
Last year I did a show on the concept of civilizationalism, but I thought it was a good idea to revisit the topic now that Trump is back in town. Many of the things Trump has been saying since the election suggest he is headed in this direction, even if he does not think much about the concept. The tides of history are dragging him along toward this new organizational model.

The short definition of civilizationalism is that instead of humanity organized into countries or empires, it will be organized by civilization. Language, culture, history, tradition, and religion are not immutable, but they are not malleable. They evolve over long periods of time, so they feel permanent to us. These are things that resist the best efforts of the ideologues.

The last time I addressed this topic it was in the historical perspective. The show this time is about the nuts and bolts of it. We are seeing the rough contours in the world and even in the behavior of Trump. His desire to annex Greenland and Canada is not much different from Russia reabsorbing Ukraine into the Russian world. Canada and Greenland are part of the American civilization.

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This Week’s Show


  • Intro
  • Trump’s Curveballs
  • Sphere of Influence
  • Clash of Civilizations
  • Multipolar World
  • America & The New World

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1 month ago

If you want a civilization, you have to be completely intolerant of uncivilized behavior. I hope that is coming, I see signs.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Maxda
1 month ago

Indeed. And to expatiate on your point, you must be willing to use barbarous methods to quell savagery. It is the only way. That, or evict the savages altogether.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

I am sorry, but your post is unacceptable, uncivilized, barbarous writing. “Expatiate” is used incorrectly.

-Just a joke, furthering the pedantic grammar nazi theme often appearing here!

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

I tend to agree, but must note it seems we too often fall into the knee jerk response of proposing “tougher” and “tougher” measures when in reality the problem is that we *do nothing* in response to these provocations. Not so much that the law is circumvented or flouted—it simply isn’t enforced at its most basic level. Such is our current frustration. We see this many areas today. Lawmakers are always up for *increased* penalties for all sorts of crime. Yet, a simple investigation often reveals that the law against the crime is not enforced. Changes in penalty of law… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

I’m afraid enforcement of existing laws would only get us so far. Failing mass expulsion, the surest solution is internal separation maintained by periodic use of extreme force when that separation is breached.

Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

The other truism to keep in mind is re: capital punishment, “After the first, all the rest are free.”

The higher the penalty, the greater the likelihood that someone who is not very good at impulse control will choose to shoot it out. Fortunately, there are no cases of poor impulse control here…

Reply to  Steve
1 month ago

Yes indeed. Some history—as I recall reading many years ago—GB in the 19th century had about 90+ capital crimes on the books. Some of these were for crimes of theft like “pick pocketing in value greater than 1 shilling” or for “theft of wool greater than one pound”. The result? Not a lessening of such crime, but an increase. Merchants and the Courts petitioned for a more realistic punishment as they could no longer get convictions by juries that were reluctant to bring back guilty verdicts against children and other such criminals for such minor infractions of law. It’s not… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

The following Psy-Op is Our Greatest Enemy:

comment image

comment image

Either our women start producing live births of White children, else we vanish into extinction.

“You Go Grrllll” must be permanently imprisoned in Pandora’s Box, for all eternity.

Even just the tiniest little crack in Pandora’s Box will doom Our Race.

Reply to  NoName
1 month ago

Strange set of pictures too. The blue backpack in the first image seems to have turned into a dog and been replaced by a red backpack in the second. I’m actually serious, the dog seems to be wearing the little crab plushie toy that was on the blue backpack. Or is the dog stuffed into the pack in the first picture? Then there’s the psychedelic color scheme. Is this a bad drug trip? The propaganda is obvious though. The girl alone in the wilderness not needing a man and with a dog instead of a kid. The whole thing also… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
1 month ago

Pozymandias, the only thing that matters anymore is whether we can get White wome n to push live White babies out of their birth canals.

Everything else we talk about is simply useless nonsense and a complete waste of our time.

No White Babies = No White Race = No Christianity = what the heck is the purpose of any of this?

PS: The pictures are being served up automatically today, via the Brave Browser.

I thought that particular Bro [Brave Browser Bro] was supposed to have been on Our Team.

Reply to  NoName
1 month ago

Pozymandas, looking at it with evening eyes [rather than with morning eyes], it’s pretty obvious that they’re A.I. generated pictures.

I guess I’m so groggy in the morning that I can’t reliably & immediately recognize A.I. generated shiznat.

Why would somebody on the staff of Brave order up A.I. generated pictures of childless White women in the mountains, to serve as Brave’s pictures of the day?

It doesn’t make any sense.

It’s White genocide propaganda.

Reply to  NoName
1 month ago

Oh I agree. At some point all these conservative White dads are going to need to just tell their daughters and all young women that “probably the best career you can have is that of wife and mother to a bunch of White kids. Do whatever else you like as a hobby but leave work and industry to the men.”

I don’t use the Brave browser much but I have noticed it always seems to have some scenic images as backgrounds. It’s not surprising the pictures are chosen to push the usual agendas of feminism and anti-White ideology.

Reply to  Maxda
1 month ago

Agreed. Black culture will need black law in order to survive. The black judicial system will have to be super simple, incredibly swift, incredibly fair – and incredibly brutal in order to keep them honest. Anything less means a regression to Africa. The fact is that blacks CAN be assimilated under those conditions – we’ve seen it since antiquity where blacks were primarily servants and slaves and criminals. The criminals self-deleted under the old empire with a minimum of muss and fuss and it worked well for everyone. However… I’d prefer that we picked our own damn cotton and built… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Maxda
1 month ago

Back in the day, the length of time between a conviction and execution was like 6 months.

