A recurring plot line in modern life is the famous person being exposed for some sort of fraud about themselves or their work. For example, the notorious race hustler Robin DiAngelo was found to have ripped off black writers for her PhD thesis. It seems that the only reason we hear about people in academia is when they have been exposed for having broken the rules of the academy. Christopher Rufo has turned this into a cottage industry in service to his campaign for a color-blind America.
We are seeing this in the election campaign. Tim Walz is a serial exaggerator. It seems that all of the important parts of his life story have been enhanced in ways to make him seem like a hero in various narratives. He exaggerated his military service, so he pretends to be a war hero and preach against guns. He likes to call himself “an old football coach” but he never really coached football. He likes to pose as Elmer Fudd, but people who know about such things see that it is just a pose.
Walz is not the first guy to enhance his resume. In fact, it is now the way things are done by the beautiful people. The current governor of Maryland, a guy some think could be president one day, has a stolen valor problem. Note that like Walz, his story about himself is not an outright lie, but more like an exaggeration, in the way a good storyteller fictionalizes events in order to make the tale interesting. For most of our public figures, their life story is “inspired by real events.”
The main reason they do this is they usually get away with it. No one in the media will ask Tim Walz tough questions about his biography. When J.D. Vance pointed out the exaggerations, the media attacked him for questioning the patriotism of Tim Walz, which is such an outlandish thing to say it should be followed with lightning bolts striking the people saying it. Even so, fudging the resume has become the thing people do if they want to make it to the big stage of life.
Part of this is due to the shift from authenticity to prolificity. In the prior age, morality required a person to live an authentic life and present their life honestly. You were a bad person if you faked your resume or faked your public persona. Increasingly, the path to success is in creating a public image that is pleasing to the crowd and disconnected from physical reality. The reimagination of Kamala Harris is an effort to formalize this in the first fully online election campaign.
Another possible cause is the fact that public life has come to be dominated by actors hired by the economic elites to play various roles in public life. The days of a man getting rich and then going to Washington to represent his community or rising up in state politics are long gone. Rich people hire people to play the role of politicians, and they hire people to pressure and influence them in what has become the theater of democracy, a spectacle staged for our entertainment.
For Tim Walz, the most important thing about his otherwise mundane life was getting into the circus of politics. To do that he figured out how to take the facts of his life, reimagine them so they fit the character of a woke prairie populist. This act has taken him from community theater to the biggest stage in the circus. The reason he exaggerated the resume was that the act required it. If the act needed him to become a transvestite, he would do it. There is no dignity in show biz.
This is also why our politics are supercilious and narcissistic. Actors have always been known as supercilious and narcissistic because even the lowest member of the show has had to overcome a lot to get on stage. Often, they have had to degrade themselves in order to get a break. This is possible because they are sure they are the person they imagine on the stage, wowing the crowd. The actor always has an exaggerated sense of self and when it works, they are filled with confidence.
It is why we have Kamala Harris a click away from becoming the first halfwit hapa to become president. There is nothing authentic about Harris, not even her DNA, so she could be viewed as the logical end point of a process that has sought to strip all reality from politics and replace it with emotive narratives. Her campaign is running on “good vibes” because a world detached from reality has only emotion. Kamala Harris is the ideal candidate for a world that can only exist in our imagination.
It is also why we get people like Amanda Gorman, the official poet of the United States, whose poetry is nothing more than emotive nonsense. As John Derbyshire observed, it fails to qualify as poetry. It is why an incoherent simpleton like Kanye West can pretend to be a genius musician, despite lacking a shred of musical ability. Our public life is overrun with carnies who think they are the role they play. The result is a public life not detached from reality, but at war with the concept of reality.
It is tempting to assume this cannot last, but reason says it should never have reached this point, so maybe it can last. The idea that reality may possibly be a figment of our imagination has been with mankind for as long as we know. Perhaps the long arc of humanity ends with proving this correct. The escape from the human condition is the embrace of the collective theater of the mind where all things are possible. Alternatively, maybe the machine just stops and then the theater goes dark.
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It’s tough to get over the Democrats going on about how he helped to start a gay club for students at the school he taught and coached at. Now, maybe it’s another exaggeration, maybe he didn’t actually start it. Assuming he did, though, I guarantee that the parents of the school did not see it as the stunning and brave move that the DNC claimed it was. It’s a very strange thing. The serial lies and exaggerations also point to him trying very hard to cover up the reality of his life and situation. Also somebody doesn’t go from teaching… Read more »
Even today, yet even moreso in the 1990s when it happened, is there any man who is not a pedophile who decides to run a gay club for the high school kids? Normal heterosexual men do not do that. Ever. Even homo men would be reluctant to do that, because they fear the blowback. Perhaps some pink haired shitlib woman would do it, because she thinks it’s stunning and brave, and today’s culture has convinced her it’s virtuous (although the culture wasn’t really there yet in the 1990s). But only one kind of “man” does that, then or now. Tim… Read more »
Tim “Mephisto” Walz–with apologies to Franz Liszt.
