Masters And Slaves

Note #1: Behind the green door, there is a post about why deporting anti-Israel protestors is a good start, a post about the dangers of the Ukraine tarpit, and the Sunday podcast. Subscribe here or here. I was also on the J. Burden show last week and you can listen here.

Note #2: Since we are getting signs of spring, it means it will not be long before it is hot, which means t-shirt weather. Just in time for t-shirt season, we have a new shirt for The Occidental Club, which you can buy here.

One of the stranger things about the first months of the Trump administration has been the reaction of Europe to his peace initiatives. The European “leaders” are, on the one hand, horrified by his peace push, and on the other hand they have rallied themselves to various schemes to stop them. The latest scheme is to create a peacekeeping force that they will insert into Ukraine, something the Russians have repeatedly said is a deal breaker and perhaps even an act of war.

On the surface this looks insane. There are about twenty million Ukrainian refugees in Europe with more trickling in daily. Social welfare rolls are now littered with refugees, who do not speak the local language, so they cannot work. Of course, the EU has been shipping Ukraine billions of Euros plus all its military gear. The war has become another factor eroding social trust and most importantly, trust in the political elite that insists the war must go on forever.

None of this makes any sense until you think about what it means to be in the European political elite in 2025. It means a lifetime of having been very good at winning favor with America or winning favor with the politicians close to America. The dominance of the United States since the war, but especially since the end of the Cold War, has turned the European elite into a slave class. They are the house slaves, who defend the master’s prerogatives against the field slaves.

The surest way to getting yourself exiled in European politics is to speak poorly of the Americans in favor of European interests. Even now, when they all agree Trump is a big meanie, they are obsessed with getting his attention in such a way that it reasserts their position as the loyal house slave. With respect to Ukraine, they feel like they have been sent out of the room as the master talks to another master. They all have their ear to the door, hoping to hear what is being said.

What we are seeing is the result of long subjugation. When one people come to dominate another people, the subjugated will inevitably look to survive and that means finding leaders who are good at currying favor with the master. After the war, Europe was a mess and needed the United States to stave off communism and rebuild the economy of Europe. After the Cold War, the United States was the lone superpower, and Europe became its chief flunky.

It is why there will be no European Donald Trump anytime soon. The idea of such a character terrifies the typical European, who has been conditioned since birth to look up to the house slave. Since a Donald Trump like figure must come from the field slave population, this sort of figure is not just feared by the European house slave population but despised by the field slaves of Europe. They would rather been hacked to death by a machete wielding African than taste freedom.

This also explains the absurdity of the European political class. It is a freak show of carnival acts rather than people with some idea how the world works. You see the same thing in the United States among the black population. Every black congressional district has a ridiculous person as the representative. The newest version is Jasmine Crockett, a representative from Houston, who had to learn how to sound like a ghetto queen in order to rise up the ranks.

The reason Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers had to hire the actor Barry Soetoro to play Barak Obama was that the black community is not able to produce such a figure, so they had to manufacture one. The reason Obama has so quickly disappeared from the conversation is that he was always just an actor playing a role. The show ended and he left the stage. Like a typecast actor, he can only play this role and no one has much interest in the character, so he has sunk into obscurity.

We seem to be seeing something similar with other minority communities in the United States, despite the demographic changes. Boston Mayor Michelle Wu is a fast-rising Asian politician, but she is also an Asian version of Maxine Waters. The reason anyone knows her name is she is willing to perform in front of the cameras, aping the most absurd politics of upper middle-class white people. She is the East Asian version of the Sambo, dancing for her primarily white audience.

A main difference between the minority populations in America and Europe is the United States is actively trying to set Europe free. If Trump could do it, he would leave Europe entirely but he will settle for a reduced role. No one is seriously thinking about creating a black homeland or Asian homeland in America. The Trump administration actively talks about Europe standing on its own two feet again. This is why the current European elite is in such a panic. They do not want to leave the master’s house.

The question with regards to Europe is can it regain itself and do so in a way that does not require the great powers to supervise it? The glimmer of hope is the nationalist parties emerging, but they are often as clownish as the establishment. That or they exist to prevent an alternative elite emerging. Nigel Farage is an entertaining political clown whose main role is to prevent any sort of organized resistance to the nation-wrecking policies of the UK political class.

The answer may be that Europe will have to go through a dark age, so to speak, before it can produce a genuine alternative elite. Given the current demographic trends, what would emerge would be non-European. Alternatively, the nationalist movements gain power and simply ruin the existing political elite and their slave mentality. There is a period of chaos, like the end of communism in Russia, that provides the conditions for a new elite to emerges to rule Europe.

What we see in Europe and America is a good example of how success sets the conditions for decline. Conquering people makes them into dependents and eventually, their dependency becomes too much to carry. The United States is about to cut the Europeans loose for this reason. What suffering comes from the newly liberated house slaves of Europe will seem unfair to them, but three generations of dependency are the cause, not their impending liberation.

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1 day ago

“…Europe will have to go through a dark age, so to speak, before it can produce a genuine alternative elite.” Europe is already in a Dark Age. It plunged into it in 1914 and the lights are still off. It may be that some type of catastrophe similar to the two others will be required in order to sweep the political and economic stage clear of the 20th century debris that has piled up. I liken Europe to an old-growth forest with too much detritus on the forest floor. The next conflagration will be disastrous…whether fire or disease. The decadence… Read more »

Last edited 1 day ago by Epaminondas
Reply to  Epaminondas
1 day ago

By that measure, America’s is no different.

Reply to  RealityRules
1 day ago

The difference is: the US is wielding a lot of power and is independent. The king of a debauched nation with a powerful army can swing one helluva wrecking ball.

Reply to  Epaminondas
1 day ago

And, I think Europeans tend to be more conformist than Americans. This was very, very noticeable when I was in Britain, and it also seems true in countries on the continent.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  1660please
1 day ago

I don’t think it’s possible to be more sheep-like than “Americans.” Actual sheep seem downright truculent and obstreperous by comparision.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 day ago

You might be surprised. Most people, all over the world, are sheep. But there seems to be a more general willingness to really push back against “betters” and authority in the USA. What I saw in Britain was really sickening, with a widespread, very slavish following of all forms of whatever was in fashion. Not only in personal styles and that sort of thing, but also socially and politically. And not only was the media there overwhelmingly globalist/leftist trash, but it continued to have more dedicated followers than what I’ve witnessed in the USA. I haven’t changed my mind from… Read more »

Reply to  1660please
1 day ago


I am an European, lived in the USA and Latin America and this is true

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 day ago

I reluctantly agree, Mr Kozelskii. Yes, the controlled information-space of the time, TV and internet, made it seem that the only holdouts from masks, shots and social distancing were fringe lunatics. 2020 was in my view a test of the residual independence of Americans. And we failed, as a collective.

Covid-19 wasn’t a medical experiment so much as a social one.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Steve W
1 day ago

I won’t say we did worse than the Europeans or anyone else, but just that the result was disappointing, to say the least.

We aren’t Daniel Boone or Davy Crockett any more – or Josie Wales or Dirty Harry or Mr Smith. Just meat units in a vast and impersonal empire. And that scares a lot of people. They’d rather have some jab of a mystery substance into their bodies than find new jobs or lose friends. Libs in particular. All fired up about banning GMO in our food, but actually volunteering to BE a GMO? No problem!

Last edited 23 hours ago by Steve W
A Bad Man
Reply to  Steve W
23 hours ago

Agreed, abysmal failure. Shocking proof of the defeat, in detail of whatever someone muttered was “exceptional.’

It is disconcerting to have to live among our friends and families — The People of the Sheep. You can never really let them know your true thoughts while they prattle on about their every feeling. “I stand with Ukraine!”

Those billboards in front of many Protestant ‘churches’ that list the proclamations, their menu of ‘beliefs’ from BLM to ‘hate has no home’ ….

Muh, Taylor Swift. Muh, sportsball. On and on, while they chew their cud, oblivious to it all.

Last edited 23 hours ago by Jack
Catsup stained Griller
Catsup stained Griller
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
22 hours ago

Haha google “mutton bustin”

Reply to  1660please
20 hours ago

Very true in the Netherlands!

Jack Dobsen
Jack Dobsen
Reply to  RealityRules
1 day ago

To that point, the United States is infinitely worse demographically. Europeans could cull leadership and restore their nations. The United States no longer can.

Reply to  Jack Dobsen
1 day ago

We cannot, and keep the same borders. I don’t give a flying excrement about loss of some land if it means a mostly homogenous national homeland. We need a border wall, and it needs to be north of Houston and Dallas with the Rocky Mountains as God’s contribution to the southwestern wall. Losing land and resources will be a good lesson to whatever ruling class replaces the current set of cockroaches that misrule means loss of wealth.

Reply to  Horace
1 day ago

We need a homeland or limited suffrage for the contiguous US population. From todays missive: ”The newest version is Jasmine Crockett, a representative from Houston, who had to learn how to sound like a ghetto queen in order to rise up the ranks.” She’s a good example of the need for separation. She’s an obvious grifter and the Internet has shown her (miraculous) “before and after transformation for all to see. Yet, her “constituency” voted for her overwhelmingly as they are too stupid or banal to see through her charade and/or vote in society’s best interest. It is impossible to… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
1 day ago

“She’s an obvious grifter and the Internet has shown her (miraculous) “before and after transformation for all to see. Yet, her “constituency” voted for her overwhelmingly as they are too stupid or banal to see through her charade”

Same thing can be said of Obama.

