The White Fortress

It is fair to say that Detroit was one of the first victims of the civil rights revolution, given what happened to it relative to where it was pre-revolution. After the war, Detroit was the most prosperous city in the country. In 1950 the city had 1.8 million people and the highest per capita income in the country. Then the civil rights revolution unleashed hell on the city, leading to a collapse of its economy and population. Motown is now roughly a third of its peak size and gripped by urban poverty.

Despite remaining the symbol of the urban decline unleashed by the civil rights revolution, Detroit is not the worst city in America. St. Louis continues to sport the highest murder rate in the country at 66 per 100,000. Baltimore is always the bridesmaid in the murder Olympics at a respectable 56 per 100,000. Detroit is third, but the murder rate is 40 per 100,000. That is still ten times worse than the most dangerous European cities, but well off the pace in America.

Detroit has also stabilized to some degree. A few super wealthy men have tried to rescue parts of the city from the locals. The billionaire Dan Gilbert spearheaded the revitalization efforts in the city that have carved out some green zones that host business and the sports and entertainment areas. The Ford family continues to play an outsized role in the city. The result of these billionaire efforts has been to arrest the collapse of the city and slowly claw back some civilization.

It was not just the generosity of some oligarchs that saved Detroit from total collapse but also the recognition that the locals cannot be trusted. The state of Michigan stepped in and suspended the lunacy of democracy in the city. The city was ushered through Chapter 9 bankruptcy and an administrator was appointed. Many local politicians were arrested so they could not interfere in the repair efforts. Ten percent white Detroit continues to have a white mayor.

When you walk around Detroit now, you can get a glimpse of what lies ahead for majority-minority America. Like Brazil, Detroit is three cities. There is the war zone that has been cordoned off as best they can. Then there is the area where the more stable black population lives and then you have the economic zone. A weird balance has been struck where the more stable black population works in the economic zone and does not get rustled by the measures required to maintain it.

Walk around Greek Town on a Friday night and the thing you cannot help but notice is the lack of local color. This is the tourist part of the city located near the big sports arenas and the large office towers. It is called Greek Town because it was populated by Greeks before the savages were unleashed by the civil rights revolution. Like everything created in America over the last half century, Greek Town is named after what was destroyed in order to make the new thing.

The reason for the lack of local color is the police presence. It is not just cops milling about like you see in less violent cities. This is the sort of policing that is intended to be an unwelcome mat for a specific group. At all of the entrances to the area are cops who man metal detectors. They select who must go through the detector and then get the pat down once it inevitably sounds the alarm. One can guess as to who they select for this special form of inspection.

In fairness, Detroit is not the first city to take this approach. Baltimore was a trail blazer in this regard, having condemned the area around the harbor and then handing it to developers and urban pioneers in the 1980’s. The deal was that pioneers and developers would build a white fortress to serve as an entertainment and tourist zone, while the city would provide security. This meant aggressively policing the border between the green zone and the black zone.

Detroit appears to have used Baltimore as a template, but also learned from Baltimore how not to screw it up. Got to Baltimore today and it is a mess. The Inner Harbor is vacant and the former tourist areas are overrun by locals. Nature is reclaiming that which was carved out of the urban jungle decades ago. Detroit, in contrast, is holding the line and that is mostly due to elite support. The oligarchs are not going to let their investment be swallowed up by the jungle.

It is too soon to know if Detroit can survive with this model. The upper middle-class white population escaped the city and refuse to return, unless it is for a ball game, concert or for work. On a Friday night when there is no major event, Greek Town is a well-guarded ghost town. You can walk into the best restaurants and get a seat at what is usually their prime hours. The pricing reflects the fact that the entertainment industry is built around the major events.

That is the trade-off to politely working around the problem instead of rudely going after the roots of the problem. There is a lack of authenticity to Greek Town. It feels like the Potemkin “town centers” that are now part of the suburban white fortress that is getting attention from the kooks. They do all the things that you expect from the organic urban centers of old, but they lack that hard to describe sense that can only come from the produce of an authentic community.

It is tempting to think that maybe that is the compromise that will define the future, but these transactional communities have a poor record. The reason is the cost of maintaining them is much higher due to the lack of social capital. People in a new development have only the investment in their home. They have no investment in their neighbors, who come and go. Eventually, everyone finds a newer, cleaner white fortress because the old white fortress is beginning to crumble.

That is what makes Detroit worth watching. It was the first victim of the civil rights revolution, and it may be the last chance to figure out how to maintain an urban area within the moral construct of civil rights. If like Baltimore it collapses under the pressure of diversity, then there are no arguments left for maintaining the moral framework of civil rights, but if it survives as a post-modern apartheid city, then it can be the model for how to maintain civilization in a majority-minority America.

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Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
4 months ago

A big part of the issue is the schools. Because the public schools are war zones, you’ll never get families to live in these areas.

This means that you can only get young hipsters or empty nesters to live in those areas, and they’ll leave at the drop of a hat if crime goes up.

It makes those areas very vulnerable because no one has any real.roots in the neighborhood.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 months ago

Both war zones and grift. One of the guys I rowed with there had two schoolteacher parents. It was not uncommon for the “vibrant” school system employees to sell items off the loading dock for cash that were meant for the schools. Say anything about it and said vibrants would arrange to have you “tuned up”. The whole place was a kleptocracy in the 1980s.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  SamlAdams
4 months ago

On YouTube if you search on Detroit schools documentary, among the many choices you’ll find Dan Rather report, nearly 2 hours. Coming from liberal media I thought it quite objective I.e. it delves into the symptoms but it doesn’t explore what caused them.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 months ago

The public schools are indeed sh*te and too many White people have yet to wake up to that fact. It’s like they think school is “The Breakfast Club” or how it was in the 1980s when they were there. If you can’t afford a decent Christian/private school, homeschool. Yes, it would be nice to send our kids to White schools paid for by our hard-earned tax dollars, but that is not our current reality. Whites need to assert control over their kids’ education, protect them from anti-white/homosex/trans propaganda, etc.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jannie
4 months ago

True enough. However, the anti-white propaganda is everywhere, not just in the schools. Isolating your kids from it is impossible. What must be done is to teach them to actively combat it.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Exactly. It’s like the “sex talk”—you can have it with your children, or they’ll have it with other children, or worse a public school teacher, and you may not like those answers.

i missed the boat on that a lot, starting with that slimeball Clinton and his WH escapades. I try to make up for it now that the kids are adults wrt race issues.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Exactly you have to have a Community to actively work against it…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Besides the propaganda, there is the duty to not force your progeny to live in fear of bullying and harassment by “the jungle” through their formative years.
It’s devastating on many accounts.

Reply to  Cmhi
4 months ago

And yet so many White Parents do exactly that because of muh job, muh house, muh boat etc etc etc…

Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

I upvoted because I think that’s largely true, but I sympathize with the Zoomers who are facing $2k a month for a studio apartment. That IS Biden caused. Maybe a tisch of Trump, but the interest rates didn’t start edging up until (probably) everyone lost hope that the Shitstain in Chief wouldn’t be shitting in the Oval Office.

A Zoomer needs a pretty decent income to let his wife stay home.

Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

Point was that they are only thinking about themselves and not what’s best for their families and the future for White Children…

Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

Wife? I’m sure some have spouses, but I’ve never imagined Zoomers to be the marryin’ kind.

Reply to  Jannie
4 months ago

Last week, the UK Daily Mail had an excellent piece about this:

The UK Daily Mail pointed out that the Neo-Segregationists succeeded in Louisiana, but were thwarted in Georgia by…

wait for it…

you’ll never guess who it was…

are you ready?…

here goes…


In particular, Brian Kemp.

The very same Brian Kemp whose daughter’s boyfriend was car-b0mbed by the Deep State during the 2020 election steal.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jannie
4 months ago

My high school experience in the early to mid-90s was like living in a John Hughes film.

At the time, I was too dumb to realize how great I had it.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 months ago

only a rank fool sends their kids to public school now.

joey jünger
joey jünger
4 months ago

There’s no doubt that local color wreaked a ton of havoc, but a lot probably has to do with the deliberate death of manufacturing, as talked about by guys like Perot and Buchanan and now Trump. Blacks worked at Hughes Aircraft and Tools in Los Angeles when it was there, and though Compton was always scruffy, it wasn’t too scruffy for James Coburn or Kevin Costner to call it home back then. Now such a thing would be unthinkable. Most of the untalented 9/10ths of blacks have always been able to do some useful work in the past, before they… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  joey jünger
4 months ago

While Japanese cars were starting to creep into the market and there were indeed obese white union hacks at the time, the emergence of Coleman Young as mayor in 1974 was the swift kick to the family jewels that sent Detroit down the tubes. The airport is named after him but the burned out gibs center should be.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

I don’t know about that. What I’ve read about Coleman Young was that he was fairly pragmatic. I think it was more about what was unleashed at the time, which was black self rule while getting back at whitey for whatever perceived injustices at the same time. I completely get some of their anger. One night when Meijers used to be Open 24 Hours, I went in to grab something. I was followed all the way into electronics department buy some black security jerk. I’m a middle-aged white guy. I don’t have the look of somebody who shoplifts. I didn’t… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

It’s insulting to somebody who demographically is highly unlikely to shoplift. But for negroes, it’s not insult, it’s prudence and the negro should understand that fact. If he’s a lawful negro, he’s got nobody to blame but his fellow negroes.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Don’t get me wrong. I understand why they do it to negroes, but I still can’t help but sympathize.

Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

Why? Does it make it any better that they do it to everyone?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

But for negroes, it’s not insult, it’s prudence and the negro should understand that fact.”

The fact that I have never heard a law-abiding black say, “I understand why storeowners are suspicious of me, given that blacks in general, shoplift more,” shows that race-blind policing feels like oppression to blacks, even the good ones.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 months ago

Nuggs gone nugg…

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

The lesson of Coleman Young was that people will vote for racial solidarity over economic prosperity. Detroit. Haiti.

Maybe whitey needs to start thinking that being able to purchase a cheap head of lettuce isn’t all that important.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
4 months ago

Then there was DC crackhead Marion Barry who was reelected after having been busted for doing dope with a pack of whores. With negroes, criminality and vice are not flaws but authenticity.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Barry was actually a pretty decent mayor. It was the insane white liberals who destroyed DC.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

I think Chris Rock said of Barry: “He smoked crack and got his job back!” There may have been more blacks back then. DC has gentrified quite a bit, not only because it being the home of the Federal teat thus local property developers have the ear of a Congresscritter, but also many workers see the wisdom of not commuting two hours each way, five days a week.) After Barry’s death (?) the city even erected a statue of his own self. Last I checked, substantially all the city’s violent crime is committed by that Certain Demographic. The city is… Read more »

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
4 months ago

“The lesson of Coleman Young was that people will vote for racial solidarity over economic prosperity.”

