Escalatory Delusions

Most men can remember back to a time on the schoolyard when two kids got into a confrontation and one of them kept promising to do something bad to the other if the other did not stop whatever it was he was doing. The threat of consequences was supposed to deter the other, but the other kid was undeterred, and the result was a fight, with the kid making the threats getting the worst of it. Bullies often come to a bad end like this as their bullying is based on threats.

If you are a member of the managerial elite, it is unlikely that you have such a memory as you were raised by women, so no school yard fights. As a result, the logic of the bully, issuing escalatory threats, makes perfect sense. After all, if you can conjure something worse than the other guy is conjuring, then you win! Therefore, success is determined by who has the greatest mastery of escalatory dominance, the alleged ability to escalate a conflict beyond that of an opponent.

This is the engine that has been driving the war in Ukraine. For close to a decade the Russians have objected to what Washington has been doing on its border in Ukraine, but Washington has responded with the promise of more of what the Russians found objectionable, rather than search for a compromise. Once the Russians crossed into Ukraine, Washington unleashed the sanctions war and promised even more punishments, including the promise of regime change.

Throughout the war, the approach from Washington has been to create some artificial red line for themselves or Russia, and then cross it in such a way as to suggest all future red lines will be crossed. Currently NATO is having a debate about launching long range missile attacks on Russia, from NATO countries or with NATO personnel, while pretending it is being done by Ukraine. This is the bully threatening the kid who refuses to back down with something worse than backing down.

Unreported in the West, Ukraine has been using Western supplied drones to attack early warning radar stations in southern Russia. These are part of Russia’s nuclear defense system. They play no role in the Ukraine war, but Ukraine’s handlers are having them do this as a form of escalatory dominance. The point is to signal to the Russians that the West is not afraid of nuclear war. The madness of this is obvious, but to a great degree that is the point, to seem mad.

We see a similar thing shaping up with China. Washington is going out of its way to provoke China over the issue of Taiwan. Various officials have been sent to the island for no other reason than to antagonize the Chinese. A big package of weapons has been shipped to Taiwan and Washington has increased the number of military personnel on the island. Washington regularly talks about how it is actively preparing for a war with the Chinese over the issue of Taiwan.

A great example of how the concept of escalatory dominance controls how American ruling elites deal with the world is the last trip by Anthony Blinken to China in which he went out of his way to insult the Chinese. The State Department insisted on Blinken visiting China, where he held meetings with Chinese leaders. He then went out of those meetings and threatened them with sanctions. This was done to let the Chinese know that there is no red line Washington will not cross.

This is not just a foreign policy strategy. The reason Trump is waiting to hear a guilty verdict is the regime has always assumed that if they cross enough red lines with regards to the rule of law, Trump or his supporters will fold. For going on four years, it has been ever increasing violence against both the rule of law and the customs that have controlled our politics. The point of each new escalation is to warn that there is no limit to what they will do unless you obey.

It is the unquestioned assumption in Washington that there is always some threat they can issue that is so terrifying that the other side will back down that has led them into a crisis for the regime. Half the country now thinks the courts are corrupt beyond reform thanks to the lawfare unleashed by the regime. We are remarkably close to the point where a majority of Americans think we are ruled by lawless gangsters, which even in easy times is an impossible state of affairs.

The crisis gripping the West is due, in large part, to the fact that the system now selects boys and girls with no practical knowledge. Never having had their bluff called and walking away with a bloody nose or a black eye, they just assume such a thing is impossible, so they are free to escalate their threats. It is not so much that their threats work, but that they ought to work. In the artificial reality in which these people live, the ought is the same as the is.

The Trump trial is a good bit of foreshadowing for how this widely held delusion about escalatory dominance will end. At some point, the bluff is called, and the bluffer has to either follow through or their raison d’etre evaporates. This is the story of the bully who finally has to fight and gets beaten. It is not the beating that ends his reign as a bully, but the fact that someone stood up to him. This is what is happening with the lawfare against Trump, who has called their bluff.

Unlike the schoolyard, the end of a regime that relies on escalatory dominance is not so simple and tidy. The regime now has to hope the Trump trial ends in a hung jury so they can maintain their stance. An acquittal has them looking like fools and a guilty verdict has them in a crisis far worse than Trump winning the election. Soon, the bluff will be called over Ukraine and Taiwan. Once this happens, the regime has no answer other than the unthinkable.

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8 months ago

America’s Strategic War Plan with China:

  1. Demand China produce and ship more materials so we can build weapons to attack them
  2. Demand China produce more pharmaceuticals to help our wounded
  3. Demand China produce less of the both for their own use.
  4. Demand China buy all our war debt as we borrow ever more trillions

We can’t possibly lose.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  ProZNoV
8 months ago

This is actually believed, too, not just parody.

Reply to  ProZNoV
8 months ago

Dr. StrangeJew: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Jew the Debt Bomb.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  ProZNoV
8 months ago

That’s what empire means, by the way: demand raw materials, oil, and manufactures from the rest of the world and demand that they pay for it. And then call this system ‘democracy’ and ‘rules-based order.’ It’s a system of extortion by lawless gangsters who make Capone, Genovese, and Luciano look like boy scouts.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
8 months ago

The spirit of the age is girl power and the usual suspects fit right into this spirit with their verbal skills. It kind of reminds me of the deception of Eve. There really are principles in that book worth considering. The deception is that they can do all this crap without the use of brute physical force. Once the only option is brute force both at home and abroad well we know that those nations of peoples whom still operate with a masculine spirit may do the unthinkable and slap the feminine spirit of our age. At one time in… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
8 months ago

It is telling that Sweden and Finland both signed up for NATO at exactly the same time, when they were both swayed by GAE propaganda, and the prime minister of each was a bimbo girlboss.

