The most surprising and most consequential event of the President Trump sequel has been the USAID scandal. No one thought that part of his revenge tour would be a direct assault on one of the main centers of the foreign policy hive. Until now, few people had any knowledge of this entity. Now it is in the center of the news because Trump has shut it down and put Musk and his whiz kids to the task of auditing the organization while the staff paces outside in the streets.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) was sort of created by Congress in 1961 as a way to regulate foreign aid. Congress did not actually create an organization to do this. It directed the White House to create an organization, which is how the independent, not-for-profit entity called USAID came into existence and how it has operated ever since. It gets money through the State Department for its various programs, but it also raises money on its own.
To this point, there has been no oversight of USAID. It has been free, for example, to give money to George Soros organizations that do things like back candidates for state prosecutor in the United States. That seems like an odd use of foreign aid, but it really is the tip of the iceberg, which is why Trump is closing it down. That lack of oversight plus decades of existence created an organization that was operating like a government outside the government that financed it.
Of course, much of its activity was aimed at foreign governments. USAID backed the failed color revolution in Georgia last year. It was through the many local operations it supported that it was able to get people into the streets. The reason they did this is the Georgia parliament passed a law banning foreign money in politics. Georgia did not want to be the next Ukraine. The 2005 Orange revolution in Ukraine and the 2014 Maiden coup in 2014 were both underwritten by USAID.
It is why in the Biden years people started tracking the whereabouts of Samantha Power, the then head of USAID. Wherever she turned up, say Hungary before its elections, bad things happened for the local patriots. If you look up the career of Power, it reads like a road map to a position in permanent Washington, but also as a skeleton key for how the deep state operates. The people who actually run things jump from one node to another inside an informal network.
Powers was not running USAID in the Biden years because she brought an expertise in running a large enterprise. She got the gig because she was a trusted member of this informal group that runs foreign policy. She had been at the right stops at the right nodes and been vetted by the most trusted people in the system. She was plugged into the hive mind of this system. Its thoughts were her thoughts. Therefore, she would run this $50 billion dollar entity according to its wishes.
This is what the normies on Twitter fail to grasp. They think this about the money given to characters like Bill Kristol through one of his operations called Defending Democracy Together. Normie thinks in terms of money because he thinks in terms of the stuff he can buy with money. People like Bill Kristol think about the ways they can advance their people’s agenda with that money. As you would expect, the neocons are dug in like ticks in the network supported by USAID.
There is another aspect of the USAID scandal. One of the organizations it funds is called National Endowment for Democracy, which like USAID is an independent not-for-profit that was created by the National Security Decision Directive 77, signed by Ronald Reagan in 1981. The alleged purpose is to spread democracy, but in reality, it is just another wealthy node in the informal network of formal and informal nodes that make up the shadow government.
Half of the budget of NED is allocated to the American Center for International Labor Solidarity (AFL–CIO), the Center for International Private Enterprise (Chamber of Commerce), the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (Democratic Party), and the International Republican Institute (Republican Party). If you are curious as to why Joni Ernst tried to block Pete Hegseth’s nomination, check out the board of the International Republican Institute.
There you see how this thicket of not-for-profits and quasi-government institutions not only control foreign policy, but domestic policy. Hundreds of billions flow out of the Treasury through the budgets of the government agencies into this massive ecosystem that uses that money to control domestic politics. If you want to know why voting has had no bearing on public policy for decades, there is the answer. What matters to the politicians is this massive ecosystem, not your vote.
This is why the elected officials in Washington have been relatively quiet about what is happening not far from their offices. The party sent out some extras and understudies to perform in front of the USAID building, but otherwise they have remained quiet because they imagine Musk digging through the files, seeing things that they would prefer remain out of the public eye. USAID is just one problem. The DOGE team is analyzing every penny going out the door at Treasury right now.
It is also why the activists are going crazy over this. Most of them had no idea that their paycheck was coming from the government. They got grants and jobs at not-for-profits with important sounding names and “independent media outlets” run by people “passionate for the cause.” It turns out that most of it was underwritten by operations like USAID, which used government grants and corporate donations to control this vast ecosystem of radical activism.
When Trump halted all funding payments from USAID, for example, ninety percent of “independent media” in Ukraine had to close. Most of the pro-Ukraine accounts on Twitter suddenly fell silent. This is just one example, but it points to the enormity of the corruption centered in these quasi-government organizations. Much of what has been presented to the public as “democratic politics” has been theater staged by this swarm of not-for-profits and non-government-organizations.
One of the least surprising aspects of this is the realization that the people endlessly yelping about “our democracy” have been part of a system that works to prevent the will of the people. Similarly, it is no surprise that the lunatics screaming about fascism in the streets were underwritten by a network of organizations funding by the government and corporate donors. USAID was big into “gender” politics, for example. It was all a show, but also a massive fraud on the people.
Time will tell if DOGE is able to dismember this network. It appears to be a top priority for Trump, owing to the fact that it was this system that derailed his first term and nearly got him killed. At the same time, a lot of mortgage payments and ideological projects rely on that system. There will be a counterattack. The glimmer of hope here is that the oligarchs are backing the war on the blob. The blob controls billions, but the oligarchs control trillions and now they control the blob’s billions.
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The attacks on Trump and Musk may go down as the turning point. The oligarchs took notice that no one was safe. Zuckerberg talking about the security agencies telling him what to do also would be noted.
What’s the point of being an oligarch if you’re subordinate to Deep State. But this attack on the Deep State is no joke. The oligarchs are doing the equivalent of burning the ships. They have to win. If they don’t, Deep State will come for them.
That is the hope, that the oligarchs (well, the good ones anyway) will regain control and sanity to the GAE.
I am a little wary of private enterprises/individuals taking power away from government, though. This is a libertarian fantasy. If I have to choose sides, I choose Trump’s, but I don’t trust oligarchs either.
“I am a little wary of private enterprises/individuals taking power away from government . . ..”
To quote George Bernard Shaw: “What on earth do you expect me to say to that?”
You must be mad!
There’s every reason to believe the oligarchs will win. Deep State itself is a result of oligarch indifference to governance. It’s bit like telling their underlings to go out and play and then years later being unhappy with the results. It is interesting that it is happening now and apparently with quite a bit of oligarch support.
“It is interesting that it is happening now and apparently with quite a bit of oligarch support.” The oligarch support of which you speak is only tactical and temporary. They are *not* our friends; they merely find it temporarily expedient to appear to be good guys. It would take weeks to explain this; therefore I refer you to Jim’s blog, where the subject is treated at length (now and then) and with great credibility. They use an odd kind of argot there, which takes getting used to, and a good knowledge of the 1789 French Revolution is necessary, but all… Read more »
I never said they were our friends. I just am interested pleb who does not believe in “grass roots” revolutions when it comes to regime or social change.
It precisely the bloodbath that was the French Revolution that Exhibit A regarding the issue of entirely overthrowing lawful authority. It doesn’t work and never has.
A nice result of all this is that the Deep Staters are all repealing themselves by objecting. Sort of like the people in the demonstrations waving flags to tell you which country to send them back to.
The litmus test will be whether Trump pardons Edward
Snowden and drops all chargers against Julian Assange even Bradley Manning.
