Modern Youth Politics Inc.

Note: Behind the green door is a post about my experiments with time travel and a series of daily travelogues about my time in Motown for AFPAC, which was much more interesting than I expected. Subscribe here or here.

Symbolism is one of the aspects of all politics, regardless of political system, which tends to get missed by political people. This is especially true of those we call the right, who are often deep in the weeds of ideology or theory. They are like experts on paint who are more concerned with the type of paint used by the great artist than the actual painting he created and its larger meaning. You see this with the reaction to the Nick Fuentes movement that just had its big party this past weekend.

Since he started to gain a following, critics have struggled to find a good way to attack him, as they often get tangled up in the symbolism. He became a national figure during the 2016 MAGA movement, but shot to the top with the 2020 election, where he toured the country holding rallies in the “stop the steal” days. He would gather up young fans and give speeches via bullhorn outside of state capitols. It was reminiscent of the radical protests of the 1960’s and 1970’s.

That was the point, more than the actual content of the protests. It is a form of guerilla marketing in which the counter to the well-financed and carefully choregraphed messaging from the regime is the apparently organic rejection of that message and the people behind the messaging. In other words, the point was not what they were saying at these events. The whole point of the event was to tell the world they exist, despite the mass propaganda from the regime.

This has always had another function for Fuentes. It tells the disaffected youth that there is a place they can go to be with other likeminded people. They see these things happening on their preferred platforms. They get talked up in the online spaces these young people frequent and most importantly, they get criticized by the sorts of people who make good foils for Fuentes. Like all good political animals, Fuentes tends to attract the sorts of critics he needs to make his points.

It is important to note that it has been a long time since someone has come along with the skill of Fuentes in terms of generating excitement. There is an electricity around his events that you never see at other political events. He understands his audience because in reality, Fuentes is his audience. He is trying to create the sort of excitement he and they learned about in history class. He is building a youth movement that mirrors what he thinks it was like in the Reagan or Kennedy years.

This is why the marketing of Nick Fuentes and American First looks like it is put together by profession marketing people. He and his entourage arrive at their impromptu rallies wearing the American First gear, which you can buy at the AF store and the crowd always has the same look at feel. He is always surrounded by guys holding up their mobile device who are surrounded by young men in blue blazers chanting the familiar chants that have become a defining feature of this thing.

While it looks like great marketing, it is genuinely organic. Much has been said about the fact that this generation is the first to be socialized online, but they are also the first generation to be saturated in and socialized by marketing. To old people, the thoroughly commercialized culture of today feels alien and weird. To the young people raised in it, it feels normal. It is simply a habit of mind. The people you see at a Fuentes rally are just falling into the role that fits them best.

In a way, it is as if life has become a video game. They play the character that they feel comfortable playing. Instead of being the barbarian character in the online game, they are the guy holding the cell phone up next to Nick. The archers fall into the role of standing in the back yelling the familiar slogans at Nick. Of course, there are the Leroy Jenkins characters at these things. That would be the black guy dressed as Playa Maga or the has-been grifters like David Duke.

This is what trips up his “right-wing” critics. They see the assorted kooks and weirdos that turn up at these events and then fashion an argument against Fuentes and his followers that often reduces to petty jealousy. Fuentes is doing what many of them said was impossible, mostly because they lacked the skill and courage to try and do the things that Fuentes is doing in terms of public demonstration. Calling Fuentes a grifter is a way to feel good about losing.

When you talk to the people at a Fuentes event, and in Detroit they were everywhere Saturday evening, they will tell you that people like Sneako are not really part of the movement but something like the court jester. They lack the sophistication to explain it, but they sense that the point of these colorful characters is to decorate the public face of the movement as something like an inside joke. The critics do not get it, which is why they are not in it.

Therein lies the genuine problem for this thing. It is like everything else in the modern mass media age in that it is just a thing you do until the next thing comes along. It is why Fuentes has had to keep shifting the focus and changing the characters in what is more like a long running reality television show than a political movement. Every season you get a new character and some new issues. It is not that it is a grift or he is not serious, but rather this is what this generation thinks is serious.

Another way to think of it is the films from twenty years ago where the walls between virtual reality and reality break down and you have a character from the digital world enter the real world or vice versa. This is what is happening for a generation raised on mass media, mass marketing within the context of virtual reality where the worst thing that can happen to you is your character dies. The politics of this generation are the politics of the internet, not the meat space.

Politics as professional wrestling is fun for the twenty-somethings who are naturally drawn to it, but in time they will have to have real lives. You see this transition in some of the older young people who are now working and on their own. Standing outside a Nick rally yelling those slogans feels foolish to them. That is the most likely way this thing unfolds over the next few years. The youthful excitement and superficiality will give way to more mature and serious politics.

This raises the question of the expiry date for Nick Fuentes. All pop stars who court the youth audience run into the same problem. There comes a point where their act goes from opportunistic to weird. They get too old for their market. Fuentes looks like he is a teenager, so he has time, but at some point, he will have to follow his older audience into a more mature form of politics. The question that remains unasked and unanswered is whether he will lead them or follow them.

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Captain Willard
Captain Willard
4 months ago

“Politics as professional wrestling is fun for the twenty-somethings who are naturally drawn to it, but in time they will have to have real lives.”
I wonder. We are in the Age of permanent adolescence. We run up debts and start fights like teenagers. Grown men play video games all day. Grown women go to Taylor Swift concerts and make TikTok videos. For many, “real lives” will never happen, at least in the way we used to think of them.

