Hillary Clinton and the Cinderella Syndrome

if you examine the record of Hillary Clinton in any detail, what jumps out is the staggering incompetence of this woman. There’s nothing on her resume that stands out as a success, other than her ability to stay married to that skeevy pervert of a husband, despite the serial humiliations resulting from his infidelities. In every other endeavor, small or large, she has been an astonishingly failure. Even in simple capers, she has found a way to bungle things that should have been easy.

The one that always stands out in my mind is her ham-handed influence peddling caper in Arkansas with James Blair, the Tyson Food guy. Even small town mayors understand that you have to have a cutout in these things. Otherwise, it looks too obvious. You find “an investment guy” to act as a firewall, so he gets to pretend to be a shrewd investor and you get to pretend to not know what he was up to all along if things go bad. Hillary could not be bothered with that.

This is Public Corruption 101. They teach this at orientation for your town council seat. The FBI never bags people for this sort of stuff anymore because even the dumbest politician knows how to run this scam. These days, the Feds have to dig harder to unearth this kind of self-dealing because of the common use of cutouts and bag-men to insulate the players from the game. How is it possible that Clinton did not understand or was not told how this works?

Back when this was coming to light, there were several theories offered to explain Hillary Clinton’s serial brushes with the law. Her defenders, of course, claimed she was a Job and suffering for her righteousness. Honest people pointed to her arrogance and sense of entitlement, while others argued that she simply likes crime so much, the law of averages says she will bungle some of it and get caught. The last option is probably the most likely of the three, but not persuasive.

The thing with the Clinton Crime Family is there has always been two sides to it. The Bill side is all about sex. The guy has a serious problem. His dozens of trips to the Dominican with Jeffrey Epstein for the purpose of gaining access to underage females is about as reckless as one can get. That’s the one thing about Bubba that we can probably say with certainty. He is living the Tony Montana lifestyle to the fullest. His entire life has been organized around getting laid.

Hillary is different. All of her capers somehow involve her putting cash in her purse. Back in Arkansas, she was the one involved in the phony land deals, bank jobs and influence peddling. Today, she is the one running the money laundering operations, that necessitated the secret e-mail system and all of the shady characters like Syd Blumenthal. It’s always a money scandal with her. Even her big health care initiative back in the 90’s was designed so she could shake down interested parties.

There’s another aspect to Hillary’s capers though. Her weird relationship with Bill has always been assumed to be loveless and transactional. They are imagined as two sociopaths with converging interests. That’s plausible to a point, but she would be vastly better off without him now and he would have always been better off without her. If this were merely a business relationship, their partnership would have foundered a long time ago.

What normies don’t get about the ruling class is they are often bloodless in their dealings with other humans, but they are not entirely bloodless. Bill and Hill have a political marriage for the purpose of advancing their common and individual interests. Even so, there is some emotional bond between them. Otherwise, they would have traded up a long time ago. These two are most likely sociopaths so calling their thing love is a category error, but it is emotional.

That’s what I suspect is behind Hillary’s criminal career. She is the business manager of the partnership, but she wants to please Bill. The result is she is always reaching beyond what is reasonable for the next payday. Watch that video detailing her capers over the years and the thing that ties them all together is the lack of restraint. All she had to do was be a little less greedy and she would have walked away unscathed by these things.

The other aspect is when she gets jammed up in one of the scams, it is always Bill who has to come to her rescue. What Hillary lacks in charm and guile, Bill makes up for in spades. He’s not terribly smart, but he is extremely clever. He can wiggle out of anything and make his pursuers look bad for trying to do their jobs. The one sure way Hillary has to gain Bill’s attention is to have the law chasing after her over some shady deal she has pulled on behalf of the crime family.

It’s the Cinderella Syndrome modified for a criminal enterprise. Hillary Clinton is not helpless and dependent in the way in which bitter feminists imagine. She simply has some of that normal female quality of wanting the attention of her mate. Since her mate is her business partner, as well as a serial sexual predator, disinterested in her physically, screwing up is how she gets his attention.Look back at all of her scandals and what ties them together is they tie her and Bill together on defense.

You can be sure that more than a few times he was in the middle of assaulting a woman and the phone rang or an aid knocked on the door, telling him that he had to attend to Hillary over some scandal or some deal gone sour. If the hundreds of secret service agents and state troopers are to be believed, their fights are always over business that has interrupted his stalking of women. This is all amateur psychiatry, but it does tie up all the facts better than the other options.