Thanks for that link. Jim is right. The no show jobs are the least of it. That slush fund is being used to dispossess those who paid for it. Will nukes fly when this reaches Harvard? I hadn’t really considered it, but maybe. Where will they be aimed? Alabama or Massachusetts? I don’t recall Jim previously discussing The Current Thing. Interesting.
Some oligarchs realized that oligarching in a first world country is much more fun than doing it in a third world toilet. A few of them noticed that they were funding efforts to make the USA into a third world toilet and thought it better to stop.
Would love to believe you are correct
the interim head of the DOJ is going after people doxxing and threatening the DOGE people. this is huge. all the “scorpions” that know only one thing are going to end up in a “bottle” (in El Salvador).
I wish Trump & Co. much success, but I have misgivings about incarcerating U.S. Citizens in foreign nations. Doesn’t seem possible that’d even be legal.
I am OK with executing them instead.
[ 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬]
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It’s important to distinguish between “U.S. citizens” and heritage Americans by birth. It’s also important to distinguish by race. Of course it will all be challenged, but I will give Trump et. al. full credit for creative thinking. I laughed in delight when I read about sending miscreants to El Salvador. I remember when the Salvadorans first invaded D.C. in the ’80s – and I want them all sent home, along with their anchor children and grandchildren. As far as ‘legal,’ I don’t give a damn. We ceased being ‘in rule of law’ decades ago.
Salvadoreans are returning to El Salvador in droves thanks to Bukele’s “anto-democratic, anti-human rights” (i.e. anti-criminal) policies, which are making the country safe.
True. Anecdotal as it is, I personally know of several cases (these are the few nons near us). It reveals the lie that they cannot be encouraged to remigrate.
There were 2.3 million Salvadorans in the US in 2020. The rest of them better hurry up, then,
There’s easy and hard, and the former is preferable. It also is doable to a degree before resort to the latter, which also will be necessary if people get serious.
This is interesting. There are a large number of Americans who move to South America. Not all are retirees with fat pensions and 401Ks. In fact the movers are low savings pensioners and even young people. Why are they moving there? Because it is very hard to live here if you don’t make or have much. I imagine that as the US standard of living declines, especially if the gibs run out or buy less and less, that more will move back. Will be interesting to see. All net negatives should have the money taken away. I would give a… Read more »
I’m pretty sure that a lot of Americans would be safer and more prosperous living in certain cities and towns in Latin America than in overpriced shitholes like LA, Portland, or of course, Baltimore or Detroit. The weather will almost certainly be better. The problem for most of us is lack of language skills and the fact that Latin countries can be very inconsistent. Parts of a country will be fantastic and very pleasant, while a few miles away, the narco gangs are putting heads on posts like a real-life Apocalypse Now.
“human rights” is such a flexible term isn’t it? Depending on context, it can mean cutting off little boys’ penises, throwing feces in the holy water at the local church, or straight up infanticide. Being anti-human rights can also mean trying to prevent these things or even just trying to stop having your taxes used to fund them. Or is that last one more in the “anti-democratic” category?
1865 to be precise.
I upvoted but the real date is 1861 and perhaps as early as the Whiskey Rebellion.
let me introduce you to guantanamo bay 🙂
Guantanamo: Where guano will be on the malefactors’ menu every evening.
That stuff (bat guano) is nasty. The guy who built our property put up a bat house on the front of the garage. Our neighbor kindly moved it for us (to the side of the pole barn) where we don’t have to worry about stepping in it or breathing it while trying to shovel it away. I’m glad bats eat bugs – but I still don’t want to deal with the bats.
They used to sell it and I used to buy it in garden shops when I lived in Austin. I just realized two reasons why I’m bat shit crazy
Yes. Living in Austin will do that to a man.
The Yankee Empire does not recognize what you rather quaintly refer to as “foreign nations.” That’s what “E pluribus unum” means: “We own everything everywhere.”
Well, except, of course, for the “homeland,” which obviously belongs to Paco, Running Deer, Muhammad, and Shaniqua. After all, they built the homeland, you know.
Don’t forget Schecky and Morty.
Agreed. Be very careful what you wish for. I can see this happening and then say six years, or so from now if the left is in charge, Heritage Americans being rounded up and sent to prison in say Turkey (We might be able to say we were in a Turkish prison.) or, China for speaking out about the genocide of their own people.
like they need a precedent
Right. One of the refreshing things about events of late is people have realized legal niceties are rather quaint and have been for some time, so screw them. All the disgusting talk of “new rules” was naive as hell. The squawking over dismantling USAID is in part driven by the realization it is being done Because It Can Be Done.
We can’t live our lives in fear of what the government might do next. Plus, our overlords obviously don’t care about precedents anyway.
There are constitutional challenges to putting US citizens in foreign prisons, but it’s a good scare tactic. I’d rather we build a prison run like El Salvador’s in Alaska or Greenland.
However, I would bet that plenty of Salvadoran gang members in the USA are searching for ways to remove their tattoos, or looking for someplace to live that isn’t El Salvador or America.
I’m trying not to get my hopes up about Bondi. I should know better. Hard to refrain in these times. Confirmation vote supposed to be tomorrow morning. If she hits the ground running as hard as the rest of the Trump admin has to date, then good lawd the fireworks. She’d be the stark exception if she doesn’t. Even Marco Rubio is surprising to the upside lately.
even if she turns out to be a dud, trump won’t hesitate to replace her this term. rubio is already far surpassing my expectations. i suspect his heritage and fluency in spanish carry a lot of weight down south.
The problem with Bondi is that she’s a Zionist shill like everyone else in the administration.
Sure. Like Trump himself. But that doesn’t seem to be slowing down the purge of the baizuo. I guess the “left’s” response to 10/7 pissed off the zionists more than anybody could have guessed.
She a Jamie Gorelick on the Republican side, a hatchetwoman, and will do what she’s paid to do.
This. Don’t let monomania get the best of you. So long as she goes after the ones that Trump tells her to, the illegals, those who enable them, the scum that Elon’s Kids ferret out, etc., I could not care less her personal opinions. On anything.
Salvador is too good for them. It has been cleaned up, and it has a good climate, safe from the dreaded polar vortex.
Ship the SOBs to Greenland.
Do you want to go back to where I found you? Unemployed, in Greeeeeeenland?
I hope Trump acknowledges it was my idea first.
” . .a lot of mortgage payments and ideological projects rely on that system.” ZMan is right about the contempt of the Cloud People for Dirt People. and the Blob is definitely Cloud People. A family member by marriage very recently retired from the State Department and moved over to one of the think tanks in Washington.. He’s high enough in the Blob that I am sure his kids, my grandnephew and grandniece, will continue to have a roof over their head in Silver Spring. Trust me that they do not give a shit about their lesser relatives in flyover… Read more »
“He’s high enough in the Blob that I am sure his kids, my grandnephew and grandniece, will continue to have a roof over their head in Silver Spring.”
I’m not so sure. If the grift spigot is turned off, where will this money come from? If there’s any justice in this world, the whole lot of them will have to get real jobs.
I have similar contacts.
id live to see them all default on their mortgages, and have to cut back on all of those $7 lattes, and the weekend “travel soccer” teams, and on and on and on.
If there’s any justice, a whole lot of them will be getting their meals at a public soup kitchen. And then Trump will shut down the soup kitchen.
Constructive labor, as required by God, is missing their entire lives. Thus they appreciate nothing and nobody. Put them to work picking lettuce and beans, perhaps the odd tater . . . dirt under the fingernails.
