An Election Reset

Now that the Democrat circus is over, it is time to take a look at where things stand for the election show. Regime toadies are just now waking up in a pool of their own vomit after having partied hard for the last month in what will be remembered as the greatest gaslighting campaign in American history. It really has been an incredible month of unrelenting bullshit from the regime.

In fact, I was tempted to call the show “Peak Bullshit”, but you have to be careful using naughty words in these things. It is the right title. The bullshit being sold to us is that this boozy dingbat is the greatest candidate since Lincoln. In reality, she is closer to Gerald Ford, who found himself leading his party after it managed to blow itself to pieces in the Watergate coup that toppled Nixon.

It is the quintessential internet campaign thus far. Internet gaslighting follows a predictable pattern. First a truckload of bullshit is dumped on the internet by the regime media, which is followed by “influencers” taking long deep breaths from the steaming pile of bullshit, while telling us they predicted it. After this crowd runs out of hot takes, the truth starts to creep into the conversation.

This week the “influencers” started to run out of things to say and began looking around for the next trend to front run. That new trend will be the reality that faces the regime as they try to drag the Boozy – Fudd ticket over the finish line in every state they have to win order to win the election. That list of states may turn out to be bigger than all the so-called experts have been predicting.

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This Week’s Show


  • Introduction
  • Election Reality
  • State Polling
  • Economics, Culture, Security, Trust
  • The Issues
  • Surprises

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1 month ago

I am wondering: Am I the only one here who actively becomes irritable and anxious when I hear Harris? Her tone, attitdue, entitlement, etc. actively angers me, so that I have to turn it. I am not kidding- I have a physical reaction when I hear her. Never had this with any other politcian before. Anyone else?

Mr C
Mr C
Reply to  Eloi
1 month ago

It’s not her. It’s the fact that she may be what we all know is coming. The End. She represents the last nail in the coffin. Anyone aware enough knows that what comes next can only be classified as collapse. It will no longer be what it used to be, a chipping away at our institutions. Harris is a demarcation point in human history. That is what gets you.

Reply to  Mr C
1 month ago

Well, to some extent, yes. But some idiosyncrasy, or simply that odious mix of stupidity and arrogance, offends me in a way that even Schumer cannot do, and he has far more influence than she does.

Reply to  Eloi
1 month ago

I’m more miffed at our own people and their lack of understanding of what it takes to preserve our culture and pass it to future generations. Whoever filled their brains with kumbaya over tribe, did an excellent job infiltrating and destroying our society. Parents have been asleep at the switch and maybe they’re not bright enough to understand these issues themselves.

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

”Within the memory of living men the White North, over-
whelmingly outnumbering the White South, placed the White South under the Negro. Now, in the year 1954, the White North, overwhelmingly outnumbering the White South, seeks to compel the White South to mingle with the Negro.

Not in the history of the white race was there a precedent
to guide the overwhelming majority that is the White North when they seized a minor portion of their own flesh and blood and! placed them under control of the Negro. “

Unending Hate, Earnest Cox

Reply to  Eloi
1 month ago

I feel the same way. I felt it the first time I saw her talking on TV. There’s just something “off-putting” about her.

I’d like to think that it’s the type of reaction that most all sentient beings have towards the unnatural. Even though we can’t always verbalize it, we know deep down to stay away from certain people.

hate topic
hate topic
Reply to  Mr C
1 month ago

This. If/when the election is stolen and she is installed, along with control of Congress, incrementalism ends and and the hammer drops. They will probably start with court packing. Then various constitutional amendments will be ‘enhanced’ to effectively end the 1st, 2nd and others. Any dissent will be suppressed. It will probably start with de-banking and arrest rather than violence, to prevent effective organized resistance. Basically, they will follow the Venezuela model rather than Cambodia. After the inevitable economic collapse that follows, CBDC and full surveillance will be part of the ‘reset’. Not saying this will all happen in year… Read more »

Reply to  hate topic
1 month ago

Yes, but forewarned is forearmed. And no plan survives contact with the enemy. The chaos born of collapse is a fog that throws a monkey wrench into the works. When that happens, the backdoor will be open. Our obligation is to go through it and be both focused and decisive. They only win by default if we sit on our asses and do nothing.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TomA
1 month ago

Something tells me Cackula’s back door is always open…

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

upvote for the laugh, downvote for the mental image.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  hate topic
1 month ago

I have my doubts about the whole CBDC thing. They will never voluntarily give up their single biggest asset and enabler of all their adventures and wealth. Even just banning cash would not be good for them, or at least has a lot of downsides.

Of course, I could be wrong, but it doesn’t seem especially likely.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

One door closes, another opens. If the required use digital currency is made law of the land, the power to control the populace will be infinite. Think “homo economicus”, not “homo Sapien Sapien”

People for the most part trade. When I was a small boy, I had to ask for a dollar or so to do anything fun on the weekend. No different as an adult—except I control those dollars and give them to myself—if the wife lets me. 😉

Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

“ If the required use digital currency is made law of the land, the power to control the populace will be infinite.” There is a whole class of people who are never online, who barely understand how to use their phone, and who can’t even manage checks. Getting them to digital currency will be the work of Hercules, whatever the law. Have ATMs disappeared with most of the population defacto cashless as I type this? Landline phone booths are gone, but not ATMs. They may even try to require it for a year or two, until the things break down. I… Read more »

Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

The stupidest people in American have zero problem with using their EBT cards. Hell, we provide such “digital currency” (an EBT card) to every IA who comes across the border. It will be no problem getting folks to swipe a plastic card rather than remove pieces of paper from a wallet. Certainly it will be arguably easier—since simple math and counting of change probably eludes them. ATM’s exist, because they have not been removed. They remain as a convenience for those who want to use cash. Wanting to use cash is not the same as “having” to use cash. In… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Compsci
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

The US has many billions of Dollars in economic activity that cannot go cashless. Believe it or not, I’m pretty sure drug sales and prostitution are part of the GDP. They pull these numbers right out of the butts of the prostitutes. For me, it would really affect my love of flea marketing and “yard saling.” I never have and never will use a card at a flea market, even if the vendor has the ability to accept them. Presumably people will get around the cashless society with a foreign currency or small denomination silver coinage or some workaround, though… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

One way of avoiding cash transactions would be a legal alternative. Say a gift card you can be cashlessly purchased, but exchanged for drugs. I’m sure other ways will be created.

