American Paradox

Note: Behind the green door is a short video on the best way to dispose of body, a post about why you should believe conspiracy theories and the Sunday podcast. Subscribe here or here.

One of the things about the modern age is that the public statements from the centers of cultural production and the institutions are often contradictory. The most obvious are the statements about “defending democracy” which almost always come when an election goes against the beautiful people. Their preferred candidate or party loses and all of a sudden, the democratic result is declared a threat to democracy. It happens so often now that people no longer bother to laugh at it.

There are these sorts of contradictions everywhere. For example, our betters continue to use the language of rights to define society. Even the most fevered social justice fanatic would not say the government should assign you a mate. You get to decide who you date and who you will marry. On the other hand, if a group of white people start a club and say it is for European people, the full force of the managerial state will come down on them for exercising their right to free association.

You see this with the people we call the left. Every once in a while, one of them will write a confession piece about how they have no black friends. In fact, it is rare for a white progressive to have any association with nonwhites. One of the amusing truths of this age is that the whiter or blacker a congressional district, the more likely the representative is to be a kook. Black districts select hilariously insane black politicians, and all white districts get the hardest thumping lefties.

The lived experience of white progressives is closer to the dreamed of life of white nationalists, but the progressive sees no contradiction. You see, they have a right to live where they like and among whom they like. At the same time, they can wag their boney finger at you for your whiteness, even if you live as a minority in a majority diverse part of the country. You see, there is no hypocrisy as they are just exercising their right to live where they choose to live.

What this gets to is a central paradox of progressivism. An individual has rights, including the right to be free of discrimination. These are contradictory assertions as the only way to prevent discrimination is to infringe on individual rights. If one is to be free of discrimination then it means forcing everyone else to act in ways they otherwise would not act, as in not associating with someone. Your right to not associate with a potential employee must yield to her right to not be oppressed.

Within the progressive morality is a paradox. An individual has rights that must be respected, as in the dating example. Two individuals or three individuals also have these same rights. At some point, there are a number of individuals that flip from judging them as individuals to judging them as a group. The person renting a room in their home can discriminate as they please, but if that landlord is operating a rental property, they must abide by the codes governing group behavior.

At what point does a collection of individuals become a group? If one white person can exercise his right to free association, how many white people constitutes a group and therefore they lose their right to free association? This is the paradox. There is a number at which a collection of white people loses their rights and fall under the supervision of the moral authorities. The trouble is the number cannot be defined, which is a form of Sorites paradox.

This is the paradox where you start with grains of rice. You start placing grains on a table and they remain some number of grains until at some point you have enough grains to declare it is a pile of rice. Logically, there is a number where you go from a collection of grains to a pile, but it is impossible to define the number. You can arbitrarily decide it is one hundred grains or one million grains, but there is no mathematical proof that locates the exact number.

We see the same thing with the progressive view of rights and responsibilities. At some point, a collection of individuals becomes a group and therefore they transition from the rules judging individuals to the rules judging groups. A solitary white man has a right to associate with whom he chooses but get enough white guys together and at some point, they lose their individual rights in favor of group responsibility. The number must exist, but no one bothers to define it.

This works in reverse, as well. Progressives have long argued that whites as a group owe blacks, as a group, reparations for slavery. California has been debating such a scheme for years. The trouble comes when the white plumber is told he has to send money to the black sports star. Collectively the morality of reparations is somewhat justifiable, but once it is applied individually it becomes an abomination. In theory there lies a middle ground, but no one can define it.

The source of this paradox is the fact that the progressive moral framework starts with the group and works backward. Since the Greeks, people have worked the problem in reverse by starting with the rights and obligations of the individual. This meant carving out a well-defined space where the individual is free to act as he sees fit. In old Norse, for example, there was a word for private habits and a word for public habits because it was understood there was a clear line between the two.

In fact, an individual’s obligations to the group were all within the context of what is best for the group, which was always tied to group survival. There was no collective moral purpose, only a collective practical purpose. Socrates did not flee Athens because it would bring shame to his family or to Athens. He remained and faced his punishment because it was good for Socrates the individual. He upheld Athenian law, even if it meant death, because it was his duty to the survival of the whole.

For a long time, since before Gettysburg, progressives have determined that there is a moral purpose to America as a collective entity. Therefore, everyone as an American has an individual duty to further that collective moral purpose. Since the good of the many must outweigh the good of the individual, the moral purpose of society must inevitably chip away at individual rights. Thus, this paradox we see with regards to rights slowly gives way to collective morality.

In a way, the hyper-moralization of mass culture and the transformation of the state into an explicitly moral structure, is an effort to resolve the contradiction. If the point of America is to impose a new moral order on the world, then it must follow that the point of being an American is to dedicate your life to that cause. Individual rights, which imply choice, must fall away in favor of universal moral duties. In this new paradigm, the Bill of Rights becomes the bill of moral duties.

Theocracies have a poor history primarily because men are not angels. This means the moral authorities must either accept something less than the ideal outcome or exhaust themselves making the people comply. This is why our mass culture sounds like a deranged church choir. The ruling class cares far more about you having only the right thoughts in your head than making sure Boeing builds safe planes. At some point, practical necessity requires the people to overthrow the priests.

