The great fear as the internet spread across American society was that things in this virtual world would somehow cross over into the real world. Usually this meant that the machines would get super intelligent and take over society. This is the underlying theme of movies like The Terminator. Alternatively, a being from inside the internet would make the jump into the meat space. This is the plot for the film Virtuosity. A virtual serial killer gets loose in the real world and does his worst.
Nothing like that has come to pass, but something worse may be happening and that is reality is being sucked into the virtual world. More accurately, people are spending so much time online that the virtual world is supplanting reality for them. We are seeing this with the Harris campaign, which is probably the most intensely online political program we have every experienced. Everything about it is based on winning the internet that day, which means it operates by the rules of the internet.
The most obvious example is how the Kamala Harris character has been reimagined by her developers into something disconnected from reality. From the presentation, one would never know she has been Vice President for the last four years or that she has spent those years arguing for the administration’s positions. Like a discarded scene from a video game, all of that is gone now. In its place is the new character whose only connection to the prior character is the name.
The disconnectedness extends to her campaign and its supporters. Trump has been stumping on the idea of exempting tips from income taxes. Whatever the merits of the idea, it is a clever way to appeal to young people. The other day, the Harris character announced its plan to not tax tips, as if it were something totally new that had never been mentioned by anyone. Miraculously, the people playing the Harris character online responded as if it was a total novel idea.
Of course, this being the age of mendacity, the new Harris gameplay comes with manufactured crowds online that cheer for it. There are fake polls that claim this character is now the most popular character in the game. It is destroying all of the orange baddies in this expansion pack. We know this because every day the lie machine we call mass media fills the game space with stories about how Trump is raging in his bunker about the greatness of the Harris character.
This upgraded version of Kamala Harris is now equipment with a lacky to do the things lackies do for the hero. Like the new Kamala Harris, the character called Tim Walz bears little resemblance to the old version. Instead of being a bloviating windbag who bores people with his imaginary tales of heroism in the military, this version is a folksy good old boy who just happens to hold all of the same opinions as the developers who created his character for the game.
What we are experiencing right now is a political campaign that exists only in the virtual world of the highly online. If you are not playing in this part of the game or you live in reality, you may not know about any of this. Maybe one of your favorite “influencers” has gone into panic mode for some reason and that got your attention. Otherwise, if you are not in this part of the game, none of this is real to you. The main reason for that is that nothing about this campaign is real thus far.
This is why the people most affected by this new release are the self-styled influencers who live entirely online. These people spend all day, every day, looking for something they can front-run in order to maintain the illusion that they are not just playing the game, but they are controlling it. The reason they are called influencers is not that they influence anyone, but that they are the most easily influenced. The right-wing influencer crowd cannot stop playing the new Harris character.
The highly online, of course, will argue that this is reality, and it is now changing the meat space, but how would they know? One of the weird aspects of virtual reality is that it is self-affirming to the people who have been sucked into it. For many of them, Twitter is reality and people outside of it do not exist. This is why influencers banned from Twitter were so desperate to get back on the platform. Having your account suspended is what passes for Hell in the virtual world.
That still leaves the question as to whether this is working. More people get their news from online sources than from legacy sources, so if you win the internet then it suggests you can influence people. On the other hand, the internet is a big place and people gravitate to that which confirms the opinions. One reason the undecided voter is a thing of the past is everyone now has an online tribe. Alternatively, they have a cable chat show they watch every night for their opinions.
The highly online like saying that arguing with a boomer is arguing with the television because all of their opinions come from television. Ironically, arguing with the highly online is arguing with the internet. The people playing the Nick Fuentes character right now have no ideas of their own. They have the ideas of the other players in the Nick Fuentes game space. It turns out that right-wing zoomers are just like the right-wing boomers they criticize. They just have a different god.
That is what will be the interesting thing about the Harris game. Eventually, the Harris character will have to step outside the curated world of gameplay and talk to flesh and blood humans, as well as debate Trump. As much as the developers would like to believe the reality they have created has supplanted the old reality, the test of this will be their character leaving the game space for the meat space. The same holds for the lackey with his Elmer Fudd costume and reimagined backstory.
What it will ultimately come down to is whether the voters will prefer the game space reality to the meat space reality. Will they believe the upgraded Harris character is preferable to the meat space Harris and continue to play the game character as a form of escapism or will they experience the meat space version and get turned off by the game itself? That is the central question of this election. This is the first election where people are asked to choose reality versus escapism.
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This is one of those times I agree completely with Andrew Anglin that everything about this “election” is fake, gay, and meaningless. Taking the 2024 Election Seriously Makes You Look Stupid and Delusional, by Andrew Anglin – The Unz Review Because, even putting aside questions of vote manipulation, I do not think it makes any difference whatsoever which one “wins.” Even if Trump meant everything he says, which I don’t believe he does, it has been a long time since there was a president who was actually in charge of anything. Which won’t change absent armed conflict. And he doesn’t… Read more »
In other words, we live in a post-electoral environment.
