Interesting Times

Note: Behind the green door I have a post about the latest drama in the latest version of the new right, a post about how the Battle of Agincourt helps explain why politician die in office and the Sunday podcast. Subscribe here or here.

We are eight days from the most important election ever, which is what they say about every presidential election. This one could actually turnout to be pivotal as part of the collection of presidential elections that define the Trump era. The results next week, or the following week if we get more shenanigans, will determine which way the political process goes the next decade. Like him or hate him, Trump is the most consequential political figure of this century so far.

The next week could be wild, if the past week is an indication. Trump is scheduled to do a rally in New Mexico and in Virginia, two states no one thought would be in play a month ago, but now may be up for grabs. Harris is coming off one of the worst weeks in politics, but her campaign keeps finding new ways to stumble, so this week could bring fresh idiocy to the race. Over the weekend she was booed at an event in Philadelphia, a thing that is becoming a thing for her.

The handicappers, even those who want Harris to win, are slowly lining up behind the idea of a Trump victory. Everything seems to be breaking his way right now, while everything is going wrong for Harris. Poll after poll in key states move in Trump’s direction and now, we have three new states in the toss-up column. New Hampshire, New Mexico and Virginia are now in the gray zone. Whether Trump wins any of them is still in doubt, but it is the movement that matters.

Of course, all of this is against the backdrop of 2020, where a tidal wave of fraud made it the least trusted result since 1960. Even if you reject the fraud claims, it was an election that featured many never-before-seen anomalies. For example, Arizona, another swing state, saw a 38% increase in voter turnout. In 2016, Trump won 1,252,401 votes and in 2020 he got 1,661,686 but still lost. Overall, the 2020 election saw the biggest spike in turnout ever and no one asks why.

We are already seeing signs of shenanigans aimed at adding enough new ballots to the Harris pile to overcome the Trump increase. Authorities in Lancaster County Pennsylvania unearthed a vote fraud scheme. Ballot harvesting is a form of fraud in which runners are given pre-filled out ballots and walking around money to then get signatures by registered voters in ghetto areas. It starts with first getting a voter registered, whether the voter exists or not.

What we saw in 2020 is not just about that election and the claims surrounding it, but about understanding subsequent elections. Polling, for example, depends on models of the electorate, which are created using past election data. If the 2020 data is riddled with unexplained and potentially unexplainable anomalies, how can a polling company build a reliable model of the electorate? The answer is you cannot, and they have no way to poll the fraud shops producing fake ballots either.

That means there are two angles to the polling. The one angle is figuring the margin of fraud in each of these states, then adjusting the polls accordingly. In Pennsylvania, Trump needs a two- or three-point margin to cover the fraud. In Wisconsin, the margin of fraud is about one point. The other angle is the polls themselves may have to be adjusted to account for the fraud they are including in their models. Trump consistently outperforms the polling. How much will he outperform this time?

This is the high cost of official corruption. When it is people trying to undermine the rules and the authorities working to stop them, the general public can trust the results, even accepting some problems. When it is the authorities subverting the rules for their own gain, then no one can trust anything. This is because you have no basis of comparison, as the base condition is assumed to be corrupt. We may never trust our elections again due to the 2020 shenanigans.

All of that aside, you would want to be Donald Trump right now, as far as the election, rather than Kamala Harris. An honest look at the polls, adjusting for shenanigans, puts Trump at 262 electoral college votes and Harris at 209. The states that are too close to call as of this writing are WI, MI, PA, VA and NV. If New Hampshire and New Mexico are in play, then it is worse for Harris. That means Trump needs one win to regain the presidency, and Harris needs to run the table.

Then there is the energy. The Trump campaign is resembling the 2016 election with Trump barnstorming the country drawing massive crowds. He was just in New York City doing an event at a sold-out Madison Square Garden. Harris is forced to announce fake concerts to trick people into showing up at her events. She got booed vigorously at that Houston event as a result. The energy around the Harris campaign is all negative energy, which is never a good thing.

There is a strong Howard Dean vibe to the Harris campaign. She has never won a competitive race. She was handed the senate seat by the Democratic Party machine in California because she was highly controllable. Of course, she famously flamed out in the 2020 presidential primary. She was handed the nomination this time when they pushed Biden over the edge. Her entire existence as a political figure rests on a mass media operation to conceal the reality of her support.