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Monty James
7 years ago

She stays married to him because husbands and wives do not have to testify against each other. That’s it.

7 years ago

It’s the damsel in distress trope perverted by perverted people. An example: 1. Hilary makes a colossal error re her private email server, 2. She might be indicted, 3. Comey is Bill’s man (check out their history), 4. Bill asks Comey for help (calls in a marker), 5. Comey arranges the meeting with Lynch at which Lynch tells Bill what Hilary should say when the FBI interviews her, 6. Comey clears Hilary. 7. Bill (the rescuer) and Hilary (the rescuee) are both in ecstasy for a few seconds.

7 years ago

Hillary can engage in illegal activities all day long because she knows – with 100% certainty – that nothing will happen to her; even is she gets “caught.” Her political connections and friends in high places will see to that. She has every right to believe she is above the law, because she IS above the law (in case you have not noticed). And her nefarious, illegal actions have resulted in what? Oh, that’s right; a heartbeat away from becoming president of the USA. Just saw the other day on TV Becky Quick of CNBC interviewing Bill. She was very… Read more »

Reply to  JohnTyler
7 years ago

Becky Quick is creepy Warren Buffet’s little media buddy, so she knows her way around such people.

Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams
7 years ago

May be amateur psychiatry, but it meets the Occam test. Hillary always struck me as just self aware enough to realize her ambitions and interpersonal capabilities were a severe mismatch. Enter Bill. And Bill had little capacity for the messy details of running the grift. Note that Bill has virtually never used email. He does, as several people have attested to me personally have a near photographic memory for faces, names and context. Perfect match. Had to attend two CGI meetings during the interregnum between SoS and candidacy and you could see when both were in the room or the… Read more »

Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams
Reply to  Samuel Adams
7 years ago

Postscript: Happened to sail close by Epstein’s “Lolita Island” twice this spring. It is one creepy looking place. Would not be hard for one of those 14 year olds that never showed up on a flight manifest to simply disappear.

7 years ago

It’s obvious to everyone but their fawning press that both have very serious health issues.Bill looks like The Picture of Dorian Gray,and without her airbrushing that face would frighten children. Why,with all the wealth they’ve grifted,would she be seeking one of the most stressful jobs on planet Earth? Every President ages visibly in even 4 yrs,she’ll be mummified in one. Death wish? Sandy Berger miss some files they must get? Why not sit back at Chappaqua and leisurely count their loot?

7 years ago

Somewhere down in her black little heart, she probably yearned to be desired as a woman. Not so much for the warmies – just for the accomplishment by woman who’d never been desirable and knew it. Moochelle could be in the same boat.

Reply to  Lulu
7 years ago

She traded love for power, a devil’s bargain. She can’t be happy.

7 years ago

Another element to her behavior, I believe, is that she really does not want to be perceived as a “screw up” (just as the rest of us feel the same way about ourselves). The serial overreaching strikes me as a series of attempts to make the “really big score” in order to obliterate any memories of all the past screw ups. She may be doing it for herself, or for Bill, or for the rest of us (perhaps all three), but what I see is a person who has never, ever come to terms with herself. Most of us, sooner… Read more »

Yankee Girl
Yankee Girl
Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

I’m a couple of years’ older than HRC, but she was at Wellesley when I was at my formerly all-women’s institution of higher learning. I do remember that era pretty well. It was still a normal occurrence in the late 60s to get married right out of college, but there were a bunch of women (30%?) who had not yet met Mr. Right during their undergraduate years. So, presto-change-o – – – the Ivy League med/law schools were opening up their doors to women in larger numbers than before. Guys who were drafted to go to Vietnam or ROTC in… Read more »

7 years ago

People of the Lie is good for understanding serial transgressors. Ignoring the spiritual and metaphysical for the moment and drilling down on the merely behavioral, my experience is that serial transgressors are usually smart (and/or clever) and ambitious. But they have some major deficit that prevents them from being successful (what those deficits might be, I will skip for now). Sometimes the deficit does not manifest itself until some Peter Principle moment, often early in a career. So they begin exploiting other’s trust through lying and/or some other toxic behavior. They begin to see returns (wealth, promotion, etc) that in… Read more »

7 years ago

I always ask Hillary supporters to name one accomplishment of hers. I’m still waiting for an answer.

