The Four D’s Of Destiny

One of the many strange things about this age is that the most urgent issue facing the developed world gets the least amount of attention. That urgent thing is the collapse of fertility in every country with indoor toilets. Even India, a country famous for outdoor toilets, is having a baby bust. Indian fertility is now below replacement and, according to recent reports, is following the rest of Asia off the cliff.

In the EU, there are currently 1.46 live births per woman. France has the highest TFR at 1.84 live births per woman, but that is mostly the foreign population. The rest of Europe has birthrates well below replacement. Spain and Italy are at 1.3, which is what demographers call a population collapse. The only place in Europe with a healthy TFR is the Faroe Islands, which lies east of Iceland.

The Occident is doing well compared to the developed parts of Asia. Hong Kong no longer has children, as there is less than one live birth per woman. South Korea is right there with a TFR of 0.6. China is at 1.2, which should be what gets the ruling class to take notice, given China’s rocket high fertility in the recent past. It seems that wherever there are good times, people have stopped making babies.

This flies in the face of what we think we knew about biology. It has been assumed, because history seems to confirm it, that in good times people tend to have more children, while in bad times they limit their children. It is why Western nations cooked up schemes to limit reproduction during the Industrial Revolution. It was assumed that improving living standards would result in overpopulation.

The great global baby bust is telling us something. One is that what we thought we understood about demographics and population is wrong. When what was predicted did not happen, instead you got the opposite, it is time to rethink everything. The other is that there is a combination of forces that have been unleashed leading to what is looking like a great pruning of the human population.

That is the show this week. Everyone has their favorite reason for the population collapse, but those answers are probably wrong for the simple reason they assume a one-to-one relationship. In reality, complex things like human reproduction have highly complex causal relationships. That means the population collapse is most certainly do to a combination of things working in concert.

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This Week’s Show


  • Intro
  • The Fertility Crisis
  • Diet
  • Development
  • Deracination
  • Divinity

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David Wright
8 days ago

Simplify the world, live better lives. Regression to the means may be part of this, a correction if you will.
I do want replacement level populations but only for certain races and countries. If India, China and the large ethnic urban areas dried up, it would be great planetary improvement.

Reply to  David Wright
8 days ago

The trad people told us Bill Gates was trying to reduce Africans with vaccines. Or something. And we needed to stop him! Anyway, if that was his dastardly plan it didn’t work.

Reply to  Trek
8 days ago

They were just the lab . We are the real target. It is working on us. Probably better than bill’s wildest dreams.

Reply to  Miforest
8 days ago

Unpopular opinion: We’re not smart enough as race to “engineer” any virus, particularly if we barely understand how viruses spread. It’s just that the Cloud People like to think they are God, and won’t really fight against ideas that encourage that opinion in the Dirt People. 2nd unpopular opinion: Many elites really did think they were saving everyone with their crap “vaccine”. At least in their minds, they were the hero of the play. That includes some of the players who knew better. RNA technology had so much promise, if we could just work out the little “bugs” like it… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Piffle
8 days ago

Viruses are engineered every day. What cannot be controlled (yet) is how fast they mutate in the wild.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 days ago

I don’t think it’s too much to ask to describe me a bit of the “engineering” process and/or a lab that openly claims to “engineer” viruses for research or profit. Before 2020, “engineering” what amounts to a bizarre chemical strand that lives between alive and not, with almost unpredictable infection rates would have been laughable. We only take it seriously now because we lived through a mass hysteria.

Reply to  Piffle
8 days ago

“I don’t think it’s too much to ask to describe me a bit of the “engineering” process and/or a lab that openly claims to “engineer” viruses for research or profit.” Fair enough. We must start at what constitutes engineering a virus. Not heard of starting from scratch as Mother Nature would do, but have heard of engineering virus modifications such that the abilities of the virus to infect and produce “mischief” has been discovered. Hence the “gain of function” research Fauci has vigorously denied he funded. WRT Covid-19, there are reports that the initial virus removed and studied from first… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
8 days ago

“ Hence the “gain of function” research Fauci has vigorously denied he funded.” Funding research does not mean it’s even possible, as every grant writer worth their salt is painfully aware. I absolutely believe Fauci might have been involved in funding supposed “gain of function” research. I also believe labs are not against free money and pretending to be accountable. I’m sure it’s possible to create RNA snippets as you describe. Having those quasi alive chemicals infect actual people at all is whole different issue. “WRT Covid-19, there are reports that the initial virus removed and studied from first victims was… Read more »

Reply to  Piffle
7 days ago

Viruses are removed commonly for study and use in vaccine. How do you think we developed smallpox vaccine? The entire process of genome identification involves the removal of “snippets” of dna and the multiplication (growth) of them artificially.

Geez, just do some Googling on the subject before spouting off on things you do not know.

Reply to  Compsci
7 days ago

“Viruses are removed commonly for study and use in vaccine.” “Removed” is a very generic verb that generally applies to buildings, not human biology. Yes I’m quibbling here, but this where people fall into “We can engineer a virus (like we do a bridge)”. That’s where the temptation to use the highly imprecise verbs comes from. “The entire process of genome identification involves the removal of “snippets” of dna and the multiplication (growth) of them artificially.” In other words, we have to have a living organism with bodily fluids that contain the genetic sample of the virus. A sample is… Read more »

Last edited 7 days ago by Piffle
Reply to  Compsci
8 days ago

To be fair, though, a lot of what is called “genetic engineering” we used to call “nigger-rigging”. “Let’s see what happens if we take this sequence out of this strand, and stick it into this other strand.” Desktop PCR has brought this ability to anyone with half and understanding of DNA and a couple grand burning a hole in his pocket. There are some very limited versions you can buy on Amazon for under a grand and have up and running next week. I’d think the number of people who could engineer something using only base pairs would be approximately… Read more »

Reply to  Steve
8 days ago

“But the number that can tinker with existing “life”? Easily tens of millions.” I’m giving people this point here. My issue is how long does it take to have something like not random chemicals and how do you test a successfully “engineered” virus. There’s no way to measure it because we don’t entirely understand how people get sick. We can’t repeatedly get people sick for testing purposes. In the sense of trying to target people with an illness, it just doesn’t happen, even with the “tinker with something already existing”. I will give random chance during tinkering. But I don’t… Read more »

Last edited 8 days ago by Piffle
Reply to  Piffle
7 days ago

That was not the original comment. Stop goal post moving. We can insert altered genes. What happens can be tested upon animals. Pigs are quite like humans for that purpose.

Reply to  Piffle
8 days ago

The basic trick is to use what are called restriction enzymes to cut the viral DNA or RNA at a certain point and then introduce artificial sequences from circular strands of DNA/RNA (called plasmids) that are then cut by the same kind of enzymes. You also need enzymes that “repair” the broken ends of the strands and thus create the modified virus. The whole process is random but if you have enough viral and engineered genetic material you will get the desired result just by chance. They’ll also use tricks such as inserting a gene to confer resistance to a… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
8 days ago

“The whole process is random but if you have enough viral and engineered genetic material you will get the desired result just by chance.”
I believe you on this process. However, it’s not what most people mean by an “engineered virus”. They mean something much like building bridges to a certain load capacity.
“Then only the “engineered” viruses can replicate.”
By definition they don’t replicate. They need life to replicate. That’s one of the many difficulties.

Last edited 8 days ago by Piffle
Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Piffle
8 days ago

I agree with most of what you say. But I would argue that we do engineer viruses, at least to some extent. Granted, we are far from fully understanding how all the parts work, but we most assuredly have the power to cut and paste different viruses to create a new virus and see what, if anything, interesting happens. This is just gene splicing, and it’s been around for many decades. Just to give two illustrations: A tomato with a pig gene in it, which concerned certain Muslims as to whether it was allowed to eat or not, or less… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
7 days ago

By the way, this insertion technique is not “unnatural”. Primitive bacterial strains do this to each other, which is how they mutate.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Compsci
7 days ago

Point conceded. So do viruses. But I’m pretty sure that a house cat and a jellyfish, or a tomato and a pig, would not typically recombine under natural conditions 🙂

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
7 days ago

Our present level of genetic engineering might be as sophisticated as putting the carburetor from a 1973 Plymouth Fury into a 2015 Honda Civic and then seeing how it works, if at all.”

I agree and I understand this. But this not engineering. This is tinkering around my garage.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 days ago

Ben, he’s simple, don’t try to teach calculus to a kindergartner

Reply to  Piffle
4 days ago

When you look at all the GMOs in our food. They clearly can genetically engineer. Viruses are orders of magnitude simpler than corn or soybeans.

Reply to  Trek
8 days ago

The allegation was that the vaccines contained human chorionic gonadotropin,which was intended to cause the production of autoantibodies to same. Such antibodies would prevent a pregnancy from being carried to term.

Reply to  Trek
8 days ago

A British comic shared a hilarious joke years ago.

The mosquito nets in Africa are responsible for saving the lives of millions of mosquitos from dying of aids.