Of course, there is the other shenanigans. States like Michigan and Pennsylvania rely on the party machine to “get out the vote” for the Democrat. Both states have Democrat governors with eyes on the 2028 nomination. If Harris wins the election, then the political career of Gretchen Whitmer and Josh Shapiro come to an end. They will be too old and too forgotten in 2032. There are also forces in Washington who would like to be rid of Harris and her people too.

That is why Trump is the bettering favorite right now. The betting markets have Trump with a 62% chance of winning. All the things people look at to determine the shape of the race favor Trump, other than the shenanigans. This may be why the billionaire owners of the LA Times and Washington Post told their editorial staff to cancel the Harris endorsements. Maybe the oligarchs are sending a message to the political class that they want to see Trump win.

The English-speaking world is sure the Chinese have a curse that says, “May you live in interesting times.” The Chinese have no such curse, but we assume they should, so we insist on it anyway. Regardless, we live in an interesting time and the next two weeks, assuming more election shenanigans, promises to be very interesting. In the fullness of time, we may look back and say this was the most consequential election in history or the last election in our history.

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joey jünger
joey jünger
2 hours ago

A much bigger question than “Will there be shenanigans” is “Will someone more competent than a mongoloid on a slanted roof take another shot at Trump”? He’s going to need the papal plexiglass bubble from now on. He might also want to keep someone around as a burger-tester, maybe Lloyd Austin or Mark Miley since both men look like they can put them away. If I were one of Trump’s enemies right now, I would frankly be very, very worried about the possibility of him being killed. Trump is the first American politician in my lifetime—maybe the only one—to have… Read more »

Reply to  joey jünger
2 hours ago

“MSNBC, the New York Times, and The Atlantic”
Literally the exact three main “information streams” my boomer parents spend hours being brainwashed most days 😩

Reply to  MysteriousOrca
2 hours ago

Spent the weekend with the folks: They watch Newsmax.

Agitprop? Of course!

Also: no race mixing or non-traditional couples in the advertisements.

So that was nice.

joey jünger
joey jünger
Reply to  ProZNoV
1 hour ago

In chess terms, normies are the pawns. And as any good chess player knows, pawns, when used correctly, are the most powerful pieces on the board. A bunch of normies showing up in the Capitol to take selfies scared our rulers more than decades of Larping by the Richard Spencer / Stormfront types. There’s a lesson there for anyone not too daft. Forgive me for sounding a little Frank Capra-ish/Pollyannaish (Christmas is still a couple months away) but honest and decent people can defeat powerful forces if those forces have grown degenerate and lazy enough in their corruption. We seem… Read more »

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  joey jünger
1 hour ago

The second prong required is a rogue elite element, and that seems to be forming.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  ProZNoV
1 hour ago

I am not aware of any major English language news outfit that isn’t pure propaganda. Americans and English speakers in general are awash in propaganda.

Reply to  joey jünger
1 hour ago

I certainly hope Antifa starts rioting…because I believe that tolerance for those clowns has pretty much evaporated…If a few of their leaders met their demise, I think the whole movement would evaporate….

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  joey jünger
1 hour ago

Halloween is dying because it has become National Gibsmedat Day for the little coonlets, and as often as not, varmints considerably longer in the tusk.

joey jünger
joey jünger
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 hour ago

That’s the social element I mentioned. Robert Putnam, author of “Bowling Alone” noted the “trick or treater” effect, but of course had to ignore the cause. He knew diversity and social cohesion are inversely correlated, but also knew he wanted to be put up in nice hotels and get decent speaking fees, and there’s only room in that ecosystem for one Charles Murray.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
9 minutes ago

That and the stores here already put the Chinese plastic Christmas crap out last weekend.

Reply to  joey jünger
46 minutes ago

The idea of seeing Rachel Maddow manacled in some rat-infested Bastille warms the cockles of my heart.

You’re gonna make me get all misty!

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
2 hours ago

It’s likely the last real presidential election for legacy Americans. The demographics and voter fraud will be too much to overcome for any GOP candidate in four years, certainly in eight. The Harris campaign is run by incompetents, while Harris is stunningly terrible. Even Dems acknowledge this. Trump is the finest campaigners since, at least, Reagan. Yet, the race is still a toss-up. What happens in four years when you have more typical candidates? What happens in four years when Georgia, Virginia and Arizona are all a bit more Hispanic? What happens as white Boomers die off? What happens is… Read more »

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 hours ago

Agreed except for the last full sentence. It’s been over for a long, long time.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jack Dodsen
2 hours ago

True, but it’ll be official when the presidency (and thus the Supreme Court) becomes a one-party office.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 hours ago

Yes, that. Even the Zombie United States ends at that point.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 hour ago

And then we start seeing States like Texas and Alaska seceding…

Reply to  pyrrhus
1 hour ago

Texas was officially 39.7% non-hispanic White in 2020. Today – easily down to 36%. All the old White repukes (backers of such ‘staunch’ cuckservatards as Kay Bailey Hutchison, John Cornyn, and Greg Abbott) are dying off. The state is chock full of Californians, Han, and subcons. No way Texas ever secedes.

