Old Think New Think

One of the new features of life since Trump came back to town is that things move quickly and if you are not careful, they will move without you. Ten thousand USAID employees learned this in week one. One day they were organizing the resistance and then the next day they were setting up a LinkedIn account. The first month of the Trump presidency has been a whirlwind of change. This is creating two classes of people, one who keep pace and one who are left behind.

One of those being left behind is Volodymyr Zelenskyy. He now finds himself on the wrong side of the Trump’s friend-enemy distinction. He made the mistake of thinking the new boss was the old boss and his tricks would keep working. When those tricks did not work, he made the very big mistake of saying the new boss was misinformed. Now the new boss is making it clear that Zelensky will not be part of the future. Just like that, Zelensky is being reassigned to the dustbin of history.

The reason that Zelensky has so quickly gone from being the indispensable man to the guest who refuses to leave is that long before he was told about any of this, decisions were made about his future. For months prior to the election Trump would say he had a plan to end the war in Ukraine, but he refused to elaborate on the grounds that it was not prudent to talk about it publicly. The only clue he provided was that the war would never have happened if he had been president.

People dismissed this as hubris, but it was an important clue. If Trump had been president, he would have demanded to talk with the Russians and he would never have elevated Zelensky to the status of indispensable man. Project Ukraine was only possible by first anathematizing Russia and then turning Zelensky into a heroic figure at the point of the spear resisting the evil Russians. Remove that friend-enemy set up and the war never gets started.

Once you look at the war the way Trump has been looking at the war since it started, his approach makes perfect sense. He is doing now what he would have done if he were in the White House for a second term. He opened a dialogue with the Russians, and he minimized Zelensky. The reason for that is this war is not about Ukraine or some abstract concepts from the past century. It is about how conflicts between the great powers will be settled in the future.

Here is where you see the two class of people. Zelensky is operating from the old model where moralizing about world affairs was the rule. It was about those old 20th century ideas of good guys and bad guys. Trump is operating from the new model where everything is about business. Project Ukraine is bad business, so it must end and there is nothing more to say about it. Zelensky is the project manager who thinks the project is about something other than business.

Zelensky is not alone in this. His friends in Europe are also trapped in the past, thinking that they are skillfully playing the old game, when in reality they are soon to join Zelensky in the room of formerly relevant figures. The British figurehead Keir Starmer is coming to Washington next week thinking he is going to explain things to President Trump with regards to Zelensky. In reality he is going to be sat down by Trump subordinates and told he has been demoted.

Trump signaled as much when a reporter asked him about Starmer announcing his trip to Washington last week. Trump casually said that Starmer wanted to visit, but he was unsure of when he was coming. He treated it like the pool guy called and said he had to do something about the algae. That should have been a signal to the Brits that Starmer will not be welcomed as an equal, but like everyone else in Europe, they are struggling to come to terms with the new world order.

The same thing is happening locally. Scan many conservative sites or their accounts on Twitter and they are carrying on like it is 1985. Granted, this has been their act since 1985, but it is clearly not 1985 now. They are still doing the “If we use our power then the we are no better than the Democrats” act. The dumbest ones are still singing from the neocon hymn book. Dissidents have often joked that conservativism is a museum to the Reagan years, but now it is painfully true.

In fairness, the dancing partner of the conservatives are struggling as well. This tweet from a progressive chattering skull is emblematic. He is working from the old playbook that says the “left” calls out the “right” about not following the rules and the “right” then uses that to fink on their voters. The people operating in the new way of things just shrug at this stuff. The whole point of the present moment is to flip over the tables in the temple of politics and usher in a new age.

This is not just a struggle for the establishment. Old think is a problem for people who claimed to be dissidents. The people called “right-wing influencers” are struggling to maintain an audience because their act is suddenly irrelevant. Many are now becoming Trump critics because it is the only way to get attention. It turns out that they were never for anything, just against things. Remove those things they oppose, and they are left with a gaping hole in their act.

Where all this leaves us is we have two classes of people now. There are those who are embracing the new way of doing things, even if how it all works is not all that clear, and then there are those who wish to remain in the past century. Perhaps this will be the new political spectrum. The left will be the dead-enders who continue to look backward, and the right will be those facing the future. Regardless of the labels, the future will belong to those who embrace it, leaving the past in the past.

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1 day ago

DOGE reported that Stacy Abrams (failed GA gubernatorial candidate, state representative, sometime acts in Star Trek as the President of the United Federation of Planets and/or the whale in that time travel episode)…

set up an NGO that was funded to the tune of ten dollars and was slated to receive TWO BILLION before DOGE caught it.

This after GA leveled record fines against an NGO that admitted guilt to illegally funding her governor run.

The left can’t wrap their heads around the changes that need to happen. But even the right wingers are still stunned.

Last edited 1 day ago by ProZNoV
Reply to  ProZNoV
1 day ago

Brandon’s giant spending bills were the Green New Deal the left wanted and it was set up as a slush fund for his friends. That’s why the left doesn’t see it, because they are the beneficiaries of it.

If the leftist system gives us enemies like Stacey Abrams, Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis, etc., then it’s not the worst thing….

Last edited 1 day ago by Mycale
Reply to  Mycale
1 day ago

GA was played hard….Ossoff and Warnock …. Total cheat …imho

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Lsterling
1 day ago


Reply to  Mycale
23 hours ago

That’s why the left doesn’t see it, because they are the beneficiaries of it.” Even if they see it, they think it’s just and proper because they are the “good guys.”

Reply to  fakeemail
22 hours ago

You said a mouthful, chum: they’re The Federation, and we’re the Klingons. And their weltanschauung is SO TWISTED that hey cannot accommodate anything outside of their bi-chromatic…”reality”

(I wonder about the psychological mechanisms in play: (deep down) they have to know that what they do is criminal, but they have SO allowed themselves to be convinced…!)

Materialists on our side notwithstanding: ours is a spiritual battle.

Reply to  fakeemail
15 hours ago

Or they’re amoral cynics who think everybody’s doing it and they might as well get theirs.

Reply to  fakeemail
5 hours ago

That’s what I hated most about the lefties: not their obvious crookedness and the insanity of their policies, but the smug “We’re on the right side of history” smirking.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  ProZNoV
1 day ago

“But even the right wingers are still stunned.”

Because they are not right-wingers and never were.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
23 hours ago

Indeed, the National Review always opposed Trump because he wouldn’t surrender to the Bill Buckley faction or the Democrats, while we have tsk tsking from the likes of C.J. Hopkins and Naomi Wolff…It’s quite mysterious that defunding Democrat giveaways and total scams is suddenly anti-civilizational….Hmmm

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
5 hours ago

Yep. What did conservatism conserve? Nothing. They just enjoyed wearing those stupid bow ties and getting together to talk about things like “What would Bill Buckley or Russell Kirk say if they were still alive?” Fossils.

