The Faith Of Our Betters

Western elites are in a competition with one another to see who can be the most creative in violating the old rules of the liberal order. Every week seems to bring a new outrage from a Western government. The reason it seems like they are looking to outrage rather than work from an understood ideological foundation is that they do not fully understand their new ideological foundation. It is an evolving paradigm, as they used to say, to which they are forced to adapt.

A good example is this rather weird story out of the UK. A company was taken to court because they paid warehouse workers more than their retail workers. The warehouse staff was predominantly male while the retail staff was predominantly female, thus creating a situation in which men are earning more than women. The company pointed out that this is normal and there was no evidence that women were discriminated against in hiring or evaluations. They lost the case anyway.

Something called an employment tribunal agreed that “the difference in pay rates between the jobs was not down to direct discrimination, including the conscious or subconscious influence of gender on pay decisions, but was caused by efforts to reduce cost and enhance profit. Even so, it ruled that the “business need was not sufficiently great as to overcome the discriminatory effect of lower basic pay.” In other words, it just looked bad so it must be bad.

This is like saying that a man was not directly or indirectly responsible for the death of someone he did not like, but the man’s death just looked bad, so the fellow who did not like him will be convicted of murder. In the new normal, you can be guilty of violating a rule or law, even if you did not actually violate the rule or law, simply because the rule or law is not getting the intended result. You could literally end up in a British jail because the judge thinks it looks bad for you to remain free.

For those familiar with American discrimination law, this may sound like disparate impact, which is a legal term that refers to practices that unintentionally discriminate against people of protected groups in areas like employment and housing. This doctrine was imported to the UK for the same insane reasons it exists in America. It is the only way around objective reality while maintaining the radical delusions of universal human equality and the blank slate.

The logic of disparate impact works like this. Since there are no immutable differences between people or groups of people, any differences between groups of people must be due to some form of discrimination. Logically, there can be no other reason if universal equality is true. Therefore, if there are group differences that negatively impact nonwhites, then it must be from discrimination by whites. Discrimination is the ghost in the machine that explains what we see every day.

That is not what appears to be going on with this UK case. The tribunal clearly stated that the company policy is neutral, as far as intent and application. Apparently, there are female warehouse workers who make what male warehouse workers make and male retail workers who make the same as female retail workers. It is just that females prefer retail while males prefer warehouse work. This bit of biological reality is so disturbing to the court they ruled it must be eradicated.

It is a good example of two things we see with the new religion we see with the managerial classes in the West. One is there is a strong whiff of world rejecting Gnosticism about it. It is never clear if they are trying to recreate the human condition to their liking or they simply reject the human condition along with the objective reality in which mankind resides. Perhaps Justice William O. Douglas’ use of the terms “emanations” and “penumbras” was a clue.

The other thing you see is how the power of narrative warps their sense of reality to the point where it is often at odds with reality. This is something we keep seeing in things like the Ukraine war and now the Harris campaign. The narrative provides an a model of reality that is untethered from physical reality, so they must always be altering their mental model of reality. Alternatively, they seek to force reality to comply with the demands of their alternative reality.

It is not hard to imagine the judges in that UK case thinking, “We know how things should be, so even though they are not that way, and we cannot find evidence of Old Scratch in this, we will just set everything right and all is good.” There is no thought of the secondary and tertiary consequences to their ruling. If the company automates it retail area to address the problems created by this ruling, they will be back in court to explain why they are not living the court’s model of reality.

All the loose talk about creating a new religion misses the fact that we have a new religion, the religion of the managerial class. This new religion has roots deep in the Western tradition. Not only does it contain the egalitarianism and universalism of Christianity, but it also has the mysticism from the ancients. At the heart is the suspicion that reality is a figment of our imagination, so if we reimagine reality then we can have a reality that frees us from the human condition.

In the end, this weird new religion is a luxury good. The parade of lunacy we see is only possible because the masses have food and entertainments. Each new bit of lunacy chips away at it but until it reaches a critical state, the cost of these religious fantasies is spread around the respective economy. The great enabler of managerial lunacy is the ability to socialize the cost of it. At some point, the cost becomes unbearable, and the new religion goes into the dustbin of history with its adherents.

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Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
15 days ago

This is like saying that a man was not directly or indirectly responsible for the death of someone he did not like, but the man’s death just looked bad, so the fellow who did not like him will be convicted of murder.

Derrick Chauvin says “hi.”

jo blo
jo blo
Reply to  Jack Dobson
15 days ago

Discrimination is pretty much the entire reason and method of THINKING. Is this better, or is that? Is that ideology evil or not? Should I hang out with this group of people, or the other? Racism is surely the best example of an evolutionary adaptation that can be found. For millennia the tribes that best exploited others, and resisted exploitation themselves were the ones that prospered and spread. Efforts to expunge this behavior can only be effective against those under your rule, and will obviously result in the degradation of your own society – a DEAD END. Another dead end… Read more »

Last edited 15 days ago by jo blo
jo blo
jo blo
Reply to  jo blo
15 days ago

I submit for consideration that a new sect of islam would be useful for Western Civ commoners. Advantages: -Islamic divorce – “talakh” x 3 (“i’ve said it twice, woman!”). -jihad is similar to vigilantism – violence against sh**ty people screwing up your society seems needed. Muslims get special treatment at law, because they gang up and ALL get violent if not (because it’s a religious thing). Confuse axhat ruling class about the desirability of muslim immigrants . -taqiyah (lying) – useful for war, but also getting pussy: “when we were just sleeping together all those years, it was fun, but… Read more »

Last edited 15 days ago by jo blo
jo blo
jo blo
Reply to  jo blo
15 days ago


Last edited 15 days ago by jo blo
Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  jo blo
15 days ago

What exactly is a “judeo-Christian”?

jo blo
jo blo
Reply to  Bloated Boomer
15 days ago

The old testament is jewish, the new testament is a christian addition. Islam accepts christ as a prophet, but considers Mo to be the ultimate prophet.

So they’re all derived from a common base – the old testament. Islam and christianity have christ in common.

Last edited 15 days ago by jo blo
Reply to  Bloated Boomer
15 days ago

A fool who buys into a fiction created in the mid 20th century and thus becomes a tool of Judea. Judea defined itself in opposition to the Occident when it was under the dominion of the Hellenistic world. Judea defined itself in opposition to the Occident when it was under the dominion of the Roman world. It wandered, and it defined itself as apart and often in opposition to the post Greco-Roman world of the Germanic/Nordic European world. That was a rule and not an exception. See The Gates of Toledo and the ongoing clash through the Spanish Civil War… Read more »

15 days ago

My employer has solved the phantom “Gender gap” in compensation via a devilishly clever ruse. We are a huge, well-known defense contractor. As may be expected, the ranks of engineers are heavily skewed toward White and East Asian males, where a natural biological advantage exists, contrary to the wet dreams of DEI. The publicly stated goal, therefore, is to achieve a managerial class that is 50% female, regardless of talent, experience or competency. As a result, we have a chiefs-to-Indians ratio that would be unsustainable in anything other than a goobermint-subsidized industry. A veritable squaw den of useless, overpaid 30-something… Read more »

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Harbinger
15 days ago

Did you explain the ruse? I might have missed it.

