Abortion Inc.

A new trend in the world of internet politics is a reboot of an old trend in actual politics and that is the abortion issue. Abortion was good politics for both parties since Roe because it let them posture without having to do anything. The Democrats promised to defend abortion and Republicans promised to end it. Meanwhile the issue languished in the courts until the Trump court overturned Roe. Since then, both sides of the abortion battle have been trying to revive their money maker.

To some degree, they have been successful. The people we call the left have convinced themselves that the election will turn on abortion. They generate fake polls and fake news stories to goose the online influencer community. Of course, the most gullible of that bunch, the right-wing influencers, take the bait. There is no group less politically astute than the right-wing influencers. The media then uses online chatter to talk about the abortion issue as if everyone cares.

The truth is, no one cares. Just two percent of people list abortion as a major concern going onto the election. As always, economics is what matters. The people who care about abortion are the most predictable voting bloc in America. The pro-abortion people vote Democrat and the anti-abortion people vote Republican. It is why both parties took these voters for granted for fifty years. They knew that these voters would never alter their behavior.

The new wrinkle this time is also a reboot, of sorts. The usual suspects are now running a media campaign online trying to convince people that Evangelicals and pro-life people are abandoning Trump because he opposes a federal abortion ban. The abortion ban idea is a last gasp effort to keep the abortion rackets going. If they cannot pretend to fight over Roe, maybe they can pretend to fight over whatever they will call the bill, if they ever get around to drafting one.

Republicans Against Trump (R.A.T.) have been spinning up fake pro-life and Evangelical accounts on Twitter, now stupidly called X, who do the classic bit of pretending to be a disillusioned former supporter. “I have been a lifelong X, but I will not support Y because he is not 100% in favor of X” is one version. The other version is “I have always voted for Y, but because of X I cannot support Y this time.” The R.A.T. people have invested heavily in this gambit.

The result of this is we have one side pretending abortion is the pivotal issue of the campaign and the other side using abortion to undermine Trump. For his part, Trump has staked out what was the conservative position on the abortion issue since the courts sacralized it in the Roe decision. The American system is designed to send normative issues to the smallest political unit of the country. Therefore, it was un-American for the court to impose Roe on the country.

The stated goal of the pro-life movement for decades was to overturn Roe and then fight it out on the state level. Trump delivered his end and Pro-Life Inc. will never forgive him for it, but the general public is thankful. A dirty little secret of the abortion issue is that people would rather not talk about it. Normal people find crotch warriors to be icky and strange. Moving abortion out of national politics means never having to think about abortion again and for that the public is thankful.

This is, however, another bit of mask dropping for the so-called right. Professional Evangelicals, professional social conservatives and the usual suspects have abandoned their old federalist principles in favor of a national abortion ban, because they think it is good for business. Once again, we see that those “conservative principles” they never shut-up about are relative, relative to their ability to make money off of them. Everything about conservatism is a racket.

The fact is, however, the conservatives of fifty years ago were right to argue that Roe was a terrible decision because it violated the American social contract. For a big, diverse, and complicated country like America, there are few normative issues about which you can get broad support across all regions. Therefore, most issues, like abortion, are best managed locally. Just because they now think it is more profitable to argue against this does not make it less accurate.

It is what makes a federal abortion ban every bit as immoral and un-American as the Roe v. Wade decision. On the one hand, it violates the basic American notion that moral issues should be decided locally. Family issues are decided by the family. Community issues are decided by the community. On the other hand, it is an effort to impose the morality of the minority on the majority. This runs counter to the long held American opposition to minoritarianism.

In the end, the abortion issue is symbolic, in that it represents the old civic nationalist America of the late 20th century. People could argue over abortion, because the much larger issues that come with cultural decline were still far down the road. As those larger issues now appear much closer, abortion, along with the civic nationalist culture, is fading into the history books. As civic nationalist America gives way to tribal identity America, the debate will be tribal, not civil.

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5 months ago

The “Pro-life” faction winning this SCOTUS decision is the ultimate example of the dog catching the car and having no idea what to do next.

Have to hand it to the left on all issues: when they rock their political enemies back on their heels, they push hard for more, more, more.

The right feels embarrassed and wants to apologize for giving their enemies the sads.

Reply to  ProZNoV
5 months ago

The right has already pushed this issue too much. Most people on the right don’t even agree with draconian bans. Just look at the results of the votes in the Republican states of Kansas and Ohio.

Alan Schmidt
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

There is far more money in national politics, and the left made the pivot to state politics while the right was still scratching their butts. In Michigan the left sacralized abortion in our state constitution, utterly massacring pro-lifers. From who I talked to on the inside, the pro-life cause was run by boomers who haven’t changed their political strategy in 20 years.

Reply to  Alan Schmidt
5 months ago

The majority of the population simply doesn’t support draconian bans. Maybe you can scrape together a majority on late-term abortions, but that’s about it. Everybody else is very pragmatic about this issue.

Alan Schmidt
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Define draconian

Reply to  Alan Schmidt
5 months ago

Here you go. Heartbeat bills, forcing women to poop out defective down’s syndrome babies and more.


Alan Schmidt
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

In some areas you could get that through, but not at the national level.

Most states would be fine with a post-12 week ban.

Reply to  Alan Schmidt
5 months ago

I don’t know. My take on it is if it can’t survive on its own outside of the womb, it’s fair game.

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

That’s every fucking infant and probably toddler. At least you’re consistent in your love of killing the next generation. The crocodile tears from freaks when children are killed while at the same time being pro-abortion is the biggest load of bullshit I see on a day to day basis.

Reply to  jkloi
5 months ago

I think it would be funny in a sick way to watch @TN try to survive the first winter on his own. Toss him out on his bum when it’s 20 below, bare-ass naked, best of luck. We could even spot him an MRE, though he wouldn’t extend the same.

Some people have no clue what they are talking about.

Last edited 5 months ago by Steve
Reply to  Steve
5 months ago

Save the children! Even the little feral bhastards that become hooligans. LOL

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Most of Europe bans post 12-15 weeks because we’re obviously at baby. There’s also been probably at least 2 months to make a decision by then. There all sorts of countries that are backwards in every level more civilized about little babies than we are.

Last edited 5 months ago by Wiffle
Pip McGuigin
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

You are an immoral POS.

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

^this guy is a good reminder that the issue isn’t whether abortionists know they’re killing a child.

They know exactly what they’re doing. They simply do not care.

Reply to  Alan Schmidt
5 months ago

Truth. And all but a couple would be fine with the typical European 15-week, if not for murder zealots who try to shout down people who try to point out that we are the Baal worshipers of the entire civilized world.

Reply to  Steve
5 months ago

The “save the babies” zealots are every bit as annoying.

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

The throw the next generation down the toilet people are disgusting, amoral freaks. Who would kill their own genetic line for a fucking vacation? The base purpose of life is to reproduce and raise the next generation. Those who promote or argue the opposite are to have their opinions discarded to the trash heap.

Reply to  jkloi
5 months ago

If it’s defective, I kill. (Siamese twins, down syndrome, mentally impaired, etc.) If it’s a high school or college girlfriend I knocked up and don’t want to be with the rest of my life, I don’t think I would have too many regrets by killing.

You may not like it, but that’s the majority.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Man, you are one deep-down sick dude.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

So then, you’re all for giving birth to someone with a serious metal impairment so you can play martyr? Or is it just virtue signaling?

Have you ever considered what kind of miserable life this thing you gave birth to is going to have? Did you ever consider what happens after you depart this Earth and what happens to it?

Did you ever consider what kind of life you’re going to have? Or is feeling smug and superior to everybody else satisfaction enough?

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

You’ve proven you would kill for convenience. I have no problem calling you an evil man. You would kill your own child for a “simple” life.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  jkloi
5 months ago

Thank you for answering for me.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

I’ve known several Downe’s people and they seem quite happy.

Reply to  c matt
5 months ago

Down’s Syndrome is one thing, but there are other kinds of disability that are so severe that it functionally condemns both child and parents to lives of suffering. Imagine being 70 years old and having to take care of a 300 lb 50 year old with the mind of an infant. And the taxpayers have to support that giant retard.

Reply to  Ploppy
5 months ago

Don’t confuse the specific with the general. Hard cases make bad law as they say. Has an abortion bill ever specified the health of the fetus as a reason to abort? No. There’s a reason for this, such cases are very rare to find and also define. The overwhelming number of abortions are strictly for the mother’s convenience—whatever that is. I’ll leave the father out as my understanding is he doesn’t count for s**t in these matters.