Reply to  thezman
4 months ago

Nah, mom will tag along with the jungle love. Look at that hideous Kardashian mom. Once it became clear that all her daughters were mud sharks, and her husband a degenerate freak, she decided to burn the coal too. It’s how they stay young.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  KGB
4 months ago

How much were the Kardashians paid to be mud sharks, and by whom, is my question. Law of averages says that out of 6 (Kris, Kim, Kourtney, Kloe, Kylie, and Kendal, am I missing anybody?) at least one of them should like white men, but they are batting 1.000 for the negros.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

I know I’m going to get slammed for this, but at this point I do not even regard Armenians as White. I knew none growing up. I met one in college (and noted she was quite dark) before her family pulled her out due to incipient lesbianism. I have not worked with any. But every Armenian name I read about is either associated with leftist politics, blacks, or both (like the one who married Serena Williams.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Good observation and one that should not generate more negative votes than positive. I’d note here, we often speak of light skinned races as “not White”. Why are Armenians exempt? The opposite is also true, especially when we speak of Indians from the subcontinent. I know little about Armenians and their origins to be sure, but to me skin color is not the sine qua non of differentiation between races.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Genetically, are Armenians closer to Turks and Mongols or Slavs and Germanics? That’s important. I don’t consider Turks to be white. That said, Armenian Christianity is among the oldest on the planet, and that certainly counts for something.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Ostei: I don’t know about Armenian genetic origins, and would have to do some digging. I agree Turks are not White, although their upper class (diplomats I knew) is far whiter than the average guy on the street. Due entirely to all the Slavs and Circassians and Irish etc. taken as slaves. Fwiw, the average Greek I dealt with was no lighter than the Turks, and a lot less friendly and hospitable. YMMV.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

The former Turkish royal family looks pretty White:

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hun
4 months ago

That they do…

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Remember, a lot of Turkish society is assimilated Greek, Macedonian, Serbian, Bulgarian and wherever else they pulled people from during the Ottoman Empire days.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

Also worth noting is that Byzantium was Greek. After the conquest in 1453, I’m certain the Turks mixed a great deal with the indigenous folk.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

In the Soviet Union days people considered Armenians waaay smarter than Jews, at least in business dealings.
Kardashian daughters (daughters mostly inherit father’s family IQ) confirm that intuitive Soviet valuation:
all are self made billionaires.

Reply to  Anna
4 months ago

They are great at navigating and exploiting degeneracy.

Reply to  Hun
4 months ago

Of course. They are Womanz!

Reply to  Anna
4 months ago

How was that so when 90% (?) of the Russian Oligarchs are Jews? Serious question.

Reply to  Falcone
4 months ago

(((CIA))) and the banksters positioned them to loot Russian assets. They were “chosen” (unintentional pun) just like Sergey Brin and Mark Zuckerberg were handed the (((DARPA))) baton. I don’t know anything about DARPA and who runs it, but I find it funny that two of our biggest tech successes were handed off to the chosen. CIA undoubtedly has a huge Jewish influence.

Last edited 4 months ago by TempoNick
Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

I agree and why I do not understand Anna’s contention that the Soviets considered Armenians to better at business than Jews

Reply to  Falcone
4 months ago

Falcone: oligarchs came after the USSR fall. Armenia became a separate country and their business conditions could not be compaired to Russian.
They had a devastating earthquake in 1988 (6.8 magnitude) after which a lot of Armenians emigrated and joine Armenian diaspora in France, Greece and US.
A terrible war with Azerbaijan followed and untold number of Armenians became refugees. Probably only less enterprising population was left behind.

Reply to  Anna
4 months ago

So, way more crooked than Jews? Vlachs in the Balkans have the same reputation of being smart and business-oriented. Nikola Tesla was of Vlach origin. My internet curiosity connected some dots and I confirmed from my dad that we are at least part Vlach. (Probably more, based on the latinesque names of some ancestors both sides of my family.) My dad doesn’t want to hear it because they kind of do have the same reputation as Jews, at least being greedy and stuff like that. (Fun fact: The indigenous “Greeks” of the part of Macedonia that ended up in Greece… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

There is a region of Romania call Wallachia, which means Land of the Vlachs.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

And the language they speak is latinesque, but with other influences. Some people say that their ancestry goes back to the Roman Empire. Who knows? But I think that part of Europe from Romania all the way into Constantinople and Greece is what I would call Vlachish. That seems to be the common thread with all the tribes over there and probably related to the Greco-Roman thing as well. The other thing in my readings over the years is that ancestry over there wasn’t necessarily define by bloodline as much as which Orthodox Bishop you fell under. If you were… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

Nowhere is identity more complicated than in the Balkans. Almost impossible for an outsider to disentangle it all, and difficult enough even for a native.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

No it doesn’t.
“It derives from the term walhaz used by Germanic peoples and Early Slavs to refer to Romans and other speakers of foreign languages.”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Eusebio
4 months ago

And that romance language, which eventually morphed into Romanian, was centered in Dacia–roughly coterminous with Romania–of which Wallachia was a region. Given that there is a strong overlap between language and ethnicity, splitting hairs between the language-speakers and the people themselves is introducing a distinction with very little actual difference.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

That’s where Dracula hailed from.

Reply to  Anna
4 months ago

My understanding is, Georgians, too.

Reply to  Anna
4 months ago

And here I just thought they were all tits & ass. I didn’t realize they were brilliant.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Similar to what I say about Ethiopians. We have a decent number in this area and my interactions with them have always been positive. But then again, they adopted Christianity (the Christians being predominantly Oriental Orthodox, I believe) before Europe did.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

Yes, Ethiopian Christianity is of great antiquity, but nobody in his right mind would argue Ethiopians are white. You can at least make a case that Armenians are white.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

That is true, but they aren’t blackity black either. It’s obvious they’ve either got some light in them or they evolved in the way they did based on geography and climate. Generally speaking, good looking people, great manners and very pleasant. At least the ones I’ve encountered.

Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

^^^ I don’t understand how this comment got a downvoted. Everything I wrote is 100% factual. They’re not as black as our own blacks, they typically are lighter than even Egyptians. They’ve got a lot of white in them either through through occupation, invasion, natural selection or all of the above.

ron west
ron west
Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

Not the ones around here.

Reply to  ron west
4 months ago

Depends on whether you’re dealing with Christians or Muzzies. 50% of the population is Muzzie. The Christians are nice.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

Far back in the mists of time I would imagine they interbred with the Egyptians as well as the Finkels.

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

An Armenian musician, Gohar Vardanyan.