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3 months ago

In looking up information for a conversation elsewhere, I happened across the Wikipedia entry for famous and thankfully deceased leftist activist Barbara Ehrenreich. It mentions that she was born in Butte Montana in 1941. She reminisces, “As a little girl”, she told The New York Times in 1993, “I would go to school and have to decide if my parents were the evil people they were talking about, part of the Red Menace we read about in the Weekly Reader, just because my mother was a liberal Democrat who would always talk about racial injustice.” Now, Wikipedia informs us that… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Vizzini
Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

Barbara Ehrenreich is dead? Thank God! I didn’t know that. You’ve brightened my afternoon. A human bedsore if there ever was one.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
3 months ago

People have tired of the empty moralism and religious fanaticism, though. Karen was the priestesshood of progressive evangelism, and now everyone hates Karen. Mass media makes this decline difficult to appreciate fully since it is one of the holy temples of progressivism and still observes the rituals. Additionally, Peak Karen very much was a white thing, and God knows that has to be snuffed out even though it aligns with the deification of diversity. The affluence that allowed the madness also is receding, so, increasingly:


Barney Boggs
Barney Boggs
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

Get a sign with an image of Tommy Lee Jones when he says “I DON’T CARE” in The Fugitive, put it on the front yard. (Or “I. DON’T. BARGAIN.”)

Reply to  Barney Boggs
3 months ago

Ha!… I always loved the sign on Jesse Ventura’s property, showing the silhouette of an AK-47 with the words We Don’t Call 9-11…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

Do that now and a SWAT team would come a-callin’.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

“Mass media makes this decline difficult to appreciate fully since it is one of the holy temples of progressivism and still observes the rituals.”

Mass media has been atomized. They can’t control the message or create a critical mass following anymore. It’s very rare that they can create a cultural phenomenon like Friends, Ghostbusters or Seinfeld anymore. That’s actually a very good thing.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
3 months ago

There’s famous heat-map graph that showed in-group vs.out-group preferences for various items. In the middle of the circle was direct family, followed by relatives, followed by community, all the way out to plants and rocks on the outermost circle.

To the surprise of no-one here, the progressives supported rocks before direct family. Of course, they don’t really believe that, but they know how to signal their virtue in our inverted moral framework. And while they don’t follow the morality themselves, they are more than happy to force others to follow it.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 months ago

Metamorphic rocks should have the same rights as igneous rocks you bigot.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ploppy
3 months ago

Obsidian lives matter!

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

You prejudiced against Pumice. Just because we young and black and burned entire villages and forests ain’t our fault. We got thrown out of our section 8 volcano.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 months ago

Careful. Somebody may make soap out of you. Lava soap…

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 months ago

There is recent viral example of this fairly recently with the women meeting a bear or man in the woods and all the crazed fembots choosing bear. Not a one of these women actually thinks meeting a bear in the woods is preferable to meeting a man in the woods, but they still said it.

We live in an age of stating obvious lies as if they were self-evident truths. “Diversity is our strength” Nobody believes this. Trans women are women. Even fewer people actually believe this.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

Yep. Obvious media lies also are voraciously consumed because these same types enjoy the falsehoods. It is a post-truth era, which is a product of abundance and affluence.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

In a post-truth era, an 11-year old has a right to sex-altering chemicals and surgery, on demand and without parental consent. If said 11-year old wants to buy cigarettes, well, what can you expect from a stupid kid? No, Johnny, you can’t smoke cigarettes because they are bad for you and evil tobacco companies want to kill you. Yes, Johnny, we will cut off your sex organs and fill you with estrogen, because it is “who you are.”

Yes, I would call that a paradox.

Last edited 3 months ago by Steve W
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

Distortions in the media are nothing new. The media, hamstrung by the need to relay at least some truth in its product mix, must be eagerly awaiting the day when pundits can be used as “reliable sources” and the snake can devour its own tail.

— Sorcerygod (

3 months ago

The lived experience of white progressives is closer to the dreamed of life of white nationalists, but the progressive sees no contradiction.”

As the saying goes: “Talk like MLK, live like the KKK”.

David Wright
Reply to  thezman
3 months ago

“In their mating and migratory habits, liberals are indistinguishable from members of the Ku Klux Klan.” – Joe Sobran

Reply to  David Wright
3 months ago

The reality, though, is that unlike the liberal integrationists, the Klan actually had to live with blacks, and knew exactly what they were like (instead of reading fictious accounts of blacks by the likes of Harriet Beecher Stowe).

Hence, they took steps to defend themselves, while the author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin lived in Maine and Connecticut…

Reply to  Xman
3 months ago

Absolutely. The Pointy Hat Guys wanted Commonsense Negro Control because they quite well understood the consequences of letting them loose because they had to live among the Negroes (often as a minority) in the old Cotton Belt. That’s where I disagree with the “demographics is destiny” doomsayers. White Southerners were a demographic minority in many areas of the Old Confederacy and maintained their power by a will to rule from the 1680s to 1965.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  thezman
3 months ago

And what a great line that is by Zman. I even prefer it to Sobran’s line. (which is excellent) More pithy and succinct.