Reply to  Bloated Boomer
15 days ago

Promoting numerous young females to management positions where they have no earthly business effectively raises both the number of women in our traditionally male-only field, and pays them more than the pale male engineers under their management. Win-win for the DEI crowd. And they don’t have to reveal their lack of engineering acumen, because anyone can ‘manage’.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Harbinger
15 days ago

I’m sure all those ladies have a BA or better in Electrical Engineering Resource Management or some similar nebulous specialty

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
15 days ago

It’s no longer even Management, now it’s Management Leadership positions.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Harbinger
15 days ago

“because anyone can ‘manage’”

That is hilariously untrue, otherwise we wouldn’t be in the current predicament we are in.

Reply to  Bloated Boomer
15 days ago

Three words: Sinecures for women.
Several more words: This cost is spread amongst the taxpayer via lavish government contracts that pay for these sinecures. This is that financial socialization that Z was writing about last week.

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Eloi
15 days ago

This doesn’t seem like much of a ruse, it sounds like you’ve been had. “This annoying peddler was selling his tat in the main street, very loudly, day after day. My ruse was to buy out all of his stock, so he left, having got what he wanted” -Sounds like he won, and you lost. Our ruse at an old job was that they had quotas on indigenous employees if you tendered for some contracts, mainly big gov or mining company. But there was a small org/business which would have indig people lend their name to be “employed” officially, but… Read more »

Reply to  Harbinger
15 days ago

I work for a defense contractor and I’m a project manager. About a third of our engineers are white guys like myself, another third are east Asians, mainly Vietnamese and Japanese, and the others are south Asians. There are no women and only one black guy. We had some women at one point, but they were either dreadful engineers and they were either shuffled off to filing duty or they got pregnant and left the workforce, never to return. Our lone black guy is very Urkel-like and extremely competent, but he’s alone since the other ones that our HR team… Read more »

Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
15 days ago

My son has same problems. Forget about minorities in engineering, they can’t even get Whites of competence. What happens then is that these guys can’t quite be fired, but are useless (unproductive) and all fellow engineers must pick up the slack or at least review their work very closely—failure equals death in their field. Indeed, two of these folk are known by nicknames given by fellow staff members: “Can’t do” and “Won’t do”.

You really have to be some sort of clueless creature to not pick up on such shortcomings within yourself.

Last edited 15 days ago by Compsci
Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Compsci
15 days ago

I think what you are referring to is a lack of a frontal lobe.

Ride-By Shooter
Ride-By Shooter
Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
15 days ago

I work for a defense contractor

A-ha! An enemy within the perimeter.

Tell us what would happen to your firm’s “defense” contracting if the [ahem] customer was deprived the privileges of

  1. central banking,
  2. control over money production,
  3. borrowing,
  4. tax withholding by employers,
  5. criminalization of tax rebellion no matter what the situation,
  6. few cops to protect tax attorneys, and
  7. blind faith in “this Constitution”.
Ride-By Shooter
Ride-By Shooter
Reply to  Ride-By Shooter
15 days ago

Correction: #6 ought to read ‘many cops to protect tax attorneys’.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
15 days ago

Boo Boo dun had his culture shit on again! Dats RAYSIS!

While normal humans have a cup of coffee to start the day, Joe wakes up to a half used blunt to get the day started.

gnome sane?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
15 days ago

Joe? Please don’t contaminate that perfectly fine name.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
15 days ago

Good point. I believe Joe, in this case, is short for Jo’quarius Abdul Muhammad Mumumbu.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Pozymandias
15 days ago

Sumthin like that

Think “hey Joe, Wadda ya know”.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
15 days ago

And therein lies the difference. The black retard thinks he should be able to smoke a joint at work. They cannot be fixed to be like us.

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Tired Citizen
15 days ago

Jiggers gonna jog

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Bloated Boomer
15 days ago

Nuggras goan nugg…

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Harbinger
15 days ago

Great analysis.

I’d only add there are plenty of over-promoted, under-qualified women in their 20s, 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Harbinger
15 days ago

At my company, they actually declared a quantifiable number for “diversity”. 62% was the magic number. In order to achieve that impossible feat they simply hired a ton of people from a certain country in south Asia that isn’t India. Well – we’ve had massive quality issues and customers are dropping like flies out in the field. So now, my team is tasked with doing a review of the bad coding practices by these “diverse” developers to understand why we have such quality issues.

As Z always says, reality doesn’t stop coming just because you no longer believe in it.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Harbinger
15 days ago

Please to not be offending the Indians. We are well represented in your IT Department.

Reply to  Harbinger
15 days ago

Indeed..My experience is that this discrimination in favor of females and blacks goes back into the ’70s at the Government level…Employees who literally couldn’t be bothered to show up for work much of the time not only retained their jobs, but were often promoted…At the corporate level, it was certainly a fact even at F500 corporations, but was more selective..We had a female VP who took 3 hour lunches to celebrate woman power..

Reply to  Harbinger
15 days ago

It’s AMAZING how many people will flip their shit if you say the blindingly obvious fact that men are more likely to be *really good* at math than women.

Doesn’t matter if you preface it with the obvious that of course not all men are better than all women at math, etc. You are literally hitler.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  fakeemail
15 days ago

(((Larry Summers))) was defenestrated from Harvard for saying essentially that very thing.

Reply to  Harbinger
15 days ago

Those White men are not disappearing altogether. They are going to be gathered up to form rivals of Hariq-LaQuisha-Mfumbe managed sinecure farms. We are not finished. We are a gathering storm.

16 days ago

The next time Europe goes up in flames…let it burn.

We could all be speaking German right now with trains that run on time…

David Wright
Reply to  Filthie
16 days ago

Ironically the trains don’t run on time in Germany now.

Reply to  Filthie
15 days ago

I’d be happy if the trains keep running at all

16 days ago

Who else thinks that in the proverbial 100 years into the future when sanity returns that people will be looking back on present-day USA and EU in disbelief ? Assuming we still have schools and textbooks, how do they even touch on topics such as how adamant the people were to be able to abort their babies. Imagine trying to teach that to a third grader. I think they will look to bury these embarrassments. The truth about America will most likely be reserved for doctoral students in history. But what historian is even going to tackle these issues honestly?… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
16 days ago

I think they will look to bury these embarrassments. The truth about America will most likely be reserved for doctoral students in history

That’s what I think will happen. Just as Woodrow Wilson’s domestic pogroms are not taught to schoolchildren in the U.S.

Reply to  Falcone
16 days ago

Bold assumption that sanity will return.

Reply to  Eloi
16 days ago

It will but it won’t be Western. Western people prefer to disappear and live in a dumpster fire than to abandon their beloved goddess Equality, who they want more than themselves and their kids.

Reply to  imnobody00
15 days ago

If we are lucky, China will take over. If not, darkness is coming.
Other possibility is that Whites will wake up and bring back sanity by force, but I don’t see that happening any time soon.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hun
15 days ago

That is the ideal. I don’t really have much of a problem with the Chinks or Japs, but I don’t want to live under their rule. Whites must bounce back, and we will, but the path will be of the stoniest sort.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
15 days ago

Exactly—because we carry our superiority within ourselves as a race. It’s in our DNA. If even a few survive, we will bounce back.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
15 days ago

I prefer the term “9 iron”.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Hun
15 days ago

China is even more explicitly anti-white than the GAE. In fact, the latter may parrot the former at times as a form of competition. Those who read Han media and follow PRC political rhetoric assure me they are hellbent on our elimination even more than the GAE.

