Will And Reason

Note: Behind the green door I have a post about the microprocessor revolution and its discontents, a post about the drama within the chronically online community and the Sunday podcast. Subscribe here or here.

Many of the leading figures of what came to be known as the Human BioDiversity (HBD) movement are reaching the age where they are no longer producing new work, but instead are part of retrospectives of the movement they created. This post in Aporia by Bo Winegard is a good example. It works as both a summary of Murray’s work and a summary of the hereditarian perspective on the human animal. “Hereditarian” is another word used for the biological realist wing of the human sciences.

It is not entirely accurate to call these people a movement as they have had no impact on how Western societies view human organization. If anything, the West has raced in the opposite direction of what should follow from the realities that have come from the human sciences. Since The Bell Curve was published thirty years ago, the blank slate, fanatical egalitarianism and universalism have become so entrenched in elite thinking that dissent is now criminal in many countries.

That is what you are seeing in the UK. The people being sent off to prison for voicing complaints about immigration are not being punished for opposing public policy, but for violating official orthodoxy with regards to the human condition. Across the West, any noticing of difference between groups of humans is blasphemy. Not only would The Bell Curve not get a publisher today, but it is also something of a miracle that it has not been put on the index of banned books, next to The Camp of the Saints.

Therein lies the most important lesson to come from the HBD scene. Facts and reason can never overcome belief. There is no questioning the science with regards to the human condition. It has confirmed thousands of years of observation that nature does not distribute her gifts equally. That is true with regards to individuals and with regards to groups of individuals. The reason you never take the MLK exist is not because you are immoral, but because you are rational.

Rationality is no match for belief, at least when it comes to politics. The promise of a guilt free future has won every battle regarding biology. Of course, it is the echo of Calvin that embedded racial guilt into the Western mind. Facts and reason had no impact on belief before, during or after the Civil War, because the fanatics behind the abolitionist cause were immune to facts and reason. Like all fanatics, they saw only that which confirmed their fanaticism.

The point here is that the defeat of human biodiversity, hereditarianism, biological realism, or whatever term you have for the facts of the human condition, was simply another battle in the long war between belief and reason. One side, the winning side, believes the human condition can be solved because they believe the cause of human conflict lies in the human mind and can therefore be eradicated. The other side has never had an answer to that claim.

Another lesson from the twilight of the human sciences is that knowledge for the sake of knowledge is a dead end. What matters in the affairs of man, therefore what matters with regards the human condition, is knowledge that leads men to act either on behalf of that knowledge or in opposition to it. Anything else is at best useless and at worst a reason for opponents to act on the claim that this new knowledge is a threat to the wellbeing of society.

In one of life’s great ironies, the HBD people never understood how their work could be seen as dangerously heretical. For all their knowledge about the mechanics of mankind, they have never understood the will that lies behind human action, preferring to believe what lies behind the motivations of their accusers is just as mechanical and sterile as their own understanding of man. Materialism is a terrible way to understand the why of the human condition.

More important, the HBD people could never shake their civic nationalist priors or even question them in light of their own work. The Bell Curve is the argument against liberal democracy, an argument understood long before the HBD people arrived. Despite the obvious conflict between what the science was telling us and what political science was demanding of us, the HBD people never lost faith in liberalism. They remain convinced it is the only political option.

It is not all bad for the HBD scene. It has, at least for a while, provided a moral authority of sorts for resisting the gathering darkness. There remains an “E pur si muove” mental space for dissidents to gather their thoughts about what is happening. Inside the mental space lies the flicker of hope that reality cannot be swamped by the fantastical reality of the prevailing orthodoxy. The foundation of the dissident cause are the people who accept the reality of the human condition.

In the end, however, it will not be men armed with charts and graphs who shall beat back the forces of darkness but the men who know that society is determined by those who understand it is always who shall overcome whom. If the West is to survive, it will be due to those who will it so and use any means necessary to prevail over those determined to turn out the lights on civilization. The only justification needed will simply be the desire to make it so.

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29 days ago

Well, we’ll never have another Scottish Enlightenment. Whatever you may think of Jordan Peterson, heard him once make an excellent observation. Basically, we have all this focus on sending everybody, regardless of cognitive ability to college. To graduate we have to dumb everything down and what they learn is insufficient to support themselves. What we should be doing if focusing “what can a 90IQ person do that is both useful to them and society, but we don’t”. Same issue with importing vast quantities of 75IQ Central Africans and Incas. The dirt ain’t magic. Never has been.

Reply to  SamlAdams
29 days ago

In The Wizard of Oz gifting the Scarecrow a diploma as a substitute for his missing brain was a joke; now it’s considered fundamental to creating an egalitarian society. For a race so reverential of science, we are approaching Aztec levels of ignorance and superstition.

Reply to  Gideon
29 days ago

At least the Aztecs could do math.

Reply to  Gideon
28 days ago

But we only worship scientists who come to the “right” conclusions..Look at how long the British toffs propped up the obvious fraud Piltdown Man, which any HS biology student could see was bogus…

Reply to  SamlAdams
29 days ago

I notice that there are a lot of smart kids, mostly guys, forgoing college for trades. The “higher education” scam is running out of fools

Reply to  FNC1A1
29 days ago

Being a master plumber, electrician, machinist etc. requires far greater cognitive and visio-spatial skills than the average office job. Ditto with farming.

Reply to  SamlAdams
29 days ago

Yea when life or death is on the line it tends to keep you focused…

Reply to  Lineman
29 days ago

Lineman, I saw a little vid of guys crawling along power lines carrying 750,000 amps. Think of the brainpower to figure out how to do that. Think of the brainpower to build those transmission lines.

These are the types that are building and maintaining oil wells at the bottom of the ocean underneath the Arctic glaciers and drilling volcanos for geothermal turbines in Iceland.

Reply to  Alzaebo
29 days ago

Ahh but we are just knuckledraggers to the perfumed princes of academia Brother…We work with our hands and that’s just low brow doncha know…😉

Reply to  Lineman
29 days ago

Ever seen fight club?

Good movie. Some parts of it are kind of stupid but that’s hollywood for ya. The core theme is very on point.

“City of Brass” by Kipling is a great poem too. Tangentially related theme. A century old parable that applies more than ever today. Weak men(and women now) create hard times.

Reply to  NeoSpatran
29 days ago

Yea it’s very informative if you know what to look for…

Reply to  SamlAdams
29 days ago

Exactly. We have been fed the great lie that to work with your *hands* is not to work with your *mind*! This lie is immediately apparent to anyone that has worked with those in the trades—and who hasn’t. We crawl over broken glass to find a reputable auto mechanic. Why? Because these people know their “shit”.

Last edited 29 days ago by Compsci
Reply to  Compsci
29 days ago

It’s not a great lie. It’s shitty work. It takes a toll on your body. You don’t work and rub elbows with the best class of people and these days they also don’t have the best kinds of behaviors and you’re signing up for a lot of dysfunction. My dad was a college boy but when he immigrated to the United States, he ended up in construction. He rued every single day of his working life. In fact, he used to take my brother and me on jobs just to pound into our head that we were not to do… Read more »

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  TempoNick
29 days ago

In the old days work required a combination of mind and body. Work had not been disassembled into “mental work” and “physical work.” The craftsmen in the pre-industrial age had a combination of mental and physical skills and aptitudes.Vestiges of this still survive today if you can find a self-employed car mechanic who invests his soul in his work.

Reply to  TempoNick
29 days ago

“My dad was a college boy but when he immigrated to the United States, he ended up in construction. He rued every single day of his working life. In fact, he used to take my brother and me on jobs just to pound into our head that we were not to do this with our lives. It worked.” This would explain the “I’m better than these American rubes” aspect around many of your posts. Yes, the trade are hard on the body, which is what retirement was supposed to be about it. The original aim was to not 65 year… Read more »

Last edited 29 days ago by Wiffle
Reply to  Wiffle
29 days ago

My point is that I’ve seen both sides of this. I will take my cushy life behind a desk any day of the week over the life my dad had.

There’s nothing wrong with these jobs, but as I often say, Jewish mothers don’t push their kids to be welders. If all of you dopes are going to push your kids in this direction, then don’t come here and gripe because the Jews own and control everything in this country.

Plumbers and welders don’t run America.

Last edited 29 days ago by TempoNick
Reply to  TempoNick
29 days ago

Yes, I’ve seen both sides of it too. I don’t come from a long line of college graduates. As I type this, I am physically exhausted from some remodel work that frankly we can’t afford to have done right now. It probably wouldn’t be up to my standards at this stage of my life anyway. We remodeled 90% of our house only to fire our general contractor for fraud about 25% of the way through, and finished it ourselves with subs. Yes, I’ve seen the underbelly of the trades and meet some genuinely great contractors along the way. I know… Read more »

Last edited 29 days ago by Wiffle
Reply to  Wiffle
28 days ago

I don’t know, @Wiffle. I had a good tech career in an office, followed by a couple decades running my own companies, but nothing compares to when I built my house. Not sub it out. We drove every nail. We put in the electrical, plumbing, HVAC, septic, etc. Cable chases and conduit so we could pull wires when Cat 5 would eventually become obsolete. Climbing through trusses 20+ feet off the floor in order to set them in place. Installing every window, every skylight.

I kind of feel sorry for people who don’t experience that.

Reply to  Steve
28 days ago

Here’s what you need to answer Steve to have this discussion. Assuming you went to college, what did you major in that helped you in your “successful career”? I believe no one is arguing that a college degree when earned in a rigorous disciple is not useful or desirable. It is those people who sit in class for 5 years and run up debt with little prospect of what to do with their worthless degree when they finally receive them is the issue. Even assuming that every college graduate is a “sharp cookie” (ha) does not make up for a… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
28 days ago

<i>what did you major in…</i>

Computer science, until I dropped out to become a systems programmer at Control Data. Then back later to get a Chemical Engineering degree because I thought I needed to BE a PE rather than just hire one. Worst mistake of my life.

But, yeah, if Chem E is a worthless degree, there are a lot worse.

Reply to  Wiffle
28 days ago

“I assume there was a native son who might have appreciate that job, rather than decades of grumbling from an immigrant.”

You guys got a good deal out of it. Everybody in my extended family (first cousins and their kids) finished college and ended up doing something productive with our lives, not to mention we’re white. Not a single loser among us. Even if together we’re all net zero, my brother puts us in the plus range by delivering babies. You gained with my clan. 😁

Last edited 28 days ago by TempoNick
Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  TempoNick
28 days ago

Talk about hubris. What ironic twist of fate awaits you, I don’t really want to know.

Roger Hawkins
Roger Hawkins
Reply to  TempoNick
29 days ago

True; but speaking as a retired aircraft maintenance mechanic, if you don’ have plumbers and welders you don’t have America.

Reply to  Roger Hawkins
29 days ago

Yes. The difference between civilazation & barbarism starts with plumbing.

Reply to  Roger Hawkins
28 days ago

Nobody said you don’t need them and I’m not demeaning their work. I am only against this attitude that is dismissive of college. It is a very important piece of the puzzle and you shouldn’t be flippantly pushing kids out of that path.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  TempoNick
29 days ago

“Jewish mothers don’t push their kids to be welders. If all of you dopes are going to push your kids in this direction, then don’t come here and gripe because the Jews own and control everything in this country. Plumbers and welders don’t run America.” That’s why the country is falling apart. Too many chiefs and not enough Indians. Too many people in air-conditioned offices writing memos and attending meetings while the real work of the country is neglected. Whereas you have lawyers in Congress and fancy MBAs running corporations, the Chinese Politburo is largely composed of engineers. The MAGA… Read more »

Last edited 29 days ago by Arshad Ali
Reply to  Arshad Ali
28 days ago

Ali—exactly. This is what has been termed by economists as the “over abundance of elites”.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
28 days ago

Did Trump’s kids go to plumbing school?