You will get whatever you put up with plus a little bit more (people always push the envelope).

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

As recently as a decade ago, British Boomercons would promote bringing back hanging. Now their grandkids fear it will be reinstituted so they keep a close eye on social media posts.

Barney Rubble
Barney Rubble
Reply to  Maxda
1 month ago

Had The Tyrant Lincoln lived, would he have followed through on his Liberia repatriation plans? Talk about an intoxicating alternate history…

Instead, the old-timers came up with the best practical alternative: segregation. Naturally, the enlightened smashed all that. Chesterton’s fence.

It’s amusing and maddening whenever conservatives get indignant because blacks want a separate graduation ceremony or whatever. Talk about obtuse…

Curious Monkey
Curious Monkey
Reply to  Barney Rubble
1 month ago

>> It’s amusing and maddening whenever conservatives get indignant because >> blacks want a separate graduation ceremony or whatever. Talk about obtuse… LMAO, to be fair it takes some psychological self reliance to go against the programming. I remember being totally repulsed by comments on the old chateau heartiste blog around 2017. Now I am literally Heetler if someone checks my posts. It takes a journey through people like Devon Stack and others to realize segregation was right and we were brainwashed to think otherwise under the post WWII new truth regime (or boomertruth if you follow AA). The wokies… Read more »

Reply to  Curious Monkey
1 month ago

‘(or boomertruth if you follow AA)’

The Booms were in grade school when the enabling legislation for Affirmative Action became law (1964 Civil Rights Act).

Reply to  ray
1 month ago

Yep, you can hang that CRA around the necks of ‘the Greatest Generation’.

Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
1 month ago

I’m not even sure that’s true, @BigJimSportCamper. The Army was officially segregated until after WWII, and unofficially through at least Korea. Greatest came home to a segregated world, and largely believed it was correct. I’m not sure when the “We’re all brothers under the skin” became a majority belief. But it certainly was not at the time of Brown, or Selma, or even CRA. CRA was imposed, almost exclusively by self-righteous Yankees. Just as H-1bs are now imposed by our betters.

Reply to  Steve
1 month ago

If Boomers are going to be blamed for politicians of their generation, Greatests and Silents should be blamed for theirs — and that’s who gave us the CRA, not Boomer pols (who are guilty enough on other counts).

Reply to  CorkyAgain
1 month ago

That’s just begging the question — should they be?

For example, Millennials outnumbered Boomers in 2020. Are they to be blamed for open borders? Or do we start blaming the people actually responsible for breaking the law?

Or take Illinois. Whites are still 58% of the population. Are whites to blame for the murder rate in Chicago? Or do we start accepting that nogs killing nogs are to blame?

Last edited 1 month ago by Steve
Reply to  Steve
1 month ago

” Millennials outnumbered Boomers in 2020. Are they to be blamed for open borders? ”

It is the governing elite that controls any of this. The governing elite are still mostly Boomers/Silents and have been since the late 1980’s or so.

Last edited 1 month ago by Piffle
Reply to  Piffle
1 month ago

(((governing elite)))

Reply to  Piffle
1 month ago

Sure, but that only establishes that those particular Silents/Boomers are to blame. Mayorkas is a Boomer. Blame him for the border crisis. Don’t blame some elderly diesel mechanic in Oregon. That’s just moronic.

Reply to  Piffle
30 days ago

It is the governing elite that controls any of this. The governing elite are still mostly Boomers/Silents and have been since the late 1980’s or so.”

Feminists looked at the same data, and used the same “logic” to conclude that the problem was the “patriarchy”, and blacks did the same and announced the problem was “whitey”.

If you wish to join the ranks of those towering intellects, well, you be you.

Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
1 month ago

… and the generation prior to the GG. Whatever that generation was called.

Reply to  ray
1 month ago

“the generation prior to the GG. Whatever that generation was called.“ 2022-2040: GEN-ALPHA 2003-2021: GEN-Z 1984-2002: MILLENNIALS 1965-1983: GEN-X 1946-1964: BOOMERS 1927-1945: GREATESTS 1908-1926: ??? FLAPPERS/ROARERS ??? 1889-1907: ??? EDISON/WESTINGHOUSE/WRIGHT/BROTHERS??? 1870-1888: ??? ROUGH RIDERS ??? What preceded the Greatests would be some combination of Prohibition & Speak-Easies & Flapper Girls of the Roaring 20s, with the existential termites very quietly introducing the Federal Reserve when no one was paying any attention to anything other than the petticoats of the Flapper Girls, and First Lady Edith Wilson [wife of braindead Woodrow Wilson] subtly introducing a Lady MacBeth presence into the American… Read more »

Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
1 month ago

the Greatest Generation’.” – They didn’t call themselves the Greatest Generation. That was the Boomers. The Boomers have been in power since about the 1980’s. They’ve done nothing but open the doors widers.

Reply to  Piffle
1 month ago

The Boomers have been in power since about the 1980’s. I have to disagree just a little bit there; my sense is that it was the SILENTS who’ve been dominating our culture since at least 1960ish. B!tch McConnell, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Charles Grassley, etc etc etc; that’s where the power accumulation has been for the last several decades. When [if?] Biden steps down, on January 20th, it will finally be time for the boomers to be fully in charge [without having to look over their shoulders in order to dodge the SILENT firing squad behind them]. And… Read more »

Reply to  NoName
1 month ago

Wrong post. Sorry.

