The Destroyer Of Worlds

Note: Behind the green door, there is a post about the practical impact of what is called AI, a post about how I encountered Old Scratch in West Virginia, a video from my back porch and the Sunday podcast. Subscribe here or here.

When Trump first appeared on the scene as a politician, a brilliant observer compared him to a character in the Asimov novels called The Mule. This was a character called the “destroyer of worlds” because he literally destroyed whole worlds, but he also destroyed the conception of the world. In fact, his very existence was a threat to accepted understanding of the universe, because the universally accepted conception of the universe precluded the existence of The Mule.

This has been the issue since Trump arrived on the scene. The people atop the post-Cold War world and the post-Cold War world itself, were all based on the assumption that a political character like Trump was impossible. The days of populist, nationalist and picaresque political actors was done. The present and future belonged to the Davos persons, the boys and girls who were produced by and benefitted the most from the managerial ideology that dominated the West.

What Trump’s success in 2016 represented was the nullification of the managerial order because according to the logic of managerialism, men like Trump had no place in the system, so they could never be a threat to the system. Instead, they were marginalized to the fringes of managerial life, the place where things are made, fixed, and created to keep the mechanics of the world going. They had no place in the world where decisions were made by the great and the good.

It is easy to forget that the best and the brightest smirked at the very idea of Trump running in the Republican primary. They were sure he was just another foolish businessman from the fringes, who thought he understood how things worked, but would quickly learn he was in over his head. Instead, the destroyer of worlds first destroyed the Republican primary. and the conservative ecosystem that controlled it, then he destroyed the system itself.

Like all monster movies, the story of this monster had that period where the good guys think they finally killed the beast, only to find out that it was still alive. In the aftermath of the 2020 election, the regime was sure they were done with Trump. Then he reappeared, determined to run again in 2024. It turns out that the destroyer of worlds can never be destroyed because his mere existence depends entirely on his fulfilling his mission as the destroyer of worlds.

Thus, we have entered the final chapter of The Mule. The first two weeks of Trump’s return to Washington have been revolutionary. Things not thought possible are happening on a daily basis. The latest happening is the assault on the financial structure of the neocon war machine. Right now, members of Elon Musk’s team are combing through the records of USAID, the hive mind of the NGO collective that has controlled American foreign policy for decades.

Few appreciate the enormity of what is happening right now with the vast not-for-profit network held together by government entities like USAID. Suddenly, their very existence is threatened due to the suspension of funds from the American government, but also by the revelations to come about what they do with that money. There is a reason Elon Musk is posting about USDAID being a criminal organization. They were doing much more than keeping the Kagan family in donuts.

The vast informal network of formal and informal power centers that make up the real government, the shadow government, is now under assault. This is something that could never happen according to the logic of managerialism. With the owners of American society marginalized and the workers under control of the synopticon, who could possibly challenge this system? The answer is The Mule, the figure who should not exist in the managerial system.

It is hard to imagine it possible, but this is the calm before the storm. The tariff war with Canada and Mexico is just getting started. The system of free trade created forty years ago, which benefitted the ruling elites of all three countries, but was paid for by the people of all three countries, is now under direct assault. It turns out that the great sucking sound Ross Perot warned of thirty years ago was not a sucking sound after all, but an early warning of something terrible to come.

Team Trump is moving quickly to dismantle the post-Cold War world and the understanding of it. Marco Rubio is out giving speeches about how the unipolar world was an anomaly and we are returning to a multipolar world. On the domestic front Trump’s team is quickly working to dismantle and anathematize the bizarre social fads inflicted on the people by the managerial class. When the president blames diversity for a plane crash, the world has truly changed.

It is a bit ironic that the concept of The Mule was created by a man who was the creation of a world that emerged in the 20th century America. The post-national, post-liberal world that arose with the American empire was only possible with the evolution of the managerial ideology. Progressivism evolved to give managerialism moral agency, and together they made the American empire and for a while, came to defined the post-Cold War world, but now that is coming to a close.

What we are seeing is the long-anticipated end of the 20th century. Russia and China have moved into the 21st century, but America and the West have remained moored to the prior century, convulsively resisting any attempt to abandon it. That world, however, is gone and now, thanks to The Mule, it is being destroyed. For now, the destruction is the show, but soon, what comes next is what will matter. Everyone needs to remember that The Mule is the destroyer of worlds, not the creator of them.

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Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
15 days ago

Just as the Soviet Union ultimately couldn’t deal with the contradictions of communism, the West couldn’t deal with the contradictions of Progressivism. Demanding that society believe that everyone is equal, interchangeable widgets when, in fact, individuals, races and genders are very different was always going to come crashing down in some form or another.

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
15 days ago

Yes. Anyone with more than one child knows how different from one another even those who have their own replicated genes can be. People will lie to themselves and others but it eventually becomes untenable. And the labor theory of value is far less ludicrous than Shanika overseeing international space travel.

Reply to  Jackson Dobsen
15 days ago

This gives you the idea that communism wasn’t really that different from progressivism, doesn’t it?

Reply to  Epaminondas
15 days ago

The biggest news today is that what we all knew had to be true, all along, namely that (((You Know Whom))) simply wrote themselves checks directly from the Federal Reserve, was, in fact, true all along: payment approval officers at Treasury were instructed always to approve payments, even to known fraudulent or terrorist groups; they literally never denied a payment in their entire career. For well over a decade, I’ve been screaming at people that none of these multi-billionaire-isms [(((Adelson))), (((Soros))), (((Ellison))), (((Bezos))), (((phuckerberg))), (((Brin))), (((Page))), (((Altman))), etc etc etc] none of them have any history of pulling themselves… Read more »

Reply to  NoName
15 days ago

You do realize that he called out the Treasury, not the Federal Reserve, right? Not that it’s fine because Treasury, no, but, while a perfectly fine rant, it had nothing to do with Elon’s point.

It’s also a whole lot easier to do something about the Treasury, since everyone in it reports to The Donald, directly or through the hierarchy. Assuming this is true, some of those carry prison time.

Reply to  Steve
15 days ago

Which is upstream, and which is downstream:

The Fed?

Or the Treasury?

Or is it even theoretically possible to reliably distinguish between the two?

The only thing we know for certain is that none of the loot made it into our bank accounts.

They’ve been looting us since 1913, and in 1987, they turned on the afterburners [giving us 9-11 & 2008 in the process].

God only knows how much money they’ve stolen, and where it’s all parked.

Reply to  NoName
15 days ago

The two do completely different things. It would be like asking if EPA is upstream of OSHA.

From what I’m reading, DOGE now has total access to the payments made. All $6 trillion. This is game changing. Granted, there’s going to be some of that was done with cut-outs, and may be tough to trace, but simply stopping the flow of money to them? Priceless. But there’s going to be a lot that’s in the clear. There may be a lot of weeping and wailing when “non-profits” have to start justifying some of their more outrageous spending.

Reply to  Steve
15 days ago


Reply to  Steve
14 days ago

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Check out our stylish t-shirts, cozy hoodies,_____and trendy caps! Don’t miss our unique mobile phone covers and fashionable face masks. Shop now to express your 


Last edited 14 days ago by DaRadiant1
Reply to  NoName
15 days ago

Dammit, NoName, now you’ve made some of our valued audience members shoot their computer! And they wonder why we kvetch.

Brandon Laskow
Brandon Laskow
Reply to  NoName
15 days ago

Bezos is not Jewish.

You may have set a record for the number of triple parentheses in one comment.

Reply to  Brandon Laskow
15 days ago

Not sure about the “not”, but No’s swingin’ for da fences!

Last edited 15 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Brandon Laskow
15 days ago

Ackshually, Bezos is j00ish.

His mother is a j00ess, named, Jacklyn Geiss, and her father, Lawrence Preston Geiss, was DARPA Deep State.

Geiss had his hand in EVERYTHING.

Brandon Laskow
Brandon Laskow
Reply to  NoName
14 days ago

It’s Gise, not Geiss. And I doubt many Finkels were out there in bumfck New Mexico.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Brandon Laskow
14 days ago

Depends what decade you’re talking about. How many were living there in New Mexico from 1942 to 1945? Tens of thousands.

Reply to  Brandon Laskow
14 days ago

You need to clean your glasses my friend. The Bunfcks were the first to be controlled because the smaller populations made it easier and nor as costly to install your regime.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Brandon Laskow
15 days ago

Yes. There are some on here who are absurdly enthusiastic in attempting to pin every dam’ thing on the Finkels. They’re so transparent as to be rather laughable.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
15 days ago

The Finkels are not directly responsible for everything wrong today, but if there had been no Finkel’s in America from the 1880’s immigration pulse onward, Western Civilization would not be dying. It’s not all of them, but consistently when they can, they weaponize other’s homegrown discivilizational. Our’s had been kept away from the levers of power when WASP’s ruled America. The Finkel’s have them administrating us (Linda Graham, Tom Cotton, etc) on their behalf. The progressives of yore had limits to their bad behavior, because at the end of they day they were a perversion of the European pattern, whereas… Read more »

Reply to  Horace
14 days ago

Just because the Disruptors have started nearly every single social pathology we have

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Horace
14 days ago

If you think I’m a defender of the Finkels, you’ve got another thing coming. I just have to laugh at the bloody fools who try to turn every single villain into a Finkel and ascribe every single problem exclusively to their malefeasance. There is Jewish realism, and there is crude Judeophobia. I support the former and reject the latter.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
13 days ago

The Finkels are indubitably the ‘officer caste’. Waging a war without targeting enemy officers is wasteful of energy and manpower

Reply to  Jackson Dobsen
15 days ago

“…Shanika overseeing international space travel.”