Reply to  TempoNick
29 days ago

Neither do you.

Reply to  TempoNick
29 days ago

No… they definitely don’t.

The privilege of running this country lies in the hands of the money printers, not the builders.

Reply to  TempoNick
28 days ago

Plumbers and welders don’t run America.”

Perhaps not, but America would not run without “plumbers and welders”.

You’re an ass if you can’t understand that simple fact.

Mike Rowe is nobody’s “actor”. Rather he is a man who believes there is dignity in work—all work, that contributes to society’s operation. You show your ignorance here as Mike Rowe’s show has shown white collar workers—academics—as well as others at their jobs on many occasions. His show is not simply an omage to Blue Collar workers

Reply to  Compsci
28 days ago

Then why doesn’t Mike Rowe do that for a living instead of talking into a microphone? You know why. The work he glamorizes is hard work. Talking into a microphone? Ehh.

Reply to  TempoNick
28 days ago

You know nothing about Mike Rowe, he has had many jobs outside of white collar. Hell, he even sang opera, Geeze Nick, simply Google before you post. You know nothing. I don’t necessarily decry that, but don’t spread your ignorance to others.

Reply to  TempoNick
28 days ago

If you continue to comment this on every article, we might begin to wonder why

Reply to  Wiffle
28 days ago

My father had to quit formal schooling after 8th grade. He got a day job and had to go to a night school for training to find employment. He apprenticed, if that’s the term over there, during the occupation so he had a skilled trade in which to find employment. I still have his school records. It got him a resident VISA to this country! He worked hard, but the labor was no worse that what a faculty member does in front of his computer all day. He was an avid reader. When he died, his apartment looked like a… Read more »

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Wiffle
28 days ago

However, America was built on manual labor for whites, no matter what your Dad found distasteful and beneath him. What a nasty last line. What a willful misreading for the purposes of social validation. That’s not what he’s saying at all. Your idiotic cruise ship vacation line shows that you haven’t left the 1970s. Americans lucky enough to land in 1950-1980 are clueless about reality. Clueless. Living on old family tales about how hard Dad worked but it was all about BUILDIN’ MURIKA FOLKS. Well, it doesn’t matter now buddy, because we ain’t slaving for you any longer. Every white… Read more »

Last edited 28 days ago by Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  TempoNick
29 days ago

I wanted better for my boys too.
I am an old mechanic, it wasn’t the tech or the work or the coustomers. it was mostly who controlls the business now days. Very few of whom know which end of a screwdriver to use. All is needed is an mba from an on line school, the ability to blow lots of smoke and of course no consience.
The days i miss it Ill go visit some of the guys that are still working in what i call the real world, most of them look even worse than i do.

Reply to  TempoNick
29 days ago

True. A big driver of the opiate epidemic in fact. Workplace injuries and just the cumulative toll that psychical work will eventually inflict upon your body if you have to do it for long enough.

Without these jobs the lights and screens couldn’t operate though. Thank god our country has unlimited money printing abilities to feed it’s non-productive sectors with… right?

Reply to  NeoSpatran
28 days ago

I can’t disagree. Like I said, I only disagree with this attitude that is dismissive of sending your kids to college. Of course it’s not for everybody, but if your kids can do it, that is the route where they are going to make the most money and have the most control over their lives.

Reply to  TempoNick
28 days ago

TempoNick. No one is talking about hard work and effect on the body. That’s just your hobby horse. We are talking about the denigration of people who do manual labor of a highly skilled type. If you have what it takes to achieve a college degree in a rigorous course of study, then by all means achieve it. However, last I read the latest generation had about 40% obtaining a tertiary degree of some sort. That’s waay too many—and the overwhelming number are majoring in faux courses of “study”. You get your degree in some worthless field of study, then… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
28 days ago

And I don’t disagree with anything you wrote. But much like the people who keep pushing buggery on children, I get the same feeling from these people dismissive of sending kids to college and pushing them into the trades. Of course college is not for everyone and of course we need plumbers and welders. I just don’t like this whole notion of pushing kids into the trades so that we can end up being the serf class servicing our Jewish and Indian overlords, unclogging their toilets while they run everything and hoover up all the money in the economy.

Reply to  Compsci
28 days ago

Agreed, @Compsci, and I’d go further. Outside of a few select fields where licensing is an issue, like medicine, or where it’s otherwise a requirement, like academia, a college degree is not for the capable, ambitious, intelligent person, who can do better without.

Yes, my kids got engineering degrees, but mostly preventative. They had no idea whether they had what it took to make it without the credentials.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  TempoNick
28 days ago

These guys haven’t done it. They’ll pose here as if they have. But my bro was done at 41 as a plumber. Saved a lot, but it’s not going to last him until he’s 75, not with the four kids he thought he’d be able to support.

It’s brutal work, they do things to their necks when young that cause lasting nerve damage because they think they’re Spiderman. Then that first fall reminds them of what’s inside that 190-pound envelope, and how easy it is to break stuff in there.

Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
28 days ago

But does what you’ve said imply that if your “bro” could have made it as a college graduate? In short, if he’d gone to college would he have been able to complete a rigorous course of study and successfully made a career in a white collar area?

Salmon Jones
Salmon Jones
Reply to  TempoNick
28 days ago

Lmao you’re a second generation immigrant. That makes lots of what you say make so much more sense. Go back to where you came from.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Compsci
29 days ago

“We have been fed the great lie that to work with your *hands* is not to work with your *mind*! This lie is immediately apparent to anyone that has worked with those in the trades”

Exactly the point Pirsig makes in “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” and (more recently) by Crawford in “Shop Class as Soulcraft.”

Reply to  Arshad Ali
29 days ago

Now we are being fed the great lie that whites will regain control by being plumbers and welders. We will be so indispensable to our Jewish and Indian overlords that they will do anything to please us? No. That’s the way to become a class of serfs

Reply to  TempoNick
29 days ago

We certainly won’t regain control by out Jewing Jews in attitudes towards work and our fellow travelers. Your region of the world does have a distinctly “bitter peasant” culture about it. Freemen live by the work of their hands and serve God.

Reply to  Wiffle
28 days ago

If jew tactics didn’t work they wouldn’t be running the West. They may be running it into the ground but they are still running it. And jews don’t jew each other very often. Especially when threatened, even in a small way. They tribe up and go hard on nepotism. Look into the founding of the ADL and Leo Frank. Terrible story, but it’s what happened. Pride and honor are virtues, but Hubris leads to defeat. The best dictum is almost always a well thought out balance. We can’t create a nice place to live if we do not control our… Read more »

Reply to  NeoSpatran
28 days ago

jew tactics only worked because of gullible Whites who saw them as their own…You aren’t going to be able to use that tactic against them because they very much see themselves as jewish first and foremost…You can’t outjew a jew…

Reply to  Lineman
28 days ago

I meant the tribalism, not the wolf in sheep’s clothing thing.

Reply to  TempoNick
29 days ago

You’re becoming an almost automatic downvote before even reading your post.

Reply to  Mike
28 days ago

I love it. Somebody has to shake you guys back into reality. Echo chambers also exist on the right.

Reply to  TempoNick
28 days ago

I love it. Somebody has to shake you guys back into reality. Echo chambers also exist on the right.”

Not really. It makes you more of a troll.

Reply to  TempoNick
28 days ago

No! We only become that if that is all we are.

Reply to  TempoNick
28 days ago

Now we are being fed the great lie that whites will regain control by being plumbers and welders.”

No one has said that. You are making up straw men.

Reply to  Compsci
27 days ago

He is strawmanning but his point is valid. Plumbers and electricians wield no actual power. Unions are run by shills nowadays. Almost everyone at the top has been bribed.

Unions have to potential to wield power, but the people at the top of them would have to be replaced with people who refuse to take personal bribes.

Reply to  Compsci
27 days ago

Unions haven’t been strong since the 50’s. Almost 50% of workers were unionized back then. But then the owners starting bringing in black scab labor and… in 2024 less than 10% of workers are in unions. The few that remain almost never bargain for anything political. It’s slightly higher pay and an extra few days of sick leave only.

Offshoring continues unabated and millions of illegal and legal immigrants arrive every year to keep the labor supply in the rentier classes’ favor domestically.

Reply to  SamlAdams
29 days ago

I would not be surprised that at some not too distant point of the future that work experience can be used in lieu of an undergraduate degree to get an MBA or something. Because what’s invariably going to happen is that the best of the trades guys wants to differentiate himself or get some business knowledge to start his own thing and that next step is some kind of formal education. To make him the total package. Maybe not an MBA which is a generic degree, but something that teaches them the basics of accounting and finance etc. Say something… Read more »

Last edited 29 days ago by Falcone
Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Falcone
29 days ago

“I would not be surprised that at some not too distant point of the future that work experience can be used in lieu of an undergraduate degree to get an MBA or something.” That has already been the case for many years, at least in Europe, where a combination of relevant work experience and professional qualification (but no undergrad degree) can get you into a business school. And even if you can’t, there are various programs in place where a short course or combination of such will get you some sort of diploma or certificate. Universities and business schools are… Read more »

Last edited 29 days ago by Arshad Ali
Reply to  Arshad Ali
29 days ago

Did a lot of work with Lloyds in my career. Traditionally, bright high school grads apprenticed in the market, took professional courses like accounting as necessary and moved up to become syndicate managers. Met some of them, far more qualified than the MBAs they brought in.

Alan Schmidt
Reply to  SamlAdams
29 days ago

Farmers are hard men, and to be successful you need good mental acuity and the ability to keep your shit together.

Unfortunately, adult farmhands arent made of the same stuff. The teenagers doing it part time are solid though.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  SamlAdams
28 days ago

Let’s talk about the future of white men in those fields in 20 years after their backs start to go and their bodies can’t handle it any longer. Who’s running the Disability Claims Department in 2044? And what’s the rejection rate, Senor…O’Neill, is it? Sooooo….what is the problem, exactly, you say you have a backache?

Reply to  FNC1A1
29 days ago

As long as Uncle Sam pays the bills, higher education will *not* run out of fools. Most all colleges/universities have bought into the great lie of equality. They will do whatever they can to milk tuition from naive students in exchange for worthless academic credentials. The “scarecrow” analogy is quite fitting here, except in reality, the scarecrow was quite smart as compared to most of our diversity.

I don’t have an answer here, or rather you’ve heard it all before, why repeat.

Reply to  FNC1A1
29 days ago

I had a crew of white dudes put in a new power pole on my property. They were as talented in what they do as any professionally coached sports team. I mean they were sharp, could speak well, solved the logistics in minutes, and were in and out in a few hours. They looked to be all in their 20s too. Maybe one was young 30s.

it’s stuff like that that tells me all is not lost.

Reply to  Falcone
29 days ago

We give it our best shot every day Brother…

Reply to  Falcone
29 days ago

Most of our neighborhood restoration during Sandy was done by Alabama Power and Quebec Hydro guys. Lot of experience with storm restoration and were a wonder to watch. Only difference is when the noreaster blizzard rolled in the Alabama guys tapped out for a couple of days, Quebecers kept rolling. Understandable, the crazy “Jacque Le Jacques” were used to working in blinding ice storms.