When has the electoral environment of the USA not been a confederacy of scoundrels? Back in the early daze of the USA, when the Constitution was being debated in the States for ratification, Rhode Island held a referendum of authorized voters on the topic. The legislature, I think it was, just ignored the spurious text of Article VII, which calls for conventions. The leaders and rulers of RI held their referendum in 1788, but fewer than 10% of the voters supported the Constitution of no authority. Guess what happened during the next few years. Somehow the Rhode Islanders were compelled… Read more »
Yes, it pains me to say it, but the adoption of the Constitution could be an early example of manufactured consent. Ouch. The Constitutional Convention‘s initial mandate was limited to amending the Articles of Confederation and they produced a new document instead. On the other hand, most people on this site agree that some people are smarter and wiser than others and those people ought to be making the decisions, like a parent not letting a child subsist on sweets. History says that some elite will always rule over the rest, so the crucial issue becomes the character and preferences… Read more »
The solution is rigid ethnocentrism by race and religion (with variation within these by ethnicity and denomination handled with federalism ->local homogeneity and local self rule) coupled with a deliberate and explicit removal of any kind of merchant from the control nodes of power. The 3 countries most demonized by the GAE and its ofttimes rebellious appendage the EU, are Russia, China, and Iran. The countries have very different economic, social, and political governance structures. However, the one HUGE thing they have in common is that in none of them do merchants rule. While each of them takes a different… Read more »
More is the pity for those Merchants because they often start off in a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship with the host but with time evolve to being parasites at first one that the host can tolerate but eventually a parasite that weakens and kills host and parasite alike.
“race and religion”
In other words, a basis of identity and a basis of mores.
Rhodesia was such an example of eugenic government.
Only landholders could vote, and their immigration policy was to strictly vet applicants. They had a meritocratic system that encouraged and reinforced only the literal best of and for their people.
In all forms of government, someone or someone’s will be making the decisions.
True “raise your hands” democracy is a cluster fuck.
Ask the Greeks.
At this point, I feel like WW3 is a meme for the purpose of controlling Earth’s plebes as the controllers install global communism.
“The reason they are called influencers is not that they influence anyone, but that they are the most easily influenced.”
Bears repeating
The most interesting aspect so far has been to watch how easily manipulated these types are. Wow. It is no wonder why things unfolded as they did.
They are like celebrities, only 1000 times worse. I hold them in the absolute lowest esteem. They would sell their children to Satan for coin. At least regular celebrities get good money for their children’s souls. The average “influencer” would sell their child’s immortal soul to Satan for likes and 50 bucks.
i mentioned to my wife the other day,
by now every sentient being in amerika knows djt and willie’s ho.
if they don’t they’re not sentient.
there is no debate, only a circus.
have a look at Jay Valentine’s site,
the 2024 election will be stolen just like the 2020.
Prepare Accordingly
Here’s the thing Z, she doesn’t. The media is her voice now, even moreso than it was for Biden in 2020. We have a candidate that doesn’t have to do anything or say anything. If she says nothing, there is nothing to criticize. Say what you will about Nick Fuentes, he is responding to things that Trump has actually said on the campaign trail.
If by now Fuentes does not understand that trump says a lot of things and they should all be taken with a grain of salt, then he is not connected to physical reality. He is no different from the typical Hannity viewer in this regard.
Fuentes is trying a “Groyper War 2” while not understanding that why “Groyper War 1” was so powerful is because it took internet discourse to the real world, and utterly humiliated their targets in a real venue. Their targets could not escape physical space. You won’t get the same effect in a purely online space, too easy to ignore and tune them out.
It is important to note that Fuentes played a peripheral role in that real world activism. His role was to comment upon it online. It was pat Casey organizing the the things in the meat space.
Do you people know who Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles are?
“Groyper War” is so cringe. Only a suburban pipsqueak who hasn’t even broken a rib would call it a “war”. And thousands of media pipsqueaks before him used “war” too…”war on Christmas”, “war on women”, etc.
Excuse my boomerism, but “you don’t know what a war is”.
Thank you for “trump says a lot of things and they should all be taken with a grain of salt,”.
Listening to the Talk last night, there were a few things that were a bit hard to swallow. ‘A grain of salt’ makes it a lot easier to handle.
Yes, the things that Trump said in the 2016 election campaign should have been taken with a grain of salt, because he accomplished none of them. I despise Fuentes. I will not let someone label me a “Groyper” or whatever moronic Zoomer term is in the atmosphere today. He’s probably a fed. But it doesn’t matter if he’s saying it or someone else. It’s still true. Every time Trump or one of his minions starts talking about how he “built a wall” and “cut down immigration” I walk away, because I’m sick of being lied to by all of them.… Read more »
Trump was cut off at the knees. By the democrats obviously, his own party “RINO’s, the alphabet agencies and rogue activist judges.
He was president not king.
He appointed three solid SCOTUS justices. Don’t say he accomplished “nothing.”
While I know Trump runs his mouth, we need to think this through. I know there is a lot of questions about what a Trump 2nd term will be. Some people (like Pete Quinones) say that he is being pushed by the PayPal Mafia to smash the DEI managerial bureaucracy. The JD Vance pick is the clearest evidence of this. Some people (like Nick Fuentes) say that he has turned into another Republican loser like Mitt Romney and John McCain and his second term will be as ineffectual as his first. He dug up “drill baby drill” for heaven’s sake.… Read more »
Smashing DEI, though welcomed, would be low-hanging culture war fruit. Probably will happen regardless, DEI is so onerous. Overturning Roe was much bolder. Methinks there are other, more important, interests being pushed.