Of course he is, one of the many reasons of why he was picked…
“is there any man who is not a pedophile who decides to run a gay club for the high school kids? Normal heterosexual men do not do that.”
I could see a non-pedo charismatic ultra-liberal man doing it to show what a fearless pioneer he is. He’d have to have the big personality to get the idea over without being embarrassed about it.
Maybe today, arguably. Perhaps. Here in clown world where such is more normalized. There might be 1 in 10,000 hetero men who would. But a quarter century ago? Not buying it. Pedo, 100%.
It is only because we are here in clown world, when it is more normalized, that more people are not seeing this for what it is.
I tend to agree. It’s just not something a normal person would ever think of doing, ever. I don’t even think they would do it now, let alone 25 years ago. The gay school club thing is by far the weirdest and most peculiar thing on his resume, yet of course it is the one thing the GOP refuses to discuss, because, according to the pornstar with face tattoos that they brought on stage during their convention, the GOP is totally great for gay people. I can’t wait for the article on National Review arguing “the conservative case for men… Read more »
He’s definitely got pedo-face though not as bad as Miss Lindsey.
Line him up next to Sandusky and Hastert and that is 3 very similar looking guys
Oh yeah. Tampon Tim was recruiting when he put tampons in the boy’s room.
What are the two big names of those queer pedo organizations in schools, GLSEN and another one, that got traction under the Clintons? And that white-haired lesbian lunatic or two who was girlboss of the Education Dept.?
Herein is the strange tale of Communism in the USA. The secret to the Kamala, Walz, Hillary, and Obama camps is that they are Maoists, not Marxists. The Soviet Marxists infiltrators focused on class. The Chinese Maoist infiltrators focused on race. Communism’s role and success is because it provides an alternative framework for a competing elite. Religions begin as alternative political movements. Thus, ‘ideology’ is a nascent religion- that is, an alternative moral axis based on an anchor and a narrative- that eventually leads to an alternative culture, drawing alternative breeding (marriage) schemes and creating its own economies (ladders of… Read more »
p.s.- Racial politics is what made Mao a modern Emperor Qing, the great tyrant who united China by ending the wars between China’s many ethnic kingdoms. Mao was a nobody on the Long March during the Warlord period brought on by the kosher coin of Judaic opium capitalism and Bolshevik Soviet communism. Mao brokered a deal with a local warlord whose army was four times the size of the beleaguered Long March forces, preventing the Communists’ extinction and bringing him to prominence within the nascent Party. His grandchildren, the Red Princes, now rule from behind the scenes as a shadow… Read more »
It’s fascinating to note the difference between CCP racial and ethnic agitprop and American. The Chinese love to produce media that demonstrates the thoroughness with which (insert minority people) have accepted amd benefited from the Sinicization of their homelands. Meanwhile, we engage in equal parts self-flagellation and admiration for the clearly superior culture of our victims.
We’ve simply reached the stage where the politicians are openly actors. People could (sort of) pretend that Bush II was in charge. People even somehow believed that Obama was in charge. But few believed that Biden was in charge and no one will believe that Harris or Fudd is in charge. The shadowy and foreign oligarchy that has run the show for (at least) 25 years has tired of pretending that it’s not in charge. You can see it in Biden’s cabinet. Unfortunately, it really is an oligarchy so, while it’s in charge, there’s no head of the oligarchy, so… Read more »
We’re reached the stage where the cabinet are largely actors also. Every layer of accountability is turning into a figurehead role. This isn’t just government either. The CEO of my company is clearly an actor, and does what she is told. Basically any figure who goes out in public you need to assume is an actor for someone running things in the shadows.
Yes. Biden’s cabinet are also actors. But there’s a reason that they’re almost all Jewish. The tribe is tired of pretending. I don’t blame them. It has to be annoying to pretend that you’re not in charge and that some rube goy is running the show. At the very least, the actors should be your people.
But woes me to any White goy who has the temerity to point out the jews actually running things. It’s so ridiculous now that anyone with half a brain can’t NOT notice it…
Doug Emhoff is waving at you from the convention.
