Note: Behind the green door, there is a post about robot doctors, a post the coming interregnum, a video from the bed of my truck and the Sunday podcast. Subscribe here or here.
Today is the big day when Donald Trump completes the greatest comeback in American political history. After his ouster in 2020, few thought he would be allowed to run, much less win the presidency. Every part of the managerial regime was focused on stopping him by any means necessary, but he found a path through it. In that regard, his restoration today is the greatest political victory in American history. No candidate has overcome bigger odds than Donald Trump.
That may be why the crazies are so quiet this time. Every narrative since 2016 has ended with the end of Donald Trump. They simply ruled out any possibility of Trump winning this election, so now that it has happened, they have no mechanism for dealing with the disconfirmation. No one has conjured a new narrative that includes their victory over the orange man as he enters the White House. There is no Russian collusion hoax to explain this victory.
It is a good reminder that the crazies are not self-directed. They need to be fed stories from the system around which they can rally. Remove the Russian collusion hoax and much of what happened in Trump’s term is not possible. The “resistance” rested on the belief that his victory in 2016 was illegitimate due to the modern version of Old Scratch tricking people into supporting his agent, Donald Trump. They were not just mad about an election result. They were resisting evil itself.
This does not mean the Russian collusion hoax was 4-D chess. It was just another lie from the Clinton machine, but the stars aligned for it to become the great rallying point for the mentally ill. It was also a useful excuse for permanent Washington, as they scrambled to contain the damage of 2016. It is why to this day no one who bought into the Russian collusion hoax has explained how Trump’s alleged deal with the Putin resulted in his winning Pennsylvania.
It is a good example of how events take on a life of their own. While there are schemers plotting behind the scenes, their schemes often turn into something far different from what they initially imagined. The Russian collusion stuff was originally a way to distract from those embarrassing emails being released online. It then became the magical reason to explain the failure of the Clinton campaign and then it became the excuse for official Washington to declare war on the president.
The great gaslighting campaign on behalf of Harris did not include such a provision, probably because the people behind it did not think it would work. They knew all along that her odds were not good. Unlike in 2016 when everyone was sure Clinton would win easily, no one thought Harris was a favorite. The efforts to conjure a new conspiracy to explain Trump’s victory went nowhere primarily because powerful people were unwilling to invest in a new Old Scratch story.
There is another bit of evidence to suggest that the reason Trump is in Washington right now is the economic elites shifted in his favor. In 2016 they were all invested in Clinton as she was the machine candidate and the machine ran Washington. Rich people took the safe course and invested in the “resistance.” The great drama the machine put on for the country was as much about gaslighting the economic elites as it was about undermining the Trump presidency.
Four years of mismanagement under Biden caused enough concern among the economic elites that they were not willing to hand Washington a blank check, especially after the events of the summer. Biden’s incoherence, Trump getting shot and then the selection of Harris deeply concerned the economic elites. Like the ownership of a company realizing that their managers are stealing from them, the economic elites decided it was time for a change.
One result is no money to underwrite a new resistance. The crazies have been sent off to the internet version of an internment camp. Facebook and Twitter are now back to normal, for the most part. Regime media is under pressure to behave this time, which has led to a purge of some of their hard thumping crazies. The Washington Post and New York Times will not be leading the resistance to Trump this time. Their owners will not tolerate it, so the coverage has been quite tame.
This is another clue that the people in charge are back in charge. The Trump agenda is far more aggressive this time around, but we are not hearing much from the regime lackeys about it. Trump is expected to sign one hundred executive orders today and regime media has barely noticed. The prevailing mood in Washington now is like what happens when a new management team is installed. Those who buy in really buy in and those who do not buy in head for the exit.
None of this suggests it will be all puppies and rainbows, but the signs all point to a restoration of normalcy as the default. The freakshow that has been the norm for the last decade is being replaced with a sober minded standard. You see this in the nomination hearings where the hysterics have been kept to a minimum. In Trump’s first term, for example, the crazies shut down Washington over Kavanaugh, but this time they were quite muted over Hegseth.
One should not forget the lesson of the Russian collusion hoax. This effort to wrench normalcy from the jaws of lunacy will itself set off a chain of events that will lead to things no one can anticipate. Careers have been built on the lunacy, so the decline of Lunacy Inc. will have fallout. Some of it will be good for those on the dark side of the great divide but might not be viewed as such by the economic elites. The rich guys can easily go from heroes to zeroes.
There is also the fact that the rich guys will want what they want from Trump and that may not be good for the country. We saw this with the recent H1B flap. The good guys won the rhetorical fight, but it is a good reminder that rich people are like any other tool in radical politics. They are useful when they are useful and that is determined by those who are using them. The price of victory in this system is relentless pressure on the economic elites, not hero worship.
In the end, today signals quiet waters for the first time in a long time. The instauration will be followed by another interregnum. The Great Awakening that kicked off with the 2000 election has finally burned itself out and we will get a period where the mess gets cleaned up and normal people can speak freely about it. In the previous interregnum, after the cultural revolution of the 1960’s, everyone assumed it was forever and failed to claw back what had been lost.
That is the great question that looms over all of this. In the short term, will Trump follow through on his promises and address the crimes of the past? Will we see some corrective action taken against the system for the abuses? On the other hand, will the beneficiaries of his victory use their new platforms to continue the long-term fight against the forces of darkness or will they simply get rich off it? Today is the end of the beginning and the start of the long interregnum war.
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The past 10 years seem to be a waste of time for everyone, nothing really changed except a steady loss of wealth and health. If I could give a lesson to my past self 10 years ago, it would be to completely ignore politics and culture, save myself from caring about any of it. Of course I’m happy to be on this side of the divide and to have found the Z blog and the fantastic comment section which makes me feel not so alone. However, now it all feels like meh, who cares. We all know that apart from… Read more »
Yeah, I’m completely exhausted by all of it. I’ve felt like I’ve been under constant attack since the Obama years.
As much as you might like to ignore politics, though, politics will not ignore you. Control of the institutions matters. If you are a white man and you are a designed Enemy of the People, you cannot hide. The only recourse is to have a guy who is on your side in power.
I think the reason many of us are disappointed is because Trump did such a great job exposing the phonies who were supposedly on our side. They were never on our side. If they were, Obamacare would be gone by now.
You are right that politics will not ignore you. Many in the Dissident Right want to flee all positions of power. Become welders or some other type of tradesman and live in the country. However, the other side is not letting you run away. They are determined to destroy the opposition. If you don’t have power you will ultimately be crushed.
The Right needs to find a way to subvert the institutions for their benefit just like the Jews did
Mig? Tig? Brase? Pot metal?