Last edited 5 months ago by Compsci
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

It turns out that the people who believe that little tiny clumps of cells represent God’s Creation will defend the same for the bigger, old, far more annoying clumps of cells with free will and an Internet connection. At least the tiny ones will be rocking the most adorable little outfits in few months.
I don’t want to hear any future BS about being “Catholic and Orthodox” though.

Last edited 5 months ago by Wiffle
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Welp, at least we know one thing about TempoNick: he is, at minimum, an agnostic. Probably an atheist. I feel sorry for atheists.

Because I see no base-level Christian charity or outlook on the purpose (Our Lord’s purpose) of a human’s soul on earth, nor any perspective that a kid’s life (even a Down’s syndrome child) has value and purpose.

Reply to  Carrie
5 months ago

TN claims a lot of stuff. On previous posts he claimed some sort of Orthodox Catholicism read: Eastern Orthodox. Also that he’s Bulgarian or something.
His actual thoughts are atheistic Jew, right down to helpfully telling Americans how they ought to live.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

Yep, a “moral imbecile” as my philosophy professor once described such people. The implication was that these people simply had no principles short of whatever suited their immediate, personal needs. He knew, whether you agreed with abortion or not, such people and their “thinking” was dangerous for society.

Now in those days—pre Roe vs Wade—such folk were smart enough to remain quiet about their lack of scruples. Today they celebrate such and loudly proclaim it. We are indeed a fallen society.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

Yep. He is a poster child for postmodern depravity, not to mention the galloping stupidity that is the order of the day.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

Dudes a straight up troll Brother I could tell that from the first time I interacted with him and it’s confirmed every time he opens his mouth…

Reply to  Lineman
5 months ago

Don’t for one minute think I’m not serious about this. I despise the “save the children” crowd. Mind your own damn business.

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

“It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”. Macbeth in Act 5, Scene 5

Nick, you’re a gift that keeps giving. 🙂

Reply to  Lineman
5 months ago

That is true Lineman and I apologize to this group for amusing myself by responding to an obvious and admitted troll. I shall attempt to redeem myself in the future by better conduct.

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

I thought I was a contrarian, tn takes the prize!

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

So now your standard is if it inconveniences a teenager then kill it?

Reply to  DFCtomm
5 months ago

Better than having feral bhastards running around. I know you Americans are used to living like that, but I’m not.

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Going back is an option. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Well, you’ve sort of convinced me, TN. In the event you impregnate some poor, unsuspecting girl, I fully support her choice to abort.

Reply to  DFCtomm
5 months ago

It’s better for everybody that way.

Pip McGuigin
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Majority? Bullshit!

Reply to  Pip McGuigin
5 months ago

Yes the majority. 57% of Ohioans voted for Issue 1, the constitutional amendment to protect abortion and reproductive rights. Yes, in a Republican state with pretty large turnout.


Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

So does that mean your official position is “kill the babies”?

Reply to  Steve
5 months ago

I have to admit that the appearance of a rolling abortion clinic at the Demon-rat convention surprised even me. You have to wonder who they even thought they were “serving” with that. Are there really that many pregnant sluts at the convention who absolutely positively need to kill that baby TODAY? Clearly the abortion-factory-on-wheels was symbolism for the rabid anti-natal Left. It was still surprising. Can’t you people just drink blood and worship Satan at home like the rest of us?

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Now come on, brah!

Pip McGuigin
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Pragmatic? How about this? Female is pregnant…not married but has sex with anyone ,anytime. No morals. Wants to kill an innocent baby. I say murder isn’t an option. Birth the baby and sterilize the slut. End of problem Baby is adopted…never to know about his biological, irresponsible mother.

Reply to  Alan Schmidt
5 months ago

Younger people have a saying “If Only You Knew How Bad Things Really Are”. You would think a lot of their grandchildren being drug addicted mulattos, fags and trannys would wake them up but… anyway, the generational divide sucks. Every time I think of my retarded uncle and his obese coal burning daughters I throw up in my mouth a little bit. Dude is weak af, barely a man, and there are far too many like him. Boy does he love watching his sportsball though, his life revolves around it. Even buys and reads books “written” by the basketball nogs.… Read more »

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Total bans are Republican finks pushing an unworkable ultimatum so they can betray the natural conservatives.

Don’t discount the utopian vision of a Star Trek future either, as they imagine 40 million more shining negro faces joining hands with their white brothers under the MLK banner at the crowded local church.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 months ago

I have no problem with the people who are aborting accelerating the process. I don’t care if it is cruel.

Last edited 5 months ago by TempoNick
Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Needs to be mentioned that the ridiculous partial-birth abortion approval in Ohio came about because no one showed up to vote. The right tried to frame it as a family-rights issue which was weak sauce, while the baby murdering fanatics showed up because it’s all they think about. Everyone else, to Z’s point, just didn’t care enough to show up on this issue, but that didn’t keep the hard-left from thinking that everyone cares about the issue as much as they do.

Xin Loi
Xin Loi
Reply to  ProZNoV
5 months ago

It was dishonest of elected officials to campaign on “reversing Roe v. Wade” while allowing their most ardent pro-life supporters to cling to the false belief that such a ruling would or could end abortions. Reversing Roe v. Wade was necessary because the 1973 Court granted itself the power to overturn all states’ abortion laws with absolutely no foundation in the Constitution. A Court that could proclaim Roe v. Wade could proclaim literally anything. But that’s by no means a step towards ending abortion. Abortion (in some form) is overwhelmingly popular. The Irish people amended their Constitution in 1983 to… Read more »

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
5 months ago

One century into the women’s suffrage experiment and we have discovered that their most animating issue — the one issue that is of the highest importance to them politically — is the unrestricted ability to murder their own babies.

5 months ago

When the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe a few years ago, I spent weeks explaining to more left-leaning people I knew that “no, this doesn’t outlaw abortion, but sends it back to the states where it belongs.” It was like planting seeds on fallow ground. They only could hear the words of their hive “THEY’RE BANNING ABORTION! WE’RE GOING TO BE LIVING IN A REAL-LIFE HANDMAID’S TALE!” I learned that trying to utilize facts and reason with these zombies is pointless. It would be like someone trying to rationally disavow me of believing in transubstantiation. It’s a matter of faith… Read more »

Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
5 months ago

You actually tried to have a rational discussion with such people?

Reply to  Dutchboy
5 months ago

I thought they were reasonable. When we discussed that, I realized they weren’t.

Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
5 months ago

The issue of abortion has already been lost. Like the current war in Ukraine, one side simply doesn’t realize it has lost. The SCOTUS decision changed little, except possibly the aspect of late term infanticide being law of the land. Why? Last I read, it’s estimated that 80% of the abortions were “chemically induced”, basically “the morning after pill”. TMAP or “Plan B” is really not so next day it seems and can induce abortion many days after (just my skimming of literature, we have an MD here to correct my ignorance). Second, my understanding of some recent decisions is… Read more »

Last edited 5 months ago by Compsci
Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
5 months ago

You cannot help them and further, they do not deserve to be saved. Let them suffer.

Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
5 months ago

Yes, I forgot to mention that part in my other post about the abortion van. What point is there in having it? Well, it’s like a chapel on wheels for the twisted Lefty religion. Even if they don’t kill a single baby with it, the presence of it is what matters to the most devout members of the blood cult.

5 months ago

Yes, the Court merely sent the issue back to the States, where it belonged..There obviously is no Constitutional right to abortion, since it was a crime in all 13 States in 1789…

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  pyrrhus
5 months ago

They only care about the constitution and its supposed rights when it’s convenient for them. They strongly oppose the constitution when it works against them. I seriously doubt a single one of the “Founding Fathers” would recognize American law of the 21st century.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
5 months ago

If you’d like to actually hear smoke over the Internet, discuss with a mainstream conservative that 2A is about protecting state sovereignty, not individual rights. That is the Federal government is prohibited from regulating the firearms of individuals (thus the FBI’s division for it should not exist) to protect the state’s right to protect her borders against a Federal government gone bad. The state themselves have every right to regulate firearms to their hearts content.
They love that POV.

5 months ago

Who is behind the R.A.T. account? (It used to be called “Republicans for Joe Biden”)

Btw, abortion is an icky issue, because we all know that it’s really murder and we have allowed it to go on for decades. So we would rather not talk about it.

Last edited 5 months ago by Hun
Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Hun
5 months ago

As usual, the usual suspects are behind RAT.

As to abortion, it should be a local issue. I’m against it, but I’m for letting it be decided at as local a level as possible.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Hun
5 months ago

Abortion is not Murder, but it is a species of homicide. What makes the pro-abortion crowd so repellant is their celebration of act and deliberate obfuscation of what they are celebrating: The killing of a human being.

As a side note: Many of the pro-abortion people would vehemently protest the execution of a violent murderer. That is utterly irrational and immoral.