Reply to  Xman
1 day ago

We still don’t really even know who Obama is. A complete Manchurian candidate.

Reply to  Robbo
1 day ago

That is exactly what he was. A manufactured entity.

Reply to  Robbo
1 day ago

By their fruit you shall know them.

Can’t see how we have any doubt who Obama is at this date. When he first ran, there could be doubt—although you’d have to be pretty thick to not see he was a “manufactured” political entity by the Dem’s. What was unknown—to me anyway—was which direction he’d take the country wrt race relations. I was more naive and hopeful in those days.

Obama’s damage to the country still has not been reversed.

Reply to  Compsci
17 hours ago

Yes. I figured, hey, finally a black man won the presidency. Race issues are over for good. LOL… they’ve only gotten exponentially worse. That black bastard was about the worst thing to happen to the country since the war of northern aggression.

Reply to  Xman
1 day ago

Yes. It tells us everything we need to know. Race and only race are the defining factor for them. Us and them; black and white. One thing I don’t think is right about the transformation videos. I think they are the classic fool’s errand of, “owning a lib.” Crockett transforms constantly in her real life. There are many blacks who speak normal American English out and about. However, get amongst only themselves and they all prefer and relish speaking eubonics. Not a single exception. In that sense, she is not transforming. She is not really performing. It is that she… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Compsci
1 day ago

Ethnic block voting has always been a problem in the US, it’s just especially bad with blacks. Even political views do not predict black voting problems. Most blacks who hold a lot of “Conservative” views vote Democrat. Many of the white subethnicities block voted like this and carved out their own little fiefdoms.
But if the generic category “White” had any ethnic solidarity, the Congress would be 95% White. Sadly, this largely does not exist.

Last edited 1 day ago by Tars_Tarkusz
Reply to  Compsci
1 day ago

Right, it’s hard enough to get along with one’s own. To add multiple alien populations into it all is completely insane. Segregation was always a logical and humane proposition. But one realizes at a certain point that the gubmint is not AT ALL interested in solutions.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
1 day ago

DC’s negroes continued voting for the crack-smoking whorehound Marion Berry even after his misdeeds were captured on video. There is no living with a race of people who view debased criminality as “keeping it real,” and attempting to better oneself intellectually as “acting white.” We have no point of contact with such a people.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
17 hours ago

I have to disagree, as I knew and talked to a lot of blacks in DC at the time, it was a hot topic. They knew it was a setup by the FBI agent, the “ho” who kept demanding rock when what Berry wanted was sex. You see, the DEA had been using such stunts to replace the local cocaine lords, such as Berry, with more subservient Jamaicans. The locals had all gone to high school together, and, being Americans, were getting a bit too uppity (such as running a second time for mayor.) The Jamaicans would do anything the… Read more »

Last edited 17 hours ago by Alzaebo
A Bad Man
Reply to  Compsci
23 hours ago

We need a homeland or limited suffrage for the contiguous US population.”

Hmm. I say at least 50% of whytes are not worth shit.

Reply to  A Bad Man
17 hours ago

You think any other population gonna do better on that percentage?

Reply to  Jack Dobsen
1 day ago

It really is disgusting to see all the various shades of swarth throughout the US government, top to bottom and side to side. For any rejuvenation, all of that will need to be gotten rid of. As for jazmeen, I doubt she had to learn to sound like a ghetto ho…

Reply to  usNthem
20 hours ago

There are videos of her online talking all sweet and proper. One of them is an act.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  RealityRules
1 day ago

Europe recovered from the world wars quite nicely, actually. As did Japan. If life in present-day France, Germany or any other satrapy of the EU resembles a “dark age” it is not due to the world wars, but to the emergence of a malignant, post-national ruling elite. This notion that Europe’s fate was sealed in 1945 is simply, well, insipid. It’s like saying the US was doomed after the ructions of 1865, or that Rome’s demise was foreshadowed by the agrarian revolution. Sure, we can all play Oswald Spengler on the interwebs, but really. Who among us, transported back to… Read more »

Last edited 1 day ago by Steve W
Reply to  Steve W
15 hours ago

Uh. I didn’t say any of those things. It isn’t clear what you are addressing. That said, there are a decent number of thinkers from the early to mid 20th century who did say that Europe was entering a dark age. Several predicted how post-industrial materialism was affecting Europe and did not see any salvation coming. Could they have known what would have happened as it stands now? Well by 1970 “Camp of The Saints”, was written. In 1991, “If We Do Nothing”, was written. Here we are. You are right about the single event being easier to see in… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
20 hours ago

We are members of the same civilization, something the American Exceptionalists forget.

Reply to  Epaminondas
1 day ago

The whole point of “Europe” as we think about it today is to keep Europeans from actually asserting their own interests. Now, in 1945, I could see where this motivation came from. But here we are and the EU has trampled on every single member country and is run by a totally hostile elite group. They hate Europeans but love “Europe.” It’s a very bizarre situation, but Europe cannot be saved until these shackles are thrown off.

Reply to  Mycale
1 day ago

The problem lies within. The Europeans have forgotten what self determination is. “Men without chests” as C.S. Lewis put it. They are members of a dysfunctional family and the America is the abusive leader of such. Better the devil you know as they say. They’ve grown accustomed to the abusive parent and can think of no better life without such. It’s a shame really.

Reply to  Compsci
1 day ago

Where are the strong and resolute men of Europe? Busy being ruled over by empowered females, just like New Amerika.

c911987e85c6886797dc8f3a2636830f9c1b475f70c81199655d0333ea972013.jpg (602×803)

Last edited 1 day ago by ray
Reply to  Mycale
17 hours ago

Huh. Wonder what the motivation was before 1945.
Any chance to shit on your own, eh, lads?

Reply to  Epaminondas
1 day ago

Epaminondas: “Europe will have to go through a dark age, so to speak, before it can produce a genuine alternative elite.” At the end of the day, all that matters are Fertility Rates. If European sh!tlibs refuse to procreate, then they will vanish into extinction. Whereas if an hypothetical core of European Tradcons were to continue procreating, then Europe would be just fine. The MacGuffin is the Council of the Sanhedrin flooding Europe with the absolute detritus of the hominid world. In retrospect, it’s absolutely fascinating that Jean Raspail & Enoch Powell are proving to have been the moast prescient… Read more »

Last edited 1 day ago by NoName
Bitter reactionary
Bitter reactionary
Reply to  NoName
1 day ago

I agree, but suspect the tradcon core you refer to will be too tiny to resist the ‘elimination’ stage of what is unfolding. To me, their refusal to reproduce is entirely sensible. The is no evidence that whites in general can break free, and nobody likes the idea of fighting alone. Having kids automatically reduces the standard of living for anyone not rich, while adding cares and stress of enormous magnitude as you try to help carve a place for them in a dying system. I haven’t spoken to a huge number of Euro-whites, but among those few I have… Read more »

Last edited 1 day ago by Bitter reactionary
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Bitter reactionary
1 day ago

“Having kids automatically reduces the standard of living for anyone not rich,” Perhaps, but how about quality of life? Something worth living for? An environment you look forward to returning to after work everyday? So you are a bit poorer, so what! 99.9% of our ancestors lived in a poverty unimaginable to us. Even fairly recently, 80-90 percent of people lived as peasants. Yet, they led their lives, had kids and did whatever it was they did and probably had a lot of good times in their lives. Nobody needs to live as a peasant in the West even with… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
23 hours ago

The problem with poverty for whites in AINO is that it generally means propinquity to negroes. I could easily do with much less than I have if I could continue living among my own kind. But with poverty comes relocation to the hoods and all the insufferable misery that entails.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
20 hours ago

Yes, but it depends on the area you are in. If you want to live in a big city, you will definitely be in this position if you are poor. But if you want to live in a rural area or even a suburb, it’s much less of an issue. Also, poor is relative. I wasn’t really talking about poverty so much as a downgrade in your material standard of living. Taking a standard of living drop might lower you a bit, but if you aren’t already in or near poverty, having to move to the hood is not going… Read more »

Reply to  Bitter reactionary
17 hours ago

It took 200 English to rule and run Sudan.
It took 200 Conquistadors to bring down the mighty, unstoppable Aztec Nation.

It took a few thousand of us to conquer whole continents.

None involved were living high on the hog, most nearly all were from the lowest classes, and darn near all had children amidst when danger was everywhere.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  NoName
1 day ago

BTW bro! I’m over here now as you know. You remember the absurdly nordic looking goddess lifeguard I’m sure, A10 ice blue eyes and platinum blond hair? I have acquired the 25 year old version of her in Poland! I already know what you are going to say next and yes— working on it. 😉 Will be doing my part to preserve Europeans. (Better late than never)

Reply to  Apex Predator
1 day ago

JNDC: the 25 year old version of her in Poland!


Will alert the gang chez PA World.

!!!! MOAR Icy Blue-Eyed Bunz => Icy Blue Eyed Ovenz !!!!

Reply to  Apex Predator
17 hours ago

Who Dares, Wins

A Bad Man
Reply to  Epaminondas
1 day ago

“…It plunged into it in 1914…” I would have to say that the ‘plunge’ predates that year, if you follow the machinations of people like Churchill, Grey, as they plotted for war against Germany, in cahoots with France, while even higher-ups in their own government were not aware of promises made that would eventually destroy millions of lives and multiple kingdoms and empires. If somehow we in the USA can shed our ties to these bloodthirsty criminals of the Old World, we would be better off by far. And just because the current year warmongers need to wear a brassiere… Read more »

Reply to  Epaminondas
16 hours ago

If a man, such as the Artist arose today, he would be thought as a clown. He would be tried by the media, the woke left and the usual idiots, but after enough time, he’s word would be understood, history always repeats itself, and hopefully next time, the good guys win.