Nah. Not even close. They think voting their own kind into office will get their guy to send all kinds of money their way.

Reply to  joey jünger
4 months ago

Detroit started getting the “Blessings of Diversity” around the time Henry Ford got River Rouge up and running (Late 19-teens early 1920s). There was an episode of the PBS series The Great Depression titled A Job At Ford’s that interviewed older black workers who worked the line for Ford before and during the Depression. Surprisingly, there were Mexican immigrants who came up to Detroit at the same time too. And when the downturn came, the cry went out “Send ’em back!” Those were an older generation willing to work heads down. During WW2 more and more folks moved up north… Read more »

Reply to  mmack
4 months ago

“So where do you put the guys who would have done the welding, or moved the punch presses, or done the painting?” Of course, that is the issue. The export of manufacturing jobs aside, the country was entering a technological era in which products of the mind were rewarded and manual labor less so. In the 20’s Detroit began to take off as the car industry boomed. Farm labor moved from down South to take residence in the North—the great migration. Things were good—until the next great societal/economic change. Now where do these people go to find good paying jobs?… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

“Capitalists” had no chorice. Unlike government they can’t print money or throw people in jail. Business school 101: if you don’t make a profit you go out of business.

Reply to  Alex
4 months ago

I reject the no choice excuse. However, I recognize that government played a big role in the “forced” transition with policies like “free” trade. Seems most other countries had no such illusion and protected their industries at home.

Reply to  joey jünger
4 months ago

“Most of the untalented 9/10ths of blacks have always been able to do some useful work in the past . . .” It’s the 99 and 9/10ths that is untalented. And whatever theoretically “useful” work they used to do, they can no longer do so. Decades of uncontrolled inbreeding plus reversion to the mean have left the average AINO jogger dumber, more impulsive, more violent, and more entitled. “Young black guys used to play football because it made their dads proud . . .” Despite the constant repetition of this fallacy, the average black family was never the standard White… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

May I add to your astute observation. We are talking/concentrating waay too much on “Blacks”. The problem to a greater or lesser extent is “diversity”, or basically non-Whites in too great a number for a White community to sustain. I admit Blacks are an existential threat, but other diversity is soul sucking as well. Other races/cultures simply have different values. For example, before he died my father-in-law had the pleasure of diversity move in across the street from his home of 30+ years. The new owner from India. He didn’t like to maintain the trees and other vegetation that the… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

Compsci: Far too often, now, this comment section devolves into what seems nothing more than a college BS session. Everyone throwing out this or that idea or theory, as though nothing similar has ever been thought of or tried before. Then one gets the standard “Well, what would YOU do? Huh? How about something constructive?” Oh, and let’s not forget the “something that can actually be done” in today’s AINO retort, as if anything based on racial reality will ever be done by popular acclaim. None of these ideas will ever be done or work because they all still paper… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Sage, as always 3g.

The simple fact is that blacks can never, generally, function well in a white society.

And, to bolster Compsci’s point, it is not just blacks, but other non-whites, too.

Even with Chinese, who can function very well in a technical capacity, they are not European. And that very fact precludes these people from ever becoming “us”.

To paraphrase J. Enoch Powell, integration implies that you’re for all practical purposes indistinguishable from the hosts. If you can be identified as different, you will be considered as such – and that’s where all problems seem to begin.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 months ago

Enoch was a wise man, and a prime product of his race, society, and culture. For his sake, I hope that those in heaven have neither awareness of nor interest in the doings of men on Earth, because if such a man were to see current reality and the fall of his people, heaven would become a hell.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

When I hear a NAXALT argument, my response is:

  1. You can’t have the good ones without the bad ones.
  2. Most of the good ones will side with the bad ones when you criticize the bad ones.
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 months ago

Why not just go with what is statistically defensible — that “good one” is by definition an outlier? And that valid generalizations cannot be drawn from outliers? And, as a consequence of this, whatever cumulative good the rare “good one” may bring by being civil or whatever, they are vastly outweighed by the negative.

Don’t make it any harder than it is.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 months ago

Yep, when the rubber meets the road, no matter how “conservative” or White they sound or act, blacks (in particular) will always be black first and everything else second, third, fourth or worse. We don’t need any of them.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

None of these ideas will ever be done or work because they all still paper over or ignore basic truth: Genetics>culture.

This is always just a creedal belief. Same with “reversion to mean”, which is simply a misunderstanding of what being an outlier means.

Yes, I agree if one accepts your creed, @3g4me, the rest follows. Yet that appears not to have been the case when there were different standards, like greater punishment for blacks, as @pyhrrus talked about. They could coexist in separated neighborhoods, or even across the back yard, as was common in the South.

Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

greater punishment for blacks”

This is intolerable to all blacks, including the good ones. They all see it as oppression, while we see it as race-blind policing. It is an unbridgeable divide.

To paraphrase our Silly Citizen on the burdens of living with diversity, “You can hold your arms over your head for long periods of time, but at some point, you wonder why you must do this.”

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 months ago

Look, I agree. But what’s the realistic alternative to holding the chair above your head?

Crap, used to be men in the country who would do the hard work of making it a better place for their kids. Now we mostly just whine about it being too hard.

Which is why I’m increasingly coming to think of DR as a dead end. There’s no path to even maintaining, let alone winning.

Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

Being a *former* Libertarian, I sympathize with your view on the DR movement. 😉 However, until something better comes along it’s all we’ve got as an organizing principle.

Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

If you genuinely believe there is some modus vivendi, living as a minority with non-Whites, then you are not interested in winning. Winning, to me, doesn’t mean a miscegenated, diverse, or even segregated society. And if you are willing to compromise on that before even fighting for something better, then your children and grandchildren will ultimately be a biological dead end.

Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

But it sounds like you agree with all the criticisms of the half measures of multi-racial societies. They don’t work long term. (Correct me if I misunderstand you.)

If all of the accomodations will fail, then what is the alternative but revolution? (I wish it weren’t so.)

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 months ago

I do agree. I just don’t see a path to anything better.

Let me know when. Until then, I’m going to keep on trying to keep Section 8 out of my community, and get whites started in their own businesses, where they don’t have to report to DIE HR departments. If there were more like me, we might not even need a revolution.

As I say, let me know. I’m not holding my breath. Holding up a chair is too much…

Last edited 4 months ago by Steve
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

Lotsa luck on that, Mack.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Right. I know I’m doing nothing more than fighting a delaying action. Someday a Prog is going to want to inflict diversity on us so badly that she will turn down any bid we can afford, and take substantially less to turn her house into Section 8.

Not like there are that many options but to at least try to keep a white community, right?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

I suppose. But if you have the means, husbanding them for the future is better than expending them Quixotically right now, IMO.

Last edited 4 months ago by Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Re: house sales, maybe. There are only around a half dozen of us both committed enough and with the assets to make a difference. So long as I can, I think I’ll keep losing a little bit to be able to sell the Fredrickson kid a place he can afford, and keep it in the community.

But if you are talking about business startups, no regrets at all. If I can help some white kid in the attainment of his ambitions, heck, yes. And, while some will probably object, even white girls.

Last edited 4 months ago by Steve
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

Far be it from me to criticize you. Your heart is certainly in the right place and you’re trying to make a positive difference with concrete acts. There aren’t enough whites doing this.

Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

I appreciate that we can talk about this difficult stuff respectfully. I wish you all the best.

Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

Steve, Good on you. Remember: nothing is set in stone, even at this point. For every white you can get to start their own business, this is potentially a small win for traditionalism. Doubly so if said white is wise to the evils attendant to Leftist society. You say: If there were more like me, we might not even need a revolution. And that is indeed true. As far as I can glean, the wisest DR folk advocate for building something from the ground up. Recall, it took how long to build the US into the nation it was in… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

Don’t waste your time or anybody else’s trying to convert AINO back into America. That’s a fool’s errand. Instead, spend it preparing as best possible for creating a real future for whites in whatever emerges from AINO’s ashes.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Don’t waste your time or anybody else’s trying to convert AINO back into America

Sorry Ostei, but I don’t believe that is what Steve is advocating. He seems to believe first in preserving what he can (a good move); and then perhaps moving on from there.

A ground up approach, perhaps?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago


Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

“Which is why I’m increasingly coming to think of DR as a dead end. There’s no path to even maintaining, let alone winning.”

It is a dead end. Nothing more than endless talk and philosophy until its time to leave the mortal coil.

There are no men of action here.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 months ago

Exactly. Little known fact: even with segregation, blacks refused to be policed by whites. Blacks were hired to police blacks even when segregation existed. People often are surprised to learn places like Memphis or Atlanta had black cops during segregation. This is why.

Segregation was a half measure in part created to accommodate the business and agricultural interests, which wanted cheap labor. Sound familiar? Capitalism at its finest right there. The answer is something more than segregation.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

And yet those workable circumstances could not be sustained. And they couldn’t because we wouldn’t, therefore the presence of negroes was a fatal flaw in America. The moment the first African slave debarked in the colonies, future America was doomed.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

That’s likely all true, @Ostei. There’s a reason many (most?) abolitionists sought to ship them to Africa. And even then didn’t or couldn’t follow through. The vengeful Radical Republicans screwed up their fair share and then some by elevating blacks above Confederates.

But from there it was mostly a holding action, up to and including horsewhips, like @Filthie alludes, and occasional extra-judicial proceedings when the state refused to do its duty.

Right up until the usual suspects cooked up the civil rights movement.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

The weirdest thing seems to be that, regardless of political affinity, almost every senior statesman of the US up to and including Truman realised that blacks were a huge problem in America, and ought not to be there.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  OrangeFrog
4 months ago

Somebody should write a book about why negroes were not repatriated to Africa after the Civil War. If done honestly, it would be a fascinating and valuable volume of history. Of course, it’s entirely possible the book would have to be self published insofar as no publishing house would touch it.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Because the South, where most of them lived, no longer had any political power, and the North wanted to sadistically rub the South’s nose in the shit of free Negroes like a bad puppy. Fun fact: the North never wanted nor loved Negroes, except for a handful abolitionist fanatics like John Brown. The North wanted to free itself from the political influence of the Southern agrarian economy so it could create a capitalist, industrial economy based on “free” white labor (which could in many instances be treated worse the Negro slave labor). Negro slavery simply gave the North the moral… Read more »

Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

And why on earth would any rational White want to live like that? Constantly alert to black predations, spending society’s excess time and money on keeping them moderately behaved and in their place. What is the ultimate point of raising them from their jungle norm to the status of 3rd class citizen? How does that benefit White people?

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

No one would. But Utopia is not an option. Near as I can tell, we have a choice between a bunch of bad options and worse options.

I could be mistaken, but when you talk about your vision of the future, all I hear is rainbows and unicorns.

Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

I take umbrage at that comment – simply because I refuse to accept the status quo does not mean I live in castles in the air. The question is the survival of the White race and a future for White children. If that future is going to be one of being a hated and degraded minority, I would rather there be no future at all. Settling for less has gotten us where we are. I am definitely a believer in dying on one’s feet rather than living on one’s knees. But first, at least give one’s all for victory. Don’t… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Let me know when. Like I said before, people think holding up a chair is too much work, let alone whatever teh revolution is going to require of them.

Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

I’m an old lady, and it’s not a cop-out but reality to say that I cannot/will not be leading anything. But I will do whatever I can to ensure my sons and grandson have a legitimate future. It’s why we moved, why my husband continues to work, why I advocate for a White future.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

But why is it not also reality to admit that sea to shining sea whiteness is simply not realistic at this time? I’m not big on suicide. I’ll take a white community if it’s the best I can get, rather than condemn my kids and future grandkids to fighting a losing shooting war. Which your kids would also assuredly die in, regardless of your good intentions.

Advocate for utopia all you like, but somehow or another, we’ve got to get there, no?

Last edited 4 months ago by Steve
Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

I have never advocated for “sea to shining sea Whiteness.” AINO is lost to us. And it was/is legitimately too large, and even if all White too diverse, to function as one single polity. Yes, I get the idea of subsidiarity and the rest, but human nature being what it is, even without damned Lincoln the idea of 50 states working together in lockstep would have come up, because efficiency, profit, etc. There need to be individual White communities, with the hope of someday a White homeland. At present it’s all baby steps – but most people won’t even consider… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

You should of come up by me Sister 😜 I know I know it was to cold for ya😉

Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

Lineman – I actually like winter! My husband is not so fond of all the snow, though. Someday we will all share a meal in rmeatspace. Blessings to you and your family.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Yes we will Sister at some point in time hopefully soon while we can still travel freely…
My home is always open to you…

Last edited 4 months ago by Lineman
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Meeting for meat in meatspace sounds like a plan…

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

There need to be individual White communities, with the hope of someday a White homeland. At present it’s all baby steps – but most people won’t even consider a future outside of the ‘norm.’

That’s exactly what I’m advocating.What are you objecting to in what I’m saying? Are my communication skills that crappy?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

Do you live in a large metropolis or out in the sticks, Steve?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Less than the sticks, by choice. Enough acreage for around 100 cow-calf pairs, (though I’m only running just under 80 currently) plus a decent-sized woodlot. But I live within 4 miles of the nearest small town, and am more or less an elder statesman (though not on the council, again, by choice).

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

Then your approaches to white community begin to make more sense to me. For some reason I thought you lived in Chicongo. Building white community in a place such as that would be borderline suicidal. Doing so out in the territories, however, is a wise act.

Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

Steve: Chalk it up to my poor reading skills today. Plus I was feeling argumentative. Let there be peace between us.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

You? Argumentative? Pshaw!

Auld Mark
Auld Mark
Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

You’ve been very eloquent this afternoon 3G, and as a fellow traveler on this forum for several years I simply wish to say,here here.

Reply to  Auld Mark
4 months ago

Auld Mark: Many thanks. I just saw some of the early comments and I got highly irritated, so I decided not to edit or police my words. This is one of my few online hangouts; I don’t want it turning into civic nationalist/boomer mental masturbation like Sailer’s place.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

I admire your spirit 3G. It reminds me of a quip that Putin reportedly said: He will not live in a world without Russian, and neither will anybody else.

Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

Around here there are very few actual Blacks. Unfortunately the White political elite is a bunch of shitlibs and they have gleefully admitted every imaginable shade of the diversity rainbow (primarily Pajeets). The most obvious example of the problems this causes is in package delivery. The local package delivery operations, from FedEx all the way down to Jimmy’s Package Disposal company hire nothing but browns from all over the world. Most of them speak very poor English and so trying to give them instructions of any kind is usually a wasted effort. The real problem though is lack of empathy.… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Pozymandias
4 months ago

Diversity of race equals diversity of values, which produces gross mutual antipathy. Dieversity is a recipe for rampant domestic hostility.

Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

I’m surprised there isn’t more backlash against them. They’re weird, they smell and they don’t hide their hostility to non-pajeets.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  joey jünger
4 months ago

That’s a nice story you’re telling yourself. The diverse immigrant doing the work Americans won’t supposedly do themselves is a self-serving lie, or least a half truth. He can afford to work for a lot less than most normal White people. He likely shares an apartment with 3 or 4 other people from his home country. He either doesn’t have any kids or if he does, they are back home where he sends parts of his pay. Of course, the Dollars he sends home get converted into Somoni which goes a hell of a lot further in Tajikistan than the… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
4 months ago

You are probably remembering a different ’70s. In just 18 months in ’71-2, the FBI counted over 2500 bombings. I think it’s largely that the civil rights movement hadn’t completely extinguished freedom of association yet, so the de facto segregation still kept the dysfunctional out of the suburbs.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

I didn’t call it the dirty 70s for nothing.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
4 months ago

CTM. (What most people mean by LOL.)

Fair enough.

Reply to  joey jünger
4 months ago

Compton is mostly Mexican now: Blacks have been largely driven out. Go to the L.A. basin and you’ll see how rare Blacks are these days.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jannie
4 months ago

I guess the new Comp was just too tough for the negroes…

Reply to  Jannie
4 months ago

Yep, Hispanic men are not wandering around like castrated White men whining about their predicament. We are a pathetic lot compared to most other races in this country.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

Fuck off with this. Why are Hispanics like that? Because they will not have the full force of the law up their ass should they take direct action. When the entire law enforcement apparatus of society from local cops all the way up to 3 letter agencies are weaponized against you it is very unwise to attack their sacred cows. No less than the president himself has declared “white supremacy” the most dangerous terrorist threat we face. White Men have plenty of balls, but they will experience an asymmetric response of such absurd proportion that there is no benefit to… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Apex Predator
4 months ago

Your point is well taken, but there is no need whatsoever to direct that sort of rancor at compsci who is a DR in excellent standing.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

True, and yet–and this is perhaps the singular defense I can dredge up in defense of the white man–the Messkin doesn’t have to worry about the entire weight of AINO’s power structure falling upon him should he so much as look crosseyed at a nuggra. Being colored, even brown if not black, serves as a shield against official persecution. To be white is to be naked.

Last edited 4 months ago by Ostei Kozelskii
Auld Mark
Auld Mark
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

This is no longer the country we and our kind built,so after the fall we will play pick up sticks and start again; I like your concept of a new race conscious society, on however much land we can hold.

Reply to  Auld Mark
4 months ago

Yea wish more of our side wanted to be around on the other side…

Auld Mark
Auld Mark
Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

Lineman,Well said, and to the point…or the tip of the spear.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Jannie
4 months ago

Yes, the problem is that the blacks went somewhere. Unless they killed themselves off. Which they do, but usually so quickly as to explain changing demographics. I’ve already mentioned today that DC gentrified substantially in recent decades, the black fraction of population dropping from a peak of about 70% in the 1970s to 40% or so now. That’s a big drop, and the blacks moved somewhere. Some to the burbs (one more reason I’m thankful that I quit the area two decades past.) Others to shitholes that became worse shitholes such as the conveniently close Baltimore.

Reply to  joey jünger
4 months ago

Great comment and I’d add that a black upper-middle class remains in L.A., in the upper Crenshaw/Black Dahlia neighborhoods, with palpable political influence (probably owing to the next doomed local mega-industry, media) despite being numerically irrelevant. The less clever ones, e.g. trucking and oil and breweries and the aerospace trade you reference, were exported to Riverside and Palmdale from way back. Nuevos Americanos have taken over South Central, Compton, Long Beach, etc.

Last edited 4 months ago by NoLabels
Reply to  joey jünger
4 months ago

dysfunctional matriarchy” – there’s no other kind.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
4 months ago

Apartheid is the only way. It worked in South Africa and it might — just might — work in the USA. As the old saw goes, “you can take the monkey out of the jungle, but you can’t take the jungle out of the monkey.” The civil rights movement was the spark but the kindling was the demographic shift in the population that occurred after WW2 as southern blacks drifted to northern cities and brought their dysfunction with them. Today one can look at cities like Minneapolis and see how far they’ve gone down the Detroit route. The downtown area… Read more »

Reply to  Arshad Ali
4 months ago

I like the direction of your thinking. However, respectfully, Apartheid doesn’t go far enough, nor is it going to be any more sustainable. We need separation, not segregation. We need to expand our thinking. State lines are arbitrary lines on a political map. We need Africans (1) in their own polity, responsible for their own political and economic governance. I would be delighted for them to have self-rule, as long as they are neither ruling over us or being used as a weapon against us by Globalist Evil. I recall the porculent Oprah Winfrey recently saying “They want to make… Read more »

Reply to  Horace
4 months ago

Those who have complete self-governance will not be taken seriously screaming “IMPERIALISM” or “RACISM.” 

You don’t know Haiti. Its failure for the last 200 years is blamed to imperialism and racism, even if they have been self-ruled for 2 centuries now.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Arshad Ali
4 months ago

I’ve seen de facto apartheid succeed, such as in the town where I grew up, where it persists to this day, successfully. But without the force of law it is fragile, susceptible to many things that can undermine it, as has happened many other places. The important point is that it’s a better deal for everybody. Negros, for the most part, are better off under functioning municipal apartheid regimes than they are in places where they’ve gained “control.” The proof of that is overwhelming and everywhere. The Kim Gardners and Lori Lightfoots are about the only ones who benefit from… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

Blacks can’t govern themselves, period. A short flight to Port-au-Prince should convince anyone of that. And in today’s world they’ve just become an annoyance, a source of constant trouble. The ideas and outlooks of the pre-WW2 people were correct but are verboten today, what with the chosen ones dictating what is double plus good and what is thoughtcrime.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Arshad Ali
4 months ago

There is a reason blacks with a little pocket change decide to share their diversity outside of their previous hoods.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
4 months ago

It’s not simply Blacks that can’t govern themselves. As I’ve noted, I live in a majority Hispanic community. The dysfunction here is only different in the existential/violent nature of it, but not in basic decline. Hispanics have risen to political prominence and the County/city have fallen into chaos. Where there once was a thriving and growing city is now a declining/deteriorating reminder of what once was.

So would I trade Detroit for it, of course not, but that’s not to say it’s desirable.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
4 months ago

Yep. The Tucson sector of the Border Patrol is about 50% or a bit more *Hispanic*. They talk about illegals constantly and from all appearances are damn serious in their job of keeping them *out*! It makes sense. Illegals affect the poorest of any society they infiltrate. Those Hispanics who have successfully migrated have everything to lose by more. Of course, the race hucksters who sway them politically have everything to gain by more illegals.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

It’s not that they’re too dumb. Of course they are but it’s irrelevant. Blacks, like almost all non-white people—maybe all people except Nordic/Germanic and Japanese people—admire and desire corruption.

