The Rise Of Metadata Man

Note #1: Behind the green door I have a post about the escalatory path of Iran and Israel, a post about the most efficient way to install, operate and maintain the guillotines after the revolution and the Sunday podcast. Subscribe here or here.

Note #2: Some of our folks could use your help in the aftermath of the hurricane that hit parts of Appalachia. Here is a GoFundMe for a family that Pete Quinones knows who lost everything in the flood. Give what you can and post up others so people can pitch in to help our folks.

For the longest time, before we had loads of tests and studies on the topic of intelligence, being smart was something like pornography. It was not easy to define, but you knew it when you saw it. The smart person was well-read. You knew this because he could quote famous writers from memory. In fact, memorizing lots of things was essential to being a smart person. Of course, the only way to memorize lots of things was to read lots of things.

This view of intelligence remains with us, despite the fact there is little reason to remember much of anything. The guy who can quote a famous work of literature at the dinner party is assumed to be smart. The guy who speaks more than one language must be smart, because he had to memorize a second vocabulary. The fact that he does nothing useful with his life is overlooked. That old assumption about having a head full of information indicating smartness is still with us.

We may be on the cusp of that old notion fading away. In everyone’s pocket is a device that gives you access to the sum total of human knowledge. Not only is there no reason to memorize how many feet are in a mile, but there is also no reason to remember street names or how to get from one place to the other. That magic device will tell you where to go and how long it will take. It will also tell you in whatever language you like, in whatever country you find yourself.

Technology is not only making information available to us, but it is also about to make it much easier to access by way of Large Language Models. The hype around artificial intelligence obscures the fact that most decisions are normative, so those can never be made by robots unless we program the robot to do it. What AI will do for us is make the vast stock of information online easier to access. You will no longer have to be clever to search the internet for answers to your questions.

It will also make learning a language somewhat pointless. Your mobile device can already be used as something of a universal translator. It can translate what you say in your language to a close enough version of another language. You can scan foreign words, and an app will translate them. We are not far from the point where anyone from anywhere can communicate to everyone through a real-time translation service they can access through their mobile device.

Einstein famously quipped that he had no reason to remember how many feet were in a mile because he could look it up in a book. The same thing is about to happen to the study of languages for most people. Unless you are linguist or study a foreign culture, there is no practical reason to learn another language. The same is true for lots of things like dates of specific events and the names of important people. What will matter in the future is using the tools to access this data.

That sounds like heresy to most people, but we see this happening all around us as the internet becomes ubiquitous. We are losing patience for the long argument or the slow-paced story, because we are used to tapping a few keys and getting the pay off without all the extra stuff. For young people who have been socialized on the internet, waiting for anything is intolerable now. They just want the answer, and they have little interest in the context around the answer.

Schools are struggling with this reality. It is not just students using their phones to get the answer on a test. They can use the internet to write their papers and do so in a way that makes it hard to detect the fraud. The same tools a teacher can use to find plagiarism or answer sharing are available to the students, who can then make their work look original enough to pass the test. Getting a good grade is not about learning the material, but about mastering technology.

There is a practical genius to it. Education in this age is about passing through a series of gates to get a credential. Few students use much of what they learn in school in their work life, so cheating makes a lot of sense to them. In a way, they are mastering what they will actually use as an adult to game an antiquated and often pointless education system in order to attain a credential. This is especially true for college where most of what is taught has no practical value to the student.

We are moving from a world where being smart was about memorizing lots of information to a world where being smart means knowing how to find the information quickly and efficiently. Put another way, being smart is not about the store of data, but the store of metadata. Knowing the words, phrases and context of data is what makes finding the data possible. The same skull packed with metadata has access to vastly more data than the skull could ever hold.

This presents a bit of a problem in that we lack ways to display our stock of metadata, so how can we know who is smart? In the old days, we could safely assume the guy quoting Longfellow was above average in smarts. There is no way to quote metadata in a way that tells us much of anything. On the other hand, is someone highly skilled at finding the answer actually smart? It is, after all, a form of problem solving which is the skill we expect to be honed through conventional education.