1 day ago

The reason Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers had to hire the actor Barry Soetoro to play Barak Obama was that the black community is not able to produce such a figure, so they had to manufacture one. The reason Obama has so quickly disappeared from the conversation is that he was always just an actor playing a role. The show ended and he left the stage. Like a typecast actor, he can only play this role and no one has much interest in the character, so he has sunk into obscurity. Yet I regularly encounter “conservative” readers and pundits both… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
1 day ago

My very favorite part of the 2024 election was when they sent Obama out to campaign for Kamala Harris and he stopped into a Pittsburgh Democratic Campaign office to try to convince the black men working on the campaign to vote for Kamala.

Remember the whole vibe they built up about him being Cool, Smooth, “No Drama Obama”? Yeah, watching him switch between alternately scolding and pleading with the workers shot that image to Hell.

Baby, how can we miss you if you don’t leave?

Reply to  mmack
1 day ago

Yeah his shine wore off with the masses, but I still think he has a seat at the table in Dr Evil’s volcano lair.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  iForgotmyPen
1 day ago

It’s possible that he’s recently had to move from a seat at the table to one of the seats along the wall

Reply to  iForgotmyPen
1 day ago

He’s still a shine.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  iForgotmyPen
23 hours ago

He’s the shoe-shine boy in Dr. Evil’s volcano lair.

Reply to  iForgotmyPen
22 hours ago

Be assured. The devil doesn’t waste talent, either.

Reply to  iForgotmyPen
22 hours ago

Hehe, you said shine

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  mmack
1 day ago


At this point in time I believe that the complete and total deflation of the Obama myth is by far the most positive result of the 2024 election.

Reply to  mmack
16 hours ago

No self respecting black man will ever vote for a black woman, talk to black man and you know I’m right

Reply to  Vizzini
1 day ago

of course it’s ludicrous. But the normie-cons show they are not racist if they say obammy is some evil super duper smart mastermind instead of the stupid puppet that he is.

Reply to  Vizzini
1 day ago

Dismissing him is also a mistake. He’s no mastermind but I still think he wields significant influence. This whole counter-narrative of him just being lazy and filling out his basketball brackets and being completely uninterested is just as wrong as the mastermind narrative. He is an evil SOB that helped destroy any semblance of racial harmony in the GAE.

Reply to  iForgotmyPen
1 day ago

He’s so much not a mastermind that they have to have his handler, Valerie Jarrett, actually live with him. I presume to either keep him from doing stupid things or badger him to do what they need to do when they have a job for him.

Reply to  iForgotmyPen
22 hours ago

He is evil and still quite active and potent.

Reply to  iForgotmyPen
17 hours ago

Somebody bought him that mansion two miles from the Biden White House.
If it goes up for sale soon we’ll know. He’s clever and ruthless, like a criminal is, and he knows how to cultivate certain sorts of people.

Reply to  Vizzini
22 hours ago

Been a long long time since I’ve seen the name, (((“Bernardine Dohrn”))).

That was about 17 or 18 years ago [2007 or 2008].

Last edited 22 hours ago by NoName
1 day ago

The Europeans aren’t the house slaves, they’re the court eunuchs.

Reply to  Pickle Rick
1 day ago

What is the EU but women and eunuchs? And the U.S. Congress ain’t far behind.

Reply to  Pickle Rick
1 day ago

I don’t think of Europeans as “slaves.” They’re clearly the inferior subjects in the American empire, but they appear to me to be loyal foot soldiers in the GloboHomo/Feminist/Racial Egalitarian crusade. They’re not completely servile, with the exception of maybe the British. They give the U.S. blowback when it isn’t globalist and egalitarian enough, like the French during the Iraq war and the Irish for just about everything. They clearly dislike Trump and swooned over Obama. They are almost uniformly anti-nationalist and pro-brown immigration and pro-homo with the exception of a couple of eastern countries like Hungary and Serbia. I… Read more »

Last edited 1 day ago by Xman
Reply to  Xman
1 day ago


‘I think they hate Russia not because they think Russia will invade France or Sweden, but because Russia is Christian Orthodox while Western Europe is atheist, because Russia is nationalist while the West is globalist, and because Russians believe in traditional male/female roles and oppose the queer agenda’

Precisely. The Enemy Within hate hate HATES them some Russia because Russia represents White Male Christianity. Unapologetic and masculine Russia.

Full stop. Save the complex political theorizing, folks. The truth, as usual, is simple.

Reply to  ray
1 day ago

“Europe” shares a delusion with many of our guys. Russia as white hope isn’t true, and Putin would imprison you for advocating it.

It’s the white country I like best. I wish it thought of itself that way. It doesn’t. That’s a legacy of communism, in part, but also a matter of imperial pragmatism.

Russia’s fight—on the meta level, where it’s about self-image—is for a globohomo without pederasty. That’s better, obviously, but it’s very, very bad.

Reply to  Hemid
22 hours ago

My evaluation is similar. Caution is due towards Russia but I note:

Russia does not degrade and disenfranchise its boys, men and dads. Amerika-Globohomo does, with glee and enormous funding. This is self-destruction.

Russia does not persecute Christians. Amerika-Globohomo does, see Scamdemic for details.

Though Russia is not a ‘white nation’ per se, it also does not allow itself to be invaded by The World ™, handing out residence and goodie-bags.

Russia does not hate white people. Amerika-Globohomo? See Saint George Floyd.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Xman
22 hours ago

Man, you slapped that one out of the park, X. Good show.

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
1 day ago

Even the younger Vietnamese are starting to ape the leftist white elite out here in California. They held out the longest among the Asian groups because almost every one was one of the “boat people,” or the parents or grandparents were. They hated communism. But after two generations, they’re assimilating into the California degeneracy.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
1 day ago

The dumbest thing conservatives have done lately is switching their rhetoric on DEI away from condemning anti-whiteness—they’re almost not allowed to say “anti-white” anymore; Rufo will call you a racist, etc.—to trying to stop “anti-Asian discrimination.” For the meritocracy!

No matter where they’re from, Asians are from school. What does every school teach? To hate white people. So the Asians do that—better than all the other students.

You don’t know what hate is if you don’t know fully assimilated professional-class Asians. Yes, they all have white husbands. Look at ’em.

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
1 day ago

The only problem I have with this is that the European elites got a bit too uppity as house slaves. They insisted on pushing their censorship policies on to the American people and tried to throttle the tech giants. Starmer’s government went so far as to threaten American people with their censorship laws. Lastly, they have always tried to push their climate cult policies onto the rest of the world, including America. Perhaps this was due to the Biden administration favoring these policies. But there was a spirit of independent emphasis on the part of European elite for these policies.… Read more »

Reply to  Abelard Lindsey
1 day ago

Trump realizes empires are expensive to maintain and is downsizing as a consequence. I really do agree with Z’s view that Trump is treating all of this like a businessman coming in to restructure and save a failing company. Chief among this approach is a thorough examination of the books to see just what the Hell is going on around here. We’ve already seen that USAID was just a giant slush fund that barely sent anything on to other countries, and what it did send on was spent on profoundly foolish items. Now he looks at Europe as a money… Read more »

Reply to  mmack
1 day ago

“Of course the Euros are worried and angry since it means they’ll have to stop (or at least cut) spending on Cradle – to – Grave socialism (which they could implement because Uncle Sam picked up the tab for defense). The natives ain’t gonna like that, nor will the “immigrants”. Expect things to get more “stabby-stabby, splody-splody” over there if the Diversity gets cut off the rolls.” This cannot be emphasized enough. What’s happening at least in the back of the minds of Canadians is “Those cowboy Americans will pay for all the guns, because they don’t want Canada invaded… Read more »

Quiet Observer
Quiet Observer
Reply to  mmack
1 day ago

Cradle-to-grave social benefits and transfer payments cannot be maintained in the face of open borders. Economic hardship might produce the silver lining of less immigration.

Peter Piper
Peter Piper
Reply to  Abelard Lindsey
1 day ago

Kinda like when slaves escaped, they headed north to {ahem} white cities, instead of heading east to the nearest ship back to africa….

1 day ago

What I see in Europe is Snow Whites Seven Dwarfs having a dick measuring contest.

1 day ago

Europe is lost.

Merkel’s Millions, British Pakastani ripe gangs, speech laws that will land you in jail if you notice either, deindustrialization for the feelings of an autistic female child puppet, the death of Christianity being replaced with a tribal savage religion….

I’ll weep for them; it was once powerful and beautiful.

But it was almost the US. Still could be. Cautionary tale that entropy must be resisted with every generation.

