Micro Topics

The show was assembled before the debate, which is a good thing because I would never have been to record anything after watching that lunacy. I think I may have blown a funny fuse laughing at it. The only thing Biden did not do last night was drop his pants and then wander off the stage. It did not top the John Fetterman performance, but it was still a ridiculous and embarrassing spectacle.

Frankly, I felt shame watching it, so I turned it off after thirty minutes. I do not care if Joe Biden is a monster who is run by monsters. It goes against my code as a man to enjoy the suffering of others in this way. He is an old man who should be waiting for the sweet relief of death right now, not paraded around like this. The people humiliating this man by parading him around should be shot.

That said, the game is afoot. There is simply no way they can let him continue, so they have to find a replacement before the convention. That first means either having the talk with him that many people have to have with an old person in their life. If that fails, then it means invoking the 25th Amendment and having him removed or maybe finding some loophole in the party rules to remove him from the ticket.

The sad spectacle should disabuse everyone about who really runs things. There is simply no way this shuffling husk of man is making any decisions. In this regard, Biden has become the epitome of neocon dominance. They found the ultimate puppet to execute their devious plot to bring the world to the brink of disaster. Maybe it is time to address that problem while addressing the Biden problem.

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This Week’s Show


  • Introduction
  • Fuentes
  • Steve Sailer Rehabilitation
  • The HBD question
  • The Rise Of Antisemitism
  • The Assange Deal
  • Prepping
  • Kristi Noem Killing Dogs
  • The Twitter Scam
  • Ukraine Kooks
  • The Fortress Of Solitude

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3 months ago

President Biden won the free and fair Democratic primaries. Any attempt to remove or replace him is an attack on Our Democracy.

Reply to  MikeCLT
3 months ago

Indeed sir! We Must Save Our Democracy!

Brother john
Brother john
Reply to  MikeCLT
3 months ago

This will be only the third time in a row that the party machinery has screwed their voters in front of their faces only to be rewarded by these same feckless, low information idiots.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  MikeCLT
3 months ago

Democracy stops working when 49.9% (+/- adjustments for election fraud) decide that…other remedies are needed.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  MikeCLT
3 months ago

They will simply fix it so that every vote for Biden’s replacement will count as a vote for Biden.

Team blue no matter who will be just fine with this, “fix.”

There won’t be much time to mount a legal challenge, and anyone who does will be found to have, “no standing.”

See how easy this will be?

Last edited 3 months ago by The Wild Geese Howard
plato spaghetti
plato spaghetti
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 months ago

Sounds similar to what happened in NJ some years ago, when dem Torricelli’s corruption spelled a likely win for republican Forrester. The Party simply plugged in the Bidenesque Lautenberg at the last minute, even though it was a blatant violation of their own rules. A few griped, the court just shrugged, and they just proceeded with the attitude “who’s gonna stop us”.

Reply to  MikeCLT
3 months ago

I am already seeing MSM pushing Newsom. This whole thing is a setup.

With Newsom, the US would get a clone of Turdeau as a president.

3 months ago

The Jewish thing – people have noticed too much. Biden having a Cabinet full of Jews who absolutely hate the heritage race of this country is hard to miss.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Maxda
3 months ago

You are correct of course but I will believe that the public is aware of it when the Times runs an op-ed piece so stating.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 months ago

How about this? It’s The Atlantic, not the Times, but pretty close:


Anti-Semitism on the right and the left threatens to bring to a close an unprecedented period of safety and prosperity for Jewish Americans—and demolish the liberal order they helped establish.

By Franklin Foer

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

An outcome devoutly to be wish’d…

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

The comedy is that there is no more “antisemitism” on the right today than there has ever been, but they have to keep up those pretenses

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

Protestants have a symbiotic relationship with the Jews. In fact, you can argue that they put Jews out in front as the face of all the dirty work they benefit from. They just passively aggressively benefit from it. They work together in banking and in war. And both love immigration. They’re brothers from different mothers. Catholics, on the other hand, typically don’t have the warm and fuzzies about any of this stuff the animates the other two. Well, a lot of Catholics are fools about immigration, too.

Last edited 3 months ago by TempoNick
Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

I don’t understand why this one has gotten so many down votes. WASPs let Jews in the front door. They let them into the Ivy League and finance. They love Israel. They let them marry their daughters. They let them run roughshod over everything. Now they let them run Harvard and the Ivy League! Evangelicals are also in love with them. Last time I checked, both of them qualify as Protestants.

Last edited 3 months ago by TempoNick
Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

In my roman catholic Italian family, there was no love lost for jews. My grandfather who came over from Italy in the 30’s would be watching the news and he’d start shouting “those god damn dirrrrty jews!”
I agree with your assesment.
There is nothing akin to American protestant Zionism in the Roman Catholic church.

Last edited 3 months ago by Vinnyvette
Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

As I always like to point out, the indigenous Christians of the Holy Land are predominantly Maronite Catholic and Eastern Orthodox and the ones in Palestine see themselves as Palestinians. I think this is a huge reason there is no such thing as a Catholic or Orthodox Zionist.

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

That’s a solid theory.

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

One of my best friends growing up was Lebanese Catholic, we were from the same parish. His father’s family had lived in our small, rust belt city for a century, while his mom came to America in her 20’s and continued to spend spend much time back home. Both parents maintained a healthy dislike of Lebanon’s newest neighbor.

Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

But the Italian Mafia worked hand in hand with the Jewish Mafia, to the point where the Italian Mafia gets all the blame for stuff that was largely done by the Jewish Mafia.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

Agree. I guess “business is business.” My grandfather saw the political and cultural turmoil caused by the jews in Mussolini’s Italy. So he hated them for that. To the best of my knowledge he had no mafia ties. Although he did own race horses. So who knows.

Last edited 3 months ago by Vinnyvette
Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

Italians were rather red-pilled about the Negro as well…

Reply to  Xman
3 months ago

Very true.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

Immigration is what it’s about. The Jews shoved it on us and we’re not happy about it. Secondary is how they stuffed all their pockets full of money by outsourcing everybody’s jobs. Thirdly, it’s all the wars and how they use Jeffrey Epstein and blackmail to control our government. Fourthly, they used what they gleaned from Jeffrey Epstein to take over our economy and enrich themselves. If this were another time and day, the ovens would just be starting to get fired up.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

“demolish the liberal order they helped establish”

Yep, that’s exactly why people hate them right now. They established it. No way of pushing off the blame on somebody else. They own it.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

Liberal disorder, more like…

little bear
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Leftist disorder. How easy it is for whole threads to forget about the o’biden admin doing this to us and find a convenient scapegoat to blame, instead.

Somehow, we need to unite against the authoritarianism/surveillance/globalist machine; it’s the only way America doesn’t get crushed out of existence…and it’s not Mrs. Goldstein down the block; it’s mcconnell, schumer, and their crazy cohorts in the intel agencies to blame. They come from all backgrounds; maybe we need ol’ Serpenthead reminding us “It’s the ideology, stupid!”

little bear
Reply to  Maxda
3 months ago

Problem is, the characteristic causing the problem is not jewishness, but globalism. By calling out religion/heritage, we’re letting go free and clear villains w/names like bush, obama, newsome, pelosi, romney, jeffries, mcconnell, and on and on. Each of us is branded by several different identities….hope we all pick on the globalist authoritarianism and not the one that ends up hurting the nice family down the road who are of the same heritage.