This also raises the issue of formal assessment. Our systems assume that the person who scores high on the math and verbal portion of the SAT, for example, is smarter than the person who scores poorly on one or both portions. That will probably remain true in the metadata age, but what about the person who scores high on his verbal, but average on the math compared to the reverse? We value math over verbal, for practical reasons, but in the metadata age verbal skills may be more valuable.

Of course, all of this points to something else. We are becoming an increasingly fragile species due to our dependence on technology. A prolonged GPS outage, for example, would mean deliveries grind to a halt. No one owns a map, much less has the ability to use one to navigate. If the power goes out, our advanced skills at finding information on the internet quickly becomes a liability. Suddenly we are in a world of simpletons who do not know how anything works.

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2 hours ago

Real skills – how to fix or make something, for example – will always be the mark of intelligence. The Internet will die with our technological civilization but smart people will find a way to get by.

Reply to  FNC1A1
2 hours ago

I’m sure there is a lot of this sorting going on in rural NC over the last week or so. I’m sure the metadata bug men working their remote FAANGMAN jobs thought to download Wikipedia to a local drive instead of assuming the internet would be on.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  FNC1A1
2 hours ago

Yes! It’s the “level 2 and beyond” ability that counts, Of course, the irony here is that you can go to the Caribbean and see broken equipment everywhere despite the existence of repair videos on Youtube. Most of the world is watching midget porn on the web and cannot even get to level 1.

Reply to  FNC1A1
1 hour ago

I’m not sure about that.

i am a girl and still have a LOT to learn about fixing things (not a natural ability in most women, we know).

However, it’s a pretty short list of things I could fix (with my hands) or make. (Other than a tasty meal in the kitchen.)

So I’m not sure your position entirely holds true.

Reply to  Carrie
11 minutes ago

Keeping the good hot meals coming is a first-rate, irreplaceable skill when things are falling apart.

And in my observation, most good cooks are smart people, who have an intuitive grasp of the chemistry and physics that makes the bread rise and the soup not boil over.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  FNC1A1
24 minutes ago

I’m sympathetic to your point, but can’t agree with it entirely. Hence, it is a commonplace of genius that figures such as Einstein and Newton have virtually no practical knowhow, or intelligence, if you prefer. And yet very few people would claim that your basic mechanic, plumber or carpenter is in the same class intellectually as people like Einstein and Newton. It almost seems as though extremely high intelligence somehow forecloses the ability to perform all but the most rudimentary of practical functions. But ironically, the basic skills of the tradesmen are arguably more important than the refined speculations and… Read more »

2 hours ago

Memorizing a lot of facts changes your brain and helps it form connections and process data, and it keeps it healthy. So does learning a new language. So, my first thought is that intelligent people will still keep doing these things. It’s an intellectual challenge to, say, learn how to read Chinese or whatever. Intelligent people can process data and form different opinions while people who rely on the computer in their pockets will just be able to regurgitate information. We see this today – you can go on Twitter and find real people who clearly can do little more… Read more »

3 hours ago

Being smart or clever means using information or previously solved problems and extrapolating those ideas to solve new or existing problems.
People who can not do that are and will always be blundering idiots!

S Colfax
S Colfax
2 hours ago

I came across the phrase “one dead battery away from being an idiot” somewhere.
“You can always look it up… or can you?” is a great piece by ED Hirsch

Reply to  S Colfax
1 hour ago

I love this expression!

its a great litmus test: if the lights went out tmw, and we had no electricity for, say, 10 days (perish the thought), would we have the supplies or know-how to get by?
it would likely devolve into a shit sho (at least for me, because of where I currently to live).

But that is an excellent litmus test anyway.