Reply to  Melissa
8 days ago

That is funny.

8 days ago

Have a son in his 20s – two things on a personal level.

  1. Economic uncertainty. He was going to go into IT and got certified in several languages like Python. No secure future there that would make him think it’s time to settle down and have kids.
  2. Most of the women his age are crazy. Those who go to college are almost certainly crazy sluts. We do see sane young women at our rapidly growing church. When #1 is resolved, that’s where he should look for a partner.
Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Maxda
8 days ago

I have a daughter in college so I can give you the flip side from her and her friends. Granted, she’s still dating her high school boyfriend who’s also in college so I can’t speak personally about her dating scene. Also, these are pretty smart, upper middle-class young women who are doing well in life, though this is the type that most guys want to marry. Most don’t care much about a career and want to get married. Yes, they’ve been indoctrinated into the “you have to have a career to be independent,” but I don’t see them buying it… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 days ago

Nice guy who has the 6’s. Uh huh. She sure seems like the kind who will settle and resent the beta in her 30s than divorce him in his 40s. Same story. At least she got the dei and aa advantage against her male competition that you don’t care about anyways.

Reply to  Jkloi
8 days ago

Citizen is the very best of us. She’s dating her high-school sweetheart, so take the good with the bad. Citizen is reporting that the girls will follow wherever we lead them.

It was always up to us, and girls will always be girls.

Last edited 8 days ago by Alzaebo
Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Alzaebo
8 days ago

Trust me, I ain’t special. As to my daughter and her boyfriend, she’s not alone in this. I’ve been surprised how many kids from her high school are still with their high school boyfriend or girlfriend. This generation is very throwback in many ways. Also, the slutty thing seems to be very bifurcated in college. Yeah, there are some girls that seriously sleep around, but a lot of girls don’t – at all. When I was in college, there seemed to be more girls in the middle. I’d expect that there’s a lot less sex happening on college campuses today… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Jkloi
8 days ago

I blame Hallmark Channel for the unreasonable demand of 6s. Unless you are a true 8+ yourself.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  c matt
8 days ago

Women have always loved tall guys. It’s just that in the past, they loved having a decent guy who could provide a home a lot more.

Letting women work messed up their priorities. Now that they can earn money for themselves, they let their childish expectations takeover.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
6 days ago

Never marry a women who earns more than you. Tell truth when no fault divorce exists, what is marriage anyways?

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  c matt
8 days ago

Mass media in general. TV/internet. How you gonna get her to “settle” for the rather average fella down the street when she’s seen Chad on the screen?

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jkloi
8 days ago

Yes, I have zero concern for my nephews.

As to the 6-foot requirement, most of the ladies have grown out of that, but they did have silly expectations coming out of high school. But, then, don’t we all.

Also, at least amongst the girls that I know from kids, this generation is more conservative than older people. They dread the idea of divorce.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 days ago

At least you admit you don’t care about your male line and male issues and would gladly support aa bullshit in school at any level or anything for that matter as long as it benefits your princess. Just like every conservative father. Just force the government to favor her on hiring processes too.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jkloi
8 days ago

Reading comprehension and humor aren’t your strengths, are they.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 days ago

Unless you advocate for the end of ALL and ANY advantage for women in education or any other field, there is no common ground. Unless any and every advantage given to women in anything is eliminated or unless you advocate the end of all advantage, not interested. You complain about the boys who are put down in every avenue from entertainment to school where they forced to be 6 hours a day for 9 months a year. Start by ending all female advantage forever. That spot in college could have gone to a male since your daughter wants to be… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  jkloi
8 days ago

I’m fine with ending AA for everyone and have said so – to my kids.

As to that college spot going to a boy instead of a girl who would like to stop working at some point, you have a logical point, but you might as well be making a case for how many angels can fit on the head of a pin.

You play the game by the rules as they are, not how you want them to be.

Reply to  Jkloi
8 days ago

What is your major malfunction?

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 days ago

Unfortunately, yes, they do have ridiculously high expectations. Six-foot tall (or taller as most of them played volleyball), college-educated, etc., is their baseline. I’ve mentioned to them that women outnumber men nearly 2 to 1 at college, so it’s impossible for all women to get this. They don’t care. There is no more succinct way to summarize the problems in the world than this. The best, smartest young women, raised correctly with smart, moral parents showing the way, all armed with logical arguments and tons and tons of data and… They don’t care. Women are incapable of making decisions. Especially… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Mr. Generic
8 days ago

I was probably a bit harsh on those girls. That was more their attitude coming out of high school. I think that they are tempering their attitude a bit after having seen a some more of the world.

That said, I agree. These are bright, young women and they still like children in many ways. Women, especially young women, simply aren’t logical. Trust me, I try to steer them in the right direction.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 days ago

Modern anglo women remain children all their lives. Exceptions exist. They are exceptions.

Reply to  Mr. Generic
8 days ago

That is correct and if the parents of daughters don’t grok this quick, a whole lot more than Pacific Palisades is going down in flames.

Reply to  Mr. Generic
6 days ago

I’m reading “the world of Hesiod “ part of an early 20th cent western civ series and the controls put on women throughout history are brutal and lopsided with men’s. The author makes a point that the repression made a few clytemestras. But out of the 8th cent bc emerged the west and women had no power or freedom. What does that tell you?!?

we whine about th race thing but if the female thing was cleaned up, I bet the race thing would follow shortly

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 days ago

Most all my nephews are awkward soyboys who live in the basement. It’s like HG Wells got it all backwards: The helpless eloi are homely, scrawny and live underground. The robust Morelocks build houses, fix cars, run machinery and live in the fresh air.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 days ago

You would do well by them to encourage them to look at guys who are successful at what they do no matter what degree they have or not…

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Lineman
8 days ago

First, what fucking retard down voted Lineman’s statement. Second, Lineman, I definitely have told my kids exactly that. I’ve told them many a time that a guy with good skills is a guy with good skills. Whether they get those skills by going to college and majoring in something useful like engineering or by going to a two-year school or just learning on the job doesn’t matter. My other daughter is dating a guy who will be going into a program for working on high-performance engines. Sounds great to me and her. I have to say that I was probably… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 days ago

You’re a good Dad Brother and Yea that’s the key is having skills that are useful in the real world that can make you a good living and be able to support family…I advocate for trades especially mine because I know it can provide that for young men where other jobs can’t…

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Lineman
8 days ago

Yep. It’s just about having skills that people need. Not want but need. Whether that skill is employed using a computer or a tool in your hand doesn’t matter. Do you have a useful, needed skill that can provide for a home and family?

That’s the only question that needs to be asked.

Reply to  Lineman
8 days ago

As an aside, a guy working on high-performance engines is a guy who’s going to have a heck of a lot of fun, just like Lineman has a heck of a lot of outdoor adventures.

p.s.- girls want a guy tall enough to lay their head on his chest. In a global survey, the first thing women mentioned was, “tall”.

I know this because all my uncles are 6’5″ and above, while Moms had to go and marry the short Irish guy who liked a good scrap.

Last edited 8 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 days ago

‘That said, my comments that if they want a man, then they need to act like a woman doesn’t always go over so well’ Men must change endlessly to be whatever society demands (and right now society demands men behave like women, or else). Women are perfect and need no correction, reflection, improvement or change. Just ask them. Please excuse me butting into your chat, but after masculinizing females — making them little padded-shoulder men with differing sex equipment — many men don’t want them anymore. Why? Well because men don’t want a competitor for a wife, they want a… Read more »

Last edited 8 days ago by ray
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 days ago

Antifag are not in the streets because they are trolling here

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 days ago

Fair, but What are they bringing to the party? yeah they just want to be married and stay home while the husband works. While they………………….clean, cook, care for things, nurture, comfort, etc? they seem to be missing that part (young women in general, not yours specifically) Most women (heck almost all now because of social media) completely over rate themselves. They are all 10’s and will only date or see 10’s. When in reality they are 5’s and should be looking at 5’s. Social media is a complete cancer. most of the men that are not socially awkward soy boys… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  LGC
8 days ago

Agree. As I mentioned somewhere, when these younger ladies mention that they want a “man” and not some soy boy, I tell them, “Well, if you want a man, you need to be a woman. Dress like a woman. Talk like a woman. etc.” That doesn’t go over well. And, yes, many do overestimate their own looks and value, or, even if they don’t and know that they’re a 4, they still want the Chad. It’s bizarre. However, there are a decent amount of young who do understand what’s important in a guy. But I definitely agree that most young… Read more »

Reply to  LGC
8 days ago

Our public places, whether high school, college, the mall, or even church had the unspoken purpose of being a place where boys and girls could meet precisely when they were supposed to. All that has been torn down by the locust horde, so we just stay home or in the rat race.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 days ago

‘Most don’t care much about a career and want to get married.’

That is the exact opposite of what young men have been reporting to me the past 20 years.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  ray
8 days ago

Small sample size. Also, most of these young women grew up in a house with a stay-at-home mom but also saw friends where the mom worked. They saw what was better for the mom and the kids.