I’ve related the tale before of how my former part-time state rep was clearly a sock puppet hired by someone else to do the job. As well, just recently a local oligarch (using the term *very* loosely) expressed an interest in a town-council job, which I thought was big of him, until I realized that he was probably asking on behalf of whatever clown he was going to have run for the position. The long and short is, I would be shocked if even half the people who represent you at the very local level came by the idea to… Read more »
I was routinely approached to run as a national candidate in my 30’s-40’s. Somebody hadn’t done their homework because I had been a Hillsdale republican since birth and used to do.the.hay rides and pumpkin carvings on Dave Stockman’s parents’ farm. Despite my years pursuing an education U.Mich at Ann Arbor, I have never experienced a desire to be leftist or queerbot. I attribute some of this to my dad compelling me to.martial sports beginning in the second.grade. But it was always the small hats, especially “mentors,” who were feeding me bullshit that I would be “dynamite” in politics. In fact,… Read more »
Yes, that consensus is spreading well outside of our sphere, too. Lefties have expressed complete satisfaction with real power resting in a machine they can’t really define. People will put up with the oligarchy/autocracy being fully in charge as long as they are fed and housed. It is hard to wrap your mind around the sort who would degrade and debase themselves and pretend they have power bestowed by the constitution, blah, blah, blah, but there are no shortage of people ready, able and willing to get a role in the big show. As you may recall, footage emerged of… Read more »
People will put up with the oligarchy/autocracy being fully in charge as long as they are fed and housed. Not so. Did the regime emerge weakened from the times of our people’s greatest misery? For example, from approximately the beginning of WWI to the end of WWII, Americans were unprecedentedly misgoverned, impoverished, and killed—by their rulers, openly acting against the expressed popular will. Result? “The post-war consensus,” i.e., all that we see—and a very near future technological hell in which we are never again allowed to see. People will embrace any system that hurts other people. Their own oppression, pain,… Read more »
WWI to the end of WWII Disagree. Even in the depths of the Depression people largely were fed and housed. Russia and Germany in recent history and many examples before and since indicate hunger and poverty are about the only reasons people rebel. Deprivation alone can be managed but only to a point. While the trope about peasant revolts failing is superficially true, the rogue elites only overcome ruling factions when there is sufficient cannon fodder, and that only materializes if life is miserable. It has happened all through history. The Depression did lay the foundation for the total state,… Read more »
Hemid’s important point though, is the driving power of luxury beliefs.
Remember, it’s only a transient fad, and only becomes a true luxury belief, when it extracts a painful cost on one’s lessers.
It proves itself as a status marker of real power when you can hurt someone without retribution.
A status marker is important only to those around you, whom you know and who know you. Alphas at the top of the tree have a limited vision of only their near competitors. The lessers in the lower branches are mere scenery or a statistic.
“… so maybe it can last.” The hard limit to how long the crazy can last is population replacement to the point where the shooters of the klown world empire do not exercise armed control. The case of the Venezuelan gang in Aurora, Colorado is a metastasizing seed of what is to come. An area gets filled with aliens. None of the aliens have the slightest respect for rule of law of any kind, except for that of the jungle. Some of them are armed and impose their own order at gunpoint. We call them ‘gangs’ as if the mere… Read more »
There is simply no percentage in enforcing the law against these people. Any move against them would be just a sunk cost, with no ROI. On the other hand, think about the largely middle class J6ers, and how much in fines, asset seizures, legal fees and court costs their prosecutions have generated.
Anarcho-Tyranny in action.
Plus it’s dangerous. Those wogs might start spraying you with bump stock fire the moment you pull up. Better to arrest people who are less likely to open fire.
Much easier to pen a docile sheep than a crazed rhino.
The Muslims blocking streets in prayer in London, Paris, and Malmo agree. If one of their punks gets tagged, a raging mob is burning cars right outside the police station.
Spot on, great comment. People must strive to be in one of the jigsaw pieces populated and protected by their own. Fragmentation and dissolution are well underway already, and all the Glorious Five-Year plans in the world cannot stop it. Those Venezuelan gangs in Colorado, by the way, are just the logical extension of the narcostates forming to the south on the border. There are neighborhoods in the shadow of D.C. run by these types, too. I wish them happy hunting in the nearby Imperial City and hope and expect their operational capacities will expand in the near future to… Read more »
Yes. Note the police are happy to show up at your doorstep for any of the various pretexts they use and kill you if they see a gun even if it is held at your side. However they seem reluctant to engage criminals openly marauding through private property armed with long guns.
I wonder why that is.
There are more of them, and they shoot back, if not first.
I wonder why that is…
Im sure that was a rhetorical question but will answer anyways with the answer the dissident still doesn’t grasp at this point, and that is Tribe…
alien populations whose only purpose is to be showered with fiat welfare money to buy goods and services from transnational corporations.
Paid for with IOUs that the government signed in your grandchildren’s names.
An ennword in Africa is worth maybe $1,000-1,500 a year to MegaCorp. Give him a plane ticket to Whiteworld, and suddenly he can afford modern health care and education for his offspring, an apartment with all modern amenities and a level of consoomption that would make a Roman emperor blush.
The problem with the negro in Africa is that he doesn’t have EBT and isn’t spending it at Wal Mart. So Wal Mart helps import them here, so they can get their EBT and become good Wal Mart shoppers. True story.
The Great Replacement Is A Racist Myth And Definitely Isn’t Being Funded By Globohomo – Dissident Thoughts (arthursido.com)
As soon as an immigrant, legal or illegal, arrives in this country, they qualify for all sorts of public spending on food, housing, Obamaphone, medical assistance – GDP line goes up. If they have kids, the kids go to school at $XK in funding per – GDP line goes up and teacher’s union gets that much more power. They can get all sorts of lines of credit that really makes you an American in 2024 – credit card, auto loan, the whole deal. All that stuff creates more money out of thin air, which makes GDP line go up. If… Read more »
Getting your revenue from fedguv, directly or indirectly, has been the holy grail of business models for a long time. Corps are always looking for new ways. This is just the latest success story. Whether it turns Middletown, USA into a 3rd world shithole is irrelevant to the CEO on his yacht somewhere.