Reply to  S Colfax
8 minutes ago

With profound irony, here is the article:

Thomas Mcleod
Thomas Mcleod
1 hour ago

One of the old man’s former coworkers was convinced to come out of retirement ($$$$$) to fix Boeing’s wing to fuselage “problems” with the, I think, 787. The old guy traveled up to Seattle to be met with: “the computer models say”. His response was to drag the whole engineering group down to the prototype and point at the cracks that the models said weren’t there. That guy died eight years ago. Now what?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Thomas Mcleod
21 minutes ago

Now a lot of passengers will die needlessly.

Reply to  Thomas Mcleod
5 minutes ago

Oy. Not the first time I’ve heard such tales around aircraft. Maybe this very tale.

And it illustrates the problem. There’s no understanding that if the model can’t predict the reality, the model is wrong.,… and more than likely was built on a false premise.

2 hours ago

This feels like we are in a world of “light-switch” intelligence. If a simple denial to the computer Gods reveals who does and doesn’t have a stored body of knowledge, then whoever controls that connection has the real power. This is why I stress to my sons the importance of having physical sources. (books, repair manuals, etc)

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  ArthurinCali
2 hours ago

Yes. I’m totally screwed because I cannot repair anything without youtube.

Reply to  Captain Willard
25 minutes ago

Funny thing is, YouTube videos don’t cover 100% how to fix issues you may have. Case in point: My nine or ten year old lawn mower (not sure when I bought it) decided last week would be a good time to die. Would start, run for a few minutes, lose power and die. I wasn’t too worried about it as I’d seen it do that before. Off to the hardware store for a new air filter and spark plug, and a few shots of Sta-Bil Start! in the gas tank. Fix ‘er right up. Nope. 👎 Still does the start,… Read more »

Reply to  mmack
1 minute ago

Go to the lawn mower section of “My Tractor Forum”. Chances are someone there knows exactly how to fix the old mower… lost of collectors and shade-tree mechanics there. Yours is a common problem. (In the case of one I have and haven’t got round to fixing, it’s cuz I’d used it to cut too many big weeds and sheared the flywheel key.)

And if you leave it on the curb, someone will take it and fix it, and avert a bit of waste (and loss of perhaps irreplaceable parts).

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Captain Willard
22 minutes ago

Humph. I have a hard time repairing anything even with the aid of Youtube vidz.

2 hours ago

Once upon a time, important knowledge was known as wisdom, and it was useful because it helped you to survive and thrive in your local environment. And intelligence was simply the predilection of living one’s life under the influence of this wisdom. And it was self-reinforcing because being smart kept you alive and reproducing, whereas being stupid generally got you dead. Then civilization happened and the natural gauntlets of selection disappeared. We now live in a world in which being a parasite is a success strategy, at least in the short term. But you cannot eat an internet search event.

2 hours ago

Having thought a great deal about this issue, a few fundamental problems exist. 1) The passivity. If the information is complex, students lack the self-esteem and intelligence necessary to understand the material. They simply transcribe an answer; their brains do nothing. This further couples with the inability to actually use these search engines. The idea of using keywords or phrases, and the need to revise them for jargon in a particular field, is lost on them. In short, if the answer is not the first response in these search engines of LLMs, they are unable to do anything further. 2)… Read more »

Alan Schmidt
Reply to  Eloi
2 hours ago

It’s also very easy to get an LLM to hallucinate if you really dig deep into a topic. I would go as far as to argue you don’t understand the material until you know how to get an LLM to go off the rails discussing it.

Reply to  Eloi
1 hour ago

When this country was primarily of European descent, then teaching students how to understand the material and engage their brains was useful, and many/most could do it in some form or another. However, that’s not the case anymore. I bet that 60%+ of students in school today can do little more than transcribe material, and a huge chunk of those students struggle to even do that. That’s where we are at now, and we are getting to the point where it will be basically illegal to teach students of European descent how to engage their brains (if we aren’t already).… Read more »

Last edited 1 hour ago by Mycale
2 hours ago

It’s always a good idea to have a stone age skill…making soap, basic medical knowledge, brewing alcohol, hunting/foraging, shooting an arrow…just in case. I’m telling every teenager I know this bit of wisdom.

