The Racial Binary Test

There are issues that turn out to be litmus tests which tell us something about how certain people truly think about their politics. Covid, for example, revealed that many people who sounded like skeptics of the current regime were still willing to accept without question the claims of the regime. The war in Ukraine is another example where people who were media skeptics fell in line with the media narrative. Covid and Ukraine were tests of trust in the institutions.

These types of litmus test issues tell us where someone is mentally on that line that runs between those who trust the system and its institutions and those who no longer trust the system and its institutions. Those who wore masks and Ukraine lapel pins are at the pro-regime end of the scale, while those who rejected and criticized this stuff are on the other end of the scale. In both cases, we learned that some people were not that far along the path from the pro-regime pole.

There are other issues that are larger and more enduring that also work as a sorting mechanism in the churn of politics. In the mass media age, it is much easier for someone to pose as something, but not really be that something. Profilicity is not simply about creating a profile you present to parts of the world, but also the ability to quickly take down and respawn that profile with modifications. There are certain topics, however, that get to the nature of the person playing the character.

One of those issues is race, specifically racism. Unlike those prior litmus test issues, this is not one that exists on a scale. It is a binary issue. You either accept or reject the normative and positive claims baked into the word racism. There are those who think it is immoral to make decisions based on race and those who reject the idea that this behavior is immoral. There are those who reject the objective reality of race and those who accept what the human sciences tell us.

There is no middle ground on the race issue, even though lots of people seek to profit by occupying what they think is a middle ground. An example is this Compact Magazine post by Christopher Rufo. He is getting rich being a non-woke liberal or anti-woke civic nationalist, depending upon your label preference. The key to this character is the sort of triangulation Bill Clinton made famous. You see, he not only rejects left-wing racism, but he also rejects right-wing racism!

There is nothing new about this position. It was a popular in the 1980’s when it seemed like the culture was moving beyond race as a political weapon. The good people treated everyone as an individual. The bad people judged people on generalities. That meant the race hustlers like Jesse Jackson were just as bad as the old white racists from the civil rights narrative. They were judging people collectively. Like everything in this age, the new right and its new characters are just reboots of old material.

That aside, what you see with Rufo is that he does not understand the material and he embraces the morality of the people he claims to oppose. He opposes critical race theory not because it is nonsense, but because they acknowledge the centrality of race in American society. Rufo is an anti-racist, which means he thinks it is immoral to acknowledge the reality of race and especially immoral to act on it. In this regard, he agrees with Ibram X. Kendi, but only differs in presentation.

Further, Rufo does not seem to understand how we reached the point in American society where whites are under constant assault through these corporate and government diversity programs. He seems to think that the reason these programs exist is the people behind them are dumb or craven. Somehow, they tricked the leaders of the most powerful intuitions to embrace a form of racism. He may as well claim that these people are witches, who cast a spell over the institutions.

The fact is, these antiwhite pogroms, whatever you want to call them, are the logical outcome of generations of jurisprudence. The “Brown Test”, named for the famous Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka decision, implemented a set of racial and cultural standards that effectively eliminated free association and made openness the standard against which everything is measured. In effect, it made anything that results in racial inequality both illegal and immoral.

That means it is impossible to have a color-blind society under the Brown doctrine because it would lead to racial inequality. The underlying assumption of Brown and the entire moral edifice that sprang from it is that any racial inequality, not matter how trivial, must be the result of discrimination by whites. Therefore, a colorblind society that has racial inequality will mean that color blindness is the cause. It is why people like Ibram X. Kendi can reasonably say color blindness is racism.

This is what makes race a binary issue. You either understand the moral reasoning that lies behind the novelty of the word “racism” or you do not and simply accept it as part of your ethics. You either understand and accept the reality of race as a biological matter or you reject it and embrace the blank slate ideology. There is no middle position and no way to pick a few things from one column and a few from the other to create yourself a bespoke racial awareness.

In fairness, Rufo probably understands this, but the money in seeming to not understand it is too good to turn down. Even though the logic of the open society has led America down a dangerous moral and social cul-de-sac, the economic and managerial elites continue to cling to the moral framing of it. Cultural inertia is a real thing that drags along even the most powerful people and institutions. When there is no profit in opposition, there is no opposition.