These are unusual girls in that sense.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 days ago

Quite unusual. Because I am drawing from a very large sample.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 days ago

“Unfortunately, yes, they do have ridiculously high expectations. Six-foot tall (or taller as most of them played volleyball), college-educated, etc., is their baseline” And this is where the whole cock-carousel thing comes in. Sure, they’d marry and settle down at 22 but only to Mr. 666 (hmm… that number reminds me of something). Since Mr. 6s is more like Mr. 404 they just get a job in HR and spend their 20s riding random dicks because “there are NO good guys left”. Every office has a group of these little sluts who head out to the clubs every Friday after… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 days ago

Women of any age often have ludicrously unrealistic expectations for Mr. Right. I don’t know if Severian will weigh in now, but this topic often comes up at his blog. I’ll try and repeat some of his major points, as well as other readers’ (from memory, so I accept blame for inaccuracies or omissions.) Also, some of the comments could apply to men too, in context. People tend to think of themselves as being better than they really are. This is a human universal; just a manifestation of our egos. As a result, women think they are prettier, smarter, more talented,… Read more »

Last edited 8 days ago by Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
6 days ago

This is a perfect summary of how things stand, and it’s not quite as new as many people think. This ramped up very quickly after internet dating became something normal people could do without feeling like “losers”. Women suddenly had the ability to see a big cross section of the men in the area, like shopping in an online marketplace, so naturally they’re not going to settle for less than Chad. It’s not like one man “cost” them any more than another man. If you can buy a new Ferrari for the same price as an F150, well, the choice… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
6 days ago

They sleep with plenty of guys under below thwie level but just don’t date them

Reply to  Maxda
8 days ago

Same here with a son in 20’s who wants to be in IT and have a family. Trouble on both fronts of finding a job and sane wife. Human reproduction is very complex.

Reply to  Piffle
8 days ago

Why does no one want to work with their hands anymore is it the culture, society, or personal…

Reply to  Lineman
8 days ago

Labor is low status. I think that’s all there is to it.

Reply to  Paintersforms
8 days ago

It’s funny because I’ve never been treated like my job is low status in fact it’s always been the opposite wherever I go…

Reply to  Lineman
8 days ago

I’m in industrial maintenance, so I’m not putting labor down, just an observation. Even my family wanted me to have a profession, because that was progress.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Paintersforms
8 days ago

I’d say that’s changing. Reality has a way of seeping into our beliefs. After being out in the world a bit, a lot of women start to understand that the guy with his own business or a very high skill is a much better catch than the cubicle guy.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 days ago

Definitely. A cubicle guy will be training his H-1b replacement with no notice.

Reply to  Paintersforms
8 days ago

A tan used to be low status. It meant you were outside all day, instead of working in the fancy house. I think it’s more that labor jobs just aren’t the jobs women do, they don’t really have any access there (because they don’t have the type of strength and endurance it demands.)

Last edited 8 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
8 days ago

Exactly. Everybody wants to be royalty, or something.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Alzaebo
8 days ago

The shift in attitudes took place during the 20th century. Murray’s Coming Apart is one book that covered these societal changes. Until (say) the end of WW II, most men could make good money in the trades or at least many jobs that did not require professional certification. College or University was for those were (1) highly intelligent and (2) either came from money or could work their way through to pay tuition. (1) Is worth commenting upon: Until perhaps the early 20th century to enter high school required an exam, at least in a lot of States. How much fewer… Read more »

Reply to  Lineman
8 days ago

No one has any respect for keeping civilization running. They are going to regret that choice when it’s gone.

Reply to  LGC
6 days ago

The last guy in political power who talked about the value of real labor, and (as far as I can tell) meant it, was intolerable to the rest of the world’s big powers and had to be destroyed. But, as they say, 12 Years Not a Slave.

Reply to  Lineman
7 days ago

We are still encouraging him to think about a trade. It’s not easy and I understand why.

Reply to  Piffle
8 days ago

Having worked in IT for decades only to be pushed out by dots, IT is a dead end for our children and I told mine so years ago. Trades are where it’s at.
Now, sane wife? I can offer them no advice there. They tell me girls these days are looney, most on some kind of psych meds, and think they are all 10s.
I feel bad for them.

Reply to  Piffle
7 days ago

I’m in IT and am being rendered unemployable by the accelerating Indian infestation, which Trumpler seems intent on making 10x worse, and the fact that I’m a “seasoned professional”. Even today the age discrimination is pretty brazen in a lot of companies. If the company website has a staff photo that looks like that Jaguar commercial, obviously you should run. If it has a staff photo that looks like the senior class at the local high school, don’t even bother. To paraphrase Animal Farm, some discrimination is worse than others. However, I’m trying to build up my side business and… Read more »

Reply to  Maxda
8 days ago

I have seen more than one marriage that came about through ”dating sites”. No, not Tinder crap. There are any number that seem legit and cater to those excluded from typical venues such as church affiliation. No my thing, but neither were bar pickups.

Reply to  Compsci
8 days ago

The brother dated a Chinese gal this last year, from the one-child gen (she doesn’t understand “brothers and sisters”.)

Instead of dating sites, we could do like they do in China. Every Saturday in the public park are dozens of women holding up signs advertising what they have in assets, career, health, and other selling points.

This, in a country where 200 million men can’t find a wife, because it was the girls who got aborted. (In the olden times, girl babies were the ones left in the field, which led to the Boxer Rebellion.) Something is off over there.

Last edited 8 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Compsci
8 days ago

Us oldsters have a new computer dating service — Carbon Dating.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
8 days ago

At the risk of offending polite company, the service takes a cross-section of your schlong and counts the rings…

Reply to  Maxda
8 days ago

It is not easy to find a woman who wants a large family. It is also not easy to find employment that pays enough to support a large family on one income. Two income families mean one or two children max.

Reply to  Dutchboy
4 days ago

Depends a lot on how you manage your money.

Reply to  Maxda
8 days ago

Tell him to go into the trades Brother especially mine and he will have no problem finding a mate and being able to support a family…

Reply to  Lineman
8 days ago

Lineman, what trade are you in?

Reply to  TenFiftySeven
8 days ago

Power Lineman…

Reply to  Lineman
7 days ago

I thought it was pretty obvious by your handle. 🙂

Reply to  Piffle
7 days ago

Yea me too but with everyone being obsessed about sports they think football lineman…

8 days ago

There is a concerted effort by our rulers to limit all economic activity to cities. They want no rural population. Travel through the Midwest, mlssouri,Kansas, Kentucky , and WVa. They are STUNNINGLY empty. At least away from the cities . In the cities they build enormous apartment complexes but no houses. The rural land is being bought up by ngo groups and made into “preserves” like black mountain Kentucky. Those preserves allow almost no public access. Not even camping or hiking. There is clearly large forces at work worldwide. The same thing is going on ic Canada, Brazil, Australia,and lots… Read more »

Reply to  Miforest
8 days ago

This is a good reminder that our side should buy more rural land. What’s stopping us from forming NGO’s to pool resources and buy land? Land acquisition is a wise capital preservation strategy, especially considering the uncertainty related to the economy and the dollar going forward.

Reply to  Lakelander
8 days ago

Exactly. Throughout history, land was the signature of true wealth. Still is today. The rich know this. Whether they buy such directly (think Bill Gates) or indirectly (think Blackrock) the elites are hedging their bets. However, land must be held and defended. For that, the elites are dependent on us peons. What Bill Gates buys can’t be moved and will be taken back when the time comes.

Mormons, Masons and Muslims
Mormons, Masons and Muslims
Reply to  Compsci
8 days ago

There’s a wonderful line from a Western story, it goes “my grandfather held this land against Apaches, you think an old man who wants to sell his coal for 2 cents more a ton can’t be taken out?”

Reply to  Compsci
8 days ago

Yes. Someone recently put it this way. If you are a billionaire and you have a compound that is guarded by warriors, is it your compound or theirs. Of course, once they can do it with robots, they dispense of the loyalty and physical inferiority problem.

The praetorians were the kingmakers of Rome. Get good land and own it outright. Don’t be an island. Build community and networks and steward your posterity so they can be effective stewards across generations.

