The Drug Resistant Troll

Mark Twain said, “There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope. We give them a turn and they make new and curious combinations.” This is generally true, but occasionally something new comes along. The printing press is the best example. In fact, it was a revolutionary novelty. Much of what ails the modern world in some way traces its roots to the printing press.

The internet is another great novelty. Sure, the internet is, as Twain said, a lot of old ideas in a new combination. Sending letters to people over the internet is just a modern version of sending letters through the mail. Social media is a crowded public place where people strain to understand one another. Quantity has a quality of its own, however, and in the case of the internet, hooking billions together has created something that is different from its antecedents.

One example of this is the digital grifter. These are people who have many of the qualities we associate with conmen, but they also have qualities unique to the digital age and therefore could not exist before it. The analog grifters did not seek unrestricted attention, because they feared getting exposed. The digital grifter lives on attention and has no fear of being caught. In some cases, being labeled a grifter is viewed as an asset to the overall grift.

The difference between the digital grifter and the old fashioned grifter who may ply his trade online is that the money aspect of the grift is secondary. The old fashioned grift is all about separating the mark from his money. The digital grifter is not directly trying to scam people out of money. Instead, he wants a crowd that will operate as social proof for others who may buy something from him or sign up for a service like his YouTube channel, which is heavily monetized.

A good example of this is James Lindsay, the buffoonish “anti-woke” crusader who spends his days offending as many people as possible. He started out as a garden variety anti-Christian bigot, but that market was overserved, so he moved on to opposing “woke” nonsense in the academy. This got him a bunch of attention, so he expanded his anti-woke campaign to cover everyone. The Framers are now woke and Karl Marx was a woke crypto-Christian.

By making himself a public nuisance, he gets lots of attention, which brings him money through subscriptions, monetization and invites to events where other public nuisances do their act to the suckers. What he has done is make himself into a version of Mike Cernovich, a pioneer in using Twitter to troll himself into a career. Instead of pretending to be a lifestyle expert, Lindsay pretends to be a student of left-wing ideology and the champion of the fools who believe him.

The professional troll is a genuinely new thing made possible by the novelty of the internet, which makes it possible for a man and his phone to irritate millions of people with the push of a few buttons. While the public nuisance is not new, his elevation to a public figure is a novelty. In the analog age, Nick Fuentes was selling used cars and James Lindsay was that guy in accounting who talked about model trains. In this age they are getting rich as annoying weirdos.

This is leading to another novelty. The digital platforms that made these people possible are now transforming to encourage them. The Twitter monetization scheme is based on the number of people who engage with your post. The monetized users get paid for getting your attention and the best way to get attention is to be controversial, so it is not hard to see where this is heading. It is why Musk reinstated Fuentes. He may not get monetized, but his opponents do get paid to make noise.

Mark Zuckerberg just announced that he is cancelling his army of Indian content moderators and going to a group-sourced system like Twitter. The reason for this is moderation is bad for the professional troll. Community notes, however, is great for the professional troll, as it brings them even more attention. In effect, the group-sourced moderation encourages the sorts of behavior that moderation was intended to suppress, thus generating more of it.

It is why the “For You” tab on Twitter is worthless. It is filled with accounts that are designed to maximize attention. Many of them are bots that post and repost the same material to game the engagement system. There is a tragedy of the commons going on with Twitter. This is when many people enjoy unfettered access to a finite, valuable resource, like your attention. They will tend to overuse it. For Twitter, it means people retreating to a narrow group they follow.

It remains to be seen if the social aspects of the internet can exist as a massive version of daytime television. There is a novelty to it and each version of the troll brings some new way of being a troll. There is a limit to everything, however, and we are already seeing a recycling of the trolls. James Lindsay ripped off Vox Day, who was on the anti-woke stuff when Lindsay was busy insulting Christians. The “groypers” are just a dumber version of the “stormies” created by Andrew Anglin.

Maybe this phase runs its course, like Hollywood reboots. After a few more turns of the wheel, people develop the mental armor to ignore the genre entirely. Starved of what it needs most, attention, the troll then withers and dies. On the other hand, maybe they kill off the big social media platforms as people retreat to private spaces. We are already seeing signs of this with the kooks stomping off to Bluesky. The great disaggregation of the internet will make the professional troll impossible.