I could be wrong. Maybe DEI is the finger in the dam, who knows, but it smacks of bait to me. Poor Bigs. There’s much more at stake, then again, people will rally around the simple issues simply because they feel free to talk about them.
Roe V. Wade was a freak accident waiting to happen. If it were not for the sudden wave of disappearances of liberal justices of the Supreme Court, it could have held up indefinitely. The politics of the nation, mired in a split country culturally, make it likely that this isn’t the last we’ve heard of Roe V. Wade. It WILL raise its ugly head again.
— G.N. (
That assumes that the states keep listening to the Supreme Court. It’s not a given forever.
Betrayal can add a few minutes to the allotted15. If Richard Spencer had a gay Hispanic son, he would look a lot like Nick Fuentes.
You’re quite right. If Kamaltoe refused to debate and actually campaign in meatspace, who would say boo to her? She would absorb a few slings and arrows from ghetto-dwellers such as us, but that would be more than compensated by not suffering the public humilation stemming from the revelation of her galloping stupidity.
She would get raves in the media by refusing to debate him. Like I said, she doesn’t have to do anything. I would argue she can’t do anything. You know, they constructed this image of Obama that they sold to us, and yea it was all fake, but he could play that character. Harris cannot play the character they have constructed for her.
I think many Leftist atheists praised Dick Dawkins for refusing to debate that “Nazi,” William Lane Craig. You see, Dick prevented WLC from basking in Dick’s aura and drawing legitimacy therefrom, which was a most righteous act.
Kamaltoe could easily do something similar, claiming it would be irresponsible of her to degrade the dignity of Our Democracy by appearing on stage with, like, literally Hitler. The media, the generic Left, and some centrists would eat that up.
Although it made me throw up in my mouth a little – that is spot on. When it actually plays out that way, I expect I’ll at least feel like throwing up – a lot.
Have a nice shot of Pepto Dismal, complements of ol’ doc Kozelskii.
Cute. Just to mention I have already trademarked Pepto Abysmal®
I’m not familiar with the debate you mentioned. In passing I would note there are some right wing atheists among the readership here. In recent news what you might have missed Richard Dawkins was just Unperson on Facebook for the thought crime of saying that men can’t be women. Another day, another world-famous intellectual cast into the darkness. What else is new?
I was not aware of that. Mixed feelings, of course, but I do wonder if Dawkins has ever played a role in unpersoning one of his foes, critics, or merely a dissenter from Leftist unholy writ?
I don’t follow him closely so don’t know for sure. From reading some of his work, it would seem out of character for him.
Kamala should debate. She would win. Why? She can speak and articulate. She’ll simply obfuscate or ignore the question at hand, but such a performance will keep her supporters in line. It is enough for them that their candidate is not a walking corpse. The average voter won’t have the perception of incompetence as we here do. Another’s incompetency can only be judged if you are competent yourself!
Trump’s best shot at winning the presidency is to engage the Democratic candidate woman in debate and prove his masculinity. A masculine candidate “trumps” a feminine one any day of the week. The gender of the candidate, which is one of those immutable factors, determines how (s)he is perceived — another variant of the political rule that you vote for someone you’d like to have a beer with. People don’t drink for Kamala.
— G.N. (
Kamala Harris is the “Raygun” breakdancer of the political world. Try to find an actual video of that “Olympic athlete” actually you know breakdancing. It’s all been scrubbed.
I did find one partial video of her moves. Hilarious.
I’m impressed with Kamala’s campaign platform so far. It’s nothing. It’s not even pushing the “I’m the anti-Trump” line that Dementia Joe pushed in 2020 (which he failed at but won due to election fraud). Her campaign seems to literally be: “My handlers stole the 2020 election and we’re going to narrative fuck your mind and steal 2024 based on no platform at all, just an entirely media created bubble and spin, and there’s nothing you can do about it. I’ll do no interviews because my personality is extremely grating and hide except to the extent I’m provided media cover.… Read more »
Yeah, much of the “Ukraine funding” undoubtedly goes into a slush fund for leftwing/totalitarian causes.
Of course, even if all of the funding did go directly to the proxy war against Russia, it would be going fo a leftwing/totalitarian cause.
Any URLs about this Ukrainian graft? I apparently need to understand it better.
Ever hear about Sam Bankman-Fried?
They think it’s funny.
My only hope is that these people’s greed and love of luxury outweighs their political pieties. There may be a reason to believe so. After all, orchestrating a political campaign is complex and fraught with randomness. Going down to the docks and talking to the man with the Rolex about that nice super-yacht is much simpler. Let hope the Ukraine graft goes to buy that boat.
What does it gain a man to lose his soul? True then, and true now.
“Eventually, the Harris character will have to step outside the curated world of gameplay and talk to flesh and blood humans” -Not necessarily. Biden didn’t really campaign in 2020 and he “won.” Remember those astroturfed “town hall” meetings for Hillary in which nobody showed up? She won the popular vote in 2016. Fake reality precedes the Internet. Whatever the networks choose to cover, or choose to ignore, or to crop out of the picture matters. Every Harris appearance will be carefully curated and focus-grouped and performed before an adoring crowd of left-wing feminists and trannies on a college campus. What… Read more »
Biden did many interviews in 2020. The “campaign from the basement” meme was just that, a meme. Sure, he avoided tough questioners, but he existed in the meat space. Thus far, the Harris character exists only online.
