The Master’s Servants

Every employee harbors a bit of resentment toward the boss. It’s human nature. The employee sees the benefits of being the boss, but not the burdens. This resentment is amplified if the boss makes a lot more money than his employees. Everyone fantasizes about having a big pile of cash and what they could do with it. If the boss is viewed as undeserving, maybe being an idiot or ill-tempered, it seems unfair so a natural resentment develops.

A stock character in popular dramas is the bitter employee who thinks the boss is a dunce or has lucked into his position. That leads to the bitter employee becoming a Raskolnikov of some sort, committing a crime or treachery. The Simpsons have been doing a version of this with Sideshow Bob for 25 years now. It works because we can all relate to it, even if we are not prone to jealousy and resentment.

I was reminded of this a few years ago, when American Liberals were running around bitching about the 1% and how the bankers were screwing everyone. What struck me at the time is that all of these people were on the payroll of some rich donor or taking bribes from Wall Street. Liberal pols love Wall Street money. Liberal think tanks count on billionaires to fund their operations.

The carping and moaning about the 1%, from someone like Elizabeth Warren sounded to me a lot like what you hear from a bitter employee. Mx. Warren gazes upon her credentials and believes she should be at the top of society. More important, she thinks she should have the wealth of someone at the top of society. Instead, she is reduced to being a servant to rich donors.

John McCain has suffered from this malady in the past. His comical jihad against campaign financing was a just a complicated way of saying he deserved better than being just a servant. These rich bastards he had to beg for money did not deserve their position. They lacked his credentials and gravitas.  His servant’s revolt went nowhere and we have even more rich people buying servants in the political class.

It’s an important thing to understand about American politics. The boys and girls we see running for office are just servants. They could just as well be actors, hired for the role. The Great White Hope of Buckley Conservatives, Ben Sasse, is an extreme example of the exam system we have allowed to develop. He is a man who has never had a job outside government. His resume looks like a spoof of managerial technocracy.

The slobbering over Sasse by Buckley Conservatives is a great contrast to their reaction to Donald Trump. In Sasse they see one of their own, a fellow servant. He works in a different part of the master’s estate, but he is still a servant. He went to the same finishing schools, subjected himself to the same humiliations and made all of the same compromises in order to gain the master’s favor.

Trump, of course, is an unapologetic rich guy who has no respect for the toadies and coat holders in the political class. It’s not that he is from the wrong side of the tracks, which is certainly a big issue here, but that he is a reminder to all of them that they are just the errand boys of the rich people, who pay their salaries. They are not the kingmakers and trend setters they imagine. They’re just servants.

The response from the servants is a sneering contempt for Trump and his voters. I’ve long suspected that this contempt is part of what is driving the Trump phenomenon. To most Americans, the response from conservative media reminds them of the snotty girl at the coffee shop, who carries on like she is better than the customers. She can’t afford shoes, but she sneers at people who spend more on bottled water than she makes in a week.

What’s being revealed now is just how much these people truly despise themselves for living the servant’s life. They can’t take it out on the donors, who they are required to stroke once a month and fundraisers, so they are letting loose on the only guy in the race with a job. Their frustration grows as their assaults fail, because it reminds them of their impotence.

There’s another side to it. The boys and girls of the managerial class look at normal Americans as field slaves. A part of how they have reconciled their subservience is to pretend that they are superior to the field slaves. Now that the field slaves are slaying the overseers and eyeing an assault on the main house, the house servants are reminded of their own servitude. They hate the field slaves for it.

It’s why slave revolts rarely succeed. Ultimately, the house slave will defend his master against the slave revolt. It is his nature. It is what he is bred for and what gives meaning to his life. The field slaves are rarely willing to do what must be done to succeed and that’s wipe out the house slaves fist. In the end, it is the house slave with the whip in his sending a message, on behalf of his master.

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8 years ago

This piece got some weight to it ZMan. Well done. I mean this in the most reverent way, I am a dirt person, I wear it as a badge of honor, so I have to say it. Yes I’m of the Dirt People, and Lord I have the dignity of my liberty and know it balls to bones. But I’m no serf. That is the first thing. Sure I am subject to the “Corporate Slave Class and their masters and their mechanizations, its effects and crummy consequences, the reality being this is a banana republic now. But that doesn’t make… Read more »

Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

My gosh, what a stellar piece: Salary Class Slaves, Helots, and Freemen. Thanks Doug!