They want their leaders to steal and get away with it. They want whistleblowers, dissenters, and reformists—losers—punished. They’ll give up everything just to see, just once in their lives, one of “theirs” drive by in a gold-plated Maybach.

By the standards of, say, Richard Spencer, they’re the Real Right, and we who object to it are a spiteful rabble unfit for self-government.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Hemid
4 months ago

It is likely genetic. I’ve seen it described as “Big Man Syndrome.” You will observe the exact same behavior in Harare, Belize, Harlem, or Kinshasa.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

Matthew Parris wrote an article over 20 years back in the Times (of London), titled, “This Is Why Africa Gets the Leaders It Deserves.” The only place I can now find this is here:

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

And, ironically enough, this is one reason Trump, da mos rayciss rayciss en da hisree o raycissm, enjoys a certain measure of popularity among negro males. He’s the swaggering Big Man who has it all. He is a vicarious vehicle (an Escalade with tinted windows and a bumpin’ system) for all their fantasies.

Reply to  Hemid
4 months ago

Correct, once blacks get into power you start seeing this conspicuous consumption emerge practically immediately. The scale of it varies depending on the position (from the ruler of an postcolonial African state to Fani Willis) but the pattern is clear. Also, this behavior leaves a paper trail a mile long, which means that once they fall afoul of the regime they are easy to pick off, but that is, from the regime POV, a feature and not a bug. Like, there is this idiotic pastor in Brooklyn who was known for exactly this corruption, he just got sentenced to 9… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

When I lived in the GPs, it was unremarkable that if a group of youths was seen walking or biking down one of the streets there would be a GP police car following at a discrete distance. Particularly if the kids were riding “double”. T

Reply to  Arshad Ali
4 months ago

After WWII, neither blacks nor whites foresaw that the Supreme Court would overthrow the existing order and the right to freedom of association that had worked so well, with segregated but often quite good schools, and tough policing and sentencing for black criminals…Which order was supported by most of the highly religious black community…Then radical blacks and jews began a long campaign to give black criminals special rights, while at the same time the CIA was funding its illegal efforts in SE Asia by importing masses of drugs into America, and specifically into the black community…Drug gangs formed, and eventually… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Arshad Ali
4 months ago

I was in Minneapolis for the Final Four in 2019. Dreadful place. Not the helluva lot better than St. Louis.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Ostei: I visited Minneapolis – seriously thinking of moving there – in 1989. I thought it was a great place. How time changes everything.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

The reality is that all metropolei are inimical hellscapes to one degree or another. Somebody would have to at least quadruple my salary for me to even consider moving to one. And that ain’t gonna happen.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

1989 Minneapolis: Pre-Somali invasion.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Arshad Ali
4 months ago

Because Yankees of all types had no experience whatsoever with Negroes, so they actually believed the propaganda that they were “discriminated against” by Southern “racists” simply because of “the color of their skin.”

Now they know the truth.
But it’s too late for them.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
4 months ago

As Public Enemy used to rap, “don’t believe the hype.”

If you do, you do it at your own peril.

Tom Billingsley
Tom Billingsley
4 months ago

It is encouraging to see Jim Crow laws slowly being restored as well as racial sanity. The negro is incapable of civilization regardless of jewish attempts to weaponize the negro against whites.

White Christians should start helping predominately jewish neighborhoods in upstate New York become more diverse through forced integration and racial quotas in schools. Goose meets gander.

Last edited 4 months ago by Tom Billingsley
c matt
c matt
Reply to  Tom Billingsley
4 months ago

Negro vouchers for private kosher schools!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tom Billingsley
4 months ago

Deploying nuggras against whites depends upon them NOT becoming civilized. Postmodern relativization of culture is the intellectual tool to ensure they don’t.

4 months ago

Richard Florida was famous for “Regeneration” projects. He ultimately decided it doesn’t work; there’s only so many artists, writers, bohemians to go around. These swanky areas are just too expensive for everyday Americans. (see: “Everything is Gentrification Now” – The Guardian) Inner Harbor, Baltimore – destroyed as locals run amuck 16th Street, Denver – Gentrified, then overrun by pothead addicts and Summer of Floyd Pearl District, Portland OR – Always quirky, overrun by drug use, street camping, Summer of Floyd Pikes Area, Seattle – City fathers ($$) gave up, drug use, camping – all the money has rebuilt in Bellevue,… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by ProZNoV
Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  ProZNoV
4 months ago

“Regeneration” is essentially lipstick on the pig of urban dereliction. It’s no panacea.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
4 months ago

Arshad Ali: So, too, is any form of segregation lipstick on the pig of racial reality. Different human subspecies belong in different lands/nations/societies. Period. End of.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Has to get worse I’m thinking Sister for White People to see that reality…

Fed Up
Fed Up
4 months ago

Detroit was one of the rust-belt cities that were subject to bloc-busting. At one time, decades ago, there was more of a visible religious presence, predominantly Catholic but with other denominations as well. That attracted the attention of some self-appointed do-gooders like Lutheran Family Services. Encourage Mississippi Delta-to-Northern City migration, and funnel that into those strongholds. Don’t be surprised when those communities atomize and flee to suburbs. EMJ had a good take on that ages ago, and not much has changed. People still feel compelled to subject others to their whims, and now get federal subsidies to assist in the… Read more »

Clayton Barnett
Reply to  thezman
4 months ago

My father-in-law, in Brook Park, outside Cleveland, in the early 60s, said when they saw Diversity buying a house in their neighborhood, they moved in 48 hours.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Clayton Barnett
4 months ago

I’ve mentioned this before, but a few months after a Hutu pack moved into the rental across the street from us in 2009, we put our house up for sale. And some Messkins living next door to the Hutus did the same.

As a pleasant aside, we moved into a much nicer and negro-free neighborhood right before housing prices shot through the roof–so to speak. The value of our house has more than doubled in 13 years.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

The value of our house has more than doubled in 13 years.

Less inflation means… voof. I feel your pain, bro. 😉

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Clayton Barnett
4 months ago

We moved to Cleveland Hts OH (East Side) in late 70s. Nicer neighborhood but there had been block-busting going on in the small-house areas bordering East CLE, where blacks were moving up the hill from the city, some with children living with “relatives,” which allowed them to attend the once-excellent public schools. At one point the city (CLE Hts) along with Shaker Hts made it illegal to place real estate For-Sale signs in peoples’ yards. This was to forestall block busting. It was also the era that destroyed the City of CLE public schools with US Judge Battisti’s forced bussing.… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 months ago

Not sure if that happened in St. Louis or not but the white-flight was strong there too, starting in the fifties. St. Louis used to be so large that it had TWO baseball teams (the Browns left for Baltimore in 1953). And it has (had) beautiful brick and stone houses all over north St. Louis, with cool design flourishes and little Germanic turrets and so forth. Most are completely dilapidated now. Growing up all the white grandparents I knew spoke of their days in Normandy and Goodfellow, which was a bit jarring because the “city kids” now all lived there,… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Marko
4 months ago

“Bussing” was the kill shot for what survived block busting. Hell, it helped destroy freaking DENVER, too.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

As a kid, I remember an extremely red-faced Ted Kennedy at some protest screaming about the plan to implement forced bussing on his constituents.

Those were the days, when even shitlibs could oppose blacks in their schools.

Reply to  Marko
4 months ago

St Louis is a sad example of the demographic destruction. As a person from the SW USA I used to enjoy STL since it had an eastern feel to it and the brick houses were very cool. Windy road and a lot of trees. The people even had an eastern accent. The nasty stuff was across the river in East STL. The bad stuff is now all over the core of the metro area with whites moving farther and farther west.

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
Reply to  mikew
4 months ago

I attended SLU in the late 70s. It was fast becoming a ghetto then.

Reply to  Marko
4 months ago

Newark New Jersey was an almost all-white city in 1950. Southern blacks started showing up in numbers while interstate highways were being built. Whites got on those highways and left. After the 67 riots, the remaining whites got out.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Maxda
4 months ago

And now it’s hell on earth. Few places in this world are scarier than Newark at night. I don’t know if there is one safe neighborhood left in that godforsaken pit.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Camden is even worse.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
4 months ago

So I hear. And Trenton is no bargain either.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  thezman
4 months ago

There’s a reason for the saying, “There goes the neighborhood”, whenever a black family moved into a hitherto lily-white neighborhood. It was invariably the beginning of a snowballing process that would initially start with astute whites seeing the writing on the wall and surreptitiously selling, and this would eventually become a rout.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
4 months ago

All it takes is one.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Wonder why it’s the conservatives that are the last to get the message that it’s not their neighborhood anymore and sell at a way less price than those who could see the writing on the wall and got out early…I see it all the time and have to wonder are they just that much dumber or just more reactive(albeit slower) than proactive…

Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

Lineman: Conservative, middle class Whites have been utterly pacified. They believe in always following the rules, sticking with the existing structure, everything within permitted limits. To be a legitimate White advocate these days, one must have a revolutionary mindset. Most Whites are terrified by that – and they’ve been told by their zionist churches that a good Christian always obeys earthly authorities.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Too true. Utterly slavish subjection to authority may be white people’s most crippling vice, and conservatives are more deeply implicated in it than the rest.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

The whites of the 1770s sure as hell were not slavishly subject to authority. Nor were the Southern whites of 1861.

Whites have been bought off by the New Deal teat.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Xman
4 months ago

Every scintilla of rebelliousness and independence has been machined out of us by over half a century’s worth of relentless propaganda. Rejection of authority, you see, is rayciss, and nothing is worse than that.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Right. There are going to be a lot of people who say, “What? A millstone for me?”

Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

Being on the leading edge of trying to keep my community in the community, our principal problem is outbidding the Progs’ idealism. They really, really think converting their rambler to Section 8 is worth taking >10% less on sale price.

White communities are not like the Orthodox community Jared talked about. Our defectors care nothing at all for whatever happens after they move out.

Fred Beans
Fred Beans
Reply to  thezman
4 months ago

Yeah my mom told me about the block busting that went on in D.C. in the depression era. And the blacks they moved in were less than the neighborly type, they made sure their presence was well known, like having a woman go outside wailing “aaaaahhhhh….aaaahhhhhh” all night long.

Reply to  thezman
4 months ago

The one neighborhood I saw resist that was one that border part of Grosse Pointe Park. Basically filled with Kentucky hillbillies that moved there during the war. Maybe a few thousand. They resisted and likely by “irregular” means. I know blacks did not enter. GGP had a canal from Lake St. Clair part of the Detroit border and the town simply got an engineer to condemn all the bridges and then blocked them, creating their own Maginot line.