However, illegal activities will never be a reason presented to the people to outlaw this digital currency push. It will be exactly the *opposite*.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 month ago


The other problem with the infinitely granular surveillance grid is that infinite cheap energy is required to run it.

The US grid is nowhere near capable of supplying that level of energy.

stranger in a strange land
stranger in a strange land
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago

At the intersection of reality and magical thinking comes a major t-bone collision. There we be casualties.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago

They have a bit of a contradiction to resolve. On the one hand they want to strangle the country’s energy supply to the point where people need to peddle to keep their computer on. On the other hand, they want everyone driving an electric car and 4K camera drones everywhere. I’m sure they think they will be able to impose some sort of automobile (and everything else) rationing, but this is predicated on a high quality surveillance workforce who believe in their mission. The reality will be Venezuela crossed with the Baltimore DMV. In a way this is good. NOTHING,… Read more »

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago

That’s a point, but much of the purchases I talk about already are recorded and stored. But yes indeed, the data warehouses of Alphabet and other .com’s are legendary for their energy consumption.

Once stored, the searching is trivial

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

CBDC’s will in no way effect their monopoly on the creation of money.

Reply to  Bilejones
1 month ago

Most money in creation today is *not* in terms of paper currency. It’s already “digital”, just in theory exchangeable for paper. Digital will simply eliminate that. Perhaps slowly at first, but eventually everyone swipes a card at the check out counter and cash registers no longer have meaning or purpose.

What digital currency might do is control just when money is spent due to incentives to buy or not buy. And of course those not in favor of the current regime may simply be frozen out of commerce.

Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

It’s already digital, just as you say. Most of the population already does just swipe a card, particularly the young. However, very few places can afford to go cashless, even though the tech has been there for decades.
I really don’t understand this dooms day scenario for a)something that already most exists and b)they have no logical way to port the rest of the people who do use cash.

Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

You make assertions not in evidence. Every business can go cashless. Yes, they need a device and perhaps a service to provide the exchange and there is a cost increase in doing business, but it is easily done. Name a business where it cannot be done—lemonade stand, local dope dealer…? No one gives a crap if your business has such low margin that you can’t afford a couple of grand outlay. No one seems to care about ubiquitous mandatory minimum wage laws that now are tied to inflation. You think they care about a cash only smallvendor at the swap… Read more »

Reply to  Mr C
1 month ago

her voice is annoying . And that nodding when she speaks, yeah?

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Mr C
1 month ago

You just summed it up better than anyone. We know, but you’ve described the feeling. I’ve been sick — not physically, but mentally — for about two weeks. I’ve tried, very gently, to talk to family and friends about this situation. They laugh at me. I feel as if I’m walking in a Dead World, mourning the living.

Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
1 month ago

Arthur: That was me back in 2008. I realized what a disaster GWB was too late, but by the time of the abomination I saw where we were headed. I have long since ceased all contact with family and former friends who denied reality. I haven’t heard any politician’s voice since 2016 because I ceased watching TV altogether shortly thereafter. Stop watching the carny sideshow that is politics.

Reply to  3g4me
1 month ago

GWB was a fine caretaker president, but a caretaker is not what we needed. Anything good he did was overshadowed by going into Iraq. If 9/11 truly was engineered by our greatest ally, he also dropped the ball in responding to that.

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

Hard to consider the sand wars a “good”. He won the war so to speak, but lost the peace. He was one of a long list of folk who thought they could restructure primitive societies and culture into a modern American one. He was wrong and we are no better off than before.

Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

Well, that’s what I’m saying. Most things he did other than the wars I can’t find too much fault with. I know people complain about Medicare part D and No Child Left behind, but those are small potatoes in my way of looking at things. I especially give him credit for the bailouts. He was able to set aside dogma and do the right thing. It would have been a major economic disaster if the government didn’t start throwing money around. We’re talking about people’s paychecks being lost and 401ks zeroed out as Banks failed. I know, I know, let… Read more »

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

Your point is well taken. It’s a good debate and I’d not downvote you for your opinion.

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  3g4me
1 month ago

I am proud to say that I have never listened to Obama’s voice any longer than it takes me to change the channel/turn it off/ leave the room/stick my fingers in my ears and hum. I don’t believe I’ve ever heard a complete sentence of his. When he announced he was running I read that he’d given a speech at a previous convention that swayed a lot of people to think he’d make a good president. Didn’t want to risk that.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Mr C
1 month ago

True, her even running is no good. Even if she wins zero states it’s still a strong signifier of system rot.

Reply to  Mr C
1 month ago

The end happened 60 years ago. We’re like Bruce Willis in the 6th sense now, finally realizing that we’re also a ghost.

Reply to  Eloi
1 month ago

It’s just that she represents the way politics have become purely marketing and narrative-driving, and she is the embodiment of what marketers have become…bubbly, passive-aggressive, longhoused, incurious and emotive.

Though she’s a lady, and most ladies are tofu…they eagerly soak up whatever (cultural) sauce is around them. Blaming Kamala for being a tool is like blaming a black athlete for having multiple sexual partners.

It’s the hetero men who strike this tone which is offensive to me. Tim Walz, Jacob Frey, Beto O’Rourke, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Gavin Newsome, Mitt Romney, David French, Chris Christie, Michael Steele.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Marko
1 month ago

Are you 100% sure all those guys are heteros?

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

Are you sure all those guys are human…

Reply to  Marko
1 month ago

Yeah she’s just a dumb broad promoted way beyond her competence. The “men” you mentioned, in particular David French, are repulsive.

Reply to  Eloi
1 month ago

Her voice and mannerisms are incredibly grating. But what’s worse:

She is the first double digit IQ politician who has a serious chance of winning.

The media has shown its full power like never before. Creating the impression, and then the reality, that she is smart and beloved is like when the USA dropped the first nuke. That the media can create this reality with such a stupid and unlikeable person demonstrates that their powers are much greater than we knew.

The media can make a majority passionately believe that 1 + 1 = 3.