Last edited 5 hours ago by Steve
Rented mule
Rented mule
Reply to  ProZNoV
23 hours ago

Hell I’m stunned, don’t know how to pidgen hole myself.
I do know I am trapped behind enemy lines in a “deep blue” state
My hope is when the team gets closer to being done stuffing the last century way of thinking hold outs into the dustbin. They find time to bleech the entire west coast of the corrupt filth that have had it in a choke hold.

Reply to  Rented mule
22 hours ago

It would be good to find a way to fix the west coast. Not sure how though. It likes being the way it is. The people who benefit from it are the ones with the levers of power.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  WillS
21 hours ago

It would be good to find a way to fix the west coast.”

Well, there’s always The Big One…

Colonel Sibthorpe
Colonel Sibthorpe
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
21 hours ago

There’s a lot of talk about secession and soft secession but what about the opposite of that? Is there anything in the constitution to prevent the expulsion of states from the union (thinking about the West coast)?

Reply to  WillS
15 hours ago

Some of the people out here do like it the way it is. But many of us others are suspicious about whether they actually constitute a majority. The most that can be confidently said is that Team D has seized the institutions of power and has changed the rules in ways that make it difficult to dislodge them. We’re hopeful that starving the Blob at the national level will have some trickle down effect on the situation locally. Dissident voices do seem to have been emboldened, but here in WA our newly-elected governor is pushing ahead with Starmer-level insults to… Read more »

Last edited 15 hours ago by CorkyAgain
Reply to  CorkyAgain
14 hours ago

Edward Ring has said/written a lot about California. He is at California Policy Center. Very smart guy.

He has an article titled “Lords of Scarcity”. It explains the massive challenge of changing Calif. It is worth the read.

The people in power like the way things are to clarify. The middle class who can afford it are in TX. The rest are unhappy.

Reply to  WillS
13 hours ago

Burn it to the ground

Reply to  WillS
5 hours ago

The crazies states have the right to follow their own path to destruction. What they don’t have the right to do, is to pursue that path on our dime. Stop all federal funding for any state that breaks federal law.

Reply to  Rented mule
22 hours ago

I’m stuck in Oregon for now and my feeling is that Oregon will actually be the West Coast’s version of North Korea. California and Washington will “fall” before Oregon does simply because they have a more diversified economy and, quite honestly, smarter people. A lot of the techbros backing Trump are from the Bay Area after all. Oregon is ruled by a gynocracy of old White Karens who maintained the nation’s longest mask mandates during the Great Coof. It’s “economy” consists basically of the bloated state government and lots of businesses and NGOs that are totally dependent on it. There’s… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
20 hours ago

I pray this happens before Central and East Oregon complete their transformation into San Francisanite Paritioner Colonies.

Reply to  RealityRules
14 hours ago

San Francisanite Paritioner Colonies”

Not sure what that is. Partitioner?

Scrooge McDuck
Scrooge McDuck
Reply to  Pozymandias
17 hours ago

It will be interesting to see how this all unfolds. Will enough of the over-credentialed individuals in high-paying, virtue-signaling jobs be let go, allowing skilled workers—like a $40/hour mechanic—to afford a home at a reasonable price in the near future?

Reply to  ProZNoV
5 hours ago

I’m a right winger and I’m DEFINITELY stunned. I’m also stunned at how little resistance there is. Weren’t the lefties and their Deep State supposed to be the smartest kids on the block, pulling the ball away all time from us dumb as rocks MAGA folk? It’s early days yet and these are evil people, so they’ll probably think of something. Let’s hope that by then, they’ll all be behind bars.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
1 day ago

It is about how conflicts between great powers will be settled in the future.

Thats true, but a large reason for the conflict was the (((usual suspects))) wanting to get their grubby little hands on the resources, including farmland.

Miss Lindsay basically copped to that.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
23 hours ago

What would parasites do with farm land…other than destroy it? That is the thing about the dead…everything they touch, they destroy. They don’t even have to work at it. It comes naturally to them.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Kiki
23 hours ago

sell it to chinks

Reply to  karl von hungus
22 hours ago

Interesting speculation.

Reply to  Kiki
22 hours ago

Rent it to people that actually work?

Reply to  Kiki
22 hours ago

Oh, they’ve got an answer for that. They don’t intend to get behind any plows themselves. Instead they will rely on the same things they do here. Impoverish the locals to the point where they will take any job and bring in low-wage, low-IQ migrant trash from shithole countries to do the actual farm labor. This is actually their plan for all of Europe in fact. Europeans need to stay alert because even when their politicians start talking about re-industrializing and reversing some of the “green” insanity, they will probably still be plotting to fill all the re-opened factories with… Read more »

Reply to  Kiki
15 hours ago

Ask Monsanto and Archer-Daniels-Midland.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
23 hours ago

Yes, though the idea was pretty far-fetched…Russia’s natural resources are far greater than Ukraine’s, and Rand Corp even released a paper advocating breaking Russia up into five countries, but it’s common knowledge that the nukes would fly long before that could happen…and eastern Ukraine is actually Russian….

Reply to  pyrrhus
22 hours ago

With the exception of the far western oblasts, which spent much time historically under Austria/Hungary and are greatly “Polonized”, ALL of Ukraine is Russian. And while I’m not a linguist, I submit that the lingua franca spoken in the Ukraine is (bastardized) Russian, just as the Scots (hitherto) spoken in Scotland (or the patois spoken in Jamaica, for that matter!) is bastardized English.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  rasqball
21 hours ago

The emergence of a distinct Ukrainian language began with the emergence of the Polish-Lithuanian state in the 14th century. With this development, the Ukraine–literally, the borderland–was detached from the Russian appanage principalities and the budding Muscovite state. But yes, Ukrainian and Russian spring from identitcal roots.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 hours ago

Sure – historical precedents prompted divergence. But can two languages that are (near universally) mutually intelligible be said to be “distinct?”

There are “linguists” who maintain that Scots is (was) a “distinct” language, but is it?

Per My SmartAlek Robot Pal:

“The status of Scots as a distinct language or a dialect of English is a topic of debate among linguists and historians. The answer largely depends on how one defines a “language” versus a “dialect,” as well as historical, political, and cultural factors.”

Historical…political…cultural…hmm…alas, whatever chauvinisms might motivate the “borderlanders” of Little Russia….