They live on-site, nights spent communally in a tin Longhouse. As is appropriate.
Ah. Labor camps with no Solzhenitsyn and no Mandelshtam. Cracking good idea, wot.
No, I mean on farms. Agriculture. No need building anything. And no need, nor reason, to hire illegals.
I hear the uranium mines are starting up again, we have lithium mines opening, forest husbandry is in dire need of laborers…
If it worked in Siberia 100 years ago, it can work here!
You don’t have to sell me, Alzaebo. I’m already on board!
I’m sure the USA could do with some more canals being dug to link up river systems. Whether or not they’re needed.
Au contraire… Every tenth bunk occupied by a Mandelstam and compulsory study / struggle sessions with textbook being (of course) Solzhenitsyn’s Final Opus.
Cossack drinking songs over the PA before lights out. Likewise massed hoofbeats at reveille.
And strictly retail terms at the camp store.
Zaphodschina FTW.
You’ll know if Trump’s attacks on the Blob are effective if the MD/DC/VA metropolitan blob starts to bleed population with falling rents and house prices.
Yep. Washington, and I do not exaggerate, has not seen a recession since 1932.
Right. Isn’t “think tank” just another word for elements of the Blob that ZMan is talking about?
If there’s any justice, the whole lot of them will face the wall…
Lucidly presented. Samantha emPower is New Amerika in one big greasy sack of Rong. D.C. is infested with these powerjunkies. B.A. Yale, J.D. Harvard. All the right Indoctrination Universities, to tell her for a decade how brilliant and fabulous she really really is. Entitled fembot lawyer, zealot in pantsuits, priestess of their Saturnian Age. ‘As United Nations ambassador, Power’s office focused on such issues as United Nations reform, women’s rights and LGBT rights.’ [wikipedia] Down the ages, always the same coalition: the wimmins and homos, plus the psychos and weak men. On back to Jezebel and long before. The Father-Son folks… Read more »
It was just a little suspicious when this relative unknown’s first book, about “responsibility to protect,” was not only an instant award winning bestseller endorsed and promoted by all the right people, but also used as a basis for public policy. Kind of like she didn’t really write it? Or maybe she did, but she was told what to write it about?
She is the wife of Cass Sustein and one of those responsible for the unfolding migration insanity in her native Ireland. Truly vile.
Early in the Obama years she turned up on Irish TV, talking mainly about the evils of W Bush. Of course then saint Barry started bombing Syria and funding ISIS. She’s full of it, they all are
(((Cass Sunstein)))
Fixed it for ya.
Hey hey! Cool it with the anti-Sem, antifa, antagonize… All men are created equal and… You know the thing man! Come on Jack! 😎
Lookit Sunstein’s photos. A dweeblet. Fell straight off the cluck-a-cuck tree. It’s like a Manny Macron(e) wedding, where the dood marries somebody’s granny and everybody drinks enough to pretend it’s great.
I correspond with John Waters, the inimitable Irish writer, not given to ‘immigrant’ invasions and fem-style totalitarianism. He and some others are on the Isle, resisting Samantha and her comrades.
I know a number of people in Hells Kitchen who would love to have a private chat with her.
She didn’t write a dam’ thing. All these right-thinking “best-sellers” are written as Leftist playbooks by people inside the Blob Z describes, and then are published, promoted and praised by the propaganda wing (media, academia, publishing houses) of the Power Structure. The Blob’s tentacles are manifold and incredibly long. Z’s article touches on one small, abeit extremely important part of that Blob.
Most modern publishing is money laundering. It’s a way to recognize someone before or after their work for Deep State with vacations and advances on books nobody ever reads.
Right you are. And anyway, they don’t really “write” that drivel. To paraphrase Churchill: It’s not writing; it’s just typing.
She should be supervising her grandchildren, not the policies of a serious nation. Which America isn’t, she’s a proof.
And word to a certain Tradissident subset–Samantha Power is a Catholic Mick, not a Finkel, even though she’s married to Cass Sunstein.
But is she even as catholic as Joe Biden?
The Pope isn’t even catholic anymore.
The Pope is Catholic. English speakers in a Protestant/Jew soaked media are not in a good position to judge. Politics has become our religion and that includes the right wingers too.
Bergoglio a Catholic? We are not competent to judge?
Ever heard of Archbishop Vigano?
Yes, I have. Archbishop Vigano has lately ex-communicated himself for being in open rebellion to the Pope. Every Protestant culture’s favorite “Catholic” is one that is in open rebellion against the visible head of the church. “Bergoglio” itself is an English speaking slur, used in way teens in rebellion call their father by their names. To be clear, a media that everyone believes is lieing when their lips are moving seems to be all in for believing it when it comes to the Pope. Pick one: a) The media lies about everything or b)the media is correct about Pope Francis.… Read more »
The current occupier of the seat of St. Peter is NOT Catholic, and furthermore, refuses to engage in “Sylvain Defecation” (Ursuline or otherwise), as would be apropos.
Because you’ve heard some bad thing about him through a Protestant/Jewish influenced media?? Everyone apparently is able to soul read Pope Francis because they saw a few headlines go by. God willing, I’ll be forgiven for assuming that maybe the Pope is Catholic and that the media lies about him.
Bergoglio is a Jesuit.
I know the Jesuits: I am loathe to criticize, as I owe them a great deal. (We ALL owe them a great deal, ackshul…).
But, again: he IS a (lib-theo era) Jesuit, and no more needs to be said.
When he was elected many of his fellow Jesuits were concerned because he was known to be very conservative on the faith. There’s no magic soil in Argentina either. He fought communists. Indeed, it’s been 10 years and nothing real has changed in the faith or the Catholic Church, except apparently the ability of people with internet connections to mind/soul read.
Well, let’s just say she “identifies” as Catholic. But the main point is she’s not a Finkel.
As a practicing Catholic, theoretically Catholicism should counter the Finkel effect in ideally a balanced way. In real world practice, there appears to be a version of Catholicism that is highly Finkel friendly. (See: Matt Walsh). There is also the version that is highly unFinkel friendly as seen in EM Jones.
Neither was Stalin, he was only married to two of them.
“Identifies” is the correct way to put it. A true Catholic would never marry a non-Christian.
As named above: a Jezebel witch priestess, no more Catholic than the large obamma I flushed down to the septic tank this am.
I don’t understand why this got downvoted. The enemies of our people don’t all stay home on Saturdays.
It got downvoted because it gored the ox of a certain group of obsessives.
The Finkels are always a tiny % of any population except New York City and Tel Aviv. It takes a lot of traitors to give them influence.
So you’re on board with Nostra Aetate. Talk about traitors.
Mycale, Ireland now celebrates hijab day on Feb. 1.
I doubt Jews forced them into this holiday.
The thought of Muslims in Ireland is pretty funny when you think about it. The Micks must have been extra special drunk when they voted to create Hijab Day.
The Irish aren’t as hostile to the Muslims as an American would think. If anything, Irish Catholics are going to be more hostile to the squatters.
I am sorry, sister, but our Master Race is entirely responsible for hijabs in Ireland. Ireland has its own subset of Barbara Spectres who created the whole damned program and run it today.
Just because the owner hires management and staff doesn’t mean the owner is released of liability. This is war by another means.
Eastern Orthodox Sabbath is technically also on Saturday.