I always like WH
Yea good luck on out jewing a jew… Seriously why do you think they blackmail anyone that has even a whiff of a chance at power…What in your mind is a path to power for our side besides magic…
This is why non-religious Jews still have a strong Jewish identity. Conversely, this is something most Whites do not have. Outside of outliers like us (in many cases even ours is a bit contrived), there really isn’t a White identity. Until I went to public school, I also had no sense of White identity (and it really has to happen young). But you can ask any 6 year old Jewish or Black or Middle Eastern kid who they are and their ethnicity will be right at the top, maybe after boy or girl. Their ethnic identity is something most non-Whites… Read more »
It can certainly feel like a waste of time, but I am certain that it wasn’t. At least not all of it. Not for me as an individal, and certainly not for the nation. But if I could have spent half as long doing half as much, and the rest on something else, it would have been better for everyone involved. You are right about the health angle. The last decade has been extremely unhealthy for everyone, and this is a marathon we are running. If I could dictate the next four years it would be this: reduce the number… Read more »
“begin to organize and infiltrate in the physical world”
Please don’t take this the wrong way. How? Let’s not worry about the larger things like academia. Start small, and build successful models. How do you take over the HR department where you are working?
I am talking about forming our own things — small, successful models as you say — as well as getting involved with things like Our Country Our Choice. It’s not explicitly pro-White but their front man clearly knows who the problem is, unlike a lot of supposed pro-White eminences who are still wheezing along on the fumes of a largely unearned reputation. I am also talking about people under the age of 60 taking over the existing pro-White organizations, purging the boomers, and putting them on a path to be taken over by people under the age of 50 in… Read more »
Patriot front is doing it
I’m feeling something very similar right now. It is very anticlimactic. I was hoping at least for a couple of hangings and I’m not saying that flippantly. I seriously do want to see somebody, preferably dozens of people, hang.
We’ll know in a few hours. If we have to call Mt. Denali Mt. McKinley tonight, but the J6ers are still in prison, that’ll tell you most of what you need to know about where this is headed.
I’m not sure I totally agree.
I mean, look at how the Biden regime ran around and hung goofy names on our military bases.
Additionally, this symbolic stuff gives the Marxists something to waste an inordinate amount of time and energy coping and seething over. Turnabout is fair play!
I’m watching the people at Trump’s inaugural. Half The Washington Post seems to be there, along with Silicon Valley.
Trump should’ve had a swearing-in somewhere out in Middle America. The symbolism of his voters being unable to watch this in person — while the people Trump calls “the swamp” stand in the room — is very palpable, at least to me.
Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Cook, and Pichai all there in the row immediately behind the Trump family
If only it was they who were being brought to heel, and not us.
Far more power right there than in all of Congress.
Capital–so to speak–idea. Trump should have moved the inauguration to Sheridan, Wyoming.
I might of went to that…
Agreed. An inauguration surrounded by us ‘little people’ would have been far more appropriate — and telling — than a bunch of the usual D.C. scum.
Leaving those people out and allowing us to attend would have sent a very strong message.
Well, there was the normalization of memes in political discourse, too. I hate it. Not memes, they have their nitwit uses, just tired from how debased and abstracted its all become. Though…I did get to talk with a couple of younger side zoomers and yeah, they’re definitely from a different era and certainly upbringing, but it damn it was fun they actually spoke like normal people. Could be I ran into (or rode into in this case, was out bicycling) some exceptions. Don’t know, don’t care, it was refreshing.
Great post – your comments articulate to perfection how I feel. I’m so exhausted from all of it that my focus has greatly shifted elsewhere. I’m tired of letting it dominate my mood, my attitude and my interactions with my wife and other family and friends. The power of hatred is strong and can be a good thing at times, but for extended periods it becomes too exhausting to continue. I fully support normal White people, cut out any black acquaintances I once had, avoid black areas like the plague, etc. That is how I will live my life.
Sounds like you’re a Tired Citizen.
Certainly it is part of evil’s strategy to exhaust and overwhelm us into inaction.
That’s a good rule now if only White People could stop supporting them we might get somewhere…
This should be the time of a great reckoning. Biden’s final pardons are in ,which as predicted included Fauci, Milley and the January 6th committee. No matter what, Trump’s administration should find a way to destroy these people and let America know that the criminal and treasonous Biden gang will be dealt with until justice is finally served.
Yes – force them to testify and publicly admit their crimes (since they cannot claim the Fifth). Strip them of pensions, benefits, and make sure their reputations can never recover.
That’s an interesting proposal. Get the dope on these folk. Force them to lie—rather than tell the truth. Get them on perjury charges, which the Presidential Pardon does not cover—in theory.
Another is to press the issue of preemptive pardons. This really needs to go away in a just society (…yeah, I know…). A pardon or commutation “adjusts” criminal sanctions having been issued upon knowledge/conviction of the crime. Pre-emptive pardons make a mockery of justice and all right-thinking citizens should be appalled.
^100%. And how much do you think the underlings are going to put up with getting hung out to dry by Mary McCord or Anthony Fauci when the testimony starts?
Those pardons are a poison pill for the recipients.
Just make them face the wall.
We’ll just have duelling outrages. The outgoing administration pardons its, er, “controversal” figures, while the incoming one pardons its controversial figures which were the victims of the “insurrection”. So the online rabble on both sides get all mad. I don’t care about this kabuki nonsense. Fauci can live out the rest of his days sipping margaritas; I don’t care. I only care that Trump’s new presidency emboldens some alpha chads who right the ship that has veered way off course.
I’d much prefer to see fauci strapped in a chair with a screened cage around his head filled with sand flies, wasps or scorpions – lots of choices…
Agreed. It’s easy to shrug and try not to think of Fauci and Milley and Cheney shuffling off to posh but irrelevant positions the Cloud People retire their pets to. It’s easy not to notice them as they publish the odd piece of propaganda in the the mainstream rag sheets, or warm chairs as ‘consultants’ and ‘co-ordinators’ in poch offices of the NGOs and fake charities run by the Machine. Just grit your teeth… and forget about it But if you lost YOUR business during the covid hoax, or watch a loved one die alone in a hospital where fatty… Read more »
The release of all available information the government has on everyone given a Biden pardon should be immediately released. The pardon only ptotects them from federal prosecution, it does not protect them from public disclosure and shaming with the well deserved reputation destruction.
The regime has conveniently given us a list of people to investigate and destroy. And we shall.
“The pardon only ptotects them from federal prosecution, it does not protect them from public disclosure and shaming with the well deserved reputation destruction.”
At least as importantly, it does not shield them from state prosecution, assuming there is some DA in a red state who is as devious as DAs in blue states are…
Promise the lawyers 30% of the assets/benefits seized and it will happen automatically, no federal intervention necessary.
WillS is absolutely the best answer ever:
“it does not protect them from public disclosure”
Name ’em and shame ’em
And rats, lots and lots of rats.
Given that Fauci is King Rat himself, that might not be too effective.
That’s the first thing I thought of. He left out the rats. You gotta have rats in there!
