Note #1: Last Wednesday was the second edition of a show I am doing with Paul Ramsey every Wednesday at 8:00 which you can watch live on Rumble and YouTube and, of course, watch at your leisure after the fact.
Note #2: Behind the green door, there is a post about the events of last Friday, a post about the importance of knowing who is in charge, and the Sunday podcast. Subscribe here or here. I was also on with the boys from the Old Glory Club where we discussed the events of the day. The replay is here.
Note #3: Since we are getting signs of spring, it means it will not be long before it is hot, which means t-shirt weather. Just in time for t-shirt season, we have a new shirt for The Occidental Club, which you can buy here.
Ronald Reagan was famous for saying that “the closest thing to immortality is a government program.” He was not the first person to say it. There are examples of American politicians saying a version of this going back to the 1930’s. There are probably versions of this concept going back to the Kingdom of Ur, because it is the nature of government to create constituencies in favor of its actions and those constituencies always lobby for more of what created them.
You see this with Project Ukraine, which was largely created by a small number of zealots called the neocons in the Obama administration. They overthrew the government of Ukraine, installed an anti-Russian government and just like that there was money and opportunity in Ukraine. By the time Trump came along in 2016, the Ukraine project had a sizable constituency in the Western ruling class, which is why Trump was impeached. He threatened the project.
Since the war broke out in 2022, the power of the Project Ukraine constituency has grown much stronger for monetary and political reasons. Important interests in Western countries are making money from the war, so they support politicians who seek to keep the war going. The politicians are happy to oblige, as the war is a nice distraction from the boring tasks the voters expect from government, tasks that the political class has thoroughly and completely ignored.
There is also the fact that the European political class operates like a preschool, where they are the children, and the United States is the teacher. Ending Project Ukraine is like forcing them into regular school or maybe sending them home to parents who do not fawn over them like their teachers. The reality of Europe is bleak, largely due to the perfidy of the Europeans political class. They prefer not to face that and instead fixate on this glorious adventure in which they are the heroes.
Of course, like all government programs, there is the program itself, which always adheres to the iron law of bureaucracy. In any bureaucratic organization there will be two kinds of people. There will be those who are devoted to the goals of the organization and those dedicated to the organization itself. The second group will gain and keep control of the organization. We see this with how the Blob is fighting DOGE like Grendel facing off against Beowulf.
This is what we see with Zelensky. He is the anthropomorphized government program, consumed with defending its prerogatives. It is why he was so nasty in his trip to the Trump White House. He could not believe that these people would have the audacity to make demands upon him. He is the indispensable man, on whose shoulders rests the fate of the free world and through him is expressed the hopes and dreams of the managerial class that created him.
This is the problem the Trump administration faces as they seek to wind down what they consider to be a pointless and costly enterprise. They wisely drove a steak through the heart of that part of the Blob that has controlled American foreign policy, which is why official Washington is struggling to defend Project Ukraine. Legacy media is simultaneously calling Trump Chamberlain and Hitler – he is somehow appeasing himself – but otherwise they have no answers.
The Europeans are another matter. They see themselves like the tax eaters in Washington getting memos from Elon Musk. For them, Project Ukraine is their reason to exist now, so Trump’s plans to end it are an existential threat. It is why they cooked up the scheme to trick Trump into going along with their peacekeeper idea last week and why they are now busy cooking up a new scheme. Ukraine is their teddy bear, and they cannot think of being without it.
Zelensky is the key here, as his very life probably depends on this war never ending, at least not until he has an exit strategy. He cannot make a deal with the Russians because the ultra-nationalist will not tolerate it. The only deal he could make is one that requires Russia to surrender, which is not a possibility. His other choice is fleeing the country, but he would no doubt be tracked down by enemies. That leaves him with no other choice but to keep the war going.
One of the truths of a government program is that when it is finally killed off, the world never ends and the people dependent upon it find something else. After the initial sobbing and moaning, the dogs bark and the caravan moves on. That will be the case with Project Ukraine. What must happen first is Zelensky must exit the stage, and either be replaced by chaos or by someone willing to do a deal to end the war. At that point, the Europeans will adjust to the new reality.
This is where things stand now. At some level the Europeans seem to know it, which is why they put on a show over the weekend featuring their favorite comedian. It was a funeral where they could all hug and reminisce, except the corpse was still walking and talking, demanding more money and weapons. The reason Zelensky keeps talking about resigning is he knows that for this program to finally end, he must exit the stage, so he is hoping to create conditions which drag that out a bit longer.
While it may feel like government programs are immortal, immune to all efforts to slay them, nothing lasts forever. That is what we are now seeing. Along with the death of the 20th century mindset in American foreign policy is the death of its last great program, Project Ukraine and its anthropomorphized representation of it. Once Zelensky is gone, the war ends, and the process of developing new, normalized relations in Europe begins as we exit the post-Cold War world.
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These past weeks have taught me that every American who said stay out of European affairs was correct. That continent is a cesspool of intrigue and perfidy…and a large degree of perversion and feminization. I come from their stock, but I am not of their stock. They might as well be white Persians to me.
You can’t really blame them. Europe is really a collection of a bunch of different microstates with shifting needs and alliances. Europe also has its pluses. I don’t have the right words for it, but the people have a little bit more of a softer touch. I don’t know if it’s more family-oriented or how to describe it. We live more in our little silos here in the USA. Also, when I was in the Netherlands, I was thinking to myself, “this place isn’t bad.” If this is what paying high taxes gets you, I might change my opinion on… Read more »
I dunno, I was taught at a young age that there were “Britons” and “Continentals”, and they were pretty different…Britons had a “code” and were less prone to despots, and tended to keep to themselves rather than get whooped up into mass movements, and most importantly, didn’t have serfs or peasants in the European sense. Britons were “sober” and believed in the value of the individual while Continentals…were not and did not. White Americans, for their part, and depending on where you live, are mainly the offspring of 17th-century Britons. And we haven’t changed that much while our cousins have… Read more »
britons and the city of london conducted the intrigue that keep pitting the continentals aginst each other in the “brother wars”
London banks.