Last edited 1 day ago by ProZNoV
Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  ProZNoV
1 day ago

Europe is a big place my guy. When we say “Europe” we are primarily talking about the Western powers. UK, France, Germany primarily. With a dollop of Belgium, Netherlands, and Spain perhaps. These places are bad but look at the list at the bottom to understand the -relative- problem to the States. Italy now has Meloni, step in the right direction. And places east of Austria are NOT like this. Try some monkey shines and TNB in the Balkans. I dare you… Poland is at war, liberal stupid women are pushing them ever more towards wokeness but their men are… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
22 hours ago

My spy in the region reports similarly about Eastern Europe and the Baltics. Great place for U.S., Canadian, Brit and Western European men to relocate. ‘Poland is at war, liberal stupid women are pushing them ever more towards wokeness but their men are starting to assert too which is NOT happening in parts West’ Indeed. Only the ‘manosphere’ is relevant. U.S. men are frozen at the gate in this race. The manosphere is sufficiently relevant to be #1 on the FedGov’s enemy list. (As demonstrated by the short-lived Disinformation Governance Board.) Where is the rest of U.S. masculinity? Keeping its… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
22 hours ago

“Italy now has Meloni, step in the right direction.”

while accepting hundred thousand of African immigrants, just like Lesbian AFD leader would 
According to CIA, Zionist State of Poland is 96 percent white

Optimism for fools, Real man is coldly realistic Machiavellist

fucking Czech Republic talks about the wonder of diversity and Zionism should mean Europe is already dead replace with inferior mutants

Reply to  Apex Predator
18 hours ago

It’s big, sure. 44+ “countries”. (Lichtenstein? LOL)

But it’s basically Germany and France. Everyone else just tries to survive. (And the UK without the US is a joke)

Without the US, Europe just loves to war with itself.

With the US, they adopt gay communism with infinity immigration to look good for their US protectors.

You think Poland is going to be the second coming of the Holy Roman Empire. Hilarious.

Not looking good.

Last edited 18 hours ago by ProZNoV
Captain Willard
Captain Willard
1 day ago

Zman’s own theory of positive/negative identity is likely an excellent predictor of the countries which can survive intact, along with historical cohesion. On these criteria, you’d expect Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Holland, Hungary, Poland, Croatia, Norway, Greece, Sweden, Portugal, Czechia, Slovakia to make it. Germany (negative identity), Belgium (Flemish already hate Walloons, then add Africans), Ireland (negative identity) have almost no chance. Rumania, Finland and Baltics have a good shot. UK and France are underdogs. The others are toss-ups (Spain, Italy, France).

1 day ago

It seems like success in our current political system is mainly about avoiding stepping on rakes when you are temporarily occupying your current office. See Karen Bass. People forget that she was being considered for VP by Biden. She had serious aspirations but they are likely done now because of the LA fires. Of course, the fires were not her fault. Yea, the government enabled them and the LA Fire Department was primarily a lesbian grooming operation and secondarily a firefighting outfit, but this has nothing to do with Karen Bass. Karen Bass is not a real executive with actual… Read more »

Last edited 1 day ago by Mycale
Reply to  Mycale
1 day ago

That was the least of Wu’s anti-White policies. Under her reign she organized massive international PR campaigns for Boston’s tourism initiatives. The PR campaign explicitly excluded White owned businesses and districts where the businesses are still primarily White owned. If that wasn’t enough, she proposed taxes be levied exclusively on White owned businesses. The no-Whites-allowed Christmas party with her and a bunch of blacks LARPing as Boston Brahmins in a finely 17th century European parlor ala Haiti’s generals LARPing as European warriors was just a cherry on top. It is a terrible thing to follow the real news. Wu is… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  RealityRules
1 day ago


Wu is not a clown. She is a dangerous predator as are all of these anti-Whites.


I estimate that the Chicoms have tens, possibly hundreds of thousands of hardcore infiltrators at all levels in the US.

Reply to  Mycale
1 day ago

Gayway Pundit’s great black hope in Utah, Mia Love, just died. They will have to find another magic negro – or perhaps a Samoan – to carry the flag in Utah now.

Reply to  3g4me
1 day ago

There are blacks in Utah? Yikes.

Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
1 day ago

Drove through Utah a couple years back. Looking at the billboards, you would think that only blacks live in Utah.

Reply to  Mycale
1 day ago

Getting mad at people like Bass for being incompetent is like getting mad at a sock puppet. She’s not there to a do a job or to know anything about anything. She’s there to get dressed up, wear those “intellectual” liberal glasses and DO EXACTLY AS SHE’S TOLD.

1 day ago

With regards to chaos. Natural systems, including human societies, function in a dynamic that moves from order to chaos. The order looks like an equilibrium, and we take it as “normal” when it is just a phase in order/chaos dynamic. We can intervene to preserve order, but the price is even greater chaos when the system flips.

Be grateful for Trump, further extension of the order that the USA lived under would have led to a horrible chaos, one that is still possible given the deep distortion of reality that extending the managerial order has inflicted on the country.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  FNC1A1
1 day ago

the word you are looking for is “entropy”

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
1 day ago

i don’t see how the current elite is left alive (after US) goes home. the native population hates them with a white hot rage, but so do the newly imported “natives”.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 day ago

Maybe the imported browns will take care of the white house slave rulers of Europe? The good white people of Europe do not despise the white overlords enough because they are similar to them in blood, maybe it’s best to face the brown Islamic hordes because they will be very different in blood and culture? Francis Yockey wrote that Europe would have been better off under the communism of Stalin rather than the liberal democracy of the aliens ruling the United States because Europe was more likely to reject Soviet communism because it was so different in its culture while… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 day ago

it seems like the animating force of the CCCP transmigrated to the US, and is still ‘alive’.

Jack Dobsen
Jack Dobsen
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 day ago

Oh, yes. To claim the US was on the winning side is to ignore what has unfolded since.

Reply to  karl von hungus
1 day ago

“it seems like the animating force of the CCCP transmigrated to the US, and is still ‘alive’.” Indeed it has and is. I’ve said this on this site many times and always get pushback from the hairsplitters: The left, the commies, the progressives, whatever you want to call them WON the Cold War. The West (nationalists, nativists, conservatives, whatever you want to call THEM) LOST. Every White country with the notable exception of Russia and a few other eastern Euro countries turned unmistakably leftward after the Berlin Wall fell. This what the war in Ukraine and all the Russophobia that… Read more »

Jack Dobsen
Jack Dobsen
Reply to  Boris
1 day ago

Only one quibble: it is 80 years rather than 35 years. There is no need to focus on the labels. The West lost.

Reply to  karl von hungus
1 day ago

Of course: the matter of “animation” IS spiritual in nature. But trying to convince…is like trying to discuss the timbre of a Stradivarius to somebody who’s got a tin ear.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 day ago

Perhaps an upside of the current wave of immigration is that they are not assimilated. They are not the Visigoths in the 5th century. These people dont want to be European (or American). They come for the gibs and to get access to White women. They’re not even like our immigrants who for better or worse at least, until very recently, actually did come to work. If Europe collapses and they don’t get any of either then they are likely to just go home. They’re not going to take on the trappings of the European regime and seek out some… Read more »

Trump-he'll Boldly Go
Trump-he'll Boldly Go
Reply to  Mycale
1 day ago

Long dark winter nights with no firewood and no food might do it.

Reply to  Mycale
16 hours ago

Come for de gibs, stay for de white wimmin

Can’t find ’em anywhere else

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
1 day ago

“Even now, when they all agree Trump is a big meanie” They treat Trump as an aberration, an anomaly. They sigh with nostalgia for Biden, Obama, GWB, Clinton. They call Trump a bully and “erratic.” They seem not to understand that “cometh the hour, cometh the man.” That the USA itself is in a crisis stage, has its back to the wall, and can no longer serve as hegemon and global policeman. They can’t get it into their thick skulls that the old game is over, the rules are obsolete. Taking care of Europe is a losing proposition and Trump… Read more »

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  thezman
1 day ago

And isn’t Boston’s Mayor married to a white man? It’s like the first thing the invaders do, when their bright children get to Harvard/Yale/med/law schools. They locate some naive white guy/girl, from an elite background if possible, and latch on for the ride. I have seen this happen in my own family, which has that sort of educational background. Look at J. D. Vance, with Usha at his side, smiling sweetly. Three kids — and no more blue eyes;-)

Reply to  Dr. Dre
1 day ago

Look at Vance’s mother-in-law. She is a Phd who was on the Vanguard of pushing DEI at San Diego State. An American state University with a Hindu provost/dean and a colonized faculty that is engaging in a pogrom of Americans.Then the great identitarian hop is her son-in-law. There is a photo of a family gathering. Vance and a couple of aging white guys at a backyard pool and then a massive family of subcontinentals. I wonder if the family is divided now that Vance is on an anti-DEI crusade. This thing is so incoherent and compromised it doesn’t know where… Read more »

Jack Dobsen
Jack Dobsen
Reply to  RealityRules
1 day ago

Everything about Vance either causes alarm or questions. He clearly was groomed by Silicon Valley to play a Pied Piper role for Heritage Americans. The question we are faced with is whether this is worse than the alternatives. I don’t think so but could be convinced.

Reply to  Jack Dobsen
1 day ago

Yep. It is a short and logical step from seeing the “heroic” White guy surrounded by a sea of muds, to seeing the heroic mud surrounded by a sea of Whites. Obama was a good example of such from the Left. We are being conditioned and that conditioning is subtly different from what has gone on for decades now. No longer is it simply seeing muds in public life. It is now seeing muds as important to traditional White values. An interchangeability if you will. This of course is a ploy. Once the interchangeability becomes accepted, the mask will come… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
1 day ago

In the IT world, that ethnocentrism of muds/dots is already well established.

Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
16 hours ago

We whites “need” them, the overlords say.

Reply to  Compsci
1 day ago

That already happened circa 2012.

Reply to  Dr. Dre
1 day ago

This also a function of the white woman’s screeching feminism. The yellow and brown ladies actually give these guys attention and a simulcra of a traditional woman. The young white women have chips, slut around, and are in general totally out of control. At the least, they are unfriendly.

Last edited 1 day ago by fakeemail
Reply to  fakeemail
22 hours ago

It is a shock to Amerika men when they travel out of country. The women often are friendly, feminine, and unspoiled by being a Princess all their lives.

