Gang Land

Perhaps it is just a normal part of reaching geezerhood, but I am often surprised at how much has changed in my lifetime. I have often said that the past is a foreign country, but it does not seem like it was that long ago when it was normal. You see this with the things that used to be called vices. Gambling, pornography, drugs, and prostitution used to be things to avoid, but now they are celebrated lifestyles.

This came to mind while viewing a clip from one of the gangster shows where the principals were discussing their revenue streams. Just about every way the old gangsters made money has now been taken over by the state or by corporations, who are friends of the state. To a great degree, the decline of the mafia is due to them being muscled out by the government and its corporate pals.

That is the show this week. As a break from politics, I thought it would be fun to run through the various ways the old mobsters earned money and see who controls those rackets in this age. The only racket that is not run by government or corporations is prostitution, but that is debatable. Things like OnlyFans are a very small step removed from prostitution. How long before they take the next step?

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This Week’s Show


  • Introduction
  • Protection
  • Theft
  • Loan Sharking
  • Gambling
  • Drugs
  • Bribery
  • Extortion
  • Skimming
  • No Show Jobs
  • Tax Evasion

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6 months ago

Living in Asia now 2+ years. People ask me if I would like to go back to the U.S. I respond, yea, would like to go back to America circa 1963. The current America is a lunatic asylum.

Admittedly, there are pockets of normalcy. But overall it’s a disaster, soon to approach South African levels I suspect.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Big_tech
6 months ago

Smart choice. I live in one of those pockets of normalcy, and when I venture out into the larger American culture, especially after being away from it for months on end, it sometimes makes me gasp.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
6 months ago

Jack Dobson: “I live in one of those pockets of normalcy, and when I venture out into the larger American culture, especially after being away from it for months on end, it sometimes makes me gasp.“ I’m still struggling with the ubiquitous obesity. To her credit, of the four politicians on the current ballot, only Kumswalla has kept herself in shape. Vance is a pillsbury dough boy [likely with more than a little chocolate frosting in his history, and I’m not talking about his wife’s streetsh!ttery]. Trump has ballooned into a pillsbury dough geezer. Walz is such a weirdo pedo pillsbury… Read more »

Last edited 6 months ago by Bourbon
Nick Note's Mugshot
Nick Note's Mugshot
Reply to  Bourbon
6 months ago

When ever I go out in I observe the White men that I see and do a mental exercise of imagining an armed robbery/terrorist attack occurring. I size them up and try to assess who could be counted on. Not that I am Rambo but less than 10% of men that I see look like they would offer any resistance. The quality of America’s White population, men and women, has degraded drastically and is incredibly poor.

Reply to  Bourbon
6 months ago

You might want to lay off the bourbon, you sound like a retard.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Bourbon
6 months ago

From what I observe, the obesity epidemic seems to be receding a bit. But, yeah, the land whales are appalling and ubiquitous.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
6 months ago

Very true…My wife and I were in a hospital emergency room waiting, and we were the only people, male or female, who weren’t over 200 lbs…Women over 200 used to be so rare that they were in freak shows….and when I was in junior high, not one person in my class was overweight…

Reply to  pyrrhus
6 months ago

Freak show. Yes, between the tats, piercings, gender bending, hair dye, obesity, etc… The US is basically a giant carny act, a sideshow to a global circus that refuses to leave town when the county fair closes.

Reply to  pyrrhus
6 months ago

My h.s. football coach required in our drills that every single player, including the 270 lb behemoth I had to carry 10+ times up four flights of stairs as warm ups during wrestling practice, would run a sub six minute mile. Some puked, a few quit, nobody who remained failed to go over six. Today, kids there can’t handle marching band.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  pyrrhus
6 months ago

If sideshows were still a thing, The Skinny Lady would be an exhibit. And, yeah, a friend and I looked at an elementary school class picture recently and she observed that the “fat girl” would not even be noticed now. As I noted above, the obesity epidemic seems to be in the beginning stages of decline, ever so slight, along with tats, piercings and other forms of body mutilation.

Reply to  Big_tech
6 months ago

“Asia” – wherever you are – has its own problems. The USA is just reverting to the historical norm of living standards in a powerful empire. We are leaving behind an era of plenty which is ahistorical and rare. A true golden age. You can still see the golden-age America in some spots, like where I live, but the days of Muskogee being better than almost any large Asian city are gone. Is the USA still a great place to live? Yes and no. It depends on your temperament. For third world peasants, yes definitely; of course. For the strivers?… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
6 months ago

Sure. Where I live in “Asia”, there be problems. But people aren’t at each others throats over meaningless consumer crap. The chances of a random negro killing my family members is zero. The economy is not built on debt. The media is not entirely owned by someone whose name ends in stein. The place has not been at war for 100 years. The women are not certifiably insane. Gay people are left alone and not thrust into the heights of societal control. Interesting enough my “Asian” neighbors don’t despise me with a burning hot hatred. Only a bit of that… Read more »

Reply to  Big_tech
6 months ago

Which is why white men are marrying slim, un-crazy Asian women rather than white women, many of whom are completely disconnected from reality…

Reply to  pyrrhus
6 months ago

I’m the last to defend modern White women, most of whom I despise. However, marrying an Asian – no matter how slim – is no panacea. Most Asian women are not nearly as compliant as White men think. And she will file for and import every last member of her extended family, and your hapa children will never be genuine White European Americans. End result is still White genocide, so what’s the point?

Reply to  3g4me
6 months ago

There are lots of Anglo/Asian couples in my area. I seldom see an Asian bride older than 45 who hasn’t turned into a scolding shrew.

Reply to  Marko
6 months ago

If you have money, every place can be a great place to live. If you don’t, not so much.

Reply to  TempoNick
6 months ago

Yep. I remember getting a whole bunch of dislikes a few years ago when I made the claim that I could enjoy living in Manhattan is I had $20M or so. Still make that claim, but only if I had $50M.

Reply to  Compsci
6 months ago

Yep, top floor penthouse with a stairway up to the helipad on the roof. Never need to set foot on the street or look at the people. Drones bring in food and supplies.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Pozymandias
6 months ago

But here’s the deal. The only reason I’d like to live in a place like NYC would be the restaurants and cultural amenities such as museums and classical music concerts. However, drones can’t deliver those. You have to wade through the mudslide to get to them, and once you get there, you’ll find the people in control of them are hostile to you and your people. Face it. We are people without a country, and that fact will be driven home to you in no uncertain terms if you live in a leftopolis.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

Oh, I agree. I was just thinking of some odd scenario where maybe you can have access to a trust fund but the crazy uncle who set it up requires you to live in Manhattan.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

I was born in NYC. So I admit a bias of sorts and a preconditioning to wading through the slime of the city. Hell, I even rode the damn Subway for nostalgia when last I was there. But yes, I understand the “no-go” areas of the city during the day. And most of the city is to be avoided at night. It’s the culture via the museums and entertainment that I miss, not so much the people–most of whom never really experience the museums and such as I would enjoy. Perhaps I’d get bored with that as well, but with… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
6 months ago

I’ll go one step further. If you have money, Cuba, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina most places like that aren’t bad either. If you don’t have money, they suck. But then again, so does this country if you’re living in a tenement somewhere.