Now do France and Germany and Britain.
Being of Dutch heritage, you are not off. However, the high taxes you associate are really not that high when you think of it. Two points: One, there is basically one taxing agent—the Fed’s—if you will. Everyone in the USA needs to look at their total bill including State, County and Local (city) taxes to get a true comparison of taxation. Two, health cost are included. That is no small number in the United States. For example, my costs—as a retiree—is about $16k per year for wife and I. We’re old, and so the cost is definitely justified—and recently, we’ve… Read more »
I’ve been going on about health care for years. We’ve been getting scammed. I know that makes me a heretic on the right, but once you see it you can’t unsee it as they say.
For knowing that “health care” is two words, thereby eschewing Madison Avenue “English,” go to the head of the class! Bravissimo!
The “health care” system is a massive grift. Live, die, get cured, be chronically ill — it doesn’t matter so long as they all get paid.
Europeans get something for their taxes while we get the empire. It’s not all sunshine and lollipops for the Europeans, but it’s most likely better for them than us.
This is what not running an empire gets you.
Plus, what were the demographics of the Low Lands at that time?
If I lived in California, my state income tax bracket would be 11.3% and my federal income bracket would be (is) 35%.
46% percent total, and that’s before every other piddly tax (roughly 7% sales tax, gas tax, you can’t build anything tax, etc).
My point: California is what you get with high taxes in the US. There’s no recreating the Netherlands here even with 100% taxes.
The Netherlands is cool, but they’ve embraced the values of the GAE, and it’s ruining them.
But that’s my point. Even in the places where we pay high taxes here, most of it is a dump. At least they’re getting something out of their high taxes, not to mention what Compsci said about it including healthcare instead of fighting wars for a short comedian.
The GAE principally offers or coerces feminism and its accoutrements: homosexual celebrationism, open borders, mall culture (MA-terialism), and liberal-totalitarianism throughout its institutions of law, government, education, media, corporations, and captured churches. In truth the GAE is a RELIGION that, awash with signaled virtue, we force down the throats of the world’s nations . . . for that is what I described above. Therefore the problem — and the solution — largely is in our own houses and homes, for that is where the individuals of the GAE are raised. How many of our households in the past 50 years have… Read more »
Socialism, in the form of the welfare state, worked well in Europe for many decades b/c the populations were–were–ethnically homogeneous. It has never worked in “our” country b/c we have never had that homogeneity, which has necessarily bred resentment.
Agreed. It’s easier to look out for your brother in a homogeneous society. Plus, Northern Europeans don’t have that grifter mentality. Traditionally, they are proud people and don’t want more out of the system than what they put into it. That’s why I have long thought the Northern European Protestant ethos is superior to most of the rest of the world. I’m not saying they were perfect, but they did the most things right.
If Russia is a gas station with nukes, and America is a strip mall with nukes, Europe is a museum with nukes (with a tasty cafeteria).
Or rather a museum without nuke
“Or rather a museum without nuke”
Both Britain and Francee have nukes, and France has the 4th-largest nuke arsenal in the world.
There is and should be no such thing as Europe other than a landmass. The EU is the most evil institution on the planet. They use the common currency, totally unnecessary in the year 2000, let alone today, to control the various countries and the free movement of people to destroy every locality in the EU.
When the individual nations rise and tear up this evil institution, I hope they treat all the former EU bureacrats like the communist-fascists they are.
I pray to Saints Antoine Louis and Tobias Schmidt. May their names come alive again!!!
It’s amazing that Americans now act as if this was all caused by Europeans and the US was just unwillingly dragged into this.
Americans think that every problem on earth was caused by someone else, and it’s our job to fix it. I know a dozen men in their 40s and 50s whose lives have been messes (like mine, but I’m not kidding myself) who still smirk and laugh at countries like Russia because they walk around smug in the belief that we could “end them!” at any time if they don’t shape up and emulate our example. Our example? What can one say. The disconnect between reality and what’s in people’s heads has never been clearer to me than over the past… Read more »
The depth of the propaganda in the US is amazing. Even our host’s pal Derbyshire said last week in his podcast that was posted here that Russia was “a corrupt and very overstretched empire”. I couldn’t help but find that supremely ironic given that we are the ultimate “corrupt and very overstretched empire” template the world has ever known. I suppose he may well be aware of this too but it illustrates the extent to which even critics of our empire default to “Fox News” rhetoric. Even now, Grillerland continues to live in a construct made up of various historical… Read more »
Derbyshire is British. Elites of that country have historic (200 year) hate for Russia and Russians.
You’ve made a succinct and compelling case against universal suffrage.
Hogwash. Americans know full well this was caused by our own neo-cons and crooks like the Bidens, but the Euros were just fine with keeping the show going, even after America has pushed the neo-cons and Bidens out of power.
Now, real Americans are trying to shut the thing down, and the Euros are still screeching for us to do the fighting for them.
We Americans know that. The Americans flying Ukrainian flags in their profiles and normie Republicans are completely blind.
you are correct . We caused this (neocons , victoris nuland, et al) and the europeans were dragged into it.
A comment I support supra.
The best European men of two successive generations were killed off for no good reason whatsoever, and then the continent was put into vassalage. Yes, it is no surprise that we have the leaders we have today. It is no surprise the place is run by wimps and girlbosses today and it plays out exactly as you would expect. But the only way to fix it is to let them sink and let the real leaders rise to the top. Of course the system is fighting that tooth and nail, most notably in Germany.
