The Data Dump

Lost in all the excitement of inauguration day, and there was much to find exciting, was something Trump said in response to a question. He said he plans to release everything about JFK, RFK and MLK that is currently classified. He tried to release the JFK material in his first term, but was talked out of it for some reason, but now he seems committed to it and has now added the others.  His attorney general nominee pledged to release all the Epstein material.

Given how day one unfolded, it is safe to take Trump at his word. He seems to be sensitive this time to the fact that he got a reputation in his first term for big talk but little action, so on day one he delivered some controversial items. The pardoning of the J6 people without a lengthy review was a welcome surprise. The executive order on birthright citizenship was a stunner. If he is following through on these items, it seems reasonable to think he will follow through on the other items.

The question at the heart of all of these long-held secrets is why this information has been hidden from the public. The easiest one to answer is the Epstein material, which is going to include the names of his friends. Given the activity on that island, powerful people do not want their name attached to Epstein. It is possible that the FBI has been using this knowledge to blackmail people. The corruption in the FBI is so deep, you cannot rule it out.

Given Trump’s new friends in the economic elite, he probably feels safe to dump this out into the public domain. By now, whatever evidence held by the government regarding Epstein’s untimely death or his connections to Israeli intelligence has been destroyed, so there is not much harm in putting it out to the public. At this point, even if they admit that Epstein was controlled by Mossad, the only people who would be surprised by this revelation would be those who live in Washington.

The other stuff is a bit more interesting. What information is the government hiding about Martin Luther King or his killing? About twenty years ago, a bill was proposed to require all remaining MLK documents to be released by 2027. The MLK Records Act has never passed, but Trump could just order it. Supposedly, the government has documents about the assassination. No one questions who did it, but maybe James Earl Ray had friends in the FBI at the time.

The most likely reason for keeping MLK documents hidden away for over half a century is that they are embarrassing to the government. One of the interesting bits of cognitive disconnect is that on the one hand the intelligence services think they are the great manipulators, controlling things from the shadows. On the other hand, they are sure that the public has total trust in them, so they do not want this material released as it would destroy public trust in the agencies.

In the case of MLK, everyone knows that the FBI was bugging his phones and rooms, spying on him and his associates, and trying to create trouble in his organization, as they did and continue to do to any organized opposition. There is a good chance that there is a lot of information that is not flattering to MLK that has been hidden away for political reasons. Again, none of this would shock the public, but the people in Washington think King is a national hero.

Now, the Kennedy stuff is another matter. At this point, the only good reason to block the release of the remaining Kennedy material is that it implicates the CIA or the Mossad in the assassinations. Many of the conspiracy theories revolve around the fact that the intelligence community did not trust the Kennedys. Both Kennedy brothers were Israel skeptics who were at odds with the nascent Israel lobby. Give the direction of Israel policy after JFK left office, this is plausible.

Lyndon Johnson was a super-Zionist. His closest advisers on Israel and the Middle East were Mathilde Krim and her husband Arthur Krim. The two of them lived with the Johnsons off and on throughout his presidency. Mathilde was a convert who in her youth joined Irgun, a Zionist paramilitary organization fighting the British. Swapping out John Kennedy for the compliant Lyndon Johnson would have made a lot of sense to the Israelis at the time, so it is plausible.

The argument again this is that Trump makes all the noises of being as rabid a Zionist as Lyndon Johnson, so if that is the nature of this long-hidden material, it seems unlikely that he would release it. That would not make his Zionist supporters happy. This is what suggests the information is damning to the CIA or the FBI. Given how the CIA and FBI treated Trump during his first term, getting some payback this time around fits in with the theme of this term.

There is also the fact that Trump’s new best friend, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is sure the CIA was involved in these killings. Ted Kennedy was a powerful senator for a long time and despite his problems, he no doubt had access to people who had access to the information hidden away by the government. The CIA angle has been the default assumption in Washington, as well. This is the best argument for why this information has been hidden away for so long.

In the end, assuming this data is finally released, it will all point to something that we have known for a long time. That is the managerial state that first took root in the post-war intelligence agencies, has been the real power in Washington. Most of what is presented to the American people has been a lie to one degree or another, because the people in charge think they know best. “Our democracy” has meant “their democracy” for much longer than the expression has existed.

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28 days ago

Breaking the MLK myth that the regime has created is as if not more important than breaking the WWII myth. The truth needs to come out about this guy and I hope in my lifetime the holiday is repealed and the monument is torn down. The difference between Trump 47 and Trump 45 on day one is incredible and shows him and his team have learned an awful lot about how DC runs. The media was basically in a daze all day as he gave that speech and then issued those executive orders. The J6 pardons were just totally stunning,… Read more »

Reply to  Mycale
28 days ago

The most discouraging part of the MLK myth is that a lot of progress has been made in getting the truth out to normies and many of them still don’t care. I think it will take some generational turnover as those who remember the assassination have a strong commitment to the myth. I hope younger generations look at it and say, “this is ridiculous why are we still honoring this man.”

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Barnard
28 days ago

“this is ridiculous why are we still honoring this man.”

Because he was black man reading Jewish speeches.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
28 days ago

Also a black man who was a plagiarist of the first water. Seems to be a leitmotif among negro “scholars.” Just as they have always been incapable of creating civilization, so they are unable to produce original scholarship of any consequence.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
28 days ago

One of the minor consequences of affirmative action.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
28 days ago

He also rejected many core tenets of Christianity, such as the divinity of Jesus, the virgin birth and His resurrection.

He was a controlled asset for sure. The “conservative” worship of this Marxist sexual deviant is disgusting.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
28 days ago

Rejecting the divinity of Jesus makes you something other than a Christian. But I don’t know much about his religious views. I have also never held him in any high regard.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
28 days ago

Even if he hadn’t plagiarized, there’s nothing original in any of his stuff. He is perhaps best known for Letter From Birmingham Jail, which was probably ghostwritten. All it does is recite the thought of the great white people of Western Civilization — Christ, Socrates, Augustine, Aquinas, Martin Luther, Jefferson, Lincoln. Paradoxically, in trying to make the case for the Negro, he gives evidence for Negro inferiority. The entire stint in Birmingham jail was a stunt anyway — he had an army of lawyers from the moment he intentionally got arrested. He got arrested because he knew he already had… Read more »

Last edited 28 days ago by Xman
Curious Monkey
Curious Monkey
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
28 days ago

Following MI and AL new customs I’ll start celebrating this third Monday in January as Robert E Lee day in my heart.

REL Day: third Monday in January

Reply to  Curious Monkey
28 days ago

I’m currently reading a biography about Lee. We truly don’t produce these kinds of great and honorable men anymore that’s for sure

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Curious Monkey
28 days ago

There needs to be a conspicuous way of doing that that won’t be construed as celebrating MLK day. Or maybe that day should be celebrated on REL’s actual birthday. I don’t know what day that is, off the top o’ my cabeza.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
28 days ago

Trump said he plans to restore a lot of what was torn down after the fentanyl riots. Including reinstating Ft Bragg.and other military base names.

until the EO’s started rolling out I thought maybe it was just bluster…

Reply to  Curious Monkey
28 days ago

I always celebrate mlk day at my rifle range, I am sure General Lee approves.