Last edited 8 months ago by Mycale
Reply to  Mycale
8 months ago

Yes…whom the Gods would destroy, they allow to be ruled by women…Something like half the military bosses in the EU are women as well, with exactly the results you would expect…

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
8 months ago

At one time in our culture slapping a hysterical woman was not unthinkable.”

That would be a mild response at that. Hysteria, a form of panic, in the military gets you shot. The few times I witnessed such, it was a woman responding to some sort of accident which required immediate action. Heaven help you—in such a situation you’d die in the arms of a crying woman.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

> Hysteria, a form of panic, in the military gets you shot.

I still remember reading “With the Old Breed” and the author tells of a time a soldier simply loses it in the foxhole, to the point the other soldiers have to kill him to keep enemy forces from finding their location.

The writer has nothing but sympathy, and those soldiers likely had a mental wound that never healed. Still, they did what they had to.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Chet Rollins
8 months ago

Sounds like the scene in Spielberg’s War of the Worlds where Tim Robbins’ character basically goes to pieces and threatens, through his deranged recklessness, to expose Tom Cruise and his daughter to the aliens. Cruise has little choice but to confront and kill Robbins, which he does.

stranger in a strange land
stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
8 months ago

I don’t recall that from the movie, but as long as the character identified as a WASP hetero male, I guess it was ok.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
8 months ago

Since we’re talking movies. I thought immediately of one of the Aliens movies where a male soldier freaks out and starts yelling “Game over man!” in panic as the aliens corner them. The pozzed filmmakers contrasted this behavior with the calm demeanor of the butch lezbo female soldier. Speaking of slapping, someone needs to slap the people who make movies like this and explain to them that that’s not what happens in the real world. The movie is about aliens but this little vignette is far more unbelievable than the idea of parasitic space aliens with acid for blood.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
8 months ago

That’s why I detest war and “gang ho” movies. The things you have to do to stay alive and more importantly win. I believe such a moral dilemma was illustrated in the (true story) movie “Lone Survivor?” About a team mission in Afghanistan where the squad was to take out an Afghan insurgent, but met up with a civilian boy and father. The SOP was to kill them and complete/abort the mission. They would not do this. The boy and father ran to the village and alert the populace. Everyone was tracked down and killed except the “lone survivor”.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

I hate to say it, but in war compassion gets you killed. There’s an instant of this verity in Saving Private Ryan, too.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
8 months ago

Ostei: Problem is that compassion gets you killed in both a hot and a cold war, as well as a war in which only one side is actually fighting. Whites and western civilization are in a war for their very survival, but most don’t even notice it, or truly believe deep in their gut that their IKAGOs want them dead. I have no ‘compassion’ for the enemies of my children, of all races and religions – and all ages. An alien child is still the promise of an existential threat and must be removed by any means necessary.

Reply to  3g4me
8 months ago



3g4me be da Mommy Tyrannosaurus Rex of Z-World.

Reply to  Bourbon
8 months ago

Bourbon: 💖 💖

Bizarro Man
Bizarro Man
Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

That kind of horrible choice is only one reason why starting gratuitous military adventures is a huge crime, deserving of the death penalty.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
8 months ago

The spirit of the age was perfectly encapsulated by that young girl who was standing confident and proud against the charging bull, in front of Wall Street. Complete and utter obliviousness to the real world.

These two statues have now been moved apart, though. I was actually surprised that happened.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Marko
8 months ago

The girl kept getting “defaced” from what I hear – adult toys and obscene signs attached to her advertising her “services”, though people stopped short of graffiti. Hellofit was the bull gets the same, but more punked and more prankish stuff than anything borne out of disdain.

Reply to  Forever Templar
8 months ago

I forget what statue was where but the girl is still in front of the famous facade. The bull is like 3 blocks away.

Reply to  Marko
8 months ago

The bull was I believe donated by Merrill Lynch a good while ago, and the Girl more recently by State Street, as a piety offering to our new religion

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
8 months ago

It kind of reminds me of the deception of Eve. There really are principles in that book worth considering.

King Arthur: Good idea, O Lord!

God: ‘Course it’s a good idea!

— Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
8 months ago

Our frontier settler foremothers were not hysterical girlbosses. They were badass! Ditto the Boer women of the Great Trek and Boer Wars.

Reply to  Jannie
8 months ago

They had to be in a patriarchal society, and on the frontier…Otherwise they wouldn’t have survived…

Reply to  Jannie
8 months ago

Because their men would tolerate nothing less.

8 months ago

When the ape-men and aliens write the history of the American empire in 1000 years, I think Antony Blinken will play a prominent part in the chapters on the downfall. He’s such a perfect emblem of the decayed rot of the empire. It’s obvious his career in government is because of who he is and who he knew (like his stepfather), he has no skill or talent, he got his job as a reward for setting up the Hunter Biden laptop “hallmarks of Russian disinformation” letter for Brandon, he cares more about playing guitar than conducting diplomacy, and the only… Read more »

Reply to  Mycale
8 months ago

I look forward to the Ape-Man History of the US.

From Chimptonius’s Lives of the 12 Presidents:

And one Antonius Blincenus, who was a nebbish managerial type, from Judaea, and had depraved sexual tastes, did have the confidence of Josephus Bidenus, who himself did lose his bowels in public.