Reply to  little bear
3 months ago

The jews own the international banking system, the banking system finances globalism.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

They spent the last 4 years pretending this man was competent. They could have kept on pretending, they didn’t have to put on this “debate,” and the instant it was over, the media class, en masse, in unison, began wailing about how awful he was. So this was all planned. My bet is Hillary.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

But could the power structure really get away with not allowing the sitting prez to debate at least once? Yes, AINO is totally deranged, but that break with precedent might have been a bridge too far even for this demented land.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

In Clown World it wouldn’t have been a problem at all. “Biden” had already spent a lot of time and effort depicting Trump as an insurrectionist and enemy of democracy; just say that it would be beneath the office to debate such a foe, irresponsible to give him a platform to spew his sedition, and the msm would have been fine with that. When denizens of clown world get their marching orders, they fall in line, just as they are doing this morning.

Last edited 3 months ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

Well, that’s a fine hypothesis. But as obtuse as the Grillers undoubtedly are, I think this approach would have radicalized another big chunk of them. And given that white “radicalism” (common sense, actually), is the Power Structure’s greatest fear, I don’t think total abstention was ever a serious consideration.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

The grillers can’t and won’t ever do anything.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Pete
3 months ago

You know that and I know that, but the rulers don’t know that.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

Jeffrey Zoar: ‘In Clown World it wouldn’t have been a problem at all. “Biden” had already spent a lot of time and effort depicting Trump as an insurrectionist and enemy of democracy; just say that it would be beneath the office to debate such a foe, irresponsible to give him a platform to spew his sedition, and the msm would have been fine with that.‘ Aahhh, but Jill Biden’s CLUSTER-B wouldn’t allow it. https://x.com/RNCResearch/status/1806737770070626640 This is The Jill Show. THIS IS THE ALMIGHTY POWER OF CLUSTER-B. Be eternally grateful for the simple gifts. Such as Cluster-B in comatose Presidents’ First… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Bourbon
3 months ago

It will render maximum entertainment value if Joe(Jill) refuses to go. Even better if the Russkies simultaneously blitz Kiev or something. Stocking up on popcorn.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

If the polls were closer, they’d have tried it. However, I’m positive their internal polls showed “no hope” for a win by Biden—even with cheating. Therefore the (Hail Mary) debate. If Biden pulled through, a win, if not, the reason needed to pull him from the ticket.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

they want trump, not hillary.

they need trump as president for mandatory military service.

Reply to  sentry
3 months ago

Ah! Two birds: Zoar’s right twice, it’s Hillary…a final slapdown on the usurper faction, to put Her and the old guard in their place; then Trump to get the white boys killed and discredit the white right for the next three generations, until the Job is done.

Last edited 3 months ago by Alzaebo
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  sentry
3 months ago

That’s my concern. Trump is being lined up to play Judas goats for young white males in the South and Midwest to debase and degrade themselves with military service. I don’t think it will work, but that’s almost certainly on the drawing board.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

I agree. The GAE realizes they need to lure young White men into the military to go die for the globalist project in Ukraine, Gaza, Lebanon, and Taiwan.

This is also why they’ve turned the volume on deviant month down to 1 and there is no St. Floyd insurrection in full-swing this summer.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

They’d better hurry up and call off the lawfare, then.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

The purpose of the lawfare was make a failed former president a sypathetic figure who could be railed behind.

It worked as planned.

Trump is the designated lightning rod to accept blame for:

The final genocide of the Palestinians,
Sending Troops to Ukraine,
The end of the dollar and hyperinflation,

and most of all Mr. Warp Speed needs to be the sitting president when the truth of the vaccines are revealed.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  ??what??
3 months ago

That strikes me as farfetched, to put it mildly.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago


little bear
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Talking about biden and those behind him sometimes makes people uncomfortable, for some reason. … if I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front-man or front-woman and they had an ear piece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff and I could sort of deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony, I’d be fine with that… This was BO, one month before joe’s installation. If ya hear the sound clip, you realize he sounds sincere in a way he never did when… Read more »

Reply to  sentry
3 months ago

Care to expound on this theory? I’m not buying. If Trump is elected he will end American involvement in the Ukraine war. He also has an established good relationship with Putin, he bitch slapped the fat Korean kook down, and China will have a much different perspective on starting any trouble over Taiwan with Trump as commander in chief. Lest you forget if you doubt my assessment, Trump started no new wars, and their was relative peace in the world while he was president. In other words, Trump has a proven track record regarding world affairs. Since the likely hood… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Vinnyvette
Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

difference between trump and biden in terms of ukrainian conflict policy is: zio-neocon sock puppet biden is willing to send ground troops to ukraine pentagon-israeli sock puppet trump won’t sent ground troops to ukraine. i know people think pentagon is completely moronic, but they are not. They know what happened to napoleon and hitler, they don’t want that to happen to them. Plan is asymmetrical warfare, use russia’s size against it. Have it be attacked on all sides by its neighbours. Put so much pressure on Putin until he cucks. Then you grab Russia by the balls and castrate it,… Read more »

Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

If you go against china and iran you need a lot more troops. You just do.

You need good ol’ whitey to operate drones, missiles and other weapon systems.
Unfortunately for democrats, that’s a bit harder than dunking on people at basketball, so you need a republican president.

That’s where Trump comes in, he creates the illusion whites got their country back, now you can be patriotic again and join army.

Last edited 3 months ago by sentry
Reply to  sentry
3 months ago

You have a point, but he better back it up with some tangible efforts to restore the balance. If he doesn’t follow through on his word, people are going to get cynical very fast.

little bear
Reply to  sentry
3 months ago

I wish….unfortunately, those putting on this color revolution have shown who they are willing to go to any lengths to STOP, not to elect.

Reply to  sentry
3 months ago

Sentry, /pol/ had a lengthy thread about this question on Sunday night:

What will it take for white men to join the US military again? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/472716335/

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

I think it was all a matter of timing things right. They took Joe off his cocktail of meth, ketamine, and cocaine and let him rip. They knew this would be the result. Now they can hand wring about needing to find a replacement, and then quickly find one. This gives the replacement’s enemies minimal time to dig up dirt before the election. If I were going to place a bet, I would not go with Hillary. There’s too much people know about her. I would bet that it’s another Obama miracle man. It’ll be another “Hawaiian Negro” that no… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Pozymandias
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
3 months ago

Last night the National Security State ran a Color Revolution against its own puppet government. Has that ever happened before, or at least since the Praetorian Guard chose and directed the Roman emperor?

Onto the show…

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

2000 election between Bush/Gore? If I’m not mistaken Gore should have won that election and been a continuation of the Clinton regime. The then-latent security apparatus behind Bush (aka the Neocons) used the courts to nullify the results.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Forever Templar
3 months ago

I don’t think so, because rigging has been a thing a long time and the election wouldn’t have been so close if the fix was in. In fact, Gore probably would have been more down with Forever Wars than the Shipwreck W, who was too stupid to resist them and easily manipulated. Gore willingly voted for the first Gulf War, for example, and the bombing of Serbia.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Forever Templar
3 months ago

Even the NYT after their lengthy post election investigation concluded that Dubya really did win Florida. Maybe that was part of the coup, but they were otherwise no friend of Bush.

Reply to  Forever Templar
3 months ago

No, a subset of Florida blacks were too stupid to fill the correct spot on the ballot and voted for Pat Buchanan by mistake. The Supreme Court refused to the change their votes which would have set an insane precedent.

Last edited 3 months ago by Barnard
Reply to  Barnard
3 months ago

Its a shame Buchanan didnt win. He would have been a good and maybe great president.