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 months ago

That’s the only way you can win is if you have a Community at your side…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  SamlAdams
4 months ago

How Imaginotive…

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  SamlAdams
4 months ago

That’s a great story! I went to Grosse Pte several times in the 90s to participate in flower shows, of all things. I stayed with a nice family in a posh area and marveled at how they were surrounded by the less-pleasant and more dangerous areas of Detroit. But Lake St Clair was at their back so it offered a sense of security, I think. Public schools are still good there, what I here. Anyway, the last flower show I was scheduled to judge at their War Memorial (I think that where it was) had me driving through Detroit, late… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  thezman
4 months ago

Unquestionably a money grab. But the destruction of pleasant white nabes was a dam’ good side dividend for those archfiends.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

I think it was the opposite Brother the money was just the bonus…They are that evil…

Reply to  Fed Up
4 months ago

I still have a hard time wrapping my head around that theory. Historical animus aside, “Here’s the plan: we’re going to bring in cheap Catholic labor to build industry, let them take over our cities, then we’re going to smash Catholic power and destroy our cities by bringing blacks up from the South, and we’ll ship industry overseas and rule over a third world shithole!” I mean, it sounds like a plan for Protestant suicide to me, and it’s worked out that way for sure. Maybe I’m wrong, and again historical animus aside, and even taking into account the peculiarities… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 months ago

It is a bizarre and deranged theory EMJ concocted to avoid the racial component and remain in denial about it.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

Strange thing is, he isn’t, at least wrt the great migration. Otoh, he has this idea of Catholicism as a race-mixing thing. Idk.

I can even get where he blames Protestants, but then I can point out that Catholic charities are trafficking people today. I’m wondering when Christians generally became subversive weirdos. Which is why I’m convinced something else is going on.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 months ago

I’m wondering when Christians generally became subversive weirdos.
When they started worshipping jews instead of God…

Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

Lineman: Early Christians were considered subversives and met in catacombs. Now they build garish shopping-mall ‘churches,’ cower in fear of a common virus, and proclaim themselves humble before God because they wash a black man’s feet.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Yea makes me sick Sister they wouldn’t have anything to do with Jesus because they would revile him just as much as the scribes and pharisees did back then… Funny that parasites came up as I was trying to spell pharisees…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

Parasees? Pharisites?

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Those “megachurches” are referred to as “Six Flags Over Jesus” where I live. And in Memphis, there’s one called “The Mall o’ God.”

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
4 months ago

Wish that was all it was. The mainstream denominations are all corrupt, being man-made institutions, but some are vastly worse than others. (Catholics, Methodists, Lutherans, megachurches, I’m looking at you!)

Some try to hold the line, but fail, and curiously, they are the ones who get most of the grief. (S. Baptist) No, I’m not S Bap, but it’s closer to what He preached than anything else.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

Orthodoxy seems to be the only major branch of Christianity worthy of respect.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
4 months ago

Ha ha ha ha. Sometimes all one can do is shake his head and chuckle.

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 months ago

The old money Puritans saw themselves losing out to German and Scotch-Irish industrialists, so they combined with another set of ethnics to destroy industry through financialization. In the end, it was a suicide, albeit a slow one.

Reply to  Tarl Cabot
4 months ago

That could be the something else— Capitalism! It does seem like finance follows industry, and I’d say high tech follows finance.

Reply to  Fed Up
4 months ago

Steve Sailer has a good rundown about the “Black a Block” program in a Chicago suburb. A little works, but too much seasoning ruins the stew.

The south has a term for neighborhood demographic shifts:

“The neighborhood is going dark”.

The book “Left Behind in Rosedale” is a great book on the topic.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 months ago

All it takes is one, and even one is one too many.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

What is it about White People that they want to include other races so bad to their societies..
No other race does that even though it’s the one time it would actually make sense and benefit them to have White People in their society…

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

It makes them feel that they are “fair” and “just.” It’s a self-esteem or self-aggrandizement thing.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Sadly, I agree with your analysis.

It shouldn’t be that way, but it is.

4 months ago

Again: Know Whites, know peace. No Whites, no peace.

Reply to  Maniac
4 months ago

Yea we need to build our country again since this one is lost too us…

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
4 months ago

Really sharp analysis, thanks. My money is on Detroit’s reversion to the mean like Baltimore but hope springs eternal. I would note Detroit continues to have incredibly wealthy patrons and Baltimore mostly does not, so the possibility cannot be foreclosed entirely.  One can guess as to who they select for this special form of inspection. Given what happened with TSA, I have to assume they select white people. As for the “Fortress Cities,” these are just a new version of “better schools,” but instead of white shitlibs, it is Normie Cons this time, hence the rage. I noticed the Mail… Read more »

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
4 months ago

Many local politicians were arrested so they could not interfere in the repair efforts.

One of them, Kwame Kilpatrick [sic; not bothering to check] was Pepe-marched front and center last weekend by the Trump Team after he endorsed Don-Don in Detroit.

Trump commuted the guy’s sentence, and the Trump Beach Blanket Blonde Bimbo PR team rolls out a murderer to show how blacks and whites, together, are going to, like, Make America Great Again.

I laugh because otherwise, I start thinking about drinking.

Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
4 months ago

If you are ever tempted to rely on the common sense of your fellow man . . . don’t. There are no more heroes, no more nobility of spirit.

Tom K
Tom K
4 months ago

Let’s call “civil rights” for what it is: Negro privileges. The social capital you mention can’t survive the blacks’ bad behavior protected by their special status. In fairness, any group would act out once their more impressionable members sensed their special privilege, maybe not as much as negroes, but to some extent the same thing would happen. By the way, the econometricians are often puzzled by the loss of productivity in our economy over the last fifty or so decades. But the puzzle is solved when one realizes that this secular slowdown has coincided quite neatly with the destruction of… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by Tom K
4 months ago

I live in Los Angeles in the 90s when Mayor Richard Reardon and Governor Pete Wilson righted the ship temporarily. They did all the right things, policed in a way to keep the white neighborhoods safe, and keep the city functioning.

Didn’t matter in the long run. Only takes one or two election cycles for all progress to be destroyed.

Reply to  Maxda
4 months ago

Same thing happened in New York city. 2 terms of DeBlasio and it was all over.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  M....
4 months ago

Giuliani’s progress all went up in DeBlazes…

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 months ago

St.Louis is trying to make the downtown area a place where white people will come but like Detroit its yet to be seen if this will be successful? St.Louis city has a black female mayor and a cronie administration. They want and need white people spending money in the city but they also do not want little Tyrone put in jail for theft and causing problems in the green zone.

Last edited 4 months ago by G Lordon Giddy
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 months ago

Re: St. Louis St. Louis County has a million people, two-thirds of whom are white. Within the St. Louis city limits, whites are less than half the population, the same with blacks. The city’s white population actually is slightly increasing and the black population is decreasing and being pushed back into the hood and into dysfunctional suburban towns. Remember Ferguson? it is now north of seventy percent black and is the equivalent of a Muslim-dominated banlieue outside Paris. There are other ramshackle “cities” in St. Louis County exactly like it. The fasting growing ethnic population in both the city and… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

“Remember Ferguson?”

Ferguson? I remember Fergadishu.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
4 months ago

A little touch of Scotland, a whole lotta Africa.

4 months ago

I have never been to Detroit, but Greek Town sounds exactly like the sort of economic zones you see in hundreds of cities these days. The same mix of multicultural restaurants (often with a “James Beard-winning chef”), the same craft breweries and wine bars, the same semi-grungry warehouses they cleaned up to host concerts, the same tattoo shops, etc. They’re all over the place. They’re also fun in a vacuum but it’s not a genuine culture. I guess it’s just enough for the local populace to keep working for the corporations nearby, but in the end leaves them atomized and… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by Mycale
Reply to  Mycale
4 months ago
4 months ago

Unfortunately, these efforts to stabilize and revitalize small parts of once great cities is nothing more than rearguard action. Sure, not all blacks are criminally inclined, violent and/or otherwise worthless pieces of crap, but WAY too large a percentage are. That means to have any success at all in saving what’s left of this country, they have to go – walled off somewhere on the continent where they can build a real wakanda and deal with their many disfunctions as they will. Oh, and every asswipe libs*** will be joining them.

Clayton Barnett
4 months ago

In my books there is extremely strict segregation. Violations are shot or, in the case of all of Atlanta, evacuated. We cannot live together.

Reply to  Clayton Barnett
4 months ago

Not just segregation, or separate neighborhoods or polities. Separate continents only.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Yea that would be lovely but you wouldn’t have enough of a White population to rebuild after the fighting was over and I’m not a big proponent of suicide missions…Best we can hope for is ethnostates within this continent and it’s seems like a longshot these days because of apathy, cowardliness, and selfishness of the White population here in AINO…

Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

Agreed, all but the last sentence. The biggest problem is that all Progs and many Cons buy into the diversity angle.

Get that meme (in the Dawkins sense) out of their heads and we have a chance.

Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

Good luck…

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

“Best we can hope for is ethnostates within this continent … .”

Perhaps. We shall see. But I believe that some time around 2028, we are going to see mass deportations, no questions asked. Things are changing.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
4 months ago

Good Lord, I pray you are right!

4 months ago

What city is America does this NOT describe? -feral, violent “diverse” no-go zone -carefully guarded entertainment area for suburban white with money -downtown area where suburban whites and relatively tame vibrants interact for corporate and government services The real issue now is low-birthrate whites getting squeezed out of first-ring suburbs by blacks and immigrants. I live in a lily-white, small-town exurb that voted Trump 65-35. Almost never go to the city for anything, I head further out to the farming communities whenever I can. Was looking for something at Walmart and had to go to the first-ring suburban store right… Read more »

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Xman
4 months ago

Ho-lee-fook. Thought I was in Pakistan. Or Africa.

That pretty much sums up my area now. It was 90% White when I moved, but now it’s probably 50% at best. None of the school children are White either. Lots of pajeets, ferals and some sort of weird brown mixture type.

Reply to  Tired Citizen
4 months ago

Tired Citizen: For the love of God, move NOW. You won’t be able to enjoy your retirement when you or one of your family is dead at their hands.

Reply to  Xman
4 months ago

SHTF and they will be at your doorstep before you can blink at that range…

Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

The whites in my town are, shall we say, “prepared” for that quite well. Three gun clubs, lots for deer hunters and 4×4 trucks. Mostly Fudds to be sure but nonetheless well-stocked and generally have a realistic and dim view of the urban demographic.