The opposition we see among some elites to DEI and critical race theory rests in their own racial awareness. Jewish donors to elite colleges have grown concerned that they are now treated as white and therefore targets for the diversity rackets. Asians resent the racial spoils system that limits their access to elite institutions. The fact that whites may benefit from this opposition is incidental. Once again, we see that in politics, racial or otherwise, it is about who shall overcome whom.

Regardless of motivations, the people promoting the concept of a colorblind society are unwilling to address the root causes. Further, they fail to see that they are advocating a far more radical version of what Brown demands. To achieve the colorblind society, it means either eradicating those who see race or so terrorizing them that they pretend not to see race. The colorblind dogma makes anti-racism sound reasonable and its implementation would make the Khmer Rouge seem tame.

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Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
1 hour ago

Rufo’s article is classic colorblind CivNat hypocrisy. In the article, Rufo rails against both identity politics and anti-Semitism and, of course, for a colorblind, individualistic society. Yet, he’s too dense to notice that Jews are the best argument for identity politics and against colorblind civic nationalism. First, Jews work as a team. They are the ultimate players of identity politics. Second, they’ve been wildly successful working as a team, which proves that other groups that follow a colorblind, individualistic policy will get steamrolled. The past 60 years have one victory after another for identity politics in general and Jewish efforts… Read more »

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 hour ago

When does Rufo or Sailer or Murray discuss the power of AIPAC or Jewish donors or them using their power to promote Jewish interesting and the Jewish community? Never.

The Upton Sinclair quote has become a cliche for a reason.

Reply to  Jack Dodsen
1 hour ago

What Upton Sinclair quote? If you would, please.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  Alzaebo
58 minutes ago

“It difficult to get a man to understand your point of view, if his pay check depends on him not understanding it”

Or words to that effect

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  (((They))) Live
46 minutes ago


Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 hour ago

I only briefly scanned the top half of his article and his whole tone of “what’s this obsession with jews” in an article obsessing over jews is an irony lost on him (contra to Z’s opinion, I don’t think very highly of Rufo’s intellect).

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 hour ago

Agreed. The Rufo article engages in both-sides-ism, but we fully realize the target audience is only one side. The previous version was “that’s not who we are!” I gave Rufo the benefit of a doubt until recently, and this piece distills why he didn’t deserve it.

Last edited 46 minutes ago by Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Jack Dodsen
30 minutes ago

Yeah, there is always that little hall monitor peering out over the words in the article like he’s looking over the neighbor’s fence making sure nothing untoward is going on. Ready to take down notes and report. That is the case with al of these guys, Rufo, Shapiro. They call them gatekeepers for a reason I guess.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 hour ago

Rufo is stunningly dense, at least in his writing. This article focuses on Left and Right-wing issues with Jews, so you might think he would, you know, discuss the Jewish community and how crazy these issues are. Nope. He rails against “left-wing identity politics” while never acknowledging that no group comes close to employing identity politics, via donors and endless Jewish groups and lobbies, than Jews. You can’t be against identity politics and for Jews using (with wild success) identity politics. He then rails against right-wing conspiracy theories about Jewish power. (They love to use the word conspiracy to marginalize… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
11 minutes ago

I know little of Rufo, but in fairness, any person, no matter how great his education or native intelligence, will quickly get stuck in logical or rhetorical quicksand if he’s trying to argue from invalid premises and/or towards a logically incoherent goal. When otherwise smart people are saying stupid shit, it’s a reasonable guess that the Sinclair quote is operative.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 minute ago

Why would he write this? Is this some compelling issue?
Ah. They’re getting ready to start a war (and finish their ethnic cleansing.)

Last edited 39 seconds ago by Alzaebo
Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 hour ago

This is material for an entire essay, one which I hope Zman will do someday. Having spent my entire career in finance and consulting, I have a lot of thoughts on the topic. I have told my Jewish friends that their desire for hegemony here is going to backfire in a major way. The smarter ones understand it, because they realize they cannot manage a coalition of minorities forever. However, the midwits think they can corral and beat rent out of third-world savages indefinitely.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Captain Willard
42 minutes ago

So, none of them even bother denying the Jewish desire for hegemony?

