the Penguin, recounts how “teacher had teacher’s pet, prettiest girl who was having affair with teacher. I could never get anywhere.” Pause. “So I informed on teacher and girl to secret police they were capitalist wreckers. Both were shot immediately. And new teacher gave me top grades!” That is the process, more or less, that runs in our society based on rights of non-Whites to you, your stuff, and your everything. It works when the… Read more »

3 months ago

No-one with real faith views as religion the object of their faith. They view it as manifest, doubt-free, reality.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
3 months ago

If I learned nothing else from this week’s podcast, it was clarifying the distinction between a negative right and a positive right. Thank you.

3 months ago

In sum, somebody opened the gates, and now demands that we serve them and their army. By what authority? By an appeal to authority. By an assumption of authority. An appeal to authority is what makes up any religion or type of religion.* Authority then sets a pecking order. The pecking order, then, is the morality. Morality, after all, is how we treat one another; how we treat one another is how we feel about one another. About this one, about that one, about this bunch here or about that bunch over there. That authority can be internalized, or it… Read more »

3 months ago

i have to admit that i’m never called myself a “constitutional conservative” or anything like that. My view is this – you can’t have a two party system with a federalist system. What will inevitably happen is that you will have various state legislatures that will merely mirror the same dysfunction of congress and national issues will become local issues. Federalism will end up being like foreign policy where you have blocs fighting it out (i.e. europe with an eastern and western bloc). If there were different political parties at the state level, it might make things more interesting and… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
3 months ago

Ultimately it is the people who matter and not the system. This is the reality behind the drive to replace Western populations. The Trump show trial along with all other recent outrages simply reflects the Third World population becoming dominant in the United States.

Constitutional or federal or whatever, a nation is only as good as its people and the importation of human garbage results in what we see now.

3 months ago

I’m a little surprised how few people see what’s going on. Professional people don’t act this way in real life, especially under the magnifying glass of television. It’s a movie/psyop, but the lesson being taught is in question. I’ve got a few possibilities. 1. A mass lesson in “We were just following orders,” the lesson being that it could happen here, too. 2. Specific people selected because they are so corrupt or compromised that they will do anything you tell them to do. Just to hammer home how much corruption there is in government these days. 3. Showing people what… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

It ain’t just a river in Egypt brother

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

I know true believers who would have loved to be on that jury and would behave the same. Millions of them exist. No need for a psyop.

Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

No doubt, but our country is not this far gone yet. Somebody else is pulling the strings.

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

After deliberating on Wednesday, the judge didn’t sequester the jury. He sent them home past a phalanx of reporters…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

America is stone cold-dead. We’re living in an animated corpse properly denoted as AINO.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Yea sad that so many are still holding on to hope that it’s still alive just needs jump started…How bad does the smell have to get I wonder before the light comes on that it’s time to bury it…

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

I think you are on to something.
Yes, I will make an extension to what you say: the strings on this movie are being pulled by someone else.
BUT– America is pretty much “AINO” which stands for “America in Name Only.”

Have a look at a guy’s blog called AnonymousConservative[dot]com
and see what you think about the American Stasi

i do think Trump is “in on” this movie. He, too, is taking orders from someone(s) very high up.
Kuh-ball. (Written phonetically.)

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

TempoNick: “Specific people selected because they are so corrupt or compromised that they will do anything you tell them to do.” Key in on that aspect of your analysis – the selection process. EVERYONE in Washington DC was chosen via an exceptionally rigorous sorting of their personalititties, and grueling examinations of their psychological oleaginousness, to determine their ultimate obsequiousness. [Off the top of muh head, the only two counterexamples I might think of would be Rand Paul & especially Thomas Massie, both hailing from the great state of Kentucky. Go figure.] Hopefully it goes without saying that these personalititty types… Read more »

Tiny Duck
Tiny Duck
3 months ago

I’m glad justice has been served. Attempts to impeach Biden fizzled out spectacularly. 

Absolutely stabilizing with the affirmation that no man is above the law.
Reinforces our faith in a system that weve been told noone is a King and even Presidents are subject to constitutional constraints and need to obey the laws of the land before, during and after their terms.
Its about time this snake has been held accountable. Im so proud of that jury!

Scot Irish
Scot Irish
Reply to  Tiny Duck
3 months ago

To celebrate you should get a covid booster today. All xersons like you should be covid boosted. Hell get two! You only live once.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Scot Irish
3 months ago

The lone saving grace of the clot shot is that it disproportionately eliminates members of the Spiteful Mutant community such as TD.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

TD == Trump Derangement ?!?

Scot Irish
Scot Irish
Reply to  Bourbon
3 months ago

tiny duck. xhe’s so cute.

Reply to  Scot Irish
3 months ago

There’s a bish at the old Memphis State [now “Universititty of Memphis”] who’s wandering around, hiding tiny ducks on campus.

comment image

comment image

Those are kinda weird camera angles; they make her hips & her waste look rather “wide angle”, and she’s definitely wearing black lipstick.

Hopefully that black lipstick doesn’t mean she’s a filthy stinking mμdsh@rk.

If she’s legit NOT a mμdsh@rk, then at closing time, she might be good for a Bee Jay [no teeth, of course].

This University of Memphis student is spreading positivititty one tiny duck at a timeFeb. 15, 2024

Reply to  Tiny Duck
3 months ago

Aw jeez. I’m sorry, people. It sounds like my best friend has found the blog.
I mean, it sounds exactly like he does. Says the very same things, even.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 months ago

Did he come from Unz?

Scot Irish
Scot Irish
Reply to  Hun
3 months ago


Reply to  Alzaebo
3 months ago

Point I’ve made repeatedly, again must be made. Trolls destroy comment sections. Soon there will be more of TD’s friends. Indeed, doubtful this TD is the original one of long past, but a lurker who has now found a moniker to incite some of the old-timers in this blog. An in your face type of thing.

You tolerate these people at your own risk and of course, replying to them is a fruitless pursuit and counter productive.

Last edited 3 months ago by Compsci
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

Wait, wait! I was only kidding. My bestie and I ended up screaming at each other, as only besties can do. He doesn’t read blogs, at all.