We English lost about 1.2 million in those 2 wars.
I think the Frogs lost about 3 million in the first and bailed early in the second.
The Germans probably lost at least 7 million in the 2.
That was a huge number of their best and brightest. No surprise that they are such cucks now.
The “frogs” had 600k killed—civilians and military—in WWII, but remember the shortness of the armed conflict. They were beaten up badly in 6 weeks and were (mentally) in no position for a protracted conflict—especially in a war started by their ally, Britain. No offense meant to the French. They deserved a better political class.
Don’t we all…
The only thing that saved the Brits (relative to the French) was they had a channel to flee across. Thus, the “surrender monkey” scorn heaped on the French ever since doesn’t seem exactly fair.
Also–and more important–France’s losses of life and the physical devastation of a huge swath of the country were a HUGE factor in France’s defeat in 1940. Also, Belgium’s failure to complete their portion of the Maginot Line made the invasion of France considerably less complicated, not to say easy.
I have a question a little off topic. My late Uncle once referred to the Italians as frogs as well. Do they also have that nickname in Europe?
Not heard of Italians being called frogs. Lots of other names though!
Wops, and guineas and dagos, oh my.
The French army suffered around 6 million casualties, including 1.4 million dead and 4.2 million wounded- which is why they sat out wwII
Germany’s casualties in World War I included 2,037,000 military deaths and 700,000 civilian deaths
Germany’s World War II casualties included 5.3 million military deaths and 6,600,000–8,800,000 total civilian and military deaths.
Britian was a major instigator of both conflicts and lost by far the least people.
“The French army suffered around 6 million casualties, including 1.4 million dead and 4.2 million wounded- which is why they sat out wwII”
France was wide open to the German invasion in 1940 b/c the Belgians never finished their portion of the Maginot Line, as the French had done. I don’t think “sat out” is quite the right description, although I know what you mean and don’t disagree.
It’s not just the raw numbers, as horrifying as it is. The aristocratic class of these countries, especially in World War I, were totally wiped out. So it was the people who were groomed from birth to take over the nation and the ones who felt a duty to fight alongside the commoners, or even in more dangerous situations. Of course it’s totally different now, you have situations like Netanyahu trying to trigger a world war while his son lives a life of luxury under state protection in Miami.
‘Killed off’ is right. Those wars were arranged and financed by multi-national corporations that funded BOTH ‘sides’ of the carnage. What an evil scam.
Britain and the Continent exited the Great Wars with a huge deficit of alpha-manhood, and empowered females and wimps rapidly filled the void, ruling with incompetence and arrogance. You see it everywhere in U.S. and British politics, but most obviously in Europe.
This is the whole point. The money is just a side hustle. They want a third European civil war, this time with nukes, to wipe out our race once and for all. They figure the global south will survive, sort of. It took me a long time to understand this. I didn’t want to, it’s so monstrous. But it’s the only conclusion that makes any sense of the contradictions of our falsified history. The good news is that the narrative structure that supports this horrorshow is collapsing, albeit slowly. The political structure, unfortunately, is still strongly in place, but there… Read more »
What the EU political class want is Russia’s vast natural-resource wealth AND an external enemy on whom to place the blame for the impending debt crisis. Those are not, however, the only things they want.
And Romania. And Hungary. And they even shot and seriously wounded Robert Fico, president of the Slovak Republic.
“I come from their stock, but I am not of their stock.” This is true, America siphoned off Europeans who did not want to live the way they did for a variety of reasons which were mostly good as far as people like us are concerned. That plus prisoners of war & kidnapped children who were forced into indentured servitude which wasn’t ideal. For a time, after we became an established country, half the Euros who came here ended up getting filtered & went back home. We had a very strong selection pressure against incompatible demographics before we completely reversed… Read more »
Britons and Russians are the worst tourists, and everyone knows this.
I think the Chinese and, yes, the Americans still give the British and Russkies a run for that title. 😉
Spend more time around Chinese tourists and get back to me …
We have the luxury of making judgments like that because Africans and Indians haven’t (yet) entered the tourism market to any great degree
20 years ago, traveling in exotic locales, Germans were considered the worst. Super cheap, and acted like they owned the place.
“everyone knows this” Perhaps everyone else has a different definition of trashy than myself. I consider men wearing thongs, women ripping their tops off in public, particularly in front of kids, sexually groping hotel staff as well as engaging in lewd behavior generally & being obnoxiously loud at restaurants to be trashy behavior. Can’t say I saw any eastern euros behaving that way but I sure saw a lot of French, Brits, Dutch & German tourists engaging in such behavior. Perhaps the Caribbean & Latin American countries, which are the places I’ve been to besides Canada where the French Canadians… Read more »
It really is odd but observable that Britons are scrupulously polite AT HOME but are really ill-mannered when abroad. Not ALL Britons, of course, by any stretch of the imagination, but there is a reason for the multitude of press reports about British hooliganism abroad (esp. in France) especially after soccer matches. The lower classes drunk and away from home.
Russians tend to mob a location and get feisty…either drunk, or loud, strip down to their hairy bodies more than they should, and their women walk around like tarts and act all haughty. They also tend to smell. As for Brits, they insist on eating THEIR food, then get piss-drunk and start fights with locals. Brits also like to board planes with all their stupid soccer scarves and sing their stupid sportsball songs; believe a person who has been on RyanAir numerous times. If you think Phila. Eagles fans are the worst, then ANY British soccer fans are 100 times… Read more »
Charles Lindbergh should have been the greatest hero of the 20th century
For we (late) Boomers, the European attitude is mind-boggling. Like many grads of my era (mid 80s), I backpacked pre-euro Europe with my Berlitz phrase books and strong dollars. The level of hostility to NATO/US among my age peers was truly shocking. This same age group is now running Europe. So am I to believe this generation suddenly loves NATO? It’s all fugazy. This is all about maintaining the raison d’etre of the European Union – entrenching the political class and crushing local, popular dissent.