Returning to Amerika is flat-out depressing after seeing what other parts of the world are like.

Jack Dobsen
Jack Dobsen
Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 day ago

the squabbling European children in line but once absent, the squabbling will begin again

Yes. Macron is touting French arms and indicating his country is ready, willing and able to become the continental leader. The UK and Germany nod along as they plot how to play the role France envisions. It is all fantasy and nonsense, of course. While I loathe what “Biden” did and the Blob in general, the erratic behavior of European leaders/figureheads has explained in part why the Ukraine idiocy was indulged. Z is exactly right about slaves–they kind of like it.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Jack Dobsen
1 day ago

Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather Whiplash girl child in the dark Comes in bells, your servant, don’t forsake him Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart Downy sins of streetlight fancies Chase the costumes she shall wear Ermine furs adorn the imperious Severin, Severin awaits you there I am tired, I am weary I could sleep for a thousand years A thousand dreams that would awake me Different colors made of tears Kiss the boot of shiny, shiny leather Shiny leather in the dark Tongue of thongs, the belt that does await you Strike, dear mistress, and cure his… Read more »

Jack Dobsen
Jack Dobsen
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 day ago

Good choice. I was going with the Devo classic but this one’s better.

Reply to  karl von hungus
1 day ago

Uncle Lou – the mean
Old Xou, at his very best:
(Him and old John Cale…!)

1 day ago

The paragraph about Obama stood out to me. I’ve heard from at least a few Boomer conservative-types that the half-black messiah was running the Biden Administration from behind the scenes. That always struck me as funny because, like Zman, I view Obama as an actor whose role called on him to deliver lines from a script with little or no input of his own regarding policy. It seems even some on the Right have fallen for the idea that the man is some kind of savant.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Wkathman
1 day ago

It’s not necessarily that he’s brilliant, or even smart, but that he has followers, that he commands their respect and loyalty, which makes it plausible.

Reply to  Wkathman
1 day ago

My husband was convinced in the beginning that it was Susan Rice all along. He later accepted that it was the small hats and managerialists, but he still has a special hate on for Rice – yet another White-hating mulatto married to a White.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  3g4me
1 day ago

He appears to be expected to make a decision about something. Maybe it’s just what they’re ordering for lunch, I dunno. Of note, that’s our friendly USAID administrator looking at him like that.

comment image

Last edited 1 day ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
16 hours ago

There’s the loyalty right there, to the main constituent of the Democrat Party: women.

Remember when he stretched his leg out with a half hard-on in front of a crowd of women? They started whooping. Homie knew how to play those girls.

Jack Dobsen
Jack Dobsen
Reply to  Wkathman
1 day ago

Obama is the lawn jockey of the Ruling Class, or at least was. Notice how he constantly and desperately vies for attention now and receives very little. The man has never run a damned thing let alone acted as a puppet master.

Reply to  Jack Dobsen
1 day ago

JD: “Lawn jockey of the Ruling Class.” That had me laughing! Unfortunately, I could steal that description from you to use only in select company. I can just imagine white progressives howling with indignation if they heard their half-black messiah blasphemed so unabashedly.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Wkathman
1 day ago

“Their half-black messiah.” I don’t know how one reconciles the opinion that he’s not in charge of anything with language like that.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 day ago

Look up “sarcasm” in the dictionary. Plus, I said he was THEIR half-black messiah, not mine. Just because a bunch of white progressives cream their jeans over such a guy doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s actually deciding much when it comes to policy.

Reply to  Wkathman
16 hours ago

He’s a spokesman, so both of you are correct.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
16 hours ago

Nailed it, Zoar.

Reply to  Jack Dobsen
16 hours ago

A diplomat, not a manager.

Reply to  Wkathman
16 hours ago

He’s a very effective technician, which is what brought him notice under Hillary.

You don’t need a crime boss, politician, or satrap to be a chemical engineer.
You need them to be an effective crime boss, or politician, or satrap.

Steve W
Steve W
1 day ago

There was a time – briefly – in the nineties when Europe looked like the Next Big Thing. The end of the Cold War meant it did not have to lean on the US for military security, and with the development of the EU and its common currency, Europe looked formidable on paper, with a collective population and economy far larger than the US. It turns out, unsurprisingly in retrospect, that you can have an empire, or you can have nations, but you can’t have both. Europe’s “leadership” is now drafted from the post-national, Davos class hatched and financed by… Read more »

1 day ago

The trend that is emerging is for the emergent American oligarchy to lend support to an emergent and very young European identitarian counter-elite. It is starting with Twitter/Musk being used to lend legitimacy to nationalist movements on the ascent but being oppressed. The next, inevitable step will be what always has to happen for nationalist/localist/particularist political movements to have a chance at success. That is financial and logistical support. What is strange is that merchant oligarchies are filled with contradictions and incoherency. Can Karp, Musk, Ellison … … help emergent European nationalists while selling their oppressors the tools of a… Read more »

Last edited 1 day ago by RealityRules
Reply to  RealityRules
1 day ago

Speaking of foreign predation. These are recent ideas proposed by, “conservatives.” This is my favorite. It probably dovetails perfectly with the Bergum/HUD-secretary announcement and it was probably paid for by Fink/Kushner as a way to get in on even more of the action: The only path forward and path for survival in North America for European people is to understand that this is not a country. It is certainly not your country. It is a flea market. Every faction that organizes and understands what this is will be in a position to fleece it. There are 180 million… Read more »

Jack Dobsen
Jack Dobsen
Reply to  RealityRules
1 day ago

Good Lord. There is no political solution. Those soothing essays are like the candy held by the owner of the van. Voting can be tool if it helps sow discord but that’s about it.

eta: Sorting already is underway and we see redoubts in their embryonic stages. We saw how “Biden” responded. If or whether Trump responds will be interesting. Disinterest is our friend.

Last edited 1 day ago by Jack Dobsen
Reply to  RealityRules
1 day ago

It’s not even sad or darkly amusing to see posts like those you’ve linked. It’s profoundly pathetic. The vast majority of internet comments I scan (from purportedly conservative/maga blogs to YT videos to DailyMail and news aggregators) are civnat/colorblind goodwhytes attacking the ‘left’ for focusing unnecessarily on ‘insignificant’ factors like race and using it to ‘divide’ people. They claim to abhor DEI and favor merit, so that if a biological woman can pass the same physical qualifications as a man, she is ‘equal.’ No comprehension of the different social dynamics or sexual tension this brings into play. They decry all… Read more »

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  3g4me
1 day ago

I’ve been working on a Christian, conservative normie friend of mine for a few years now. It is truly remarkable how ingrained the “everyone is a child of God” fantasy is in their heads. The only thing that might get him to this side of the divide is if his son, who he is super close with, has an encounter with a feral. Maybe then, and a big MAYBE, he will come out of the virus. He is one of those who thinks that if you just show them another graph, or another chart, they will come around. “We need… Read more »

Reply to  Tired Citizen
1 day ago

Christian conservatives are some of the hardest to break of their conditioning. I’m not even clear that even an interaction with a feral would change most. How can you observe the modern world and not have snapped out of it? They’ve been totally conditioned to believe that letting people destroy your culture and people is love and exactly what Jesus would want. Our mutual enemies have done an immaculate job harnessing this forgiveness and trust against us.

Reply to  Tired Citizen
1 day ago

When I read your description of your friend I am struck by how natural it is for whites to believe that all races are the same and that few should be turned away. Further, it is so natural for whites to believe in the power of reason to persuade others.

NO OTHER RACE SEES THE WORLD THIS WAY! And the whites can’t even see that!

Maybe whites are just like this but then I remember the Vikings and the Christians who beat back the Muslims. My fear is that all of our warriors were killed off.

Last edited 1 day ago by LineInTheSand
Reply to  3g4me
1 day ago

My Trump loving brother, who has an optimistic temperament, tries to cheer me by noting that some popular conservatives have stopped saying that the USA is a proposition nation, but instead that it is a country of actual people with a culture and history. They also say there are just two sexes.

He cites Steven Crowder and Matt Walsh as examples. I haven’t been able to confirm, but then again, it’s hard for me to watch much of those guys.

Can anyone confirm that some of the edgier conservatives are turning our way?

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 day ago

Don’t expect such a confirmation from me. Some may accept there are only two sexes, but they believe women should have equal civic rights and roles. They may tiptoe up to race realism, but they will rave about Sowell and Thomas and they all have an IKAGO. No one is willing to accept that equality (of ability or opportunity) exists nowhere in nature and is a piss-poor fantasy on which to base a society. Until they jettison that lie, all the rest is just noise.

Reply to  3g4me
22 hours ago

My take also. And I’ve trolled through Breitbart for a dozen years.

The Righties are budged only by the direst personal disasters. And even that sometimes doesn’t do it.

This time the Enemy conquered by making material life so good, men would betray their own God and brothers to retain it.

Conservative men are willing to be ruled by women if life is sufficiently comfortable. They are made to eat — and often to extoll — the Big Lie of Equality.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
22 hours ago

Walsh recently said that he’s proud of what the early American settlers did by conquering the land and defeating the Injuns. Sure, that’s a good position to take and one I agree with, but the main problem is that MAGA/republicans/grillers are always content with words in lieu of action. As long as you’re telling these people what they want to here, they couldn’t care less about the problems being solved. Based on his first couple months in office, Trump is specifically catering to this type of character.