I think it is wayyyyy more than $1500 to MegaCorp
Not as long as he’s in Africa.
For all the headlines painting Aurora as a previously peaceful suburb impacted by Denver’s sanctuary policies . . . bullshite. Even back in 2020 the place was only 61% White, and 20% were foreign born. Mestizos are not White. They do not create functional, lawful societies. But don’t worry, it won’t get this bad in your nice suburb, because . . . reasons.
I suspect it is getting that bad in their suburbs now.
And if so, let’s hope normie finally gets of the couch and finds his balls and the key to his gun safe. We’re getting blackpilled over here waiting for them to wise up and rise up!
They will always wait though Sister until it’s on their doorstep sad to say, no matter how much they knowledge they have of how bad it can get or has gotten…I really don’t know at this point if people can even be reached even if it gets to their doorstep…
This might open the door for a reconquista some day. If the federal government is too weak to put down Latin militias, I can see hope for some good old boys winning back some territory some day… some day.
When you think about the freaks that spoke at the RNC convention you realize we are all in on this. 1985 me would never believe the spectacle of modern politics would look anything like this. I guess I can take solace in that Trump is just a Bullshitter with some good leadership qualities. As I was telling my old special forces and astronaut buddies the other day, there is nothing authentic anymore.
I didn’t watch the RNC convention but did see some names of speakers in the headlines. It was revelatory. The last link (that I didn’t even know existed in my mind) that I had to the system was cut. It truly is Clown World. I’m done. Let it all burn.
The RNC was, unbelievably, more of a freak show than the DNC. I am paraphrasing, but Nick Fuentes said the RNC was a bunch of freaks talking about normal things and the DNC was a bunch of normal people talking about freakish things. He nailed it. The RNC was really, truly strange and it was like they were bending over backwards to convince the spiteful mutants to come support them.
Yep. For some strange reason, they were appealing to the freak show and spitting in the fact of their voters. Again, I didn’t watch, but the speakers weren’t just bizarre, they were calculated to insult the audience.
I’m done. Let it all burn.
When Reagan was running for governor even, much less later for President, the question spoken was about the specter of a grade B movie actor being qualified to run for election and lead. At least we had some prior vetting with a term in office as governor. Now we see Hulk Hogan being given a speaker spot at the RNC to perform his tired old schtick of ripping off his t-shirt and screaming at the audience. But why not, his hero, Trump, got into the same business himself before running for President with Ed McMahon, owner of the WWF—or have… Read more »
Ushering the public into this theater was by far the most important achievement of Reagan’s make-believe revolution.
Outside of longevity, is there any way in which the Middle Ages weren’t preferable to the present?
Who says longevity is preferable Brother I think before it’s all said and done a lot of people are going to wish they died a lot sooner…
Ironic isn’t it? The MA lead—through harsh Darwinian selection—to the Industrial Revolution, which in turn shortly thereafter lead to a cessation of Darwinian selection, a decreasingly fit (smart as well as healthy) population, and now portends the very collapse of Western society.
It took a millennium or so after the “Dark Age” to reach the Industrial Age, but a little more than 200 years to get to where we are now.
Right. And I think you could foreshorten it further still. For while anti-Darwinian conditions have reigned for about 150 years, it’s only over the course of the last 60 years that their dysgenic effects have manifested fully. Western Civilization–over two millennia to build and half a century to destroy.
“…anti-Darwinian conditions have reigned for about 150 years..”
Maybe. Would an evolutionary dead end recognize the truth before it dies out? Or would it wither away? Some extinction events play out over the course of years, others over generations.
Thought we’d seen the end of Darwinian selection, too, but recently another thought has been rattling around in my head. Maybe we are seeing the exascerbation of that process. Where it goes asymptotic.
Clearly white virtues as DR sees them are maladaptions to the current environment. Maybe the question is not how we can get normie to see the light, but rather how we can change the environment to favor those things we value?
Or we could just die out, I guess.
That’s a good point. The entire white race is a candidate for the Darwin Awards. We seem uniquely ill-suited to conditions of plenty and comfort.
We have to answer the question of whether or not material comfort and reliable food and a society that’s based on a male hierarchy are incompatible?
Those two things may indeed be incompatible. Male hierarchy is necessary to crawl out of the primordial goo and compose the 5th Symphony, but it spontaneously collapses when everybody has an icebox full of lasagna and unlimited access to girls doing unspeakable things in front of the camera.
Nothing the least bit strange about it. To insult and fink on their core constituency is the essence of the Republican party. That an rank pusillanimity.
