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It has been at least a year since I took a deep dive into the published works coming from the grievance studies departments. Back when I did regular Xirl Science segments, I spent a few hours a month perusing the various journals and aggregators, looking for the most amusing items. If that is your intent when reading something like Hypatia, the journal of feminist philosophy, you are spoiled for choice.

Perhaps it has been the long break from reading this material or perhaps they have continued to evolve, but the material seems different now. On the one hand, it is less flamboyantly nutty than I remember. There are far fewer articles that read like satire on the grievance studies rackets. They still exist, but it is clear that the trends have changed, and outrageousness is no longer the in-thing.

Instead, the work is more seriously crazy, as in claims that time itself is a result of oppression and whiteness. They appear to have moved on from claiming that Western culture is a conspiracy by the pale penis people to oppress embodied coloredness and people of uterus, to questioning reality itself. Even though it is loaded with insider jargon, the point of many papers is to question space-time.

This makes sense when you think about the basis of the project. What started out as a belief that culture creates people, so therefore those who “control” the culture create the people to their benefit, must eventually arrive at the conclusion that reality itself is merely a product of cultural control. Therefore, the victim of this can only escape by escaping the reality manufactured by the creators.

There is, of course, a strong whiff of the old gods in this. The culture is the creation of the white patriarchy in the same way the natural world is the creation of the Old Testament God. Alternatively, it is a corruption by white men in the same way Odin and his brothers killed the true creator in order to rule the world. The point of this “scholarship” is to return to the original intent of creation.

In other words, all of this stuff, like the liberal project that proceeded it, operate within the old mental frameworks inherited from both the Christian framing of existence and the pre-Christian framing. They discarded the essential bits and have set about producing things to fill the void of the supernatural. The woke are those most in need of the old gods searching for a modern version of them.

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This Week’s Show


  • Introduction
  • Chrononormativity (Link)
  • Queerness (link)
  • Anality (Link)
  • Science Inc. (Link)
  • A Nation Of Therapists (Link)
  • Oppressive Rocks (Link)
  • Board Broads (Link)
  • Xirl Eggsploitation (Link)
  • The Bogeyman (Link)
  • Bad Date (Link)

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3 hours ago

LOL! Freud is “German” ? All those intellectuals ran away from Germany to US were “German”, you say ? Come on man, don’t be this cucked and pathetic. It is one thing to suggest that JQ is being overrated sometimes but this is just denying reality and acting like we are all stupid. Really embarassing…

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Jack
52 minutes ago

If Freud is German, then those new residents of Springfield, OH are as American as Feline Pie!

Forever Templ@r
Forever Templ@r
Reply to  Jack
11 minutes ago

Come on, man, how many neon signs, red carpets, and GPS coordinates to that hamster wheel did you need?

2 hours ago

The Germans overproduced weirdos and cranks?

The Germans are the worst people in the world?

Freud and the other intellectual crazies are German?

Are you just trying to get a rise out of your listeners?

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
2 hours ago

These people need to be sent to those prisons in El Salvador.
This line from the linked Tweet was pretty good:

Scientific American isn’t Scientific American. It’s a skinsuit being worn by a cabal of overpromoted head girls and their housebroken soyboys, for whom science is only interesting insofar as it can be used to bolster propaganda imperatives for their side’s political goals

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
3 hours ago

I hope they decide to leave physical reality en masse.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
3 hours ago

I see what you did there.

I also clicked on the link to “Hypatia” and gave it a look. I thought it WAS satire. I think Scott Adam’s framed it best when he pointed out that people are watching the same events, they are just different movies.

3 hours ago

Sniff, xirl science is what won my heart initially….then the racism

Reply to  Hi-ya!
2 hours ago

Come for the patriarchal oppression, stay for the intrinsic racisms!

Last edited 2 hours ago by Alzaebo
2 hours ago

Wait, wait, wait just one minute.

Kamala explains xirl economics all the time, and it makes perfect sense.
How dare you!

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 hours ago


AINO’s, “Brides of the State,” cohort has a high probability of dooming us to life in a communist hell:

2 hours ago

Bless you Z for bestowing us with Xirl Science. 👍🏻 It’s what a commentariat craves.