Protesting the killing of the innocent unborn and advocating the execution of guilty murderers is morally consistent and normal.

Zorro, the Lesser "Z" Man
Zorro, the Lesser "Z" Man
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
5 months ago

Just explain that the execution is a post-post-post-post-post term abortion. That should bring them gleefully on board. 😉

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
5 months ago

I’ve posted something similar before, but it reflects crossing the great divide. I used to be a big anti-abortion guy, and I certainly still find it to be a ghoulish act and mortal sin. It reflects how irredeemable is our society that close to 20% of conceptions are aborted (though down from the Boomer heyday in the 1980s where 33% of conceptions were terminated – 70% of those by white women). But now I’d rather not get in the way of my enemies making a mistake. I support these shitlib ghouls and poor minorities removing themselves from the gene pool.… Read more »

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  thezman
5 months ago

Then paraphrasing Joe Valuchi in The Godfather…

In my city, we would keep the abortions in the dark people, the coloreds. They’re animals anyway, so let them lose their souls.

Reply to  thezman
5 months ago

Margaret Sanger’s writings are clear she wanted to reduce lower class fertility across racial lines from the beginning. I suspect the reason black abortion numbers have stayed higher than other races is that they are exceptionally bad at using birth control. They also seem very comfortable with abortion as a form of birth control.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Barnard
5 months ago

Negresses barely love their own children–unless he becomes a rapper or sportsballer. Why would they give a dam’ about their unborn?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

Or feeding the maggots via White cop or any random White person – da ghetto lottery – sheeeeeiiiiiiittttttt!!!

Reply to  Barnard
5 months ago

Not to mention the instinct of male negroes to copulate as frequently as possible.

“Muh dick!”

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Barnard
5 months ago

They are exceptionally bad at responsibility…

Reply to  thezman
5 months ago

I have always said the fastest way for the pro life fanatics to get a global abortion ban forever is to get Republicans to endorse free abortions for Negroes only and build abortion mills in every ghetto next to the liquor store and the pawn shop because “Black Lives Don’t Matter”. The Democrats would move so fast to make abortions illegal it would make your head spin.

Last edited 5 months ago by Pickle Rick
Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Pickle Rick
5 months ago

This is just another case of blacks making the society that they’re in worse though, i.e., we need to make whoredom permissible in our own women so that we’re not (completely) overrun with black criminals.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Pickle Rick
5 months ago

Exactly. Adoration of the Negro is the very heart of the Leftist religion. All other issues draw their meaning from how they affect negroes.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

I can’t wait for the day when we at least regain enough sanity to have some self interested pagan religion.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Wiffle
5 months ago

It would be a step up from tossing white infants into Kilimanjaro to propitiate the high god MLK.

stranger in a strange land
stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

So MLK still outranks St George the Floyd of Minnehaha?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  stranger in a strange land
5 months ago

Somewhat, I dare say. My town doesn’t have a SGF Boulevard. At least, not yet.

Reply to  Pickle Rick
5 months ago

build abortion mills in every ghetto next to the liquor store and the pawn shop”

Most PP clinics are already in bad neighborhoods/ghettos or easily accessed by bus from them. No worries about “abortion deserts”.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
5 months ago

You probably know it, but a large number of leftists are fully aware today that abortion keeps the black population down. They are cynically casual about it in private but evade the issue publicly. While simultaneously terrifying and brilliant, the Left calculates that it produces more white female voters than culls black ones. It is somewhat analogous to Ceausescu banning abortion to increase the Romanian population while Erick Honecker made it universally accessible to decrease the troublesome German population. Whatever increases the Left’s power is explicitly permitted, whatever decreases it is explicitly prohibited. The United States obviously is even more… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
5 months ago

reminds me of that one expanding brain meme that goes like this

pro abortion = small brain
anti abortion = big brain
What race is it? = galaxy brain

Last edited 5 months ago by HalfTrolling
Reply to  thezman
5 months ago

I used to half-joke that I was pro-choice for whites and east Asians and pro-choice for everyone else.

Reply to  thezman
5 months ago

Very true. Here’s another way to reduce certain races fertility. If you have a second child conceived out of wedlock, you are sterilized.

Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

Probably all it would take is permanent ban on all forms of public assistance. Combined with eliminating public funding of atrocities like PP, it would be a big step forward.

Last edited 5 months ago by Steve
Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  thezman
5 months ago

I mentioned to my rabid liberal neighbor [who is nonetheless a fun guy] that I was not too bothered with abortion since it was mostly black people having abortions. His face fell. “Don’t say that. Don’t say that”. I smiled and took another swig of my beer.

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
5 months ago

It’s not just black people though. It’s easy to look at the disportionate numbers and shrug. If we’re playing a numbers game though, and whites are harder to come by, then every White Life does matter.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
5 months ago

That’s when you press the point. “If abortion is a fundamental right, and if we care about negros, wouldn’t we want them to have as much access to it as possible?” Not that there’s much to be gained from “winning” these arguments beyond the entertainment value.

Reply to  thezman
5 months ago

Abortion was only seen as a way to reduce black fertility in the Sanger era. It became a white woman’s issue only after the Pill mainstreamed casual unmarried sex. Women who were either too irresponsible, too stoned or too stupid to use birth control then need abortion to cover for their “mistakes.” It’s true that black women have more abortions per capita than white women, but that is only because they are on average less intelligent than white women. Abortion does not exist in a vacuum (heh, heh, pun intended) independent of birth control and overall fertility rates. Black women… Read more »

Last edited 5 months ago by Xman
Reply to  Xman
5 months ago

Get rid of birth control and abortion for all races and we’ll see improvement in white fertility.

Reply to  thezman
5 months ago

We lose way too many white children in the process. Further, black abortion introduces a moral hazard into a community in desperate need of consequences. Where abortion is not easily available, the women might think twice, rather than to use it as birth control.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Wiffle
5 months ago

Isn’t there something called a “day-after” pill women can take, post-coitus, just in case?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

Yes, there is. There’s all sorts of tech out there.

Reply to  Wiffle
5 months ago


Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Lucius Sulla
5 months ago

Same with shitlib parents turning their kids into trannies – they won’t have any grandkids either.

The difference is abortion eliminates the cancer, and transgenderism allows it to spread for seventy or eighty years. Whatever dystopia exists in twenty years will feature mass murders and serial killing by the sexually mutilated. Every Shitavious fetus flushed down the toilet represents one less problem.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Jack Dobson
5 months ago

And the healthcare system has created a lifelong customer! Democrat protected racket. Also they sell remains of aborted babies for various “medical” things. So you see why they support both.

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
5 months ago

Arguendo I’ll accept your numbers. I’m guessing that, like today, the shitlib areas heavily skew things. In my community there was one doctor in a 400 mile radius who would perform elective abortions. When he was pressured into leaving, the closest was in Denver.

The US was at that time about 83% white. The 17% had 30% of the abortions. Non-whites were more than twice as likely to murder their kids. And I’d wager there were subsets in that 17% that skewed just as badly. Not excusing, just putting in perspective.

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  Steve
5 months ago

I agree. As with all social pathologies, blacks did and do punch above their weight.

But the 70% to white mothers in 1980 is a CDC number. All told there are tens of millions of whites in my age cohort who don’t exist that probably should. While Boomers still cry about the 60k left dead in Vietnam.

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
5 months ago

I have no idea where you live. In my neck of the woods, Memorial Park doesn’t even have a space for Vietnam. It goes all the way from Blackhawk Wars (1832) to Freedom’s Sentinel (ended 2021) but skips this whole thing people think we obsess about. I hadn’t even noticed until someone pointed it out to me. Maybe my community had none in it? Possible, I guess.

Reply to  Steve
5 months ago

It depends greatly on the Boomer whether or not you hear about it. The ones who served usually have something to say. They at least want free health care from the VA in my experience.

Reply to  Wiffle
5 months ago

Could be. Guy who worked for me never said a word about it. Just went home one evening and painted his brains on the wall.

But doesn’t pretty much everyone want free shit? I think its probably reasonable to put them ahead of, say, border jumpers or inmates on death row, wouldn’t you? Or free college or free Obamaphones or free Obamacare or free EBT or…

I mean, at least they did SOMETHING one could make a case for having earned it.

Reply to  Steve
5 months ago

Abortion is a business and where clinics are located is in part based on demand. Planned Parenthood closed two clinics in Vermont because of low population numbers and the white women in those areas are going to be religious about using birth control. This is why PP has gone all in on pushing trans insanity on kids. They have been too successful in their primary business and demand is dropping, transing kids is a huge potential income stream and they are desperate to keep the operation going.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Barnard
5 months ago

This man gets it

Reply to  Barnard
5 months ago

When you explain away our enemies’ attacks on us as just greed, you hide their hate for us, and their hate for us is the most important issue.