I can’t wait until she goes on Charlamagne tha gawds shows again lol This time with hot sauce. Then things will be clear to all.
It will be interesting to see how far this can be taken. If Harris still comes up short, the absence from meat space will be adjusted downward to a minimum that works. This is the future, even if the hand is overplayed this time, and it is such an extreme example of totalitarianism it would make North Koreans blush.
Oh no. OHH no.
My hands-down favorite is that crappy AI pic of a full crowd.
its like a faker and gayer version of the byzantine system
In the old days there was always a liberal Sam Donaldson that would even confront someone like Harris with questions about her inflation strategy or how do you respond to Trump’s charges of failure on illegal border crossings. Now they just don’t ask at all and actually just act as attack dogs for anything right of their masters. They are all in on this one just like the last. The holy card illustration for the Time cover (it still exists?) was not unexpected. The cool and sassy wine aunt from now until the election. My only hope it doesn’t even… Read more »
Back in 2016 there was a video of the NBC Jewess Andrea Mitchell “interviewing” Hillary Clinton after the Trump debate. When the video was slowed down and freeze-framed it revealed Clinton’s campaign manager was texting softball questions to Mitchell’s assistant, who was showing her the questions on his cell phone.
Getting the questions ahead of time? How quaint. Dude, they probably killed people and ran an extrajudicial server.
If her handlers can keep her from cackling, Kamala might win. The Cackle Factor is very important in this race. Actually, they may be scrubbing that cackle as we sit here. I wonder if they’re using Cackle-be-gone™?
Cue laughing_hyena.jpg
This has been successfully rebranded as “joyful.”
True believers don’t need a good reason, only A reason.
I’m afraid that you’re too optimistic. The unprecedented power of the hegemonic media to dictate most people’s opinions is greater than anyone imagined.
I bet that the media can change most people’s perceptions of Kamala’s cackle from off-putting to endearing. A top down message will go out that we all find Kamala’s laugh comforting and inspirational. People in my family, for example, will believe this and repeat it within a week.
I’m starting to wonder if the media could literally convince most people that they actually love the smell of shit. And it will become true.
Just yesterday, now that you mention it
Kamala Harris’ Laugh Is A Powerful Rebuke To Trump And Other White People Like Him (
No fucking way, its actually real. (Of course its huffpost)
More than any other response in this entire set of messages today, this article perfectly encapsulates why this media created character will sweep Orange Man away effortlessly. It is a simple numbers game at this point, I don’t even think they have to do much vote rigging. Let’s take some absurdly generic numbers. Non-white population- now almost 50%. Strong Black Queen Vote secured Liberal White women- another 20% or so? White Guilt I hate myself Vote secured Let’s even say they are only 15%, that is still a bigger number than 51% when combined. The population of this country is… Read more »
There have been interesting ‘proof of concept’ projects like this. A notable one was the 4chan prank to make people think the OK sign is racist. Heaps of high school kids ended up getting cancelled for the ‘made you look’ gag in photos.
Comparing ONLINE to ON-TV, online is closer to reality. One example is that cell phone cameras are a game-changer in revealing black violence, misbehavior and dysfunction. TV’s longtime agenda of promoting the Huxtables, Sidney Poitier and Danny Glover as “just like us,” is in danger of crumbling now that real-life videos are going viral on social media.
Exactly. The era of 3 stations or even cable TV made it easy to hide reality. Now there’s as many potential leaks in the narrative as cell phones. Open censorship is less than ideal.
I honestly have to wonder about what’s best for our side. Sure, a Trump win might slow some things down a bit, but I think it will do more harm than good. A cheating win for the ridiculous, cackling whore boss and her beta fag may provide some of the acceleration needed to push this wreck off the cliff.
He has become just another Republican. For policy purposes he might as well be President Mitch McConnell. Yet simultaneously, one who arouses the “left” to a level of insanity not seen in AINO in living memory. It’s possible they would have got there without him, and he’s just the convenient foil.
“not seen in AINO in living memory.”
It could be that THIS is the Glorious Future, forevermore, amen.
Tired Citizen: I’m inclined to agree. Too many people have a ridiculous amount of hope riding on a bloviating civnat NY developer, fervently believing that if they just vote hard enough, Trump will win and make it all right again. It doesn’t matter if you mention the cheating, the tens of thousands of numerkin voters Biden has imported, Trump’s devotion to ‘black’ jobs and mestizo opportunities. They are convinced the Trump will magically fix it all – the inflation, the immivasion, the decline and fall of the White race. And if/when he loses, there will be no uprising, no mass… Read more »
Harris-Fudd 2024!
You saw it here first.
Be vewwwy vewwwy qwiet, I’m stuffing bawwots, heh- heh-heh-heh-heh. 🤫
Ooooh, that wascawwy Twump! 😠
With the caveat none of this matters at this point: just as a Ukrainian victory could not be memed into existence, it is doubtful a Harris presidency can be, either. Still, let’s say it happens absent massive cheating, imprisonment or assassination. Wouldn’t governance itself at that point transition into virtual reality? The protags in the game would be strong women of color, the antagonists evil straight white men, the governed NPC’s, and political decisions would be made by the programmers, all of which are somewhat the case now with high tech managerialism. Not that it wouldn’t have done the same… Read more »
Not that this surprises anyone but the cackling quadroon cast the tie breaking vote to help the IRS fund tracking down them cheatin’ waitresses and their tips. It enabled them to set up a snitch line proposal so employers could fink on their employees.