Reply to  FNC1A1
29 days ago

And because of this, when the powers that be sit at the table deciding to take our cars away and give us bicycles, and that we should eat bug casserole, we don’t have a voice at the table. For all the carping about Jews on these boards, and I’m one of them who carps, at least they take education seriously.

Reply to  TempoNick
29 days ago

Plumbers and electricians > lawyers and merchants.

Reply to  3g4me
29 days ago

Well, I grew up in the house of a union carpenter, one of my mom’s cousins was an electrician.

I beg to differ.

Reply to  TempoNick
29 days ago

Yes, you’re seeing those people as beneath you, which is exactly how the Jews see the trades.
People who can do things matter, even if the construction is not filled with the height of humanity. God loves the poor, which is why He made so many of them
Formal education is the way to take dumb, incompetent people and give them a sense of superiority. It does nothing to actually improve them. It actually threatens to make them useless eaters for most of their life. The people with problems in the trades are least honest about it.

Reply to  Wiffle
29 days ago

I don’t see them as being beneath me. I see them as leading harder lives and making less money. I do see their communities as being beneath me, that is true. I don’t want to live around the tatted class and all of their little halfrican babies, their little bhastards they poop out, the recreational drugs and all of their divorces and blended families. No, that is not for me.

Last edited 29 days ago by TempoNick
Reply to  TempoNick
29 days ago

“ I see them as leading harder lives and making less money. “ Yes, aka stupid and therefore kind of beneath you. Good people earn a lot of money without much work, right? ” don’t want to live around the tatted class and all of their little halfrican babies, their little bhastards they poop out, the recreational drugs and all of their divorces and blended families. No, that is not for me.” I guess. But I have lived around the very wealthy. They have the same problems, they just put on the show. I’ve seen both and my answer to both extremes is… Read more »

Reply to  Wiffle
28 days ago

Who said I loved the wealthy? I’m not smitten with that crowd either. The upper middle class is more of what I’m getting at.

Reply to  TempoNick
28 days ago

Again, you miss a point. They don’t make less money. The average degree holder 1) Doesn’t work in his field of study, and 2) Doesn’t find a job that pays as much as a skilled tradesmen.

No one here has said, “Don’t go to college, take a job at the nearest McDonalds.” What the general discussion dwells on is whether or not college is for you. Simply getting a degree after 5 years does not mean college was for you. The question is, “How did you college experience set you up for the rest of you productive life?”

Reply to  Compsci
28 days ago

He’s all confused Brother…He thinks an education is what gets you a seat at the table instead of what it really is of Who you know, who you are, or who you blow…He fell for the ol jewish trick of you just need to work hard and get this degree goy that puts money in our pockets and you too can have a seat up here with us…It’s all Lucy and the football trick too bad some on our side keep falling for it…

Last edited 28 days ago by Lineman
Reply to  Lineman
28 days ago

Money is what gets you a seat at the table. The $80,000 a year a welder makes is not the kind of money that gets you a seat at the table.

Reply to  TempoNick
28 days ago

Yea well I make 5 times that much does that get me a seat of course it doesn’t because to get a seat at the table even Musk doesn’t have the money to do so…

Reply to  TempoNick
28 days ago

But $80k a year is more than the average college graduate makes. Can’t you see that! I’m not talking about those college attendees who major in high tech, high paying fields. No one is. Most college grads today have no major in such a demand field.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  TempoNick
29 days ago

For all the carping about Jews on these boards, and I’m one of them who carps, at least they take education seriously.”

A certain kind of education, one that focuses on words, semantics, arguments, that is theoretical in nature but does not have much contact with the real world. Whereas white education focuses more on the real world and the theoretical underpinning for real world phenomena. This is one of many distinctions between Jews and whites.

Last edited 29 days ago by Arshad Ali
Reply to  Arshad Ali
29 days ago

I don’t disagree in large part, but at the same time, there are a lot of Jewish engineers, scientists, computer people, accountants, etc. that also excel.

Reply to  TempoNick
29 days ago

I saw a vid with a yid explaining why they do seek high-paying jobs: for the money, because to be poor is hard on the whole family. I agree that they do focus on education and work hard at it, but, damn, why do their elites gotta be so fkn evil?

The slave trade is hard work and takes smarts, ok. But that’s not the kind of meritocracy I want running the world.

Reply to  Alzaebo
29 days ago

That would explain one yid. It does not explain the ones that send their women to work while they “study” all day.
There is balance on the question of money. I suspect in the end, it’s lot more about status than actually being rich. The lazy yids see themselves as pretty elite too, in the middle of their matriarchy.

Reply to  TempoNick
29 days ago

All those people exist in the larger framework of a Gentile world, built on experimentation and real world results. Apparently Christians even invented double entry bookkeeping.
There is a certain type of absent minded scholar that no one minds helping, because they are grateful for the more practical people of the world. Holding up abstract thinkers as the height of humanity is part of our collective problems.

Reply to  TempoNick
29 days ago

If Jews are a problem, why would any of of us want additional ersatz Jews like you?

Reply to  TempoNick
28 days ago

Have you ever once considered saying, “No!”? Developed the skills to not care what they decree?

Reply to  TempoNick
28 days ago

Do YOU have a voice at the table?

Reply to  FNC1A1
29 days ago

The opportunity cost of time and money for college and grad school to become a lawyer or doctor is staggering. Better to grow up sooner and make money sooner and not lose your mind in the required “liberal arts” classes.

Reply to  fakeemail
29 days ago

Make money, and live in a community of tatted up people who entertain themselves with meth parties and have their daughters running around with black dudes, producing halfrican spawn. Yeah, that’s what I’m signing my kids up for.

Reply to  TempoNick
29 days ago

Make money with “brains” and live in community of lulumon people who entertain themselves with drug parties and adultery and have their daughters running around with black dudes anyway.

Reply to  TempoNick
28 days ago

It’s not education that puts Jews at the top. It’s nepotism, which started with middle class Jews caring for fellow Jews, even the poor ones, and bringing them up even just a couple rungs on the ladder. You’re expressing the opposite sentiment here, the same thing that caused this situation, a disdain for poor whites. Also, what do you think all those female gender quota recruits and black athletes on scholarship are doing together in universities? I’d never send a girl to a university. There are plenty of middle class neighborhoods that are composed of service workers and trades people,… Read more »

Reply to  FNC1A1
28 days ago

Yep, the value of a college degree has greatly diminished..

Reply to  SamlAdams
29 days ago

There’s a video of Peterson on YouTube in one of his classes I think with some even more devastating observations about IQ. He actually raises the possibility that it may be nearly impossible to find useful employment for those with IQ’s below a certain number. He talks about someone with an IQ just under 80 that attempted to volunteer stuffing envelopes essentially, but the person couldn’t fold letters squarely or figure out the correct envelope to put the letter in and so on to the point that he was actually fired as a volunteer for making things worse on the… Read more »

stranger in a strange land
stranger in a strange land
Reply to  RDittmar
29 days ago

Put the sub 80 IQ person in a government job and then promote xim/xer. Problem solved.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  RDittmar
29 days ago

Somebody, perhaps it was Peterson, asserted that people whose IQ is below 90 are unemployable because they cannot even organize themselves well enough to get out of bed in the morning and arrive on the job consistently on time. Most negroes have an IQ below 90.

Reply to  RDittmar
28 days ago

One of the “jokes” I used to tell was that work output in the modern office was a bell shaped distribution centered on zero net productivity. There were always some people doing something useful but the idiots on the left side of the curve destroyed all their work.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  SamlAdams
29 days ago

As someone else said, “The lights are going out all over Europe. They won’t be re-lit in our lifetimes.” I fear the same analysis probably holds for other nations, at least what was once called “The West.”

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
29 days ago

Two sides to that coin. Right now the lights are dimming. Folks are unhappy. When they go out, they’ll be desperate. Only when you hit bottom, can you begin the process of recovery. That process will entail many facets, but the main one will be a return to meritocracy in all areas essential to life.

There’s where I disagree with today’s missive. HBD science is not a movement, yet. But HBD science is still a foundation for a movement. That will come when the “god of equality” is overthrown in desperation.

Reply to  Compsci
29 days ago

Brings to mind the saying of You can ignore reality but you can’t ignore the consequences of reality…

Reply to  Compsci
28 days ago

The experience of the Soviet Union seems to suggest that baseless egalitarianism is far harder to root out than most other errors of thinking. It ground on for a whole murderous human lifetime and only ended when the country was falling apart and apocalyptic disasters like the Afghan war and Chernobyl were in the news you could hear on shortwave. Young children eventually learn that a taller glass of water does not necessarily hold more water than a shorter one. Perhaps it is this kind of realization that makes it possible to convince people of the idea that somehow, people… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
28 days ago

One quibble to an otherwise outstanding analysis. I don’t equate the equalitarianism of the USSR with today’s equalitarianism in the USA. If my understanding is correct, the USSR never assumed people were of equal ability. They sent their best to the university and others to their trade schools. There was no AA in the USSR. Where they made their biggest mistake is in their reward/renumeration for differing abilities. So that a doctor would receive the same State payment as a crane operator—or a teacher in school, the same pay as a line worker in a factory. It was the old… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
28 days ago

Yes, that’s a good point. Today’s blue-haired communist is far more simple minded and dogmatically egalitarian than the old Soviet ones.

Reply to  Pozymandias
28 days ago

God help us, yes…..

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
29 days ago

Joel McCrae; Foreign Correspondent,1940 …. if I recall correctly.

Reply to  PrimiPilus
29 days ago

No. Sir Edward Grey, 1914.

Reply to  3g4me
28 days ago

Correct. And Grey wasn’t wrong. If the lights were going out on white civilization 110 years ago… it’s been a pretty damn long-term slide.

If you think in terms of the meta-narrative the fall of the West is a long-term, multi-generational, multi-national problem. The stuff we’re talking about today — the trannies, the queers, the nonwhite immigration — is just the logical endpoint of the rejection of Christianity and the fratricidal slaughter of whites that began well over a century ago.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
29 days ago

The entirety of the West–save Russia and most of Eastern Europe–is part of the BFE, and the primary objective of the BFE is to extinguish Western civilization. To save the West, you must kill the BFE, or at least hasten its demise.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  SamlAdams
29 days ago

“what can a 90IQ person do that is both useful to them and society, but we don’t” This is not a question we need to focus on. There were millions of them in the past living perfectly normal and productive lives. The question we do need to dwell on is “how do we make our economy normal again?” Trade is supposed to be around specialization. Instead, it’s about international corporations searching the globe for the lowest cost producer based on regulations, currency and wages and then importing that product tariff free into the high wage, high cost and strong currency… Read more »

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
29 days ago

Free trade is a destroyer of nations. That is why Lenin was in favor of it before he came to power. Free trade means that wealthy nations will eventually export their wealth making capacity in favor of financialization.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  george 1
29 days ago

Trade isn’t necessarily bad. China is blessed with large amounts of cheap to produce rare earths. They could trade those rare earths for different minerals they don’t have an abundance of.

What we have isn’t even trade. We’re running 75 billion Dollar a month trade deficits.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
28 days ago

Right, but that’s largely because no one wants what we produce — DIE, regulation, bureaucracy, etc. There’s a reason foreigners exact the concessions they do — if they had to operate under the same rules that Americans do, they would go bankrupt.