Reply to  3g4me
1 hour ago

@3g4me — Only if it’s to rejoin Mexico. 😉

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  3g4me
1 hour ago

You saved me the trouble. I will note, though, that Texas is vast and large swathes of East Texas and West Texas are unlike the state as a whole, so that does not preclude intrastate troubles and friction. Also, as dismal as it is, the cartels could effectively come to control the Rio Grande Valley and perhaps Houston (this already is happening on a limited basis). Texas is a deeply troubled state but Austin, as is the case with D.C., may find itself limited in exerting complete authority.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  pyrrhus
1 hour ago

As the federal govt becomes less competent and less respected by whites, I suspect that states or regions will take on more responsibilities. How far that goes is anyone’s guess.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  pyrrhus
53 minutes ago

My prediction (which requires a hypothetical Trump victory) is that the first to go is Vermont. Or maybe Rhode Island. Perhaps even Oregon. Hawaii also a possibility. Heavy corporate presence in CA, WA, MA and other shitlib states would prevent them from seceding, at least initially.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 hour ago

It already is. The Uniparty. The notion of political pluralism is kabuki for the Grillers.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 hour ago

Seems to me that over decades political parties change their policies until they find something close to a 50%/50% split. No party is currently advocating repatriation of blacks to Africa or women not being able to vote (unfortunately), because they would get 5% of the vote, although those were within the Overton Window in the past. I’m having a hard time imagining exactly what policies the Republican party (or whatever the relatively right wing party is) will have to get ~50% of the vote in twenty years in a white-minority nation, but my guess is that they’ll come up with… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  MysteriousOrca
1 hour ago

Did the GOP come up with something in California?

It will take decades for either party to fully realize that the Dems can’t lose the presidency. The GOP will simply think that it’s a bad run.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
22 minutes ago

The GOP in California is completely irrelevant. San Diego County, which was the last stronghold. is now controlled by Democrats. The San Diego city council is all Democrats, the mayor is a homosexual part Filipino and even the County Board of Supervisors is majority Democrat.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 hour ago

According to Armstrong’s AI model, the US starts breaking up after 2032, (which would be healthy IMO)…But it now thinks there is a good likelihood that there will be no elections in 2028 due to war breaking out as the neocons currently plan….
I think the old America was destroyed by FDR, resuscitated by Ike in part, and permanently killed with the 5 bullets that killed JFK…

feles harenae
feles harenae
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 hour ago

This is a depressing prospect, but I think you’re right and it has me seriously considering what to do and where to go with the rest of my life. In another 20 years, I’ll be an old man. The prospect of spending the last decade or two of my life where nothing works in a country that hates me has me seriously considering if it’s worth leaving now before things get much worse. I know there really aren’t any good options as far as where to go, but I’ve traveled enough to know that there are many places better than… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  feles harenae
1 hour ago

It doesn’t have to be a Mad Max scenario. Mexico still functions. Brazil still functions. A minority white US will still function. It’ll even have lots of places that remain pretty normal, i.e., pretty white.

But, overall, it’ll be a crappier place with much more corruption, crime and inequality.

Reply to  feles harenae
52 minutes ago

I think the best-case scenario is a complete collapse of the federal government and the states step in to take over most of its responsibilities, as the Founders intended. What reemerges is greatly weakened and stays in its lane (foreign policy, defense, coinage, etc). The worst-case scenario is nationwide anarcho-tyranny ruled by a certain small minority and administered by various dusky underlings. Imagine an incompetent and corrupt version of the Dominion from Star Trek DS9 with the tribe acting as the shape-shifting Founders, the talented tenth of various dusky Third Worlders as the Vorta and the sub-80 IQ remainder as… Read more »

Reply to  feles harenae
20 minutes ago

It would be difficult to relocate to a non-English-speaking country and all of them are on the same path.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
35 minutes ago