Rather astonishing technique.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Ostei, Armenians are Indo-Europeans, genetically and linguistically (the Armenian language occupies a unique and very early branch on “tree” of Indo-European languages).

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  ChrisZ
4 months ago

Thank you. That likely tips the balance toward classifying them as white. I suspect we could say something similar of the Georgians.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

A ton of them in Los Angeles. Glendale especially. People from New York, say an older Irishman, will sometimes say “They are like the ginnies” — or the dagos or the guidos. There is in fact a lot of that to them, or to the men, but obviously they lack the Italian charisma, and their choice of colognes is mideastern in flavor. rather than European. They also seem to act like New York Italians, but their eyes are more asiatic and everyone jokes about their unibrows, but they have no clue on how to make pizza but they dominate the… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Falcone
4 months ago

Large enclave of Armenians in central California, too. And some of them were involved heavily in auto racing back in the 60s and before. Guys like Ed Elisian, Fred Agabashian and JC Agajanian spring to mind.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Don’t forget Ed Iskenderian. He’s still alive, 102 years old as of this moment anyway.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Gespenst
4 months ago

Yep. The camshaft man.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Never known one but reading the news about Amenia now, my impression of them is that they are stupider than Poles and that’s saying something. Add to that the Armenian organized crime gangs, there are a lot of them and are known to be ruthless. They really shouldn’t be considered white.

Reply to  Mike
4 months ago

Don’t you think “white” means English? Not German, not Scandinavian, not slavic, not Italian, not Greek. I think everyone sort of understands that but lately people are reluctant to say it. Now I understand why the definition is being broadened, to attract greater numbers because European peoples are under assault, but it’s still a hollow program and a diluted definition of a certain people. It also ignores ethnic pride of all those millions of non Brits. As I said some years ago, the best bet for the European people is a sort of confederacy based on ethno-religious lines. Not “white”.… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Falcone
4 months ago

What exactly do you mean by “dealing” with it? What is there to “deal” with?

Take care of the JQ and sub-Saharan problem, then we can talk about the finer distinctions between the Anglo and the Saxon. It’s like worrying about a hang nail when your jugular is bleeding out.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

Right? One gets the impression deciding what to eat for breakfast is a business decision.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

Who knows? What can be said for certain that any woman, or my extension its ‘mother’ that seeks the riches of the world by making a ‘porn video’ with a ‘rapper’ … including that horrid heir to Conrad “Be My Guest” Hilton, once married to a crazed Hungarian woman…

… has slid to the lowest rung in search of shekels.
Reply to  Owlman
4 months ago

Yes, but the problem is is that it WORKS. They get the shekels and the power. I want to live in a society where they don’t.

Reply to
4 months ago

Yeah, but your progeny has ghetto black in them. You just sold off your bloodline to the lowest common denominator.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

And their names all start with a K. What are the odds?!

Lugo Rights
Lugo Rights
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

Well Kourtney married Travis Barker and has white kids, but Travis is a wigger, so whether you count that depends on your mileage.

Reply to  KGB
4 months ago

The Kardashian mom isn’t Armenian by blood. I don’t believe the late Mr. Kardashian, who was Armenian by at least partial blood, influenced the daughters to bwcome trashy coal burners. That was all trailer park mom in the SoCal culture.

Reply to  PBR#1
4 months ago

The mom is not Armenian by blood; the late father was 100%. I don’t generally follow this stuff, so someone feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but I thought the father was the one who got involved in black “kultur” and sportsball players before his wife got involved with their wives. Either way, odious people.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

The father was the lawyer who hid OJ’s bag with all the evidence in it.

I would be shocked if OJ were not Kim Kardashian’s biological father.

comment image

Reply to  KGB
4 months ago

It’s how they delude themselves into feeling young. Like most things woman, it’s just a feeling and has nothing to do with anything real.

Reply to  thezman
4 months ago

I’ve heard Melanie Martinez described as “bubblegum goth” which seems about right. I remember in the 80s hearing Run DMC and thinking this rap thing will be over soon. Turns out Jimmy Snow was right.

Reply to  thezman
4 months ago

The fans of this current thing dress up as different types of barbie dolls, but more like anime barbie dolls. It is hard to explain, but you can find pics on line. More than a few of the moms were dressed like their kids.


The stuff you must see I cannot fathom.

Keep fighting the good fight.

Reply to  Captain Willard
4 months ago

No one should be surprised by the age of perpetual adolescence, the last generation of Americans that actually grew up into elderhood was maybe the Silents, and they are largely dead at this point. From the boomers onward, there has been this mentality that if you just pretend like life’s seasonality doesn’t exist and live like you are 45 into your 70s, you won’t ever have to face winter. That lack of eldership among the population over the last 50 years is bearing the bittrr fruit we all have to eat now. It won’t change until old people start planting… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Sub
4 months ago

Whoo-hoo-hoo, look who knows so much. It just so happens that the Silents are only MOSTLY dead. There’s a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive. With all dead, well, with all dead there’s usually only one thing you can do–go through his clothes and look for loose change.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

You’d like to think that, wouldn’t you?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

STRONGLY DISAGREE Charles Grassley, born 1933 Diane Feinstein, born 1933 Nancy Pelosi, born 1940 Mitch McConnell, born 1942 Joe Biden, born 1942 All of them are Silent Generation. The Boomers simply haven’t yet fully solidified their powerbase in FedGov, and likely won’t until the late 2020s. We’ve been under Silent rule for the last three or four decades; we don’t know how many Silents are still holding more or less anonymous behind-the-scenes positions of power in FedGov [not to mention the media & the DeepState]. Heck, Silent Thomas Selleck [born 1942] still has an ongoing Talmudvision series, called “Blue Bloods”,… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Bourbon
4 months ago

Those late Silents hit the generational lottery for sure. Born too late to participate in WW2 or Korea, too soon to get drafted for Vietnam, right at the optimum time to enjoy all the fruits of GAE wealth and dominance all their lives, then checking out just as it wanes

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

Jeffrey Zoar: “Those late Silents hit the generational lottery for sure.


Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Bourbon
4 months ago

It was a joke. Look up Miracle Max.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Wikipedia says maybe it was something from “The Princess Bride”?

Whatever the joke was, it’s flying right over my head.

4 months ago

There’s always a certain attraction to the willing to say the forbidden truthful stuff about the current regime and the world in general. Nick does it better than most.

The first time I saw Rush Limbaugh (his old tv show) was probably 1993. I was blown away that somebody was saying the things I was thinking about the Clintons.

Neoliberal Feudalism
4 months ago

Fuentes is a terrific public speaker, quite electric, but he has multiple problems:

  1. He is likely homosexual
  2. He hates and disdains his own followers, which an extremely bizarre energy to pick up on
  3. He is a federal asset, given he told his followers to storm the capitol on 1/6 and his followers have all been charged while he has not been. The video is here:
Reply to  Neoliberal Feudalism
4 months ago

You can’t trust a gay Mexican who doesn’t love Morrissey.

Reply to  Neoliberal Feudalism
4 months ago

He’s got a gigantic pair of balls for speaking the truth. But he can’t represent us if he’s a homosexual, even if he denounces it. I’m sure it will be settled at some point.

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Neoliberal Feudalism
4 months ago

Neoliberal Feudalism = Neoboomeral Jeudalism.

btw can Q/patriotards stop with the J6 obsession and revisionism?
People act like there wasn’t a lot of emotion invested in the event at the time, as if the rightwing zeitgeist wasn’t hyped with vengeance from the electoral shenanigans.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
4 months ago

One aspect of the internet age is it’s fickleness. A Youtube streamer could be at the top of the world one year and fall to nothingness within a couple years. This is especially true with slaves to the algorithm of mega-tech corporations. Fuentes has been smart enough to build his own source and so is less dependent, but like you said, his brand of political edutainment can get stale very quickly. This isn’t the age of a political columnist who can make the pundit rounds for decades, but an age of very low attention span, and therefore very short stardom.… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 months ago

Building alliances involves compromise. Compromise limits your audience in the Internet age because it dulls your edge. This hurts revenue. So instead we get ridiculous spectacles and Yarvin debating Hanania lol.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 months ago

I’m agnostic about Little Nicky but there have been some huge red flags. One of the biggest is his own fickleness and lack of loyalty among his cohort. Republicans used to value loyalty above all else…ride or die mentality. Fuentes is ride and jettison mentality. Not unlike Milo. He also seems to turn on things with illogical middle-school abandon…he picked a fight with Steve Sailer and called Auron MacIntyre’s book “goyslop” yet he boosted Ron Unz’s writings. Leaving aside the fact that Unz is a Jew, I don’t understand why you’d be so puerile and catty with fellow rightists. Fuentes… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Marko
4 months ago

Sailer has done more for the cause on his worst day than Fuentes on his best, which gives me half a thought that he’s running some form of guerilla marketing campaign (“read Sailer and MacIntyre every day and get as outraged as me!”)

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
4 months ago

There’s one important distinction between Steve Sailer and Nick Fuentes. Sailer is terrified to talk honestly about the JQ. For Fuentes, it’s a foundational issue.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 months ago

What is Fuentes’ stance on the Hutus?

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

I’m gonna guess he’s okay with the Hutus in Rwanda, unlike some who like them but only when they’re in White countries.

Reply to  Marko
4 months ago

Nick Fuentes reminds me of Milo Yiannopoulos.

Flash in the pan, flavor of the month, “whatever happed to that guy anyway?”

never understood the appeal of either.

Cult of a (very) minor celebrity.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  ProZNoV
4 months ago

How would you compare him to Gavin McInnis? Seems like that guy was once on top of the world but now may be living in a cardboard box in El Segundo.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

El Segundo’s not bad. I can’t think of a better place with a refinery, a sewage treatment plant for 3 million people and LAX to the north. It’s almost all White and has a coastal LA climate. Hell, I’ll rent a cardboard box for $800 a month if I can still take a shower at the aquatic center.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 months ago

Except that Nick has managed to stay relevant while Milo burned out sometime in 2017 (right after Bill Maher compared him to Christopher Hitchens, LOL). Though Nick has better charisma and far less oleaginous and icky than Milo. As for Gavin, he’s still around but still manning the alt-lite rampart like a silly middle-aged punk rocker. I have a soft spot for Gavin, though; he is a real person and seems to have got himself wrapped up in something he couldn’t handle. He was one of the first canaries in the coal mine after all, and the Feds went after… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
4 months ago

I watch Cumia’s show and enjoy Wednesdays when Gavin is on. He made some money along the way and has a wife and kids in New York of all places. So can understand him wanting a lower profile.

He’s still funny and can still take a joke (Anthony calls him Goyvin whenever he defends Jews). His stories about accidentally starting the Proud Boys because he wanted his intern to man up are very funny.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Marko
4 months ago

To be fair, Unz’s writings are pretty decent if a bit long. Seems incapable of writing under 10,000 words. For a Jew to critically question the hollow cost narrative takes some chutzpah. But he does seem genuinely interested in pursuing truth/evidence wherever it leads.

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Marko
4 months ago

He probably picked a fight with Sailer because Steve sucks.
Even before the recent mask-off type stuff since his rubbish book came out, Steve has been bad on basically any issue that wasn’t “is it just me, or are blacks a bit slow/violent?”

Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 months ago

Yeah, his behavior on Gab was off-putting. Maybe he has grown out of it by now.
Edginess can get you started, but it can’t sustain you for the long term.
OTOH, Nick has been around for almost a decade. He looks like a baby, but he is a veteran.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
4 months ago

On a related note, over the weekend in Detroit, Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point USA event was also held, and Nick Fuentes and his friend MMA fighter Jake Shields were turned away at the door by security. I believe this was because of their criticism of Israel, which is rapidly becoming illegal.

Fuentes is young, so there’s still time for him to learn to love Israel like Charlie Kirk does.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 months ago

Z talked about this in his pod! For many of the people at TPUSA, being seen even looking at Nick and Jake for a millisecond too long is an end to their career in the conservative industry, and it’s not like they have any marketable skills outside of it.