I can suspend disbelief in hyperspace, FTL, space lasers, and aliens…

but the one thing i cannot get over is every tv show has a black computer genius who replaced the pink-haired quirky girl math genius.

Reply to  Alzaebo
15 days ago

It destroys the show. Completely fails the belief test. You see it and you think “why am I watching this? this is not even believable” and turn it off.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
15 days ago

We’ll never know how much of Elon’s borderline fanatical support is driven by the left trans-ing one of his kids..then mocking him about it.

A bridge too far and a mistake that if they have an ounce of self awareness (they don’t) they’ll rue for the rest of their miserable existence.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  ProZNoV
15 days ago


Elon is on the record that he considers the Woke/trans movement to have murdered one of his sons.

He is also on the record that he intends to return the favor:

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
15 days ago

Just for fun, there is a song about that!!

It’s called “Virus of the Mind.”

Heather Nova is the artist. This song debuted in 2001.

LInk has the lyrics in writing. And also a link to the melody on youtube.

Lyrics are intereseting.

And it’s a catchy tune.

Last edited 15 days ago by Carrie
Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  ProZNoV
15 days ago

Much of history was shaped by far less horrific personal slights. I’m with you. The destruction of Musk’s son was a civilization-changing event.

Reply to  Jackson Dobsen
15 days ago

I am not a billionaire and can’t do the stuff Musk is doing but I understand Musk’s anger perfectly. I have two autistic sons and I have developed a loathing for the system that made them that way. I was initially attracted to Trump because he talked about autism and vaccination. He disappointed the first time around but he is on point this time with RFK, Jr.. I hope he makes a recess appointment if RFK can’t get through the Pharma-controlled senate. The health care system, like the rest of the established order, is rotten and need a complete rebuild.

Reply to  Dutchboy
15 days ago

My gods, we’re like Aztecs sacrificing 84,000 children two weeks before Cortes landed. How we don’t rise up and commit pure genocide is something that’s hard to understand. Bless you and yours, and all the parents.

Last edited 15 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
15 days ago

3 Jewish women, in a row, as CDC directors, what are odds …?

Reply to  Jackson Dobsen
15 days ago

All stout hearts remember :

“The War of Jenkin’s Ear”

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  ProZNoV
15 days ago

Yep. He’s a man on a mission.

Reply to  ProZNoV
15 days ago

“We’ll never know how much of Elon’s borderline fanatical support is driven by the left trans-ing one of his kids..then mocking him about it.”

How about the first homosexual and black president, mocking a certain celebrity NYC builder at the dinner the almost (haha, never) first black sex worker POTUS could not deign to attend this last…?

Last edited 15 days ago by Fast-Turtle
Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
15 days ago

Agreed. But it’s also true that Progressivism couldn’t deal with the contradictions of Progressivism. Just look at NAFTA/WTO, which old lefties opposed (remember the “Battle in Seattle” over the WTO?). There’s always been internal conflict between the hegemony of global capital and the “equity” bs. Since NAFTA, wage growth in Canada and Mexico has been poor and Turkey and Egypt have grown faster (GDP) than Mexico. NAFTA exists to enrich oligarchs. “Equity” is the ultimate luxury good. Progs cannot afford “equity” when racing to the bottom economically. Enter Trump.

Reply to  Captain Willard
15 days ago

NAFTA exists to enrich oligarchs. “

Bingo! What most people fail to realize is that NAFTA produced most of the growth in illegal immigration from South America, and particularly Mexico. NAFTA allowed American farm imports—heavily subsidized corn—to be imported tariff free into MX. This destroyed the basic income of the poorer subsistence farmers in the interior. They moved North. First the younger males, then their families. This was fine with TPTB in MX as it burned off their poor and burdensome welfare cases. Not so good for us as we now see.

Reply to  Compsci
15 days ago

Why, that’s exactly right. I was thick in the middle of those guys coming up here; what I never understood before was the *how* of how Wall Street managed to wipe out the corn price “floor” in Mexico, collapsing her farmers, her economy, and the peso.

Heck, even the stable 70 year-old reign of the PRI ended with that, minority party PAN’s Vincente Fox was voted in, the ‘big business Republicans’ of Mexico.

Last edited 15 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
15 days ago

Yes. The book Dream Land by Sam Quinones touches on this and how it resulted in the black tar heroin hecho en Mexico by farmers who went from subsistence farming to drug trafficking. We all know what happens next.

I can’t recommend this book enough, and it will give you insight into the rise of JD Vance almost better than his autobiography.

Reply to  Alzaebo
15 days ago

“…was the *how* of how Wall Street managed to…”

Hmm. I kick my wood-pile, sometimes a woodchuck races out from underneath. I keep an eye out for Carpenter Bees.

It’s all about what falls out of the wood pile.

Reply to  Compsci
15 days ago

I have no hate for Mexico or Mexicans. I grew up with grandchildren of the refugees from their anti-Catholic civil war who came north to work on the railroads. I knew plenty of Mexican immigrants in Texas and California and honest, hard-working to asshole ratio is roughly equal to that of Anglos. That said, the Mexican people were screwed over by our combined oligarchs like our working class people were. I hope the illegals go home and this pressure from Trump forces Mexico to clean up. I think Sheinbaum should call Bukele for assistance. Make sure there is room for… Read more »

Reply to  Zfan
15 days ago

” . . . (they) were screwed over by our combined oligarchs . . .”
I’ve seen so many variants of this excuse – they are victimized by ‘their’ government or a corrupt ‘system.’ Fact: Culture is downstream from genetics. Mestizos have their own bell curve, with a handful at the far right tail (your magical 1/10%) but overall they are ‘victims’ of nothing but their own nature. Get over it.

Reply to  3g4me
15 days ago

They are our neighbors whether we want them there or not. Civilized White people give a damn about their neighbors, wish them well and keep their pit bulls from molesting the neighbor’s kids. I want for them to do well because its good for them and good for me and my family — We’re both Christians: their wellbeing gives glory to God.

You are my favorite based world traveler hanging her hat in the Ozarks. Have a great day!

Reply to  Zfan
15 days ago

I don’t wish them ill – but their ‘victimization” (or not) is their responsibility and not my concern. My sole concern is the well being of White Americans and a future for White children. Thank you for your comment; we will have to agree to disgree.

Reply to  Zfan
15 days ago

I agree with this to the extent that Mexicans will be our neighbors after the collapse, wherever the new border is drawn, and we don’t want to be like the Poles perennially pissing off people we WILL be our neighbors when the last of the war smoke blows away. However, they have not been victimized more than we have been, so we OWE them nothing.

There is no debt or obligation. We should, however, not make things worse by being combative beyond that which is necessary to secure the safety and homogeneity of our people.

Reply to  Zfan
15 days ago

“…grandchildren of the refugees from their anti-Catholic civil war who came north to work on the railroads.” What, really? That had to be Trotsky’s Communist ilk, the same creatures that later attacked the Church in Spain.

I recently did a quick gander of early 20th C. Mexico- they had several civil wars, some lasting for years. I need to refresh on that. War is the business of the anarchists from 1848, rich country or poor, they just will not stop.

Last edited 15 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
15 days ago

It was called the Cristero War. The same kind of communist and anarchist anti-clericalism that showed its face in the Spanish Civil War. Amazing that what I did know about that when I was young was Republican=Good, Nationalist=Bad. Of course, the total opposite of the truth.

Reply to  Zfan
14 days ago

Trotsky died in Mexico City because he was there for a reason.

Last edited 14 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Compsci
15 days ago

“NAFTA exists to enrich oligarchs. “ I will go you one better. Publicly traded corporations exist for the same reason. Take Federal Express — based on direct experience as they are one of our shipping vendors. There is no desire there to provide a good service. The employees, or the human feces storage units that fill the seats there and are passed off as workers, could give a shit if you exit as a customer. India, wherever … customer service women, those with odd names that have a deep, perma-tan … just hang up instead of, say, doing their job. Emails… Read more »

Last edited 15 days ago by Fast-Turtle
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
15 days ago

We moved past “everyone is equal” long ago. The progressive stack became the official policy of the federal government, corporations, the managerial system, and anyone who wants to be a liberal in good standing. You had to believe that “blacks and browns” were BETTER than Whites and that homosexuals and transgenders were BETTER than heterosexual people. Biden even alluded to this at one point when he claimed that the transgenders are “some of the bravest people he knows”, as if a decrepit ancient White racist Catholic from Pennsylvania knows a lot of these people. We probably could have kept this… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
15 days ago

One thing I think our side fails to appreciate is not just the differences, but how powerful the forces of in-group similarity are. I think that is even more powerful than the differences. What people fail to appreciate are how emergent the tensions and rivalries are. The ruling class didn’t need to do much to use them. They simply picked a side and assembled a patronage network out of it. Whether or not Trump makes it explicit, Perhaps the biggest move we haven’t fully appreciate yet is the one to banish the “Fill-In-The-Racial-Client-Group Heritage Month”, from the military. Clearly Trump… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
15 days ago

This is true. AINO was built upon a deranged fantasy. The Mule has kicked massive holes in Leftist Lala-Land and reality is seeping in. There is hope–although I’m still a bit skittish–that we have crested the summit of Mount Madness and are now headed back down the slope into Delightful Dales. If so, we are all lucky to have lived long enough to see this day arrive.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
15 days ago

Eventually, all lies get destroyed by reality…England became the world’s richest and most powerful country because it industrialized early, only possible because it had coal seams near the surface, and used sea power to create an empire it could parasitize for enormous wealth..It imagined itself a land power too, and that arrogance destroyed it…America, with loads of resources, protected by two oceans, imagined it could control the entire world after using foreign scientists to create nukes and missile technology, while indulging debilitating fantasies like feminism, gender fluidity, and civil rights based on race….That was a delusion, some of which Trump… Read more »

Reply to  pyrrhus
15 days ago

I think you do a disservice to the English and the Americans. It is true that we were who we were because of fortune, to an extent. But we had a people who were hardy, enterprising, industrious, intelligent and creative.

