The Smash And Grab Ends

This weekend, the heads of the NATO families were supposed to meet to discuss the “victory plan” for Ukraine created by Volodymyr Zelensky, but the meeting has been cancelled, allegedly due to the weather. Joe Biden was supposed to attend but dropped out on Tuesday due to hurricane Milton. The peace summit Zelensky was planning was also cancelled. When Zelensky was in Washington last month he was given millions to hold a second peace conference.

One thing that was supposed to be discussed at this meeting was a plan that has been in the works for eighteen months according to the Financial Times. This story covers the basics of the new plan for victory. Russia would be handed a deal whereby they get to hold the lands they have, Ukraine joins NATO, but promises to not start a war to reclaim those lands and at some point in the future, Russia will give back those lands to Ukraine for reasons no one can explain.

The scheme is ridiculous, which is probably why the intel service planted the story in the Financial Times this week. This has become a habit of the Anglo intelligence services over the last year. When they want something injected into the political discussion regarding Ukraine or they want to elicit a Russian reaction to something discussed behind closed doors, they plant a story in the Financial Times. Presumably, this story was placed there ahead of the meeting for some reason.

Officially, the main focus of the meeting was supposed to be the Zelensky plan for peace, which has two main parts. One is Ukraine joins NATO right now and Russia agrees to return all lands claimed by Ukraine. That is pretty much it. The path to victory is the United States threatens Moscow with nuclear war unless the Russians withdraw all of their forces from Ukraine, including Crimea. The reason to cancel the meeting is there is nothing really to discuss. The plan is nonsense.

That may be the reason why Zelensky created the plan and spent the last month shopping it around the West. The one thing Zelensky cannot survive right now is a peace process involving the Russians. The reason for that is the ultranationalists in Kiev and on the front are strong enough to oppose it. They can use the process as an excuse to take out Zelensky. On the other hand, Zelensky cannot simply flee with his billion dollars, as the West will not protect him.

He is in a political vice. One jaw is the nationalist forces that have been committed to war with Russian since the Maiden coup in 2014. Despite the losses on the battlefield, they remain committed to the war. They have no choice from their perspective, as a Russian condition for peace talks is dissolution of the nationalists. Given the Russian habits and recent history, the leaders of these nationalists forces are right to assume dissolution means they end up dead.

The other jaw is the West, which has committed itself to the war against Russia, but is unwilling to go all in fearing the consequences. The truth is escalatory dominance only works if the other side believes you can continue to escalate. The Russians know the West is not willing to go all in for Ukraine. The West is now in a trap they created for themselves in 2022 and 2023 with all the hot rhetoric. They need a way out, but they cannot simply quit, so they need Zelensky to make a deal.

For his part, Zelensky has been a rapacious schemer who has survived far longer than anyone expected. He does not get credit for managing to stay alive while existing in this impossible position. He must wage a war enthusiastically that he knows cannot be won, but also keep the various factions from pointing the finger at him for the failure to find a miracle solution to the battlefield reality. So far, he has outmaneuvered all of his opponents in Kiev, which is miraculous.

It looks like the Zelensky victory plan is actually a survival plan. The game is to buy time so that the nationalist units on the front get worn down or destroyed, thus weakening their political support in Kiev. As the saying goes, political power comes from the barrel of a gun. If there is going to be a move against Zelensky, it will include nationalist military units. If those units are buried under rubble in the Donbas, then they will not be around to depose Zelensky.

For their part, the nationalist units seem to get this, as they have repeatedly refused orders to engage with the Russians in difficult battles. Despite having the best equipment and the best men, they have been held in reserve for most of the war, most likely for political reasons. That cannot go on much longer, given the condition of the front, so time is probably on Zelensky’s side. At some point, the nationalists either die on the front or quit on the war.

Of course, all of this assumes the Russians will be willing to deal with Zelensky when the time comes. It also assumes the West will not kill him as an excuse to wash their hands of the project. Then you have the nationalists who may simply kill Zelensky because they can, and they have never liked him. The Zelensky survival plan assumes many things that may turn out to be unrealistic, but for now it is the only plan he has, so he is working it as hard as he can.

That may be the other reason for the cancellation of the Ramstein meeting. It may be dawning on the Western political class that there is no plan for victory because victory is impossible and Zelensky has known it for a long time. His little green man act was just part of the long con he has been running to both remain in power and get hundreds of billions in financing, some of which has underwritten his retirement. The West now needs a plan for how to not look like dupes.

In this regard, the Ukraine war is a metaphor for the West. Everything about this project has been in the short term. Everyone involved is thinking like a smash and grab gang working the shopping mall. At the macro level, it is as if the West is controlled by an alien class that is here to harvest what they can before moving on to the next opportunity to run the next grift. As with Ukraine, no one thinks about investing in the people or the long-term consequences of their actions.

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2 hours ago

At the macro level, it is as if the West is controlled by an alien class that is here to harvest what they can before moving on to the next opportunity to run the next grift.