Reply to  Forever Templar
3 months ago

I say Templar is correct in this, it was a factional fight behind the scenes.

(and a good catch by Templar as well- we’re seeing the continuation of that same fight, by the same careerists- this internal battle between elites is the central focus of their industry)

Last edited 3 months ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Forever Templar
3 months ago

That election wasn’t “fortified” in the sense we think of recent national elections. Rather, it was a close election like others we’ve had in which a Jewish vice-presidential candidate featured in the mix. His tribesmen consequently felt the need to let loose one of their their drama shows over the impossible situation they each faced in using a punch card ballot. You know, like blacks simply cannot figure out how to get a government ID, or how the poor innocent “dreamers” were dragged across the border against their will. It’s led to the current situation in which jurisdictions have spent… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

I am tempted to think that revealing Biden to the world was a deep state scheme to remove him. But they could do that without Fremdschämen and revealing how headless our federal government is.

So that leaves the improbable…there really are a bunch of people in Washington and Democratic voters in the hinterlands who convinced themselves that Biden is fine, despite evidence going back to 2016.

Reply to  Marko
3 months ago

I think some faction might want Chomo Joe gone and replaced, but I certainly do not think that the Gaystapo and the “intelligence” community or the Kagans running the State Department or any of the three letter agencies want a different President that actually functions. They are perfectly happy to run their little independent satrapies free from any Commander in Chief’s interference. Leonid Brezhnev was essentially in the same semi-catatonic state as Dementia Joe is now for seven years from 1975-1982, until he died, and the Soviet Apparat, especially Yuri Andropov, were perfectly content with that, because they got far… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Pickle Rick
3 months ago

No doubt Biden’s mental incompetence was a feature and not a bug, but given the level of cheating required to put him back in–which would happen if necessary–the decision was made to insert another puppet.

Reply to  Pickle Rick
3 months ago

Exactly. Exactly. That’s why I’m (metaphorically) voting for Joe; let them turn their guns on each other, and away from us. They’re lighting and trying to extinguish their own dumpster fires at the same time.
Aw, shinola. I really am a dumbass, ain’t I.
This is Ordu, the Mongol capitol of Russia. Barons from Muscovy would come and vie to see who could oppress their peasants the most; the ones who oppressed their peasants the most won the Khan’s favor.

Last edited 3 months ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Marko
3 months ago

America is a country of believers. The “racist liberal” faction of our team, Spencer and Sailer et al., has until today been personally offended by normal people’s contention that Biden is demented/retarded. Did the debate change their minds? It was on tv—accompanied by depressed Democrat commentary—so I assume it did. Permission to notice Biden is finally granted. (They’ll still demand that if you claim he’s not functionally the president, you must name precisely who’s in charge. And when you do, they’ll ignore you and demand it of somebody else.) I don’t know how doctors diagnose dementia, but by a layman’s… Read more »

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
Reply to  Hemid
3 months ago

My poor aunt was 82 when she died, with small flashes of confusion and moments when she couldn’t remember just why she’d come to a particular place. Turned out she was having mini-strokes, but we didn’t know that at the time. Still, my sister was freaking out about what looked like the onset of Alzheimer’s, and researching care facilities. At Auntie’s lowest, she didn’t look or sound like Biden does today. Normal people KNOW when a person is losing it, and the alarm bells go off long before the patient is in Biden’s state. I think that so many people… Read more »

Reply to  Dr. Mabuse
3 months ago

my guess is that he has a movement disorder, Parkinson’s disease or some type of Parkinson’s something.

Reply to  Snooze
3 months ago

This is a conclusion spoken about in a recent Dr Campbell video on YT. Yes, I watch him again sometimes. It is possible and if I heard correctly, common for such in dementia.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

November 22nd, 1963 and August 9th, 1974.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

Jim’s Blog calls this Team Thermidor.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
3 months ago

That’ really good.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Agree that Sailer’s rehabilitation is the Left setting up a new dance partner. Naturally, that shows that the Right has no power nor has it had any real power for a long time. The Left (run by you know who) has realized that the old Right is so discredited and disliked by Normies (thanks Trump) that it’s no longer viable in its role as the Washington Generals of politics. Sailer, Rufo, MacIntyre are more believable, but just as ineffective. They notice race. They notice that whites are discriminated against. They notice that the white working class is in serious trouble.… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Agreed. For me, the Sailer vs DEI debate boils down to boot strapping vs victimhood and are both premised on tabula rasa thinking.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  right2remainviolent
3 months ago

It’s DIE, y’all.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Yea we gave up on that one pretty fast didn’t we…I see all our side now using the lefts language for DIE…Why couldn’t we at least keep that on the table…I know why I just wish others could figure it out before we go extinct…Most of our side don’t realize they are even doing it either which makes it even sadder..

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

When diversity, equity and inclusion is presented on YouTube, it’s DIE YT.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

1000%. This is so spot on it makes me want to have Citizen’s babies.

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

It is also a signal to blacks (along with the Jamaal Bowman primary) that they better get with the Zionist program. Getting rid of DEI would be bad enough, but getting rid of Affirmative Action altogether would mean the end of the black middle and professional classes.

Preserving AA is the only way I could see Michelle Obama being convinced to run.

Reply to  Tarl Cabot
3 months ago

Dammit see above…

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

I think it’s too late for that (and for right-ish commentary to change anything or anyone).

The big switch has been flipped. American Jews now demand—rather than conspireto be excluded from whiteness. Anti-whiteness is America 2’s founding principle, and it must be preserved. And it’s white men’s favorite Republicans—Desantis, Abbott, maybe even near-future Trump—who are making it happen, for an extra frisson of humiliation.

Analogously, Sailer et al. may be assigned to plump for “MENA”—Hanania isn’t you, is he?—as a sort of racial rectification of names. Do we care? Does anyone? Does opinion do anything?

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

The old right is disaffected because of Trump? 🤣
Trump is a phenomena because the “old right” shit the bed! You have it backwards.
The lone exception is Ronald Reagan.

little bear
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Nobody’s close to perfect, but TDS did not come organically from PDT, but was a “lab creation” with the intel people responsible. i know people who “hate” Trump, but when you ask for one reason why…they don’t know. Gotta give those “mass psychosis” experts credit for setting up a popular movement leader as a boogeyman — they know all the tricks– who to reach and how — thankfully, more people are seeing it every day…not enough, tho’—-has a color revolution ever failed elsewhere? Dunno, personally.

3 months ago

As bad as Biden was, Trump debated like a confident fifth grader. I wonder how Trump fanboys would feel this morning if he had a real opponent, with real debating skills, and not the hacks in the e-GOP, not Hillary, and not Dementia Joe – twice.

Whoever is allowed to win, the establishment/deep state/regime will let the years of mismanagement come home to roost and one of our turkey-necked presidents will be left holding the bag, the unpopularity, and the infamy.

It’s like geriatric Alien vs. Predator. Whoever wins, we all lose.

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
Reply to  Marko
3 months ago

As the line goes…..the only way to win is by not playing. Howabout a nice game of chess, Dr. Marko?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  3 Pipe Problem
3 months ago

Why not play a little Solitaire…

Reply to  3 Pipe Problem
3 months ago

You and your boy marko seem more like the dungeons and dragons type. If you get my drift.

Brother john
Brother john
Reply to  Marko
3 months ago

If you expect Trump to attract anymore voters to his standard, that’s all he’s going to get away with.