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
23 hours ago

There may have been some players who thought they could turn the war into profit, once it got started, but it got started because the arrogant idiots who were running the West thought Putin was a bully and a homophobe, a racist and a transphobe, and they had their Uncle Sam who would make him back down because Uncle Sam had sanctions and a money printing machine. That’s about the level of sophistication of the leaders of Germany, France and Great Britain.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
23 hours ago
Rented mule
Rented mule
Reply to  LineInTheSand
23 hours ago

Color me shocked. Levin, shapiro! Chosen shills.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
23 hours ago

Levin is a typical Conservative Inc. grifter. This has been obvious from the start.

Reply to  Gespenst
22 hours ago

Do you think that Levin is being paid to support Zelenksy? Are there other possible motivations besides grift?

Reply to  LineInTheSand
22 hours ago

Some flavor of USAID federal funding to keep the cash flowing. Could also be MIC doing its best to turn a profit. If your income depends on a belief; well that would be the belief to have.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
22 hours ago

Are there other possible motivations besides grift?

Ethnic solidarity

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  ZFan
21 hours ago

Finkels goan Finkel…

Reply to  ZFan
21 hours ago

It’s definitely a motivating factor, but it oddly varies between them. I’ve mostly assumed it’s a group victim mentality, rather than an actively loyalty.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
22 hours ago

I’m guessing Levin has a century+ long ax to grind with the Russians, for what they justifiably did to his ancestors when the Czars reigned. I know that’s the case with Shapiro.

Reply to  Lakelander
21 hours ago

One common trait is to hang onto grudges long past their sell by date. I have tripped over a Jew online who hated Roman Catholics because Rome destroyed Jerusalem in 70AD.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Piffle
21 hours ago

Back in the day when I lived around and interacted with a lot of ashkenazis, I heard similar sentiments frequently. I remember in particular one lesbian jewess trust fund baby who said, “What did we ever do to you besides wander in the desert for 40 years?” Wasn’t addressing me specifically, rather speaking rhetorically with respect to some perceived hardship.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
20 hours ago

You should have reminded her of the pre-meditated genocide of the entirety of the people and the animals of Canaan after they came out of the wandering. Remind her that her people did that because God said to.

The sad part is, a bunch of them remember history from thousands of years back, but only the side of it that confirms the myth that bad people do bad things to them just because the other people are bad – and jealous.

Reply to  RealityRules
19 hours ago

God wanted them to wipe out everyone because a)those people had already gone very bad, including child sacrifice and b)He knew if they didn’t follow orders, they would fall into child sacrifice themselves.
It turns out they didn’t follow the orders anyway. The Israelites fell into child sacrifice anyway. The end of the wandering in the desert is the only moment God orders genocide. Most of the time after that it’s the Israelites being exiled (or destroyed) themselves.

Last edited 19 hours ago by Piffle
Reply to  LineInTheSand
20 hours ago

Shapiro finishing his unmasking would be a very nice bonus in all of this.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
1 day ago

“In reality he is going to be sat down by Trump subordinates and told he has been demoted.” It couldn’t have happened to a nicer bloke. Just kidding. Starmer is a scumbag, one of Biden’s bum boys and he’s going to get his comeuppance. He’s going to leave DC utterly dazed. And it’s more than business for Trump: he won’t have forgotten that Starmer sent a team to help that Harris woman in her campaign. All these bum boys of Biden — Starmer, Macron, and Scholz — are going to get kicked in the balls. With regard to change, the… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 day ago

If anything, Trump is being far more magnanimous than the typical business executive, let alone mob boss, would be to these knuckleheads. The UK elites actively connived against Trump in the Steele dossier episode. The Ukraine crowd set up the Vindman/impeachment affair. The Germans laughed in his face when he tried to teach them a few home truths about defense and energy policy. I’m frankly amazed that he hasn’t been harsher.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Captain Willard
1 day ago

There is still time for Trump to break out the rack and thumbscrews. Never give up hope…

Rented mule
Rented mule
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
23 hours ago

Oh Gawd lemme lemme paahleeezz.

mark vossler
mark vossler
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
21 hours ago

A brief bout of retributive justice would be more than entertaining.

Reply to  Captain Willard
5 hours ago

Thanks for mentioning that scumbag Vindman. I want the big boys and girls to go down, but there are a lot of more minor players who deserve to hang: Vindman, Strzok, Page…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 day ago

You assume they have balls to kick.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
22 hours ago

You’re right. I meant ovaries.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
23 hours ago

Scholz is on his way out as chancellor, as Germany holds federal elections on Sunday and the CDU (Scholz is SPD, “Social Democrats”) is slated to win. Their top dog Friedrich Merz is just as clueless as Scholz was though. A former Blackrock executive in Germany, he was even way more hawkish on Ukraine than Scholz, who at least in this regard did a fair enough job of always stalling as best he could. Merz by contrast is the archetypical cuckservative. So, in style, he has repeatedly and solemnly announced that under his leadership there will always be a “firewall”… Read more »

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Saks
22 hours ago

Upshot: Germany’s downward trajectory is going to continue for a while.”

I agree. That decline will continue indefinitely. it might have been arrested if the AfD took over the reins of power but I don’t see that at the moment.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
21 hours ago

It’s not indefinite. The German character needs order. Endless Turks and others in Germany during an economic downturn will not produce order. It’s just going to be bigger reaction as time goes on.

Reply to  Saks
5 hours ago

Germany is so screwed. The great irony is that in trying desperately to block the return of the “far” right, they are using exactly the same kind of methods that have always been seen as far-right: censorship, banning political opponents, arresting people for speaking out against the government. You have to admit, it’s quite funny really.

Scrooge McDuck
Scrooge McDuck
Reply to  Saks
52 minutes ago

I think the first order of business once Russian and the US straighten out issues, and if the US allows it, Germany and Russian should repair the Nordstream pipeline and get back to affordable energy and subsequent industry. I’m assuming piped NG from a few hundred miles away is cheaper than LNG from the US or elsewhere. Does anybody know that difference in price should Germany begin trading with Russia again. I asked Leo, Braves AI, but it don’t seem to know sheeet. “Ok, Nord stream piped gas to Germany until either the US or Ukrainians blew it up. What… Read more »

Last edited 49 minutes ago by Scrooge McDuck
Reply to  Arshad Ali
16 hours ago

I read something about the new UK ambassador to the United States being vocally anti-Trump. This should be fun. And as much as I enjoy the Zelenskyy take down, it was Victoria Nuland who started the war.