Of course we will get the account of Ape-Man Edward Gibbon, no funny name required, 1500 years later.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Marko
8 months ago

comment image

I hope that was double entendre, because here is a gibbon.

Reply to  Mycale
8 months ago

“The society that separates its scholars from it’s warriors will have it’s thinking done by cowards and it’s fighting done by fools.”

Seeing the end result of a culture that is massively overweighted towards female thinking and conflict resolution in real time.

Reply to  Mycale
8 months ago

Nobody will remember Blinken.

Reply to  Hun
8 months ago

Or at least, they will try to forget that such a nebbish ever reached an office formerly held by some of the greats of American history…But Xi, who is smarter than any two people in American government, was doubtless very pleased by Blinken’s oafish behavior…It helps pave the way for his plans to separate China from a collapsing America….

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Hun
8 months ago

I barely notice him right now. He seems less consequential than Karin Jean Pierre

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Mycale
8 months ago

“he cares more about playing guitar than conducting diplomacy”

That is one of the most cringe thing I’ve ever seen from a state official. A unique boomer-clown combination.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
8 months ago

Special sauce on that burger moment: He was playing an anti-American-empire song. I’d credit chutzpah, but I doubt he can understand songs.

Also it has the word “niggers” in it, so Imagine If Trump etc.

Yet another implausible-fiction event.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
8 months ago

There probably will be a nuclear exchange. Before I get vaporised I hope to see Biden, Blinken, the neocons and generally the Tribe get vaporised. Russia will not and cannot back down. My hat off to Putin for his restraint and patience since the Munich Security Conference in 2007. My contempt and hatred for the neocons and this brainless and spineless puppet of theirs in the White House.

Mitchell Lange
Mitchell Lange
Reply to  Arshad Ali
8 months ago

Unfortunately, they and all of their billionaire friends have bunkers to ride things out in. Maybe that’s the plan if it turns out they can’t kill whitey slowly.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
8 months ago

 In the artificial reality in which these people live, the ought is the same as the is. You nailed it right there. The People in Charge (kind of, they are indeed just managers) have no connection to or perception of limits. They thought they could meme MAGA, Putin and now China out of existence. Unlike delusional conservatards who vote harder, these types meme harder. It is the same delusion all the way down. There probably actually are a few folks among the real TPTB who realize an economic war with China would impoverish them, so that is less likely to happen than a… Read more »

Tom K
Tom K
8 months ago

The USA has been a bully since the days of Theodore Roosevelt and his ” bully pulpit.” Trouble is that the USA doesn’t know how to speak softly anymore. We’re at the point of put up or shut up but the usual suspects don’t know how to shut up and they don’t have the big stick they thought they had. This is going to get interesting.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Tom K
8 months ago

I recall the Looney Tune where, aping politicans, Bugs does Teddy with the famous phrase “I speak softly, but I carry a big stick.”

To which Yosemite Sam says “Oh yeah? Well I speak LOUD, and I carry a BIGGER stick. And I use it too!” [clubs Bugs].

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Tom K
8 months ago

> Trouble is that the USA doesn’t know how to speak softly anymore.

And our “Big Stick” is increasingly rainbow-colored and shaped like something you’d find in Victoria Nuland’s nightstand.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mr. Generic
8 months ago

Ha ha ha!

stranger in a strange land
stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Mr. Generic
8 months ago

Mr, Generic – visual of the day…no month!

Reply to  Mr. Generic
8 months ago

Well whaddya know!? And here was I thinking it was a fetching shade of black, embossed with myriad little swastikas and kept at the ready permanently attached to a John Deere PTO.

Reply to  Zaphod
8 months ago

I suppose it’s entirely possible that I have misconstrued the complex inner life of Ms Nudelman.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
8 months ago

Escalatory dominance and presumption of abundance are kind of the same thing. The latter manifests economically, in all kinds of silly ideas, like the climate “industrial” complex, UBI, reparations, and endless loldollars. Having never known deprivation or even modest failure, since only economic success has ever been known, it is unfathomable that anything can destroy the economy. Since the people who ran the economy of the past were racist white men, then ipso facto our ideas, whatever they are, must be better. And certainly they have to be different, because we can’t do the same things the evil racist white… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 months ago

One could make the same argument about their attitudes toward western civilization. Ergo, Western civilization has endured, with occasional hiccups for close to 3,000 years, and therefore it always will endure regardless of whatever violence we inflict upon it.

That’s one way of looking at it. But there is another–Western civilization is the creation of the Blue-eyed Ice Devil and we must, therefore, destroy it.

The latter strikes me as much more plausible.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
8 months ago

I’d say it’s both of those. We’re not destroying western civilization, but it’s a good thing that we are. The choice depending on how cute they’re feeling that day.

Mitchell Lange
Mitchell Lange
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 months ago

“As a white person, I feel…”
“I’m not white, I’m Jewish”
—same jew

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
8 months ago

Thing is if (rhetorical) we can’t get a handle on Western Elite (sic) Dysfunction very soon, can you really blame the Chinese and Russians if they shrug like the mafia boss in Casino and utter the words ‘Look… Why take a chance?’

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
8 months ago

The question that the victim currently being taunted by the bully needs to ask himself is this: when the time for vengeance comes, do I merely stop at delivering a black eye and bloody nose, or do I put in the effort to settle the problem, once and for all?

