Boozy Brown Tinkerbell

Anyone who has been part of a failed enterprise or has done a post-mortem on one is familiar with the weird psychology that comes to dominate the leadership of the enterprise as it reaches its final stage. At some point, the people in charge begin to assume their plans to arrest the decline are working as their default position, rather than taking a wait and see approach. A combination of hope and the desire to remain optimistic clouds their view of reality.

This is why the people inside of a failed company are often shocked when the collapse arrives and they are suddenly out of a position. Some people may have noticed that in their small piece of the puzzle things did not look exactly right, but the big bosses maintained a positive outlook, even as they were made aware of the problems. A form of social proof manifests where everyone inside overlooks the problems because management remains optimistic.

The funny thing about this dynamic is that the people at the top are often as shocked as the rank and file when the final collapse arrives. The history books are full of failed banks, for example, scrambling at the last minute to secure additional capital when it should have been clear for months that the bank was toast. The people running Enron had convinced themselves that their shell game could go on much longer if they could just get some additional capital.

Another great example of this is the mortgage crisis. Long before the handful of smart people inside the system realized what was happening, normal people began to wonder how poor people were affording middle-class houses. All of a sudden, the guy riding a leaf blower at your office park is living in your neighborhood. Normal people wondered how the banks could possibly accept the crazy loans at the time. Right up to the last-minute, however. insiders were sure the system was fine.

The mortgage crisis is probably the one to think about as the regime kicks off the biggest gaslighting party in human history. The Democratic convention is something like the lavish parties the mortgage industry threw for itself in Las Vegas in the months leading up to the crash. On the one hand, there are signs of trouble, but on the other hand the party is too much fun to think about those things. The red flags popping up here and there are a reason to party even harder.

One way to look at this gaslighting operation is as the final chapter in a story that started way back in the Trump term. The people chanting “by any means necessary” created a narrative in which Trump was not only defeated, but he, what he represents and who he represents are removed from the narrative. Trump would be in jail, the right-wing extremist MAGA would be on the run and the brown tide would sweep over the lands that produced this threat to our democracy.

The trouble is the narrative collapsed. It is hard for normal people to grasp how terrifying it is to the progressive cult that Trump remains free. They were sure he would be in jail long ago. The fallback to this was that the party would have excluded him due to the lawfare stuff. They were all sure this was inevitable. Like the people running a failing company, they could not bring themselves to see that their schemes were not working, so they just kept pretending they were working.

This explains the unprecedented gaslighting campaign for Harris. Given the choice of accepting reality and creating a fantasy, they have picked the latter. In this fantasy, the boozy Harris goes from a cackling simpleton to a dusky version of Daenerys Targaryen from the Game of Thrones, carried by the masses to her place on the throne. In this version, not only has the wicked orange man finally defeated, but he is also written out of the story altogether.

The excessively online are downing handfuls of black pills this week, as they are the most susceptible to media gaslighting, but reality is not as pliable. The polling in all of the important states has not changed much over the last month. The top issues for the voters are all bad for the regime. It does not help that Harris is sounding like a tanked-up version of Jimmy Carter, proposing wage and price controls, to deal with the inflation problem the regime claims have been fixed.

The regime is now setting up a scenario in which Harris and Walz never take an unscripted question or debate the Trump – Vance ticket. Harris has dropped out of the first debate schedule for the first week of September. There is a good chance that they will pull the plug on all debates and anything that could possibly lead to these two speaking off the cuff. Like the people running the failing bank, the regime has landed on a plan they are so sure will work, so they will pretend it is working.

There is a name for this sort of collective delusion. The Tinker Bell effect describes the idea that something exists because people believe in it. In the fairytale, Tinker Bell is brought back to life by the audience’s belief. This week, the assembled foot soldiers of the progressive cult and the regime toadies are holding hands, telling each other that they believe, as one character after another is brought forth to pretend that the Neverland of the convention is real.

Time will tell if they manage to gaslight this boozy simpleton and her Elmer Fudd sidekick into the White House. Like a failing bank, Americans may prefer the happy talk of their rulers to the reality of their lives. Civilizations in decline often have a series of bizarre rulers at the end. On the other hand, people may decide that a boozy brown Tinkerbell is beyond their ability to suspend disbelief. Regardless, reality remains undefeated, no matter how hard you believe otherwise.

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22 days ago

I don’t know, Z. I am uncomfortably worried that the Dems and the Harris-types could succeed indefinitely. None of it makes sense any more. Rationally, you look at this and say “Reality has to intercede at some point” but it doesn’t. When the national debt went from $5 trillion to $15 trillion within only a few years I thought the end was near. Now it’s $35 trillion. I thought the “market” was due to crash when the Dow hit 14,000. It did – and then they reinflated the bubble and now it’s 41,000. I thought it was insane when you… Read more »

Reply to  Xman
22 days ago

I agree. People talk and talk and talk about collapse and nothing seems to happen. I been holding boxes of ammo for years thinking the dead where gonna start walking the streets any day…. and they have in the big cities mostly but it all keeps chugging along regardless. Even though I feel like I’m the only person I know who has to go to work the system keeps going. Instead we focus on some lady due to be installed as president who supposedly drinks. Part of me wants to get this party started but it may be better if… Read more »

Reply to  redbeard
22 days ago

Boomerish— bingo. With all that implies.

As far as the whimper, just stop watching the movie.

Last edited 22 days ago by Paintersforms
Reply to  redbeard
22 days ago

Think about the world you knew 30 years ago. Isn’t that world gone? This is the end of the world as we know it.

Reply to  redbeard
22 days ago

“Our world may still be dominated and catering to boomers and thus the image we have of collapse is intrinsically boomerish and thus predicated to massively impactful; like their lavish motorcycles and lake houses. Instead it may be just a whimper.” Generally, yes. We want the slow cancer because then most of us will somehow stumble through the rest of our lives. The Roman empire was that. Lots of people could see the rot, but it’s hard to mark a day that was the “official” end. Not even the sacking of Rome can be thought of that, as life continued… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Xman
22 days ago

I think it was Adam Smith who said “there is much ruin in a Nation”. We haven’t reached binding constraints yet on any of our many follies. You pointed out the British as a good example. It was 200 years from the Roman humiliation to the Persians until the fall of Rome. History suggests we could all be bitching about this same stuff on Zman’s website indefinitely, or at least until it gets shut down.

Reply to  Captain Willard
22 days ago

Heard someone say not to long ago that most are just narrating their own genocide…Some Truth to that…

Giovanni Dannato
Reply to  Captain Willard
22 days ago

It was less than a hundred years until final collapse after the battle of Adrianople and effective open borders for the Gothic tribes from the East to North Africa with Rome sacked multiple times.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Xman
22 days ago

The British analogy may be a poor one. UK “success” of the last 80 years is, to a great extent, a result of having a greater hegemon to lean on. I’m unaware who will fill that role for the GAE in its decline.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
22 days ago

very good point

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
22 days ago

Yes, agreed. The US is a superpower era is about the extension of the UK one. It’s really more of a seamless transition to a younger relative than a change.

Giovanni Dannato
Reply to  Xman
22 days ago

Consider that just 20 years ago America was considered the sole superpower at the end of history. Our own lifetimes are brief, but in the historical perspective, hardly ever has a greater empire squandered its power and legitimacy more swiftly and completely.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Giovanni Dannato
22 days ago

This is the truth, and it will speed up exponentially soon. Those born in the 1980s and 1990s will not have a comfortable old age. It’s not one thing. It’s all of them.

22 days ago

If only someone could put Kamala’s “Joy” in a bottle and sell it.

(Oh wait, they did. It’s called “alcohol”.)

Seriously. How come some entrepreneur isn’t selling a wine bottle/beer can/vodka in a plastic jug called “Joy” with Kamala’s face on it?

Trump should do this and charge a fortune for it.

Last edited 22 days ago by ProZNoV
Reply to  ProZNoV
22 days ago

PS. Read Annie Jacobsen’s “Nuclear War-A Scenario” over the weekend. Have not slept that badly since reading “The Road” in a single sitting. But if you want to get your heebie-jeebies on, imagine the current or proposed Dem clown in that scenario. In Derbyshire’s words “We’re doomed”

Reply to  SamlAdams
22 days ago

Good book. Highly recommend.

My takeaway? Given the 10 minute window for launch/no launch, the President probably won’t be making the decision anyway.

Not to worry: Daniel Ellsberg’s book “The Doomsday Machine – Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner” talks about how many dozens, if not hundreds of service personnel can launch nukes independently. Makes total sense given the “decapitation strike” scenario.

I’m not worried about the Puppet in the White House launching. The “one man with a finger on the button” has been a Hollywood fiction since the first atom bomb dropped.