Reply to  Spingerah
28 days ago

With a Remington .30-06 Gamemaster, LOL?

Reply to  Curious Monkey
22 days ago

Lee Day is actively acknowledged and celebrated in the American South.
i hope this tradition grows and expands with time.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
28 days ago

I was watching a documentary on his life a while ago while I was laid-up with the flu. They played one of his later speeches (which was secretly taped while with his inner congregation at one of those churches in Atlanta) and he spoke at length about how communism was “God’s answer to the white mans greed.” and how “Civil rights was only the beginning.” I was frankly surprised that they played it. When I was in HS, his birthday still wasn’t a national holiday, but I had one teacher – black female – who not only made a big… Read more »

Reply to  Steve
28 days ago

Find a clip of that and quote it in a tweet and tag Elon Musk, Donald Trump and his other highest level and oligarchic buddies.

I think it would be a good thing to get them thinking about.

Reply to  Steve
28 days ago

The deviant sexual activities were MLK were disgusting coming from a normal person, much less a supposed “man of the cloth.”

This is a bit of a long sermon, but they have all of the references to MLK and his quotes on Christian theology, communism and his sexual deviancy.

Reply to  Mycale
28 days ago

I was a little soured that the inauguration took place on mlk day, but, even with the song and dance mlk impersonator, the normal pants-creaming over him got overshadowed.

anyone know what an executive order can do for ending birthright citizenship?

Reply to  Hi-ya!
28 days ago

The EO can set up a Supreme Court case to rule on the matter. That’s about it.

Reply to  Hi-ya!
28 days ago

Quick scan, the policy is ended. I.e., no more anchor babies. Didn’t see anything retroactive, again, quick scan, wouldn’t expect it, either. That would be super aggressive.

“Subsection (a) of this section shall apply only to persons who are born within the United States after 30 days from the date of this order.”

Right. Doesn’t appear retroactive.

Last edited 28 days ago by Paintersforms
c matt
c matt
Reply to  Paintersforms
28 days ago

Retroactivity would have made it much more susceptible to Constitutional challenge.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Mycale
28 days ago

The MLK mythology is a component of the post-World War II regime, which is in actual decline.

Barney Rubble
Barney Rubble
Reply to  Jack Dobson
28 days ago

Spying on MLK and the Black Panthers was probably the last time the FBI did something that actually served the public’s interest.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
28 days ago

Places like National Review have backed way off on the “MLK was a conservative just like us” nonsense they used to pedal. Still when you show some normiecons MLK’s actual words it seems to short circuits their brains. It is like they think if the myth falls apart they think their whole idyllic childhood was some sort of lie.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Barnard
28 days ago

If “the greatest American ever” turns out to be a complete fraud, doesn’t that undermine the ostensible superiority of the negro race?

Dear, oh dear, oh dear…

Reply to  Barnard
28 days ago

Barnard: “It is like they think if the myth falls apart they think their whole idyllic childhood was some sort of lie.” But that’s precisely why we dissidents congregate at samizdat websites such as Z-Man’s: OUR WHOLE IDYLLIC CHILDHOOD WAS SOME SORT OF LIE. I don’t know about you, but I’ve spent the overwhelming majority of my adult life simply reverse-engineering all of the lies of my childhood. There are certainly an helluva lotta things I would have much rather have done with my life than reverse-engineering lies upon lies upon lies upon lies upon lies. I’m so sick of… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jack Dobson
28 days ago

Speaking of which, MartyrMade just released the first of his podcast series on the German perspective of WWII. Apparently, it’s been a huge success with 200k downloads in the first 24 hours.

The WWII myth is collapsing and collapsing fast. Sure, the Holocaust myth will be a holdout for a long time to come, but the walls around it are coming down.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
28 days ago

Zoomer Historian on youtube does a well documented and enlightening show on the subject as well. Flips the comedic “Are we the baddies?” skit on its head.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
28 days ago

What’s discouraging is that Cooper’s story of WWII is so much like the one we all used to know, when people who remembered the events were still around to talk about them, and first-hand accounts were still in circulation. Cooper’s main sources are books that aren’t even old—bestsellers, mostly, that almost no one must have read, or if they did they immediately forgot what they saw there. When I was a kid I didn’t go to “good schools,” but I learned that the Churchill or Chamberlain! was propaganda and the desire for war was lopsidedly on the side of the… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
28 days ago

“The WWII myth is collapsing and collapsing fast.”

In the US;Europeans are not so worshipful of the 1933-45 Germans.
Also, the idea that the painter was a victim is not necessarily the German view.

You white Americans are on the way out so your views are not quite as important as you may think.

Reply to  eusebio
28 days ago

Also, the idea that the painter was a victim is not necessarily the German view.

In the wake of “De-Nazification” brainwashing program carried out by the U.S. at the end of WWII, I’m not sure there is such a thing as a German view anymore. Just Germans acting on Jewish-American programming.

Reply to  Mycale
28 days ago

 hope in my lifetime the holiday is repealed and the monument is torn down.”

I hope in my lifetime the holiday is renamed James Earl Ray day, and the monument is appropriately redesigned.

Reply to  Steve
28 days ago

Crude, no doubt, but I remember when Howard Stern used to have alleged Klansman Daniel Carver on his shows. One time Carver claimed that he had a t-shirt that depicted MLK’s visage through the scope of a gun and the caption “Our Dream Came True”.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
28 days ago

I’ve never see this site quite so giddy.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
28 days ago

“Yes! I can feel the hate flowing through you!”

28 days ago

Trump yanked the security clearances of those 51 intel officials – plus John Bolton (lol!). The plan to release those files is clearly part of a larger strategy to hamstring these agencies. It’s not just payback. Trump needs them weakened. These are just the opening salvos. Read that EO yanking the clearances. It doesn’t just do that. It orders the IC to report back just exactly who (including contractors, think Booz Allen) was using IC weapons to spy on Americans. And then pull their clearances and contracts, too. Thats huge because it is a dagger at the heart of the… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Hokkoda
28 days ago

The EO drop is a stunning and most welcome surprise.

It’s great to see Trump hit the Swamp fast and hard, literally “getting there the firstest with the mostest.”

I like the symbolic EOs because they get in the Left’s head to further dispirit them. I also think they force the Left to spend inordinate amounts of time and energy on those topics.

The security clearance yank is a most welcome EO. There is no reason anyone out of active service should hold some kind of blanket, “courtesy clearance.”

Last edited 28 days ago by The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
28 days ago

The sheer number of EO’s also diffuses the enemy’s ability to respond. If he goes basically one at a time, they can pick him off. 200? They’re going to be spending months trying to develop their lawsuit strategies.

And while they’re busy scheming, he can go to work firing government employees inclined to help the enemy. They won’t have as many people on the inside helping them.

oh and the border one orders a defunding of NGO’s. That’s something I predicted he would do. The NGO’s launder money to the lawyers and vice versa. Cut off their money.

Last edited 28 days ago by hokkoda
Reply to  Hokkoda
28 days ago

Secrecy was clearly a part of the plan.”

As was misdirection. Keep that in mind thinking of the Trump prognostications from greater than one day ago. Was Greenland just something to keep the left off-balance? I doubt we’ve seen the end of the surprises.