Imagine that….

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Vizzini
1 hour ago

Every Single Time. It’s not just a meme anymore!

Reply to  Vizzini
46 minutes ago

We’ve hit the “Bamboo Lounge Bustout” phase in this particular project and indeed our national life.

Vote Big Paulie Cicero in ’28!

Reply to  Vizzini
26 minutes ago

See: Florida.

Reply to  Vizzini
1 minute ago

“The consolidation of the States into one vast empire, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of ruin which has overwhelmed all that preceded it.”

—Gen Robert E. Lee

1 hour ago

Ukraine. Israel. Election integrity in the US. Looming war with China for ??? reasons.

It’s an Empire of Lies.

You can be certain that the US is always the good guy and will always win. (Unless Trump)

It’s so tiresome. How can anyone take this country seriously?

2 hours ago

Ukraine is quickly being forgotten. If all the regime mouthpieces dropped it, it would simply cease to exist. Maybe if an old blue and yellow flag is accidentally left still flying on some cat lady’s stoop , people would drive by and say:

oh yeah, Ukraine! Wonder what happened to that guy….

Reply to  Hi-ya!
2 hours ago

I dunno. It might end up like Covid — normal people have forgotten it and moved on with their lives, but there are still a LOT of lunatics out there, masking up and huddling under their beds with barrels of hand sanitizer. These people are panic junkies and can’t let anything go… and that’s before you get to the Neocons, who have never let one single thing go, ever. They might be able to keep it in their pants through Fortification Day, but once Harris is installed, AINO is going to war with somebody — Russia, Iran, China, or, as… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
1 hour ago

The Neocons always screw up, so by necessity they’re great at making lemonade out of lemons. They’d love to do a fake-and-gay ISIS in Iraq thing, where AINO = ISIS and Russia = AINO. The secret squirrels get to keep playing James Bond, the Big Guy gets 10% in perpetuity… what’s not to like?

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Severian
1 hour ago

This is happening in Syria now. Israel and the United States created ISIS, and now fighting the group is the pretext for occupation of Syria in perpetuity. It is among the damnest things ever and people pretend like it either is real or doesn’t exist.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  thezman
50 minutes ago

Putin seems to be an extremely cynical guy, so the end game may involve letting Western/”Western” interests exploit just enough of Ukraine’s wealth to forestall insurgency or something along those lines. Futility is not an obstacle to the Neocons, so it may be cheaper to let Blackrock, for example, to get enough of a taste.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
49 minutes ago

The problem for Russia is what to do with the West. They don’t want to rule it, but they also don’t want it independent and thus joining NATO.

Sure, they could put a friendly govt in at first, but how do you maintain that forever.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  thezman
47 minutes ago

“In the West there is support, but the Russians are not going to be putting their army in the West.”

Really? How many males or people in general flooded out of the Ukraine at the start of the war because they wanted no part. And based on their recruiting tactics i’d say they don’t have much support at all. What you have left in West Ukraine are the same people who support democrats here, worthless without institutional support.

Reply to  thezman
23 minutes ago

Ukraine is just the latest proxy-front for the Endless War required to sustain D.C. and the military complex. . . nee the military-industrial complex, now that industry largely is overseas.

Reply to  Severian
1 hour ago

With Covid, it’s worse than you think. While normal people did their best to forget about it, the good bureaucrats have been busy preparing the introduction of new vaxx passports. They are piloting this in 5 EU countries right now, but the plan is to apply this to the whole EU. Later it will spread to other western countries.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Hun
55 minutes ago

for once i agree with victoria nuland, fuck the EU

Reply to  Mr. House
34 minutes ago

You should at least watch it, in case this program becomes a “success” to be replicated across the ocean.

Reply to  Hun
27 minutes ago

Fuck em. I’ll stay at home and steal what my family needs to get by.
I’ll also inflict extreme violence on anyone that tries to impose controls on my movements.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Severian
58 minutes ago

I haven’t forgotten covid, it was perhaps the second largest crime of this century, only eclipsed by 9/11 and the wars it spawned. Perhaps the worst if you believe the statistics they published of “died with covid”.

Last edited 49 minutes ago by Mr. House
Reply to  Mr. House
26 minutes ago

Maybe only eclipsed by the holocaust.

1 hour ago

I refuse to believe that a dumb carnie like Zelensky is a master planner with the ability to maneuver like nobody else.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Hun
1 hour ago

Zelensky is an archetype. Look at Biden. Look at Harris. Same deal.

Reply to  Jack Dodsen
37 minutes ago

You mean look at Madoff. Look at Weinstein. Look at Sam Bankman-Fried.

Reply to  Hun
58 minutes ago

Well, let’s be clear, he has been propped up with billions upon billions of dollars of support. Every person of power in Ukraine no doubt recognizes that, if he is “unpersoned,” then the gravy train derails.

