The Baby Crisis

After putting the show together I thought about many things I could have included but either forgot or did not think about until I got into the topic. The demographic collapse we are seeing in the West gets some attention, but no where near enough given the enormous consequences that lie ahead. No civilization that we know of has gone down the path on which the West has embarked.

A subject that gets even less attention is the fact that fertility rates are dropping all over the world, not just in the West. Mark Steyn wrote a book about this years ago, but conservatives are too dull to think about such things. David Goldman also wrote about this around the same time, but he too was ignored. There is a great deal of leaving alone going on with regards to collapsing fertility rates.

If you are a conspiracy buff, you could add in the Covid panic and how the virus was deliberately created and maybe accidentally on purpose released into the world by the sorts of people who cheer demographic collapse. You will note how the origin story of the Covid virus is also getting a good leaving alone. A cynic might think that maybe there is a link between collapsing fertility and engineered superbugs.

Based on what we know, it seems unlikely that the people running the world are trying to snuff out humanity, but the point of mentioning it is that there are a lot of angles to the global fertility crisis. The fact that the great and the good are putting so much effort into making sure no one thinks about it is a story in itself. There is a reason they do not want the masses thinking about this topic.

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This Week’s Show


  • Introduction
  • Fertility Rates (Link)
  • How To Think About It
  • Possible Causes (Link) (Link)
  • Think Simply
  • Conclusion

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4 months ago

The Zman criticizes the natalist and trad movements for “overdoing it” and seeming like an “obsession” and says that they are the mirror of the left’s obsession with single women. Well, let’s slow down and think about that. The left’s obsession with single women has been very effective. Devastatingly effective, such that most of the mainstream right accepts the left’s framing on the role of women in society. The right is notorious for embracing strong, independent women with careers, like the childless Ann Coulter. So if a tactic has been very effective, maybe it is a good tactic. Maybe we… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by Vizzini
Reply to  Vizzini
4 months ago

Downvote from some anti-natalist fag. If you’ve got something to say, come out and say it.

Last edited 4 months ago by Vizzini
Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Vizzini
4 months ago

Not from me. I have two childless unmarried twin sisters, 48 years old, who’ve lived together their entire lives. They’re insane and I expect that once our mother dies, they will either kill each other, me, or a random stranger.

Our societal madness is due — and we all know this, I’m repeating a cliche here — to childless post-menopausal women. They lack natural completion and they are destroying society in their inchoate, unconscious, murderous rage.

Last edited 4 months ago by Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
3 months ago

Abortion has also sent them over the edge. imagine having to live with yourself knowing you killed your own baby. How does anyone truly recover from that? I have told this story before, but my wife had a miscarriage and to this day it haunts her. I’ll hear her crying in her sleep. I know that kids are something like an appendage. You feel their sicknesses and their pains like you would in your own extremity. It’s there. And I’m a guy so I can only imagine how it affects a mom if she went off and killed her own… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Falcone
3 months ago

Perhaps the sort of woman who kills her own baby doesn’t have a conscience to begin with and therefore feels no lingering remorse. I suspect this is the case with most of them, anyway. And if you’ve observed, first-hand as I have, the typical sheboon’s lack of maternal love for her children, you’ll know what I’m talking about.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago


Quite possibly the perfect description of the female pavement ape.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Sheboons care about their kids in their own way, notwithstanig what strikes me as unnecessarily brutal slaps in the head I see them giving their kids in the grocery aisles. But that’s a thick skull with but an advanced reptile brain, and they know what’s best and what works for their own kind and kin.

or to disagree, a sheboon feels at least some inner discord if she kills her kid. You cannot fool Mother Nature. Kill your kid, sheboon or not, and Mother will pay you back in some way. No one escapes.

Reply to  Falcone
3 months ago

Leave well enough alone. The right people are killing their babies. We have too many feral bastards running around as it is.

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

I don’t think it works that way

because a culture of death seeps into every social circle

if blacks are doing it, whites are doing it too. No way to separate them fully. We are all living in the same boat for better or for worse and what happens in the black area travels into white area

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Falcone
3 months ago

There’s no “better” about it.

Reply to  Falcone
3 months ago

Yes, but it’s liberal whites and non liberals who have a defective kid. Liberal whites aborting something that shouldn’t have been created in the first place, whether outside marriage or whether they were wanting to sow their oats with a diversity. I’m not going to knock somebody for aborting a defective kid. I’m just being a realist here. These are real decisions people have to make. I was just reading about Sally Field and how her mom and stepdad took her to Mexico for an abortion after she got impregnated by her high school boyfriend. She seems like she had… Read more »

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Falcone
3 months ago

Yes. This right here is a cardinal point. Too many white guys in my age group assume this is just a black problem. Meanwhile their wives had abortions without them ever knowing while they were off for a week with the guys to watch European soccer in the UK.

It’s the entire culture and has been for a long time. Even in the mid-90s white women were already corrupt; the women in my college dorm had no morals, but paid lip service only to societal norms (now long gone, releasing them from the performance of Christian actions without enthusiasm).

Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
3 months ago

White women certainly are into abortion, but almost as bad for our society is that they’re the one who refuse to have kids in the first place.

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

Margaret Sanger’s original goal was to lower the birthrate of undesirables.
Unfortunately it comes at a hell of cost.

Reply to  Bilejones
3 months ago

I personally wish we could go back to the time where women kept their legs together until marriage. Since you’re never going to put that genie back in the bottle, abortion might be a necessary evil.

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

We’re slowly realising that maybe the “patriarchy” and belief in God were there for a purpose. Even a semi-anarchist like me can see that for a society to survive and prosper, you need some pretty strict moral rules.

Reply to  Falcone
3 months ago

I think many women seem to have no trouble with abortion, because society tells them it’s not only fine but is also highly empowering.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 months ago

Vizzini: Well said.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 months ago

Shaming is a VERY effective tactic with women. BUT, the shaming has to come from other women. My late mother-in-law, a Silent Generation, told me that when she was growing up, a person wasn’t considered an adult unless 1) they were married and 2) they had started a family. There was a lot of peer pressure, especially female peer pressure, on women to “Get with the program”. The stereotype of mom with her arms crossed, tapping her feet and pointing out to her daughter “I don’t see any grandbabies around here! What’s taking so long?” didn’t come out of nowhere.… Read more »

Reply to  mmack
4 months ago

Women won’t do that until they come to self realization of what their natural role and path to happiness is. Most I believe *do* come to that, but by that time it’s too late for having children. Hence we have generations of lonely, neurotic, and depressed women among us.

Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

Compsci: And self-proclaimed tradcons exacerbate the problem by raising either entitled princesses, or insisting their daughters have a backup professional career “just in case.” If women have financial self-sufficiency, they will live frivolously and put off marriage and motherhood indefinitely. They search for the ultimate alpha male, who is ‘x’ tall or makes ‘x’ per year, and then use reproductive technology to have perhaps one child. All the while splitting time with their ‘career’ and doing a piss-poor job at both career and family.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Ouch. I confess my fault in that as well. Daughter just had her (perhaps) one and done in her 30’s—but damn, she’s got a great looking diploma from Stanford on the wall.

As should be obvious to all here, I only grew up when I hit my 60’s. Too late for me, but perhaps others can learn. As I’ve been told: “We all serve as ‘good examples’—even if only a good example of a ‘bad example’”. Sigh.

Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

I don’t have kids, but if I had a daughter, I would stress both. I would want them to have an education and be able to think things through on her own. Besides, if you are some nitwit, it’s going to be tough to hold the interest of a man who is anywhere into the triple digits of IQ. That doesn’t necessarily mean you need a degree, but I’m all for that anyway. My other half got her Master’s Degree 5 years ago had some overpriced big name private university. I told her to go to the state school because… Read more »

Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

TempNick: Don’t confuse credentials with education. I never said men should marry stupid women – and many of the stupidest have advanced degrees. The standard trope is the man pissing away money on beer and cigarettes while the kids go hungry. The reality is women pissing away money on hair, nails, and show tickets while feeding their kids poisonous fast food.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

I completely agree with that. I know that there are a lot of smart people who don’t have the credentials. However, if you play the odds, you’re more likely to get intelligence with the credential. I just think it’s good for you as a person. I don’t really care about anything I learned in school, it’s the thinking process that you’re trained in that has yielded dividends for me. School can give you self-confidence that you’re not a dummy and that you can do these kinds of things.

Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

I don’t really care about anything I learned in school, it’s the thinking process that you’re trained in that has yielded dividends for me.”

Folks, what’s with this statement and your attending down votes?

I’ve *just* finished chapter 12—“Is Critical Thinking a Better Model of Intelligence? ​◈​ Diane F. Halpern & Heather A. Butler—in “The Nature of Human Intelligence” by Sternberg.

There’s a whole school of thought and published study supporting what this man, TempoNick, has discovered for himself. Kudos. 😉

Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

I am a much more logical and organized thinker having gone through the educational process. I was more impulsive and shoot from the hip before. Part of it is age and life experience, but a big part of it was from matriculating the educational process.

Last edited 4 months ago by TempoNick
Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

Not sure why you’re getting downvotes, Nick. Did you serve in the IDF? 🙂

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago


Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Some of my best friends are ((())). 😉

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

My best friend is ((())). And I’m afraid it doesn’t change a dam’ thing.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

I feel you brother. I just had a friend over tonight who I haven’t seen in a good while. A truly good person who would do anything for you, and did when the anti-white racist police decided to make an example out of me a while back, he helped me out tremendously. He is black. And like your tribal friend, at the end of the day, I would wish him well and send him on his merry way with his own people probably as you’d do with your friend. This is what lefties do not get. Most of us just… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
3 months ago

I’d have to disagree on that one. I’m as anti-immigration as anyone on here. Yet an Indian doctor in the UK saved my wife’s life and a Jewish colleague got me out of a large professional hole. I owe those guy big time and I have their back. Rappers and Jewish neocons, not so much.

Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

Nobody likes an independent thinker. The current fad is to push your kid into the trades and if you don’t march lockstep with what people hear in their bubble, they get mad at you.

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

it’s the thinking process that you’re trained in…”

Depends on what you’re studying. Mathematics, philosophy-yes. Psychology, sociology-not so much.

It’s as the difference between teaching one how to think v. what to think.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

I would add: never confuse credentials or education with g intelligence. A person may be educated on the particulars of an individual sequoia yet be daftly ignorant as to the rest of the forest right in front of them.

Currently, I am attempting to author comparable sage advisement regarding a simple jingle associated with Chicago. The reality is my intelligence, credentials and education are rather underutilized at the moment even assuming I have them. We don’t even use the best we can do often.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

TempoNick: “Besides, if you are some nitwit, it’s going to be tough to hold the interest of a man who is anywhere into the triple digits of IQ.” One great thing about being a Playah is that you learn how to TALK TO PEOPLE. And if you’re a PhD type, like everyone on this board, then within about the first 30 to 60 seconds of conversing with a new acquaintance, you ought to be able to suss out [correctly] your new acquaintance’s IQ, to within a margin of error of about plus or minus 5 points. And if you’re a… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

That reminds of that saying by the late, great Irish footballer, George Best: “I spent a lot of money on booze, women and fast cars. The rest I wasted”.

Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

No disagreement. My wife is “smarter” than me (documented via testing) and holds three degrees. She worked, as I did, because—well that’s what you do, don’t want to stay at home as her mom did…. In any event, we punched out two children and shortchanged them via our career. And for over educated (degreed?) academic types we had it pretty good since we didn’t punch a time clock. I can imagine what other folk have to do to fit children into their life with a career/employment outside of the home. So now we sit at home retired, and what is… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

Compsci: My husband asked me to tell you that he admires your humility. My husband was worried about affording more kids and how to send them to college. Now he says we ought to have had the 3-4 we initially discussed regardless, rather than just the two we have. It’s one of many reasons we help our sons financially – so they don’t have those later regrets.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

Having 2 kids these days is a great achievement, 3. I’m sure you’re great parents.

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

My wife is “smarter” than me (documented via testing) and holds three degrees.

I have irrefutable proof I am smarter than my wife: Look at who I married and look at who she married…

Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

Shaking my head right now, never had kids but wants to tell others what they should be doing with theirs…That takes the cake…

Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

You can train yours to be dumbasses and serfs if you want. I’m just telling you what I would do with mine.

Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

Yea be the genetic dead end like you, that’s some smart thinking right there…

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

No man is a genetic dead end until he’s dead.

Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

Compsci: I seriously considered tossing all my ‘certificates’ (framed and unframed) when we were packing to move. In the end I tossed them in a box and they’re in the basement of my son’s house. I don’t ever plan on displaying them, but maybe they will be quaint artifacts or curiosities to my grandkids. At the very least they can be used as fire starters.

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

It took me until my late-40s to realize everything I’d ever been told was a lie. And by then it was too late for a lot of things. Oh well.

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

I have daughters too, Compsci. We all want to do our best by them, but it’s hard when you’re fighting the whole of society. My girls are both strong and independent (in the old sense). This is great because it means they didn’t believe any of the BS about Covid and see through all the LGBTQWERTY crap too. However, it does mean that they want jobs or occupations that are interesting and challenging. I suspect they will both marry and have kids later on, but it’s not a done deal. We do what we can!

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

Don’t forget about the men. A lot of men are opting out of marriage and fatherhood because it is just so risky. When I was in my late teens early 20s, which was nearly 35 years ago, I knew a bunch of guys in their late 20s early 30s. Every single one of them had horror stories of divorce court, family court or getting arrested at work for child support payments. The ones going through divorce were losing their homes, their children and a large part of their income. Things have really only gotten worse since then. I don’t want… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
4 months ago

I hear ya. Especially if you’ve got more to lose than the average guy. Huge risk.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
4 months ago

Tars: Valid points, but if you don’t have kids, what’s the point of it all? I have many reservations about my daughter-in-law, but . . . she’s still produced a beautiful grandson, gardens, and cooks wonderful meals for my son. So I am holding my tongue – and my breath – for now.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Tell her to get busy having more Sister…

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

I agree with you. Despite the risks, I think men should get married and have kids young.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
4 months ago

There are things we could do to make the process less risky. Perhaps young men could join some kind of mannerbund that would offer “slut insurance”. Basically, if/when the little princess decides to “find herself” chasing exotic dicks and plans to use a guy’s money to do it the mannerbund steps in with legal help and moral support. Perhaps guys could give their wealth to the mannerbund itself if it looked like the slut was going to get it all. Maybe a trust fund can be set up to allow him some use of the money in a way that’s… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
4 months ago

I still argue and still get lambasted for my position on “good” men finding “good” women. If men learn what’s important in finding a good women—what to look for, where to find—the odds of success in marriage increases tremendously. I admit that we, as a society, have lost many institutions we once depended upon to help find a mate. But really guys (and girls), do you think hitting the bars or searching through “Tinder” is the best place to find wife/husband and mother material? Is that “hot”, tatted-up, “7-9” THOT (you’ve never seen a 10, trust me) at the table… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

I think you get lambasted for not realizing that’s it’s a totally different society than the one you were raised in…So that diner with the wholesome girl is few and far between…The opportunities are just way less for both sexes these days…
It’s like when people your age say you just have to work harder or young people are lazy…

Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

I agree, but does that make Tinder or bar hopping or one night stands a correct or acceptable replacement in the present era? Woman have learned (men to, but I have less respect for them) that the “one night stand” is the modern replacement for the “good night kiss”. Let’s bring the time somewhat into the present. I remember my son was going out with his future wife (not known at that time however). We were outside in the garage and I noticed he was acting a bit “hinky” considering his going out that night with her. It all of… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

No it’s a good point Brother and they shouldn’t look there but it’s there because of where society is today and of how slim the other choices are to find a good mate…

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

You “have less respect for men”?

Then I will have much less respect for you.

Reply to  Cmhi
3 months ago

Clarification. Respect meaning that men are more driven by nature with sexual drive to desire many mates. Women are the natural gatekeepers in that respect.

Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

Compsci: If men learn what’s important in finding good women – what to look for, where to find – the odds of success in marriage increases tremendously. Status Post Ronald Reagan’s 1969 signature on the “No Fault Divorce” law in California, there have been precisely two social structures in the United States [and in most of Western Civilization, for that matter]: A) Marriage Famblies B) Divorce Famblies Marriage Famblies stay married; Divorce Families engage in serial broken marriages & divorces & broken re-marriages & second divorces & broken re-re-marriages & third divorces, etc etc etc, for the entirety of their… Read more »

Reply to  Bourbon
3 months ago

Thanks, you add a valuable insight I failed to make.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

if you don’t have kids, what’s the point of it all?  You assemble the dissidents and help lead them to the proper state of man in relation to his environment and, hopefully, God. You could even blog about it. All the while swatting away your tiger cats and tidying up the new homestead. The wife and I are involuntarily childless due to estrogenic cancers beginning when she was my fiancee. I stuck around, in part, because my options were vapid city chicks from wealthy backgrounds and Carmelita the 85 g iq checkout girl albeit with a big rack just doesn’t… Read more »

Reply to  DaBears
4 months ago

You assemble the dissidents and help lead them to the proper state of man in relation to his environment and, hopefully, God
So you have a group there in Chicago Brother…

Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

Yes, Brother, on information and belief we have the following Chicago members duly assembled:

The Machine
Oligarch wannabees like Putzker
Non-white terrorists
White terrorists, if you accept the Irish as White, and I do not in toto
Dept State
(NGO’s like Catholic Charities and the small hats)
(the dark stuff we haven’t detected)

Not many others overtly. It’s like deja vu all over again.

Carry the torch, Brother.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
4 months ago

This^^^. I got married late, and admittedly a lot of it had to do with this exact thing. I’ve done well for myself, and I wasn’t going to hand it all over to some rotten bitch who wanted someone to take care of her. My wife and I met too late to have children, and even if we could, there is zero chance I would want to bring a White child into this God forsaken hellscape of a world we live in. I do not find my marriage to be pointless because my wife and I love each other deeply… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

I’m one of them.

I’ve been pretty much MGTOW since I was thirteen because I’ve always had a minimal sex drive which afforded me a clarity that my male peers didn’t have. I saw the direction in which our women and our culture were rapidly headed. My best friend is a woman and our platonic relationship more than suffices.

And yeah, bringing kids into the world as it is now is insane.

Reply to  Maniac
3 months ago

no. it’s not . if your’re content with porn and pot, just say so. don’t condem those who have a family.

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
Reply to  mmack
4 months ago

As a boomer, my ex and I got a lot of pressure to get married as a couple graduating from college. Everyone we knew was doing it. That doesn’t appear to be a thing anymore.

Reply to  Redpill Boomer
4 months ago

Not to be a broken record, but I’ve told the story of back when I was in kollege gettin’ me some knowledge, exactly one couple I knew got married while undergrads. And clueless me asked the gal if they “had” 👶 to get married when they announced their engagement. Kudos to the young lady who should’ve belted me five across the chops, but she explained they were in love and why wait until graduation? Most college women were like my first college roommate’s girlfriend who told us, somewhat verbatim, “Hey! I didn’t go to college to get married! I’m gonna… Read more »

Reply to  mmack
4 months ago

As a woman, I can shame other women all day. If the men won’t back it up, I’m sunk. I don’t have the natural authority in any conversation.
I can tap my feet (and snap my fingers) about wanting grandbabies. If Dad is saying “Go get a good job and support your husband”, nothing I can say will overcome that.
Gentleman, have daughters and encourage them to be another man’s faithful wife, rather than sportsball heroes and engineers. Women react to and cultivate culture of men, they cannot create a positive one by themselves.

Reply to  Wiffle
4 months ago

Wiffle: Very well said.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Wiffle doesn’t waffle…

Reply to  Wiffle
3 months ago

Agreed it has to come from both sexes (I believe in only two, terrorist that I am), but women forget their “subtle” power. There’s a funny but true line in My Big Fat Greek Wedding Toula Portokalos: Ma, Dad is so stubborn. What he says goes. “Ah, the man is the head of the house!” Maria Portokalos: Let me tell you something, Toula. The man is the head, but the woman is the neck. And she can turn the head any way she wants. You’re right that screaming at each other like drill sergeants is counter-productive. But aren’t you women… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  mmack
3 months ago

“Because Nature has given women tremendous power, the law, rightfully, grants them very little.”–Ben Jonson (I think)

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

A magnificent sprinter and extremely quotable!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Dagda
3 months ago

I wonder if the steroids also make the brain stronger?

Reply to  mmack
4 months ago

mmack: “Shaming is a VERY effective tactic with women. BUT, the shaming has to come from other women.“ Oddly enough, just a few hours ago, Jordan Peterson poasted an OUTSTANDING VIDYA concerning Antisocial Personality Disorder: Antisocial Women Steal Reputation Jordan Peterson 2024-06-21 Jordan Peterson has been on a role recently. If keeps producing content of this caliber, then he might very well resuscitate his own reputation [no pun intended]. These are outstanding videos for clueless Normies who are new to the Dark Enlightenment. And the darkest aspect of the Dark Enlightenment is coming to grips with [and acknowledging the… Read more »

Reply to  mmack
3 months ago

Men have to take the lead. Women aren’t going to come to these conclusions on their own. Or if they do they will not act on them on their own. I think much of this is a lost art. Men getting women to do their bidding is something of a lost art. Work with women into realizing that having a family is what’s best for her. I remember a long time ago there was a male coach of a very successful woman’s college basketball team. He was asked to explain the biggest difference between coaching men and coaching women. He… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
3 months ago

I still think it needs to be both sides. A woman’s peers are important in shaping her behaviors, same as it is for men. If she’s hanging out with her gal pals who want to party, dance, and pick up strange guys, marriage ain’t happening. Also, Dalrock the blogger (miss him) had a great point on how women look to other women in their social group for “The Signal”. One gal in the group gets engaged, suddenly all the other men get pressure to “put a ring on it”. Sadly, he pointed out, it goes the other direction: One gal… Read more »

Reply to  mmack
3 months ago

It’s going to take a team effort is the reality of it. Church may also need to play a major role. But perhaps starting small with a few guys taking the lead and their women setting the stage for other women to follow. Hopefully it builds momentum I know in my life because we had our first kid when I was only 18 going on 19, and I was sort of ostracized from the upper middle class world I was reared in, but lots of blue collar guys took inspiration from me. My actual peers, many of them never had… Read more »

Reply to  mmack
3 months ago

mmack: ‘Also, Dalrock the blogger (miss him) had a great point on how women look to other women in their social group for “The Signal”.’ Our existential quandary is that the Frankfurt School & the Council of the Sanhedrin hijacked & perverted & poisoned “The Signal” via Feminism, Talmudvision, j00vies, Scrotial Media, and of course post-secondary edumakashun [all of which the Frankfurters & the Sanhedrin control absolutely, at this point effectively without any intellectual nor moral nor spiritual competition whatsoever]. There do exist women who have the natural ability to see through the incessant omnipresent cultural conditioning, but apparently those… Read more »

Reply to  mmack
3 months ago

The default position today is to label this shaming as oppression and bigotry. However, as you say, it existed for a reason. Take the issue of babies born outside of marriage. Today this is no biggy; in fact, it’s even considered cool. Way back when, illegitimate babies placed an enormous and often fatal burden on communities, many of which were struggling to survive economically. Illegitimate babies are still a socially destructive phenomenon today, causing massive knock-on social problems. The difference is that the immediate effects are hidden because the welfare state picks up the tab. Further down the line, this… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
4 months ago

While it is true that the anti-natalist, girl-boss, spinster idea has caught on, it may have more to do with broader causes of low fertility discussed in the podcast. The anti-fertility cultural themes might just be another consequence of these other factors rather than the cause of low TFR.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 months ago

Had my first child at 61. Many factors contributed — boomer culture (me-me-me etc), demanding profession, lack of understanding of white female craziness post-feminism et cetera. Woke up in late 50s and realized, gasp, I was finite and that when I got shoveled in, everything I did, know and remembered would go in with me.

