2024: The Year In Review

As is tradition, the last post of the year is a review of and comment upon the predictions made in the first post of this year. Normally, the results are mixed, as even the most cautious prognosticator gets some things wrong. Caution is the key to being good at making predictions. Assume that nothing will happen, your dreams will be dashed, and everything will continue as before. You will be right ninety percent of the time, and you can pretend to be smart.

My biggest miss this year was the election. I did not think Trump could make it through the defensive lines of the system, but the guy not only beat the regime, he literally dodged bullets. This is an example of something no one could see coming, but a few people took a flyer on it and now walk around with their chest puffed out thinking they can see the future. The 2024 election is a good argument in favor of the idea we live in a simulation tinkered with by the people running it.

I also got the Democrat side wrong. Years of predicting Biden’s death by God or by the regime came up dry, so I finally capitulated and predicted Biden would continue but then he gets shoved aside. This gets overshadowed by the Trump drama but having a sitting president forced out of the race in the middle of the night is another one of those things that suggests we live in a simulation. Instead of just killing him off or having him retire gracefully, they staged a crazy weekend drama.

Another loser was my prediction on Argentina. I said the revolt would begin in the summer, but so far, no revolt. There were huge protests in the spring and summer, but no revolution. There are weird things turning up in the countryside, like a military base being sacked by an unknown guerilla group, but despite a lot of bad things happening in the economy, no revolt yet. This is one that you can keep betting, because history says it eventually ends in chaos.

I also got the whole Ozark Mountain Shark thing wrong. Paul did not have to start a cooking channel either, mostly due to the failure of Ozark Mountain Shark to make its appearance, but that was a risky call. Similarly, the Lagos sportsball squad did not win the Super Cup, The Dodgers won the Global Series, and the English Premier League escaped bankruptcy. There is money to be made betting the other way on my sports bets, as they are never right.

On the winning side of the ledger, I got the inflation story about as right as possible without being a genuine seer. The Fed has missed the mark, but they seem to have decided that it is easier to lie about the economic figures than to solve the problem of too much credit money in the system. The real inflation rate is probably double their target, but until the politicians start making noises, the Fed can live with it. Whether the rest of us can live with it is to be determined.

My Middle East predictions were spot on, even my call about the change in Saudi – American relations. The Saudis let the petrodollar agreement expire, which will be the thing to watch in 2025. In fact, the biggest mess Trump inherits in his second term is a Middle East that is bleeped up even by the standards of the Middle East. It is all bad options that are made worse by terrible relations with Russia and China. It could easily gobble up his term if he is not careful.

Another winner was the snapback on the antiwhite stuff. This was on display in the debate over Christmas regarding infinity Indians. The antiwhite pogroms have had one unintended effect and that is with regards to immigration, people are asking who is coming in, not just how many and how. People are now perfectly comfortable saying they do not want to live around Indians. This is a massive change that seems to have stunned the great and the good last week.

I was also right about the entertainment rackets. This is one where you bet the trend continuing as the safe play. The people who supposedly make a living on their ability to read the room seem to be the last to notice the change in white attitudes. This year was a string of stunning failures and laughable efforts. Hollywood is mostly about a few flashy films arbitraging the Asian market, so they are not going bankrupt, but that scam will not last for much longer.

The final prediction was on the Ukraine war. I got it about half right, but I underestimated the stupidity of Zelensky. They should have capitulated this year, but greed and madness can overcome anything for a while. The Russians have continued to grind up the Ukraine army as I predicted. What you hear from the Russians is they are looking to wrap up the war in the summer of 2025. Maybe they think Trump will do a deal or maybe they think they just win.

Overall, it was probably the worst year for picks since I have been doing this, primarily because I  broke the golden rule of predictions. That and I bet against Trump, who has proven to be a world historical figure. People should probably keep that in mind when predicting what Trump will do in 2025. He is not only a once in a lifetime figure, but a guy who seems to have a destiny that defies explanation. Dismissing his claims about his next term is probably not wise.

Predictions aside, 2024 will go down as one of the most consequential years in history, simply for the elections. What comes as a result will be gravy. Add in the events around the world and holodeck developers in the next century will be offering a trip through 2024 in their premium package. It explains why it suddenly feels like the morning after a great storm. The calmness of nature is more intense, because the violence of the previous night is still fresh in our minds.

The coming year will initially feel like a year of nothing happening. It could also be the start of a great interregnum when the loonies go back into hibernation and normal people are once again able to speak freely. Either way, it will be tempting to think that the war is over, but we must resist this. The kooks are out there. They can’t be bargained with. They can’t be reasoned with. They feel no pity, or remorse, or fear and they absolutely will not stop… ever, until you are dead!

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Neoliberal Feudalism
18 days ago

I always look forward to your prediction posts, Zman. It inspired me last year to do one of my own, and this year was my second round: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/2024-predictions-review-and-2025 Basically I am decidedly pessimistic. The institutional voting fraud that was instituted during the false-emergency of COVID, i.e. nationwide vote-by-mail overseen by a Democrat tsar at the Post Office, put there by Marc Elias, combined with continued electronic Dominion voting machine fraud, ubiquitous ballot harvesting fraud, and outright ballot stuffing (none of which previously has been punished), means that elections now and moving forward are not merely controlled or managed by the… Read more »

18 days ago

Mass immigration is like an evil hydra that refuses to die. Every time you think it’s on the ropes, a new head pops up, vicious and determined as ever. This time, all the “conservatives” are demanding infinity Indians. Why? Well, after people rightfully ridiculed the idea that all Indians are super computer geniuses, it went back to standard talking points – whites are bad and we deserve to be replaced. Same as the leftists. Why do so many people have this psychological response to idolize and promote foreigners? There’s a huge desire among a huge portion of our populations to… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  B125
18 days ago

I have a feeling that we might have a shot at limiting Indian immigration in the US and immigration in general. I definitely could be wrong, but I suspect that Jews are changing their mind on immigration, especially Indian immigration, as something “good for the Jews.”