Reply to  Mycale
4 months ago

Indeed! Thanks for mentioning Friday’s podcast, that clinches it.
Conservative Inc. is about event planning, meet-n-greets, making connections, playing a role, getting noticed and being seen, finding the deals on offer.

It’s Hollywood! Pure Hollywood. Our political system is a self-referencing extrinsic society, every bit as much as a Gene Kelly movie like “Singing in the Rain.”

Bonus: and like those Golden Age Hollywood movies, their ultimate goal is recruiting support for the War effort with the folks at home.

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 months ago

From what little I’ve seen of Fuentes, he’s always smiling, like Joel Osteen. I imagine Joel Osteen smiling in his sleep, counting his victims as they bleat past.

4 months ago

I have a growing sense that zoomers will end up being like boomers. There’s something solipsistic about them. Maybe the boomer hatred is a rivalry thing in their case. Interesting that you mention marketing, Kennedy, and Reagan, Z.

Last edited 4 months ago by Paintersforms
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 months ago

It shouldn’t be too surprising that the zoomers are adopting a here and now self focus considering the environment they are maturing into. As I write this, the top comment is a boomer style lament about kids these days spending their days playing vidya instead of having “real lives” of consuming the country’s seed corn to purchase Harley Davidsons and go on 5 cruises per year. With how badly the last few generations have abused the nation’s inheritance, a doomsday cult style outlook isn’t that shocking among the zoomies. After all, there is a non-zero chance that the zoomers will… Read more »

Reply to  Sub
4 months ago

After all, there is a non-zero chance that the zoomers will be spending the summers of their lives fighting in a Fallout wasteland, might as well play the simulation now for practice.”

Think about it, that’s some majorly boomer shit, right there. Boomers had an apocalyptic mindset hammered into them. That’s probably a huge reason why they lived it up.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 months ago

Paintersforms: “Boomers had an apocalyptic mindset hammered into them.

Regarding Zoomers, what could possibly be moar apocalyptic than being forced to submit to an MRNA v@xxine designed to sterilize and/or murder you?

The V@xxpocalypse is the greatest threat to the survival of Our Race since the eruption of the Toba super-volcano.

Reply to  Bourbon
4 months ago

These things become self-fulfilling prophecies.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 months ago

Hard to imagine any future cohort ending up as being like the Boomers—although you did not describe exactly what that is. Future cohorts will never be exposed to American prosperity and world dominance (military, technological, and culturally) as were the Boomers. Such was the air we breathed in those days. Zoomers have a very bad beginning if they are to take on any of the “airs” of their Boomer predecessors.

Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

At the risk of using an outdated term, cyberspace is getting the meat space treatment, and they’re the vehicle.

I hope they grow out of it, they certainly could, but the Reagan revolution was supposedly hippies growing up, and it turned out to plant the seeds of this current mess. Idk, hope I’m wrong.

You’re right, I didn’t explain it, but as usual you guys are helping me clarify my thoughts! It’s The End, the solipsism.

Last edited 4 months ago by Paintersforms
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 months ago

But Boomers were greeted with job offers when the reached maturity, while the Zoomers are shunned in favor of minorities and illegals, with a much smaller job market to begin with…They will be the poorest generation, with a natural resentment of the system…

Reply to  pyrrhus
4 months ago

They were raised in the internet, where they dominate. Meat space is for boomers.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 months ago

You become what you hate I remember the boomers were big into not becoming materialistic and giving in to The Man. But look how they ended up. The most self-absorbed and materialistic generation I have ever known. I think the thing with the Zoomers is that they want to have lots of money and material goods but they got the short end of the stick in that regard so they are continuing on with an anti-boomer ethos that strikes me as more a matter of convenience than conviction. Nick will not be able to resist the allure of riches for… Read more »

Brandon Laskow
Brandon Laskow
Reply to  Falcone
4 months ago

By and large Gen Z are the children of Gen X, not Boomers. A significant number would be grandchildren of Boomers.

Boomer children are predominantly Millennial, and among the earlier, “Woodstock Wave” cohort, Gen X.

4 months ago

“This raises the question of the expiry date for Nick Fuentes. All pop stars who court the youth audience run into the same problem. There comes a point where their act goes from opportunistic to weird. They get too old for their market.”

Someone should have told Mick and Keith this 40 years ago. I saw a meme with God telling Adam garden instructions. When Adam points to someone in the corner of the frame and asks, “Who’s that?” God replies, “That’s Keith Richards, he was here when I got here.”

4 months ago

I really like “The Culture Code” by Clotaire Rapaille. This is a fun and insightful book about world cultures, and, mostly, about American culture. I have never forgotten about its observation that American culture is an adolescent culture. He explains it in a way that it is too long to write here but it is very convincing. If you want a good reading, I fully recommend it. I have thought lot about that because American culture has exported this adolescence to the entire Western culture and I see it in my country. While kids have no freedom and no responsibility,… Read more »

4 months ago

I said this below: “a reason I do like Fuentes is because that zany Abby Ginsberg vibe is hiding a future Knights Templar beneath.” Now, the Zman calls David Duke a failed grifter; like George Lincoln Rockwell, he was an early Revisionist, and all of them were failed. But, they were not; failed only in their time against overwhelming odds, the Nazi and Klan cosplayers still kept alive a corpus of historical detail to counter the altered reality we’ve all been taught. They planted the seeds in whose shade they shall never sit. Let the young be young; this stuff… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 months ago

What was both funny and sad about George Lincoln Rockwell was that after he was assassinated, his children would not claim the body. Ostensibly, it was because they were so offended by his white nationalist views. Maybe it’s just me having grown up around a lot of idiosyncratic ethnics, but so what? He’s your dad. So what if he marched to his own drummer? Blood is thicker than kumbaya.

4 months ago

All pop stars who court the youth audience run into the same problem. There comes a point where their act goes from opportunistic to weird. They get too old for their market.

Or, they drag their target market with them until they, or their target market die.