Late middle 60s now …. thinking hard about going for #2.

Never a moment’s regret.

Reply to  PrimiPilus
4 months ago

Good on you Brother…

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
Reply to  PrimiPilus
4 months ago

I’m currently 67. If my wife wasn’t well past menopause, I’d give having a #2 some serious thought.

Reply to  Redpill Boomer
4 months ago

Redpill Boomer: I’m currently 67. If my wife wasn’t well past menopause, I’d give having a #2 some serious thought.

Bro, Sister Wives For The Win [“FTW”].

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  PrimiPilus
4 months ago

@Primi Thanks for the white pill. I need that today. Many factors as well contributed to me, despite being younger than you, feeling it will not happen. I am glad it did for you and gives me hope.

Last edited 4 months ago by Valley Lurker
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  PrimiPilus
4 months ago


As someone in their mid-40s who is starting to feel doomed on the relationship and reproductive fronts, I’m all ears ro any advice you’re willing to share in these areas.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 months ago

The Wild Geese Howard: “As someone in their mid-40s who is starting to feel doomed on the relationship and reproductive fronts, I’m all ears ro any advice you’re willing to share in these areas.” The quickest path to seducing women is in never asking them questions; instead, always issue them orders. BETA: “Honey, how would you feel about getting married?” ALPHA: “Baby, we’re getting married. Call your Dad and tell him.” Betas ask questions. Alphas issue commands. Post-Script: If she refuses to obey your command, then instant “Next”. She’s no longer in your life. Ever. The bish either has the… Read more »

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 months ago

I’ll give some. I work at a medical school. There are many smart early 30s women that are desperate to get pregnant as the clock is ticking. Take out dating advert. Explain that you’re a smart older accomplished guy that wants to have a baby. Trust me they will knock down your door. Get busy Z. Hell you have a house in the mountains. They’ll like that too. The cities are getting miserable. I’ve got 3 kids, that I know of.

Reply to  SidVic
3 months ago

And Nick F hasn’t been on a date? I’ve also noted Tucker is telling young men to get married and have babies.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 months ago

Late reply … you know, I don’t know what to say. I made a mess of things previously … in the marriage and family department. Poor selection, not understand myself, not understanding just how different women were / are, having been socially-poisoned by the the beliefs and expectations of the popular and intellectual cultures of the post-war world in this country — caused me great confusion and lack of success. Poor male role model in my family did not help. Add to that now that American females have turned into nightmare creatures; males in many cases to disgusting caricatures of… Read more »

Reply to  PrimiPilus
3 months ago

Don’t know you do it at that age, but tip of the hat

Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

The most effective lie from the government and media especially is that you need a solid job or career in motion before you can raise and have kids

the truth is a man doesn’t start making decent money UNTIL he has kids. There’s no incentive or sense of urgency, and the doors just don’t open for you in the way they will when you have children. Kids are like a good luck charm.

Reply to  Falcone
3 months ago

Yep. We had my oldest right after I graduated from college and I was in a job that paid less than $30k.* Had the second three years later (up to five now). We were mostly a single income family. The wife cleaned a few houses on the side, but we homeschooled, so she kept to what was flexible and self-scheduled. Kids are not the financial burden they say. We also did home births, which don’t enrich the hospital industrial complex to the tune of many tens of thousands of dollars. *An inflation calculator is telling me that’s $80k today. Sigh.… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Vizzini
Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

Plus you don’t want to get old and sick without daughters. They are invariably loyal. Recently had heath issues. My daughters took care of me and intervened with doctors. I’m currently pushing hard for grand babies.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

Yeah, the way he framed it was stupid as hell. I do get the sentiment, though, in the retards who LARP as trads. I don’t know, maybe being married and having kids these idiots are obvious as neon as dawn. Could be Z isn’t all that great of detecting them.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

Seeing and listening to Ann Coulter, I sort of get why she is childless.

4 months ago

On the subject of ignoring the threads informing the Covid origins, that insouciance among our citizens is incomprehensible. Lives all across the planet were thrown into upheaval. Ask your buddy sometime if they might be interested. None of my acquaintances or family are, none. Then there’s 9/11. Lower manhattan was destroyed, you can’t board a plane without obese black women, bursting out of their Homeland security uniforms, making your travel difficult. But no one I know (in real life, IRL), cares to think or comment about it. In 1963, a popular President was murdered in the middle of Dallas, later… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Alfred
4 months ago

People at their core are cowards. To acknowledge they have been manipulated and attacked is to present the question of how to respond. The answer is unpleasant and thus avoided.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

A statistic I keep in the back of my mind is during the American Revolution, roughly 1/3 of colonists supported the revolution, 1/3 supported the crown, and 1/3 stayed out of it.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

Something like 1-2% of men actually stepped up to fight.
Similar to today.

Reply to  Spingerah
4 months ago

And they won. There’s your white pill for the day.

Reply to  Spingerah
3 months ago

That is, among Whites, the % of men (may women be a 10% of 1-2%? Perhaps…) with tye needed combination of intelligence and mental independence and, well, inner-directed morality.

It’s the highest of all races, by the way.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

Few people want to be the first martyr for the cause.

Reply to  Templar
4 months ago

Few people want to even step outside their comfort zone…

Reply to  Templar
3 months ago

You dont win a war by dying for your country.
ypu win by making some other poor son of bitch die for his cou try.

Reply to  Alfred
4 months ago

It’s not so much the things themselves, but the response to them that’s so telling. Visiting a U.S. city in the aftermath of 9/11, the public transport I was on couldn’t enter the station because someone had left a paper bag lying around. I remember thinking that people had gone completely nuts over someone’s lunch sack. Years later, the insanity really hit me as I shifted around during a transfer in Europe while a moslem pawed through my carry-on looking for dangerous items. Yep, the answer to Islamic terrorism perpetrated by Saudis who overstayed their tourist visas was to fill… Read more »

Reply to  Gideon
4 months ago

I always remind our guys, the official story of JFK’s assassination isn’t that lone nut Lee Harvey Oswald killed him, but that Dallas—symbol of white reaction against civil rights, still “The Town That Killed Kennedy” in popular song—did it. Watch any documentary on the assassination, even revisionist ones. The deadly danger of Dallas™ is the frame the picture is hung in. And it always was, before Kennedy even got to town. Oswald was the brightest glowing fed of all time. His job, which you can credit to Mossad if you like, was to stage an assassination attempt that would be… Read more »

Reply to  Hemid
4 months ago

I’m expecting that scenario to be used again soon…

Reply to  Gideon
3 months ago

Neither “Johnson” nor “Congress” held real executive/legislative power, though.
It was another, unofficial, governmental body, deciding the Immigration Act.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Alfred
4 months ago

One of the most striking features of postmodernity is the utterly ovine placidity of the masses. I use placidity instead of apathy because apathy at least implies awareness of the issues. Our fellow human beings don’t even seem to be aware that there ‘are’ any issues. They simply absorb society’s insufferable outrages, abuses and affronts with anesthetized torpor, reach for the Cheetos and Coors Lite, and shuffle around in aimless ovals as if nothing has even happened. The masses are a narcotized, unthinking herd. How they descended to this level so quickly is the question.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Public education and social programming…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

That explains the Leftist mores, but doesn’t explain the dullness to my satisfaction. Can public education and views broadcast through the pop culture and media really reduce the masses to a field of cabbages? I suspect digital technology has something to do with it.

Curious Monkey
Curious Monkey
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Maybe genetics after all? I accidentally crossed religion in my 20s and learned a lot of positive ideas from it. It saved my life from a fate of despair and mental distress. Later abandoned it as religious institutions are also dull and unappealing. But now I see they were the shadow of a former saner state for humanity. But I do not see many people with the same issues. They seem happy with their entertainment and other slop and do not care about how the society that makes this high standard of living works or the needs of it being… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Curious Monkey
4 months ago

No, we’re certainly not the same. We are alienated from the countries and the masses they contain. I suppose we might be happier if we were assimilated to the Borg of Drones, but if it were even possible for me to do so, I would reject it. I’d rather be my frustrated, exasperated, incredulous self than a bloody head of cattle.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Yea plugging back into the matrix is not an option…

Reply to  Curious Monkey
4 months ago

And in the Bible is also some answer to your dilemma:

For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

And the correlate, alas, not from the Bible: ignorance is bliss.

Reply to  Curious Monkey
3 months ago

The society does have a plan for the future. The problem is that it’s totally idiotic and based on utterly false premises. Ruling class intellectuals realized a long time ago that declining birth rates would eventually create a labor shortage and crash the value of real estate. Their solution? Well, it’s something we talk about here all the time. The solution was to import half of Latin America to swell the labor force and prop up housing values. This was based on the utterly simple minded notion that all human beings have the same effects on a society and economy.… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

You may recall a Brit, trumpton, who once posted here. He had an interesting theory about the digital aspect. His theory stuck with me. As best I can explain it, he posited that through sequences, patterns and repetition, digital “mind worms” had been perfected to induce desired responses and reactions to propaganda. It wasn’t the propaganda was more polished and improved, but the delivery mechanism/method had been perfected. That struck me as likely true, at least in the sense of how the herd was being made either to stampede or go into the loading chute to a degree never seen… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

Yes, I remember something about that, JD. The obvious question is, why are some of us impervious to the mechanism and method?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

See Milgram’s experiment-study.
Of course hypnosis resilience distributes on a Bell Curve like every other natural attribute.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Too much dopamine. Instead of it coming from banging your wife or mistress, you get it from porn, games, and junk food. There’s your fertility decline.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

That and maybe drugs…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

I’d be very interested in knowing the actual percentage of AINO’s adults who use drugs–not including alcohol–let’s say, at least once a week. I sense the percentage has never before been as high as it is now, but exactly how high–so to speak–is it? 10 percent? 75 percent? Somewhere in between?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Was referring more to all the drugs that were push on kids from late 90’s onwards and of course all the vaccines that are now required for them to get indoctrinated…
Yea on the drugs people are on as adults I would say it’s a lot higher than any of us expect…

Last edited 4 months ago by Lineman
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

Yeah, those perscription drugs may be doing more harm than the illicit stuff–or what used to be illicit.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

They are born like that, there is no great descent.