Reply to  ProZNoV
22 days ago

My biggest worry is these morons get us into the position where it becomes necessary. Like the scenario posited where Putin refuses to talk to anybody in the command structure except the now-unavailable President. Even the Allies kept wraps on their Nuremberg aspirations until after the war concluded. Sheer idiocy.

Reply to  ProZNoV
22 days ago

Don’t fall for, or spread, the FUD. There is no 10 minute window. That’s what sells books, but is not US policy. Unless someone can point me to published official change In US nuclear deterrence policy, my understanding is that our nuke capabilities are designed to receive and survive a first strike. It has been so since SAC and the 60’s. Land, sea, and air are the three legs of our deterrence. As I’ve posted, we have 12-14 (depending whom you talk to) Ohio class sub’s potentially on patrol as a nuke deterrence force. UK runs a couple more themselves.… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
22 days ago

After reading a couple of books on nukes, I don’t worry about it AT ALL.

May as well live in fear of an asteroid strike.

Some things aren’t survivable, especially the for the chuds.

The take away line of “My god! Candidate “X” has his finger on the button!” Is boob bait for the bubbas.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Compsci
22 days ago

All very good points I also tried to make.

Her next book will be called “How to Get Back at Whitey” (or something like that) which everyone around here will rightly reject. But because we’ve been subjected to 70 years of propaganda on the subject, everyone just assumes it’s a reminder of how close we are to dying. If only people like her were running things, we’d be living in utopia.

Reply to  ProZNoV
22 days ago

it was doom fiction . not true at all . ask anyone who served on a nuclear submarine .

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  SamlAdams
22 days ago

I’ve not read the book, but I have seen her on appearances a few times and have looked at reviews by people who know about the topic. She makes all kinds of ridiculous assumptions, like that everyone involved is a robot incapable of thinking and oblivious to the consequences of a large nuclear exchange. She also just assumes that the whole worst case models of nuclear winter are not only accurate, but probably underestimating the effect. Keep in mind that she is a journalist and by definition, not trustworthy. She is not a neutral finder and teller of fact, she… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
22 days ago

The cataclysmic nuclear war scenario also works from the 1980s assumption that all the nukes from the 80s still work. This has come up before and I guess nukes on boomer subs are more reliable, though it should be noted the Brits failed, twice, in a somewhat recent missile test from one of their subs.

Put another way, a lot of these nightmare scenarios are based around the idea of incompetent people in charge of competent systems, which is not how it works.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
22 days ago

Of course, working nukes or inservice nukes is a secret. But we used to have 15k of these things when Bush the lessor took office. Obama signed a $1T bill to modernize and upgrade our nuke’s. I suspect we have a few thousand at least in very good condition. In any event, the first nuke designs were fairly crude and I assume could be made again without all the bells and whistles from the tons and tons of plutonium we have stored.

Nukes are never gonna be unavailable.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Compsci
22 days ago

The rumor was that the money was stolen (i.e. not spent on what it was supposed to be spent on) and the whole “modernization” scheme was just a façade to push White people out of that sector.

Reply to  Compsci
22 days ago

Yeah, sheneqa did the rework on the control and trigger timing systems . bet they are just top notch.

Reply to  Compsci
22 days ago

The point is that nukes sitting in the ground have shelf life without maintenance. Yes, there could be a time when nukes will be unavailable, ideally to all of the world though.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
22 days ago

Well, that requires me to simultaneously believe our military commanders are ethical geniuses despite almost all evidence to the contrary. Worse, in my student days did a bit of RA work for my thesis adviser which included hand indexing a dozen hour transcript of his interview with Curtis LeMay.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  SamlAdams
22 days ago

You don’t need to be an “ethical genius” in order to not act like a robot following a program. One of her scenarios I heard her speak about was North Korea launching a single nuke requiring a full launch of all our strategic land based nukes on a use them or lose them game theory basis. The whole nuclear war by accident due to the “use them or lose them” mentality is retarded. Both sides have had these situations come up (falsely) and nobody panicked and launched them. This is why we have a “nuclear triad.” Each sub has 24… Read more »

Last edited 22 days ago by Tars_Tarkusz
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
22 days ago

Your specific point wrt the numbers of nukes is precisely to prevent a use them or lose them scenario. Simply having retaliatory capability buys time to assess the most appropriate response if a nuke or nukes goes off, or a full scale nuke war seems imminent. For example, a SUV equipped with optional nuke capability (2025 models only) drives up to Washington and takes out the government. So what? We have plenty of them ourselves once we know whom to gift them to. 😉 My understanding is that we would know who, because of radiological signatures. Of course this takes… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
22 days ago

I have assumed since her book tour started that she’s being run by somebody with an agenda.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Semi-Hemi
22 days ago

She is a limited hangout outlet for the CIA

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
22 days ago

I haven’t read the book or seen the movie. But I know enough about radiation sickness that you don’t “get back to health.”

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
22 days ago

I don’t think he had radiation sickness. It was years of exposure to cold and malnutrition. At least that is what is implied. Also, for the record, radiation sickness DOES go away and you do recover from it and get back to health. If you don’t die from the acute symptoms, you live. If you get a radiation dose large enough to kill you, you die from the symptoms, not from the radiation. This is why they treat people with severe acute radiation sickness. If you can get them through the acute symptoms, they will live and be normal again.… Read more »

Last edited 22 days ago by Tars_Tarkusz
Reply to  SamlAdams
22 days ago

Any suggestions for a good nuclear Armageddon song to ride out the final minutes? “Dancing With Tears In My Eyes” by Ultravox? “Stand Or Fall” by The Fixx?

Reply to  KGB
22 days ago

Ultravox? Holy shit I haven’t heard that name since ‘88! Another song to add to your list: “Dancing in the ruins” from Blue Oyster Cult.

Reply to  KGB
22 days ago

Party at Ground Zero By Fishbone. Kickin’ Ska song:

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  KGB
22 days ago

“End of the World as We Know It (and I Feel Fine)”–REM

stranger in a strange land
stranger in a strange land
Reply to  KGB
22 days ago

Jerry L Lewis (aka the killer) – Whole lotta shakin going on

Reply to  KGB
22 days ago

OK, I know this isn’t Severian’s blog but I’ll put in a vote for Root Boy Slim’s classic –

Best line is “I was looking for a place to plug in my TV when I finally realized it was WWIII”.

Reply to  KGB
22 days ago

Pink Floyd’s “Two Suns in the Sunset”

And I think of all the good things
that we have left undone

And I suffer premonitions
confirm suspicions
of the holocaust to come

Last edited 22 days ago by LineInTheSand
Reply to  SamlAdams
22 days ago

stop even thinking like that . it supposes that there are no controlling forces above the se drooling puppets. the bankers will never let that much of the physical capital that THEY OWN be destroyed. there will never be nukes.

Reply to  ProZNoV
22 days ago

A new word for booze – “Kamala Joy”! :<D

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  ProZNoV
22 days ago

Go for the double entendre most apt for Kamala Harris: “Joy Juice,” either wine or vodka.

Reply to  ProZNoV
22 days ago

Remember “Billy Beer”?

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  AntiDem
22 days ago

It failed, didn’t it? Billy Carter was a family embarrassment.

Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Reply to  Arshad Ali
22 days ago

Billy was nuts, that much is Plains.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  AntiDem
22 days ago

Wasn’t he pounding down Billy Beer whilst pissing from a canoe attempting to ward off a white kamikaze rabbit that was attempting to ram Jimmah’s boat? Perhaps I’m conflating different events. It’s been a while.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
22 days ago

Nope, you’re correct. Those were “halcyon” days compared to now. We had a president who committed “adultery” in his heart and apologized to his *wife* for such on camera.

Today we have a presidential candidate that represents what is known as a “new” woman—who proudly f**ked her way to the top of the political hierarchy. She was previously known to Californians as Willie Brown’s mattress. (Typo intended!)

Last edited 22 days ago by Compsci
Reply to  Compsci
22 days ago

Glory Hole Harris…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Lineman
22 days ago

Happy Endings Harris…

Reply to  Lineman
22 days ago

There is no “glory” in this particular meaning with Harris.

Reply to  Compsci
22 days ago

It’s easy to mock Harris as a whore and you’re not wrong, but her voters don’t care. The tattooed bisexual university girls who are on their way to a Slutwalk or a “Pussy Hat march” against Trump after attending the “Vagina Monologues” are not going to vote Trump because Harris sucked off Willie Brown in 1994. Harris being a whore is probably seen as a positive trait, not a negative one. Just saw a news story about how Harris’s Jew husband banged his kid’s teacher and she had an abortion while he was married to his first wife. It’s not… Read more »

Reply to  AntiDem
22 days ago

Think I still have a can stored in the attic.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  ProZNoV
22 days ago

There actually used to be a brand of dish soap called Joy. Came in a yellow bottle. There should be a Joy party, where masses of rightwingers go to San FranCrisco and empty bottles of the stuff into San Fran Bay.