We may find ourselves in alliance with our old foe on this issue going forward. We’ll see.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
18 days ago

There may be a Jewish/Indian alliance for a while but it will be the mother of all falling outs at some point. Based on what we saw over Christmas that may be sooner rather than later.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Jack Dobson
18 days ago

Sauron does not share power.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  c matt
18 days ago

Nor does Sauros…

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jack Dobson
18 days ago

That’s my point. Jews might be finally waking up to the fact that allowing in a smart, aggressive, ethnocentric group isn’t a great idea. They had the playing field all to themselves. Now, there’s competition. Dumb.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
18 days ago

Not only that, but Muslims too. If it weren’t for the millions in Europe and on college campuses here, Free Palestine would’ve been as popular as Free East Turkestan.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
18 days ago

Well, Israel’s biggest port was sold to Indians just last year:

Port of Haifa sold to Indian consortium for $1.15 billion | All Israel News

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
18 days ago

Especially since their Kalergi Plan of infinity Muslims/Africans/South Asians seems to be going so well across the pond.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Alzaebo
18 days ago

Yeah, at some point, the Ashkenazi Jew will notice that Europe is becoming a hostile place for them. Israel is getting taken over by the Orthodox. Asia won’t let them in.

What’s the leave: the US. Might not want to fill your last refuge with low-IQ browns that dislike you (Hispanics) and high-IQ browns who act like you (Indians).

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
18 days ago

“Israel is getting taken over by the Orthodox.” The secular-orthodox division is interesting to watch because it mirrors the liberal-conservative division in whites.

Divisions like this are where ethnocentrism is crucial. From what I observe, the chosen do not let this division prevent them from presenting a united front to other groups, while the liberal-conservative division in whites yields outright hatred, which precludes cooperation.

Will the secular-orthodox gap remain bridgeable? Will the less successful white liberals, harmed by DEI and mass immigration and disgusted by tr@nnies, find common cause with conservatives?

Last edited 18 days ago by LineInTheSand
Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  LineInTheSand
18 days ago

The Ashkenazi would never betray in the Orthodox, but that doesn’t mean that they want to live in Israel dominated by them. If that ever happened, the Ashkenazi would be happier living in New Jersey or California, so best to make sure America isn’t too full of Central Americans and Indians.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
18 days ago

Too late, full.

Ketchup-stained Griller
Ketchup-stained Griller
Reply to  LineInTheSand
17 days ago

“Will the secular-orthodox gap remain bridgeable? Will the less successful white liberals, harmed by DEI and mass immigration and disgusted by tr@nnies, find common cause with conservatives?”
Answers tomorrow night, same bat-time, same bat-channel.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
18 days ago

Any alliance with the Finkels can only be temporary and one of convenience, of course.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
18 days ago

Two of the most low-trust, ethnocentric groups on the planet try to cooperate. Promises to be educational…

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
18 days ago

Agree 100%. But when a bus shows up heading the direction you want to go, you get on. When it starts to go in a different direction, you get off.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
18 days ago

We need to get rid of BOTH. Why would we want Jews to ‘win’ this one? We still lose.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  B125
18 days ago

Mass migration and national and white erasure are the whole ball of wax. It may not be possible to achieve but those who want these evil things are trying their best to attain them. I appreciate your Canadian perspective on Indians. It comports with my gut about the Subcons but the confirmation is welcome. Watching King Cobra flame out here and vicariously torch Vance in the process makes me think we may be able to avoid the same fate. The H1B visa exploding prior to Trump’s inauguration was beautiful watch. After all, Trump bases his policies on who was the… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
18 days ago

I don’t understand Musk at all. Doesn’t he come from a place where whites were marginalized? You would think that a lesson would have been learned by actually having to live in South Africa.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  TempoNick
18 days ago

Dunno. He seems unstable.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
18 days ago

Yes, he does seem unstable. I remember his ridiculous outbursts when the cave rescuers in Thailand didn’t want his help. Musk called the Brit leading the effort a “pedo” on Twitter. Bannon called Musk a toddler over the weekend.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  TempoNick
18 days ago

Don’t know the inner workings of SA, but I suspect diversity there, like diversity here, does not hit all levels of the socio-economic strata equally. True, in SA it might have affected even the upper echelon Whites, but they likely had better means to avoid/escape than the lower levels.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  c matt
18 days ago

From what I gather, and if anyone knows contrary please correct me, only recently has the wages of blackness started to hit a previously insular South African upper class. Musk left before the diversity damage hit those otherwise isolated from it. As pointed out earlier, he may be unstable as well.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
18 days ago

There’s also an overclass of Indians in SA too. I just assumed that Elon doesn’t think about blacks that much, just as I don’t think of Native Americans that much. Compared to blacks, Indians probably seem rather normal and civilized to him. Probably most anywhere in Africa benefits from non-African immigrants.

Reply to  TempoNick
18 days ago

None of these billionaires think like us. When you’re that rich, you’re a de facto KING and they think themselves gods.