You do not want to live under China, either.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
15 days ago

I seriously doubt that.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Hun
15 days ago

Just check it.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
15 days ago

You should provide evidence. I don’t doubt the Chinks are super racist, because racism is the default from which only some Whites deviate, unfortunately. But I have seen no evidence of Chinks being “hellbent on our elimination”, so please provide it.

jo blo
jo blo
Reply to  Hun
15 days ago

Remember the opium wars? I bet they do.

Reply to  jo blo
15 days ago

That doesn’t mean anything. Where is the evidence that the Chinks are “hellbent on our elimination” right now? Nobody provided anything.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
15 days ago

The Chinese, at least the ones running China, are anti-white, but they’re also anti-Indian, anti-Japanese, anti-African, anti-black and -brown. Though I think Sobran’s line about “humiliation” stings a little more with the Chinese, who think they are the top civilization. If they do end up on top again, I can see them looking down on us “hairy barbarians” but if European whites continue to contest them, there will be a grudging respect. I think East Asians generally like pale-skinned people anyway; at least over the alternative.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Marko
15 days ago

The Chinks prefer their own kind to everybody else. In other words, and unlike white Leftists, they’re normal.

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
15 days ago

Indians hate White people far more than the slopes do. At the very least they have an appreciation for the civilisation we once had. I don’t see many Indians in classical orchestras, or learning ballet, or as a tourist in Paris hopelessly trying to experience what it used to be. They’re more likely part of what’s ruined Paris. The standard meme from Empire of Dust is the image of the Chinese man saying “It’s all so tiresome”, but another scene has him chastising the african because of how little they appreciated what The West gave them. I experienced more ‘racism’… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Bloated Boomer
15 days ago

I’m sure hatred of whites correlates strongly with the inability to understand, appreciate and participate in our civilization.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
15 days ago

For sure the chicoms HATE the US and residually the UK, not sure about a general genocidal hatred for white europeans as our alien rulers have. I remember discussing the topic years ago in the context of discussing genetic research. In the US certain hard genetic facts must be denied for ideological reasons which must perforce lead to greatly retarded progress in this area of science. So it’s not only that the incompetent and incapable are elevated into roles important to geopolitical competition and even survival but also that even when scientific breakthroughs are made (in this case with regard… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
15 days ago

I’ve been to China a couple of times. Don’t know about the anti-white stuff, but one thing I can tell you for certain.: they absolutely loathe the Japanese.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Will
15 days ago

Indeed. And with some good reason. They certainly hate the Japs far more than whitey.

Reply to  Will
15 days ago

The Koreans best them in anti-Nippon fury. However, due to far more benign treatment during its half century as a Japanese possession, the Taiwanese have traditionally been well disposed toward Tokyo.

Reply to  Falcone
15 days ago

Almost nobody is aware of the depravity of the Weimar Republic. If anything, it’s presented as a flawed paradise destroyed by Hitler.

Reply to  Hun
15 days ago

Although such a depiction is made in the movie musical, Cabaret from 1972. It also interestingly reflected/predicted the USA’s decline in the modern era as well.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
15 days ago

I’ve avoided watching Cabaret because I feared it painted a positively peachy picture of perversity and pinkos.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
15 days ago

Well, certainly. Consider the times (70’s). We were in the middle of the great transition. We were still a White country and the Boomers were taking over. All things were possible. 70’s was a great era for those who were planning our cultural demise. As a young man I fell for such, but so did my parents and grandparents. Whites were that way—easy pushovers, drunk with wealth and arrogance.

Perhaps as “punishment” you should watch the movie! 😉

Reply to  Hun
15 days ago

When I first learned of Weimar it was presented as the final thwarted possibility of human flourishing outside communism, freedom’s last light extinguished by fascism—first Hitler’s, then the everyday fascism of “Cold War propaganda” (the average citizen’s rejection of communism). The wheelbarrows of cash were somehow roundaboutly caused by Versailles; the problem was that they fed into Hitler’s narrative (as that would be phrased now), not that the people were impoverished. By whom? Who wanted them not to afford bread? Shut up and look at this sexy flapper. The right took this from you! Antisemitism is sexual jealousy! I went… Read more »

Reply to  Hemid
15 days ago

Yes. I did academic research on Versailles and the League of Nations. It’s absolutely incredible how little the average American knows about the rise of Hitler and the Weimar period.

Anyone who cannot discuss the Bavarian Soviet, the Hungarian Soviet, the Spartacist coup, the Battle of Warsaw in 1920, the Polish Corridor, the Free City of Danzig, the Locarno treaties, the Fourteen Points, collective security, or “ethnic self-determination” knows nothing.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Xman
15 days ago

Hm. I sense one of your fields in comps was modern German history.

Reply to  Xman
15 days ago

I truly wish I was better read in history. Yet, anybody who cannot utilize differential equations and transforms to build a better life should sit down and STFU. You will never create SR-71 equivalent let alone spacecraft. I could do that as GenX in the 90’s. Too many are not even aware of their own ignorance. You cannot address basic chemical and other science problems. This, the chinese can surmount.

Reply to  Hun
15 days ago

Fortunately, there is a meme keeping the memory of Weimar alive in certain quarters.

“…for absolutely no reason at all.”

Reply to  Falcone
15 days ago

The current times could be considered to be a period similar to the witch-craze outbreaks that occurred in different places. There seem to be a lot of examples across the globe and across history of hysterical outbreaks, witches and otherwise. And some of these periods lasted longer than others. Ours has been occurring for an awfully long time. Unlike the American Puritan leadership of the late-1600’s, I doubt if many of today’s perpetrators will admit their mistakes and their guilt, and ask for forgiveness. Until the late-20th century when PC/Woke began to dominate, there were historians, academic and independent, who… Read more »

Last edited 15 days ago by 1660please
Reply to  1660please
15 days ago

We’re living in Heinlein’s crazy times, simple as that.

jo blo
jo blo
Reply to  1660please
15 days ago
  • Humans have a need for spiritual thought? Or maybe it’s more a lazy tendency to go along with a ruling paradigm? Herd instinct?
  • Of this I’m sure: people have an urgent desire to look down on others, it makes them feel BETTER.
  • Especially, shi**y people show this need most strongly:
  • convicts killing pedos
  • feminists
  • blm rioters
  • all the leftist freakshows
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Falcone
15 days ago

We have a precedent for this. We are 100 years from Weimar Germany and everyone just pretends the Weimar Republic was just an ordinary and normal place. There was no insanity, Berlin was not the sex tourism capital of the world, there was no degeneracy and no moral decay. Everyone loves talking about the book burnings, but never mention what the books were.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
15 days ago