Stop F***ING American businesses and see what happens.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
29 days ago

 lowest cost producer based on regulations, currency and wages and then importing that product tariff free into the high wage, high cost and strong currency countries. This model needs to die.”

Agreed. It’s temporarily getting worse though, in the cruising boom.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  SamlAdams
28 days ago

The damage the phones have done is incalculable. I started teaching at the university level at Tier-Two schools when flip phones were the only game in town. When I left, iPhones were in every hand. In seven years I went from being able to assign parts of Kant’s “Groundwork” to needing to have PowerPoint on at all times just in case I needed to put The Categorical Imperative up there for the 10,000th time. They simply couldn’t remember anything. This was a decade ago. I cannot imagine how bad it is now. My own family is ruined. They are in… Read more »

Last edited 28 days ago by Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
28 days ago

My experience as well. Students who grew up with smartphones had zero attention span and zero interest in learning, discussing or interacting. They were literally addicted to those fucking things.

Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
28 days ago

Correct. I am relieved we no longer have Thanksgiving for the family. They sit around the dinner table engrossed with their cell phones. Only the over 60’s sit and talk to whom, well other sixties.

29 days ago

A related argument can be made about opposition to immigration – we don’t oppose immigration because the economic numbers don’t make sense, nor because they cook weird foods and wear funny clothes. Numbers and “logical” arguments about cultural enrichment, different perspectives or alleged cultural rejuvenation are irrelevant. We oppose immigration because our lands belong to us and nobody else. Our ancestors fought and gave their lives to preserve our heritage. Outsiders can go f*ck themselves. In their own lands, of course.

Reply to  Hun
29 days ago

I’m in Cincinnati for the tennis tournament. I have never seen so many Indians in my life. Even in Los Angeles. Now I know why people can’t stand them. This stinky dad was trying on like five jackets, sloppily puts them back on the hangar after stinking them up, then walks away with his wife and kid. And leaves a stinking mess.

on the,flip,side, I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many Germans in my,life in an American city Such gracious people. God bless them.

Reply to  Falcone
29 days ago

A couple months ago, I was driving through a remote mountain town in inland Croatia and the main street in the center of town was infested with Indians. Poor remote town in a relatively poor post-communist EU country and they still received their dose of enrichment. There is no escape.

Reply to  Hun
29 days ago

Coming home from a recent business trip, my husband chose to drive the rural roads. Stopped for gas in a town of 2400 in Missouri and had to deal with a subcon. We both LOATHE them.

Reply to  3g4me
29 days ago

Well when you get interest free loans from the government/us which most never pay back why wouldn’t you buy that gas station in the middle of nowhere and move your whole Tribe over here…

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Lineman
29 days ago

Chobani is the worst example of a business that would not exist if the founder had not received a sweetheart loan from the government.

Their awful yogurt and ads are now everywhere.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
29 days ago

And White women buy all their product. For a while ‘rapefugee yoghurt” was a thing online, but they quickly moved on.

Reply to  Falcone
29 days ago

Do you think the Indians were tourists, or “new Americans”? Cincinnati used to be a very nice city, in my experience. It had a big German-American population from before the Civil War. Not sure if you’re referring to that or to German tourists, but I think the combination of old-fashioned German civic interest and Anglo decency and politeness had a very good impact on the city, until recent decades at least. I’m glad to know that someone else, in this case you, had a good experience there, at least away from the dot Indians. As with most cities in the… Read more »

Last edited 29 days ago by 1660please
Reply to  1660please
29 days ago

They were not tourists but new Americans because their kids were all speaking English. im seeing that among Indians and orientals that their conception of being “upper class” is to take up tennis or golf. wrt the Germans, I am referring to the locals. Where I’m staying is in an area called Montgomery. All the girls look like the girl on the Swiss Miss logo ha ha. lastly, yes I had a great time here and love the city and look forward to coming back next year. I get that there are bad areas but it seems pretty easy to… Read more »

Last edited 29 days ago by Falcone
Reply to  Falcone
29 days ago

They were not tourists but new Americans”

Ugh, that’s what I was afraid of–the same pattern as in other cities. Maybe you’ve noticed the sculpted pigs around downtown? A whimsical testament to how Cincinnati used to have a big pork industry. With the new arrivals the streets will be adorned with other foul smells.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  1660please
29 days ago

Do you think the Indians were tourists, or “new Americans”?

Was that a trick question?

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
29 days ago

No, maybe it was just a bit of naivete on my part. I was hoping against hope that they were there for the mentioned tennis tournament.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  1660please
29 days ago

No city in AINO that has a major pro sports franchise–NFL, NBA, MLB–is fit to live in. It’ll be brim-full of feral nuggras who are encouraged to run wild by Leftist whites and Finkels.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
28 days ago

yep, stay away from big sports cities.

Reply to  Hun
29 days ago

Exactly, “why can’t my Chinese wife and I live in America”? Cause she’s not white and you have non white children. “ this is how mean and crude whites are going to have ti get if we are going to survive. ive been moved past the all races deserve a homeland. Its possible, maybe not, but possible that if whites don’t dominate the world, not only will whites be swamped and possibly wiped out as a race, but the whole world will sink into darkness. it takes humility to admit reality and to submit to the truth. I may be… Read more »

Reply to  Hi-ya!
29 days ago

“all races deserve a homeland”

I think all White nations deserve their homelands. Other races can have the rest of the world, I don’t care. They can sort it out between themselves. I don’t believe that Whites need to dominate the world. Africa, for example, is just too much trouble. Ideally, it should be sealed off from the rest of the world and exist as a natural reservation.

Reply to  Hun
29 days ago

You could be right. I’d don’t care which it is. But the dominance thing is a valid argument and smarter people than I have made it. But the white mind has to be very tough: Take up the White Man’s burden—     Send forth the best ye breed— Go bind your sons to exile     To serve your captives’ need; To wait in heavy harness     On fluttered folk and wild— Your new-caught, sullen peoples,     Half devil and half child. Take up the White Man’s burden—     In patience to abide, To veil the threat of terror     And check the show of pride; By… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hun
29 days ago

Precisely. White isolationism and homogeneity. That’s the ticket.

29 days ago

Some e-righter on Twitter recalled the Solzhenitsyn passage from The Gulag Archipelago in regards to Britain, and here is the passage: “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at… Read more »

john smith
john smith
Reply to  Marko
29 days ago

So what’s the point to the quote? Do you mean English people deserve this or you saying that you support the people who,unlike in America,are actually physically doing something? Also, typical American: the f*cking obsession with abstract nouns. The people in England are not fighting for FWEEDOM they are standing up for their people,their tribe. I would say that whenever anything bad happens in England there’s always some rightwing scumbag from the US gloating .We, in England,don’t do the same to you even though there’s a lot of “material” regarding the “greatest country in the world evah”. Don’t see this… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  john smith
29 days ago

I use this passage from time to time not as a condemnation on us but as a reminder as to what we are up against. As far as the UK, most of us are in solidarity with our brothers and sisters there. Disregard the A-holes on social media.

Reply to  john smith
29 days ago

A bit harsh but you make some good observations.

Reply to  john smith
29 days ago

john smith: I cannot speak for anyone but myself, but I mourn what’s happening in England. Love the people, the country, the history, and the heritage. And spot on – those who are standing up are not doing so for magic principles like freedom or free speech. Whether they even know it or not, they are fighting for their people. Would that more on the dissident right understood that instinctual, visceral reaction. It never ought to have come to this – Enoch Powell was so very right. May God bless you and fortune favor the English people in their fight.

Reply to  3g4me
29 days ago

Amen Sister I wish our side loved their people as much as they loved themselves…

Reply to  Lineman
28 days ago

That’s silly. There is always a hierarchy. I will always care for my wife and kids more than I care for you, and I will (likely) care for you more than some arbitrary white, who I will care more about than some arbitrary human.

Reply to  Steve
28 days ago

Didn’t say you couldn’t love your wife and kids more just said wish our side loved their people as themselves as in wanting what’s best for them…

Reply to  john smith
29 days ago

I would say that the advice given in that quote would apply equally to our tribe members located on both sides of the Atlantic. Our brothers on the eastern side have decided to be more active because although we’re both in dire straits, your condition is more advanced than ours. Give it time, we’ll catch up…elections are coming.

Please, no hard feelings. We are in this together and need to be united. When we begin to Balkanize, emigrate, join your brethren here.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  WCiv911
29 days ago

The United States is in far worse condition demographically. There is less room in Britain to seek out “better schools,” to use the euphemism. It is odd to note that the only real recent resistance to the wide-open border and flood of humanity into the US has come from blacks afraid they will lose dey gibs. I admire my British brothers and sisters for having backbone.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
29 days ago

Jack: This. The only ‘benefit’ of being in AINO rather than England is more space, and all those unused guns we constantly hear about. Demographically, England is still far more White than we are.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  3g4me
29 days ago

In an odd way the lack of space and guns may work in favor of the Britons since it will force action earlier into their displacement. The attempted Colony Ridges throughout the States likely will end in utter failure since the replacement populations will migrate to urban center with more individualized gibs and easier lives*. In Britain, the rubber hit the road when the populations in the towns and smaller cities started to be gifted with the brown hordes. People had seen what happened in London, Manchester and Liverpool, and the British State was far more generous with the gibs… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
29 days ago

The black/brown/yellow hordes definitely prefer cities. If Whites had any backbone and unity, it would be a simple matter to control the food supply.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  3g4me
29 days ago

Control? There’s no room for cant here. You mean “cut off.”

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
29 days ago

How about conquered Brother and then restored to greatness…I have a Dream…

Felix Krull
Reply to  john smith
29 days ago

I would say that whenever anything bad happens in England there’s always some rightwing scumbag from the US gloating  It goes both ways; a lot of those posts are trolls (#NotMarko) deliberately stirring up shit across the pond. The objective is that you reply, as you did, with “oh yeah!?! Well, how about yourself, burgerclown….” It’s the “let’s you and him fight”-strategy. This used to be half of Breitbart’s business model. During the Yellow Vest uprising in France, when the (white) French were in the streets by the millions for more than a year, their top voted comment on any… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  Felix Krull
29 days ago

How do we ever overcome this way?

Felix Krull
Reply to  David Wright
29 days ago

I suspect a certain level of cross-pond shittalk is inevitable, or even an expression of healthy patriotism, but a common enemy would work wonders.

I nominate the Jew. I don’t care if it’s really every single time, but we need an enemy, and the Jew fits the bill nicely.

Reply to  Felix Krull
29 days ago

We need an enemy? Got your Plan right here. Guess who.