Reply to  AntiDem
3 months ago

Stealing that one!

3 months ago

-“If the point of America is to impose a new moral order on the world, then it must follow that the point of being an American is to dedicate your life to that cause.” I could never figure out why so many Americans not only dedicated, but lost their lives for “that cause” starting in 1917 when Woodrow Wilson went on a crusade to “make the world safe for democracy” and to “redeem the world” by sending two million troops to another continent to fight a nation that never attacked us. The only explanation I can come up with is… Read more »

3 months ago

I think about the signs in peoples yards declaring their love and inclusiveness. I don’t bother to ask them if those feelings are extended to -gasp- Trump supporters. I know the answer.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  JaG
3 months ago

It wouldn’t surprise me if a sign reading “In this house we believe…” followed by the ten commandments, would be declared a micro-aggression (or worse, hate speech, or worse still, rayciss) and quickly banned in many jurisdictions across the fruited plain.

3 months ago

The true and ultimate mission of Con Inc. was to gloss over the browning of America.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 months ago

True. Other revelatory behavior is Republicans demanding women continue to be excluded from draft registration. Whenever the progressives’ many ideological contradictions threaten to get them into a political bind, the Republicans can be counted on to come and bail them out. It’s still unclear where trans women fit into this discussion, but you can be pretty sure Republican Congress-critters won’t be bringing the question up.

3 months ago

On the representation front, one of the greatest sources of mirth has been watching the Jumanji Bowman drama play out. The local progressive wine ladies on the Westchester side of the border funded and got him elected and were so proud and self congratulatory that they had elected a “strong black man”…signs all over yards, fundraisers at the local clubs. Much of that vanguard was Jewish. Then….he goes off the leash on Israel and you could almost hear the collective “oh shit”. So they trundle out the old white guy, Latimer and give him a butt-load of money to make… Read more »

Reply to  SamlAdams
3 months ago

My folks live in Westchester and what a difference forty years makes. This is the county that voted twice for Reagan and once for Bush The Elder, only to turn hard left and voted twice for barry, only to have him try to flood the county with Section 8 housing. Yet they still voted for pedo joe twice. my father was at the local coffee shop last week and someone from Bowmans camp was there trying to drum up support. My father is a registered independent (I’m not sure if the GOP is even fielding a candidate in this district)… Read more »

Reply to  Steve
3 months ago

Hmm, “Westchester?” I am not aware of too much in the way of low income housing in the likes of Chappaqua, Katonah, or Bedford. Not to mention Pound Ridge and North Salem. Plenty of celebs, the Clintoons, and their disgusting ilk– and from my interactions plenty of those guys that are employed in private equity, law(fare) skels including patent trolls, various finance types, basically those enjoying the fruits of the ‘new economy’ where no dirty jobs are held. Fingernails never meet dirt. There’s two “Westchesters” so even in one of the highest incoming counties in the USA, you find cloud… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Lumpenschrek
Reply to  Lumpenschrek
3 months ago

Rest assured it is there, even in Chappaqua where her highness lives. You can see it from the parkway at the Chappaqua Train Station. They built it there specifically because they didn’t want it spread all over town like barry’s people tried to do in Rye where Barbara Bush’s family is from. They are all in one spot, making it easier to keep an eye on them.
It’s the same thing with Bedford and North Salem, a select number of condos in existing housing have been quietly set aside for the “disadvantaged”.

Reply to  Steve
3 months ago

Not exactly Co-op City, I guess fills someone’s quota on a spreadsheet of justice. Can’t say I see too many residents strolling around those places…

3 months ago

Collectively the morality of reparations is somewhat justifiable”.

What??? Who says?

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Boris
3 months ago

“Justified” is just shorthand for “made an objective case for”, which you can do here. Thing is, the counter- and moral arguments against black reparations are more numerous and frankly better.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Forever Templar
3 months ago

By a truly massive margin. Which means reparations are certain to happen.

Reply to  Boris
3 months ago

Only in the fevered minds of wealthy liberals…I think Z-man was putting us on…..

Reply to  thezman
3 months ago

There are reparations (a one-time thing) and there is tribute. We’ve been paying tribute for decades ever since the welfare state was built. Reparations are just a more blatant form of tribute. The medievel French found out that paying more tribute just gets you more Vikings making more threats.

Fed Up
Fed Up
Reply to  Maxda
3 months ago

Tribute is a growth industry to Congress.
Highlight controversy, mandate taxes to pay for solution that never comes, keep looking for controversy variations.
The Coalition of the Fringes has members looking for just such tributaries. Demands from nutters, freaks, closet cases, liars and psychopaths is SOP.

Reply to  thezman
3 months ago

“If reparations meant a reversal of the civil rights revolution, most white people would take the deal.”

Add in a one-way trip to Africa, and you’ve got yourself a deal! Speaking of which, Africans who arrived here post-civil war also think they’re entitled to gibs. It’s insane — and even more insane that they’ve been receiving them.