Beagle Justice
You do not tolerate evil
You do not forgive evil
You destroy evil that all may see evil destroyed
“Fauci can live out the rest of his days sipping margaritas…” The Fauci pardon (and the perhaps others) destroys the rule of law. What it means is that the law does not apply to people with the *right* connections, i.e., the power in charge. Hence henchmen that aid these people in illegal actions become emboldened and more such people become common. This is precisely the opposite of what Jefferson meant when he declare all men to be equal (under law). We are dangerously drifting to a rule by men (already there?)—not law. This is in regard to “pre-emptive” pardons, not… Read more »
Theres more than one way to kill a cat.
“Theres more than one way to kill a cat.”
Then enlighten us, otherwise there is only one way.
Perhaps the security detail is ordered to stand down whilst a kid with a carbine saunters along a roofline in broad daylight…
I care, these are people that committed monstrous crimes effecting just about everyone on the planet. There is no reason to respect any piece of paper a drooling vegetable may have signed. It has no legitimacy and certainly no moral claim. It doesn’t even have a practical justification since that genie (rule of law, etc.) has long since been out of the bottle. By their own example any legal constraints may be justifiably skirted, subverted or simply ignored in the pursuit of the more important moral imperative.
You think this way. I think this way. But many, many people don’t think this way. They think Fauci is great. Same for Milley. FFS, same for Biden and Kamala. This revenge fantasy is not going to happen. Our enemy is not vanquished, by a long shot. They are still everywhere. Raging against Fauci, Biden et. al. is not going to do anything except affect your blood pressure.
The best revenge will be Trump being effective and popular for the next 4 years, and laying the foundation for decades of energetic nationalist politicians who will finish what Trump started.
Precisely why “They are still everywhere.”
Curtis LeMay time, and they stop fighting.
The problem with that is, if there are no consequences there is no disincentive against doing the same or similar crimes in the future.
Which great men of history ever worried about consequences? Can you even be a great man of history if you worry about being thrown in prison?
What, are we suffering from a great man of history surplus right now?
There’s going to be a public humiliation of Fauci and it is going to drive him to the grave. In fact, I think he’s probably going to wind up wishing he was dead once there’s a full accounting of the COVID origins. Those pardons won’t protect the people who worked for him, who helped finance the GoF research in China, and who participated in the online censorship of TRUE information at Fauci’s behest. That man needs to go to his grave – whether as a free man or not – with the full knowledge that his crimes have been laid… Read more »
Absolutely right. The D.C. Crime Cartel has been whining for months about Trumpie ‘taking revenge’ on them, as a method of stopping him from doing just that.
I would ignore Tater Joe’s pardons and lock up the enemies of America you have listed. Plus a passel more. Then adopt their own tactic: whatcha gonna do about it?
A pardon is not amnesty for potential crimes. The SCOTUS needs to define pardon and remove the amnesty bs.
But there are some real benefits to these pardons…Now we can put them in a courtroom under oath and they can’t take the 5th…If they refuse to testify, it’s off to jail for contempt, and if they lie, it’s off to jail for perjury…
And I question whether any of these highfallutin folks would ever have been prosecuted anyway…it hasn’t happened in the past…..
As has been pointed out, none of them can invoke the 5th amendment now that they are immune from prosecution. They should be forced to testify. Go after their families too (who have not been pardoned). Punish the enemies, award the friends.
Grammys, Emmys and Oscars for all who donated at least six figures to the Trump war chest!
These were not pardons, they were blanket immunities from prosecution. The president has no such constitutional power and the Trump administration should ignore them and proceed with investigations and prosecutions as usual.
I agree, a pardon should only be issued after a conviction in court. The problem is that the Ford-Nixon pardon established the precedent for blanket immunity fifty years ago.
It’s only a precedent until it is challenged in court, which it never has been
Ford’s Justice Dept. was not going to challenge Ford’s “pardon” but Trump’s dept. should.
Let’s please stop embarrasing ourselves
“…the Trump administration should ignore them and proceed with investigations and prosecutions as usual.”
Another good idea, this would force an appeal to SCOTUS which has been on my mind as to how to right this wrong of preemptive “pardons”. If SCOTUS agrees, then we go the traditional Constitutional change route to the States.
Question – are presidential pardons only for criminal matters?
Article II, Sec. II:
“…he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.”
I would think this includes civil penalties for non-criminal violations levied under federal law.
“Mistakes were made” “It’s time to move on” “It’s not who we are”
Yep. ‘Let’s all come together as American citizens’. Ptooey.
We have to look at those pardons as a gift. The recipients have been issued a poison pill. They are no longer safe from a subpoena…because they cannot take the 5th Amendment against self-incrimination. Alternatively, they could reject the pardon, but then subject themselves to criminal prosecution. This is a huge gift to Pam Bondi and Kash Patel because they can credibly claim that it’s not about revenge because the guilty have already been pardoned. It’s about finding out what was done AND MAKING IT ALL PUBLIC so that everyone knows once and for all that Russiagate, Ukrainegate, J6gate, documentgate,… Read more »
It’s funny that now that the uber-rich are supporting Trump, I see a lot of articles and YT videos about the US turning into an oligarchy. It’s allegedly happening now. It didn’t happen long time ago, but only now with Trumpenstein. And the usual retards will eat it all up.
The usual retards are pathetically subservient to power, so it may be hard to get a reaction from them when the Clouds drift in a different direction. I will admit their craven obsequiousness has been somewhat of a shock.
The citizens of the US cannot attend the presidential inauguration for the second presidency in a row.
I think that about sums it up.
Wow! Good summary.
Yep. It’s the installation of a new temporary head of oligarchs. The little people need not bother.
Tain’t finished til they’re wearing fur-trimmed royal robes
They will always accuse you of doing what they either are doing or recently did. They’re not wrong about the oligarchy, just the timing of it, which has been around for decades with their full knowledge and support. Nobody had a problem with the oligarchy when it was banning people from speaking truths about the regime and the hoaxes since 2016. In a lot of ways their use of the oligarchy for their own personal gains will again backfire on them…because (like Elon and Zuck) the oligarchs are now going public with all the stuff the Gummint “forced” them to… Read more »
Libtards just worship power, they don’t care about anything else. It wasn’t an oligarchy when all these same tech guys + many more rich people were supporting Biden in 2020. It’s similar to how they claim to support democracy while supporting their political opponents being crushed by any means necessary. It’s all about preserving their post WW2 hegemony, which they (rightly or wrongly) view Trump as a threat to.
The most likely thing to happen is the large faction of think tankers and public servants who just drift with the prevailing winds will all of the sudden be Maga, and the crazies will become a smaller, but just as shrill faction.
It will be just like the people who wanted to put the unvaxxed in camps and now act like the entire Covid debacle never happened. Let’s not assume the majority of people have a backbone, they follow where they’re told.