“…the race is still a toss-up…” Don’t believe the polls. That is the first problem. They are all bought and paid for. He who pays the piper calls the tunes, as they say. You will in this week see them close in upon the winner. That is because they are at this point ineffectual for what the were paid to “predict” and are attempting to recoup some semblance of credibility for the next electoral season. This is common and understood. For example, in 2016, one national poll had Clinton 10-12 points ahead of Trump 10 days prior to Election Day,… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
27 minutes ago

The only way to prevent this is a massive deportation of all those here illegally or who have obtained citizenship fraudulently. This will require massive law enforcement, possibly the military, possibly lethal force, ignoring judicial orders, and arresting those who obstruct the process (including Republicans). It will require removing those in the federal bureaucracy who obstruct the process (there will be large numbers). The corporations that fund both parties will oppose the program. Does anyone think that Trump has the gonads implement such a plan? Remember, he couldn’t even deport the Dreamers, who are blatantly here illegally. Of course, his… Read more »

Neoliberal Feudalism
1 hour ago

I’ve posed this question to a lot of people, and havn’t received any halfway-decent responses. The U.S. has a $2 trillion dollar deficit sitting on top of a $35 trillion dollar national debt. It has persistently high inflation that it can’t solve without hiking interest rates much further, which it can’t do because then the economy would fall apart. 20 million illegals were let into the country in the last four years alone and there are 50+ million illegals overall. If Trump wins he will likely try for some actions – there *is* a national level intra-elite competition happening, which… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Neoliberal Feudalism
50 minutes ago

Agreement that Trump, if victorious, will be the fall guy for the inevitable economic troubles to come, seems pretty widespread on the DR.

2 hours ago

I posted this here last week, but posting again for those that didn’t see it. Might post again later in the week too: It’s my impression that some people here don’t intend to vote, either on the perception that it’s a waste of time because it makes no difference (policy never changes no matter who is in office, they’ll rig it anyway with fake votes), or because it actively harms by giving legitimacy to and participating in the GAE. But I do invite anyone reading this to vote, especially if you are registered (or can still register) in a battleground… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  MysteriousOrca
2 hours ago

I would say Point 1 is incorrect. The first Trump term did not slow down the insanity, it inspired the “left” to increase it. In fact, the 2016 result was the thing that really mentally broke them and sent them over the edge. This suggests a “lie down and take it, they’ll be harder on you if you fight” mentality, but they’re so deranged now that it doesn’t really matter anymore whether or not you “fight,” they will be vindictive either way.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
2 hours ago

In 2021-2024, the Federal Dem regime has taken huge steps towards destroying the country – 1. importing who knows how millions criminals and other peasants and spreading them around swing states, extra-white states, and sparsely populated red states 2. use the FBI, DOJ, and other mechanisms to jail and otherwise destroy right wing public figures and activists 3. spending trillions we don’t have and triggering a massive spike in inflation 4. spending money on DEI bs instead for say infrastructure 5. dooming the US economy by forcing the rest of the world out of the dollar-based world economy with stupid… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  MysteriousOrca
1 hour ago

Points 2, 3, and 4 were all going full speed during the Trump admin. 5 also, to some extent. Point 1 is the only one where Trump stops the bleeding, but after the last 4 years it’s already too far gone to matter.

Reply to  MysteriousOrca
1 hour ago

Easily fixed, however, if Trump is ruthless enough…That Pentagon order about using the military against American citizens (illegal of course under Posse Comitatus) would come in handy against these alien invaders….Ike used a General to deport 1.4 million Mexicans in 4 months…

Reply to  pyrrhus
1 hour ago

Posse Comitatus probably does not apply to using the military against illegal aliens…

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 hour ago

The Biden regime FedGov arrested, prosecuted, and jailed normal people like you and me for walking outside the capitol building, praying, posting memes, and going to school board meetings. The Trump admin did none of those things. There is a difference.

Last edited 1 hour ago by MysteriousOrca
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 hour ago

That was not a bad thing at all…Trump brought them out of the shadows, and exposed their ultimate plans….

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
19 minutes ago

Yes, so bring it, muhf**kers, I want our people riled up, aware, and pissed.
This slave mentality shit has got to go.
In our time, not our grandkids time, we’re going to take the hits.

We account for 8% of global population, but white kids are at 3%.
Half of the next generation is sterile, so we’re already dead men.