Reply to  Winter
3 months ago


Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Winter
3 months ago

So, if one thinks this through – true, part of the strategy of psychic survival in AINO is never, ever thinking things through, but still – miscegenation really complicates things. Imagine Obama’s mother (a) still alive and consequently (b) owing her own son a reparations check? But wait, Barry Soetero is half-white, tainted with the demon seed; must he pay the Danegeld out of one pocket, only to switch it to his other pocket? Or does a more disturbing fate await our ex-president? It’s a real question, and the gang at a certain conference in 1942 worked out the limitations… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  thezman
3 months ago

Here’s my reparations scheme, and I would gladly sell off a chunk of my portfolio to make it happen: Remove all non-negroes from the states of Mississippi and Alabama, compensating them for loss of all property they could not take with them. Give every negro in AINO, man, woman and child, 250K. Settle every negro, man, woman and child, in Missibama. Grant Missibama absolute sovereignty and formal nation-state status. Build a wall around Missibama and forbid negro immigration, in perpetuity, from anywhere on the planet, into AINO. Obviously, and for obvious reasons, this will never happen. It will never even… Read more »

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Eric Hoffer recommended a very similar program in the 1970s.* His view was that blacks lacked pride, and needed an opportunity to build a society of their own, on suitable ground. Not sure about the walls; don’t think he went that far. But it tells us how far we have fallen since 1976 that a respected public intellectual like Hoffer could think and write these things, not as a “rayciss” but sympathetically: give these people a real chance to do build something, and if they blow it, well... *If you can find a copy of Hoffer’s 1976 collection of short… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Steve W
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve W
3 months ago

Hoffer was a kindly soul. I, on the other hand, am under no illusions as to what would become of Missibama. This erstwhile Wakanda would resemble Haiti in relatively short order.

Reply to  thezman
3 months ago

There was a recent debate between Dave Green and some British guy who has no business weighing in on reparations. The fact that the British are dumb enough to take the bait and weigh in at all tells you have screwed we are. The Brit proposed offering reparations in exchange for getting rid of civil rights as a way to get into the conversation and then retract reparations later. That is not how you negotiate. Green pointed out an even worse part of that approach. Namely, that you promise something now in exchange for something later is a guarantee to… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Boris
3 months ago

I thought the same thing reading that line. But, there is one example I can think of when it comes to reparations. The Japanese who were round up and all their money/stuff taken and thrown in concentration camps during the war. We did give reparations to them, I believe, right around the turn of the century. But the thing is, they were not the children or grand children. It was the actual people who experienced the loss. With blacks, it’s the great-great-great grandchildren demanding reparations from the great-great-great grandchildren of the Whites who supposedly harmed their great-great-great grandparents. Even if… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

You point to all the graves in the cemetery at Gettysburg and say, “We don’t owe you a goddamn thing. We paid in blood in 1863. End of discussion.”

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Pickle Rick
3 months ago

Or to the modern school system.. or the projects.. the welfare state… mandatory discrimination against White people/affirmative action. Not to mention the descendants of slaves grew up in America and were vastly richer than their African counterparts. Of course, no adjustments would ever be made on account of this or the near century of gibs. Like I said in my earlier comment, even if reparations were justified and the century of gibs and black special privileges never happened, even the paltry sum of a million dollars each would cost 40 trillion Dollars. Nothing less than a million would ever do.… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

Several years ago I was watching a negro stand-up comic. One of his “jokes” was, “Well, they finally gave us our own history month. Naturally, it’s the shortest month of the year.”

Appeasement never works with the savages. They are not wired to accept gifts, then cease and desist. Bestowal of gibs only emboldens them to demand more.

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  Pickle Rick
3 months ago

They should be paying us reparations.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Pickle Rick
3 months ago

We turned over our cities to you, and you wrecked them. We recalibrated our public schools to match your needs, and you wrecked them. We designed a vast welfare state to keep you housed, clothed and fed, and you have bankrupted it. We even redefined crime to keep more of you out of jail, so you kicked up your heels and now commit far more crime, ruining your communities, destroying the future of your kids. We even made one of your avatars a national martyr, and gave you a second sacred public day. None of it matters. Now you want… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Steve W
Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Steve W
3 months ago

Anyone remember the fairy tale “The Fisherman and his Wife”? It is in either Grimm or Anderson, I forget. It’s a parable covering our actually existing dilemma. NB we’re the magic flounder.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

The Act finally passed in 1988. The difference as noted was that those folk wronged were given funds. They were wronged by a “national” war-time act at the behest of the entire country via the president at the time. Until that time, there were no programs to redress harms done to Japanese Americans then affected. Slavery of course is another story. Reparations can never come from those who owned slaves to those who were slaves—and such will be on top of trillions of dollars spent in attempts over decades to ameliorate the (supposed) harms of slavery upon the Black race,… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

Sadly, I think reparations is going to happen. It will solve nothing.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

You are too sensitive. No reparations, period. As a western New Yorker, I could respect a case, maybe even work up one myself, for reparations to all the tribes shoved west or onto reservations by my conquering ancestors; that said, the Five Tribes make plenty nowadays selling cigarettes*, running casinos, keeping their lobbyists in Albany happy… I’m like, nah, there’s your reparation. The real victims are long gone. And victims of what, really? You mean this long-standing tradition in human life called conquest? The Iroquois tribes would have known all about that. Their descendants? FNG like the rest of us.… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Boris
3 months ago

Their ancestors were brought to the New World against their will. They should be returned to the continent of origin. What better reparation could possibly exist?