I think folks might want to reread “Primary Colors” by Joe Klein. At the time, folks were focused on the Bill character. The Hillary character is pretty shady too.

Reply to  Notsothoreau
7 years ago

And I will recommend Charles McCarry’s satirical novel, “Lucky Bastard”. The Hillary character was fairly prescient.

Reply to  Rurik
7 years ago

In pulp science fiction magazines from the 70s I found 2 stories with a President Bush and one with a President Clinton.

Reply to  Notsothoreau
7 years ago

Hillery supporters voted Obama into office. What were his accomplishments? He had none so they gave him a Nobel Peace Prize.

7 years ago

“Staggering incompetence” is the term I have been using for a while now. Willful ignorance of her staggering incompetence must be, in part, a result of the Baby Boomer penchant for rewarding participation rather than results.

7 years ago

I think Bill may be in danger of outliving his usefulness to her. If he really does become a liability to her getting back into the white house in the next couple of weeks, I wouldn’t be entirely surprised if poor, sickly Bill ends up not waking up one morning. It would not only take him off of the chess board to use against her, but she could get the sympathy vote as being newly widowed from the “love of her life.”

Fuel Filter
Fuel Filter
Reply to  Tdurden
7 years ago

“I think Bill may be in danger of outliving his usefulness to her.”

Well, he did say to one of his conquests, “Hillary has eaten more pussy than I have.” (see Huma and perhaps Mills and Yoko Ono)

Usefulness to her? That ship has sailed. There is only one way he is still useful…they stay “married”,  for if either one files for divorce her political life is kaput.

And she can’t have that.

7 years ago

Dear pZychoanalyst, how does Chelsea Clinton Hubbell fit into your diagnosis?

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I dunno….that kid that has been on Drudge’s page for a week or so looks a lot like him.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Tdurden
7 years ago

I’m not buying. Kid looks like a mutt, that’s all. Bill’s innumerable escapades would likely leave dozens of satisfied baby mama’s, or none.

Reply to  james wilson
7 years ago

According to Juanita Broaddrick, after raping her, Bill told her not to worry about getting pregnant because he has been sterile for years because of a serious case of the mumps.

Of course he lies, so who knows?

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Didn’t one of his lovers claim she was forced to have an abortion? If so, he’s not sterile.

Yankee Girl
Yankee Girl
Reply to  Kris
7 years ago

The type of “lady” the individual making this claim was probably had several suspects who could have stood stud for her. Bill probably was p.o.’d cuz he knew he wasn’t the one and didn’t like coming up w/ the $$ for the procedure. Just guessing here.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

There’s a Women who’s known him since childhood and had an affair with him for decades and she says he told her has low sperm count. So he may not be completely sterile.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
7 years ago

Very interesting post, Z. I’ve always felt that there was something diabolical about the Clintons’ ability to defy the normal rules of political gravity for the last 50 years, particularly since neither originated in either the old elite (like Bush) or new elite (like Gore) at the time they began their political rise. I mention diabolical because they’d have had to be just phenomenal at identifying, making and keeping useful connections on their own to ascend so far so fast, yet it’s hard to imagine Hillary as personable or Bill as meticulous. So, your idea of complementary psychopathic personalities with… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
7 years ago

Al, you may have hit on something. I’ve often wondered how the Clintons could be so venal for so long and after accumulating so much wealth. It could very well be a deeply ingrained resentment against both the old and the new elite, their betters. Some people from their backgrounds (shabby fake middle class for Bill, proletariat middle class for Hilary) reach for the stars, others, like them, get revenge but wallow in the mud.

Reply to  Al from da Nort
7 years ago

What is so confounding to me is that Hillary is such a shrew and Bill was pretty smart but both as trailer trash could not even be smart enough to keep their foibles and peccadilloes on the down-low as so many others in the political establishment have done. They just didn’t seem to give a damn. The the real compounding feature of all this is the complicity of all their business and political associates to join in with these “clowns” and the not so insignificant portion of the public who over the decades (always hovering around 40%) has continued to… Read more »

Reply to  LetsPlay
7 years ago

Look at the LA Times daily tracking poll. Blacks and poor people overwhelmingly support Hillary. This I could understand. They’re looking for a handout. It’s the elite liberal crowd that is the real problem. I see their motive as pure hate. Think of Bill Maher.