Auld Mark
Auld Mark
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
22 days ago

Better yet,pour it on the streets first were it will do some good; it will make its way to the bay in all its sudsy brown glory.

Reply to  ProZNoV
22 days ago

Kamala’s “joy” seems like a mixture of alcohol and fentanyl…If she gets into office, Americans will get the fentanyl overdose part…

Reply to  ProZNoV
22 days ago

Not beer, wine, or vodka, but cheap ass whiskey. After all, it matches Kamala’s skin color. Then there’s the bottle. I wouldn’t go with a plastic jug but a Kamala-shaped glass bottle like the Aunt Jemima ones. Money can be saved on the ads too. Don’t make a new ad, just show clips of K-ho stumbling around and slurring her words to the tune of “Entrance of the Gladiators” (the famous clown music we’ve all heard) and then the text appears “After a few belts of this you won’t care about the election!”.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  ProZNoV
22 days ago

In probably 2004 or 2005 enjoying solo travels in Mexico: Among gifts I sought a bottle of better-quality Tequila for a friend who still drank. While visiting the various liquor vendors at the city markets, I noted with some trepidation some of the local rotgut, probably pulque. It was sold in gallon glass bottles with a pasted on white paper label, looked like what industrial chemicals would have been packaged here in the 1960s, perhaps. The look reminded me of paint thinner. I didn’t sample the product obvs but I suspect it wasn’t much different! If transport hadn’t been an issue,… Read more »

Last edited 22 days ago by Ben the Layabout
Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
22 days ago

After seeing the way they stuffed Biden into a box last night to humiliate him (and that was just the beginning), I’m left with a pretty sick feeling in my stomach about what’s coming. I know a lot of you still have a flicker of hope in voting. Well, that was the president last night (whom people did vote for, at least in the primaries in 2020) who had a coup pulled on him and his campaign money stolen and given to a black woman with no talent, no brains, and no ability to speak a complete sentence. I mean,… Read more »

Last edited 22 days ago by Arthur Metcalf
22 days ago

Jim Cramer assured us that everything was fine, just before it all fell apart in 2008. (Amazing that he still has a job being obnoxious on TV). Now he’s bullish on Kamala and the Democrats.

Last edited 22 days ago by Hun
Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Hun
22 days ago

He’s ex goldman sach, those people never fail. Our country is run like the mafia, if you’re a made man then you can hardly ever do wrong or fail. Privatize the gains and socialize the losses. Reverse communism!

22 days ago

Kamala is allegedly being controlled by a Russian agent named Smirnoff. Can anyone confirm?

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
Reply to  Maniac
22 days ago

Actually, the controller is Stolichnaya, Blue, to be exact

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Maniac
22 days ago

Pretty sure she has multiple handles — um, I mean “handlers”.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
22 days ago

The real gaslighting, the real delusion, is that there is a choice on the ticket that reverses, or even arrests the decline. Few around here may drink that kool aid, but it’s still imbibed AINOwide. And even among those of us who are, or feign to be, so jaded and “black pilled” as to see the futility of it all, there tends to yet linger in some corner of our minds some little hope for a Trump victory, as if that will change something for the better. Trust me, a second Trump term, were it to happen, would be no… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
22 days ago

deranged response from the “left” a second Trump term would inspire The ONLY positive thing that might happen, and it isn’t out of the question at all, is that some states might leave the union, chief among them the richest, California, which has the means to do so (I know it is a ticking time bomb of dysfunction, but bear with me). The most bloodless resolution would be for this to happen. The probability isn’t all that high but such certainly is in the realm of possibility. Otherwise, correct, and I easily could see Trump going right along with everything… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jack Dobson
22 days ago

However likely it is, I continue to rate peaceful separation as more likely than civil war. Primarily because AINO denizens have mostly grown too soft for the latter. Nor do I believe the people running fedguv, or their minions, possess the stomach to violently bring wayward provinces to heel.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
22 days ago

My counter to that is that today’s progressives, descended from the Roundheads through the Puritans, Abolitionists, and Civil Rights brigades is that they hate you and want you dead. For many reasons, they will be unable to countenance you and I being free to live as we choose.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  KGB
22 days ago

Sure, but they want somebody else to do the dirty work

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
22 days ago

This is really the problem with the CW 2.0 scenarios. The crazed Karens who put on pussy hats will shriek and scream for blood but to get a civil war going you need strong young men fully committed to the cause on both sides. The Right still has a few of those but the Left would need to farm out the violence to… whom? The hordes of illegals may be the right age and sex but most aren’t that invested in what they see as disagreements between White factions.

Reply to  Pozymandias
22 days ago

There’s more liberal white boys in the military than you think. And as far as the “conservative” ones, they follow orders. When I was a professor some of my most “conservative” students were Criminal Justice majors — who all wanted to get paid stupid money working for Blue state police agencies violating people’s constitutional rights. Some of the most “conservative” people I know are corrections officers who get paid good money to keep people in a cage for decades. if their chain of command told them to arrest you for an “illegal” gun or magazine, oh well. “It’s the law.”… Read more »

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Xman
22 days ago

Anything for that pension…

Giovanni Dannato
Reply to  KGB
22 days ago

The puritans of old were formidable soldiers. Now I imagine they would try to send dusky conscripts bereft of equivalent zeal in their stead.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
22 days ago

They will never let us leave. Peaceful separation is a ridiculous pipe dream.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Tired Citizen
22 days ago

Certainly they would sanction us six ways from sunday

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Jack Dobson
22 days ago

This type of thing was the only reason I wanted a Trump win. Listen to his campaign speech today. “We want them to come in “legally”.” Then the crowd of maga-tards cheers. “We’re all one race!”. Every day I am reminded that I was born into an era to which I do not belong and I do not wish to live in…

Reply to  Tired Citizen
22 days ago

It’s all so tiring.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
22 days ago

What if, however, a Trump victory ignites a second Civil War? I think this is more probable than a nuclear war over the Ukraine, and the latter isn’t altogether unlikely.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
22 days ago

There is not going to be enough violence to rise to the level of a civil war. Recall 4 short years ago when everyone masked up and stayed home the moment they were ordered. Those are not people who are going to fight a civil war. When the negros went rampaging that summer, nobody did too much about it. There are not enough civil warriors for there to be a civil war. Nor is there any infrastructure or logistical support to make them so. There could be a degree of unrest. Kind of like 2020.

Last edited 22 days ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
22 days ago

Stranger things have happened.

Really? A civil war over game show TV host?

Well…maybe not.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
22 days ago

Oh yeah, it’s possible. There are still people who insist that the solution to the Monty Hall problem is not to switch doors!

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
22 days ago

A state like California exiting would most likely not cause a civil war at this point. Unrest, yeah, some.

Giovanni Dannato
Reply to  Jack Dobson
22 days ago

My big worry about California exiting is they’d become a defacto Chinese vassal on our continent. May be unavoidable, though.

Reply to  Giovanni Dannato
22 days ago

The thought of all those rainbow hued kooks in California being put under the Chinese boot does somehow amuse me though.

Xin Loi
Xin Loi
Reply to  Giovanni Dannato
22 days ago

6 months after Calexit the PLA Navy will be homeported in Pearl Harbor and San Diego. With California gone Hawaii becomes indefensible.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
22 days ago

Chances are you’re correct. However, the future is one of the toughest things to predict! And there are scenarios where civil unrest could lead to much more. For instance, hordes of orcs could do the unutterably stupid and decamp to the sticks to massacre a town of white Trump voters. That could be a trip-wire. Or, irony of ironies, California could attempt to secede, and the Grillers, enraged by the possible breakup of Muh ‘Murka, demand and get an armed response.

On the whole, fairly unlikely, I spose, but hardly out of the question.

22 days ago

I watched the whole thing, as they say. The Democrats have adopted many of the elements of Trump’s successful 2016 platform, such as bringing back industry, infrastructure, manufacturing, good blue collar jobs, and are merging it with their shilling for unions and abortion. It’s disgusting, of course, but Dems shilling for abortion is a given. So that is their message, blue collar jobs + abortion. They have pretty much dropped all the Great Awokening rhetoric that defined them the past decade – the transgender, BLM, diversity is our strength, intersectionality, black girl magic, muh White supremacists, stonewall, etc. – was… Read more »

Last edited 22 days ago by Mycale
Reply to  Mycale
22 days ago

They have pretty much dropped all the Great Awokening rhetoric that defined them the past decade…

For now. Just wait though. If they do manage to install her, it will all come back in force, and it WILL BE enforced.