Last edited 1 month ago by LineInTheSand
Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 month ago

I had three family members red-faced, almost purple-faced, screaming at me in 2021 that I was going to kill my mother by not getting the Covid “vaccine.” These are financially successful people working in white-collar, intellectual professions. They know absolutely nothing and are completely empty inside. They are terrifying to me because in every setting (kitchen table, court room, dinner party) I lose to these people every time because they have the royal titles and writs. I am the loser. I am the one they go for, always, across time. I and many others. I’m pretty worried about what the… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Arthur Metcalf
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
1 month ago

At this point it should be obvious they will double and triple down on their dehumanization of those who reject the narrative.

Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
1 month ago

Democrats’ voters are way out ahead of the party. The propaganda has worked better than anyone imagined. The median Democrat voter (a browner than average woman) hates the median Republican voter (a whiter than average man) with a rage that’s beyond genocidal. Kamala and Walz is the first average Democrat ticket—the first representatives of the new people they’ve built. They’re fucking maniacs. (I don’t know where Z’s getting the “Fudd” thing. Walz is a bitchy woman and that’s his media image, too. He’s “America’s Dad” from Twitter, not from the past or the woods. The hunter/state fair/etc. stuff is openly… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
1 month ago

Not to doom us, but can you imagine a tied election?

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 month ago

269 to 269 remains a possibility

flashing red
flashing red
Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
1 month ago

Yes, I had (sarc) friends and some relatives, I now believe they (with virtuous smiles) would betray me in a heartbeat to the secret police, but it’s the “I’m doing this for your own good you simpleton, you will thank me later”.

Reply to  Eloi
1 month ago

Female leadership has always had that effect on me. Call me sexist or whatever, women have never inspired me to follow them. Have to suppress the revolt to make it happen.

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 month ago

Women have their place—and their strengths, but it ain’t high leadership. Leadership is often steering a course through uncharted waters and the ability to ignore detractors. Those whose highest values are consensus and affirmation can never do this.

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 month ago

I will not be “led” by a female. Period. It is contrary to Nature.

“The male is by nature superior, the female inferior.”

-Aristotle, The Politics

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Xman
1 month ago

Hm. This may just explain why I can no longer find any works by Aristotle in the ol’ college lieberry…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

The interesting aspect (to me, anyway) of the quote is that one could—until Feminism of the 60’s—easily believe that Aristotle’s conclusion could be the result of male supremacy and the oppression of women. Then came Feminism and ironically it proved Aristotle correct. 😉

Reply to  Eloi
1 month ago

Kamala Harris is the first major politician I can think of who speaks with some vocal fry, aka “Female NPR voice.” I think there is something instinctively grating and annoying about it, and they know it, which is why they whine about guys talking about it. I think she tries to moderate it but when she really gets into it you can really hear it. It annoys some people more than others. Full disclosure, on some level, I kind of like Kamala Harris. I think she is probably a nice lady. She seems to have been a desirable female companion… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

I agree with you about the female NPR voice and your Kamala-in-power point.. As for “kind of liking Kamala,” I’m pretty confident you’re the only one in this comment section who will say that.

Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

The problem I sense, but admit to having difficulty to describe appropriately, is her level of stupidity. That she is affable is not in question. This of course fools people into liking her, or thinking she’s “OK or competent” outside of her deserved/observed niche. If you follow her, and stupid people in general, you see that they often stumble upon a vapid fact, or catch phrase, which they fall in love with. They repeat such over and over again as if to impress or educate us. The video’s of Harris doing such abound and are scary. A “gaff” every once… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

I’m getting down voted but yea, I don’t think she should be in power as I said. The great thing about these conventions is that you can see their playbook clearly. The Dems are going to play up her affability. She is not Clinton where even Dems didn’t like her. Something like the nasty person line Trump used would not land against her. She is not Biden where there were decades of him being a crooked dirtbag you could look up. The communist stuff is super weak. She may go the entire campaign without ever facing an unscripted question, where… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Mycale
Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

Blacks are/were the easy sale in America. I’m not saying it can’t be done, but it’ll be a lot harder.

Brandon Laskow
Brandon Laskow
Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

She’s had something like a 94% turnover of her staff while VP. That speaks volumes.

Reply to  Brandon Laskow
1 month ago

Her handlers apparently urge new staff members to not make direct eye contact with her.

She’s basically Hillary with a tan.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

Well, you may like her, but she;

Hates you
Wants you dead
And thinks it’s funny.

Ive seen pics of her at a younger age, and I wouldn’t touch her with your, well, you know…..

Arnaud Amalric
Arnaud Amalric
Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

The nice lady is as fictional as the smart one. She has a history of nobody being able to work for her longer than a few months.

Reply to  Eloi
1 month ago

My wife literally erupts in rage every time she comes on TV. Either shuts it off or mutes it.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  manc
1 month ago

You married well.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

You stole my comment

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Eloi
1 month ago

I believe Trump has this same effect upon a particularly vocal and influential segment of the population as well. It can’t be by accident that we have these two as our choices. This couldn’t have been designed any more skillfully to push the right psychological buttons of your average person from 2008 onward to both (a) take a superficial interest in politics (2) react emotionally to the characters presented on the television and on your phone. We’re no longer in the realm of minor political differences here — not really, c’mon — but friend and enemy, and each of these… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Eloi
1 month ago

She truly is so annoying and unlikeable.
Shockingly, Walz is just as bad, really. His ridiculous smile and the wildly flailing arms act are so off-putting. Maybe the stench of burning tires his wife brags about finding so pleasant has impacted his brain.
They make it easy to disconnect from it all.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Melissa
1 month ago

Walz is just the current year version of Hastert.

If Trump had say, Lee Atwater, on his campaign team he’d have dug up something within 24 hours of Walz’ selection.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago

They dug up plenty on Walz. But in Clown World, forming a gay club for the kids in PE class and putting tampons in the boys room are no longer disqualifying as they would have been in Atwater’s time.

Last edited 1 month ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

True. There is a tampon machine in the restroom of the brand new library branch near me. Never mind that the overwhelming majority of trans are males trying to be females, but do they really think that there are so many women trying to be men who need access to a tampon that they would go into a men’s restroom not having one on their person?