3 months ago

Collectively the morality of reparations is somewhat justifiable Perhaps eons ago that may have had some weight to it. But who here can honestly say that blacks have not been given everything under the sun and more? Access to white civilization, the very thing that they cannot even maintain, let alone create themselves, must surely be the biggest ‘reparation’ of all. If there was any time for monetary reparations to be paid directly to blacks, presumably it would have been at, or shortly after, the time of their freeing? Perhaps that was done, I don’t know. Add in the compleat… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 months ago

The only condition under which reparations should be considered is if they include a mandatory, permanent relocation across the Atlantic to the place from where they originated. If they are not willing to accept such a deal, then they admit they have received sufficient reparation.

Even if such reparations are not strictly due, it is likely worth it.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 months ago

The, IMO, classic college-newspaper ad from David Horowitz made this point, that American Blacks live the best of blacks anywhere in the world, whether descended from slavery or not. If there is a good lib retort to that, I haven’t heard it– you need to really believe in the lawyerly theory of reality to find demonstrable damages generations on. Even so, they muddle the legal and spiritual meanings of damages, because in truth neither approach is, uh, seaworthy. I think the reparations window has passed, i.e. it’s all over but the shouting. The immigration of African blacks in the 21st… Read more »

3 months ago

The kind on nonsense described in today’s post is yet another example of way too many people having way too much idle time on their hands while possessing a guilty conscience about living the easy life at the expense of other’s labor. Of course I’m describing the political class and it’s coterie of government apparatchiks. They and their lobbyists pimps endlessly write new rules and regulations in order to justify getting a fraudulent paycheck. That is, by definition, what a parasite does. It’s only skill is feeding off the productivity of others. This will continue until scarcity returns and being… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
3 months ago

You can only have a guilty conscience if you’ve led a soft life. Anyone who’s actually suffered in his life can take attempts at triggering guilt and shove them where the sun don’t shine. Besides which, it says something about your intrinsic mindset if you specialize in prompting guilt in others. Unencumbered by any sense of shame, and high on your own sense of self, one equates one’s moral standing with one’s ability to browbeat other men into following one’s social instructions …
— Sorcerygod (

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
3 months ago

“A solitary white man has a right to associate with whom he chooses but get enough white guys together and at some point, they lose their individual rights in favor of group responsibility.” Sounds like my group of childhood friends (culturally conservative, even if they didn’t know it) in their late 20s when one of them decided to start bringing his black roommate — and later good friend — to our little in-group reunions. One night somebody had too many and said — out of hearing of most, but not all — “why’s that guy always here now?” End of… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
3 months ago

As Z frequently notes, they’ve absorbed the moral system of their tormenters.

3 months ago

I don’t know at what point in time it was determined by someone or a group of someones that the point of America was to impose a new moral order on the world, but it was always bulls*** and in any case has been total failure. I believe it was Washington who warned against getting involved in foreign affairs and to basically mind our own damned business. I used to believe that America always stood for right and standing up against various bullies. But just like kids who eventually come to realize there’s no Santa Claus, this place sure as… Read more »

Reply to  usNthem
3 months ago

“I don’t know at what point in time it was determined by someone or a group of someones that the point of America was to impose a new moral order on the world…”

-Woodrow Wilson, April 1917.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  usNthem
3 months ago

The “when” is debatable. What is not, however, is that directly America won the Cold War it went full-blown Our Democracy on the whole bleedin’ planet. America interpreted this victory as absolute validation of its moral system and sanction to embark upon the global crusade which it is still, and with increasing zealotry, engaged.

A rapper on every screen, a buttplug on every pillow.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

There is no paradox. “I demand free speech according to your principles, I deny your free speech according to mine.” Same thing with racial/sexual inclusiveness or the lack thereof. The favored groups must be included, the disfavored groups either excluded or forced to accept the favored ones. And forced to pay for them. It is not paradoxical because it only works in one direction, pro-mud, pro girl power, anti white male. See the victim hierarchy for the finer points of how it works. At the top of the hierarchy is the 6 million. Not even an ipsogender congolese furry empowerment… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

There’s also the paradox that the only way to treat a person of another race as an individual in social and economic relations is if you have strict community boundaries based on race.