Greg Nikolic
Reply to  Marko
6 months ago

Asia offers the choice of living in a more homogeneous culture — as an outsider.You will never be fully a part of the society unless you learn the language and conform to a high degree and even then look at the Chinese diaspora in other Southeast Asian countries like Malaysia — tolerated, but envied for their business acumen and viewed with stone-hot jealousy.
— G.N. (

Reply to  Greg Nikolic
6 months ago

While there’s truth to that, it has to be weighed against the fact that you’ll be free from ever paying the black tax again.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Big_tech
6 months ago

Indeed. And Z’s post for today is incredibly apposite for me. Just yesterday I was strolling across a university campus and saw a bearded lady. You read that right. A bearded effen lady. It had tits, an hourglass figure and a bleedin’ beard! I just stopped, turned ’round and stared at it with my jaw bouncing off the sidewalk as it walked away from me. What the hell is this world coming to? Increasingly, I get the distinct impression that God and Satan are at war in AINO and that the latter clearly has the upper hand. I didn’t think… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

In days of yore she would have had a sure career including lots of travel to exotic county fairs. Now she will have to settle for Starbucks, the DMV, Department of Energy, or Admiral in the Public Health Service. Poor girl

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

“Just yesterday I was strolling across a university campus” -Well, there’s your problem right there, LOL. One of the most striking changes in my life is how universities have metamorphosized from institutions of open inquiry and free speech into feminized, ideological, totalitarian freak shows. I spent thirty years either studying or working in colleges and universities. For most of that time it felt perfectly natural and for most of it I had no idea what to do with myself off campus. Now, five years after getting kicked out of my last sub-minimum wage teaching job, I can’t even fathom stepping… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Xman
6 months ago

I’ve spent my entire adult life in academia, in one capacity or another, so I know of what you speak. Alas, the New Left began conquering the academy in the late 60s and twenty years later it was all over but the crying. Now the Left’s hegemony is so absolute that there are no constraints to rein in the madness and degeneracy. Unfortunately, academia, which is the engine of the Left, has contaminated the rest of society to such an extent that the difference between the two is now almost negligable. Coca Cola is now arguably to the left of… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

Coca Cola is now arguably to the left of Cornell’s sociology department.

yes I’d like an episode on how this came to be.

Reply to  Hi-ya!
6 months ago

I second that.

Reply to  Hi-ya!
6 months ago

Hi-ya!: “I’d like an episode on how this came to be.

Peer Pressure.

It’s damned near omnipotent when wielded upon herd creatures.

It’s why they’re all v@xxinated.

They just had to follow the herd, right over the edge of the cliff.

And that’s another thing which the Gubmint has co-opted; Madison Avenue doesn’t control public opinion anymoar so much as do the pronouncements from the various gubmint authorities exercising the droit de Argumentum ad verecundiam.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

In the mid-90s, I saw first hand how unqualified women and minorities were being spoonfed STEM degrees at a flagship Big 10 state university.

I feel things like the current Boeing Starliner trevails are a direct result of this.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
6 months ago

I think you are probably right about the link between AA and Boeing s problems. There is no “white algebra” or “Asian algebra” or “black algebra”. There’s algebra, there’s physics and there is of course reality. And you want to be familiar with those when you’re building spaceships and airliners. And what Boeing s leadership did is unforgivably stupid and irresponsible

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 months ago

Boeing’s leadership needs to go for a helicopter ride in choppers not built by their dieverse pets.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

Don’t you mean one built by the diversity? I mean, then we don’t need to make anything look like an accident.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

Let’s see how He pulls a rabbit out of the hat. Cause He’s gonna!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hi-ya!
6 months ago

But is it a “he”? Really, who cares? It’s a deranged, gut-churning freak, and it shouldn’t be allowed out in public.

Reply to  Big_tech
6 months ago

I just got back from three weeks in Taiwan a few days ago, a place I’ve lived in or visited almost every year since the late 90’s. Every time I go, the gulf between the femininity of Taiwanese women and the horror show of American women gets just a little bit wider. It’s always jarring to see an Asian woman, who would now be considered a smoke show in the West, hanging off the arm of some skinny local geek. The men in that part of the world are incapable of understanding what they have.

My Comment
My Comment
Reply to  Big_tech
6 months ago

I lived in Eastern Asia for over a decade. Had to move back to the US for a variety of reasons but in many ways it is a hard transition. The combination of the fatness and slovenliness of the White population is symbolic of the general decline. In Asia, Asians and many White expats feel free to speak their minds. Depressing to try to have a conversation with White men in America and see the self censorship even when no one else is around. And yes, the Asian women are far superior to western white women no matter what the… Read more »

Reply to  My Comment
6 months ago

Aye. While waiting for a street vendor to make me a couple fruit juices, he asked me about the cause of the problems in the States. It felt freeing to say “黑人太多了“ (”too many blacks”) without a second thought.

The poz exists in small ways here and there, but they still have a lot of catching up to do. My chief complaint, though is the conformity and lack of distrust of their leaders.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  KGB
6 months ago

East Asians may be even more subservient to authority than today’s white people. And that is double plus ungood.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

I always harken back to my first trip to Taiwan in 1997. First world infrastructure but third world traffic. Well, over the last quarter century they took steps to rectify that, adding turning lanes, traffic control devices, left turn signals at intersections, etc. And things got much better. But then they continued by putting cameras everywhere, to catch you stopping your vehicle just beyond the white stripe at a red light, running a yellow light, going a single kmph over the speed limit, etc. The eye of Sauron is watching you at all times and running your license plate through… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  KGB
6 months ago

If you can’t grok the danger of giving authority carte blanche…well…I don’t even want to say.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
6 months ago

Your comment about the loan shark was amusing since modern lenders have no interest in getting paid back; they just want their customers to make interest payments in perpetuity, and their loans are structured as such.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
6 months ago

They plan on both now, and have lawyers.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
6 months ago

Debt slavery… you’ll oen nothing in their great reset. Make serfdom great again

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
6 months ago

My fear is not the correction though it must necessarily be rough. My fear is that there won’t be one

6 months ago

Back in the 80’s, met up with a buddy in NYC’s garment industry. Said he “respected the MAFIA more than the government because at least they were honest about being criminals” plus John Gotti kept his nabe crime free and threw a great fireworks show every July.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Owlman
6 months ago

It’s not even a joke that the traditional criminals are the amateurs these days. The professional criminals ARE the government and that’s not even hyperbole

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 months ago

The Sopranos actually touched on that idea back in the day.

No matter what one thinks of the mafia, they traditionally did a pretty good job of looking out for their own.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
6 months ago

Yeah, there was a great scene where some of Sopranos guys went to shake down a new juice store for protection money. But it was a corporate shop, so the manager is explaining to them that every dime is accounted for by the computer system.

He’d have to give them the money from his own salary, which wasn’t much. He told them that he’d rather just quit and get a job down the street.

They just walked out and left the place alone.

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
6 months ago

“It’s over for the little guy” – Patsy

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
6 months ago

I remember that. It was hilarious. After the failed shake down, the older mobster says to the younger one: “You know, the little guy just can’t make it in America anymore.”

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
6 months ago

That’s a movie. You guys are accepting the Jewish Hollywood portrayal of Italian organized crime. Get hold of yourselves.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
6 months ago

Yes. That HUD episode with them watching the government scam’s scope far more vast than theirs and them knowing they are amateurs is one of the greatest episodes.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 months ago

Remember the mortgage meltdown of 2008? Liar loans? NINJA loans (No Income, No Job, No Assets)

Caused a recession? Trillion dollar bailouts?

Angelo Mozilo, who founded Countrywide Financial earned almost half a BILLION from the place. I was by far one of the worst banks that destroyed the US housing market for a decade.

Penalty? He had to pay back $67 million in fines. Not a day in jail.

Did not even have to acknowledge wrongdoing.

THIS is how to rob a bank.

Last edited 6 months ago by ProZNoV
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  ProZNoV
6 months ago

Mozilo? I’m assuming (((Early Life))) Mosesstein… (-;

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

His background is Italian Jesuit, so Mozilo actually was Mafia. But I see that his mentor and Countrywide co-founder, was David S. Loeb.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  ProZNoV
6 months ago

It pays to be a gov made man

Reply to  Owlman
6 months ago

I can see the Totally Legitimate Businessman’s Social Club 😉 making a comeback since government has been abandoning its core functions, like say policing. If the price of having a big bunch of neckless thugs remind members of A Certain Demographic “They should leave this neighborhood before there’s trouble, Capisce?” is paying tribute monthly, well, so be it.

How many Blue Enclaves pay extortionate taxes and another set of thugs extort them? Whattaya gettin’ for yer money, eh?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  mmack
6 months ago

Gated communities with their own security and the requisite “IN THIS HOUSE WE BELIEVE…” signs in the front yards say “hi.”