Reply to  RealityRules
8 days ago

Just had a ‘neighbor’ (3 miles away on the other side of the paved road) call to make sure I am okay (with husband away for work and 8-10 inches of snow on the ground). I am fine and accustomed to being rather independent, but it was also comforting to know that others were thinking of me. My other sole legitimate ‘neighbor’ (maybe 1/3 of a mile away through the woods) brought me over a big bunch of kindling yesterday, which I definitely needed. I’m an old lady who grew up in the ‘burbs and he’s been an outdoorsman all… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
8 days ago

Community is vital.
Hopefully more and more are understanding that simple matter Sister…

Reply to  Compsci
8 days ago

I wonder if it is even possible, C. I love the dissidents, I love their ideas about traditionalism and self reliance… but that comes along with a very, very rugged individualism that is a double edged blade. Sure… the classical dissident will function well on his own but by his very nature… organizing into a coherent functional social unit with such men is going to be a bear. They are not ones to put aside differences, bury the hatchet, let go of old grudges… and a lot of that is for the better, IMHO… but in the face of what’s… Read more »

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Filthie
8 days ago

I can get along fine with my neighbors and most any collection of white folks. My wife however…

Reply to  Filthie
8 days ago

We really, really need to get our shit together…
Yes lol it’s a hard road to hoe Brother like herding cats…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Lineman
8 days ago

It’s as bad as hoeing a row filled with a herd o’ cats…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
8 days ago

And the cats are fighting😉

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
8 days ago

It’s as bad as using a cat to hoe a row filled with a herd o’ cats…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
8 days ago

And there’s inevitably a killer rabbit hole at the end of that cat-filled row…

Last edited 8 days ago by Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
8 days ago

“What Bill Gates buys can’t be moved and will be taken back when the time comes.”

Exactly. The same applies to any land you intend to hedge your bets with. Most people have absolutely no idea, let alone a plan of how to do that. I’ve spent a lot of money on special forces type consultants, and summarizing their advice of how to hold onto your land is, “Don’t.”

Not that I intend to cut and run at first spark. But I have a more realistic understanding of when to run away from what they taught me about insurgencies.

Last edited 8 days ago by Steve
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
8 days ago

comment image

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
8 days ago

Right. But how many more Ukrainians would be alive today if not for the anachronistic idea of holding onto the land at all costs? Western analysts were going on about how Ukraine was going to be able to fall back to a deeper line of defense, but it turns out only the Russians did that. When they retreated to the next line, they pulled out prepared range cards and unleashed holy hell on the Ukes.

Trading territory for men and materiel is a good idea if you have space to fall back to.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Steve
8 days ago

Like I always say about ammunition, if you need more than one magazine’s worth, you’re most likely dead

Reply to  Lakelander
8 days ago


Reply to  Miforest
8 days ago

It’s called Agenda 30…

8 days ago

Read a study couple days back that reported that 98% of the parents of U.S. daughters want their girls to ‘have careers’ and to ‘live independent financially’. That’s the plan in life: Don’t need no man. When I was a kid 70 years ago, most parents raised daughters to marry, to marry young, and to produce many wonderful grandchildren. That’s back when the nation actually worked. DIEversity hires, all, just like the Mayoress | Patriactionary Modern parents of the past half-century don’t raise daughters for marriage, but to have hard-charging careers while the government mandates the mass hiring and promotion… Read more »

Last edited 8 days ago by ray
Reply to  ray
8 days ago

Exactly, as the guy with daughter points out with clarity. He doesn’t care one wit about the young male except to get out of the way of his special girl who wants the 6s.

Reply to  ray
8 days ago

The other half to that is ignoring the natural seasons of biology, we’ve practically made puberty illegal. We don’t tell the girls they only get a 15 year window, 20 if they’re lucky, and structure it so they mate or marry later and later.

Reply to  Alzaebo
8 days ago

Childhood, especially for females, is extended ridiculously in America, and females marry and give birth far too late in their lives. This is encouraged in every possible way by, well, most everybody.

This is a signature of a neo-matriarchal society, or simply a gynocentric one.

Reply to  ray
4 days ago

My daughter in law is stay at home mom.

8 days ago

We would be wise to not make the same mistake we make in all matters that led us to this precipice. That is to Universalize a problem. Below replacement fertility on its own may actually be healthy, though not without serious issues to address as we go through it. Our biggest problem is the invasion of our homelands and the ongoing cultural genocide against our people. Period. Full stop. Even saying that the Occident’s problem isn’t as bad as Asia’s is a big mistake. This is due to several factors, one of which is importing high fertility people. That is… Read more »

8 days ago

My mom and her 4 siblings (boomers) had 11 children total. Those 11 children (older millennial) only have 3 children among them with most having exited fertility age now. This is how fast it happens.

Diversity Heretic
8 days ago

I haven’t had time yet to listen to the podcast, but the topic immediatly called to my mind the “Six Sirens of the Sexual Apocalypse,” identified by the blogger Chateau Heartiste years ago. Here’s a list: “Again, Le Chateau was on top of all this years ago, when we proposed a sea change in the American cultural landscape heralded by the coming of the Four Five Six Sirens of the Sexual Apocalypse: Effective and widely available contraceptives (the Pill, condom, and the de facto contraceptive abortion). Easy peasy no-fault divorce. Women’s economic independence (hurtling towards women’s economic advantage if the college enrollment ratio is any… Read more »

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
8 days ago

I can further simplify this list:

  1. Increased freedom for women
  2. Increased freedom for women
  3. Increased freedom for women
  4. Increased freedom for women
  5. Penicillin
  6. Increased freedom for women
Reply to  Mr. Generic
8 days ago

This is the list I read:

Increased freedom for men, at the expense of women’s health largelyIncreased freedom for men and women (I can be honest)Increased freedom for men, who no longer have financial responsibilities to any female relative, including their wivesIncreased freedom for men, who can justify abandoning admittedly unlikeable and unhappy female relationships.Increased freedom for men, who can usually get real cures for STDs without long term damageIncreased freedom for men, sort of as an unhealthy addiction

Last edited 8 days ago by Piffle
bruce g charlton
bruce g charlton
8 days ago

“One of the many strange things about this age is that the most urgent issue facing the developed world gets the least amount of attention. That urgent thing is the collapse of fertility in every country with indoor toilets. “ Excellent to see this highlighted. And, yes, of course! Biologically, what would we think of a group of creatures who were given shelter, food, and even peace and prosperity – yet, given the choice – refuse to reproduce themselves? I think the biologists would assume that, despite appearances, there was something Very Wrong Indeed. I got interested in this stuff about… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  bruce g charlton
8 days ago

Separating physical intimacy from reproduction is a cornerstone of the transhumanist/depop plan.

The end goal is managed artificial reproduction, most likely in a cloning facility or warehouse of artificial wombs. Many sci-fi dystopias have covered this.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
8 days ago

I don’t really see it as a problem, but as amoral nature coming back to balance. More of a market correction than a crash.

Our overpopulation is a bubble, a surplus bubble; we’ve never had such surplus before.

The big mistake was well-earned Northern Tier achievements being given away for free to Southern Tier breeders. That is how the wogs have always dealt with their environment, breeding too fast for it to kill them. Now they’re spilling into our petri dish, that is the disruption.

Last edited 8 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  bruce g charlton
8 days ago

“In a nutshell; mankind is stopping reproducing mainly because our sexual development, and instincts leading to reproduction, are being genetically disrupted, in a cumulative (generation by generation) way. This potentially explains the trend for ever-worsening subfertility across all cultures, societies, races, religions etc.” Excellent point. I would like to explore such at a more minute level. We keep saying “collapse”, but what does that mean? At the general understanding it means a birth rate of less than 2.1 offspring, but what of the mixture of mated pairs of humans in general? Some have no offspring, some have 1, some have… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
8 days ago

Much agreed. It is a slowing of the rate, because the numbers are so dire in such a short span.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
8 days ago

Population decline in developed countries is not a problem. It should lead to better living with less congestion, pollution and crowding. The problem is the owners of capital need more eaters to buy cellphones, fast food and pay rents, so they are importing the worst kind of humans to keep the “growth” going, in the process crapping up the place for the rest of us. Korea, China and Japan should do just fine, as long as they keep out the brown hordes. Europe is drowning under the brown wave. Canada and the US are going under. Who wants to bring… Read more »

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
8 days ago

“Korea, China and Japan should do just fine, as long as they keep out the brown hordes. Europe is drowning under the brown wave. Canada and the US are going under.” Exactly along my line of thinking. Their population shrinks, but it maintains it IQ distribution. The Smart Fraction remains intact to support and promote the society’s goals and welfare. The West however imports low IQ muds who consume more from the general society than they produce. The replacement of Whites shrinks the Critical Fraction and inevitably, the society reverts from a 1st class technological nation to a 3rd world… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
8 days ago

It’s worse than you can imagine Brother and it’s absolutely criminal what they did but since no one will hold them to account it will get worse, bet on it ..

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Lineman
7 days ago

It is getting worse in real time. The spectacular clown show unfolding on the Pacific coast is a preview.

Reply to  Compsci
8 days ago

The leaders of the L.A. Fire Department, all named ‘Kirsten’ or some derivative —

Last edited 8 days ago by ray
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Compsci
7 days ago

Every news conference you see the swarm of brown faces appear among the elites in control. That’s really all you need to know. You can turn off the sound on the TV. 

Those are the three truest lines I’ve read in a long time. Yes. Distance isn’t the solution but it is the only short-term defense. The rotten structure really is falling apart and the fires are the flashing neon sign of the upcoming salvage sale. There will be no TV to turn off soon enough. The salvage buyers know the market is offshore.

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
8 days ago

100 million Japanese instead of 168 million will do just fine, I think.