Oh come on, Ostei! Whom one marries matters. All her in-laws are chosen. Her kids are half. Most of their school friends and neighbors are. I know you are not so naive as to think it doesn’t matter. Of course there are traitorous Whites – but the lesson of Eve tempting Adam is a damned important one.
Bottom line, she’s no Jewess. She didn’t even convert upon marrying Sunstein. This also matters. She’s a race traitor. Her husband is a Finkel. The two are not the same.
Thankl you Ostei. I thank you every time you use last name Finkel. It is a last name of my favorite Russian speaking Rabbi Mihail Finkel.
I learned from him (among other things) that all antisesemites come from monotheistic religions: Christianity and Islam. Both being derivatives of Judaism.
There are no antisemites in Hindu India, none in Mongolia, Tibet and so on.
It’s like teenagers rebelling against the parent.
That’s hilarious, because modern Judaism is a derivative of Christianity, as is Islam. Both modern Judaism and Islam are newer than Christianity.
And the Asians are generally far more willing to call a spade a spade precisely because they have not yet been shaped by Christianity.
I know the Masters want to blame Nestorian Orthodox, but Islam’s roots originated with a Judaic sect in 159 BC; they rebelled against the High Priest when he had their leader murdered in a very public and graphic way.
Later on, they accepted Jesus as a prophet, and went on from there, eventually to forcibly convert other Arab tribes away from Jesus as a Roman divinity.
Mohammed’s first wife converted him, he’s more a St. Paul figure who found Allah instead.
Islam is a twist of Christianity as you suggest at the very end with St. Paul. The Quran talks about Jesus and Miriam (Mary) a great deal. It gets it’s militancy and insistence on universal brotherhood from Christianity. Simply having Jesus there at all suggests it’s a Christian heresy (most Muslims have many theories on Jesus). By timelines both modern Judaism and Islam appear after 33AD. Both also represent specific rejections of Christian dogma. The similarities between modern Judaism and Islam can be explained by similar rejections of Jesus as God while attempting to base belief in the OT Scriptures.
You are most welcome, Ms. Finkelbaum.
I rather like it when Ms. Finkelbaum posts, I like her brass.
Nobody cares what God you pray to. It’s your aggressive nature and the devious manner in which you subvert your host cultures that gets under people’s skin the longer they have to live around you guys.
Like I always say 1% of the population hoovering up as much wealth as you all have hoovered up? All through honesty and hard work, am I right? Yeah, right.
I personally have no problem with you people. I’m just telling you what I think is going on.
Wait until you meet some Japanese philosemites 😀
Google up the Fugu Plan and enjoy.
The two aren’t the same Ostei, but they rhyme. Just when you think there are exceptions, there’s still a connection. Again, it’s Every Single Time.
If you’re high up in AINO’s power structure, you will be connected with the Finkels, regardless of your politics/ideology. It’s unavoidable.
One of the biggest hurdles for me in getting to this side of The Great Divide was coming to understand the enormity and viciousness of the Blob. Back then, it was taking great pains to fly under the radar and use stealth tactics. The give-away for me was stumbling across this blog and learning how to actually do effective fact checks. I do the face/palm thing even now about my naivety. This is a huge tell when trying to suss out the blob and its creatures. When I see super-people…the guys that made all the right career moves, that supposedly… Read more »
“The Father-Son folks vs. the Mother-Goddess coalition” That’s really the essence of what this is. A lot of the outrage the USAID initiative has been generating is the shrieking of millions of upper middle class wammen with no real skills realizing, in most cases rather suddenly, that their whole lifestyle has been underwritten by USAID and other NGO tentacles of the blob. As Zman puts it “Most of them had no idea that their paycheck was coming from the government” and “a lot of mortgage payments … rely on that system”. This is something I noticed long ago about this… Read more »
‘A lot of the outrage the USAID initiative has been generating is the shrieking of millions of upper middle class wammen with no real skills’
Yoop. The very ones who backed J6, for instance, to the hilt. The ones making 3 p.m. hair salon appointments while driving the nationmobile offa the cliff.
The ‘Ladies Gardening Club’ where all 52 cards are the queen of spades.
Ah! and Here’s Samantha now, looking absolutely FETCHING in her print gown brocaded with . . . .
Nailed it bro. Massively underrated comment. I posted earlier this week that being very adjacent to the Swamp I know 4 of these super lefty whamen personally and dozens adjacently.
The existential dread they are having is lulzy beyond my wildest dreams. Imagine floating along through life feet never touching the earth in your ruby slippers and the here comes Orange Hitler to give you a pair of dusty old shoes and planting your ass squarely on terra firma. It’s glorious and LONG overdue.
I always thought that “R2P” shit she was pushing 20 years ago was just plain trite and stupid. I was reading guys like Mearsheimer in grad school in the 1990s, and a few years later along comes Power with this nonsense, and I was like “WTF is this crap?” I couldn’t understand how anyone could possibly take it seriously.
Samantha Power is married to (((Cass Sunstein))).
Her wikipedia entry literally looks like the frigging (((Upper East Side))) telephone book.
I think i saw James Kirkpatrick post on X that one of the young white boy computer nerds assigned to digging out corruption and causing much pearl clutching in DC goes by the name ” Big Balls” i find all this hillarious and fun to watch.
The other kid (Luke Farritor – the one who used AI to transcribe that Greek scroll) is a recent graduate of The University of Nebraska – Lincoln . UNL is my alma mater so I have no problem saying it’s just a run-of-the-mill state university, not even a particularly high ranking one like Illinois or Michigan. I don’t know his full story, but it seems likely he was boxed out from the elite institutions because he’s a White male. This is such a good example to demonstrate the type of exceptional human capital that’s sitting idle in the heartland of… Read more »
A vast untapped resource. But they ain’t gonna work for America’s Girlbosses, and that’s the catch.
Samantha Power is Inner Party through and through. If Trump+Musk succeed — and I pray they do — they will have dismembered a key instrument of the power of Oceania. USAID — Orwell couldn’t have named it better — is a key instrument of imperial control internationally and domestically. Normie thinks “all those furriners are gettin’ all that free money.”
Since Trump won, the normie leftists in my life have been talking about “Plutocracy” and from scanning the headlines recently, this seems to be the DNC’s tact going forward. They will say that we are being ruled by unelected officials….as opposed to unelected blobby organizations.
Lefty knee-jerk reactions again. They can not conceive of anyone taking action for the good of the country. They ascribe all manner of evil intentions, while studiously ignoring the demonstrable actions of their pets and minders.
“They can not conceive of anyone taking action for the good of the country.”
That’s what I noticed about communists, our modern secular version of religious conquest. They try to absorb all of the nation, all of the culture and turn it towards perpetuation of, and power for, their cult.
They really are the Blob.
That is standard Leftist projection. They are as pure as Jesus and Frodo.
Everything not done by the Left is literally Hitler.
ALWAYS Hitler! Never Mussolini, never Franco, NEVER Peron. You’d think they might occasionally use a different analogy, if only for variety’s sake.
Remember – these are NOT imaginative people, and lack a sense of humor.
How true!
“Literally Hitler” made me laff. They do love that label, don’t they! It’s literally revealing.