1 day ago

All too true. Over my career, I watched four formerly successful companies die. What seemed to be the turning point in the end that pushed them into the abyss was marked by an increasingly erratic and volatile management. They’d point the corporate train in a new direction and hit the gas. You had the choice of either getting on the team, or getting the hell off it. We’d get emotionally troubled girl bosses, and incompetent vibrants and pajeets that were going to “save the company” with far sighted new strategies that would set the market on fire and position us… Read more »

Reply to  Filthie
18 hours ago


Scrooge McDuck
Scrooge McDuck
Reply to  Filthie
2 hours ago

Great comment, however I had to look up a “Vibrant.” “Used by middle-class liberals, mainly women and feminised men, to refer to a run-down crime-ridden area, populated in the main by ethnic minorities where they can buy quirky food items for recipes which usually don’t turn out very well. I simply love visiting this area during the daytime, it’s so…vibrant! I wouldn’t like to live here, it’s a bit…vibrant… NOPE Try this: Vibrant Share definition Thinks he’s cool Wowwww Ali is soooo vibrant by Vv2019 June 10, 2019 GOOD ENOUGH. Got it. I can only think of my mechanic who charges upwards of 120/Hour. He is was the anti-vibrant. I’ve been using him for going on 30 years… Read more »

Last edited 1 hour ago by Scrooge McDuck
Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
23 hours ago

Trump’s actions are illuminating how the Ukraine war was a strategic debacle initiated by childish arrogant actors in the West. Putin had all the negotiating leverage three years ago. Mature, serious people who know how awful, destructive and wasteful war is, would have negotiated in good faith to avoid the conflict. At the very worst the West would have given Putin all he wanted and left the negotiating table humilated. There was NEVER any chance Ukraine could win a war against Russia. Now, three years on, tens of thousand dead, hundred of billion dollars up in smoke, Putin will get… Read more »

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
21 hours ago

Some people got rich. The End.

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
7 hours ago

I’m sorry. NOT “tens of thousand dead” but well over a million so far.

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
5 hours ago

The genius of Trump right now is that he is forcing the Left to defend the indefensible. The Left now have to fight him with the slogan “War is good; peace is awful!” It’s like Rules for Radicals in reverse.

1 day ago

It’s amazing how much mileage the left/regime/etc. got out of pointing, shrieking, and saying “wow, just wow.” Especially in Trump’s first term, but they even do it when they held power. Even the slightest bit of opposition to the craziest agenda was met with “wow, just wow” or some variation thereof. It’s like the fake opposition of the conservacucks saw “wow, just wow” as a signal that it was time to fall in line and did so. Trump is showing now all you have to do is shrug and say “don’t care, no taxpayer money for illegals lmao” or “tough… Read more »

Last edited 1 day ago by Mycale
Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Mycale
1 day ago

Inquiring minds want to know;

Will he pull an Andy Jackson and ignore the courts?

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 day ago

It would certainly be nice if he did, especially on “immigration” cases. Trump should simply say that we are not deporting illegal aliens, but repelling invaders and the courts have no jurisdiction over military border defense actions. Judges, remember, are lawyers whose political connections put them in black robes.

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
1 day ago

If he allows the judges to interfere with the deportations, they will never happen.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Dutchboy
23 hours ago

Not only that, but if Trump does not *crush* the Hydra–*now,* while he has the power to do so–it will eventually destroy him and his entire family. And by “destroy” I mean destroy. Bank on it.

mark vossler
mark vossler
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
20 hours ago

There is a tide in the affairs of men if taken at it’s flood…

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
5 hours ago

This. No doubt they will try for another impeachment over the next four years, and unless he destroys them, they will go for him after he leaves office. He has no choice but to destroy the Deep State.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 day ago

He’ll ignore the courts until he gets what he wants—which is SCOTUS decision and then precedent. I believe people on the Right think “we’re winning”. It’s all sound and fury. Nothing is further from the truth. We are skirmishing for position and the decisive battle will be in the SCOTUS. Since legislation in a divided Congress (divided ideologically) is impossible, SCOTUS is the only power center left in which to establish lasting gains. Until they rule, all conservative gains are ephemeral.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Compsci
1 day ago

I agree, except on Congress being ideologically divided, unless cuckoldry is an ideology. They’ve been passing these spending bills funneling money to leftist causes for decades. It doesn’t matter who is in charge, the left always gets their (our) money.

I agree that all the celebrations are premature. So far everything Trump has ordered has a corresponding lawsuit filed in the districts leftists have the most judges. SCOTUS is a long shot and will take years even if they accept the case.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
23 hours ago

“So far everything Trump has ordered has a corresponding lawsuit filed in the districts leftists have the most judges.”

To steal from sportsball, Trump needs to flood the zone. How many leftist judges could there be? Get that robo-pen going, Mr. President. Order a million more robo-pens to be built. The first judge who “rules” that the President can’t issue executive orders will be the death of the judiciary.

Last edited 23 hours ago by Steve
Reply to  Steve
21 hours ago

That’s exactly the plan. One thinks SCOTUS rules are “years” in the future, no they are not. SCOTUS will move when the pressure mounts via the enormous amount of EO’s and the carrying out of those regardless of lower court TRO’s.

Ordinarily, SCOTUS hates getting into the political fray, but the collapse of judicial oversight will force their hand. So far, Trump is playing Mr. Nice Guy. He will get worse.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Compsci
18 hours ago

That is unbelievably rare. It has to go through the lower courts first. All this takes years. I’m pretty they have to go through a ruling and then 2 appeals before they can appeal to SCOTUS.

Of course, I do hope that the conservatives on the court will be activists like we’ve had for decades with left wing activist judges. Taking up a case right from the lower courts issuing the TROs would be awesome. I just don’t think the conservatives have it in them.

Reply to  Compsci
23 hours ago

Another non ephemeral thing of higher order is money. If you spend two dollars every time you earn one dollar, sooner or later you go broke. I think that is what got the tech oligarchs to support trump.

Reply to  Lavrov
23 hours ago

Oligarchs saw the country heading into bankruptcy and their wealth threatened.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 day ago

you need to be thinking Brer Rabbit

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 day ago

Why not emulate the murderous war criminal Lincoln by bombing entire (blue) cities and states into submission?

Rented mule
Rented mule
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
21 hours ago

I’m trapped behind enemy lines
I would happily help in targeting from the ground In chaos would be oppoutunity.

Last edited 21 hours ago by Rented mule
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
18 hours ago

By using the term “bombing,” I take it you mean infantry and cavalry advances supported by artillery.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mycale
1 day ago

Once you’ve rejected the Left’s moral system in toto, you are then free to shrug your shoulders or even–dare I say it?–laugh in their insipid faces. In point of fact, Trump has demolished large sections of that moral system. He has functioned as an ideological wrecking ball. And nothing is more important than that.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 day ago

It’s like he broke a strange spell cast o’er us.

Now everybody’s going like, “Wait, what?” Imagine trying to repeat the same Kamala slogans today. One month in!