His base of support has seen him at rallies and speeches and events and interviews. They are perfectly well aware that he could tie this or any other clown up in knots. The low information voters still thinking that he is an agent of chaos and that Pedo Pete should be the default option are too soft and stupid to be able to take anything other than “kinder, gentler” Trump.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Marko
3 months ago

if he had a real opponent

Such a person would probably be hated by the regime even more than Trump is.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 months ago

That’s likely true, especially for a populist “right-winger”. Though I think the Dems have been looking for a sassy POC; someone who is good on their feet and charming on the late-night shows without rustling the Regime. If they ever find one, and the right is stuck with a Mike Pence type, then it’s gonna be a bad time for us.

Reply to  Marko
3 months ago

Trump debated like a confident fifth grader. “

Yep, and the debate was watched by the equivalent of a 5th grade class. So what? Such is the deterioration of the American public and the body politic.

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

To be fair, one could say Biden debated like a fifth-grader on his daily cocktail of psych-meds, Ritalin, Wellbutrol, and Elevan. Plus those puberty blockers!

Last edited 3 months ago by Alzaebo
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

Ha. So very and sadly true. Most adults in this country shouldn’t be trusted with anything more sophisticated than Crayolas and finger paint.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Trusted, until they shove the Crayola up their nose.
(My neighbor’s toddler did that.)

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 months ago

Count yourself lucky. That’s what our provost did…

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

Correct, Compsci.

Most written MSM news in the Current Year is composed at the 4th to 6th grade reading level.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 months ago

Aside. Early in my academic career I had experience with faculty in the College of Education, Reading Department wrt formulas to rate the reading level of writing. At that time the typical written piece in the public venue was at the *8th grade level*. Sigh….

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

I see a lot of whining here about Trump like 3rd grade school girls.

Reply to  Marko
3 months ago

The debate was unwatchable. I turned it off after the first 10 minutes.

Last edited 3 months ago by TempoNick
Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

I thought you’d be supporting Biden; your fellow catholic.

Reply to  oliver
3 months ago

I am Orthodox, with roots in Melania’s birth country. A lot of us are die hard Trumpers and it has nothing to do with Melania.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

Give my regards to Slavoj Zizek…

Sgt Pedantry
Sgt Pedantry
3 months ago

Never underestimate the power of television melodramas. The Eichmann show trial and Roots caused more mental retardation in the boomers than lead ever did.

If that generation had instead been subjected to something positive (think The Greatest Story Never Told or a soap opera in which a young German girl in Weimar escapes from Magnus Hirschfeld’s dungeon) we would not be arguing about the JQ. We would be instead arguing over the best way to update the highspeed rail system on terraformed Mars.

Reply to  Sgt Pedantry
3 months ago

Yea they don’t call it programming for nothing…It sure did a number on people that’s for sure…

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Sgt Pedantry
3 months ago

Blogger Paul Kersey often used to remark we could have colonized Mars by now but we had to fund Black Run America.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
3 months ago

The comments here give me hope. Watching normies, NPCs, retards, and midwits (re: The American Populace circa 2024) on various forums, venues, chats, etc. are all just taking what they saw last night at face value. “OMG! Biden was terrible. We owned the libs!11! Who would vote for him? Even CNN was saying…” blah blah I found it both quaint and sad that anyone still believes this wasn’t planned WAY ahead of time. His handlers and the people that actually run the US Govt are not stupid. By putting him up there they forced the issue to have him replaced… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Apex Predator
3 months ago

It is depressing but it isn’t just people like us who should be cause for hope. From what I gather, the audience for last night’s kabuki extravaganza was down almost by 40 percent. Granted, even those dropping out largely are clueless about what is afoot, but indifference is a good sign. Most of them never will make the leap to active and open cynicism, of course, but indifference is an improvement and historically is the precursor to significant change. Anything will be too little, too late to matter, but Normie assisting our and his own destruction will help mitigate the… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
3 months ago

Leave it to me to add a depressing caveat. My neighbor (decent salt-of-the-earth type heritage American who can build/fix anything) and another friend (even older long-time prepper) were talking the other night and they remain convinced that when Trump wins in November he will save us all, amen. I don’t even say anything any more (they know I don’t vote).

Carl B.
Carl B.
3 months ago

This was all choreographed, especially all the canned reaction from the usual suspects. Next episode is jailing Trump then installing whatever puppet the Deep State wants to install. How far this “shuffling husk” of a nation has fallen.

Geo. Orwell
Geo. Orwell
3 months ago

The winner last night? The Cackling Quadroon. She’s one broken hip away from the Oval Office. Also: things became very, very interesting this morning in high places like Moscow and Beijing.

Reply to  Geo. Orwell
3 months ago

Imagine the cackling of a Hillary / Kamala ticket.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 months ago

With that putrid John Lennon song playing in the background at the convention.

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Just “Imagine” it. The idea!

3 months ago

Re Sailer, should we allow the Claremont Institute to be the dance partner for the Left? The point of Zero Seats for the Conservatives in the UK is to punish them for finking for generations, and to remove legitimacy from Labor. If it is just one party, with no opposition, then it really is just a Oligarchic Rule seen by all as illegitimate, and must rule totally by force. I don’t have an answer. The US is not the UK. It might (or might not) be more profitable for “us” however to shape that dance partner to be either nothing… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
3 months ago

Replying to my own comment, it is I think important to understand who is rehabbing Sailer and why, and the power and the limits of that power by those doing the rehabbing. Bottom line, it is the Lomez and associated groups like the ad hoc group around Bill Ackman and others who are rehabbing Sailer. The reason is they are really, really scared. And throwing up both Trump and Sailer as their defense as they understand that the crocodile, having eaten most White dudes, are coming for them. There are two big events that scare them, and another just last… Read more »

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Whiskey
3 months ago


you win the internet today.

America does not exist, Sailer is just too unwilling to notice this. It is merely a former country that is a giant tax farm of White men with a coalition of people from the Global South who hate each other and hate us more. That is it.

That is right on the money.

3 months ago

Ahhhhhhh…. What a fine show, Z. I am about 5 years into my retirement… and I tell ya… I am just stuck in permanent holiday mode. I run around in sandals and shorts all summer long, and the only big thing in my life is staying off the computer/political/hysteria-du-jour stuff as much as possible. It was tough at first, going from being a working man to being a non-essential stubfart, actually. I am finally starting to achieve a sense of contentment and humility. It’s not like you have any choice, really. I like that there are still places where sensible… Read more »

Luther's Turd
Reply to  Filthie
3 months ago

Love your site. Keep it up!

Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

I watched some of Tucker’s Sailer interview and I saw a lot of the usual cucking. He brought all his charts and graphs to explain how BLM is bad because it hurts black people. As if there weren’t alreday 6 million people talking about black well being in the US. It’s all so tiresome.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

Yeah. Who in his right mind gives a flying shit what’s good for the nuggs?

Last edited 3 months ago by Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

Be nice if we had our own country once again wouldn’t it…

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

Tucker is willing to go right up to certain lines . . . and then stops dead. Sailer is a waste of space and time. He has his acolytes to tell him how insightful he is, as they all congratulate him and each other on how clever and cutting edge they are. Their multi-racial high IQ paradise can be located on the cloud next to the libertardian one.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

don’t forget about conservatardia and Pollyanna-ville next to that.

Reply to  Tired Citizen
3 months ago

You know, there’s a nice Tolkien style fantasy quest novel in this. The brave (and stupid) band of Hobbits travels through all these various mythical lands and eventually arrives at Mt. Reagan. Perhaps the Precious is the Ring of Color-Blind Civic Nationalism.

