The Future Is A Feminist Nightmare

This statue is scaring the coeds at Wellesley College.

According to the WaPo:

The mostly-naked man appeared on the Wellesley College campus Monday, clad only in white underwear briefs, barefoot, standing with his eyes closed and his arms outstretched.

He looked like a problem for the campus police.

He turned out to be art.

The figure — which was set beside a road on the all-female college campus near Boston — is actually a very lifelike sculpture from artist Tony Matelli. The sculpture, called “Sleepwalker,” was intended to draw attention to a new exhibit by Matelli at the campus museum.

“There’s no way you can miss this thing,” said Lauren Walsh, 22, a senior from Danvers, Mass. She said the sculpture was placed in a busy area near both academic and residential quads. “I looked at it for a few minutes, and it didn’t move,” she said. Which meant it was art.

Some students dressed the statue up in winter clothing, apparently worried that the man would catch cold (the students returned to take their clothes back in the morning).

It is a good bet that most of the girls were amused by it. Maybe they took a selfie with it, but otherwise it was just another day on campus. It’s actually rather lame. If the “artist’ wanted to be edgy or controversial, he should have create a statue of a modern Priapus with a giant ornamental member. Maybe add some devil horns and a long tail with a spike at the end. That would have caused more of an uproar from the usual suspects than the frozen accountant. Imagine this on the girl’s campus.

Anyway, the girls did not like a naked man on campus.

Walsh worked on a petition to get rid of it. She thought that the appearance of an almost-nude male stranger — especially at night — would bring added stress for students, especially those who had suffered sexual assault in the past.

“The statue of the nearly naked man on the Wellesley College campus is an entirely inappropriate and potentially harmful addition to our community that we, as members of the student body, would like removed immediately,” Walsh wrote, in a petition posted at the Web site under the name of another student, Zoe Magid. There are now 300 signatures in favor of getting rid of it.

The thing about feminism is it is largely a lie. Sure, a small number of angry lesbians stick with it after college, but the whole thing is just an act. Most of the women indulging in this stuff are smart enough to land a decent husband and have a family. They end up living more like June Cleaver than the feminist ideal. The ones who do live the life after college end up miserable and crazy. The dumb ones tend to fall into that trap.