I'm not left handed either
I'm not left handed either
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
8 months ago

And that is why little billy writes his manifesto…in earleir times, they would fight off the schoolyard after class, and some father or male adult would crack their heads together and make them shake hands-

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
8 months ago

The scene from “Ender’s Game” comes to mind. He is bullied by a fellow cadet during training for “space war” against an alien race. He lures/awaits the bully into the shower and turns, blinding him with hot water, then cold cocking him—which kills him. During debriefing, he is questioned why he did not end the conflict and leave when he had blinded the bully and was then safe to retreat. He said that the first contact was to protect himself from harm, the second (the seemingly unnecessary one) was to assure he would never have to defend himself against this… Read more »

I'm not left handed either
I'm not left handed either
Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

Shaka Zulu–“never leave an enemy alive, lest they rise up and fly at your throat”

8 months ago

And then, one day, for no reason at all…….

8 months ago

Bought up by women. That is funny, and true.
We used to refer to the mouthy pricks as NBPE’S – Not been punched enough!

The philosopher Tyson was correct that nothing straightens a chap up quicker than a punch in the mouth.

The GAE needs a couple of good hard ones!

Reply to  mikebravo
8 months ago

And it’s going to get them…the US military is a total woke mess, and its commanders are women…

Jesco White
Jesco White
Reply to  mikebravo
8 months ago

The quote you are referring to is from Helmut von Moltke in 1880, not Tyson: “No plan of operations reaches with any certainty beyond the first encounter with the enemy’s main force.”

Americans need to stop falsely attributing this quote to Mike Tyson, makes us look like ignorant negrophiles.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jesco White
8 months ago

Tyson is a noted scholar of Prussian military history…

Reply to  Jesco White
8 months ago

Tyson said “everybody has a plan until they get a punch in the mouth”

And I’m an Englishman. We need a punch in the mouth too!

Reply to  Jesco White
8 months ago

Lighten up, chum: Iron Mike takes Von Moltke – TKO in the 11th

Last edited 8 months ago by rasqball
8 months ago

I clearly recall noting (back in ’08!) that “not only is Barry Soetoro the type of obnoxious d-bag you expect to see holding court at the West End (Columbia Bar) on a Saturday night, he’s never, ever been in in a schoolyard tussle, and therefore should never, ever be elected President – of anything.”

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
8 months ago

The problem with this analysis is the fact that the targets of Western “bullying” have so far failed to establish a credible deterrent, and therefore they are enabling the West to get away it. It would be nice if someone actually stood up to the bully, but those who have (or had) the power to do so have been very reluctant to defend themselves. In the first case, we have Donald Trump. If he just would have put a little more effort into actually enacting the platform that he originally campaigned on and won on, he would not be in… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
8 months ago

Russia could have ended this war two years ago by targeting the Kiev regime

That wouldn’t have ended anything, it would have only escalated it, then or now. Russia knows this, which is why they haven’t done it. What, you think that if the Russians sack Kiev/kill Zelensky, then the GAE is just going to say tough break mate, let’s go home, we’ll get ’em next time?

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 months ago

That is an overdetermined objection that would apply to anything Russia could do or might do.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
8 months ago

Correct in that it does apply to most anything Russia might do. They are in a very difficult position, in which they had no choice but to act, yet there was no choice they could make which would lead to “victory,” at least not in the short term.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
8 months ago

You ought to hit up Putin to see if he needs an advisor. It’s easy to second guess and criticize after the fact. Fortunately, that all you can do. The Russian elite aren’t perfect but they’re better than anyone on what is supposedly our side.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Mike
8 months ago

Putin already has advisors in Russia, both official and unofficial, who say the same things I do. Medvedev and Dugin are two names that come to mind. He just doesn’t listen to them. The lackadaisical approach is making a nuclear war more likely, not less. Putin is a good man and much better than any Western leader, but he’s not a wartime consigliere.

Last edited 8 months ago by Matt Beck
Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
8 months ago

Hagen was a lawyer and Putin is a lawyer. That’s the problem.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
8 months ago

Maybe, given that with each passing day Russia gets stronger and the US gets weaker, the right strategy is to bleed the US dry while it thinks its bleeding Russia dry? Russia is to look out for Russia, not solve our internal problems for us. China could dump US Treasuries, and has been, but an economic collapse of the US would not leave China unscathed. So it is a tricky situation which so far they have navigated pretty well. The US seems to be the crazy homeless guy accosting everyone on the subway and thrashing around; Russia and China are… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
8 months ago

They don’t because they’re cowardly bullies themselves.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
8 months ago

Just take Kyiv, bro. Like just literally take it. It’s not hard.

Did you get your military education from Reddit?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
8 months ago

The problem with Putin and the Duran is that they can’t grok that legalities no longer matter to the GAE.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
8 months ago

Did they ever?

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
8 months ago

I’m not sure what you think is the Duran’s problem. The 2 Alexs are English-speaking Greeks who have absolutely no pull or influence on Putin.

They are merely commenting on events as they are in a way that is Pro-Russian.

I have heard them make comments from time to time acknowledging that the trade-off for an attrition war is that it gives time to the enemy to play dirty tricks.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Tony
8 months ago

I don’t think the Duran has any influence on Putin. I think they they share a perspective of Western leadership that is outdated.

To date the Duran has largely ignored the very real possibility that current Western will never come to its senses and that, for various reasons, the peoples of the West will be unable to elect new leadership which will dial down the level of conflict.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
8 months ago

Well, that may have been the case, but I think they are learning that the West (at least the so-called leaders), aren’t playing with a full deck, nor have any comprehension of the clear signs that the Russians have been giving that they consider the West’s fuckery to pose an existential threat to them. The West’s misleaders think that they are presenting as frightening “mad dogs”, but the Russians and the Chinese are poised to become the Real McCoy “mad dogs”, and the West’s military, not to mention its perilously fragile economies and societies, is in no condition to take… Read more »

Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
8 months ago

Additionally, the Russians and Chinese have been trying to set an example for the rest of the world to ease the transition into a respectful multipolarity, instead of the Melian unipolarity to which the West aspires.