I’m so old I can remember when the media and political class in Europe wanted America out (at least publicly). No Pershing missiles, no US military. Today, the same class has been itching for the American Empire to start WWIII with a nuclear power right on Europe’s doorstep since at least 2014. Just as when Obama slouched towards DC in 2008 the entire anti war movement vanished overnight, the whole posture of a peaceful Europe was always a fiction. Peace was never the objective, merely a convenient merkin to hide other machinations. A different merkin will do just as well… Read more »
This has amazed me as well and I can only make sense of it by observing that these baby-killing pedophile communists of the West were sympathetic to Russia when it was the heart of the Soviet dystopia stomping on the face of humanity for what they hoped was forever. When Russia turned into just a run of the mill semi-czarist hybrid parliamentary state they suddenly become rabidly hostile to Russia braying for blood and waving freedom flags that they were proudly burning the year before. These people are the enemies of humanity.
Yes but it’s bad for business in general and you’d think money would talk in this situation but it hasn’t. There’s nothing in Ukraine that can make up for the devastation of the German economy.
On this site, it’s still okay to say “mankind” instead of “humanity.” Just sayin’.
Is it a merkin or a strap-on? I guess it doesn’t matter at this point. That said, I can’t fathom what these “other machinations” are. The status quo pre-Maidan was working for everyone in Europe, if not American Neocons. This is honestly the most baffling geopolitical development of my lifetime.
These things are cyclical.
In 2025, it’s the Americans chanting “Amis raus!”
Perhaps this is proof that the human race is essentially insane, as we have a generation that for 50 years has forced a vision of itself as a peace-making, kind, progressive, tolerant group of 80 million (and been taken at their word) that now wants dozens of nuclear missiles flying across the sky tomorrow for a line on a map.
Maybe they were that way all along and we failed to notice. Shame on us for not picking up the signs. But maybe we’re just as bad.
They were that way all along. These self-styled “liberals” have always been vicious fucks.
And yes, human nature is tenuous at best. Most people are stupid and even the best are at least a little “insane” or conflicted. Comes with the territory of life.
It’s called “original sin.” And “stupidity.” The main lesson of history is that nobody learns from the lessons of history. And didn’t, even when it was taught in school.
Project Ukraine is different things to different people. Here at home it was sold as the Eeeevil Putler suddenly going crazy, one day – and invading the Kraine for gits and shiggles. Selling the project to the Euros was much easier. They are closer to The Beast, most have living relatives that remember the old Soviet days. Few people Over Her don’t understand that Stalin killed more people than Hitler ever did. Uncle Joe seldom gets credit for it, but he killed more jews too. There’s feuds that go back decades and bad blood that goes back centuries. The further… Read more »
Since Lord Palmerston (1853) and the Crimean war, and Mackinder’s World Island (1904) and Churchill’s Great Game, your Glorious Sovereign’s game has been to blockade Russia to keep it from getting too strong. That British anti-Russian sentiment goes back even earlier, actually, to when Tsaress Catherine sided with America in 1812, or to when Russian warships patrolled New York Harbor to keep British ships out during our Civil War. Don’t you northern barbarians still celebrate a “We burnt the White House” holiday up there?
Keep Russia down and Germany bottled up. It’s an old playbook. Why the Brits? They beat out Spain and France to lead the West. Then new and/or potential rivals to the east. It’s a situation that’s never been resolved, never stabilized.
“Stalin killed more people than Hitler ever did”
That is a lie right at the heart of the Ukraine project.
That is correct. It was Ukrainian Jews doing the killing for the most part.
Yes, Stalin took back the control of Russia from the Jews, but saying so would reveal that communism was largely a Jewish project (both in USA and Europe+Russia). Hence we get “Stalin is a bigger killer than Hitler” stories.
Too bad your intelligence isn’t even artificial.
They opposed NATO/US when they were fighting global communism. They support NATO/US now that it promulgates postmodern depravity. The Leftist may change his stripes, but his wretched heart remains constant.
Yeah, they’re all for war now they they have an Anal Army spreading LGBTQ, feminism, and abortion worldwide.
I’ve believed for quite some time that the West is just as ideological and just as communist as the USSR was, it’s just that it’s Huxley’s version of communism, nor Orwell’s.
Yeah, it’s looking more and more like you’re right.
Looking at the War to Save Stalin from both east AND west, Japan and Germany, as well as in Spain previously, I contend that our Socialist Diktator FDR’s mission was not only to create a bureacratic apparatchik soviet in the US with the New Deal, but that the Cold War fought by our newly created CIA was to extend communism, not to “contain” it. We did so by sabotage, feigned incompetence, within western-leaning countries, while keeping the USSR in business. Thus, no Cuban liberation, just Contras, and no valid predictions either.
Right. We live under matriarchal or gynarchic communism, they lived under paternal communism.
Females are collectivist beings by nature.
Western countries are too rich, too secure, too well-fed, and have WAY too much time on their hands. Have been for nearly a century. But that is about to change, and it will do the survivors a power of good.
Exactly. The faux revolutionay 68ers and their select successors think enlightenment has been achieved and will not go quietly, but it looks like they are going. Post-communist Russia is a stand-in for their dirt people, Gammons and peasants.
Yes it looks that way. But it so bad for business. I realize not everything is about money. But this narrative alone doesn’t fit the actual facts. The Russkies were happily buying up (Brits happily selling at high prices) London and Gerhard Schroeder was on the fricking board of Gazprom 3 years ago. All upper classes in Finland and Estonia were making money with Russians. Who threw the switch and why?