There will never be forgiveness in this country about COVID until there’s a reckoning about what was done and who was responsible for doing it. Good for Trump to reinstate all the military kicked out because they refused the vax. I know a couple of them, and they’ve been denied reinstatement since 2022. That all changed today…with back pay. Hopefully, he can get RFK Jr. across the finish line. He’s being put exactly where I thought he should be put, and if he does 1/2 of what he promises, we’re going to see some shocking stuff come out about COVID,… Read more »
For all my customary blackpilled cynicism, the world today looks a little less gay.
The fact that Trump supported the H1b expansion is a bad omen.
We don’t get perfect elite. We get Trump, who may even care about the average American. The other choice was an Indian mulatto and her Jewish husband who absolutely saw the US as an open bordered economic zone.
Merely acting like he cares puts him a step above the alternative. That’s how bad things have gotten. (I’m not judging his sincerity here, I’m just sayin)
A “globalist Kosher bodega” in the words of the great Modern Heretic 3000.
I miss that guy.
… plus insisting he ever was against it. Which is on record.
Lying about his own recorded statements is not a propitious start to his ‘MAGA’ admin. But I guess it’s OK if the God Emperor is a liar.
That was when I lost the last tatters of respect I had for Theodore…
Yeah, I get that.
“The Trump agenda is far more aggressive this time around” Agree with the essay. Trump is prepared this time around (the first time he wasn’t even expecting to win). And so he has clearer plans, a timetable (I guess), an idea of how to implement the plans, and his people in place. I’m not sure how much more aggressive his agenda is this time, though. Trump himself — once you get past the bluster and bravado — is not an aggressive man himself, but diffident and rather cautious. Which I welcome. Team Biden has been composed of reckless lunatics and… Read more »
Twenty years from now – if God willing we still have a legitimate country – we are going to find out that bath house barry and around forty interns were running everything.
“bath house barry and around forty interns were running everything” This need to assign a mastermind to some transnational weed pot mulatto is about the Taboo that Never Ends. Hints: 1) the Olicharchy has been firmly in charge for decades 2)It involves a lot of Jews, because of 2, 3)It involves a lot of puppets like Obama
I’m convinced that the real command and control system of our society is modeled on the money laundering schemes the oligarchs and drug cartels use. There are probably multiple layers of control and Bathhouse Barry is maybe the 2nd layer but takes his orders from the 3rd one. Who knows how far the rabbit hole ultimately goes or which oligarch is ultimately at the top.
“Bath house Barry” is a funny way of spelling “Masonic Globalist ‘brews Who Are Also Our Greatest Allies”. Japanese TV is literally giving their citizens a primer on how our subjugation is implemented. It is only SOME hapless Americans themselves who still cannot figure it out.
Speaker Johnson told a story in an interview the other day when Biden had no clue about an executive order he (Biden) had just signed. Johnson claims he wondered at the time just who was in charge.
We may get Congressional Hearings about that.
There is a version of Johnson’s story where he names several individuals present in the Oval Office when he asked Biden if they could speak in private.
Johnson mentioned those individuals appeared mortified when he made that request.
It’s interesting that he told that story this week. As if they’re looking at hearings. We deserve to know who was really running the country.
i bet there are a staggering number of emails, texts, and other records as staff worked 24/7 with the media to hide it all.
The Trump agenda is more aggressive this time because a) they arrested him on almost 100 felony counts and tried to assassinate him, and b) because he is now a lame duck and the midterms are only two years away
The Bidet(Obama) Administration has done probably irrevocable damage to the US. Trump should use the Bidet precedent to pressure the Rs. If they won’t act, use Barry’s “pen and phone” tactic to get his way, and Bidet’s tactic of ignoring courts until the SC speaks, then change a couple words here and there and reissue the EO.
If he does so, it’s at least plausible that he can get everyone right of Romney into the polls for midterms, which includes many “former” Ds, who, as with Reagan, saw the writing on the wall.
I do agree that the people who were running Obama’s administration were also running Biden’s. They were both puppets, though.
We’re already seeing that in his rhetoric about CRIMINAL illegal aliens, which is the entire focus of his speeches now. Not all illegals, just the gangs and murderers and so forth. Deportations of regular illegals will take a back seat, and killing off MS-13 and TdA will get the main focus. Regular illegals will wind up self-deporting if he does a few things right like taxing remittances. A bill out of Congress that say basically, “We’re going to genetically test you. If we have to deport you, you will be placed forever on the banned list. If you leave on… Read more »
In 2025, the president dancing on stage with a bunch of homos = return to normalcy
This. Conservatives refuse to see the racket effect. They so much want to believe that everyone just wants to “live and let live” that they continually declare that the hostilities from their enemies have ceased.
They refuse to see that they are the only ones who want to live and let live.
When you were young and your heart was an open book/
You used to say, live and let live/
You know you did, you know you did, you know you did/
But if this ever-changing world in which we’re living/
Makes you give in and cry/
Say, live and let die!
Trump has plenty of perverts in his administration.
Zionists too.
The PZC–Pervo-Zionist Complex
Yeah he’s big on loving him some homos.
Like I said, basically a Prog. Eighties-era liberal.
The tell is when his favorite song is “YMCA”.
I saw that. Could not believe it.
Cross your fingers. Hopefully it’s cover.
“He’s going to have all us LBGT execut… He’s dancing with us?” *sound of heads exploding*
Yes. The days of hero worship are over. Today is just another day for us. We must use our energy wisely. Punishing the economic elites via public shaming like what happened with H1B and now with Rufo telling White men to go get a job managing the GAE’s international food court and be content with it is essential. We must figure out how to do it, with a small fraction of our energies. The real work in the interregnum is building redoubts, bolstering home schooling, and building and consuming art and entertainment by and for Our people. The Regime is… Read more »
Amen Brother so many want to waste their time, energy, and wealth on trying to change or save a system that wants them dead and thinks it’s funny when they should be invested in building something new for their people…
I see what you did there:
That was my immediate reaction to “instauration,” too.
It is noteworthy that THE DISPOSSED MAJORITY is not mentioned at all in Ireland’s entry on Wikipedia, the intelligence community’s meticulously curated Truth vehicle. Odd that. But I do read there that he was a very, very bad man.
Use to subscribe. Was very intertaining.
Luther’s Turd
Fine, fine. The rhetoric will simmer down, the psychos will be chained to their desks, and neighborhoods won’t go up in smoke. All well and good. But will the fundamental, anti-white nature of the Power Structure be altered? Will AINO begin morphing back into a European nation after its decades-long Africanization? Or will that Africanization be quietly cemented into position?
I’d like to imbibe the white philter, but I’m afraid the black sorcery will continue its mesmeric malefeasance largely unabated. While the Trumpist epiphenomenon is good, the deep structures are still hideously morbid.