Give early industrialization and near-surface coal seams to certain peoples and, well, you know what I’m talking about!

I mean as far as I know, Congo boasts a phenomenal array of natural resources. They were even left quite a functional apparatus to manage it… but then something happened.

That something was The African.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
15 days ago

He always goes after the English. Notice how the industrial revolution happened in England through chance “only possible because it had coal seams near the surface”. This is absolute rot and the sort of thing a DEI nincompoop would confidently utter as he seethes..Some coal seams being near the surface is not unique to England either on a world scale or if we limit out analysis only to Europe. I wonder what his excuse is for the Agricultural Revolution which took place in England? Maybe the crops were closer to the surface? England has produced more mathematical theories,more scientific discoveries… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  OrangeFrog
15 days ago

Whites in Africa = Cape Town

Africans in America = Detroit

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
15 days ago


Am I correct in thinking that Detroit used to be called The Paris of the US, or something?

Apparently, it was quite a powerhouse and a beautiful city before the Hutus?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  OrangeFrog
15 days ago

That’s exactly right. Before the arrival of the nuggras, Detroit was a truly opulent city. Vast sums of money from the automotive industry allowed for the construction of score upon score of architectural masterpieces. But then the so-called “civil rights movement,” occurred, whites were juridically shackled, negroes were liberated, they inundated formerly white wonderlands such as Detroit, and within a few decades they had become Third World ruins. This happened to virtually every major city in the US, but nowhere is the before/after disparity quite so stark as in Detroit.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
14 days ago

I saw a web site once of old pictures of Detroit, before and after Africans. The middle class areas were clearly prosperous and beautiful. The new middle, aping their betters as has always been the way, invested their new resources (thanks, megachad Henry Ford! <-this great man tried) in front-of-house stonework the quality of which I doubt even our current vapid merchant clown trash ruling class enjoys.

Africans destroy everything, if you let them.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Horace
14 days ago

What you saw was probably an online photo essay by Der Spiegel.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  pyrrhus
15 days ago

Of all the surprises of the last couple weeks, Rubio might be the biggest

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
15 days ago

He’s always been a programmable mid-wit, it’s just that his latest firmware contains some useful code.

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  KGB
15 days ago

This. Rubio is pure moist robot.

Reply to  KGB
15 days ago

True, but most people assumed he had been preprogrammed by the IC to hamstring Trump. It’s not clear at this point that he just downloaded new firmware. That’s too easy an explanation.

This looks and sounds more like what people do when they have been liberated from their control mechanisms.

Reply to  hokkoda
14 days ago

Rubio is a sapient. I woke up. Maybe he can, too. If he has, then he is at least ally. I have no problem with those who have faltered, as long as they attacking our mutual enemies. Even a wretch like Romney would be worthy of forgiveness, if he forthrightly stopped serving evil.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  pyrrhus
15 days ago

dude “because it industrialized early” is like saying as step#1 of a plan is “first we build a time machine”. you clearly have no idea of the british contributions to science, medicine, and industry. they governed fully 25% of the planet, for a long long time, with a minimum of kinetic activity. their current low state is a cause for grief…

Reply to  karl von hungus
15 days ago

Ahhh the eternal Anglo, perpetually reliving the glory days of the 18th & 19th centuries. What have they done for anybody lately?

Reply to  Casimir
15 days ago

Lots of people on this blog lugging around immense chips on their shoulders. English literature, art, architecture, philosophy, science, and government are justly famous. So sorry your own ancestors were not equally blessed. Deal with it.

Reply to  3g4me
15 days ago

Again, what have they done for us lately? You seem to be forgetting the 20th century, the two wars that destroyed Europe in a vain attempt to save their empire, mainly by trying to destroy their betters (Germans).

Reply to  Casimir
15 days ago

Why do you think England “owes” anyone anything? And who is “us”? The two wars were a bankster-fueled tragedy. Plenty of blame to go around – no more brother wars, and let’s not have White-on-White ‘sniping.’ Stay focused on what matters – a future for White children.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  3g4me
15 days ago

Inter-ethnic white squabbling is the very stupidest thing imaginable. So, Casimir, either get with the pan-white program or get the hell outta here. We don’t need any saboteurs.

Reply to  Casimir
15 days ago

you mean the ‘chewish century’ amirite? the century in which re bolshie commie chosenites bled the finest youth of the west to free them to chain us all to usury?

Reply to  3g4me
15 days ago

I’ve noticed a concerted effort on twitter to try to drive a wedge between Europeans/Canadians and Americans. A lot of contemptuous insults from both sides. Totally counterproductive and likely initiated by our enemies. The problem being that centuries-old Euro rivalries don’t die quickly so it’s fertile ground for discord.

15 days ago

What truly stuns me about this New Trump who now no longer wishes to reform a irredeemably broken system like his 2016 iteration, but is Gozer the Gozerian in 2024, is that whenever he decided that shift, he managed to keep it a very closely guarded secret from his enemies, and ensured this assault was a complete and total surprise. I would bet that the Mar-a-Lago raid wasn’t about the ostensible documents, but a search for intelligence on Trump’s potential actions if he was elected, which they could use to ensure he was not. Somehow, Trump was able to completely… Read more »

Reply to  Pickle Rick
15 days ago

Pickle Rick,

That’s an interesting way to look at it, and I’d not considered it. Then again, I don’t have an adept political mind. But it was certainly a surprise, that’s for sure. Thanks for the insight.

Reply to  Pickle Rick
15 days ago

I think its ideological blindness on the systems part. They thought the nonprofit side would be untouchable and they couldn’t conceive otherwise. Thus they couldn’t imagine someone suddenly smacking their shit.

The Infant Pheonomenon
The Infant Pheonomenon
Reply to  HalfTrolling
15 days ago

Right. Because they are idiots. You can look it up:

Reply to  Pickle Rick
15 days ago

I’m certainly blindsided, I can’t keep up with the welcome onslaught.
The good news is, neither can the Gaystapo.

Last edited 15 days ago by Alzaebo
Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  Alzaebo
15 days ago

It is amazing how tight to the vest this was held. It probably didn’t take too much bribe money to have those inside the system to rat out their fellow travelers, but that this was kept quiet is nothing short of amazing.

Reply to  Jackson Dobsen
15 days ago

Kinda puts the lie to all those conspiracy theories that were “debunked” on the grounds that there’s no way so many people would have kept it secret.

In the same way that they “debunked” the existence of monopolies and trusts. Too many people involved. Yeah, right.

Or Snowden. How many people in the CIA, and but for people like Binney, pretty much they all kept their criminal behavior hidden.

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  Steve
15 days ago

I would count myself among those who thought it impossible for this many people to keep a secret. It is amazing.

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  Pickle Rick
15 days ago

Brilliant. Like OF, I had not considered this possibility, but the raid very well may have been geared to recover this information and perhaps disrupt it. The assassination attempts even may have been part of the same scheme.

eta: And yes, this is a Revolutionary Trump vs. a Reformer Trump, a Putin rather than a Gorbachev. I’m shocked as most here are, and it is a fantastic development.

Last edited 15 days ago by Jackson Dobsen
The Infant Pheonomenon
The Infant Pheonomenon
Reply to  Pickle Rick
15 days ago

Yeah, well, all that *and* the fact that the members of the Gaystapo are mongoloid idiots. But you are right.

Reply to  Pickle Rick
15 days ago

Personally, I think the raid was to make sure he had no copies of the documents that he had ordered declassified. Things like the Russia Hoax and the Hillary emails and election fraud and the general lawlessness of the Obama regime.

I suspect they got some of that. But evidently he didn’t have it all stashed at Mar-A-Lago, or he would not be in the Oval Office now. He had enough short and curlies in his grasp that they could not risk him releasing it, and cut a deal.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Pickle Rick
15 days ago

It’s very difficult for a 78 year old leopard to change his spots. So they just assumed another swamp-fest like in 2017. Thankfully, so far, Trump has managed to come out strong. Let’s hope he can keep it up and keep cucks and infiltrators out of his admin.

Reply to  Pickle Rick
15 days ago

The MAL raid was to retrieve copies of all the Crossfire Hurricane documents that Trump declassified.

The tear Trump is on right now is a direct response to the attempts by the Government Party to

  • murder him (twice)
  • put him in jail for 400 years (twice)
  • fine him almost a billion dollars (twice)
  • send his friends to prison (dozens)

This was never going to end well for the Government Party. As the old saying goes, “If you’re going to take a shot at killing the king, you better not miss.”