Last edited 8 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 days ago

No they won’t. The majority of will be 70 or older. How will that work? You are assuming the population mix stays the same and it doesn’t

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
8 days ago

A new economic model will emerge that shifts the focus from consumption and growth to something else.

Michigan Man
Michigan Man
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
7 days ago

I do think an aging population and lopsided dependency ratio is a real problem, which is why I think having a replacement level TFR is preferable. But i agree that it’s certainly not as big of a problem as being flooded with 3rd world migrants.

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
6 days ago

Amen, and amen. A world swamped with browns would be worse than a lifeless one. I’d rather see the cockroaches take dominion as the most developed species on earth than suffer it to be overrun Camp-of-the-Saints style.

8 days ago

There have been studies of other mammals that show the females simply stop reproducing when the environment reaches a saturation level. For humans, this is made easier by technology factors like abortion and chemicalization of the food supply. But the principle is the same. Population density seems to be associated strongly with declining fertility rates, with religiosity and social norms as moderating factors. I view the population decline as a good thing. I don’t worship GDP which depends on population growth – currently being achieved through mass immigration – to expand. Fewer people means more open space. Fewer… Read more »

Last edited 8 days ago by hokkoda
Reply to  Hokkoda
8 days ago

Bill gates?!?! I didn’t know you followed Z. Tell klaus hi for us. How’s that new set of vaxes going?

Reply to  Miforest
8 days ago

They might seem evil, but by gum they foresaw it and planned for it, with the full intention of coming out on top. Now who’s dealing with reality?

Reply to  Miforest
7 days ago

Explain to me why 9B people on the planet is better than 4B and why the period of time in this country when there were only 3-4B people was, by most accounts, I was there, the golden age of our society.

Also, scanning through the comments, I don’t notice you calling anybody else pointing out the biological nature of this “Bill Gates”. What a weird comment from you.

Last edited 7 days ago by hokkoda
Reply to  hokkoda
4 days ago

You can do your own homework, read the Deagle 2025 report.

Last edited 4 days ago by forester
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Hokkoda
8 days ago

One hundred percent. The bellowing mostly comes from the same folks who want mass migration and look solely at GDP as a measure of human flourishing. Here’s to non-white populations particularly collapsing! On to listening to the show.

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  Hokkoda
8 days ago

At the risk of being the eugenic depopulationist in the punch bowl, the problem is not so much the people who aren’t reproducing as those who are. Africa alone is projected to have 4-5 billion by the end of the century. Automation, AI and robotics will make the GDP growth argument irrelevant.

What will be done with all those surplus people. Send them to Mars? Yeah, right.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Tarl Cabot
8 days ago

Well, Sailer is correct regarding what he calls, “The World’s Most Important Graph.”

Reply to  Tarl Cabot
7 days ago

That population has exploded mainly on the coat-tails of medical and agricultural advancements in the West, combined with access to clean water. There is an end to that road at some point because eventually the West dies off and all those societies collapse in a second great die off. Or, the West gets its act together, and stops subsidizing it.

Reply to  Hokkoda
8 days ago

“Population density seems to be associated strongly with declining fertility rates, with religiosity and social norms as moderating factors.” Thoroughly confounded conclusion. India and China, and even Japan have been heavily (relatively) populated since recorded history. Their history is filled with evidence of population woes such as repeated famines and epidemics. Yet, their population increased century by century. It’s too simplistic a notion that at some magical and unproven density level, women stop reproducing. I would maintain there is, or has not, been any density level reached which causes decline in birth rate for humans. Rather, we have reached a… Read more »

Last edited 8 days ago by Compsci
Reply to  Compsci
8 days ago

“It’s too simplistic a notion that at some magical and unproven density level, women stop reproducing.” I can believe in two ideas: 1)God puts limits on natural systems. We have seen those systems have similar patterns of boom/bust 2)Given a chart of estimated human population growth for the last 500 years, we’re reaching that limit. “Rather, we have reached a scientific and sociological point where birth rate is controllable—by women.” I cannot say it enough that feminism benefits men and not women. As proven by the obviously disturbed screeching harpies that push feminism, feminism at it’s core is about destroying… Read more »

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Piffle
8 days ago

it’s women who like babies, not men. This part is correct, but I assert that women like *babies*, but they do not like *children*. It is men who are focused on putting in a lifetime investment in order to protect their legacy and have opportunities for mentoring and teaching, etc. Women want babies because they are cute. Women also want to be lazy and (above all!) unburdened by responsibility. Birthrates crumble when women have the ability to get their cuteness needs met by getting a puppy. It’s easier and far less responsibility than having another human being depend on you.… Read more »

Reply to  Mr. Generic
8 days ago

This. I like puppies and kittens as much as anyone – but they are still animals. White babies and children matter – and I despise all those who unironically use the vile term ‘fur babies’ – even when referring to baby goats and cows.

Reply to  Mr. Generic
8 days ago

“Women want babies because they are cute. Women also want to be lazy and (above all!) unburdened by responsibility. ” Men want women because they are cute. Men also want to be the lazy and unburdened by responsibility. Wanting babies that will yes eventually grow into children and then adults is how we keep the human race going. Can that impulse in women be disturbed, twisted, etc? Absolutely. I am not arguing against the fall in either sex. Why women want to be leaders has mostly to do with that fallen inner control freak issue. That’s why they don’t do it… Read more »

Last edited 8 days ago by Piffle
Reply to  Piffle
8 days ago

Boys belong with women until five or six. After that, they belong with men. Their interactions after kindergarten age with the tribe of women should be strictly limited, and females never should be placed in positions of authority over them.

Not in the schools, not in the home, not anywhere.

Reply to  ray
8 days ago

Boys belong with women until five or six.. Their interactions after kindergarten age with the tribe of women should be strictly limited, and females never should be placed in positions of authority over them.”

Good luck with theorical home you’ve going on there.

Reply to  Piffle
8 days ago

Good luck keeping your matriarchy standing, there, Ms. Pfiffle.

Last edited 8 days ago by ray
Reply to  ray
7 days ago

I don’t want a matriarchy. I want a patriarchy, just like you do. However, I don’t control this situation. Until the whining that “It’s all de wayman’s fault” and the crazy unrealistic expectations stop, the matriarchy continues on. Matriarchies exist in male vacuums. African men are physically some of the strongest on the planet. They let the women run things.

Reply to  Piffle
8 days ago

You bet, to Mom to teach them about inside the house when young and to Dads to teach them about the outside world when older.

Reply to  Alzaebo
8 days ago


Reply to  Mr. Generic
4 days ago

I call media indoctrination BS. Most men love babies and the women who care for them.

Reply to  Piffle
8 days ago

Piffle, no argument against any of your sage comment. And I might add that yep, any father that says he was not jealous of his first child is lying. It is the price we pay for a good mother of our progeny.

Reply to  Compsci
8 days ago

I honestly have not seen that – not in my own husband nor in numerous other men I’ve known. I would counter that today’s women are jealous of their own children – instead of being the center of attention and feted as an expectant mother, suddenly they have to put in the work and the new infant is the center of attention. I think that is behind the epidemic of post-partum depression as much as any other psychotropic cause.

Reply to  3g4me
8 days ago

” I think that is behind the epidemic of post-partum depression as much as any other psychotropic cause.” OR that women are supposed to work away from home and be separated for long hours from their infants. It appears that post partum depression is a thing mostly to arise with expectation and/or need now for women to work. ” I would counter that today’s women are jealous of their own children – instead of being the center of attention and feted as an expectant mother,” I’m sorry if you’ve never seen a husband jealous of his infant. It’s very real. That said,… Read more »

Last edited 8 days ago by Piffle
Reply to  Piffle
8 days ago

‘I cannot say it enough that feminism benefits men and not women.’ Clearly you can’t say it enough, much as you repeat it. Collective female power has targeted boys and men in America for half-a-century . . . but it’s women that suffer most from it, eh? lol That’s like Hillary pronouncing that the main victims of war are women. The men being dead and whatnot. :O) ‘As proven by the obviously disturbed screeching harpies that push feminism, feminism at it’s core is about destroying healthy women.’ Feminism is a death cult and always has been throughout its ancient masks… Read more »

Reply to  ray
8 days ago

The male part of the fall was a)falling and b)blaming that gosh darn woman for the problem, rather than take responsibility for it. Until men are ready to stop whining at women to stop for being women nothing will change. What I see your posts is “Women caused all these problems, they shouldn’t be in charge, and why won’t they let us be in charge??” Okay….do you see a problem there? The Taliban just took back over society without waiting for the women to get on board. They also didn’t blame women for their loss of control. Meanwhile, women aren’t… Read more »

Last edited 8 days ago by Piffle
Reply to  Piffle
8 days ago

Go away lady.

Reply to  ray
7 days ago

It’s okay to blame women for everything, but when I point out that men might be part of this problem it’s “go away”. Women can’t fix this for the men. The men need to fix it and do things they don’t want to do. In blaming women and claiming lack of agency, men become effeminate themselves.