The Rolling Stones
The Eagles
Earth, Wind, and Fire
Cheap Trick

Heck, Pearl Jam, Foo Fighters, and bands of our era are still out there touring Z.

Why not Nick?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  mmack
4 months ago

Fair point. However, music is timeless, politics ephemeral.

Reply to  mmack
4 months ago

Cheap Trick was my first concert. Wonder if Z is related to the lead singer???

Reply to  mmack
4 months ago

He ain’t that good.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  mmack
4 months ago

Maybe it’s just me, but I find it a bit depressing that all the big summer concerts are headlined mainly by acts from the 70s, 80s, and 90s.

Where are the new major acts for people to listen to and appreciate?

4 months ago

In the past, any sort of nascent anti-establishment/protest/right-wing movement would fizzle out because the establishment would either find a way to integrate these people, or would just get completely co-opted (as Z discussed with the Tea Party). It is very clear, especially since 2020, that the regime just has no interest in integrating these people, because it hates them and wants them dead and has no compunction about saying so. When companies are bragging about 94% of their hires being vibrants, the chance of these young groypers finding jobs and moving up the ladder like their parents did is very… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by Mycale
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
4 months ago

I find Fuentes off-putting, to say the least, but do not discount the ability of this stupid Regime to do something moronic to extend his expiry date well into the future. The Tribal psychopaths who deplatformed him gave an insight into this clumsiness. He easily could become a martyr due to the ham-handed idiocy of this feeble Regime. See the prosecutions of Trump for further instructions into how the Retarded Junta shoots its dick a lot. Calling Fuentes a grifter is a way to feel good about losing. Yep. It is somewhere between cope and jealousy. This raises the question… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

I dare say shooting one’s self in the dick once is more than enough…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

It’s plenty but still they keep doing it.

4 months ago

So…Political Juggalos?

4 months ago

Wait now old timer (I’m 57) raised on the Internet? As opposed to… TV? or blogs? Without young men no people have a future, never mind any cause has a future. ”When they settle down and mature…” Into what? Grumbling peasants being ever more degraded like their “Mature” Elders? No. I say fight, make Babies, take Manhood back by force and Kill anyone who gets in the way, including me if I am so misguided. A longer Chronicle of our Failures than most isn’t Victory, or maturity: Just a Lament. As to our Wisdom…. GTFO. We failed. Abysmally. I’m not… Read more »

4 months ago

Glad to see you are giving Fuentes another chance. I didn’t like his face at the start, and his ways, but he has grown on me, and I have respect for him. If bored, a listen to his podcasts is always good for 20-30 minutes of entertainment. Especially when he bags on young women. “She is post-wall” is a pretty funny comment, which is what he said about Lauren Southern. I am always up for some good boomer bashing too. Yeah, I don’t know where he takes this thing. His true “problem” as it were, is that he can be… Read more »

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 months ago

What i see in the Fuentes crowd is what i see in a lot of young white men. Suburban softness. Has any of these guys ever changed oil in a car? I would like to see some young men whom just looking at them i could tell they have some depth to them beyond the internet stardom. Maybe ex military with a grudge? Or perhaps a working class guy who made it into the elite but is bitter about the direction of the nation? Maybe i am wrong and maybe I am just old but i dont see the future… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 months ago

From the relatively little exposure I’ve had to them, they seem like a very lost group of young men searching for an identity. Everything they do is cartoonish. They have somehow managed to fetishize their alleged commitment to not being degenerates and turn it into a joke.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 months ago

As Tars points out these are probably young men wandering in the wilderness looking for some guidance, leadership, and a chance to step up and accomplish something. I wouldn’t be too hard on them. As a Gen Xer there were plenty of times I didn’t know my butt from a hole in the ground at their age. And yes, I did physical labor and changed oil on my car and got paid to change oil and tune up cars for others. But that was another time and place before “Undocumented Migrants” poured across the border and took the physical labor… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 months ago

It’s been my experience that if you want to be around “kids” that can inspire you, you need to live in a more rural area. Kids that grow up on farms and ranches, or at least know how to hunt and fish, etc., can be a real white-pill. Recently I went to my son’s 8th grade “Promotion ceremony”. There were about 80 students, with only a few non-whites. It was beautiful.

Like I said, huge white-pill for our potential future.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Outdoorspro
4 months ago

Promotion ceremony?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Yeah, I caught that too. What happened to the tradition of “graduation”? And yes, I went to my children’s grade school graduation back I. The day.

Maybe I’m too cynical (I am), but could we be looking at some new “woke” renaming due to some new woke insight wrt educational promotion?

Last edited 4 months ago by Compsci
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 months ago

This is a classic Boomerism along with pulling one’s self up by the bootstraps. You’re a throwback to a different era; an era that our enemies have done everything to ensure will not be repeated. Don’t take it out on us suburbanites, we’re just the product an extremely feminized society that loathes self-reliance and wants you dependent on the system for everything.

4 months ago

Fuentes strikes me as Abbie Hoffman with smart phones and YouTube.

4 months ago

My take on this is that Fuentes, who I know little about, having read nothing by him nor have I ever listened to him, is a failure and just another grifter because he’s inside politics grifting. Basically just a pop star performer. He is not providing employment, legal protection, lobbying, or anything else for his followers other than fleeting entertainment. That’s it. He’s the niche White male version of Taylor Swift. And as forgotten as she will be in ten years. What matters is not what political actors say, but what they do. The opportunity is for SCALE. That is,… Read more »

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Whiskey
4 months ago

“I have no idea what I’m talking about, but here’s my long-winded opinion”

ok boomer.

Sgt Pedantry
Sgt Pedantry
4 months ago

I have my reservations about Nick Fuentes. But he has managed to disrupt things in a generally positive direction and do so far more effectively than all of the superannuated paleocon losers put together.

The Cookie Question video alone was genuis: take their holy of holies and the basis of the moral system that is murdering our people, shit all over it in a way that a five year old can grasp, and laugh while you are doing it.

But who thought it was a good idea to hold a political conference in Detroit?

4 months ago

Do we like Nick Fuentes now?