Just one man is worth more monetarily (which is real power) than a million men like us. Is this billionaire some kind of Superman? No! There should be no such thing as billionaires!

Reply to  fakeemail
18 days ago

Must be awesome to have FU money!!

Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
17 days ago

Might drive you insanw as well.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
17 days ago

It’s a form of emancipation.

Reply to  TempoNick
18 days ago

That s-show with Musk and Ramaswamy is fascinating to watch. But it’s mainly about their friends. The H1B crowd is their circle of friends. It’s how they got here and how they built their empires. They both stepped in it royally and will now have to figure out a way to reingratiate themselves with the 97% of Americans who understand we don’t need Indians here at all. Most of those H1B Indians are displacing white DEMOCRAT core constituency voters in places like CA, WA, FL and elsewhere. H1B rage is not just a MAGA thing, and white males getting passed… Read more »

Reply to  TempoNick
18 days ago

Lacking even the instinct for survival, humans will almost invariably fall back upon old habits and superstitions to get through life. In a heathy society, that may be enough. In a sick one, it can lead to perdition. In other words, Musk carries within his subconscious the Afrikaner habit of welcoming infinite nonwhites into his tuisland.* Only through very conscious effort can this tendency be resisted, such as in little Orania. *The Highveld settled by the Boers was uninhabited and uninhabitable—except by those who possessed the technology to drill boreholes and dig catchments. The first blacks to pitch up on… Read more »

Reply to  TempoNick
18 days ago

A lot of Musk’s problem is the same as the problem of any person who is rich enough. He sees growth as essential. He probably primarily thinks of this as economic growth, but he also must know that historically, economic growth rode on the back of population growth. Without a growing population you don’t see growing markets, labor pools, real estate investment opportunities, etc… This is at least part of the ruling class affinity for immigration given that everyone is now quite well aware that the native born are not even replacing themselves. Now, of course, not all the pro-immigration… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
18 days ago

You guys always come up with “cute” observation like that (Trump bases his policies on who was the last person in the room and what is in popular media) and he always out smarts ya.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Hoagie
18 days ago

He certainly never disappoints in that regard, and infrequently in a good way.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  B125
18 days ago

Someone posted this link here the other day. India, it’s worse than you think.


Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
18 days ago

Years ago I read a book called Sweet Dreams and Terror Cells by an Indian author, who converted to Christianity, which laments the loss to world of the White race. Here is a excerpt: “Old Bill ruminates about the funeral of a police dog, and slides into a sweet dream. He has the forest mind of the European, treasuring the mystery of the dense forest, the charm of free-roaming animals, green plains stretching to horizon hills, and the cool spacious lands of the West. He and Philip contemplate about like matters: birdwatching, crossword puzzles, book clubs and murder mystery evenings… Read more »

Last edited 18 days ago by Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  B125
18 days ago

I’m not a fan of the subcoons. God knows there’s already too many of them over here. And in their own weaselly ways, they do plenty of damage. But as offputting and harmful as they may be, they’re unlikely to rape and murder, turn your neighborhood into an unliveable cesspool, singlehandly demolish a beautiful culture and turn it into a tarn of primitive idiocy and filth.

You want to send the pakoras packing? Fine, fine. I’m with you. But there are others I’d like to get shut of first.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
18 days ago

Well, in the old country, they’re really big on rape and murder. Their entire country, not just neighborhoods, is an unimaginable scene of filth and squalor that beggars belief. Bringing them here ensures that eventually they will do the same to what’s left of our beautiful country and culture.

There can be no ‘first’ – how about ALL?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
18 days ago

My cousin David in Toronto would take exception to that. He recently sent me a link where a mob of about fifty pajeets were going through a nice suburban neighborhood shouting at the locals, trying to feel up the women who were outside and one of them had a bullhorn and was yelling, “This is our country now! If you are English, go back to England. If you are French, it is time to return to France! Your government let us in and now this country is ours!” i understand you’ve got an axe to grind with a number of… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
17 days ago

If you can make it past the 5 minute mark in this video, you’re made of tougher stuff than I:


Reply to  B125
18 days ago

The magic juju words about America being a “melting pot” are very powerful. Be of good cheer, though. Those days are rapidly ending. I predicted last year that cries of “racism” would be met by jeers and be rejected by whites, and that day is now upon us as Elon and Vivek learned brutally on X last week. Indians are a weird subculture and I think we’re going to see some sort of labor tariff emerge that says, “OK, you claim this is about acquiring essential skills. If that’s the case, then you must be willing to pay more to… Read more »

Reply to  B125
18 days ago

Average IQ in India is 78.GDP is 3d world..the country is one huge slum, where people shit, and often die, in the streets…Indians live on fraud and deception, and I haven’t seen anything worthwhile come from them…Boeing outsourced part of its 737 design to low paid Indian engineers, and another one just came apart in S.Korea, which will now inspect all of them owned by Korean airlines…and what I’ve seen of Indian programmers has been underwhelming….Ban them!