Last edited 7 days ago by Piffle
Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Piffle
7 days ago

You know it hurts my feelings when you say things like that, Piffle.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Compsci
8 days ago

Rather, we have reached a scientific and sociological point where birth rate is controllable—by women.

This really is it in a nutshell. Declining birth rates corresponds much more closely to increases in women’s freedom than it does to any arbitrary metric of total population, population density, etc.

Reply to  Mr. Generic
8 days ago

Women’s reproductive freedom simply gives them an easier tool to do that which they are already biologically prewired to do at certain levels of population.

Abortion is the means not the cause.

Reply to  Mr. Generic
6 days ago

Generic quoted me:

Rather, we have reached a scientific and sociological point where birth rate is controllable—by women.

I have backtracked and found an older article by a better man than me. Very complete analysis of population fertility rate decline. Easy to understand and full of graphs and citations. Don’t take my conclusion above as a complete explanation. However, the feminization of society *is* the essence of the problem as the article below aptly supports:

Reply to  Compsci
8 days ago

Counter to that may be that some populations, such as China’s, follow a boom and bust model. Three times China has had up to a 90% population loss due to bubonic plague, the same three times that drove the Mongols west. What the Americas never recovered from.

Africa has not only had repeated plagues, but genocidal Bantus rampaging up and down the continent ever since some Egyptian nitwit sold them metal spearheads. Nobody should have to remind a European about population density (sewage laden water and plague rats, typhus in the 1910s-30s) and the Black Plague, either bacterial or bipedal!

Last edited 8 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Compsci
8 days ago

But they’re all cratering, too. That’s my point. You’re thinking of the human population as defined by a bunch of completely arbitrary borders. Planet earth is a sphere with a finite surface area to support human life. Your argument is like saying there’s tons of deer on that property over there and it’s a growing herd, but in my property it’s not, so it must be something to do with the boundaries. But the reality of the overall herd is growing. Mother Nature doesn’t obey property lines. The earth is a self contained biosphere. We’re on a space ship and… Read more »

Reply to  Hokkoda
8 days ago

Population decline can most definitely be a ‘good thing,’ provided it’s the non-Whites who stop spreading across the earth like locusts. “People naturally seek lower density over time.” Uh, you missed a key modifier there – White people are the ones who seek space and privacy and nature. Not blacks, and certainly not east or south Asians.

Reply to  3g4me
7 days ago

That only stops when we decide to stop sharing the bounties of our culture in terms of agriculture, medicines, and fresh water. But I don’t see that happening any time soon. Most of the population explosion in those parts of the world comes down to Western technology…the natural biological barriers were knocked down by technology.

Ostei Kozelskii
8 days ago

Perhaps there is a presentiment of doom. And nobody in their right mind wants to bring helpless babes into a world destined for nightmareland.

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
8 days ago

“Every species can smell its own extinction. The last ones left won’t have a pretty time with it. In ten years, maybe less, the human race will just be a bedtime story for their children. A myth, nothing more.” — John Trent, In the Mouth of Madness

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
8 days ago

Definitely plays a part in the ones who are aware Brother but for the clueless I don’t think it’s a factor…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
8 days ago

This is a real factor, no doubt.

8 days ago

Although there may be multiple causes, some of them are a lot more obvious than others. E.g. birthrates have been generally falling since the IR, but it really fell off a cliff in the 60s after hormonal birth control was invented. Adding abortion without the father’s consent basically put women in 100% control of reproduction, and we’ve seen how they act when that is the case. Why would you want to give up the free infinite attention from male suitors in your 20s just to have 1 male giving you attention while bearing the burden of pregnancy? The answer is… Read more »

Reply to  BasedTeuton
8 days ago

“…welfare for single-mothers, which has helped eliminate the natural male role as the provider. “ No general objection to the observation, but the exclusion of children in the equation is to not understand the situation completely. Welfare was sold as not for the mother, but for the children—the mother was a live-in babysitter. Indeed, look at most all these unfair situations you decry and you can see it’s the children in the marriage that produces much of the unfairness. A couple with no children can divorce without many of the problems of settlement we hear of—especially if the woman continued to… Read more »

8 days ago

I don’t know if “My Posting Career” or MPC is still around, but a poster called Pleasureman distilled most of the problems down to something he called SCALE. Size, Complexity, Atomization, Liberalization, Elitism. It functioned as a good explanation for all societal problems, but it definitely applies to our declining birth rates. Communities break down when you expand past Dunbar’s number at around 100-250. You can’t have high trust with people you don’t know intimately without strict reciprocal laws that guarantee some level of safety. The complexity of our society further drives the codification and bureaucratization of things since we… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Galahad
8 days ago

It isn’t so much that it takes a village to raise a child, but more that the village will raise your child. The village – i.e., culture – in which your child is raised will have the most influence, be it a small farming community or the unbridled internet. Best to make sure it is a good village.

Reply to  Galahad
8 days ago

Very well stated…

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
8 days ago

Z is right that this is a complex problem with several causes, but at the top of the list is women’s rights. Rich country, poor country, urban, rural, black, white, when you give women the right to education, to work and to contraceptives, birth rates collapse. That’s big reason why people don’t like to talk about the issue much or if they do, they don’t want to look at a key cause . . . because that would mean talking about women’s rights in a negative way. I’ve watched videos and read articles about the fertility collapse and they either… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 days ago

Better to have a ruined country, better to present a hundred reasons for birth collapse, rather than face the plain truth: feminism — so greatly beloved by governments, colleges, media, corporations, and the parents of daughters — is a death cult. Plain and simple. Nations that adopt it fail and fail hard.

And feminism is America’s national religion. Don’t even think of trying to tell me its Jesus and Christianity. Women long ago took the place of God in the U.S.

Last edited 8 days ago by ray
Reply to  ray
8 days ago

blacks > women

When feminists complain about misogyny in rap lyrics, the blacks win.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  LineInTheSand
8 days ago

There’s a dam’ good reason rape isn’t classed as a hate crime.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
7 days ago

Golden, my man. I do see blacks along with their intended successors trannies starting to fade somewhat as the stars of the Progressive Stack, but as long as the rapes are confined to white women and girls (and they are the main target obviously), rape will remain a regular crime. If tranny rape exclusively becomes an issue, the “hate” modifier might be deployed. Maybe.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
6 days ago

Not only that, but when the 13 percent commit 75 percent of the rapes…

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  LineInTheSand
7 days ago

When either one of them displays any “antisemitism” they find out who the real power is

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
7 days ago

Then again, look what happened to (((Donald Sterling))) when he told his young mistress not to be seen cavorting with sportsball nuggras.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
6 days ago

That whole affair was just a hostile takeover. One jew, Ballmer, forcing another jew, Sterling(Tokowitz), out of ownership of his sportsball team. Sterling wasn’t targeted because he said badwords. He was targeted because he owned the team, and the badwords were just the available ammo to be used against him.

Last edited 6 days ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 days ago

The more empowerment women get, the more unhappy they are.

(Sure, explaining women’s increasing unhappiness is probably more complicated than that, but the previous sentence is fun to say to liberals.)

As untrustworthy as science and science reporting are, they seem to always say that, as each decade since the 1960s passed, women have become more miserable and on more psychiatric drugs.

You go girl.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  LineInTheSand
8 days ago

The vast, vast majority of women would be happiest being a stay-at-home mom organizing community/church events and playing with their kids.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 days ago

Over the long haul maybe. But in her 20s and 30s, nothing, and I do mean nothing, can compare with living the sluts in the city lifestyle. There is nothing else anybody can offer a woman, ever, that can compare to how good she has it then. The whole damn world is her oyster at that point.
She gets whatever she wants. And thanks to cosmetic surgery and ubiquitous gyms, the wall comes later and later. A lot of women have been able to extend this into their 50s.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 days ago

“The world is her oyster.” So true. Every head will turn, to gauge either the possibilities or the competition. She’s going to be a Hollywood superstar for the next 10 years, and we give them no warning.

This is your only shot, girlfren, this is the only moment you’ve got, to do what no man can ever do.

Last edited 8 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 days ago

To me, it is a measure of the power of the media that it can convince people to go against their strongest instincts, like the women you mention.

To be fair, although I don’t find religion convincing, religious people can explain this as the power of Satanic inversion. Good point, my friends.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  LineInTheSand
8 days ago

So, the solution, dontchaknow, is even more girrlpower, more wymyn’s lib and more abortions.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 days ago

Feminists are dumb and annoying. And the courts are awful to men. But I have a feeling that most of this is driven by economics and children now being a liability. Japan has women’s rights but not like we do. And their fertility is worse. Yemen is the most anti-feminist country on Earth and has a fertility of 3.72. Sounds high but it’s come down from 8.0 in the mid 1990s. Countries like Nigeria are sky high because they are stupid ignorant backward people. We need to focus on lowering their rate.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Trek
8 days ago

As for Yemen – getting the living shit bombed out of you will do that.