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 hour ago

The whole fabric of the American mythos is becoming frayed to the point of complete disintegration. It cannot survive except in a totalitarian dystopia. If it does, what a sight that clownish frankenstein will be. I have to give them credit, the choisen are good at that.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 hour ago

Jews work as a team.”

I don’t think that’s true. Big Jews work as a team, sort of. There are at least two distinct teams of Big Jews.

Big Jews don’t care about Little Jews. Never have, or the shtetls wouldn’t have been enclaves of the Little Jews, while the Big Jews lived and ran their mercantiles in Goyland.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Steve
55 minutes ago

So what. Big Jews will still always view Little Jews as part of their team, if lessor members. And they will always view me as nothing, indeed, as a threat.

You’re making the who would you rather live next to, Thomas Sowell or a violent redneck argument. It’s too late for that. Time to tribe up or die.

Fine, Jewish elites play as a team. So what. They’re still playing as team with their people’s interests at heart and they’re still coming after yours truly.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 minute ago

“Big Jews will still always view Little Jews as part of their team, if lessor members.” Nope. They view Little Jews as pawns, pretty much how they view non-Jews. “You’re making the who would you rather live next to” No, I’m not. I’m just pointing out they are not the monolithic threat you believe them to be. “Jewish elites play as a team. So what. They’re still playing as team with their people’s interests at heart and they’re still coming after yours truly.” At least that is true, though if there were whites with half a clue in power, they… Read more »

Reply to  Steve
39 minutes ago

Oh please. Just like every other self-aware racial and ethnic group, both your “Big Jews” and “Little Jews” are mutually dependent and the sea in which they all swim. They lived together – apart and separate from the native society of whatever nation they temporarily inhabited – until the “Jewish emancipation” of the late 18th and mid 19th centuries. This was essentially a mutual agreement: The Jews insisted they were special and morally superior and genetically distinct, and the European natives said “You are not part of our people and history and don’t share our culture, lives, or interests.” Your… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  3g4me
2 minutes ago

There’s another dynamic here: in-group and out-group are not fixed. Sure, Big Jew and Little Jew will play on the same team, but what was left unsaid is that’ll likely remain true only as long as Team Jew is playing against Team Goyim. Tribal unity works until it doesn’t. There always have been struggles within a tribe for dominance, as Abel’s blood would readily attest.

Johnny Ducati
Johnny Ducati
Reply to  Steve
4 minutes ago

They create non-profits that produce advertisements targeted at White Christians begging them to send money to poor jewish widows in Russia and Eastern Europe.
That’s how the jew cares for their widows and orphans.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
53 minutes ago

Age is a factor in all this stuff C. If you are over 50 years old you were indoctrinated from childhood to drink the koolaid, and that it was good. Trust the institutions, trust the experts and things will go well for you. Jews and blacks were just like us, blah blah blah blah… Dissidence is a journey. 10 years ago I thought I was going nuts because the world my shitlib boomer family lived in didn’t match up at all with what I was seeing and my lived experience. There are no blacks or jews where I live so… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Filthie
45 minutes ago

Agree that many of our ideas are going mainstream. The journey will be much shorter young people today. They’ll start many steps ahead. But they’ll still need to get through the colorblind CivNat gatekeepers like Rufo.

As to Rufo in five years, he’ll be the same. He’s similar to Steve Sailer and Charles Murray. He’ll stay right where he is.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Filthie
41 minutes ago

There are no blacks or jews where I live

That’s far more the reason for your previous misunderstandings than your age. People who lived among them have known the truths since time immemorial.