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  B125
18 days ago

Where I live (Middle TN south of Nashville, one of the fastest growing areas in nation) the Hindus are either surgeons or they operate the liquor stores! Often sharing the same family name, if you get my drift. They can be pushy social climbers, more than the Chinese, and I ascribe that to their former position in the British Empire, learning English with only a slight accent, which the Chinese are not that good at. Indians will also avoid areas with “bad” school districts for their offspring and enroll their kids in private, even religious (Christian) schools, to avoid contamination… Read more »

Reply to  B125
17 days ago

Whites are under a spell. Our people think all men are more or less interchangeable. It’s ultimately arrogant: whites have conquered the world and elsewhere the last frontier is to turn little brown people into us

18 days ago

Can someone explain to me how Ramaswamy is a billionaire? From some accounts, he bought alzheimer failed drug for pennies, rebranded and went public and sold for 2 billion before it failed and crashed again. Is that correct? If it’s anywhere near correct, then this country is shit. It’s an affront to every honest hardworking person that some shyster fast-talking 39 year old indian can be a billionaire like this. Without creating any value, he is worth more than all of us combined and them some! Does that seem right? Further, the mask has come off Musk, Ramaswamy, and Trump.… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  fakeemail
18 days ago

Tells you something that even the msm didn’t say boo about his pump n dump scam even while he was running for president. They presented him as a legitimate businessman.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
18 days ago

Yeah, I noticed that as well.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
18 days ago

That’s because he’s a globalist…

Reply to  fakeemail
18 days ago

“Big pharma” sells the rights to its failed drugs in order to facilitate the financial uplift of certain connected persons via scams against innocent “investors” (or simple laundering). Fake drug is sold to insider or chosen future insider. He founds a startup based on it and falsifies its value in such a way as to allow suckers (but usually Peter Thiel) to give him a pile of money. He absconds into prominence. As a successful business titan, he funds antifa and/or conservatives worship him.

18 days ago

“Trump, who has proven to be a world historical figure. “ Really? From where I sit, Trump hasn’t done anything significant and positive – nothing to stop or reverse adverse trends – either at home or abroad. Just words, generating more words… The most that can objectively be claimed is that Trump’s first term may not have been as bad as the alternative. This second term was clearly allowed by the powers-that-should-not-be; and therefore, there is no realistic cause for optimism among those who desire peace, prosperity, decency – or that kind of stuff. And as for the transcendental values of… Read more »

Reply to  bgc
18 days ago

If 2nd term Trump falls for the “skilled immigrant from India” scam and opens the floodgates. I will make a bold prediction and say that yes, his presidency is a worse one than Kamala’s infinity Guatemalans.

Hopefully saner minds prevail in his cabinet. He really has the chance to be a truly Great man of history- IF he seals the border to aliens illegal and legal.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  B125
18 days ago

The rot within AINO is so morbid and profound that it cannot be excized without completely rebuilding the country. And to rebuild, one must first raze. Anybody willing and able to do this would indeed be a world-historical figure. I have some sympathy for Trump, but I deeply doubt he has the stomach to do what is necessary.

Reply to  bgc
18 days ago

Okay, so if Trump gets “taken out” before the inauguration, does the Zman win the bet, or lose it?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Alzaebo
18 days ago

Right? My prediction was Trump wouldn’t be allowed to take office. There is still time there. He also may have made a bargain with the devil, of course.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
18 days ago

Same same as to technolord Musk, most of his money is made servicing the Deep State.

On the other hand, nothing has accelerated the Noticing like this has. Overnight, the conservatives’ beloved “But Legal” has taken a death blow. This is a classic preference cascade, like Gaza was.

So, I’m going to cheer it like a dam breaking; otherwise, it would’ve continued unabated. May we have many such dam breaks to come!

Last edited 18 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
18 days ago

Stop fucking calling them lords, doge, king cobras, and god-emperors. This is clear manipulation with words like this to get idiots believing these assholes are aristocrats. Jesus. How do you people not get this?

c matt
c matt
Reply to  bgc
18 days ago

Not all world historical figures are such because they have done something positive.

Reply to  bgc
18 days ago

They don’t try to kill irrelevant insignificant people. Twice. They’ve indicted him four times with over 500years of jail time, and I think the legal judgements are up to half a billion dollars in an attempt to bankrupt him.

Trump is the most consequential politician the world has seen in 100 years.

Reply to  hokkoda
18 days ago

‘Trump is the most consequential politician the world has seen in 100 years.’

What has Trump actually done? The only thing your points show is that the ruling class was illogically consumed with hatred for him. These are not accomplishments. The most you can say is that he’s delayed their plans. Now, he’s seemingly on board with said plans.

There are literally countless other politicians far more consequential during this period. Here are just a few of the most obvious:


Reply to  Lakelander
18 days ago

You mean BESIDES getting shot in the head, standing up, giving Democrats the middle finger and winning re-election after two failed impeachments? not just surviving, but winning against multiple indictments intended to jail him for 400 years? completely discrediting the legacy media which executed a massive gaslighting campaign intended to elect a patently fraudulent candidate ending two wars preventing a third (Ukraine) Abraham accords lowest unemployment in US history best economy in US history, no joke, on every measurable metric the economy in 2019 and early 2020 was the best economy this country has ever seen for normal Americans successfully… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
18 days ago

They LET him win.

Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
16 days ago

They had no choice.

Ive said it before and I’ll say it again: they would preserve the status quo (that elections aren’t rigged) even if that meant letting Trump win. They also know Harris is “stupid dangerous”. Stupid harmless, smart harmless, and smart dangerous they can work with. Stupid dangerous gets them killed along with the rest of us.

18 days ago

Dissidents are prone to pessimism because for the last two decades, it has been the safe way to bet. Trump’s win IS a good thing…but Trump is only the stepping stone to what is coming. White people are the smartest and most resourceful people…once they’re motivated. And unified.