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
15 days ago

One of the best side effects of shutting down USAID is the collapse of regime change incubator NGOs and mass media outlets around the globe.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
15 days ago

I hadn’t realized how profound a thing that was; I’m so glad the Zman highlighted little ol’ unnoticed USAID. That is the wolf in lamb’s clothing, right there.

Incubator NGOs and mass media? Judas priest, he’s nuked the joint from orbit.

If you look at it right, this is a major game piece proffered, a concession to BRICS. Give a gift, expect a gift. Your move, BRICS…do you want to be Maduro’s Venezuela and deal, or Ramaposa’s South Africa? (whom Trump just cut off. The rand is crashing, nobody wants their GND bonds.) Carrot and stick.

Last edited 15 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
15 days ago

Let’s hope so. There is still inertia. I hope the NGO’s run out of steam before the managerial “elite” manages to fight back.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
15 days ago

To Z’s point about the destroyer here is an interesting post from one of managerialism’s toughies: “I am about to be laid off; where do I even find a new job? Thanks to the executive orders issued by Our Greatest American Patriot President and his overwhelming mandate of 49.9% of the vote, my company is going under. Because nothing screams, “America First”, quite like making thousands of Americans unemployed, right? Anyway, I have spent my entire 13 year career in the field of international development. I have no skills or experience outside of this field, and every job I have… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
15 days ago

“So, people of DC, where do normal people find normal jobs?”

This guy’s not normal. He hates normal people. And the fact he’s so delusional is big part of the problem.

Reply to  RealityRules
15 days ago

Might I suggest this extract solely for his resume:

Anyway, I have spent my entire 13 year career in the field of international development. I have no skills or experience

Sounds apt.

Reply to  RealityRules
15 days ago

Don’t forget Panda Express! Or, if he is so great at “International Development”, I recommend he go to a country that needs developing. Wide open horizons, buddy.

Reply to  RealityRules
15 days ago

Wow. That was touching. Just very, very (snif, snerfle) beautiful.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
15 days ago

USAID also finances the NGOs responsible for flooding the USA with illegals. The Trump Admin. took a direct shot at Catholic Charities – they pointed out how much money they get from the Feds – when the USCCB raised a protest about the deportations.

I think they’re getting inside USAID and finding out it’s a much bigger problem than the realized. I’d be willing to bet they went in there looking for the illegal migration money paths and found lots, lots, more.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
15 days ago

I always thought USAID was simply a junior partner for the State Department, staffed by State wannabes who could not make the grade and ended up staffing oversea libraries.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
15 days ago

Sometimes just blurting things out loud, which Trump is good at, does a lot to help make something normal, and as a bonus, makes leftists cry. Blaming diversity for a plane crash pops the “diversity-is-our-greatest-strength bubble,” like the little kid blurting out that the emperor has no clothes.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
15 days ago

The fact that the pilot was female wasn’t all that damning.

The fact that her name was hidden, the fact that she was an aide to the Biden Whit House for years, and all her social media accounts were scrubbed raised a whole lot of eyebrows.

Reply to  ProZNoV
15 days ago

Sounds to me like the 3-man crew was a womyn and 2 trannies. Perfect fall guys when Langley wants to pull a fast one…and ain’t it a coincidence that most of the school shooters of late have been trans?

Reply to  ProZNoV
15 days ago

The fact that her name was hidden, the fact that she was an aide to the Biden Whit House for years, and all her social media accounts were scrubbed raised a whole lot of eyebrows.”

According to Twitter, her parents are part of the Deep State and of the usual ethnic background.

Brandon Laskow
Brandon Laskow
Reply to  Piffle
15 days ago

Seriously? It would be extremely rare for a Jewess to want to be a fighter pilot.

Reply to  Brandon Laskow
14 days ago

Doing Blackhawk training wouldn’t necessarily set her up as a fighter pilot.

Reply to  ProZNoV
15 days ago

The fact that she was female damn sure was damning. That would be why her name was hidden, along with the radical net stances and lesbianism.

Not a good look and they didn’t want anybody else looking, either.

Reply to  ray
15 days ago

What all good womyn ‘warriors’ are concerned about: Fingernail polish freedom of choice.

Reply to  3g4me
15 days ago

There was a lot of fuming in the Navy when Reagan came in and we got the word “No more beards” Any word on whether today’s airwomen get to keep their beards?

Reply to  Zfan
14 days ago


Reply to  3g4me
15 days ago

No one will read this. Nevertheless, because I’ve been “find 3g4me” your comments on this blog for decades: She may have been the progeny of Maverick, Paul Tibbets, and Chuck Yeager. Neil Armstrong with different plumbing. The problem with female military aviators (and women aviators in general): Every male pilot who flies with them or trains them has to guard their speech and correction/help constantly. Give “extra chances”. Be silent when better pilots were never trained/hired because they were given more. They’re “good enough”, usually. No sane male pilot trusts them. Unfair, because plenty are very competent. (BUT YOU DON’T… Read more »

Last edited 15 days ago by ProZNoV
Reply to  ProZNoV
15 days ago

I am flattered that you look up my comments, and I completely agree that while some female pilots may well be competent, there is no way to know and thus one should always assume preference or lower standards were involved, just as with non-white pilots, doctors, etc.

The Infant Pheonomenon
The Infant Pheonomenon
Reply to  Wolf Barney
15 days ago

Thing is … when the emperor has no clothes, figuring out what sex he is becomes pretty easy, even for the jabbering classes. Except that noticing is a crime nowadays.

Neoliberal Feudalism
15 days ago

Unfortunately I see Trump’s populist moves as surface level, designed to solicit buy-in back from the white Republican base that has been so turned off by American society over the past decade. It brings to mind this perfect 2019 4chan comment: comment image

The clue and giveaway that Trump caved to upper elites behind closed doors in 2024 is that, other than the fact that he was allowed to win a controlled election, Trump’s criminal and civil trials disappeared, the elite-owned media stopped endlessly calling him the equivalent of Hitler and started treating him neutrally to even positively, and the shitlib NPC mobs were placed on idle-mode stand-down — this would literally not have happened unless they were comfortable and accepting of whatever role they now have for Trump.

I think he will be used either to start World War 3, to usher in central bank digital currencies (which will result in the greatest loss of freedom in human history), for the Greater Israel project, or the elites will crash the bubble they created in order to smear Trump and populism.

Dark days are ahead, imo, regardless of these surface level populist moves.

I delve into this more here:

Neoliberal Feudalism
Reply to  Neoliberal Feudalism
15 days ago

Rather, 2023 4chan post, not 2019 post.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Neoliberal Feudalism
15 days ago

Bibi will visit the White House tomorrow.

Be on the lookout for any steps that move the US closer to war with Iran, which he would consider his crowning achievement in life.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
15 days ago

Wild: Iran might be THE reason Bibi is the 1st foreign leader Trump has in the WH. All Trump’s moves so far are directed against China who already won a technology war with US. China’s main weakness is a lack of oil. Oil is a main reason Trump wants Canada. Iran presently is a major supplier of oil for China and will stop being so when Ayatollahs regime falls. Russia is another supplier for China, but Putin has his own reasons to detest China. Couple of days ago Zelensky whined that Putin and Trump are already negotiating, but he is… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Neoliberal Feudalism
15 days ago

oh shit, it’s Whiskey’s less optimistic brother!?

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  karl von hungus
15 days ago

It’s just missing a reference to a whites-only draft.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Neoliberal Feudalism
15 days ago

One minor quibble: They never stopped calling him Hitler. That’s ongoing. I’m willing to bet money there will be a big stock market crash that they pin on him. In fact, I have. However, some of what he’s doing indicates a philosophical change on the part of the “elites” who are backing him, to be more pro white/pro nationalist. I don’t think there’s any way around that. You could say it’s because they need white men to fight their wars, but even so, even if it’s only for that purpose, they are still advancing pro white policies and getting pro… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
15 days ago

A stock market crash is almost impossible under a zero interest rate Fed. Elites would be crazy not to borrow at 0% and invest, which is going to drive up market caps.

Problem is that 0% also fuels inflation, depending on how fast that trickles into consumer hands.

Reply to  Steve
15 days ago

That’s why it’s inevitable. One or the other has to give.

Reply to  Paintersforms
15 days ago

Stein’s Law.

I had been expecting one or the other tseveral decades ago, but once I fully understood the Cantillon effect, realized why it had not happened yet. So long as they can keep the demand side retards (Covid Cash, Cash for Clunkers, etc.) under control, there is no reason it is imminent, or even inevitable.

Ponzi schemes end when you run out of fresh meat. The Fed does not run out, so long as money is staying within the moneyed elite.

Reply to  Steve
15 days ago

It’s true it’s been an amazing run, but it’s also been an unprecedented situation. Not sure any nation has been in a better situation than the US after WWII/Cold War, plus the technological leaps since then. Lots of savings to live on, so to speak. We should be doing better, honestly.

Reply to  Paintersforms
15 days ago

Agreed, we should be doing a lot better. And rather than investing our wealth, we have been squandering it on giveaways to useless eaters, foreign and domestic.

But so long as the Fed keeps the giveaways to the rich going, they will overwhelmingly pump a stock market bubble, a yacht bubble, a mansion bubble, etc. because they simply do not buy enough consumer goods to affect inflation.

Reply to  Steve
15 days ago

And, of course, inflating the rich’s assets and leverage, so not a problem at all.