Last edited 1 month ago by Steve
Reply to  Piffle
1 month ago

No. That was Tom Brokaw. Can’t you get at least one fact right?

EDIT – Checking Wiki, there was an earlier reference too — General Fleet (b. 1892) said something similar in 1953. I’d never heard the term until Brokaw.

Last edited 1 month ago by Steve
1 month ago

Trump’s instincts are right. The Chinese are merely filling a vacuum that the USA left behind as the USA turned its focus to the Levant and the steppes. I read an article about how China invested $2B into Panama to get a project built and my first thought was, we couldn’t invest $3B and do the job ourselves? I find that part to believe. Well, Israel and Ukraine come first. Obama’s much vaunted “pivot to Asia” involved sending military assets into the Pacific, not minding our backyard. As has been said a million times though, this is what happens when… Read more »

John k
John k
Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

No, the U.S. could not build those ports the way the Chinese did. With all the overheads imposed by managerialism, the political interference of special interests and the “10% for the big guy” corruption it would cost 3 times more AND unless it aligns with the economic interests of some oligarch there would be no will to do it. Face it China is an economic powerhouse their trade SURPLUS was 1 trillion $ so they have the capital to spend. Anything the U.S. does requires borrowed money. Chinese are producers, Americans are consumers. I have no idea what’s next but… Read more »

Reply to  John k
1 month ago

This is a fair point but it speaks to bigger issues with the USA and something that Trump surely knows about, considering unlike most of the people in charge he has actually built stuff in his life. I was reading an article the other day about the California wildfires and in the insurance industry, the “insurance expert” they cited never worked for an insurance company, never priced an insurance policy, he has a degree in political science and worked in liberal activist organizations his entire life. This is the American blob at this point, a bunch of people that do… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Mycale
Reply to  John k
1 month ago

‘No, the U.S. could not build those ports the way the Chinese did.’ I hate commies, but it’s obvious that China is a serious country. Russia is a serious country. The U.S. over the past fifty years? Not a serious country. Instead, a nation and people that dwell in a kind of mass delusion, a fantasy of how life should be, rather than is. Sure! Women can be men! And don’t forget, Drag Queen Story Hour begins at noon. New Amerika places far more value on its woke and feminist agendas than on its own welfare and survival. Not a… Read more »

Johnny Ducati
Johnny Ducati
Reply to  ray
1 month ago

Yeah, that’s because we have been immersed in an alien culture.

Reply to  John k
1 month ago

The US has no business trying to out-commie the commies. Most states learned that in the early 1800s. “Public works” like canals were so rife with corruption that many states banned them in their Constitutions.

Rather than skirting the law with public-private ventures, Trump should have just played to America’s strength, the private joint-stock venture. Not only would it probably have come in under budget, it would also have state of the art tech.

Johnny Ducati
Johnny Ducati
Reply to  John k
1 month ago

Were I Benevolent Dictator, I would harshly penalize nominally American corporations that place their manufacturing in foreign countries and rebuild American industry. We have bright young men who should be building things and starting families.

Reply to  Johnny Ducati
1 month ago

While I don’t necessarily disagree, the tough part is that first step — how does one go from the DC corruptocrats to benevolent dictator? Our system was either designed or evolved to where it is today, and I don’t see much way of changing it. Nor do I see much in the way of realistic plans of overthrowing it. Or even working around it.

Reply to  John k
1 month ago

To be honest, there is bound to be as much corruption in any Chinese project as there is in any American one.

Reply to  Gespenst
30 days ago

Those PLA generals’ pensions aren’t gonna pad themselves, after all.

Reply to  John k
27 days ago

China imports their food and energy and have to subsidise the crap out of their trinket exports. They cannot rely on their consumer base to prop up their economy. A diverse consumer base is what makes for strong economy. They are not in good shape.

And they beat the US for corruption. It’s at every level.

1 month ago

Trump should dump the expansionist fantasies and get on with what he was elected to do: rid us of the illegal aliens, secure the border, stop the foreign war madness, and re-patriate the economy.

Reply to  Dutchboy
1 month ago

Honestly, the stuff Trump has been talking about since the election is like some kind of comedy sketch where a company hires a guy to create some graphics for an ad campaign to sell, let’s say plastic buckets. After a few weeks they look at his output and… it’s all a bunch of drawings of Formula 1 racecars. Turns out he’s autistic and is deeply obsessed with F1 racing. The closest he got to doing the actual job was featuring one of the company’s buckets prominently in a picture of a car making a pit stop where they had it… Read more »

Reply to  Dutchboy
1 month ago

Idk, Greenland would make an OUTSTANDING penal colony. Go back to Venezuela or go to Ice Station Zebra in central Greenland.

I think you’re underestimating the genius of his idea.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
1 month ago

Good podcast. My experience with the talented 10% of black men is not a bad experience for the most part, we could work something out under a civilizational paradym. Men can get in a room most of the time and talk in real life terms and work it out. But the lunatics in HR and the women, and many times its the women, until we deal with how we have unleashed women in spheres they have no business being in we are going to have a hard time getting to a civilizational model in the west. Make motherhood and the… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 month ago

HR needs to go back to being ‘Personnel’. I (the hiring manager) will make all the hiring decisions, you will onboard and pay my new hire.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Maxda
1 month ago

Unfortunately, using the term, “resource,” to refer to humans is deeply embedded in the project management space, which in turn is deeply embedded in international business culture.