Secret 1952 CIA paper reveals plan to eliminate White people


Felix Krull
Reply to  Alzaebo
29 days ago

Yeah, they get the bullet too of course, but my point was that it doesn’t matter what is true, only that our designated enemy serves the purpose of riling up the mob: you need an enemy you can freeze, personalize and polarize and that’s harder to do with some shady agency than a live, breathing chicken-swinger in a funny hat and a habit of sexually mutilating babies.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Felix Krull
29 days ago

True. While there is no shortage of brainwashed dunderheads to make such actual comments, most do come from state security bots. Most American rightists are furious at the British State for what it is doing.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Jack Dobson
29 days ago

They probably come from the same source as the “Europe/America is lost”-posts, designed to demoralize and spread defeatism.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Felix Krull
29 days ago

A lot of the demoralization campaigns have given way to straight up persecutions. It is hard to tell if this is due to a belief the populations have been softened up to permit this or whether it is due to impulsivity. I suspect the latter.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jack Dobson
29 days ago

I get the sense that when they decided to crack down on anti immigrant talk, and saw how little pushback there was to that, then they moved on to the next item on their list they wanted to crack down on. “Misogyny.” If there isn’t any pushbback on that either, then it will be on to whatever the next one is.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
28 days ago

There is no doubt this is being done incrementally. Remember the old line about how trends started in California and spread to the rest of the United States? I don’t think it is due to California becoming such a dumpster fire, but the way things happen now societal trends start in Western Europe and spread to the States. New forms of oppression are test run there, tweaked, adapted, and then imposed in the US. Once the police start to go after “racist posts” here, they also will transition to “misogyny.” And, no, the First Amendment does not matter and will… Read more »

Reply to  john smith
29 days ago

Hear, hear, johnny lad! It’s like spitting on one’s own Mother.

(Granddad was born in the East End, so my heart is breaking on a daily basis.)

Reply to  john smith
29 days ago

I think you are way off with your reaction. Solzhenitsyn’s quote is very appropriate for Britain and other western countries and I wish people like you would make an effort to try to understand it instead of getting all sensitive and offended.

Cornpop’s Victory
Cornpop’s Victory
Reply to  Hun
29 days ago

I have come to hate Solzhenitsyn’s quote, because I have seen too many right wingers repeat it in the abstract, but then turn around and condemn the people acting out when the quote should be applied.

“Don’t resist and follow the law or you will end up in prison”

Isnt the whole point of the quote that they can’t arrest everyone? That sufficient numbers can overwhelm the tyranny.

In order for the quote to work, instead of shaming people for “being a fed”, they should be shaming the people who forever refuse to act.

Reply to  Cornpop’s Victory
29 days ago

It’s a fine balance.

Reply to  john smith
29 days ago

There’s a few levels to this, but what Solzy is trying to say, in essence, is better to die on your feet than live on your knees, and those people in the gulag realized this all too late. Apparently some white English guy, who was arrested for being part of the riots, or being mean online, was put in prison. As is the custom of spiteful and tyrannical systems, they housed the white guy in with Muslims, who quickly beat him to a pulp. (You will recall that January 6th political prisoners were housed with violent Latin gangmembers and black… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
29 days ago

What Solzy didn’t realize or he did and just didn’t want to say because of who he was is the banding together had to happen before it got to that point of being dragged out of your home…Why do you think I keep pounding the Tribe Up or Die point…

Cornpop’s Victory
Cornpop’s Victory
Reply to  Marko
29 days ago

would I kill a few policemen who came to my door,”

You have to kill them before they come to your door in order to have a chance of a good life.

If you ambush them somewhere when your name has not yet crossed their mind, you at least have the “chance” of getting away while striking a blow at the system.

Once they receive orders and come to your door it’s already too late. Anything you stop will just be followed by endless reinforcements to the same door until you are dead.

Reply to  Cornpop’s Victory
28 days ago

That is the point, according to Solzy. The point is to take a few of them out knowing that you are doomed, which will make the authorities think twice about sending more men in. At some point, it becomes too dangerous even for the state. See: Cabrini Green.

Reply to  Marko
28 days ago

Not so easy if you have a wife, a five-year old and a three-year old.

Of course, they know that and use it against you.

Reply to  Cornpop’s Victory
28 days ago

amen to that. front door is way too late to make a survivable stand

Reply to  pie
28 days ago

think offensive.

Reply to  john smith
29 days ago

And the award for most misplaced rage goes to this irascible poof right here.

Reply to  Marko
29 days ago

Most of our side love to use that quote but have no understanding of it whatsoever, because if they did they would be living their lives a lot differently…

Reply to  Marko
29 days ago

Solzhenitsyn was writing as someone who found himself on the wrong side of the Gulag—one who “had nothing left to lose.” Most Englishmen (like the people of Leningrad) see themselves as being on the right side of history, in Marxian parlance. They are very much like some of the characters in Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, believers in the system to varying degrees, who hope that by strict adherence to the woke orthodoxy (Parsons), careful avoidance of dangerous topics (Ampleforth), and enough money to escape the prole lifestyle (Charrington), they can avoid the worst. This attitude is heavily reinforced by the harsh… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Gideon
29 days ago

Solzhenitsyn also remarked that many people didn’t lose their faith in the Party just because they were sent to the Gulag. They themselves were there by mistake, of course, and once Little Father found out about their unjust imprisonment, he’d set them free and leave all you traitors, saboteurs and Capitalist spies to be deservedly worked to death.

Reply to  Felix Krull
29 days ago

Camp guard to prisoner: How long is your sentence?
Prisoner: twenty years
Camp Guard: What did you do?
Prisoner: nothing
Camp Guard: That’s a lie! For nothing, you get ten years.

Reply to  Dutchboy
29 days ago

Tolstoy covered this theme in a short story “God Sees the Truth, But Waits.”

Reply to  Marko
29 days ago

i think the quote is appropriate for all freedom loving people. the quote is a hindsight view of how free people should react to the chains of slavery. additionally the quote describes the frailty of the captors. the quote leaves out but implies the part about refusing to recognize a corrupt authority. the hard part for any enslaved people is to come to the realization that abstaining from the authority think is complimentary to freedom. acting on the idea of freedom in masse is the cure, it doesn’t take much, but it does require the refusal to accept corrupt authority.… Read more »

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
29 days ago

“Since The Bell Curve was published thirty years ago, the blank slate, fanatical egalitarianism and universalism have become so entrenched in elite thinking that dissent is now criminal in many countries.” You’re probably right but “The Bell Curve” was pretty tame stuff. Scientists like Richard Lynn, J.P. Rushton, and Arthur Jensen, and philosophers like Michael Levin (“Why Race Matters”) have gone much further. You might argue that this “knowledge for the sake of knowledge” is unimportant because it has had no impact on public policy. But it does matter because the sceptics and dissidents among us do need to know… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
29 days ago

In this day and age, I think it will also require people willing to die for that desire and/or religion.

Reply to  thezman
29 days ago

Reason as a moral authority can only be a waystation to simply the will to impose our preferences.
Which can only be implemented by a big enough group…Tribe Up or Die…

Reply to  Lineman
29 days ago

Very well said, Sir.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Lineman
29 days ago

That’s the problem with the HBD crowd. They don’t view whites as their tribe. They consider themselves a part of the intellectual elite. That’s their tribe.

They’re fools, of course. They can’t tell the difference between a club and a people.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
29 days ago

The tribalism of intellectual elites is an important element of the system that divides the societies in the West. In the end the access to saloons is what many aspiring philosophers/political writers crave, especially those who were born into affluence, but for various reasons became ostracized by the “polite society”. It is also one of the defense mechanisms against dissent. A promise of redemption and re-admittance can successfully divide the opponents as those previously rejected will leap at any chance of attending the cocktail parties again. Others will see their new seat at the table as sufficient victory, promising to… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
29 days ago

In these cases, the idea of reciprocity may be helpful with the white elites who can be reached:

Most of the non-whites elites to whom you have bound yourself have more loyalty to the most stupid and violent of their race than to you. Look at OJ and Black Lives Matter.

They tell you to your face that you can never atone for your personal racism that you inherit from your whiteness. You will never be forgiven or spared. Listen to hate with which non-white women talk about the tears of liberal white women.

Last edited 29 days ago by LineInTheSand
Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
29 days ago

The HBD crowd are intellectual cowards. They go on and on about how brave they are to acknowledge racial or gender differences but refuse to accept the other reality that other races play as a team, thus making their beloved colorblind civic nationalism a death trap for whites. They refuse to accept that the elite of other races don’t have the same disdain for the less intellectually talented members of their races that HBD whites show toward poor and working-class whites. When presented the fact that other groups, especially Jews, have taken over the political machinery to push their own… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
29 days ago

Utopianism is almost as foolish as egalitarianism.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
29 days ago

They refuse to accept that the elite of other races don’t have the same disdain for the less intellectually talented members of their races that HBD whites show toward poor and working-class whites.

Oh I think the elite of other races have the same disdain for their low class they just don’t show it because they know they need them to overcome us…

Reply to  Arshad Ali
29 days ago

Arshad Ali: Science is all well and good, but it’s far more vital that people understand they do not need scientific and rational reasons for preferring one’s own people and civilization. The sub-saharans and mestizos and asians who are overwhelming the West are not justifying their conquest by citing IQ scores (they leave that to the cuckservatard Whites). They don’t apologize for their alien habits and ways that subvert everything the West was supposedly founded upon. Their ethnocentrism is instinctual. So, too, is all the defense we need: Not that Whites are smarter or better, but Because We Prefer Our… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
29 days ago

We used to be able to say I don’t like so and so because I just don’t like his face. As with me and Matt Damon. Don’t ask me to explain it. I just see his face and want to punch it. but people always do, and that’s a white problem lately. People have to get over this bourgeois bullshit of having to support every opinion with facts or some kind of scientific study. Aargh. The HBD crowd was always huge into that, along with the white nationalists (think Greg. Johnson) and unfortunately much of the DR. It comes down… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
29 days ago

“…lack of confidence. And that’s the crux of the matter.”
Falcone aces it. That’s it right there, the death of a thousand cuts.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Falcone
29 days ago

Interesting post. If whites begin making great art–and music–again, it will because we have rejected the revolting and repellent aesthetics of nihilism and diversity that now hold sway. And having rejected that aesthetic, we will have rejected egalitarianism and relativism into the bargain. Civilization, in that scenario, could be reborn.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Falcone
29 days ago

The disappearance of good art/music followed cultural decline, it did not precede it. Likewise, if and when it returns, it will be following cultural renewal, it will not precede it.

Reply to  3g4me
29 days ago

Whites are the worst at taking our own side Sister, even those that know what’s going on to us…

Last edited 29 days ago by Lineman
Reply to  Lineman
29 days ago

Man, we are, aren’t we? The fairest are the fairest, and we’re allowing primitives to run all over us. I don’t care what scumbag has done, they aren’t embarrassed by it, they just defend him or her because he’s one of theirs.

Reply to  Alzaebo
29 days ago

Enrages me Brother it really does not only at our enemies and traitors but our side as well because of our inactivity in the face of genocide…

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  3g4me
29 days ago

I won’t quibble with you on this and in fact you’ve made this point before. But many white people are not this way. And those who are not might need some persuasion. And so some scientific arguments might come in handy. Intellectual armor.

Race realism is different to mere tribal or ethnic solidarity (though I have no problem with the latter). Let fact-based arguments speak for themselves.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  3g4me
29 days ago

I was reading pomo philosopher Emmanuel Levinas last night, and he managed to stumble upon an important truth: particularity is the essence of being.

Zorro, the Lesser "Z" Man
Zorro, the Lesser "Z" Man
Reply to  3g4me
29 days ago

@3g4me Exactly! I have no interest in sharing a country with racial strangers. They have their own customs and culture and I wish them well in their own lands. I simply take great delight in the company of my own people and wish to live amongst them exclusively. FULL STOP.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
29 days ago

After reading about the Spanish Civil War I don’t think we can overcome the tyranny without some kind of belief system, a new religion, as the Z just wrote about. It can be the old religion if it gets it’s act together in the modern age and kicks out the communists and other eglatarians. Franco would not have succeeded unless the organized Catholics were not already organized and in place and willing to fight. The Carlists being one of those groups. Our Christianity has been so feminized that there is little fight in it’s men at the moment. That can… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
29 days ago

Hard times are coming Brother sooner than most expect…

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
29 days ago

The greatest Christian army ever gathered is here, poised to cleanse this chosen land of those who, having heard the gospel, refuse saving—The Irredeemable!