Lately I do see a bit of mentioning of what the books were, by the “left.” The tranny thing has become so normalized, and seen by them as such a moral positive, that they are now becoming less afraid to point out what the books were, in an effort to show that their present day foes are the same as mustache man. I wish I could say I knew which side of that “debate” normie will come down on, but I don’t. This past July 4, I was grilling and chilling with my neighbor Civnat G. Normiecon and some of… Read more »

Last edited 15 days ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
15 days ago

The Berlin government is now putting out “Rosie Needs Money”, a book for children ages 6 to 12, cheerfully explaining how the sex trade (prostitution) is a safe and healthy line of work.

jo blo
jo blo
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
15 days ago
  • “the majority is always sane”
  • “too cowed to speak up” –THIS. It’s entirely normal to be afraid, when among vicious lunatic gangsters, but we are mostly reluctant to admit that THIS is the cause of our problem.
  • Normally, people would unite to defeat the gangster lunatics, but we can’t – they are in control of the govt. and will violently suppress any attempt to organize resistance (i.e. – UK’s current Southport rioters, examples abound)
  • Unorganized violence may be the result of this oppression
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
15 days ago

As a younger man the most edifying descriptions I read of the Weimar vibe were by 1950s proto-shitlib Thomas Mann– crops up in the short stories; lectures at Princeton University quite detailed about the daily corruption. There’s a short one with the perspective of a petty Teutonic aristocrat being unable to pay for household help and groceries which I think got repackaged by Regnery types as “The Witches’ Sabbath”

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Falcone
15 days ago

Considering the path events have been taking I suspect that within a hundred years our history will have been Rewritten a couple times, inconvenient facts and people disappeared and in general our history will be no more reliable than the Soviet Union’s at the end of their existence.

Reply to  Falcone
15 days ago

Bad people always think they are good. Good people are more likely to think they are bad.

16 days ago

The article is previewing this store’s future in one of the teaser headlines at the bottom, “Major retailer to close permanently in town centre.” The ruling means women such as Helen Scarsbrook, who has worked for Next for more than 20 years, are in line to receive thousands of pounds of compensation for the pay they missed out on.“We did it!” the 68-year-old from Eastleigh, near Southampton, one of the lead claimants in the case, said.“It has been a long six years battling for the equal pay we all felt we rightly deserved but today we can say we won.“Anyone… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vizzini
15 days ago

Feminism, in some respects, is just another welfare grift. Broads masquerading under some lofty moral aura to obscure the fact they’ve got their grubby mits out for gibs they never earned.

Reply to  Vizzini
15 days ago

That’s one ugly dyke in that picture.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Vizzini
15 days ago

“We do lots of heavy lifting, the same as the men do in the warehouse. We lift the same boxes they lift.” This brings to mind the blathering of some female general years back that discussing combat effectiveness “intelligence and integrity are more important in combat that physical strength.” Well, maybe, but are women more intelligent and moral than men? Listen, sugar: Men are just as smart as you broads, and a lot stronger. You’re a general because we let you be, not because you are better than men. Likewise, any of the warehouse men could do the retail job,… Read more »

16 days ago

An employment tribunal said store staff, who are predominantly women, should not have been paid at lower rates than employees in warehouses, where just over half the staff are male.

Which another way of saying “nearly half the warehouse staff are women.” I’d argue about all the ways this decision is lunacy, but I’d be preaching to the choir.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vizzini
15 days ago

Just as the Japs can take Western stuff and embroider upon it most impressively, so the Limeys can adopt “American” lunacy and crank it up to 11.

16 days ago

Warehouse question seems easy enough. Why lend your strength to people who hate and belittle you?

Pass. Not joining the US military. Good luck to the barbarian mercenary LGBTQ+ armies. They will surely defeat the Chicoms et al.

Reply to  NeoSpartan
16 days ago

White men shouldn’t sacrifice life and limb for a country and culture that despises them.

How about we put the millions of criminaliens pouring across the “border” on the frontlines instead?

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Maniac
16 days ago

Nah, that is a bad idea. History shows that they’ll learn the trade and then the frontlines will be your backyard.

Reply to  Maniac
16 days ago

And take care of our vets and homeless.

Reply to  Maniac
16 days ago

They are currently doing that actually. Barbarian army wasn’t just colorful language. This is literally what is happening, DEI seems to have been a very weak “upgrade” to our military strength though. Name one recent success of the US military… Somali pirate suppression maybe? I can’t really think of a good one since shock and awe bombardment of Saddam. Long time ago now and much has changed. Also…. our R&D weapons programs… No matter how much fiat is printed and “cutting age military equipment” is sent to Ukraine, it still seems to be losing doesn’t it? Maybe people should… Read more »

Reply to  NeoSpartan
16 days ago

I think that I what the illegals are for. They are going to send them to fight the Rooskies

Reply to  Falcone
16 days ago

They’re going to send them to fight us.

Reply to  Vizzini
15 days ago

Yes, I hear ya, and I thought I might be red flagged for my comment. But hear me out, por favor.

I just happen to have a sense that white people of the libtard persuasion will have an awakening and come to realize that these deplorable whites are the people you want around if a hot war breaks out in Europe, so send the Juans to fight the Rooskies.

I have been wrong before of course, but this is just my hunch. As unpopular and as implausible and it sounds right now.

Last edited 15 days ago by Falcone
Reply to  Falcone
15 days ago

Hold on, lads, Falcone is thinking about the future.

Once we’re gone from the scene (that is, in hiding), the oversupply of wage-lowering labor will look around, notice the economy they came for is gone to squat.

What are flatlined economies like Venezuela doing? Dumping their trash to Numerica. What will Numerica do?

Dump its trash, as will all the other flatlined economies. Armies of brown conquistadors, experienced in urban warfare, will be raiding each other in a desperate bid for disappearing resources. “In search of a better life,” ha!

Last edited 15 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Falcone
15 days ago

“Hey man, I come for the free chit, not to get keel by Russian.  ¡Chinga tu madre, cabrón!”

Reply to  Falcone
16 days ago

No – they will use them against the White American population. Pedro will have no compunctions against killing David.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  Eloi
15 days ago

Pedro might. Tyrone or Mohammed won’t.
We should be thankful most of our third worlders come from South and Central America and not Africa and the Middle East.
I say that tongue in cheek, we are still screwed.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  NeoSpartan
15 days ago

“cutting age military equipment” – I know it was a typo, but it fits.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  NeoSpartan
15 days ago

Lots of the stuff that was sent to Ukraine isn’t that new.

The Patriot missile design was begun in 1969. Same for the concept studies that led to the F-16. The Abrams tank is comparatively young, initial design having begun in 1972.

Yes, it is possible to modernize electronics, but that only buys you so much improvement. It is also possible for modernization efforts to scope creep so much you’re essentially doing an almost totally new design.

David Wright
Reply to  Maniac
15 days ago

“How about we put the millions of criminaliens pouring across the “border” on the frontlines instead?”

How about doing it to those that allow and promote it?

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Maniac
15 days ago

One unhappy future is that a lot of them will be made instant citizens after their military service. They won’t even have to learn English for various types of oh what shall we call it domestic enforcement duty?

If there’s a silver lining there it’s that these people were bottom of the Barrel in their home countries and arrival here has not improved matters. Somehow I don’t think the gang member dangerous felon released from prison on the condition that he never set foot in his home country again, will magically turn into a model Soldier after arrival here.