Dehumanization is the point of using that term. Once again, I don’t have good ideas for turning that ship around.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago

HR is essentially affirmative action for women. Fortunately all the old geezers that frankly – should have been retired long ago… are starting to see that. The horrible lesbian fire fighters come to mind, and the fiasco at Bud Light.

As for Elon Musk and his faithful H1B’s…

Debris seen in sky after SpaceX Starship rocket breaks up after launch

F*** your own face, Elon! 🙂

Reply to  Filthie
1 month ago

HR is like teaching, mostly, but not all, women. Our HR director is a good dude. Very helpful, especially when it’s time to fire someone.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago

That hadn’t occurred to me, but it’s an excellent point.

Johnny Ducati
Johnny Ducati
Reply to  Maxda
1 month ago

Corporate went downhill when Personnel became HR. There was a lot less tension and better relations, especially if you had to work with women.

Reply to  Maxda
1 month ago

This is the HR model my company uses. HR implements my director decisions, and they orchestrate the benefits programs. When I decide to terminate someone, HR ensures I have a layer of legal protection.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 month ago

Right on the button.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 month ago

Absolutely not. The talented 10th are terrible. They are the intellectual and financial elite of African Americans and they do absolutely nothing to reign in the lower individuals and they participate in (and even lead) the ridiculous outrages every time some black has an unpleasant interaction with anyone. Just recently an 11 year old girl in Syracuse (IIRC) was handcuffed for 7 minutes because she matched the description of a young girl who ran from a stolen car. Now it’s a big story because, well, reasons. Everyone is pretending this is a life altering event and an affront to all… Read more »

Barney Rubble
Barney Rubble
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

The Talented Tenth should be busy making Liberia great again!

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

My one long-term black friend is among the “talented tenth” of everybody, statistically, not just of black Americans. He’s a great artist and funny guy, hit with the ladies, friend of billionaires (he’ll remind you)—and he’s black. Meaning: He’s freakishly insightful about other people’s social minds—or, less flatteringly, he’s hierarchy-obsessed. He’s a rigid credentialist, abject ass-kisser of the rich and powerful, truly hateful of the downtrodden (the bootstrap-conservative sub-type of anti-“workerism” communist), and he’s in a relentless status fight, always threatening to go physical, with every man whose rank is about the same as his—and if that dispute goes on… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hemid
1 month ago

And you choose to hang around with this guy. He sounds a real peach.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

More like the talented 0.0001th.

I know a Blasian couple that are the living embodiment of the Marxist prog wet dream. They are playing life on totally Raw Recruit mode in the Current Year.

I weep for the young lady’s Japanese grandmother. Centuries of heritage gone in an instant.

Zorro, the Lesser "Z" Man
Zorro, the Lesser "Z" Man
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 month ago

I don’t care how ‘talented’ they are. Access to White Gentiles is NOT a human right. They have to go back. They can Make Liberia Great. That goes for our every other group, especially our Greatest Friends And Allies. They have zero business in White Gentile Society. They can tikkan-olum and fake-fiat in Israel to their heart’s content.

We’ve tried multiculturalism and it is an abject failure. It’s peaceful separation time.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Zorro, the Lesser "Z" Man
1 month ago

You can get the baizuo in kind of a catch 22 when you declare multiculturalism is a failure. Because their religion forbids them from ever declaring that mission accomplished. If owning the libs is a pastime of yours

Last edited 1 month ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Zorro, the Lesser "Z" Man
1 month ago

As I sometimes point out, they don’t need to go back. There are other more — permanent — solutions available. Details are messy.

Last edited 1 month ago by Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 month ago

Details are messy.”

Maybe, but alligators and wild dogs and feral hogs gotta eat, too.

Reply to  Zorro, the Lesser "Z" Man
1 month ago

So can we apply The Talented Tenth to those other guys?

John k
John k
1 month ago

Ugh. I always just accepted the truism “When all else fails they take you to war.” Here I see exactly how it works. Deportations? Stoping the Ukraine grift? Pardons? DOJ reform? Tariffs ?The wall? All the stuff the rubes voted for? Forget that, let’s invade Greenland! It is all about look here not over there.

Also, there is nothing novel about an Artic strategy to contain Russia and China. It’s been part of the MIC playbook since the start of the Cold War.

Barney Rubble
Barney Rubble
Reply to  John k
1 month ago

To paraphrase Gregory Hood, Greenland is Puerto Rico with ice. I’d concede that there are strategic benefits to bringing it under US control, but also lots of financial costs, maybe social costs as well. As usual, the Blob will enjoy the benefits while normie pays the bills/taxes. It also feels like a yuge distraction…a shiny object to keep MAGAtards enthused as Trump “underperforms” on immigration to placate Con, Inc and corporate interests. Z-Man has stated that Trump’s win is not necessarily about policy victories, but about voters breaking free from the Uniparty plantation (sorry if I’m garbling that, Z). OK,… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Barney Rubble
1 month ago

Eh, I’d guess we could figure out how to get 50 to 60k Scandinavians to contribute to US GDP.

Handling the Eskimos could be done similarly to whatever is going on in Alaska.