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jack Dobson
6 months ago

I’ve been to a few of those. Always makes me laugh. The lack of self-awareness of these people rivals the Jews.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
6 months ago

Those who praise dieversity most loudly are those who can most afford to avoid it.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

Someone here or another place I regularly read wrote that prosperity in America is measured by the ability to live as far as possible from diversity and have the luxury to sing its praises loudest. I have heard from several people I trust that the place where they saw the most BLM signs was…the University of Vermont, perhaps the whitest place in the United States. The psychological damage that has been inflicted is immense. I do recommend highly moving as far away as possible from diversity, but be wary of those who follow you there.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
6 months ago

That’s a Sailer axiom. And he’s correct. What this means, functionally, is living in a lily-white suburb of a large metropolis. And, as has been mentioned in this site frequently, a lack of experience with real negroes–as opposed to those carefully curated by universities–correlates positively adoration of the Hutu. Such white people are like toddlers who see a panther in a zoo and put their arm through the bars to try to pet it.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
6 months ago

It’s the locust system. Trade, churn, consume. The person who becomes a refugee is the first to be consumed— and he works hard for it, has been convinced he’s making it. Only temporarily, as you note, because it follows and drives him off again. Quite a trick somebody pulled. Stand and die once (or maybe not?), or die a thousand certain small deaths on the way. Crazy, I know, but I think it’s true! I mean, it’s not like people didn’t suffer and die building this thing. Why should we expect less to keep it?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

It’s true, everything is a social experiment to them, even their own kids.

Greg Nikolic
Reply to  mmack
6 months ago

The government will never totally abandoned policing, because one of the cops’ functions is to protect government offices and personnel. They’re like private security for the well-to-do. If, on the other hand, the burbs were ever to be abandoned and the criminal element were to move in, the taxpayers might actually start to vote in municipal elections and drive the non-police-funding government apparatchiks out of office …
— G.N. (

Bizarro Man
Bizarro Man
Reply to  Greg Nikolic
6 months ago

The only purpose of the police is to support and protect the interests of the ruling class. Your interests are protected only when they are compatible with those of our rulers, or sometimes when not protecting them might cause unrest.

This truth is becoming more clear as the ruling class becomes more degenerate and stupid. It now lacks the subtlety to protect and promote itself while not openly shitting on the peasantry.

6 months ago

The porn industry would collapse if prostitution was legalized & feminists will fight it tooth & nail for obvious reasons. Soon that won’t matter though, good luck enforcing such things with legalized brown crime & the demographics of Tijuana. We’re currently in this sweet spot where the state still has enough might to enforce their will while also allowing chaos among the favored groups but that can’t be maintained forever with open borders & an affirmative action mandate. With that we have a few things to look forward to, most obvious one is law enforcement becoming inept & with that… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  RVIDXR
6 months ago

This is why the United States is sorting and fragmenting, and soon will be Balkanizing. People who condemn Britain’s two-tier justice system sometimes miss a larger point–only white Britons even can be policed. That is going away there and soon will happen here and throughout what once was the West. They will get the anarchy, but the tyranny is at best tenuous.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
6 months ago

We must gatekeep liberal centrists, leftists, sentimental “they were just brainwashed into being savage supremacists” types & the “White people dindu nuffin, all the blame falls on the jews they allowed into the country & sided with against their own” reality deniers from our midst once people start concentrating into enclaves. The latter two types aren’t hyper subversive on their own but will act as a sort of chain migration / weakening of the immune system that will ultimately allow the explicit predators in. That’s how it always starts, let one infected person in & next thing you know the… Read more »

Reply to  RVIDXR
6 months ago

We need to be like the muslims with their absolutism towards even milquetoast subversives, you don’t see LGBBQ shit in countries with hard line sharia law because the second they discover someone’s a sprite they get the roof

its why the concept of rights has to go. What is the limiting principle to rights?

Reply to  Hi-ya!
6 months ago

I’d go a step further & throw out almost every concept the founders sewed into American law, the vast majority of it was all based fantasy, extremely utopian optimism & was myopically reactionary to the crown. I could write a whole book on the subject but I’ll just say that I question nearly everything that emanated from their minds given they had their heads so far up their own asses they genuinely believed muslims would make for fine American citizens. Given their track record I consider it a miracle, perhaps even an aberration of thought that they gave us the… Read more »

Reply to  RVIDXR
6 months ago

RVIDXR: “Given their track record I consider it a miracle, perhaps even an aberration of thought that they gave us the second amendment.“ The Bill of Rights was the work of the ANTI-Federalists. Federalists such as Washington & Adams wanted no part of it. They wanted to create a neo-aristocracy to govern the new world; they loathed & despised the Anti-Federalists. As President, Washington went so far as to invoke a tax on their CURRENCY [which was literally whiskey; they had no cash money; they bartered in whiskey]. All of this goes back to Culloden. Every 80 to… Read more »

Reply to  Bourbon
6 months ago

I found reading “The Anti-Federalist Papers” to be quite enlightening. Once again, the wrong side came out on top.

I stand with the brave Luthrainians
I stand with the brave Luthrainians
Reply to  RVIDXR
6 months ago

Idiocracy–“I should be in that other line”…

Reply to  RVIDXR
6 months ago

I think the competency crisis is real but that it is also overblown and used as a cope by our side. The Regime is not being incompetent by purging White men from all institutions that enforce the law and require force to enforce its desires. (the military) This is the intent. The goal is to remove White men from monopoly on violence and eliminate us as a threat to them. A side goal is to reward their client class. I think they also have a goal of Whites being policed instead of doing the policing. I would not celebrate the… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
6 months ago

Given yourself away. Eataly, really? NYC upperclass tourist dump if I’ve ever seen one. That’s why our people don’t get ahead. We vote with our resources in cities and locales that are hostile instead of building better. So many towns for expansion that don’t need to rely on dollar stores, fast food idiocy or other chains. If our people spent and invested money in newer and non-hostile locales and move to em like zman did, we might have a chance. Instead we still spend money in the fucking EU and at the apple store.

Reply to  jkloi
6 months ago

How do you know I haven’t done what ZMan has done and even more remote/rural, and that I wasn’t on an obligatory trip? I take no offense, but remember that we have people coming over the divide and we don’t want to be rude to them.

Go for the investment in the locale that you mentioned. That is a great idea. I think you should go for it.

Reply to  RealityRules
6 months ago

I’d much rather have an alien race putting boots on our necks than our own people & if they’re going to utter morons as has been the case across the entire country with the severe lowering of standards in an attempt to keep police numbers from utterly collapsing then that’s even better. Its a lot easier to mentally mark racial aliens as the enemy than someone who looks like you. If every cop was an openly anti White ooga booga gorilla I doubt the thin blue line police worshipper types would continue to lick those boots so hard. Also if… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  RVIDXR
6 months ago

Legal prostitution would put a nice boundary on most women’s expectations for men as well as wedding costs.

This is why it will never happen in the US.

Reply to  RVIDXR
6 months ago

RVIDIXR: “It was funny seeing the new york times wringing their hands about how it’s basically over for blacks in Cali a while back, of course they won’t say why.” I have long felt that the mestizos/castizos likely have an average IQ up around 90/91/92, whereas the kneegr0wz have an average IQ down around 85/84/83, and that that mere six or seven point difference in IQ is precisely what allows the mestizos/castizos to aim a gl0ck, or an AR-f!fteen, sufficiently accurately to ass@ssinate the kneegr0wz, whereas [on average] the kneegr0wz can shoot mountains of ammunition without ever being able to… Read more »

6 months ago

I have long been struck at how they squeal with indignation if anyone is to object to porn on any moral basis whatsoever. It’s all “consenting adults” and “don’t be repressed” and “women’s empowerment”, etc. A government that cared for it’s people would never have legalized pornography, onlyfans, etc. The addiction and simping from those things is far, FAR worse than just discretely going to some whore in real life and getting your rocks off. At least that is real and is a moment of experience. Capitalism is as deeply atheistic and hostile to God as communism and we are… Read more »

Reply to  fakeemail
6 months ago

It’s all “consenting adults”

there so much of this type of thing in the west. The idea that well we would like there not to be porn available for 9 year olds, but some principle that overrides it; we would like to live in a homogeneous society but some principle that overrides it; we’d ideally like mothers to stay home with their children but principle .

its like God said you HAVE to do this stuff; it destroys society, it has no precedent or tradition in the west , but God said, so deal with it!