Y’know, us.

Religion is especially subject to “demographic reality.” In books and fantasy Christianity is many things, but out here among the actual facts of life, it’s a cult of anti-whiteness, a murderous dusky horde driven by traitors.

That the Bible doesn’t say to be that, and few white believers consciously believe it—or consider any extra-salvific effects of their acts—doesn’t matter at all.

The migrant camps hum with prayer.

Reply to  Hemid
29 days ago

This is a recipe for certain defeat and extinction. Out here in the hinterlands there are millions of white Heritage Americans, deeply Christian, who you’ll need on your side in order to win. Shit-talking their religion is a sure way to get them to not join your cause, ever. So shut your big stupid pie-hole about how much you don’t like Christianity, unless you want American whites to share the fate of the Russian “Whites”, who also couldn’t quit squabbling with each other long enough to effectively fight the communists.

Reply to  AntiDem
29 days ago

Sadly, a huge proportion of those millions of White Heritage American Christians are full-on Zionists. Unless and until they snap out of it – highly unlikely – they are not our allies.

Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
29 days ago

Both Zionists . . . and pacifists (violence is never the answer; Christianity as a suicide cult).

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
29 days ago

I think it’s about time for the Catholic Church to go back to their roots and call for another crusade.

29 days ago

When blogger Heartiste had his site the subtitle was “Where Pretty Little Lies Perish”. As you’ve pointed out Z, a great bulk of people prefer the pretty little lies they tell themselves until reality smashes them in the face, sometimes quite literally. The problem with guys like Sailer and Murray is the people who do read them are either heading down their path of understanding or have seen what they’re pointing out with their own two eyes. Certainly you living in Bodymore Murderland saw it. The Catch-22 is the people who should read them won’t read them because the words… Read more »

Reply to  mmack
29 days ago

One of the main problems with Sailer and Murray et. al. is that the emphasis has primarily been on the differences between blacks and Whites, and supposedly ‘pure’ rationality. That’s why most HBD comment sections are filled with White apologists (because to prefer one’s own just ‘because’ is beyond the pale), as well as Jewish and Korean and other non-Whites that readily agree on black disfunction, but combine it with triumphantly preferring their own. It’s not enough to accept HBD. One must be pro-White.

Reply to  3g4me
29 days ago

Yea our side has a problem with thinking that being pro White is low class or distasteful…A lot of them know a good one of whatever race so they continue with their fantasies of everybody living in harmony…

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  3g4me
29 days ago

“One of the main problems with Sailer and Murray et. al. is that the emphasis has primarily been on the differences between blacks and Whites”

Don’t want to play devil’s advocate but as the Derb pointed out ten or fifteen years back, the major difference is between blacks and everyone else, while the differences between non-blacks are a bagatelle in comparison (I’m using his words). In saying this I’m not questioning a pro-white stance.

Last edited 29 days ago by Arshad Ali
Reply to  Arshad Ali
29 days ago

You and I may know (or find persuasive) the vast DNA chasm between blacks and all other races (no Neanderthal, etc.). But intellectualism does NOT matter in a fight for racial survival. Just as the best propaganda is NOT what you find clever or witty, but what most stirs people’s emotions. Derbyshire likes to say his Chinese wife “adds salt” to the European soup. I say the European soup was perfectly seasoned and tasteful on its own, and needed no other seasoning.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Arshad Ali
29 days ago

I go along with this to a certain extent. However, I’m afraid the Finkels, despite being far more intelligent and functional than the Hutus, are just as pernicious in their own way. They are a gifted people, but alas, use those gifts to destroy the beautiful civilization our ancestors created. That cannot stand.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
29 days ago

They are of their father who hates beautiful people, places and things…

Reply to  3g4me
29 days ago

It is a matter of “baby steps”. Murray has been more successful than any of us in that he’s worked within a group of non-believers to get them back to that which their father’s and grandfathers knew wrt racial differences. He’s walked a tight rope rather successfully in that milieu. I do not blame him for picking the low handing fruit of Black vs White. To accept just that is a big step in our present delusional environment. His audience is different. Here we preach to the choir so to speak and look at all the dissent within just our… Read more »

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Compsci
29 days ago

You’re right. He went as far as he could and anything further would have been outside the pale of polite liberal society. But that pale has shrunk in the last three decades and what he said then he could probably not say today.

Reply to  mmack
29 days ago

Whatever happened to that guy? I think you can still find his stuff but I don’t think he is blogging. His comments on abortion were a little gross: abortions keep a girl hot!


Reply to  Hi-ya!
29 days ago

Hi-ya, I never saw that tongue-in-cheek (thank gosh), but Heartiste’s site was wiped, just plain wiped from the web after he started doing more cerebral science and racial commentary. He was crushed, lamenting the loss of decades of work. The site was its own backup, so he didn’t keep his own server.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  mmack
29 days ago

until reality smashes them in the face, sometimes quite literally.

That’s the thing. For many of them, it will take the quite literally. And the quite literally may not happen until it is too late, if at all.

Mr. Burns
Mr. Burns
29 days ago

Therein lies the most important lesson to come from the HBD scene. Facts and reason can never overcome belief.”

99%. of people have never heard of these studies and those that have aren’t going to speak up for fear of losing everything. The control of media and institutions matters. The elite matter. The opinions of the plebs are both malleable and of secondary importance. Power is the only thing that matters. If the right people had control of the media we could be expelling foreigners and sweeping Jews out of oven trays within a decade.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mr. Burns
29 days ago

I see you come by your username honestly. But the Jews and oven trays bit is a bit much. It would be more than sufficient to establish a homogeneous, sovereign white homeland and, on pain of termination, make certain no Finkel ever sets foot in it. And it pains me to say that because, in many ways, I respect and even admire that tribe. Loose your flaming arrows.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
29 days ago

The HBD stuff is kind of beside the point. Because even if it weren’t true, the threats to our race and our civilization would remain the same. The “great truth” is that once he is a minority (globally speaking he already is), nobody else is going to stick up for whitey the way whitey sticks up for others. He will be on his own. As indeed he already is. And indeed, nobody does.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
29 days ago

That is what you are seeing in the UK. The people being sent off to prison for voicing complaints about immigration are not being punished for opposing public policy, but for violating official orthodoxy with regards to the human condition. It may have started that way but it isn’t that benign now. Assuming it wasn’t always so, this has become explicitly anti-white oppression throughout the West and specifically at the moment in Britain. This no longer is enforcement of a whacked-out ideology but a malicious program to “eliminate whiteness,” which is code for cultural and eventual physical genocide. I hold… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
29 days ago

Yes, and the current Starmer regime in Britain is doubling down recently on accusing the critics of immigration as “racist,” and it seems to be using NGO’s, the SWP, and Antifa as very effective, intimidating enforcers, along with the British MSM which includes supposedly “conservative” rags such as the Telegraph. Once again, they seem to be all reading from the same script. And it is all towards eliminating the white British and their culture. Relentlessly. DR people will condemn someone like Tommy Robinson, but he seems to have a large following among patriotic Britons. There was an impressive patriotic rally… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  1660please
29 days ago

From what I gather, Robinson’s role is to redirect the ire from the tribe that created the problem to the pawns said tribe uses in carrying out its goals. Refocus from the cause to the symptom.

Reply to  c matt
29 days ago

That is the main criticism of Robinson from the right, but I think that the number of his “followers” indicates that there is something afoot that is much bigger than him, which should be respected and supported. Many of his followers seem to be regular, white, patriotic Britons. Maybe the biggest problem with the DR is that it disdains ordinary people like them–these “normies” so to speak, who might not have completely “seen the light.” We have to avoid making the perfect the enemy of the good, or however the saying goes. The real, immediate threats are the massive numbers… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  1660please
29 days ago

It is of note that the Starmer regime is expanding its state oppression to other areas such as “misogyny,” which some prudish she-minister has announced will be relentlessly suppressed right along with “racism.” To belabor the obvious, the misogyny campaign never will include the chador because that would be racist. I assume battered women’s shelters will be expanded to include (white) females who are afraid they will hear something pro-masculine. Thanks for the information. I try not to opine much on the inner workings of the politics of other nations since I read so many bad takes on ours, so… Read more »

Reply to  1660please
28 days ago

Robinson believes multiculturalism can work, just not with Muslims. His activism grew out of watching the Pakistani (Muslim) takeover of Luton, his hometown. He’s defended Sam Melia, imprisoned for anti-immigration stickers. But accusations of racism reinforced by periods of imprisonment have led him to champion Britain’s colonization by Indians (Hindu), Africans, and most of all Jews. The latter now largely run his organization. He enjoys considerable working class support, but it’s become something of a grift. In between arrests, he’s become known for hanging out on beaches in Portugal, Spain, or Cyprus.

Alan Schmidt
29 days ago

Murray is one of the most infuriating types of people to deal with. No matter how the facts contradict their ideals, the idea of society in their head is so emotionally powerful they will cling to it on their deathbed.

This isn’t even a religious thing. You aren’t going to hell for believing in HBD, but for many social ostracism is just as bed.

Reply to  Alan Schmidt
29 days ago

Alan Schmidt: Most people cannot handle much reality. Women, in particular, prefer feelings to facts. Those who dream of converting Joe Q Normal are similarly living in castles in the air. Those of us who march to the beat of a realistic drummer – the genuine dissidents – will always be a minority.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  3g4me
29 days ago

We will always be a minority. If anything we recognize as good is to survive we will have to become the new elite. The elite is always a minority. But who makes up the elite is of enormous importance

Reply to  Alan Schmidt
29 days ago

That Murray dedicated his last book to “Center-leftists of goodwill” as if such a person exists now, let alone since he wrote The Bell Curve just boggles the mind. Even in his old age he still relentlessly acts as a gatekeeper to his right for people who hate him and have let him know he will never be let back into polite society.

Reply to  Barnard
29 days ago

You’ve not read any of Murray’s work to be sure. I’ve read all. He has progressed over time and is anything *but* a gatekeeper. This “gatekeeper” slur is getting tiresome. You folks out there who scream from the rooftops about HBD, White racial solidarity, and the like, persuade few, if any, of the Normies we so decry, yet so need to persuade. Indeed, you scare them off and stereotype yourself into obscurity and distain.

Reply to  Compsci
29 days ago

I have read several of Murray’s books and don’t scream from the rooftops about anything. He spent the promotional period for Facing Reality bashing people to his right and begging mainstream lefties to pay attention to his book and arguments. It was pathetic.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Compsci
29 days ago

Let’s put “gatekeeper” in the stir with “controlled opposition”.

Reply to  Compsci
29 days ago

Whites who are ‘scared off’ by the thought of saving their own child from drowning before worrying about the Somali who can’t swim are not people I want as allies.