Last edited 15 days ago by Ben the Layabout
Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  NeoSpartan
15 days ago

Thankfully, we’re already witnessing white men choosing to tell the military to fuc$ off. The shortfall in military recruiting is solely the result of white men. All other groups have stayed consistent. It’s just white guys.

They’ve gone from 60% of recruits five years ago to 40% today. That’s huge. And it will increase. Whites don’t like being a minority. Even among white men who are thinking about joining the military, a bunch will say no when they realize that they’ll be surrounded by blacks and Hispanics.

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
15 days ago

Are you sure it’s not 56%?

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
15 days ago

As a retired Air Force Reservist, I tell any young white person I encounter that are considering enlisting or becoming an officer to not join because of the anti-white bias and quality of life problems in the ranks. I also let them know that if even if you join a Reserve or National Guard unit, you’ll likely be called up to either go fight and die in some Turd World hellhole to make some financial pirate on Wall Street rich. I spent too many wasted years flying around the skies of both Iraq and Afghanistan when I could’ve been home… Read more »

Ride-By Shooter
Ride-By Shooter
Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
15 days ago

I tell any young white person I encounter that are considering enlisting or becoming an officer to not join because of the anti-white bias and quality of life problems in the ranks. Suppose that the bigotry against European Americans was eliminated. Suppose that the resume builders and enlisted drudges had on base every fast food joint they wanted and that the PX had every choice of liquor, wine, beer, and pot which the heroes desire. Suppose that anyone could visit home for a week upon giving, say, three days’ notice and that everyone was paid as much or more than… Read more »

Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
15 days ago

All true, except for one thing: buddy, you got to fly.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
15 days ago

The only counter argument I might offer: someone entering a very highly skilled specialty. Of course that won’t protect him from general rot, but his own Elite unit would tend to resist the worst of the DEI corrosion since they usually are mission critical and screw ups are fatal.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  NeoSpartan
15 days ago

In related news, I read that the US Navy has repositioned aircraft carriers to the mid east. While the US is clearly paralyzed pre-election, I wonder if Pooh Bear might decide to make his move on Taiwan.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
15 days ago

It’s still typhoon season out here — massive one has just hammered Kyushu and Shikoku — so give it another month or two before the sealift window opens. If the Iranians do to a carrier what the Japanese did to Prince of Wales & Repulse then suppose it might be showtime, depending on just how battered American morale is. Short of massive American provocation (which is a ticking clock given the clown show in DC regardless of administration) stirring up domestic jingoist outrage in China, I reckon the PRC leadership is willing to wait things out on a longer time… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
15 days ago

I don’t see the benefit of doing it now. They’d eventually succeed, but the risk is very real that it would entail a few humiliations along the way. Humiliations that would accrue to Xi’s scorecard.

And for what? Taiwan’s not going anywhere.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  KGB
15 days ago

comment image&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=70d5f3640d4307a1cb75f4422a7c57e1713ad63256912b29b71d2ab91d667fc7&ipo=images

“Humiliations galore!”

Karl Horst
Karl Horst
16 days ago

In Switzerland, they’re going to implement a minimum quota of 20% females on management boards which will apply to all listed companies effective starting in 2031.

Of course they don’t mention if they’re qualified or not, just as long as there’s a woman (or probably someone who identifies as a woman) in the boardroom.

They probably looked to Kamala Harris and figured if that’s good enough for the USA, then it’s good enough for Switzerland.

And this from a country that didn’t even give women the right to vote until 1971.

Reply to  Karl Horst
16 days ago

My crystal ball is a bit murky, but what I see is that Europe gravitates toward Russia and America recedes into its own hemisphere where it then tries to form a new hegemony (i.e. bullies) over the likes of Brazil and Costa Rica.

I think that is also the best Europe can hope for. Its affiliations with America have been culturally catastrophic.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Falcone
15 days ago

The murk isn’t hurting your ability to read the ball. The early stages of that is well underway as the GAE downsizes. The Regime’s proxy war with Russia along with its treatment of Europe in the same manner as the Soviets treated its East Bloc satellites* is the first step before bugging out for new exploitation opportunities. After the Western hemisphere satrapies get uppity enough the Empire will thug rule North America alone and finally as much of its own territory as it can manage.

*Even Stalin didn’t flood Bulgaria with Africans, though.

Reply to  Karl Horst
16 days ago

Switzerland borrowed that quota from Kamala Harris’ state. California has had such a rule in place for 5 years or so. If you see Europe ever doing this crazy social engineering stuff, it almost certainly came from the USA.

Last edited 16 days ago by Mycale
Reply to  Mycale
16 days ago

And I think a guy saying he’s a woman counts toward the female quota

It’s going to be funny when the boards are nothing but men but with some in dresses

Reply to  Falcone
16 days ago

That’s awfully misogynist of you to think that women have to wear dresses. You probably think women have to have long hair, wear makeup and refrain from facial hair. I’m disgusted.

… in other words, it will be boards full of men, all indistinguishable, but some of whom check the “female” box on the forms.

Ironically, those comments about stereotypical modes of dress were a feminist line of attack against “gender stereotypes” until the trans madness came along.

Last edited 16 days ago by Vizzini
Reply to  Vizzini
15 days ago

“The creatures outside looked from woman to man, and from man to woman, and from woman to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”


c matt
c matt
Reply to  Falcone
15 days ago

“C’mon Bob, er, I mean Roberta. It’s your week to wear the dress.”

King Kong
King Kong
Reply to  Mycale
15 days ago

If you see Europe ever doing this crazy social engineering stuff, it almost certainly came from (((the USA))).

Reply to  Karl Horst
16 days ago

That’s easy. 25% of the board suddenly identifies as a woman.

Reply to  fred
15 days ago

It shouldn’t be too hard to use the “identifies as” trick to meet any quota for PoC as well. Of course, we aren’t allowed to insult reality in that way… yet. Really a lot of these woke concepts remind me a bit of where religions would claim that something happened in some kind of esoteric “occluded” or “spiritually hidden” way. I believe the Jehovah’s Witnesses claimed that one of their end of the world prophesies hadn’t failed but had occurred only in the spiritual realm. There’s also the 12th Imam of the Shia who is still alive in some mystical… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst
15 days ago

When you go to do research on mining companies as part of your due diligence you will see that South Africa has done this a long time ago. There are effectively two sets of management. There are the blacks on the board who have “degrees” in African studies and there are White men on the board who have advanced degrees in geo-physics, geology, physics, chemistry and decades of experience in the mining industry. Maybe the push for “diversity” that is against the lower and middle class is revenge for their wayward kids in the 60s forcing them into, “diversifying”, their… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  RealityRules
15 days ago

Pretty well the case with all of DIE. The same will be in effect if Colored Karen gets elected president. And as anyone who has suffered one knows, a DIE employee becomes convinced they are beyond qualified and any errors or mistakes are made by the white folks keeping the place afloat in xher name. They tend to retire early with large compensation packets.

Reply to  RealityRules
15 days ago

All the stuff that guys like Ibram X. Kendi talk about has been implemented in South Africa. You can see how well it has worked out for them by seeing how South Africa has changed in the past 30 years.