Brother john
Brother john
3 months ago

I would be more sympathetic to the obvious elder abuse taking place before our eyes, but since this guy has been a crook, a grifter, a chomo, a thief, possibly a traitor, and an outrageously careless demagogue for his entire disastrous career, my attitude is that more career politicians should finish their days shitting themselves in public like this before being mercifully let away.

3 months ago

Don’t discount the idea that I have been running with that the plan is to let Trump “win” and then set the country on fire in 2025 as an excuse to put a strongman in place. https://www.arthursido.com/2024/06/it-doesnt-seem-as-far-fetched-now.html

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Arthur Sido
3 months ago

I’m convinced that whoever is the next president will be the fall guy (or girl) for the Big Crash, a modern day Hoover. If it’s Trump, that will discredit “maga” and America First for a half century minimum, just as it took the GOP that long to recover from it that time.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

Highly probable. Trump assumes office with no tools available to avoid the approaching calamity. I’ve pointed out some of these issues previously so won’t repeat. It may very well be the situation that we are simply switching captains on the Titanic *after* we hit the iceberg.

Reply to  Arthur Sido
3 months ago


everything is a stage act, including trump drama

Last edited 3 months ago by sentry
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Arthur Sido
3 months ago

Eh. Not too sure about that. Actually demolshing the country is extremely risky. Too risky. No way of telling how that would turn out. If you remove what people have to lose then you unleash forces you cannot control.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

A severe economic crisis would likely do precisely that. Weimar Germany says “guten tag”.

Last edited 3 months ago by Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

The country being demolished isn’t avoidable. It is the culmination of many decades of bad decisions. At this point, it is all about finding the right scapegoat.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

It’s inevitable, but it isn’t inevitable within the next four years. AINO could go on ticking another 15 years before the actual crash. There are plenty of geriatrics in the power structure who’d just assume try to leg it out rather than suffer through totally unpredictable chaos.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

There may be no “demarc” noticeable at that time. Ancient Rome still ran chariot races long after the final sack of Rome and into the early 500’s. The crash may just be an event “point” for future Chinese historians to argue about. 😉

Last edited 3 months ago by Compsci
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

AINO could go out with a whimper rather than a bang, but the DR consensus seems to support the Big Bang Theory.

3 months ago

Regarding Claremont, I used to listen to their weekly roundtable podcast. I stopped after the October attacks on our greatest ally. These guys could give Ben Shapiro a run for his money as far as their pro-Israel bias. Plus, the roundtable was overpopulated by Tribe members and homosexuals. The ZMan is right. This is an obvious effort to take up the mantle dropped by National Review, along with the Lincoln Project. We shouldn’t buy it.

Reply to  Winter
3 months ago

I gave up on them earlier. I don’t remember why—some specific story triggered it—but it had become clear that their idea of what the news is, what’s worth discussing and the terms in which it can be “debated,” was bounded by regime/Democrat Twitter. Being Twitter-brained is common enough that it should be forgiven, sometimes, but they weren’t even negatively influenced by what “frogs” and “groypers” (who are almost all morons, but they’re popular right-wingers) were talking about. They had no idea. What I think happened: Claremont talked fairly positively about BAP once, without donor permission, and got slapped down for… Read more »

Silly Bunt
Silly Bunt
3 months ago

Regarding Steve Sailer:
This is a smoke signal that politicians and normie will be able to talk about super predators again and simultaneously a purposeful distraction on the JQ, which Steve avoids. This is a ‘Team B’ play. A relief valve.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Silly Bunt
3 months ago

Sailer and Tucker spent a lot of time speaking to and lamenting the lack of organized White interest groups. They didn’t get into why that is, because they can’t without getting flushed, but it still helps that someone is able to bring this up in a “polite” format.

3 months ago

If it wasn’t clear in 2020, there are evidently “81 million” Americans (give or take a couple of million dead, illegals etc) for which there can never be any compromise – for anything…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  usNthem
3 months ago

True. And they will vote for Joey Cadaver rather than Trump, assuming Trump is allowed to run.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

It would be surprising if Joe’s debate performance costs him more than a point or two in honest polls. Of course, in keeping with the planned nature of this, I expect there to be fake polls showing him taking a far worse hit.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

A poll I saw stated that 33% of viewers actually thought Joey won the debate. These are the sorts of people who would literally vote for a green-lipped mussel rather than Trump. And the rest of the Leftists, even those who grasp the obvious about Joey, would probably follow suit.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

The 40% who voted Mondale are always with us. Fortified today by a flood of aliens.

3 months ago

Panic has an Order all its own.

A panic of a leaderless mob of braying herd animals that realize they have no shepherd and the Sheepdogs are… over chatting with their cousins the wolves.  

Panic has an Order all its own.

3 months ago

Democrats thought, after the State of the Union, that Biden was good to go. They said as much. Yet, as can happen, Biden has gone into steep decline since. His behavior in the past month was impossible to deny, although they tried. All the propaganda to convince us that he is totally engaged and sharp blew up in their face in the first ten minutes of the debate. I guess, on some level, they felt this was possible or bound to happen, but they also are people that believe they can create their own reality. I watched the whole thing.… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Mycale
Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

It goes against my code as a man to enjoy the suffering of others in this way. He is an old man who should be waiting for the sweet relief of death right now, not paraded around like this. The people humiliating this man by parading him around should be shot.”

This. We should all read this part of today’s missive a second time. As evil as Biden and his family are, should we relish in yesterday’s fiasco? Biden didn’t lose, our Republic died in front of the world. We all lost.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

The US died when Biden was installed. But yes, I support your sentiment. Last night’s abomination was just another slap of evidence for the legions of blockheads here and abroad who’ve been too bloody stupid to hoist in the obvious about this country.

Luther's Turd
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

The republic as designed died in 1865.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

Y’all are a lot nicer than me. After half a century of leeching, self dealing, and lying so much that nobody can even say who the real him is, well, I can think of more fitting fates. Our “republic” isn’t getting anything it doesn’t richly deserve.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

I’m with you. Larry Holmes once said if his Mom got in the ring with him, he would take her head off. It was Biden and the Shrew who decided to stay in the ring, so take their fricken heads off.

Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

“It goes against my code as a man to enjoy the suffering of others in this way. He is an old man who should be waiting for the sweet relief of death right now, not paraded around like this. The people humiliating this man by parading him around should be shot.” This. We should all read this part of today’s missive a second time. As evil as Biden and his family are, should we relish in yesterday’s fiasco? Biden didn’t lose, our Republic died in front of the world. We all lost. ———- Gag. Even God laughs at the destruction… Read more »

Reply to  Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
3 months ago

Gag all you want. First lesson I learned as a young child in Parochial School, “ You can’t become a saint on another man’s sins!”

So tell me Botts, what did you do to produce the debate fiasco where a demented old man—evil as he is—wound up embarrassing himself, and in turn, the nation before the whole world? Specifically what did *you* do and if you can’t answer, why would you relish in the spectacle?

We already have a whole cadre in Washington DC ready to take credit for things they never do.

Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

“Gag all you want. First lesson I learned as a young child in Parochial School, “ You can’t become a saint on another man’s sins!”” That’s very interesting. It doesn’t speak to my remarks in ant way, but still! Very interesting. “So tell me Botts, what did you do to produce the debate fiasco where a demented old man—evil as he is—wound up embarrassing himself, and in turn, the nation before the whole world? Specifically what did *you* do and if you can’t answer, why would you relish in the spectacle?” So tell me, Comspci, what did you do to… Read more »

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
3 months ago

Nothing good has even come out of Biden yet you’re supposed to sympathise with his embarrassment.