Of course, the digital grifter and its crude variant, the professional troll, are novelties of this age, so it means their demise, if there is one, will be a novelty as well. New problems often require new solutions. Given that these people are unemployable in the normal sense, they will no doubt be like a drug-resistant virus, mutating with each eradication effort. Like those afflicted by herpes, the internet may never rid itself of the infection known as the professional troll.

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Junior Wolf
Junior Wolf
9 days ago

Feverishly, waiting for my Greg Nikolic post for today!

Ride-By Shooter
Ride-By Shooter
Reply to  Junior Wolf
9 days ago

Reading [XLOVELI] Is Fundamental.

Reply to  Junior Wolf
9 days ago

Don’t advertise him.

Ketchup-stained Griller
Ketchup-stained Griller
Reply to  Hun
9 days ago

Well couldn’t Z ban him? I don’t see Bourbon anymore.

Reply to  Ketchup-stained Griller
9 days ago

Maybe he could, Ketchup-stained Griller 🙂

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ketchup-stained Griller
9 days ago

It appears Intelligent Dasein took a ban-sledge to the nads, God love ‘im…

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
9 days ago

Yeah, I haven’t seen a post from him in a while.

Reply to  Junior Wolf
9 days ago

I know, my downvote trigger finger is itchy and there’s no work for it!

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
9 days ago

Whatever the motivations of Musk and Zuck to change the way things are being done online, we can be sure that it isn’t because they care about us. Nor do I believe their motivations are especially financial. I tend to think that (Zuck especially) they are just trying to keep their platforms engaging to keep people occupied, lest they wander off and find something else to do. One way or another, the proles must stay plugged into the matrix. Now that TV news has been defeated, and can no longer be relied on as the mechanism for regime thought control… Read more »

kerdasi amaq
kerdasi amaq
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 days ago

They can ban individuals; but they can’t ban everyone, that would destroy their business.

9 days ago

I Might quibble about your definitions, Z. To me, the troll is a gift from God. I’d classify you as one – that guy who goes round popping the balloons of the pompous, self righteous and the sanctimonious with an elegant swipe of the verbal katana that cuts them off at the ankles! Fags like Cerno, Vox and Fuentes don’t have that kind of dexterity. They’re con men and eventually everyone sees it. They may actually be part of the journey to true dissidence. Back in the day I looked at these guys favourably at first but left them behind… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Filthie
9 days ago

The grifter elements back in the day would have been part of Con, Inc. Richard Spencer, to name one such clown, tried to square the circle and went from dissidence to Serious Thinker and now appears ready to claw his way back to dissidence since winds have shifted.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jack Dobson
9 days ago

Re Spencer, he has posted on X/Twitter a selfie taken in LA a few years back. It’s just him, with some part of the city in the background, and the caption is “this is the last time I was in LA.” Where the sociopathy ends and the stupidity begins is hard to tell.

Reply to  Filthie
9 days ago

Is Teddy Beale still at it? Problem with the vox day crew is they go after their allies.

This is common with personality cults.

Last edited 9 days ago by ray
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  ray
9 days ago

I follow VD’s blog, I just don’t see much of what you are saying. The last big spat he was in was with some retards from youtube called revenge of the cis or something. That was several years ago.

His attempt to weaponize arbitration rules was pretty good. Even though he didn’t win, he cost patreon millions of Dollars.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  ray
9 days ago

Yes, Ted is still at it.

He does occasionally make decent points on his blog. He also seems to be making a go of his publishing operation.

His most important contribution were his trilogy of short books about fighting SJWs. Those used to be free and they are a good gateway for normies to enter the fight.

Reply to  ray
9 days ago

I still skim his stuff. About half of it is self-promotion (HIS books, HIS publishing house, HIS comics, HIS genius), and another 30% is his latest 15 minute hate. For months he was lambasting Neil Gaiman, and now he’s moved onto Brandon Sanderson. The remaining 20% of the blog is often worth reading.

Reply to  3g4me
9 days ago

“The remaining 20% of the blog is often worth reading.”