Reply to  Neoliberal Feudalism
15 days ago

Agree. Academic Agent has also been talking about this since Oct 7 when he noticed a sudden shift in elite attitudes towards Trump. He also predicted the “woke being put away” exactly as it happening now, when it still looked like the woke would be here forever. They will concede some ground on the trannies (so “based!”) while still drilling us on everything else.

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  catdog
15 days ago

There was an interesting twitter debate last week between AA and Auron MacEntyre about whether or not the shift heralded true elite circulation, or just a rebellion of one or two factions. AA (rebellion) got the better of it, I think.

However, setting the Oct 7th angle aside (for the moment), the rebels are largely billionaire oligarchs, who finally see their chance to dispense with the managerial class with whom they have been forced to share power for the last century or so. Whether a neo-feudal aristocracy will rule better than a bureaucratic one remains to be seen.

Reply to  Neoliberal Feudalism
15 days ago

“The clue and giveaway that Trump caved to upper elites behind closed doors in 2024 is that, other than the fact that he was allowed to win a controlled election, Trump’s criminal and civil trials disappeared” Regime/social change happens when the elite start bickering between themselves.* Then someone, usually part of the elite, can create an elite coalition with populist support and wipe the floor of everyone else. It just happened in the 2024 election. Trump clearly has the Tech Bro and a good chunk of the American Jewish elite on his side. Thus Trump needing to offer unequivocal support… Read more »

Last edited 15 days ago by Piffle
Reply to  Piffle
15 days ago

And Israel isn’t all bad– whatever draws the heat off our backs, and off the backs of our Slavic European brothers, is to the good.

Especially since the Smartest People are going wind up with a snake’s nest of Turks, Kurds, Arabs, Egyptians, Iranians, all trying their best to betray one another while clawing each other’s eyes out. The Betrayers will have their 105 IQ hands full in another mess of their own making.

Reply to  Neoliberal Feudalism
15 days ago

Whining is not a strategy. No matter how bad you think things are (or will get), pissing and moaning solves nothing. Instead of bitching, why not make a mace in your garage and practice using it. It’s more dignified to go down fighting than spread your defeatism to others.

Reply to  Neoliberal Feudalism
15 days ago

A more hopeful explanation is that some of the oligarchs realized the Dem obsessions were getting out of control. Throw in four years of a demented man at the controls with the prospect of another four years of a DEI nitwit and Trump didn’t look so bad. He is also a billionaire, so he is 𝘦𝘹 𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘰 a part of their club.

Reply to  Dutchboy
15 days ago

It is not an exaggeration to point out that we were on the brink of a nuclear war with Russia for most of the last 15 months. My theory on Trump’s win, and the IC largely staying out of the election, is that everyone at those “elite” levels realized they lived in the crosshairs of hydrogen bombs. Democrats were, and are, on a suicide mission. The tranny stuff is a side show. The real issue? The collapse of the USA as the reserve currency and the collapse of the world into anarchy and world war. It doesn’t take an elite… Read more »

Reply to  Neoliberal Feudalism
15 days ago

I have no doubt a deal was made, but it wasn’t the one you are thinking of. My money is that he handed them copies of stuff he had declassified, removed from the White House in 2020 and 2021, and currently held under a dead-man switch.

Your move, swamp.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Steve
15 days ago

I’ve heard a lot about dead man switches but I’m unaware of a single time one has ever been deployed

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
15 days ago

Well, I’ll give you an example. Back in 1967, LBJ told RFK to expose the CIA’s mastermin….


Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
15 days ago

So long as the expected consequences are sufficiently dire, it’s never needed. FBI has all the Epstein dirt, and it’s obviously bad enough that no one who even suspects he might be on that list has said “Boo” about reining in the FBI.

Which tells you something about the Trumpistas. Sounds like to a man they know they are not in that list.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Steve
15 days ago

Indeed, if they had any Epstein dirt on Trump we would have known it years ago

Reply to  Neoliberal Feudalism
15 days ago

A revolutionary government would deport Musk first. “Sign tapping,” the 4chan term for reminding people of that post, because it’s been done so often it needs a shorthand, is good. It reminds us that we’re ruled by liars. But those liars also gave us the sign. If it’s on 4chan, it’s allowed on 4chan—which is no longer the whole madness/autism of the world distilling itself into a little bit of revolutionary genius. It’s “social media” now, as fake and faked as the rest. Even Instagram has good things (young women demanding attention in traditional ways) on it. They’re not the… Read more »

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  Hemid
15 days ago

A revolutionary government uses and then deports a Musk-like figure. Not saying that’s happening here but it is the normal trajectory.

Reply to  Hemid
15 days ago

‘Are our sons being hired? They are not. In fact, they’re more disdained and hated than ever’

Correct. The answer is no. Instead, Princess Snowflake the Pretend Pilot continues to crash the culture, to which she has the keys. She shore loved wearing them fancy helmets! Chicks don’t belong in the cock-pit.

The Borg will take the Trumpist uprising out on the nation’s sons, quietly and outta view, in the classrooms and corporations, in the courts and the churches. Nothing yet has been de-fanged.

Reply to  ray
15 days ago

She was just a Red Shirt, and our most recent Michael Hastings.

Reply to  Neoliberal Feudalism
15 days ago

I’ve seen some type of post hundreds of not thousands of times. Even if this is all accurate, the American Empire is still not worth fighting and dying for. I don’t see some surge of White guys going to enlistment offices to fight and die for Netanyahu. Israel and the media tried mightily to gin up hatred of Muslims like it did after 2001, and it didn’t work. Israel is in far worse shape in terms of reputation and goodwill than it was on October 6th, 2023. By all accounts it was Trump who forced the cease fire on the… Read more »

Last edited 15 days ago by Mycale
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Neoliberal Feudalism
15 days ago

Even as a certified pessimist, I’m holding out hope and cheer for Trump. So far he’s been pretty good other than thanking blacks and mexicans for their support in his inauguration speech. This pandering to a base that doesn’t support him or Republicans in general is infuriating.

Reply to  Neoliberal Feudalism
15 days ago

He just stopped aid to South Africa because it is government policy there to take land from white farmers…

I understand your pessimism, but breaking up USAID – which has a bigger budget than CIA and State Dept combined – is not “surface level”.

15 days ago

Hopefully, beyonce winning country album of the year, lol, is one of the last gasps of dei. The kissing of black ass is going to be a hard habit to kick for good Whiteys. One can almost envision a new industry of treatment centers…

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  usNthem
15 days ago

A good sign is how widely mocked this has been. It is hilarious to say the least.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  usNthem
15 days ago

The only thing this year’s Grammys proved is that mass popular music is dead.

I mean, look at all the long past their prime acts from the past in the Rock categories. Green Day? Pearl Jam? The Beatles?

Heck, even the hep ‘Song of the Year’ winner drops two references to the early and late 90s in the first 30 seconds, those being the movie the Sixth Sense and the long-retired White sportsballer John Stockton.

Brandon Laskow
Brandon Laskow
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
15 days ago

Out in the world of jam rock the Grammy’s are being mocked for nominating Khruangbin, an instrumental rock trio with a hot female bassist (but she wears a wig) for Best New Artist. They’ve been active since 2010.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Brandon Laskow
14 days ago

The Grammys were peak Clown World before Clown World proper came into existence. Anybody remember Milli Vanilli?

Reply to  usNthem
15 days ago

The way that a certain online subset focused on Beyonce winning or not winning certain Grammys just tells me how ludicrous our society is. Like, this isn’t a one time thing. They’ve been talking about this for at least a decade. They firmly believed that there was some sort of racist conspiracy against the biggest pop star in the world to keep her from winning one meaningless trinket as opposed to the dozens of other meaningless trinkets she has been awarded over the years. And predictably when she won yesterday they acted like the demon has been slayed. People don’t… Read more »

Reply to  Mycale
15 days ago

This reminds me of when Denzel Washington was up for an academy award for his portrayal of Malcolm The Tenth. That little reprobate Spike Lee went on a rant, telling everyone how if his movie didn’t win every category it was nominated for, that it was proof that Hollywood was indeed run by jews who hate blacks. Washington of course didn’t win for best actor and when asked if Lee’s outburst had anything to do with the academy’s decision, Denzel just looked at the reporter and shrugging said, “What can I say, Spike has made himself a lot of enemies.”

Reply to  Steve
15 days ago

Proof positive that the Unnamed aren’t white, they don’t kiss black ass.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  usNthem
15 days ago

I feel the same way about this that I felt about the advent of legal homo marriage. Just as heteros wrecked marriage long before the homos ever took a crack at it, whites destroyed country music many years before the negros got around to it.

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
15 days ago

Garth Brooks has its blood on his hands.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
15 days ago

True. Although part of the destruction is “country” musicians mimicking rappers. And without rappers to mimic…

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
15 days ago

Pop influence in country has always existed:
Red Foley, Eddy Arnold, Jim Reeves etc

Reply to  usNthem
15 days ago

You have got to be kidding me. Beyonce?!!

Last edited 15 days ago by Alzaebo
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Alzaebo
15 days ago

It’s just Beyond everything…

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
15 days ago

if you’d told me that I’d see children walking the streets of our Texas towns with green hair and bones in their noses

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
15 days ago

comment image

I just flat out wouldn’t have believed it.