Reply to  Alfred
4 months ago

Having a Community helps out in that regard and if you don’t have one where you are at then it might be time for a change of scenery…

4 months ago

I think it’s being ignored by TPTB because most people like the idea of fewer people. I do. I think many of today’s problems – nanny state, resource allocation, widespread incompetence, conflict – can be attributed to the sheer mass of humanity everywhere.

Not that I support superbugs that cull the population. But overpopulation is one of those things that most people think about and shudder. Even the famously urban Chinese are relishing the thought about their population halving.

Now the real problem is who is still having babies, and it’s not high-IQ types…

Last edited 4 months ago by Marko
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Marko
4 months ago

The real problem is the population transfers of the peoples who are having babies into the places with high IQs. There is a reason for it beyond the GDP.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

Jack Dobson: “There is a reason for it beyond the GDP.

Yep, and the reason is called, (((White Genocide))).

Reply to  Marko
4 months ago

It doesn’t really matter if high IQ types aren’t having babies, for a couple of reasons. First, high IQ types aren’t guaranteed to give birth to geniuses. Genetic recession is a thing, and so are birth complications that cause brain injury. Second, having moderate IQs aren’t precluded from giving birth to geniuses, either, and often do. You can somewhat regularly get geniuses from non-genius stock. Third, a rigorous education can compensate, to a limited degree, for non-genius intelligence. IQ is basically processor speed. Knowledge is basically software. Simplified software can compensate for lower processor speed, and simplified education can compensate… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Andrew
4 months ago

The IQ advantage of whites and east asians isn’t so much about the rare “geniuses,” it’s more about the average person having an IQ of roughly 100 as opposed to 80.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

Not necessarily so. Jeffery, you take the extremes to make your point. However, the measurement/statistic you use—IQ—is a rank order measure, not interval. This means simply we can’t state that the difference in intelligence between 100 and 105 IQ between two individuals, is the same as the difference between 120 and 125 IQ between two individuals. Same goes wrt populations. What is considered mentally retarded and non-functional in a Western society seems to be acceptable—and functional—in many 3rd world societies. As I’ve referred to above, Dutton and others have attempted to study genius and the difference between more or less… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

Are you saying that the value of a single IQ point increases as you go up the scale?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

That’s how I read Compsci. Apparently, he thinks the value is exponential.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

That is impossible with rank order measurement.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

No. We simply don’t know. Indeed, there is broad evidence that too much IQ, as it too high, creates genius of which no one can communicate with.

On the other hand, I specifically denied this using the example of an (low) IQ measure that in Western society is considered “retarded” and non-functional, yet the same calculated/estimated IQ, albeit low by Western standards, seems to produce a functional individual in other non-Western nations. Africa comes to mind.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

I’m sure the Very Smarts and the Very Dumbs are the loneliest people. The Very Smarts because few people can say anything of interest to them and the Very Dumbs because very few people are interested in communicating with them.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

A very high sensitivity (right hemisphere) quotient sets you apart from humankind more than a very high IQ (left hemisphere) does.

Last edited 3 months ago by Cmhi
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

It does. A quick look at the Bell Curve may be revelatory of that. The curve steepness rises as it goes off the center.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

This is spot on. When the vast masses of a population have high cognitive abilities to be able to hold and act upon reasonably sophisticated civic/social abstractions. The same is true of the related attributes of low time preference and high impulse control. This frees the extreme outliers on the high end to unleash their genius and to have many people who couldn’t conceive the innovative breakthroughs to understand and do something useful with it. When we celebrate Christopher Columbus, we celebrate all of Europe whose IQ/impulse-control distribution was high enough to support a civilization capable of producing him as… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
4 months ago

We need a round table discussion IRL and I bet we could come up with solutions, the problem would arise with having enough people to enact those solutions…

Last edited 4 months ago by Lineman
Reply to  RealityRules
4 months ago

Ostei Kozelskii: “This is where the American model of a merchant led order is gone off the rails. The sheer number of midwits and psychopaths in the wrong role and at the wrong level is why this thing is collapsing. This is why the techno-optimists like Andreeson, Solan… will fail. More technology will only enhance the power of the psychopaths and midwits and make things worse not better.” Psychopaths gonna psychopath; ain’t nothing you can do about it unless you imprison them, or execute them, or simply leave them alone. What empowers the Midwits is the Hive Mind of Passive… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Andrew
4 months ago

Intelligence isn’t entirely genetic, but it mostly is. Consequently, intelligent parents are much more likely to spawn intelligent children than are dumb parents. And occasional exceptions don’t undermine the rule.

PS–Successful education isn’t primarily a function of pedagogy. It depends, first and foremost, upon an intelligent student body. Hence, the best teachers can put the best information in the most compelling way before students, but if those students are dolts they’re not going to learn a dam’ thing.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Yep. In other words—if you put baby Einstein in a closet until he turned 18 yo, you probably would have produced a “moron”, not a genius. It’s easier to obstruct than to enhance. In any event, the improvement of teachers and other environmental variables are limited by one’s genes. Warne called this the “reaction range” of one’s genes. Taken out of the IQ context. For example, if you were a Japanese child below the age of 5 at the war’s end, you would be expected to grow to be 4-6 inches taller than your parents due to the improved nutritional… Read more »

Reply to  Andrew
4 months ago

Andrew, you need to educate yourself. You are incorrect on most *all* of your assertions. Since you mentioned “genius”, I recommend you read “The Genius Famine” by Edward Duttton for a start. Or conversely, educate the audience here with providing some sources for your (gratuitous) assertions.

Reply to  Andrew
4 months ago

Wow! Four down votes, your comment seems pretty logical to me, spot on actually.
Would one of the negative people explain please?

Reply to  Spingerah
4 months ago

Sure, Andrew is simply incorrect according to basically accepted HBD science and the body of “published” work. Take genius assertions. A low average IQ population will produce (many times) *less* genius’s than a high average IQ population. This is immediately seen/predicted from knowledge of the “Bell Curve”—the fundamental basis for understanding of intelligence. It is certainly apparent to all who live in the USA and willing to compare our Blacks to our Whites in accomplishment as expressed in highly honored, recognized individuals—and no, simply being Black is not an “accomplishment”, which knocks out about most all those so recognized. Dutton… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by Compsci
Reply to  Spingerah
4 months ago

I always get downvoted. I get a kick out of it, actually. Just as much as when people agree with me.

Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

Well, not today (see above). In any event, I won’t downvote you, I’ll argue with you. Downvotes are often kind of worthless in educating the group.

Reply to  Andrew
4 months ago

I agree. The objective of the immivasion is social anarchy and ethnic cleansing, not reduced intelligence. Even on general principles, how well you use what you have, is always more important than how much you have. The Regime needs the services of loyal, high-IQ drones, and the way they’re getting it is cosmopolitanism. Smart children get sent to distant universities, where they get indoctrinated and trained while being cut off from their childhood families, friends and roots. With the globalists themselves, one can think it’s just the Ivy League being their finishing school of choice, but if one looks at… Read more »

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  Marko
4 months ago

“Strategic depopulation” is the only end that makes any sense of the dysgenic policies of TPTB. Back in the 70s, they used to be more honest, but it didn’t poll well, and it ran afoul of the new racial orthodoxies. So they hid their true intentions behind shibboleths- Anthropogenic climate change, for example, as a proxy for overpopulation. Abortion as sexual liberation as opposed to genocide, especially for blacks. Their ultimate goals would make Thanos blush. A billion people or less, maybe half that. Part of me can’t even say they are wrong, except they seem to be hell bent… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tarl Cabot
4 months ago

In ordinary times your post would sound unhinged. These aren’t ordinary times…

Reply to  Tarl Cabot
4 months ago

The Georgia Guidestones said 500,000 was the sustainable population.

Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

I admitted three zeros above. It’s 500 million.

Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

TempoNick:The Georgia Guidestones said 500,000 was the sustainable population.

comment image

Reply to  Bourbon
3 months ago

You don’t make typos when speaking into a tablet? I tried to correct it but it ended up being another typo. I can’t help how Google interprets what I say in the tablet.

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

I poasted the picture of the Georgia Guidestones just in case there were any newbies who didn’t know what you were talking about. [I wanted the newbies to realize that there ackshually were literal physical carved-in-stone “Georgia Guidestones”.] Ever since the beginning of the COVID hoax and the ensuing V@xxpocalypse, I’ve been amassing a library of pictures and memes to make it abundantly clear to newbies that they, whoever “they” are… !!! THEY WANT YOU DEAD !!! Trimming the population of the earth, from 8 billion souls, back down to a mere 500 million souls, requires that fifteen-sixteenths of the… Read more »

Reply to  Tarl Cabot
3 months ago

The world population ceiling should be no higher than 5 bln.

The fact that that can be actualized only by very-coordinated, very evil actors who will have plenty of evil purposes along with the right one is the issue.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Marko
4 months ago

Agreed. Fertility collapse may be a feature; intelligence collapse is probably a bug. I use the conditional here because I think it would be good if we never become smart enough to create a superintelligent AI. Such an entity would, I believe, be the end of us all.

Curious Monkey
Curious Monkey
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

The materialist inside me is certain AI will become superhuman and turn our world into chaos. But the spiritualist thinks they seem to be good only as word salad generators without understanding of the meaning of anything or the capacity to have affection for things in the real world. Unless we are just an LLM connected to sensors the AI machines are just super fast probability calculators. All the useful models require training supervised by humans who can interpret reality and validate the models. Back to the population issue. A hard pill to swallow given our current cultural idols is… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by Curious Monkey
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Curious Monkey
4 months ago

I suppose the nature of intelligence and consciousness is the crux. Is intelligence merely the capacity to store data combined with the ability to organize and process it rapidly? If so, is consciousness simply an epiphenomenon of intelligence? And then, if the answer to the second question is yes, does consciousness then allow for the possibility of curiosity and creativity?

I hope there’s more to it than that–and there may well be–because if not, humans may be able to create a genuinely intelligent AI possessing hideous intellectual puissance.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

I’ve started to use these initial attempts at AI. At this point I’m curious, but ignorant—and nervous. But as to the nature of intelligence, it seems even well known researchers in the field don’t agree. I don’t think I’ve run across even two who define such identically—and some quite radically different.

I’ve often said. ‘“If you can’t measure it, it doesn’t exist”. How much less if we can’t even define the construct we claim to be measuring?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

1) Yes
2) No
3) –

Reply to  Marko
4 months ago

This. I want K-selected people to have lots of kids and r-selected to go. Population growth is dominated by r-selected and (involuntarily) funded by K.

Reply to  fakeemail
4 months ago

Take away that funding and it might make it switch…

Scot Irish
Scot Irish
Reply to  fakeemail
4 months ago

Famines use to work.