Tars Tarkas
4 months ago

If we ever recover from mass psychosis, one day there will be some excellent books written on the topic of self delusion on a grand civilizational scale. Everyone just pretends that life has vastly improved for everyone since the civil rights era (which is itself a giant lie). Detroit was once known as the Paris of the West. Diversity turned it into the Lagos of the West. Something important that everyone just forgets or never knew is that Detroit was destroyed by the children of the generation that moved up from the South to work in the factories while all… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
4 months ago

I’ve noticed that whenever they call someplace the Paris of somewhere, it’s a signal of the end. Detroit, the Paris of the Midwest, Saigon, the Paris of Southeast Asia, Beirut the Paris of the Mediterranean…… I’ve even seen Cape Town called the Paris of Africa

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

Heck, they called Paris the Paris of France, and you see what a shithole that has become.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

Paris is the Paris of Africa.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

I always wonder if these cities were actually called this.

According to Mayor Eric Adams, New York City is known as the Port-Au-Prince of America. Literally nobody has ever said that, and it’s hilarious just to say.

Reply to  Mycale
4 months ago

There’s a Managerialist Bugman term of art we’ve all heard or seen in print many times: “World Class”. As soon as you see anything anywhere described as World Class, you know it’s going to be third-rate wannabe crap.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

Don’t forget Bandung: Parijs van Java! Has some pretty good well-preserved art deco architecture, so there’s that.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
4 months ago

Seems many that claim to be ‘dissidents’ are, in reality, Candides.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Thanks 3G learned something new…

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Rarely does such a determined fixation spring unbidden from the native soil. Reformed Cunegonde much? 🙂

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
4 months ago

Isn’t prince George county md sort of well off by black standards? Maybe it too will revert to the mean

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
4 months ago

IDK, but it is probably further from the mean than Detroit was. A lot of these people in Detroit were working in the factories and supporting jobs in suppliers and supermarkets and barber shops etc and were working class people even if they were better paid than the working class in other areas and had the motivation to move to Detroit from the South. Whereas I believe Prince George county is a higher class and so the mean is further away, so it will take a couple generations to revert. OTOH, sometimes outliers have outlier children. If they insulate themselves… Read more »

Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
4 months ago

PG County, when I was growing up nearby in the ’60s and ’70s, was a more blue-collar, not quite so wealthy White county in Maryland. Then a trickle of blacks from DC began to move in – the magic 1/10 %. And, as I have repeatedly asserted, all it takes is ONE. The place is now a standard black sh*thole. They all work for de gubmint and steal things blind. The entire black ‘middle class’ in AINO is that same fallacy – give them a job they don’t deserve nor qualify for, move them to magic dirt next to some… Read more »

stranger in a strange land
stranger in a strange land
4 months ago

Quick trips to Chiraq later this week, and the ATL next week. Wish me luck boys. I’ll report back with news from the front – but you pretty much already know what that will be.

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
Reply to  stranger in a strange land
4 months ago

Carry the Melville for protection. HAve a trip SISL!

Fred Beans
Fred Beans
4 months ago

I remember visiting the Baltimore Aquarium in 1983. It was a nice area as I recall. I guess nowadays it would be safer inside the shark’s tank!

4 months ago

This kind of arrangement the the default existence in the 3rd world. Little islands of prosperity surrounded by peasants. It’s actually similar to feudal Europe, but the biggest difference is this time the peasants aren’t really contributing anything to the “lords” via grain taxes. Instead the stagnant lords use their position to steal from the ever shrinking worker class and then redirect it to the ever growing peasant class. The peasants contribute votes, while also creating a threatening environment to the workers to keep them motivated to continue producing. A weird arrangement, I don’t know if this has historical precedence.… Read more »

4 months ago

I lived for years in the ATL metro area in one of the endless suburbs that surround the Perimeter (a circular interstate highway bypass that is often more congested than the interstates through town). It was close to my work in the aerospace field and my wife also had a relatively short commute as neither of us were forced to deal with going downtown, which is overrun with black criminality, pesty homeless (called by former talk show host Neal Boortz “urban outdoorsmen”) and now, protests over the treatment of the oh-so-precious blacks and Palestine and whatever reason the kooks give… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
4 months ago

Might want to think about how you can help other Whites do the same thing that don’t have quite the means you do…Just a thought…

Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

I am not independently wealthy. But I would counsel people on spending their money wisely, avoiding debt and saving and investing carefully to build a future for themselves outside diversity’s death spiral.

Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
4 months ago

It doesn’t take independently wealthy. Hell, I’m not near as comfortable as I need to be. But to get a guy set up in a siding company takes around a grand. A couple grand to set up someone in welding. A bit more to get into powder coating. $4-5k for being a wedding DJ, if you can buy on sale.

And mostly, those people can afford to pay those debts off within a year or two, plus maintain a standard of living that can support a small family. And that means you can get more people started.

Last edited 4 months ago by Steve
Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

Steve: Excellent ideas. Solid ways of a helping hand, not a hand out. Whites must help each other; no one else will.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

A 25-year-old man of my acquaintance went to lineman school after high school. Dude makes serious bank, has a beautiful girlfriend, owns a hunting property and a sweet 2200 sq ft timber-built house with a pole barn that stores all his “toys” – snowmobile, fully-equipped wood shop, bush-hog, Bighorn Explorer, portable hunting blinds, camping, archery and fishing gear, etc. True, in a busy week (in winter, generally), yeah, he may have to work 90+ hours, which sucks (driving the company truck and grossing $5000+ and all), but still… not so bad for a stupid white boy from New York’s north… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by Steve W
Reply to  Steve W
4 months ago

As more of us lineman become aware of the power(no pun intended) that’s in our hands then a strike will become that much more effective…

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
4 months ago

No mention of participation in actually existing society, of course. Look, don’t get me wrong, I am impressed with what you have done to escape the violence of the Diversity. But we generic AINOmericans live on the cusp of general catastrophe; how can you or anyone advise young people — just as we were advised by our parents in 1975 — to save, avoid debt, invest etc., with sincerity? Do you think that these confused young people will have portfolios in 2060?

Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

There is a Return To The Land movement afoot with a PMA model for FOA. The parcels are affordable and you better be of like mind and like … or you won’t get in. That is a good thing. The plots are very affordable.

You can get Aarvoll’s contact information and apply here:

Conventional politics, talking and complaining are for those who aren’t going to be able to thrive in the future. Time to start taking concrete action.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
4 months ago

Congratulations on your escape from ordinary society, Dr Toboggan MD, and on your wife’s new government sinecure. Enjoy those leaves.

4 months ago

Denver has gone like Baltimore although its diversity is mainly brown. They did turn it around for a bit in the 90s through the 00s by revamping the downtown with sportsball. It started to show signs of reverting to the jungle in the teens, but covid became its death knell. They took the Seattle/ San Francisco approach by importing the drug/psych/ perversion demographic which I find more pathetic than our dusky brethren. If there’s no sportball game, nobody goes downtown.

Reply to  CFOmally
4 months ago

I forgot to mention that the blame lands on the republican governor who in the 90s did everything he could to attract big tech, which pulled in gobs of folks from the bay area, which forever changed the voter base. The Californication thing.

4 months ago

Maintaining the conceit of the civil rights revolution is a luxury borne of prolonged affluence and abundance. Post WW2, the USA was the economic king of the hill and swamped with industrial capital that elevated living standards across the board. By the 60s, politicians learned that this largesse could be used to buy votes and blacks were easy targets because the cost per vote was lowest. That bribery turned them into indentured servants. Then along came LBJ and his welfare handcuffs. Black fathers were driven from the family unit and replaced by Uncle Sam; and from that time forward, black… Read more »

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  TomA
4 months ago

Right. Don’t confuse the symptom with the disease. Blacks were really not (much) of a problem between 1865-1965. Focus on what changed, who changed it, and why.

Reply to  Tarl Cabot
4 months ago

Does it begin with J and end with EW?

Reply to  TomA
4 months ago

How about both…The only reason why there was black fathers in the home(which who really knows if that is truth) was because of Whites enforcing a standard upon them which why is that our beast of burden to bear…We can see what the negro does in Africa without any White control and it doesn’t show us a lot of black fathers in the home…

Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

Absolutely. What Africa also doesn’t show much of is random violence for random violence’s sake.

There may well be “epigenetic” forces at work, sure, but simple genetics is not enough. American nogs seem to be a distinctly violent subculture. Which suggests there’s a substantial environmental factor unaccounted for. Which is what @TomA and @Tarl are talking about, I think.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

Are you certain of this? Is Kinshasa really safer than Kansas City? Cape Town safer than Cleveland?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

South Chicago? Hell, yes. It’s only when you start diluting the numbers down with whites and Asians (and to a lesser extent, hispanics) that American cities start looking like places one might choose to start a family.

Root out the diversity, and our non-hispanic white population is more peaceful than European whites.

Last edited 4 months ago by Steve
The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  TomA
4 months ago

“The fix for this lies in the elimination of the Borg.”

Or the end of the “prolonged affluence and abundance” you mention. That will do it, and that IS coming.

4 months ago

Did a tour of duty there in the mid-80s and lived up in GP and rowed out of Belle Isle. So took the E. Jefferson tour at 0430 each morning for practice. Detroit’s problem is the neighborhoods were organized around the old “vertical” car plants. Once those moved to the horizontal design, like GM Poletown all the employed labor vanished with it. Black and white. That quickly left the people that could/would not escape as the largest population cohort. So a quick downhill run. Add in Coleman Young, the greatest of the black urban kleptocrats. If you remember the “Gran… Read more »

4 months ago

Z, can we have an article at some point soon discussing the situation in France? Even some establishment types over there have been predicting civil war for some time (something admitted almost universally by said types in private – see Eric Zemmour’s writings), and after Le Pen’s strong showing in the European elections and Macron’s gamble on a snap general election, maybe it’s time to revisit? I would love to see your thoughts, as well as those of our worthy commenters.

Thank you in advance.

Reply to  Jannie
4 months ago

“for some time IN PUBLIC”

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
4 months ago

Detroit could be unique among cities in this regard. We may not see this “success” replicated. It hit rock bottom, so the locals turned to the Oligarchs to fix things without the usual squawking. Plus there was a core group of local Oligarchs – Ford family, Gilbert, Ilitch family – willing to step up. Moreover, the problem was of sufficiently small scale that it could be addressed with concerted effort. This recipe was special I think. Meanwhile, white Detroit had simply moved to the suburbs but was generally supportive of the effort for sentimental reasons. Would we see this in… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
4 months ago

Gilbert saw an opportunity to make a lot of money. He moved his companies into vacant buildings and pays himself rent. Thus the buildings now have value. Ford got a billion $ tax deferral to do the train station. The Illitches do nothing but hold property. They made
many promises but have never made good on any of them.

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Captain Willard
4 months ago

Griffin did not leave Chicago: he, his billions of dollars, hundreds of highly paid employees and philanthropy were told that they were not wanted.
But at least the city now has Venezuelans, car jacking and roving gangs of violent “youths”.

Reply to  Mow Noname
4 months ago

True, @MOW, but Griffin was a “manage the decline” kind of guy. Rabine had potential, I think, and maybe that .mil chick, (I forget her name, as did pretty much everyone in Illinois.)