Last edited 15 days ago by Ostei Kozelskii
Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
15 days ago

My nomination for Best Film of Forever.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jackson Dobsen
15 days ago


Reply to  Jackson Dobsen
15 days ago

The title, too: No Country For Old Men

15 days ago

Taking aim at USAID is not something I had on my bingo card. It changes virtually everything I thought I knew about this man who has been so prominent in our lives for so long. It puts him far closer to what I hoped we would get somewhere, down the road, and not the guy who I actually thought Trump was. I have no doubt that this is the sort of work Trump wanted to do his first term, he just didn’t know how to do it and didn’t have the people in place to do it. It is now… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Mycale
15 days ago

The last two weeks are a damning indictment of Trump as much as they are of anyone else. For how completely unprepared he was to govern in 2017. There isn’t any other way to spin it. I guess all’s well that ends well. Until they pin the big stock market crash on him and his tariffs.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
15 days ago

Well put. However, I must say—so far—he’s running the board. I thought the market would crash sooner. Seems being the “cleanest dirty shirt in the hamper” has value I’ve underestimated.

Reply to  Compsci
15 days ago

Hold on, now. Only some of the elites want to crash the market like Zelensky bombing the Zaporizhiye nuclear plant. Other elites have good reason to fear their assets going up in smoke, and will fight them tooth and nail.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
15 days ago

The Big Crash has been right around the corner as long as I can remember.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
15 days ago

Yes, I haven’t forgotten his utter ineptness (if that’s what it was) in 2017.

He puffed up and yammered endlessly about ‘bringing new blood’ into D.C., then hired all the usual Swamp crocs and put his prog daughter in charge of the WH.

First thing outta his mouth was let’s all excuse and embrace Hillary and get the country going again! puke Heck they had him shilling for the poison vax before shipping him back to Mar-a-Lago.

I’d never watched his TV but all I heard about was whoa, this dood can pick employee talent! He’s a management genius!

Reply to  ray
15 days ago

If only somebody had taken a few potshots at him in 2015…
I guess that old saw about ‘it takes a two-by-four just to get a Mule’s attention’ must be true.

I do miss the Goya beans commercials, though. Ivanka looked fabulous!

Notice it was underappreciated Tiffany who got the spotlight this time, along with Barron, instead of that fop Junior and Javanka. Javanka actually looked rather subdued…I think the gleam is off the apple of Daddy’s eye. Didn’t see Kushner rushing to offer any of his Accord riches towards any of Daddy’s legal bills, either.

Last edited 15 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
15 days ago

Sounds encouraging. He did talk up Barron in front of the crowd.

Reply to  ray
15 days ago

To be fair about him hiring swamp creatures, I was listening to an interview with Sebastian Gorka several months ago and he spoke of how they had the resumes of between 300 – 400 people who were going to be the “new blood”, He went on to add that he had all of that info on his personal laptop in a safe in his office and he walked in one day to find the safe open and the laptop gone, along with all the info on it. As for his globalist daughter, that was something he should have seen coming… Read more »

Reply to  Steve
14 days ago

So his excuse was that his dog ate his laptop and that was the only copy of 300-400 resumes. Okay.

Reply to  Piffle
14 days ago


Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
15 days ago

Yes, he was totally unprepared, but the only people willing to help him were snakes and subversives. And the deep state immediately put him on the defensive with the Russia hoax. They took out one of the few potentially competent loyalists he had on his team (Gen. Flynn). It was a disaster. No doubt about it. I also don’t think that all’s well that end’s well – we lost four years of a golden opportunity. In hindsight though I am not sure how much better Trump could do considering the circumstances. He didn’t have the team he has now.

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
15 days ago

Right now, members of Elon Musk’s team are combing through the records of USAID, the hive mind of the NGO collective that has controlled American foreign policy for decades. The domestic effects of these shadow departments and agencies will be the most mind-blowing. Those caravans of child rapists and murderers flooding across our border did not pay for themselves. This actually is revolutionary in effect and goes far beyond Neocon perfidy although it certainly includes that, as you note. American taxpayers have been funding their own dispossession and the terrorism against them as a people. As an aside, the FBI… Read more »

Reply to  Jackson Dobsen
15 days ago

I still doubt that Trump has either the will or ability to deport enough non-Whites to make a significant difference to AINO’s ultimate third-world fate . . . BUT. Cutting off the money, taking over their databases, and shuttering USAID is huge. I am enjoying this immensely. And watching in delight as every counter-measure by the borg thus far has been anticipated and blocked. But do note the ‘thus far.’ I don’t put anything past Schumer and the financial-political shadow government. I don’t know that Trump can truly overturn the existing order, but I applaud all his efforts thus far.… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
15 days ago

He doesn’t have to deport any. All he has to do is shut off all the gibs.

No more welfare of any kind. Throw landlords into prison if they can’t prove they made a good-faith effort to determine the citizenship of those he rents to. Banks comply with Know Your Customer when it comes to ratting us out. They should be fully able to comply with law on non-citizens. Someone is facilitating the remittances. There are stiff criminal penalties, including prison, for employers who hire illegals, even unknowingly.

It just takes an aggressive DOJ willing to enforce the law.

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  Steve
15 days ago

Civil forfeiture, noisily done, can spark remigration. I’m quite pleased thus far and will defer to those manning the levers quite well.

Reply to  Steve
15 days ago

This is what E-verify is for. It must be made mandatory for every employer.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  3g4me
15 days ago

that’s why he has Horman doing the dirty work.

putting my Machiavelli hat on, some of his picks are going to be able to do what’s needed without worrying about being called racist or sexist.

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  3g4me
15 days ago

I don’t think he has the balls to do enough, either, but he has in place those who do.

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  Jackson Dobsen
15 days ago

eta: And to be fair to Trump, who no doubt is courageous, the Cloward-Piven strategy of those who ran the Biden White House required more balls than any one individual man has. I suspect civil forfeiture and so forth is next to speed along self-deportation. The NGO’s no doubt were funneling money directly to the invaders once in place, and that’s gone, so state and municipal welfare is the last funding source and that’s likely about to go. Cloward-Piven usually works but sometimes it scares the right people to take drastic action to counter it. Thus far that seems to… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
15 days ago

Is there any mention of turning Trump’s EOs into legislation?

Last edited 15 days ago by bunions
Reply to  bunions
14 days ago

We are long past the stage when legislation matters. The Brandon regime just did whatever it wanted and dared anyone to stop it. Not even the Supreme Court could stop it on certain things like loan forgiveness.

As is often said, you can just do stuff.

15 days ago

 When the president blames diversity for a plane crash, the world has truly changed. It is staggering to me that he may of said this. I guess I ought to dig it out, but I trust those here. I’m not in any mindset to even begin to think that Trump is going to make things better in four years, but none-the-less, it is a significant change compared to that which came before. Of course, it is a far cry from saying things like “blacks cannot function in white societies”, or that “Musselmen need to go back to their lands”, but… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
15 days ago

I might quibble about the Japanese. There may have been a stratified nation with a warrior ethos … but their poets, philosophers and artists rivalled ours. They independently invented Calculus in the 1700s. I’ve actually become fascinated by them.

Today their subways are clean and safe, the vast majority of the streets are clean and safe.

I’m astonished Blumpf didn’t hit them with tariffs too.

Reply to  Filthie
15 days ago

But here’s the thing: They didn’t industrialize. The gulf between the rest of the world and the West was turned from narrow to wide by the inventions coming out of Europe from the 1400s onward. I’m intrigued that they independently discovered the calculus, and would like to know more… but even this was likely 30-50 years after Newton and Leibniz. I do agree that there is more to a society than engineering feats (the Egyptians apparently kept pretty much the same culture for thousands of years), and Japan may well be in a better situation than the West is now.… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  OrangeFrog
15 days ago

>They didn’t industrialize.

Tough road to hoe on an Island nation whose only natural resource is…limestone.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
15 days ago

Industrialization begins as an intellectual process: we dig coal or iron out of the ground therefore we industrialize is not how it happened.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
15 days ago

No telling what the Japanese might have done if they’d opened up to the West a few centuries earlier. However. One must note the speed that the Japanese moved once the decision was made to “modernize”. In 1860, they sailed a ship they bought from the French to California to visit and learn how to sail a blue ocean modern vessel. In 1905 they defeated Russia on the high seas in the Russo-Japanese war! What country you can name has ever made such progress so fast! In 1945 the Japanese home front was bombed flat! In the 1970’s Japan was… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
15 days ago

In 1650 a Dutch ship crashed on the Japanese coast. Within 50 years all of Japan had better muskets than the Dutch themselves, which led to the Tokugawa Prefectorate unifying and pacifying Nippon, and a period of much closure to the West (later ‘rectified’ by Commander Perry.)

Last edited 15 days ago by Alzaebo
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
15 days ago

The Japs seem to have a natural yen–so to speak–for many Western artificats. Not just the industrial, technological and engineering items, but the cultural stuff as well. They took to classical music (and baseball) like ducks to water and many of the greatest classical musicians, conductors and orchestras nowadays are Japanese. (They don’t, however, produce elite composers.) Japanese scotch whisky is acknowledged even by the Scots as comparable to their own. Japanese gin is also exceptional, and their dedication to the fine art of raising beef and preparing steak would make Texans blush. When the Japs get the bit in… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
15 days ago

They are an intact People.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Filthie
15 days ago

The Japs, although a rather bizarre people, are absolutely worthy of great respect. However, claiming their artists, poets and philosophers rival our own is a bit of a stretch.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
14 days ago

They remained in a static medieval state until Akihito, Hirohito’s dad.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
15 days ago

The thing that still boggles my mind is transatlantic cables laid in 1853. Good gods. That speaks to such a depth of scientific capability I can scarce believe it. People still used quill pens, blackpowder rifles, coal steam, stone masonry, and oil from whale fat, yet these guys were able to deduce the physical principles of electromagnetics, metallurgy, and ocean infrastructure.
Carrying not just live electricity, but coded electrical signals across the bottom of the sea!