Reply to  Hun
4 months ago

It’s Zoap Opera 😉

4 months ago

In addition to we Southern Europeans and people from other parts of the Mediterranean who were also Christian subjects of the Roman Empire, there is one other way this white nationalism stuff gets confusing. Guam, Hawaii, the Pacific Islands and other possessions are part of America. That means Asians are part of society and have been for the last 125 years or so. Puerto Rico (and Cuba), same. Plus, we have our de facto colonies all over the place. Oh, and let’s not forget our Indian population, Alaska and places like that. Now, don’t get me wrong. I am all… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

I would be fine with this: Asia for the Orientals; Europe all the way to the Urals for whites; North Africa/Near East for the Arabs (Muzz) and Finkels; sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean for the groids; North, Central and South America for Indians and Mestizos; Australia/New Zealand for the Abos.

Each people exclusively in its own place and the less we have to do with one another, the better. To hell with all this cosmopolitan shit.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

I don’t disagree, but I’m keeping the United States and Canada. Let the Indians and the Mestizos have the rest.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
4 months ago

I don’t trust Fuentes after J6. However, I’ve been watching him closely since 2018 or even earlier, and I do have to give him credit for one thing: he’s actually acquired a small amount of knowledge over the past 2-3 years, which he hadn’t demonstrated to that point. His shows were almost 100% about him or drama from his little entourage. I still don’t know if this can translate into anything. I don’t think he has what it takes. That’s completely subjective on my part. I see how he can move his crowds, and he’s got a fair amount of… Read more »

4 months ago

First the axiom. We are not going to diagnose our way out of the mess we’re in. Remedy has to get real or we die, and it really is that simple. And there is a place and a path for anyone and everyone who genuinely wants to be part of the solution. And every path must be tangible in its nature. The only purpose for words alone is camouflage, but anonymity is better. You don’t want to be noticed coming or going. You want the bystanders to say “WTF just happened.” If you give them a good reason, they will… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by TomA
Tom Billingsley
Tom Billingsley
4 months ago
Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Tom Billingsley
4 months ago

Ah, don’t bother yourself, someone already went to Home Depot and picked up a step ladder to take that curtain down oh….sometime after last October.

Reply to  Tom Billingsley
4 months ago

Whoa shinola. Good stuff here, Tom B, as in detail. Plus, it speaks to the Christians in their own dialect. A bit too strong-stomached for many, but it don’t flinch. We need an army, and they have fielded quite a few. I see this link as an echo of the US South Rise Again movement and can only support its attempt to break the grip of Dispensational religion.* What we’re short of is zealots; a reason I do like Fuentes is because that zany Abby Ginsberg vibe is hiding a future Knights Templar beneath. Underneath the bad hair, Ginsberg was… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 months ago

Too much diversity in the South. It would’ve been the Brazil people say is the future. They understood that, Northerners didn’t. Now we all get to enjoy it.

Besides, I’d guess the South would’ve ended up back in the British fold, given cotton and free trade.

Steep price keeping this nation, seems we tapped out some time ago.

4 months ago

You focus on Fuentes a lot, but is he really worthy of that much attention? In terms of gravitas, I see him as a bit player–like a poor man’s white nationalist Ben Shapiro. I don’t necessarily disagree with his message, but him, his whole movement comes across as not serious. Groypers? Seriously?

Last edited 4 months ago by TempoNick
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

Perhaps frivolity is necessary to influence people in this most flighty of all ages.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

A clown shall lead us in Clown World.

Fred Beans
Fred Beans
4 months ago

Whenever I see stick-man Fuentes all I can think of, is “do you even lift bro?”

4 months ago

I just watched some of the boy kings ranting from a staircase outside of a structure after it was cancelled. He is doing something weird with his mouth that I’ve only seen people in the 90’s do after ingesting any number of shall we say elixirs that are a kin to bathtub gin. The bullhorn the quaff of hair the fat guy next to him screaming down with Israel, the sneaker guy getting punched in the mouth, what a freak show. Absolutely no hope for this country as of now unfortunately. Hang on lads.the best is yet to come. Z… Read more »

4 months ago

One of the questions I have in the back of my mind is, What do the white nationalist types think of Southern Europeans? I know in the gangster movies Italians are called guineas (even joking about it themselves) because, like most Southern Europeans, they are darker complected and assumed to have ancestry from North Africa (Guinea). Are Italians these days considered white enough to be part of White America or are they more like Mexicans? The reason I ask is that we seem to be splitting hairs here when it comes to Armenians, Turks, Asiatics, Greeks and whatnot and how… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

Ideally, in a perfect fantasy world, I wouldn’t have to live around anyone but other Anglo Saxons/Teutons (with vacations to where the Scandinavians and French live if I wanted to be exposed to something more exotic). Slightly more realistically, I can accept other Europeans as white also, if I have to. I draw that line at Gibraltar, Malta, the Bosphorus, and the Urals.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

That one also gets confusing for me because of Christian immigration from the Middle East. Danny and Marlo Thomas and Jamie Farr I think would generally be accepted as white in both yesterday and today’s America.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

There will always be a few exceptions

Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

Don’t confuse Christianity with White phenotype and/or European antecedents. Plenty of Koreans and Nigerians claim to be Christians. Although I follow/idolize no one, I give credit where it’s due, and believe that Vox Day’s example of the 3-legged stool (Greek/roman ancient culture plus Christianity plus White people equals Western Civilization.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Yeah, I was thinking about that as I pushed the post button, but I don’t want to make my posts too long and boring. I agree with your last thought. Christianity in the context of Europe and its frontiers. You almost have to go through a bureaucratic process to draw all these distinctions, though.

Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

I wish our people would take a longer and broader look at identity. Here comes my take on it: I’m American with ancestors arriving from England in 1600s Virginia. An occasional Dutchman or Huguenot are our “noggers” in the woodpile. That said, even as a working class/ lumpen proletariat kid who grew up in a black neighborhood I could never think of White people not including our cultural and religious forbears in the Mediterranean and Fertile Crescent. How in the world could I think of the marvels of history and culture and not realize that America and White Americans were… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

Im the same way but from an Italian perspective. Ideally I wouldn’t have to live around Anglos or north Germans (i.e. the Protestant world) but fate had other plans. But I still may move to Italy or Spain, maybe France. The older I get, the less I can tolerate Protestant society and what has become of it.