In Japan, they can treat a visiting African as an individual because they know that he must leave at some point and is not part of an invasion of Africans.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Eh, yeah, but it’s simpler than that – you’re not Japanese, you’re foreign (ethnic Japanese don’t necessarily count). The paradox of that is the Japanese love their archetypes and things having their place. If you’re a foreigner, say a black guy who found a function to fill, say some sort of niche that fits you, you get upgraded from a tourist to a cog in the machine that’s probably not required and wouldn’t be missed if it broke, but a cog that fits. It’s been my experience anyway (I’m not black but foreigners who perminently reside in Japan with any… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Your post reminded me of the latest, and I think greatest yet, victory in “our” war against Japan. Japan’s cities have recently been plagued by black foreigners making YouTube prank videos that typically involve doing sudden violence to Japanese people, who are dispositionally “relaxed” and react with greater fear and shock than those of us who know better. Johnny Somali—famously Israeli-managed “content creator”—was the case that made the news, but he was just one of dozens. A general word went out among blacks that Japan was the place to do this, and there was a prank-video land rush. This Jew-sponsored… Read more »

3 months ago

“At some point, there are a number of individuals that flip from judging them as individuals to judging them as a group.” In the end, the only “right” the Progressive Left recognizes—indeed requires—is *hypocrisy*! Take an example from the recent culture wars, trannies. Particularly tranny “right” to participate in cross sex activities. I’ve heard any number of interviews/discussions now with either trannies or their Leftist supporters discussing why these delusional misfits must be allowed to not only participate in women’s sport activities, but shower with women and use their locker rooms to change in. It’s their (tranny’s) “right” of course… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

In the social sciences and humanities–and certainly in my field of history–that “isolation” was called “marginalization” and it was condemned by scholars out of hand. When I was in grad school, and before I became DR, I supported the condemnation. The recognition that certain groups of people SHOULD be marginalized signifies one is a member of the DR. It is a hallmark.

3 months ago

No, there is no point at which the notion of “reparations” to individuals for long ago imagined injuries to their ancestors is moral, or even sane…
It wasn’t until recently that race hustlers even conceived of it as a possibility..

Fed Up
Fed Up
Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

Yet, people keep falling for it. That worries many, to see how vast swaths of the public are so easily cowed. Now, how to reach them?

Reply to  Fed Up
3 months ago

I figure long range artillery should do it.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

Reparations is more of the same schemes to continue to take the wealth away from Whites and give it to the dregs of society. At this point, if you do not hate blax with the intensity of 1000 suns, you are mentally ill.

Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

Hmmm, a thought. The sainted Lincoln planned to repatriate the slaves to Liberia.

The most evil man ever, Schickelgruber, wanted to send another population deemed troublesome by many a nation… to Madagascar.

The gentle and kind Sunak wants to send his problem population to Rwanda.

For $64.00, which of these plans differ materially from the other? I hear Madagascar is a nice place.

3 months ago

I’ve never seen more “In this house we believe” signs than I did in Vermont, a place with what, 95% White population? Multiracial, liberal democracy is set of luxury beliefs that, ironically, only a homogenuous White population can afford. It doesn’t matter how deranged your professed outward beliefs are when you and everyone around you work, act, and behave like your grandparents did in 1955. It’s trivial to open up your club/group to all when the only people who would realistically join it are all White because that’s the only people within a day’s drive of it.

Last edited 3 months ago by Mycale
Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

I’d like to buy one that says:

In This House, We Believe

-Illegals should be deported
-Evolution is science
-Homosexuality is perversion
-Government is evil
-The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms Shall not be infringed

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Xman
3 months ago

No reason you couldn’t draw up such a sign. But if you do, you should expect property damage, your dog poisoned, maybe a gunshot through your dining room window one night, or perhaps a lynch mob forming on your front lawn.

Heterodoxy shall be crushed.

The Wrestling Professor
Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

When I first came to Vermont I laughed at the number of BLM signs in the yards of people who have gone out of their way to be as far from actual black people as possible. They chose a 95% white state deliberately. Those signs are all gone now for some reason.

Reply to  The Wrestling Professor
3 months ago

I grew up near a quaint little 99% white town that used to be Republican but is now a shitlib/lesbian/hipster/Boomer haven. There is no graffiti, no blacks, no Mexicans, no prostitutes, no needles or crack pipes in the streets, no loud music, no drive-bys, no robberies, no car thefts, no vandalism. Property prices and property taxes are obscene. People drive Subarus, $80,000 Audis, and fly Pride Flags.

They all have those “In This House” signs proclaiming how much they love illegal beaners and Negroes.

The Wrestling Professor
Reply to  Xman
3 months ago

Norfolk, MA (next town from whence I fled) used to be solid R. Now it votes 70% Biden. They closed a prison and now it will be filled with illegal aliens courtesy of Biden and the dem governor. 450 kids who don’t speak English will soon obliterate what used to be “good schools” (my favorite euphemism for getting away from black people). These ijits will probably vote 68% Biden in the fall.

The Wrestling Professor
Reply to  Xman
3 months ago

Black Lives Matter – to these frauds as long as they are at least 200 miles away.

3 months ago

all white districts get the hardest thumping lefties.

You really have to restrict that to affluent White districts near urban seats of power.