As a parent of three Zoomers, they don’t call it, “highly online”, they call it, “chronically online”. As in: “What happened to Jaylyn Kaylyn Braylyn?” “They lost their minds from being chronically online.” So, there is, I suspect, some sense of self awareness in a subset of Zoomers.
What we need right about now is a nice big EMP , now where did I store those horseshoes…
“Jaylyn Kaylyn Braylyn”
Bet there’s one around.
Boy, girl or……
Betcha s/he hangs out with Jayden Kayden Brayden…
I prefer the term “whatsit”.
> . They have the ideas of the other players in the Nick Fuentes game space. It turns out that right-wing zoomers are just like the right-wing boomers they criticize. They just have a different god. About four days ago Trump made a swipe at Joe Rogan, which all the online right-wing space freaked out about and thought it would derail his campaign. It took up most discourse for the afternoon. Today, not a single post. Everyone has moved on. At least your boomer grandpa had the attention span to stay enraged at what the TV told him for longer… Read more »
Remember when Trump almost had his head blown off on live television? Granted that was, what, sometime in the late ’90’s/ early 2000’s?
Oh yeah, I forgot about that
Digital information already has shortened Americans’ notoriously short attention spans. It is amazing to watch.
Did you say something?
I’ll stick up for online culture for a moment. I prefer this method to drooling in front of a TV…with TV and radio, everything is passive consumption. With online-virtual, there’s some interaction. Sure it can very fake, but with all the hours of Richard Spencer I mean Nick Fuentes on video compared to, say, Tom Brokaw or even Jay Leno, what we see is probably what we get. Nick is ridiculous, but he’s probably verifiably ridiculous. What I don’t trust is yesterday people like Kamala, who were bred for TV-radio but wound up in the internet age to sell their… Read more »
“They’ll be like the last people who figured out that high-fiving was what the cool kids did and we’ll laugh at their attempts at it.”
And yet I’m told break dancing is now an actual Olympic sport. (Recently, a statue of Poseidon doing the moon walk was unearthed on the island of Thassos.) Perhaps a species of 80s nostalgia is being bruited by Gen-Xers in the Power Structure.
Exactly! Break dancing peaked in 1984. WTF, why not have a disco dancing competition, or roller derby?
I’ll stick up for online culture for a moment. I prefer this method to drooling in front of a TV…with TV and radio, everything is passive consumption. With online-virtual, there’s some interaction. Seconded, the shift to internet-based reality is a good thing for us – politically, at least. The usual suspects have seventy years of experience in tellyworld, but the internet suddenly levelled the playing field more dramatically than the typeset press ever did. That’s why our numbers have skyrocketed the last twenty years, and if not for the ruthless crackdown on RW content, our guys would’ve owned Youtube and… Read more »
Just what I was thinking. Has anyone else here picked up on the irony of decrying the “internet” while using the internet to do so?
Just what do folks think we are doing right now? Extremes are often bad, but let’s not toss the baby out with the bathwater.
Unless you’ve logged at least 100 hours of browsing through card files, microfisches and dog-eared index catalogues, you have no business complaining about the internet.
Agreed completely. However, even as the Internet strengthens the DR, it is slowly driving the entire world mad. Good for us, but dreadful for mental health in general.
Chaos is a ladder.
The trick has always been to find the grain of rice in the barrel of rat manure.
Nick Fuentes is speed running the career arc of Milo Yiannapoulos.
Only gayer.
I never would have thought this to be possible.
Long ago, news gave few reasons to doubt,
With correspondents like Sander Vanocur,
But trust it today? I’d sooner gouge my eyes out
With a flaming red-hot poker.
The virtual gameplan being used for Heels Up has been ongoing in the Ukraine War for over 2 years now. Ukraine is the plucky underdog victim of Putler that has won every internet battle ever fought. Of course that is bogus, but what is not is the nearly 1 million good men that have died in real life as a result of this fakery. Moral of this story . . . the root problem must eventually be solved in meat space. No one can eat a virtual steak when the grocery shelves have emptied.
They’re winding up the crowd so hard, I’m thinking she is the colorful shiny toy to be snatched away. Imagine their wroth. She was not only their toy, she was their Salvation. Oh no. Not just a female Obama absolving us of the sin of racism. Our psychological torturers are more sophisticated than that. The suppressed terror, anxiety, and guilt over their blind support for the Covid era crimes; parents dying alone, masked children hugged through plastic sheets, the Russian roulette of time bombs in their blood and their complicity in poisoning their own! Litanies of crime after crime ever… Read more »
p.s.- why so serious? The timing of this election cycle corresponds with all the really nasty detail I’m catching in regards to the Great Taking, the Re-financialization of Digital Bretton Woods II.
Cloward-Piven Theory tells the Grim & Determined to get their troops in place before launching the collapse, so they can proffer order. The next two elections take us to 2030.
While their power evaporated, the Blues and the Greens spent their time fighting each other in the Eastern Roman Empire.
Russia, India and China are national entities with physical assets and independent interests. Pretty sure their interest in American chariot racing is superficial, at best.