Reply to  RealityRules
1 day ago

Everything makes more sense when you view what’s happening to America the same as what happened to Russia after the USSR collapsed; the complete looting of productive assets by a (foreign) parasitic oligarchy. You just saw it with Howard Lutnick bragging about selling a few billion worth of those Gold Cards to foreigners, which is an easy way for them to snake their way into US politics and game the system. Now, Burgam and HUD are looking to take federal land and sell it to their developer friends so they can house more immigrants. You summed it up perfectly: “The… Read more »

1 day ago

I am reminded of the movie ‘Wall-E’ near the end when all the fat people fall off their hoverchairs and learn how to move their bodies, grow things, and love again. It’ll be wobbly, but I think the Euros can pull it off.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
1 day ago

The political changes in AINO would have been impossible without the loss of faith in the MSM. In Europe, no similar process has occurred. There, the official Narrative remains the predominant “reality.” And probably will for the foreseeable future, as there is no sufficient mass of “nationalists” to counter both the many baizuo (who are a greater percentage in Europe than in AINO) or the election rigging, which is just as bad as in AINO if not worse. IOW, the current European “leadership” class is probably going to go down with the ship.

Ted X
Ted X
1 day ago

I’m left wondering what does it mean to be “European”? The wholesale rejection of Christian morality both in Europe and America implies the elites have embraced suicidal cosmopolitanism. The elites of the GOP are the most pathetic example of political suicide in history. QUOTE: Returning to the Republican Party, we see a political side that claims to support many of the same things as Christians – such as the elimination of abortion and same-sex marriage. Yet, the 2024 Republican Party Platform is interestingly muted on all social subjects. It takes no such clear stance on issues of morality. Additionally, many… Read more »

Last edited 1 day ago by Ted X
1 day ago

‘Since a Donald Trump like figure must come from the field slave population, this sort of figure is not just feared by the European house slave population but despised by the field slaves of Europe’ Of course, L’Orange is not a field slave. He is a plantation owner born into great wealth and privilege. What field slave rises to power in Amerika? I see none. There’s JD, lookin good homie except . . . hm Yale Law Journal, venture capitalist with Thiel, not so rootsy there eh? ‘The reason Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers had to hire the actor Barry… Read more »

Reply to  ray
1 day ago

Not true: the Trumps were “middle class, nice neighborhood (Queens) 20th century ‘murcans” :white collar, middle class, but NOT highfallutin’. Their family was friendly with my ex’s father’s family: church picnics, the bridge club, etc. Fred Trump developed shopping plazas, etc., until…he went into business with Govt., and started developing outerboro hi-rises and other residentials. THAT is where/when the Trumps started “movin’ on up.” so to speak. (Why go into business with the Feds? Fred figured out that having feds around around at the jobsite and in the project office worked as mob-repellant. And remember, the mob squeezed everything and… Read more »

Reply to  rasqball
21 hours ago

‘Fred Trump paid his children each about $20,000 a year, equivalent to $265,000 a year in 2024. Trump was a millionaire at age eight by contemporary standards’ There were four kids, so that’s $80,000 per year total, in Fifties dollars. Not too many middle-class folks in the Fifties paid their kids 265 grand per year. Or even $20,000 per year. I grew up working class (LMC) in the Fifties, and I recall life clearly. We scrambled to cash-in pop bottles we’d collected from the neighborhoods. Cut lawns for $5. My middle-class friends were only marginally richer. You are either quite… Read more »

Reply to  ray
19 hours ago

Don’t know where you get your info from, and i am am not inclined to squabble: Mine comes from personal anecdote, Bob W. (retired cop, now in his 80’s), reported to me (Mary Trump was Bob’s school sweetheart, btw…) that Fred moved nickels like manhole covers (and Bob’s a one himself, I assure you!), and made a social faux pas when he got himself a chauffer (!). The neighbors said “c’mon, Fred!”, and he went back to driving his Chrysler Newport back and forth from Queens to to the jobsites in Brooklyn himself – for shame! Yes, the family got… Read more »

Reply to  rasqball
17 hours ago

I am not inclined to squabble either but I damn sure will squabble when publishing a commonly known fact (Trump family wealth) gets me called a liar.

Do you always base your knowledge about the world on somebody’s ‘anecdote’? The reason there are published reports about things — including the Trump family money — is so we don’t have to make up the facts, i.e., lie.

1 day ago

The over-the-top bashing of Europe from white Americans never felt right to me, and the pessimism never quite lines up with my actual experience when I travel through those countries. Europe isn’t done – they’ve been closer to destruction in the past. Yes, London was a mess of foreigners, but the countryside was a different story. Yes, many of the leaders are buffoons, but I’ve found the average young north western euro to be smart, helpful, and aware. Yes, the demographics aren’t great, but they’re not great anywhere truly industrialized. It’s not clear that they’re great for the immigrant pops… Read more »

Reply to  TenFiftySeven
1 day ago

Good point. The anti-European stuff really took off after Trump’s election, spearheaded primarily by Vance and the MAGA influencer crowd. They usually attack it from the standard Republican perspective that Europeans are freeloading socialists who are taking advantage of the poor helpless Americans. It’s very tiresome. More to the point, who benefits from ensuring the two largest blocks of Whites globally are at odds with each other?

Felix Krull
1 day ago

With respect to Ukraine, they feel like they have been sent out of the room as the master talks to another master. Also, they’re presumably a bit disoriented that Orange Retard has just reversed seven decades worth of Western security structure, ripping up the rule book overnight. European politicians have to live with their Washington overlords long after Trump is gone, so maybe the prudent choice is to run out the clock. And if Trump wants to set Europe free, he can start by withdrawing the American occupation forces, rather than threaten to landgrab Euro territory for asset stripping. It… Read more »

Last edited 1 day ago by Felix_Krull
Jack Dobsen
Jack Dobsen
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 day ago

And if Trump wants to set Europe free, he can start by withdrawing the American occupation forces, rather than threaten to landgrab Euro territory for asset stripping.

This. If it were attempted, of course, who actually runs the Global American Empire would become even more obvious, if that is possible. The reason the occupation forces will remain is due to domestic concerns.

Felix Krull
Reply to  thezman
1 day ago

They most likely would, yes, but as you have so convincingly argued, it’s not like they have any choice in the matter.

As for Ukraine, it’s America’s tar baby. Europe was getting along just fine with Russia in the late noughties, early tens, when Washington allowed such rapprochement. None of the idiots playing politicians here could place it on a map before they were ordered by their Judeo-American masters to adorn their social media with Ukie flags and start saying Keef.

And now they’re being told it’s their mess. No wonder they’re upset.

Felix Krull
Reply to  thezman
1 day ago

That would reverse the American Russia-policy that’s been playing since the bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999: encircling Russia and gradually tightening the noose. Cutting Ukraine loose would amount to scrapping core NATO doctrines. And I’m not as sanguine about Russia as most of ourguys; Russia will not always be led by a reasonable, peace-loving Europhile like Putin. Most of the alternatives would actually want to invade Europe, or at least the Baltic States, maybe Poland. Mind you, I suspect we currently have little idea what’s going on behind in the back rooms of the extravagant, three-ring Trump circus; as I… Read more »

Jack Dobsen
Jack Dobsen
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 day ago

I actually think the insanity of the Ukraine war was a case of the European tail wagging the American dog. Everything you laid out seems true, but behind the scenes I suspect the Euro puppets were telling D.C. to hold their beer. I’m agnostic on Russia, but certainly what has happened and what is happening could embolden a future nationalistic leader there.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Jack Dobsen
1 day ago

The 2014 coup was an entirely American affair: “Fuck the EU”, as Victoria Nuland said, and Ukraine has been a CIA/Neocon fiefdom since then.

I see it as a replay of the 2008 Georgia-thing, where Saakashvili, propped up by the Cheney cabal, and with troops trained by the US, decided to shell resident Russians with MLRS in South Ossetia.

Only back then, the Russians reacted instantly, and came down on Georgia like a pregnant brontosaur dropped from orbit, not giving the US time to mobilize world opinion for an intervention before it was all over.

Jack Dobsen
Jack Dobsen
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 day ago

The United States certainly bears responsibility for the events leading to the war. Serbia/Kosovo in particular poisoned the well due to the religious/ethnic/cultural insult it represented. But it seems as far as the Ukraine War itself the European leaders/vassals took a wildly disproportionate lead in the hostilities; the GAE seemed content to confined itself to the usual passive/aggressive fuckery. Much of this also has been extra-governmental, too, with transnational corps pulling lots of strings apparently in a quest to grab resources. I don’t believe the 4D chess BS for a nanosecond but Trump seems to be tweaking something that was… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Felix Krull
23 hours ago

The main difference between South Ossetia and Ukraine is that the Georgian army was quite small and weak compared to the Russian forces.

In contrast, the US and NATO had many years to build Ukraine into a large, well-equipped force that at points rivaled the size of the Turkish Army.

Reply to  Felix Krull
21 hours ago

Nothing wrong with Russia invading the Baltics in particular. They aren’t real countries and need to be slapped down so hard that they will never come back. Finland, Poland and Rumania the same. None of them are real countries in any sense. Sure, they have languages and customs and all but they could function as regions of Russia and the world would be much more peaceful if their managerial class was all in the Gulags. There are just some peoples who just can’t get along with others no matter what. My personal opinion is that Poland bears watching. They have… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
1 day ago

It is their fucking mess. They grabbed bidens tit and never let go. Never seen such a pathetic display by obvious vassals as the 2021 to 2024 period. And Europeans kept electing the scum and begging to be ruled by socialist freaks in brussels. It’s your mess and if you want another Gustav, napoleon or hitler, it’s on you to dig your own grave. You’re electing the people to do it for you that’s for sure.