Reply to  Alzaebo
21 hours ago

It’s an unexpected and welcome development. I’m still trying to wrap my head around “Gulf of America”, lol.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 hours ago

That’s what I was about to write too, Alz. He’s broken the spell. Sure, the Woke crap will continue, just like sh*t still stinks out the room long after it’s been cleared up. But the difference is that the Emperor’s naked body can never be unseen. I have the misfortune to work on the sidelines of many left-wing organisations and you can see this in action. They are doubling down on Woke, but no-one takes it seriously anymore. And if they dare block you from getting a promotion by giving it to a DIE tick-boxer, you can now challenge it… Read more »

Scrooge McDuck
Scrooge McDuck
Reply to  Alzaebo
41 minutes ago

“…the wheels go round and round”

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
21 hours ago

Even if he has accomplished nothing else, being the Monster Truck in the room filled with cars that aren’t running anyway is something.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Piffle
20 hours ago

I like the visual.

1 day ago

Youtube for some reason recommended a video to me where Bernie Sanders whines about Trump’s “treasonous” communications with the “Russian dictator”. It has over 2 million views and thousands of comments, many of which are demanding impeachment etc. The old delusions are still alive and well.

Reply to  Hun
1 day ago

Of course, do we not all agree the Dem/Leftist base is a hard 30% of the population? Did not Harris obtain 48% of the popular vote? These delusions never “grow old”. They are part and parcel of our current electorate—and will grow worse.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Compsci
1 day ago

the word you are looking for is “DNA”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 day ago

More specifically, mutated DNA.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
21 hours ago

Yeah, but I’ve been trying to tone down my favorite “hobby horse”..

Reply to  Compsci
1 day ago

Yeah we’re having a hell of a victory lap right now, but there are a lot of Old Thinkers out there wanting a RETVRN to comfy globohomo. Some of their minds can be changed, but the rest must be humiliated or silenced, if we are to keep this thing going.

Rented mule
Rented mule
Reply to  Marko
21 hours ago

Thats all?

Reply to  Marko
21 hours ago

Trump just needs to keep in motion. Yes, there are the Bernie Bros, and many will not change. Also it’s hard to know how young actual Bernie Bros are. The problem may correct itself in a decade or two.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Compsci
23 hours ago

They will come to their senses–largely; not all of them, of course–when reality asserts itself in some basic, earthly, physical way, which it will. Those who don’t will be winnowed out. And no, AI is not going to save us. The
“A” in AI means “artificial”; not real.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
3 hours ago

“In part” – not “largely.”
The belief system is quite well ensconced for a great many.

Reply to  Compsci
23 hours ago

It hit 40% during the Obama years. That was his approval rating when he was doing nothing that leftists wanted (except being a Democrat, maintaining patronage, etc.), neocon abroad and domestically a dystopian corporate technocrat, giving everything to finance and the “tech bros.” Nobody wanted that. 40%. As a matter of demographic fact, it’s more than 40% now. We don’t know how much more, because everything is bullshit. We do know how the other half talks, because unlike us they’re free to do it. The electorate is far more extreme than the Party. The propaganda worked better than even their… Read more »

Reply to  Hemid
21 hours ago

‘The electorate is far more extreme than the Party’

Much more.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Hemid
19 hours ago

We do know how the other half talks, because unlike us they’re free to do it. 

We have but two advantages, this one, and their impulsivity. If they could have kept it in their pants, they could have spiked the football by now after victory rather than just doing it for the feelz. I still wouldn’t bet against them, but the spread is narrower now. The dopamine rushes of rage and cruelty must be something.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
16 hours ago

“The dopamine rushes of rage and cruelty must be something.”

That’s got to be it. The bestie- haven’t talked to him since before the inauguration- suddenly erupted. Got me a bit unsettled myself.

Last edited 16 hours ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Compsci
21 hours ago

Will grow worse because most of that 30 to 40 percent are XX.

This is the sex that brainwashes the next crop, K – college. It’s ouroboric, a closed loop. The schools and universities are little more than feminist and marxist training camps.

The U.S. can disempower the Prog Politburo or wait until the bloodtide returns. Right now, the nation lacks the demographic will to do what is necessary. Too many of the citizenry benefit monetarily, from feminism especially. It is a cunning, calculated, time-tested instrument of the enemy.

Last edited 21 hours ago by ray
Reply to  Compsci
21 hours ago

and will grow worse. It certainly will. It’s important to notice that Trusk has actually pulled the revolution trigger. I don’t think many of us even thought he would do anything like this. For myself, I just thought we’d get 4 years of “not-Biden-Harris”. Revolutions pivot around fundamental divisions in society, many of which are rooted in biology. This is why they always have a component of warfare. Our country was founded in a revolutionary war after all. Downthread, Ostei says “all is permissible, when there is no longer any common ground”. I think this has finally happened. The clean… Read more »

Reply to  Hun
1 day ago

I just got off the phone with the NeverTrumper bestie. He’s certain the election was stolen, and dreams daily of shooter #3.

We decided on a row of bloodstained MAGA hats for the trophy room. How dare that man destroy the country!

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 day ago

This election was stolen but only nazi conspiracy theorists doubt the integrity of the 2020 election.

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 day ago

How dare that man destroy the country!”

One man’s assassin is another man’s patriotic hero. And so it is. As has been discussed here before, one needs to abandon one’s time honored virtues to fight in the modern area. Re-establish/revisit new/old virtues after you prevail in the struggle—your enemy will do no less.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
1 day ago

Quite true. And you can only arrive at the point where, from a moral perspective, all is permissible, when there is no longer any common ground, opponents have become enemies, and you couldn’t care less whether your enemies live or die. In fact, you might prefer the latter.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Hun
23 hours ago

Most people are idiots, and the majority is always–and necessarily–wrong.

Reply to  Hun
21 hours ago

YouTube’s algorithms are almost certainly designed to correct “wrongthink”. My viewing habits (gun channels, hard science, motorsports, occasional based political stuff, Russian pop music like Garik Sukachev) must have suggested that I likely had the wrong thoughts about Ukraine. Out of the blue, they started feeding me videos from these channels that seemed to have appeared recently and had lots of rah, rah, Ghost of Keeeev, Russians fighting with shovels, etc… I’d click “do not recommend videos from this channel” and soon enough, a new channel with the same garbage would appear in my feed.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Pozymandias
20 hours ago

Gotta hand it to ’em. They’re nothing if not subtle…

Reply to  Pozymandias
18 hours ago

You know what to do. Cold turkey is a bitch.

mark vossler
mark vossler
Reply to  Hun
20 hours ago

You can change what people think, but you can’t change what they feel.

Reply to  mark vossler
19 hours ago

That rings like a bell. Damn if it ain’t true.

Reply to  Hun
18 hours ago

There are so many clueless people stuck in the past it’s downright frightening.