Reply to  Outdoorspro
22 days ago

There is no doubt. I am under no delusions of what they will do, or what they are doing. Because they are enforcing it now. I am talking about their rhetoric in an election year. If they can convince enough people in those states I mentioned – and it’s not that many people – that they actually care about White people and good jobs, then they will win the election. They know that and that is what they are doing. So Trump needs to respond accordingly.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mycale
22 days ago

The Dem objective, of course, is not so much to win the election outright, as to make it close enough to allow fortification. That shouldn’t be a problem for them.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
22 days ago

Exactly. It needs to look like it was possible to win.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Mycale
22 days ago

I noticed a sign put up by a regime apologist (a poverty pimp) in the neighborhood that said “hate won’t save America” (in a color scheme close to Trump signs no less). Such tactics are interesting as it admits that the opponent has been forced onto Trump’s court, in this case conceding the fact that America is in need of saving (“okay if it’s not ‘hate’, then what?”, etc.).

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
22 days ago

Biden touched upon this in his speech. That America needs help… and they are the ones to help it, not Trump. That they are the party of freedom. And, you know, Trump has made a centerpiece of his campaign his supposedly incredible first term. Okay, fair enough, but they’re tying him to that, saying things like, well, you didn’t get an infrastructure bill passed and we did. Manufacturing left on your watch and its coming back on ours. And, well, the truth of this doesn’t matter (although they DID get the infrastructure bill passed, it’s a horrible bill), it’s rhetoric.… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Mycale
22 days ago

Regarding Kamala as a “blank slate” candidate, if a majority of the electorate really does see her that way, then they are just too stupid to keep a republic

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
22 days ago

They are…

Xin Loi
Xin Loi
Reply to  Mycale
22 days ago

“Shilling for abortion”

No, no, NO. They are shilling for f*** who you want, when, where, and how you want, as often as you want, regardless of prior obligations or commitments, and socialize the consequences.

Abortion is simply a corollary.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
22 days ago

Trump better hope the delusion of his inevitable defeat remains intact through September 11, the ironic date on which he is scheduled to be sentenced in New York. Then again, Judge Merchan is a ludicrous buffoon filled with wishful psychosis, too, so it may be foolish to assume he has the ability of second order thinking and how a custodial sentence likely would make Trump more popular. No one should be surprised if Trump is sent to prison that day. As for the “boozy” part, I had discounted Harris’ reputed alcoholism as a typical partisan line of attack, but damned… Read more »

Shrinking Violet
Shrinking Violet
Reply to  Jack Dobson
22 days ago

Yeah, slurred speech and emotional incontinence suggest tipsiness more than stupidity.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
22 days ago

If I was a cognizant human being running for President and realized all the ways I’m controlled and compromised just for a shot at infamy to serve the Devil in Washington, I’d drink too. But I don’t think Kamala is drunk all the time. She’s trying to act breezy and bubbly and doing a poor job at it. She is simply out of her league, in the biggest league on Earth, which would cause me to hit the bottle too. At best she belongs at the head of a civil service department. The Democrats have apparently decided they must meme… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jack Dobson
22 days ago


I’m convinced Putin’s patience is the only reason Ukraine hasn’t gone nuclear yet.

Sadly for the world, those who will follow Putin are much less patient.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
22 days ago

Agreed, Geese, and meant to tuck that into my comment. It is hard to imagine the restraint that has required, and I’m sure he’s been counseled by his own military to give a rather inconsequential country a taste of canned sunshine. Maybe having been part of the secret police gives him more insight into what is happening here now.

David Wright
Reply to  Jack Dobson
22 days ago

If she gets elected my drinking will increase.

stranger in a strange land
stranger in a strange land
Reply to  David Wright
22 days ago

I can almost see myself as the Lloyd Bridges character in the movie Airplane – and I don’t even drink (yet)

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  stranger in a strange land
22 days ago

I picked a bad election to quit sniffing glue!

Reply to  Jack Dobson
22 days ago

He’d be the only first time offender of a non violent crime jailed in years. If course he’s white so….

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Hoagie
22 days ago

Precedent has not mattered.

22 days ago

Beware, sometimes the insanity wins. A comedian famous for playing the piano with his penis on TV has somehow persuaded hundreds of thousands of solid white guys to die needlessly on his behalf in Ukraine. Can this happen here? Will the LEOs and NGs follow the lead of a corrupt pedophile dementia patient and his 4th rate cackling prostitute sidekick into a war against average white guy citizens? Yes, it can happen here, as in the UK presently. Cui bono when white guys kill white guys en masse? Who is then left to go after the parasites after the smoke… Read more »

Carl B.
Carl B.
22 days ago

Watched a few minutes of the DNC on TV. When the camera panned around that horrendous crowd of degenerate freaks I kept hearing this lyric from an old protest song:

“Take a look around you boy it’s bound to scare you boy.”

God help us.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Carl B.
22 days ago

Hell of it is a lot of those freaks had to be paid to be there.

Reply to  Carl B.
22 days ago

“Everywhere is freaks and hairies
Dykes and fairies, tell me where is sanity
Tax the rich, feed the poor
‘Til there are no rich no more”

Reply to  Xman
22 days ago

Ten Years After! Well alright.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Isleofview
22 days ago

Great song. Haven’t heard it in a coon’s age…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
22 days ago

Two-legged or four legged?

Reply to  Carl B.
22 days ago

“And you tell me over and over again it’s not the eve of destruction.”

Reply to  redbeard
22 days ago

“Clowns to the left of me
Jokers to the right…”

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Carl B.
22 days ago

The RNC featured a pornographic female actress from Hollywood in prime time involved with “Ye” (an op from three years ago front-run by Fuentes and Milo Yannapolis [sic]) and an actor named “Hulk Hogan” who ripped his shirt open at the podium.

It’s a triple-decker shit sandwich. You guys keep looking for something good in the middle. Not there.

Last edited 22 days ago by Arthur Metcalf
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
22 days ago

It’s a triple-decker, sauerkraut-and-toadstool sandwich…with arsenic sauce!

Last edited 22 days ago by Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
22 days ago

The parties’ media spectacles are equally baffling. Any sane man seeing any Democrat-branded thing wonders, “Can they really not see how ugly and stupid this is?” They cannot, and the few who can, enjoy it. “This is subhuman!” Yes. It knows its audience. The Republican convention—and every media moment of Trump’s campaign since he was dragged off stage with his fist up (not in the script, reality man)—was a celebration of the total defeat of the Republican voter, a gay black Indian victory dance on the viewers’ graves. And everybody clapped. You mentioned Kanye. A fringe bit of the summer… Read more »

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Hemid
22 days ago

“I’m not going to say who the doctor was, but the doctor was…”

When I saw that fool with the black mask on Alex Jones with Nick Fuentes a few years ago, an utterly terrifying image, I thought that I’d seen it all. Little did I know, and little do I know, I’m afraid.

Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
22 days ago

I’m convinced that the Olympics opening ceremony, the GOP convention, and the Democrat one as well were all done by the same team of gay, black, transgender marketing people while high on fentanyl.

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Pozymandias
20 days ago

The Olympics thing was headed by a homosexual jew.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Carl B.
22 days ago

“I seen so many things I ain’t never seen before
Don’t know what it is – I don’t wanna see no more”
— Three Dog Night

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Carl B.
22 days ago

Points well made, gentlemen. We are Boomers! 😀

22 days ago

The idea that a mystery meat bimbo could actually be installed as the US figurehead is ridiculous, but that’s where this dumpster fire of a country is now. And whoever is really running the show isn’t even pretending to want to at least try look make things look serious and that capable individuals are in charge. I guess when you really think about it, it’s been this way for a pretty long while, but now it’s just a freaking joke.

Reply to  usNthem
22 days ago

There’s never been a better time in history than now to be a stupid black woman, a flaming homo, a tranny or morbidly obese.

And there’s never been a worse time to be a serious, thoughtful, intelligent, straight white guy.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Xman
22 days ago

Satanic Inversion in spades…so to speak.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  usNthem
22 days ago

As one of our regulars says in another venue, but has too much decorum to say here, I’ll rise (stoop?) to the occasion: “Do you ever get the feeling that they’re just fucking with us?”