Reply to  3g4me
29 days ago

Wonder what the percentage is of the DR that have children compared to those who don’t…

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Alan Schmidt
29 days ago

Social ostracism is worse than going to hell for many if not most Westerners. It is our main weakness and it has been greatly exploited.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
29 days ago

That being the case, misanthropy is a most excellent armor. If you don’t give an eff what the vast majority of people think about you because you regard them as a contemptible lot, you’ve carved out a great deal of intellectual and psychological latitude for yourself.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
29 days ago

The contempt comes more easily each passing day, so maybe there is hope.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
29 days ago

Ha ha. That’s the spirit!

29 days ago

I believe that Judeo-Puritanism will have to be greatly diminished in order for Western Civ to survive. And we may be about to witness this. About an hour ago, Alistair Crooke gave an interview where he described the insanely fanatical forces at work within the Israeli Jewish community. I won’t bother with the gory details, which you can hear for yourself over at Judge Napolitano’s website (Facebook). But you can’t help but think that no matter how unhinged these Jews are over their desire for a final Armageddon with their Mideast foes, America’s Judeo-Puritans are going to march into that… Read more »

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Epaminondas
29 days ago

Judeo-nothing. The Jews are merely hanger-ons as far as enlightened Western thought is concerned.

Reply to  Epaminondas
29 days ago

Correction. They will be sending other people’s sons into that gristmill while they, like Zelinsky and his friends, and like Macron and his friends, do cocaine and molly and dance all night to the Oon-Chi, Oon-Chi Oon-Chi of the post-modern nightclub.

The Hive is distributed, but it meets at its Burning Mans and Tulums and its digital nomad coffee houses in that litter the globe from Bali to Europe … ….

An empire of laptop carriers. Of course, they are importing and distributing their armies throughout their own territories and ours.

Reply to  Epaminondas
29 days ago

Jews are going back to being just another semitic tribe in the region, with better tech. The European-Ashkenazi dividend is slowly running out as “tropical Jews” take over demographically. Zionism, a purely Ashkenazi attempt at emulating modern Europeans is coming to an end. What lies beyond may be some kind of Jewish Volkism that tosses out the secular nation-state in favor of a mystical Greater Israel.

Last edited 29 days ago by Puszczyk
Reply to  Epaminondas
29 days ago

Why Judeo-Puritan? Because the British were Anglicans, a Masonic (Enlightenment) offshoot. King James of the KJ Bible was a certified Mason, not merely a Protestant. The Constitutional United States was the start of a breakaway Masonic Empire. The British Empire had already been converged by the first Parliament, followed a few years later by the Bank granted by William of Orange. (it is claimed ideas formulated by Weishaupt in Bavaria inside the Lodges were implemented in France. Tudor duplicity may have begun in similar fashion.) This is not to say that Masonry or the Enlightenment were evil in origin, quite… Read more »

Last edited 29 days ago by Alzaebo
29 days ago

Funny thing is, their belief system comes crashing down when the tranny beats the snot out of the woman.

no hiding behind the blank slate there

Tars Tarkas
29 days ago

The HBD people are attempting to define the “who says” with a rationalization. I don’t care about HBD in that sense. We don’t want them. We don’t need a reason. HBD just begs the question if we should be replaced by our supposed superiors with a higher average IQ and lower crime rate.

We don’t want them here because we don’t want them here. That’s good enough.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
28 days ago

I tend to disagree. HBD as I see it, and practice it, is an explanation for much observed reality we are faced with today. Yes, I agree with Z-man. You need a emotional movement to desire change—not just an explanation for that desired change. Nonetheless an understanding of just why the society is failing in its “good” intentions I find helpful in prediction and avoidance. I don’t need to see the tiger at the end of the path. It is enough spot some tiger scat to turn around.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
29 days ago

Ultimately it is a fight for survival on several levels, individual, genetic (your kids future) and societal. All arguments about “the common good” are subconscious or deliberate attempts to deceive the enemy. And the enemy is whomever you perceive to be the most dangerous rival to your continued prospering. This has several implications: for loser men winner men from the local tribe are the most dangerous rival. Therefore they are the most hated. For women it is a win win situation; they get to mate, voluntarily or not, with the winners. Since loser men and desperate women are in power… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
29 days ago

That’s a huge problem with our side and that is hardly anyone wants to win they just want to be left alone which is fantasy because they will never leave us alone…

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Lineman
29 days ago

Not playing to win is playing to lose. “Playing not to lose” is not a strategy

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
29 days ago

Status Dodo is so appropriate. They couldn’t recognise the enemy, either.

29 days ago

“One side, the winning side, believes the human condition can be solved because they believe the cause of human conflict lies in the human mind and can therefore be eradicated.” What’s funny about this is their ultimate victory entails destroying the very conditions that allowed them to exist & thrive in the first place. With the foreign races in the West there’s obvious benefits to subvert & destroy the civilization but there’s nothing at the end of the road for these people besides martyrdom at the hands of the savages they worship. Every time I see Kmac talk about European… Read more »

Reply to  RVIDXR
29 days ago

If there’s to be any Whites in the future they’ll have to be fanatically ethnocentric & utterly hostile to liberalism either directly or by proxy because that’s what’s going to be necessary to survive the brown invasion currently underway.

Very well stated and even in the dissident camp is rarely stated or even understood or maybe understood but no willpower to implement…

Reply to  Lineman
29 days ago

To be fair there’s certainly willpower but there’s simply no way to channel it unless it involves leaving the West to create a new community. I’ve seen the glowies up close & personal during the tea party era, they were swarming every single non mainstream group both left & right. That was relatively tame compared to today, now they can send an agent to associate with your group & then go commit crimes without you even knowing about it to get you federally charged. There’s millions of us scattered across the country but if we group up they’re on us… Read more »

Reply to  RVIDXR
29 days ago

Yea it’s just not in me to just wait around hoping that they become too incompetent before they get to my door…So I will continue to build Tribe with people in my AO and hope others will see the need to Tribe Up…

Reply to  Lineman
29 days ago

I don’t need to hope that third worlders will fail to maintain a first world country & it’s sprawling police state, I know they won’t. I also know how firsthand what happens when people form dissident political groups in real life. But you seem to have some foreknowledge of people coming to doors & a plan to tribe up that will avoid those pitfalls so that’s good, I unironically wish you the best of luck with that.

Reply to  RVIDXR
28 days ago

I wish you luck in being good at hiding that they don’t find you before it all collapses…

Reply to  Lineman
28 days ago

Oh no, I better join up with an anonymous stranger on the internet who talks like he’s in a high school drama class else something bad is gonna happen to me. I am deeply concerned.

Give me your name, number & five digit CAGE code & I’ll get in touch with you post haste so I can join this capital T Tribe operation you have going, thanks.

Felix Krull
Reply to  RVIDXR
29 days ago

 I think this leftist utopianism is hardwired in most Western Euros

Nah, it’s a software issue. Before WWII, Whiteworld was totally racist.

Reply to  Felix Krull
29 days ago

I think you forgot about the north going to war with explicit purpose of freeing feral negro slaves. Also even before that I wouldn’t count the brits nor their diaspora going around wasting resources & White lives trying to free african slaves from arab slavers as racist either. There’s tons of anecdotes about Euros being sentimental towards savages before WWII. One of my favorite examples is Mussolini hiring a painter to make postcards depicting Italian soldiers helping negro babies which was done explicitly to prey on the people’s savage sentimentality to get them on board with invading Ethiopia. Having witnessed… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  RVIDXR
29 days ago

That’s a fair point. However, even in cases where the white man endeavored to aid the savage, never did he regard the savage as his equal. Rather, he regarded him merely as a human being upon whom one should not prey. And that hardly passes muster for non-racism.

Last edited 29 days ago by Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
28 days ago

I swear I’m not trying to be arbitrarily contrarian but.. Now I’m not going fully disagree with you on this but I will say its not so black & White. Many of those northern liberals really did believe they were equal just like they do today with, ironically, identical excuses for their condition. The classic “if we just educate them” originated with them, the quakers in particular really believed they could be molded into being indistinguishable from Whites. Now even though they don’t deserve it & they never changed one iota since that time with every generation of those people… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  RVIDXR
28 days ago

Many of those northern liberals really did believe they were equal just like they do today

One of the most shitlib communities in America was the Nantucket Quakers, who paraded their Indian and black sailors around like a catlady flaunting her faggot friend.

But when the whaler Essex got rammed by an eighty-barrel bull in the middle of the Pacific and the survivors spent months in open boats, they ate the niggers first.

Felix Krull
Reply to  RVIDXR
29 days ago

I wouldn’t count the brits nor their diaspora going around wasting resources & White lives trying to free african slaves from arab slavers as racist either. What Ostei said. White people go gaga for saving orangutans, it doesn’t mean they consider them their equals. You may call it benign racism, but it’s still racism. The Joe Sobran-quote comes to mind: Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism and slavery have disappeared. The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don’t grasp what it really means: humiliation.… Read more »

Last edited 29 days ago by Felix_Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
28 days ago

Next time we interact I will be sure to clear definitions with you first because I certainly don’t consider the word racist to mean viewed as unequal but even so you can refer to my reply to the other post to see my response to that. “Lincoln was planning on sending them back to Africa, not give them human rights.” I was discussing the northern liberals generally not Lincoln specifically & if you’re claiming his personal views were representative of the masses as it appears you are then I’ll respond to that. I’m not usually the type to ask for… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  RVIDXR
28 days ago

So I have to ask the you please provide evidence that all those northern churches & abolitionist organizations were motivated to fight a bloody war on the basis of sending the negroes to Caribbean colony I claimed nothing of the kind, I said that a) the war wasn’t fought for “the explicit purpose of freeing feral negro slaves”, and b) that the president of the Union Lincoln wanted to send them home – not to the Caribbean as you seem to believe, but to Liberia in Africa. (A strange mistake, if you don’t mind me saying so, for a guy… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
27 days ago

I presumed a level of knowledge on your part that I’m now aware doesn’t exist hence why I preempted a lot of things that I now understand that you clearly have no understanding of which did muddy the waters admittedly. I’ll fix that now. Are you aware of abolitionist movement? Rhetorical question, your argument hinges on being ignorant of it. I presumed you knew about that but apparently I was wrong. Here you go: https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/abolitionist-movement https://rmc.library.cornell.edu/abolitionism/abolitionists.htm#:~:text=Abolitionists%20believed%20that%20slavery%20was,and%20returning%20them%20to%20Africa.. “But by the mid-nineteenth century, the ideological contradictions between a national defense of slavery on American soil on the one hand, and the universal… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
28 days ago

“Before WWII Whiteworld was totally racist.”

Yep, my entire life as a young boy, say a bit over 60 years ago, such “racist” talk was acceptable and common at the dinner table. Whether the foreign side of my facility or the heritage American side, it made no difference—and I might note it did not simply revolve around Blacks. All different races/ethnicities were discussed at one point or another.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Compsci
28 days ago

Same, except we didn’t talk much about blacks at all. We understood that Italians were dishonest, the French were cowards, the British were ugly, the Scottish and the Dutch were tight-fisted, the Irish were whiners, the Finns brought knives to fistfights, the Swedes were snobs, the Norwegians were hicks, the Russians were crazy and the Germans were evil Nazi bastards.

29 days ago

“The only justification needed will simply be the desire to make it so.”

Because I say so. – TheZman

Wholeheartedly agree!