1 day ago

You just made me read National Review for the first time in 20 years

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  ZFan
1 day ago

thank you for your service

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
1 day ago

Finally, I’m a progressive!

Reply to  Jack Boniface
1 day ago

Technically we are now Progressive Libertarian Traditionalists. Progressive because we are radicals who want the system overturned, and question globalism, liberalism, etc. Libertarian because we want gov’t accountability and its responsibilities diffused, and a reigned-in MIC. Traditionalist because we recognize demographics, sex, race, and HBD, and a whole lot of us are religious as well.

Reply to  Marko
1 day ago

Well put, especially the new labels, which should not trigger Joe Normie.

Reply to  Compsci
1 day ago

What was Ostei’s marvelous phrase?
Not Trusk, though that’s a keeper…

Ah. I remember. Tradissidents. I agree, we’re Nature revolting against the modern, severely unbalanced world.

1 day ago

My concern with regards to the two classes of people. It appears every member of Congress has been benefiting from all of the corruption. Moving forward to a more transparent and honest federal government is not in their best interest. They are going to do all they can to undermine a change in the status quo. They have shown they can not be trusted. They may unite in secret to keep the cash cow going no matter what they say, The unifying ideology of the uni-party is self interest. Wheres mine?

Reply to  WillS
1 day ago

When everybody does it, it’s no longer corruption, it’s a “perq”. You know you’re screwed when some of the biggest crooks are on “your side”. Abraham bargained with God—from 50 righteous persons down to 10 righteous persons to save Sodom and Gomorrah. He failed.

Boy, are we ever screwed.

Reply to  Compsci
1 day ago

Yeah, Abraham was counting on Lot and his family (with the possible exception of his wife), and God even spotted him not one but TWO angels, and he still couldn’t get to double digits.

Reply to  Steve
22 hours ago

Things ain’t improved since then.

Reply to  Steve
22 hours ago

Salt of the Earth. Don’t knock her (although I seem to recall that her daughters were up for it).

Reply to  Compsci
22 hours ago

Yeah, not looking good. It was nice while it lasted. Wondering what the Divided United States is going to look like. I’m thinking 1860’s with Zombies.

Reply to  Compsci
21 hours ago

Abraham didn’t bargain with God. He was bold enough to ask some questions. It turned out that Sodom and Gomorrah was a universal moral wasteland, but it took the adventures of Abraham, Lot, and his wife to prove it.

Last edited 20 hours ago by Piffle
23 hours ago

“Volodymyr Zelenskyy. He now finds himself on the wrong side of the Trump’s friend-enemy distinction.”

Perhaps (((Volodymyr))) shouldn’t have been chummy with all the (((Kagans))), (((Nulands))) and (((Vindmanns))) of DC and helping them out when they were working to get Trump impeached.

Reply to  TempoNick
23 hours ago

Quasimodo Machiavelli predicted all of this 500 years ago:

“A Prince, therefore, ought to go slowly in undertaking an enterprise upon the representations of an exile, for most of the times he will be left either with shame or very grave injury.”

When one considers that they are all exiles, the idiocy and irresponsibility of a zio-friendly dissident movement is laid bare.

christian Schulzke
christian Schulzke
1 day ago

Basically, the US is finally leaving the 20th century.

Reply to  christian Schulzke
21 hours ago

Amen. Let’s find out what comes next.

1 day ago

Let us spell out the reality Europe faces. It is an indebted, ageing continent that is barely growing and cannot defend itself or project hard power. 

Even the Economist hints at the stark truth Europe faces while trying to insult Trump.

“How Europe must respond as Trump and Putin smash the post-war order”

Reply to  ArthurinCali
1 day ago

Part of the reason why the US has been growing for the past 15 years and the EU was stagnating is because the US debt has been growing at much higher rate than EU’s. (Compare Euro area to US charts at trading Economics, for example) This rapid acceleration of debt is one of the things the new administration is trying to address, but it’s unlikely they will succeed without sacrificing growth.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Hun
23 hours ago

The whole rapprochement with Russia has to do with FedGov’s debt. It lessens the attractiveness of a new BRICS currency, especially if (when?) the sanctions against Russia are removed and Russia’s frozen/seized assets are returned to her; when the US dollar returns to its role as a currency rather than a weapon.

Reply to  Hun
23 hours ago

You can have quite a party maxing out your credit cards. You call that prosperity?

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Hun
23 hours ago

Europe is stagnating because they have a bloated un-elected EU bureaucracy and all the regulation that comes with it. They have brought in floods of low quality unassimalable third worlders and allowed them to settle in their lands. The EU has fully embraced the Green religion which makes energy very expensive. Debt has very little to do with it.

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
22 hours ago

Yes, that is another reason for the stagnation, but the numbers don’t lie. You can easily check for your self. A lot of US GDP “growth” is financed by monster government deficits.

The third world invasion is terrible, but the US is suffering from the same fate.

And lastly, it’s also about the mentality. Americans are much more business oriented and open minded when it comes to money than Europeans, but that is besides my original point.

Reply to  Hun
22 hours ago

I don’t think the official numbers are trustworthy. They give the numbers they want. If you look at the increase in M2 and the growth in the DOW it has the appearance that it is all artificial growth and really just inflation. The countries 401k plans all support the price of the stock market; they have no where else to go. We have the reserve currency with our petro dollar and that has allowed us to create this beautiful piece of fiction. I have no idea what our real growth rate is or what an accurate GDP would be. The… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  ArthurinCali
23 hours ago

Europe is in the process of making itself into the #1 all time example of Kissinger’s dictum about how being America’s enemy is dangerous but being its friend is fatal.

mark vossler
mark vossler
Reply to  ArthurinCali
20 hours ago

A RUDE awakening indeed.

1 day ago

>he had a plan to end the war in Ukraine, but he refused to elaborate on the grounds that it was not prudent to talk about it publicly.

The echoes of Nixon are deafening.

People have forgotten that Nixon called for a New American Revolution. It’s not clear what this would have entailed because Vietnam and Watergate.

But the thinking behind it was that things had gone sideways and needed to be set right. In tone if not specifics, it was MAGA half a century early.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vegetius
1 day ago

Interesting. I can only assume that the New American Revolution sought to draw fuel from the Silent Majority just as MAGA draws it from the Deplorables. And in both cases, the target to be ultimately if not proximately destroyed was/is the cultural depravity of the New Left. In the case of MAGA, governmental efficiency is largely a fig leaf for that much more essential objective.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
23 hours ago

governmental efficiency is largely a fig leaf for that much more essential objective

Exactly. Even if these measures decreased efficiency and increased costs, they would be precisely what is needed.