You do realize Griffin made his fortune essentially past posting, right? Front-running HFTs because of where he placed his antennae? The only reason he got away with it was that the people front-running were legally distinct from the ones posting, right?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

And if this is the Griffin I’m thinking of, he also donated 20 mill to Harvard. Bloody fool.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Like 500 mil. What a twit.

Last edited 4 months ago by Steve
David Wright
4 months ago

Step one was to elect a white mayor albeit a Democrat. The long awaited Gordie Howe bridge to Canada is close to completion so you know this second bridge is important to future commerce and trade/imports. (How did We based whites get to name the bridge?)

Even the historic Michigan Central Train station has been resurrected by Ford after rotting away for decades. Formal glory will never return but important billionaires and 3 million plus surrounding white counties may keep it from the dysgenic path Detroit was on. Still, know your surroundings when entering.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  David Wright
4 months ago

I was mulling over the idea that the border crossing may be the differentiator that might make a difference to Detroit. Letting other central cities turn into wastelands does not have much impact in the end, but making traversing that border connector too dangerous to attempt would be noticed.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
4 months ago

The bridge was built to avoid Detroit and Windsor. It connects to interstates on both sides of the river.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  M....
4 months ago

So it’s a pipeline between Greater Toronto and Chicagoland/St. Louis?

Sounds like the Great Lakes megalopolis may be a thing after all.

Reply to  David Wright
4 months ago

The bridge is a Canadian funded project. Hence the name.

Reply to  David Wright
4 months ago

So 75% unsafe is good enough? Simply limiting the spread of contagion will ensure a future for White children?

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

I really don’t think White People care about the future of White Children because if they truly did they would be doing something a 180° of what they are doing now…

4 months ago

We lack the will to resurrect the ACS – which is really the only effective solution. There is the underclass and then there is the middle class which simply will not exist without dispossession via racial wealth transfer. Soon we lack the numbers. The biggest issue we face is cultural and identity via cultural transmission. The cultural transmission mechanism elevates and eradicates our identity. What are you doing to resurrect and transmit our culture and identity and inspire those you transmit it to, to adopt, foster and develop it? A white fortress that does not imprint its culture on its… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
4 months ago

We lack the will to resurrect the ACS…

Heck, we get the vapors just hearing about the CSA…

Reply to  RealityRules
4 months ago

Amen My Brother…The only viable thing out there is this but most are too comfortable to join in at helping build it, they either want to naysay it or come after it’s already been built…

Last edited 4 months ago by Lineman
Sgt Pedantry
Sgt Pedantry
4 months ago

Detroit isn’t holding the line against nature.

The burned-out areas are being reforested and you can shoot deer in certain zipcodes.

Or at least shoot at deer, if we’re talking about the natives.

The current batch of fatherless city fathers would do well to bring in T. Murdoch as tyrant for a couple of decades.

Reply to  Sgt Pedantry
4 months ago

I live in one of those areas and we had a clown do just that. He wounded one but didn’t track it so it died needlessly.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  M....
4 months ago

Too bad the deer didn’t shoot black…

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Sgt Pedantry
4 months ago

Think what the homicide rate would be if they were better shots. Given their usual prey, maybe we should build After School Shooting Ranges for target practice.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

I often joke about that, too, but I think sporty times are too likely, and would much prefer they miss a lot, and blow through all their ammo with Glock “switches”.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

We had a .22 shooting range behind my elementary school tail end of the 1970’s. I fired my first shot there when I was eight or so. Nobody got winged or otherwise harmed. 100% white, dutch and german mostly, kids except for a few small hats whose mothers invariably refused to allow their kids to shoot. We were raised to be competitive at everything, the older, bigger kids displayed no mercy, and so we took our instruction seriously. Fun days.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

The “vibrants” had a “hold-it-sideways-and empty-the-mag” event in Akron a couple of weeks ago… 27 shot, 1 fatality.

Reply to  Xman
4 months ago

Muzzle rise. It’s a bitch when you hold it sideways.

Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

Try it sometime. Hold it sideways without using the sights or just hipfire at a B-27 from point-blank range of 5 yards or less. You will be amazed at how much you will miss.

Reply to  Xman
4 months ago

Oh, I know. All I was getting at is you hit pretty much everything except what you wanted to hit. At least if you white-hold a glock switch handgun, the rounds go into the air above where you were aiming. If you ghetto-hold in your left hand, you hit shit to the right of where you were aiming and vice versa.

Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Places like Greek Town can survive only so long as the oligarchs–Roger Penske is another–maintain an interest in them and continue investing capital. I suspect the oligarchs will grow bored with their artificial creations, cut off the lucre spigot, and turn their attentions to other more exciting projects. Then Greek Town will become Hutu Town, just like the rest of Detroit, and every sign of civilization will vanish.

4 months ago

I wonder if we stray into the weeds of defeatism, fellas. Taking race out of it (for the moment)…This problem is not insurmountable. All we have here is rampant criminality. Whites and jews are actively involved, albeit in far fewer numbers. Consider: in the world’s second largest economy (China) – they publicly arrest, prosecute and execute corrupt officials on the take. Granted… a few political enemies of the regime make periodic appearances at the firing squads but that is how the clippers roll. The world’s third largest economy – Russia – was an economic mess ten years ago. They did… Read more »

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Filthie
4 months ago

@Filthie, I love ya, but I can’t agree. I do think it is insurmountable. First off, in order to have any chance of challenging the moral authority, you have to have some sort of force behind it. Whites have been deracinated to the point where they have zero power. Even if you could garner some support for our cause (like the folks here), the average White person would gladly hand over their first born child to a feral negro so long as he doesn’t call them a racist. I think we are past the point of no return here. The… Read more »

Reply to  Tired Citizen
4 months ago

I bet if only the people that commented on this blog set down together and were honest about the state we are in and honest(not selfish) about coming up with a solution we could make a good start at a future for White Children…

Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

That “good start” starts with one’s own children.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Filthie
4 months ago

What these things prove is that where there is a will, there is a way. We do not lack for the way; we lack for the will.

Eventually things will get so bad that we have to and will have no choice.

Yes. That seems to be the catalyst for those other countries you mentioned.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Filthie
4 months ago

Every one of those had to get a lot worse off than we are now before they became willing to do what had to be done. And bringing race back into it, none of them perpetrated a GR on themselves prior.

Reply to  Filthie
4 months ago

I share your optimism, @Filthie. It’s not just half the whites who think crime is a bad thing. Blacks don’t like crime, though they sing a different tune when it’s dey gud boi what didn’t done it.

It can be done at the local level (not with the horsewhips, no), though you have to be careful to keep it quiet. If things get bad enough, some states will come on board. No path for the Feds.

Until the Prog run cities burn, I see no way to convince shitlibs they should think crime is bad, too.

Last edited 4 months ago by Steve
4 months ago

Dan gilbert is no white knight . he moved rock mortgage from a suburb into the city of detroit where all his employees would then have to pay detroit city income taxes. the city condems huge swaths of land an gives it to him for a dollar complete with long term tax abatements. he put up appartments, grocery stor and a few other stores for his employees who lived out to far to commute into detroit after they moved, but the rent is high. like the old coal mining companies, with the company town and company store. all that is… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by miforest
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  miforest
4 months ago

Fifteen tons, and whatdya get?/
Another day older and deeper in debt/
I hear ya’ callin’, St. Peter, but I can’t go/
I owe my soul to the company store.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Fifteen tons gets you fired. Sixteen is the quota.

Tom K
Tom K
4 months ago

Apartheid and/or complete separation sound like admirable goals from a DR perspective. But then you had that black city councilman from Jackson, Miss. who said [paraphrasing] “when they [the police] come in here from outside the city chasing our people, you throw rocks, breecks, bottles, whatever you can find and show them, stay out.” So self-rule, that is, separation, is out in my book, because no matter how large the area, there will always be a border. And to have them daily invading white spaces en masse [apartheid] from just beyond the perimeter, should be out too imo. One might… Read more »

Reply to  Tom K
4 months ago

Whites just need to have that same attitude for negros that they have for police…

4 months ago

Negroes are natures most destructive force. It’s not tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, comets or asteroids. It’s negroes.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Alfred
4 months ago

…and they know it.

Goetz v B
Goetz v B
4 months ago

While in Army basic training at Ft. Knox in 1969 I noticed that half of the guys there were Whites from Michigan. They told stories of the MC5 and the concert scene up there.They were like tough, not-so-peaceful hippies. The few that I kept up with all moved to Texas after the Army.

Reply to  Goetz v B
4 months ago

It’s what later became the kid rock icp Eminem demographic

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
4 months ago

I think there’s an argument that Detroit is more strategically important than Baltimore, mainly because there are multiple ports on the Eastern seaboard.

The other advantage Detroit has (had?) is the presence of Windsor, which permitted convenient access to a skilled White labor force at somewhat lower rates thanks to the weaker CAD.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 months ago

Detroit is situated close to the sources of minerals including taconite and copper as well as the plants and mills for exploiting .them Very cheap transpo via the interlake system and rail connects with Gary, Chicago and Cleveland and Lima OH. Not convinced Allentown-Pittsburgh to Baltimore had quite as many advantages. Both regions have good technical universities and willing blue collars.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  DaBears
4 months ago

Good points.

Another item – for various reasons DTW is far more pleasant to fly through than ORD, MSP, JFK, ATL, or LAX.

4 months ago

everything can be fixed in america if liberal values die off.(maybe except for california)

problem is establishment’s plan ain’t about that, their plan is to tweak the melting pot idea by injecting some MAGA concepts into it.

kinda like what stalin did during world war 2, in order to defeat nazis he allowed some minor russian ethnic nationalism to manifest, he sprinkled some of it on the demonic j-ish bolshevik construct(which ultimately led to Putin becoming president, but it took 60 years to get there).

Last edited 4 months ago by sentry
Reply to  sentry
4 months ago

California is turning into a de facto two-tier racially based state. Upper tier: rich White, Middle Eastern, Asian, Jewish + a smattering of the smartest HIspanics. Lower tier: Mexican, Mexican, Mexican. No blacks – all pushed out to Third World settlements like Victorville or beyond. It’s a Latin American model similar to what you would see in a place like São Paulo.