This seems like more evidence that the regime just doesn’t get why people don’t like them. They said all this stuff for 10 years! Kamala’s final pitch to voters was that voting for OMB was a vote for plutocracy/oligarchy. Her final pitch was that her and Liz Cheney were pure democracy. Nobody wants to hear it anymore. Nobody cares. People want, to use an old term, the swamp to be drained. Elon is out there on X telling everyone what the swamp really is and what they are doing to drain it. This is what people voted for. Nobody is… Read more »
What smacks my gob is the sheer amount of our money and capital these cesspits have stolen to do nothing of value. We are being drained dry like dinner guests for vampires.
Just look at the useless Forever Wars in the Middle East.
Millions of lives lost, tens of trillions of dollars wasted, for what?
“Lost” is doing a lot of work there, Geese. Most of it was stolen.
Yes. I am often surprised the economy hasn’t just ground to a halt from all this deadweight we are dragging.
I consider it anti-God and anti-country and would not stop with firings.
Treat it under RICO because it assuredly is a conspiracy.
apologies, but “taxpayer money” is another normie take on this system of debt issued to create the illusion ‘money’- they could take it all – all of everything out here- and it would not pay the interest on the debt they have created with the derivatives of the derivations on this monstrous financial pyramid ‘thing’ which will soon collapse upon all our heads. and trump gets the blame. as planned.
Well said and all that, but I don’t think *most* people are concerned about the Swamp or with good government or anything like that. What *most* people are concerned with is the prices at the grocery store and whether they can afford a ton of junk food for their friends when they host a Super Bowl party so that everybody can spend entire weekends in front of the boob tube watching some Negroes play with a ball.
Well, the large majority those plutocrats were Leftists in fine standing until Oct. 7 and the lumpenleftists didn’t seem to have a problem with that then.
No doubt they say this with absolutely no sense of irony.
It’s like Trump just broke in and emptied out the Mafia’s secret bank vault.
He did…1.2 Billion for “recipients not disclosed”…hundreds of millions for anti-American political causes…Many billions to NGOs bringing in illegals and coaching and funding them…Billions to defeat Bolsonaro in Brazil….Large amounts to terrorist organizations and known frauds…
Yes b-b-b-but whattabout Meals on Wheels!!
Well, I hope that at least he’s making a list and checking it twice. He ought to find the names of Bitch McConnell and Twit Romney on there more than a few times.
Well, I hope that at least he’s making a list and checking it twice. He ought to find the names of Bitch McConnell and Twit Romney on there more than a few times.
Powers is an execrable person married to an even worse one: Cass Sustein. Together, they have destroyed lives throughout Europe and North America. If you follow the migration madness in Ireland, take note that she was one of the Dublin Cloud-adjacent folks who orchestrated the dispossession of their own people. Her grotesque visage betrays the evil that dwells within her. I truly hope she dies in prison.
That outcome would do me a Power o’ good…
LOL! Well done!
Honestly, I knew what was happening, I just thought the money was coming from the CIA and not from USAID. I thought USAID money was used for funding militants, campaign kickbacks, rent a mobs and stuff like that.
One wonders how many Republicans have been recipients of USAID money. I’ve heard things about the Sodomite of South Carolina. Who is all of a sudden backing Gabbard, RFKJ, and Patel, all three. Funny. While the purist in me would prefer “justice,” if this is how Trump has to get his nominees through, so be it. Which underscores the games within the games that have to be going on here.
You can’t discount the possibility of violence when this many rice bowls are getting smashed.
” this many rice bowls are getting smashed.” Exactly.. It’s like all the manufacturing plants in a small town or city being shut down and their production moved overseas, but this time its happening to them and done by contemptible lesser people. “This is not supposed to happen to US!” I really want the whole thing to collapse to the point where they will be happy to have a job digging a canal by hand for the new Civilian Conservation Corps and no one with a BA or higher can be a supervisor or work inside. Let them line up at… Read more »
Gays have a propensity for theft and larceny. Graham is no exception.
The derisive British euphemism “arse bandit” comes to mind 😀
“Turdburglar” is the Americanism. Straight to the point.
I don’t know if homos are more criminal than other men (sex crimes aside), but I know they can’t resist bragging about it. Child porn makers (almost all gay) get caught sharing it, most of O’Keefe’s “stings” are fags being smug on dates, etc.
This, not the threat of blackmail, is why they were banned from secret work. They so want to be scandalous and gossiped about, they do it themselves.
Uphill Gardener.
Remember, we’re dealing with the Uniparty here, not Dems and Reps. Every Rep who toed the anti-white line, got a nice helping of fluffy white rice in his bowl. You can make bank on that.
The massive ecosystem of interlocking directorateships and boards of NGOs, “nonprofits”, “foundations” and “charities” is the “elite” strata of government welfare recipients. (Plus their corporate “partner” sponsorships, I almost forgot.) John Kerry probably best exemplifies this specimen of welfare gadfly, plus his posse of girl boss toadies like Samantha and their “R2P” gig. Obama further widened this ecosystem by requiring they open their ranks to a DIE strata that his initiatives and made permanent through law. Now all such state-level organizations reflect these changes. (Think of it as targeted reparations.) As it turns out, this “elite” welfare recipients plus the… Read more »
Anon, excellent points. Trump/Musk attacking the Blob where it hurts the most (their income stream) is a stroke of genius on many points, not the least of which is that the Dirt People know enough of the corrupt system to loathe them and have little if any sympathy. Yes, it’s inevitable that some ”good” nonprofits are going to take a hit, but Joe Average isn’t going to shed a tear that the local Tranny Readings to Children at the local public library has been curtailed due to budget cuts. It’s a fair generalization that substantially the entire Federal “work” force… Read more »
Watermelons, .04 /lb.!
(Let loose the CO2, McQueen…!)
With watermelons that low, you just know there must have been a pack of coons prowling around, just outside the frame.
Prolly not. That’s back when you had to work to have money.
It’s long past time to do some zero-based budgeting on the entire system and make each of these nonprofits justify their claim on government support — which should be subject to periodic review and auditing by DOGE or something like it.
Exactly so. This is a slush fund. And much of the transport and feeding of aliens brought to these shores to rape and murder our children is done by cut-outs paid from it. Even election fortification flows from the slush fund via NGO’s to “promote democracy.” This is the beating financial heart of the corruption and evil that emanates from D.C. Soros and Co. always get a return on their investments, political or otherwise, and when this spigot gets cut off they close their wallets. As I replied below to Z, this has been known a long time. Between Trump’s… Read more »
I already set a mental timer waiting for the first news about McConnell’s connections to all this
I’ve got a mental timer pegged to when that dirty dog is in his grave.
I’ll set my alarm to the day he’s judged.
I have a notion that he is on team Trump by extension. I could be wrong, but Betsy DeVos and Mitch’s wife stomped out of there in unison on January 6th. Betsy’s work is going to end up with the Department of Education getting shut down, hopefully. I’m hoping the McConnells are also doing the right thing, by extension.
I know somebody who knows Mitch casually. He says Mitch is a stuffed shirt, but he’s not a bad guy.
Let’s see what happens.
All depends on how you define ‘bad guy’.
This is called “going for the jugular” and it proves Trump is serious about draining the swamp. Audit equals exposure equals outrage, and sunlight on the Ukraine money laundering pipeline will also explode onto the public stage soon. DoJ needs to step in and make examples of a few of these players or vigilantism will emerge in its place. And if the pedophile epidemic gets revealed, it’s Katy bar the door time. This could be the year when the gloves come off.