Reply to  Vegetius
1 day ago

Elected in a landslide too, calling for law and order and an end to the War.
A mere 10 years after the Cultural Revolution got started.

Then a cub reporter fresh from Naval Intelligence got a continuous feed from Deep State figures, the hatchet job ensued, and Congress rewarded itself with Omnibus legislation.

I don’t see how it can ever go back. We responded to the Censors with fusillades of amateur reporting; the reactionaries sound like cranky old coots. Messages are for the breeding class, that is, the young, the people whose ground we’re supposed to be preparing.

Last edited 1 day ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Vegetius
18 hours ago

Poor ole Nixon – I can still see him walking the beach in baggy shorts, presidential windbreaker and a metal detector. Actually, that seems like a really nice pastime.

23 hours ago

 It was about those old 20th century ideas of good guys and bad guys.”

And we must make the 21st century idea that THEY are the bad guys; always have been.

22 hours ago

Seeing the Eurotrash and their sympathizers all butt hurt on X, I believe people have been watching too many superhero movies. They are convinced that Putin is the bad, Zelensky is the good guy, and Trump is making the wrong choice. It’s beyond childish.

Reply to  Maxda
21 hours ago

The vice president equivalent from Germany made the news today by comparing Trump to Darth Vader—not to any antagonist from German literature (maybe the world’s greatest) or from history (full of actual villains). Star Wars. From the mechanical-turk Indian who deletes your “jeet” tweet to NATO command, the West is ruled in all things, from pettiest to greatest, by people who don’t know anything. “There will be no more Stalins, no more Hitlers. The rulers of this most insecure of all worlds are rulers by accident—inept, frightened pilots at the controls of a vast machine they cannot understand, calling in… Read more »

Reply to  Maxda
5 hours ago

I’m a Euro and am loving the humiliation these swine are facing. The EU was like a chihuahua that acts tough because he’s got a pit bull backing him up. Suddenly, the pit bull has found other interests and the yappy little dog is crapping itself.

1 day ago

‘He treated it like the pool guy called and said he had to do something about the algae’ Good line. Starmer’s the latest cut-out the London banks and Brit elites have propped up. Stammerer makes about as many decisions as Tater Joe did, i.e., none. Treat him accordingly. ‘They are still doing the “If we use our power then we are no better than the Democrats” act.’ Cowards and rent-seekers. Fat jowly manlings. Once there was an evil Queen and a dominated, weak King. The Queen followed a pagan, woke religion, and promptly set to slaughtering most of the good men in… Read more »

Reply to  ray
1 day ago

Heh. Not power mad radicals with a lust for murder, not at all!

Priests, throughout time: “Kill the girls!”

Last edited 1 day ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
21 hours ago

I never heard any priest say that. Much less a slew of them throughout time.

You sound like a feminist, alzaebo. Like a daddy with five empowered dotters.

‘KILL THE GIRLS!’ roar the ravening priests of, uh, well nowhere actually. lol

Reply to  ray
20 hours ago

Anyone who has a positive thought about half of humanity sounds like a feminist. It’s quite obvious you’re not seeing the “The Wahymen Done Me Wrong” in your commentary.

Last edited 20 hours ago by Piffle
Reply to  Piffle
19 hours ago

Ok Hillary. I’m sure you’re right, dear.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  ray
2 hours ago

To be fair, the “sacrifice a virgin” usually meant a female.

Reply to  ray
1 day ago

There you go again Ray. Quoting that old Book of fables…. 😉

Reply to  Compsci
23 hours ago

Wild. Solomon’s vast kingdom, yet not one coin, not one pottery shard has ever been found from it. Jericho, 10,000 years old, yet archaeologists digging have never found evidence of a wall.

Both Jerusalem and Jericho were likely hamlets of about 500 people at the time great events were ascribed. “Winners” write the history, etc.

Myth is more like an inspiration with seeds of history. Aesop’s animals didn’t really talk, and earthquakes weren’t really Hephaestus hammering at his forge. Lessons can be taken, but receiving moral lessons from murderous invaders massacring a peaceful town (Jericho) does give one pause.

Last edited 23 hours ago by Alzaebo
Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Alzaebo
23 hours ago

The thing that always struck me about the Jericho story was that when Joshua sent his two spies into the city, they ended up staying at the prostitute’s house. Of all the places!

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
21 hours ago

Probably not exactly what Goethe meant by it, but: Elective Affinities FTW.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
21 hours ago

That’s actually explained by the text.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
5 hours ago

Soldiers are soldiers.

Reply to  Alzaebo
20 hours ago

This phrase is solid archeology, geology, and any field science: “The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.” “Solomon’s vast kingdom, yet not one coin, not one pottery shard has ever been found from it. Jericho, 10,000 years old, yet archaeologists digging have never found evidence of a wall. Both Jerusalem and Jericho were likely hamlets of about 500 people at the time great events were ascribed. “Winners” write the history, etc.” Evidence of even great and long standing civilizations are easily lost to time. The Egyptian civilization is a good example, because we both have extensive records… Read more »

Last edited 20 hours ago by Piffle
Reply to  Alzaebo
20 hours ago

PS – Sorry for all the typos in my reply. Hopefully you got the gist of it.

Reply to  Piffle
19 hours ago

I really hesitated writing that. True that the 500 number is very arguable, biased, & minor. I don’t want to offend allies.

You see, they are liars, and fantasists, who stole other peoples’ stories and promise grandiose desires they cannot deliver.

But, I’m not going to Heaven. That is closed to yours truly, for reasons. So I will be GOD-DAMNED if I’m told to sacrifice our women to these Hell-spawn or told they’ll bring Jesus. I will not take moral correction from these hapless creatures.
They misled our women, not vice versa.

Last edited 18 hours ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 hours ago

I annoyed one other poster the other day by speaking as though Christianity had one doctrine and one view. As a practicing Catholic, it does. I just happen to live in a Protestant country which assumes it does not. The Bible to me is both history and book from which liturgy (Mass/Sunday service/prayer) is derived. It is not open to private interpretation (from a theological view) nor it is to be read in two sentence snippets with an accompanying one hour lecture. The teaching and practice of the faith reside in a living institution, not a book many people appear… Read more »

Last edited 3 hours ago by Piffle
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 hours ago

“But, I’m not going to Heaven. That is closed to yours truly, for reasons.” My friend, a love of truth is a love of God. Bishop Fulton Sheen quipped “How God will judge my life I know not, but I trust he will see me with mercy and compassion. I am only certain there will be three surprises in Heaven. First of all, I will see some people whom I never expected to see. Second, there will be a number whom I expected who will not be there. And – even relying on God’s mercy – the biggest surprise of… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
21 hours ago

Thank Goddess we have progressed far beyond those fairy tales the ebil ebil patriarchists told everyone.