4 months ago

Let the cities dwindle into Venues or ruins, let the savages perish with them. They evolved for Africa, not the urban. They chose the African path consistently. They insisted on being African Americans. of course it’s Lagos. It has been Lagos for 2000 years of the marching Bantu. Let the Democratic Party die with them. The World is full of ruins, time we had ours. They drove us out, what care we? The Locals are stable at 13.5%. God save Roe vs Wade. Lol. Baltimore and Detroit need more Mexicans. The cities are now an anachronism that grew in the… Read more »

Reply to  vxxc
4 months ago

“Let the cities dwindle into Venues or ruins, let the savages perish with them.” “Baltimore and Detroit need more Mexicans.” They’re our cities, built by our people for our people. We’ve surrendered too much ground already, and welcoming more Mexicans is pure insanity. They still consume more than they produce, leaving Whites to supplement the costs of their food, housing, and health care. Plus, they’re not us. A better policy would be to stop supplementing failure and feral breeding of all non-heritage Americans. And the savages don’t perish. Like locusts, they destroy one area and move onto the next, helped… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by Winter
Reply to  Winter
4 months ago

Mexicans are rather benign compared to what we’re getting now. They changed the law making it harder for Mexicans to come here many years ago. Now it’s the really, really brown Central Americans we get.

4 months ago

St. Louis continues to sport the highest murder rate in the country at 66 per 100,000 … St. Louis punches way way above its weight though due to a statistical quirk. The city of St. Louis itself is legal entity that is distinct from the surrounding county, so the murder rate is for the burned-out urban core of the city alone. The surrounding “white flight” suburbs are not included in the calculation of crime rates at all. For other cities like – I assume – Baltimore, at least some of the surrounding suburbs are probably included in the calculation of… Read more »

Reply to  RDittmar
4 months ago

Some cities just don’t send FBI their violent crime numbers anymore, or only count homicides if they have an arrest or even a conviction. Last time I was up near Chicago, scuttlebutt was they weren’t reporting anything, anything if committed by an illegal.

4 months ago

no need sophisticated analysis to Detroit model, reason why Detroit is sustained is black leaving another white town to loot

It is another Jewish trick that man fell into, empty place will look good when termites not seen

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
4 months ago

Meanwhile…at a gas station in Memphis…

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 months ago

Did you notice Boo Boo had his shower sandals still on from prison.

They never disappoint.

4 months ago

I guess today is “How Cuckservatards Can Ensure Black Lives Matter in AINO” day. Sad times at Zman’s place.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Reads more like realpolitik. Maybe the art of the possible. What is the best we can do with the hand we were dealt?

Like it or not, until “civil rights” is widely seen for the scam it is, the big play is not possible.

Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

None of what has been floated here is possible today, and less likely with each coming year and fewer and fewer White people. Anything ‘possible’ within today’s magic democracy is a chimera, lipstick on the pig of racial reality. Who wants realpolitik within a multiracial system? Not I. And f**k Kissinger, Nixon, Johnson, and any White silent or boomer or self-proclaimed ‘greatest generation’ who wants to piously proclaim “We did the best we could.”

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

You mean what @Zman posted about Detroit? He’s right. We will see if there’s anything that can be done pre-collapse but get out of the cities and educate your children well. I don’t know what there would be left to try.

I was actually speaking of the historical definition of realpolitik, that of Bismark. By the time Kissinger entered the scene, it had a heavy nationalist bent, and, as we probably agree, trying to save the nation is a fool’s errand. Though one that serves moneyed interests quite well…

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Well it is almost Juneteemf, lol. Just another day (or month) celebrating black disfunction and general worthlessness…

Reply to  usNthem
4 months ago

The diversity in Chicago celebrated Jumeteemf with something like 71 shot, 9 killed. So far as is known, anyway.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

Hopefully, they’ll bust that record in 2024.

4 months ago

Correct, there are in fact 3 groups in the world:

The Meek
The Good
The Evil

The Meek will play cleanup crew (hence the propensity for Hollywood to display them as the magical negro trope), while the Good keep the Evil at bay.

Of course, it’s all interconnected. As the Good reject the Evil, so too do the Meek reject the Good…leading to the situation Z described – the society of the Good becomes a museum.

Without the approval of the Meek, nothing matters. And all Civilizations, or whatever remains of them, become hollow

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
4 months ago

The only thing missing from Z’s description of our future will be the need for armed security for the rich people. And by rich I mean what we think of as middle or upper middle class today. I have witnessed that on trips to the third world in Mexico and Panama. It is quite an eye-opener when your tour guide shows you his concealed weapon permit and his handgun. Or when you eat in a modest restaurant guarded by a man with a loaded shotgun inside front door. Gated communities are just that in Latin America sometimes but not always… Read more »

4 months ago

[…] ZMan looks behind the curtain. […]

4 months ago

Here’s a hypothetical question: You die and arrive at the pearly gates. An angel tells you “you lived a good life, but you can’t enter yet, you have one more circle of karma to work out. “You will be sent back to earth as a 13 year old Black male. You must live 20 years as him. You get to pick the time and place. You live 20 years in a way that works out your karma, at age 33 you’ll ascend to heaven.” I would choose Detroit from 1944 to 1964, and I challenge anyone to come up with… Read more »

Reply to  Somone
4 months ago

Sure, I’ll bite.

“Sir, in all due respect, I am going to get back in the elevator and take it to the basement.”

Reply to  Somone
4 months ago

Who gives a damn? Why do black lives matter to so many here? I thought the dissident right was supposed to be concerned about a future for White children.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

“Who gives a damn? Why do black lives matter to so many here? I thought the dissident right was supposed to be concerned about a future for White children”. Preach it, 3g! Can I get a witness?? Wholeheartedly agree. Let’s concentrate on why we’re all here in this forum and not turn it into a “let’s help our fellow downtrodden black folk”. There are tens of millions of downtrodden white folk that need to be uplifted. Just take a drive off the interstate anywhere in WV, E TN, SW VA, W NC. Do these folks count anymore to us? They… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Heh heh. You’re right, but I think Someone’s point is how postwar America coddled the negro. Far from oppressing them, we turned them into Gods on earth. Utter madness.

Reply to  Somone
4 months ago

Atlanta, Columbus, Minneapolis, DC or Charlotte today. Middle class and upper middle class blacks live very well in those cities.

Last edited 4 months ago by TempoNick
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

And 50 percent of their children and grandchildren will be criminals.

Reply to  Somone
4 months ago

Really? Based on what? Who’s history are you using? Most people think that “Roots” was the history of black America. Most people don’t realize Kunta Kinte was a fictional character. Pozzed black history started almost immediately after they were given civil rights. A lot of slaves in old America gained the respect of their owners and lived good lives – or better than those they would have had in Africa as free ranging savages. It sounds awful to say it, but there is nothing wrong with young, stupid and violent black males that can’t be fixed with a horsewhip. Our… Read more »

Reply to  Somone
4 months ago

Maui, Kona, Oahu or Kauai. Nobody cared whether you were black outside a few districts. Women actually may have found you to be exotic and thus worthy of special treatment. Most dudes would befriend you, especially outside Oahu. You could find easy work. Lots of chill vibes and things to do. 1957-1977. No burden at all.

4 months ago

Put democrats in charge = destroy everything.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Dutchmn007
4 months ago

Coleman Young’s party affiliation really played a secondary role to the actual reason he sent into motion the city’s death.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

Young publicly told whites to GTFO of Detroit, which they did.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Dutchmn007
4 months ago

Shut up.

It’s not about which party is in charge. It’s about the demographics. You know that. We know that. And we know that you know that.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 months ago

“Shut up”? Really? I think not. And which party plays on changing the demographics?

C’mon man – you’re not that dumb.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Dutchmn007
4 months ago

Both parties have changed the demographics. Republicans have always supported mass immigration. Cheap labor. Pat Buchanan was all alone among the GOP in restricting immigration.

Reply to  Dutchmn007
4 months ago

You are not going to make any headway here. Pretty much everyone has either their own local situation where demographics are determinative, or they have an ideological bias they cannot see through. They literally cannot imagine localities where there is a difference between political parties. That there are actually places where Democrats are the problem we face.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Dutchmn007
4 months ago

The Dems hate me. The GOP pretends to not hate me. Neither party ever does anything to stop the invasion. The Dems push it. The GOP pretends to try and slow them down.

Your games won’t work around here.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 months ago

No games man & I’m no friend of the GOP since The Shrubs; I’m just pointing out that which is obvious, the Dem platform is to destroy the country. The GOP as cucks are guilty as well by actively omitting themselves as obstructionists

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 months ago

“Which” party. That’s a lark and a few.

4 months ago

In a way, the comments on this piece remind me of the kinds of shopworn things you hear from cucks, like about the Communist threat or how they’re going to eliminate the Department of Education.

Blacks have been relatively stable at 10 to 13% of the population. Even though they are super breeders, they’re not growing thanks to their propensity for violence and the modern medical miracle of abortion.

Our problem is the other 27% + of diversity, but they’re not as easy (or fun) to pick on.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

The other 27%, while significant, don’t do 53%. There is definitely more bang for your broken buck with a specific group.

The only other group with bigger bang for removal is (censored by USG).

Reply to  c matt
4 months ago

I don’t care if blacks are model citizens, I want a predominantly white European society. The other 27% make that hard to achieve. Dumping the third world in here is replacing whites. That’s a bigger issue to me than any particular behavioral peculiarities of blacks.

Look at the bright side of that 53%. They’re in prison so they can’t breed.

Last edited 4 months ago by TempoNick
c matt
c matt
Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

The whole problem is too many of those 53% doers are NOT in prison. Perhaps you missed my reference (13% of the population do 53% of the violent crime – does not necessarily mean they are prosecuted/jailed for it)

Reply to  c matt
4 months ago

Still some normies on this site Brother even with everything they have read they can’t overcome their programming…

Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

I’m not a normie. I know this stuff fairly well. My point is that 13% has always been here and you’re not going to do anything about it. Blame your dumbass great-great-great-grandfathers for bringing them here to pick cotton for them. We can’t do anything about it.

That other 27% is the problem TODAY and it keeps growing and growing and growing. We can do something about that.

Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

Not gonna downvote, but just say there’s a bit of illogic in your comment. Blacks cause most of the damage and worse, seem to be in ascendancy wrt their minority status. In short, they punch above their demographic weight so to say. Therefore it is logical that when negatives of diversity are spoken about, they are on the top of the list to be discussed.

Last edited 4 months ago by Compsci
Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

This is typical conservatism, still fighting yesterday’s wars. It’s like all the people fixated on abortion and vote accordingly, can’t see the forest for the trees. The problem with blacks and their dysfunction as well known. Don’t let that be a distraction from the even bigger problem, which is the kumbaya mentality where an Indian or a Paki or a Chinese is interchangeable with a European White. I don’t care if every single Indian is a model citizen and all whites are lazy metheads and the dregs of society. I want to be around people generally like myself. We have… Read more »

Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

Not gonna downvote, but not worrying about welfare queens is how we got into this mess. If Congress didn’t blow money like a Okinawan whore blows, you know, you wouldn’t need a double income to afford a house and kids.

Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

What are you going to do about it when white billionaires are the biggest welfare queens? You’re fixated on that 13% you can’t do anything about.