It’s hard to blackpill about this stuff. It may not all lead to utopia, but it’s damn sure leading somewhere.
“we’re off to see the wizard! the wonderful wizard of oz!”
I will not ever complain about what is happening. It starts with a government that doesn’t hate you (normal White people). However terrible he can make things for these people I want the maximum. Take that how you wish. “Permanent removal” would be my preference, but hell on earth will do I suppose.
To this point, there has been no oversight of USAID. It has been free, for example, to give money to George Soros organizations that do things like back candidates for state prosecutor in the United States. Wait until Americans learn they have paid for their own dispossession and for their children to be raped and murdered by Pakis and Haitians and others brought to their shores by USAID cutouts. Thus far, the Trump team has let the threatened leftist shrieks and howls go unanswered, but there likely will be an accounting of the full scale of evil USAID has funded… Read more »
Constance Berry Newman wins the Lifetime Physiognomy Award. My God!! The system is hopelessly corrupt. I am rooting for Trump and his team to succeed. I pray for their lives and that of their families. This is crossing the Rubicon. Every person who is doing this cannot go back. Neither can America. The war between the elites has come to a boil. Like the campus Palestine protesters, the small fries in this network are going to learn some hard lessons. Is there some point of negotiation or means of de-escalation? I suspect Butler was The Regime crossing the Rubicon and… Read more »
Norm eisen says he is working with judges on a counter attack. They will win at the state level like they just did with Washington state. Trump will be bogged down with lawfare. As Z notes, Trump is out for revenge so this time he and his team seem ready to fight back. After all, if Trump doesn’t win his fight with the blob and Vance doesn’t become president in 2028, Trump must surely understand he will spend his final years fighting court cases then ultimately going to jail. Should be very interesting. I think the RFK Jr confirmation will… Read more »
the thing is, all of these trouble makers are dirty – and so are their families. and trump/musk have all the receipts
karl: That’s the big win – having all the databases and emails and locking it all down while they comb through it. The leftists will not take this lying down – but now Trump and Musk have documented evidence on all of them, and all their taxpayer-funded millions. Up til now I’ve thought those predicting more assassination attempts were exaggerating – but I would bet quite a few of those whose ox is being gored would pay quite a bit to get rid of Trump, Musk, and all the young guys going through the records.
Here you go. It has been voiced,
State judges don’t have jurisdiction to do anything about the running of the Federal government…They’ll be arrested if they try…USAID was created by E.O. so it can certainly be destroyed by same, and the Supremes won’t have a problem with that…Trump says he’ll go to war over Tulsi and RFK, and he can recess appoint them if Mike Johnson cooperates, which he will….All hell is likely to break out in 2028, but Trump is winning right now…..
“Trump will be bogged down with lawfare.“
Doubtful. Even NYT is recognizing that Trump’s strategy is “flood the zone”. There are not enough corrupt lawyers and judges in the world to keep up with LLMs churning out EOs.
Most of them had no idea that their paycheck was coming from the government. I’m kind of surprised this isn’t more well-known. My rural Appalachian county is stuffed to the gills with what I call “grant farmers.” Main street in the county seat is wall-to-wall NGOs that get all their funding from government sources and there are all sorts of “Appalachian development” scams where somebody throws up a sign in an old store front and calls it “an art collective for disabled and marginalized Appalachian residents” and spends the next several years living off the grant money as long as… Read more »
I’ve been saying that about 1/3 of AINO’s economy is fake. I’m sticking with that guesstimate. But I could have underestimated how much of that 1/3 was funded in this manner. People paid with made up money to do nothing of any value. It begs the question of why they are required to do anything at all in exchange for it. I guess appearances must be kept up, since if they were openly paid for doing nothing, it would call into question why anyone should work at all. That’s probably the fundamental flaw in UBI.
“I’ve been saying that about 1/3 of AINO’s economy is fake.“
I’d say that’s a very conservative estimate. Like someone pointed out several days ago, America’s economy is largely everyone washing someone else’s laundry. I don’t know that it would quite hit 2/3, but it’s got to be 50%.
The really terrifying thing about our “economy” is that it’s probably almost all about as well supported as Wile E. Coyote after he runs off a cliff chasing the Roadrunner. We know we shouldn’t look down, but eventually we’ll have to.
I love ya man, but you are WAY TOO HONEST. Git you some of that sweet, sweet guv’ment cash while you can. There’s gotta be SOMETHING you can run as a fake for your grift.
I’m counting on my herd of gender queer cattle to really rake it in.
Love it.
People don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan, and you’ve got a can’t miss plan!
Vizzini should paint them all the colors of the rainbow and say, “See! We’re integrating!”
Hopefully your rainbow herd will qualify for a waiver when they get around to taxing cow farts like they’re talking about doing out here in WA state.
I had not previously considered my steers were transitioning. I have never felt guilt wielding the bands but there is an explanation for anyone who objects. Thank you.
Should be worth a few million to run methane fart abatement experiments on them.
Heard a female killer say to the authorities recently: ‘Hey, we’re all healing here, ok?’ :O)
For a while my Substack feed kept pushing some e-thot posting about how easy and lucrative it was for her to get into ‘farming’ with all the available support programs.
She didn’t give the impression that she did much manual labour.
I know probably nobody will ever read this, but I have this beautiful follow-up. I just got an email:
Praise Trump!
USAID’s job was regime change and appointing puppet satraps. It’s origins came from 1948 Congressional action that determined the way forward was to place governments supportive of US-based “Democracy”; the first election we rigged was the first democratic regime in Italy following Mussolini’s end.
The stated reason was to prevent Communism from gaining control. This, after we had just fought a world war against nationalists, who had risen to power to keep Communists from gaining control.
More about control than ideology. Who/whom, not what
This USAID thing is beyond huge. It’s JFK-level huge.
Thanks a million Zman for bringing it up.
Next: Trump and Luttnick are planning our first sovereign wealth fund, ever.
Luttnick has bragged openly about how he wants to skim 1% of our national natural asset base, valued at $500 trillion.
It’s that base they’re trying to consolidate into “natural asset companies” traded on a “carbon-based exchange” that is the driver behind conversion to digital currency.
Like Blackrock, they need control only 5% of each piece to control all the pieces.
The stability of Rollerball’s “Seven Corporations run the world.”
(((Luttnick))). Good God make it stop.
“One of the organizations it funds is called National Endowment for Democracy, which like USAID is an independent not-for-profit that was created by the National Security Decision Directive 77, signed by Ronald Reagan in 1981.” What the so-called “conservatives” of the past century failed to understand is that almost all of them (with rare exceptions like Bob Taft, Lindbergh, and Coolidge) were actually Wilsonian meddlers, sticking Uncle Sam’s nose into places around the world where it has absolutely no business, under the guise of the “democracy” bullshit. And in instances where “the people” voted for the wrong guy in a… Read more »
Woodrow Effin’ Wilson, due for a recalibration in public awareness. He was blackmailed and then rolled over to burden the USA with disastrous economic and judicial policies. Those got followed by war. What a legacy. Barf.
Absolutely correct. However–although I retroactively oppose it–one could sort of understand why America meddled so much during the Cold War. After all, there really was a concentrated enemy out there that posed something of a threat to America. Now, with the Blackberry Fruitcake Empire’s hegemony secured and no genuine enemy on the horizon, there can be no justification whatsoever for its geopolitical subterfuge and subversion. The BFE’s leaders are greedy, anti-white, imperialistic zealots. Nothing more, nothing less.