Reply to  Steve
28 days ago

Greenland was a warning to China. This is America’s hemisphere. Panama, included.

The rest of the world knows that if we buy Greenland, America will turn it into something valuable. The oil and minerals there are important. But oil drilling has been blocked by environmentalists. They use sleight of hand saying energy development is too expensive. But that’s only because of the regulations.

Trump intends to use soft power to tame China.

Last edited 28 days ago by hokkoda
Reply to  Hokkoda
27 days ago


Reply to  PrimiPilus
27 days ago

The in vogue term for UFO’s…the East coast “drones”

Mike W
Mike W
28 days ago

After reading severable books on the JFK killing and the CIA’s germ warfare and MK-ULTRA shenanigans I’ve concluded that there is literally nothing they won’t do (or haven’t already done).

Reply to  Mike W
28 days ago

Believe it.

Reply to  Mike W
28 days ago

They were willing to commit false flag terrorist attacks and kill Americans to create a pretext to attack Cuba, and JFK put the kibosh on it:

Operation Northwoods – Wikipedia

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Xman
28 days ago

That Lyman Lemnitzer was a piece of work. A piece of something else, too.

28 days ago

Nothing about James Earl Ray’s story passes the smell test. He was a low level crook who suddenly has the brains to break out of the Missouri State Pen and avoid getting caught for two years. During this time he travels to both Canada and Mexico as well as several other U.S. cities. After the shooting, he drives to Toronto, hides out there for a month, gets on a plane to London, briefly goes to Portugal all while trying to get to Rhodesia where he thinks he will be treated as some sort of hero. The story for how he… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Barnard
28 days ago

That’s the main reason I think he is making these releases – to justify a full house cleaning of these agencies. For that reason, any mossad/jewish involvement will be scrubbed.

28 days ago

Torpedoes away.

Some will hit, some will miss. Until I see bodies in the water, I will hold off on the fist bumping, high fives and cheering.

But things are off to a good start.

Reply to  Filthie
28 days ago

Here, here! Retribution is absolutely justified. Trump is off to a good start and here’s hoping it continues.

Reply to  usNthem
28 days ago

Make that hear, hear!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  usNthem
28 days ago

Har, har!

Reply to  Filthie
28 days ago

To be fair, the pardoning of the J6 people (if true and if upheld and no awful shenanigans await them) was something that surprised me.

I’m no Trump fanatic or believer in the ‘God Emperor’, but that’s a result right there. I think it pretty impressive.

But we’ll tread carefully, I guess.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  OrangeFrog
28 days ago

For most, J6 pardons were a deal breaker. If he finked on that, he could kiss his Presidency and that of any future GOP candidate goodbye. And to be honest, what does it cost him? How does freeing unfairly prisoned people really hurt? It was a way to gain political capital without having to spend any. Not only that, the ridiculous Biden pardons paved the way to make it a no-brainer.

Reply to  c matt
28 days ago

c matt,

Yeah, that’s a good way of putting it. On this side of the Atlantic, I’ve been talking with friends and relatives about it, and they’re all impressed. They see it as a very good sign.

Whether other good things come our way, who knows. But God bless him for that. The “insurrection” episode was one of the most awful pieces of tyranny I’ve witnessed in my life.

28 days ago

‘Many of the conspiracy theories revolve around the fact that the intelligence community did not trust the Kennedys’ LOL. If ‘did not trust’ means ‘hated’, then ok, they didn’t trust them. Not long before they snuffed him, JFK promised to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces. He also appeared before the NY Press Club and reiterated, speaking about how dark and secret forces within the U.S. government were attempting to take over the nation. Which they did, promptly, while his dead body was still warm. CRA ’64 and the Immigration Act, foisted on the public by LBJ and Team… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  ray
28 days ago

I agree but based just on gut and intuition and the timing, it seems the Epstein business represents the greatest immediate threat to Regime legitimacy. Ever since that scandal threatened to become public knowledge, totalitarian reaction has increased and the Regime has acted erratically and been quite crazy. There is something more there than the revelation that the intelligence services are the de facto government and Tel Aviv has more say-so than D.C. It has to be explosive.

Reply to  ray
28 days ago

I think it is telling that the Warren Commission was actually run by Allen Dulles, the former CIA guy who hated JFK like the Devil hates holy water.

Reply to  Dutchboy
28 days ago

Yessir. Pull the thread on Allen Dulles (as I did in my work wayback) and you will unravel most of the JFK hit. Basically, everything except for the ritual/occult side of that murder.

Reply to  ray
28 days ago

I’d be interested in learning more about the contents of that last sentence.

Reply to  Steve
28 days ago

Well, there are my own essays, most of which are 15-20 years old now, although still very topical and relevant. I hesitate to link to my pages here, as self-promotion is not respectful of our host. Z would have to give permission. ‘The Devil’s Chessboard’ by David Talbot is a good place to begin inquiry about the Dulles brothers and America’s secret government. I can’t recall how much the text addresses the ritual and occult side of the equation, however. If you wish, I will scout around and try to find some other pages with similar investigative content, assuming they… Read more »

Last edited 28 days ago by ray
Reply to  ray
28 days ago

Personally, I think the UFO thing was a trial balloon. “Experts” have long maintained that revealing even the possibility of extraterrestrials would create an uprising, a violent uprising from Christians who couldn’t accept it as the truth. That did not happen.

Those, “you can’t handle the truth” types have been proven at least wrong, if not outright malicious. I fully expect these and other truth bombs to be dropped.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
28 days ago

Perhaps there were no Christian riots because we don’t believe what the gubmint says about UFOs any more than what they say about anything else. To put it another way, if I believed UFOs were piloted by Martians and AINO’s government confirmed my belief, I would cease believing UFOs were piloted by Martians forthwith.

Reply to  Steve
28 days ago

Real Christians — those who study Scripture and take the Father and Son very seriously indeed — have long known that the ‘aliens’ are merely demons.

The Bible makes it very clear that the ‘second heaven’ or the celestial objects we see via, e.g., Hubble, are the ‘sons of God’ or angels in phenomenal form. It also makes clear that there was, and is ongoing, a war taking place amongst the firstborn or angelic beings.

To repeat, the culture conflicts taking place in the West are, in essence, spiritual warfare yet to be decided.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  ray
28 days ago

An interesting theory. Outside of the Bible itself, do you know if anybody has published a book on the subject?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
28 days ago

Scripture does not address this subject at length, though Job 38:7 is one brief referent. I came to these understandings largely via experience, not by reading somebody’s book. Michael Heiser’s ‘Angels: What the Bible Really Says About God’s Heavenly Host’ goes into detail concerning the matter of angels as stars. (Not all of the angelic host, of course, are ’employed’ as stars. There are innumerable Sons that do a wide variety of other things.) As to the matter of aliens as fallen angels, I’m sure a number of books have been published, most of them New Agey crapola. I can’t… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
28 days ago

In slightly related news, Trump took the time to thank Blacks and Hispanics by name for their (minority) support of him. The group that voted overwhelmingly for Trump, White males and their wives got no mention.

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
28 days ago

Granted it was not a great way to start the day, however, his bedtime pardon of ALL of the J6 political prisoners IMMEDIATELY (“except maybe 5 or 6 who may only be commuted if they don’t deserve a pardon”) was a very nice capstone.