VD is good with foreign/international stuff especially. The Internet drama gets old.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  Filthie
9 days ago

In the meat space my bullshit detector is pretty good but even in everyday life it fails me on occassion. In the digital space my bullshit detector fails me a little more often because the digital face of these people is easier to manipulate and hide their true motives.
However the bs detector still works it just might take a little longer, Richard Spencer and Nick Fuentes come to mind.
The most important thing though is to have a bull shit detector in the first place.
I have one on special, this week only, for $29.95. Email me for details!

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
9 days ago

Check out my hot new line of merch!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  ray
9 days ago

I saw a shelf full of Giddy Bullshit Detectors in Cavender’s Western Wear the other day, and picked up a pair, two for $49.99. I know a couple of Grillers who have birthdays coming up…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
9 days ago

Brave’s AI follows you:

Bullshit Detector

Giddy Bullshit Detectors are mentioned in a blog post titled “The Drug Resistant Troll,” where the author humorously describes encountering a shelf full of these detectors at Cavender’s Western Wear. The author purchased a pair for $49.99, intending to give them as gifts to friends with upcoming birthdays. The post does not provide further details about the functionality or design of these detectors, but it suggests they are meant to be a playful and satirical take on the concept of a bullshit detector.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
9 days ago

What the hell?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
9 days ago

I often look up joke stuff just to see if it’s already been trademarked or had the website purchased. That’s what Brave’s search bar returned for “Giddy Bullshit Detector”.

Still does, BTW.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
9 days ago

Hm. I’m just not up on all this AI shit.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
9 days ago

Imagine a search engine that could return results in paragraph form (or visual form), rather than a list of websites. That’s “AI’ in a nutshell. It’s search engine 2.0, which is hilarious or deeply troubling considering that search engines appear to be breaking/progressively less useful with time.

Reply to  Piffle
9 days ago

It’s both hilarious and deeply troubling. It not only has a copy of everything you post, it also has the ability to summarize it for anyone who has the right credentials. It even sort of guessed the tone right. And makes plain that it has at least a rudimentary “understanding” of coded language.

All it would take is a political party in power which had no qualms about abusing that.

Last edited 9 days ago by Steve
Reply to  Steve
9 days ago

I believe the Bullshit Detectors are sold in a deluxe package with Pet Rocks.

You can also opt to purchase them as a bundle package, which includes some fine farmland in Florida. :O)

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
9 days ago


Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
9 days ago

The one thing all con artists have in common is they all make a good first impression (or at least try to). You could say the good ones make a good first impression and the bad ones try to and fail. Thus, everyone who makes a good first impression, or at least appears at the outset to care what you think about them, is suspect. Everyone who DGAS what you think from the outset is observably not a con artist.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
9 days ago

Con artists sound a lot like salesmen…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
9 days ago

One of the chief reasons we’re all in this mess is that the Power Structure sterilized white people’s bullshit detectors with miseducation and indoctrination over the course of 50-odd years. If you still possess a bullshit detector–and you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t–maintain it meticulously and keep it calibrated to the highest degree possible.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
9 days ago

I hear Trump just swapped Mar A Lago for Greenland.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Snooze
9 days ago

He may have got took to the cleaners.

9 days ago

Well, if you are of the proper ethnicity, you can get lots of financing for a big fake conservative operation… like little Benji Shapiro…

Reply to  pyrrhus
9 days ago

Or candy owens. I imagine she was a run of the mill anti-White black, but of course that’s a crowded space. But there’s nothing more magical than a “conservative” black…

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  usNthem
9 days ago

That’s exactly what she was. Owens at least briefly had what I termed a fully clothed OnlyFans gig, where she was charging X amount of dollars a minute to “chat” with super fans via, I think, direct messages. It presumably was not sexual in nature but a way to get the full-fan experience of Candace Owens and to pick her monster brain on topics of the day. Michael Cernovich possibly pioneered the concept when he would get drunk and go on line and slur stuff about a million dollars fee to “talk” with people in private chats. I would be… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Jack Dobson
9 days ago

Oh, it’s way worse than that. She used to be an SJW known as redpillblack (IIRC) and tried to run a doxing website where users could report wrong-thinkers. She publicly defended doing this, even against kids. After this and other failures, she saw how Diamond and Silk grifted white conservative boomers and jumped on the bandwagon. I cannot believe people fall for this.