Yes. Well, “The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions” as my pappy used to say.
Besides, the Cold War was a conflict with our allies from 1941-45, and five years later we were threatening each other with nuclear Armageddon, so what does that tell you? Once we abandoned the Monroe Doctrine and became a global imperial power, we became just as corrupt as every other empire, and raison d’etat replaced republican nationalism and constitutionalism.
What that tells me is that our WWII alliance with the USSR was an alliance of convenience, which could conveniently be dispensed with once the Nazis were vanquished. It’s not as if the US and USSR were boon companions, 1941-45.
As for the postwar empire, I did state my opposition to imperialism. My point was simply that there were two global empires after WWII and it’s understandable why the US was such a global quidnunc in attempting to defeat the opposing empire.
Yes, this is why all the “systems” theorists in international relations theory held that structure was more important than ideology. Once you become an empire it’s all an “alliance of convenience,” it’s all Machiavellianism.
That’s my point. All the talk about promoting “democracy” has been bullshit from the very beginning.
Sure, it was mostly realpolitik. However, there must be distinguishing features between competing empires. There must be an us/them dichotomy. In the Cold War it was so-called “liberal democracy” versus global communism. And, in point of fact, there really was a rather stark difference between life in Semipalatinsk and St. Looie in 1962.
And there is today: the Gopniks don’t let their asses hang out the back of their Adidas track pants.
OR what it tells you is, to quote Gen Patton, “I’m starting to think we may have fought the wrong enemy.”
The woke ideology of the Blackberry Fruitcake Empire is also something like a mirror image of Bolshevism but with all the concepts not so much inverted as marinated in LSD and of course, estrogen.
True. The cultural programing of BFE Leftists and the early Bolsheviki is remarkably similar.
It’s impossible to overstate how significant Trump’s attack on USAID and by implication, the whole rats’ nest of NGOs is. These organizations form the bureaucratic wing of a global shadow government. The “enforcement” wing of that government is the vast array of intelligence agencies ranging from the FBI/CIA to MI5/6 (those agencies have exactly parallel roles in the US and UK). The old mid 20th century one worlders** actually did get their wish even though it never quite consolidated its global stranglehold or got strong enough to declare its presence openly. Now, thankfully, it’s chief host states, the US and… Read more »
Here is a very odd event in the USAID budget-
In 2019, the final full year of Trump 45, the USAID budget exploded from about $15 billion to $42 billion.
Who planned that? Who signed off on that? Where did all that additional money go?
Elon and DOGE need to be all over this period of time in the USAID budget.
The most obvious guess is it paid for the plandemic and color revolution that happened a year later. Paying those activists, funnelling money to prosecutors, instituting a worldwide censorship grid, making sure every global health agency said the same thing, fortifying the election, all that stuff wasn’t cheap. Heck, now I am wondering if it was REALLY Zuckerberg’s money that he put up for fortifications, or did he merely launder it…
Almost as if on cue, Bill Gates has surfaced in the MSM with some comments that seem to support your points:
Talk about a guy who should just dry up and blow away….
The USAID audit will be a gold mine of blackmail material. When it comes to how FedGov operates, there’s no better way to change hearts & minds. Therefore, I predict none of us proles will see more than a token result. They’ll be too useful to fritter away on criminal justice prosecutions.
I recall Hillary Clinton doing the same thing during her husband’s first Presidency, when she got hold of FBI secret files on government officials.
I think USAID is primarily a tool of the CIA and their buddies like Soros. So this is a showdown over the peripheral deep state branches. They’re probably feeling each other out right now
USAID is now controlled by State. The CIA has its own network and there is plenty of overlap, but USAID has been a rogue shop for about thirty years now. Frankly, the CIA has not been good at this for a long time, which is why the usual suspects prefer to run out of places like USAID.
Yes. Also a reminder: when Trump was elected the first time, he announced before his inauguration that State’s budget would be slashed. His team knew. McConnell immediately said there would be no State cuts. He knew. It may seem a non-sequitur, but it is not: there was little election fortification this time because it was not as lavishly funded by the Tech Bros. Now imagine the USAID spigot gets cut off to fortify. Several GOP senators (Ernst, so forth) got the same honey, largely to assure they won their primaries. Wonder why Ernst was so down with tranny soldiers and… Read more »
They were never good at it. Used to run into these shit smears in the private security sector, and they may as well as smelled like it from a mile away for as obvious as Agency-aligned pukes already looked.
I believe it was the National Endowment for Democracy that the CIA worked through. If I remember correctly, didn’t a NYT article in the late 90’s even point this out?
Saw a figure (think it was on Substack) where like 97% of campaign donations from USAID employees went to Dems; that about says it all right there.
I’m looking forward to reading the accounts of how the Trump team planned this offensive.
I doubt we ever find out. The last thing Trump is going to do is create a road map for somebody else.
And just think, their biggest Color Revolution of all was to be Black: the 2020 overthrow of Trump using Black Lives Matter and Black-clad Antifa “grassroots activists”.
Imagine that you’re in Chicago on vacation. Now imagine walking through the east-west main hallway of the City Hall-County Building in Chicago. The architecture, artwork, and detail are really impressive, are they not?
Ok, now imagine seeing more than a dozen of Marcus Garvey’s “Pan-African” niggernazi flags on poles mounted on the walls. Supposedly it’s due to “Black History Month”, so named to honor brownskinned semisavages who understand not their confession that they comprise a very bad breed of primate.
The blob will undoubtedly fight back, but a lot of s*** is getting into the light for the first time, and a lot of the pushback is absolutely showing how these turds want it kept in the dark. More and more will easily see how utterly corrupt the US government is. Trumpzilla is thundering up Pennsylvania Avenue coming for those bitchez…
Elon is cleaning up the balance sheet and getting rid of surplus fedgov staff so that his Mars colonization project can go ahead with fewer impediments. The ZIC is preparing stupid white guys and the “federal” government for a new war requiring military conscription and vast quantiites of resources.
No need for conscription.
The military is reporting its best December and January recruiting numbers in 15 years.
Also note that the trip wire for war with Iran was announced yesterday.
Totally agree that Elon’s real motive is freeing up funding for his Mars boondoggle. He probably also believes that project will make him the first trillionaire.
We need somebody with Photoshop-ability to give us that image.
Nice to see budgets getting snatched from some bad guys (by other bad guys), if it sticks. Whatever hurts them is good. But even if DOGE et al. aren’t dramatically thwarted, remember that libertarians are always wrong. “Defunding” leaves two very great problems (or one very, very great one): All the people who get fired, demoted, etc., are still themselves. They cannot be made useful or decent. “What are they gonna do?” Some evil shit. Whatever they’re told. Nothing good. “So we’ll incentivize—” Shut up, nerd. This is why mass murder is a political tradition. “We have forgotten the problem.”… Read more »
“What are they gonna do?”
Now that the illegals are gone, they can pick cabbages. You know, be sent to work in the fields to reconnect with the laboring masses.
They can pick blueberries for Karen so she can have her blueberry smoothie.
Karen can pick her OWN god-damn blueberries.
Btw, another interesting move related to the Trump team. A senator has introduced a bill to provide regulations for stablecoins. The bill is expected to pass and pave the way for much larger use of stablecoins around the world. (Trump is a fan of them.)