Reply to  Falcone
4 months ago

My dad’s cousin lives near The Hague. He prefers the orderly nature of their society and their calm and rational way of looking at things. (As opposed to explosive emotionalism in the south.) He was telling me he’s been there long enough to see that they have a better way of doing things.

Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

I get it, but at the same time the “explosive” manner of the southern Europeans is a tad overblown. At the same time, the millions of little rules and laws that come with north European “orderliness” is what I have a hard time dealing with. In Italy you have one-tenth the rules but not anywhere near one-tenth the orderliness. Italians are perhaps unique, that if you leave them alone they end up being rather orderly by their very nature. We all have our place. My personal observation is that society makes a taboo what most affects their people. Say, not… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
4 months ago

Falcone: Perhaps that’s because you are a first generation American (I think you said your father immigrated; correct me if I am wrong). My husband is half Italian on his maternal side, but it was his great-grandparents who immigrated in the 1880s. He feels equal affection for and connection to his celtic and Italian forbearers, and although baptized Catholic as an infant, he is a non-denominational protestant.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

3g: That I am sure has a lot to do with it, that I am a second generation Italian (my grandfather and mother on my dad’s side, not my father immigrated; my mom’s family is second gen who immigrated to New Orleans and Tampa where there remains a strong Italian community.) The whole white thing makes no sense to me because I have a strong ethnic identity. I am also an Italian citizen, dare I say a “dual citizen” with all that nasty baggage that comes with such a distinction thanks to you know who. But I understand the “white”… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
4 months ago

Technically, we’re both second generation. Our parents were first generation. Maybe that’s why the European identity is so important to me and maybe that’s why I can see what the average dummy in society can’t see. This whole exercise isn’t just about race and religion. It’s about maintaining the cultural fabric of society. If they mix us up, people have no sense of identity, religion or any of the other things in society that bind people together, not to mention culture classes that create unstable marriages and families. But the leftists don’t care about that. Their whole life centers around… Read more »

Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

^^^ Clashes, not classes.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

Wops are white. Absolutely no question about it. Greeks, too.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Well, as a southern European, thank God I made the cut. 😂 WOP women are better looking than Greek women by far.

Now what do we do about Albanians, Bosnians, Kosovars, Pomaks and people like that? The father of Tom Hanks’ wife was a Pomak. Pomaks are muzzies, but from what I’ve read, they seem rather benign.

Last edited 4 months ago by TempoNick
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

Don’t know anything about Pomaks–a cross between Poles and Macedonians? But all of the people you list are certainly white AFAIC. Genetics are prime, and those people are probably at least 80% Indo-European Slavic with a dash of Turkish and Arabic. What’s more, with the exception of the Bosnians and Kosovars, they’re Christian, which, within the European context, is a marker of whiteness.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

They are basically Christian locals that were converted to Islam. I relate that term mostly to Bulgarians, but it could also apply to Greeks and Macedonians as well since Rita Wilson’s dad came from the Greek side of the border. This exercise of labeling people is an interesting exercise for sure.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

WOPs are white from the vantage of taxonomical, as it were, observation, but not spiritually or philosophically. Or any ways that come from the individual as a true expression of their souls. But if you consider white to really mean “English,” as I do, then no. And I get the argument “But BLACKS consider you white !!” So what. Now they define me? I can’t help it if they’re ignorant of the nuances of European peoples and our long history. Ok, so if I am walking down the street and some blacks are out “Polar Bear Hunting,” then they will… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Falcone
4 months ago

What you’re describing are cultural expressions of your dago ethnicity, and that’s fine. There is diversity in whiteness. Icelanders express their culture differently from Bulgarians, just the same as Portuguese and Estonians. However, whether you’re a Kraut, a Limey, a Frog, a Johnny Reb or a Pollack, you are still white because your genes say you are. We all share far more genetic material with one another than we do with Chinks, nuggras or any of those other non-Indo-European peoples.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

I’m squarely in the genetics camp. There are lots of fascinating twists with that take, too. Someone above mentioned Lebanese or implied them. There are quite a few, and almost all of them Christian, with nearly exclusive white genetic markers. They almost certainly are direct descendants of the Phoenicians, who got friendly with whites all across the Med. There are also many Christian Arabs, probably the vast majority, who most definitely do not have that genetic profile. The pre-Islamic North Africans in fact were white Mediterranean people, too. To spitball, the Lebanese Christians with genetic white markers did not have… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
4 months ago

I got your spaghetti here, brother, if we ever cross paths. And bracciole like my friend’s mom made! I get your point about whiteness being an identity for the “English” It brings to mind that the Amish use the term “English” for everyone not in their ethnos. I grew up deracinated due to parents having fallen out of respectable society and growing up in a neighborhood of similarly displaced whites and Southern blacks. White was an identity that was both imposed by black thugs and one that transcended my surroundings. I chose to move to Italy when young, in the… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Zfan
4 months ago

White identity always exists nascently. External threats–chiefly from dieversity–force it to become explicit.

4 months ago

(Woops! Confession: card failed, I cannot open subscribestar and get to the juicy AmericaFirst goodies. My apologies to our host, I will try to refrain from commenting until resolved.

Actually, my blurts are a mere attempt to try to sound normal, for reasons. Thanks to all for your tremendous help and sufferance.
Or suffering, as the case may be.)

Last edited 4 months ago by Alzaebo
4 months ago

The politics of this generation are the politics of the internet, not the meat space.”

I was kind of hoping that this meant that they would leave us geezers in the meat space free to operate–that they would leave us alone.

But then you said; “Politics as professional wrestling is fun for the twenty-somethings who are naturally drawn to it, but in time they will have to have real lives.”

Them leaving the virtual world for the world is a frightening image…