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago

They rarely mention the more evil things he’s done, like turning the cops loose on people in his state with paintball guns to force them inside during covid. or how he worked hand in hand with the PRC to not only set up “police stations” in his state to go after dissidents, but he actively helped them round them up. Throw in the fact that he’s taken 300 trips to China in what amount of time? The Bidens are degenerate grifters, they’ve only ever been interested in the money, but Walz is a fellow traveller and a true believer. How… Read more »

Reply to  Melissa
1 month ago

Like a gay Richard Simmons (sic).

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Eloi
1 month ago

No, you are not alone.

That said, the vibrant, lazy, entitled, unqualified, unintelligent, and incurious Kamala is the perfect embodiment of Current Year America AND Revelation 17.

God help us all if the Deep State manage to install her in the White House.

Last edited 1 month ago by The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Eloi
1 month ago

This is how I feel about most woman in politics, constantly feel like I’m being lectured about things that don’t matter.

Reply to  Eloi
1 month ago

She is extremely shrill, that’s for sure.

Reply to  Eloi
1 month ago

That nasally ass voice…plus cackling plus arrogant = rage

Reply to  Eloi
1 month ago

I have the same reaction when hearing her especially when she does her blacktalking. You know, the fake ghetto affectations that she thinks will appeal to the Negroes. A few weeks ago I accidentally saw a clip of her sitting at her posh desk talking to some black person on the phone. Her words in answer to some question were exactly “giiiiirl, I’m out here in these streets!”. I didn’t know which was more offensive, the fact that she was obviously not out in any streets but sitting at a $30,000 mahogany desk, or the phoniness of her “black” accent.… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Pozymandias
1 month ago


Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Pozymandias
1 month ago

“I don’t feel no ways tired…I come tooo faaaar from where I started from.”

Classic comment: “Like Hillary, I too, was born a poor black child.”

Reply to  Pozymandias
1 month ago

Yeah, she’s got that sassy-ass black grrl act down. Completely unsuitable for the office of president.

Obama used to do it, too… he would switch back and forth between his highbrow, preachy lecturing, and his “down wit’ da bros” ghetto talk.

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  Eloi
1 month ago

She’s the embodiment of the intersection of numerous negative societal trends. She’s a DINK (dual income no kids). These childless 40-50 year olds come with tons of baggage, and being Boozy is often one of those correlations. I would never want any leader with any kind of war making power to be childless, because you can’t possibly fathom the feeling of losing your child to war, especially pointless neocon projects. Her husband is Jewish (make of that what you will). She’s biracial Indian (dot, not feather) and African, but was primarily Indian up until recently. Oh and by the way… Read more »

Reply to  The Greek
1 month ago

You know she must have had a zillion abortions. Her Jew husband knocked up the nanny when he was married to his first wife and she had an abortion.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Xman
1 month ago

Too bad his mom didn’t have an abortion.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Kamala, Biden, Hillary, Bill, Black Jesus, really the whole Democrat inner circle, are all great arguments for abortion. Seeing any of them always makes me think of the Beavis and Butthead episode where they spoofed It’s a Wonderful Life. The angel shows one of the two, Beavis I think, how wonderful the world would have been without him and tries to talk him into committing suicide.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Pozymandias
1 month ago

With “Don’t Fear the Reaper” playing in the background, no doubt…

Ketchup-stained Griller
Ketchup-stained Griller
Reply to  Eloi
1 month ago

Yes. It’s her laugh/smile which is more of a smirk. I’d say she has a “very punchable face.”

Reply to  Eloi
1 month ago

Can you imagine a white man being ruled by a woman? By a woman of color? It is the low point of our people. If any white man is not humiliated by the prospect, that it’s even a possibility, shame on them.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

I haven’t felt it matters this little which one wins since 2000 when it was Bush v Gore. Trump isn’t even pretending to want to stop immigration anymore. They both will back Israel to the hilt. The trannyhomo parade will go on, just as we saw it pick up steam during his first term. Stopping the decline is not on the ballot. I had her speech on kind of in the background last night. I don’t know why I insist on doing this to myself. She presents well, strikes a good pose, as she utters meaningless, empty things. It seemed… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

I’m waiting for the the two-tone profile pic that says “Joy” instead of Hope, Nope, or Dope.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

The election scarcely matters because the president, as is now pellucid, no longer runs the country. Dissidents have been saying this for quite some time, but now it is undeniable. Cackula and Trump will serve as puppets, and I think they’re just peachy with that. They’ll get the attention they crave; they’ll get to live in the Anti-White House; and they’ll get to fly all over the world to meet their fellow puppets. And on top of that, they won’t be burdened with any responsiblity and little real work. For many people, that sounds like a great gig.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Bottom line. People have zero input into public policy at this point.

stranger in a strange land
stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 month ago

Afterall, and has has been stated before: if voting really mattered it wouldn’t be allowed.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

Correct. Trump just said that more immigration is great because we “need people.” He did make an exception for “drug dealers and killers.” So I guess all of the other crimes are A-OK.

More immigration of the sub-90 IQ variety is definitely not good for maintaining an advanced society. Trump has lost the plot if he ever had it in the first place.

Reply to  george 1
1 month ago

That isn’t or wasn’t Trump’s position. He believes in vetted and positive immigration. That is to say, immigrants must be limited/regulated and of economic benefit to the country. Hence, he’d favor granting foreign college grad’s resident VISA’s upon graduation. This obviously does those who wish to keep this country majority White, no good. It also misstates a lot of the legal immigration requirements which are anything *but* selective and beneficial. Trump is, or acts like, a “blank statist”. In that way, he does little good for the DR. Most argument I heard here is of the form, he’s better than… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

Very well said. I will not get agitated about an ‘electorate of morons’ or people who think “Trump is going to improve anything.” As my husband has said, at this point the only thing he cares about is improving our family’s economic position to survive the crisis (whether fast or slow) we believe is coming in our lifetime. We are not voting and we don’t expect significant improvement in anything that really matters.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

I would argue though that the election itself matters because it serves as a reflection of the system.

an irregular verb
an irregular verb
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

Watching an old episode of House MD on tv, there is a disease that results from a lack of a certain B vitamin, which causes the sufferer to take the last thing they heard and remake it to suit their story. I can’t remember the name of the disease, but Hugh Laurie came in to see the patient, and he had a shirt logo of a horse, and the patient immediately made of a story about her riding lessons etc, this sounds to me like an overload of alcohol may have killed Kamala’s supply of that vitamin..