It took decades to get to this point, it will take decades to get out. If ever. Record levels of nonwhite immigrants in the past 30 years are here to stay. Lower white birthrates will take decades to reverse. Once you have mixed a quart of vanilla ice cream with a quart of dogshit, you can’t make the ice cream taste good ever again. I always thought it was unrealistic to expect anyone to “Make America Great Again,” let alone Trump. But that is not to say Trump will be completely ineffectual. He is basically like an EMT pulling up… Read more »
If non-white immigrants came, they are not necessarily bound to stay. That sort of despair is about being locked in the Boomer Room for too many decades. If they came, they can go back. Yes, the mulattos will need to be dealt with separately. But even what 400 years out, there is substantial “obviously of African descent only” population. We won’t have an endless population of mixed race people to deal with.
This is one of the things the black-pillers don’t talk about. A fairly large percentage of today’s immigrants (legal or otherwise) are opportunists more than “poor, tired, huddled masses” and all the rest of the Giant Green Metal Jewess bullshit. Indians, for instance, just tend to be greedy, lazy Brahmin caste types who were quite comfortable in India but prefer the higher pay they get writing bad Python code in Amerika. If the DIE scam really is ending a lot will get back on the plane. A lot of the lower class immigrants are supposedly already self-deporting based merely on… Read more »
No way of knowing, but at least we have some segment of people who know what the problem is, are willing to talk about it, and aren’t blinded by insipid Reagan worship or veneration of conservative ideology. And it doesn’t take a lot of people to change things.
Well we all know we are not going to voot our way out of what’s coming. But let us not ignore the tectonic shifts that are taking place – it’s easy to lose sight of them because in this day of 30 second attention spans…these changes are glacial in nature and seem to take forever. Weimar America is facing the same inevitable course of events that Weimar Germany did. There are still vast areas for the pervs, the zionists, and carpet baggers to take refuge in. California springs to mind but even there – the heat is being cranked up… Read more »
Because I believe the Tradissident movement needs more, not less optimism, I’m not going to argue with you. I’m just offering a cautionary note.
The blacks are not ironically the problem at this point. It’s us having to cope as the flipping UN at the Federal level. American blacks at least might have some investment into American blacks. That’s even allowing for massive corruption. Who do we think Vivek is invested in? Musk? How many little tiny nations can the US keep under one roof. Not many I think.
I’m not sure that ignoring that there’s more than just blacks running around the US right now helps the situation. It seems like it’s trying to pretend it’s still 1975 again.
If I were to enumerate and elaborate all the damage negroes do to the Western world, I would be here all day and the post would resemble a masters thesis. No need. It’s all too obvious to require such an effort.
I voted the straight Republican ticket, for one reason, and one reason only. So far, I haven’t heard of any Republican promoting “gender affirming care”. Now, I have no doubt that in a few years, most Republicans will be on board with “gender affirming care”, and the next Republican president will be bragging about how her version of “gender affirming care” is much better and more efficient than that of those icky Democrats.
I’m sort of hoping that I don’t live long enough to see that day. But that day will come.
The Left itself may abandon transgenderism, and that seems a good bet, which means the remnants of Con, Inc. (man, it is a shadow of itself!) will not sign onto it.
I hope you’re right.
The right would do well to abandon transgenderism too. That is pushing women into male roles, including leadership and the military. We maybe have discovered where the average human cries “uncle”. But the lefties and the righties do agree that women can be men and men can be women if they just want to bad enough.
They did abandon pederasty—not in fact, but in “optics.” When I was a kid, NAMBLA was a near-mainstream liberal-reformist organization, prominent at every march for fill-in-the-blank liberation. By the time South Park made fun of them, most people my age thought Trey Parker made it up. Even those who remember don’t really remember. For decades, NAMBLA was the face of the left’s sex crusade. Now it’s the troons. I think the regime can’t abandon them. They’re too visible, too empowered, too important to the project, and too integral to the surveillance/censorship apparatus—whose open reign is being inaugurated today. Trannies are… Read more »
Abandoning the trans agenda = nada. Just a feint, a deke.
The trans are miniscule in number. The trans have not destroyed the nation and culture the past half-century. The Woke and the Feminists did that; they are the real evil, and by strong majority they are female.
Why aren’t they brought to heel, or at least identified as the enemy? Well that’d hurt muh princesses’ feewings and career prospects, doncha know! So the country rots.
Well, at least the conservative argument for pedophilia has been pushed back a decade or so.
I don’t know, David French may have an apologia all queued up…
‘In Trump’s first term, for example, the crazies shut down Washington over Kavanaugh, but this time they were quite muted over Hegseth’ Oh, the Raging Hens had their fine day with him. How I wish they really were ‘muted’. Then you might have a chance. ‘The freakshow that has been the norm for the last decade is being replaced with a sober minded standard.’ I doubt that seriously. And the Freakshow has been normed for over 50 years, not ten. Quite a difference. They are the Establishment, deeply dug in and institutionalized. Donald is an Eighties-liberal . . . an… Read more »
Quite right! Trump is a fraud, and a reprobate.
The Hegseth hearing was nothi9ng compared to Kavanaugh. It is the difference between a candle and stadium lights.
it’s kind of funny that milquetoast kavanaugh got accused of rape, while master swordsman hegseth only gets the screaming harpy treatment.
Or else it makes a lot of sense. Kavanaugh reminded the harpies of their hen-pecked, beta male husbands, the kind of guy they felt they could easily bring to heel. Hegseth, on the other hand, is the kind of guy who would give them the back of his hand, so they stayed at arms’ length.
Kavanaugh’s nomination came at the zenith of the DIE/woke/sisterhood/resistance hysteria. I remain optimistic that this particular flame has exhausted its ability to spread further…the fire has burned back over itself.
The Left burned its credibility to ashes with Kavanaugh. No attacks since then have had any effect.
But Team Hag still took its pound of flesh, did they not? Pointing and accusing and screeching at the Ebil Ebil White Male? Tell me, why should evil be empowered and tolerated to take the flesh of their betters at all? Kavanagh was a wimp, still is. Surrounded by femmie law clerks all his professional life. Girls’ soccer teams and cocoa on cold nights. O yeah he’s a specimen all right! :O) The harpies had the soft boy in tears, snuffling and sniffling on national teevee. Beclowned and emasculated himself with the cameras running. These are the ‘men’ I’m supposed… Read more »
All the fuss about his boozing and womanizing and nothing about a more substantive matter: he has a long history of war mongering.
Uber Zionist too.
Of course it was about his boozing and womanizing, they are praying to Lillith he will treat them like that.
I dunno. fellas. All I ever hear is that everything is fake and gay, we will never, never EVER be a nation of laws, due process because the fix is in and we are all doomed. The Cloud People are firmly allied against us, we can do nothing to thwart their evil lies and designs…blah blah blah. All the boy scout needs to start his campfire is a spark. It doesn’t matter how small, how feeble. He’ll set it up so that spark alights on small tinder that will take to flame with a dirty look. And the boy will… Read more »
I don’t think they’ve taught boy scouts how to do that for decades.