It remains to be seen how many members of the Bureau of Prisons who ignored/ delayed his order will be reprimanded or fired.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Mow Noname
28 days ago

I agree that it was a pleasant surprise. Hopefully Snowden is next.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
28 days ago

As always, Whites play the role of responsible adult and the minorities play the child’s role. Children get lauded for even simple things like going pottie. Parents don’t get congratulated or thanked for the pottie training

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Zfan
28 days ago

Heh heh. That’ll leave a mark. A brown one…

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
28 days ago

He singled out Blacks and Hispanics for special mention because they are newcomers to MAGA. Understandable.

Michigan Man
Michigan Man
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
27 days ago

Sadly even if Trump had explicitly thanked Whites for their support most White people either wouldn’t have known how to react or would have called him Hitler.

28 days ago

His name was Michael King Jr. That’s what it says on his birth certificate. His father later changed it to Martin Luther as a way to appropriate white history. A good first start at breaking the hold this myth has over us is to start using Michael King in conversation with normies. Subtle mockery goes a long way.

Reply to  Nonnos
28 days ago

I like that.
Now let’s do the same with James Donald Bowman aka ‘JD Vance’.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
28 days ago

Wasn’t President Gerald Ford adopted by his mother’s 2nd husband? I’ve forgotten his birth name. It was not exactly a secret.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Dr. Dre
28 days ago

I believe it was Lesley King.

Reply to  Steve W
28 days ago

Ford thought the was the biological son of his step father until his actual father showed up and introduced himself when Ford was a teenager.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
28 days ago

And with Barry Soetero.

28 days ago

I caught the stream of Trump signing the executive orders. It is quite a hoot. It is a window into the GAE. There are a large number of womyn Latinx “reporters”, who have a very hostile disposition. Trump figuratively threw them around like rag dolls. It was interesting to see. He held a master class in how to dominate a room with poise. It was quite impressive. Sensing hostile energy, and ordering it to move to other points in the room – calling on his guard to assist. When they would speak he would show he couldn’t understand them, and… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
28 days ago
Reply to  RealityRules
28 days ago

Oh. Never forget. That twice Trump acknowledged the Latinx and Black vote. He never acknowledged Us.

From that standpoint, nothing has changed. We are our champions. Never forget and never rely. Trump called upon Our heritage during his speech. He made a big point to call out Common Sense. There is one critical American quality that he didn’t mention, but which is the one that is most important for us to keep alive and cultivate: SELF RELIANCE.

Reply to  RealityRules
28 days ago

This is why I was encouraged by the H1B thing that happened on Christmas. White guys spoke up and said they didn’t want this. Vivek seems to have been punished severely for declaring pajeet superiority, seems like no matter what they say Trump told him to go away after that.

george 1
george 1
28 days ago

The birthright citizenship order will be stayed pretty quickly but it will set up an eventual USSC case. That will probably be long after Trump leaves office.

Did the CIA and/or Mossad have anything to do with the JFK assassination? Is the sky blue? Or as AOC would say: “Do cows fart?”

As Z points out any solid evidence for most of this stuff has long since been destroyed.

Reply to  george 1
28 days ago

If so more evidence should be fabricated and rammed down the public’s throats to serve the greater end of building up public hostility to the alien overlords and their lick-spittle traitorous stooges. Any ‘deniers’ should have their lives destroyed, their jobs taken away, their ability to travel restricted, their bank accounts frozen etc etc.

Martok's Eyepatch
Martok's Eyepatch
Reply to  george 1
28 days ago

JFK really was the last sovereign American President. This excellent documentary presents ample evidence of Israeli involvement in both Kennedy assassinations: Dorothy Kilgallen was clearly on to something, and was murdered for her efforts. She was, I think, the only journalist to interview Jack Rubinstein: None of the above will be included in the dump, of course, but it’s beginning to percolate through the culture, and support for Israel grows thinner by the day. Its fan club nowadays is basically evangelicals, the MIC, perverts under blackmail and perverts who took the money. If the nation can face the… Read more »

Last edited 28 days ago by Martok's Eyepatch
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
28 days ago

I was more than pleasantly shocked by Trump’s first few hours. I have allowed myself a bit of optimism lately due to what seems to be a major sea change in generalized public attitudes and the emergence of a dissident elite (this is more important). The source of the optimism isn’t the election result per se although it did further illustrate how much the public has opted out of the official post-World War II fairy tale and can wave off the propaganda that supports it. It seems Trump will be somewhat substantive as well as symbolic. All of us were… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Jack Dobson
28 days ago

Excellent analysis.

joey jünger
joey jünger
28 days ago

The behavior of the feds and CIA over the years really puts paid to the lie of the old saw about “the enemy of my enemy” being my friend. I don’t care for the Black Panthers or the AIM (American Indian Movement) but it’s clear from what’s being done to the dirt whites that Christopher Wray is a bigger problem than Leonard Peltier. And the old lefty assertion that Fred Hampton was murdered in his bed seems a lot more plausible now after seeing them hand out medals to the cop who murdered Ashley Babbitt. And I think domestic spying… Read more »

Reply to  joey jünger
28 days ago

The meth bums and prostitutes who are the public face of it don’t know it, but American antifa is a literal army—a “black” branch of the US armed services, I’d say, but people don’t like that idea, so call it the DNC Sturmabteilung or whatever—with a traditional military chain of command and a normal military level of obedience (very near total).

They’re not on our televisions right now because they were ordered not to be there.

That fact is open to interpretation. Mine is that they have nothing to do, no people’s victory to thwart.

28 days ago

I haven’t seen one mention here of the biggest news of all:


He put the kibosh on the WHO and its Pandemic Protocol due to take place this May.
There will be no Bird Flu Plandemic 2.0, no future pandemics, no vaxxine mandates, nor lockdowns, etc. etc. etc.

The Capstone of the entire Jewish Century was a global dictatorship superceding national sovereignty to enforce endless pandemics, epidemics, and digital passes.

Pulled out of the Paris Accord, too, which destroys the entire carbon market based asset grab and currency conversion. Man of History, indeed.

Last edited 28 days ago by Alzaebo
Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
28 days ago

Day 1 of the Restoration went much better than I expected, with Elon throwing romans and Vivek exiled to Ohio. Birthright EO is shockingly good, even if it must be litigated. J6 pardons have almost restored my faith in democracy. Almost.

Trump was always going to fink on someone, but it now seems possible he may fink on the right people. Jury is still out, though.

28 days ago

Well, we know for certain that Lee Harvey Oswald didn’t do any shooting because he’s shown down on Dealey plaza at the time, in the clothes he was arrested in, by the actual color Zapruder film, which was suppressed at the time…Also, Kennedy was hit by several bullets from various directions…
And there is indeed some doubt about James Earl Ray being the shooter of MLK…RFK’s assassination narrative is riddled by inconsistencies, and the LA police destroyed a lot of the evidence that contradicted the story about Sirhan doing it…

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  pyrrhus
28 days ago

I think it was someone on here that mentioned that the real JFK conspiracy is that he was accidentally killed by his own security detail. There were too many last minute decisions that could have broke either way that would have put the kibosh on any elaborate conspiracy.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
28 days ago

That’s based on the Secret Service agent turning around in the Zapruder film in the front seat and facing JFK after the 1st shot and right before the fatal shot a moment later. But the film is too grainy to ever establish that the agent even had a gun in his hand. The other thing here I would suggest is to listen — if you haven’t — to a LOT of the phone calls LBJ made and took after the assassination.I’ve listened to most of them over the past 10 years. Senators, the Georgetown set, Hoover — you can listen… Read more »

Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
28 days ago

A head will not explode when hit by a ballistically stable 6.5mm Mannlicher-Carcano bullet that can just barely whistle along at over 2,000 fps.