Reply to  Filthie
11 minutes ago

Not to quibble, but I am 57 and that was never part of my education and life. My grandmother was openly critical of Jews, and I’d be buying us all dinner if I had a dollar for every time she spoke the words “those Jew bastards” In our school my brother’s best friend had a Nazi uniform from his uncle who had served under Hitler. Not a single person ever made a peep about it. In fact I think he brought it to school as part of Show and Tell. In school it was openly discussed that the reason the… Read more »

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
1 hour ago

Shorter version: the Global American Empire fully embraces white genocide. Option 1: A color-blind society that slowly erases white people. Option 2: An anti-white society that rapidly erases white people. The Tribe thought it could transition from the first to the second option and escape the carnage and consequences. Now that it sees it cannot, it reverts to Option 1. Christopher Rufo, like Douglas Murray, Jordan Petersen, and so forth, has been tagged to play Pied Piper to facilitate the reversion. Good luck with that. Cucks will mouth the slogans but too many have the bared fangs seared into their… Read more »

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Jack Dodsen
1 hour ago

This from the Rufo piece is telling:

Thus, this isn’t just a question of anti-Semitism, but a question of how we want to govern our society.

The guilty man flees where no man pursueth.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dodsen
36 minutes ago

Govern what society? That society is a smoking crater. The only consequential questions concern what sorts of societies will replace the one destroyed by Leftists.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
28 minutes ago

I found the possessive pronoun “our” to be the most appalling part of that quote.

Reply to  Jack Dodsen
5 minutes ago

Charlie Kirk is using the same trick

I don’t think they realize that people are not only on to them but far far past them and already beyond “salvation”

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jack Dodsen
50 minutes ago

There’s a reason that Steve Sailer was let out of the shadows following the Oct. 7 attack and subsequent protests. All of the sudden, colorblind civic nationalism was “good for the Jews,” so anyone promoting it was pushed front and center.

Hilariously, Sailer thinks that his ideas finally won everyone over. What a rube.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
40 minutes ago

Yes. Sailer is both intellectually dishonest and delusional, which is a really bad combination.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
35 minutes ago

“What a rube.”

Might as well call him Goldberg…

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
26 minutes ago

We could call him that. Or maybe Rubenstein.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 minutes ago

I hear Sailer had a DNA test and now finds out after all of these years that he’s a jew

He was adopted

Pardon me for not researching it myself. I am just going off what I think N Fuentes said.

Tom K
Tom K
1 hour ago

White people are getting screwed and some of them like it as long as it’s not them personally. And some of the more twisted sort actually do like it. I think the incidence of paraphilias among the managerial class is quite high.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Tom K
Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
1 hour ago

Z seems to be forgetting the Steve Sailers and Charles Murrays of the world. They accept racial differences but still push for a colorblind society, acknowledging that it will lead to unequal results for various groups but, presumably, equal results for individuals.

They are both racist and anti-racists. (I’d argue that they’re also naive, childish and disloyal but that’s a different debate.)

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 hour ago

The obvious counter to this is that groups of people behave in predictable ways, and get more predictable the larger the group is. You put a bunch of white men together and they produce excellence, put a bunch of black men together and they produce detroit.

forcing these predictable harms onto people is evil.

Last edited 1 hour ago by HalfTrolling
Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
1 hour ago

Agree. It’s an important distinction between Sailer/Murray and Rufo. Indeed, I remember that Sailer often mentioned that he was seeking practical solutions to society’s problem. Of course, Sailer never seemed to notice that his oh-so-practical solution of colorblind civic nationalism has been on a 60-year losing streak, something that would make a practical man re-evaluate their position. Rufo just seems very shallow. Regardless, what binds all three is a desire to remain a part of the commentariat wing of the managerial class. I doubt that Murray or maybe even Sailer need the money but losing that status would kill them.… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
1 hour ago

So why can one no longer separate private morality with public policy? Jurisprudence, yes, to some extent, but Brown was not the expansive ruling people make it out to be.

What is it about today’s people that there’s this unquestionable belief that there should be a public policy? My great-grandfather left Norway largely because Norway had swallowed the public policy poison. Norway was a great place to be FROM. But anymore, even Libertarians argue about not whether DC should be bossing us around, but merely how much.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  thezman
49 minutes ago

It is far too generous to think BROWN was decided for neutral utopian purposes*, but even if that was the motivation, it quickly degenerated into a punitive decision. Only one race and one group were required to be “open” by the cases that followed, notably SWANN that required white students to be uprooted from their neighborhood schools and bussed across town to bask in the glow of Negroes. SWANN only was curtailed after blacks complained about the inconvenience. Only one group ever has been denied freedom of association. *BROWN actually was just another battle in the Forever War against the… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
39 minutes ago

And, yet, that attack on freedom of association seems very targeted. The open society morality doesn’t apply endless black, Hispanic, Jewish or women’s groups. Indeed, they are promoted.