Last edited 1 month ago by The Wild Geese Howard
Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago

“Scandinavians” isa bit generous. According to its Wiki, Greenland’s demographics is barely 10% White European (What I would consider true Scandinavia). The other 90% are Inuit and Euro mongrels of varying degree. The whole nation has less than 60K residents. The GDP is just north of US $3 billion. You can rest assured a large fraction of that is social payments by Denmark. It may be unfair to say the median Greenlander is a drunken, unemployed and perhaps unemployable Eskimo living on welfare, but I suspect that’s not far from the truth.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 month ago

Sounds like Greenland’s got an Ice Hutu problem…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Well, Alaska sure does. Actually, what I’ve read about Alaska (and experienced as there are quite a few people in Oregon from there) is that pretty much everyone, White, Eskimo, or otherwise, is pretty drunk, stoned, tweaked-out, and fucked up most of the time. That said, I don’t think adding drunken Greenlanders to America’s ever growing list of dysfunctional minorities will have much effect. As Ben pointed out, the whole place has the population of a few neighborhoods in Northeast Baltimore and wouldn’t be much more of a burden than that is. Probably the best way to kill the Greenland… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Barney Rubble
1 month ago

Agreed. Note that expansionism and imperialism were not campaign promises, but immigration restriction was. I hope the Danes announce a plan to Make Denmark Great Again and finally develop and exploit Greenland to the fullest extent possible.

Reply to  Barney Rubble
1 month ago

If you have kids then you should be doing everything in your power to make sure they have a civilization to grow up in… Don’t wait on someone else to do it for you…

Reply to  Lineman
1 month ago

Amen, bro! We are the vanguard. Your profession is somewhat of an exception — we don’t need to build a white electrical grid, yet, anyway, but if we don’t build parallel white structures, no one will, and our progeny will cease to exist in any meaningful sense.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Lineman
1 month ago

The Calvary isn’t coming. Or maybe it was and it got sidetracked at a place called Little Big Horn…?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 month ago

Calvary? Heh, heh. I’ve made the same mistake many a time.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 month ago

Right. Good luck getting more than a handful to realize that means if you want your progeny to come out the other side, it’s up to you. You have to create the change, rather than just sitting there nursing a butthurt.

Reply to  John k
1 month ago

Old-fashioned peace-through-purchase talk is in-character for Trump, so the Greenland stuff in his first term didn’t seem weird to anyone but anti-Trump hysterics. This term, it’s policy—or at least letting him talk about it is policy. That means “the blob” (or whatever) is kinda into it now, so we should pause and squint. Greenland is land, so thoughts go straight to “geopolitics,” war shit, but that’s not primary in the blob mind. Domestic repression everywhere is. Has Denmark been in the news lately? (The regime watches a lot of TV.) Yes, oddly. They made news a while back by implementing… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

Jews are not assimilated. Jews never shut up about how they are Jews and therefore different. They never stop trying to change the culture to benefit them. They themselves claim they push concepts like multiculturalism and social justice because it benefits them as a small and vulnerable minority (their opinion, not mine). Jews are a perfect example of a group that cannot be assimilated. They came here from places they lived for hundreds of years where didn’t assimilate and claiming to be persecuted.

1 month ago

Canada will never become the 51st state – at least, not willingly. We have too many neurotic and retarded old boomers that fear for the loss of their free healthcare and bennies, and east of Morontario and Queeeeeeebec… everyone is a slut, a pervert or a commie – but I repeat myself. Adding us to the GAE would be like tacking another basket case like California onto the nation. A more realistic alternative would be to pick off the western provinces – where we have more in common with folks like Montana and Texas than we do with the UFO’s… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Filthie
1 month ago

The writing has been on the wall for the Greater North American Co Prosperity Sphere at least since the early 1990s. Probably the only way it won’t happen, sooner or later, is if Globohomo collapses first. I’m not willing to place large bets either way.

My Comment
My Comment
1 month ago

Somewhat OT: There have been some very interesting developments in terms of the fate our of civilization and global sanity this last week courtesy of the ADL. Greenblat went to Israel and spoke to the Knesset where he called for using strategies like the pager attacks on global anti Semites. He said the pager attacks are part of the historical creativity of Jews. Given the Jews’ track record of killing people they don’t like that is something that should be taken seriously and it is safer to mull over the worst case scenario of his rather vague comments. As Ron… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by My Comment
Reply to  My Comment
1 month ago

nearly 50 percent of people worldwide are anti Semitic

The internet has been giving more and more people a look at the kind of stuff the ADL and other Jewish groups have been up to. This probably helps move that percentage higher. It would be interesting to see the trend over time. I’m guessing there’s been a strong bull market for antisemitism.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  My Comment
1 month ago

ADL (of course) claims that nearly have of the world’s population is anti-Semitic. I usually just scan headlines; that seems like a reasonable claim even coming as it does from a world-class Jew booster. My saucy riposte would be, “Really, less than half? I would have expected a bit more.” And apparently it’s a “global emergency.” My inner cynic would parse that as “Jew™ is losing its cachet! Urgent measures are called for to restore brand recognition and respect!” Yeah, well, guys, your mask has slipped rather badly these past couple years.

I.M. Brute
I.M. Brute
Reply to  My Comment
1 month ago

I still don’t believe Dr. William Pierce’s 2002 death from a “sudden, aggressive cancer” was the real story. When Yassir Arafat’s corpse was exhumed, his clothing was found to contain high levels of radioactivity. I don’t know if Dr. Pierce was buried or cremated. If buried and exhumed, I wouldn’t be surprised to find he was murdered by the usual suspects.

Reply to  I.M. Brute
1 month ago

I still don’t believe Dr. William Pierce’s 2002 death from a “sudden, aggressive cancer” was the real story.”