22 days ago

The gaslighting is everywhere. Currently on my annual 60 day sojourn to the “island of unreality” and feel more like John Adams at the Court of Versailles than ever in 32 years. Ran into a family friend who is a Goldman MD, and not a dumb guy, asked his view on the election and impact–he’s usually pretty straight–and the answer was a forced “oh everything will be fine, no problemo…” (I paraphrase) Was weird. But everything feels forced. And yes, have watched numerous peer firms fail in my old industry–and folks I knew at those firms parroted “it’s fine”, yet… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  SamlAdams
22 days ago

Yes. I’ve also seen reality seeping into normalcy bias from time to time, particularly among the intelligent and accomplished. We forget how awful it is to first fully apprehend the state of how things really are now.

Reply to  SamlAdams
22 days ago

 And yes, have watched numerous peer firms fail in my old industry–and folks I knew at those firms parroted “it’s fine”, yet I was modeling their earnings and knew it wasn’t, but the desire to believe was unshakeable. That’s where we are right now, until we’re not.

Nobody wants to be the guy that says “To the lifeboats everyone! We’re Sinking!” Even when the water is around your ankles.

Reply to  mmack
22 days ago

One of my C-130 instructors said at Little Rock years ago:
“If you know the airplane is going down and a crash is imminent, don’t a be little whiny pussy crying about your impending doom. Say a prayer to God quietly to yourself and die like the proud aviator you are.”

Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
22 days ago

Interesting. I might add a bit to that. I don’t remember *ever* hearing a flight recorder, or pilot communications to the ground during a (imminent) catastrophic event that wasn’t eerily calm and collected—right to the moment of impact.

I am always amazed at this. Perhaps there is a selection bias going on, but those pilots I’ve heard are damn better people than me.

Last edited 22 days ago by Compsci
Reply to  Compsci
22 days ago

Pilots are trained to “fly it into the crash,” i.e. maintain as much control as you can for as long as you can to minimize what happens on impact. You may survive, you may not. You don’t know until you know, so you never give up. So you are always working. In the famous Sioux City crash, 111 people died, but by not giving up and maintaining a semblance of control they saved 171. Sullenberger never gave up and everyone lived with basically no injuries. In instances where you have a total loss of control such as an airframe break-up… Read more »

Last edited 22 days ago by Xman
Reply to  Xman
22 days ago

Also, you’re deep in your checklists. When we lost an engine over Baghdad from a MANPADS, we all did our jobs without worrying about the ramifications. The co-pilot read off the relevant checklists and helped me, the aircraft commander, execute them step by step along with providing a second set of eyes. He also read off relevant data so I could keep my eyes on the terrain and the controls. We provided a check to each other. Our loadmaster was our eyes on the ailing engine and the wings, letting us know that everything was working as it should. We… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Xman
22 days ago

The FedEx crash in the movie Cast Away, starring Tom Hanks, was mighty harrowing. No idea how accurate it might have been.

Reply to  Xman
22 days ago

“United 232 Heavy…you’re cleared to land on any runway.”

Ha, ha, you want to be particular and make it a runway, huh?”

Gallows humor while in the midst of saving the lives of 170 people. Can we count on that kind of performance from Shaneequa or D’Covidonte?

Reply to  KGB
22 days ago

The black pilot in the Atlas Air crash had a record of training deficiencies and checkride failures for randomly flipping switches when he didn’t know what he was doing and had been fired from a ton of jobs for incompetence. Apparently in the crash event he made improper control inputs and basically lost his composure on a go-around. There is some indication he was putting in incorrect control inputs that were contradicting the inputs of the white pilot.

Affirmative action, baby…

Gimcrack Dunsel
Gimcrack Dunsel
Reply to  mmack
22 days ago

Currently I feel somewhat like a Jew in 1938 Germany, everything is fine, but the hairs on the back of my neck tell a different story. “It can’t happen here”, until it does. To contemplate making plans and getting out of Dodge seems unthinkable but only those that did, survived.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Gimcrack Dunsel
22 days ago

Perhaps my favorite contemporary writer, certainly essayist, is Lihn Dihn, a Vietnamese refugee who returned there. He was at Unz and now has a Substack. He has written that even after the Americans pulled out and all that had transpired, the summer before Saigon fell most there were carefree and oblivious to what was about to happen to them. Looking at what is happening in Britain now, it seems London has decided that since the white working class does not seem ready to die in the next war, it needs to be eliminated. It is similar here. People should have… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
22 days ago

There are still Whites in SA reporting to work everyday and keeping the shitshow running—while Black political leaders campaign on a “kill the Boar” platform in an 90+% Black population.

Enough said.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Jack Dobson
22 days ago

In a true crisis your passport will be of little avail. We live in a time when a U.S. citizen’s privilege (it’s not a right) to leave the country can be suspended just because he might say unflattering things at a conference in Russia. Forbidding crossing a frontier has clear legal validity if someone is, say, wanted for a major crime. But when no laws have been broken, well, that is the stuff of dictatorships, not republics, Recall it wasn’t until but a few years back that U.S. Citizens could visit Canada and Mexico and return without a passport. That’s no… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
21 days ago

“Where you from?”
“Where you going?”
“To Ft. Erie to buy beer.”

*rolls eyes and waves you along*

Reply to  KGB
21 days ago

“Where you going?”

“Canadian ballet,” LOL

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Gimcrack Dunsel
22 days ago

If whites were 0.6% of the AINO population I’d be real worried (actually I’d have already left long ago). But at still close to half, we’re too many to round up and put in boxcars.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
22 days ago

normie will round up the dissidents up for them. so, if there are any losses, the regime gets a twofer

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
22 days ago

Where are you going to go?

Reply to  mmack
22 days ago

One of the reasons my old COO kept me around was I’d always provide that level of truth…good and bad. I have my self respect, but it always limited me to the corp equivalent of full bird colonel…was just the guy sent in to fix other people’s f-ups.

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  SamlAdams
22 days ago

After the crash, I learned that the brother of one of my structured finance rating agency colleagues liquidated his portfolio in late ’07/ early ’08.

Me? My entire office? Industry? Totally flat-footed and unemployed in mid-’08.

The guy asked his brother, “How did you know?”

His response? “How could you not know? All I did was listen to what you were saying.”

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Mow Noname
22 days ago

You do realize the problems from 08 were never fixed right? It reared its head in 2020 again, i think the half life of periods of calm are getting much shorter. I expect the next leg of that crisis to really kick in next year.

Reply to  Mr. House
22 days ago

Each go round a substantial portion of resilience gets removed from the system. Back in the Volcker years, he could crank interest rates fast enough to wring out inflation since the debt level was low enough to absorb the costs. And the Fed balance sheet was not bloated up. Now? I

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Mr. House
22 days ago

Continental Bank failure / S&L crisis: 1984-1990
LTC/ Russian bond default / Internet bubble: 1998-2001
Subprime/ 2008 collapse: 2007-2009
Wuhan flu/ unlimited Covid funds: 2020-present
US dollar sovereign debt crises:
a. five minutes after Trump declared winner.
b. 6-12 months after Queen Kamalamehta is installed.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Mow Noname
22 days ago

How do you solve a debt crisis if you don’t liquidate the debt?

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Mr. House
22 days ago

Classical economics says that debt is either repaid as agreed in currency units that (more or less) hold their value, or that the debt is defaulted upon. The two basic choices are outright default, which usually equates with deflation. Old debit and credit entries are simply declared worthless. Cash money gains in value. The last time this happened on a widespread scale was the 1930s Great Depression. The second and (to my understanding) far more common option is to default via inflation of the currency unit. Each dollar becomes worth less until ultimately, worthless. Infinite variations are possible. For example,… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
22 days ago

FOA 2001: “My friend, debt is the very essence of fiat. As debt defaults, fiat is destroyed. This is where all these deflationists get their direction. Not seeing that hyperinflation is the process of saving debt at all costs, even buying it outright for cash. Deflation is impossible in today’s dollar terms because policy will allow the printing of cash, if necessary, to cover every last bit of debt and dumping it on your front lawn! Worthless dollars, of course, but no deflation in dollar terms! “

Reply to  Mow Noname
22 days ago

Had a similar experience with a friend that had been in the mortgage brokering business for over 20 years at that point. Talked to him around Dec ’06 and told me almost every loan sent to warehouse the last 60 days had been some combo of 0-5% equity down payment, interest only/balloons…even he was “WTF?” I just started discretely liquidating equities to cash. And thankfully worked for a firm that where are new CEO had inherited a smallish CDS business–run by new hires we all thought were shady. He sussed out their bullshit and started paying the costs to commute… Read more »

Reply to  SamlAdams
22 days ago

Yea hopefully sooner than later Brother…

22 days ago

I tuned in briefly to the DNC because like a traffic accident or the freak show at the circus, you don’t want to look, but you just have to take a peek. What I saw turned my stomach. Non-stop lies. An agenda built on death, disorder and tyranny. And it was dull and lifeless. As limp as that pathetic “singer” James Taylor and his silly performance. Or wannabe southerner and “country” music “star” Jason Isbell, who hates his own people with a passion and serves those who would disenfranchise and destroy them. The speeches were duller than dull. Joe Biden… Read more »

22 days ago

So if what one really wants is the end of GAE, is Kamala actually the best choice for President? Because there’s not a chance in Hell that GAE survives 4-8 years with her at the wheel.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  AntiDem
22 days ago

Excellent comment! Is acceleration the best alternative? I’m coming around to that point of view, but my fear is that a Harris Administration would blow up the world over Project Ukraine or in a pointless, losing war with Iran.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
22 days ago

my fear is that a Harris Administration would blow up the world over Project Ukraine or in a pointless, losing war with Iran

That’s a real concern. The timeline of the GAE’s collapse will not be determined by who is in The Big Puppet Chair unless some stupid and reckless decision is made to go full kamikaze, and an alarming of insane people are well-positioned to do just that.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jack Dobson
22 days ago

Well you gotta figure that the first woman president is guaranteed to go to war, because she has to prove how “tough” she is. And this comes at a time of Ukraine, Iran/Gaza, and the neocons banging the drum about Taiwan. Personally I’d settle for invading Grenada again, but they seem to have other ideas.