Reply to  an irregular verb
1 month ago

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome? That’s caused by vitamin B-1 deficiency associated with alcohol abuse. It causes damage to short term memory. Not sure if it includes using random stuff you see to spin tall tales. Of course, the writers on House often took liberties with the details of the medical problems they featured.

Of the two, Cackula and Mr. Fudd, it’s Fudd who seems to lie and embellish the most.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

I’m still hoping for a Trump win so I can make a fortune on hydropower that I’ll generate from Lefty tears. Also, there’s a possible spike in Lefty suicides and that can’t help but “make the world a better place” to quote every beauty pageant winner. Tikkun olam, y’all!

joey jünger
joey jünger
1 month ago

I’ve ignored all of the convention, except to see some commentary on it from our side. The one exception is that I did tune in to Obama’s speech. I wanted to listen closely to see how accurate your assessment of him was. It really was uncanny and ridiculous how little he says, how little he ever said, how valence-free and emotive his rhetoric is. It reminded me of the Kodos-Kang presidential campaign on “Treehouse of Horror.” Even down to Obama’s unctuous baritone, he sounded like the aliens: “We must not go backward. We must go forward. We must not divide.… Read more »

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  joey jünger
1 month ago

trying to woo American Jews who hate him and puzzling most of his own followers. Most American Jews hate him and will never vote for him but those are not the Jews he is speaking to when he lavishly praises Israel. He is speaking to the mega-wealthy Jews who control Silicon Valley and the banking industry. The Jews with enough brains to know how dangerous the current situation is both to their power and the existence of the state of Israel that they decided at the end of 2023 that Biden/Netanyahu needed to go and that Trump needed to be… Read more »

Reply to  Mr. Generic
1 month ago

Well said. The ‘genocide’ Jews who seem to have captured the Democratic Party are never going to change their minds. Pres. Trump is hoping that the ’empire’ Jews love their own children (“to know how dangerous the current situation is both to their power and the existence of the state of Israel”) more than they hate us. It’s not a bet I would put money on, because he is asking them to side against their own kind, not just against a common 3rd party enemy like dot-Indians. Moreover, the only reason to even try is if the empire Jews have… Read more »

joey jünger
joey jünger
Reply to  Mr. Generic
1 month ago

Fine, but the smart tactic is still to take the Jewish money in private, tell the Jews in private he’ll do whatever they want, and keep mum in public, a la Kamala. Trump’s decision is stupid and alienating to his supporters who either like Israel but are more worried about their own country and its borders, or are neutral or hostile to Israel and are worried about their own country and its borders.

Reply to  joey jünger
1 month ago

Abortions for all!


Very well, no abortions for anyone!


Hmmm, abortions for some, miniature American flags for others


Captain Willard
Captain Willard
1 month ago

This lady makes Gerald Ford look like George Washington. After 4 years of this sh*t, we will dream of the return of Gerald Ford……

David Wright
1 month ago

What happened here at this site with the slow transition from, don’t vote it only validates the corrupt system to now analyzing how many delegates are in play in battleground states?

Reply to  David Wright
1 month ago

Because power and who wields it matters a great deal, because in a total state, everything is political. Regardless if you vote for it or not, this corrupt system directly affects your life.

Reply to  David Wright
1 month ago

Yes David, and, why is hundreds of millions of dollars spent on elections that don’t matter?

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  WCiv911
1 month ago

There is a sense in which it’s just another aspect of our fake economy paying people to do useless things with fake loldollars. The political “strategists” and such have to get paid too. One more big grift, of many.

Reply to  WCiv911
1 month ago

It (elections) is a show for the “rubes”. Elections also produce a lot of money for those involved in the “show” so there’s that incentive. Elections are designed to convince the populace that they *do* indeed control the government and therefore have power over their destiny. When the populace realizes that they are no better off, probably worse off, after the new rulers are installed, then (future) elections serve to distract from alternative methods of change—like revolution or uprising.

”…the ability to change masters every period of years, does not make one less of a slave…”. Lysander Spooner

David Wright
Reply to  David Wright
1 month ago

You guys are missing the point. For a long time Z has stated that the best thing is to decline from participating and let the whole thing destroy itself. I sure as hell and everyone else here know what’s coming if Trump loses.

Reply to  David Wright
1 month ago

You are correct. Many people here, including the blog owner, have disavowed voting, yet they follow the campaign obsessively. Trump is somewhat of a con man but at least illegal immigration wasn’t nearly as bad in his first term.. That is enough to get me to the voting booth. Now, on the other hand, if you are an accelerationist, then letting a pig like Harris win, is probably a logical decision.

Reply to  David Wright
1 month ago

Certainly. And since Trump will be in office for only 4 years does not the same portend after? So you’ve perhaps you’ve bought us 4 years, but that assumes “success” (whatever that means) during his administration. If that is not so, are we better off waiting/delaying those 4 years? These are unknowns.

Reply to  David Wright
1 month ago

I’m not so sure, looking back at 1929-1933 in Wiemar Germany, Hans und Franz voted their way out of their mess. If the BOM taps into that same disgust with party politics and rides a democratic, legal revolution to victory like Mustache Guy did, the Left will go to civil war. So we can vote our way out of this, just not like NormieCon G. CivNat thinks, because he’s a retard.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  David Wright
1 month ago

For a long time Z has stated that the best thing is to decline from participating

I appreciate the sentiment but I don’t think Z ever cited any examples where that helped the dissidents’ position. Indeed, there are many counter examples where the moderating population went from getting very little to being sent to the gulag after they withdrew their participation.

Reply to  David Wright
1 month ago

I do not plan to vote for either candidate this fall. I’d rather Trump win, but voting for him signals my approval of his plan to staple green cards to diplomas, to shill for Israel and support the Gaza genocide, to LEGALLY allow any immigrant in who isn’t a murder or drug dealer, and now, based on his post today on Truth Social, to protect “reproductive rights”, whatever those are. Nope, not going to do it. I cannot in good conscience support that. And voting for the Dems is a total nonstarter, especially after the past four days of Soyfest… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Mycale
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

I’ve been shilly-shallying about voting this time ’round, but as of this moment, I’m right there with you. Pierced ear the hard way or no, I can’t vote for a man who’s in the process of finking on his base like a typical Republican. And that’s to say nothing of the futility of this political system, in general. Voting just doesn’t matter a ‘dam.