Last edited 15 days ago by Alzaebo
Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Alzaebo
15 days ago

About the most humbling question I know to ask a person is: If you could travel back in time X number of years (with X being a lot, say 200 or 300 or more), taking nothing but your naked self, what could you do to make the people of that time’s lives better?

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
15 days ago

Read “Lest Darkness Fall” by L. Sprague de Camp . . . written in 1939.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
15 days ago

“You go back in time and don’t know how to do anything but die” stories became a sci-fi fad circa WWII. The explicit message was always about the necessity of cooperation, etc.—except from Alfred Bester, who was a purist Shakespearian “hubris” guy—but there was something else there, and it eventually showed itself.

In France! The original Planet of the Apes novel was a less esoteric variation on the story. Camp of the Saints fully exposed the subtext: Send the West into the past, via death/replacement of its men and what they know, and…the end.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
15 days ago

Introduce them to Nacho Cheese Doritos.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  ray
15 days ago

You took the answer right out of my mouth…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
15 days ago

They have a half-life of 50,000 years.

Barney Rubble
Barney Rubble
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
15 days ago

Go back to 1861 and show Mister Lincoln cellphone video (I’m cheating by taking my phone) of the BET Awards.

The Infant Pheonomenon
The Infant Pheonomenon
Reply to  Alzaebo
15 days ago

“That speaks to such a depth of scientific capability I can scarce believe it.”

Moreover, they had a strong will. The will to DO and to conquer.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Alzaebo
15 days ago

1843: The oldest fax machine was invented by Alexander Bain which was tagged as the “Electric Printing Telegraph”. This progressed to be the world’s first fax machine. 1880: The scanning phototelegraphy was then invented by the English inventor Shelford Bidwell

The Infant Pheonomenon
The Infant Pheonomenon
Reply to  OrangeFrog
15 days ago

The correct answer is “mud huts.” And bones in their noses.

Reply to  The Infant Pheonomenon
15 days ago

This weekend I was enthralled by youtube clips from two ethnocentric sides; Debunking History is a stout Anglo nationalist, HomeTeamHistory is a well done, detailed, very reasonable African nationalist. I salute both for honoring their ancestors and defending their people. What black HomeTeam has done, inadvertantly, is illustrate one glaring fact: that even with a thousand years of Arab and Berber influence, Africa’s highest civilizations progressed to the early Bronze Age, and stayed there. Stacked stone (not mortared), mud walls, and slave economies was the very best they could do. (Even the Christian South, such as Axum [Ethiopia], were slave… Read more »

Last edited 15 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
15 days ago

Carts can be pulled by oxen.Metalled roads are useful for pedestrians, including Africans. Africa’s weather is not harsher than the climes of northern Europe.Flat plains do not discourage the spread of ideas or trade!

It’s all just excuses.

Reply to  trrevarnon
15 days ago

Misread, it was the lack of flat plains, and the tsetse fly making horses non-tenable. Are durable roads, rather than dirt roads, worth the effort when everybody is a pedestrian?

The wheel question came up; a few times heavy, blocky carts with solid wheels were used for some king’s fancy, but there was simply no desire to walk grain or heavy loads across long distances. In contrast, the Central/South American stonebuilder culture stretched from southern Mexico to Brazil across inhospitable terrain, with hundreds of miles of Roman-style stone roads.

Last edited 15 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  OrangeFrog
15 days ago

I found myself thinking along similar lines this weekend, prompted by some fiction with the usual “Whites stole the red/brown/black man’s lands!” lament. Aside from concluding “So what? Conquering others is what men do,” I then imagined a world where Whites did not explore past the European continent. But even without ships and explorers, Whites had astronomy and geography, going back to the Greeks and Romans. They had longitude and latitude and maps and measurements. What did the black Africans have? What did the Indios have (spare me the ‘glories’ of Macchu Picchu)? There is no alternative timeline without evidence… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
15 days ago


Good to hear from you. I pray all is well in your locale and with your family.

Yes, that lament is very, very common. It is worth noting that seeing that conquering people is what other people have done (and will continue to do), many places like Africa, India and Australia ought to count themselves lucky they fell under white dominion.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think it was great for them. But when you look at what the wise Red Man was doing to his enemy, one pauses for thought.

Muh’chu Picchu…

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  OrangeFrog
15 days ago

I don’t see any way they would have been better off if they had not been colonized by Brits, though. Not ideal but most African countries have gone downhill post-colonization. I say that as an anti-imperialist, too.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jackson Dobsen
15 days ago

About 25 years ago a poll was condected in Sierra Leone where something like 80% of Sierra Leonese said they would welcome the Limeys to come back and rule over them.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
14 days ago

I’ve had a number of African-Africans tell me that to my face.
“We wish the British would come back!”

Reply to  OrangeFrog
15 days ago

Orange Frog – Best to you and your (three?) children. I have been immensely blessed and love living in the middle of the forest, far from the madding crowd. I thank my husband often for his willingness to pull up stakes and change everything to get out of the city and suburbs.

Reply to  3g4me
15 days ago

A brother, who spent time with the Mayans- there are quite a few left, barefoot, living with their chickens, and literate, a kind of CentroAmerican Amish- the Mayans told him that since time immemorial, they have always known their ancestors didn’t build the great ruins in either in Central America or the Andean highlands.

Bearded Quetzalcoatl taught them the masoretic ways of stone and stars.
They remembered, and kept building, but the knowledge was brought to them by another people, a white people from across the sea, a truly ancient trail of red and blond heads that circumnavigates the globe.

Last edited 15 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  OrangeFrog
15 days ago

I was reading about the English inventor Thomas Newcomen, creator of the atmospheric engine.”

I’m certain there was some clever Black person behind the scenes from whom Newcomen stole “his” ideas. 🙁

Reply to  Compsci
15 days ago



I was looking at old engravings, sketches and photographs the other day. In many of the images, of North East England from the 1820s onwards, it actually looked like a lot of the folks in the background were black. Now, of course they were not, it was merely the quality of the photograph; but I quickly imagine Today’s Leftist making the case that:

Look! All of Northumberland’s miners were black!

But as we all know here, what we think of as extreme satire, Today’s Leftist sees as her reality.

God bless you and yours.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
15 days ago

Coal dust.

Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
15 days ago


My first thoughts too.

But the images ranged across a swathe of professions, with many women in them!

They were darkies! We must face it!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
15 days ago

Behind every great white man there is a sassy mammy in the kitchen with biscuit flour on her apron, bellowing and caterwauling and waving a rolling pin over her head…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
15 days ago

Like the old Tom and Jerry cartoons!

The Infant Pheonomenon
The Infant Pheonomenon
15 days ago

“They were doing much more than keeping the Kagan family in donuts.”

You mean bagels, of course.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  The Infant Pheonomenon
15 days ago

I popped into Duncanstein Donuts this morning for a nice piece of fish and a delicious knish…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
15 days ago

Whaaa, no cheese blintzes?!?

Carl B.
Carl B.
15 days ago

“The only hope you have is to accept the fact that you’re already dead. And the sooner you accept that, the sooner you’ll be able to function as a soldier is supposed to function.”

Trump came a millimeter from having his head blown off. He’s a changed man saved by Providence. You might say he’s on a mission from God. Such men change the world. For good and bad. Newton’s Third is inevitable.

Reply to  Carl B.
15 days ago

Secular commentary is going to have a hard time wrapping their head around “I’m on a mission from God and I’ll be meeting Him in less than 3 decades” effect.

15 days ago

In the mid-Sixties my brother and I gobbled down the Foundation Trilogy. The Mule was a telepath, like some of the nonverbal autistics. ‘When the president blames diversity for a plane crash, the world has truly changed’ The pilot’s identity remained mysterious ’til the news cycle struck low point, Saturday. Turned out to be (gasp, who could have predicted?) another empowered princess feted and promoted far beyond her capacities. Once again, playing gender-pretend resulted in the deaths of the innocent. This is what a feminist nation looks like. Her identity was squelched because the Future is Female has been the… Read more »

Last edited 15 days ago by ray
Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  ray
15 days ago

Just speculating, but it could have been her false confidence as empowered women are prone to have. Also, just speculating but based on more hard evidence, but BOM was right also about diversity being the cause due to the shortage of ATCs as a result of rejecting so many qualified white male applicants over the last few years.

Reply to  Tom K
15 days ago

If you use any differential “metrics’ in choice for the position in question *other than merit/qualification* you have contributed to mediocrity. The only difference is whether the “failure” you’ve increased the odds for might result in fatal consequences.

Reply to  Tom K
15 days ago

The only problem with Handmaid’s Tale: the Male Version, is that Princess wasn’t the pilot, or even the crew chief, unless I’m not up to the latest MSM revelation.

Not to blow my own horn, but as I said, the crew didn’t authorize their own flight, somebody put them in that situation. Somebody who knew their, um, deficiencies.