We are much more sophisticated now!

Reply to  ray
20 hours ago

Yeah, Amen. We lose the big picture in search for trivial aspects of correct historical narrative. Yet, time after time the few folk here knowledgeable continue to cite the Books wisdom which never fails to instruct. The power of “myth” remains strong.

Reply to  ray
1 day ago

Addendum: Ahab was not a weak king.

Reply to  Dutchboy
21 hours ago

Wifey runs your shop, then you’re a weak king. Even with Arnie Schwarenegger muscles. Weak.

Weak like living inside the purse of the Shriver family.

1 day ago

It is clear that Ukraine cannot win their war with Russia and has suffered massive casualties. You would think anyone who cared about Ukraine would recognize this futility and advocate negotiations to end the war ASAP. It’s a no-brainer but apparently there is a massive lack of brains out there.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Dutchboy
1 day ago

There is a little green pervert in Kiev who will cling to power and wealth to the very last Ukrainian life.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Dutchboy
23 hours ago

Sizable percentage (30%? 40? more?) is slave to the narrative. It was established over the last several years that this was a war between Good and Evil, between Freedom and Democracy against, well, I’m not sure exactly what, but it was something bad on the other side. Anyhow, there hasn’t been a slow narrative change for these people to adjust to, they are being smacked in the face by a reality that they haven’t been conditioned to.

17 hours ago

Hegseth’s statement on Ukraine is the simple thing that would have prevented the war. “Ukraine will not be a member of NATO.”

That is literally it. Instead, the Biden regime talked up NATO and now millions are dead.

The rest of the great power stuff – elevating Putin, diminishing Zelensky, is how to end the NATO debate.

That, and firing anybody who even whispers it.

19 hours ago

This applies to the rats who fled the sinking ship under the guise of being anti-woke or of being a populist who still loves the working class that the Dems abandoned. Joel Kotkin is one of many such slime balls. Here he is doing exactly what Z talked about. Americans need to keep and import more immigrants because … … surprise! We need them for the GDP!! These people are so clueless. He celebrates that 78% of the blue collar workforce will be SouthAmerIndian by 2030. This is the same old magic soil upon which GDP must go up at… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
1 day ago

Leftists as reactionaries and Rightists as progressives. Hm…

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
23 hours ago

The late-stage East Bloc says “hi.”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
21 hours ago

Indeed. But this seeming antinomy gets to the heart of what’s Left and Right. It seems to me, for example, that conservation of a sort must be fundamental to the Right. But what to conserve is of the essence. Clearly, multiculti, homo marriage, et al, are not to be conserved. But if not such things, what? I suppose it must be the deep structures–culture, customs, language, the natio. And anything violating the deep structures must be persecuted without pity. Similarly, working toward fundamental change is a huge part of being a Leftist. But not change to Leftist policy and political… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
19 hours ago

It took awareness before resistance. Mule, 2X4. A visit to the mall or seeing your child’s teacher cross-dressing focuses the mind.

23 hours ago

One of these days, trump will refer to zelensky as little zman:)

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Lavrov
21 hours ago

what did he call zelensky, “a semi successful comedian”? something like that. totally dismissive

1 day ago

Thing is, it’ll never go back, either. Things will never be the same, we just aren’t going to buy it. The Dissidence is built in, a feature of the whatever comes.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 hours ago

Agreed. Whether Trump ultimately wins or loses in his battle, the green curtain can never be pulled back into place again.

19 hours ago

Good seeing you on with Ramzpaul Z! Looking forward to more.

20 hours ago

It’s hard to believe anyone reads National review anymore…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  usNthem
18 hours ago

Very few do. It’s a subsidized propaganda organ of very limited utility.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
22 hours ago

 He treated it like the pool guy called and said he had to do something about the algae. 


19 hours ago

Z people, I salute you! Now over to X as an antidote to all this perspicacity.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
22 hours ago

The Blob, the Managerial State, Leviathan, whatever you call it, the guy who extensively studied it and wrote about it, Sam Francis passed away 20 years ago on February 15. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/the-sam-francis-i-knew/

18 hours ago

One analogy is that Trump-the-developer has agreed to take on the project of renovating a dilapidated piece of real estate, but the place is infested with termites. And nothing he does can work until he first gets rid of the termites. The termites are unanimous in their opposition to being eliminated from the premises, even though they’re running out of wood to gnaw on. The new owners would like this problem solved as fast as possible. Who are you going to call?

18 hours ago

Totally off topic but I’m digging the beard, Z.

I always pictured a silhouetted Dick Tracey figure, like those old posters, based on the voice. I don’t know why I thought that, its just what my mind conjured up. Did not expect you to be a barbarian warlord with a sage beard but its clear now I was lacking in imagination.

1 day ago

Doesn’t Nuland & Kagan somehow tie into this new paradigm? I think Ukraine was always about business….

all the talk about managerial this & that …you see the world through the eyes of a manager😁. Good work as usual

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
1 day ago

zelensky going to NATO meeting to be “inducted”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veg0cHBspNY&t=49s&ab_channel=MNEClips

1 day ago

[…] ZMan tries to keep up. […]

Mr. House
Mr. House
22 hours ago

I’m starting to think covid wasn’t from Ft. Detrix or wuhan. I think it might have come from Europe. At this point i don’t think China runs the Democrats, though they may help, i think its the Europeans. And i’m starting to think they may be our biggest enemies. Thoughts?

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Mr. House
22 hours ago

Whether Europe directly runs the Democrats or not, the #1 foreign policy concern of the American left/Democrats/progressives/baizuo, since longer than I have been alive, is how they are perceived by their European fellow travelers.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
22 hours ago

Stocks took a big tumble December 2018, and powell started cutting rates in spring of 2019, quit QT summer of 2019, Repo market begins to explode Fall of 2019. Does anyone remember the big Euro banks having issues that year? This is the only thing i could find with a quick search, perhaps they blowing up the Repo market and that is why JP morgan was demanding 10% for an overnight loan? Remember how not hysterical democrats were when covid first started, almost like they hadn’t been given the script yet?


Reply to  Mr. House
21 hours ago

You (not you… but you know what I mean) are your biggest enemies. Look within. True catharsis requires that the blood sacrifice come from your neighbours.

America’s great failing is that it constantly dodges this and washes itself in the blood of others. Never seems to work.

Trump Oligarchs
Trump Oligarchs
1 day ago

God bless Israel and the Zman.

Reply to  Trump Oligarchs
23 hours ago


karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Trump Oligarchs
21 hours ago

i don’t know, it’s kind of funny. a modern day version of Tiny Tim

Reply to  Trump Oligarchs
21 hours ago

That’s not even wrong. ™