I’m still amazed that the GOP was this open about putting on a freakshow. I mean with the tranny stuff raging people are still looking for an alternative to the Democrats’ culture war on everything decent. How did the top Goopers not realize that the whole show they put on would enrage their own voters? I expect degeneracy and celebration of everything stupid and immoral from the Democrats but until I found out about the GOP convention I still thought the GOP was at least still pandering to sensible, conservative people.
The DNC had the Central Park 5 gang rapists speaking. There is not a single person in the elite who believe their BS “I dindu Nuffin” routine. All are guilty as sin. The movie made about them is even more at odds with realty than the conventions.
I think I missed that part. Maybe they put them up early (and yes they were all guilty). Obviously the story about them is fake, but in 2020 they got the racial injustice angle, the White lady tears angle (the prosecutor was a White lady, actually a fellow-White, but no matter), and the muh evil Drumpf all in one story. I certainly wouldn’t say that my characterization is universal. The Democrats are the party of the spiteful mutants, after all. Yet the DNC made a concerted effort to hide that part of it. Even when it came to their most… Read more »
I didn’t watch either. I only saw bits and pieces from people uploading the clips for the purpose of criticism.
One of the gang rapists, the guy who was beating people with the pipe (as testified by many others) is now either a city councilman or in either state or fed legislature. They called him a representative of Harlem. Each one got multiple millions. It’s absolutely disgusting.
If only Bernie Goetz took walks in Central Park instead of riding the subway…. 😉
Of course, that wouldn’t happen. It only happens in movies like Death Wish. Even as a young boy in NYC, everyone knew that Central Park after dark was a “no go” zone. The only folks entering the park after dark were themselves of criminal ilk, or simply oblivious dolts.
The “gang of five” even if not responsible for the alleged rape were simply up to no good. Of course, if one believes George Floyd was “wronged”, then one can believe anything.
Not only did they do the rape, they were also beating and robbing people. In their own words, they were “wilding.” That was their primary reason for being there. All their confessions are on youtube. Each one saying ‘I was there, but I was doing this lesser thing (fondling her breasts, holding her legs down…). But my friends, they were the ones actually raping’ One of them even said “this was my first rape” There was also forensic evidence against them. They only even came to the attention of the cops because the woman managed to badly scratch one of… Read more »
But as I read, the *real* rapist confessed and he was connected with DNA evidence to the rape. The City doesn’t pay $41M without an airtight case of false imprisonment. Again, nothing says these 5 were little more than criminals, just that there were enough holes in the case that should have been picked up on and avoided. No expert here, but ChatGPT summarizes as follows: ”… Exoneration: • The True Perpetrator: In 2002, Matias Reyes, a convicted serial rapist and murderer who was already serving a life sentence, confessed to the crime. His DNA matched the evidence found at… Read more »
Demonic. Truly demonic. Not only do those people–the entire political class–deserve to die, they deserve to die in agony.
Tars, you have GOT to be f**king kidding me.
Public executions, William Wallace style. Those shits, if anyone, deserve it. And their lawyers, and the judge.
I didn’t watch the whole thing, or even all that much really (who could bring themselves to) but the impression I got was that it was supposed to represent the triumphant pajeet takeover of the GOP, and Trump wasn’t supposed to be there. I’m not saying I believe that, I certainly wasn’t expecting that ahead of time, it’s just the impression I got.
Ackman and Adelson are pajeet names?
It’s a reflection of reality. Dem is a hypocrite, Rep tries too hard to be cool. Very white, very middle class phenomena. It’s still middle whitey’s country. That we’re told otherwise is what makes it look bizarre.
edit: maybe the fundamentals (the people) are that strong, maybe that’s why the show goes on, maybe it would be an easier mess to clean up than it seems. Haven’t quite reached the tipping point? Idk.
In a way, it makes sense: The RNC base is normal, so to attract “new” voters you need to put on spiteful mutant show; the DNC base is spiteful mutants, so to attract new voters you need to put on a normie show (of sorts).
It is about poaching the other side’s tepid voters.
The DNC is pretty much the only time you’ll see Democrats waving the American flag and singing patriotic songs
Yes, what was the idea of the Hinduism at the convention? Hindus are scam artists who don’t vote Republican….
I assume it’s sort of an announcement of our new Indian upper cast. In the (non-White) future envisioned, we will see an American where we have Jews, Asians, *and* Indians running the show.
Yep. The new tribes are building their power bases and will start to vie for control with the Jews. Meanwhile, whites and Hispanics will remain the field hands, working for whichever master now lives in the big house. Pathetic.
Extremely So Brother…
The magatards and cuckservatards will still vote Trump and thus are all fine with a First Lady named “Usha” in 4 years. Because she’s one of the ‘good ones.’ Most Whites cannot face the reality that there are NO non-White ‘good ones’ if they are residing in White countries.
