Radio Derb August 9 2024

When VDare went down for good, I offered to host Radio Derb here and set it up on the various platforms where people listen to podcasts. Going forward you will find the legendary John Derbyshire’s weekly podcast posted here on Saturday, as well as on Rumble, Odysee and the various podcast networks. It will take a few days for them to approve the new host, so I will post links when it happens.

For now, if you want to get the show in your favorite podcast app, you can use the RSS feed I have set up off the Spreaker site. Link below. Just paste it into the app following their instructions and you are good to go. Probably by the end of the week it will be on all of the apps, and you can then find it through their search tool. It should also be on Amazon and Spotify by the end of the week.

This Week’s Show


  • 00m46s: The Walz Conundrum: Woke, but not a China gull
  • 06m46s: Britain’s funeral pyre flares up: Disorders will get worse
  • 15m16s: Totalitarian Legalism: Gorsuch’s new book on our over-lawyered society
  • 21m18s: The Law’s Delay: The 9/11 plotters plea deal done, then undone
  • 26m30s: Lost in Space: Our two astronauts can’t get home
  • 28m22s: What’s Up in Bangladesh? Can we please mind our own business?
  • 30m55s: Watergate Plus 50: Remembering Nixon Derangement Syndrome
  • 32m58s: Signoff

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1 month ago

He’s pretty much right about “Nixon Derangement Syndrome.” I’m old enough to remember how it was very bad, although I think Trump DS is just as bad.

As was outlined recently in an interview with Tucker Carlson, the Democrats got away with lots of rule-breaking against Nixon, including hidden, illegal stunts to get their way. Possibly a “deep state coup.” Woodward and Bernstein were quickly presented as moral paragons, as in the movie, “All the President’s Men,” which was widely lauded. In reality they were lying journalists who, it seems, were also extortionists.

Last edited 1 month ago by 1660please
Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

Somewhat of a coincidence, I started reading Jonathan Aitken’s bio of Nixon yesterday. I usually dislike the “early life” sections of biographies, but this one is fascinating. Nixon’s childhood and youthful accomplishments, as a student and as a hard worker, put to shame the pseudo-achievements of our “elites”. As a high school senior, he was recognized as the most outstanding academic achiever in California, and received scholarship offers from Harvard and Yale. Due to family economic constraints he had to turn down these offers, to help with the family grocery store, so resigned himself to attending hometown Whittier College. It… Read more »

Reply to  Steve W
1 month ago

And he was virulently hated by much of the Ivy League crowd, the media, and others in lofty positions. He also drew their hatred with his anti-Communism. And he was probably smarter than most of them. I’d like to read that Aitken book and am glad you recommended it. I think he had a mixed record as president. Positives are that he got the USA out of the Vietnam War (which he almost never receives credit for); he developed detente with the Soviet Union, which some Cold Warriors didn’t like, but which I think was good considering America’s weakness at… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by 1660please
Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

One of the only people who respected him – at least early on – was Kennedy.

Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

It seems everything we were told about history has been one big fat f*cking lie…Wish more people could figure that out…

Reply to  Lineman
1 month ago

Yes, a lot of it. Kids nowadays are being taught the biggest lies of all–the Howard Zinn version. It’s contributing in a big way to our downfall.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

This is what happens when, not only do you not crush the Left, but allow it to gain complete control of the education system.

Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

“He also drew their hatred with his anti-Communism. And he was probably smarter than most of them” The parallels between the two effects, TDS and NDS are pretty clear. I think the thing about both men that infuriates Leftist snobs is not so much that these men advocated “wrong” policies but that they did so while being perceived as gauche and declasse. They also clearly appealed to the type of men who work with their hands but also many who do tricky engineering jobs. Also, both were quite clearly very smart and didn’t fit the “dumb hick” stereotype. This offended… Read more »

Reply to  Steve W
1 month ago

Steve W: “I’ve never troubled myself to learn much about the man, aside from reading a couple of books about Watergate.”

The winners write the history books.

We’ve gotta win this war before you’ll see any honest books being written about Saint Richard Nixon.

And much of the original material has likely already been destroyed by (((the Deep State))).