Reply to  c matt
8 days ago

Yemen being basically Saudi hillbillies, then Nigeria is positively begging to be bombed.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Trek
8 days ago

True. As we’ve all noted, it’s a combination of causes. But, yeah, kids being expensive and time consuming when you can be doing other stuff makes a lot of people say no.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
8 days ago


Last edited 8 days ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Trek
8 days ago

Japan isn’t feminist in the standard Western way, but in the fundamental way: Women consider men a lesser species, and the regime has a woman’s mind. Famous example: The idea that women need their own train cars, to shield them from the physical predation of Japanese men (imagine), is literally hysterical. Nothing in reality justifies it, and it never did. The chikan was a media-induced hallucination. But there the cars all are—famously are, symbolizing the men of the country. Everyone knows them. To most of the living population, they’ve always been there. They’re an immortal truth. Conservatives invent conservative reasons… Read more »

8 days ago

When was the last time you met a woman proclaiming that her dream is to have a big family?

Actually, I once worked for a large corporation where we did the “where do you see yourself in 5 years” exercise. A female colleague, 23 years old, said that she wants to start a family and eventually have 5 children. She left the company one year later to do the eat pray love thing in Asia. Today, she’s in her mid 30’s, with no kids.

Last edited 8 days ago by Hun
Reply to  Hun
8 days ago

Most people don’t know this, but the exotic “lovers” found in Eat Pray Love and How Stella Got Her Groove Back were both hedging on a green card. When they got their cards, they immediately filed for divorce. If I recall correctly, both men were gay. There are no happy endings for naive leftwing women in real life.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Hun
8 days ago


I get the impression that your female colleague thought she would manage to tie down a, “Kuta Cowboy,” of her very own.

Not a good assumption.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
8 days ago

It didn’t help that she was surrounded by a large number of very thirsty simps who would do anything for her (this was at a tech company). Being in an environment like that can’t be good for mental health, nor lead to an accurate world view.

Simping is a menace.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Hun
8 days ago

It is a virtual impossibility for anyone who is not an attractive woman to see the world as an attractive woman does. And vice versa. Because she is treated differently. Always has been, always will be. Regardless of prevailing norms, government regimes, etc.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 days ago

Not even attractive. Young and 4/10 or higher is already living in a very different world.

That being said “treated differently” is on a completely different level these days, compared to what it was in the more distant past.

Reply to  Hun
8 days ago

My daughter and fiancée were planning a large family. A year ago October that came to a screeching end in a bunch of twisted metal in the ditch.

There are a lot of her acquaintances who desire large families. Most of them I doubt will follow through. More to the point, find anyone crazy enough to follow through with. We’ll see.

Last edited 8 days ago by Steve
Reply to  Steve
4 days ago

Very sorry for her loss.

8 days ago

I’ve talked to people about how South Korea has basically decided to genocide itself thanks to not having babies. They don’t really get it, or choose not to get it. The obvious implication of this – that feminism allows women to end civilization and end their people, if they so desire – seems too horrifying and too shattering to the liberal consensus to contemplate.

Tars Tarkas
8 days ago

Is there anyone anywhere in the world who looks around and says “You know what this place could use? More people!!!”

All of this fretting about demographics is really about our worshiping of the economy gods and the truly sacrosanct GDP along with Ponzi based retirement programs. We have to sacrifice to appease the economy gods. This is also why we are wrecking our nations with third worlders, to appease the GDP/Economy gods.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
8 days ago

It is said that money is the root of all evil. Pretty close. Greed seems pretty close to the epicenter.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
8 days ago

Right. The phrase is, “The love of money…” etc. Passably close to “greed”.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
7 days ago

Actually, there are, and most of them are corporatist swine. Sell, sell, sell, consume, consume, consume.

Last edited 7 days ago by hokkoda
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
4 days ago

It could use a lot more people like our kids…

Tom K
Tom K
8 days ago

SS Africa is the only region defying the trend. What will Minnesota look like in 50 years after the swamping of the native pop. by the high time preference hordes? Bantus, Somalis, etc. are bad at debt management. That’s a huge problem combined with the general decline in population through a lower overall TFR. There just won’t be enough quality people to repay the high debt burden we face as a society. At some point it’s all going to collapse in on itself.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Tom K
8 days ago

It is not defying the trend. But it has a lot farther to fall than the rest.

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 days ago

You’re correct. Well, thankfully they refused the mRNA death jabs /s

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 days ago

Part of the reason is liberal women like Melinda Gates desperately pushing birth control and feminism on the women there. They are having some success at lower birth rates rapidly, who knows what will happen as this progresses.

Reply to  Barnard
8 days ago

First-ladies have been visiting the Dark Continent a long time, and their priority is always the same: pushing feminism and birth control.

Last edited 8 days ago by ray
Reply to  Tom K
7 days ago

On the up side, those other populations are simply not capable of sustaining the technological aspects of the society that made their growth rates possible. As we recede, their ability to sustain their populations will also start to recede.

Reply to  hokkoda
4 days ago

”will start”. Look around you, it’s in free fall now!

8 days ago

I think that all your items are contributing factors and that it is a multi-factorial problem, but I think there is another major contributor that you allude to some of its effects at times but don’t specifically mention, which is feminism. Socially this is a huge contributor to the changing social norms that you talk about some. It is hammered into women to seek first an education and career. This is a primary driver of the marriage age being pushed later and later. When coupled with steep decline in fertilty by the time a woman hits her 30’s, it makes… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Cary
8 days ago

Another factor in that is a general frowning upon age gaps in couples. It would make biological and economic sense for a 35-38 year old male to have an early to mid 20s wife, allowing for both family formation and sustenance.

Reply to  c matt
8 days ago

That was more common in Mom’s day (born in 1916), the man was expected to be established, the girl an “old maid” if she wasn’t married by 18. Nobody looked twice at married 14 year olds, or at 14 year old workers with a full-time job, either.

Civilization used to be structured around a female’s age, not a male’s.
Specifically, around puberty, and all that came with it.

Even the Dick van Dyke show in the 60s had an episode where his wife (Mary Tyler Moore), admitted that she had lied on the marriage certificate, she was really only 15.

Last edited 8 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
6 days ago

Alzaebo, you’ve hit upon the essence of the problem—marriage!

I’ve cited this above, but this article is worth reading:

We have empowered women so much that the not longer need to marry. Marriage is the environment for creation of family and children. The article in essence states the case for population decline based upon marriage collapse. Well worth a read.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  c matt
7 days ago

True enough. Unfortunately in all too many cases it also makes economic sense for the wife to divorce hubby in her 30s while she’s still somewhat marketable. Sure, the kids aren’t grown and will suffer, but who cares? This scenario is especially alluring if Ex-to-Be can get a good settlement and maybe even alimony. Sometimes she even gets the house and the kids. Or perhaps more realistically, and this would mirror most of the case I’ve known in my lower-middle class experience, is that a couple calls it quits thinking it’ll be an improvement but they both wind up worse… Read more »

Reply to  Cary
8 days ago

Amen on that…

Reply to  Cary
8 days ago

Yes, even the Christian churches have been conquered by feminism. Pastors are just men, and are subject to the same pressures and motivations as secular men.

Last edited 8 days ago by ray
8 days ago

There is never a right time to have a baby. Women rate higher in neuroticism, thus giving women control, any control limits fertility.

Now what does control mean? Studies have been done and comparisons between countries made. Its not abortion, it’s not free childcare, it’s not the civil rights. It’s the mere knowledge that fertility can be controlled: timing sex around fertility cycles and pull out game.

Any kind of sex education beyond it’s God’s will and His alone and humans go extinct.

Reply to  Tykebomb
8 days ago

So free fornicating chimpanzees are the ones who actually follow God’s will? Who knew.

Reply to  Trek
4 days ago


Steve W
Steve W
8 days ago

A TFR of 2.1 (or 2.2, as Z says) isn’t the whole story. In fact it is – almost literally – half the story. If a woman has her 2.1 kids by twenty, and her children follow the same time frame, then said woman will be a grandmother by 40, a great grandmother by 60, and quite plausibly a great great grandmother by 80. Ok, so what? Well, if another woman has her 2.1 kids around 35, and her children follow the same time frame, then said women will be grandmother at 70, and long gone by the arrival of… Read more »

Ride-By Shooter
Ride-By Shooter
Reply to  Steve W
7 days ago

TFR is still at 2.1 or whatever. But a whole generation is missing.

True. The people who worry most about TFR rarely—or never—mention dP/dt or P(t).

Last edited 7 days ago by Ride-By Shooter
Reply to  Steve W
7 days ago

There is something really weird going on. My sister has 5 kids. Two are married. No grandkids. I think one is gay, just not openly, and the one girl is just a sad, confused, feminist bi just to piss of her mom. It defies all logic. Dad is a combat Marine who announced last Fall after 35 years of marriage he just doesn’t want to be married any more. 35 years down the tubes for my sister who did the stay at home mom thing while dad went to war. What should be the start of her golden years and… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
4 days ago

horrendous tragedy. very sorry for your sis

8 days ago

People don’t want kids because they watch the news.