Last edited 6 months ago by Hi-ya!
Forever Templar
Forever Templar
6 months ago

Even just looking back five years…man.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Forever Templar
6 months ago

Yep. Wait until the United States gets really, really poor, too. Folks won’t be selling apples, if you know what I mean.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
6 months ago

We will never be really really poor and what counts as rich, being awash in low quality Chinese goods, won’t be something we miss too much.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
6 months ago

It wasn’t that long ago that a lot of people were or lived poor. The 1970’s for sure.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Stephanie
6 months ago

I was far poorer in 1974 than I am in 2024, but I’d return to that year in a New York minute.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

This is what confounds people around me when I tell them I am bound for “2nd world” nations. Eastern European countries for instance. There is a decided lack of everything we take for granted here. A/C, not a thing for most. Amazon? Maybe if you are lucky. Internet? Spotty, Infrastructure? 50/50 Corruption? Probably no worse than the US we just hide it better. But these are creature comforts of the pathetically weak herd here they cannot live without even if they must live in a high crime multi-kulti hellhole globalist shopping mall where they are a hated minority. It is… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Apex Predator
6 months ago

“Americans” have been deluding into thinking that material plenty is the summum bonum of human existence. It’s a damned lie. Material culture is perhaps 25% of human life. But in warped and stunted AINO, people rate it close to 100%. Those who buy the lie are leading a mutilated life.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

Yep, wife and I never discuss the “new car” or the “big house” when discussing the essence/blessings of our happiness. It’s family, friends, and neighborhood. This pocket of “utopia” in a sea of troubles seems to me the essence of White hesitancy to react to deteriorating societal conditions we see all around us. Many of us have already retreated to our “Inner Castle Keeps”. Of course, as one sees in the movies, such *is* already a last resort before collapse.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
6 months ago

I’m in a similar situation. Stable, stress-free jobs that provide sufficent income and then some; good marriage; nice but modest house in a nice, white nabe, in a city without a large population of nuggras. It’s a pretty good gig even though we cannot completely escape the iniquitious impositions of the popular “culture” and our fellow “Americans.” We’ve still got plenty to lose. So much so that I’m not about to do anything rash, although I’m sorely tempted from time to time.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Apex Predator
6 months ago

Livable cities are the key. I can think of plenty of rural areas of the United States that remain quite livable, but not an actual urban one. As you point out, the NPCs in places like Seattle are just as bad albeit in a different way. You made a smart move.

Reply to  Stephanie
6 months ago

Poorer but much freer. A lot less “stuff” cluttering up their lives, but fewer cops and fewer rules. Fewer services. Stupid shit like Door Dash didn’t exist. More self-reliance. Less government. Almost no foreigners. Everyone spoke English. You weren’t being surveilled 24-7. You weren’t treated as if you were a terrorist. It felt like it was YOUR country — because it was. I can remember as a child my grandmother taking me to the airport to look at the planes, you walked right in and went right up to the loading gate and the airplane was parked on the ramp… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jack Dobson
6 months ago

True, Stephanie. I was far poorer yet much happier in the Seventies. The cliche about trading liberty for security holds up over time. The embrace of materialism led to a poverty of enjoyment. I’m not even certain how many people now would take an economic hit to avoid diversity among other pathologies. Few, I suspect. Hence grotesque aesthetics and fat asses tucked into designer jeans, to the extent those two things differ.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
6 months ago

Designer jeans? I haven’t seen those since about 1985. Plenty of yoga pants and ugly running shorts, though.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

Yeah. Age.

Reply to  Forever Templar
6 months ago

It’s crazy how rapidly things have shifted. Just a few years back it still seemed like I was living in a nice White country then one day I blinked & suddenly found myself living in an international airport. Now every time I leave the house I encounter twelve different languages being spoken & see pagan tribals I’d only ever used to see on national geographic documentaries walking around everywhere. That’s just the diversity, most White people I see are now so devolved I’m counting down the days until having a bone shoved through the septum & skin scarification is the… Read more »

Fed Up
Fed Up
Reply to  RVIDXR
6 months ago

Warning signs include that Congressional Record posting in 1962 about Commie plans, and the 16 Year Plan to Destroy America. They were and are not subtle, and rely on a misinformed and uninformed public to succeed. Further back, look at The Long March Through the Institutions, then look at those institutions like higher ed and government to see how disastrously effective that has been. Here are some remedies. Move the federal agencies out of the DC area and closer to the people that they purportedly serve. Open up the Senior Executive Service review and add controls for the Constitutional Executive,… Read more »

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Fed Up
6 months ago

With all due respect, the time for those ideas has passed. It should have been a centerpiece of the “opposition” party, the GOP, from 1992 onward after the Cold War ended. Instead, we choose continued consolidation in DC (begun under Reagan) of the federal government as a permanent, immovable object with the organs of propaganda (again, thanks Reagan, thanks Bush) at their fingerprints. American “conservatives” voted again and again for the consolidation of power in the military and the police under the control of the executive and legal branches of USGOV. It’s too late. You’re asking a couple on the… Read more »

Last edited 6 months ago by Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Fed Up
6 months ago

Move the federal agencies out of the DC area and closer to the people that they purportedly serve.

flesh this out a bit please…

Reply to  Hi-ya!
6 months ago

Didn’t Trump want to move the Dept of Interior out west? That would be a good place to start since so much of the land is owned by the feds.

Reply to  Reply
6 months ago

Yes, he tried that. Massive resistance by the permanent bureaucracy stalled it until he was out of office.

But another idea, move the Department of Agriculture to where the agriculture is, e.g. Iowa.

Move the Department of Housing and Urban development to an urban area that really needs development, East St. Louis Illinois.

And so on.

Bizarro Man
Bizarro Man
Reply to  Gespenst
6 months ago

Here’s a better idea. Get rid of the Department of Agriculture and HUD etc. They do far more damage than good.

Just one example: a lot of comments here note the prevalence of obesity in modern America. USDA has promoted that trend more than any other entity through its pushing of the starch-heavy “Food Pyramid” and the corn-soybean agricultural model. There are thousands more examples.

Reply to  Fed Up
6 months ago

I’m losing my patience those who believe that our problem is communism and that our enemies are “Commies.”

Our fight is not ideological and it is not about economic systems.

It is racial hostility.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 months ago

No, it’s certainly not communism. This is 2024, not 1954. That said, there is an ideology–postmodern fascism–that facilitates the anti-white racism. And it has proven to be much more destructive than Marxism ever was, chiefly because it’s much more insidious and abstruse.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

Possibly, although I don’t think that I’d mind postmodern fascism deployed for the sake of whites.

The problem is that many people resist facing that our fight is racial and prefer to distract themselves and others with useless debates about ideology.

Is it better to fight the racial hostility of our enemies or to fight their ideology?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 months ago

We don’t need the postmodern destruction of standards to justify white chauvinism because white civilization is objectively superior to everything else. But yes, garden-variety fascism deployed on behalf of whites wouldn’t be the worst thing.

And you’re right that white nationalists don’t necessarily need to understand the ideology behind the hatred of whites. Recognizing the hatred exists and is promulgated by almost everybody–including whites–in power should be more than sufficient to get people off their asses and motivated for battle.

Reply to  RVIDXR
6 months ago

I don’t have to leave my house. Every ad, every image is a world without us. That is the plan.

It is very sad how degraded our people have become with the pajamas, crocs and tattoos and piercings. The language is degraded. The cussing from people in positions of authority is striking.

Well, we focus on maintaining and increasing our dignity and dressing, acting and thinking like we are the best. We need that mindset of being on the Vanguard.