As I mentioned many times, the Indians are coming. Right now, they know that the Jews run the show, but, unlike whites, they just look at Jews as another tribe. They’ll bow down before them for now, but the Indians are working hard to create their own power base and funding. King Cobra and other Indians will not be satisfied as well-paid help. He wants a seat at the table, but he knows that the Jews likely won’t give it to him, so the Indians are building their own table. Of course, whites, being the rubes that we are, are… Read more »
Read into how the Indians took over the Antwerp Diamond Trade and pushed the juice out. Anyone who thinks they aren’t going to try to do that everywhere is not paying attention. The top of the heap Indians like King Cobra are (A) very intelligent, (B) tribal with a very high in-group preference, and (C) have a religious and cultural heritage that leads them to believe their DNA is blessed. In other words, they aren’t that different from their competition, except there are a lot more of them.
Exactly. India is a subcontinent of *many* peoples. There are a few “high caste” populations that have done very well there. For example, “…the Parsis, also known as Zoroastrians, are sometimes referred to as the “Jews of India.” This comparison is drawn because, like the Jewish community, the Parsis are a small, close-knit minority group with a distinct religious and cultural identity. Both communities have historically played influential roles in commerce, industry, and philanthropy, despite their small numbers.” I’ve encountered many Indians in my time at the university, don’t underestimate them. They are a cut above what they left back… Read more »
The West drains the brains of the un-developing countries, and in the process washes the brains of whites in the West.
Their caste system makes perfect sense re: the great hordes of low IQ street shitters. Western baizuo haven’t yet come to terms with this, much as they haven’t come to terms with muslim punishment for homos. It is mostly the smarter ones who make it over here. Or was. Lately the GAE might be importing all of them that it can.
Even the ones who aren’t oblivious don’t have it in them to do anything to correct it or at the very least insulate themselves against what is coming at us like a freight train…
When the Reps are even more perverse and dieverse than the Dems, you know it’s the uniparty straight down the line. But we’ve known that for a long time. It’s the idiotic masses who can’t seem to get it through their thick skulls.
Having an actor running as President did seem a little weird in 1979, but by 1991, the dems briefly dreamed of Jerry Brown/Linda Ronstadt in the White House and Arnold seemed a natural fit as Gov of CA. Twelve years from now, Paris Hilton’s purse dog will be fit for the All-Important Smashing of the Glass Ceiling.
Speaking of astronauts, will Elon please send that lady astronaut a rubber band for her space mop?
No Buzz Aldrins or Neil Armstrongs staying at that space BNB. Even our “astronauts” are a joke.
That female up there, or whatever it is, is one ugly creature. I say leave it…
I was always partial to Pete Conrad. Guy’s rocket gets hit by lightning, twice, and he was laughing about it a couple minutes later. Thank God, the crew of Apollo 12 didn’t have to rely on those sacred Hidden Figures gals to call out “SCE to AUX”.
Amanda Gorman, official poet of the US – what a joke. Though hardly an expert, I would guess poetry’s zenith was the 19th and early 20th centuries. It’s been in decline for a long time, and now with a magical negro exclamation point to highlight its utter demise. Just another worthless black that White libs**** can wet their pants over. This day and age is sooooooooooo pathetic.
Note the two “famous” poets mentioned are Black. Is one surprised that the standards for excellence must be lowered? Poetry, it’s a White thang…
Joe Biden was ahead of his time in lying, but it ended his presidential campaign in 1988 when things like blatant plagiarism would be a disqualification. In today’s fake and gay times, lying is a feature, not a bug.
> Amanda Gorman, the official poet of the United States, whose poetry is nothing more than emotive nonsense. As John Derbyshire observed, it fails to qualify as poetry. It is why an incoherent simpleton like Kanye West can pretend to be a genius musician, despite lacking a shred of musical ability. If you read Kanye lyrics and then Amanda, it’s clear Kanye is the far superior artist. No, this is not praise of Kanye. Amanda Gorman is the comfortable black woman for white progressives in this generation, and took up the mantle Maya Angelou left. Her job is far easier too, since… Read more »
Does or did Kanye even write his own tripe? If not, he doesn’t qualify as a lyrical genius.
Kanye started out as a part of the corporate machine, doing the work that gets credited (by the public) to celebrities (actual credits are accurate legal documents). He was greatly oversold for a while, but he had a real gift. His talent as a producer was for having somewhat odd taste that “resonates with” fans of normal boring pop rap. He was every poser executive and aspirational consumer’s dream: corporate avant-garde. One of his crimes was that he could finish a whole production just screwing around with his friends, the business had obligated itself to sell whatever he made, and… Read more »
Walz is not an exaggerator…He downright lied about being deployed to Iraq, and escaped by going around his commander’s back to retire, which they weren’t forced to allow…
Another odd thing about Timmah: If Walz actually likens himself to Elmer Fudd he’s actually highlighting his bad 2A stances. In the gun world, a “Fudd” is the kind of gun owner who is very proud of owning “hunting” weapons that don’t look scary and is just fine with banning the “assault” guns that are often even the same models as the ones he owns but with different trim and furnishings. In other words, he’s either a hypocrite, an idiot, or both.
One need only look to our Northern neighbor. Their gun control laws creep forward. Hunting rifles are not exempt, just lower in banning priority. Divide and conquer is the rule of the day.