You will know them by their fruit and his have been nothing but poison.

Not to mention if he ever had any sense of shame or embarrassment he wouldn’t have been a carny con-man his entire life. It’s like anthropomorphising a rabid and wild animal.

Reply to  Bloated Boomer
3 months ago

Biden is an old, demented man, who does not even know (I suspect) he is embarrassing himself. We, if unlucky, will all reach a stage in life, perhaps of old age, before death where we are helpless in some aspects of life that we used to handle with aplomb.

No man is an island,

Each man’s death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.” John Dunne

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

AINO is fundamentally indecent. What to expect but indecency?

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

Senility is often like bankruptcy.

“How did you lose your mind?”

“Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
3 months ago

Jews were able to shiv themselves in via the cover of the American ideal of a merit-based elite. As America moves to a more formal aristocracy, brought about by Jewish misrule, they’ll be pushed aside.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 months ago

It’s a crisis of the middle. Maybe the crisis of the late Modern Age? Middle man lacks both a strong back and leadership/statesmanship skills. Managers developing AI, for instance, to do the managing. That won’t work, but it might be profitable. America moving towards aristocracy is interesting, because this country is built on the middle and Capitalism! It would be a difficult transition. Otoh, a culturally hierarchical place like Russia, which took it on the chin from Modernity, might have a much easier time. Maybe France, too, but they act like the swallowed the egalitarianism hook. I’d argue Yankeedom was… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Paintersforms
Reply to  Paintersforms
3 months ago

Please excuse the rambling. Just throwing it out there. Aristocrat is allergic to work, but he loves warring and socializing. He doesn’t love money, but he needs it to maintain his lifestyle. Working man works because it’s his lot, which he grumbles about but accepts. He’s generally too busy making a living to make trouble, and as long as he feels he’s honestly getting by, he’s docile. Middle man can work extremely hard, but only if it means he doesn’t have to work down the road. He has greater contempt for the working man than the aristocrat, greater envy for… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 months ago

More is the pity. Even Nietzsche had high hopes for them integrating into Europe’s power structures in the 19th century.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

The pressure ratchets

NYT Editorial Board calls for Biden to leave the 2024 presidential race (msn.com)

Took less than 24 hours from the debate for them to all get on board with that, so certainly none of this was planned before yesterday. Or the power of the mind virus is just that irresistible

Nobody seems real interested in who is controlling the nukes. If he’s unfit to run, then he’s unfit to remain

Last edited 3 months ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

Outside of Excedrin headache number 357, I’m not sure there’s a viable mechanism to remove him from the anti-White House.

3 months ago

Someone on the CNN panel said the only two people who could convince Biden to step aside are Jill and his sister. Neither one of them are going to do it. The only way I could see Biden getting removed is if mega donors refuse to the fund the campaign unless he goes.

Reply to  Barnard
3 months ago

Perhaps. However, suppose the sane people left—evil as they are—simple pull those in influence aside and discuss their exposure to criminal prosecution for their decades of criminal abetting of the Biden crime “family”. Suppose they discuss how, for the best of the country, such be swept aside *if* Biden steps down now and a sympathetic person assumes the Presidency. Since we are no longer a country of laws, but one of rule of men, this should prove persuasive, and after all Biden is the only card they have to play everyone else being powerless.

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

It’s the Reagan defense.
He’s got Alzheimer’s and doesn’t remember anything.
When he goes, all the secrets go with him.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

This country is not ruled by men in the conventional sense. It’s ruled by women, pervs, and freaks of diversity. That’s why it’s come a cropper.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

It’s ruled by the Tribe the others are just foot soldiers…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Lineman
3 months ago

They are subsumed under the Freaks of Diversity category…

And there are plenty of Pervs in their ranks, too.

Last edited 3 months ago by Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Barnard
3 months ago

Glenn Beck just said it may have been an inside job to get Dr.Jill out of power.
He likened her to FDR’s commie wife, the gal who ‘inspired’ Hillary.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 months ago

As a kid I remember wondering if Eleanor ever bathed.

Reply to  Barnard
3 months ago

I’m guessing the brother (the brains, accountant, and bursar of the Biden influence peddling family) has a vote too, but naturally CNN would forget he even exists.

3 months ago

Biden’s meds worked for about five minutes at the beginning of the debate.

3 months ago

Several years ago Keith Woods made a good video documenting the machinations in Russia during and after the fall of the Soviet Union. It contains a montage of Boris Yeltsin staggering and falling in moments that require intense gravitas and solemn stoicism. He was paraded around. This was done by the same people who executed their color revolution in our former country. It seems that it isn’t enough to come in and take control of all of the resources of a country to extract its wealth and to take complete political power. They take great pleasure in appointing a broken… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
3 months ago

You’re a good man RR and you have a great weekend yourself…If you ever want to meet up for coffee let me know…

Reply to  Lineman
3 months ago

That sounds great Lineman. Not sure how we go from online to offline here. We can figure it out. Have a great one.

Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

The problem with “preppers” is they turn it into a lifestyle and gadget hobby. The average prepper has 19 ways to start a fire in the woods (there is a big overlap with “bushcraft”) There is a big “prepper community” on youtube and it primarily revolves around gadgets and lifestyle. There are probably more knife and flashlight reviews on youtube than you could watch in a lifetime. Most of this is sponsored without disclosure. Of course, they are all also “sponsored” by people shilling extremely overpriced terrible food nobody wants to eat that supposedly is good for 10 years. Of… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

That preppin’ sure does sound like a pain in the azz.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Toilet-paper, whiskey and ammunition. That’s about all the prepping one needs.

Speaking of which, I was in line at the grocery store yesterday and the lady in front of me bought a couple bags worth of groceries – – – and one roll of toilet paper. One roll. I cannot conceive the logic.

That’s nuts. The store sells a jumbo pack that I always urge my wife to get.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
3 months ago

Maybe she’s like Sheryl Crow and uses only two squares per wipe.

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
3 months ago

Well when you are dying of starvation at least you will have a couple of options to ease your pain…😉

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
3 months ago

You’re obsessing over toilet paper, which humans have survived without for millenia, but made no mention of food. You got the whiskey and ammo right, but neither are of much use if you die of starvation. P.S. Neither is the toilet paper.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

What is it with people and TP?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

Hell, just stock up on corn cobs. They do the job, they’re reusable, and most important, they’re good for the planet…

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

It’s an American thing, and a rich man’s game at that. Hygiene here, and most of the Western world, is quite high I judge. (Apologies to the Japanese and Koreans) I can remember as a child the “Saturday night bath”. That was it. Hell, even old apartments had a communal toilet/bath at the end of the hallway. Yes, I saw that too. Tooth brushing was gaining ground, but my father had to have all his teeth pulled and dentures when he arrived in the US due to no such practice (tooth brushing) in the old country. And if you say… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

I understand Joseph’s Bidets are considered state of the art…

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
3 months ago

Zulu. Sound’s crazy to me as well—-but I’ve been in stores and some people are indeed that poor. They cannot afford to buy even the slightest amount over immediate needs. I’ve seen an item left at the register after the customer lost an argument on the day’s sale price having expired—and no, it wasn’t a spiteful act, there was no money in the purse!