They may be making even more money now.
And grabbing Russia’s staggeringly rich natural resources.
There should be a digital clock hosted somewhere showing in real time the accumulated deaths of Ukranians. Photos and videos uploaded daily would help also. You never know though, the souless mind controlled orks everywhere would be unmoved. Their own social status is far more important.
Damn them all.
It would be no more permitted to honestly report such a thing than it is to characterize Russia’s actions as anything other than “unprovoked.” We are dealing with people who consider honesty a defect. It’s lies all the way down.
Agreed. Up here in Alberta we have a large Ukranian demographic. They are ticked right off at the west and the USA in particular for not supporting the war they started. I like Russians, and I like Ukes… but my response to that is “go fight your own damned war…”
I get that they are pissed as it was the US that started this whole fiasco with the 2014 color revolution, but “Kissinger Quote.” The US changes policy more often than a newborn changes diapers (with ((one)) exception). But thems the breaks.
re the Ukes here in AB – I thought the “deal” was that immigrants left their ethnic conflicts behind. Guess not. And Freeland is a prime example of continuing the fight of her ancestors.
It would be no more permitted to honestly report such a thing than it was to report the true number of deaths from Covid.
Z makes a good point about the managerial class – both here and in Europe – not wanting to focus on the mundane job of actually running a country. Infrastructure, energy policy, worker training, etc. The managerial class finds such topics incredibly boring, in part because they have no actual skills so they know nothing about these issues and in part because they consider them beneath them. Instead, they always spend their time topics that make them the hero in a great fight. Project Ukraine fits the bill. So did BLM. Climate change works very well. Freedom is at stake!… Read more »
These people hate normal life and use these issues to escape themselves
I’m reminded of the comment “If your mayor or local government starts talking about national or global concerns like racism, global warming, etc. forget about getting your garbage picked up or the potholes getting filled.”
I’m told that in many Leftist cities, the gubmint is hiring Pajeets to stoonk in potholes, thus rectumfying an infrastructure problem. Here is a classic case of immigrants doing the jobs Americans will not…
If you can hire outside of Blacks, you can maintain a reasonable government civil service—especially wrt manual labor. I live in such a municipality. Our primary ethnic group outside of White, is Hispanic. In this heat, they perform admirably.
Part of that problem is we’re now on the third post WWII generation. The first designed and built the global system–they knew it intimately and had the advantage of experiencing Armageddon up close and personal. The second generation was well educated and mentored enough to know how to pull the levers and make the machine work, but couldn’t make design changes. The third, on the other hand has largely grown up in an inbred DC bubble. And like malevolent Eloi hasn’t a clue how to build it or run it . So they simply carry out the old rituals, like… Read more »
That’s because the only people who seem to care about the mundane job of running a nation are White males (ok, and East Asian males too). They’re the ones who do all the actual work. Just look at any municipal government or city utility and see who is doing the real work. See what a basketcase that non-White or non-male bureaucracies are when they touch actual services, like the DC metro or the Los Angeles Fire Department. Everyone else is either in it for the grift or to push a bizarre ideological vision of society without doing any real work.… Read more »
You might say that there’s no such thing as a black (or jewish) delta male. And of course no women who can fill that role. And what is civilization (as we know it) without the indispensable delta?
‘That’s because the only people who seem to care about the mundane job of running a nation are White males’ Yup. Therefore lo! came forth the Ebil Ebil White Male, Necessary Scapegoat, target of the GAE for fifty years running . . . especially in America, the heart of the beast. The gynocracy and its allies marshalled all their power to demean, disenfranchise, deconstruct and destroy the Ebil Ebil Ones and their civilization. To thwart and reduce their power everywhere in society, from the courts to the cribs. This, they largely have accomplished. Our streets, clotted with thrown-away men, speak… Read more »
Climate Change, BLM etc… Don’t forget Trans-athletes. The managerial class thinks they are the heros protecting trannies from bullying and discrimination. It’s so important to them they are willing to berate little girls for not wanting to be in the bathroom with a mentally-ill boy.
A ‘big sad’ came over me once I read the last sentence. Once this clown show is done, they’ll move on to the next one… Once the prostitute walks out or is blown out of the office, another whore will walk in our lives demanding attention and gimmes. Fuck, I turned into an old man today, spiritually I’ve always been.. but still..guess that’s why I have this melancholy vibe, no one will pay for the crimes, no one will learn anything and we’ll move on till the next thing.
The Blob certainly has no problem making their opponents pay for their “crimes ” but I don’t believe the anti-Blob forces have the intestinal fortitude to do what needs to be done. It is still early in this administration so we shall see.
“The reality of Europe is bleak, largely due to the perfidy of the Europeans political class.” Indeed so. Rickets and tuberculosis are making a comeback in Britain and one reads of old-age pensioners dying of hypothermia because they can’t afford sky-high heating costs. And yet Third-Tier Keir offers unstinting support for the ongoing Ukraine fiasco, as does that weasel Macron. For years they could posture as “world leaders”, with a nod and a wink from Team Biden, on account of being such loyal compradors, henchmen, and sidekicks. But Team Trump now wants to retrench the failing empire and these little… Read more »
British PM: “We must defend Ukraine’s borders!”
British people: “Can we defend our own borders?”
British PM: “No, you bigot”
Change ‘bigot’ to ‘inmate’.
i don’t see zelensky being alive much longer, he has behaved atrociously in office, and presided over (and encouraged) gruesome war crimes. and of course he is guaranteed to sell out everyone he can, on his way down. plus killing him now unblocks peace talks, quickly.
At some point, the few sensible people left in European politics will figure out that they cannot have Zelensky alive and talking to the media after he leaves office.