Are there even any boy scouts anymore? Or have they become “person scouts?”
This is a fairly optimistic piece. I hope it is right. Sober minded normalcy is something I have longed for for quite some time. I look forward to it happening.
Z has a nasty streak of optimism…
Has to be if he wants to keep eyes on his writing…Too much Blackpill and you lose readership..
Blackpill isn’t necessarily game-ending. You just need to include some vision, some action items, some reason to believe those actions are likely to make things better for your progeny.
Mustache Man is a great example. And a cautionary tale about taking it too far…
Trump is back. The elites have realized that the extreme left is crazy and are vaguelly libertarian right. The economy is God only knows how broken. We’re in a cold war with Russia and China.
The 1970s are back. Am I required to wear only brown and orange now?
Haha! Break out the bell bottoms, crank some Zeppelin, and go cruising for hippie chicks. Sounds pretty good to me.
indeed…whole lotta love
I don’t listen to Led Zeppelin often, but when I do the entire neighborhood does.
“Break out the bell bottoms, crank some Zeppelin, and go cruising for hippie chicks.”
Let’s not forget our WIN (Whip Inflation Now) buttons…
Which Zep tune or album goes on first? Over the years, “Houses of the Holy” has emerged as my favorite, although the album cover makes me feel a bit sick.
Which Zep tune or album goes on first?
Not sure – I’m dazed and confused.
Just about the creepiest album cover of all time.
Physical Grafitti is a great album.
Tonight I’m gonna party like it’s 1975.
No, the 70’s are not back. They never will be in my opinion. In 1975, our second worse President, Carter, walked the inaugural parade waving to the cheering crowd that lined the route—much like the Rose Bowl parade. Today, the street in front of the White House is closed to traffic. The current inauguration was scheduled outside, but closed to view/attendance with the exception special seating by Congress and select invitees. Ordinary citizens were to be kept back and their access to the process fenced off—those in power specifically guarded from their constituents. Ordinary citizens are not even allowed into… Read more »
So true. New Amerika bears no resemblance whatsoever to the U.S. of the Seventies. . . even under that silly Peanuthead, Carter.
“Am I required to wear only brown and orange now?”
Of course not. You are also permitted to wear avocado green. And lime green, if it’s a leisure suit.
Don’t forget the white platform shoes and belt.
Don’t Look Back!
There isn’t an ounce of disagreement with your take. This is the bottom line although a tweak is in order: There is another bit of evidence to suggest that the reason Trump is in Washington right now is the economic elites shifted in his favor. These economic elites remain somewhat rogue and schismatic, and a substantial portion of the old guard has yet to follow their direction. For good or ill, the arising elite represent a major departure from what preceded them. It probably isn’t an exaggeration at all to write the post-war world consensus is done. Whether that is… Read more »
There is another bit of evidence to suggest that the reason Trump is in Washington right now is the economic elites shifted in his favor. A vital downstream consequence of this was the dampening of vote fraud. If the Sea Island Group and other members of the globalist cartel had decided to cheat him this time, like they tried unsuccessfully in 2016 and successfully in 2020, then he would have lost. Downballot fraud was still widespread. Not all of the various components of the fraud machine either obeyed orders or were under control of the globalist elements who decided that… Read more »
More great observations Z man. There is also the point that Trump was allowed to win the election. Biden “won” in 2020 with 83 million votes. Trump won this time with about 76 million. So the premise that the election was to big to rig is not true, he was allowed to win. Also note that the elites were not shy about stealing many of the down ballot races. The GOP lost at least four Senate seats due to election shenanigans. So it appears that maybe the elites were actually afraid for their positions and maybe for the position of… Read more »
You know what the best part of today was?
There was some federal holiday and no one cared.
The Juneteenth cancelation better be in the first one hundred EOs.
Trump is the political equivalent of an umbrella which is being used by someone walking around Chernobyl two days after the explosion. The umbella will protect you from rain, the effects of the sun, and maybe radioactive dust but it is not designed to counter the aggressively damaging energy that’s being released into the blasted landscape.
Got some good primers by the comments today. I had to watch the speech. The Clintons almost didn’t applaud Trump’s entry and gave just a tiny two claps. Biden was sneering and smiling the entire time. Of course, hispanics and blacks were thanked and then named again in a promise to work with them in the coming years. I don’t know. That kind of was a wrap for me. It isn’t that I hate them. It is that this country seems to be all about everybody but Americans. I did enjoy the part about acknowledging who Americans are and what… Read more »
Fauci, Millie and the January 6th committee pardoned. As far as I’m concerned, we are not starting off on a positive note.
Ultimately the courts will have to overturn these pre-emptive pardons. Or else a president can just pre-emptively pardon his entire administration. And himself. One wonders why Biden didn’t.
The fact that he didn’t means there IS a limit to a preemptive pardon. That makes it easier for SCOTUS to toss the pardons in order to limit it to known crimes, convictions, and indictments. Otherwise, a POTUS could order mass executions and then pardon everyone.
“The fact that he didn’t means there IS a limit to a preemptive pardon.”
I’m not ready to rule out that the puppet masters don’t want him pardoned.
I know the president has broad powers to pardon but I don’t see how that includes the power to pardon people who have not been convicted of a crime or even investigated for one, and I don’t see how someone who accepts this pardon does so without any sort of admission of guilt for their criminal behavior. The entire thing seems so nonsensical, but that’s Brandon for you.
From what I understand, accepting the pardon is an admission of guilt.
Not surprised about the pardons. Only surprised it took so long.
Exactly! These were not pardons, they were blanket grants of immunity. The president has no such power and the Trump administration should ignore them.
Not all the blame lies with Biden. Ford opened the door with Nixon and Watergate shenanigans. The jump from investigation to actual indictment was *never* made (formally at least). So it was a “short step” to take by Biden to issue a pardon for crimes not yet known or under investigation Ala Fauci.
Thus we’ve made the President a King of sorts who is not only “above” the law, but *is* the law. Only with a King, his successor can reinstitute criminal charges and with some hope for future justice.
Think of the preemptive pardons like Harry Reid using the “nuclear option”. The Left came up with that genius plan in order to get a few judges past the filibuster. They did this on the short-sighted idea that they would always be in power and that Republicans would not quickly weaponize it once in power. And then Republicans won the House, Senate, and Presidency, and quickly used the nuclear option allowing Trump to remake the Federal judiciary. For a little short term gain, Harry Reid put a hand grenade on a timer and handed it to Democrats. It later blew… Read more »
Hell, he just pardoned the rest of his crooked family:
(Warning, CNN)
President Joe Biden on Monday issued an extraordinary slate of preemptive pardons for prominent critics of President-elect Donald Trump and members of his own family, using executive prerogative as a shield against revenge by his incoming successor while also guaranteeing his closest relatives aren’t subject to future prosecutions.