Perhaps it could be as simple, and pitiful, as that?

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

The problem with preppers is they don’t understand without good people/Tribe by your side all they are going to be is a resupply point for those that do have Tribe…

Reply to  Lineman
3 months ago

Who / whom says preppers aren’t aware of the good neighbors / tribe aspect of prepping because the don’t talk about it ad nausium while spamming Youtube with their redundant videos?

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

Instead of watching ‘prepper’ flashlight reviews, simply focus on being more self-reliant when global/national/community systems breakdown. Prepper and homesteading videos can be helpful with discount codes for various products. As far as energy goes, solar systems are still extremely costly and a huge part of that is the installation, for those of us with minimal electrical knowledge. Same for solar ‘generators’ (battery/invertor combos), although having some of those and some solar panels is a good way to start. No one ought to use standard ethanol gasoline in ANY equipment outside of a modern vehicle – certainly not in any generator.… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

Sure, I agree with a lot of this, but when it comes to food, I really think you need to store food that doesn’t require a lot of water and energy to prepare. A kerosene “mop stove” is probably the best cooking option. More importantly, it should be food you know and like. If a badly timed snow storm shuts society down for a few days you have the regular stuff you like. But a true grid down or something where you need long term food, like say 3 months or more will be incredibly stressful. The last thing you… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

Micro hydro is another option if you have the resources…

3 months ago

Pub podcast today. You’re on the road, spot a quaint watering hole, stop in for a pint. The guy on the next stool is a local on his 4th beer, and bored so he chats you up. Rambling amiable conversation ensues. Enjoyable hour of happenstance in life’s unpredictable journey. You come away with a better understanding of some random soul and a few insights that may prove useful someday. A nice redoubt from hair-on-fire current events.

Reply to  TomA
3 months ago

IRL is always a good thing Brother if you are ever up in my neck of the woods drinks and dinner are on me…

Jesco White
Jesco White
3 months ago

Notable that no one is mentioning a major geopolitical gaffe from Biden. Biden claimed Russia had to be stopped in Ukraine lest Putin go on to invade, amongst other countries, Belarus… Russia’s ally…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jesco White
3 months ago

One of his less egregious howlers, I suspect…

3 months ago

>The people humiliating this man by parading him around should be shot. This is where I have been since 2020. In this instance “the people” are the entirety of the Green Zone and its hyrda heads: all former and sitting members of Congress who remained silent, the lice infesting the Executive, the JCS, AIPAC, the media, the bankers, the 7th floor of the Hoover building, and the heads of the spook agencies, past and present. All have been engaged in this crime against the nation. They should not be shot but hanged, but only after being subjected to televised interrogation… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vegetius
3 months ago

Perhaps a bit of drawing and quartering, with the limbs displayed in Boston, Miami, San Diego and Seattle, and the heads on pikes in Kansas City?

Reply to  Vegetius
3 months ago

Yes they should but does our side have any power to carry that out???
No we don’t and that’s because we don’t want to sacrifice to make that happen…
As someone once said long ago in the gulags Oh if only we loved Freedom enough…
I would add Oh if only we loved our children, grandchildren our future enough…

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

Apparently. I am known to the host only as “that guy who shows up in the comments who hates Steve Sailer with the intensity of a thousand suns.” This is not quite true, but there are some interesting things that need to be mentioned in connection with this. In the Steve Sailer portion of the show, Z averred that Steve was a nice guy who had been treated unfairly by the establishment. This is inconsistent with the analysis he gave in the Ukraine Kooks portion of the show, of which Steve Sailer was one. In that portion, he talked about… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

Although you are a kook who spouts a lot of unintelligible word salad. You were right about Sailer re covid. As were many of us who went to war with him on UNZ.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

Before you blessed us (?) with your presence, the Covid scamdemic was discussed extensively on this blog—and with the exception of one commenter, recognized for what it was within a few short weeks. Z-man and the group was correct. Your comments wrt HBD, example “The only people interested in HBD are a small and strange subset of internet cranks,…” still remain little more than ignorant, gratuitous assertions—obviously based upon your association of such with, and hatred of, a single individual. Z-man was also correct here when he compared your knowledge of subject matter to that of a ‘freshman’s understanding after… Read more »

3 months ago

Thank you for answering the question posed yesterday. Enjoy cutting logs, mowing fields, and doing all of the things that must constantly be done to hold nature at bay. It will be good for your health. The insider tip on what is happening with Sailer is a good one. I think that bringing him back can only bring about a higher potential for positive change. With the Con Inc of the 60s and on there was a lot of headroom and a massive buffer to chew up between dispossession and how far it gnawed through that buffer. I don’t think… Read more »

3 months ago

Trump was presidential as fuck last night. He was stoic, didn’t lose his temper, whipped out a few good zingers on Biden like the golf swing remark. Then when biden got flustered trying to respond, Trump’s reply “lets not act like children here,” made him seem like the adult in the room. I give Trump an 8 out of 10 score.

3 months ago

Regarding the uselessness of hbd folks and paleocons, I disagree that they’re useless because they offer no plan of action. They are useful in bringing others over to this side. Reading hbd and paleo stuff brought me over. Stupid as most of the hbd people were during the Plague, their other work remains valuable. It was also useful to see how people who should have known better — after all, they supposedly knew some biology — could be so utterly clueless about something biological. Figuring out how that can happen is a worthwhile endeavor. Maybe the answer is that the… Read more »

Reply to  Gauss
3 months ago

Nerds are pro-establishment. No exceptions. A man who’s convinced by a graph is convinced by any authority. HBD guys expect to be rightfully given establishment sinecures for noticing establishment errors. They think “merit” is real. They’re maladjusted.

Silly Bunt
Silly Bunt
3 months ago

Holy crap did Massie’s wife just get Mossaded?

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Silly Bunt
3 months ago

From Iran to Slovakia to Hungary there is a lot of that going around. But my first guess would be clot shot. Why kill her instead of him?

Last edited 3 months ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Silly Bunt
Silly Bunt
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

In that case he stays obedient. He has children.

Reply to  Silly Bunt
3 months ago

Massie mentioned nothing of her being ill when he sat down with Tucker. She was only 53. I don’t follow politics – what was Massie’s position on/behavior during the scamdemic?

flashing red
flashing red
3 months ago

Statler and WaldorfPair of Muppet characters
Statler and Waldorf are a pair of Muppet characters from the sketch comedy television series The Muppet Show, best known for their cantankerous opinions and shared penchant for heckling. I envision 2 senile septuagenarian/octogenarians in wheelchairs shouting, trying to hit each other with their canes. Both were embarrassing and I see no good outcome for our country at all

Pudding cups and naptime for both!