Reply to  Vince
29 days ago

The Desire without the Will to Power is a dead end…Tribe Up or Die…

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
29 days ago

I just viewed the depressing documentary “The Fall of Minneapolis.” I used this URL: https://rumble.com/embed/v3tdi8y/?pub=4 Granted it’s from a certain viewpoint; even so, it well illustrates how Egalitarian ideals can grow out of control. Were the events following Floyd’s death organic or fanned by opportunists? Some combination, I’d guess. One fact that jumps out in the documentary footage is that it was non-Blacks participating in much of the protest and/or violence. The events of May 25, 2020 continue to spread their ripples. The Radical/Progressive Left made great strides out of this and similar movements. If consolidating political power is the… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
29 days ago

Blacks largely did black things and mostly looted during the Summer of Floyd. The main takeaway was how seriously damaged whites, particularly women, are psychologically and why you can write off so many of them as trustworthy. In fact, due to their higher intelligence, they pose a greater danger in a sense. A scene from Atlanta that really stuck was a bunch of looting blacks complaining about the white girl setting fire to a Wendy’s and how that might reflect badly on them.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
29 days ago

But for some metaphysical /moral reason, women MUST be allowed to vote, hold office, write and speak freely go to college the whole thing.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
29 days ago

Like many millions of AINO proles, I was raised not to be a “racist.” And for many years, if I’d bothered to think about it (which I rarely if ever did) I qualified as a colorblind civnat. Yet here I am with all of you. So I have some personal experience with crossing the great divide from normieland to the DR. And it was primarily the behavior of the “left” which pushed me over here, not any charts or graphs, however true, about HBD. So if even those events of the Summer of Floyd were not enough to rouse normie… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
29 days ago

Same “anti-racist” upbringing as everyone else. What did it for me was taking Business Statistics at University. Then applied it to subjects other than business and noted a pattern.

29 days ago

I’ve stopped listening to Ramz Paul because in one of his broadcasts he says he is not a white nationalist. He jokes about blood tests and then sarcastic asked if whites would deport Clarence Thomas and Ron unz. up to then he would say stuff like we need our own homeland.(now I’m not sure who he is referring to with that 1st person plural pronoun) he would say that the head of the adl should be deported. And blacks behaving badly should be deported but basically what you are left is civic nationalism: citizenship based on behavior and stuff you… Read more »

Reply to  Hi-ya!
29 days ago

He’s always been a flip flopping chameleon. I don’t mean to come off like a hard ass but he’s always been soft, he’s very effeminate & slimy. I used to enjoy his short videos but as soon as that came to an end & he only did streams I noticed that about him right away since he wasn’t just doing a bit & was being himself. That was a rather prescient observation given he would go onto become indistinguishable from a catty woman. I have to admit I did find it funny when he piled on with TRS attacking Andrew… Read more »

Reply to  Hi-ya!
28 days ago

He’s always been a dork and I could usually get over his many cringe takes and overall nebbish behavior, but his shilling this year for Desantis then Vivek and now Vance just became too much to overlook. Couple that with his near daily swipes at NJF and showing Fox News clips on his stream and it seems clear to me he’s working for pro-GOP interests now. He’s always trying to ingratiate himself to Tucker and that network. This all seems to have gone into overdrive after he married that childish wench.

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
29 days ago

The other problem with the HBD “movement” is that nearly all of them fell for the covid-19 debacle, advocating the lockdowns, vaccines, or both. Curtis Yarvin being exhibit A. I think this is a contributory cause of their demise.

Reply to  Abelard Lindsey
28 days ago

“the HBD “movement” is that nearly all of them fell for the covid-19 debacle,”

I didn’t, nor most here. I’d say it’s more a defect of the mind, than HBD science itself.

Last edited 28 days ago by Compsci
Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
Reply to  Compsci
28 days ago

Most of the big names in HBD did. Most people in blogs like this did not. It might be an age/generational thing. Most of the HBD “luminaries” are in their 60’s and 70’s. Some are in their 80’s. Most people in blogs such as this tend to be GenX and younger. There is an overlap between HBD and alt-right. But it certainly does not map perfectly.

28 days ago

To show just how far we are from ‘will’ and Whites taking their own side and acting corporatively: Here is a substack essay (linked at Western rifle shooters) talking about what won’t happen when the dems ‘steal’ the election again in November. The author discusses the need for a man of violence and action, whereas Trump – despite personal courage – is all about the ‘deal.’ But the comments are exclusively about a possible uprising based on ‘principles’ and ‘ideals.’ Lots of misty-eyed paeans to freedom and democracy. Not ONE word about race or fighting for one’s own people and… Read more »

29 days ago

It is confronting to say the least when you come around to the realization that Judge Holden is a prophet. I would add that while the west packs its citizens into it’s collective Titan submersible our Stockton Rushes really are climbing right in as well which still amazes me. Other civilizations on the planet that have not been taken over by suicide cults must be urgently working out how to protect themselves from the risk being destroyed themselves in the general conflagration.

Last edited 29 days ago by tashtego
29 days ago

To the best of my knowledge, HBD has never addressed the implications of its strong version — that it is just the materialistic version of Calvinist Predestination. If one knew the state of the universe at any point in time, he could (in theory) calculate its state at any other point in time, since free will is an illusion.

Those of us who think the consciousness (soul) is something other than material never have to deal with that, but we do run headlong into the idea that HBD tells us just tendencies, modalities, a slippery slope into civic nationalism…

Last edited 29 days ago by Steve
28 days ago

So, I guess the Zman is saying we need a sort of … triumph of the will.

29 days ago

Mind, body, soul. Truthfully, I used to be skeptical of the soul part. Hence my long struggle with the Trinity (fairly recently resolved, it seems), my first life as a STEM machine, etc. I think that’s because, in my readings, will was always portrayed as a more or less mental faculty— a conscious intention. You have the idea, and your will is what imposes it on matter. Even ideas like the id or the subconscious come back to the mind. Psychology, obviously. It was coming to see will as spirit, or soul— as something separate from the mind, mysterious, not… Read more »

Last edited 29 days ago by Paintersforms
29 days ago

“Smarter, not harder” is both hereditarian and remedial. The forces arrayed against us are formidable, much like a herd of buffalo. And attacking the problem via an appeal to sanity is simply a slow death. Can anyone be talked out of Stage 4 cancer? Only in your dreams. It has to get tangible, it has to be focused, and the fog is vital to success. Know what you will do when the time for action is upon us. And everything solely within the confines of your cranium. An army of nobodies that nobody notices and a WTF just happened.

28 days ago

Well, I’ve been HBD since the 1970s, long before JayMan and HBD Chick…and I have a simple approach to blank slate types…Look around you..Is everybody Mike Tyson, or Richard Feynman…aren’t some people idiots, and some very accomplished?

Reply to  pyrrhus
28 days ago

Exactly. However, I like Mike Tyson for what he is, as long as he is not living next door to me. 😉

Reply to  Compsci
27 days ago

Oddly enough, that’s exactly how liberals behave about blacks….

29 days ago

Another lesson from the twilight of the human sciences is that knowledge for the sake of knowledge is a dead end.

This is not quite right because it’s not always possible to know, in advance, which kinds of knowledge will ultimately prove useful to humans. General Relativity seems fairly useless but GPS doesn’t work right without it — not to mention Special Relativity. It might not even be a stretch to say that most useful human knowledge came about this way, oftentimes motivated by religion but not by practicality.

29 days ago

If the West is to survive, it will be due to those who will it so and use any means necessary to prevail over those determined to turn out the lights on civilization.  -This is the central question of political philosophy posed by both Plato and Aristotle — how does Man achieve a coincidence of justice and power? In Plato’s Republic, the answer is to be ruled by a guardian class with total power, yet selflessly dedicated to truth. Of course this necessitates the “Noble Lie” to keep the rubes on board. In Aristotle’s Politics, the problem is presented as… Read more »

29 days ago

The only justification needed will simply be the desire to make it so. ive always said we could solve many of the problems we have if only a few million white men wanted to get some things done: women to have absolutely no public voiceall non whites out of North Americathis would provide the raw material to build, rediscover new era of human excellence. without the above, I just don’t see a future for the world let alone our people. but people need reasons to do everything. Even Rome said they were spreading civilization and law and order to the… Read more »

Last edited 29 days ago by Hi-ya!
Reply to  Hi-ya!
29 days ago

<blockquote>without the above, I just don’t see a future for the world let alone our people.</blockquote>

One word: Untermenschen.

There’s a solution out there, but it will never come from the state.

Reply to  Steve
29 days ago

What’s the inferior thing about? I don’t get it.

Reply to  Hi-ya!
28 days ago

OK, I’ll go there. Most other people, including whites, are objectively inferior to me. Most other races, drastically so.

Last edited 28 days ago by Steve
Reply to  Hi-ya!
29 days ago

I see “racism” as white piety. And a racist as a pious white.”

Racism is a meaningless term, or rather has been defined by our enemies to be used against us. To use such, or defend against such, is to immediately cede to them the high ground in any argument. It is not possible to redefine the term. Do not do so. I don’t have a good substitute, but I like Taylor’s use of “race realism” for now.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Compsci
29 days ago

I think it’s smarter to flip the script: racism is the same emotion that makes you love your own family more than the neighbors’.


Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Felix Krull
29 days ago

Awesome, man. I spat out coffee.

Reply to  Felix Krull
29 days ago

Awesome Brother…And it’s the Truth…

Daniel Bernard Respecter
Reply to  Felix Krull
29 days ago

Well that brings up the problems with Christianity and the great commandment to love your neighbor as yourself. The Jews never fell for that. But then there’s a related question in Scripture: Who is my neighbor? The answer seems to be, well, everybody. But that runs up against basic biology and the nature of life. Plus to love everyone is to love no one.

Sorry. All too much for a Monday.

Reply to  Daniel Bernard Respecter
28 days ago

That’s silly. Who is your neighbor?

Reply to  Felix Krull
28 days ago

But my family is White. My neighbors family is White. So where is “race” as we commonly discuss used in justifying my preference for my family over his?

Felix, is there perhaps a definition of race I don’t know about? I suspect you assume different family races, but when it comes to me and mine, even you are not getting ahead in line. 😉

Felix Krull
Reply to  Compsci
28 days ago

I’m not quite sure I understand the question. In my analogy, your race is your family, the neighbors are the brown guys.

“Race” is a vernacular term with a rather vague boundary, but it is quite real. You can tell a Dane from a Swede by their DNA, and only seventy years ago, the Swedish Social Democrats were able to name “the Swedish race” as their country’s most important asset.

And yes, of course you prefer your own family to mine, but it’s concentric circles of love, with your family at the centre. Racism starts at home.

29 days ago

tldr: We’re doomed. Great way to start the week.

Ede Wolf
Ede Wolf
28 days ago

The desire… and the means!

28 days ago

Gravity always wins. However, I’ve been enjoying the concern trolls trying to convince everyone that they’re, “Like, totally MAGA, but Harris is so gosh darn charming and look at all the good press she’s getting! Trump has too many flaws, so I’m thinking Harris…” blah blah blah for vote fraud to work, and maintain the illusion of legitimacy of the current regime, the ruling class needs two things: volunteers and real voters. Both of these require enthusiasm. The Zerg Rush media onslaught is losing steam. Harris gave what was supposed to be a serious policy speech in front of about… Read more »

28 days ago

Just know white people canceled 20,000 years fight and struggle of their ancestors for Bullshit reason

Did you know white people actually believe in-out group preferences is evil?

Yeah, the basic surviving instinct of every animal on the planet is evil according to Jews