Last edited 4 minutes ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  MysteriousOrca
2 hours ago

I’m not voting for Trump because I refuse to reward treachery and incompetence. 2017-2021 was an unmitigated disaster and a complete and total wasted opportunity. Because the right refused to shun that orange clown after he left office, it tells me all I need to know about it’s character. i feel a total sense of alienation from the stupidity and lack of seriousness on the right. i fully expect 2025-2029 to be even worse than his first term, to be followed by a complete electoral wipe-out for the right Election Day 2028. The right is simply too dumb to ever… Read more »

Reply to  Blasphemous
2 hours ago

Got a few members of the Blackpill Lives Matter movement here today I see

Reply to  MysteriousOrca
2 hours ago

The ultimate defeatism is the belief that worthless clown is the only thing that can save us.

Reply to  Blasphemous
11 minutes ago

Well, if Israel get stomped, those poor little old grannies will need more than a meal, they’ll need plane tickets and your house.

Reply to  Blasphemous
2 hours ago

“Replaced” by you?

Reply to  Blasphemous
17 minutes ago

I prefer Trump but also think he is completely unreliable. Because I live in California, which Trump could not carry even if he ran against Vlad the Impaler, I could vote third party without fear I was throwing the state to harris.

Reply to  MysteriousOrca
1 hour ago

Even though I have little to no faith that the result of the election will make any difference, I hope Trump wins just to spite our enemies.

The Leftist freaks will have a meltdown if Trump wins.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Federalist
1 hour ago

Some of them will probably die from cardiovascular events, and I am not joking. So, in a sense, the only legal way of offing those vermin is by electing–if it’s still possible–politicians who send them uncheckable paroxysms. This may be the only reason to vote. And that said, I’m still undecided on whether I’ll go to the polls on election day.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
55 minutes ago

The land whale-ettes who expire in front of their computer screens might number in the thousands.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
9 minutes ago

Same-same. The mouse flipping the finger to the eagle.

Last edited 8 minutes ago by Alzaebo
george 1
george 1
Reply to  Federalist
48 minutes ago

Just look at what happened last time. If Trump wins much the country will go stark raving mad.

Reply to  Federalist
15 minutes ago

Think of how many have promised to leave the county if Trump wins. Addition by subtraction! Of course, none of them are going anywhere except back to their luxury mansions.

2 hours ago

The only thing that matters is preserving the American Nation (the American people). This includes not just our people as a majority but also our local territories. This means a total halt to immigration and mass peaceful deportation as well as whatever-is-required cartel uprooting and banishment.

Clearly Trump is the only hope for that. Even if he wins, it isn’t a guarantee. Do Americans have the will? Does Trump and his new friends have the will? Do they even have the desire?

3 hours ago

I think the biggest procedural issue is whether you assume the fraud (which is a given at this point) is bottom-up or top-down. 2020 was bottom-up. It was an emergent phenomenon — various poll workers Did What They Had To ™ in order to Save Our Democracy ™; had the shenanigans taken place somewhere like Venezuela, even the Left would’ve laughed at how transparent it was. My contention has always been that it’s psychologically impossible for the Left to go all-in on top-down Fortification — “we don’t rig elections,” the emotional logic runs, “because that’s what BAD people do.” The… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
2 hours ago

Why can’t it be both? It’s not a coincidence that the needed to win districts in the swing states went their way, usually after a break and reset in counting. That indicates top down. But make no mistake, you know that many a local Shaniqwa, Lupe and Becky took it upon themselves to ensure lots of ballots were fortified for democracy. This go around the question will be how much top down will be used, but I don’t have any doubt there will still be a metric ton of bottom up from the left because after all, they are battling… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Severian
2 hours ago

No reason to go to such lengths. Demographics will ensure a Dem victory soon enough. Georgia, Arizona and North Carolina will continue to become more Hispanic and less white. Sooner or later, they will go blue, and it’s over.

Reply to  thezman
1 hour ago

In the before times, people like the AP ran stories like this: ALICE, Texas (AP) — In 1977, Associated Press reporter James W. Mangan’s exclusive interview with a South Texas election judge who detailed certifying false votes for Lyndon B. Johnson nearly three decades earlier made headlines across the country. With the win by an 87-vote margin in the 1948 Democratic primary runoff, Johnson, then a congressman, easily defeated his Republican opponent to take a seat in the U.S. Senate, and he eventually ascended to the presidency. Mangan spent three years pursuing the story, which pulled back the curtain on… Read more »

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  thezman
1 hour ago

TPTB in 2020 were worried about the amount of outrage it had generated, and decided to put its thumb on the scales. After all, Normie Boomercon isn’t going to riot let alone secede, but leftists are so emotive they can’t be trusted not to force a brutal crackdown. I initially discounted that fraud had occurred at the scale it did, but when the motive for widespread cheating became apparent it made perfect sense. This time around, it doesn’t seem like TPTB care all that much, largely because there just isn’t as much passion involved. Of course, that doesn’t preclude emergent… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
12 minutes ago

Every fraud-enhancing measure is legal in California, including ballot harvesting. Coming soon to a state near you.