8 months ago

“Soon, the bluff will be called over Ukraine and Taiwan. Once this happens, the regime has no answer other than the unthinkable.” Well that is a cheery thought. But I cannot say you are wrong. Our rulers are irrational about the current state of the country, especially its military capabilities. They seem blind to the failure of their actions vs Russia, both on the Ukranian battlefield and sanctions. President Puddin’head frequently says, “we’re the USA, of course we can do that.” Whether it’s fight Russia and China and the middle east, absorb millions of aliens or spend trillions on the… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  MikeCLT
8 months ago

They may not be interested in limits but limits are interested in them.

Reply to  MikeCLT
8 months ago

The attack on the Russian long range ICBM warning system is a HUGE red line.

Their tech in this department isn’t all that great anyway. But blinding the world’s largest nuclear power to an incoming attack forces them to assume the worst.

And respond accordingly.

It’s madness.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  ProZNoV
8 months ago

The real X-factor are what percentage of triggers in US nukes are viable and what percentage of nuclear delivery systems is Russia’s air defense grid able to stop.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
8 months ago

FWIW, the US still tests the warheads from time to time, only without fissile material.

The missiles (delivery system) tests are so-so, but I’m told that the tricky part of a nuclear bomb is the explosives around the fissile material detonating perfectly.

Definitely an X factor though.

Pretty sure the Chinese nukes work.

Completely sure the Israeli one’s do (and they’re dying to use them)

Reply to  ProZNoV
8 months ago

There is an interested theory floating around that the attack on those radar stations was not to blind Russia to a NATO attack, but rather blind Russia to an Isreali attack on Iran and to prevent Russia from warning their Iranian allies.

It is possible that the U.S. had nothing to do with targeting that radar station, That it was encouraged by Mossad, and that Israel is planning a nuclear bunker-busting operation on Iran’s underground nuclear facilities in the near future.

Reply to  ProZNoV
8 months ago

Russia is no dummy. They have for a long time anticipated a first strike leadership knockout blow. To that effect, they have their nukes on a “dead man” switch. Their nukes literally communicate to the authorities and ask whether or not they are “alive”. No response initiates the nukes remaining to let loose. All we’ve done is make them less able to stop such due to false alarm.

8 months ago

The carelessness, the lack of stewardship and restraint, the whole refusal to ask “should we really do this?” continues to surprise; shame on me for that.

The regime and its adherents just don’t get how important legitimacy is to any government.

Reply to  manc
8 months ago

Or accountability. Above a certain level in government and big business, nobody is responsible for anything, it seems.

8 months ago

I keep wondering at what point will the Russians say enough is enough? While I find it hard to imagine them attacking a NATO target or targets as that would truly kick off WW3, with all these pussies (real or soy) talking tough about launching long range missile attacks deep into Russia, the evidently unexpected may come to fruition. Hell, maybe that’s what TPTB want anyway – wipeout western civilization. Maybe Russia realizes this and is acting accordingly – at least for now.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  usNthem
8 months ago

At what point? Lol dude, like more than 24 months ago when they crossed the border into Ukraine and since then solidified alliances with China.

Reply to  Forever Templar
8 months ago

That was the opening act – things have taken a decided turn for the worse.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  usNthem
8 months ago


At least a portion of TPTB desire WW3 to cancel their debts and declare martial law. Problem is, the CBDCs are nowhere near ready for prime time.

Heck, at this point in 2020 we were already months into the Beer Flu hoax and almost two weeks into the Summer of Love psyop.

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  usNthem
8 months ago

NATO and the west did everything in their power to declare war against Russia after a missile attack killed some innocent farmer in Poland.

When it turned out that he was killed by the Ukrainians, it was “oh, mistakes happen” and never mentioned again.

Reply to  Mow Noname
8 months ago

“NATO and the west did everything in their power to declare war against Russia after a missile attack killed some innocent farmer in Poland.” That’s factually incorrect. Key players declared Ukraine responsible for that “misfire” almost instantly and Zelensky was the only relevant figure denying (only initially) Ukraine’s responsibility and trying to blame Russians to increase NATO’s involvement. It changes nothing, TWGH is right, “TPTB desire WW3 to cancel their debts and declare martial law”, but what other realistic choices does the West have? It has nothing to offer BRICS, other than concessions at the expense of the frontline countries,… Read more »

8 months ago

All the political terrorism of the last 10-15 years has rested on the assumption nobody will shoot back at them. That’s Ukraine in a nutshell. They assumed Reddit and Twitter could beat bullets and artillery and air strikes. The Government Party isn’t completely wrong, domestically. Nobody shot back at them during all the riots. Those who did try to push back were quickly arrested and charged with phony baloney crimes. Ala Trump, J6, and that kid up in Minnesota. The general consensus here is that nobody will shoot back. I think this is right, at least for now. Most people,… Read more »

Reply to  Hokkoda
8 months ago

The problem with Americans (the core demographic) is that they are the nicest people in the world. Nice people can take a lot of abuse before they even notice that something is wrong.

Reply to  Hun
8 months ago

True. But once they blow, they blow! And people better run.

Reply to  Jannie
8 months ago

But are they ever going to “blow”? Time is running out.