Yep. Zelensky has proven to be a total loose cannon. He knows way too much about US and European involvement in this mess and the massive graft. He’s also addicted to fame – amongst other things – so he’ll do anything to stay in the limelight.
That’s not the kind of guy you want walking around after he leaves office.
I wonder if they’ve heard of Jimmy Hoffa?
Icepick sales are supposedly boom booming in Brussels and Washington…
Paging President Ngo Dinh Diem… President Diem, call your office…
“Well I’m very sorry, but I’m going to have to shoot you.” – Monty Python, The Cheese Shop Skit
Makes me wonder if he’s set up a dead man switch to release all the dirt if he gets whacked. That would be pretty entertaining.
Nah, he’s going to get the same kind of exile package Assad got. He’s going to get to go somewhere and keep his spoils.
Stepan Bandera retired to West Germany after the war. He was assassinated in 1959 by the KGB. The Russians have long memories.
The entire war is a crime. We wonder what leaders were thinking in the runup to WWI, but we’re seeing it here in real time. They just don’t care how many dirt people die.
The saddest news I have heard in all this is that US military recruitment is up. Hopefully that’s just propaganda.
Exited a brief exceptional slump and returned to recent average, apparently. But numbers we’re shown are all bullshit, so who knows. We do know that some people really enjoy the idea of dumb MAGA guys being driven, cheering, into a meatgrinder by Jews. Keep a list of those people, maybe. Recruiting still heavily favors everyone but normal white guys—the military is the core of Our Diversity*—so Trump fan enthusiasm (if present) isn’t particularly important. And I haven’t seen any. I’ve seen military family men say that the children they pressed into service are relieved that the election went the way… Read more »
One of those unexplained plane accidents awaits.
Then they can all sob over the great leader.
Assign Zelenskyyyyyy a tranny pilot and negro copilot and his eventual fate is sealed.
Vladimir (eff that fake and ghey spelling to differentiate him from the ‘other’ Vladimir for clueless Normies) Zelensky is an enemy of the United States, and a co-conspirator of the internal enemies of the United States. To wit, my personal opinions: 1. He was part of the Maiden coup, in cahoots with the likes of Clinton, Nudelman, Vindemann, a Rogue’s Gallery if there ever was one. 2. He was part of the ‘phone call hoax’ fake impeachment, again in cahoots with Vindemann. 3. He is a frontman for parties in hiding. 4. An ugly, physical dwarf and strutter, Mr. Magazine cover… Read more »
Volodymyr is the Ukrainian version of Vladimir. It’s legit.
Can’t say I have seen too many mentions of the fact that both Russian leaders in this conflict have the same names. “The Two Vladadmirs” — IMO the approach is to avoid mention. Link/citation otherwise appreciated.
Zelensky is the key here, as his very life probably depends on this war never ending, at least not until he has an exit strategy. He cannot make a deal with the Russians because the ultra-nationalist will not tolerate it. The only deal he could make is one that requires Russia to surrender, which is not a possibility. His other choice is fleeing the country, but he would no doubt be tracked down by enemies. That leaves him with no other choice but to keep the war going. Another poor innocent jewish victim of goyish manipulations. Will these people ever… Read more »
Starmer is now saying he is willing to put “boots on the ground” in Ukraine. What the fuck is wrong with these people? I guess they learned nothing from the Somme or from Dunkirk:
Europe Unveils Rival Ukraine Peace Plan Backed By ‘Boots On The Ground & Planes In The Air’ | ZeroHedge
If Starmer is such a tough guy maybe he should lead the troops himself?
Starmer’s soyish face makes all this even more ridiculous and insulting.
This is one of those times that one must wonder whether this is purely a PR stunt, or if Starmer and company really are so deluded, so far into the Star Wars meme view of the war, that they really believe they can do this. I don’t discount the prevalence of the “we will win because ‘free democracies’ always win” view among his set. Which is why I haven’t confidently written it off as a PR stunt.
Column A/Column B. The thinking may be a war pulls the attention off how bad a PM Starmer is and the fact Muzzies are running around Old Blighty going “stabby-stabby”. That and the fact England is turning into Airstrip One from 1984 punishing Thought Crime.
They haven’t thought any of this through nor thought of the potential for retaliation from Russia since it’s been so long since their homes were in the crosshairs (or targeting coordinates as it were).
The last time some Limey leader promised something he could not deliver … along with his sidekick, the French leader of the month … British cities ended up in ruin and their empire was a thing of the past. Not to mention years of austerity AFTER they ‘won’ World War 2.
Starmer is now saying he is willing to put “boots on the ground” in Ukraine.
As we used to taunt kids on the playground: “Oh yeah, you and what army?”
I’ve been reading the Royal Army can’t even pull together 200 tanks, and they have less than 100 Self Propelled Guns for artillery support. When the BEF got kicked off the European continent in 1940 they pulled around 400K men from Dunkirk.
Do the Brits even have 400K men in their entire Army?
He only needs a few Brits. The goal is not to have them fight, but to have them attacked by Russia so the US has to join in. Trump should give them a heads up that NATO is inoperable should this occur.
The NYPD could field more effectives, Shaniquas and all, than Britain.
My guess is that the UK’s military is even fruitier and femmier than the BFE’s. In the unlikely event they’re ever even deployed, they’ll soil their thongs and butt chaps quicker than Zelenskyyyy banging his schlong on a black key.
Found elsewhere:
“Uk army has more horses (~500) than Main battle tanks (~200).
Good luck with your new security guarantor Zelensky!”
Sure. It worked great for Czar Nicholas.
He said boots, didn’t say a word about men in those boots. I imagine the UK will airdrop 100,000 pairs of Wolverines just the yonder side of the Dneiper.