OT, but we Americans should get on British timelines on twitter and faceberg and post the most “hateful” things we can get away with (avoiding Twitter/FB “jail”). These asshats are actuallh threatening Americans with extradition!!! As corrupt and evil as our system is, they will not extradite us. Perhaps a tsunami of American “hateful” comments will protect our British brethren from prosecution in the UK by overwhelming the system. They are throwing people in prison for allegedly mean posts. Of course, they refuse to actually solve any crime. One guy just got a 10 month prison sentence for posting pictures… Read more »
I read that 4chan is already on it.
“This is the first election where people are asked to choose reality versus escapism.” Is it? Is Trump’s pandering wrt SSI being make tax exempt, or tip’s tax free, not a form of escapism? Has it not been the same in past elections? I’m not so sure. Every politician it seems wins or loses on how well they sell escapism over reality. And after every election they do what they will and we are the worse off for it. None of this should be surprising to anyone who has had contact with young children—and that is about the intellectual and… Read more »
Thirty five trillion Dollars in debt and we’re talking about exempting tips from tax. If that isn’t escapism, I don’t know what is.
Another form of escapism I am seeing a lot is talk of civil war 2.0.
Exactly. And another bit of evidence I may introduce to our assertion of “escapism” is to look at those political “wannabes” who specifically centered their campaign efforts around realism—debt, true immigration reform, etc. Where are they today? Gone….. The public wants rainbows and lollypops.
As Christine McVie once sang, “Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies.”
The level of disconnect from reality observed in younger, and perhaps also older, “normal” people meets the old criteria for mild to moderate psychosis. That is one of the reasons they changed the criteria in the psychiatry manual about twenty years ago
Together Apes Strong.
Alone monkey weak.
Lol this was not very well thought out. The people who organized the Floyd riots do not care about the sanctity of your lawns. Nor do the people commanding the thugs currently kidnapping Ukrainian civilians to send to their deaths in the Russian meat grinder.
An angry mob they might care about.
An angry mob that is organized around a central list of demands they would take more seriously still.
If you play solo in a team sport you lose. White people really really need to get that through their heads.
Fingers crossed, honestly. But if this Online Game works, this will be the last time any of them have to engage in that practice.
Almost there, folks. Almost there. Pretty dark right now. There’s not much Ellul or McLuhan said that hasn’t come to fruition. And that’s without mentioning the crazy Uncle in the attic, Ted.
Let me add, it is do or die time for people like Elon Musk. If Kamala wins, he will be extradited to the UK to spend the rest of his life in prison. Same thing goes for players like Jamie Dimon, Bill Ackman, Ike Perlmutter, another finance big shot I can’t recall, the petroleum industry, the car industry (there is only room for a niche player for electric cars), the trucking industry, the military (woke screaming Alphabet+ brigades are not going to cut it with a reliance on draftees experiencing 50,000 casualties a month), and more. Other targets of retaliation:… Read more »
“”This is the first election where people are asked to choose reality versus escapism.” In a sense, every election since Bush W. has been this choice, to the degree the media has become so monolithically pro Democrat; Whenever a Republican is in the White House the screens and headlines are roiled with hostility and hate, which brings out the crazies onto the streets and into the workplace. So, normie votes for Obama or Biden to turn down the mayhem and rancor, which is all just manufactured, but amplified to eleven by the media. The choice is dealing with the reality… Read more »
That’s what the BLM riots were mostly about, scare the normies into voting for sleepy Joe and Kamala (or at least not for Trump), or else it comes to your nice neighborhood. It worked and now one of the architects of it, Tim Walz, is on the ticket along with pay-their- bail keep-going Kamala. Message received.
Tim Walzs wife talking about the burning smell from the riots was no random coincidence. As she sits on her nice, manicured lawn and Greek pillared patio and sips a cocktail a fairly safe distance away.
I am not sure most people will watch the entire Trump/Kamala debate? When it’s over the clip editing with 10,15, or 30 second sound bites begin, these gotcha clips will be the Internet fodder for the permanently on line and the geezers watching the 10 o’clock news.
Our attention spans may not tolerate an hour long debate in the modern age.
I would rather listen to the neighborhood cats fighting outside than watch an entire ‘presidential’ “debate”
Everyone will watch it, if they aren’t able to take Trump out before September. Pray for him.
“More people get their news from online sources than from legacy sources, so if you win the internet then it suggests you can influence people.” Depends on which part of the internet you’re trying to win. Harris is not going to win the alt right internet area. She might win on Facebook and her ads on YouTube are on virtually every video I watch — but whether that will have much impact is something I doubt. At some oint one would think people would ask — or should ask — what is this conwoman offering, what’s her agenda, what’s her… Read more »
It’s still about the low-info voter, which has replaced the undecided voter. Getting that “viral” clip or catchphrase into the MSM is what draws the low-info voter towards the thing like a bug toward a light.
As the demographics get more vibrant, I expect we get more 60-year old politicians hooting like banshees and bumping and grinding for the low-info voter.
Wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if we see Kamaltoe twerking at her inauguration.
A powerful rebuke to white people like you and me.
She offers Joy! and rainbows! and skittles, and excitement, and fun!
Ask me how I know. Most of all, she is looking to the wonderful Future- so we are all supposed to forget about the blitzkreig of crimes in the past.