Reply to  Felix Krull
1 day ago

Dumbass Europeans aren’t our concern. We wasted enough treasure and men on that dump and the perpetual European conflict. Once we leave you can go back to killing each other like always. We survived without a poland existing for over 100 years and will do it again.

Reply to  Felix Krull
1 day ago

Wisdom as expected from you, Felix. The other weakness of the Euronationalists – which they share with the magatards – is ultrazionism and the bogeyman of antisemitism. I’ve seen/read of it in Tommy Robinson, Geert Wilders, etc. The Aussies have gone so far as to begin testing all the black/brown/yellow wannabe paper westerners to ensure they have positive opinions of Joos. Until people genuinely confront and accept what nationalism and ‘people’ is in reality, the political game will continue as usual.

Felix Krull
Reply to  3g4me
1 day ago

Yes. Every “nationalist” party in Europe is certified controlled opposition, with the possible exception of Golden Dawn in Greece. And every time one of them gets enough votes to be forced to shit or get off the can (like what’s happening to Farage right now) a new “nationalist” party is there, ready to pick up the vote. (Like the Homeland Party is doing right now.) In 2015 the Danish People’s Party was voted into a position that gave them the keys to the prime minister’s office – despite the worst efforts of the party leadership who had exiled their biggest… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 day ago

…fat, ugly, hysterical, Israel-loving, Koran-burning one-man retard-show… I forgot “grooming underage boys online”, reading them stories about a schoolboy who gets violently dildo-raped by his teacher in front of his class, instructing them in shaving their genitals and telling them stuff like “I’m naked right now, and my giant dick keeps bumping into the furniture.” It’s literally on tape and published by a major newspaper, but for some reason, this guy who we’re supposed to think is the biggest threat to democracy since Uncle Adolf, is being gladhanded by the establishment, invited to debates in DenMarx Radio like a real… Read more »

Last edited 1 day ago by Felix_Krull
Jack Dobsen
Jack Dobsen
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 day ago

Yeah, but is he a secret Putin puppet? That would be a career ender.

Jack Dobsen
Jack Dobsen
Reply to  3g4me
1 day ago

The Aussies have gone so far as to begin testing all the black/brown/yellow wannabe paper westerners to ensure they have positive opinions of Joos. I was unaware of this parodic loyalty test, and I have strong ties to Australia and try to keep abreast of developments there. I won’t write it is “unbelievable,” because it certainly is believable, but it is beyond pathetic even by today’s low standards. In essence, the Tribe is demanding that Australia continue to be invaded but only by those loyal to Our Greatest Ally. The expulsion of naughty Palestinian students from the US for the offense… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Jack Dobsen
1 day ago

The expulsion of naughty Palestinian students from the US for the offense of trashing Israel, pathetic in its own right, at least has the upside of getting a handful of foreigners out.

When they want to take rights away from you, they always start with the Mohammadans – that way you won’t complain until it’s too late.

Jack Dobsen
Jack Dobsen
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 day ago

They don’t need or seek a predicate for anything any longer, Felix. Basically every civil and constitutional right was stripped during Covid, and as far as I know Muslims weren’t bothered with a lockdown/mandatory vaccination regime beforehand. As to censorship in particular, federal agents were doing it with gusto to Heritage Americans for years. Granted, Mohammadians might have been censored as well, but no excuse was needed or offered to do it to the natives. As White America’s percentage continues to decline, look for examples to be made of the Heritage populace with increasing frequency and intensity. The days of… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Jack Dobsen
1 day ago

You still have quite a lot of free speech left, de jure if not always de facto. Holocaust Denial springs to mind, a natural corollary to banning anti-Semitism.

And the Mohammadan demonstrators conveniently offered their ass up for slapping. I have no idea what I’m talking about, but I figure most Normie Americans are good and well fed up with noisy “students” waving foreign flags.

Jack Dobsen
Jack Dobsen
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 day ago

Yes, there’s a lot of free speech left, but the Constitution lovin’ Republicans are earning their shekels by trying to ban anti-Semitic speech here, too. As far as the Pali protestors, they more or less have been media memoryholed, but, again, any pretext to deport is perfectly fine. Normie Americans are indeed fed up because they have been told they are told they fed up despite the disappearance of any images or mentions of the people who they have been told caused them to be fed up.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Jack Dobsen
1 day ago

Hm. The Pallies are all over Danish media, it’s insane.

Jack Dobsen
Jack Dobsen
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 day ago

It was the same here, and then the polls became troublesome.

Reply to  Felix Krull
19 hours ago

“When they want to take rights away from you, they always start with the Mohammadans – that way you won’t complain until it’s too late.” This concept is straight of the Jews playbook about supposed oppression. This stifling thought, that rulers will be unable to make future meaningful distinctions is about making sure the Jews are never differiated enough for country what, 105? Mohammadans are hardly model citizens anyway just to begin with, even in their home countries. Historically, they are the conquerors, who stuck around for centuries. When Spain did move them out, the Christian citizens (or their sympathetic… Read more »

Last edited 19 hours ago by Wiffle
Reply to  Felix Krull
14 hours ago

The Pali kids made Israel look like a victim, and got paid by Soros to do it.

Last edited 14 hours ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Jack Dobsen
1 day ago

The link won’t post here – Amren 20 March. (See how magnanimous I am, repeatedly suggesting posts at websites that banned my comments years ago.)

Jack Dobsen
Jack Dobsen
Reply to  3g4me
1 day ago

Thanks, I’ll go there and give it a look and maybe comment in your memory while there.

Reply to  3g4me
1 day ago

IIRC AmRen began to use volunteer comment moderators, who took the task waay too seriously. They think they are doing “God’s work”, but they’re not. All they were doing was being the “nice police” in the commentary section. Of course, what is nice depends on the moderator. Thus, the AmRen commentary became worthless and half the reason to read articles in the blog vanished. If their moderators and policy came over to this blog, half the discussion/exchange would immediately end. Jared Tayler hasn’t a clue as to how much audience he has lost with his “play nice” policy. As much… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
19 hours ago

Jared Taylor by background is part of the elite. He simply disagrees one one topic. Comfortable conversation comes well before meaningful conversation.

Jack Dobsen
Jack Dobsen
Reply to  3g4me
18 hours ago

OK, read the article. Wow. When I saw that forcing the invaders not to be anti-Semitic represented “Australian values” I chuckled because it is true.* There was no need to leave a comment on your behalf because others had done the dirty deed far better than I could have. The comments themselves were eye-opening because AmRen is Zion Central. The readership, at least, have taken The Last Redpill. *About ten years ago on a return visit I reunited with an elderly friend who was a World War II vet. The Japanese came very close to an Australian invasion several times… Read more »

1 day ago

I was reading about what happened at the Jimmy Carter funeral last night. Karen Pence snubbed the Trumps and so did the Bushes, but Trump was chummy with Zero. I guess Michael Obama and Karen Pence didn’t attend the inauguration festivities, either. Karen Pence must be butt hurt that her husband has been frozen out. Or, maybe the rumors about him being a pedo are true and she’s bitter that she got stuck with one. I don’t like the guy simply because he can’t give a straight answer to the most simple question. He always tries to tap dance around… Read more »

Last edited 1 day ago by TempoNick
Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  TempoNick
1 day ago

It’s debatable if Trump and The Precious were actually chummy. Many have noted that laughing when challenged is an old habit of his.

Reply to  TempoNick
1 day ago

I’d like to think that Bush is incredibly unpopular, but I think he has enough boomer repuke support and new luv amongst the left (feminist airhead wife and daughters) that he could still get elected to office. Never underestimate people’s stupidity. Either way, the POS has plenty of $ – like the rest of them – so isn’t particularly worried about the future of his grandchildren in a non-White world. He should be, but he isn’t.

Reply to  3g4me
1 day ago

So how rich do you have to be to tolerate/accept having half caste children when your offspring marry out of race? How rich do you have to be when your full blood Hindu in-laws drop by to celebrate Christmas with you. What the hell would you celebrate anyway? Do we hang ornaments upon the many arms of Shiva? What stories do you read to your grandchildren when they go to bed at night. Do we read from the “Bhagavad Gita“ or “Snow White”? It’s not even a chapter from “Brave New World”. It’s a horror story of a dystopian world… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
1 day ago


Last edited 1 day ago by TempoNick
Reply to  Compsci
1 day ago

Give the Bushes credit for one thing. At least none of them to my knowledge are married to Jews. Jeb may have married a Hispanic, but at least she’s Christian.

Last edited 1 day ago by TempoNick
Reply to  TempoNick
1 day ago

Jeb! must be a very truly insecure man. He’s a Bush, 6’3″ tall, a governor, and the best he felt he could score was a very short, very indigenous mexican lady. It’s bizarre. . .even if he’s a social retard his family could have set him up with any number of white debutantes in their circle.

Last edited 1 day ago by fakeemail
Reply to  Compsci
1 day ago

Brave New Camp of Saints. Updated for 2025. Only online because no publisher would touch it.

Reply to  Compsci
1 day ago

‘Do we hang ornaments upon the many arms of Shiva?’

No, that’d be Kali.

ztNGDO.jpg (1024×768)

Featured on the Empire State Building Imago a few years back. Finally, some truth in advertising.

Last edited 1 day ago by ray
Reply to  ray
23 hours ago

My mistake. You found out my secret—*I have no non-White in-laws, especially Indian*. 😉

Reply to  Compsci
1 day ago

Bravo. You get it. Far too many don’t – and never will.