What was attacked was whites having associations that excluded others.

Reply to  Steve
33 minutes ago

Brown was immensely expansive. If people are required to relinquish their children to years of forced government education/indoctrination, those with whom they associate and by whom they are taught is vitally important. Most of the lawyers behind Brown were Jewish, and they were motivated not by ‘love’ for the blacks, but resentment and hatred of Christian Whites.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  3g4me
18 minutes ago

The front organization behind BROWN was the NAACP, which was created and initially openly run by Jews. The black nationalist Marcus Garvey, after his one and I suspect only meeting with the NAACP, famously said he didn’t see a black person on the committee. What he also didn’t see was a white person. Thurgood Marshall, who argued the case, as repayment got elevated to the Supreme Court by ol’ marse Schlomo via their other puppet LBJ.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 hour ago

And then there are those who argue you can’t get an “ought” from an “is”. That there are racial differences, and that there are the exceptional “Magic Negros” says absolutely nothing about how a society ought to be constructed. “Both” sides (I still maintain it’s more of an analog variable than a digital one) are so fixated on imposing a political “one size fits all” that any outcome other than chaos and disaster is vanishingly likely.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 hour ago

The likelier answer is Sailer and Murray are intellectually dishonest liars.

kerdasi amaq
kerdasi amaq
Reply to  Jack Dodsen
1 hour ago

The left isn’t really interested in helping minorities; their true objective is to smash the majority.

Then, they hope to create a perfect society upon the ruins of the old.

kerdasi amaq
kerdasi amaq
Reply to  kerdasi amaq
1 hour ago

Although, I suspect that the revolutionaries reward for the their destructive work will a one-way trip to the GULAG because that is the best way for their employers to renege on whatever promises they made to make their janissaries do their dirty work.

Reply to  kerdasi amaq
51 minutes ago

How to accomplish that one way trip, to beguile the guards into betraying their own?

Why, your pay and privileges depend on it, citizen.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  kerdasi amaq
1 hour ago

Who controls the Left?

kerdasi amaq
kerdasi amaq
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 hour ago

The East Coast/Wall Street financial establishment. Characterised as the Wicked Witch of the East in “The Wizard of Oz”.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  kerdasi amaq
53 minutes ago

And just who are the East Coast/Wall Street financial establishment?

Reply to  kerdasi amaq
50 minutes ago

So Glinda is Canada?

Reply to  kerdasi amaq
50 minutes ago

Frank Baum knew. So many hidden messages.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
22 minutes ago

Nobody. Nothing. The Left controls the West.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  kerdasi amaq
23 minutes ago

Yes, they want to smash the white race. But truthfully, they really do worship negroes, albeit preferrably from afar.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jack Dodsen
1 hour ago

At this point, yes, that’s the only conclusion. They view themselves as part of the anointed intellectual class and that requires them to avoid certain truths, so they avoid them. No one in their circles ever chide them for it, so it doesn’t bother them.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Jack Dodsen
1 hour ago

This is a very harsh view Jack. These guys are nothing if not scientific. The problem is that they do all the statistics and then make magical policy conclusions in spite of the data/results.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Captain Willard
38 minutes ago

Harsh and true. There is no magic involved, only convenience. They have the data and understand it.

Reply to  Captain Willard
25 minutes ago

Captain: Harsh but true. Sailer is more than aware of the black propensity for violence, the Jewish and Asian propensity for ethnic nepotism, and the Mestizo propensity for both. He is only ‘scientific’ when it suits him, and he regards all people as fungible if they share his sensibilities and conception of intellect. Sailer pretends to be self-effacing but is actually quite arrogant in which data he deigns to use and which data he determinedly ignores.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
29 minutes ago

All of this talk of equality versus inequalilty is really something of a red herring. Far more important is difference versus sameness. Frankly, it doesn’t bother me that Indians in AINO earn more, on average, than whites. Hell, more power to ’em. What does bother me is their aesthetic and cultural difference. I simply don’t want to live in a nation where I’m surrounded by groups who are radically different from my group, which is whites. And that difference cannot be remedied by government programs and social engineering. It is ineradicable.