Viva El Presidente! 🍌🍌🍌
Those pardons are a poison pill for the recipients. They can’t refuse to answer questions in a subpoena without rejecting the pardon. If they retain the pardon, they have to answer all the questions they are asked – truthfully – or face prosecution for perjury and obstruction of justice. People are vastly overthinking the impact of those preemptive pardons. There’s also zero protection for the people underneath them. Fauci had employees at NIH for example, and a pardon doesn’t protect anyone at FDA or CDC. Nor does it protect the Russiagate coup plotters or people like Cong. Alex Vindman who… Read more »
Of note, the Vindman’s are pissed they didn’t get a pardon…
And they’re a vindictive lot…
ZMan: “This effort to wrench normalcy from the jaws of lunacy will itself set off a chain of events that will lead to things no one can anticipate”.
Brilliant, but reminds me that the Repubs have a penchant for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory – as only they can do
“They simply ruled out any possibility of Trump winning this election, so now that it has happened, they have no mechanism for dealing with the disconfirmation.”
Instead, they’re doing a new tactic, which is “capture.”
“If you can’t beat him, join him!”
The inauguration is going quite smoothly, perhaps too much so.
One wonders what kind of backroom deals have been made…
It feels like the #resistance met its end on the day the bullet whizzed past Trump’s ear. It is like the normal people in the deep state realized that the lunatics are out of control and things need to change. Since that moment, it feels like we have had this massive shift not just in politics and rhetoric but also in the culture. I know that these cultural shifts will bring on hangers-on and phonies, and to be sure the past few weeks it has been obnoxious to see all these people now say they love Trump. But as we… Read more »
Shift in the culture? Watching corporate TV ads for a stretch will thoroughly disabuse you of that notion. Blak, blak, blakkety blak is just as hegemonic as ever.
That is something I’ve thought about and it will be interesting to see over the next year or two. This stuff looks positively ridiculous and outdated already. Yet, a lot of the stuff that is coming out from Hollywood and the like was greenlit during the peak awokening years. I keep seeing ads for the new Captain America, who is black of course.
Yes, if there really is a shift, it could take a bit of time to manifest visually. But not too long. If, as I suspect, a year from now it’s still nuggras straight down the line…
There hasn’t been a shift, it’s just a talking point absorbed osmotically and repeated thoughtlessly.
As Z has pointed out, during the summer of Floyd the two-coat blackwashing of advertising was rolled out in the blink of an eye, almost as if they already had it in the can. It really shouldn’t take long to roll it back. But I suspect that will never happen.
This only ends when explicitly white-focused networks and shows come into being. That may seem unfathomable to us at this precise moment, but given the current cultural momentum it can’t be completely ruled out.
Somewhat tangential question but I have never heard a good answer for it: if everybody powerful was behind the Clinton machine in 2016, why not also back in 2008, when she was younger and less tarnished by scandal? Why in 2020 did the DNC put up the ex-VP Biden and not some shrill Clinton clone? Surely the Clintons had groomed some Democrat hopefuls.
Despite the golden tongue, Obama should have been one of those curious candidates like Howard Dean or Bernie Sanders, who made a splash but ultimately lost to The Machine.
In my youth, I heard a Buchanan person describe Washington as a big small town made up of many small towns. The permanent party leaders are one such small town, but they interface with the big factions in their party, like the Clinton machine or the Bush machine. These machines come and go. Permanent Washington always had a mixed relationship with the Clinton machine. They blamed Hillary for the health care debacle and the subsequent midterm blowout. As far as 2008, Clinton had the support of Washington and its money raising mechanism. Team Obama tapped into new money, Silicon Valley,… Read more »
I think this actually explains it very well, and a great movie if you haven’t seen it
Good flick.
Good question. Obama may have been more controllable in that he didn’t have Clinton’s penchant for theft (who does?).
I think it was more in line with the fact that barry had a huge racial grudge against White America and was salivating at the thought of acting upon it.
Hillary was simply entitled and greedy.
It may have been as simple as the Ds in 2008 not yet having mastered the rigging of their primaries, which they’ve been doing ruthlessly ever since. For example, by the primary rules they have been using ever since, Clinton would have won the 2008 CA primary. She did win more total votes in the CA primary in 2008 than did The Precious. But he won more counties. And in 2008, by the rules of the time, it was the one who won the most counties who was the winner. Thus was the nomination decided. He may have sort of… Read more »
This is a good point. The vote rigging is a blunt instrument, due to the riggers being a loose, uncoordinated group. As Zman has alluded to before, they are a flock of birds doing what they think are in the party’s interest, not a group of soldiers following explicit orders from central command. So there can be miscalculations along the way. I’m sure there was plenty of fraud in 2024, but the fraudsters were frauding in the dark, not sure of the totals they needed.
Vote rigging, or cheating has been the norm forever. Nixon would have won in 1960 had it not been for Illinois shenanigans. The big change was the scamdemic that allowed illegal changes to occur wrt voting rules in key States. To this day, not one has explained why there were so many Biden votes in the 2020 election and the return to “normalcy” today. Anywhere from 7M to 15M votes/voters magically appeared, then disappeared for this election. An anomaly never explained adequately, nor pursued appropriately.
I don’t think the loose, uncoordinated group model holds. If it did, there’s no excuse for it failing pretty much everywhere this time. It’s not like Rs could have monitored all the ballots in every county of every swing state. The “suitcase of ballots” switcheroo could easily have been kept sub rosa by being pulled off by the janitors or “janitors”.
Don’t get thrown off by the amateurishness of the obviously faked signatures. This was not a failed op. This was an amazing success — vote rigging to any sizable extent has now been deemed “fake news”.
“The freakshow that has been the norm for the last decade is being replaced with a sober minded standard.” Ratchet effect comes to mind here. A loud and rowdy drunk is “taken care of” by tossing him for the night in jail—been there, done that—only to get drunk the next weekend and repeat the process. So my question is, how do we *reverse* the losses we had during the Trump 1 and Biden 1 Presidencies? Holding ground is not enough. Without such reversal, it’s only time before the ratcheting renews—and as with a boa constrictor and its prey, we finally… Read more »
At best, it will be one step forward, two steps backward. Maybe a few of the policies will be reversed somewhat so it looks like progress (or regress), but it will then move in the desired direction (maybe Biden was seen as too much, too fast, so need to adjust the temp a bit).
Better than a Harris regime? I suppose so, but only because the destruction will take longer.
Only two steps?
It looks to me like we’re entering the inexterminable reign of a class so deluded and stupid they can’t tell God and chatbots apart—or Wernher von Braun from an Indian hotel cashier.
If so, the next step back will be infinite.