A head will explode when hit by a supersonic velocity 5.56mm out of an Armalite AR-15.

At least one member of JFK’s security detail in the car behind had skin-to-metal/plastic access to an AR-15 (there’s a photograph during the dash to the hospital ER).

Accidental discharges occasioned by a security dude bug-eyed on a bottle-rocket of surprise and adrenaline surge are an epic, epic Boo! Gotcha! of Badness.

Reply to  Scipio
28 days ago

Incorrect. 6.5 Carcano is a 2300-2600fps round with the 160gr pill. Variation depends on carbine or rifle. LHO was using the carbine with a scope. Such catastrophic damage can be caused to the cranium with such rounds, a similar round would be the 170gr 30-30WCF round at 2300fps or so. Such damage can be caused with magnum pistol rounds like .357mag and .44mag, too.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
28 days ago

JFK took three bullets. The first, in the base of the throat; the second in the upper back; the third in the back of the head.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
28 days ago

Damn! That rascal Oswald got around fast! /s

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  rayD
28 days ago

Jesse James, Pat Garrett and Bat Masterson all rolled into one.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
28 days ago

Lee Harvey prolly was one of them time-travelers! :O)

Last edited 28 days ago by ray
Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
28 days ago

Trump’s actions aren’t just Trump’s actions. They are the actions of his entire team. The Tech Bros, Miller, Vance, etc. It isn’t just Trump who has learned how you have to fight the managerial state; it’s the rising elite.

Will be interesting to see if this is the rising of a long-term opposition to the current elite and managerial class or just a one off. I suspect that it’s the former.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
28 days ago

The deliberate symbolism of the seating arrangements at the inauguration indicates it is organized and long term opposition. And includes some people I didn’t expect (Cook, for instance).

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
28 days ago

That Cook, Zuckerberg, etc., fell into line with the outlier oligarchs tells us which way the wind is blowing.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
28 days ago

I find this new-found love for Trump by the oligarchs to be unsettling. It seems they think they can use him for their own ends, which are not in the interests of the American people (e.g., the whole H1b thing).

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
28 days ago

I agree. The first potentially positive development has been the rise of new, alternative elite. Oligarchs fell in line with those who were at first outliers and that indicates an actual change in direction. There also has been a sea change in public opinion and although that is less significant it strengthens the hand of the rising elite.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jack Dobson
28 days ago

I suspect that the Tech Bros and political guys like Vance and Vivek began to understand that they would never get a seat at the current elite table, which is controlled by the more established elite – Wall Street, the MIC, Hollywood and, of course, the Israel/Jewish community. What’s more, they began to understand that the managerial class – which sort of works for the established elite – also would never work for them; indeed, it would work against them at times. At some point, the realized that they would need to turn over the table and make their own… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
28 days ago

Yes. Relatedly, they seemed anxious/fearful that they and their wealth were somehow at risk. Regardless of motivation/sincerity, the emergence of this new elite represents the first real chance to change the current trajectory. It may turn out to be worse, although I doubt that, but it still offers some hope. I’ll take it.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jack Dobson
28 days ago

Agree. They could sense that the old elite was letting the crazies get out of hand. The managerial class was getting more and more woke and, more importantly, anti-business and couldn’t be trusted. The old elite wasn’t reigning them in, so the new elite needed to some adults in the room. I also wonder if some in the Pentagon and intelligence agencies didn’t notice that the country was on a very bad trajectory and decided we needed some new leaders. For example, the Pentagon is very aware of how shipping much of our industrial base to China has impacted the… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
28 days ago

Maybe, but the first thing these guys wanted out of Trump was the H1b expansion, one of the most hostile programs against the American people.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Dutchboy
28 days ago

I never said that they were on side – or, at least, not completely on our side. They have their interests. We have ours. Sometimes they overlap, sometimes they don’t.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
28 days ago

BTW, what do you suppose Elon thought of Trump nixing the EV mandate?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Dutchboy
28 days ago

Presumably, those two are still thick as thieves. Musk has many other irons in the fire besides the Tesla. Oh, I imagine he stewed over it a bit, but probably not much more than that.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
28 days ago

I’d like to think there is something in the chests of the oligarchs besides a stock portfolio, something that will make them think that they are in this with the rest of us and if the Titanic goes down, so do they. That’s why the H1b thing was so jarring – it was money before country.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
28 days ago

“…military’s ability to fight.” Oh, puh-leeze! Give me a fucking break. Folks, it’s all about the Benjamins. The Military-Indu$trial Complex couldn’t give two shits about our preparedness, our citizenry or our nation’s long-term prospects. It’s all about keeping the money flowing.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
28 days ago

I think it was something more specific. Along the lines of what Andreesen said. Something to do with the Biden admin’s desire to command and control the tech industry. Although no doubt there were other factors also. Disagreements over foreign policy perhaps.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
28 days ago

Yeah, definitely some of that. It was like when Zuckerberg was talking about the Biden administration telling him what to do. That was probably a big turning point.

These guys realized that the managerial class controlled them, not the other way around. Same with Musk being forced to kiss the ring by going some Holocaust camp with that twerp Shapiro.

The Tech Bros learned just who was in control and decided it was time to push back.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
28 days ago

Thankfully, Vivek isn’t getting a seat at the table…ever. Hopefully we won’t have to see or hear from that shyster again.

Last edited 28 days ago by Lakelander
Reply to  Lakelander
28 days ago

Heard he wants to run for governor of….Ohio.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
28 days ago

He needs to run for governor of Uttar Pradesh.

28 days ago

If Trump can get his messaging out via Tiktok, X, Facebook and the google search results, then it is possible the boomer truth regime is going to fall even before the brainwashed mass themselves leave the mortal coil…

Reply to  Vegetius
28 days ago

The boomer is so gone. They think a political/legal enforced multiracial “country “ is the baseline of reality. Never in the history of the world has that ever existed and they STILL think the races can mix and somehow form a seamless people. It’s incredible the mind job that has been done on our people. the secret must have been that immigration dump of eastern and southern Europeans and the inability to repatriate the descendants of African slaves. This made America vulnerable to the “new democratic man” and the ability for man to remake himself apart from his nature as… Read more »

Reply to  Hi-ya!
28 days ago

Yet in the interest of perceiving the world accurately, we must acknowledge that the idea of treating each person as an individual is strongly inspiring to many whites. Unfortunately, it is a huge vulnerability.

I held a door open for a latina with many kids and when she and a few kids thanked me in broken English, I felt the warmth of mutual courtesy. Yet they are replacing my people.

The problem is that other races do not feel inspired to rise above tribalism, so we must understand how vulnerable we are.