Reply to  Maniac
8 days ago

Not the news. Entertainment in all forms now.

Reply to  Miforest
8 days ago

You mean, even the entertainment is so bad one wants to just die already?

Last edited 8 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Maniac
4 days ago


8 days ago

I’m going to be superstitious here and blame Mother Nature. Nature always finds a way. Respect the Dao. Soon after hitting 5 billion people in 1987, we started getting busts all over. This is merely some dormant program that gets activated when the human population can’t cull itself through natural disasters, pestilence, and war. I suspect the rat and cockroach population has a similar dormant program.

8 days ago

Excellent point on restaurant food. Even the ones that are “family owned” that people are convinced have better food get most of what they serve off the same truck that stops at Chili’s and Cracker Barrel. The main difference is in the price with possibly slightly higher quality people doing the cooking and prep.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Barnard
8 days ago

I’m not sure if that’s true. Large restaurant chains have very refined and customized supply chains. They don’t buy ground beef. They buy ground beef already shaped and sized for their specific menu items. For example.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 days ago

Fast food places do. I see the same trucks from major food service companies like Sysco outside causal dining chains like Applebees and locally owned places. I’m sure certain items come standardized, but most of the food comes from the same place.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Barnard
8 days ago

Every last bit of it comes from a gargantuan food warehouse just south of Kankakee, Illinois.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
8 days ago

One major reason is that nobody wants to subject their potential offspring to the soulless, inhuman future the controllers are implementing.

Another major reason is that the Earth is a very large, yet ultimately finite system. The problem is that the limits of that system are not clearly knowable by our crude human perception and tools.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
8 days ago

As I understand it, the human population was between 1m and 10m at the start of the Holocene. Even 2000 years ago I think the human population was only around 200m. Human crossed the 1bn mark in around 1840 (I think). We’re certainly in overshoot territory right now. India and China are in extreme overshoot territory, and probably so is Europe. Europe’s natural carrying capacity is probably around 50m-70m. It’s got maybe around 450m or thereabouts today.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
8 days ago

Europe’s natural carrying capacity is probably around 50m-70m.

How do you estimate these numbers? And how do you define carrying capacity?

I think the biggest tragedy is that people of European heritage used to be close to half of the world’s population and now are at maybe 10%. Any decline in global population must be carefully managed so that we are not eaten by the zombies, whose populations have exploded in the second half of the 20th century. Minimum requirement for careful management is to not let the zombies in your home.

Last edited 8 days ago by Hun
Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Hun
8 days ago

“I think the biggest tragedy is that people of European heritage used to be close to half of the world’s population and now are at maybe 10%.” It was around one third in 1900. It’s less than 10% now. As for where I got the figures, it’s from a number of sources over the years which I don’t remember, but the numbers have somehow stuck to my memory. The reasons for the population explosion probably lie with effective methods to decrease infant mortality. And also, more efficient methods of agriculture and animal husbandry. Again quoting from memory. Famines, pestilences like… Read more »

Last edited 8 days ago by Arshad Ali
Reply to  Arshad Ali
8 days ago

I don’t think it’s useful to calculate carrying capacity of a continent based on ancient methods of agriculture, famines and plagues. We don’t need to go all the way back to those times. I certainly don’t want to. We need to find the right balance.

Reply to  Hun
8 days ago

He just makes numbers up.The Roman Empire had 60 million at its peak and that didn’t cover the whole of Europe; and they certainly did not have the most efficient agricultural system.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  frosty
8 days ago

Well, a quick Google search reveals this from a Wikipedia article (which I was hitherto unaware of): “Published estimates for the 1st century (“AD 1“) suggest uncertainty of the order of 50% (estimates range between 150 and 330 million). Some estimates extend their timeline into deep prehistory, to “10,000 BC”, i.e., the early Holocene, when world population estimates range roughly between 1 and 10 million (with an uncertainty of up to an order of magnitude)” As for the other numbers I give — *shrug* — do your own homework. I’ve given ballpark estimates and don’t have any ego invested in them Also, with regard… Read more »

Last edited 8 days ago by Arshad Ali
Reply to  Arshad Ali
8 days ago

Your numbers are correct, Arshad, they are the same ones I’ve seen and use.
The proper balance is fewer r/ (rabbit) types in the r/K spectrum.

Last edited 8 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Hun
8 days ago

This is so true. Also, we must define carrying capacity carefully. It means many things to different people. A Europe with 50M people would seem to assume most folk are subsistence farming. I have no inclination to return to scraping the earth with a stick for 14 hours a day while fearing death through disease or other calamity of Nature.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Compsci
8 days ago

“A Europe with 50M people would seem to assume most folk are subsistence farming. I have no inclination to return to scraping the earth with a stick for 14 hours a day while fearing death through disease or other calamity of Nature.” I agree with you in principle. But. Modern agriculture and animal husbandry is energy intensive (tractors, fertilisers, trucks to transport food) and requires an industrial base (to manufacture said tractors, trucks, and fertilisers and provide electricity, gasoline, and water on a large scale). How long this stays in place I have no idea. When it goes, we’ll have… Read more »

Reply to  Hun
8 days ago

Yes. One of the interesting things about the recent H1B spat was the viciousness of the Indians and their hatred for Americans. It was only a few decades ago that they were going to mass starve. It was American and European technology, AND GENEROSITY, that allowed them to move out of starvation and go through a massive population boom.

That is conveniently forgotten. We need to remind people of that to combat the colonizers deserve colonization myth.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  RealityRules
8 days ago

All we need do to produce a population implosion in the third world is withdraw the good offices of white civilization. Their fecundity exists exclusively at our sufferance.

8 days ago

Well that was a helluva good kick off for the new year, Z. And you’re right… there’s a lot of stuff going on here. I am not one for preachin’ and speechin’… but the fella out at the little chapel in the country had a good point as he was going over the Exodus, and how the Egyptian pharoah was getting hit with plague after plague for refusing to release the jews … and he just keeps doubling down on stupid. Our preacher said we too live in an age “where the locust are eating everything that is left…” I… Read more »

Reply to  Filthie
8 days ago

“ I personally think God has abandoned us until we come to our senses… “ Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were on the news yesterday stating that the Fed’s would pick up the complete cost for the CA fires for the next 90 days at an estimated $90B—if I remember correctly. Is this promise a net good for CA and its people? God never abandons us, but he is infinitely wiser than humans like Joe and Kamala. The Bible is replete with stories of God allowing us to receive the consequences of our folly such that we learn from our actions. It… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Compsci
8 days ago

Any of the homeowners who aren’t compensated by the insurance companies will be made whole by fedloldollars. Guaranteed. The contrast with East Palestine and western North Carolina will be stark.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 days ago

Yep, and without consequences felt, the Dem’s will rule forever in CA, while we pay for their folly.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 days ago

Some of the Hollywood set have started “Go Fund Me” to help rebuild their mansions. Stupid numurkans will send them some. I’m glad so much burned but sad that so many of the ‘actors’ made it out alive.

Reply to  3g4me
8 days ago

I know the two biggest burn areas quite well and the third in the Hollywood Hills as well. Family and friends in the Palisades, used to live downhill from the Altadena fire and worked a block away from Runyon Canyon. Pacific Palisades is a mix of neighborhoods with a core of neighborhoods built a hundred years ago on smallish lots not different from a Midwestern neighborhood of a century ago. It’s probably not insignificant that it was built around a Methodist camp site and the most prominent church is the Methodist church. My in-laws live there and there is a… Read more »

Reply to  Zfan
8 days ago

Pacific Palisades was one of my wife’s childhood homes. The people who have been there for a long time are often salt-of-the-earth middle class types who bought there before the explosion of home prices. The actors and other rich people came in later and drove the price of real estate through the roof.

george 1
george 1
8 days ago

I wonder if the jabs are having any impact on this. With an advertised 70% uptake for the Western population we should probably be curious. Of course this problem has been with us a long time but the jabs could be making it worse.

Reply to  george 1
8 days ago

Since the feminists are bugged-out terrified of saying one word about men in women’s bathrooms and sports, they will be stricken with catatonia if we should bring up fertility testing (for both) or stillbirth/miscarriage rates.

Their Handmaid’s Tale fantasy is about to come true, and not in a nice way.
From “Me So Hot” to “hunting the unvaxxed for harvest.”

Last edited 8 days ago by Alzaebo
Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  george 1
7 days ago

The mRNA platform had never been tested on more than a relative handful of human subjects prior to the 2020 “vaccine” rollout. Short-term trials, some serious side effects or lacks of efficacy found, zero long term safety data. What could possibly go wrong?

Last edited 7 days ago by Ben the Layabout
8 days ago

Western education made white women a dysfunctional unreliable whore with full treachery
western media and Hollywood described white women as self absorbed cunt with no honor is a quite correct assessment
And Western Education is 100% Jewish

Problem is what white men did when enemy destroyed white women

absolutely nothing, just rambling about individualism
individualism doesn’t save you from collectively concentrated attacks of enemy forces