Reply to  David Wright
1 month ago

Vote for Trump. When the choice is bad or worse the adult thing to do is to vote for bad. I never understood how handing all power to your enemies to use to crush you will empower reform or revoltion.

Reply to  MikeCLT
1 month ago

I see this scare tactic a lot from the right, but I don’t find it convincing. For example, who’s been in power for the past 4 years? Have we been crushed?

Reply to  Lakelander
1 month ago

Well, DR in a sense no. But in a sense yes. What do you call mandatory vexxination and quarantines, 20% inflation, an extra 20M illegal (POC) migrants installed, recession, and an additional $3T+ dollars *per year* to the debt? Depends how one reads your comment.

M. Murcek
1 month ago

Apparently there was great angst that neither Beyonce nor Taylor Swift played for free. Some people actually opined that they were lied to so the viewership numbers for Harris’ “speech” would be higher.
Such is the state of the modern dem youth voter’s “priorities.”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  M. Murcek
1 month ago

Seems to me the fewer viewers of Cackula’s speech, the better for her.

1 month ago

Unfortunately I suspect that the powers-that-be believe that with enough fawning media coverage to provide support for the narrative, they can print enough ballots in the key swing states to deliver them to Harris and thus install her in the WH and banish Trump and his kind forevermore. Otherwise I think they’d have shoved Harris aside no matter what it took to install a more plausible candidate in order to run this play.

Reply to  I.M.
1 month ago

I think the election comes down to who wants it more. TPTB probably don’t care whether Harris or Trump is in; they can use their psychological weapons against anyone in office. The Dems are highly manipulable, zealous, and have retard strength. They aren’t happy unless their Dear Leader is telling them platitudes on their preferred newsgathering sites. Trump-Republicans are a fan club, but they love grilling and God and complaining about Liberals more than they want their Dear Leader elected. Legacy-Republicans are just weak and feckless as we all know. If Harris wins, which she probably will, poorer Trump-Republicans will… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
1 month ago

Even if Trump wins, he’ll be, like in his first term, hamstrung at every turn by the intelligence agencies, entrenched bureaucracies, opposition by the Uniparty in both Houses of Congress, especially the Senate, the media, etc. If the Dems regain the House they’d probably impeach him all over again on Jan. 21.

Essentially, the swamp will just wait him out. Four years and then he’d be gone for good. Assuming the Secret Service doesn’t just have another Butler moment with a better marksman behind the rifle next time.

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
1 month ago

Adding to the fun, RFK has now dropped out and endorsed Trump.
It was worth living this long just to see a Kennedy endorsing a Republican.

1 month ago

Well that is about as fair and an objective analysis as you’re going to get these days, Z. But… when ya gotta start accounting for “margins of cheat”…? One has to wonder if any analysis is valid or meaningful. Anything is possible. I personally think that it is high time to start stretching necks and busting skulls over on that side of the political divide myself… you can’t run a country like this, and if it continues America will be another Utopia for coloured morons and white lunatics.

1 month ago

I’m looking forward to listening to it, Z. I think the Dems put on a much better, more focused show than the Republicans, and they have the entire media apparatus behind them. The hagiography of Kamala is insane – the one video they played before her speech claimed that she, basically, laid the groundwork for how the entire American justice system operates today – but you say it enough and people will believe it. They are giving her the Obama treatment, but they had five years to cultivate the Obama character and only three months for Kamala. Her speech was… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Mycale
Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

Communist line is so lame. I’m going to a gun show today and I’m bracing myself for convos including that word.

Reply to  Hi-ya!
1 month ago

It’s the conservatives answer for the word jewish just like they picked Let’s Go Brandon instead of sticking with F*ck Joe Biden

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

When I hear her say she wants to unite, and be a uniter, I think how it would be so easy. All she has to do is pardon the J6ers. Everyone would exhale. But she just doesn’t have it in her. I don’t think she has one original thought in her. Which is why I don’t fear a Kamala presidency. It will be the same govt by bureaucracy with a puppet president that we are accustomed to.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

Trump governed as a uniter. He could have moved to put Clinton in jail. He could have moved against the entire Obama operation after Russiagate. Instead he let the process play out and let people who hate him define his entire presidency. And look what it got him afterwards. Yet, Trump also tried to make unity a theme of his presidency after he got shot. I think he is still trying. Look at how it is working out. He said he respected Obama a few hours before Obama built an entire speech around taking shots at him. It just makes… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

I somehow find the unity of the cemetery unappealing.

Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

In Trump’s defense, “lawfare” was not a thing prior to his taking office and especially after his leaving office. If anything, he illustrates an old admonishment of Z-man’s (IIRC) wrt letting one’s virtues be used against you by your enemies.

Just another reason I hope Trump wins in 2024, it will be interesting to see if he’s learned anything in street fighting. Yes, this perhaps is along the lines of “watching the world burn”, but time is short for me and the world is very large. 😉

Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

Indeed. I believe it was Lao Tzu who said “Always treat the enemy as the enemy because he will invariably treat you that way.”
Again, this is something I have never understood about him. When he decided not to go after Hillary over what she did, Bannon I believe told him that it was a monumentally bad decision that would come back to haunt him. Instead, he listened to the swamp creatures surrounding him when they told him, “We don’t go after former presidents, or first ladies.” If this happens again – should he manage to eke out a victory…………

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

Dude reeks of pedophile.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
1 month ago

The wild card for me is that it’s unknown just how good their stealing operation really is? Does it include not just meat space ballot manipulation but electronic too? Are we dealing with a ghetto operation capability or a Elon Musk IQ type operation capability? We just do not know? I think we will know if like 2020 Trump is leading into the evening but by the next morning we hear doubts and that all the votes have not been counted yet. 2020 caused me a crisis in my outlook on what can happen and until 2024 proves it won’t… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
1 month ago

As usual, tons of quality comments by the contributors. My two cents is that, while I prefer Orange Man over the plank of wood running against him, I think that installing The Street Shitter would finally get whitey off the couch. I might be kidding myself, but we all know intuitively that it’s going to take much more pain and privation to provoke a reaction that is meaningful. Tucker had a neighbor on recently that related a thought that struck home. It’s the way I feel about my family and tribe. He said,”It doesn’t matter how much stuff you have… Read more »

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 month ago

I think that installing The Street Shitter would finally get whitey off the couch.”