I come for the commentary; I stay for the quips ( There is nothing authentic about Harris, not even her DNA – hehehe). Several months ago, I was teaching poetry.I was really pleased that, when I exposed many young folk (for the first time with depth) to the quality of some of the great poets (Yeats, Frost, Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Byron, Browning, Milton, etc.), they picked up and independently analyzed a classic work of his or her selection. I am thinking specifically of Robert Frost, possibly due to inaugural readings. You contrast even some of Frost’s lesser works with the absolute garbage… Read more »
What I perceive you describe—and decry—are the lack of “rules” for this new type of “poetry”. Not only is this new stuff no longer rule based, it does not even acknowledge a very good understanding of the English language and vocabulary. Simply a stream of consciousness. A blithering psychotic in an asylum can produce much the same as we see here.
One only need read, “The Lays of Ancient Rome” written by Thomas Babington Macaulay—published in 1842–to see my point. Warning, to read such is to heighten despair wrt our present day decline as a society.
I think the lack of rules are indicative of a lack of substance and skill. The Wasteland typically is in free verse, but it still has the clear marks of learning and discipline and depth. Eliot is far from my favorite, but I cannot ignore that there is something beyond emotive babbling.
I just looked up a bit of “The Waste Land”. Not my cup of tea, but that’s not to say it should not be other’s.
On our anniversary, I recite to my wife Browning’s tribute to a long, happy marriage:
“Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, the last of life, for which the first was made. Our times are in his hand who saith, ‘A whole I planned, youth shows but half; Trust God: See all, nor be afraid!”
The laughing hyena has undergone some serious training the last week – she now has pursed lips and sits on her hands. Imagine bringing Elmer Fudd to your nursery school interview as your emotional support pet.
if some Ashkenazi from Ukraine can magically turn himself into an Israeli of the Bible by converting to Judaism and learning Hebrew and convincing outsiders with such a story, then why can’t a man become a woman? Come up with a story about hormones or how you were born a boy in a girl’s body. If it’s all the mind, then why not? This is the mindset that rules our country because the liars are in charge, and every goy who wants to get ahead and has to come up with lies of their own. Liz Warren. Tim Walz. I… Read more »
Why is the war in Ukraine important? Because the West needs to loot it in order to keep the plates spinning for a few more years. Once Blackrock is denied access by Putin’s military, the house of cards begins its downfall. The Euro dies first and the EU Central Banks go down with it. Reality then becomes a cruel bitch and the audience in the political theater start throwing rotten vegetables at the actor politicians. Then it’s either instigate nuclear Armageddon or unleash the Africans to reek havoc. Anything to distract from economic disaster. Buckle up, rocky road up ahead.
It’s carniess all the way down in our democracy now.
I still prefer the Hulk Hogan carnie over the Oprah Winfrey carnie but I also prefer the tilt o whirl over the bearded lady.
This reminds me of the old Air Force joke about why the engineers wanted a monkey along with the astronaut in the NASA tests. The monkey’s job was to bite the man if he tried to override the program and actually fly the spaceship. The whole thing has been programmed behind the scenes by nerds working for oligarchs. The media is there to bite any “politician” actually trying to govern. I think Zman would call this the triumph of managerialism.
Every time I see someone like this Gorman woman, my only question is, does she know it’s a scam and she goes along with it for the money, or does she really believe she’s a great poet
The UK had a similar black poet a while back too, he may have been worse than the US version, always on the telly with his boring and predictable opinions
Since the US and UK have their terrible black poets. I assume we will have one in Ireland soon enough
She’s 26 now, was 22 when asked to read her “poetry” at Biden’s inauguration. Was chosen as the first “youth poet laureate” of Los Angeles when she was 16. Got her first book published at 17. And a negro. Guarantee you she thinks she got there on natural talent.
In much the same way that a sportsball prodigy will reach young adulthood believing the rules, to the extent he’s even aware of rules, don’t apply to him.
At least he had talent, and was not a fake manufactured product. Nor was he wrong exactly. The rules don’t really apply to him. Until after his sportsball career is over and he’s blown all his money, then they do.
How are things in the Emerald Isle?
It would be interesting to hear from a man on the ground.
When the masses can be fully placated and narcotized by the carnival, it only stands to reason that the vast majority of public figures, especially in politics and show biz, are fictive carnival freaks. The subjects of AINO are such a degraded and easily amused lot that they’re getting what they deserve and they like it. And that, I’m afraid, is why Insane Clown World is not yet running on vapor.
“In the prior age, morality required a person to live an authentic life and present their life honestly. “
Those were halcyon days. What we see here today is the homage “mediocrity” still pays “meritocracy”. Soon that too will be gone as the last vestiges of a dying society forgets what meritocracy even is among the populace.
Alternatively, maybe the machine just stops and then the theater goes dark.