The ‘best’ weapons systems of the U.K. have already been proven obsolete in Ukraine. They have nothing whatsoever to threaten the Russian Federation in military terms. Maybe if their filth presstitutes run another Liz Hurley in a bikini article, that will do it?
Or other magic words? The photo of the collected European leaders with the Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp was a Phys-saster.
Looks like the fucking D & D club in a high school.
All solid points, Zman, but I believe you err by characterizing Ukraine as just another managerial program. Just as “our greatest ally’ is not just another foreign country. Ukraine was more than just another case of meddling and grift by the neocons and managerialists. It became a moral crusade on behalf of a certain tribe’s ‘people.’ And it soon morphed into a crusade to crystallize these self-proclaimed prophets’ definition of “America’s soul.” Which is why we got all the ‘that’s not who we are” and the inevitable Putin/Trump/Hitler comparisons. All reaching a crescendo into the ultimate battle for ‘our sacred… Read more »
Putin too has taken this as an opportunity to make antifascism the official religion of Russia. And to him too, fascists are us—people like us, not people like…
I can’t think of any fascists. I’m sure there’s like five of them out there somewhere, perfecting the syndicalist case for antisemitism in early 20th century Salzburg.
“Everyone will be Hitler for fifteen minutes,” we used to joke. Turns out we’ll all be Hitler forever. He’ll be the reason for every nation’s domestic repression, the cynosure of every post-war consensus—which will always be: The people must be stopped. They’re nazis!
I suspect the only reason for this administration’s lack of enthusiasm for the Ukraine War is that they are running into an industrial capacity problem, oops. Our greatest ally is always going to be a higher priority that anything else. If we only have so much war material it is going to go to Israel.
I was talking to a Ukrainian friend about this the other day. They are thoroughly disgusted by the midget in fatigues.
Another (((foreign interloper))) sent by our greatest ally to destroy the indigenous population, while getting rich too.
He’ll be lucky to escape with his life at this point. Best outcome for the tiny tinpot dictator is a beachfront condo in Tel Aviv.
Hopefully he gets the rough justice that he deserves.
Ah, yes. My Ukrainian acquaintance said, about the DRP/LPR people, “they are Russians, let them go.”
Force Zelensky out, jam your puppet in, end the war. I see on Breitbart that the usual suspects — instantly that aging crustacean Darryl Hannah — is backing Ukraine ‘independence’. She and her spiritual kin do so because Project Ukraine involved a lot more than laundering cash for U.S. and European ‘elites’, and feeding the U.S. MIC and Beltway parasites. Darryl cares because America’s underlying reason for regime change was to establish our feminist-socialist-globalist paradigm on the front porch of Russia. This, they call Our Democracy, and they wish it to metastasize to every corner of the globe. Russia’s backing… Read more »
Who knew that mermaids were from the lobster family?
“Steak to the heart.” Yummy. T-bone or Rib-Eye? /pedantic nonsense
I wish Amy Klobuchar and Chris Murphy’d move to Ukraine and run for office there, since that nation’s interests seem so paramount to them.
I’m excited to see what shivs Trump will bring to the Joint Session speech tomorrow. The enemy media will have to air the speech after Zelensky self-immolation.
All eyes are on Trump now.
All the usual wahmen and their soy camp followers are yammering on about the optics, girlish notions like “bullying…” President Trump has a clearly communicated America First agenda:
Make peace now because we are out of there. Or don’t make peace, we are still out of there.
The positive in all this is the Overton window moving to normalize a US exit from NATO. An alliance which ceased doing anything positive for us decades ago (if it ever really did). Some establishment figures are now saying it openly.
All too true and spot on as usual… but I think personally that something bigger may be going on here. I think that we are seeing the first flexing coming from what – for all intents and purposes – can be called the Dissident Left. Consider: We see it everywhere else too. The troons are starting to get kicked out of the military, as are the DEI hires. The legacy media is running on fumes. They’ve fired Don Lemon and Joy Reid and the other dancing monkeys of the leftist media have been put on notice. Leftist journalists are getting… Read more »
I see matters very differently indeed. I see Zelensky, Trump and his administration, and the UK and European leaders; as equally puppets (some knowingly, other duped) who are diligently performing their allocated roles in an overarching, and so-far highly successful, geopolitical strategy. At the end of which the NATO generated and sustained Ukrainian war can complete its objective of annihilating Ukraine, while “extending”/ weakening Russia; and then the European nations can line up for their turns at the same treatment. I believe the current Ukr strategy is called “substitution” (i.e. of Europe/UK for the US in Ukraine – freeing the… Read more »
What will the Euroweeny pols find to replace their war against Putinhitler? It’s their only point of agreement and it gives them a nice stage to signal their virtue to each other.
The will have to go back to calling the plebs Hitler for opposing their own replacement with lovely brown people.
I think Trump should announce he will not negotiate with Zelensky because he canceled elections, and therefore is not a legitimate leader. He can make no deals. He could also add something about saving democracy or something just to troll the left while he’s at it. Sends the signal- we don’t care if he were to accidentally fall down a flight of stairs or overdose on cocaine
It seems to me central to note that most of the people pushing hardest for this war and defining “American” self-interest as war with Russia are Jewish: Victoria Nuland, Robert Kagan, the Vindmans, Adam Schiff, Anthony Blinken, Bill Kristol, Rachel Maddow, Masha Gessen, Max Boot, Annie Applebaum, Michail Khodorkovsky, David Frum, Garry Kasparov, Bill Browder, Ihor Kolomoysky, Anne Applebaum, Wendy Sherman, Avril Haines, Samantha Vinograd, Chuck Schumer, Janet Yellen, Jamie Raskin, Jeff Zientz, Sergey Brinn, Thomas Friedman, David Goldman, Edward Luttwak, Noah Rothman, Robert Zubrin, Allen Weinstein, Carl Gershman, Jeff Zucker, Jonathan Chait, Larry Fink, Len Blavatnik … the list… Read more »
“he is somehow appeasing himself” — best line of the year.