Why not? It was the real story of small-time jewish gangster, Jack Ruby.

1 month ago

My opinion, if we’re going to talk about our civilization, we’re inevitably going to be talking about the same things the Nazis talked about, which were the things we talked about before the Nazis stank up the joint. All of that scary Germanic/Nordic business. Oh no! I’ll be interested to see how that works. Does the issue age out, or do we have to make a distinction and disown them? Personally, I don’t mind owning a very bad wrong turn— like the Russians, I guess. Shit happens, get over it. Again, my opinion, let’s avoid sperging out like they did.… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Paintersforms
1 month ago

“Canada and Greenland are part of the American civilization.”

Canada, sure, but Greenland? Haven’t listened yet, but cold, humid weather, radar surveillance, SIGINT satellite down links, and some mines are the only things I’ve ever heard as part of “American civilization”; and the civilization part was always military.

Reply to  Templar
1 month ago

Greenland is debatable. But it sure as hell shouldn’t belong to Denmark. I wouldn’t be surprised if all it’s used for by Denmark is to send the EU’s most fanatical “climate scientists” to glaciers with tape measures.

Greenland should be a penal colony.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Marko
1 month ago

Greenland has always belonged to Denmark. Wrecking one of Europes oldest nation states is almost woke in it’s shortsighted wickedness

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 month ago

I don’t think grabbing Greenland is wrecking Denmark. Denmark is one of the better EU states in terms of national sovereignty, so I’d hate to make them upset, but we would be relieving them of welfare payments and a whole bunch of useless ice. And we have millions of criminals that Denmark doesn’t have.

Luther's Turd
Reply to  Marko
29 days ago

We’re 36 trillion in debt. We want to buy an Inuit ice float?

Luther’s Turd

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 month ago

Some think its the Europeans fucking shit up for us, and the Obamas and clintons and bushes and so forth are all on that team. Hard to say, but the same people who flooded the Untied states with migrants the past few years were the same people who flooded the EU with migrants during the 2010’s. Time will tell i suppose.

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 month ago

We should offer to take Denmark, too, If only for the women and the functional institutions.

Not being fools, they would almost certainly turn us down.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tarl Cabot
1 month ago

Good Lord, I hope so. There is hope for Denmark. That hope would vanish if the BFE got its hooks fully into it.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 month ago

Greenland was ruled by Norway originally. Norway came under Danish rule in the 16th century as did its overseas possessions. Norway was given to Sweden as part of the post-Napoleonic Wars political settlement and became fully independent in 1905. Its old overseas territories continued to be ruled by Denmark.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 month ago

If not Denmark, one of the other Scandinavian countries whence came the Vikings who settled there.

But if Denmark is willing to sell, I think we should be willing to buy. Aside from its usefulness as our own Rura Penthe and strategic location for military bases, there are valuable natural resources there.

Reply to  CorkyAgain
1 month ago

Elon is into Star Trek. He should ask his BFF to rename Greenland Rura Penthe.

Reply to  CorkyAgain
1 month ago

Greenland is the spiritual center of kayak culture.

Reply to  Marko
1 month ago

Magatards and their natural hatred of non-American whites. The Danes were there before the Innuit who are from the far east of Asia.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Marko
1 month ago

Hmmm….tens of millions of undesirables in US….”penal colony”….world’s largest island….mineral resources…hmmm…..

Zorro, the Lesser "Z" Man
Zorro, the Lesser "Z" Man
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 month ago

I gotta admit I like where you’re going on this one Ben..

Reply to  Templar
1 month ago

It’s North America. Close enough. What makes it part of us? It has a lot of oil and rare earths. The rest is just details.

1 month ago

I like the concept of civilizationalism, but all the other distinct civilizations are generally racially based; China, India, Iran (Persia), Russia (ignoring the Asiatics). Could America organize itself along civilizational lines? At this point I think it’s too late. We’re so atomized we can’t even see ourselves as a unified block. The West has been trying to organize itself along economic lines at the expense of everything else that defines a civilization.

Reply to  Lakelander
1 month ago

Sure, in the same way the Russian Federation can. They don’t allow the headchoppers into Moscow, or, largely, even into Russia. They are more or less happy with things in the Stans, and the Russians mostly only have to interact with the 10%.

1 month ago

The only way the rapidly declining dominant culture can reassert itself, is to absolutely quit obsessing over and putting up with the various subcultures, especially blacks. I’d love to see it, but the propaganda over the past several decades is going to be hard to overcome. Getting the majority of Whites on board will be THE challenge.

Reply to  usNthem
1 month ago

Getting the majority of Whites on board will be THE challenge.”

I doubt it’s even possible without already building a working parallel structure that better suits them.

I.M. Brute
I.M. Brute
Reply to  usNthem
1 month ago

Unfortunately, for at least the last 25 years I’ve felt the only thing that will wake whites up is a total economic collapse, Carrington Event, or some other calamity which will snap them back into the realm of natural and cultural reality, and a revival of common sense. As long as there’s one beer in the fridge and a sportsball game on TV, we’ll follow the rest of the lemmings off the cliff.

Reply to  I.M. Brute
1 month ago

Can you cite an example of anywhere in history where this has happened?

Did, for example, having to resort to eating zoo animals result in Venezuelans uniting in their Venezuela-ness?