Reply to  Karl Horst
15 days ago

Just do what we do in my country. Fill the positions with your wives, daughters and mistresses.

Reply to  Karl Horst
15 days ago

Meh 🫤, I’ve related when I worked at Megabank one day my manager swept into a team meeting and reported henceforth 25% of all IT Management positions were reserved for womenfolk.

Didn’t matter if they were qualified or not, the spots were reserved just because you haters!

I left shortly afterwards. It’s a thing goin’ round. Gooder, harder, and longer.

Reply to  Karl Horst
15 days ago

That kind of “forced equality/equity” is waay behind the times and assumes women are not in those boards because of simple bias or direct bigotry. Aside from the rejection of capitalistic principle, it fails to recognize that a profit making institution will select anybody that strengthens/contributes to their corporation’s “bottom line”.

Women sit on a lot of Boards where their expertise in the appropriate markets is valued. To require such in areas where they have no expertise is simply disruptive.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
15 days ago

prophets bee missoginiss!

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
16 days ago

At some point, the cost becomes unbearable, and the new religion goes into the dustbin of history with its adherents.

From your keyboard to God’s ears.

Alan Schmidt
15 days ago

> The company pointed out that this is normal and there was no evidence that women were discriminated against in hiring or evaluations. They lost the case anyway.

Cases like this make it impossible to run anything. It would literally be easier for there to be utter lawlessness and finding out who to bribe to keep in business. Even mafias weren’t this arbitrary.

Bitter reactionary
Bitter reactionary
Reply to  Alan Schmidt
15 days ago

A constant source of frustration to me is that my fellow Americans can’t seem to understand that they are not morally obligated to go along with insanity. I watch them behave like lambs being led to slaughter – when resistance would be easy with just a little thought and a microgram of courage. We all need to learn the ways of subversion and hidden noncompliance. In ‘developing’ country I often visit, and hope to retire in, the locals make sport of thwarting the laws they don’t like. That’s how I got my “proof” of vaccination – I’m in the govt… Read more »

Reply to  Bitter reactionary
15 days ago

We clearly need to develop a culture of bribery and corruption like the USSR had. Things will be a lot more efficient.

16 days ago

Yes, the elites DO have a new religion. Anal sex and abortion are the sacraments. Weed and the covid vaxx are the wafer and the wine. Martin Luther King is the Christ, Anne Frank is the Virgin Mary.

The Nazis and the Klan are the Pharisees, and Satan is God.

16 days ago

In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy. — George Orwell, 1984

They really, really are using it as an instruction manual.

Reply to  Vizzini
15 days ago

This, then, was the Party’s final command: thou shalt love Kamala Harris.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
15 days ago

The Regime just won’t give up on flattening out race and sex differences. As nature persists and keeps bubbling to the surface, they’ll keep trying to push it down. It’s been said that the more you suppress nature, the more it comes roaring back with a vengeance.

Last edited 15 days ago by Wolf Barney
16 days ago

Pay cuts for everyone in the warehouse!

Reply to  Vizzini
15 days ago

The beatings will continue until morale improves!

Reply to  Vizzini
15 days ago

I know you were joking but that wouldn’t be the first time some regulatory insanity had unintended consequences that hurt everyone. In this case, if the business wasn’t looking at automating either the retail floor or the warehouse before, they probably are now. If it’s a privately held company the owner(s) might also be looking to sell it to some corporate raiders who will break it up and sell off the assets. I sometimes wonder if the real purpose of this kind of stuff is just to make going into business so full of bullshit that people will prefer to… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
15 days ago

When you look at what is coming out of the law schools lately, you realize you haven’t seen anything yet. The presumption of abundance endemic to the western managerial class permits haughty, unqualified apparatchiks to “reimagine” the economy and any other thing they want to “reimagine” not only in good conscience, but in arrogant certainty inversely proportional to their ignorance. It’s the same impetus that impels them to mandate everyone drive an electric car when such a thing is not possible. Part of the problem is allowing ourselves to be ruled by lawyers who have never had real jobs, often… Read more »

King Kong
King Kong
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
15 days ago

You are absolutely right. It is insane to have (only) lawyers in charge.

Reply to  King Kong
15 days ago

There’s a pretty famous case where they were arguing, “What is, ‘is’?”

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
15 days ago

Law school requires an undergraduate degree. The problem is a large percentage of those undergrad degrees are useless (poli sci being a big one). They can do nothing else with the BA, so they go to law school. The ones with decent undergrad degrees (business, engineering) usually end up as tax lawyers, business lawyers or patent lawyers. It is usually the poli sci ones that go into politics.

Reply to  c matt
15 days ago

The lawyers, through the State Bar, got together in the 60‘s to change State law in many States. Prior, for example, AZ had a simple requirement to only pass the Bar exam to practice. This was justified ostensibly to create better/well trained lawyers.

Now that law schools are “poz’d” and they are graduating more and more “Kamala Harris types”—those who can’t pass a State Bar exam—the Bar Association is doing away with it. So much for caring about the quality of their practicing lawyers.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  c matt
15 days ago

Newsome has a BS (yes BS) in Poli sci.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
15 days ago

That’s hilarious. Did they add a calculus requirement? Or more likely, do they just not know what the “science” part is supposed to mean?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Pozymandias
15 days ago

Newsome don’t know Newton…

16 days ago

I swear, when read or see so many of these “news” stories or hear some people talk, I’m thinking how can they believe this s*** or even pretend to believe it? And if they do, how are things still functioning properly for the most part? The real problem with this new religion is it’s not some wacko fringe group that everyone else can pretty much ignore, it’s shoved down our throats by our rulers – don’t believe your lying eyes or ears or else…. It’s getting harder not to occasionally question your own sanity.

Reply to  usNthem
15 days ago

They train themselves to believe it, Orwell called that process “crimestop” when he wrote 1984 and it’s even more relevant today than it was back then.

Reply to  Mycale
15 days ago

“First order thinking” is protective stupidity.

Tars Tarkas
15 days ago

Why in God’s good name are they comparing warehouse work to retail work in the first place? Most warehouses have no heat and no air. It’s hard work. It involves operating machinery. Women are not lining up to do this kind of work.
Retail involves standing around in a heated and air conditioned retail store, talking to customers and probably tracking inventory and putting items on the shelf.

The idea that job x and job y should pay the same because it is the same company is ridiculous. It’s worse than communism.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
15 days ago

It’s difficult to see why the same legal “reasoning” shouldn’t mandate that everyone get paid the same as the CEO

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
15 days ago

Only if the CEO is a BEID.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
15 days ago

“Uh, hello, is this the Acronym Police? I’d like to make a report…”

Last edited 15 days ago by Alzaebo
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Alzaebo
15 days ago

Blue-Eyed Ice Devil = white person, especially white man

King Kong
King Kong
15 days ago

Don’t worry. The stock market is due for a crash, especially with Tech having run out of ideas (AI simply being vaporware). The crash will force reality upon many people. No doubt these judges have investments in the stock market and as the prices go up their confidence in their internal delusions go up as well. As the prices collapse by 80% and more, their confidence will collapse as well. Make no mistake about it. Reality is King of Everything and it is coming back to reclaim its throne. And there will be much pain along the way for the… Read more »

Ride-By Shooter
Ride-By Shooter
Reply to  King Kong
15 days ago

Reality is King of Everything and it is coming back to reclaim its throne.