Reply to  Severian
2 hours ago

“We don’t rig elections” is pure boomer projection. The left-wing establishment has no such compunctions. When the left repeats such claims, it’s only to reinforce that conditioning.

Reply to  Gideon
1 hour ago

Boomer schmoomer. My “Silent” gen father screamed at me during the lockdown era, about how he “could not wait” to get “vaccinated” … “my government has never lied to me, have you ever heard of the polio vaccine..” This lunacy is not just relegated to those born from 1946 on, and lumping in people that were an infant of one years, when the 1965 evil went down … just keeps the shit-stains off the Silents, where they belong. It was the generation of my Silent parents that embraced ‘divorce doesn’t hurt children’ — jerking off to Playboy, etc. They enjoyed… Read more »

Reply to  Owlman
1 hour ago

I meant boomer as a mindset, not a specific age group. Boomers, as such, had no direct role in the 1965 Immigration Act. The voters are nowadays largely ignored in any event. Trump at least talks about their concerns.

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  Owlman
53 minutes ago

You really can’t blame Boomers for anything that happened prior to the early 90s. Legislatively, most of the rot was baked into the cake long before that.

Of course they haven’t exactly covered themselves with glory in the last 30 years…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Gideon
56 minutes ago

Quite right. The entire history of the New Left–and not just in electoral politics–is of a completely amoral, the-end-justifies-the-means approach. There is not a Leftist in AINO who would lose a minute’s sleep knowing his people stole the election from Trump. When Hitler’s Ghost haunts the West in perpetuity, you have the green light to do anything you dam’ well please to send it back to the sepulchre.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
3 hours ago

“Her entire existence as a political figure rests on a mass media operation to conceal the reality of her support.” And to conceal that’s she’s an utter cipher in herself, who doesn’t know anything, can’t talk about anything, and has no experience of anything. Her “campaign” has no policy platform (but then that also holds for Biden in 2020 and Hillary in 2016). That is to say, her campaign is entirely negative (“The alternative is appalling”). I note, with some schadenfreude, that the Wash Po has refused to endorse Harris. I hope Bezos administered a hard kick to Kagan’s ample… Read more »

Reply to  Arshad Ali
3 hours ago

Also, please note that for your records: Being completely wrong about everything in 20 years of war, getting untold numbers of people killed and maimed, plus a humiliating bugout that left billions of dollars’ worth of military hardware in our enemies’ hands: That’s no big deal. But your employer failing to publicly slobber over your preferred presidential candidate, now that’s worth resigning over!

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 hours ago

regardless of the fraud by dems, there is the problem of the gop being complicit (if not outright colluding) with the dems, in creating an oligarchical system. that makes the cheating a cafeteria food fight.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 hour ago

Yep. Mitch McConnell announced recently that he expected the GOP Senate would spend more time fighting Trump than Democrats. That told me that McConnell thinks there is at least a possibility Trump would be allowed back into office, so it is necessary to pre-announce his opposition to anything someone ostensibly in his own party may propose.

3 hours ago

The news of election fraud busts in PA make me think that Shapiro and maybe Whitmer are going to shut down their fraud machines this time.

Reply to  Maxda
2 hours ago

Maybe, but I’m cynical enough to assume it’s designed to preempt any complaints of fraud. “No sir, no fraud here. You see, we caught THE fraud ring prior to election day. We had the most free and fair election. Ever.”

Reply to  Maxda
2 hours ago

Lancaster is a Republican county. We saw similar efforts in Arizona during the 2020 election. It’s the honest election officials who are going to jail there. Arizona missed its chance to clean up their elections when they still had a Republican governor and legislature. Instead, they allowed themselves to be goaded into opening them up to fraud. In power Republicans focus on passing tax cuts, accommodating alien migrants, appointing non-white officeholders, and demonstrating how anti-racist they are. Then, when they inevitably find themselves out of office and under indictment, try to raise more money from their dazed supporters in order… Read more »

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Maxda
1 hour ago

Or they give half the fraudulent votes to Trump in order to conceal what is going on and just use the fraud machine to prop up house/senate democrats.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Maxda
44 minutes ago

I can see Shapiro shutting things down because he strikes me as a cynical opportunist.