Last edited 9 days ago by Tars_Tarkusz
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
9 days ago

Thanks, was unaware. Still, I do not have a single problem believing people fall for it.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
9 days ago

See the the talk upthread about the disappearance of bullshit detectors among white folks.

Reply to  usNthem
9 days ago

Owens first appeared about a decade ago as the public face of a doxxing service—a non-white, feminist face you could trust to hunt down and expose your personal right-wing trolls, notify their employers and the women in their lives of their vile average-white-guy opinions, etc. I don’t think her company did anything but announce its existence before she abandoned it for the Based Black business. Her recent conversion from Shapiro pet to Super Based! was similar in a way. No plausible conversion story, just suddenly: “But now I know.” I don’t believe conversion stories—every late-in-life /ourguy/ is faking it, consciously… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Hemid
9 days ago

The default certainly needs to be late in life conversions are totally fake, yes. There is the liberal mugged by reality thing, to be sure, but that’s experiential more than intellectual and a bit more plausible.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
9 days ago

Agreed. The later the conversion, the more suspect it is. David Horowitz–I know, I know–converted decades ago, and the conversion appears to be genuine. If he had just converted yesterday, I’d grab aholt of my wallet.

Reply to  Hemid
7 days ago

What happened to Candance is that one of the original GamerGate grifters (Joey Quinn) went after Candance hard when Candance tried to open her anti-bullying web site. That was a shock to her system, and started Candance down the road of understanding social justice. She is now naming the Jew, and has more subscribers than Daily Caller, so if she is grifting, she is going about it in a rather funny way.

Last edited 7 days ago by Itzitiri
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  usNthem
9 days ago

Eh, I just watched a clip of Candy O in a recent conversation with Tristan Tate.

Even if her feelings are fake, she was noticing at levels that should get someone canceled, possibly disappeared.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  usNthem
9 days ago

You even see that in sports media. Nuggras like Jason Whitlock and Steven A. Smith often make rightwing noises, not because they hate the Blue-Eyed Ice Devil any less than bell hooks and Oprah Winfrey, but because it’s a surefire grift. And it’s a surefire grift because your average white sports fan–the archetypal Griller–is such an easy mark.

Ride-By Shooter
Ride-By Shooter
Reply to  pyrrhus
9 days ago

“fake conservative operation”?

American and British conservatards conserve Jewish power, too, and they are happy to be told the what and the how of this business. So BS has an excellent claim on the category, conservative.

9 days ago

James Lindsay was that guy in accounting who talked about model trains. And what’s wrong with model trains Z? After a few more turns of the wheel, people develop the mental armor to ignore the genre entirely. Starved of what it needs most, attention, the troll then withers and dies. On the other hand, maybe they kill off the big social media platforms as people retreat to private spaces.  Irony of irony, people probably WILL retreat to private spaces and get off social media. And get hobbies. Like building a model train layout. 😏 (And trolling the comments sections in a… Read more »

Reply to  mmack
9 days ago

How is your collection of model trains doing?

Reply to  Hun
9 days ago


Jokes on you! I build model airplanes. 😝

Reply to  mmack
9 days ago

I agree. You’re absolutely right. For me it’s RC airplanes. Building them from scratch, off the plans in the old way. No apologies given, no F’s to haters. Most hobbies are just healthy expressions of the the manly arts! Are we not all trolls, really? And to mangle a metaphor: is not the troll in the eye of the beholder? I dunno how you’d actually troll a train modeller but I am sure it can be done. I have seen our Esteemed Blog Host say things to guys like David Fwench, Sloppy Williams, and Jonah Goldberg that probably seriously damaged… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  mmack
9 days ago

comment image

I just love Lionel trains…

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
9 days ago

Makes me wonder if the internet and especially social media do not exacerbate what seems like an epidemic of narcissism. While the ship sinks everyone is auditioning for five minutes of fame it seems

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
9 days ago

Makes me wonder if the internet and especially social media do not exacerbate what seems like an epidemic of narcissism.