Last edited 29 minutes ago by Ostei Kozelskii
Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
25 minutes ago

Color-blind sounds nice, but its wildly unrealistic. Good whites need to realize, they may pretend to be color-blind, but the blacks, browns, and yellows are, in fact, color-obsessed. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Color-blindness was a luxury for a majority white country; One could pretend to be color-blind, back in the day, because it wasn’t often that one’s prejudices were confirmed because there was not a great deal of interaction with blacks, or browns, or yellows. Now-a-days, our prejudices are confirmed daily, by incompetent blacks, incompetent and weasely pajeets, and competent but selfish yellows. Oh – and… Read more »

1 hour ago

We’re well beyond race with this lunacy. Males and females are fungible commodities. Obese and skinny are ideal morphologies. Bring out Diana Moon Glampers who I imagine resembles Admiral Levine in appearance.

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  DaBears
1 hour ago

Even Kurt Vonnegut’s fertile imagination couldn’t have dreamed up Admiral Levine and the current clown world.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Tom K
1 hour ago

Player Piano was a decent attempt to predict where we are today.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Tom K
1 hour ago

He probably wouldn’t have gone so far as to make Levine and Milley high school classmates

David Wright
Reply to  DaBears
1 hour ago

Thanks for the Glampers reference.

N.S. Palmer
1 hour ago

I must disagree with the idea that “It is a binary issue. You either … think it is immoral to make decisions based on race [or] reject the idea that this behavior is immoral.” It’s perfectly consistent to think that large population groups differ in average traits, but also that individual people should be judged as individuals. If all we know about people is that they’re in group X, then it’s justified to treat them on that basis until we know more. As John Derbyshire pointed out before he was purged by National Review, if we’re suddenly surrounded by a… Read more »

Last edited 1 hour ago by N.S. Palmer
Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  N.S. Palmer
14 minutes ago

“It’s common sense to treat people as individuals as long as it’s not suicidally crazy to do so.” When I screen candidates for a technical position, if I can tell with high probability they are a black or African, I won’t waste my time with a phone interview. That is common sense. When something has been confirmed over and over and over in sixty years of real-life experience its common sense to use that experience as one’s guide. Sure, when one knows a person, like Thomas Sowell, or Walter Williams, or my old Platoon Sergeant and First Sergeant, then treat… Read more »

Reply to  N.S. Palmer
9 minutes ago

Your judging people as individuals is simply a high-minded way of proclaiming IKAGO. Like it or not, people’s potential (good and bad) is a product of their genetics, and their living up or down to that potential is affected by environment. Thomas Sowell, Mr. Magic IKAGO himself, refuses to acknowledge the racial IQ gap and instead blames black pathologies on White ‘hillbilly/redneck culture.’ He cannot and will not acknowledge genetic racial reality because he has black children and grandchildren. And since reversion to the mean is real, why would a White want Sowell or his family as neighbors? Exceptions merely… Read more »

1 hour ago

Of course, the origin of all this madness is the magical negro. And it’s all just devolving into a racial spoils system now that proverbial “melting pot” is super duper sized. It’s beyond tragic the legacy White population sat back and allowed it to happen. Future generations, as they decline are going to pay a heavy price.

Reply to  usNthem
1 hour ago

The origin of this madness is currently genociding Palestinians in Palestine and now Lebanon. They aim to do the same to Europeans. Only the means differ.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  usNthem
1 hour ago

And just who promoted and continues to promote the Magic Negro. Did black writers, producers and directors make movie after movie with the Magic Negro? Is it black-owned media outlets that employ black writers complaining about white racism?

Don’t blame the dancing monkey. Blame the dancing monkey’s owner.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
20 minutes ago

Blame both. Would that the sea-faring Portuguese had never landed in Africa.