2 hours ago

I think all of this could have been avoided if these nerds had been bullied properly in school. When The Revolution comes, there should be a Director of Bullying who ensures that all schools have a Designated Bully to ensure that nerds know their role.

Reply to  Pickle Rick
2 hours ago

Personalities are determined at conception. The purpose of Designated Bullies is to become char-broiled human hamburger meat when the nerds activate the PETN [explosives] in the Designated Bullies’ iPhones & Androids & Pagers. You can’t alter inalterable personalities. Personalities gonna personalize. Very very brutally. PS: The mere idea of masturbatoriums, and masturbating to death the shiksas in the idyllic summer camps, is nothing but Freudian Projection wielded upon the entire race of German Christians at large. Germans are [by nature] so classically inclined that they can’t even do porn correctly. Have you ever seen German porn? It’s simply embarrassing. Germans… Read more »

Reply to  Pickle Rick
1 hour ago

On one hand, that would remove xirl science. On the other hand, that would create a million Bill O’Reillys.

3 hours ago

Well, after creaming his own father Chronos and the Titans, Zeus got busy oppressing Hera and the other girls, while trying to nail every human chick he could get his hands on.

See? Men never change.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 hours ago

Speaking of nailing every chick, we have a Rooster that jumps the bones of every one of our hens from the time he gets up, till he settles on his perch at night. Grabs them by the neck to do his business. We should probably change his name to Clinton.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 hour ago

From dawn til dusk? The only name possible for such Olympian effort is Zeus!

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
58 minutes ago

Clinton got his charm watching ducks, even more brutal than chickens.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
32 minutes ago

“Instead, the work is more seriously crazy, as in claims that time itself is a result of oppression and whiteness. They appear to have moved on from claiming that Western culture is a conspiracy by the pale penis people to oppress embodied coloredness and people of uterus, to questioning reality itself. Even though it is loaded with insider jargon, the point of many papers is to question space-time.” These morons learnt about “social construction” and have run with it ever since.You’re probably familiar with the Sokal hoax of 1996. The author of the piece eventually came clean and admitted it… Read more »

43 minutes ago

“…the material seems different now. On the one hand, it is less flamboyantly nutty than I remember. There are far fewer articles that read like satire on the grievance studies rackets.”

Never having read the trash in these “journals” it’s hard for me to judge. But could it be that these journals are cleaning up their act a bit? Accepting articles that are “flamboyantly nutty” has exploded in their face since those articles are used by the “non-woke” opposition to discredit their cause.

2 hours ago

Lactating chickens! Zman, this might be one of your best shows ever!

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 hour ago

Update: oh gob, oh gob, “our rescue chickens”!

Last edited 1 hour ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
20 minutes ago

This is a serious issue. Living beings who have been designated at “hatching” as belonging to the class Aves are being systematically “pigeonholed” out of the class Mammalian. It is clearly intersectional lactatonormative classism which these brave lactating chickens are fighting against.Truly a ‘class’ struggle.

I’m very troubled about how quickly I came up with this crap.

2 hours ago

I see it another way. Western civilization took a wrong turn two centuries ago, when it based the entire culture in two absurdities: Freedom: All men should be free (completely impossible in any possible universe, the freedom of one man is the lack of freedom of another man, my freedom to have property is your lack of freedom to enter my property, for exemple). This is a contradictory statement, similar to “all circles must be squared”, “married bachelors exist”, etc. Equality: All men are equal (this could be possible in a possible universe, but it is obviously false in this… Read more »

Reply to  imnobody00
1 hour ago

If you examine things, they turn out to be surprisingly discoverable. Philosophy, Reason, basically.

Time points in one direction. History, i.e., Progress. The Hebrew thing.

Combine the two and you get Christianity, but Faith goes against Reason and Progress. That appears to be a contradiction.

Supposing we didn’t give credit for ourselves to Athens and Jerusalem, it might not be such a problem. Not even a third way, just that we’re something different. Idk, just my opinion.

Ostei Kozelskii
6 minutes ago

Whew. Z sho’ ’nuff taking one for the team. I’d hoist a flagon of ale to him, but it’s a bit early in the a.m.

58 minutes ago

R. I. P diddly

[ anticipatory, there now is a slavery angle ]