Particularly the files which are damning to (((the Deep State))).

Last edited 1 month ago by Bourbon
Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Bourbon
1 month ago

Man, knock it off with the echoes shit.

Reply to  Steve W
1 month ago

Trump and Nixon were friendly. Given that so many Nixon people were in Trump’s inner circle, I’ve always wondered if Trump wasn’t Nixon’s revenge.

comment image

Reply to  Steve W
1 month ago

P.S.comment image

Reply to  Steve W
1 month ago

One last graphic:comment image

Nikolai Vladivostok
1 month ago

Here’s to another 20 years of Radio Derb, and a big raspberry to the tyrannical schoolmarms!

1 month ago

Why does Derb love the child murdering, anal raping, Christ killers?

Last edited 1 month ago by Dante
Reply to  Dante
1 month ago

Probably to resist being classified with someone who speaks like you, and I say that as someone who believes that j3ws are one of the greatest threats to traditional whites.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 month ago

In other words, virtue signaling.

Dante G
Dante G
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 month ago

Where’s the lie?

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
1 month ago

Awesome. Love me some Derb. Welcome aboard.

Big Daddy Amin
1 month ago

Thank you Z Man. You are doing the Lord’s work.

1 month ago

Are you going to host the Sam Francis articles too?

Auntie Analogue
Auntie Analogue
1 month ago

God bless you, Z-Man for hosting ‘Radio Derb’! Thank you very LARGE!

Last edited 1 month ago by Auntie Analogue
1 month ago

Derb and Zman together – well that’s pretty great.

Anthony Gaudio
Anthony Gaudio
1 month ago

Good on ya! I was wondering, where was going to get my Derbyshire fix. Thank You. A wonderful addition to your already wonderful blog.

Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

Snobs and slobs just doesn’t have the ring of “Dirt People” and “Cloud People” I rather like being called a “Dirt person” as opposed to a “Slob”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

Frankly, I don’t like either.

Ketchup-stained griller
Ketchup-stained griller
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Persyn of the soil

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

I like Derb’s earlier formulation: Good whites versus Bad whites.

1 month ago

Thanks Z

1 month ago

This is truly great news. Radio Derb must be one of the oldest and best podcasts out there. Never miss it. Starts off all my Saturday mornings

1 month ago

Very happy to see this too. Thanks Z and hi there Mr. Derb

Daniel D Przybyl
1 month ago

Thank you Z Man. You are doing the Lord’s work.

Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Jolly good show, me old muckers.

1 month ago


1 month ago

Awesome. Thanks for doing this. I’ve listened to Derb for over a decade.

1 month ago

Sweet. Thanks. I’d sent him an email asking where it was going to be but hadn’t heard back. Assumed he was busy figuring stuff out. The podcast is now live in my app (Pocket Casts). Any chance that the missing episodes from the two weeks between July 19 and August 9 could be added?

Last edited 1 month ago by Heresolong
1 month ago

Not going to mention that Kier is jewish?

Stuart A.
Stuart A.
Reply to  Tom
1 month ago

No, I believe that’s his wife who is Jewish.

Reply to  Stuart A.
1 month ago

Even worse.

1 month ago

Nice! Good job Mr. Z.

Derecha Dissident
Derecha Dissident
1 month ago

Dude, you’re a life’s routine saver.

I was looking for Radio Derb on his website as part of my Saturday morning routine. I grew concerned when it wasn’t there today.

1 month ago

Thank you Z-Man!

1 month ago

Two of my cultural heroes in the same place. Great work by Z to host Derb.

Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

KSM is 59 years old. If he goes to trial this year and gets convicted and gets the death penalty, he will die of old age in prison.
Even at 1.5 speed, Derb speaks painfully slow.

Susan Ferris
Susan Ferris
1 month ago

1) What about a transcript?

2) Will Derb stop using johnderbyshire,com for audio and transcripts?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
1 month ago

Great move on both your parts.

1 month ago


1 month ago

Its nice to see such an esteemed individual given a new home. A real refuge trying to make a better life for himself and actually improve his new place of residence

Never thought i’d see it.

Last edited 1 month ago by HalfTrolling