Happy New Year Z…

18 days ago

“This is an example of something no one could see coming” Except some of us did. I predicted none of his trials would really result in anything substantial, that they were, essentially PR to keep in the news. Like much of what we see today, it was simply propaganda. The only reason to keep him in the news, including the fake alt-media, was to bring him back. I predicted 2 years ago they’d give him a comeback story, including some sort of major event to redeem him in light of his supporters feeling betrayed by J6. If you recall right,… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Son
18 days ago

It’s difficult to separate the all powerful mandarins who are manipulating us all from behind the scenes, from the TDS maddened retards targeting him to save democracy, who really believe in their hearts that is what they are doing. James Comey, for instance, is in the latter category. Just to name one. The old omnipotence vs incompetence debate.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
18 days ago

‘Old and busted’
‘New hotness’

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Son
18 days ago

There are a handful of people like you who understood what was happening several years ago, and you’ve been proven absolutely correct. Two weeks ago Trump was shown on the Jumbotron at the Army-Navy Game with an ad for Palantir right next to his face — and people still ignore it. What can you do? People want to believe it can be turned around. They will never give up this hope until they’re eating ash. I enter 2025 with total resignation. Trump had the entire US government apparently ready to put him in prison for hundreds of years just 18… Read more »

Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
18 days ago

‘Two weeks ago Trump was shown on the Jumbotron at the Army-Navy Game with an ad for Palantir right next to his face’

LOL the scamps. They do love their signaling! It makes them feel superior.

Palantir certainly is a major NWO intel gamepiece. All surveillance, all the time.

Donald has some serious dark family mojo in his past, all the way back to Bavaria. Let us not forget Operation Warp Speed and two weeks to flatten the curve.

Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
18 days ago

Brother, that’s what they want too though. Either whipped up into a polarized frenzy or total resignation. The first provides a thin “democratic” political legitimacy to what has clearly become akin to a fascist oligarchy. That’s for the dumb asses you mentioned that ignore even that billboard you mentioned. They’re all gullible as fuck, including larping “dissidents;” both sides love fighting with each other for scraps or putting on the show or profiting directly from it. However, the second means the elite get a blank check to do as they like anyway. If anything, they want intelligent, good, politically-minded men… Read more »

18 days ago

Mr. Wolf summed up my view of the coming fight.

Well, let’s not start sucking each other’s dicks quite yet.

Our mortal enemies are merely regrouping for the next push. As my coaches always said, you’re either getting better or getting worse. My bet is the GOP will fink the mid-terms to hang Trump out to dry like they did last time.

We need to see this struggle with our alien rulers as the end of the beginning, not the beginning of the end.

18 days ago

‘Either way, it will be tempting to think that the war is over, but we must resist this.’ Yoop it’s a war and no it’s not over. Donald getting in doesn’t guarantee squadoosh. Look how he and the Muskrat already started dancing away from immigration hardlines, and wanna escort in a horde of Injuns. (They’re all injuns to me, dot or feather.) These people are billionaires. They can’t understand our world, they have not experienced our world, it’s on teevee and not fully real to them. Suffering is what makes it real and bigbux is a cushion. This world is… Read more »

18 days ago

I suspect the biggest and most important issue for us, White men and White women who properly crave the White patriarchy, was a big win in 2024. For several years I think many were walking around in a daze. The reckoning that the moral and financial undergirding of The Regime and its system was anti-White hatred and desire for total dispossession had a second wave that was a tidalwave in 2020. For me, 2012 – 2019 were realizations that, “they”, were anti-White and the entire legal and moral framework was anti-White and anti-West. It took 2020 to realize that they… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
18 days ago

As long as we’re looking at wins and losses, here’s a couple of mine. Wins Trump & DEI The reaction to Oct. 7 was a shock to Jews. They discovered that the world put them on Team Whitey, aka Team Oppressor, or just Team Jew. Either way, they weren’t on Team Victim. They also realized that while they had control of Democratic Party politicians, the Dem base hated them. But the GOP loves them and so did Trump. Safer for Israel to get the GOP and Trump in charge than the Dems. That’s why I started to think Trump could… Read more »

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
18 days ago

Vivek’s nerdy butthurt over jocks and cheerleaders, as well as Elon’s “GO FUCK YOUR OWN FACE” will leave a mark, “Kekius Maximus” notwithstanding.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Tarl Cabot
18 days ago

Musk’s tweet reminded me of Buffett’s aphorism about taking 20 years to build your credibility and 5 minutes to squander it

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Tarl Cabot
18 days ago

that was a quote from Tropic Thunder

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  karl von hungus
18 days ago

Yeah, but most people didn’t get the joke.

Reply to  Tarl Cabot
18 days ago

They severely harmed themselves with those Tweets. Musk is now throttling opposing views to H1B. That is going to do him serious damage because “Mr. Free Speech” is now “people who make me sad should be shadow-banned”.

Vivek reminded everyone why they don’t like Indians.

Reply to  hokkoda
18 days ago

Yes, the temptation to squelch MAGA voices after Elon got caught lying about the nature of H1b positions was the most important thing to come out of this kerfuffle du jour. Vowing to root out opposition is not a good look. But he delivered on it by tweaking algorithm sensitivity and encouraging large accounts to block the objectionable voices, thereby burying them. So was it a planned outburst or did he just bumble into this bad behavior? In the end, the only question that matters is “Are white men losing jobs due to H1B abuse?” And it’s Trump’s response that… Read more »

Reply to  AnotherAnon
18 days ago

I agree. Trump doesn’t need to weigh in because Elon and Vivek just got their asses handed to them. If your MAGA friends are successfully engaged in a beat down of the Trch Bros, why step into the middle of that and risk a haymaker landing on your chin?