The all White dirt people counties out here in BFE are hard right.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

Imagine a non-ideological, results-oriented republican rightist (lol) doing a little nooooticing and deciding that the vote should be restricted to citizens who don’t pay federal income tax. I’d bet that, honestly calculated, government employees and contractors are the majority of “taxpayers.” Their “paying” is a grotesque ceremonial display—accountancy potlatch?—but maybe there’s a non-obvious wisdom in it. Progressivism may be a feeling of not only identification with but material investment in the regime. Maybe that’s why there are no poor communists (or leftists of any kind, really).

Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

More important than the collective-versus-individual antinomy is the fact that its strictures are worked only against whites. Does the power structure lower the boom on negroes for forming formal groups such as the Congressional Black Caucus? Does it censor Black Entertainment Television? Does it send in the goon squad to disperse black college graduation ceremonies? Rhetorical questions all. And the same questions could be asked of other groups–pervs, Finkels, Sand Hutus, etc.–with basically the same answer being correct. What this means is that anti-white racism (and pro-minority chauvinism), not erosion of individual rights, is prime here. These group dynamics are… Read more »

Neoliberal Feudalism
3 months ago

“Theocracies have a poor history primarily because men are not angels. This means the moral authorities must either accept something less than the ideal outcome or exhaust themselves making the people comply. “ Ah, but This Time It’s Different ™. I don’t mean this entirely sarcastically — the combination of upcoming programmable CBDCs which globohomo will use to modify your behavior (i.e. you can only use “your” money to buy meat once a week, or you can spend only within ten miles of your home, or “your” money won’t work if you don’t get the latest mRNA heart attack jab) combined… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Neoliberal Feudalism
3 months ago

This will require an absurd amount of infrastructure that we simply do not have anymore. Regardless of the power of data, there still needs to be people on the ground to verify what is real on the internet is actually real. CBDC’s will just accelerate “Dead Internet”, where nothing is real anymore.

It will also create all sorts of hilarious workarounds, like charging 300 dollars for a pen, but the farmer will tack on a hundred pounds of beef as an incentive.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 months ago

Remember Forbidden Planet? The remnant population of a dead world was controlled by a global discipline machine left running after the extinction of its creators.

The “infrastructure,” hard and soft, of total surveillance doesn’t need to be made. It was made. It just needs to be pointed at you, like a gun found lying in the street.

Even a “jeet” can do it—and, being a resentful subhuman, he’ll especially relish it.

M. Murcek
3 months ago

Citizens United determined a corporation has the same rights as an individual. Just try forming Whitey Inc.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  M. Murcek
3 months ago

I think I may start a store called Whipeepo R Us…

3 months ago

@Vizzini Every country has a law so it has to allow things and forbid things. It will allow things that are considered good and forbid things that are considered evil. So the law must be based on an ideology that distinguishes good from evil. And this is the definition of a religion. Therefore, each country is a theocracy. If you feel that a country (say America during the 50s or the 80s) is not a theocracy is because you share the religion, so you don’t feel that your freedom is limited by the State because the things you are forbidden… Read more »

Din C, Nuttin
Din C, Nuttin
3 months ago

Why would a Caucasian support a country that actively discriminates against white people? (I ask myself)

3 months ago

Do theocracies really have a bad track record, though? Prior to well into the enlightenment era (and beyond), there were approximately zero Western governments that were not in some form theocracies. Perhaps they were not literally run by the priests, but they had official state religions from which societal morality flowed, and the rulers ruled by divine justification. Indeed, the rulers were often the titular heads of the Churches (as is still technically the case in the UK). Many of those lasted thousands of years. The difference with these modern “secular theocracies” is that there is no authority for their… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Vizzini
3 months ago

Let me add, that the Ruling elite has an easy solution to the problem of holiness among the people conflicting with getting things done.


The Stellantis CEO Tavares is gutting the engineering group in Chrysler and outsourcing it to Morocco and Turkey. Being non-White they are of course immune to any immoral thoughts or deeds. Bonus — firing White guys.

Just food for thought.

3 months ago

The Rage Against White Guy is very, very female and upper class White: No, you really have to see this. Upper Class White women dropping thousands to scream in the forest. And the Rage Rituals and emphasis on female holiness is running right up against Vladmir and Xi. Just this weekend Ukraine shot an ATACMS missile onto a Crimean Beach with cluster munitions killing a bunch of people including kids. And the CIA / ISIS (same thing) ran amok in Dagestan murdering an Orthodox Priest during service and burning a synagoge. [In West LA over the Weekend, a bunch… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
3 months ago

Say a prayer for those marooned due to problems with the Boeing Starliner. Unfortuantely for them, they can’t book a flight on an Airbus or other make.

3 months ago

“Theocracies have a poor history primarily because men are not angels. “ Yes, because the Ancient Egyptian empire lasted only about 3000 years and Eastern Orthodox Byzantium only 1000 years… My sarcastic (!) point is that societies ruled by a single religion have (on the contrary) not a “poor” but an “excellent” history; having been the most enduring in history; not least because these were pretty much the *only* civilizations until 1917. However (Russia aside) I agree with your implicit point that from here and now in The West theocracy won’t happen, and would not work if tried. From where we… Read more »

Reply to  bgc
3 months ago

Nonsense. If Russia can re-Christianize after their disastrous experiment with state atheism, so can we.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  AntiDem
3 months ago

Not with a fully replaced population you can’t.

