Radio Derb August 23 2024

Going forward John will be posting the transcript of his show on the day of the show, rather than the following Wednesday. The link for that is here. At some point I will post it here, but that requires transforming it from his web page to text that will render properly here and that takes some noodling. The software for this platform is not accommodating when it comes to that sort of thing.

I thought about using the speech to text tools available everywhere now, but the results are often quite hilarious. I used myself as a test and the results looked like something you would see in Japan, a country known for hilariously bad translations from Japanese to English, so that is not an option. For now, just follow the link to John’s page and you can get the transcript there.

This Week’s Show


  • 02m20s Conventions, what are they good for?
  • 07m10s Historical comparisons
  • 14m55s Totalitarian legalism (cont.)
  • 21m10s Turncoat Trump?
  • 25m23s Why no ADOS POTUS?
  • 27m30s Will someone ask Tim Walz about China?
  • 29m38s Tweeting nationalism
  • 30m54s Signoff with a campaign song

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19 days ago

I saw an 84 Datsun 300z t top yesterday….cried a little.

Reply to  Hi-ya!
19 days ago

I have fond memories of the 280ZX Black Gold special edition:comment image

Reply to  Vizzini
19 days ago

I loved those 280s so much!

Reply to  Hi-ya!
17 days ago

Had a classmate whose father bought him a new 240Z after he got his license. His dad was a USAF KC-135 pilot, so I guess it was all part of that fixed-wing military aviator thing. Now that car was a world-shaker for us …. like the “64 1/2 Mustang was for the guys 10 yrs earlier.

But it all lead to this.

18 days ago

trump campaign song?

Joy N.
19 days ago

Thanks for the information..
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