There’s no reason to think like that. Reality was never dethroned and never could be.

Reply to  King Kong
15 days ago

When you try to kill the King, you’d best not miss.

15 days ago

Is the white man ever going to be mentally and emotionally exhausted from the word “discrimination.” or is he energized by it?

this cracker is discrimination-weary.

15 days ago

All the loose talk about creating a new religion misses the fact that we have a new religion, the religion of the managerial class. 

I’d say it’s the religion of feelings, and we know what sex is big on feelings. The same sex that has the vague feeling that something is wrong. I don’t KNOW what’s wrong, it just seems wrong and I feel it’s wrong, so we have to “fix” it.

It’s the same sex that has the worldview “I have a problem with something so NO ONE can have it and enjoy it.”

16 days ago

The photo of the victorious worker explains it peerfectly.
How long untill “tribunals” are deciding your own fate?
Keep your powder dry.

15 days ago

Yes to all of this. What cannot go on forever, will not go on forever. Eventually the plates stop spinning and reality reasserts itself. But what follows is typically an abrupt and severe transition period. The Soviet Union collapsed in 3 days followed by nearly 2 decades of misery. The equivalent in the West is being deliberately engineered to be sudden and violent, which is the role of the illegal invaders. The ensuing chaos and bloodshed spawns a call for government intervention, which quickly morphs into a techno-tyranny. We trade freedom for serfdom in the new Matrix. We can defeat… Read more »

Ride-By Shooter
Ride-By Shooter
Reply to  TomA
15 days ago

We can defeat this with focus and finality.

Not if you have it coming and fail to eradicate the deservedness.

15 days ago

“In the new normal, you can be guilty of violating a rule or law, even if you did not actually violate the rule or law, simply because the rule or law is not getting the intended result.” That is the core legal foundation (lol) of every single Trump court case. Nothing illegal happened, and so he will be charged and convicted of crimes because that is the desired result. The Eagles have a great song from the early 1990’s (Get Over It) which contains the line, borrowed from Shakespeare, “The more I think about it, old Billy was right, let’s… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hokkoda
15 days ago

I sure sympathize with him. It would kill me.

Ketchup-stained Griller
Ketchup-stained Griller
Reply to  Hokkoda
15 days ago

Complain about the present blame it on the past
I’d like to find your inner child kick its little ass

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ketchup-stained Griller
15 days ago

Sung to the tune of the Dreidel Song…

Reply to  Hokkoda
15 days ago

“the women we have in the C-suite are highly competent”

lol, no they aren’t.

15 days ago

The other day, 200 Bush/Romney/McCain flunkies endorsed Kum-ala. That tells you everything you need to know about the GOP. Party loyalty is only a one-way street to them. They don’t represent us, they represent DC. That’s another violation of the norms we’ve been operating under and it is absolutely telling. I posted this on another page and somebody else made a pretty good observation. There are no Reagan admin officials in that 200. It’s all Bush/Romney/McCain uniparty. I don’t despise the Bushes or Romney (although I do despise McCain). I do despise their system, however. As Vladimir Putin once said,… Read more »

Last edited 15 days ago by TempoNick
Reply to  TempoNick
15 days ago

Yep. Don’t forget folks, the Rep’s made a big show of passing a repeal of the Affordable Care Act half a dozen or so times. McCain voted for it as well. Every time it meant nothing–and the Rep’s knew this–with Obama in the WH. It was all show for the rubes. As soon as Trump came in with complete Congressional control, McCain reversed himself and killed the repeal bill in the Senate. And now the old guard Rep’s decry the “Trumpists” for their lack of cooperation in primaries. Trumpists are so mean calling them “RINO’s”. 🙂

Reply to  compsci
15 days ago

Let’s also not forget that parts of the Affordable Care Act were lifted from the Heritage Foundation. These are the people who ostensibly represent us. It’s all Kabuki.

Last edited 15 days ago by TempoNick
Reply to  TempoNick
15 days ago

Thanks for this reminder. mr man’s discussion of it on his conservative inc podcast was shocking to me

Reply to  Hi-ya!
15 days ago

I can’t keep all of these bits and pieces straight. I had a feeling I read it here, but wasn’t completely sure.

Tars Tarkas
15 days ago

First, look at that “woman” they have pictured over at the article.

Second, this gem is from the article:

“There have already been cases in the public sector over lower pay for workers, including teaching assistants and dinner ladies paid less than men employed in refuse collection and similar roles.”

So walking miles and miles every single day, rain or shine, heat or freezing while chucking refuse bags into trash trucks should pay the same as a teaching assistant or “dinner ladies!!!” UnFreakingReal!

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
15 days ago

Oh, come now. The men deserve it, and besides, such crude beasts wouldn’t notice the difference anyways.

Last edited 15 days ago by Alzaebo
15 days ago

These zealots will set the world on fire.

N.S. Palmer
15 days ago

Some religious beliefs are reality-neutral: they have no direct implications for human action. Unfortunately, the new religion’s central beliefs are not reality-neutral, but actively opposed to reality. They’re based on four main errors: “The moralistic fallacy: morality determines reality. This assumes that whatever seems morally desirable must be true. If something is undesirable, it must be false. The realistic fallacy: reality determines morality. This assumes that whatever seems true must also be moral. The rationalistic fallacy: if it seems to make sense, it’s true. This assumes that whatever seems to make sense must be true, even if there’s no evidence… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  N.S. Palmer
15 days ago

Islam faces a lot of the same issues and only an ocean of oil keeps their theocracies afloat. Our theocracy needs it’s money-printing to survive.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
15 days ago

For the last couple decades, I’ve often wondered what happens if we wake up tommorow to news of the discovery of cheap, limitless energy, cold fusion or something else? Whither the entire Middle East? What happens to a Russia no longer able required to be a gas station?

After everything sorts itself out, I’d think the biggest winners would be the East Asian countries and, unfortunately, these United States, which would have time to double down on its cultural hegemony.

Reply to  N.S. Palmer
15 days ago

The root is assigning a emotional moral value, that is, whether a thing is subjectively “good” or “bad” to yardsticks that should be objectively neutral: commensurate pay, biological sex, crime rates, grades, etc.

Raw judgementalism, in other words, by those who demand we not be judgemental.

Inverted thinking is enemy action; what should we call “reverse thinking”?
The Dark Mirror? Femthought? Bass-ackwards?

Last edited 15 days ago by Alzaebo
Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  N.S. Palmer
15 days ago

This is excellent, Master Palmer! The Dissident One has made the Fallacy clear for me in many ways, as though He were to turn upright what was
turned upside-down, revealing to me what was hidden; showing the way to one who was lost; holding up a lamp in the dark, for all those with eyesight to see.

( borrowing heavily from the Sutta Nipata but thank you for an informative post.)

15 days ago

The new managerial religion must have some foreign elements in it, given that an increasing chunk of the upper echelons of the managerial class are aliens from the Indian subcontinent. The Christian element is naive and influenced by vulgar Judaism. Also an important part of the mix is simple ethnic self interest of the various foreign groups that are being imported.