The truth of the H1B mess is easily discovered by asking one, simple question: if those skills are so rare and so valuable, why aren’t the Indians paid well above scale for their talents.

Vivek/Elon’s argument is that the Mets should have paid Juan Soto the league minimums.

Reply to  Hokkoda
18 days ago

I suspect part of the reason for hiring Indians is also that a lot of the work they do is viewed as peripheral to the business of the companies that hire them. If you make cars you probably want the best automotive engineers you can get. If you run a sign company you want top notch sign painters, etc… IT though tends to be a back office kind of thing. The public doesn’t really see it. It’s not part of the product and even if it is, there are efforts to hide it and make it seem like it’s not… Read more »

Reply to  Tarl Cabot
18 days ago

That over-reaction by the Muskrat showed vulnerability to the charge.

Reply to  ray
18 days ago

Yeah, makes me wonder if Elon (and his tech pals) thought he could bum-rush Trump into completely supporting tech’s wish list on visas.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
18 days ago

seems like the jews sold trump to the hindus

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
18 days ago

The only absolutely certain thing about the Trump administration, in 2025 or any other year, will be its 100% backstopping of Our Greatest Ally. Otherwise, all of its stated and unstated goals are subject to successful resistance by the deep state and/or the whims of the Orange Man himself.

It’s not real fortune telling to predict an economic collapse/stock market crash, since sooner or later that’s guaranteed to happen somehow. But nailing the year is quite a coup. Many smarter people than me have tried and failed. But I think 2025 is the year.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
18 days ago

So long as the bond market is willing to absorb the govt debt and deficits run at 6% to 8%, it’ll be hard to have a recession.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
18 days ago

That’s why I think crypto is being pumped so they can shunt the odious debt into it and default on vaporware, leaving the bond market intact.

Last edited 18 days ago by Alzaebo
Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Alzaebo
18 days ago

Stablecoins are a huge help to the US govt. They invest their money in T-bills. Stablecoins could literally turn the dollar into the world currency.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
18 days ago

Trump will go for a 2 state solution in the ME. He hasn’t talked about it, but I think he will take the approach of settling things permanently. The MIC and IC wouldn’t be trying to stop him if they thought he was just going to keep the war machine running.

Israel largely disappeared from the news during Trump’s first term as he negotiated the various bi-lateral Abraham Accords. He will also seek a long-term solution with Iran and the Saudis. All of this to get the petrodollar back on line.

foot in the forest
foot in the forest
18 days ago

Z-man you may still be correct on your first prediction on Trump. He won the election but does not have the brass ring yet. I have a hard time believing that a government that attempted assassination will just hand over the reins of power and await prosecution. Never count unhatched eggs and never underestimate what desperate people will do.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  foot in the forest
18 days ago

Well, you make an assumption that there will be prosecutions of those that matter. Perhaps there might be some sacrificial lambs upon whom all have agreed. As we have seen with his immigration backstroke, I would be very unsurprised to see a similar move on prosecutions. No doubt it is part of the deal for him to receive the brass ring, knowing that any breach of the agreement results in immediate termination.

18 days ago

2024 will go down as one of the most consequential years in history, simply for the elections. Well, just the American one. In Europe, the people tried to elect nationalists but were quashed. We’ll see what happens with the AfD, but I have a feeling that it will win. As always, the USA leads the way. European regimes still thought it was 2021 and they served their neoliberal mandarins on a silver platter for the GAE, only to see the US reject it all. If nothing else, Trump’s win clears a path for new thinking and popular movements all across… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
18 days ago

That’s a nice quip, but it’s really spot on. Remove universal suffrage and I’d agree it a bad thing. But given the present quality of the average voter, not so much.

18 days ago

I am worn out by the intensity and relentless insanity of 2024, and just want to recover and relive some sense of old-timey values and integrity for a while. Toward that end, may I suggest revisiting and re-watching some of the classic movies from the 1950s. Two that come to mind are From “Here to Eternity” and “On the Beach”. Perhaps others here may have a favorite or two that may suggest as well. Happy New Year to all you wretched miscreants and rapscallions.

Reply to  TomA
18 days ago

That would be ‘Jewish wapscallion’ (Life of Brian) 😉

18 days ago

I usually avoid the yearly prediction game, but this time I have one, though I’d bet it’ll take more than a year to happen (over-under 21 months). I’m completely serious when I say this: Trump is going to kill us. People say “loyalty” a lot when they talk about Trump. He isn’t loyal and he doesn’t reward loyalty, but it’s true that he’s big into some kind of loyalty thing. He wants us to say “loyalty” when we talk about him. It’s prominent in the brand, though what it means is a blur. In our response to the Christmas attack,… Read more »

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
18 days ago

It explains why it suddenly feels like the morning after a great storm. The calmness of nature is more intense, because the violence of the previous night is still fresh in our minds.” Time for one of the greatest creations of our numinous European culture: Beethoven’s 6th Symphony, conducted by the ethereal Herbert von Karajan and the Berliner Philharmoniker. They can never take this away from us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04jETjcMZj8

18 days ago

People are now perfectly comfortable saying they do not want to live around Indians. This is a massive change that seems to have stunned the great and the good last week.”

We’ll see if the powers that be do anything about it, though. They’ve been ignoring what the American people want for a long time without any repercussions.

I don’t see what the problem is. Not a single country in this world would want their demographics upset like the nations of the west.