Reply to  3g4me
1 day ago

The normies still love him. My aunt loved Jeb. (Of course, she has slipped into dementia so she might not have been thinking straight.) What’s that old saying about shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves and three or four generations? The Bushes are never going to be in shirt sleeves, but they sure have wrecked the family business. W may have wrecked the family business, but I guess you never know. They may rise again from the dead. It’ll be hard to do, though. W should have been smarter than to let himself get suckered into going into Iraq. All of… Read more »

Last edited 1 day ago by TempoNick
Reply to  TempoNick
1 day ago

W is skull ‘n bones. They have their own priorities.

Reply to  TempoNick
1 day ago

I checked to see if in fact a Karen Pence exists. She does. And yes, she HAS the iconic Karen Power-Pixie Cut. Oh, btw Karen is certain that Art Therapy will save the world. :O)

Look upon thy royalty, lament and weep:

karen-pence-is-a-teacher-and-art-therapy-advocate-1598468602.jpg (1000×560)

Great Merciful God. When you said you were gonna put thorns and thistles in the Earth, you weren’t just woofin.

Last edited 1 day ago by ray
Reply to  ray
1 day ago

She was a guitar player in a Catholic Church in Indianapolis. (I went to one of those kinds of services once at a leftist parish and it was pretty creepy to me.) That’s how Karen and Mike met, but now they are evangelicals. I’m guessing they didn’t have enough pull for Karen to have permission to remarry. (She’s divorced.)

Reply to  TempoNick
21 hours ago

Nothing to do with my God.

Reply to  ray
19 hours ago

Jesus specifically prohibits almost all divorce, more than once, in the Gospels.

Reply to  Wiffle
17 hours ago

Somewhere in that wonderful Book it actually says ‘God hates divorce’. Hard to see any ambiguity in that.

Last edited 17 hours ago by ray
Reply to  TempoNick
19 hours ago

When they are working well, annulment tribunals do not grant annulments based on celebrity status or how badly they want one. Celebs can “shop around” dioceses. For the most part though, if there’s a Christian marriage with children particularly, annulments are not granted.

Reply to  ray
21 hours ago

She looks like a beard.

Ketchup-stained Griller
Ketchup-stained Griller
1 day ago

Crockett reps Dallas and a little Southwards. She went to U of Houston.

Rented mule
Rented mule
Reply to  Ketchup-stained Griller
1 day ago

Keep my fingers crossed that her wig catches fire on live TV

Mr. House
Mr. House
1 day ago

“Nigel Farage is an entertaining political clown whose main role is to prevent any sort of organized resistance to the nation-wrecking policies of the UK political class.” Couldn’t you make the same argument about Trump? 2016 felt like when you work for a corporation and they need to make changes so they send out an email to employees asking you which would you least dislike? Bernie and Trump, well Bernie was not acceptable so we got Trump who is, and the rest is WWE. Just a thought. Both parties in America should have been relegated to the dustbin of history,… Read more »

A Bad Man
Reply to  Mr. House
1 day ago

“Couldn’t you make the same argument about Trump?” Depends, eh? Your assumption would be same-same with slattern Harris, slicked-back Newsome, etc. Is there ANY chance with Trump in office of the following things, as in ANY? Millions of illegals go back to their countries. Mfg returns in some meaningful way to USA. Ugly, disgusting degenerates like Admiral Levine are not celebrated and in our as often. More criminals in office are revealed. Some criminal in office are driven out of office. One or more criminals in office get perp walked. We have a POTUS for a while that does not… Read more »

1 day ago

The old colonial powers, mainly Britain and France, siphoned vast amounts of wealth from their conquests..e.g. India and China went from the wealthiest countries in the world to virtually the poorest in 200 years..The US actually did the reverse, expending trillions reconstructing and defending Europe..So the Europeans became very wealthy house slaves, not field slaves being worked to death..The transition to field slaves in the next ten years is going to be brutal….

Reply to  pyrrhus
1 day ago

“…e.g. India and China went from the wealthiest countries in the world to virtually the poorest in 200 years…” Really? Or are we conflating the rise of the West via the IR, with a stagnation of those two countries mired in socialism, i.e., communism?. India for example after GB left experimented with socialism, ala USSR precepts, for decades. China similarly until Mao died and after a couple of government transitions, decided to use a limited/controlled capitalism to its benefit, i.e., “To be rich is glorious!” China of course has caught up and surpassed the West in a brief 40 years.… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  pyrrhus
1 day ago

There was no such country as India before the Brits arrived

1 day ago

It is the difference between a ruling class and an administrative class. If a class exercising power (coercion and persuasion: police, education, media, etc) over a population through both governmental and private institutions has no power to make changes to the structure of their civilization (ex trade, foreign, industrial, immigration policies) then they merely administrate, but do not rule. An administrative class, with veneer of legitimacy provided by the theatre of ‘democracy’, exercises power over the population it governs, but itself has power exercised over it (through coercion and persuasion) by an actual ruling class which makes decisions regarding civilizational… Read more »

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  Horace
1 day ago

I think this is a bit convoluted, but at least it mentions them. What I think Z is missing, perhaps deliberately, is that the Europeans are indeed slaves, but not to America, rather to Rothschild/Soros. America is just the vehicle of empire, as the British were before.

Personally, I identify 3 overlapping factions, not five: Neoliberal, Neoconservative and Zionist, although there are sub-factions. Where to put Zemmour, Miller and perhaps Unz is difficult. Possibly self-hating or cryptos? The position on legal immigration is usually the tell.

Just don’t turn your back.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
1 day ago

Forgive me if it has been talked about in the past, but the notion that “They would rather be hacked to death by a machete wielding African than taste freedom”.

Is that the gaslighting/mind virus, or a deep seated cultural defect?

I can’t think of any situation where the getting hacked to death would be preferable to anything. But that’s just my opinion, I could be wrong.

Last edited 1 day ago by Bartleby the Scrivner
Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 day ago

There are folks who are fine with their daughters being murdered by illegal immigrants, and would rather see the murderers go free than be thought a racist.

Like-wise, the Euros seem fine with muslims and blacks getting all stabby. I don’t see Euros pushing back against the barbarian hordes, but rather meekly going along with even more savagery.

It’s a deep seated cultural defect at this point: All the good men were killed off in the two great industrial wars.

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
1 day ago

And the rest were thoroughly brainwashed by the teevee and other media programming.

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
18 hours ago

I have chatted with Europeans online. They are not fine with the imports. However, cradle to grave socialism encourages them to keep their heads down. Someone upstream talked about the break of socialism bringing disorder to the streets. I would believe that.

Jack Dobsen
Jack Dobsen
Reply to  Wiffle
18 hours ago

One of the sadder aspects of the Rotterdam Rape Gang scandal is the number of fathers who remained mute because they were afraid speaking up would knock them off the dole.

22 hours ago

I can’t help it, I’m on a sobran binge:

The assumption that William of Stratford got a better education at a grammar school is the sort of thing only a full professor could believe. It’s amusing to speculate on what some full professors are full of.

20 hours ago

Aside from the psychological effect of 80 years of American hegemony, the Europeans also have a strong fear of Russia. I noted this when even Orban in Hungary (not an admirer of the EU) came out strongly against the Russian attack. America has been the bulwark of Europe’s defense against Russia, first in its Soviet phase and now in the present Russian nationalist phase. I think this fear is irrational but yet it exists.

23 hours ago

threat from outer world always been best excuses used by military dictatorship
In old days it was Threat of communism were used
threatening that communist gonna seize your private assets came great fear, so it works

Now they are claiming the threat from Russia, neutralize arguments that China-Russia nuclear power alliance cannot be defeated

not only Chinese and Russian, but whole world sees Western governments are tyrannical and European are stupid enough to believe this bullshit

1 day ago

Yes, Europe is ruled by a bunch of faggy clowns and girlbosses right now, but it may not always be thus – and this is the flaw in Putin’s thinking. He should know better: less than two years elapsed before the creaky Soviet armies crumbling during Operation Barbarossa dealt Germany the mortal blow at Stalingrad, with the Red Army henceforth proving itself to be the most fearsome land force on earth, backed by a vast, well-organized empire. Something similar could happen in Europe. All it takes is one person – like a Napoleon, who was unique for his (or any)… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jannie
1 day ago

For such a figure to emerge, he would need to have a sufficient mass of followers. I’m not seeing it from the “right.” Hypothetically the reigning German regime could pull off something similar if it attempted to militarize. Which would require millions of German baizuo willing to take up arms to defend clown world. Technically possible, but hard to picture. But look at Canada (part of Europe spiritually if not geographically). Sudden upswell of clown world nationalism as a manifestation of TDS. If it could happen there, it could happen in Germany too.

Last edited 1 day ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 day ago

Yep. If you are going to go back in history to such figures as Napoleon, then you are looking at a time of Kings and Queens and rule of the aristocracy. It is upon this background that such leaders could rise and rule a country. After a century of divisive “democracy”, such ability of any individual to rise and take power seems unlikely.

Last edited 1 day ago by Compsci
Ride-By Shooter
Ride-By Shooter
Reply to  Jannie
1 day ago

Western Evrope is administered by faggy clowns and girlbosses. One by one, the old countries will come to be administered by Muhammadists, humanzees, and pajeets. The ruling class will remain basically the same. Same process applies to Canada and the USA, except with more many more Han and a few other east Asians competing for admin roles. Stupid “White” people will be their farmers, except for a few degenerates living urbanly among the administrators and imagining that they are an avante garde of progress.