The admin already is fleeing from campaign promises. Now, suddenly, they are pushing the ‘deport border-jumping criminals’ line.
At a minimum, he should double down on the weaponization of the law. CRUSH THEM! Absolutely no holds barred. Sick the justice department on them. Get GOP governors to do the same in the states. A failure to do this will result in the democrats doubling down when they inevitably get power again. They need to suffer the consequences of their stupid ideology. Dismantle everything possible and get Congress to enact some of the things he is accomplishing with executive orders (which can be undone just as easily as he did them) to make them as permanent as possible. If… Read more »
‘If the GOP weren’t a bunch of cucks, this would be easy.’
But the GOP IS a bunch of cucks. Not ten actual men in the whole bunch.
Add to that a bunch of ‘conservative’ feminist women who are only conservative for purposes of duping stoopid Rightie men. Very much like the parade of blonde bimbos that FOX used to trot out to keep weak Rightie men on the leash.
Z is right that a lot of people seemed relieved that there is now a sense of normalcy. However, I don’t think that had much to do with why Trump was allowed to win and the election was not stolen again. In 2016, the biggest issues for Big Jew were primarily domestic. They especially wanted the Great Replacement to proceed on steroids and WOKE to be solidified. There of course were international issues and Trump saying no regime change wars was unacceptable to the Deep State. In 2024 Trump realized that the biggest issue for Big Jew was Israel and… Read more »
The Trump effect has been powerful this time…Tik Tok was let out of virtual jail yesterday, before the Inauguration…And reportedly, dozens of J6ers have been let out of real jail ahead of an Trump actions…The Establishment fears Trump this time, and wants to make peace it would appear….
They seem to be biding their time and waiting for opportunities. Some of just over the top insane though. Here is an NPR article I saw this morning taking taking Biden’s declaration that the ERA is law seriously. The crazies really think this is going to happen. Perhaps one plan to tie up the courts in all sorts of insanity that it bogs down everything else, including deportations.
The #resistance has been quiet because they are out of weapons. They went all in on the fascism lie, and then Trump won, and all that stuff quickly died down. That left all their lunatic supporters standing around wondering, “So, that was like all bullshit??” Yes, my dear lunatic, it was all bullshit. Once they tried two assassination attempts, the #resistance was dead. They shot every bullet, bomb, and ballistic missile in their warehouse and none of it worked. And yes, they’re also out of money. Nobody will be bankrolling #resistance v2.0. During his speech today, Trump made it clear… Read more »
Sheeit, these are the same folks who are capable of staging a global plandemic if need be. But as we’ve been over here quite a bit, the oligarchs switched horses because the Biden camp crossed them somehow, or it was determined that he/it was no longer capable of maintaining the appearance of legitimacy. (Some of both probably) What we’re seeing presently and in the near future is the true capability of the “resistance” when it lacks oligarch support. Biden’s bitching about the “oligarchy” was in fact just bitching that they no longer supported him. The seating arrangements at the inauguration… Read more »
None of that really counters anything I wrote.
We’re both speculating, but I suspect that if the people who funded the riots and resistance of Trump’s first term wanted, presumably Soros and his kin, they could pay the same people to do a repeat performance with the same numbers and the same energy.
They chose not to do so because the left has been too sympathetic to the Palestinians after Oct 7. Social media made it clear how widespread the sympathy was.
That’s most of the explanation, in my opinion.
Soros isn’t exactly a textbook Zionist…
The big donors have been flocking to Trump since before the election. And the rest have been sucking up ever since. There’s a chance they could have tried something but consider this: Trump won the youth vote and greatly expanded his vote with blacks and “Hispanics”. They have far fewer foot soldiers this time. And those that remain are still reeling from the realization that they were lied to by their own leaders. Harris was never popular, and she really had no chance. I wouldn’t underestimate the damage the “fascism” thing caused because the next day every single Dem leader… Read more »
The oligarchs have started to realize that oligarching is a lot more fun in a first world nation that a third-world toilet, and that the gang they’d been supporting was hauling the country to the toilet.
Today is the end of the beginning and the start of the long interregnum war.
Yea really too bad that the dissidents don’t have an army ready to go so we could accomplish what we need to…
Upvote, but for the first paragraph. When was the last time armed overthrow worked well for us? It didn’t even work out well in France. Now, granted, France was full of Frenchmen, but that was a lot better material than what we have to work with.
They did get Matt Gaetz. I wonder if that was some sort of 4D chess, because he must have known that his chances are close to zero.
I think Gaetz pissed off too many people in the party. His departure from Congress looks like banishment. He goes into the wilderness for a while and then maybe runs for Governor of Florida or maybe his old House seat.
I would be a somewhat proud Floridian with Gaetz as governor. DeSantis is OK despite being a huge Israel shill. Gaetz seems to have some genuine teeth, and looks like a movie star rather than a hack with platform shoes. Normally I think competent people are better in governor’s positions than on Capitol Hill, but since Gaetz is a photogenic firebrand, I wonder if he isn’t better suited to being a megaphone in Washington.
Florida can rot in hell (kidding). I’m pissed about a flock of seaguls carpet bombing my ride back in the day (not kidding, I still hate seaguls though the band was much better).
Did you run so far away? 🙂
All the principal Republicans worship Israel, including Trump.
The timing of Gaetz’ exile and the end of DeSantis current term line up pretty well.
It’s imperative that Florida and Texas remain red as counterweights to California, New York, and Illinois. Just imagine how awful Beer Flu would have been if FL and TX were blue states.
Well, he took down the Speaker of the House, you know the long knives were going to be out for him…
I don’t think anyone seriously thought he had a candle’s chance in a hurricane at getting nom’d. If he did, he was an idiot.
Basically all 4D claims are BS, but there seems to have been more at play here than underestimating the opposition. Bondi and Gaetz are very close, and while I never put too much stock in women, I have been told by someone who knows her that she is very, very ruthless and calculating. If you recall, it didn’t take a nanosecond to name her as Gaetz’ replacement. Maybe she simply had been pegged as a fallback but there seems more there.
A ruthless and calculating woman? Say it isn’t so!
Elon throwing romans. Can today get any better?
NGL, this almost makes up for H1b. Almost.
Anyone heard of norm eisen? Mike Benz has pointed to him as the mastermind behind all of the anti trump stuff. But is it possible that he’s merely someone who has thinks of himself as a big deal but isn’t actually behind anything
It’s a relatively small group of fags and jews (but I repeat myself) whose names keep coming up over and over as the instigators of the anti Trump lawfare. He’s one of the regulars.
Is Mary McCord a fag and a Jew?
Hard to find out much about “her” but “she” looks like a man to me
Yes, I’ve heard of him.
Eisen is big in the sense that he has some tie to nearly everyone on the lunatic Left. That means he has tons of favors to call in.
Marc Elias is a similar character.