4 months ago

In my personal circle, I am aware of 4 miscarriages and 1 death at birth after vaccination.
because of my age , many of my children’s friends are in their late 20’s and 30’s and trying to start families. a couple of them also have been unable to conceive again.

Remember all the talk from celebrities, the wealthy, and the media about the threat of overpopulation? well they finally did something about it.

The dramatic fall in the birthrate outside africa may actually have a cause.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  miforest
4 months ago

I have two cousins who are at least triple jabbed who have since both given birth to evidently healthy White baby boys, one 7 months old, the other 4. But it’s high time we stopped calling it a vaccine, which it is not, has never been, and they had to change the definition of the word to make it so.

Reply to  miforest
4 months ago

The high miscarriage rate was found in the vaccine trials and covered up.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

Yeah, I just saw that press conference yesterday in Kansas. I was was shocked with 10% miscarriage rate.

Reply to  miforest
4 months ago

There is a new preliminary publication of a Danish study regarding sperm quality—and it’s not good. They got their data across the last few years from sperm banks that test and evaluate “donations”. You can’t sell a defective product to a Dane…. 😉 It’s not looking good. Sperm amounts precipitously in decline and motility deficient. Curiously, occurring just after the massive Covid vexxine (Can I use that descriptor, Jeffrey?) campaign. I’ve heard this before a few years ago from (I believe Sweden) but they were not certain if there would be a rebound after the jab’s wore off. Food for… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by Compsci
Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

Compsci: “There is a new preliminary publication of a Danish study regarding sperm quality—and it’s not good.”

Concerning the Danish study, John Campbell just posted the best video of his life about it:

Campbell is an absolute warrior [recall that the Campbells slaughtered the MacDonalds].

And Campbell has an outstanding command of the English language.

He’s the right fellow in the right place at the right time.

All John Campbell videos:

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
Reply to  Bourbon
3 months ago

John Campbell was full on board with all of the covid measures. He then became “red pilled” when the adverse reactions to the shots became obvious. He is now very angry about all of this because he feels he has been betrayed by his own profession. John Campbell is a good man. His anger will resonate in many of us and will have legs.

Reply to  Abelard Lindsey
3 months ago

I have been a Campbell detractor in the past, but must confess from the support he gets here, there must be something to this reformed “sinner”. I shall give him another try. We are all fallen as they say. Redemption is our only hope.

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

That’s what I meant by him being a good man. He believed in the system and the system betrayed him. He is now angry about this.

Reply to  miforest
4 months ago

Multi-factorial for sure. I don’t discount the vaccination thing one bit. But another issue surely must be excessive assortative mating plus said mating taking place too late (dodgy eggs and sperm) because Karen isn’t going to settle down with Bob the CFA until she’s 30+ and sure as hell not before Bob is pulling in the bux. The place I live is an expat enclave of what I’d call the B-Team. Not the A-Team masters of the universe types, but the second-stringers who support them. Everyone’s a credentialed striver of some sort or another. You see Parents pushing 40 with… Read more »

Giovanni Dannato
Reply to  Zaphod
3 months ago

Perhaps the pill is also connected to reduced testosterone, sperm count, and young men with no interest in dating…If all the young women around most men have no pheromones indicating fertility, perhaps men’s bodies stop spending energy on reproduction accordingly until better prospects are detected.

Reply to  Giovanni Dannato
3 months ago

Giovanni Dannato: “If all the young women around most men have no pheromones indicating fertility, perhaps men’s bodies stop spending energy on reproduction accordingly

That’s an outstanding hypothesis you’re introducing there…

Tars Tarkas
4 months ago

One thing that strongly informed my views very early in life was the nonstop propaganda from middle school and high school. This was the height of the early AIDS epidemic and of course, they couldn’t admit it was a disease which primarily affected homos, prostitutes and IVDUs. There was also the non-stop anti-teen pregnancy propaganda. But then after graduating high school I took some years off of school before going to college. All the mid 20s guys were constantly complaining about their child support payments, going to jail for failure to pay and the horrors of divorce for them. I… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
4 months ago

I was blessed that I’m married to a woman of Eastern European extraction that I met in college who is also Catholic. It was a big selling point to her parents. Divorce, even though we’ve had our differences over the years, isn’t even on the menu for us.

john smyth
john smyth
4 months ago

Since the 1960s & 70s we have been told not to reproduce . . . green propaganda about too many people on the planet, etc.

In the 80s we were told to have “safe (sterile) sex.”

God knows what the clot shot and microplastics are doing to us now.

Throw in addition the other usual suspects, abortion, encouraging lightness in the loafers, and hatred of children along with simply making raising kids more difficult and expensive, the chickens simply are coming home (or better put not coming home) to roost.

john smyth
john smyth
Reply to  john smyth
4 months ago

Looking at it long term, it is wild that places like China, Japan and Korea are collapsing in terms of reproduction.

In the 1930s, Japan was overpopulated . . . part of the reason for their subsequent war of expansion. Korea is even wilder . . . lowest replacement in the world supposedly. As a kid, it was always eat your food, don’t you known that some child in (overpopulated) China is starving.

john smyth
john smyth
Reply to  john smyth
4 months ago

I often think about this movie when it comes to this subject.

Reply to  john smyth
4 months ago

Dystopian movies are one of my two or three favorite movie genres and I would have loved to have seen it. However, when I saw that the film makers had casted a negress as the last pregnant woman on earth, I passed. Wtf? They just couldn’t help themselves. They had to do it. I’m sure it was just another example of “Every…. Single…. Time.

Reply to  Boris
4 months ago

Boris: They had to do it. I’m sure it was just another example of “Every…. Single…. Time”. Absolutely. The tragedy is that “Children of Men” could have been one of the best movies of all time. Fortunately, due to an extremely prescient patriot*** [who apparently had been given an heads up concerning what was heading down the turnpike], StarGate SG1 had already covered precisely the same territory with the “Aschen” story arc. “2001” Season 4, Episode 16 ORIGINAL AIR DATE: 08.31.2001 “2010” Season 5, Episode 10 ORIGINAL AIR DATE: 07.13.2001 ========================= ***I’ve often wondered whether certain of… Read more »

Reply to  Bourbon
3 months ago

Lemme clean up those Stargate links, they’re full of errors:


EPISODE #: 510
AIR DATE: 08.31.2001

List of Stargate SG-1 episodes

It’s confusing because the chronological years [2010 preceding 2001] are out of order [from the point of view of Earth chronology versus Stargate & its time-travel chronology].

Anyway, thank the Good Lord that some brave patriot wrote those story lines, two decades ago, to warn us what would be coming, regarding the V@xxpocalypse.

john smyth
john smyth
Reply to  Boris
3 months ago

Don’t watch the movie as prescription but as almost a documentary.

As Z mentioned, who is reproducing?–the African woman

Who is not reproducing?–the British woman

Meanwhile, an ineffective declining state is waging a losing struggle to maintain basic law and order, despite increasingly heavy handed policing.

In the midst of all this our movies “science-minded heroes” wage their fight against the man, showing the perverse stupidity of such familiar folks.

Maybe the above was not the film makers intention (apparently the book is different), but that’s what I got out of it.

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
Reply to  Boris
3 months ago

The novel is good. The movie sucked because the guy who made it intended it as a polemic against immigration restrictions by developed countries. This polemic does not exist in the novel.

Reply to  john smyth
4 months ago

If you knew what Korean housewives were like, you’d go play video games in the basement too. Just saying 🙂 More seriously, these countries have all liberated their women following the Western lead. After 2 or 3 generations of female autonomy, it’s civilisational Game Over. In China the predatory avaricious Shanghainese woman is a standard meme. The rest of them want to follow her. It’s conceivable that the PRC leadership might decide to put women back in their traditional box, but I haven’t seen any evidence of Xi Jinping publishing a review essay of the Lysistrata in the People’s Daily.… Read more »

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
Reply to  john smyth
3 months ago

That was the 40’s as my mom remembers being told that by her teachers. For my generation, growing up in the 1970’s, it was the starving children of India. By the 2000’s, it was probably the starving children of Africa.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
4 months ago

No civilization that we know of has gone down the path on which the West has embarked. Every civilization we know of has gone down the path on which the West has embarked. Once civilization ripens to a certain point, birthrates collapse. Childlessness was a feature of Periclean Athens, of Imperial Rome, Siddhartha Gautama’s India, the Bagdad Caliphate, so on and so forth. There is not one single exception. If you understand comparative historiography, nothing that is happening in the West right now is at all surprising. It has all happened before; the West is treading a well-worn path towards… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
4 months ago

Yep, the progress of civilization is long understood. In fact, many of the elite evils people rail against (and I’ve gotten caught up in it, too) are in large part about dealing with the decadent phase. Seems like an impossible task to deal with the decadent phase. The answer is probably to not become too civilized in the first place, but that’s probably impossible, too, because of ambition and having to learn from experience. The folly of youth and the expensive wisdom of old age, etc.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
4 months ago

And then there’s Africa…?

Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

Well he did say Civilisation.

Reply to  Zaphod
4 months ago

Yep, my apologies to ID. It was a quip I could not resist. His analysis is undiminished.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

Intelligent Dasein: “Every civilization we know of has gone down the path on which the West has embarked. Once civilization ripens to a certain point, birthrates collapse… There is not one single exception…”

Ergo, to survive, it’s imperative that we ABANDON CIVILIZATION!!!

Then the true terror becomes the Elders of the Old Mennonite Amish foolishly allowing their daughters to possess iPh@gs.

comment image

It was an existential mistake on the part of the Elders.

4 months ago

I have a 23-year-old son and see what he’s dealing with. He was a high school athlete and now does MMA for fun – so not the low-T type. He’s dated women who turned out to be crazy despite or because of the crazy meds. He’s met lots of sluts, particularly in college when he worked as a bouncer. He too honest to do well with the liberal brainwashed women coming out of college. There is a general pessimism and malaise in his generation. They instinctively know that things are off-track and will probably get much worse before getting better.… Read more »

Reply to  Maxda
4 months ago

Your son sounds like an exception, and the times do suck, but in all seriousness the fact that Zoomers as a whole spend less time irl than anybody before them is sufficient to explain their lack of success irl.

In fact, the long flight from work, productivity, and real-world things generally is sufficient to explain why the times suck. Turns out utopia is a shithole populated by dying slobs— sorry, sophisticated cosmopolitans.

I’m becoming a boomer lol. Or not, because I ackshually mean it.

Last edited 4 months ago by Paintersforms
Reply to  Maxda
4 months ago

We need a White Homeland so our son’s and daughters can have a society where they can find a good mate…That should be the driving force behind every ProWhite person making sure that comes about…

Reply to  Maxda
4 months ago

I hear you. My son is 19, trains in Kung Fu and BJJ, is a hockey goalie, same issue with the lady folk, only his situation is slightly different. Perhaps it’s where we live here in the NE, but he told me that the dates he’s been on have been more like interviews. they ask questions such as, “You’re not into this, are you? You’re not a fan of so and so are you? Please don’t tell me you support X, Y, or Z? God, I couldn’t be seen with someone like that!” After a while his attitude is “Why… Read more »

Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

Tell him to come out west for a vacation and he might find himself a cowgirl…

Reply to  Steve
3 months ago

Are you saying women weren’t always shallow and materialistic? I’m 44, that was my experience, too, and I developed the same attitude.