If you consider which sex goes online to post EVERYTHING about themselves, I’d agree.

Reply to  mmack
9 days ago

The kids just stare into phones all day. Presto zombie! and pay to be one, too.

Even here in lat am, my buddy complains of it with his kids, has to restrict their net time.

Maybe ban the internet to women and kids?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  mmack
9 days ago

Thanks to OnlyFans and its ilk we now have multiple platforms that provide 24/7/365 hardcore in 4k to any location on Earth.

I can’t imagine why this would be problematic for the mental and physical health of young men and women.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
9 days ago

It’s good to be on the bandstand, in the spotlight, doing a soft-shoe number while the Titanic plunges into the icy deep.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
9 days ago

I believe the narcissism was there before, social media is more like a mirror that amplifies.

Christopher Lasch’s The Culture of Narcissism (published 1979) is a pretty good read on the topic

Reply to  TenFiftySeven
8 days ago

I have a “Theory of Latent Narcissism” which posits that “it’s always been there, but was historically kept in check (in good part) by “real-time” social causation and good ole’ patriarchy, etc. Once the cost of being an a-hole dropped to near zero…

Nascent narcissism grows like kudzu in this House of Mirrors that DARPA bequeathed us.

(Never forget that: DARPA…there’s a Pychon novel from 20 yrs. ago where this is touched upon…Spirits of the Air, indeed)

kerdasi amaq
kerdasi amaq
Reply to  rasqball
4 days ago

Does the rise of narcissists mean the end of civilisation because it will turn to backstabbing as in the last days of Rome?

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
9 days ago

Yeah, I can’t stand these punky twerp so called “influencers”. Influencing who, exactly? I know, rhetorical question. I imagine the babes are doing nothing much more than flashing a little T&A along with vulgarity and the simps, who knows…

Reply to  usNthem
9 days ago

Trump used podcasters, Harris used influencers.

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
9 days ago

One interesting fallout from the H1b Christmas dumpster fire on X was to see which grifters lined up on which side. Anyone on Team Elon is a presumed brown-noser, although I make some qualified exceptions for the Europeans, who were just happy he started riding their hobby horse to compensate.

And of course, no e-girls. Fuentes is right about that.

9 days ago

The Fuentes followers can be ridiculous but it’s not hard to be sympathetic. There are so many lost, maligned young white men yearning to be a part of something.

It is truly bizarre that there is anyone reading/following Lindsey because it is so obvious that he is a nutcase.
Morgoth/Millenial Woes described this silly ‘woke right’ nonsense as the final, coordinated defense against white identitarianism.

Reply to  Melissa
9 days ago

As always a good long (six hour) stream with Morgoth and Millennial to cap off the latest series. Was a bit worried for a while that there wasn’t going to be a good old-fashioned Morgoth Rant, but he came good in the final hour.

9 days ago

The problem is too many people in our society have never been punched in the mouth. They run their mouths without consequence and to our civilization’s detriment, crowding out the social media space from responsible, rational people.

Maybe we should bring back the stocks and the pillory for these people.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
9 days ago

James Lindsay was that guy in accounting who talked about model trains.

Brilliant line, man.

kerdasi amaq
kerdasi amaq
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 days ago


Ted X
Ted X
9 days ago

Makes me long for the BBS postings on Compuserve circa 1982.

Reply to  Ted X
9 days ago

The joys of the ease of logging on the “Internet”, eh?

I blame AOL Online. You people KNOW what you did! 😒

9 days ago

“Much of what ails the modern world in some way traces its roots to the printing press.” Much of what we call the West traces its roots to the printing press, period. Goods and ills alike. Keep in mind that the professional trolls are very likely tools of the MIC and IC information operations warriors. Most likely, they won’t go away. They’ll just be paid handsomely by the DOD or CIA to do things the DOD and CIA can’t legally do. Trolls serve an important purpose for the government. They can attack voices the government does not want to be… Read more »

Reply to  Hokkoda
9 days ago

How effective is that though? Musk’s focus on the industrial scale mass r@pe of White UK women since 1950 has been effective. And there are other players, much as we might not like it: China, Russia, Iran, all who want to destabilize the West and nothing better than pointing out the actual facts. The actual facts paint a ruling elite that since 1950 hate us and want us dead. There is no other way to put it. So its easy for those nations to play also, and they will. Ultimately social consenus and social peace and approval of ruling elites… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
8 days ago

Information Operations absolutely works.