Reply to  RealityRules
6 months ago

“I don’t have to leave my house. Every ad, every image is a world without us. “ Certainly true—but it’s a make believe world. Take a trip to any non-White country and you’ll find the real world without us. Hell, everything of a modern era they use—and that’s not always much—was created and is maintained by the (former) White world. The exception here is Asia, notably China, Japan, Korea—and they fashioned themselves as soon as they could upon the Western world as it was at the time. A world without Whites is indeed to be imagined, but it won’t be pretty… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
6 months ago

In a world without whites, the left over people will be hunting each other for food.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  RealityRules
6 months ago

If you wanna be a rebel, you gotta look like the man in the gray flannel suit.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

At the time I guess it was half joking, but this horrible Rick Wakeman song was more prescient than probably anybody knew

Reply to  RealityRules
6 months ago

“I don’t have to leave my house.” Its bittersweet this, it is beyond irritating that there is no respite from it no matter where you go or whatever activity you take part in but at the same time it has me militant beyond belief which is no doubt going to be necessary in the days ahead. That stuff has really chipped away at my ability to bite my tongue to the point I just don’t even care what I say in public anymore. For example I got my dentist in trouble during the plandemic for making him reflexively laugh in… Read more »

Reply to  RVIDXR
6 months ago

I hear you RVIDXR. It is irritating. Conquerors do this for a reason. We must be disciplined and as much as I feel the same, bite your tongue. Focus on having your best posture. I tell myself, ‘I am the Lord and Master here.’ I smile comport myself like the Duke and move on. That doesn’t change that we are under seige and frankly, a conquered people. However, The Regime wants us to lose it. It is critical that we do not. As a matter of course, read the histories of our real men who were incredible men. Build a… Read more »

Last edited 6 months ago by RealityRules
Reply to  RealityRules
6 months ago

I hear you & thank you. On one hand I do agree with you but on the other, setting aside my virulent tone in that example, I’ve noticed that making comments like in that example is kind of breaking the miasma of silence about what’s happening. I admit I could certainly have a more composure when I make such comments in public but I do think it’s a good thing overall to bring these things up in a public forum. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve found myself hearing people confess to me that they feel the same… Read more »

Reply to  RVIDXR
6 months ago

This is great. Yes. I agree with you on saying something in the right company. I do the same. Driving by a public worksite I’ll say something like, “Can you remember the last time you saw a White man working on a job site like this?” Or looking at a billboard, “Isn’t it odd that we’ve been driving for 150 miles on these country roads in an all white state and only see non-whites on the billboards?” Or when a thug with corn rows shows up to your house in a tony enclave to do the pest control work when… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
6 months ago

I know that uncomfortable laugh you mentioned very well, my high school was extremely leftist & I just couldn’t help but poke the pig. Constantly got into trouble for it which I didn’t mind but eventually I learned it is infinitely more infuriating to leftists to make comments like yours & ask really pointed questions. I’d routinely get kicked out class but no punishment could really bet met out because I didn’t break any rules, got to the point my ultra leftist teacher had me transferred. The thing that pushed him over the edge was when I said yeah blacks… Read more »

Reply to  RVIDXR
6 months ago

RVIDXR: “Now every time I leave the house I encounter twelve different languages being spoken & see pagan tribals I’d only ever used to see on national geographic documentaries walking around everywhere.“ I remember Pat Buchanan getting dragged through the coals, circa the mid-1990s [???], for having written a column bemoaning the emergence of negroid drummers thumping bongos on the sidewalks of Washington DC. Everything Pat Buchanan stood for was True. Everything his opponents countered with was nothing but Lies. [Buchanan was born in Washington, DC, in 1938, and went to Georgetown for his Bachelor’s, so the topic of DC… Read more »

Last edited 6 months ago by Bourbon
Reply to  Bourbon
6 months ago

Pat is one of several canaries in the coal mine that either nobody listened to or were utterly destroyed for publicly reading the writing on the wall. He was probably the last one where something could’ve been done to stave off the worst effects had we listened to him.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  RVIDXR
6 months ago

Like the OG, Cassandras never are believed and tend to be dismissed as kooks. If you review Buchanan’s 1992 speech at the RNC, basically all of it came to fruition yet he was run out of his crappy political party for telling uncomfortable truths. I’m not certain things were fixable even then, so George Wallace circa1968 probably was the last public figure who could have made a difference, which probably explains why he was critically wounded by an assassin a few years later. We know now, of course, that likely was an inside job. Things will have to implode now… Read more »

6 months ago

As I’ve always said Z: What was once a vice is a virtue once the Government gets a cut of it. We used to “run numbers”, now we have PICK 5! I personally love the dichotomy between tobacco and ditch weed: Tobacco is evil, awful, ruins your health, and should be banned Mary Jane is healthy, enjoyable, and can’t ever impact your health One set of dried leaves lit and smoked will kill you, another will set you free. 🙄 On the plus side, wherever ditch weed is legalized the sticky fingered government taxes it so highly (heh) the pusherman… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  mmack
6 months ago

State-licensed weed dealers in California and Colorado are going under now due to the intense competition. I can’t even.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Jack Dobson
6 months ago

And they’ll say “see we opened the market to everyone!” As it consolidates into some giant corporate operation connected to some politicians or healthcare.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Mr. House
6 months ago

As Z pointed out, John Boehner has moved into the pole position for that very day. That’s close to a perfect thing, isn’t it?

Reply to  Jack Dobson
6 months ago

That old fucking crybaby isn’t shedding his old crocodile tears anymore, the man needs Visine® like a 70’s teen heading home to mommy after a house party.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
6 months ago

Certain members of the Taft family were even jumping in on the weed gravy train. I guess if you can’t make money legitimately anymore, you still gotta make money.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
6 months ago

Yep, even before CO legalized and set the trend, LEO’s that I spoke to knew the score. In short they said the move would simply make marijuana a tax avoidance crime. Weed being at that time about half the cost of the new “government” stores.

BTW, don’t forget the many States that still sell alcohol in government stores.

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
6 months ago

On the drug racket… I had my hip replaced a couple years ago. For the first consultation when deciding if a replacement was the right course of treatment, without me asking for it, the doctor, from somewhere in South America, prescribed me the strong, narcotic version of Advil, to treat my “discomfort”. I never got it filled. After surgery, I was prescribed 6 weeks worth of every narcotic anti-inflammatory and pain killer you can imagine – Percocet, Vicodin, etc. I stopped taking that stuff after 4 days, didn’t like how I felt on them, and managed any discomfort I had… Read more »

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
6 months ago

A lot of granparents were selling or having their meds stolen. But yeah they sold them in exchange for companionship basically. Insidious. Not realizing that people on oxy even their close family, became people who were like who the fuck are you to even their grandma, deep in addiction that altered their brain.

6 months ago

Once the new model sex dolls can cook, clean and do laundry the very notion of prostitution will be forgotten completely. “I don’t know why we paid for such limited services.”

Reply to  DaBears
6 months ago

As Charlie Sheen joked: “You don’t pay ’em for sex, you pay ’em to leave afterword.”

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  mmack
6 months ago

I’d swear that was Errol Flynn

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  DaBears
6 months ago

Ever see the C-tier sci-fi pic, “Cherry 2000?”

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
6 months ago

Yes. They probably will do a remake for children using trannies.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
6 months ago

Nope. But I’ll consider watching it despite the negative reception. Thanks for suggesting, fellow atypical Engin Wolverine.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  DaBears
6 months ago


Have you read our Engineering alumni magazine recently?

I can’t recommend it because the amount of openly expressed scientific ignorance from students, grad students, and staff is astonishing.

Reply to  DaBears
6 months ago

“… the notion of prostitution will be forgotten entirely.”

and once there was a switch on them to allow selection of basic personality types — “Basic Homebody”, “Engaging Conversationslist”, “Cuddly & Endearing”, “Sultry & Smoldering” — You get the picture …

At that point, what need for troublesome Bio-Versions”

credentialed white girls better look out …. (Humor)

Reply to  PrimiPilus
6 months ago

Ok ….. Children, of course, but from my vantage point as one who had none until incipient old age, it looks like in large areas of the country, that’s not a high priority.

So that might not cut heavily into sales.

OT & Aside: Out here in the hinterlands of forgotten America where I live, families of 2-4 kids are not unusual.