1 hour ago

If I were him I’d leave that Rolex at home the next time he goes out.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
1 hour ago

The looting is the point of Project Ukraine. The crumbs thrown to the politicians and their donors pale in comparison to the payout received by the Robber Barons and those burrowed in the Administrative and National Security State. This follows a pattern of outright stealing billions on a regular basis from taxpayers. It has now emerged that in addition to funneling money to NGO’s and their happy fellow travelers, FEMA spent billions on Covid in 2024. The heartbreaking death count of Slavs is the only way in which Project Ukraine is more appalling than Project Covid, which is the most… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Jack Dodsen
52 minutes ago

And you think that wasn’t purpose of Afghanistan or Iraq?

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Mr. House
45 minutes ago

I truly think the purpose was to spread democracy. Nah, of course it was the looting. Take note that the grift is continuing in both post-war Afghanistan and Iraq and look at the billions going to the former democracy targets turned vital allies in the Forever War against American taxpayers and anyone who gives Israel the sadz.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jack Dodsen
16 minutes ago

Takes both kinds. The looters join forces with the starry eyed democracy spreaders. And probably some other factions I’m overlooking.

1 hour ago

Over / Under on this ending as badly as Afghanistan? Somebody in the Ukraine killing Zelensky and surrendering to the Russians is probably how it goes.

30 minutes ago

‘That may be the reason why Zelensky created the plan and spent the last month shopping it around the West.’ Huh? That idiot Zelensky doesn’t ‘create’ any plans. He doesn’t return to Ukraine, sit in his office with advisors, and formulate the next strategic or tactical move. He is only a frontman — a stooge of public face — the counterpart of Tater Joe Biden or Kammie Harris or Boris Johnson. Combined US/British intel formulates (and executes) policy and plans. This would never be allowed into the hands of ridiculous individuals like Zelensky or Biden. It is ludicrous to imagine… Read more »

1 hour ago

Greg Cochran is still hating on Putin and defending Zelensky. So there are zealots outside the controlling elite class who want to press forward with the war against Russia. They’re nuts.

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
Reply to  thezman
18 seconds ago

Yeah, I noticed that too about Cochran. His blog was one of my favs during the last decade. But he certainly went off the deep end with covid. Peter Zeihan was also one of my favs during the last decade. He also went of the deep end over a combination of covid and TDS.

The covid debacle broke a lot of people’s brains. Curtis Yarvin being a good example. Essentially the entire HBD crowd went off the deep end over covid as well.

41 minutes ago

Zelensky has been a rapacious schemer

Cool it with the antisemitic remarks!

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
54 minutes ago

The foreign elite ruling the West are masters of narrative, deception and subversion. It’s why their plan for Russia (their plan for everything) is regime change. They have a feminine attack mentality. They don’t attack directly but through seduction (we’ll offer you want you’ve always wanted if you give us control over your life) or through some guy that they’ve tricked into fighting for them. If that doesn’t work, they use exclusion, which is what women and our foreign elite fear most. Or they use all three in some combination. The feminine attack method can be highly effective in the… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
47 minutes ago

It seems as if one big difference between today and 1941 is that Putler and the Persians refuse to take the bait. Is it wishful thinking on my part to think it’s because they are wise to that game?

Last edited 14 minutes ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 seconds ago

They’ve certainly learned the regime change is the preferred method of attack. They also know that the financial system is how they control countries. The rest of the world is working hard to get around that. It’ll take time, however.

38 minutes ago

There are just so many existential crises to deal with: Russia, Jews, China, Iran, the climate, trannies, blacks etc. Well at least we bank on Harris knowing how to handle them all for sure on day one…

41 minutes ago

The best outcome is that the rat faced bagel gets the Full Mussolini treatment, displayed upside down in a Kiev gas station. However, what would be second best is Piano Man scuttles out of the country like the Shah of Iran in 1979. I have been thinking about the possibility of a repeat of the Iranian Revolution in Ukraine, where a Ukrainian popular revolution overthrows the CIA backed regime and focuses all their hate on the US for using them as cannon fodder with a bagel leader. How do you say Great Satan in Ukrainian? Because there will be a… Read more »

Alan Schmidt
51 minutes ago

> Russia would be handed a deal whereby they get to hold the lands they have, Ukraine joins NATO, but promises to not start a war to reclaim those lands and at some point in the future, Russia will give back those lands to Ukraine for reasons no one can explain. To quote the Orange Man:“This has been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever” The problem with people sheltered from consequences and convinced of their own virtue is they have no conception of what reasonable compromise entails. There’s no feedback mechanism other than the… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
1 hour ago

“So far, he has outmaneuvered all of his opponents in Kiev, which is miraculous.”

This is a bit of a stretch, he has NATO, CIA, and whomever else on his side, endless bribe money, cancelled elections and throws his opponents in jail or outright criminalizes anyone who opposes him. Hard to maneuver when your balls and limbs are cut off.