Stablecoins are backed by t-bills. This could provide a huge new source of t-bill buyers, which, of course, helps keep rates low and the dollar strong.
My understanding is that these instruments are intended as liquidity sinks to limit US domestic inflation as USD return home from the Eurodollar (overseas) system.
Hummm. Ignorant analysis here, but I can’t help thinking of prior experience of countries having inflated their currency out of all reality—think Weimar Republic, Zimbabwe—then come out with a replacement currency to restart the process. Same crap, different name. Hell, I still have postage stamps in my collection where they simply ran them back through the presses and added three zeros, or even an “M” to the postage price.
The bitcoin market cap is what, about 2 trillion? I’d be surprised if the combined market cap of every other cryptocurrency in the world added up to 1 trillion. So let’s say 3 trillion then. So that’s a potential market of 3 new trillions for T bills? At the very most? Fedgov burns through that in a year. What am I missing? These prospective new T bill buyers, presumably they would have to quit buying something else in order to buy T bills instead.
Exactly this. Stablecoin funds will do more to maintain the dollar as a global reserve currency than all the foreign wars we have funded in the past few decades. I’ve been astounded that the Treasury Department has not pushed the pedal to the metal on stablecoin adoption.
Trump a revolutionary God send?
America, America God shed his grace on thee…
Ya think, just as we were approaching the point of no return?
What scares me though is this. Trump and his team are creating a lot of rich and powerful enemies. Means, motive, and opportunity, they are all there. Will he make it through the next four years? Is he replaceable by anyone? Vance?
Or…making enemies of a lot of coddled, unaware, emotive people. Principle and passion are guiding Trump’s team. That is often enough to defeat a more numerous enemy.
I believe Vance knows what he signed up for. This scorched earth policy only ends with one victor; there will be no compromises.
They don’t fear “the left” or Democrats; those entities are geriatrics who’ve been unchallenged so long they don’t know what to do when the fundamental order of DC is being challenged.
The ones to watch are Republicans. They love being controlled opposition, not visionaries.
“They love being the controlled opposition “…. The answer then is to control them, and make damn sure they understand it.
Control them with an iron fist.
Brings to mind the shock collars some people use to train their dogs.
Republicans will fold like a cheap tent.
The ones to watch out for are rogue agents like Luigi Mangione…I think there are a few Carl Weisses out there.
Thanks. That was the name I was trying to pull from my brain during dinner last night.
After what’s been done already, 2028 has to be locked in by hook or by crook. Shutting down NGOs will help with cleaning up the US electoral system, but Musks Autist Army will need to get involved too.
It just doesn’t feel like it’s all going to blow, like the end of the world.
It feels like just normal danger, as dangerous and wicked as it’s ever been, but not terminal, now.
I agree. We’re seeing the caterwauling from the usual suspects and the legacy media. In 2012 this would have all been ignored, but the last 3 elections have shown that fewer people pay attention to the regime’s nonsense. The worst that can happen is the legacy media ignores it and the cucked politicians equivocate. But the cat’s out of the bag, and the righteous energy is on Trump’s side.
I disagree. It’s been feeling that way to me for a while now. I think we’re going to be in a very different place in 2026. Buckle up.
Trump had all those enemies already, when he did nothing. He might as well do something. Unlike in 2016, though, he has rich and powerful friends, and they are more competent than his enemies.
I think Vance is on board with this agenda. He wants to be President, and I don’t see how he is even on this team if he wasn’t willing to go all the way. See how the blob treated Cuck Pence on his way out the door even if that loser bent the knee on his way out.
Is there a more pathetic and craven figure in all of politics than Pence? Turns out all you ever needed to know about him was his snitching on his frat brothers.
he’s like the john hurt character in A Man For All Seasons
Pence is the avatar of cuckservatism. Look at how he handled the “religious freedom act” while governor of Indiana. Not only did he cave after a small amount of pressure and threats to call him racist and other names, he actually restricted religious freedom after the outcry. His life is one worthy of only contempt, which pretty well reflects the Republican Party. eta: Forgot my main reason for response. Pence’s protege is Sen. Jim Banks. Musk met with him the other day and gave him a glimpse of Christmas Future. Banks is now fine with Trump’s cabinet nominations. Apparently Joni… Read more »
Pence is the guy who will open the gates of the city after “backdoor consultations” with the Mongols and assurances they won’t loot the palace.
“Look at how he handled the “religious freedom act” while governor of Indiana.“
We tried to warn y’all.
“Is there a more pathetic and craven figure in all of politics than Pence?”
The competition in that category is incredibly stiff.
I’d have said ‘limp’ vs ‘stiff’ – nevertheless it is a crowded field
The only thing I liked about him was that he seemed to get along with that hero dog that was honored in a White House ceremony during Trump’s first term. I figured a man who likes dogs (and whom dogs seem to like in return) can’t be *all* bad.
“Trump had all those enemies already, when he did nothing. He might as well do something. Unlike in 2016, though, he has rich and powerful friends, and they are more competent than his enemies.”
Trump had all those enemies before because they feared what he has now become. His enemies list has grown and become manifold. That Butler dude wasn’t very competent either, but he almost succeeded.
Could be that his real job will be managing 2026 and 2028 battle prep. There’s no point Trump being involved much in this kind of details-oriented work. And Vance is the one who stands to gain.
REMEMBER kind Anons:
we are in a sort-of COUNTER-Revolution.
Not in a second revolution.
A revolution goes AWAY from God and Truth. (See also: France.)
a counter-revolution goes TOWARD Truth.
Words matter!!
Good point. This appears to be the backlash against the cultural revolution of the 60s.
I believe that no matter what Trump does, America is kaput. It died directly Biden was sworn in. Now Trump and his successors may well fashion something far more respectable than AINO, but it will not be America as we understand it.
Isn’t that a good thing, though? America of 2016 was already nothing like America of our youth.
Perhaps. I could go for an “America” rebuilt, mutatis mutandis.
One thing I’ve gleaned from this group is that there is no “going back”. As I’ve confessed before, it is a trap that I fall into often. The past is all I know, and therefore my “go to” in many arguments, but it really ain’t coming back. And in final analysis, should we bring it back? After all, how did we get here except from the past. No sense recreating a situation that failed us the first time we tried it.
The American Republic was ended in Lincoln’s war. Finally unchained from the design of 1789 all that happened next was not unfortuante, it was inevitable. Trump, and, with great good fortune President Vance, will provide a welcome pause, but nothing more. As Jimmy Madison observed– I am unable to conceive that the people of America, in their present temper, or under any circumstances which can speedily happen, will choose, and every second year repeat the choice of …men who would be disposed to form and pursue a scheme of tyranny or treachery….who would either desire or dare…. to betray the… Read more »
I’m all for tomorrow, whatever that looks like.
You used to write for Fleetwood Mac?
Back when Trump first won people asked why the opposition had fallen silent as a grave. I had a lengthy list of reasons, but on that list was the lack of foot soldiers. A lot of young people voted for Trump. And a lot more realized they had been flat out lied to. To this now add the fact that among those remaining THERE IS NO MONEY to pay them. A counterattack is unlikely because those USAID payment records will be used like the Epstein files. Those leaks about Bill Kristol and Lindsey Graham this week weren’t about optics. Those… Read more »