7 years ago

After all, these mandarin’s are the ultimate entitlement class. Entitled to rule over the dirt people. Seems rather obvious because, “At this point what does it matter?” is “Speaking truth to power”, in other words, what does it matter to us if in exercising our power “You have to break a few eggs”, even though those eggs are in truth the deaths of other people utilized in the pursuit of absolute power within the structure of a system of corruption so foul that unaccountability is rank of prestige among the political class. In other words the more experienced and proficient… Read more »

Wilbur Hassenfus
Wilbur Hassenfus
7 years ago

Dunno; what about her getting conned into toppling Qaddafi, or the Watergate prosecutor who fired her (without references) for being incompetent and unethical? Even then, by the way, she had a compulsion to steal and hide documents — and get caught.

She really is a comic character. She must know what a joke she is. Maybe you’re right about needing Bill’s attention.

J. Palmer Cass
J. Palmer Cass
7 years ago

Getting elected President is about as unscathed as you can get.

7 years ago

The Matriarchy isn’t the Patriarchy. There is a species long reason why.
The world has turned in such a way, we are on the threshold of Matriarchy as rule by bloody scorn of barren vaginal prerogatives. Lord help us.

Yankee Girl
Yankee Girl
Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

Problem is, Doug, that girlz, most of them anyway, always are on the lookout for boyz, you know, b/c they wanna have fun;-) Thank goodness, silliness will never go out of style. It’s subversive to whatever power structure is in place, whether it’s the Middle School Principal or the US Military. I practice it as often as possible. Also, 80 yo girlz still want to be with men. I saw this at my mother’s all-girl nursing home some years’ ago. Hearing a male voice in the corridor caused the old gals to float up from their Barcaloungers and vamp over… Read more »

Worldly Wiseman
Worldly Wiseman
7 years ago

Edward Klein makes a similar argument in his book Blood Feud: The Clintons vs. the Obamas . I am looking forward to reading his latest Guilty as sin .

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
7 years ago

I chalk it up to inertia.

7 years ago

“He can wiggle out of anything and make his pursuers look bad for trying to do their jobs.”

He can only do this because of a cooperative press. If the press were conservative, the man would be toast.

Reply to  DiogenesLamp
7 years ago

A Hillary version of this Carson skit is ready-made for any host actually willing to do it.


Christopher S. Johns
Christopher S. Johns
7 years ago

She also must enjoy both the public and private humiliation of Buba’s nonstop whoring. And she seems to like the Tammy Wynette “Stand by Your Man” act she has had to pull time and time again. No wonder she and Huma are friends and rumored lovers, as they both relish having husbands who sexually humiliate them in public with their infidelities, yet continue to remain with them – although it seems that Huma has finally had enough.

7 years ago

I never thought that deep into the topic – just always assumed that Hillary WAS the bag man in Arkansas.

7 years ago

THINK!!!!! Hillary Clinton is running a campaign of hypocrisy and misdirection. What is really important, the accusation that Donald Trump supposedly touched some woman, or that Hillary Clinton said she will use nuclear weapons on other countries? Or that Hillary Clinton is resposible for ISIS. This Youtube video shows with Hillary Clinton’s own words her true nature and intention and what she has already done. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0agBtEEYTaY This is FOX news telling of Wiki leaks that mainstream news will not tell you. Are interested in the truth? This is real tv news telling you the truth. Also, it has Michelle Obama… Read more »

7 years ago

THINK!!!!! THINK!!!!! Hillary Clinton is running a campaign of hypocrisy and misdirection. What is really important, the accusation that Donald Trump supposedly touched some woman, or that Hillary Clinton said she will use nuclear weapons on other countries? Or that Hillary Clinton is resposible for ISIS. This Youtube video shows with Hillary Clinton’s own words her true nature and intention and what she has already done. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0agBtEEYTaY This is FOX news telling of Wiki leaks that mainstream news will not tell you. Are interested in the truth? This is real tv news telling you the truth. Also, it has Michelle… Read more »

7 years ago

Future American history books will either teach that Hillary was a saint or a career criminal who came close to destroying the USA. It’s in the balance as to which way it will go.