That only happens if we withdraw our time, labor, and wealth from the machine or we do that which must not be talked about…
This. Current ‘reality’ is so vile that I find it intolerable. I skim the headlines and, had I the power, would transport every ‘actor,’ ‘singer,’ ‘influencer,’ ‘politician,’ ‘athlete,’ etc. back in time before the White man first set foot on the other accursed continents. Let them enjoy life among their own, for however many days before they are slaughtered.
Just wanted to mention that I hope everyone reads the link Z provided to that piece of short fiction. 25 pages is a very light lift. I marvel at how prescient many of our forebears were in their speculative fiction and predictions of how awful the future could truly become.
That one for being written in 1909 hits scarily close to the mark of what the world is starting to closely resemble.
No mention of Thiel’s boy Vance being a “veteran” PR agent? No mention how his entire persona and career appears fake and manufactured?
So weird to skip that in a piece calling it out and talking about him. True dissident writing!
Point taken, but are you really going to say the amount of falsehood generated around Vance is comparable to Kamala?
I think that you’ll find that many here hate both parties, but for different reasons. I certainly do. Nonetheless, the media maelstrom of mendacity manufactured for Kamala is truly unprecedented, to the point of being physically disorienting to me.
The media has obviously decided to generate an alternative reality and substitute it for the real one. Is the sky still blue? Does 1 + 2 still equal 3? I honestly don’t know.
To the point about Kanye, a quick Wikipedia search shows Beyonce has the most Grammys of all time at 32. Kanye and JayZ are tied at 24. The Beatles have 7.
You can still be a hater, but ngl: I like Goldigger.
The Grammys were a joke long before America became one. Milli Vanilli won a Grammy, for chrissakes.
Beyonce paid for all them Grammys fair and square!
Black driver on the CB in Richmond, during the lively late night chatter:
“You mean they gave the Ebony Awards to Tupac Shakur instead of of Biggie Smalls?!…
…DAMN those Republicans!!”
“The reason he [Tim Walz] exaggerated the resume was that the act required it. If the act needed him to become a transvestite, he would do it.”
The presidential campaign still has over two months to run. It’s possible the Harris campaign will eventually have Timmy play dress-up and insist everyone address xir as “Tammy” in an effort to gin up voter turnout in blue precincts, where they think those sort of hijinks are “brave and amazing.”
Just so you know, I said out loud, enthusiasm is not accepted at the bank three times before I read today’s essay . Have a good weekend everyone
People used to downplay, deflect or try to deny embarrassing things about politicians they liked but now its very common for them to claim anything to the contrary is fake news without flinching. This isn’t exclusive to leftists either, during the Trump era people routinely lied through their teeth about him even though it would’ve been beneficial to criticize him. Its like the masses have come under a spell of toxic positivity where everyone pretends they exist in an alternate universe where rainbows beam out their eyeballs & anyone who points out observable reality is the personification of evil who… Read more »
Once you start making excuses for politicians then you’re part of the problem
“There is nothing authentic about Harris”
-Well… she’s authentically stupid.
Re that “poem” by Amanda Gorman:
“the belly of the beast”???
Maybe she was texting when that part about cliches in Poetry 101 was being discussed.
My stars, it’s worse than I thought. i can’t unread it now!
a sea to wade!?!?!?
from Livys war with Hannibal ; book xxvii.
Rome’ consuls Nero and Livius were about to engage Hasdrubal, Hannibal s brother. A lot was riding on this battle and so the mood in Rome was tense…The senators and people never leave the forum and:
(t)he women of Rome, helpless as they were for any practical purpose, turned themselves to passionate prayer, wandering from shrine to shrine, and giving the gods no rest from their vows and supplications.
Oh Livy , you sinker!
(I hope I’m not seeing this wrong here, but 135 comments in), no one seems to have mentioned yet that you wrote “prolificity” rather than “profilicity”.
(It may be because of spelling correction, as “prolificity” does seem to exist as a word.)
Dont be to sarcastic about lightning bolts my man. God is reality and he may not be thrilled with the circus.
I’d feel less skeptical if the Almighty asserted Himself a bit more. Why is He so remote and ambiguous?
The next time you talk to Him, ask Him to send a righteous lightning bolt. I’d certainly appreciate it. But spare Z Man, if possible.
Source for Walz not being coach? Bio says “defensive coordinator”.
The only bone I have to pick about this article is I think a metal-head should not judge musical ability.
My only bone with it is Kamaltoe is not hapa (half White, half Asian). But I get the temptation for alliteration.
Half-wit is more accurate but too generous.
Then again, maybe it’s just her speechwriter who is a half-wit.
Dave Mustaine and Marty Friedman would like a word with you.
Fatman Scoop, RIP
Why do we care about overweight, dead, Black rapper? Why are you reading this group and posting such?
Maybe his YT feed is similar to mine. Yesterday they had a video “celebrating” all the dead influencers who were doing the “fat is beautiful” shtick. Then again I’m a heartless bastard who likes cruel stuff like that. If we all had to pour out a 40 every time a fat black rapper died, we’d need a case of St. Ides every week. Between the gunfire and the fried chicken few of these guys will make 50.
D’nang Dick also comes to mind.