Reply to  Jannie
8 months ago

That sounds like cope to me.

It is more likely that at the moment of crisis, they will stab in the back anyone who decides to take a stand. They would rather lose with their principles intact.

Reply to  Hun
8 months ago

Reminds me of a childhood memory. This would have been late ’50’s, maybe 4th grade, when we had an real playground bully at school. He was bigger and stronger, from an upper grade, so he didn’t threaten, he actually kicked, punched slapped etc. Again , this was the 50’s, so within broad limits the teachers didn’t much care. I was a particularly small and nice kid, so I came in for more than my share of pain. Until one day I picked up a bat, snuck up behind him, and hit him on the head as hard as I could.… Read more »

Reply to  Ponsonby
8 months ago

> hit him on the head as hard as I could

> Not sure what happened to the bully. We never saw him again..

You didn’t check the obituaries section in the local newspaper?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hun
8 months ago

It’s funny how “nice” and “weak” so often go hand-in-glove. We’d better get mean and tough if we want to survive.

Reply to  Hokkoda
8 months ago

Those who did try to push back were quickly arrested and charged with phony baloney crimes.

That ended as it did due to those who attempted pushback being a hugely small fraction of who should have.

Reply to  Cmhi
8 months ago

a hugely small fraction of who should have.

I still don’t know why every Trump voter and non-leftist didn’t walk off their job in November 2020 and bring the country to a halt until the “election” coup was walked back. (I mean, I do know – we take responsibility for the functioning of society. Be we all should have.)

Last edited 8 months ago by MysteriousOrca
Reply to  MysteriousOrca
8 months ago

Most people do still trust the system. Today’s kangaroo court ends that I think for most people. i think we should target the courts. There’s no law against going to jury duty and making a mess of things. The judges sit on thrones. We need to start showing up and telling them point blank “you’re corrupt and the Trump thing proves it” I would make civil disobedience in the jury duty scam a weapon. Again, nothing illegal, but when asked if you can be a fair juror, reply “You mean like the Trump jury in NY? You don’t want a… Read more »

Reply to  Hokkoda
8 months ago

One cannot weaponize shame against the shameless. You’re still talking about civil disobedience within the system. Won’t make a jot of a difference. Withdraw from that system and work to take advantage of its collapse and/or destruction.

Reply to  MysteriousOrca
8 months ago

Humans are a social species… I bit my lips for years, wondering why they never organized and teamed-up to end big injustices — since if they did, it obviously would have worked.

Till it dawned on me, in the splendour of its simplicity: they are a social species. Like bees, ants, …

Reply to  Hokkoda
8 months ago

I just saw that Trump was convicted on all charges in NYC. After (((They))) get through celebrating, maybe (((They))) will wake up to the possibility that this obvious persecution may lead to places they really don’t want to go. Guess we’ll find out…

Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
8 months ago

It’s going to take a high profile assassination on the D side. A judge, a pol, maybe a media celeb. This is one of those things where everyone is waiting for someone else to get the ball rolling. To z’s point, escalation works until the bully gets punched in the face, shot, stabbed, or bloodied in some manner.

I don’t know if it’ll happen, but if it does, it’ll open the door for more shots to be taken.

8 months ago

Good analysis. I would say that things are probably even worse that you state; because the Western leadership class are not pretending to be mad dogs in order to attain particular objectives – but ultimately, those who wield most power really are *literally* insane (and not in a nice way!). By insane, I mean “they” are incapable of being truthful (when truth is the common sense of normal people – such as that mass-starvation, -disease and -violence are bad things we ought to try and avoid); incapable of keeping agreements; and indifferent to horrible real-world consequences of their actions –… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  bgc
8 months ago

All this would seem to necessarily end with selected areas turned to glassy mesas and, to put it somewhat euphemistically, a dramatic reduction in the standard of living for all concerned.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  bgc
8 months ago

Z-man nails it with “Washington has responded with the promise of more of what the Russians found objectionable, rather than search for a compromise. ”

The war could have been avoided with compromise. It’s a thing folks did in the olden days. It was called “diplomacy”. They had other stuff back then, too, like “negotiations”.

That took brains and a willingness to compromise. Those don’t exist any more in the West, from what I see.

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
8 months ago

The West is steered and, well, owned by people of different stock than up to a couple decades ago.
Therefore, it isn’t the West any longer, but in name.

8 months ago

Apparently the way that Red Hot Chili Peppers came into being was that one day in school Flea was bullying some random kid by holding him in a headlock, when Anthony Kiedis, then new at the school, saw what was happening and told Flea to let the kid go or he was going to get his ass beat. Flea took one look at Anthony, decided he was serious, and let the other kid go. They became lifelong friends and formed one of the biggest rock bands ever together. I wonder if things like that can happen anymore. I feel bad… Read more »

Reply to  AntiDem
8 months ago

I hated the RHCP when I first saw them – in the late 80’s, with Hillel Slovak still in the band. I’m no hater, but “Sea Shanties and all ’round Shite” should be the title of their compilation.
I am a musician and a music fan: so listen, please, to Bill Orcutt.

Not your ‘cuppa? listen to this…
…which happens to be good, even though I don’t want it to be.