Reply to  DaBears
6 months ago

We’ll never have robot wives for the same reason we’ll never have flying cars: We’d like them. I don’t remember the company’s name, but the only successful non-Google/Facebook/etc. consumer “AI” company made a specialized chatbot aimed at sympathetic conversation, being your text friend/therapist. When they found out that men were using it as a surrogate wife—a friendly woman—they destroyed the product’s ability to be that, stopped having customers, and congratulated themselves. Every company will do the same. Even the Japanese, under American sway, are trying to abandon the friendly woman genre. Ojisan autism—businessmen not being able to absorb new irrational… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
6 months ago

I was watching The Untouchables TV series some time ago (A quick google says it was “The Troubleshooter” episode) where they have some kind of card system in corner stores for illegal gambling. The Untouchables are outraged that the poor people would be preyed upon with these evil devices (IIRC, these episodes were high on propaganda). Today scratch lottery tickets are everywhere. They are one of the worst taxes on the poor and low IQ Americans. Lotteries are by far the worst way to gamble with a very high take. Even the slots are a better risk. Casinos generally take… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
6 months ago

It benefits schools they say in my state, even though the schools are always begging for money, even worse than before the lottery.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Stephanie
6 months ago

They pulled that crap In Philadelphia. They rammed through a “soda” tax (applies to nearly all drinkable liquids) of 2 cents per oz which is then taxed by both the city 2% and the state 6% (a 64oz bottle has an extra 1.39 added) to supposedly benefit the keeds and da skools. It was all about the childrens until it passed. The second that “soda” tax passed, it was rolled into the general budget where diverse people could steal it. I know a few public school teachers in Philadelphia and they are expected to supply their own supplies and supplies… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
6 months ago

Public school teacher in Philly. Bloody hell.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

and to think that occasionally I think I have it bad

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
6 months ago

I think I’d rather be a human axel on John Goodman’s Chevy Tahoe than teach in Philly’s public skooz.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
6 months ago

Gambling is a tax on the stupid.

I once bought a lottery ticket when paying for my gasoline and was shocked … SHOCKED !!! when I learned that I hadn’t won the $64,000,000 prize that was advertised in the red neon sign above the counter.

Never again!

6 months ago

Haven’t listened yet, but wondering if you bring up Back to the Future 2. The bad timeline where Biff takes the sports almanac is arguably better than the world we are living in now. I don’t remember them including pot shops all over town in the movie. Having a society worse than a Hollywood send up of vice from the 1980s isn’t exactly a positive sign.

Reply to  Barnard
6 months ago

Speaking of signs… Hollywood’s idea of a dystopian hell—not updated in decades, so it’s still the same in new TV and video games—is clean streets, blond men in suits, women who aren’t fat, and…art deco signs. The Jaws billboard that attacks us in Back to the Future 2 is a technologically exaggerated art deco theater sign, the past but more so, the “ocean liner style” via the Hollywood id. The famous (in death) liquor store in Minneapolis that was burned down in 2020, now having its postmortem pictures passed around again because of Walz, was a heritage/protected building (local equivalent)… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
6 months ago

12:00 The guys who are really profiteering off theft is the cops. The cops steal billions of Dollars year in year out. They literally rob people on the side of the road and in airports. It is now de facto illegal to carry money. This has been going on for quite a long time. I drove to Disney World in 1995 and people I worked with and knew (none of whom were criminals) all said not to carry money on 95. They said cops pulled over out of state plates and searched the car and stole your money, which of… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
6 months ago

The “tell” is in that such official “crime” is *easily* cured with a few changes to the law. 1) No Local, State, or Federal agency may “profit” from such seizure. All such monies must revert to the US Treasury. (This kills incentive.) 2) No seizure can be made in lieu of a criminal *conviction* for a crime. If there is no criminal indictment, the money plus interest must be returned. Similarly, upon a trial and innocent verdict, all monies seized plus interest must be returned to plaintiff. (This kills random search and seizure.) 3) Upon an illegal seizure finding, the… Read more »

Last edited 6 months ago by Compsci
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Compsci
6 months ago

The problem is they do profit sharing. The cops steal the money on behalf of the feds and then the feds kick back 1/2 of it. A judge even threatened to have everyone involved thrown in prison on contempt if they didn’t return the money. The state actors told the court “we cannot return the money because we gave it to the feds” The judge was bluffing. Nobody went to jail and the guy, even with his court order, still doesn’t have his money. There is another theft type the state does called home equity theft. A bunch of US… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
6 months ago

“The problem is they do profit sharing. The cops steal the money on behalf of the feds and then the feds kick back 1/2 of it. “

Please reread change in law #1.

The rest of you comment may be true, but that is not addressed under the Federal Civil Asset Forfeiture Act and therefore not addressed.

Last edited 6 months ago by Compsci
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Compsci
6 months ago

Fair enough. I just figure they can jew their way right through any such rules. I just don’t believe you can rule-nazi them into compliance. You have to remember some lawyer just tried to sue Geico because Geico’s client gave some woman the clap in the back of his car. If you can twist car insurance into catching the clap in the back seat, is it really that much of a stretch to think they cannot (at least try to) get around your rules? They don’t see rules the way we see them. While wee see the rules as guidelines… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
6 months ago

You need to keep reading. That suit was tossed out some time ago. The Courts are not that poz’d yet.

David Wright
6 months ago

Money laundering, skimming, no show jobs= Ukraine.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  David Wright
6 months ago

The “Ukraine packages” should be audited just for the humor content alone.

6 months ago

Way, way back in the olden times, when I was a wee youth, I actually came to know a real mobster (friend of the family, you might say). His name was Frank Olivo and he weighed about 350 pounds and drove a Hudson sedan. And yes, he had a trademark Fedora and smoked cigars religiously. He was a bagman for the mob and made rounds a few days each week, and otherwise played the ponies. And he was a nice guy who enjoyed dispensing ancient wisdom via parables. He was simple man who did his job reliably and enjoyed life… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TomA
6 months ago

Back in the mid-90s I used to work in a dry cleaners. One of the guys I worked with was named Benny Chavez. We got along good and became pals, after a fashion. One day, we’re going about our quotidian routine, shootin’ the bull, and he up and tells me he killed a guy back when he was in his early 20s. I was totally shocked and taken aback. Asked him why he did it. He just said it was drug related. At any rate, the Benny I knew was a knock-around kind of a guy, and one of the… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
6 months ago


Anyone else seeing reports that a GAE spec ops force 70-100 strong was liquidated by a Houthi ambush that was guided on target by Russian satellite reconnaissance?

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
6 months ago

Any links to story?

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
6 months ago

Col macgregor mentioned it I think

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
6 months ago

It’s a new world. GAE can no longer push around any decent-sized country or, even, a militia. Satellites tell you where any military force is located. Missiles and drones can hit them or you can ambush them if it’s a small force like what the IDF and Americans sent to hit the Houthi. Our carrier groups are terrified of getting hit and thus stay far away from danger. They no longer project power to anyone with a decent missile system. NATO would be lucky to muster 60k to 90k troops in a year, a joke of a force against Russia,… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
6 months ago

The problem will be our rulers don’t and can’t accept the greatly diminished sphere of influence. The GAE is simply following the normal arc: the periphery erodes and the ability to project power continues to shrink until it is more or less only the old capitol and immediate countryside that can be ruled somewhat competently. With the preface I don’t relish the eventuality, if the region you reference is North and South America, those increasingly will be aligned with China and Russia and perhaps even Iran and some will host their military bases. A trait of dying empires also is… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jack Dobson
6 months ago

Citizen, Jack,

Outstanding insights from both of you!

This is why this is one of the best boards around.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
6 months ago

I think this is the link to the Houthi ambush incident.

Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
6 months ago

As a Christian, I believe all forms of fornication, including porn, will damn one’s everlasting soul to Hell. The NT makes clear that even divorce and remarriage is sexual immorality, and will bring about that same woeful end. In a perfect world, I don’t want anyone to participate in these things, knowing that they who do such will suffer the wrath of God if they do not repent. However, I would like to see prostitution legalized. The Guv Gang absolutely uses sex, one of Mankind’s most primal urges, as a weapon against a healthy, functioning society. Legal prostitution would break… Read more »

Reply to  Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
6 months ago

I feel like I’m reading a copypasta from Jack the ripper’s diary.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
6 months ago

However, I would like to see prostitution legalized. 

Did you not listen to the show at all? In a democracy legalization makes the act moral and we don’t need more degeneracy to be made normal.

6 months ago

As bad we all might have thought the mob was back in the day, they had nothing on the organized criminal operation that is the US government – absolute pikers by comparison.

Reply to  usNthem
6 months ago

They both eventually suck.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
6 months ago

Gotta say the idea that Rent-A-Center has a DEI department, which it in fact probably does, made me laugh aloud for a while. Lots of hilarious stuff in that show. As for government-run prostitution, that depends on how widely you define prostitution. If Kamala deepthroats her way to the top, wouldn’t she be Exhibit A?