Mr. Burns
Mr. Burns
4 months ago

The progress of Man has always leaned towards avoiding work and hardship and increasing titilation. What is the ultimate end state of this progress? Is it being strapped in a chair with electrodes in your brain feeding you pleasure stimuli? Is that the goal towards which we are progressing? Progress seems to be a mental disease of the West in particular. In of the pre-Westrn Japanese and the Amish. The Japanese considered themselves to have achieved a satisfactory high culture. So much so that they isolated themselves from the external “barbarians”. But were they wrong to do so? Is the average Japanese living a happier or more fulfilling life… Read more »

Reply to  Mr. Burns
4 months ago

Have to say, the Amish are progressing too, but more honestly and slowly. I see Amish men driving tractors here and there, Amish kids riding bicycles, young adults hanging out at Sheetz looking at their phones. Things I never saw growing up

Would they end up like us given enough time, or will their slow pace allow them to avoid the traps? Who knows.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 months ago

Paintersforms: “…young adults hanging out at Sheetz looking at their phones…

I was absolutely flabbergasted when I learned that the Old Order Amish Mennonite Elders had approved iPh@gs via which their daughters would be debauched.

Absolutely flabbergasted.

Reply to  Bourbon
3 months ago

Yeah, tractors and bikes aren’t a big deal imo. Horse-and-buggy Mennonites have pulled them off. Imo, bikes are the only modern transportation innovation with no downside. But the phones, that’s risky!

Last edited 3 months ago by Paintersforms
Reply to  Paintersforms
3 months ago

There is now fairly old technology, “flip phones”, making a comeback. Those might foot the bill to keep the depraved Internet away, while allowing the one primary purpose of a phone—verbal communication.

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

Yeah my iPhone is 8 years old now (my first smart phone btw), and I’m thinking my next might be a flip phone! If there’s something like the old Motorola Razr, I’m on it.

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
Reply to  Paintersforms
3 months ago

The Amish are not as virtuous as you might think. There was discussion of them on Karl Denninger’s blog some months ago about how they play the system with regards to health care and how many of them go on public assistance in places like Iowa City. They also have their own hospitals that are adept at playing government support to their advantage.

Reply to  Abelard Lindsey
3 months ago

I’m not an Amish expert, but I grew up around them, worked with them, have them as neighbors, and I don’t think they’re bad. They’re tribal, is all, but not malevolently so, as far as I can tell.

Reply to  Mr. Burns
4 months ago

Problem with going backwards or standing still is if everyone isn’t doing it, or at least the ones that create aren’t all doing it, then you will be ruled by those who didn’t stop…

Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

This. The Tokugawa Shogunate Japanese were perfectly happy to filter Western technology and learning via the Dutch at Dejima and take very heavily regulated and carefully-censored doses of it. This model falls down when some asshole pirate with a letter of marque from a predatory bunch of New Englanders shows up in Tokyo Bay with a fleet of Black Ships and starts giving ultimatums about naval bombardments if you don’t submit to the budding GAE. But eschewing technology doesn’t just open you up to bullying and rule by outsiders, it also creates incentives for insiders to defect and run a… Read more »

Reply to  Zaphod
4 months ago

Thank you for that example Brother I just don’t know how others can’t see that’s exactly what would take place if we eschewed technology… Anyone that promotes that ideology is suspect…

4 months ago

Birth rates are high among people living in the countryside, and low in urban areas…And the higher education of women leads to collapse…That has always been the case, so advanced civilization effectively kills itself…Of course, the fertility destroying deathvax has also figured in the current decline, especially in Asia…

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  pyrrhus
4 months ago

Agreed, but what differentiates the present demographic collapse is the tools are available to facilitate the decline, and, yes, it is being engineered to some degree. The bigger question is why the West is being inundated with alien races and ethnicities. It is contradictory, to say the least, if the goal ostensibly is to reduce the population. The Great Replacement obviously involves money and power, but beyond that the endpoint remains murky. Given the stupidity and insanity at the upper reaches of society, we can safely assume the end game is both unworkable and evil.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

The Power Structure’s motivation is quite clear to me. It’s not primarily about money or power–although those are nice ancillary dividends–but rather about neutering and punishing the white race. These people, the majority of whom are white, by the by, simply hate the white race and seek to disempower it, all for the good of the planet, of course. Their reading of history is that whites have always been responsible for all the world’s ills and the time has come to change course by subjugating us, satiating their sadistic Jones in the process. Destroying the civilization we built by flooding… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

That’s what would seem to be the most likely explanation, but a lot of the madness is very disorganized and ad hoc. My mistake may be trying to rationalize craziness.* Still, everything points to the endpoint you suggest even if the means sometimes flow from emergent behavior or insanity or some combination of those two. I remain agnostic although, again, I lean toward the anti-white and genocidal goals you propose. The fact the people at the top of the power structure are white–Puritans, really–doesn’t surprise me in the least nor is it the cause of the murkiness. *Or attribute a… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

As an historian, I can’t say I’m aware of another case where a race of people turned traitorous against itself. What we’re experiencing today would appear to be unique in that regard. If anybody can point to another case such as this, I’d like to hear it.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

It’s a Western Mind Virus and that’s all she wrote. Clearly high IQ East Asian populations are also very susceptible to it and there’s even susceptibility further down the IQ scale with other races — but less so. (Yes, of course Usual Suspects have a starring role, but to give them all the ‘credit’ just makes us pathetic whiny bitches, no?) We’re the problem. And we need to figure out and root out the false turns in our own civilisational model before we destroy ourselves and the rest of the world. Cancer surgery is usually pretty radical. That being said,… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Zaphod
4 months ago

Whites do seem to be the ultimate boom-and-bust race. Nobody can match our heights, but few tend to go careening off the cliff like us either.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Their majority, and the top-tier real government, are not majority White.
They are majority white-looking to the not-so-observant.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

Jack Dobson: “The Great Replacement obviously involves money and power, but beyond that the endpoint remains murky.

The endpoint is obvious: White Genocide.

Massa Lucifer invented the j00ish race as the means by which he would destroy Christianity.

The sole sole purpose of the existence of the j00z is precisely White Genocide.

Because as soon as the j00z democide [and/or sterilize] the White race, Christianity will begin ceasing to exist.

No White race == No Christianity.

It’s that simple.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

Don’t let’s forget they want one government (theirs) for the whole world. Abolishing nations is a crucial step to that end. When you remove the “ethnic” character of nations, you have moved a good step closer to abolishing nations. How do you do that? You make the demographics of countries entirely multi-racial. This will, carefully and slowly and in co-ordination with the already ongoing non-stop media and school propaganda, lead to populaces seeing themselves as citizens of the world: a world without nations and borders. If the people (and their skin colors) are the same everywhere, and the same goes… Read more »

Reply to  pyrrhus
4 months ago

Correct from what I’ve seen.
We attended a wedding last week.
Country as hell, bride has 11 siblings, grooms side five.
They are planning a big family.
We only had four & eight grandchildren so far, I kinda think we didn’t do our part.
However there do seem to be a lot of young people I’d say shouldn’t have kids these days.
Too damn Emo, make me queezy

4 months ago

The Hard Truth.

Yes, there must be a culling and it’s long overdue. No, it should not be random or skew only to the bottom of the societal pyramid. For a billion years, nature dictated that this culling routinely remove the pathogens that cause disease or dysfunction, and only the strong and smart shall survive and thrive. Civilization overrode nature with man-made artificial selection and thereby caused the demise of evolutionary culling. We have been going downhill ever since.

Shrinking Vioket
Shrinking Vioket
4 months ago

Low human fertility worldwide suggests something environmental, not a cause tied to local culture. Given the presence of microplastics everywhere, from the deepest oceans to the highest mountaintops to ALL human semen, we should probably be looking much more closely at that. Microplastics are known endocrine disrupters.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Shrinking Vioket
4 months ago

You see some news stories about microplastics, but it seems like nobody wants to press on that alarm too vigorously since anyone who looks into it even a little realizes it’s a fait accompli. The microplastics are everywhere, in the water, the air, falling out of the sky. There’s nothing that can be done.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

Google Ngram Viewer is interesting: I was pretty sure this term came ‘out of nowhere’ in recent years but wanted to check if my memory was playing tricks on me. Apparently not. Didn’t exist before ~2010 and since then has been on a relentless rise. Now how much of this is due to microplastics being a serious problem only just discovered and how much is due to NGO and research grant incentives?… Here we run into the Great (Epistemological) Filter. We know there are Bad Man-Made Things out there in our environment affecting us, but how much can we… Read more »

Bitter reactionary
Bitter reactionary
4 months ago

That people decline to have children, or at least above-replacement numbers of them, really doesn’t surprise me. The benefits of being a parent are not obvious to those who are not yet patents. However, the many drawbacks are daunting if you actually care about these notional offspring and your own quality of life. In the US the public schools are terrible in every way that matters, so you have to plan on private school or homeschool. Every year it gets tougher to stay middle class, let alone advance. The State actively undermines parental authority and in some areas forbids effective… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Bitter reactionary
4 months ago

You left out your kid declaring themselves homo or trans (which the system heavily encourages them to do), and you becoming a criminal if you try to do anything about it

Bitter reactionary
Bitter reactionary
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

Great point, sadly. The notion of a trans child is so abhorrent to me that I suppress the thought of it. Adults who promote and facilitate such a vile thing deserve what they used to call breaking-on-the-wheel, followed by being thrown onto a pyre alive. A long-time friend of mine sent his kid to a “good” upper-middle class public school. Hearing about the constant ‘deprogramming’ he had to do was amazing. Cartoonish, really. They poured nonsense into the girl’s head every day. We’re seeing that ‘banality of evil’ thing you hear about – it’s soaked into the bones of the… Read more »

Reply to  Bitter reactionary
4 months ago

Amen Brother the foundation is rotted away and the walls are killing us…

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  Bitter reactionary
3 months ago

This is one place I can sort of come to terms with the muzz. Honor killings for your family members who greatly dishonor you and your family.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Bitter reactionary
4 months ago

Hey. Hey! We’ll have none of that white-pilled shit around here.

But seriously, I totally get where you’re coming from. I’ve been married 25 years come July, and I decided, perhaps even before marriage, that I didn’t want to have kids, not because they would be some sort of burden but because I could tell, looking around at America (not quite yet AINO), that white children would have no future here. No Country for Old Men? Try No Country for White Kids on for size. Subsequent developments proved me correct, and I don’t regret my decision.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Would you care more about the state of society if you did have kids though Brother?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

Well, bud, if I cared more about the state of society than I already do right now, I’d probably go up like a dam’ supernova.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Ostei Kozelskii: “…if I cared more about the state of society than I already do right now, I’d probably go up like a dam’ supernova


At the risk of indulging in Phed-Po@sting, that’s precisely our next phase in securing a place in the Tree of Life for Our Race.

Going supernova.

Along the way, it would make for an excellent counter-cultural hard-rock anthem.

“Going Supernova”.

4 months ago

Well I finally fixed my septic tank so I’m ready for all those hordes of fertile right wing dissident women to come knocking.

Reply to  Ploppy
4 months ago

If you had an outhouse you might find a real hardy one that would give you 12 kids…

Reply to  Lineman
3 months ago

Don’t joke, Bro, don’t joke, man.