8 months ago

Just as an aside, I was up a little late last night finishing up some rerun I’d seen dozens of times before on Pluto. I decided to watch the news. They had some multicultural woman doing the CBS News and I decided I didn’t really want to look at some Pakistani (or whatever she is) face, so I changed the channel. ABC had some black woman but I wasn’t interested in the story. Then I get to NBC and Lester with the big forehead Holt. I like Lester. I can’t complain about him too much. Julie something or another (I… Read more »

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  TempoNick
8 months ago

Lester Holt and his crew are unwatchable. One of the other networks has a bunch of goofy looking anchors and reporters. I like to watch that one because it is mildly amusing to watch the oddballs. They had some weather chick with a porn-star name that made me laugh. The ads are a laugh too. Its obvious their audience is a bunch of brain-dead geriatrics. Who else can watch that vacuous garbage? As for content, the dearth of real information never ceases to amaze me. Example: There was some drug that folks couldn’t get. It used to be real cheap… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
8 months ago

The whole MIC/Foreign policy apparatus is the proverbial “self-licking ice cream cone”. We provoke by day and arm ourselves with expensive weapons of dubious utility by night while we monitor and suppress dissent 24/7/365.

The escalation ladder noise is kept at maximum volume so the Grillers think their sirloin is being coveted by some foreigner.

This is the main feature of the grift. If no crisis exists, they invent one: Coof, St. George, Ukraine etc.

8 months ago

The problem is how much computerization has infiltrated society. The powers that’d be think things operate logically and inflexibly, like a computer program. The powers that be also think that they can waive their magic wand and make things happen, in the same way they can design a computer program. One of the more amusing things to me is how they think they actually think they have the power to make self-driving vehicles work. I mean, there are literally billions of different types of decisions drivers have to make depending on what some other drivers do, and they think they’re… Read more »

Reply to  TempoNick
8 months ago

There is an occult element to it as well (and by “it” I mean “the way that computerization has infiltrated society“).
Our “betters” – and at the top of that heap is Silicon Valley – truly think themselves Promethians – Magi. They upper eschalons are enthralled to a very subtle but all-pervasive and all-persuasive demon (Lucifer? That’s Promethius, after all!), who tells them that “they can do magic.” They are commited to this false promise in the depths of their hearts.
From IT, from digitization, from Silicon Valley, the “posession” has spread through all the upper “ranks” of culture.

8 months ago

It’s entertaining to characterize our government bureaucrats as incompetent buffoons and ridicule them as such. But those buffoons have jacked up the national debt to $35 trillion, which cannot be repaid (and the EU is in even worse shape). In addition, they may stumble us into a nuclear war, which is not funny at all. And these buffoons have no regards for tangible consequences once their bluffs are called and they are revealed as weak poseurs. They seem to assume that the jackboots will save them no matter what happens. The day of reckoning is coming sooner than most think.… Read more »

8 months ago

Red lines crossed are precedents set.

8 months ago

If more than half the country thinks we are run by lawless gangsters, well the Woke White women want to speak to your manager. This is exactly what the Woke White Women regime wants. What it needs. That is why they imported all those military aged men illegals. Most with extensive criminal backgrounds. It was no more an accident than Elon Musk buying Twitter (funded by DoD to put the brakes somewhat on the wokeness female hysteria). No trust in the system is precisely the goal. It allows rule by force which the female led Left has been hysterically demanding… Read more »

Drive-By Shooter
Drive-By Shooter
Reply to  Whiskey
8 months ago

Conceive of and propose another way to eliminate Charlemagne, Geo. Washington, and their “Western” civ. A good plan will set up conditions to kill a half brother, Islam, too. Or don’t. Go down whingeing and complaining, instead.

Last edited 8 months ago by Drive-By Shooter
8 months ago

Meanwhile Con Inc. is have Capitulation Delusions: “And we may soon accept the reality that Democrats reflect the values of Silicon Valley plutocrats, university presidents, and blue-city mayors, while Republicans become the home of an ecumenical black, Hispanic, Asian, and white middle class.” Note his choices of what to capitalize and what not to. These guys never cease to amaze me in how shamelessly they surrender, not to mention their delusions. Most Asians are aspiring SV plutocrats. I could go on, but … … It is only a matter of time before he posts an article saying why we… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by RealityRules
Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  RealityRules
8 months ago

the capitalization is grammatically correct (by the old rules, not by the new ones)

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 months ago

Who made those rules and why? That is really the question. Until I hear more than a simple, “…because I said so…”. I’ll continue to capitalize specific racial classifications, e.g., White, as I would someone’s name, and reserve lower case, e.g., black, as referring to a color.

Given me a better rule and I’ll change such distinction.

Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

Compsci: As Whites we make our own rules for our own people. English is a language that was created by and for White people. Per the ‘old rules,’ one only capitalized proper nouns. I consider White people to be the proper nomenclature, with emphasis on the White. And yes, the implied denigration in not capitalizing other colors works both ways.

Sgt Pedantry
Sgt Pedantry
8 months ago

Kanga and Roo: guilty on all counts.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Sgt Pedantry
8 months ago

In this case, with these “charges,” (which I still can’t comprehend), there’s no way to return guilty on all 34 counts, on the first day, without the fix being in.

If you’ve been keeping up on Revolver News, it must be a shock

Last edited 8 months ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
8 months ago

This could turn out to be like the fight between Ivan Drago and Apollo Creed in ‘Rocky 4.’

Tars Tarkas
8 months ago

I think Taiwan is the much scarier proposition. Fortunately, most of the military people I have heard comment on the subject believe China is not yet ready to attack Taiwan and won’t be in the near to medium term. I don’t believe Japan and South Korea are going to help either with Taiwan or the Philippines. I would think Kim would allow the Chinese military to invade South Korea through North Korea should South Korea get involved in a conflict with China. The idea of reunification under North Korea would be too tempting for Kim Jong Un. Time is definitely… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by Tars_Tarkusz
8 months ago

“There is no limit to what they will do unless you obey.”