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
22 days ago

Then call me right wing posadas. Our cities getting glassed removes the chattering classes and their pets too. I’ll probably die, but i’ll die laughing.

Last edited 22 days ago by HalfTrolling
Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
22 days ago

Why not both?

Reply to  AntiDem
22 days ago

But she won’t truly be at the wheel. She will have a cabinet full of dual citizens keeping the GAE corpse alive so they can continue feeding it to the chosen. What she will have a hand in is adding a couple more dimwitted lesbians to the supreme court, steadily eroding our rights until we fight back or accept tyranny.

Reply to  DLS
22 days ago

I wonder if she knows that she isn’t in charge. If not, I wonder if she will demand that she get her way on some policy at some point. And if that happens, what will those who are really in control do to smack her down?

I can imagine that, as President, she is informed that Israel is going to hit Gaza much harder than ever. Since she is brown, she identifies with the Palestinians, and she demands that the USA prevent Israel from doing that. How do those who are really in control bring her to heel?

Last edited 22 days ago by LineInTheSand
Reply to  LineInTheSand
22 days ago

She is a stupid and weak actress who can’t even play the role of herself with any authenticity. She will read whatever they write on the teleprompter. If she ever did try to stand up for a policy, they would simply ignore her like they did with Trump (Milley, Mattis, Tillerson, Pence, Comey, McCabe, Wray, etc., etc.)

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  LineInTheSand
22 days ago

Bringing Heels-Up to heel could be hell…

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  LineInTheSand
22 days ago

Harris is paid to do what she is told to do. Her earliest political iteration was as a literal whore to a high-profile mayor, and the taxpayers of San Francisco footed the bill for the sidepiece act. The problem will be if two of TBTB diverge on something and she has to decide the tiebreaker (Israel is a good guess), and she’s also an idiot. I actually think there is a chance that TPTB have decided that’s too big of a risk and will go with the bigger and smarter Tel Aviv shill, Trump. I can see TPTB not intervening… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  AntiDem
22 days ago

But the only wheel she’ll have her mitts on is the steering wheel of one of those Fisher Price driving dashboard toys they made back in the 70s. The Power Structure will have its hands on the real Escalade that calls itself the USA.

one-eyed dog
one-eyed dog
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
22 days ago

Escalade? 65 Rambler.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
22 days ago

“The excessively online are downing handfuls of black pills this week, as they are the most suspectable to media gaslighting”

“susceptible.” Delete this comment at will

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  thezman
22 days ago

Spall Czech her, Voice Wreck Ignition and Otter Core Wrecked for the win!

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Arshad Ali
22 days ago

Speaking of the excessively online, the last person you would expect it from, Pedro Gonzales, yesterday pointed out on X that the trajectory of the race really hasn’t changed and Trump still remains ahead (put aside the likelihood of murder, imprisonment or fortification). This means Gonzales is just a shill and not crazy. Whether that is preferable is hard to say.

Brandon Laskow
Brandon Laskow
22 days ago

I find this black pill to be bracing and pretty accurate:

Throwing around stereotypes of TDS women as being blue-haired and nose-ringed is all good fun, but the fact is that in my greater social/professional circle of primarily Boomers/Xers, perfectly normal-looking and even attractive women, plenty of whom have children and grandchildren, are all afflicted with TDS, all in on Kamala, and couldn’t care less as to how Joe was removed and Kamala installed. This goes for a whole lot of men as well.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
22 days ago

I am rooting for Trump, the only problem is that he thinks his Casino is still capable of making money if only he can guide it to profitability, the problem is the casino is broke and the majority of the people he will depend on to get his casino upright are now living in the Villages drinking spiked prune juice waiting for the trip to the next world.
The reality of demographics is going to bite.
Never the less Trump is the better option of bad options at this point.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
22 days ago

Trump will buy time, and if he replaces Alito and Thomas perhaps a lot of time.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
22 days ago

Replace them with what? Another Gorsuch? Another ACB? Can you imagine the paroxysms of feigned outrage by D’s in the Senate if Trump tried to nominate another Thomas or Alito? We’re screwed no matter who wins.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
22 days ago

The Villages. In my general area. Part of it lies in Sumter County (FL), which is, or was, the “oldest” (by median age) of any county in the entire nation. They don’t call this part of Florida “God’s Waiting Room” for nothing, sonny!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
22 days ago

The shuffleboard capital of the world?

Felix Krull
22 days ago

Boozing has been a point of machismo for Danish social democrats and civil servants since forever. I once interviewed a couple of pensioned junior permanent secretaries in the Danish prime minister’s office, from their service back in the eighties, when the office was run by twenty men. They said they put away a hundred bottles of hard booze every week, plus what they drank of wine and beer. At one interview, me and the guy finished off a bottle of whisky in the three hours the interview took, with him managing three fourths. Some social democrat prime ministers, like legendary… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
22 days ago

My first reaction is to be appalled at such unprofessional behavior. However, then I consider how much better off the entire world would be if the transnational scum running America were actually insensate with alcohol most of the time. Alas, they hate us more than they love drugs.

Reply to  Felix Krull
22 days ago

Brings back thoughts from the old USSR days. Saw a documentary on their Air Force and their elite fighter jocks. They’d have “picnics” where they’d head out and get blasted on vodka, but report back the next day for fight duty. I was amazed.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Compsci
22 days ago

Brings back thoughts from the old USSR days.

Just so – and I suspect their alcohol culture was a way for social democrats to emulate their Red Army heroes.

But it was another country back then, back when you were a pussy if you had a problem with drunk driving. When I was a teenager, I hitchhiked around Europe and did day labor on farms for food and pocket money. One French peasant I worked for would drink five bottles of wine per day, operating heavy machinery.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
22 days ago

…day labor on farms for food and pocket money.

Another thing they took from us. Lots of kids explored Europe this way back in the eighties and nineties, now menial farm work is all done by brown scab labor

Reply to  Compsci
22 days ago

Funny story about the Soviet bomber crews. Apparently, they fueled these carrier-killing, Mach 3 missiles that could either be tipped with a 2,500-pound HE warhead (bad) or a small nuke (far worse) with grain alcohol. The Russian name for the very nasty to fly Tupelov Tu-22 bomber was “missile carrier aircraft” which the ground crews dubbed the “booze carrier aircraft.” Wonder if the balloon went up in Europe, how many of those crews would’ve thought they were launching a fully fueled missile at one of our carrier groups and have the thing run out of fuel and splash down in… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
22 days ago

That is a good story, but it sounds like fanciful cold war propaganda or simple humor from our side, sort of like saying the Soviets only used vacuum tubes in their electronics. Sure they did, in older stuff. But they also had later tech, either fabricated in country or sourced via the black market from the West. Surely aircraft based missiles would be solid fueled?

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Felix Krull
22 days ago

“The Prime Minister got primed?”

Mr. House
Mr. House
22 days ago

“like a failing bank”

It seems like our host is beginning to finally understand. A failing bank is the perfect analogy. America went kaput, failed, bankrupt in 2008. That is why everything gets worse each year, because no one will tell the empororer he has no clothes. Honestly people, is your 401k/fake corporate job so important that you’ll watch the country completely collapse so you can pretend those will be honored?