Last edited 15 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Tom K
15 days ago

It’s my understanding that thousands of competent apps from the Ebil Ebil White Males were rejected in favor of Princess and the Minorities.

Last edited 15 days ago by ray
Reply to  ray
15 days ago

The Future is male Females?
You’re right, that’s what they’re pushing.

Last edited 15 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  ray
15 days ago

She was probably also part of the American Jewish elite. Not just a feminist princess, but a Jewish one as well. If we wanted earth shaking, it would have been both feminism and the comfort level of American Jewry to grab on to whichever roles they feel entitled to.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Piffle
15 days ago

she wouldn’t be in the military if she was jewish. at least not the American military

Reply to  karl von hungus
15 days ago

yet there she was, jewish and in the military, just like Lieutenant Colonel Vindman.

Reply to  karl von hungus
14 days ago

Just to get you up to speed, yes, there are Jews in the military, almost all of them in officer corp. It’s not choice they make often, but they do make it occasionally and out of a desire for ambition and influence. Generally, you will almost never find them in the non-commissioned ranks. In place like DC, officer experience counts.

Last edited 14 days ago by Piffle
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Piffle
15 days ago

As far as I’m concerned, Jews are part of the diverse cohort. They dam’ sure ain’t white.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  ray
15 days ago

I see a few women at the gym hitting the heavy bag. Decent timing and technique. The hits make a solid sound.

But I wonder, based on F=MA, if the M of the striker is significantly less than the M of the target, can you really generate enough A to make up for it?

How would these 90 some odd pound ladies do against a 200 pound opponent that hits back?

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  c matt
15 days ago

if the M of the striker is significantly less than the M of the target, can you really generate enough A to make up for it?

No. Don’t even have to do the math. There’s not enough distance to create the acceleration necessary. Now with a sling armed with a rock at 50 feet, that’s a different story. Or a bullet at 5 feet.

Last edited 15 days ago by Tom K
karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  c matt
15 days ago

let me introduce you to the Paris olympics

Reply to  c matt
15 days ago

How would these 90 some odd pound ladies do against a 200 pound opponent that hits back?”

They wouldn’t. There are videos of female recruits at boot playing pugil sticks with male recruits. It’s not pretty. Nor from what I could see, were the males “taking prisoners”.

Reply to  c matt
15 days ago

Well, the 90 lb. empowered ones couldn’t whip a 90 lb. junior high boy. Because females aren’t supposed to be males.

Reply to  ray
15 days ago

Blasphemer!!! 😉

Reply to  c matt
15 days ago

The brother has taught karate with belts in all martial arts for near 50 years. They wouldn’t, pretty much.
Aikido, pain points, and kneecapping are a lady’s best friends.
But then, I’ve also met featherweight world champions under 5 feet tall.

At least the girls have a better chance, for sure. Especially against a 200 pound sheboon, where they’d really need it.

Last edited 15 days ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  ray
15 days ago


Last edited 15 days ago by Alzaebo
Karl Horst
Karl Horst
15 days ago

The left under Obama was never a threat to Eurocratic rule, and was why Europeans hailed him as one of the own. The well spoken, darker skinned resurrection of JKF – “Ich bin ein Berliner”!  Following in Obama’s footsteps, Biden brought woke-ism and corruption to even greater heights which was fuel to the liberal bonfire. A bonfire the left and Greens danced around with their pink hats on. Trump just is like a Mars water-bomber and not only doused the bonfire, but has scattered the left running in panic. Those on the right who have been trying to bring sense… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst
15 days ago

If Trump can cut the nutz off USAID, he might be able to castrate NATO and the evil regime in Brussels, as well. He likely won’t finish them off, but by gum, he can get the battle started. Free Europa!

Last edited 15 days ago by Alzaebo
Anne Arkie
Anne Arkie
15 days ago

Trump’s Great Leap Forward:
We can pick our own damn cotton. If Trump blocked off the borders on all 4 sides I would applaud. We have steel mills, lumber mills, cotton mills. We have oil fields, wheat fields, gold fields. We have cows, chickens, potatoes, corn and apples. We have factories and farms, tools and trades, skillsets and craftsmen. We have bootstraps and derring-do.

Reply to  Anne Arkie
15 days ago

Yes, and we also have billionaires. Many making their money off of the status quo. 🙂

15 days ago

So what you’re saying is we have just passed Peak Managerialism.
Mighty, majestic Managerialism had finally triumphed! The world was ours!
Fukuyama was at last correct, and our glorious reign was eternal…

And the last four years was the best the Brightest could do. Gadzooks, man.

15 days ago

A lot of this has been ideological blindness. If a mule cannot exist, why create countermeasures or even think about having them? The masters might be aware but the rank and file get utterly blindsided. The masters cannot get their toadies into that mindset without bursting the hyperreality bubble. if the system can be killed, then there are potential alternatives and you do NOT want people thinking that way. thus the system itself is self limiting. Trump is using that to his advantage by “just doing things”. Beyond going after the throat by going after the money, trump has revealed… Read more »

Last edited 15 days ago by HalfTrolling
Reply to  HalfTrolling
15 days ago

Agreed. But we need to remember they have teeth, claws – and, dare I say it – brains. Right now the bad guys have been caught by surprise. It is far too early to celebrate. Eventually they are going to recover from their shock, and they’ll begin to retaliate. I see at least one assassintion, possibly several coming. Maybe even a civil war? The cartels stand to lose hundreds of millions – billions – if the borders are secured. They will start fighting you in your own cities. Fire fights are starting to break out already on the border. What… Read more »

Reply to  Filthie
15 days ago

I’m more optimistic. The “intelligence” borg has been penetrated, and even the deepest of the deep state knows it is being watched. Sending out their groomed assets, as may have been the case with the first two assassination attempts, may no longer be safe. I was doubtful any lasting change could occur, because the next Dem president could simply hire back the same corrupt actors. But if Trump releases all the deep state secrets, it’s a pretty powerful deterrent for future Brennans/Comeys/Clappers. The military can handle the cartels, who have a lot of firepower but not much brains. I do… Read more »

Jackson Dobsen
Jackson Dobsen
Reply to  Filthie
15 days ago

I absolutely agree that the last thing either Canada or the United States need is to be integrated. But as for the rest of the items, I’m far more optimistic. The cartels sparking a border war could be positive and step up forced migration, for example.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Filthie
15 days ago

Executive action is my great fear.

You just know that Brennan, Bolton, and the rest of that crew are scouring their address books for real pros that have the, “PC Bro,” worldview.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Filthie
15 days ago

If RFKJ is confirmed, Big Pharma/Healthcare/Ag will be left with little other choice than assassination. They can’t coexist with him. Which is why I believe he won’t be confirmed.

15 days ago

It didn’t end well for The Mule.

The men backing Trump this time are deadly serious. The founders of the US were famously gambling their “lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.”

There’s no going back for any of them. They either win and win big, or they’re going to be utterly annihilated and they know it.

To paraphrase that great quote from The Hunt For Red October:

Captain Ramius: “You’re afraid of our deep state. Well, you should be. Personally, I’d give us one chance in three.

More tea anyone?”

Last edited 15 days ago by ProZNoV
Reply to  ProZNoV
15 days ago

“It didn’t end well for The Mule.”

A gentle reminder of how a gerontocracy can possibly work to an advantage under the right situations. How long is Trump going to live? God willing, he will exit office at 82. His youngest son he’s seen to now young adulthood.
Give him 20 years of doing anything, the ending is not pleasant by default. He has very little to lose in that sense. If he feels he’s a man doing God’s work who is less than 20 years from being called home, there’s very little that would constitute a “bad ending”.

Reply to  ProZNoV
15 days ago

Pumpkin Spice, please!

15 days ago

I think you mean bagels, not donuts.

Reply to  Ivan
15 days ago

And your challah! And havlah! Your gefilte fish! And your Mother’s schav! (Beet juice.)

And they wonder why Mexican food conquered the world instead.

I’ll tell you why! Antisemitism!

15 days ago

“Suddenly, their very existence is threatened due to the suspension of funds from the American government, but also by the revelations to come about what they do with that money.”

People will be mortified when they finally figure out that Uncle Sam was paying for all the rent-a-mobs and the subsequent riots occurring throughout the country.

Reply to  TempoNick
15 days ago

Uncle Sam was paying for all the rent-a-mobs all over the world. Ukraine is suffering the consequences of one of those mob operations right now.

Brandon Laskow
Brandon Laskow
Reply to  TempoNick
14 days ago

Uncle Sam = Our tax dollars.

Serious mortification.

15 days ago

An important corollary to this posting is that Luigi proved that the managerialists are mortal and not demigods. That is no trivial revelation.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  TomA
15 days ago

Sacco and Vanzetti all rolled into one.

15 days ago

Z-Man, you are indeed a prolific writer, philosopher, and observer of what is currently happening in our 21st-Century world.

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
15 days ago

“Progressivism evolved to give managerialism moral agency”. Simply brilliant observation.

This is why I come here.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
15 days ago

If you’ve read Zelazny’s “Creatures of Light and Darkness” (I know you’ve read his “Lord of Light”), Trump reminds me of the Steel General. Even if you dismember him piece by piece, his followers reassemble him over the centuries. He’s the very epitome of rebellion.

The Mule violated the laws of psychohistory and gave a new lease of life to the galactic empire. I hope Trump does no such thing.

Last edited 15 days ago by Arshad Ali