Reply to  flashing red
3 months ago

this is SO good

Johnny Anditmightbeasin
Johnny Anditmightbeasin
3 months ago

I find it really hard to believe that the left finds Steve Sailer to be an acceptable “dance partner” or “relief valve.” if HBD ever took hold in Normie world, it would be the end of most of the left’s agenda. Most of liberalism is built on white guilt, and white guilt goes away if you can find another explanation for the current state of affairs besides racism. And if you can talk openly about it the way Steve does, all the charges of racism become like BB’s hitting a battleship.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Johnny Anditmightbeasin
3 months ago

 “If HBD ever took hold in Normie world, it would be the end of most of the left’s agenda.” This is not at all true. Every normie in the country could become an HBD believer tomorrow morning, and the Left could carry on with exactly the same agenda without missing a beat. HBD could be spun as an ironclad reason to continue on with Affirmative Action and special treatment for blacks, because “after all, they’re genetically disadvantaged and cannot be expected to compete on a level playing field.” This is just one of the many, many reasons why HBD should… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

“It is not only scientifically absurd” You were doing really well up to right here. This is why nobody listens to you Professor. You can mouth all the platitudes, and use your expansive lexicon, your egregious exacerbating mentally masturbating ivory tower dwelling pseudo-intellectual vocabulary. But you never leave the campus, do you? You have absolutely NO real world experience rubbing elbows with diversity where HBD would immediately become “scientifically credible” in a way that would make you sh-t your bloomers. Most fascinatingly, I agree with your basic premise. HBD would change nothing because religion is based on faith, not facts.… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
3 months ago

Well said. I’d add that understanding of current HBD science—which ID has *none*—would/could improve race relations in spite of DIE concerns. First, HBD understanding will indicate that there is only so far one can go in elevating humanity to equality. You can credential a White and a minority equally, but the White (on average) will outperform the minority and this will *not* be because of external factors. This undermines DIE. Second, HBD understanding will go a long way to understanding different racial behavioral proclivities (similar to our current acceptance of disease susceptibility between the races), and therefore provide a rationale… Read more »

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Apex Predator
3 months ago

Thank you for agreeing with the basic premise. You do realize, of course, that my actual life bears no resemblance to whatever it is you’re imagining, don’t you? I think even you realize that at some level, so this act of making up stories about me to suit your preferences is very unhealthy. Do you think if you clobber some avatar of me online (that you invented yourself), that you’ve accomplished something? Try listening to the actual argument. Like most commenters here, like Z-Man himself, you’re engaged in playing motte-and-bailey when you try to defend HBD. You’re putting forth an… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

ID, you are an ignorant ass. You continue to make assertions without citation. All your assertions are refuted through published research. When you say, “If Darwinian evolution isn’t real (and it isn’t),…”. You reveal yourself to be living in another world. One of your own imagination, ignorance, and prejudice. Darwinian evolution is perhaps to *most* widely recognized theory in the biological sciences we have. However, HBD science does not require Darwinian evolution theory since we are now able through genome analysis to prove human differences and trace heritability across generations. Too bad your recent commentary will not be read by… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Compsci
3 months ago

They should replace Biden with Clinton’s wife. It’s her turn now.

Or cut out the goy middlemen and go with Pritzker.

Last edited 3 months ago by Hun
Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

They gonna replace him with a Pepsi. Already tried the tennis ball (him).

3 months ago

Abidin’ looked like Bub from Day of the Dead.

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Maniac
3 months ago

Zombiden was about as lucid and eloquent as Bub as well.

3 months ago

Let’s drop the Neocon euphemism and cut to the chase: the proper word is Jew or Judaizer ((e,,g,. the Christian Zionists).

3 months ago

They rub our nose in it. Did anyone see the Biden tweet, where he holds a performance enhancing drink? This is all part of the humiliation ritual.

John Q. Publicke
John Q. Publicke
3 months ago

I’ll be honest – I’ve listened to you since Ep. 1, and I still don’t know what HBD or TRS means!

3 months ago

I turned on the debate for 10 seconds, heard Biden bragging how blacks were getting help in buying a house, and turned it off in disgust.

Reply to  Hi-ya!
3 months ago

Interesting. After the 2008 economic debacle and the beginning of the “Great Recession”, analysis of home loan defaults showed one major reason were the loans being given out to those minorities—and others—who had no business being home owners. The percentages were pretty stark IIR. This was in part due to the government delusion that subsidizing a larger proportion of minorities (first-time) home owners would make them more solid, upstanding, and bill paying citizens. Something along the lines of the “magic dirt” theory. Clown world part two.

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

We just didn’t do it right! Push that cube through the cone!

3 months ago

Trump beats Biden by a fairly small margin in the polls (after 3 1/2 years of Biden’s train wreck presidency). Replacing Biden with a non-cognitively impaired candidate would likely secure another eight years for the Dems. Trump inspires loyalty among most Republican voters, loathing among most Democrats, and insufficient support among independents to make him the shoo-in a Republican candidate should be after the last four years of Biden’s misrule.

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
3 months ago

The question we really want to know is:

Who has control of the “football”?

Reply to  Abelard Lindsey
3 months ago

The “Football”, or alternatively the “red button” on the desk is wildly exaggerated. The President cannot start a nuclear conflict on a whim, or by accident. The authorization for such indeed comes from the highest office but that’s after the military asks for such permission. The President of course can be an idiot and drive a smallish conflict into a larger, nuclear one—as Biden seems to be doing now in Ukraine—but he just can’t arbitrarily nuke someone.

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

News to me, Compsci. How do you know that? How do you know that the Commander in Chief does not have complete control of the military?

There would only be seconds, minutes to respond to a nuke attack. The delay in going through channels would be critical. The war would be over already.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  WCiv911
3 months ago

I suspect the protocols of responding to a nuclear attack are quite different from those associated with initiating one.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Lots of gray area here.
What if an ally is nuked? What if an overseas American nuked? Would that be a matter of responding or initiating? No time to be dilly dallying.

Ask FJB what we should do then do the opposite!

Reply to  WCiv911
3 months ago

Overseas American base i meant.

Reply to  WCiv911
3 months ago

What if only NYC or DC was nuked? Response or initiate mode?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Correct. In the case of a response, for example if the President and civilian command structure was eliminated, the military keeps *two* generals in the air all the time who will direct retaliations. This can be Googled, it is no secret as it is a deterrent to be known to all the world’s nuke powers. Russians have something similar to prevent a decapitation strike, but even more scary. They have a “dead man” switch in which the command structure must answer a “are you there request” from the automated missile system. If no response, they fire off. This is from… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Compsci
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

Thank you Compsci. Very good explanation. Thanks for taking the time.

3 months ago

Which lefty cranks are defending Assange? Another day and another idiotic condemnation of assange.

3 months ago

“He is an old man who should be waiting for the sweet relief of death right now.” It looks like Parkinson’s to me. Based on my Dad’s progression, he is years away from death, probably a decade or more. The dopamine drugs gradually lose effectiveness and they increase them until they start hallucinating, then they start balancing that with anti-halucinigenics. The dementia progresses pretty slowly and he actually seems to still have a grasp of reality: he could still grasp the topic being discussed, his brain is just processing slower than it should (not that his brain was a particularly… Read more »

3 months ago

One of the reason’s Sailer has been let back into the fold is because American’s even a solid percentage of democrats are experiencing black fatigue and Sailer is an HBD powerhouse who can be used to open the door on the black problem, without being too much of a shock to the system. Sailer as Z mentioned on the show is not a radical or offensive figure and is not likely to be a lightning rod for pushback the way a Jared Taylor or Matt Walsh would be. I think many main stream Republicans are finally finding enough backbone to… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Vinnyvette
Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

“…a solid percentage of democrats are experiencing black fatigue…”

Hmm, and if you think these ‘democrats’ won’t throw over their once favored black friends before they see themselves as the real target, guess again.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago
little bear
3 months ago

Good stuff. But remember– sad/mad brandon has a medical condition, and it’s not just being “old” as in the one line in the piece that stood out. Everyone ages differently, and one of the saddest/maddest things joe has done is to make some people think everyone ages/will age that way… but the full-of-life, productive, always-learning folks in their 80s and 90s are not on display in the way he is.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
3 months ago

OT: new Biden campaign ad