He (Zelenski) could have been free and clear if he hadn’t suspended elections in Ukraine, so there’s somthing more going on IMO. The poor f***er’s in a personally desperate situation now which is why he went full retard.
I, too, have doubts that the TV administration can undo the post-Cold War mindset that has infected the collective West: that it’s always 1938 somewhere and that someone is always Hitler. There’s just too much money and graft still to be had and that gravy train needs to be constantly fed. BTW, what’s the current count of Hitlers that “our democracy” has vanquished since the end of the CW? I count at least six (Milosavich, Saddam, Osama, Gaddafi, Assad, Raisi). Still lots out there: Putin, Xi Jingping, Rocket Man, and of course Trump, who they certainly tried to vanquish many… Read more »
Don’t forget W–also known as Bushitler by those devilishly clever wags.
‘Hitler Never Died!’ Exclusively on the A & E Channel.
Zelensky’s approval rating is sharply up in Ukraine after the White House meeting. It tells you all you need to know about Ukrainians.
No, actually it tells more about who ran the poll.
Not really. The masses are easily led into war. Those who remain behind the lines have not experienced the pain, suffering, and horror—but they do experience the insult of a foreign entity “attacking” them. Flag waving and parades are easy. During the Nuremberg Trials, Goring reportedly said: “Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy,… Read more »
Not just the Euros are big on the peacekeeper thing. Ol’ Victor Davis Haitch out in Sacramenty has been pushing for troops to serve as a “tripwire.” Some folks never change, no matter how many times they read about the Greeks.
“That leaves him with no other choice but to keep the war going….he is hoping to create conditions which drag that out a bit longer.” I know what we’ve said before regarding morality and such and politics, but really—every day this creature (Zelenskyy) remains in power, hundreds die. A third to half of the Ukrainian population have fled, rather than put up a resistance to the Bear. Untold numbers of eligible males have vanished into hiding. The cream of the male population remaining now lies dead or wounded. Widows, orphans, unmarried girls are the heritage Zelenskyy has left his people.… Read more »
Zelensky is a culprit, but is he really “the” culprit? If they hadn’t had him, they’d have found someone else to fill that role. As Hun posted. He’s (literally) an actor playing a part.
I suspect he is literally still an actor reciting lines others have written for him. When this is over he should be stripped of all his assets and forced to return to low brow entertainment for money.
Or a comedian doing a routine.
The liberal “good guys vs bad guys” paradigm needs to be burnt to the ground (along with “find the bigot”) and exposed as the self-serving mind-trick of the REAL bad guys.
Instead of the story of the World Wars being that “we” won over the bad guys, the question should be asked, “wouldn’t it have been better if they were not fought at all?”
It’s always 1938 with some people. It’d be better if they contemplated 1914 for a change.
Nailed it in the 9th paragraph. Zelensky has built up a such a siege train of graft dependents–military, oligarchs, whole bureaucracy (we pay their pensions) that he has to keep up the whole chicken dance. Otherwise he has no utility to them, but is a risk, since he likely knows where the money went. That gives him lifespan less than the half life of Element 103.
We will always have Project Greater Israel
Even before this happened, I was guessing the European leaders were arguing over who gets stuck with Zelensky when the war ends. If the British had a better government they could tell him he could live in Bermuda, but would never be allowed back into Europe again. As it stands now, it appears I was wrong and none of them can even fathom the possibility of the war ending. Total insanity.
Link for the tshirt is not working
Same. It warned me the site was unsafe (surprise, surprise), but I was able to override it.
Light Blue, Gray and White? How about Zelensky Black, or Zelensky Olive Drab?
At least there aren’t pink ones like the Lagos Trading Company shirts. [It looks like only white is available…Need to get out my bottle of Rit…]
There can be no peace as long as Zelensky is around. Vance and Trump tried to get him to realize his “no peace, no cease-fire” stance is an obstacle, but that was in vain. Now that everyone knows it, either Zelensky goes, or the U.S. will walk away and leave the Euros to deal with the petulant little prick. If Zelensky was half the man the media makes him out to be, he would have sat down with the Russians after he gave them a bloody nose outside Kiev and saved what he could of Ukraine. But he’s no Mannerheim;… Read more »
Pretty good summation about the Ukraine war.
I see the Golden Collar progressives in a dominance battle with the Kill Amalek mummies; one camp is looking to the future while the other is stuck in the past. Trump, the fulcrum, has cleverly handed the Ukraine albatross to the EU’s eager hands; they see a chance to create an EU Army for domestic use (!), while Trump’s backers see a chance to pull off a revolutionary Bretton Woods II. Enmeshing Europe under a web of fresh war loans will weaken the euro. Trump’s backers want to focus on collateralizing not just gold (revaluing the Ft. Knox gold from… Read more »
“Once Zelensky is gone, the war ends, and the process of developing new, normalized relations in Europe begins as we exit the post-Cold War world.”
The only question is how much damage do the Eurocrats want to inflict on their nations before that normalization begins? The girl bosses and their servile eunuchs genuinely seem like they want to burn it all down if they don’t get their way.
Excellent article, Z Man, as always, but may I demur on one point? I believe that the Europeans *will* go to war against Russia. They might try a false flag in the hope of drawing “our” country into the war,and who knows what might happen then? I think that the wording of Article Five of the NATO treaty does not absolutely obligate the US to enter into hostilities, but that has never been tested. In any event, only Congress can declare war and, if worse comes to worst, Trump could insist on that and put Congress in the position in… Read more »