One can only wish. However, I think that the only way to get Whitey off the couch is to light it on fire. The “couch” in this case being a metaphor for comfort and (perceived) survival. Whitey has sold his soul for the promise to be the “last one eaten”.

Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

Last one eaten! Love it!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hi-ya!
1 month ago

It’s lovely to be a banana split…

Reply to  Hi-ya!
1 month ago

I assume you all know this, but I’ll elaborate in case.

The metaphor pertains to Ulysses’s meetup/contention with the Cyclops in Homer’s Odyssey. In exchange/reward for more wine, the Cyclops promises to eat Ulysses *last*. Somehow this has always stuck with me since childhood as a basic lesson in human behavior.

flashing red
flashing red
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

Right, safety first-even if it means being the last one hauled up out of the cannibal’s basement..

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 month ago

I might be kidding myself

this is me, tapping the tip of my nose. Commenters here talk about starvation. I think that’s the only thing that will do it. Or gangs roaming through suburbs.

the white mans mind is so wrecked, he will continue to complain about muh socialism when a foreign woman rules him.thats how effeminate white men are

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

Something else that occurred to me after (unfortunately wasting my mental energy) dwelling a little further on Momala’s slick and polished presentation last night….. After witnessing the Ds be able to do that over and over, going back to Clinton and Obama, they come up with some slick talking huckster who does well with a teleprompter, substance be damned, and this works for them. It speaks to just how incompetent, useless, and deliberately feckless the GOP really is, that not once, NOT ONCE in the 40 years since Reagan have they been able to produce such a candidate who can… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Mr. Blank
Mr. Blank
1 month ago

The Vance/Walz contrast is interesting. My wife pointed out that when you look at their photos side by side, Vance does look a bit weird and Walz looks pretty normal. But when you actually hear them speak, the effect is reversed — Vance sounds like a normal guy, while Walz sounds like a creepy weirdo trying to imitate normal people and failing badly at it.

Their debate will be fun to watch. Vance might pick up a point or two for Trump after people actually see him next to Walz.

Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

Trump running around blaming Biden/Harris for the inflation is comical. Trump publicly called on Powell to lower the interest rate many, many times. Then there was all the money printing in 2020 and the stimulus checks and the free money through the SBA. Then there was the second stimulus check Trump signed off on. The debt was 10 trillion Dollars in 08 and is 35T now. Probably most of that debt was printed in some way over the last 16 years.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

It’s completely inane, just as it is for the local MSNBC-Bots put out signs blaming Trump for x% of the inflation mess as their guy did less nothing to try and fix it (and didn’t think to blame Trump until Just Now).

However unlikely it is though, there are things Trump might do (that the inner party won’t) to stem inflation that don’t require touching the government debt that’s generating the bulk of it.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

If basic supply-and-demand econ is true—I’m willing to grant it’s not—interest rates have no effect on inflation. Think about it for a second. I do understand “wages cause inflation” libertarian types blaming Trump. He sent everyone a few of their stolen dollars back and he didn’t call it a tax refund. Being a libertarian means identifying with finance capital—the rightful first, second, third, fourth, fifth, [etc.] spenders of all money. The citizen’s only role in the economy is to “invest” (give his wages back to finance) and stretch his anus for the boss on his own time. Imagining the average… Read more »

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
1 month ago

First a truckload of bullshit is dumped on the internet by the regime media, which is followed by “influencers” taking long deep breaths from the steaming pile of bullshit

Very well said. Astute take that almost all “influencers” are just terminally-online people who try to front-run every trend.

1 month ago

Wow, say what you want about Kennedy, he could run circles around both other candidates. Smart man.

still the worship of democracy and modeling democracy is so tiresome

i don’t think he had any notes in this speech today

Last edited 1 month ago by Hi-ya!
Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Hi-ya!
1 month ago

Sundance over at CTH is convinced RFKJr is a CIA asset. I dunno if that’s true, but it would explain his love for “democracy.”

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

i need more explanation about how the asset thing works. Is part of his message a lie? Is the campaign run from cia? Does he mind misleading millions of people ? His staff and volunteers? the problem I have with things like that or that George Floyd and Ashley Babbitt are sitting on a private beach on some island with new noses is that there would have to be a be a whole back story and forward story that I have never heard. how did rfk become an asset what is his motivation? Does his family know? How do the… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Hi-ya!
1 month ago

The way I picture this, the “CIA” doesn’t really care about 90% of what goes on in politics. So, as their asset, you’re free to do what you want the great majority of the time. But on the stuff they do care about, you’re there for them. You might even get sent a specific message occasionally.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

Good Lord. Everybody’s either a CIA asset or controlled opposition, isn’t he? Sometimes our side is just too dam’ invested in tin foil.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Don’t forget “gatekeepers”. Seems the only requirement to be slurred by the term gatekeeper is to be a notable in the anti-Leftist movement, yet not to the right of Attila the Hun.

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

Ben Shapiro, and by extension the kermit guy are 100% gatekeepers.
Kermit has even admitted as much.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Bloated Boomer
1 month ago

But Benji is a neocon, not a dissident.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Neocon in behest of Zionism. Even a neocon in behest of the GAE might have redeeming value.

Reply to  Bloated Boomer
1 month ago

OK, define “gatekeeper”, then specifically point to examples of Shapiro being a gatekeeper. Your complaint (slur) is exactly the same as *everyone* I’ve seen from this group. There may indeed be such a thing as “gatekeepers”, but rarely do I see anyone pony up with their definition and examples thereof. Not that I like Shapiro. He and his organization are more for the dollars and status than those I pay attention to.

1 month ago

Not to pick nits, but the governor of Nevada is a Republican and it is Gretchen Whitmer, although she is undoubtedly a world class karen.

Reply to  MikeCLT
1 month ago

Karen is an anti-white slur and should generally be avoided.

But I think with “Karen Whitmer” Z has singlehandedly de-railed her ’28 campaign.

1 month ago

O/T but I hope it gives Z a smile.

There’s another site I visit where an obvious Libertarian is arguing for the legalization of Mary Jane. By his line of argument and his attitude that comes across in his posts, I now know why Z says “When you meet a Libertarian, punch him square in the face. He’ll know”.