15 days ago

The issue with the faith of our betters is that it does not scale down. Very few of the Dirt People believe it, as it offers them nothing, as being the wrong race and status they will never ascend to the Clouds anyway. The exception of course being Karens who love affirming the powerful. Meanwhile Christianity offers nothing for most White Dirts, though any examination of the Christian Graffiti in places like Downey and Santa Fe Springs (heavily Latino) it certainly DOES offer something to Dirts of Hispanic heritage. The guy “Kulak” on Substack, Anarchonomicon, has a couple of articles… Read more »

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Whiskey
15 days ago

“The issue with the faith of our betters is that it does not scale down. Very few of the Dirt People believe it, as it offers them nothing, as being the wrong race and status they will never ascend to the Clouds anyway.”  This is a feature, not a bug, of the neo-Calvinist Woke religion. The anti-white blood libel of racism limits competition from the striver cohort of Dirt People whites. Those Dirty whites uppity enough to think they can rise above their rightful station will remain in the Dirt People caste and that’s where they’ll forever stay…for the unforgivable… Read more »

Reply to  Oswald Spengler
15 days ago

Yes, but that means there are hard limits to the growth of the Managerial Religion. To believe one has to be a Manager. Which is hard limited.

Per someone in Russia, Quantity has a quality all its own.

15 days ago

“For those familiar with American discrimination law, this may sound like disparate impact, “ I think you missed the boat on this one, Z-man—but your interpretation seems valid as well. It eerily sounds like “Equal pay for equal work”, or more aptly “comparable worth” or “pay equity”. This concept first floated in the 1980’s and I believe stemmed from the 2nd wave Feminists. (Maybe 3rd wave, who the hell keeps track?) The idea behind comparable worth was to address wage disparities by comparing the value of different jobs based on skill, effort, responsibility, and working conditions, rather than simply the market… Read more »

Last edited 15 days ago by Compsci
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
15 days ago

Uh huh. And who judges “comparable worth”? And why are they rather than the people who run the company, qualified to do so?

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Compsci
15 days ago

Yes. Exactly that. The article talks about how a successful suit in the public sphere means teaching assistants and dinner ladies should be paid the same as trash collectors as if these jobs were in any way comparable. The teaching assistant and dinner lady jobs are so preferable to the trash collector that there needs to be a large increase in pay to take the trash collector job. What few women were working in trash collecting will now desire a transfer to the teaching assistant or dinner lady job. It is absolute insanity even worse than communism. I didn’t think… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
15 days ago

Yep. The USSR proved the idiocy of this policy when in power. A crane operator was paid the same as a brain surgeon, since all were employed by the State. That’s the other side of the coin, perverse incentives. Why spend 12 years learning to be a brain surgeon when you can make the same money after a year learning heavy equipment operation?

15 days ago

Disparate Impact “is the only way around objective reality while maintaining the radical delusions of universal human equality and the blank slate.”

This should be on a plaque, T-shirt or mug in every law school and HR department.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  MikeCLT
15 days ago

It’s just another way of saying civilization is racist.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
15 days ago

Hey hey
Ho ho

Western Civ has got to go

Last edited 15 days ago by Alzaebo
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Alzaebo
15 days ago

Reverend Jackson, ladies and gentlemen! Reverend Jackson!

16 days ago

[…] ZMan keeps pointing out how the world is going to shit. […]


Well, he is discussing the state of Western civilization. If I go into a Porta John, I expect to describe crap.

15 days ago

But if he considers himself a sage, then a demon of desire will enter his mind. He will become an outspoken advocate of lust, calling it the Way to Bodhi. He will teach his lay followers to indiscriminately engage in acts of lust, calling those who commit acts of lust his Dharma heirs.  The power of spirits and ghosts in the Ending Age will enable him to attract a following of ordinary, naive people numbering one hundred, two hundred, five or six hundred, or as many as one thousand or ten thousand. When the demon becomes bored, it will leave… Read more »

Ride-By Shooter
Ride-By Shooter
15 days ago

It is a good example of two things we see with the new religion we see with the managerial classes in the West. The religion is not new during our lifetimes. Alisa Rosenbaum wrote about it in Anthem, a story published in the 1930’s, and the religion wasn’t new then, either. Here’s a passage from Part One which helps to explain the origins of the dystopia she conjured up in her imagination: We [Equality 7-2521] strive to be like all our brother men, for all men must be alike. Over the portals of the Palace of the World Council, there… Read more »

Last edited 15 days ago by Ride-By Shooter
Ride-By Shooter
Ride-By Shooter
Reply to  Ride-By Shooter
15 days ago

Star Trek (original series) took a different approach to the egalitarian, secularist heaven. Rodenberry’s interstellar space communism is a eutopia (good place) with no money (for most), few shortages, harmonious equality, excellent management, and efficient assignment of labor to roles and jobs. There’s scant dissent and no mention whatever of the gulag planets needed to make the United Federation of Planets work without killing dissidents shortly after they are discovered. It’s insidious propaganda now almost 60 yrs old.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ride-By Shooter
15 days ago

The real insidiousness of Star Trek was in the white alpha male character getting all the exotic poontang. This was the ploy that sold the concept to white males who otherwise might have been repelled by this preposterous futuristic vision.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
15 days ago

Star Trek original TV series (1966-1969)

Venus by Shocking Blue (1969)

A goddess on a mountain top
Was burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name

She’s got it
Yeah, baby, she’s got it
Well, I’m your Venus
I’m your fire, at your desire
Well, I’m your Venus
I’m your fire, at your desire

Her weapons were her crystal eyes
Making every man mad
Black as the dark night she was
Got what no one else had, whoa!

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
15 days ago

The 1986 remake by Bananarama was pretty good as well.

Nolan Parker
Nolan Parker
15 days ago

I would have offered the judge and the women a different approach. You women are welcome to report to the warehouse in the morning. You can do that work And get that pay.
Guys, you are gonna have to go do the retail for a while.
The women who report to the warehouse will be able to return to their former jobs and pay rates when they are ready.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
15 days ago

Dyspepsia often has a clever turn of phrase. For today: “ZMan keeps pointing out how the world is going to shit.” 😁

15 days ago

Metaphysical Lysenkoism

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
15 days ago

DEI is falling as more and more companies are ditching it. Any guesses on how long climiate cult will last?

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
15 days ago

Good essay, I keep pestering my preacher to talk about Gnosticisn in the pulpit and it’s Christian roots. Early Christianity did oppose it but never the less it originated as a Christian heresy.

15 days ago

Same as it ever was? Your readers – might enjoy a philosophical analysis of one particular strand of history. I commend this on to your attention. It’s ominous. I’m re-reading The Ominous Parallels (Piekoff, bought hardcover for $7 in 1985) If you understand the EU mentality transplanted here by Dewey’s writings in the 1890’s, all of the Continuing Crises, there and here, seem perfectly logical. I’m on page 185(hc) and the man with the mustache just showed up at the beer hall. As to the fUSA, after a century of marketers saturating the culture with Menticide, it’s not surprising to see our… Read more »