2 hours ago

It’s always amazed me how hard people will work— even at a civilizational level— just so they can be lazy.

David Wright
2 hours ago

How do I know you didn’t use AI to write this.
Anyways, a good episode from the second generation Outer Limits:
Everyone’s brain is remotely connected to a worldwide data and knowledge system. One poor guy is incapable of connecting and is treated like a retard until the day the system goes down and book learning guy is needed.

1 hour ago

It’s difficult to know where ignorance ends and stupid begins with some people. Short personal story – I inquired about towing my deer damaged pickup home and the car rental dude over the phone argued with me that a damaged radiator shouldn’t stop me from driving the truck. I hung up instead of educating him. Stupid knows no bounds.

Reply to  Kevin
43 minutes ago

I inquired about towing my deer damaged pickup home and the car rental dude over the phone argued with me that a damaged radiator shouldn’t stop me from driving the truck.

You can drive it with a leaky radiator.

For a while. 🤦‍♂️

More likely the dude was lazy and didn’t want to rent you a car. Customer service, what it be?

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
2 hours ago

Very thought-provoking! I would perhaps offer the metaphor of the toolbox here. The LLMs and AI are like a toolbox in many regards. You still have to know which tool to take and how to use it. Access to statistics doesn’t teach you the difference between correlation and causation, for example. Knowing how to say something in Japanese doesn’t give you the understanding of whether or in what context to say it. Facts are just facts; inferences, conclusions and hypotheses are the stuff of business and life in general.

Reply to  Captain Willard
1 hour ago

Quite right about the language. Twelve years ago I was taking a basic Arabic class at the local CC. I also had the Rosetta Stone program for Arabic which I was studying at home. My professor asked if he could see the program and after viewing it, he remarked that it was ok, but that there are too many inflections in the language that are not covered. He further stated that the version of the program was what he called “Modern Standard Arabic”, what you would hear/read on Al Jazeera. He was teaching us a more colloquial/street version of Arabic,… Read more »

Reply to  Steve
4 minutes ago

I am brushing up on languages now and decided to check out the free version of DuoLingo Italian. It is useful, but since I actually used the language exclusively for a year and then taught it at university level (thirty years ago) I can say it has some shortcomings. One minor, but irritating, point is half the animated characters are non-white and for some reason the most common character is a Sikh. I have never met a Sikh in Italy.

2 hours ago

“No one owns a map, much less has the ability to use one to navigate.” I’ve found it really handy that no one knows how to read a map. It means they can’t read Google maps either. They can’t read any of the part of the map that is in gray, those roads don’t exist for them. My city is known for its nightmarish traffic but I’m constantly getting out of it by just driving on the gray and there’s never any traffic. It’s really pretty amusing. We’re all just waiting aren’t we. This house of cards, this Tower of… Read more »

Reply to  Whitney
2 hours ago

Break out that Hagstrom!

Reply to  Steve
1 hour ago

I don’t know that Hagstrom guy, but I do know Hellstrom’s Hive…
(Frank Herbert, human insect colonies)

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Whitney
15 minutes ago

How ’bout them Steelers?!

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Whitney
28 seconds ago

About 20 years ago, I and my daughters would take yearly driving trips to different areas of the country. We used the big Atlas that was available, and marked it up with notes and such.

Mile markers were very helpful when I realized what they were!

Except for Alaska and Hawaii, we visited every capitol. (Carson City we just drove through and waved, as they wanted to get to San Francisco.)

I still have those oversized maps, and we occasionally will get them out and reminisce.

Tars Tarkas
1 hour ago

Access to information, no matter how streamlined is never going to do much to help stupid people. If anything, more streamlined access to information is going to widen the gap between smart and dumb people, not narrow it.