Reply to  Ploppy
4 months ago

You’ve picked the right time to not hold your breath then.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
4 months ago

I am all for few people in the world. There are too damn many people. Way too many. There are too damn may of you all, but just the right number of me.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
4 months ago

comment image&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=797b3602a40458d32069f03d676337702b08d2c89110fb6d4d6e7c5d4e5cd3ee&ipo=images

4 months ago

There were 200 million Americans when I was a kid. Today there are 330 million and things are much much worse. As an example you didn’t have to reserve a space at a national park a year in advance in the 1970s. So don’t don’t me that fewer people are a bad thing, Maybe it’s who is showing up, not the numbers, but in general I am for fewer people everywhere. Like climate “science” don’t extrapolate data and say humanity is going to zero – it’s not – the problem is not number of people, it’s the ponzi fiat money… Read more »

The Greek
The Greek
3 months ago

Maybe this has been already mentioned, but I’m rather surprised you didn’t bring up the infamous “rat utopia” experiments from the 1960s. The experiments provided the rats with as much food and space and activity as they could want. A utopia. What happened? The rats fertility rates plummeted and they began laying around lazily. It was a model for societal collapse.

Rainbow Burnouts
Rainbow Burnouts
4 months ago

There are two big reasons why this topic is considered badthink. One, when natalism comes up it’s inevitably going to lead to eugenics. Who do we want and need more of or less of? Who is nice to have around and who causes trouble? Second, it was a favorite topic of the artist in his struggle. A whole chapter in fact, concentrating on Syphilis and prostitution as a big deal. His measures targeted the problem directly and were very effective. Orban was immediately dogpiled for enacting anything that even carried a whiff of that. To belabor that point, the devout… Read more »

Reply to  Rainbow Burnouts
4 months ago

The Artist did have his little fixations. It’s more than probable that he had some personally very disturbing and traumatic experiences in early Vienna days.

But by the time he got around to dealing with it on paper, things were so bad and debauched in Weimar times that he couldn’t help strike a chord with the people.

One of my pet hobbyhorses is that artistic and literary creativity have gone by the board since the final defeat of tertiary syphilis. That’s a huge price to pay for not having noseless negroes down at the bus station.

4 months ago

Let’s vote on the stupidest things America has done to wreck the culture:

  1. giving men who don’t pay taxes or own property the right to vote.
  2. bringing blacks to America and then not sending them back.
  3. giving women the right to vote
  4. lowering the voting age to 18
  5. Growing government to fill the known universe
  6. letting 60 million latinos move here and god knows how many other non-europeans
  7. printing so money it’s not worth much.
Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Longstree
3 months ago

The country was able to survive 1, 2, 3, 5, and maybe 7 too in pretty decent shape. Until the teevee came along.

Reply to  Longstree
3 months ago

Longstree: “bringing blacks to America and then not sending them back.” White Christians had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the sale of African chattel slaves in the New World. That was an entirely J00ISH industry. The j00z were completely responsible for sending the chattel slaves to the New World. And so many Sephardim settled in South America, on the various chattel slave plantations, that Sephardim [and the Crypto-Sephardim] now effectively control almost all the governments in South America [cf (((Claudia Sheinbaum))) in Mexico]. That’s why the j00z attacked Pinochet so furiously, because Pinochet was successful in defeating j00ish insurrections in… Read more »

4 months ago

Pat Buchanan wrote about the West’s fertility crisis extensively, especially in his book “The Death of the West”, the money quote from which was “The worst invention ever of W Civ is the birth control pill”.

Reply to  Boris
4 months ago

Pardon my French, but the remnants of said birth control pills being pissed into the local water supply can’t be helping matters either. Also a fair indicator of why so many young men are physically soft.

4 months ago

The interesting thing is fertility rates among some groups, such as traditional Catholics, are up. Way up. Ditto for Hungary, but their government has created tax incentives for births. We seemingly only do that with blacks and other welfare parasites. I think there is something environmental that’s lowering testosterone around young males. My three sons definitely don’t have a problem with that! I see so many soyboy Zoomers that I could easily destroy in a fight and I’m in my 50s. Ramzpaul says sodomy is our new highest value and he’s correct. That’s anti-civilizational and something that in previous years… Read more »

Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
4 months ago

When I hear that “Catholic birthrates are up” I think: they mean Africa.
Also, the only Muslims having a lot of babies are: Africans.

Reply to  Marko
4 months ago

Imagine a future of retarded Jihad and retarded Crusades…Imagine Goodluck Johnathan and a bunch of blacks on broken Toyotas with machetes high on drugs.

Reply to  Marko
4 months ago

I know dozens of trad Catholic families who are enthusiastic Latin Mass attendees. All white and young, either Millenial or Zoomer, all with six or more kids. One family at the parish I go to for the Latin Mass have 10 kids and are expecting one more.

With my five offspring, I’m not quite in their league.

Catholicism is chump change (about 230 million out of 1.3 million) in the Dark Continent despite years of outreach.

Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
4 months ago

It’s Oogabooga but it’s reproductive Oogabooga to be fair. Plus it’s (sort of) Ours. And it did work well in the past until it didn’t. Clearly we humans need ritual and group transcendence in order to thrive. And since cathedrals of light are presently very unfashionable, then I suppose smells, bells, and pronouncing ‘In principio’ per the cartoon pizza chef and not Cicero’ will just have to be the go. But TradCath only works for a small self-selecting remnant after winnow out the many LARPers. Which is fair enough. Whatever works. It’s not going to turn the greater tide though.… Read more »

Reply to  Zaphod
3 months ago

It’s Oogabooga but it’s reproductive Oogabooga to be fair. Plus it’s (sort of) Ours. 

Somewhere in heaven, Thomas Aquinas is laughing at you.

Reply to  Templar
3 months ago

Finely-honed Aristotle Oogabooga Synthesis is still Oogabooga.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
4 months ago

I’ve heard that some congresswoman from the Bay Area plans to offer up a bill in which the stars on AINO’s flag will be replaced by very small anuses…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Well it would be fitting but only if they looked like the star of david also…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

Ah. I’m glad you mentioned that. I forgot to say that she has attached a codicil to her bill which will replace the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools with a rousing chorus of the Hava Nagila…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Well at least the magas would see who they were really worshipping instead of being fooled into it…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

You know in Australia in the 1970s we got taught this song in ~5th grade music class. Quite incredible when you think of it.

They really went full-on to the max after winning the Six Day War. That plus culmination of the institutional Long March and suddenly every kid was belting out Hava Nagila and their parents were loading up on Neil Diamond LPs.

Wasn’t Peak You-Know-Who, but in hindsight, it was one hell of a harbinger.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Zaphod
4 months ago

If a choice between Neil Diamond and the Hava Nagila it must be, gimme the ruddy folk tune.

Bloody hell.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

Don’t forget this musical gem:

Gentle Reader: Do not, I repeat do NOT peruse the YouTube video comments if you’re suffering from high blood pressure or a heart condition.

Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
4 months ago

I’ve mentioned this before, but—aside from Africa—birth rates are down all over the world. You can Google for these demographics and they show a topping out in about 20 years or so, then a decline since the follow on cohorts are much less. Looks like a peak around 9B then decline. The world seems to be headed to perhaps half that number and then a steady state. Our “betters” however have decided that the “perfect” world number is 500M, so there is still suspicion that they’d be happy to have a hand in pushing forward the predicted/desired world population reduction…and… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

The African rate is coming down too, it just has a lot farther to fall than the others

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
4 months ago

“Ramzpaul says sodomy is our new highest value and he’s correct.”

1789: The Revolution’s motto: “Liberté, égalité, fraternité.”

2024: The Revolution’s motto: “Diversity, equity, sodomy.”

4 months ago

One thing that stands out is how weird our culture is around the decline of White people. On the one hand, you have the Disney execs openly admitting they don’t hire White men for anything: writers, directors, producers, actors, etc. because the future is basically black, female, and lesbian (seen in the latest Star Wars shows) and the anti-White male hysteria goes on as if it were 1965 and Whites were 80% of the population not 52% at most. All that stuff is coming to a head in the elites as the hysterical true believer fanatics wage war against the… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
3 months ago

It started in the military. The US Army is more “woke” than the ADL, and it has been since the ’70s. The pioneers of corporate anti-whiteness (and gay/tranny/pedo celebration) were defense contractors. “Diversity” is the imposition of an American military discipline/management strategy on civilian life. Trump was deposed via military coup. Etc.

You are exactly wrong.

4 months ago

A lot of the unspoken taboo nature of this is because generations of adults have grown up with mothers swayed by the culture and torn apart by ‘What is a Woman?’ I think the ‘elites’ still haven’t decided yet. And now it’s gotten so bad that gay men get to decide. Woe is us.

alexander scipio
alexander scipio
4 months ago

I have two nieces of childbearing age, their mom is a nurse, they all are all-in on the vax. The older niece is a hospital-based social worker, and had to get vaxxed for work while pregnant with her second kid; the day after the newborn arrived home, the kid was in neonatal ICU for RSV. Shocker. The younger niece, now 33, also a healthcare pro in a school district (audiologist), tried for 3 YEARS – post-vax – to get pregnant (both these women are active runners, skiers, fit, exercise all the time…. and in early 30s). Finally she had to… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
4 months ago

I do think the grind of modernity plays an outsized role. The “plenty” given by industrialization allows people to live as individual units with individual concerns. Lethargy being what it is, the communal structures that kept it at bay held up for a while, but they’re succumbing to the tide. What’s the fix, how do keep modernity while keeping the social structures to maintain a society? No one has an answer yet. This excellent, and highly related, episode of Hoe Math points out that this a regression to a more primitive state, but again, no answer on how to get… Read more »

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
4 months ago

This guy is truly excellent. Ties in all the other heavy hitters like glubb with the manosphere videos of today.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
4 months ago

What’s the fix, how do keep modernity while keeping the social structures to maintain a society? No one has an answer yet.
I think it has to collapse before we can rebuild a society worth living in otherwise anything we build will be consumed by the degenerate…

Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

Lock up your women. Most men don’t need or want intellectual wives who can discuss the finer points of ‘To the Lighthouse’ with them. The men who *do* want that can go generate serious wealth so that they can afford to consort with Geishas/Hetairas/Whatevas. Every society needs a smallish class of educated, cultured expensive hos as leavening. No society can afford to have a significant fraction of its womenfolk deluding themselves that they’re meant to have ‘Important Thoughts’.

Reply to  Zaphod
4 months ago

If a women’s focus was on her family the world would be a lot better place…

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
4 months ago

“What’s the fix, how do keep modernity while keeping the social structures to maintain a society?”