Back to arguing over the “election”.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
1 month ago

Well, Ford and Hoover had a long talk about Hale Boggs after Boggs started criticizing the FBI. Ford I guess had a long-running interest in single-engine aircraft, along with Hoover, apparently.

Let’s hope Kamala isn’t like Ford. God help us if she has anyone like Cheney, Rumsfeld, or Kissinger at her right hand.

Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
1 month ago

That’s the point isn’t it. Her “right hand” is bound to have a great influence since she has no mind of her own. She is an empty vessel of no understanding waiting to be filled. She is the proverbial dimwit that takes the position of the last person in the room who speaks.

1 month ago

I didn’t realize Kumala was a drunk.

1 month ago

mr. Z. During your podcast, you didn’t spend very much time talking about vote rigging. In fact, you only made one or two sentences in passing and really didn’t analyze it at all. Except for the state of Nevada.

Nothing has changed over the last four years to prevent this. Because the vote rigging has not been corrected why would you expect a different outcome from 2020?

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  thezman
1 month ago

“There is also a distinct lack of enthusiasm”

I moved out of the city but i’m still in a heavily democrat area. That is most def true, i’d say for both sides. People are just tired of this shit. Perhaps that is the goal? Like a child that asks the same question over and over until the parent finally relents

Last edited 1 month ago by Mr. House
Reply to  thezman
1 month ago


1 month ago

Aw geez, I squinted
Actually, thats a really nice

Last edited 1 month ago by Alzaebo
1 month ago

And a good Labor Day vacation to you Zman.

Now c’mon, folks- Momala on the campaign trail? Or at state functions?
These will be the greatest headlines in human history.
We will have solid gold comedy material for a millenium…

We asked God to lighten up, and He said, your prayers are answered!

1 month ago

is it just me or are books more expensive? Books that should be under twenty are now over twenty. Maybe it’s just the crop I’m looking at but sag, don’t mess with my books man…

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Hi-ya!
1 month ago

They are and have been for years now. Last time I was Stateside, before Corona hit, I noticed a marked increase in prices, I swear that was a 1/3 jump then. They certainly are a lot more “eco friendly” too. Hardcovers are overpriced and garbage quality.

Reply to  Hi-ya!
1 month ago

Publishers set retail prices, so the cost is printed on the books. A bookshelf is an inflation graph. Books of the same physical quality have at least tripled in price this century. But books of that quality are pretty much unavailable. They’re collectors’ items, sold as “support” for the authors (and publishers) at souvenir prices, like Japanese idol merch ($100 for an unwearably ugly and small tshirt of your oshi). A Bronze Age Pervert paperback is ~$15, which feels normal, but it’s printed so badly it’s almost unreadable, using worse materials than a ’90s underground punk ‘zine (typically $0 +… Read more »

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
1 month ago

I’ll try to write something serious instead of my usual trolling, having listened to most of the ep so far. My thinking on going after Vance for being ‘weird’ is the wahmen angle, it is like calling him creepy with cooties, and I think it could be effective especially to low info voters (which is wahmen in particular). The dems likely view their win condition and best chance as converting white wahmen, and I agree with them, it’s a good strategy. I also think Vance is creepier and weirder than that other guy, Vance is awkward and if a wohmon… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Bloated Boomer
1 month ago

My label for Walz is pedo. Cause there ain’t no other type who takes it upon themselves to coach teens on their sexuality and tell them to embrace their gayness. There may be some shitlib pink hair women who do that because they think it’s the virtuous thing nowadays, but there is only one kind of “man” who does that. If you lined him up next to Sandusky and Hastert he wouldn’t seem out of place at all, would he?

Last edited 1 month ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Forever Templar
Forever Templar
1 month ago

Meh, TBO, Z should’ve just taken this week off. 20 minutes and I’m sick of hearing about election shit, much less banal polling crap, much much less cheerleading for a system for suppose to wish to change. Give it a few more weeks, but…if this cheerleading and shilling keeps up, I’m gonna write this guy off after the year end and pull my memberships.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Forever Templar
1 month ago

Gosh we’ll miss you

Cornpop’s Victory
Cornpop’s Victory
Reply to  Forever Templar
1 month ago

Z-man isn’t the only one doing it this. This election is rather revealing about the character of the “dissident right”. There are guys who I thought had an understanding of how awful Trump’s first term come circling around to be Trump schills. Hunter Wallace of “Occidental Dissent” has been even more obnoxious about his newfound Trump support after whining about Trump throughout his first term and then refused to vote for him in 2020. I find it amusing that Vox Day has swapped places with these guys 2020 v 2024. The “Trump slide cometh” debacle seems to have humbled him… Read more »

Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Reply to  Cornpop’s Victory
1 month ago

I find it amusing that Vox Day has swapped places with these guys 2020 v 2024. The “Trump slide cometh” debacle seems to have humbled him a bit… Does the leopard change its spots? At most, His Pulsating Majest-hood was Right In A Mildly Reverse Orientation. Insufferable internet personalities aside, Forever Templar makes a valid point. Z Man has to eat just like the rest of us,and I don’t mean to attack or criticize him, but I have often noted the weird Double Think as well. Not from the Z Man, necessarily, but from a plethora of right leaning sites/commentariat.… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
1 month ago

I think the explanation is that most of us–myself included–are still habituated to the traditional political process. Even though we know objectively that Our Democracy is a farcical scam, and that pretending otherwise is foolish, we’ve marinated in this slop for so long that it’s hard to completely purge it from our being. Thus we bounce back and forth between the two poles you describe. But, with the passing of time, I think you’ll see less of this. At some point our transition to pure cynicism will be complete.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Cornpop’s Victory
1 month ago

As for the coming around to Trump, a lot of it has to do with how horrible this current administration is. Sure, Trump was a bad (more realistically a “meh”) president, but compared to Biden (and now Harris) he’s freaking George Washington.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  c matt
1 month ago

As bad as Trump was for White people, it’s hard to argue that our situation has improved under Biden-Harris.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Forever Templar
1 month ago

Public threats to pull your support is a bad look.

I do understand the weariness you are feeling over the election coverage and that long segment on polls was rather boring, but it’s not a knitting site. It’s a political site.