Last edited 28 days ago by LineInTheSand
Reply to  LineInTheSand
28 days ago

Quite right, LTS. Common decency and manners afforded to the individual are one thing. But understanding that as group, these people are the enemy, is the key thing to not overlook. It’s odd how these two seemingly mutually exclusive things can live side-by-side. That said, nowadays I wouldn’t hold the door open for a foreigner unless I knew them. I would hold the door open for an English person instinctively. The other day I had a boiler unit serviced. The gentleman who attended me was a muslim. He was pleasant and efficient. However, after I left I remarked to my… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
28 days ago

Well done. I, too, will not hold doors for, smile at, or share courtesy with immivaders. There’s no need for lots of publicity or national boycotts – White people everywhere simply need to resolve to live and engage with and promote only White people. That so few Whites will actually do this (and instead demonstrate courtesy and friendship where it is not warranted) is a very sad but telling fact about the likelihood of Whites surviving as a race.

Reply to  3g4me
28 days ago

I made that switch a few years ago, too. No more acts of familiar courtesy for those who’re not of my people, to the best of my ability to discern such people. I might get it wrong sometimes – in both directions – but so be it.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
28 days ago

I got no problem whatsoever reconciling my Christian attempt to love other individuals of differing races with my demand for a closed border and extremely strict immigration.

You can be race-realist and still pursue charity towards other persons. Scripture makes it utterly clear that God detests globalism and demands nationalism. Hello Babel, how you like me now?

‘Course you ain’t gonna hear that from today’s preachers because their wives would, ah, crucify them for saying it.

Last edited 28 days ago by rayD
Reply to  OrangeFrog
28 days ago

Thinking in terms of a war actually clarifies things a lot. In a war, you may encounter an enemy soldier, perhaps as a POW, and treat him well and courteously and he may do likewise for you. That does not alter the most important fact – that his nation is at war with yours. This is what we must never forget.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
28 days ago

Meanwhile, I’ve noticed that the Asians in my city, especially the Chinese, will not hold a door open for you. For example, in my building, if a door I’m walking towards is closing and there is a Chinese walking closely in front of me, they will scamper and slip through the door as it closes rather than opening it further and allowing me to pass too. I don’t believe it’s a germ thing either, because most of them who do this aren’t wearing masks.

Reply to  sahtchel
28 days ago

They do the same thing at home, when completely surrounded by their own people. It’s just not in their culture. The Chinese call it <i>guanxi</i> (關係), which loosely translates to “relationship”. No <i>guanxi</i>, no need to concern yourself with that person.

28 days ago

As I await for approval, I note that the Lesbian Archbishop in DC (Episcopal) lectured Trump on showing mercy for illegal aliens, transgenders, muslims etc. who are better than White people. And more deserving of stuff than White citizens. So the wages of Christ are cuckery. No matter what Christianity was, in the past, this is what it is now, some far-left Lesbian Archbishop lecturing Trump on how evil he really is, she called for his removal in 2020 btw. Whatever religion White people adopt, eventually, as they face constant war upon them by hostile non-Whites everywhere all at once,… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
28 days ago

I haven’t seen the speech, but I’ve seen that conservatives are dutifully blaming “white women” for it.

Native Son
Native Son
Reply to  Whiskey
28 days ago

That is the Episcopal Church with furnishings from past wealth, prestige of former political greats and the pride that allows it to use Catholic vestments and liturgy while abandoning historical theology. Maybe these functions need to be moved across town to the Catholic cathedral. That would hurt some egos

Native Son
Native Son
Reply to  Whiskey
28 days ago

Sorry for second post. The Episcopal Church concentrates on appearances. Don’t take any sermon as more than the sum of that cleric’s personal preferences wrapped up in sermon outlines obtained online. I can’t visit there until I achieve much greater hearing loss

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Whiskey
28 days ago


Last edited 28 days ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
28 days ago

There is a good chance that there is a lot of information that is not flattering to MLK …”

I’m sure there is, if you know what I mean.

But is the information on the JFK and RFK assassinations going to be released without redactions? That would be amazing. In his actions Trump tends to be cautious and timid (don’t go by his hyperbole).

Reply to  Arshad Ali
28 days ago

Not redacted perhaps, but I can hear the paper shredders whirring along the Beltway from 6,000 miles away.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  ray
28 days ago

Somewhere, Fawn Hall is smiling…

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  ray
28 days ago

The really incriminating stuff would likely have been disappeared decades ago, at least from official archives. Damning evidence if it existed would have been kept in personal data caches for poltical leverage: blackmail, extortion, etc.

Here’s an easy prediction: If any of these dumps happen, there will be little new information revealed.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
28 days ago

Agree. The most incriminating stuff would have been destroyed long ago, except for certain things useful to intel as blackmail. Those would be kept in deep cover. I also expect no bombshells in the JFK file release. The truth about what went down is EXTEMELY incriminating not only to individuals and groups, but also to the U.S. as a nation from the late Forties onward. Difficult as it is to believe, the JFK hit was a ritual murder that in antiquity was termed the ‘Killing of the King’ ceremony. Essentially, it was a sacrifice to ‘the goddess of the new… Read more »

Last edited 28 days ago by ray
28 days ago

Birthright citizenship is huge, absolutely huge. Wow!

Just a start, though.

Reply to  Paintersforms
28 days ago

It won’t fly w/o a Supreme Court decision (years from now). The original SC decision was crap. Congress could clarify the matter with legislation but don’t hold your breath.

28 days ago

He tried to release the JFK material in his first term, but was talked out of it for some reason…”

According to Glenn Greenwald, Senate Republicans threatened Trump during his first term that they would vote to impeach him if he established more transparency. Presumably that included Trump’s desire to open the JFK files.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  1660please
28 days ago

Trump’s repeated failure to call that bluff was the biggest failing of his first term. There was never any chance of his being removed by impeachment (unless they found him with a dead girl or a live boy). Red state senators care too much about being re-elected.

Reply to  1660please
27 days ago

The House impeaches, not the Senate.
The Senate Tries the case.
They can convict.
I think that foe any Republican Senator who voted to convict it would be political suicide.

28 days ago

As a low 30s millennial, I just want to say what an incredible past week. Great wins, I’m (cautiously) optimistic for the future. I was living and working in DC around this time 4 years ago, never would’ve imagined that we’d be where we are today. Just an incredible vibe shift.

The future does not have to be bleak – we can and will create a better one. It’s good to take a step back and appreciate where we are now – this is the most optimistic I’ve felt since I was able to vote.

Ostei Kozelskii
28 days ago

Our Democracy is neither…

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
28 days ago

Well done.

28 days ago

1. “The pardoning of the J6 people without a lengthy review was a welcome surprise.” To paraphrase Reagan cabinet member Raymond J. Donovan, Which office do they go to to get four years of their lives back and who’s going to make the people who abused these Americans’ Constitutional Rights pay? 2. “… Epstein. It is possible that the FBI has been using this knowledge to blackmail people.” DUH! 3. Birthright Citizenship I doubt this can be done by executive fiat, however since this has already gone to court, perhaps we get a ruling that whatever statute authorizes this is… Read more »

Reply to  TempoNick
28 days ago

Agree on the suffering of the J6 hostages. Financial restitution would be nice, say $100k each, but that is probably a bridge too far.