Ted X
Ted X
18 days ago

Trump is as much the deep state as Obama, Biden, Bush et al. He serves the monied interest (((groups))) that pay him for clandestine control of the treasury. Being a reality TV show huckster and glorified real estate agent his ethics will blow like a leaf in the wind.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Ted X
18 days ago

He is not only a once in a lifetime figure, but a guy who seems to have a destiny that defies explanation.

As Ted X intimates, the explanation is not so elusive. He sold out to the (((groups))) in exchange for the Presidency. This election was mostly an (((internecine))) war.

Reply to  c matt
18 days ago

This. We are living through a civil war amongst the International Jews. They used to have a pretty firm grip on the West, having social engineered the ruling classes of most European countries. That they are being challenged for control by the numerous diversities they imported into the West as a hedge against Europeans does not invalidate the pathway by which we arrived to the present. Pres. Trump is backed by, at least, the faction that includes the Adelman’s. Old man Adelman is known for publicly stating his regret at serving in the US military and wishing that he had… Read more »

I.M. Brute
I.M. Brute
18 days ago

Yeah, when thinking about the kooks and crazies, I’m reminded of those old westerns when the young soldier and his sergeant are pulling nighttime guard duty in hostile territory: “Gee, Sarge! It sure is quiet out there!” Sarge: “Yeah, TOO quiet!”
That’s the way I feel about the fact that the leftists seemed to just have melted away after the election. I never did buy their cheery “Well, the people have spoken! That’s our democracy in action!” Maybe, after all these years of their no-holds-barred viciousness, I’m just paranoid, but I still think the other shoe is about to drop!

18 days ago

By the end of 2025 Israel and Turkey will be secretly at war with one another, with “incidents” being blamed on “insurgents” and “religious fanatics”. Since both sides are already composed of religious lunatics, this should be a fun show.

Last edited 18 days ago by Götterdamn-it-all
Reply to  Götterdamn-it-all
18 days ago

Ha ha! Will Turkey invoke Article 5?

Reply to  Alzaebo
18 days ago

They can invoke it, but NATO nations are *not* required to participate.

Reply to  Compsci
18 days ago

I know, but I’m in it for the lulz. Imagine trying to spin that one.

David Wright
18 days ago

I predict at least another 20 billion to Ukraine by January 20th.

another white guy
another white guy
Reply to  David Wright
18 days ago

I’ll take that bet for 20 billion $ Zimbabwe

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
18 days ago

seems like 2025 is when all those wobbly plates stop spinning (and hit the floor)

18 days ago

I followed the link and read my own comment from last year. Not too bad, though Trump only got 16% of the black vote instead of the 40% I could not resist the urge to write. lol Still, I believed Trump would improve his lot with blacks and he doubled his support and got more black votes than anybody in 50 years. Does that matter? It does! Not because of what team they’re on, but because of what it means for the status quo political coalitions…which are bleeding out. Other stuff: I got the primaries right, but did not see… Read more »

Last edited 18 days ago by hokkoda
18 days ago

“Another loser was my prediction on Argentina. I said the revolt would begin in the summer, but so far, no revolt.” I’d not beat myself up too much on Argentina. In fact, I see the situation as one of hope. Argentina has been in trouble due to socialist government programs for longer than you’ve been alive. The people have suffered to an extent that they were ready to try anything, e.g. Milei! Why is this? Because they’ve tried everything else. The people know the problem and are ready for the cure. In there lies my hope for Trump, or a… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
18 days ago

I don’t know, Milei’s sobbing at The Wall avec beanie tells me there’s something ugly behind ‘the cure’.

18 days ago

As the resident Argentine (by residence, not by ancestry or citizenship) with three Argentine grandchildren and an Argentine dtr-in-law, I keep relatively close tabs on the socio-economic-political situation in the country. I was an early supporter Milei and still am, but to a lesser extent than previously. His support in the country remains strong, seeing as his administration has made great strides in paring back wasteful government, in suffocating “woke” in its cradle and in spite of the austerity, still maintaining a high national morale from what I see. His foreign policy is not to my taste. but I see… Read more »

18 days ago

I still think you’re wrong about Milei. He may yet prove as surprisingly resilient as Trump.

Reply to  Gauss
18 days ago

And just as (((compromised)))

18 days ago

Well, shinola. In the latest Coffee And A Mike podcast, Matt Bracken relates how Werner von Braun wrote a science fiction novel, “The Mars Project”, in the 50s, featuring a future Mars colony led by a figure titled Elon.

(Braun’s other book was “I Aim For The Stars”; the inside joke is that the subtitle was “And Sometimes I Hit London.”)

Maybe this means the Sim controller really does have a sense of humor…?

Last edited 18 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
17 days ago

Kekius Maximus says Hello.

18 days ago

I more and more believe this is the only possible explanation for the world as it is: “we live in a simulation tinkered with by the people running it.”

Dante G
Dante G
18 days ago

Based on the evidence we have, I see no other possible outcome to the Trump presidency than a further deluge of foreigners, with the added bonus of a hot war with Iran on behalf of israhell, and a possible invasion of Yemen.

Reply to  Dante G
17 days ago

Read a convincing article in WSJ that argues there’s no point in having a navy if you’re without a merchant marine.

18 days ago

Ah, shoot. I forgot to wish the Zman and everyone a happy New Year, and we’ll see you in the same place next year!