1 hour ago

I don’t know. Maybe you are pointing out the difference between information and knowledge. We use knowledge to formulate new ideas and create new knowledge and inventions. If we do not understand information, we can’t use it to expand our knowledge. Having a large vocabulary also helps because we think in language.

Luddy Wittgenstein
Luddy Wittgenstein
Reply to  MikeCLT
4 minutes ago

because we think in language

Hear, hear! Wittgenstein held that language was isomorphic with thought — we don’t always think using words, but there is a very strong family resemblance, and our linguistic-conceptual capacities determine our comprehension of the world. I won’t say more, because the Sapir-Whorf Hate Crew will show up.

Last edited 3 minutes ago by Luddy Wittgenstein
1 hour ago

I like to joke that i never broke a 1000 score on my SATs. (Which is true.) At the time, it seemed devastating and I inferred that I was dumb. But in hindsight, I was either lazy or just a bad taker of standardized tests. Probably a bit of both. in the ensuing 30+ years, I realize that in fact, I do have some brains in my head, but it took a while to discover that fact. Maybe because I learned two different foreign languages with relative facility. But whatever. What really matters these days is MINDSET which is not… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Carrie
13 minutes ago

Many things are so ludicrous only an intellectual could believe them. The whole Covid narrative, “vax” inclusive, was one of them.

(Of course, many Very Dumbs fell for it, too.)

Last edited 12 minutes ago by Ostei Kozelskii
2 hours ago

Our current problems are largely caused by the easy availability of technologies like the Internet and smart phones (pocket computers). Idiotic masses now think they know everything and should have a say about everything.

People who learned a new language and “memorized” a lot of facts are/were usually smart. It’s not just a mindless stereotype (most stereotypes are true). People whose top intellectual achievements are knowing how to use a phone or talk to LLM chatbots are unimpressive and should not be allowed in any important positions of authority.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Hun
2 hours ago

The Bible in the vernacular started this mess lol……..

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 hours ago

If you are talking about Protestantism basically destroying the authority of the Church (the intellectual part of society in the past), then there are a lot of people who would agree with you.

Reply to  Captain Willard
1 hour ago

*burns Gutenberg in effigy*

*goes back to building astonishing architecture in stone with hand tools*

Last edited 1 hour ago by Alzaebo
38 minutes ago

The old shorthand way of assessing intelligence made sense because intelligent people are curious and tended to read a lot, accumulate information and have an extensive vocabulary. The old SAT was a proxy for an IQ test and was so considered by MENSA until the 1994 SAT. The old SAT was convenient for colleges and universities because it allowed them to select students for their intelligence without the eugenicist taint associated with IQ tests. Of course, that could not last because the same people who scored high on the SAT were the same people who scored high on IQ tests.… Read more »

1 hour ago

Statesmanship and statecraft requires extremely well-read, well studied people who have the ability to do the following. Take what is known at the time to be the raw facts. Take the best guesses and understand them as best guesses and then make the inferences needed to apply that knowledge to current circumstances to make great decisions. A large number of such people are required As important, those people must share a common bond, a common heritage and a common interest that contributes to the common understanding that must be the foundation of the expertise required for high stakes statecraft. You… Read more »

Johnny Ducati
Johnny Ducati
2 hours ago

I was reminded of Rollerball… when the supercomputer lost the 13th century.

red October
red October
Reply to  Johnny Ducati
1 hour ago

It will be interesting to see if we lose our gut instinct for danger awareness, will AI tell us not to walk down that dark street?