There is nothing worse, no greater sin that the rejection of Reality itself.
Reality is the ultimate Hero, the ultimate King.
In the end, Reality will have the last laugh. Steve Jobs had his reality-distortion field, well Reality distorted his body through cancer.
Pain is coming. Suffering is coming. Reality will win.
I disagree with the overall assessment, as past experience with other things, specifically Girl Boss movies, has failed spectacularly, no matter how many fake influencers, reviews, shills, and media fawning occurred. The results for Ant Man and the Wasp: Commie-mania, the Marvels, Furiosa, Secret Invasion, Willow, the Acolyte, Borderlands (featuring Granny Bosses), Indiana Jones and the Adult Diaper of Destiny, all failed spectacularly. Box office flop after Neilsen flop. Meanwhile, bro-tastic Deadpool and Wolverine, has sold a ton of tickets, Fast Food places are running co-promotional ads (as opposed to dumping Girl Boss Marvel/Star Wars stuff). Sure, these movies sold… Read more »
Thus, Trump is no longer a reformer, agent of chaos, or defender of anglo saxons (if he was ever really any of these things, agent of chaos maybe), but now just a tool of entrenched moneyed interests. Just another Republican. Yet one who inspires in the “left” a civil war level fervor.
The most important question has already been answered:
“Will the ever-rolling stream of immigration into USA (the West) stop?”
The answer is No.
And even when an Administration is trying, all attempts will get reversed.
“Like a discarded scene from a video game, all of that is gone now. In its place is the new character whose only connection to the prior character is the name.” Interesting insight. This touches upon one of my favorite pet peeves, (fictional) movies claiming to be “based” upon past historical occurrences. Those movies most often have little to *nothing* to do with what we know about the history of the events depicted—except to use the famous names of the main characters in the historical narrative and possibly the general physical setting and time frame. Can’t tell you how many… Read more »
They can’t even get fiction books to movie conversions right. Most of the time when I watch a movie based on a book I’ve read, there is almost no connection to the book. Every detail is wrong. The last book to movie conversion I’ve seen was Disney’s abomination about John Carter. From the first minute to the last, every single thing is wrong. Given that they named it John Carter, they had 11 books to chose scenes from. The only exception to this I’ve ever seen is “The Road” It is an almost verbatim conversion of the book. In fact,… Read more »
Sassy Mammies in space, perchance?
Stop Ostei—now you got me back to thinking on that farce about Black women at NASA, “Hidden Figures”. 🙁
But to bring it home, I had such experience directly when son came home and told me about that wonderful civil rights figure, Rosa Parks. At that time, the story taught in school was much more whitewashed than commonly told now.
Heh. For some odd reason, you seem a might peevish on this beautiful Tuesday.
I heard they are all Boeing VPs now Those astranots be coming home any day now in a blaze of glory!
They would rather them die than ask Elon or Russia for assistance. Joe Biden and Kamala admin. are diplomatic failures of the highest order. Terrible petty tyrants.
Up until very recently I assumed this election would be a repeat of last time but now I could see israel doing something crazy lile ordering the mossad to assassinate the mail in ballot mules to stop the rigging. A few months ago I would’ve considered that too outlandish but given israelis are publicly arguing that sodomizing random palestinians to death is morally sound I assume anything is on the table now. Here I thought israel couldn’t top the bad optics of bibi blowing up aid workers & smiling when talking about it but apparently there’s no limit which is… Read more »
I noted an article on zerohedge, which is usually better than this, titled “she is actually leading “. It was for members only so I couldn’t read it, but come on. Of course we’re going to be gaslit about such 24/7 for the next several months, so just have to grin and bear it. So I guess Trump just keeps doing stuff like the Musk interview which supposedly had a billion views and drew the ire of the European Union and all other typical “right thinking” tards. Spicy times over the next few months.
The many liberal Boomers/Xers that I know, none of whom are excessively online are accepting Kamala with a warm embrace. They don’t care that she was selected not elected and would accept Bozo the Clown as long as he had a D after his name.
It is really quite something to watch this cult of personality be created out of thin air.
Really?? I would think Gn xers have her number quite thoroughly and do not support such a stupid tyrant as Kamala. Especially after she added Covid tyrant Walz. Yuck.
Oh no, there are plenty who are thoroughly onboard with the entire liberal-left project who are all positively excited about her.
My wife swears its entirely about abortion. Even though its still almost entirely legal, wymen don’t like being told that there might be something wrong with their holiest of sacraments.
Boomers are divided between conservatives and liberals. They are also not that divided, with Boomer liberals and conservatives getting along with each other better than with the rest of the generations.
Gen X is all over the board and very disunified compared to the generation before it. There are many Gen X liberals and they will be far more dogmatic about it.
If you’re unsure whether the virtual space can defeat the meat space, you need only look at Ukraine. That entire war is a complete online virtual b.s. show 24/7. The problem? If you send a harsh tweet at Putin, Putin fires back bullets at the Ukranians. Bullets beat tough talk tweets every time. And the Russians are winning in Ukraine despite all the ways they restrict their operations to limit Uke casualties. The puppeteers controlling Harris are going to try very, very, hard to keep her from debating Trump. She will, for example, be given every question IN THE EXACT… Read more »
The American endgame will be Thermodynamics versus Virtual Reality. Here we are in an election cycle wherein the average slob cannot pay his bills or afford groceries but can somehow be convinced to vote for an avatar. Amazingly, our society can still cope with the cognitive dissonance generated by the reality of the grocery store versus the fantasy of the internet. As Zman always says, “we are believing machines”. But even these believing machines require food and shelter.