Reply to  alzaebo
8 years ago

Man I’m glad you liked it! I thought is was a seminal piece too. Ole Henry’s written some pretty good stuff. I found it uncanny how accurate his observations are. ZMan and Henry, if you only read these two guys, you would be enriched, they teach us some truths and fundamental essences of us. Henry wrote another piece that is appropriate you might appreciate: My favorite piece for awhile now is something I would not have thought had so much to do with everything, but I think it really does. You have to read it, because what you think… Read more »

8 years ago

You’ve nailed the problem with academia, that’s for sure. They truly seem to believe that brains, talent, and power are all equivalent — that whole “vanguard of the proletariat” thing — and since they (think they) have the brains and the talent, someone somewhere is screwing them out of power. So they spend their days coming up with “critiques” of the system, and telling other bitter losers that this is as important — in fact, MORE important — than actually doing anything. And the kids love it, because biting the hand that feeds you is the essence of teenager. So… Read more »

8 years ago

Workers hating managers? Ah yes… When I was a manager, I had a second-in-command who worked tirelessly to stab me in the back at every opportunity. Someone in authority had once told him that perhaps one day, if everything worked out, he could be the boss. It was, knowing the person who made that statement, a throw-away line and the sort of thing you say to truculent worker to keep them docile. Instead this guy took it as an official endorsement he should be number one. Instead of helping me get the job done, he strove to stir up dissent… Read more »

8 years ago

I never heard of this Sassy guy before. I’ve seen some resume padding and climbing in my time, but Sassy makes the ambition-bots I’ve run into seem like candy-assed shut ins. Did he do any actual work in any of those six-month jobs he was in, or did he spend the entire time passing out resumes and going to interviews?

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

How to Succeed in Government Without Really Trying. Some weird stuff about Midland U. They claim to be getting almost twice as much revenue from athletics than they are paying in scholarships. That seems excessive for such a small school. They also doubled the size of the student body while guaranteeing everyone graduation in 4 years. Hard to see how he could do that without lowering academic standards. Now there’s a couple of models that Sasse could have used to get there. He could have brought in a boatload of Chicom underachievers with rich parents paying full fare. Or he… Read more »

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

@ theZman – Perfect topic for a Sunday school lesson. 🙂 Ephesians 6:9 “And masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Do not threaten them, since you know that He who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with Him.” A wise leader (of whom there are fewer and fewer these days) knows this. Some of the greatest generals in recent history were renown for their respect for the common soldier, and men like Patton and Eisenhower, Rommel and Hartmann were revered by their men. The Christian principle is one of mutual… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

Because of government interferance, quotas, mandates and such over the last few decades the American workplace has become quite political. Unhappy, too. In its quest for the politically correct and the egalitarian at all costs, the American Left has created a frustrating, dog eat dog, every man for himself work environment that is not good for the soul.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

A distant relative of mine who ran a business making street lighting had his company taken over by an American company. When the parent company bosses asked him, now he was head of UK operations rather than owner, what would motivate his workers, he said he thought it was important to keep their trust by giving them his full support and understanding. In this way they would be content and efficient workers and wouldn’t let themselves or the company down.

The new bosses all said: “Wow, that’s a unique approach. We never thought of that”

Buckaroo Banzai
Buckaroo Banzai
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

“But in America, corporations do not have the same social attitude towards their employees as we do (social as in looking out for each other).” Karl, you put your finger on a major distinction between American and German employers: German employers are privately owned family businesses; American employers are publicly-traded corporations, or large privately-held corporations that are deliberately run like publicly-traded corporations in order to make them more attractive to potential buyout partners. Publicly-traded corporations are fundamentally amoral institutions that necessarily have a strict– and largely exclusive– focus on short-term profit. Family-owned businesses tend to reflect the moral values of… Read more »

8 years ago

McCain has been funded by the Bronfman family.

Reply to  Kite
8 years ago

With all respect, I kind of like McCain “has been bought and paid for by the Bronfman family”. They own the strings.

Nedd Ludd
Nedd Ludd
Reply to  Kite
8 years ago

“McCain has been funded by the Bronfman family.”
Link please.

John McCain (R) – Top Contributors, 2008 Cycle

8 years ago

The objective of Buckley Conservatism was to prevent the rise of the inter-war conservatism of Lindbergh and Father Coughlin.

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

This an incredibly astute observation. I enjoyed reading this a great deal.

8 years ago

Every time I hear a Democrat or SJW speak this year, it sounds to me like peasants wishing they had a Lord of the Manor to protect them.

8 years ago

[…] The Master’s Servants | The Z Blog Winter is coming. Reply With Quote […]

8 years ago

Sasse turned up at the Iowa caucuses, making it his mission to wander around and spread bad karma for Trump. Clean cut looking and forward like many young pols, he caught the media’s eye. Which was the object of the exercise. Now he is doing whatever it takes – even attacking a baffled Sean Hannity – to extend those fifteen minutes.

I have no idea whether it’s true or not, but a Nebraska poster on another forum said he’d changed his will to contribute $5K to defeating Sasse in any future election in which he runs.

Reply to  Lulu
8 years ago

This post prompted me to look up Sasse’s bio. After playing ball and briefly driving dad’s tractor in high school, it is just as Zman said: he went through a series of 18-month revolving-door sinecures in the bureaucracy, mgmt. consulting, and academia. He has never worked beyond high school LARPing as a Nebraska everyman on dad’s farm. Let us not forget his trip to San Bernardino to remind everyone “This is not who we are” in response to Trumps’s reasonable call for a moratorium on Muslim immigration after the shooting. But my how cuckservatives love him. It’s obvious he sees… Read more »

8 years ago

[…] Read the rest of this article HERE. […]

James LePore
8 years ago

Contempt is the weapon of the weak and a defense against one’s own despised and unwanted feelings. Alice Miller