Last edited 5 months ago by LineInTheSand
Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 months ago

It isn’t just greed, but people who make a living working for these groups are very invested in keeping their jobs going. They believe in what they are doing, but the financial incentives for what they do are an often overlooked factor in analyzing these groups.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Barnard
5 months ago

Once again, deflation solves all of the problems without anyone having to lift a finger. No more bailouts, no more QE, no more 0% rates.

Reply to  Mr. House
5 months ago

“deflation solves all of the problems without anyone having to lift a finger.”

Do you want to live in a country where millions of non-whites hate the whites? And with an elite that cheers them on? These threats have nothing to do with economics.

You are blind to our greatest threats.

Last edited 5 months ago by LineInTheSand
Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 months ago

Now you just sound like someone who doesn’t want their assets to deflate. They took over the system via money and they can lose control of the system via money, plus it would be a great motivator for the people you guys complain about grilling. Either you want change or you don’t, and the status quo economic system has to go. They already hate you, how do you think they’re funded and made loyal. Think! It’s almost like you think change can happen and your 401k and house value can remain intact 😉

Last edited 5 months ago by Mr. House
Reply to  Mr. House
5 months ago

Wrong. They hoovered up assets then inflated. What is deflation going to do to the assets themselves? Nothing. They still have the buildings and stocks and whatnot. All that changes is the valuation. Which gives them a passive loss to offset any gains.

The only reason they don’t want deflation is because they don’t currently own all the things. Once they do, they won’t care. The number itself is meaningless. It’s what it trades for that matters. How many man-hours it buys.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Steve
5 months ago

Steve steve steve, its not about them. And actually you’re incorrect, most of the corporations that have consolidated the markets, starting in the 70’s and really picking up pace in the 80’s, also carry the largest amounts of debt. You don’t remember reading around 08 how AT&T couldn’t make payroll without access to the debt markets? And all the people with their heads in the sand would wake up right quick when they couldn’t get money from their bank account eh? Bet you they won’t give two shits about the fake causes they support now if the money spigot gets… Read more »

Last edited 5 months ago by Mr. House
Reply to  Mr. House
5 months ago

Lots to go through there. Corporations carrying debt? Well, of course. With interest so low, everyone carried lots of debt, particularly consumers and home buyers. And car buyers. Lots of people took that sweet, sweet 0.9% on a brand new overpriced car they couldn’t afford.

And 0% interest does not mean money has no value, rather that saving has no value. Consume, consume, consume, proles. And they did. They bought streaming services, went to subscription services for most everything, bought their iCrap on credit, etc., and have nothing to show for it.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Steve
5 months ago

“And 0% interest does not mean money has no value, rather that saving has no value.”

Sort of. They don’t want you to save because the cash flow to service the debt must increase. Plus saving money makes you independent from them, you hate the job your in? Well if you’ve been saving you can tell them to shove it. But if you follow the advice they’ve been giving people since at least the 80’s, you’ll be in so much debt you’re basically their slave and have no recourse.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Steve
5 months ago

What came first, the reemergence of the great financial crisis or covid?


Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Steve
5 months ago

And if you want to get more complex and remove another layer of the onion, you can take energy production and consumption into the equation:


Reply to  Mr. House
5 months ago

OK, went through those 3 articles.

#1. How can I explain Gresham’s Law in 5000 words plus charts and graphs? Not that it’s wrong. Tautologies are by definition correct.

#2. Misses the point. 10Y treasury rates were dropping before Sep 4, 2019. By most of a year. The story is not Sep 4, but what made Sep 4 “inevitable”. Hint: Stein’s Law.

#3. Mostly spot on, but overly reliant on GDP. Plus the reek of Peak Oil. Government spending papers over a multitude of sins. She needs to do her analysis on NPP, not GDP.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Steve
5 months ago

You’re fighting the market my friend, it wants to deflate. And by supporting QE, 0% rates and such, you’re aiding and abetting the people you hate. This isn’t 1929, we were a creditor nation back then, along with the rich (when they bought up those assets you mention) The people ruling us now are what, the 3rd generation from those? What is that old saying about a family busienss not making it past the 3rd generation? 😉 We’re a debtor nation now, along with the rich. Stop supporting those who hate you.

Last edited 5 months ago by Mr. House
Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Steve
5 months ago

#1. How can I explain Gresham’s Law in 5000 words plus charts and graphs? Not that it’s wrong. Tautologies are by definition correct. #2. Misses the point. 10Y treasury rates were dropping before Sep 4, 2019. By most of a year. The story is not Sep 4, but what made Sep 4 “inevitable”. Hint: Stein’s Law. #3. Mostly spot on, but overly reliant on GDP. Plus the reek of Peak Oil. Government spending papers over a multitude of sins. She needs to do her analysis on NPP, not GDP. #1. Bad money chases out good? I’d say the same applies… Read more »

Reply to  Barnard
5 months ago

Planned Parenthood closed two clinics in Vermont because of low population numbers and the white women in those areas are going to be religious about using birth control. “

VT has one of the highest median ages in the country, well above the national average which is quite high. PP ran out of young people mostly.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Lucius Sulla
5 months ago

I’ve always argued that abortion should be banned for social reasons. Same with birth control. Back when a woman could get pregnant if she had sex with a guy and that baby was going to be a part of her (and her family’s life) forever, both the woman and the guy got a lot more careful about sex.

In addition, the family put a lot more pressure on the kids because they knew that they’d also be on the hook for caring for the child.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 months ago

Yes, the moral hazard issue. Most of the 20th century appears to be dominated by immorality on the sex front. It was in the closet in the first half and of course “free love” by the 1960’s. Regardless of race, the two together allow for avoidance of consequences.

Bitter reactionary
Bitter reactionary
Reply to  Lucius Sulla
5 months ago

I was less pragmatic years ago, but at this point I agree with Sulla. It’s not my kind of people having abortions – its my enemies. Granted, I don’t have data to prove this culls them effectively – they can make more babies later and perhaps keep them – but it certainly seems like a means to help keep their numbers down. They bear any moral culpability – not me – so I’ll hold my nose and look away. (The sterilization idea also makes good sense to me.) That said, some things are just sick, and only a depraved person… Read more »

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Lucius Sulla
5 months ago

@Lucius – couldn’t agree more. What’s that you say? Abortions help remove blacks and blue hairs from the gene pool? Crank up the mills!!!! Hopefully suicide will be the next cult fad for the leftists. I would be willing to pour everything I had into funding that.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Tired Citizen
5 months ago

Suicide pods for people who wanted to do it to save the climate would be a net positive, no doubt

5 months ago

Abortion is the murder of your child. That’s it. It’s child sacrifice on the alter of material pleasure. Anybody who is for abortion and than cries when a child dies is a liar and a faker. They would have called the killer brave if the child was killed in utero. Women who kill their children are on the level of a murderer serving life. Our society is disgusting when it kills the next generation. Than again, silents, greatest and boomers have been stealing and harvesting the energy of the young through so many ways for the past 80+ years that… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  jkloi
5 months ago

You know what has totally dropped off the radar? Capital punishment. I never understood how democrats could be for abortion and against capital punishment. But alot of what they “believe” is like that.

Last edited 5 months ago by Mr. House
Reply to  Mr. House
5 months ago

Capital punishment has fallen off the map because too many people have been proven to have been railroaded after the fact when it’s too late to make a correction. Either that person has been killed or has languished in jail for 30 years. A state that murders in these marginal circumstantial cases is no better than a murderer himself.

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Yeah, may as well legalize dueling and murder again (sarc) because it’ll private citizens have the pleasure of killing each other like a mother killing her child.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  jkloi
5 months ago

In a white society where white people reproduce, dueling is a beneficial custom. Enforces norms, decorum, and civility. It wasn’t really designed for negros and such though.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Right. By all means let’s abandon punitive justice because in one case in 20 million, an innocent man gets the shaft.

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Total nonsense and basically a gratuitous assertion. Capital punishment has fallen off the map because we are a weak society and no longer defend our values with force and vigor. We simply give them lip service. You like to make bold pronouncements and think that makes you seem smart, but there is most often little behind them to support such conclusion. Of course, you like to be noticed as in your stated relish of negative votes, the more the better for you. News flash, anyone can be noticed for being “a bad boy”, an outlier, an oddball. It take a… Read more »

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Since there is no objection to allowing the police to shoot people before they are arrested, or tried, then there is no consistent reason to get upset when an “innocent” person gets executed.