Reply to  DLS
28 days ago

Put some more zeroes after that.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
28 days ago

At least one, maybe two. And take it all out of federal grant money earmarked for academia.

28 days ago

If you doubt mossad involvement in the JFK killing , research “umbrella man” . They had secret service help and LBJ was working the local angle too, but they were clearly involved.

Reply to  miforest
28 days ago

Johnson was shipping weapons to Israel in the 1930s in crates marked “Texas grapefruit”, because he was deeply tied in to the post-Prohibition gangsters. Israel itself is easy to understand: it was formed by terrorist gangsters as a pirate den and mafia state. The same rules held as if Cartel today were to declare independence. Guess which anti-government subversives were shipped off to Sicily’s prison island in 1490? The Over-represented influenced that culture as well, like they did throughout the Old Testament. The Lehi gang wanted to work with the Nazis because they thought it would help push more unwilling… Read more »

28 days ago

Getting out of WHO is a good move – hope that’s true. Also, we’ll never ever – EVER – hear asinine crap like Build Back Better again.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
28 days ago

Second comment today (abject apologies to all and sundry) but one account of what happened in the JFK, RFK, and MLK assassinations can be found in James Ellroy’s “American Tabloid” and “The Cold Six Thousand.” These are works of fiction but probably uncomfortably close to what really happened.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
28 days ago

The Cold Six Thousand is probably the last great American novel. For a book that a half million book-club moms bought, it’s incredibly weird and intense. Ellroy spent years as a meth-addicted street bum. They learn odd things, especially in Los Angeles. They’re allowed to watch the unguarded moments of the rich and famous (and police), because who are they gonna tell? He survived and had some stories. He is a boomer, though—and a Christian conservative—so his work’s core thesis is that the intelligence/etc. conspiracy against Our Democracy is motivated by racism and patriarchy. So it’s the official story, better… Read more »

28 days ago

I’d far rather know who killed Seth Rich than who killed JFK. Big f**king deal, boomers.

Reply to  3g4me
27 days ago

I can’t think of anything I’d do differently if I knew either answer with certainty.

Steve W
Steve W
28 days ago

It’s going to be fun, watching the “newshounds” in the MSM trying to suppress the revelations that emerge from the release of these documents. It will be a chorus of “nah nah can’t hear you!” from an industry that once prided itself (for example) on exposures such as the Pentagon Papers.

Nothing new here, when it comes the Enemy. They hated the Venona papers too. Too much disconfirmation, which is to a shitlib what garlic is to a vampire.

Last edited 28 days ago by Steve W
28 days ago

Our democracy = our bureaucracy

28 days ago

It would appear that the Oligarchs rightly fear the FBI and CIA, along with State, in taking over their business. The Twitter Files revealed that ownership and daily operations of Twitter under Jack Dorsey was not Dorsey’s, but FBI Special Agent Elvis Chan, who decided who to ban, shadow ban, what to promote, and hiring and firing internally, plus general content promotion. That made him and the FBI the effective owner of Twitter. The FBI (likely with CIA help) tried to assassinate Trump twice. They are not giving up. Various trial balloons floated by lefty sites is that the FBI/CIA/State… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Whiskey
28 days ago

As of this morning there were only about two dozen still locked up. I don’t know how many it is right this minute, but I am hearing that DC Mayor Muriel Bowser is refusing to release them, and the two dozen number, I think that more or less adds up with the number being held in the DC gulag. So I am for the moment filing that story as true.

28 days ago

The ‘remain in mexico’ EO was pretty effective previously, before Biden repealed it. I wonder why that didn’t come back.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
28 days ago

I was off yesterday, celebrating MLK day by calling in sick to work and watching the Inauguration with the missus. Best MLK day EVER! So, I went back today catch up on yesterdays comments. What a bunch of sour-pusses and complainers you all are. Watching Trump yesterday was a thrill. I am the first person to admit he wasn’t very good at the job the first time around, but yesterday showed a man who by his own admission “learned a lot in the last eight years”. Yesterday I was enjoying the Big Rock Candy mountain, while the rest of you… Read more »

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
28 days ago

None of the black youtubers even thought of MLK Day until white people reminded them. They were all about the Big Man, the Original Gangsta, Trump.

(And even after the white cucks’ bleating, they still didn’t give a flying fig about that fake-ass coconut. MLK Day is just another jewish holiday for white folks that they can put in front of White holy days like the Presidents’ birthdays, Christmas, and Easter.)

Last edited 28 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
27 days ago

I told the wife a few years ago that I was going to celebrate MLK day by banging some woman I hardly knew,
It didn’t go down well.

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
28 days ago

Over generalizing, Sir. Eeyore is my spirit animal and even I got elated, though just a bit as is my nature. Concentrate on today’s comments now before disappointing ones come in tomorrow. Generally pessimistic, but temporarily buoyantly yours, Zfan

28 days ago

‘That is the managerial state that first took root in the post-war intelligence agencies, has been the real power in Washington. Most of what is presented to the American people has been a lie to one degree or another, because the people in charge think they know best.’

Correct. John didn’t want the rising cryptocracy to rule the nation. Israel didn’t take JFK out. U.S. intel along with some professional friends did.

Reply to  ray
28 days ago

Disagree, Mossad and their US version, the CIA, uses gangs all over the world…such as the contract killers in 1963.
Johnson, an arch Zionist and gangster, was in too deep to ever pull out.

One year after JFK’s death Israel had Dimona and its stolen nuclear secrets in full operation, and the printing of his silver notes stopped.

It’s a gangster culture, is all, always has been since before the days of the Judge sheikhs, and will rewrite its own history to match. Slave raiders don’t change, being subversive termites defines them.

Last edited 28 days ago by Alzaebo
28 days ago

In the spirit of AMERICA IS BACK, I’m going to sound like a Boomer uncle, but here goes: As rotten as our CIA and FBI are, I still wouldn’t want to live in the USSR or China, or Iran or Cuba. Heck I wouldn’t even want to love in modern-day Russia or the UK. We are pretty far from what those countries were/are like. Imagine living under one of those regimes, and being hassled by their FBI/CIA counterparts, AND you’re poor and live in a dreary apartment. At least with our corruption, you have a chance of living well under… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
28 days ago

You may be correct that one can still live materially well in the US under the corruption. But there is one consistent thing I always notice about the Joe Shmoe immigrants here from Russia, Armenia, Iran, China and other places: their wives are HOT. To them, a hot trad wife is normal. They pity the US men who slave and beg to get some ugly old feminist wife.

Reply to  fakeemail
28 days ago

When trans-Atlantic travel at last became reasonably comfortable, European men began to visit the U.S., often just to see the great wonders of the natural environment. Upon returning to the Continent, they’d publish pieces or make journal entries describing the thing about America that most struck them. They were gob smacked by how subjugated the American males were to their wives. They considered the U.S. to be a nation dominated by women. That was many decades before the 19th Amendment even existed, and long before Total Feminism took over in the late Seventies. Speaks volumes about what New Amerika really… Read more »

Reply to  ray
28 days ago

Possibly because of the relative scarcity of women in a frontier society. Mark Twain held the French in contempt partially because of what he felt was their ungallant treatment of women.