Whitmer is a full-on lunatic true believer that is more likely to sacrifice her 2028 aspirations to stop Dorito Hitler.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
2 hours ago

Trump very well may be allowed to win, and it does not matter in the long term. Still there are good signs from the electorate, such as: Voters have blown off the warnings of incipient fascism. It may not be too long until they think the actual thing might not be so bad since the current form of totalitarianism does not work to their benefit. The important part is official propaganda is dismissed. Disgust with the system is widespread and deep. People largely tune out the noise–I think most actually don’t give a hot damn about the election outside of… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jack Dodsen
1 hour ago

That has been on my mind too, that we are finally seeing some cracks in the WW2 mythology, the Hitler booga booga no longer carrying the weight it once did. Perhaps due to overuse. Really it’s rather impressive that it was effective for as long as it was. Hopefully I don’t have to hear too many more Neville Chamberlain comparisons.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
53 minutes ago

Information velocity has decreased the shelf life of myth. For example, the claim that “we have to fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here” draws derision in large part due inability to hide they are in fact here.

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
2 hours ago

More than usual, I’m looking forward to your writing and podcasting the next couple of weeks.

2 hours ago

LanCo has the same problem as the rest of the country— Lancaster has been abandoned. In the last 10 or so years, it’s been turned into San Juan with high rise condos.

The solution is simple but scary, I get it: take back the fucking cities, stop building burbs and exurbs and work-from-home redoubts. White flight is white genocide, to borrow a couple of terms.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Paintersforms
Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
1 hour ago

When you’re running against Hitler you have a moral obligation to steal the election, with a clear conscience. Or, if you’re just saying he’s Hitler and don’t really believe it, then you’re a liar who is dishonest enough to steal an election. This was also true in 2020. Multiple D governed states, PA, MI, AZ, NC, and also R run GA have announced it will take days or weeks to count the vote. Does any R, let alone Trump, ever win when the counting takes days or weeks? OTOH Trump has always outperformed his polling, and this time his polling… Read more »

2 hours ago

ACT BLUE money laundering. Something like $80 million went into Kamala’s reelection campaign virtually overnight when she announced. There were then stories about how Act Blue was using FEC donor lists to launder cash via small donors. I checked my own info: to my incredible surprise, Act Blue piggybacked on my information to make a $.25 donation and another $25 donation back in 2019. (I’d donated to Trump when I was ticked about the impeachment crap) Catching and jailing those responsible should be TRIVIALLY EASY. It’s just comparing databases. There’s probably billions that have been masked by this. Check out… Read more »

Bitter reactionary
Bitter reactionary
1 hour ago

I agree with those who say voting doesn’t solve our problems long-term, and also agree that the rigging will only get worse and might make voting moot. That said, I suspect there might be an upper fraud limit, and also that Trump in office could buy us some more time to prepare for the worst. Going out to vote for the Orange Man won’t cost me much time, and I’ll get to see whether as many degenerates show up at the polls as when weed was on the ballot here. Could be interesting. So, at the risk of legitimizing the… Read more »

2 hours ago

The destruction of public trust is intentional. Get everyone to hate everyone else and you get visceral anger begetting violence and mayhem. Then spin a media campaign that the plebs demand a return to order; and voila, in march the mercenary jackboots to save the day for a covert techno-tyranny. Next, ruthlessly crush dissent and lockdown the sheeple with a CBDC. That is our future unless we fight back. And not against each other, but focused on the root of the problem. Lamppost time.

25 minutes ago

One neat little factoid is that JD Vance’s wife is Vivek’s first cousin.

Vivek and Usha’s mothers are sisters.

Vivek’s mother, Geetha Chilukuri Ramaswamy, is sister to
Usha’s mother, Lakshimi Chilukuri.

(Vance’s real last name is Bowman.)

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Alzaebo
5 minutes ago

Vance named his middle child Vivek. I found this 3 month old msm article about what good buddies JD and Vivek are, but no mention of cousins.

JD And Usha Vance Have Closer Ties To Former Trump Rival Vivek Ramaswamy Than We Realized (

Ramaswamy’s parents immigrated from India to Cincinnati

Vivek Ramaswamy Parents: Vivek And Geetha Ramaswamy (

Last edited 2 minutes ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Alan Schmidt
2 hours ago

I would expect a strong increase in voting if you only have to mail in the ballot as opposed to being forced to drive to a voting booth. The number of legitimate ballots being mailed has the added benefit of being able to stuff far more fraudulent ballots without being noticed.