22 days ago

A couple of notes: This is not 2020. Unlike then, both conditions (we are defacto at war with China and Russia) and alliances are different. Trump has crypto bros, a big chunk of Silicon Valley, the Defense establishment, and now a growing chunk of the business establishment not keen on handing over their power/positions to 20 something nose ring power Muslimas embracing Kamunism and liquidating the Bourgeoisie. Not to mention — all that Hamas stuff as repelled a lot of influential people like Bill Ackman right straight onto the Trump train. Polls that are reality based show little movement from… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Whiskey
22 days ago

Wait…did I just read a Whiskey post that wasn’t 100% blackpilled?

Truly, we are living in the End Times!

22 days ago

Well they’ve performed the first act for any failing enterprise: They’ve canned the current management (Slow Joe) and brought in new management in the vain hope they can turn things around.

Sometimes it works (Lee Iacocca at Chrysler in 1978), most times it don’t.

Reply to  mmack
22 days ago

Iacocca was a great leader, but the Chrysler turnaround could not have happened without a huge government bailout. The only way the government can bail itself out is by turning the money printing presses to 11, which resolves the debt crisis but crashes the real economy.

Reply to  DLS
22 days ago

The Biden stimulus plan was the government bailing itself out. A huge amount of that printed money went to government employee pension plans, broke city and state governments, etc. As you point out, the real economy was crashed (they’ve been lying about the numbers since). And, of course, nothing changed and nothing was fixed.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Mycale
22 days ago

This was a great comment and explains why the Regime foot soldiers are so loyal to Biden despite his crimes and buffoonery. And don’t forget the Teamsters pension bailout….

Reply to  DLS
22 days ago

Hate to be the ACK-SHOO-AL-LEE guy but Chrysler Bailout V1.0 did not see the US Government lend them dime one: “Well, he (Iacocca) wanted $1.5 billion in federally guaranteed loans, which would be coming from banks. These were not gifts. These were just loans that the federal government would guarantee. He hoped that that money would give Chrysler about two years to bring its new products into production and get itself turned around.” “The government also took all of Chrysler’s assets as collateral. Meaning if the company went under, the government would be paid back first.” The US Government became… Read more »

Reply to  DLS
22 days ago

However, the gov bailout *was* paid back. Reagan insisted upon it.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  mmack
22 days ago

ha i’d agree if Joe was managing anything. The people who pulled his strings will still be in the drivers seat.

22 days ago

And compounding the barely repressed panic among all the fanatics is the vague understanding on all levels that this is as “popular” Vice President MegaMaid is going to get, right now. This is it, she’s topped out, because every failure of Joe Biden will fall on her head, domestic and foreign, while the Bad Orange Man simply has to not step on his own dick, and present himself as a potentially serious candidate. Which he seems to be making an effort to do so. Then you do have the near certainty that Bagel Land will ensure that it will do… Read more »

Reply to  Pickle Rick
22 days ago

“She’s gone from suck to blow!”

Reply to  Marko
22 days ago

When I think of Biden and Kamala, I think of this line from that hilarious movie:

President Skroob : Sandurz, Sandurz. You got to help me. I don’t know what to do. I can’t make decisions. I’m a president!

Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
22 days ago

Jack, please, I’m only an elected official here, I can’t make decisions by myself!”

The Nightmare Before Christmas

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Pickle Rick
22 days ago

Early voting probably means the plucky little democracy in the Middle East will have to move up the scheduled bombing of those evil mullahs.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Pickle Rick
22 days ago

Who is the most popular candidate among the Finkels? It’s a good question. In their heart of hearts, of course, they’re drawn to dieverse Leftists like iron filings to a magnet. Equally, they recoil from non-Leftist goyim like pixies from a pile of fresh moose dung. However, the fact that the hordes of dieverse savages hate the Finkels even more than they hate the BEIDs, is finally penetrating their thick skulls, and they may vote for their survival rather than their ideology. Hard to say. My guess is the male Finkel vote breaks for Trump, while the yenta vote goes… Read more »

Last edited 22 days ago by Ostei Kozelskii
Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
22 days ago

In a nutshell, the questions are, do the Big Jews have the pull to rig the election, and do they want to rig it for Trump? Because otherwise, Kamala is going to “win.” Not that it really matters either way, for anybody other than jews.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
22 days ago

That’s why I think Pennsylvania could be interesting, and not automatically going to be rigged for Vac-U-Suck. The Rooney Machine are the Democratic kingmakers in the state, and they are very, very aware of what the bagels in Squirrel Hill want. They made sure that Admiral Dick Levine and Strokey Fetterman got promoted to the Big Show, and they were instrumental in ensuring Josh Shapiro became governor. But if the bagels and the Rooneys decide that they will quietly not fund or fraud for an antibagel Party and hand the state to the BOM, that can happen. Especially if they… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Pickle Rick
22 days ago

There’s room here for an ancient Jewish joke, one that’s not (to my ken) even disparaging of The Chosen:
At some future date, the unthinkable has happened. A Jew has been elected President. (He might even be named “Shapiro”. Why not?)
During the inauguration festivities, among the many invited is his mother. She’s being interview by the local TV stations. Beaming with pride, the first words out of her mouth are “My other son is a doctor!” 🥯

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
22 days ago

The “Genocide” faction that has been operating our former government without effective pushback for 4 years has their own (mostly African) ballot fraud system. Control over the “Empire” faction’s vote (electronic/ tabulation) fraud machinery will be the determinative factor, giving Pres. Trump a controlling proxy (who will demand 10’s of pounds of flesh in compensation) to counteract the Genocide Faction’s fraud. Ladybug Linda Graham recently publicly opined that Gov. Kemp of Georgia’s “machine” (Ladybug’s word, not mine) was at Pres. Trump’s disposal. Georgia is a property of the Sea Island Group, which I classify as an element of the Empire… Read more »

Brandon Laskow
Brandon Laskow
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
22 days ago

BEID? Sorry, not up on all the acronyms.

As one who lives in a heavily Democrat-dominated area with plenty of “Finkels”, I can assure you they will go overwhelmingly for the quadroon, with perhaps a small handful of male dissenters.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Brandon Laskow
22 days ago

Blue-Eyed Ice Devils = Whites

22 days ago

I actually saw a beta test of this in the off-year congressional elections. On assignment for work, I kept seeing these weird yard signs that said “I believe So-and-So can win.” I was curious enough about it that when I got home, I looked up So-and-So. Her (natch) opponent was one of those GOP Swamp Things who’s been in Congress since it met in Philadelphia. There was absolutely no way this person would lose, and the Democrats knew it, so they tried out that “believe” rhetoric. I thought it was just a one-off from some junior cult member running xzheyr… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Severian
22 days ago

“Believe” plays to the leftist need to always see himself as the underdog fighting against The Man. As if a miracle is needed for his regime appointed, media approved candidate to win the rigged election.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
22 days ago

Robbie Fulks does a great live cover of “Believe”

22 days ago

As I await for approval, I will note that two things about Harris have taken hold in popular discussion: She is a habitual drunkard. Once mentioned, it cannot be unseen and her every public appearance seems to indicate she’s smashed into incoherence, worse than Jimmy Fallon. People have had enough of a figurehead and that includes formidable institutions like the Defense Dept, Silicon Valley, etc. She is full into Communism and all that implies. Which scares the hell out of not just ordinary people imagining bread lines but threatens powerful people with being ordinary. Wage price controls are a direct… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Whiskey
22 days ago

This is why I’m not 100% sure who the election will be rigged for. But I am sure it will be rigged. Perhaps there will be competing riggers. That would be entertaining. If required to bet, I’d put some pocket change on Kamala, but not any serious money.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
22 days ago

Wazzup, muh riggaz?!

22 days ago

Anybody who votes for someone who is part of the same regime who got us to the point of $9 hamburgers, $20 an hour burger flippers, 20% inflation (calculated under the more accurate 1980s formula for CPI), open borders (remember, Kammy was our Border Czar), the best jobs being offshored and wars that are none of our business all over the place is absolutely insane. I completely understand hating Trump, but I can’t understand doubling down on the same failed policies and the same puppets who put us in the current situation. Pop into some metro area Walmarts these days.… Read more »

Reply to  TempoNick
22 days ago

I hear ya, but one must consider the “low information” voter. Hard to believe, but they exist and perhaps are the bulk of the populace—I include both Dem’s and Rep’s. These are people with no clue as to anything regarding economics, world affairs, nothing of importance that would lead them to vote in a thoughtful manner. Hence my hobby horse of “earned” suffrage. These people should not in any way direct the affirms of the country.