Reply to  Tired Citizen
3 months ago

You would think you could, given that hispanics are more religious than the Left. But alas, they vote for communism over religion.

Reply to  AntiDem
3 months ago

In time, yes…If you don’t have a State religion, as most of the 13 colonies did, you’ll end up with someone else’s religion…The US ended up with the religion of black rights superceding all else…

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  AntiDem
3 months ago

Not likely because “we” is too nebulous and diverse a group already. Even assuming you’re strictly referring to Nordic and WASP whites, the divide within that still diverse group is split fairly evenly. Even within the side closest to us theres not a majority that sees things the way you describe and certainly not in any dissident sense.

Reply to  Forever Templar
3 months ago

Even assuming you’re strictly referring to Nordic and WASP whites…”

Better the red line is “masked/boosted” and non, for the WYPIPO. Sorry, but the former category are not worth me dying for.

Reply to  bgc
3 months ago

Ruh roh. You’re telling me our hyper-religious society could last a thousand years.

Last edited 3 months ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 months ago

I don’t know of another dangerous personage is on the ‘name of Moses shall be stricken from every obelisk’ list here, but the blogger that goes by Rollo Tomassi has a video on the obvious — Why would TPTB want to push all the attention on a certain faith that HAS lasted 2,000+ years? Normies think ‘pedo’ they think ‘clergy’ not school teacher — specifically whyte, female teacher. What a win! Lawyers soak the employer of the clergy, get rich while attacking their enemy of millenia …. so perhaps a religion can last, although the vast majority of Protestant… Read more »

3 months ago

Theocracies have a poor history… At some point, practical necessity requires the people to overthrow the priests.

Isn’t it actually rather commonplace, historically speaking, for the king to also be the high priest or vice-versa?

3 months ago

Judas priest is this a tour de force. Magnificent. This is real philosophy.

Long ago the Zman said, “aggregates cannot be judged by the same standards as individuals, they are not the same.” At that time, I was thinking that everyone spoke in terms of individuals, but no one seemed to define group dynamics.

I’d say this small piece goes light-years in definition, simplicity, and clarity.

In supplication, let me add another definition.
Why are women the moral enforcers of any society?
Because, in all of nature, it is the female that says Yes, or No.

Last edited 3 months ago by Alzaebo
3 months ago

[…] ZMan scratches his head. […]

Forever Templar
Forever Templar

And I scratch my nuts

3 months ago

There is nothing more foul than suburbanites.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

I don’t think it’s quite a Sorites Paradox, it’s a reclassification under a regulated category that causes the problem. I’m pretty certain that, even in this day and age, you could form a “European Club” and, as long as you kept it a strictly private affair, there is nothing the authorities could or would do about it, no matter how large it became. The problem arises when you try to obtain public recognition for what you are doing. If you incorporate as a business or a nonprofit, then you become regulated by the Chamber of Commerce and the IRS. If… Read more »

Mitchell Lange
Mitchell Lange
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

Libertarianism is an unworkable and useless political framework. The problem isn’t government. The problem is our enemies have captured the government.

Reply to  Mitchell Lange
3 months ago

Correct. As Zman has noted, libertarianism is useless because it is not serious about the use of force. A gun beats a principled argument every time.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

Why would anyone down vote this factually correct and perfectly innocuous comment? What the hell is wrong with you people?

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

Because your comment is not factually correct. You still believe there is a constitution, and you have rights the government cannot work around. Go ask the Proud Boys about that. The FBI will plant members in your little white club, have them instigate violence somewhere, and then arrest and frame whoever they want. Hell, they might even form the group in the first place to suck in the non-compliant, like the Gretchen Witchmer episode. It’s pretty hard to take some arrows and win the battle, when you can’t trust the guy next to you.

Fed Up
Fed Up
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

Go back to Sailer.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

What a narcissistic, clueless response. ID, what’s wrong with you? You were the one who splashed onto the scene sometime back saying the cure for racism was for every White to do “his duty” and marry a minority and end racism through miscegenation (IIRC). Did you ever think you might perhaps be posting in the wrong group? Certainly, you comments wrt Z-man and this group over at the Unz Review would seem to indicate your continuing dislike for this blog and its commenters—yet you continue to return to post in spite of your unfavorable reception. Doing the same thing over… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

This comment is based on the assumption that people still have rights enshrined in the Constitution, with a government dedicated to protecting those rights. This is absolutely not the case anymore. Your European club will get infiltrated by glowies once it gets to a certain size and the size is much smaller than you think. It’s happened over and over, you can’t possibly be this naive. People of European descent don’t have any rights anymore. The government doesn’t respect your privacy, why would they respect your private group? This isn’t meant to be a blackpill, but more just as acknowledgement… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Mycale
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

State recognition destroys foundationally white groups alright. If the state recognizes (in the sense of discovers) the group, it will destroy it. In other words, explicity white groups can survive only when sub rosa. And if, ipso facto, your right of association can endure only in absolute darkness, you have no right to associate at all.