1 hour ago

One word to destroy a civilization: this is the power of spells. It is also, the power of story, as the human operating system.

Humans think in ideograms, in camps, clusters, connotations. This unique spell sets up a kind of schizophrenia, or doublethink, or reverbrating cognitive dissonance.

How to defeat this one, ONE, word?
The word, the concept, “racism”.
As if that were a bad thing, not a natural, necessary fence, a thing to be honored.

Perhaps, by recognizing it is seen as a good in nonwhites, and a sin in whites.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Alzaebo
Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
1 hour ago

I see it more as ternary than binary. At one end you’ve got a vocal minority with control of mass media and organs of propaganda and brainwashing such as schools and universities, who maintain that race is a “social construct”, that it’s just skin-deep, that the dark-skinned have suffered from centuries of persecution and discrimination. Then you have the vast bovine herds of white Americans in the middle, who can sense at some level that there are differences in behavior among the races but aren’t smart or vigorous enough to make their way to the relevant literature by people like… Read more »

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
31 minutes ago

I dont have a problem with other races, i just dont want to live among them. In their own cultures and lands, have at it, create what they want.
Just let me and my descendants do the same.
They insist on not doing that, and to live in my culture and lands and in many instances harm me and my descendants , therefore we must find a way to seperate lest both my culture and theirs be destroyed.
Until a large portion of whites start to think this way we will continue down the path of perdition.

44 minutes ago

In fairness, Rufo probably understands this, but the money in seeming to not understand it is too good to turn down. The default DR position is that these stances are genuine moral expressions and not the result of financial incentive. This is particularly true when it comes to the subject of race, where having your color-blindness recognized, particularly by a numinous negro, provides a strong dopamine rush for most. If you’ve partaken in any normie-con media in the past week or two, you’ve seen it on full display. A slightly larger sliver of the black male population will vote for… Read more »

46 minutes ago

Let me repeat without the blather:

“Racism”, a natural and necessary fence, is seen as a good in nonwhites and as a sin in whites.

Reconciling public policy with an individual ethic is impossible;
the underlying assumption is that whiteness is the sin…

(We live by the strictures of ancient racial politics.
This is the crack in the foundation; Aryan whites were seen as the Original Sin.
They then proffered a cure: raise another people as First above the Aryan whites.)

Last edited 13 minutes ago by Alzaebo
Ostei Kozelskii
52 minutes ago

Trust versus distrust? I’m afraid we Traditionalists are well beyond that. We actively reject the “institutions.”

1 hour ago

The corporations now are openly embracing — and even publicizing — a No Need to Apply policy concerning white males, and for decades have excluded white males from hiring and advancement. What’s that tell us? It tells us that the Prog Religion that long ago conquered the country is, chiefly, a two-pronged attack: first, degrade and exclude males. This is the feminist pogrom that’s been in ascendency for half-a-decade now. Second, fine-tune the feminist position by including whites in the satanic equation. To be sure, white WOMEN are still very much being embraced (and hired) by the corporations. They rule… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  ray
52 minutes ago

I’m not sure if ironic is the right word or not, but it’s certainly remarkable that there are no more eager and rigid enforcers of the pro dieversity, anti white male system than AWFLs.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 minutes ago

They are affluent because they are female. When they also come for white women, which I suspect happens soon, many of them will sing a different tune.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  ray
5 minutes ago

“White males need not apply” probably works OK in a non-technical bullshi* business and among the suits. But any technical business will decline inverse relation to the number of white males in the workforce. Find a black CNC programmer, or a brown one who can actually put out working code when needed.