Reply to  red October
1 hour ago

If you don’t you’re a racist

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  red October
9 minutes ago

White people have already lost the survival instinct–along with the gag reflex–thanks to 50-plus years of intense propaganda. We can only hope AI actually helps us regain them.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Johnny Ducati
1 hour ago

Rollerball holds up very well over time. Corporate rule, micro-dosing, panopticon, most women as courtesans etc

Alan Schmidt
2 hours ago

I consider looking up things on the internet to be akin to the hard drive, and the stuff in the brain the cache, ram, etc. This means that while the information is there, the speed hits you get with accessing the info will slow your thought process to a crawl. Also, like programming, the constant context switching is an incredible amount of overhead and will vastly impact your computing power. This doesn’t even get into the matter of synthesizing the data in a meaningful way, or having the gut instinct for what data makes sense and what is nonsense. Just… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Alan Schmidt
6 minutes ago

Gut instinct, intuition, bullshit detector–very, very important. And perhaps on the wane.

Ostei Kozelskii
35 minutes ago

This is simply a case of technology turning us into cognitive eggplants, just as labor-saving devices have turned us into flabby, indolent rutabegas. And it also, perhaps not coincidentally, aids the sort of people who seek to dumb down society in the name of equalitarianism. As an aside, a few years ago I was talking to a history professor who was something of a mentor to me in my undergrad days. He told me that his university history department dropped compehensive exams as a Ph.D. requirement, allegedly because people can now find all of the requisite historical information on the… Read more »

Last edited 34 minutes ago by Ostei Kozelskii
14 minutes ago

“If the power goes out, our advanced skills at finding information on the internet quickly becomes a liability. Suddenly we are in a world of simpletons who do not know how anything works.”

Literally. My sister was from the last class of architects that learned how to do blueprints with paper and pencil. When the power goes out, she’s the only one in the office (of 50-odd people) who can keep working.

At $300 per billable hour, this rapidly becomes significant.

27 minutes ago

In the country of the internet-blinded, the well-read man is king.

Last edited 27 minutes ago by Gespenst
Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Gespenst
2 minutes ago

Or homeless…

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
34 minutes ago

We are moving from a world where being smart was about memorizing lots of information to a world where being smart means knowing how to find the information quickly and efficiently

I’ve wondered about that. 90% of the issues encountered at the job have a solution on the internet. I’ll ask myself why someone else didn’t just search for the solution and apply it and the answer was: they couldn’t. They didn’t know the “secret” sequence to find the fix and then, since it never directly aligns, would have been unable to apply it anyway.

1 hour ago

The online versus in-mind debate is an interesting one. Access to online knowledge has made printed encyclopedias almost obsolete. Looking up a subject online is simply faster, and the articles can be continuously updated. Then again, an encyclopedia from the 1920s may feature a map with concentric circles radiating outward from Northwest Europe to show the origins of the most and least desirable immigrants, which would be banned on Wikipedia. There are similar tipping points with language. Translator apps are genius for travel. But they become awkward, to say the least, when you live and work in a country where… Read more »

Greg Nikolic
1 hour ago

The hardest part about technology is knowing when to stop. More and more, faster and faster, seems to be the mantra that drives us ever onward. But if we just take a deep breath and think about what’s really real, we’ll soon find ways to make the data our friend, rather than our enemy. A lifetime’s wisdom can never be replicated by a machine. Even generative AI is just pattern matching between big fat databases; it’s not a novel thing. To live through something is vastly different from reading it in a book. The Masters of the data may be… Read more »

1 hour ago

Outdated tax farm equipment

red October
red October
1 hour ago


Greg Nikolic
2 hours ago

This will all be condensed — the metadata — to a ring around one’s finger, and then to a tiny sliver of a chip implanted directly to the brain, much like Elon Musk’s Neuralink project. This means, among other things, the death of Christianity. The cyborgs that walk among us — with the implant — will soon discover their own cybernetic gods, feigning disinterest in the analog “meat” version. Also, it means the indefinite tyranny of the rich. Hooked up to the internet by expensive micro-boosters, the rich will have a much more colorful, robust experience and be privy to… Read more »

Forever Templ@r
Forever Templ@r
Reply to  Greg Nikolic
1 hour ago

How many hours in CP2077 do you have? North of a 1000?

Reply to  Greg Nikolic
56 minutes ago

Zardoz was a documentary