How many “innocent” people are shot by the police? A lot of people are fine that Ashli Babbitt was summarily executed without trial, but they would be all upset if Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was finally put to death even though his guilt is beyond doubt.

Reply to  Mr. House
5 months ago

“In this house we believe… a whole bunch of crazy contradictory stupid shit”. If I had more graphic design skills I might make up a parody of those signs like that. You could probably post it in your yard and most of the shitlibs passing by would think it was one of theirs.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
5 months ago

Once the court ruled that there was a right to get an abortion, and somehow (I’m still baffled) said that right is in the constitution (who the hell went along with that with a straight face? I was barely born, so it’s hard for me to fathom), and that stood for half a century (the really key part), well, there’s no real going back, much as some people would like to. By that ruling standing for half a century, it became normalized, morally acceptable, and even seen as a moral good. You can’t undo that just by reaching the correct… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
5 months ago

We’re a sick society. We’re already well down the road to normalization of sex changes for kids and soon, if not already, rolling that back will be equally impossible

I dunno. From what I’ve seen, that looks like the hill that the Sexual Revolution will finally die upon.

Reply to  Templar
5 months ago

Only God knows what I will live to see. However, it feels like we are the “final exams”, rather than the beginning of forever.
Children abused, neglected, and mutilated are not fans of “free love”.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Wiffle
5 months ago

Is that so? Aren’t most porn “actresses” victims of childhood sexual abuse? (or weren’t they, before porn and women became what they are today)

5 months ago

Z is correct insofar as the political calculations go. On a more fundamental level, though, any society that murders healthy fetuses in utero is sick. Western “civilization” has become profoundly anti-natalist. It is official government policy in every western nation to promote abortion, birth control, feminism and sexual hedonism, and to put women into the workplace as capitalist drones. Birthrates among white women throughout the West are below replacement level. The end result is that white civilization is dying out and will be replaced by black and brown civilization. One need not even be religious or Christian to oppose this.… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Xman
5 months ago

Black and brown “civilization”?

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

I’m willing to recognize India as a civilization, albeit a rather poor and handicapped one. Certainly nothing in SSA has ever qualified without herculean white assistance.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

Aztec… Inca… Ethiopian… Subcontinental…? I get your point but objectively speaking, yes they have had civilizations, just not ones I’d prefer to live in.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Xman
5 months ago

Can there be a civilization without the written word? Honest question, as I don’t really know the answer. However, the Aztecs and Incas were non-literate. I imagine the Ethiopians were too before the arrival of the Muzz. The subcons, however, were literate.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

They had hieroglyphs, if you count that. But there were other nonwhite civilizations with the written word — Egyptian, Persian, Babylonian.

Look, I’m all for saying that White, Christian, western Civilization was the superior civilization. Perhaps Africans, American Indians, and Negritos lived in barbaric, un-civilized, tribal conditions, but I would argue that any urban people with a complex social and economic structure are on some level “civilized.”

The culture may rest upon absurd and barbaric mythology, like Aztec sacrifice, but it is nonetheless an urban “civilization.”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Xman
5 months ago

Fair enough, although Persians were arguably white, and I’m not sure the race of the Babylonians has been determined with great certainty, although I suspect they were at least partially Semitic.

5 months ago

The male circumcision racket: that’s another one people don’t want to talk about.

Reply to  Vegetius
5 months ago

My body, my choice. Wish I’d had the choice to not be Abraham’s slave. But hey, hygiene is SO much simpler, and dick cancer isn’t so much of a concern lol.

Reply to  Paintersforms
5 months ago

There’s no difference in hygiene, that’s like saying “How can you keep your teeth clean unless you cut off your lips?”

Reply to  Ploppy
5 months ago

I know, I was being sarcastic 😃

Reply to  Paintersforms
5 months ago

If trust in the medical system begins to really wane and/or that surgery stops being free to the consumer, it will stop.

5 months ago

In my state there is an incessant and obnoxious political abortion ad that must have rolled a half dozen times while watching the local news. Abortion as a major issue in 2024 – seriously? The only block that makes a big public deal about it are the cat/wine box grannies remembering their salad days riding what CH refers to as the cock carousel w/o having had to worry about a nasty pregnancy or shotgun wedding. Give it up gals, it’s a long way from the 1960’s, 70’s and 80’s – get with the times…

Reply to  usNthem
5 months ago

Plenty of right-wing nut jobs still care about it as well. Lots of noises in Ohio about wanting to impose draconian bans. The voters put a stop to that with the constitutional amendment that was passed. Thank God.

Last edited 5 months ago by TempoNick
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Dude, was “draconian” the word of the day on your vocabulary calendar? You’ve used it in every post. Makes you sound like a bot or a paid programmer. Mix it up a bit.

Reply to  john
5 months ago

It fits the situation very well.

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

You are not correctly using the word. Before you argue the superficial denotation, the spirit of the word deals with meting out punishment.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Eloi
5 months ago

He’s not the sharpest tool in the shed, 2-1 odds he works in higher ed or healthcare and votes democrat.

Reply to  Mr. House
5 months ago

Voted Republican my entire life. Child of Reagan, but at some point I decided, what do I care if some stranger across town aborts their spawn? I don’t. In fact, my cousin’s kid won a debate competition in his Catholic School after I filled him with my non-conformist views on this very subject.

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

How is this non-conformist? This seems to be a milquetoast opinion of many. Libertarian, if you will – the soppiest of soppy opinion sponges.

Reply to  Eloi
5 months ago

That is true, I am Conservative-Libertarian. Reagan also had those leanings.

stranger in a strange land
stranger in a strange land
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Helped your cousin’s kid win a debate competition in a Catholic school did ya’? Well now, in that case I take back all my down votes.

Reply to  stranger in a strange land
5 months ago

His cousin Moshe was debating in a Catholic school for some reason.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

So you do work in healthcare or higher ed? My guess is higher ed, because last week you couldn’t admit that colleges can function at a fraction of their current size and cost. Protect your job harder bro. Deflation fixes it all my friends

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  john
5 months ago

It makes him feel so Sunsteiny…

Reply to  john
5 months ago

. Why would you not expect a limited vocabulary from one of limited understanding and thought? The two go hand in hand.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Thank God

That’s a lower case ‘g’ for you buddy, as your “god” is nothing anyone would confuse with an actual God.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
5 months ago

Show me where it says “thou shalt not abort” in the New Testament.

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

The best way to deal with this guy is to not engage with the troll. Don’t downvote, I won’t mention upvoting because I’m sure he gets none of those. Just don’t let him take over the comments and maybe he’ll slink bank into the basement.

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

I presume you are Orthodox or Catholic and recognize the authority of Tradition. Holy Tradition prohibits abortion– see Didache for instance– as does the Hippocratic Oath.

Reply to  zfan
5 months ago

Do you think everybody follows holy tradition?

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Sincere Orthodox and Catholics follow Holy Tradition. yes all of them.
It’s almost like maybe there’s no sincere belief whatsoever, but it’s fun to make up stuff until people get a clue. Most Americans are still Protestants so it’s easier to pick on stuff they don’t know about. American Christian intellectual circles are generally Catholic/Orthodox which is probably why it’s attractive to LARP as them.
That is, anyway until the Jewish/Death Cult sacrament gets talked about and the truth leaks out.

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

“Why do you ask Me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.” “Which ones?” the man asked. Jesus answered, “ ‘Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not bear false witness, honor your father and mother, and love your neighbor as yourself.’” Matthew 19:17-19 Not seeing an exception for “not born yet” on the “do not murder” clause. No, there’s no word for abortion, but it’s the same act applied to unborn child. Pretty sure not killing a tiny infant is also under the “love your… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
5 months ago

Maybe he’s Carthagenian? They worshiped Molloch as a god.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
5 months ago

The massive fraud of the self-proclaimed “pro-life” movement was exposed in 2016 when prominent leaders turned Never Trump and jumped on the USS Hillary, who almost certainly would have appointed two or three justices who would have overturned ROE. The Left made hay when ROE was overturned but exposed its own vacuity and falsity by avoiding what was really decided and therefore going into individual states to try to legalize abortion. The Bloody Hospital Gown indeed was too valuable to throw away. Also note how the pillars of the “pro-life” movement–the GOP chief among it–was perfectly fine with murdering our… Read more »

Last edited 5 months ago by Jack Dobson
5 months ago

I think women have had the veto on reproduction forever. I try not to think about it too much, because I don’t want to despise the opposite sex. It’s one of those troubling facts that I accept and ignore.

With that said, imo it’s a thing because of women having the vote. It’s an easier argument to have than the fundamental issue, because it’s indirect. The fundamental issue is how much direct political power women should have. That’s the real argument.