Last edited 1 month ago by Steve
Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

“Language, culture, history, tradition, and religion are not immutable, but they are not malleable. These are things that resist the best efforts of the ideologues.” I wish it were so, but, with the provisional exception of language, these structures have been warped and deformed terribly by the postmodern ideologues of the last six decades. Indeed, this is why postmodernism is infinitely more pernicious than Marxism. It is one thing to have the proletariat slap up a bunch of robber barons in an effort to disperse the means of production. It is something else altogether to use power over knowledge to… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

In CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS and his logical America-specific follow-up WHO ARE WE?, Samuel Huntington posited these attempts to destroy culture usually fail spectacularly. The PoMo’s are hardly the first to attempt such. I wish someone would do a scholarly work on it, but a recent example has been the explosion of Hawaiian culture after it was all but dead after a century. It is nothing short of astonishing. Unless the embers are extinguished through genocide, and this is what PoMo seeks, they are nigh impossible to extinguish.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 month ago

My guess is Hawaiian cultural recrudescence has been strongly encouraged by the Power Structure as yet another saber in the guts of America’s white culture. This development is therefoore evidence of postmodern wrecking, not a refutation of it.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

There may be some of that since the active suppression ended a while back, but the culture being replaced is in essence an essentially hodgepodge Asian one, mostly American-influenced Japanese. The native and Asian tribes have been at loggerheads since the latter wanted statehood and the former opposed it. But, yeah, while both are anti-white, I would give the edge to the Polynesian hostility. Still, the point about the difficulty of cultural erasure remains.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 month ago

But was native Hawaiian culture really suppressed? In the 70s, and even into the 80s, the popular culture depicted Hawaii as culturally Hawaiian, not Asian. Indeed, so much so that one would have thought Hawaii was about 75 percent ethnically Hawaiian. Granted, one must not put too much stock in the accuracy of pop culture depictions, but in this case the depictions ring true. If for no other reason that tourism dollars, it would have made sense to husband Hawaiian culture rather than suppress it. I mean, really. You can get your sushi in Davenport, Iowa and your General Tso’s… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

for a luau and hula dancers you need to head to Hawaii.”

Or to Madame LaSalle’s Gentlemen’s Club, take the Magnolia exit, 2 blocks left.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
1 month ago

I’m told their poi with papaya and sweet pork is nonpareil…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

I understand that it’s without parallel, too.

Last edited 1 month ago by Steve
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

It was legit suppressed through the Eighties outside of what was obviously promoted as tourism/corporate marketing gimmicks. What you describe is superficial, of course, sort of like what Cracker Barrel is to native Alabamans. In a true twist of fate, the old Polynesian culture got refreshed from what amounted to hula shirts and dances in KFC ads (two fast food references in one reply, sheez). The seeds of cultural revival were planted in the schlock to the horror of the GAE, though. About thirty years a bone was thrown by allowing the native language to be taught again and that… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 month ago

That work doesn’t exist because almost nobody reads philosophy, and politics isn’t influenced by it (anymore). The left/”left” do occasionally mention postmodernists’ names—the same way lesbian priests mention Jesus—but those are just shibboleths, signs of fealty (or the opposite, when made by outsiders), school ties.

Globohomo is post-philosophical. It’s not an intellectual phenomenon and can’t be understood as one—at all. The regime is just people who know each other and hate you.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Hemid
1 month ago

Tribalism, in effect. I can’t disagree with that other than to add it has an added gangster component. Scotch bonnet peppers are added to already-hot Jamaican dishes, after all.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Whereas most other civilizations have distinct cultures and racial profiles, Western Civilization is an amalgamation of the three main ethnic groups of Europeans; Germanic, Romanic and Slavic. Christianity was the original organizing institution that was able to consolidate large swathes of these disparate groups into a unified civilization. Now that Christianity’s power has been greatly curtailed, what serves as the unifying institution now? To my mind, the myths of the 20th century serve as the foundation for post-WWII Western Civilization; egalitarianism, multiculturalism, feminism and all the other ‘isms’ dividing and destroying our societies. This is why you don’t let an… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Lakelander
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Lakelander
1 month ago

The “institution” that should weld us together is our shared past. It goes back almost three millennia.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

The number who think we were bound together by FEAR OF A BLACK PLANET far exceeds those who even can point to Europe on a map.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
30 days ago

And here I thought you were turning over an optimistic leaf…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
30 days ago

The “institution” that should weld us together is our shared past. It goes back almost three millennia.

Most of which we spent fighting each other.

1 month ago

With all respect, you have got a lot of things wrong or upside down, Mr. ZMan. First, the civilisational approach existed long before Mr. Huntington was even born. The first book introducing civilisational framework known to me is Danilevskiy’s “Почему Россия не Европа” (“Why Russia is not Europe”), which was published in the XIX century. There are also Leontiev, Khomyakov and a lot of other authors who did not talk precisely in those terms, but belong to that school of thought. In the Western countries, you have Spengler and Toynbee. I understand that people have been dumbed down a lot… Read more »

Reply to  Mikhail
30 days ago

I am personally puzzled why you like mentioning him so much (I mean not only your blog, but American audiences).  Probably because he has some interesting things to say about our situation here in the west. His summation of the distinction between classical and modern American Liberalism is extremely pithy, and very on-point. This whole “Eurasianism” crap is a cover for Putin’s version of non-White invasion. We just have a different constitution of occupiers – they mainly come from the Central Asian and Caucasus states (and some regions of Russia, like Chechnya or Tyva). One suspects the alternative would be… Read more »

Last edited 30 days ago by Templar
Reply to  Templar
27 days ago

His summation of the distinction between classical and modern American Liberalism is extremely pithy, and very on-point. Maybe, but there is too much attention to such a figure. There are a lot of writers here who deserve more coverage than Dugin, but are generally unknown to the foreign public. For example, L.N. Gumilyov (yes, he is the son of our great poet N.N. Gumilyov, who was executed by chekists). He was a member of the Academy of Sciences, published a lot and created his own school of thought. I haven’t seen his “Ethnogenesis and the Biosphere of the Earth” translated… Read more »

1 month ago

Maybe Trump wants to implement the plan by Coudenhove-Kalergi, with world divided into 5 “countries”, Pan-American Union being one of them.
The EU is another part of the plan, half-implemented for now, but eventually adding Africa too.