Sometimes it is short lived – what I call the “shock and awe” IO missions. We saw that with Harris’ campaign which started to implode by mid September (as I predicted it would).

The more effective IO campaigns like COVID, Ukraine, and the GWOT can stretch in for years before the public catches on.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
9 days ago

How about the Unintentional Troll? I scarcely use Facebook, but the few posts I have made usually include a mild humorous jibe at some group of people – Folks who drive Mini Countrymen for example, or the people who live in the neighboring town.

Inevitably those posts generate a relative torrent of comments by people who took offense, which I find rather funny in itself, but these people appear serious in their outrage.

A professional troll must have an easy job jerking these peoples’ chain.

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
9 days ago

I hear you. A while back, I got banned for making some offhand comment something like he must have ridden the short bus to school. Jeez, you’d think I said something about having a threesome with his mom and sister. Which I did, but I didn’t think he would handle it very well.

Tars Tarkas
9 days ago

Sadly, the digital grifter is an addition to the problem and not a replacement of the old analog conman. The old analog conman was a thief as is the new digital conman. Only now, instead of (usually) having to be physically present to run their con, they can do it from anywhere, which has vastly increased the number of these thieves preying on the elderly and other vulnerable people. Unlike the old con men, the new con men are largely shielded from prosecution as they live in other jurisdictions. The modern digital grifter is easily ignored. But the new digital… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
9 days ago

A few years back some Indian slimeballs kept calling my mom telling her that they were with Microsoft tech support and they needed to log into her computer to fix something about her “Windows”. I had set up her computer though and put Linux on it. All she ever did was browse the web and read email so I didn’t see any reason to put up with the pain and expense of Windows. My wife watches this “trash TV” YT channel about romance scammers. Those guys all seem to be in Lagos (the real one). Internet scams must be a… Read more »

The Infant Pheonomenon
The Infant Pheonomenon
9 days ago

“After a few more turns of the wheel, people develop the mental armor to ignore the genre entirely.”

I disagree b/c “there’s a sucker born every minute.” That will never change.

JDave F
JDave F
9 days ago

You run down people on the Right more than MSNBC, CNN, and HuffPost combined.

Reply to  JDave F
9 days ago

Takes a while to get over the feeling of betrayal. I never forgave the Right for giving us Bush 41, but 20 years later when we got The One, I finally got the stick out of my butt, and started focusing more on opposing the greater evil. I’d rather not have evil at all, but I was foolish to spend most of my efforst on making sure the lesser evil remained out of power.

9 days ago

Nick Fuentes rides again.

kerdasi amaq
kerdasi amaq
Reply to  Panzernutter
4 days ago

Going nowhere.

Alan Schmidt
9 days ago

When Musk opened up Twitter, I was expecting the TRS guys to make a return, but it never happened. Wondering if all the time in exile made social media trolling uninteresting for them, or maybe all the old guard just left the online space entirely.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Alan Schmidt
9 days ago

TRS guys never got their accounts back. A few of them like Peinovich and Balogh have opened new ones under a pseudonym but I think they eventually get banned. “You know when you’re over the target.”

Reply to  Wolf Barney
9 days ago

Their target was never unknown, though. Credit due – Enoch/Penovich and the gaggle of clowns at TRS were never shy about their favorite subject. Their problem, and same with a few here, is leaning too hard into inane crypticism of Jewspiracy bullshit. Jew enthusiasts always pull this crap.

[Edit] Been throwing money and support behind various far-right movements for 40 years, it’s an exceptional case where someone from the JQ crowd doesn’t degenerate into a whiny cunt in the end.

Last edited 9 days ago by Templar
9 days ago

From the third paragraph on I was hearing “Digital Bitch” off the unfairly abused (but atrociously packaged) Born Again LP.

Then I had to be reminded that Vox Day had actually existed, and may still do so, along with all the other one-grift wonders.

9 days ago

[…] ZMan points the finger. […]