Reply to  Dutchboy
28 days ago

Every time I see a young couple from the UK vacationing on a Spanish Costa, it’s a skinny guy and a landwhale. Why is that? Perhaps the cucking of American men happened before they reached the new world?

Reply to  Hun
28 days ago

In classical paintings, the landwhale as feminine ideal is described as “Rubenesque.”

Reply to  Alzaebo
28 days ago

Rubenesque is just chubby. Modern landwhales are heavyweights never seen before the late 20th century.

Reply to  Hun
28 days ago

Meet Venus of Willendorf — come to think of it she is lighter than some on the street or beach. sorry for the long link
comment image&

Reply to  Zfan
28 days ago

Large numbers of these ‘Venus’ figurines have been unearthed, pointing strongly towards matriarchal rule in humanity’s ancient past. Most of the discoveries have been in Europe and Eurasia. Archaeologists reject this possibility because they do not unearth the expected technological artifacts along with Venus findings. But it is silly to expect the ‘soft’ (non-technological) language groups of the distant past to have hi-technology and to leave hard artifacts. Particularly given that they were Gaia or Mother worshippers who wouldn’t WANT hi-tech, even if their men could develop them. Reading J.J. Bachofen’s ‘Myth and Mother Right’ back in the Nineties really… Read more »

Last edited 28 days ago by ray
The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  Hun
28 days ago

If you are sixty or more, pull out your high school yearbook. Look up someone you remember as fat. They will be below-average by today’s tonnage.

Reply to  Dutchboy
28 days ago

i think it’s a combination of 800 years of increasingly intense Western Romanticism, Masonic capture at elite levels (masons/luciferians are goddess-worshipping cults descended from the ancient world), daughter-princess groveling, and just the plain old ball-lessness of modern U.S. men. Who have proven so ‘gallant’ as to give away their country to collective female power. There is merit to your ‘frontier’ theory, as women were relatively scarce during the Western Frontier decades. However, your theory would be stronger if those European men had visited only the Western frontier. In fact, they visited all parts of America including the Establishment East, which… Read more »

Last edited 28 days ago by ray
Reply to  Dutchboy
28 days ago

So he would have been down on the Abos.

Reply to  Marko
28 days ago

Ah yes, people outside of the US live in damp grey apartment buildings, eat old moldy bread, drink watered down beer (rice beer with mud water in China) and their only entertainment is crude government propaganda. Poor souls. If only the CIA rescued them!

Reply to  Hun
28 days ago

Heh. I just saw a youtube by a Eurogirl extolling life in China, where she now lives. Clean, friendly, fresh food, no crime. The Party only cracks down hard on anti-government subversives, and has a tight rein on ‘neoliberal’ (capitalist) corruption.

Maybe not everybody wants “Fweedom”.
Maybe they just want to have a decent life.
Other expats chimed in, saying places like Chengdu were spitholes until the gov came down hard on the gang landlords, same as Putin did in Russia.

We gave to Africa/Caribbean, and they are nightmares.
We gave to China, and they’re the 22nd Century.

Last edited 28 days ago by Alzaebo
Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Alzaebo
28 days ago

We gave to China, and they’re the 22nd Century.

Let’s wait until the 22nd century and see about that. The history of China suggests that it can never quite get its shit together.

Reply to  Marko
28 days ago

You know and I know that life in modest Des Moines is infinitely better than life in modest Kazan or Yinchuan or Luton. Even if Des Moines has been overrun with migrants and shitlibs and FBI agents. The biggest problem with dissidents is they think everything is shit, when in reality we’re only in a little shit.

st joseph,missouri
st joseph,missouri
Reply to  Marko
28 days ago

Detroit, much of inner city New York or Baltimore..
Shreveport,Louisiana. Pine Bluff, Arkansas.
You couldn’t pay me to visit ,let alone, live in New Orleans.

Compare like with like.

Reply to  Marko
28 days ago

Not just Des Moines. My cousins lived in Storm Lake, a little town that used to be quite pleasant until the local slaughterhouse decided to replace their American workers with aliens.

Reply to  Marko
28 days ago

I’m not sure why you’re getting so many downvotes. What you say is true, and does not mean we should sit back and take it. We can fight the tyranny while appreciating what we have.

Reply to  DLS
28 days ago

Eurogirl in China, giving us a video tour, specifically pointed that lifestyle business out. She said don’t believe the propaganda being fed to us- no, the Chinese don’t eat bats and weird things.

Then she rubbed it in by showing us a Chinese subway.

Last edited 28 days ago by Alzaebo
Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  DLS
28 days ago

The rulers love it when we “appreciate what we have”, like the lunch-goers in 1984 who applaud the “increase” of the chocolate ration from 30 grams to 20 grams.

Reply to  Marko
28 days ago

no ancient philosophers would consider financial well being a stable way to view a society because it’s fleeting and accidental.

Reply to  Hi-ya!
28 days ago

No normal person would consider financial failure a stable way to live.

Reply to  Marko
28 days ago

Last weekend a bunch of zoomers went on a Chinese social media app and saw how Chinese were living their lives and were blown away by how clean the cities were, how advanced their technology was, how cheap and plentiful the food was, and how they could live their lives the way they wanted. They were stung to the core when Chinese people said that Americans have been fooled into thinking they are free. For all we know this was all fake and it was the CCP making stuff up to trick Americans. But it’s not like we can’t go… Read more »

Last edited 28 days ago by Mycale
c matt
c matt
Reply to  Mycale
28 days ago

The videos I have seen of the Chinese cities are missing two important demographics that seem to plague our cities.

Reply to  c matt
28 days ago

This was one of my main points in the China argument I mention above. Negroes will alway flock to cities because they depend on white infrastructure and welfare, which they repay with destruction. If all our cities were white, they would still be nice.

Reply to  Mycale
28 days ago

I was just in an argument with my 22 year old son about this. He was saying how great the Chinese cities are, and I was clinging to my old beliefs about most Chinese live in one lightbulb shacks in the middle of rice paddies. I guess I’ll have to question my beliefs.

Reply to  DLS
28 days ago

Maybe. The Chinese are experts at Potemkin villages. They have a lot of truly astounding things, yes. The high speed rail, and some of the cities, for example. But a while back someone did a Google Earth video of the areas the Chinese are not using as propaganda.

Oh, and “welding” people in their apartments was evidently a real thing during CoViD.

Last edited 28 days ago by Steve
Reply to  Steve
28 days ago

Really no different than what happened in US senior living, just without the MIG.

Reply to  Steve
27 days ago

The “Potemkin village” story is a lie, too.

Reply to  Bilejones
27 days ago

Of course it is. Propaganda is a myth.

Reply to  Marko
28 days ago

“Imagine living under one of those regimes, and being hassled by their FBI/CIA counterparts, AND you’re poor…” At the height of the Cold War, we were conditioned to believe that the USSR, China, Iran, and Cuba were awful, while America was the greatest. One of the countries no longer even exists (except in boomer imaginations). Communist systems, to which a lack of consumer goods was attributed, have been abandoned in all but name. And yet, you still cannot break the conditioning. I, for one, don’t have to imagine what life in such a country is like. And I can tell… Read more »