IMHO, there are parts of modernity that I would love to get rid of. How much of social structures are made impossible by aspects of modernity? Like having an extended family close by. The need to move has decimated small town, USA. Without small town factories or farming, small towns are just not economically viable.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
4 months ago

Depends Brother a lot of people work remotely these days so as long as they can get online they can pretty much be anywhere… It just has to be appealing in other ways…

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

The problem is that not everyone is cut out for remote cubical work. People just act like we can have a society where only the top 50-60% of people can lead productive happy lives (not that working in a cube is productive and happy, but you get the drift) but everyone else just sits around tent cities shooting up, shoplifiting their next meal, selling dope or transfering and in and out of prison on petty crime convictions or living at least partially on the dole. The economy and society need to work for most people. There is always a bottom… Read more »

3 months ago

To state the obvious, Christendom couldn’t solve the crisis of the late Middle Ages, but the combination of Enlightenment and Commerce that became Modernity could. Now there’s a crisis of the late Modern Age that Modernity can’t solve, and whatever shapes the next age will. What that thing is, I think we’re still figuring out. I’m not sure if high tech is the answer or the internal contradiction that’s causing the crisis. I remember reading Marx and him basically admitting that communism is a sci-fi fantasy that depends on high tech, so I lean towards the latter. People are finding… Read more »

Richard siers
Richard siers
4 months ago

I think Z,s root cause is close to the mark. We have built a world with a whole lot fewer sharp edges. As a result, individuals have become softer and smaller. A man no longer feels the need to compete.

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
4 months ago

On a different topic there was an experiment popularly called Mouse Utopia, done decades ago in which an overcrowded colony of mice experienced severe social dysfunction despite ample food and a comfortable environment. One of the results was that they stopped reproducing and some childless mice started attacking the young. Perhaps there’s something in it relevant to our situation.

Reply to  Redpill Boomer
4 months ago

With the rise of pedos I would say we’re pretty much on the same path…

4 months ago

While fertility is below replacement in the US overall, it isn’t within certain subgroups. According to Ed Dutton, religiosity is positively correlated with fertility, while being a blue-haired leftist weirdo is negatively correlated. In the spirit of “the future belongs to those who show up,” this just means the spiteful mutants will die off: not a bad outcome. Abortion plays some role in this, so anti-abortion laws are somewhat dysgenic. But, more important, letting the kooks slowly write themselves out of history by staying out of baby-making altogether might just solve a host of other problems. This would lead to… Read more »

Reply to  Gauss
4 months ago

Spot on, which is why I support any and all left wing policies that reduce left wing populations by a much larger percentage than other groups. I support lgbt and transitioning all the way down into the womb. I support abortion on demand at any time.  I support euthanasia for any disorder, including mental health. I support freedom of choice vaccination, with multiple free vaccinations for as many people as many times as they want. I support government propaganda promoting constant vaccination for everything.  All of these things that kill or remove from the breeding pool democrats and their future voters at an… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  LibDis
3 months ago

I’ve had similar thoughts for a while.

Does anyone want an individual who would kill their own child in utero, to reproduce?

Its a no brainer.

Reply to  Gauss
4 months ago

In every population statistic not explicitly broken out by race, “religious,” Christian, and Catholic mean non-white. Brainwashed blue-haired non-binary AWFLs are being replaced by people biologically incapable of civilization. The total effect is beyond dysgenic. The human species is ending (or already has).

Patrick Gibbs
Patrick Gibbs
3 months ago

Nick Fuentes is unlikely to have kids because he is gay, not for the other reasons you stated

3 months ago

As this is a “sports” blog, after all —- has anyone noticed that in the frothing so-called MSM TDS has been replaced by CDS —– as in “Clark Derangement Syndrome?”

I am sure this is ALL about, ahem, her jump shot….

They already got her to sing the degrading “like a good neighbor” ditty with some ersatz “Jake” stand in while a male ‘baller’ appears to lecture the wypipo.

Last edited 3 months ago by Owlman
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Owlman
3 months ago

She’s being groomed by the Power Structure as the Taylor Swift of the sports world. She’ll be programmed to push the anti-white poz and will make an excellent tool to turn young white girls further against their own people.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

We will see. So far she has taken the tack of non comment, instead of her rookie peer Ms. Brink that started in with this ‘I have whyte priv’ stuff before her season-ending injury.

She can go the ‘Jordan’ route and remain apolitical, but the race war is a thousand times more virulent now and ‘silence’ has been, in the logic of race baiters, neutered by claiming it equals agreement with whatever they posit is ‘ist’ and thus bad.

4 months ago

Great show – I love these 50k foot topics..

What is interesting to consider and Z points it out towards the end is that there is the potential of a foundational element of our biology is changing, perhaps because of environmental reasons (chemicals, plastics, etc.) or because we’ve “won” the Game of Life and have conquered Nature. Perhaps we are in the beginning of Nature changing her rules for a new game?

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
4 months ago

One of your most thought-provoking posts ever! I personally regret I only had one kid, especially since he’s gravitated to a lifestyle that’s unlikely to give me grandkids. My wife (not my son’s mother) has 2 and they’re awesome but it’s not quite the same.

4 months ago

I’m in the camp that collapsing birth rates are Nature – God – correcting an error.

it’s also possible it’ll lead to an evolutionary leap. Homo sapiens wiped out and absorbed the Neanderthals IIRC. There is, probably, an emergent species that will easily prey on weak humans who are unwilling and incapable of defending themselves.

We’re only at the top of the pyramid because God keeps knocking the previous placeholders off the throne.

Reply to  Hokkoda
3 months ago

There is, probably, an emergent species that will easily prey on weak humans who are unwilling and incapable of defending themselves.”

Think Stonetoss, eyebrow raised, “probably?”

4 months ago

I am editing my comment, because I haven’t listened to the entire podcast, so I might be missing the mark here. But anyway, this really isn’t that hard. Go find a chart of the global human population and zoom out over the past 400 years, or even 12,000 years. That line has gone up like a cryptocurrency or memestock. One reason is that due to scientific advancements, we have significantly reduced infant mortality. I remember have lucid moments in my 20s while interacting with certain people and asking myself how they were still alive. Civilizations protect humans from the constant… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by KingKong
4 months ago

Back in those days of the fist fights, having lots of kids to protect one another, especially if you had a daughter, was important.

4 months ago

Testosterone levels may have something to do with how much you stay inside or interact with other people maybe? Sitting down inside the house. That’s normal as you get older, but now young people stay inside more.

4 months ago

Technically the replacement problem is way worse. You’re 2.3 or so replacement is just that, replacement. Modern economies are based on growth. Hence Musk ringing the alarm. No growing populations no growing sales, no growing businesses.

Defiantly will alter or end capitalism as we know it, eventually.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  LibDis
4 months ago

Gollie, gee. That would be a gosh-darn shame…

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
4 months ago

“Every species can smell its own extinction. The last ones left won’t have a pretty time with it. In ten years, maybe less, the human race will just be a bedtime story for their children. A myth, nothing more.” — John Trent, “In the Mouth of Madness”

john smyth
john smyth
4 months ago

Interestingly, the big collapse in German birth rate occurred 1900 to 1920.

Mustache man reversed the trend a bit (confident leadership does matter). But the long run was decline during the 20th c.

Reply to  john smyth
3 months ago

Adjusted for infant mortality, the US went below replacement in the mid 20’s and didn’t recover till 1946

I think its when we got urban enough.

john smyth
john smyth
4 months ago

one of our neocon friends had the best book title for this subject:'s_Expecting

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
3 months ago

No, Z, you’re not married and don’t have a family because you’re fundamentally a eunich. No offense is intended – harsh as it is, men such as yourself are needed in society. You’re part of the mandarin class that makes the wheels go round-‘n-round. But the hard truth is a balanced man is ready to work, fight, and screw at the drop of a hat. The hardships that come from experiencing that trifecta shapes a man to lead himself and others, eventually a family, to survive and thrive. You’re not capable of that. And that’s fine, as I said, every… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Forever Templar
Reply to  Forever Templar
3 months ago

It’s not too late. First move to WV (check), get a golden retriever and a Lab (lose the kitties), make goo goo eyes at the local hardware store cashier and he’s off and running. It’s not really hard (pun kinda intended).

4 months ago

Family life is weird, Z! lol Whether you have kids or not.

4 months ago

The old folks used to call children your treasures in life.

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  Stephanie
3 months ago

Now old folks (boomers) retire to gated communities in Florida, and get pissed at others’ grandkids for playing in “their” pool.

a kullervo
a kullervo
4 months ago

“There is a reason they do not want the masses thinking about this topic.”

The ZeeMan

The masses just don’t give a hoot about anything outside the short’n’narrow ‘bread and circus’ axis.
On the other hand, TPTB also do not give a damn about what the few thinking proles care about. (That’s why places like this are allowed to exist.)

It doesn’t seem likely that anything will abruptly change about this modus operandi, unless some serious internecine erupts among some hypothetical factions inside TPTB.

(… filosofia, essa erudita fantasia…)

3 months ago

Frankly Z, It was a fantastic show and absolutely well thought out. Lots and lots of things to think about. Bravo.

4 months ago

I’ve been laughing at the downvotes hurled at men who raised their daughters not to put themselves in a position where some bum could load them up with three kids, then trade her out for a younger sluttier model. i have three kids, two girls, so I speak as a man who is operating above the mean. You are an idiot if you don’t raise your girls to be able to support themselves, because with divorce rates at 43% for first marriages, and those divorces happening at roughly the 8-year point, any family with children is going to create a… Read more »

Reply to  Hokkoda
4 months ago

What gender causes the divorce in the majority of cases? Hint: two X chromosomes.

Reply to  jkloi
3 months ago

where some bum could load them up with three kids, then trade her out for a younger sluttier model. Meanwhile, back on Planet Earth, since I saw my first divorce up close at age 10 (My sister, the eldest of us siblings, divorced her first husband), of all the divorces I’ve known of and knew the divorcing couple or at least one partner, exactly ONE was the husband running off with a younger woman. The fact his wife was a sarcastic, shrewish ball-buster of a lawyer had a lot to do with it. The rest? Yeah, it was the WIFE… Read more »

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  Hokkoda
3 months ago

Perhaps fathers of daughters should better regulate for whom their daughters spread their legs.

Reply to  Hokkoda
3 months ago

“Now my kids are all 23 or younger.”

You aren’t qualified to speak of your “success” for another 15 years

Reply to  Hokkoda
3 months ago

90% of America’s current problems are directly related to vastly empowering the nation’s daughters, and replacing men and boys in society with women and girls. Your problem is FEMINISM the word nobody wants to use, not even ‘conservatives’ and so-called Christians. That’s because over the past four decades, daughters went to the front of every line . . . and now dominate and rule all your institutions. ALL your institutions. Daughter-daddy made sure for half-a-century that his princess grabbed up all the gender-perks (and they were/are endless), attended Slore U., and embarked on her AA-favored career. No more trad requirements… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
4 months ago

US births per woman has been consistently below replacement rate (2.1 per woman) for over 50 years. Honorable mention for a slight bump from about 1993 through 2009, called the echo from the Baby Boom, I think. But even its peak (2009) was still under 2.1. This means several things, and one doesn’t even need training in demographics or sociology to infer them. Here are but a few:   The rate stood at about 3.5 as recently as 1958. From there it fell precipitously (blame The Pill) in the 1960s and 70s to about 1.78 in 1979 and save the small… Read more »

4 months ago

Ha. Willie Nelson or Stevie Wonder, who accepted any woman he had sex with saying the kid was his. He couldn’t see them clearly lol but he accepted all the kids, had the money to, and even if the kids looked nothing like him, hell, he doesn’t know, but he accepted them all as his.

4 months ago

I find this interesting more as an academic subject. Like what’s highest the average generational time difference on a matrilineal line?

I only go back in the US five generations. My mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother (i.e. 3x great grandmother) would have been 153 when I was born, had she been alive. So that’s 30.6 years per generation.