1 month ago

It’s a little bit of a stretch to think Greenland, mainly occupied by Inuit groups is part of American civilization, but Denmark of course is…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  pyrrhus
1 month ago

Denmark is part of white civilization. America was. AINO is now part of sub-Saharan Africa.

Zorro, the Lesser "Z" Man
Zorro, the Lesser "Z" Man
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Your comments always crack me up, Ostei. Cheers!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Zorro, the Lesser "Z" Man
1 month ago


1 month ago

“The short definition of civilizationalism is that instead of humanity organized into countries or empires, it will be organized by civilization.”

That was Samuel P. Huntington’s thesis 30 years ago…

1 month ago

Regarding Huntington’s Clash, his stuff enjoyed a revival in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. I first heard about him and Fukuyama at that time and Fukuyama was coming under heavy criticism among people I talked to.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Gauss
1 month ago

Yes. That Francis Fukuyama hasn’t been laughed off the stage speaks volumes, but Samuel Huntington is begrudgingly acknowledged as a prophet among serious scholars. The reason Huntington really is hated, though, was his subsequent book WHO ARE WE?, which correctly noted that America properly understood was a White Anglo-Saxon civilization and could not withstand the Hispanic deluge in its early stages at the time of the publication. It was a logical inference to be drawn from CLASH, of course, but, racism. It isn’t too much to suggest Huntington was straight-up reviled from the time of its publication to his death.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 month ago

May he be accepted into the Kingdom for his fealty to the plain truth.

Reply to  ray
1 month ago

Fukuyama wasn’t alone. He and any number of others were touting we—meaning no less than democracy—had won the war for national expression. Read his rather long and ponderous best seller at the time. The 21st century was to be the “American Century”. Pure hubrus. Took only a couple of decades for his foolish optimism to be revealed.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Gauss
1 month ago

Yes. It became clear that Francis Fuked up…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Sold a whole LOTTA stoopid books tho and became a celebrity, which was the point.

1 month ago

“Do not go into pagan territory…”
Matthew 10:5

1 month ago

When Kevin Leery was still doing standup he joked we should just invade Canada, “We’ll call it: OPERATION LEAFBLOWER!”

Canada is a mess. They’ve turned their cities into a Star Wars bar scene of central, south, and East Asians. It’s shocking to travel around Calgary and not see any actual Canadians.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Hokkoda
1 month ago

…unlike, say, New York.

Reply to  Hokkoda
30 days ago

Canada is a mess. They’ve turned their cities into a Star Wars bar scene of central, south, and East Asians. 

The U.S. is the gold standard for globohomo, so our “leaders” seek to imitate if not outdo that example.

1 month ago

It makes me smile and laugh every time I hear that mountain ‘entering the Appalachians, Hello Sunshine” music intro. And Z man said he moved there.

the oneirocrat
the oneirocrat
30 days ago

We believe neither in the transcendent nor in the immanent. We only believe in memories and daydream of the impermanent.
Humans go to rather ludicrous lengths to try to build some sort of legacy.
We are neither evil nor virtuous – only terminally naive.

Reply to  the oneirocrat
30 days ago

I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope
For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love,
For love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith
But the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting.”

T. S. Eliot
East Coker, Four Quartets

1 month ago

I’d like to wish vibrant MFK day!

1 month ago

I see Auron MacIntyre is getting a lot of play with Cut Zoomers Some Slack | 1/16/25 – YouTube Which is good, in terms of maybe helping people understand what’s happening, and a reasonable explanation of how we got here. But just like so much out there, it’s completely bereft of any action items to fix it. Gen Z came from broken homes. OK, how do we fix that now? Crickets. Society needs to create an environment in which Z can flourish. OK, what’s the first step? Creeping credentialism, housing and educational hyperinflation, inadequate or absent role models, crickets. The… Read more »

1 month ago

Is it possible Trump is talking about buying Greenland and taking back the Panama canal as a way for Putler to relate to him? It’s a lot easier to make deals with someone if they think you are on the same page. I think Russia taking parts of Ukraine and the usa taking back the canal both make sense.

1 month ago

[…] weekly podcast. Highly […]

Peter Piper
Peter Piper
1 month ago

Call out uncivilized behaviors wherever, whenever. No need to get rough, just loud enough to embarrass them (assuming they have even a vestige of social awareness). The burka’d lady jumping the queue, the foreigner who pats your daughter bottom at an event, the RATOS (recent arrivals to our shores) kids getting rowdy on the bus etc. Say something or you will end up fuming over it all day. “That is not acceptable behavior in this country, you will have to amend your actions if you want to get along here”. ps-thought for the weekend–why do alien spacecraft need outside lights,… Read more »