Last edited 5 months ago by Paintersforms
Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Paintersforms
5 months ago

I once knew a woman who told me that her uterus commanded her to vote against the Republican candidate. She was jewish btw. And in her 50s or 60s when she said it.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
5 months ago

And they say MEN think with their reproductive organs too much.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Galahad
5 months ago

That was a direct quote btw. Republican in question was Rubio.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
5 months ago

It certainly sounds like a very Jewish line of thinking.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Wiffle
5 months ago

I can’t say 100% whether she was ashkenazi, cause she had kind of dark skin, but that could have just been her south florida tan. Where the jews are overwhelmingly of that variety.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
5 months ago

“Moral issues (should be) decided locally — Right On! Just the way that some counties still prohibit the sale of alcohol, even though national Prohibition was overturned in 1932!

Reply to  Dr. Dre
5 months ago

The same way freedom of association and segregation should be local issues. If the creeps in Manhattan or San Francisco want to live in a broth of cultural and racial mud, that’s their look out. If thr town of Podunk, Flyover Country would rather allow people the freedom to be as discriminating with their associations as they would be in picking a restaurant, great!

din c. nuffin
din c. nuffin
Reply to  Dr. Dre
5 months ago

yeah, man. Murder should be locally legal in Chicago, and AK-47’s distributed through the welfare system.

Reply to  din c. nuffin
5 months ago

Well, maybe not. But if you want to buy guns and have them drop-shipped, that should be perfectly legal.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
5 months ago

Professional Conservative Inc. just loves purity tests. These tests make their continuous failure justifiable. Abortion is another, along with supporting Ukraine and Israel.
The Left conveniently and successfully conflates abortion rights with Girlboss feminism. The Left are not interested in localizing moral/normative issues. They are interested in total victory – shoving their agenda up our butts (literally and figuratively). The nuances of the Constitution and powers reserved for States enrage them.

Reply to  Captain Willard
5 months ago

Yesterday someone posted the 990 for Live Action, an anti-abortion group started by Lila Rose. She is an attractive young woman who plays as a activist online. It showed they raise about $13 million a year, she takes a salary of $280k and they spend about $25k on actual programs to stop abortions. If people wanted to look, I doubt this is an outlier among prolife groups.

Reply to  Barnard
5 months ago

Grifters come in all colors—Blue *and* Red.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
5 months ago

Abortion means nothing to me at this point. Sure, it is barbaric and disgusting, but the only issue that matters and should be talked about is race. This is the centerpiece of everything, and until folks start accepting the truth about race, nothing else means a thing. Something else to keep in mind when it comes to abortion is the people who are having abortions. Think about how many more feral negros we’d have if they were no longer able to abort their spawn. I have zero interest in attempting to save people that I have no connection to. Whatever… Read more »

Reply to  Tired Citizen
5 months ago

I’m with you 100%. I see it as we are in an existential war. Optimizing aspects of the social system like the degree of permissiveness of abortion are questions for AFTER one has made one’s people secure in one’s land. Until then, whatever leads to fewer enemies who will be murdering our people and fewer breeders of future murderers of our people, gets my support. God is the tester. It’s an imperfect world and (by design) we are usually faced with decisions between a bad choice and a worse choice, not between a good choice and a bad choice. Surviving… Read more »

5 months ago

I’ll bite. I’ve posted my thoughts about this before and continuing the conversation with anyone who remembers I repeat, I believe this issue can be at least as useful in motivating the kind of dogmatic and fanatical self righteousness the enemy is able to summon with it’s various slanders about white supremacy etc. etc. The point is to ratchet up the rhetoric to establish that any compromise or accommodation is unacceptable and that the enemy has no right to even voice their opinions, never mind live as their conscience dictates. Just as the enemy has defined any political opposition as… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

Inasmuch as America is stone-cold dead, whether or not a national ban on abortion is un-American is otiose. At any rate, these pro-life conservatives are merely doing what the New Left has always done–bleating on about “muh principles” until they get the decisive upper hand, and then abandoning them (viz the matter of free speech). For such people, principles are a means, not an end. And, as much as it pains me to say it, such an approach has much to recommend it.

5 months ago

This explains the question brought up yesterday- what the heck happened to Christianity?

It was turned into a marketing franchise, like sports teams were.
They used to represent the town, the players, but now they represent the marketing.

Social Gospel progressivism, Evangelical conservatism- two wings of the marketing bird.

5 months ago

Professional Evangelicals, professional social conservatives and the usual suspects have abandoned their old federalist principles in favor of a national abortion ban, because they think it is good for business

Isn’t that just a tad bit too cynical? Surely some of them sincerely believe that babies should not be murdered as a general principle.

5 months ago

We don’t disagree on this one, but it’s like you’re saying, in the minds of many, murder is a local issue. Although you’re not wrong on the game being played, it’s equally funny how “dissident” or alt-right influencers pivot between centralization and de-centralization when its strategically convenient, similar to how you describe the abortion ban. What you get is Trump a’okay with a national ban on bump stocks despite the 2A being enshrined but against an abortion ban (via Thiel’s puppet Vance) at the federal level. This pivoting by “dissidents” oddly seems to correlate with what’s advantageous for what Z… Read more »

Alan Schmidt
Reply to  Son
5 months ago

That’s essentially the argument I hear, and it’s a strong one. The truth is our culture is so rotten it’s impossible to gain power by conventional means without getting dirty, and impossible to vote without getting a little dirty yourself.

What social conservatives need to understand is you can get dirty, or leave the system and build your own, which involves getting REALLY dirty when the State comes for you.

Reply to  Alan Schmidt
5 months ago

You may be missing my point. “They” are against an abortion ban because de-centralization favors technocrats on this issue. However, “they” favor bump stock bans through centralization because it favors technocrats. Think Covid: pushed forward by the Father of the Beauty Vaccine through centralization by technocrats but scapegoated through de-centralization at the state and local level. In the end, this allows the Global Cosmo Right to present Donny or Vance as outsiders when they’re not. They’re deeply in bed with fascistic technocrats creating a police state. In fairness, Z has directly stated he did not support the bump stock ban.… Read more »

Alan Schmidt
Reply to  Son
5 months ago

That’s a good take and something I didn’t think of.

Reply to  Son
5 months ago

The current technocrat state is taking credit for popular universal law while tossing the blame to the locals.

Reply to  Son
5 months ago

Murder is a local issue. That was the point of the joke in the ’80s. “So Massachusetts now has capital punishment. That’s kind of a hassle. Now if you want to kill someone you have to go up to New Hampshire or down to Rhode Island.”

Reply to  Steve
5 months ago

I knew someone would say this the second I wrote my comment the way I worded it. Again, I don’t necessarily disagree. However, murder, generally speaking, is illegal in all 50 states and at the federal level. Additionally, does anyone doubt that the federal govt would invoke constitutional authority against any state if they tried to make it legit legal?

Reply to  Son
5 months ago

Agreed. I suspect they would 14th Amendment it, with probably only Thomas dissenting.

The Constitution is dead. The Left knows it, but uses the Right’s refusal to believe their lying eyes to exploit it when it suits their purposes.

Reply to  Son
5 months ago

The easiest way to understand this is to consider wrongful acts as classified as “malum prohibitum” or “malum in se” based on their inherent nature or the basis for their prohibition. 1. Malum Prohibitum: • Definition: An act that is considered wrong because it is prohibited by law, not necessarily because it is inherently immoral or evil. • Characteristics: These acts are criminalized through legislation, and their wrongfulness is dependent on the fact that they violate a specific law or regulation. • Examples: • Traffic violations, like speeding. • Regulatory offenses, such as failing to file taxes on time. •… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

Right. I’m just not sure I care if some other state wants to legalize all forms of homicide. After more than a century of butting into other people’s business, maybe America needs to give it a rest?

Reply to  Son
5 months ago

Very few pro-life people in the movement are willing to stand up and say “we do not support abortion because it is murder.” I think they’re scared to do it because of the obvious implications (a woman who goes to PP to get an abortion is guilty of first degree murder). It is how you get rhetoric at the DNC like “we support Americans’ ability to make choices, even if they are ones we would not make.” As you point out, no Democrat believes that people have a choice to murder their brother or murder their mother, even if they… Read more »

Last edited 5 months ago by Mycale
5 months ago

This must be “social issues week” for Zman – Christianity Monday, Abortion Tuesday… what’s the rest week look like, Z – queer power Wed, the negro problem Thurs, and to top off
the week (if you dare), the JQ on Friday?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Boris
5 months ago

I give him credit. He seems to be varying his content, which I think is a good thing. Don’t want the blog to get too stale and samey.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

Problem is the audience—at least some here. One can postulate a hypothetical without promoting it or believing it oneself. When I was an undergraduate, the prof’s often called it a “thought experiment”. Good gawd folks, no one assumed the class instructor was promoting an idea or teaching it as fact or belief, rather he was using a manner/tool of critical thinking about an issue. None of us left class grousing at the prof.

Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

“When I was an undergraduate, the prof’s often called it a “thought experiment”. Good gawd folks, no one assumed the class instructor was promoting an idea or teaching it as fact or belief, rather he was using a manner/tool of critical thinking about an issue. ” That attitude in front of a class is highly irresponsible. People are not in situation to really have debates until their late 20s. 18 feels old, but it’s nothing compared to someone with another 10 years of adult experience. Honestly, this is form of propagandizing. It may have not be conscience or malicious, but it… Read more »

Last edited 5 months ago by Wiffle
Reply to  Wiffle
5 months ago

An undergraduate is perhaps as old as 22. Nonetheless, no one in my class I am aware of was “indoctrinated”. Perhaps the quality of students now in university are another story.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

Right, although it behooves the one conducting the thought experiment to make it clear that’s what he’s doing. Failure to do so encourages participants to believe the prof (writer) advocates what he’s saying.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

I can see the concern with a prof, because he has the whip hand in determining your grade, and maybe even your diploma. Similar with a supervisor, where you could be unemployed tomorrow. But in a community? Barring life and death situations, isn’t pursuit of the truth generally more important than figuring out where each person stands?

Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

Yep. I often argue positions I don’t really hold, but which have been bouncing around in my head, just to get some feedback and tease out the weaknesses. Aren’t most here doing that? Do you think even a plurality of the arguments are sincerely held positions?

Reply to  Steve
5 months ago

Correct. In the present discussion, I don’t believe I’ve said one positive thing wrt abortion. However, if you simply ask, “Compsci do you believe abortion should be made illegal?” I would unreservedly say “no”!

The question of abortion is much, much more nuanced that any comments or series of comments have delved into here. Many touch upon salient aspects to be sure, but 100 word comments won’t get us to conclusion—much less full understanding.

Last edited 5 months ago by Compsci
5 months ago

Assuming abortion is murder and is no different than killing a child after birth, what would we say if in some jurisdictions parents could bring a child to the doctor to be euthanized up to the age of majority? Would we say leave it up to the states? It seems that most people assume that abortion is, at worst, still not quite the same as killing your children after they are born. That’s fine, but then you’re still making that same judgment about the level of immorality of abortion while pretending to avoid it. In other words, if abortion really… Read more »

Reply to  Federalist
5 months ago

Why not? Just boot them out of the republic and call it a day. No need for us to intervene on the behalf of everyone everywhere.

5 months ago

It remains to be seen how big a factor the abortion issue will be in bringing out women who vote inconsistently to vote in November. I am convinced it helped the Democrats in close races in 2022. We have to remember if everyone person eligible cast a ballot, the electorate would be so bad, we would have candidates running to the left of Kamala and Tim Walz. Harris said 220 million Americans died of Covid, the innumeracy being lost on both her and the wider electorate. The average voter is really dumb, and in a state as large as Pennsylvania,… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Barnard
5 months ago

“Harris said 220 million Americans died of Covid, the innumeracy being lost on both her and the wider electorate.”

Recently? Ha thats funny because it lines of with the numbers Deagal was posting for populations in 2025 before they took the page down.

Reply to  Mr. House
5 months ago

It was while she was campaigning in 2020, but she said it at two different events. I don’t even remember it getting covered in the press.

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  Barnard
5 months ago

Abortion is a visceral issue for women, literally. Even women who disapprove know that they are always just an inconvenient pregnancy away from poverty and loneliness (high value men generally don’t want to waste their resources on other men’s children).

There really is no getting around this. Abortion is repugnant, but it will ultimately be legal in any society where women have the right to vote.

I know how I would solve that problem, and many others as well.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Tarl Cabot
5 months ago

It fits the general personality of women to a T, just another way to shirk responsibility (yes i know some women have no problem with responsibilty but i’m talking about the majority). Ever notice when a relationship ends the worse type of people always blame their partner, while realistic people say relationships are 50/50?

Mencken Libertarian
Mencken Libertarian
5 months ago

Well stated. I’d prefer to live in a world where no mother or father would ever imagine the woman getting an abortion. But of course we don’t live in such a world. In the real world, there are plenty of people who think getting an abortion is a good idea. If you make it impossible to get an abortion, then those reprobates with the inclination to kill their children will instead be raising those children, and turning them into monsters.

Reply to  Mencken Libertarian
5 months ago

It’s not only that. For better or worse, I see most of the crazies who are anti-abortion as Roman Catholics. 1/3 of the country is Roman Catholic and not even all of them agree with abortion bans. Let’s say only 1/2 of Roman Catholics are holy rollers on this subject, a number which is probably greatly exaggerated. 1/6 of this country shouldn’t be able to impose their dogma on the rest of the country.

Last edited 5 months ago by TempoNick
Cornpop’s Victory
Cornpop’s Victory
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

The downvotes you have been getting on the comments today show that Z-man’s assertion that “nobody cares about abortion” is BS.

Reply to  Cornpop’s Victory
5 months ago

The gun and abortion issues are like non-Newtonian fluids. When you apply force they become solid. The public is tired of hearing about them, and they really wouldn’t mind if access was restricted a bit, but they want to know they can get access to both if they feel it’s a life or death issue. I think state level is as good as the pro-life forces can hope to achieve.

Reply to  DFCtomm
5 months ago

Specifically, the non-Newtonian fluid is a Bingham plastic.

I’m not sure most people demand even that. “Life of the mother” is always valid; it’s just that one might be brought into court to prove it, like any other instance of self-defense. Why should the standard be higher for killing some ghetto rat robbing a liquor store than for killing an obviously helpless innocent?

Last edited 5 months ago by Steve
Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Who was that troll on Sailer’s site for the longest time? “Tiny Duck”? That’s it, it’s the rebirth of Tiny Duck, here to regale us with answers to questions we never asked and adventures in, ugh, interracial porn (hopefully he keeps that in his pocket this time).

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
5 months ago

Well, you should be ashamed of yourself if you’ve never asked yourself why Jesus didn’t specifically address an issue that was a hot topic in his day and still is today. You’re not using your head.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Yet 1/50 seems to accomplish that very thing. But you are prohibited from pointing it out.

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Why are you so hellbent on dethroning Intelligent Dasein from the “stupidest motherfucker here” throne? You’re messing with group dynamics. He’s supposed to be the one delivering the dumbest shitlib takes every day, not you.

Ketchup-stained Griller
Ketchup-stained Griller
Reply to  Salmon
5 months ago

I’ve never seen the 2 of them together. Kinda like Whiskey and Bourbon.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Salmon
5 months ago

Heh. You can always count on Dirty Salmon Harry to pop up and deliver the lead when some miscreant starts causing trouble.

5 months ago

As inflation soars and money gets tight for most Americans, only the Boomers have spare change to offer the ConInc crazies. And since the Boomers are now dying off rapidly thanks to the death jab, that grift is losing its mojo. At the DNC Convention in Chicago, they had a mobile clinic in the parking lot offering free abortions. One side wants to ban abortions everywhere and the other side wants to mandate it. How far we have fallen.

Reply to  TomA
5 months ago

 And since the Boomers are now dying off rapidly thanks to the death jab, that grift is losing its mojo.”

The vaccine appears to be having the exact opposite of the intended effect. It did damage young people. However, it’s giving Boomers cancers. I can name several in a circle of acquaintances.

Reply to  Wiffle
5 months ago

I can name 3 aggressive, Stage 4 in my relatively small extended family, none over the age of 30, and 1 Stage 4 who was 92. One of them turned 18 the other day, and the docs only give him even odds of making 19.

Reply to  Steve
5 months ago

One needs to note the aspect of dying young is much more poignant when one thinks of years of life lost and how more important those lives cut short in youth are to society. Old people are going to die—today, tomorrow, 5 years from now—does it matter? Speeded up death in old age from the vexxine is masked for the most part—although oddball disease occurrence is noticeable, ask a mortician.

5 months ago

I think part of the response of the GOPe to the new post-Roe landscape is also due to the fact that they’re still working behind the scenes to throw the election to Harris. Back in 2022, when the “red wave” didn’t materialize because of widespread voter fraud in all the same states that got “fortified” in 2020 the hot take by the Conservative Industrial Complex was that the GOP was just too extreme on abortion and that cost them the election. They are of course not allowed to discuss voter fraud and they don’t want to have to defend pro-life… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  RDittmar
5 months ago

Trump substantially outperforms the GOP itself. If politics still meant anything, and they do not, a legitimate political party would make adjustments to reflect one of its more popular members. But, no. I suspect the primary reason is the GOP power structure grifts so heavily off the MIC, and to Trump’s credit he is not a warmonger (Israel excepted somewhat).