46 minutes ago

“…as the base condition is assumed to be corrupt. We may never trust our elections again due to the 2020 shenanigans.” In general, a good commentary. However, I must maintain from a measurement standpoint, you can’t “adjust” for shenanigans. “Shenanigans” is basically noise, or error and as such unknown and therefore not “adjustable”. All you can do is expand your confidence intervals wrt electoral prediction—margin of error so to speak. Since the electoral effect of shenanigans is pretty much impossible to ferret out (and therefore measure) due to today’s judicial system indifference we must turn to other means to insure… Read more »

2 hours ago

I am only barely interested enough in this upcoming election to read Zman’s commentary on it. In terms of policy, it is irrelevant who wins. The country and the culture will continue spiraling in the same perilous direction regardless of who the Puppet-in-Chief is. The main effect of a Trump victory will be to fool people into believing we’ve miraculously reversed course. Our momentum will nevertheless remain unchanged. If anything, should Trump prevail, it might actually hasten that momentum by breathing more life into the progressive animus that plays such an important role in our trajectory. No man on a… Read more »

Reply to  Wkathman
2 hours ago

I bet I win the most downvotes today. Even so-called dissidents can’t help but fall for the “vote harder” ruse. It seems that a mere handful of us have advanced to the other side of the farce known as electoral politics — the side where we reject the dog-and-pony show outright, if for no other reason than to avoid being played for a sap. More of you should come join the admittedly tiny few of us on this side. I promise you it’s not nearly as cold and frightening a place as you appear to presume.

Reply to  Wkathman
52 minutes ago

I’m totally there, and I agree you will get lots of downvotes – but if you’re like me, you won’t care. What counts is acknowledging reality, not upvotes from people high on hopium. “If we just get the right people in office . . . ” “Trump will clean house . . . ” etc. Demographics are destiny. Mestizos are not White. Indians (like Usha Vance) are not pro-White American patriots. AINO is about 53% White. But go ahead and knock yourselves out folks, and vote harder yet again.

Northern Observer
Northern Observer
Reply to  Wkathman
1 hour ago

You can hold all you positions and still vote in each electoral cycle.
The delusion is thinking that it is an either or problem instead of a both and problem.

Yes, there is no savior coming. Yes, local affairs and local organization are your most important efforts. It still doesn’t mean that opting out of the National Political Show is the smart thing to do. It is literally the least you can do – casting a ballot.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Northern Observer
Reply to  Northern Observer
1 hour ago

Even if the election mattered (which it doesn’t) . . . the odds of my one vote affecting the outcome of a presidential election are probably roughly the same as me winning the lottery. I don’t play the lottery. And I don’t vote. I know the odds.

Voting is mainly about the ego of the voter. It’s about little people who don’t matter much getting to believe for a moment that they are consequential. They are not. The technocrats who dominate the system will do what they want independent of any suggestions from the peanut gallery.

Reply to  Wkathman
16 minutes ago

I don’t know …. The technocrats seem to really not want Trump ….

Reply to  PrimiPilus
4 minutes ago

No. The technocrats seem to really want you and I and everyone else to beLIEve that they really don’t want Trump. These despots are pathological liars. Why would you buy any of their poses or pretenses? It seems to me that they value Trump quite immensely — as he so readily plays the Emmanuel Goldstein role they’ve fashioned for him.

The world is not as it has been presented to us.

Reply to  Wkathman
57 minutes ago

This. But Z’s commentariat definitely skews civnat when it comes to ‘the system’ and ‘vote harder.’

Reply to  3g4me
16 minutes ago

I salute you, 3g4me. By and large, most folks who are interested enough in these topics to read about them will feel a need to continue investing in the, as you rightly dub it, “hopium” of voting. I try not to condescend to such believers. Their faith in the system against everything else that they know is a bit innocent and charming to be honest. However, it’s hard not to sneer at Charlie Brown after the millionth or so time he’s missed that football Lucy was holding for him.

c matt
c matt
35 minutes ago

Like him or hate him, Trump is the most consequential political figure of this century so far.

Would agree he is the most consequential American political figure of this century. But Putin and Xi have legitimate claims too.

41 minutes ago

The changes to our voting system have made fraud easier than ever and harder than ever to prove. Plausible deniability is built into the system, as in 2020. It is the joker in this year’s presidential race.