Would make a great bumper sticker.

Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
8 months ago

… unless you Disobey.

du Welkommen;)

Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
8 months ago

Bumper stickers simply cause one to be ineffectually ‘noticed.’ Keep your vehicle free of stickers and labels. This American affectation of personalizing and decorating everything is very girly.

Mr. House
Mr. House
8 months ago

How many here ignored demands to take the jab and nothing happened to them? Same idea as the article 😉

8 months ago
8 months ago

American foreign strategy is like that of Israel, but scaled up to the whole world. Everybody is a bad guy oppressing America, but America will deal with them by any means necessary. It remains to be seen how it all ends.

As for Trump, the process is also a good test for the MAGA crowd and core Americans. How will they react if Trump is thrown in jail? Will they go beyond impotent rage?

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Hun
8 months ago

Will they go beyond impotent rage?

My money is on doing nothing at all.

Reply to  Tired Citizen
8 months ago

The White Hats will start with retaliatory arrests 2 weeks after Trump’s conviction.

Reply to  Hun
8 months ago

I’ve been Practiceing tying Alabama boy scout knots & other fun stuff too.

8 months ago

Escalatory Dominance WORKS within the West. Republicucks just assume the fetal position and roll over. This has been the case since at least 1932. Look at Entertainment: Kathleen Kennedy is out blaming the fans for the imminent failure of the “Acolyte” created and produced by Harvey Weinstein’s lesbian assistant. Can’t make this stuff up. The reason for the failure: toxic White male fans. Star Wars is for everyone … that is a black lesbian into space fantasy. This stuff just goes on and on. Kennedy does this because that’s how she got power inside Hollywood. Hollywood is pretty much run… Read more »

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Whiskey
8 months ago

Biden tonight will give a speech about “democracy” and yank Trump’s Secret Service protection. There may or may not be arrests of other Republicans as discussed among Democrats. Trump will be sent to prison very quickly, maybe even tonight, by the Judge.

None of that happened. Not even remotely, Star Wars fan. Don’t want to be in a foxhole with you, my man. Too much time with the fantasy sci-fi.

Last edited 8 months ago by Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
8 months ago

Star Wars appealed to me as a 12 year old boy. By the time I had read Dune (at 14-15), I recognized it as “phaque und Gaye,” all the way through.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
8 months ago

Apologies for my third post today but this seems to be worth reading:

8 months ago

Like Rick James, AINO is a habitual line stepper…

8 months ago

The way I have put this for years is, “The junta is so low character and stupid that all that they know how to do is hatred, belligerence, lies, and violence.” All they are able to do is push and push and push.

They are lucky that the enemies that they hate – the core historic white American population (and core white European ones too), and the Russians, Chinese, and Iranians – have the wisdom, patience, investment in being constructive, and forbearance to consistently respond more maturely.

8 months ago

You see the same thing going on at the supreme Court level.

It makes you wonder if some of the justices are being spied on or informed on

Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
8 months ago

I think this is all a show with Trump and I have a new possible explanation. I think this is a demonstration of what the Jeffrey Epstein videos have been used for in the past.

These judges wouldn’t act this way in such a public case if they didn’t have a gun to their heads.

8 months ago

Just glad to see the justice system is being exposed for what it is. No, its not like this at your local superior court or even your local fed court. But depending upon the circumstances surrounding why you find yourself there, its close enough.

8 months ago

In the immortal words of Harold “Dirty Harry” Callahan, “go ahead — make my day.”

Reply to  heymrguda
8 months ago

I would pick a different immortal phrase that regularly seems to apply to these people, “Man’s got to know his limitations.” (Dirty Harry II)

stranger in a strange land
stranger in a strange land
Reply to  TempoNick
8 months ago

I offer this…you’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Do I feel lucky?”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TempoNick
8 months ago

Or, “Dyin’ ain’t much of a livin’, boy.” (Josey Wales)

8 months ago

[…] Zman takes a look at our foreign policy, if you can call it that. […]

8 months ago

We see a similar thing shaping up with China. Washington is going out of its way to provoke China over the issue of Taiwan. Various officials have been sent to the island for no other reason than to antagonize the Chinese.

Antagonizing Taiwan is a standard ritual for China, though. It bruises the Chicoms’ egos that they weren’t able to completely eradicate their rivals at the end of the civil war.

Drive-By Shooter
Drive-By Shooter
Reply to  Templar
8 months ago

It bruises the Chicoms’ egos that they weren’t able to completely eradicate their rivals at the end of the civil war.

Well that makes sense. Maosim is a bastard child of “Western” civ. It’s Fascism with Hanish characteristics.

Reply to  Templar
8 months ago

Yep, but also China—even under the CCP—remembers and loathes the “unfair treaties” dictated from the West upon an aging and weak China back in the colonial era. Taiwan is considered simply an extension of such colonial behavior and therefore an insult to the revitalized nation.

Drive-By Shooter
Drive-By Shooter
Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

Taiwan is considered simply an extension of such colonial behavior Taiwan, while badly contaminated with feminism and other alien stuff, is a reservoir of ancient Chinese culture. Iow, it’s a haven of the Four Olds, some of which was bad of course and some of which remains on the mainland. Xi Jinping Thought requires slavish conformity to a variety of dogmas and goals, including “the building of a community of common destiny for mankind (人类命运共同体)”, one of the Ten Definites. Taiwan is in the way of the Four News and could, if not brought to heel, undermine the progress of… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by Drive-By Shooter