Reply to  Jack Dobson
6 months ago

Rent a Center’s are heavy in military towns. And it is hilarious that they do probably have a DEI dept. lol HR and DEI departments seem like they are the ‘muscle’ for like white leftst women who just can’t say what they have to say to you…they need backup. It’s weird.

Last edited 6 months ago by Stephanie
6 months ago

I might have missed it, but the government also has hit men in the form of the FBI, IRS, ATF, Media etc. Armed goons who are paid to kick down your door, murder with impunity, and destroy your life…even if they have to make the whole thing up.

”Nice family you’ve got there. Be a shame if anything happened to them…”

6 months ago

I think porn is prostitution – dual prostitution. Two people are getting paid to have sex to arouse anonymous voyeurs. It is a disturbing thought. Who owns that racket? Don’t some religious leaders own it? That is what I have heard.

In any case, things have deteriorated and that process accelerates.

On the flip side, it has never been a better to cultivate virtue with the access to knowledge. We just have to form networks differently to practice it in fellowship. That is the path forward for our folk.

Reply to  RealityRules
6 months ago

The majority of the people who run the adult entertainment industry share an ethnicity, but I don’t think most of them would consider themselves religious in the traditional sense. Speaking about this even in the tongue in cheek way you mention, brings howls of outrage. Of all the things you aren’t supposed to notice, this is near the top of the list.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  RealityRules
6 months ago

I’ve never been able to wrap my head around the legal “reasoning” that says that video of people copulating is “speech.” If it was a recording of them talking dirty to each other, I could better comprehend.

Anyhow, you are correct. It is prostitution made legal, so long as the act is recorded and disseminated somehow. It is only when you try to keep your solicitation of prostitution secret that it becomes illegal.

Last edited 6 months ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
6 months ago

Screwing as speech is all part of the postmodern destruction of language. Since the meaning of language is merely a matter of perspective, words mean whatever the people in power say they mean. Another example is the redefinition of “vaccine.”

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

Your comment always reminds me of Alice.

”Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There” by Lewis Carroll. The character Humpty Dumpty says:

“When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”

And of course, there is the classic, “1984”, by George Orwell—the true master of understanding language and its (mis)use by Leftists.

Last edited 6 months ago by Compsci
Reply to  RealityRules
6 months ago

The concept of legalized prostitution is somewhat overblown. Why? The typical female today at a young age, but surely after dating age, considers sex the equivalent of what was a good night kiss in the 50’s and 60’s. In short, there’s quite a bit of legal competition to paid for sex. Yeah, the incels probably could use a bit of help here, but sex is rampant within the population at an early age with few strings attached. Since it is Olympics time, just Google some of the stories of the Olympic villages and the accommodations made to facilitate the endless… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Compsci
6 months ago

Today even the “nice girls” put out on the 3rd date, which she’s been taught by Cosmo is normal. And you know how females are about adhering to norms.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
6 months ago

To be fair, I’m no “bluenose”. The problem is not so much “sex before marriage”, but “so much sex before marriage”. There is much study of the effect of meaningless sex on a woman’s ability to pair bond with a single man. “Body count” matters—and much more so for women. Guys think with their “dicks” as it is said, but really they are just fooling themselves to play that game. Father’s need to step in and early in these matters. We are not, nor should not, be held to the standard of barnyard animals.

Reply to  Compsci
6 months ago

Compsci: “We are not, nor should not, be held to the standard of barnyard animals.“ The only difference between humans and barnyard animals is that barnyard animals are NOT on birth control. Forbid your daughters from engaging in any form of birth control whatsoever [no BCPs, no Norplant/Implanon, no tubal ligations, no cervical caps, no spermicides, no IUDs, no Plan-B, no surgical abortions, no vacuum abortions, no an@l, etc etc etc], and they’ll be extremely choosy about whom they choose to lay down with. But of course that requires the fambly to adhere to an extreme devotion to Life, rather… Read more »

Reply to  Bourbon
6 months ago

However, such is no longer enforceable. Plan B has recently been allowed without prescription and for minors without parental consultation and approved via mail order.

If you have a daughter with the smarts of a hamster—or a friendly public school nurse—she’ll get exactly what she needs to “correct” her mistake.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
6 months ago

Jeffrey Zoar: “Today even the “nice girls” put out on the 3rd date, which she’s been taught by Cosmo is normal. And you know how females are about adhering to norms.“ I don’t mean to dis a Bro, but ever since college, I can think of maybe only one bish I failed to b@ng on the first date. In Klownworld Hellscape, I simply cannot imagine NOT b@nging immediately. And if you were patient [for a few years], then even the ones you failed to b@ng on the first date would eventually come to be eager to b@ng you [once they… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
6 months ago

In a related business, Ashley Madison was founded by members of that same “religion” or ethnicity. Darren Morgenstern was his name. The current CEO is Noel Biderman, who is of the same persuasion. These creeps take credit for 1 million new affairs per month.

Last edited 6 months ago by mikew
Reply to  mikew
6 months ago

All their numbers are fake. The ratio of men to women signing up for the site was something like 30-1 so they created bot accounts to chat with the men and try to keep them paying for it.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  RealityRules
6 months ago

The only difference between a prostitute and a so-called “adult film actress” is that the former does it behind closed doors rather than in front of a camera.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

My general impression is that many of these “actresses” do this quite early in their careers to get a part, any part, in a feature length movie. There are few who are fortunate enough to build a reputation quickly and can reject those parts, which most often are simply nudity for the sake of titillation—not story telling.

The irony of the whole damn business is that actresses are therefore used and discarded very quickly compared to their male counterparts as no one stays young, novel, and sexually alluring forever.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
6 months ago

This process goes on in Hollywood, too. The world is full of pretty young girls who would do literally anything to become a movie star. The producers know this and take advantage to the hilt.

Listen to “The King of Hollywood” by Eagles. It describes this dynamic very well.

At any rate, can’t shed too many tears for the bimbos. If they choose that life then they can live with the consequences. There’s other ways to live besides prostituting yourself onto the silver screen.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

I hate the eagles, man!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hi-ya!
6 months ago

Heh heh. Well, alright…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

Ostei, none-the-less it is an evil and these girls (young budding startlets) are naive and taken advantage of. If I were to pay the deserved penalty for all my youthful—and not so youthful—transgressions, I’d not be here.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
6 months ago

Perhaps. But my tear ducts don’t commence to bubblin’ when some fabulously rich and famous actress, two decades after the fact, starts beating the victim drum. AFAIC, they’re pretty low on the ol’ victim totem pole. They conducted a transaction and it paid off handsomely for them. Now they want their cake–movie stardom–and to eat it, too–be a victim.

6 months ago

Here’s one scam I found out about. Say you have a big portfolio of unrealized gains. Your friends get you a job at a regulatory agency that forces you to sell out. Since it’s a forced sell by law you pay no taxes. 2 months later you resign your position.

Sonny Plaid
Sonny Plaid
6 months ago

Watching Sopranos clips and then talking about it?

This podcast better be kicking up to Borko.

6 months ago

Speaking of the Mafia, “And so it begins …” the UK’s Metro Police Commissioner Mark Rowley is threatening to extradite American citizens over things they post on any site, social media, this website, anywhere. He explicitly included Elon Musk. Musk first of course, the Biden WH wants him just gone, and did right after they won in 2020. [Musk was the mark in that relationship]. The real endgame is Trump. Trump says something, posts something, the UK under Starmer requests the Justice Dept. extradite Trump, they do, Trump is under arrest in the UK and sentenced immediately to the slammer… Read more »

6 months ago

I’d thought that for awhile. If Mario puzo wrote the godfather today, Vito corleone would be in politics instead of olive oil as cover business. Al capone could be president today if he were alive. Born a hundred years too early. Albert Anastasia and murder Inc did what the alphabet agencies get away with now. We don’t have a mafia we have US government shaking us down for a percentage

6 months ago

Mississippi passed its casino law on a Saturday night in secret. Everybody woke up on Sunday and gambling was legal. We love our Mary Jane too.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  TomC
6 months ago

The eligibility age for medicare will be raised the same way, but with less discussion prior

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
6 months ago

You’ll have plenty of time I suspect because the fix to SS is not simply to raise age requirement. Much larger than that for kicking the can down the road. A large redo will bring in many parties and that will require a lot of deals. You’ll hear about it as the sides “argue” their positions.