What it will ultimately come down to is whether the voters even get to know what happened in meat space. I can see a debate that – even though live – is doctored to make Trump seem like a weird looser. Technology is at the point where you can insert a digital fly into a livestream and it will just sit on Trumps head or circle around it. Next day people will only remember “Flies love Trump like they love turds”. Nobody will remember that Kamala couldn’t say a straight sentence.
After reading the last sentence, I instantly thought of the T2 meme, ‘we’re not gonna make it, are we?’. Most women already live in a bubble of delusional solipsism and a lot of men are just checked out, so I’m team collapse is the cure.
“The highly online, of course, will argue that this is reality, and it is now changing the meat space, but how would they know?”
Because everyone they care to interat with IRL looks like them. Really, the quality of Western foreigners in Japan has dropped off a cliff in the last 15 years.
All I know is, if bots get the vote, we humans are toast.
Bots already have the voat. As noted elsewhere- voting is stupid, so bots are stupid (that is, the people programming the bots).
Only thing is that I think “meat space” reality died with the printing press, in other words once people started interacting outside their face-to-face local world.
What’s scary is when legitimate sources are also buying into this manipulated reality. I think it was a Seib opinion piece headline I read the other day in the Wall Street Journal. It sounded like he’s gleefully throwing in the towel, more than happy to buy into the narrative that Kumala is creaming Trump. A little bit hopium, a little bit blind stupidity, a little bit too smart by half. Nonetheless, that’s what it sounded like.
It seems like Fuentes is playing an assigned part, like Spencer in 2020, prepping some “Even [familiar right-wing villain name] turned against Trump! Of course he lost!” for the coming implausible election results. The regime doesn’t need that kind of propaganda anymore, but they do still enjoy it. All your guys are really against you is quality merchandise. Shame to let it rot in the warehouse. However, the particular style of Fuentes’s coming out as a Kamalafag seems more like his immutable characteristics finally became irrepressible. President Brat is getting at least 100% of the gay Mexican vote. Sailer next?… Read more »
Who is this Camila Harris person Z keeps talking about?
til just now I hadn’t made the connection that we could have a President Kamala simultaneous with a Queen Camilla
and they both have a Tampon Tim
Kamala, Kamala, Kamala, Kamala, Kamala Camillion!
With apologies to Boy George…
Kum-ala seems more like the pump and dump type.
The Regime has done its job of making the Blue God the Godhead and the reasons why you vote for Zherthems are highly moralistic. They have mastered the art of social status and coercion coupled with an extremely ignorant child. For those in the on-line sphere I think they already have their mind made up and the VR world of Harris/Fudd are just supporting mechanisms. What is important here is if enough people have the will to close the border and put in place the financial reforms that will begin the process of mass self-deportation. I am realizing now that… Read more »
If Kamala and Tim ‘win’ they may make the country such a shitshow that the foreigners pretending to need amnesty and be refugees will say ef this place and start going back home or at least somewhere else. Especially when their fellow immigrants aren’t all Mexicans or Central Americans, but Africans and Chinese and Haitians that they now have to live around and compete with for resources. That will be new and kind of eerie if they make a mass exodus. I would bet that a lot of them that came here under Biden are already thinking, ‘Whoa, this is… Read more »
Not a chance, Stephanie.
the Cloward-Piven Strategy (look it up) is in full force.
Plus, America is still a LOT nocer than the sh*tholes they came from.
plus: free welfare, sail foams, etc.
I’m sorry, sometimes I just have visions of instead of everyone worried over a flood of immigrants coming in we start seeing a flood going out and how that would freak everyone out a little bit. And some successful immigrants are leaving the USA now, after they made their money.
I agree with Stephanie that it will become a food fight, but the Ones who sent ’em only paid for a one-way ticket. The huddled masses are indentured servants.
Right? You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave. lol And judging by the left’s insane blindness on this issue, well you are fucked if our government is abusing you as an immigrant. It’s bad. Lots of kids working in slaughterhouses and other abuses have been discovered since Biden admin got in. Someone should warn them!
By the time it’s said and done Kamala will be in Canada with Justin Trudeau’s party, Joe Biden will be dead and we will never hear another word about his family, and Obama will be living overseas, if he isn’t already.
that “this is democracy manifest” dude died
I didn’t know that video was from 1991
Personally, I’m quite grateful for today’s, and I hope I’m wrong about everything.
Veering from one failure to another, guided by the sentiments I find- hell yes I fell down the internet rabbit hole.
This tablet I bought, intending work on what is most important to me?
Can’t get away from it. My interest in the temporal was already tenuous enough, but now I am riveted by the firehose of virtual revolution and online politics.
Gotta find my way back to the real world.
What it will come down to is the voting machine programmers. Nobody else metters
Didn’t they arrest, try, and convict a lady recently because she recorded the electronic dominion vote before they ordered it erased, erased illegally? Yeah, we are in deep shit.
To those here who would argue that this election doesn’t matter, let me pose a question:
What if Giggles wins and demands you turn in your weapons?