Reply to  Compsci
22 days ago

You’re right. They should have to take a basic exam, like what you take to get your driver’s license, to get a voting license. Idiots shouldn’t be allowed to make decisions for the rest of us. Yesterday, we were arguing about it being fashionable with so many people on the right wanting their kid to be Mike Rowe (never mind that he’s an actor) instead of going to college. That energy would be better spent making the argument that we should exclude people from the Ivy League-type schools from government. We need more people in government who went to Ball… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  TempoNick
22 days ago

I sure wish there was a test for a voting license

22 days ago

Managing Perception. We went into that phase of Managerialism in the 80s and fully embraced it in the 90s. Looks like the DNC is all but handing out VR headsets. I am sure that is next.

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
22 days ago

I’ll admit I can’t figure out whether TPTB actually want Kamala elected or not. Some might think Trump better on Israel, but Democrat support for the Palestinians is mostly rhetorical. A resounding loss would probably allow the Democrats to finally execute the long predicted pivot from blacks to Latinos, which is inevitable at some point. Mayans make better peasants than Africans, and that seems to be the social structure TPTB are aiming at. Trump himself is probably too much of a narcissist clown to be much of a threat, and he would be an instant lame duck anyway, but Vance… Read more »

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
22 days ago

“Anyone who has been part of a failed enterprise or has done a post-mortem on one is familiar with the weird psychology that comes to dominate the leadership of the enterprise as it reaches its final stage.” I’ve worked in a couple myself. Top brass tries to put on a brave front (mustn’t scare the rank-and-file or the customers) at the same as it’s arranging golden parachutes for itself or finding alternative employment. Those among the rank and file who are privy to what’s actually going on or can read a balance sheet and income statement try to find alternative… Read more »

Last edited 22 days ago by Arshad Ali
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Arshad Ali
22 days ago

collective suicide

When the godawful W was re-elected in 2004, several leftists committed suicide in prominent places. One chained himself to a statue in Manhattan and blew his brains out. If by some miracle Trump gets back into office, it is easy to envision a far larger number of the loon legions going full Jonestown.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
22 days ago

I’ll bring the cherry Kook…er…Kool Aid if you’ll supply the strychnine.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Jack Dobson
22 days ago

Please God make it so. Hopefully millions…

Reply to  thezman
22 days ago

I read an article the other day that said high level people in big companies don’t think that consultants like Bain and McKinsey are worth the money. They’ve very expensive but put the companies on an endless transformation treadmill that may or may not bear fruit long after the checks are cashed. One thing is for sure, though, these big companies will continue to hire consultants like Bain and McKinsey.

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
Reply to  Mycale
22 days ago

Mayor Butt, the current Transportation Secretary, worked for McKinsey.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  thezman
22 days ago

“No one has any idea who will buy this stuff.”

AI strikes me the same way, who is going to buy this stuff? Remember before AI when the market high was only 20k late 2019 when it was 5G that was going to change everything?

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Arshad Ali
22 days ago

Your first tell that covid was a bunch of shit was the fact that they didn’t put on a brave face and try to pretend everything was fine. Instead they pretended we were all going to die to maximize fear.

22 days ago

Spotte my first honest to god Harris bumperstickers Get this…They were pasted on a Dodge Ram piloted by the buggiest of bug men the other day. Walked over to the Good White side of town on Sunday. In 5 miles only two Harris signs spotted and this includes neighborhoods where multiple houses flew the fag flag and sport the “sign” (“In this house…”). Central PA is an odd place politically. A mile away Im in Trumpland a mile in another direction Im in Transland. If signage is amy indication lefty isnt very into the Tamil girl boss.

22 days ago

reality is on the side of the people who program the voting machines. nobody else matters. get ready to hail Pres. Harris. look how well the media is disguising the collapsing economy.

Last edited 22 days ago by miforest
Alan Schmidt
22 days ago

> A form of social proof manifests where everyone inside overlooks the problems because management remains optimistic.

Before mass layoffs, a lot of employees were offered work outside their wheelhouse that they refused because they thought they were safe, even though they were charging overhead for months. A lot of this was due to overly-optimistic management that thought a project was just around the corner, and they took vague social proof at face value and refused to see reality in the face. Tinker Bell effect indeed.

22 days ago

My suspectability meter suggests that on or around Oct 7th the Persians and Israelites are going to go at it in a way that goes far beyond tit-for-tat.

As far as the election goes, this crisis will be a rerun of the 08 market meltdown in which there was sudden unanimity in giving Shlomo whatever the fck he wanted.

22 days ago

Ultimately, the ballot box or jury box will not save us. It will take the bullet box to solve the problems we have.

22 days ago

I was at mt Vernon last weekend. I don’t think I’d been there for forty years. Hell of an estate. “Enslaved person” was explained by the tour guide (I had of course heard this newspeak before but never assumed it would ever be explained, or that it deserved an explanation ) but apparently it’s cause a slave is property and slaves are not property so they say enslaved person. so is a slave a person? Yes? So why isn’t that good enough? Whites are at the van of this my friends. Being anti racist is important to most whites. oh… Read more »

Reply to  Hi-ya!
22 days ago

I was watching the Little League World Series yesterday with the Closed Captions on. Whenever someone spoke something other than English, it said, “global language being spoken.” The hell?… “Global” language? It quickly dawned on me that the retards working the captions believe or were told to believe that “foreign language” is exclusionary and something more, well, global needed to be used. And there you have it. Even if someone’s speaking an Amazonian tribal tongue that only 100 people understand, that person will henceforth be speaking a global language.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  KGB
22 days ago

Supposedly, Ted Turner forbade use of the word “foreign” in CNN offices quite some years ago.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
22 days ago

There’s an interesting story related to that. Turner had purchased Jim Crockett Promotions in 1988, which he would rebrand as World Championship Wrestling. Of course, an old wrestling trope was the use of a “foreign object” by one of the heels. At one point in the early 90’s, when good ole’ boy Cowboy Bill Watts was running WCW, announcers were told to begin using the phrase “international object” as a way to take the piss out of the Turner execs pushing the Orwellian language rules.

Reply to  KGB
22 days ago

Watts was fired not long afterward when Wade Keller (a known sodomite), who published the Pro Wrestling Torch newsletter, made sure that WCW execs were aware of an interview he’d done with Watts a few years earlier. In it, Watts, who had owned a sizeable wrestling promotion of his own at one point, had advocated for freedom of association in matters of hiring and firing, going so far as to say that if he wanted hire based strictly on race, why shouldn’t he? It’s his company and his money at risk. Naturally the sissies in Turner’s front office decided to… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  KGB
21 days ago

comment image&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=f23d23819591f9799af58d75f1a017be16a0b96c75ecfe678cb43a65c2563ce5&ipo=images

“Who is this who is so wise in the ways of wrestling?”

Reply to  KGB
22 days ago

It’s time for our Maoist overlords to simply adopt the open use of the term “globohomo” themselves, and start using it openly, often, and all over the place. They might as well.

22 days ago

You can use her name and likeness for reporting and propaganda but you cannot exploit these commercially without her express permission. If you do the latter without obtaining permission, some dude like me shows up and pees in your Cheerios during breakfast.

22 days ago

This essay is near peak Zman.

22 days ago

At some point, the people in charge begin to assume their plans to arrest the decline are working as their default position, rather than taking a wait and see approach. A combination of hope and the desire to remain optimistic clouds their view of reality.

Gee, my experience is that the execs and board start actively looting the company right before they bail, playing hot potato to see who gets left holding the rotten spud that’s left.

22 days ago

Mass Hysteria also comes to mind.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  JaG
22 days ago

Mass Hysteria seems appropriate for a country soon to be ruled by Miss Hyena…

one-eyed dog
one-eyed dog
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
22 days ago

To paraphrase someone else; “the United States has become a lunatic asylum masquerading as a country.”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  one-eyed dog
22 days ago

Somewhat OT, but I was having lunch in a big chain restaurant a couple of hours ago, and as is always the case in such joints, the boob toob screens were unavoidable. Indeed, practically the only time I “watch” TV is when I’m out in some public venue where I have no choice in the matter. Anyway, I glance up at a screen and it’s showing some dude with a razor and he’s about to shave his junk! Christ almighty. I dam’ near hacked up a load of guam right there in front of God and everybody. Turns out it… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
22 days ago

Ostei, cut me some slack. All the modeling agencies require that clean shaving look. How am I to get a gig without going with the trend?

17 days ago

We might have our first prostitute elected President. Starting to feel like early 5th century Rome around here.

22 days ago

Cripes, this is absolutely classic. Here I was just thinking, “they’re really winding ’em up,” and soon the brown crowd will have Daenerys on their shoulders, chanting “Momala! Momala!”

Brown Daenerys is the morally correct character in the script for herself that the whitegirl is writing in her mind, isn’t she? Boys want to copy the character, girls want to make the character a reflection of their best selves.

Last edited 22 days ago by Alzaebo