The good news is that a majority of the shortfall is due to the “bulge” in the Anaconda—“Boomers”, and they are slated to die off in the next 20 years. I predict no deal until we approach 2030.

Last edited 6 months ago by Compsci
6 months ago

The Olympics having women’s sports let alone women’s beach volley ball is a sign of a low people. A people that have said as a group, inwardly, we give up.

Reply to  Hi-ya!
6 months ago

Low people, yep. Beach Volley Ball has been a T&A thing for years.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
6 months ago

And that torqued off the feministas to no end. Consequently, I think all female beach volleyball players are now required to wear burlap sacks and arctic parkas.

Tars Tarkas
6 months ago

Musk should be in prison. He’s not just a con artist, he kills people. He uses the highways of America to beta test his awful “full self driving” software. It isn’t just his dumb customers who get killed. Speaking of Bunco, nobody uses the words prostitute or prostitution anymore. These words have been superseded by “sex work” and “sex worker” Imagine an article in a mainstream paper titled “How to get Started in Your New Life as a Prostitute” It just sounds too bad. But replace prostitute with “Sex Worker” and you are well on your way to respectability. Stupid… Read more »

I.M. Brute
I.M. Brute
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
6 months ago

Nowadays, insane and retarded people are known as “Neuro-Divergent.” Is there no end to this stuff?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  I.M. Brute
6 months ago

Ah. So Leftist = Neuro-Divergent. Mebbe we should just call them NDs now, for short.

Last edited 6 months ago by Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
6 months ago

Stop associating Musk with hands off driving. He is perhaps one of 3 or 4 doing such research in the US and many of the accidents are not of his division. Blame the States and their regulatory system wrt driverless vehicles.

The EV I bought from Ford came with this. The system is arguable worse than on Tesla, in that it requires *no* hands on wheel. Tesla at least used technology to sense every so often if you were touching the steering wheel.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
6 months ago

Hands-free driving… **smh**

Could there be anything more emblematic of turning human beings into big fat turnips than that?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 months ago

Yeah, but Ford hands free was a hoot…. Wife and I took our cars to kids house along the highway. She to stay over, me to leave in afternoon. She drove along side me for a stretch to pass. I switched to hands off and rolled the windows down. Started to honk the horn to grab attention then leaned out of drivers side with both hands waving franticly with eyes closed.

She was not amused. Nor it seems others on the road. Some people have no sense of humor…. Never got to pretend to sleep.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
6 months ago

Ha ha ha. Sounds like a scene from some kooky screwball comedy.

6 months ago

Joe Biden got to use his power to get grabby with people’s kids and wives as they climbed the ladder, on camera, that was his reward.

6 months ago

Hahaha, go along Buttigieg or else we will tell everyone you’re not really a homosexual.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Stephanie
6 months ago

About the only way for a young white guy to gain any status with The Regime is to be, or pretend to be, homo or trans. So it figures that somebody has pretended it already.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
6 months ago

It’s so plausible that one of his cia characters was Pete Buttigieg, and then he thought he’d do his cia mission and commence to being himself again, but they told him no dawg, and now he is stuck in hell. lol

6 months ago

BREAKING NEWS: $43 Million Found In Nigerian Prince’s Empty Apartment

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Alzaebo
6 months ago

Is there any chance I can get my chunk of it back?

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 months ago

lol Just think, the Nigerian scammers were actually really trying to help you, and the rest who called them scams were the scams themselves. Ahhhhh, total clown world. lol And who would doubt it at this point?

george 1
george 1
6 months ago

Off topic. Macgregor is saying that about 70 Special Forces operators, mostly Israelis, infiltrated into Yemen. The Houthis found out somehow and set up an ambush. The entire team was killed.

Reply to  george 1
6 months ago

Tho thad…

Tars Tarkas
6 months ago

Fentanyl was popularized for children. It was (probably still is) a blackberry flavored lollipop for kids called Actiq!

6 months ago

Regarding bribery and extortion, that makes me think how now it’s not just some congressmen from Podunk wherever, but higher echelons of the military now…like the Fat Leonard case/scandal that just disappeared into the ethers.

It seems the corruption peak has been met and is now on a downward slope of chaos and clawing to hang on. The peak was probably met when Epstein exploded onto the scene. No going back from that.

There must be so many of them from little towns to the global players who are panicking.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Stephanie
6 months ago

Agreed. I suspect this applies to the TLA’s and intelligence services as well; it certainly applies to the propaganda outlets. If you recall, there was a brief scandal that was quickly memoryholed about CIA agents on the take.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
6 months ago

They want us to think they have to do this stuff or America will starve or something. No, we won’t. It’s projection all the way down.

6 months ago

Who would’ve thought the Matt Damon-looking geeks would end up taking the business away from the feared ethnic tough guys?

I guess pay, legitimacy, and benefits trumps the gangsta lifestyle. But I’m very disappointed in the wops.

6 months ago

PSA to Z

now that you are a homeowner your identity and address is very easy to find. Maybe you have already protected yourself by putting the house into an LLC or something that makes you harder to find. But anyone with real estate software can get your identity and address in a few minutes if the house is in your name.

Reply to  Falcone
6 months ago

If he puts the property into a trust with himself as beneficiary through a lawyer they cannot find him associated with it unless he breaches the wall inadvertently like by making a political donation. There may be tax advantages as well. 0.02

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
6 months ago

When I was born the world was a far simpler place. It was all just cops and robbers. But it wasn’t for me. Then came the Summer of Love. Hashish and LSD arrived on the scene. There were villains locked away for twelve years for robbing a bank of ten grand, doing time with drippy hippies down six months for smuggling two million quid worth of puff. I mean work it out mate. We’re in the wrong f*cking game. Drugs. Changed. Everything. Always remember that one day all this drug monkey business will all be legal. They won’t leave it… Read more »

Last edited 6 months ago by Oswald Spengler
6 months ago

Bribery: Senator Bob Menendez (D – New Jersey) was convicted of accepting bribes on July 16, 2024.

6 months ago

Hope the hurricane/TS rain isn’t too bad where you are at, (in the mountains, right?) It’s a ‘new experience’ when you see how the mountains can flood.

6 months ago

When you sign up to read an internet news piece, say, or sone other website to buy a product. And they require a username and password. who thinks these companies are selling your passwords ? Knowing that most people use the same password for something like Etsy as they do for their banks. I have to wonder. as an aside. I have a certain Chase credit card. And I rarely use it but lately when I did I got spam push notifications and emails that I needed to contact them due to fraud protection. But that was all bogus. Meaning… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
6 months ago

I use one set of passwords for important things, and another for unimportant things.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Falcone
6 months ago

Google and Microsoft, et al, know every password you use, if they want to. You have no secrets on a computer.

Bizarro Man
Bizarro Man
6 months ago

Neither the Z Man or any of the commenters seem to come out and say what all this is pointing to, which is that the State is no more and no less than a criminal gang, and always has been. It’s merely the gang that manages to gain power and hold on to it. It then claims a monopoly on violence, and builds a supporting mythology about its divine right to rule, while continually cementing and growing its power. It uses and rewards collaborators to maintain the mythology and identity and punish dissenters. That’s why its actions resemble those of… Read more »

6 months ago

Brother Bossman,

Even when you’re wrong, you’re right.

But where’s the book?

Gotta break balls b/c nobody’s going to give a shit about your workbench in the sweethereafter.

You got something to say, say it.


yer readership

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
6 months ago

Totally OT:

Based on his reaction to the Kursk incursion, it’s beginning to look like Putin is the legalistic wimp many thought he was:

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
6 months ago

The incursion of Ukraine has already been stopped. All that this “Hail Mary pass” has done is to increase the power of Putin’s hard liners wrt Ukrainian conflict. Look for “big arrow” advances now to Odessa, hell maybe even Kiev.

The Real Bill
The Real Bill
6 months ago

Great show!

King Kong
King Kong
6 months ago

The Church. The State. The Maffia.

No difference between the three of them.