1 hour ago

The, “Rufo Position”, which you point out well predates him, is the Regime Orthodoxy. That orthodoxy is moralism and moralizing. The RP is saying, “Racism is bad. You are being racist therefore you are bad.” He is no different than Jesse Jackson in that regard. One quibble is Jackson rallied mobs to chant that our civilization must be destroyed. Rufo, just ignores that issue all together and thus permits its demolition. In terms of the moralizing, The Radical Egalitarians have the power so their accusations have tremendous consequences and weight. The Leftists, (Rufo, Con Inc., JK Rowling, Musk, … …),… Read more »

Last edited 1 hour ago by RealityRules
Mr. House
Mr. House
1 hour ago

Has anyone noticed that the FED cut rates .50 and………. rates have gone up! People in the financial sphere are shocked they cut .50 when the stock market is booming and unemployment is so low, i take a different view. 2020 was a financial event, with exaggerated flu, fear porn, and bullying. They cut .5 to see how much control they have, and if you take the reaction of rates, i’d say slim to none. Don’t think we’ll have much longer to wait for this stupid system to totally destroy itself

Last edited 1 hour ago by Mr. House
Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Mr. House
38 minutes ago

I took a chance staying in the money markets. Maybe it’s going to pay off. More lucky than smart.

31 seconds ago

[…] ZMan cuts to the chase. […]

Tars Tarkas
21 minutes ago

Though not strictly race based, the true believers really do believe the magic dirt theory with regards to ethnicity. All these Chinese spies being hired in our government is a great example. The identity of the Israeli plans to attack Iran leaker has been released and it’s, surprise surprise, an Iranian high up in the Pentagon.

Ariane Tabatabai, an Iranian lesbian is a senior Pentagon staffer. You cannot make this shit up.

Last edited 20 minutes ago by Tars_Tarkusz
34 minutes ago

People like Rufo only have agency if they can help instigate an authoritarian society in which jackboots enforce their policy-of-the-day, such as forced compliance with their rules. And in their mind, this enforcement is mild and just. Until it isn’t. Cancel culture anyone? And we cannot resolve this dichotomy with words. Sorry, but that’s just the way it is. Eventually, the solution gets existential and man-made selection must step in where nature is no longer able to help us. 4S & focus will arrive sooner than you think.

35 minutes ago

The trouble with blacks and whites is on an individual basis it can work but on a group basis it can’t. There is a spectrum So the issue can never be solved, as it were. A guy can hate what blacks represent in terms of all the costs and social burdens and the crime but then sit back having a beer and strike up a conversation with a black guy and have a great time. But as soon as five white guys wander in, he gets nervous, and vice versa. But there is much more to it. It is a… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
1 hour ago

“Regardless of motivations, the people promoting the concept of a colorblind society are unwilling to address the root causes”.
This is not so much about causes as it is about effects. Rufo and his ilk are basically tasked with defending the status quo: the distribution of economic and political power. Defending the status quo is about defending the moral foundation of the System. If the System is colorblind, then the power distribution is moral, right? The alternative – tribalism – would likely yield a vastly different distribution of power.

Mr. House
Mr. House
1 hour ago

discussion of the FED is taboo Zman?

Greg Nikolic
1 hour ago

The polls show that trust in almost every sector of society — from the media to elected leaders — is on the decline. Fed a steady stream of lies for so long, the average person feels like a Bobo doll that’s been punched around. The institutions that no longer have trust can only regain it through continued examples of scrupulous honesty. But the mass media, for instance, is addicted to slanting the news. It’s hard to break an addiction. Not until the newspapers and TV stations are teetering on bankruptcy will change happen. Media executives must get it in their… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Greg Nikolic
1 hour ago

“Not until the newspapers and TV stations are teetering on bankruptcy will change happen.”

You never really understood what the bailouts in 08 were huh? Same for the people that say go woke go broke. They all went broke in 08, the entire corporate system. They’re still here, but yeah go woke go broke. Stupid and woke will increase until they can no longer print money. I’d argue woke comes directly from the government, and if you want a chance at bailout money you better virtue signal damnit. Idiots

Last edited 1 hour ago by Mr. House
Phineas McSneed
Phineas McSneed
Reply to  Greg Nikolic
1 hour ago

Apparently you didn’t read the article. Those polls don’t correspond to reality. A small % of people say they trust the media in polls, but when the media told them covid was the new black plague, the overwhelming majority bought it.

As for the idea that the media will realize they were wrong to lie and reform at some point, keep huffing that copium. I’m sure there will be a big Nuremberg 2.0 for covid as well, where everyone who perpetrated the lie confesses and cries or is put in jail. Keep dreaming.