I would greatly enjoy hearing a pledge from Trump never to impose a draft just to watch the Republican meltdown. Probably won’t happen, of course.

5 months ago

Pro lifers lose a lot of people because they don’t distinguish terminating a healthy fetus with terminating a fetus with severe disabilities that will either cause it to die later and/or will bring it misery and misery to the parents.

But yes, abortion IS killing of human life full stop. Anyone who doesn’t admit that is liar or fool.

5 months ago

I can’t believe they pivoted off of state’s rights into a federal position on the issue. Seems like a really stupid move, and it definitely pissed off the pro-life political organizations, which do seem to have some legitimate sway and a very devoted base, even if they can’t get broad support on the issue. Most people are moderate, no contraception bans but also no sick crap like allowing abortions after the 5th month or w/e. Trump could have easily just stuck to his previous position. Girls notice if they miss their periods very quickly. Some of them have less consistent… Read more »

5 months ago

I’m adding a 2nd comment to show how, imho, Z very quietly shifts issues to get you to accept progressive, technocratic policy. Like with yesterday’s post on how Christianity must adapt because it’s already been corrupted, I believe, it’s an attempt to get you to accept your own demoralization after decades of relentless culture wars. Think: what was the polling on abortion in 1950 or 1970? Did only a minor number, like today, few it as a big issue? Or has it only become such a niche issue after decades of being legal and encouraged? You can look up the… Read more »

Reply to  Son
5 months ago

Like with yesterday’s post on how Christianity must adapt because it’s already been corrupted, I believe, it’s an attempt to get you to accept your own demoralization after decades of relentless culture wars. 

There is definitely a lot of demoralizing going on here.

5 months ago

I don’t really see much difference between total abortion ban zealots and the “good” Christians who want to import the entire population of Africa. The Church and the Neoliberal Regime both wanting to replace us and rule over a docile low-IQ brown horde makes them both the enemy in my book.

5 months ago

It seems to me that the abortion issue is very similiar to the gun issue. There are many people that find it distasteful, but they want to maintain legal access on the off chance they or someone they love needs a gun or an abortion.

5 months ago

Good gravy let it be tribal! Trump delivered his end and Pro-Life Inc. will never forgive him for it i knew a lot of these people when I lived in Casablanca. I dated a girl who worked in PLI, and guess what? It was filled with homosexuals. Kid you not. I always had feeling it was a racket. They were all making a living in the fight. If the fight went away, it’s the Home Depot. They loved to be viewed as big hero’s. I got sick of it. Lila rose was a perfect example. A young woman who should… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
5 months ago

RATs. What an appropriate name. A bunch of smelly disgusting rats.

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
5 months ago

What Trump has done to Conservative Inc. reminds me a cartoon done by Thomas Nast of Boss Tweed of 19th century Tammany Hall. It showed Tweed stripped naked, and what Trump has done is to strip Con Inc. naked before its voters. Every grift and theatrical lie shall be exposed.

5 months ago

Proof positive it’s all about the grift. I mentioned the demands for a total ban are the Republican finks betraying natural conservatives; why they do this is, they are pre-screening their customers. Every decent con man qualifies his customers. Emails by Nigerian princes, for instance, are badly written or misspelled on purpose. They want only the most gullible to respond. This separates the wheat from the chaff, so to speak. (Note, before assuming they want only the most stupid, IQ wise, not exactly true; temperment, rather than IQ, is a better descriptor.) More proof: Jerry Whats-his-name, the Moral Majority guy,… Read more »

Last edited 5 months ago by Alzaebo
5 months ago

Two percent ain’t much but could be critical in close elections. The GOP should emphasize a moderate (i.e., unprincipled) position on abortion, with a reasonable time limit, which most people agree with. That would leave the partial birth abortion fanatics looking like what they are: anti-human monsters.

5 months ago

[…] campaign the left is running to discourage Christian Trump voters. (As I was writing this, I saw Z-Man’s idea that this was due to the RATS, the Republicans Against Trump.) The idea is that because Trump would […]

5 months ago

Abortion is the flip side of gun rights. It is a male/female divide based on both control of their own destiny, and hatred of the other sex. You see 75 year old grannies screeching about abortion. What they are really screeching about is the hate that any woman would have to bear the kid of a beta male, particularly from one who “fooled” her that he was Alpha when he was not. This is the whole point of abortion. No kids from beta males. There is a guy on YT, “hoe_math” who features often female videos explaining the women’s hate… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Whiskey
5 months ago

I’m not seeing where the beta male is hating anybody in this equation, and you didn’t say. Of course he wants to defend himself from ferals, what sane person doesn’t? If the beta male hates women that’s news to me. More often he is a simp. He does seem to have this misplaced Braveheart view of how he and his firearm, together with his fellows, are a threat to the regime, but that’s another subject.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Whiskey
5 months ago

I respectfully disagree. Abortion is really about the “empowerment” of girl boss who can fu$k whoever she wants, when she wants, and not have to be “burdened” with unintended consequences which would be much better suited if she had a man to help her. “I don’t need a man, and if I get knocked up, I’ll just get rid of it! Problem solved! Fuck men!”

5 months ago

A pattern emerges: Whenever anyone on the right gets mad at Trump because he softened on their pet issue, they call Trump a cuck and rage. But when someone else does the same over an issue they personally don’t care about, they wag their finger and call them childish and disloyal. In 2020, ZMan blocked me on Gab because he was blackpilling on Trump over something or other and I told him to get a grip. Yesterday, he blocked me on X because I said I was done with Trump over the abortion cucking. The difference? Well, cucking is okay… Read more »

5 months ago

Anyone see what’s going on at Twitter? A bunch of desantis people are trying to expose her. It’s hard to figure out what’s true and what’s misleading or defamatory

Diversity Heretic
5 months ago

Showing how far out of it I am, upon what enumerated power of the Constitution does Congress propose to base any ban, or even regulation of abortion?

flashing red
flashing red
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
5 months ago

Everyone makes mistakes, that’s why they put erasers on lead pencils, BUT abortion should be a one time serious consideration not a form of birth control. Yes, 11 year olds do get raped by their grandfathers, yes 50 year old women going through menopause sometimes have accidents, yes teenage girls get pressured into sex by teenage boys who want nothing further than a quickie under the bleachers on Saturday night. And on that subject, if pregnancy possibility is a concern, there’s this thing called band-aid sterilization, no scars no marks, in and out in an hour and it’s permanent. I… Read more »

5 months ago

Anywho, look at this lady; she makes a quarter mil a year. I always thought live action was a weird name for a PLI:


5 months ago

There is no group less politically astute than the right-wing influencers.”

sir. 😂

Fred Beans
Fred Beans
5 months ago

Liz Cheney gets an “A” rating from the Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life Organization. I suppose they would love her candidacy!

5 months ago

Fool me once, my posts are not making it up. But I can handle it’s , sniff…

5 months ago

Reminder of what I’ve called the Shapiro Strategy (because our friend Ben does it so nakedly): The GOP believes that Trump must be destroyed. In cooperation with the Democrats they’ve tried all kinds of wacky schemes to make the people turn against him, and it turns out it’s not possible. However, America can be reminded that all other Republicans are repulsive scumbags who don’t represent anybody. All other Republicans must campaign on that repulsiveness, and maybe Trump will get hurt—his voters depressed, he’s forced to talk about weird shit, minority rages are stoked, etc.—in the crossfire. Promise to take away… Read more »

kerdasi amaq
kerdasi amaq
5 months ago

My opinion on abortion is: it is one issue that deserves to have a civil war fought over it.

Jason Knight
5 months ago

Strongly disagree with you here on the federal abortion ban. The only reason to oppose it is that it’s political suicide. If we could actually pass such a ban on the entire country, with no loss of power, then we should absolutely go for it 100%. Abortion is murder.

Anonymous Fake
Anonymous Fake
5 months ago

Imagine if the drug cartels and snuff film fans and pedophiles, etc, all decided to move to Vermont or Wyoming and claim it for their own. A pirate outlaw utopia. Shouldn’t the government get involved at that point, to stop the blatant abuse of states’ rights? The pro-life movement justifiably sees states’ rights as a compete farce on this issue, just as disgraceful as when it was used to defend slavery. Passive aggressive RINO’s won’t ever own up to what they’re doing, defending killing babies. Trump already cucked out on the abortion-tainted vaccines. This might just be the last straw,… Read more »