18 days ago

“I also got the whole Ozark Mountain Shark thing wrong. Paul did not have to start a cooking channel either… Similarly, the Lagos sportsball squad did not win the Super Cup, The Dodgers won the Global Series, and the English Premier League escaped bankruptcy. There is money to be made betting the other way on my sports bets, as they are never right.”

Wait, what?
What are those? Are those things like a sim within the Sim?

Or…Zman, did you just jump parallel worlds again?

Last edited 18 days ago by Alzaebo
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Alzaebo
18 days ago

Why would the English Premier League go bankrupt?

Thanks to their shiny new deal with CNBC/NBC Sports we can now watch all the Englsh Premier League Boxing Day matches on the USA Network of all places.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
18 days ago

I’d bet on it being the last profitable business in the UK before the lights go out

Hoisin Saucey
Hoisin Saucey
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
18 days ago

After the US gets nuked by China.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
18 days ago

The Premier League is certainly a bastion of DIE.

18 days ago

Can you imagine how handy it would have been to have all that VDARE data during these last few days?

18 days ago

All we need now is Sarah Conner. Or at least John.

18 days ago

True…the commie kooks won’t stop until one of us is dead…which I think will be them, since folks like me don’t give any quarter… Trump has so far missed a key thing–banning all voting machines and requiring an auditable hand count…..I predict that Trump will only end the Ukraine aid…and therefore the war, when it is too late, and the Zelensky dictatorship is being overrun…I predict that the Fed will tighten far too late…I predict that Vivek the swindler will continue to infuriate MAGA, until Trump shuts him up permanently…..I predict that Congress will continue to steal trillions of nonexistent… Read more »

18 days ago

I didn’t make any predictions for 2024. I’ve made a few for 2025 but their mostly bummers so I won’t post them here.

Overall 2025 will be a failed attempt to pretend it can be 1985 again, even though 1985 really wasn’t 1985.

For our thing, nostalgia plays no role in survival or sovereignty, and the boomers begin turning 80 in about 366 days.

It’s long past time for the indispensable men who might have been right in 1985 to ride off into evening redness in the west.

18 days ago

I’m withholding judgment until Trump is actually inaugurated and takes the reins. It seems the asswipes are plotting multiple ways to F up his administration (& inauguration) from the word go. I’m cautiously optimistic, hoping for the best, but expecting not so much of the best…

As an aside, in case anyone noticed, I also posted this comment on yesterday’s essay for some reason, and I haven’t even started partying.

17 days ago

Come on Zman, try to be better in 2025.

18 days ago

That and I bet against Trump, who has proven to be a world historical figure.”

At last we have broken a fundamental law of physics.
We have found a white man who can out-cool Snoop Doggy Dog.

john galt
john galt
18 days ago

All the bullshit thrown at Trump the last 9 years is proof the establishment is scared shitless of him. I fully expect a huge effort to thwart his plans going forward.
It remains to be seen how many republicans continue to throw temper tantrums. If so, many will be “liz cheneyed” in the next election.

Reply to  john galt
18 days ago

The establishment is not scared of Trump. They fuck with him because it’s easy. No consequences. They kick him around because they AREN’T scared of him and it’s fun to stomp on weak losers.

These people are cowards at heart. If they actually feared him they would be kissing his ass all the time and competing to win his favor.

Reply to  Pete
18 days ago

Like Vivek does.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  john galt
18 days ago

The Establishment doesn’t fear Trump; they fear the people who vote for him and the reason people vote for him. Look at the over-the-top reaction to January 6. That is fear.

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
18 days ago

The “over-the-top reaction to January 6″ was preconditioned by the preceding gun rights marches in Virginia. Depending on which set of lying police bureaucrats one believes, there were either 40,000 or 110,000 (99% white) men with rifles marching. Of course, those were just the subset that were willing to make a public statement. If it came down to show time, that number would be larger. That was a very unwelcome reminder that they live in a bubble that remains unpopped due to Heritage American forebearance. So, from globohomo’s perspective, the Jan 6 folks, though they were not armed, COULD have… Read more »

Reply to  Horace
18 days ago

This is pretty much it: rigid NPC-scripted femicommie minds embedded in large dollops of fear.

The thing is, imagine the reaction/response of these NPCs if/when they are confronted with an actual insurrection, the real thing. Their first practical lesson will be that words mean something, despite the never ending best efforts of postmodernist force-fed propagandizing now ongoing for almost 100 years, flowing from the “Frankfurt School” approach to installing communism.

Their next lesson will be that reality is ….. well, it’s reality, no matter how hard they screech at it and pretend otherwise.

17 days ago

despite getting it wrong it was fun to hear Mr man so excited before the election.

17 days ago

People worried about birth rates are worried about declining human livestock.
We need men, not tax and interest slaves, so no loss. This is grift.
Happy 25.

Greg Nikolic
18 days ago

Trump’s comeback was predicted by me as far back as 2021. The thing with Trump is he looks better the more you see of him — unlike most politicians. He also appears less wacky. In 2016, he was a renegade figure of novelty, but fast forward nearly a decade and he seems almost mainstream. My prediction? Count on Trump to have a very successful presidency with a booking economy and wise foreign affairs policy. The man has luck on his side, I’ll give him that.

— Greg (my blog: http://www.dark.sport.blog)

Reply to  Greg Nikolic
18 days ago

My prediction? Numerous downvotes for our latest AI front.

Reply to  Alzaebo
18 days ago

Yep, more drive by postings from the resident troll—Nikolic—promoting his unread blog.

Last edited 18 days ago by Compsci