Playing With Fire

The Trump inauguration featured the usual array of public nuisances and troublemakers that are now a feature of public events. If world leaders meet in a city, that city has a riot by anarchist loonies bused in by guys like George Soros. If a country celebrates one of their traditions, lunatics show up to ruin it for everyone. In this case, paid employees inspired supporters of Democrat pressure groups showed up in the Imperial Capital to harass citizens as they attempted to enjoy the spectacle of crowning our new emperor.

I’ve long argued that public protests are anti-democratic, anti-liberal and an assault on civilized order. They are unnecessary in a social democracy. We have elections where the issues of the day can be debated. There’s simply no need to be out in the streets causing trouble. These people yesterday were not there to raise awareness. They were there to intimidate and frighten people. While we cannot ban such things, the punishments handed out for causing trouble should be draconian. Put the rioters in a city jail for a couple of years and this comes to an end.

Normal people will tolerate a fair bit of this, just as long as they can avoid it when going about their business. There’s also an entertainment factor that gives these rioters some room to maneuver. The press loves covering these idiots and people will watch it on TV. Of course, most of the nation’s press corp wishes they could be rioting and looting so they pretend that the rioters are a serious, organic response to oppression. The struggle myth remains a powerful force in Progressive politics.

Property destruction used to be the preferred action of these rioters as it avoided the moral hazard of physical confrontation. If they rumbled with the cops, they could get a beating or worse. If they assaulted people on the streets, something similar could happen. Plus, judges are tough on perps who attack innocent bystanders and cops, while they are lenient on property crimes. Insurance pays for the damage and the miscreants don’t have any money, so it is easier to just let the rioters go.

That’s changing as we keep seeing with Trump events. These lunatics show up and throw eggs, batteries, urine bombs and worse. There were reports that rioters were crapping in their own hands so they could fling it at people. Milo Yabadabadoopolis keeps having his events cancelled because the authorities worry about potential violence. Given that a guy was shot at his last event, it is not an unreasonable fear. It’s the extreme version of the heckler’s veto. Instead of shouting down the person on stage, the heckler opens fire on the audience.

The question that comes to mind is when do we see the other side of this. So far, it has been all leftist crazies assaulting normies, who quietly take it. To their credit, the normies know the media is looking for a reason to blame all of it on them so they have adopted a passive approach to it. Videos are posted on-line and appeals are made to the authorities to do something about the violence. The assumption is the public will side with the victims over the lunatics, even if the press does the opposite and blames the victims.

So far, it has been remarkable that nothing serious has happened. These protesting lunatics are not terribly clever. All it would take is a bit of forethought to lure them into an ambush. How long before some armed normies turn up at an event and wait for the lunatics to give them a reason? The fact that it has not happened is encouraging, but maybe we have just been lucky. There are a lot of young men at Trump events. The alt-right is mostly young men. Young men tend to push back.

The other side of this is something that came to mind watching Richard Spencer get attacked on the street while doing an interview. At the risk of breaking the code, Spencer is an attention hound, who I suspect set this up hoping something like this would happen. Doing an interview on the street in front of the lunatics is just asking for trouble. The video was posted by his followers and he has been talking about it nonstop ever since. It’s good public relations for him and his cause. It makes him sympathetic, but also gives him street cred.

Of course, young men looking for street cred of their own will see this as a chance to be part of the action. They can stand guard while guys like Spencer conduct interviews and give speeches. This has been the attraction for black militants since the 60’s. Given the choice between wearing cool outfits and carrying a gun or submissively taking a beating from the cops, young black men naturally are drawn to groups like the Panthers, the Nation of Islam and recently, Black Lives Matter.

It is another example of the dangerous game being played by our Progressives rulers. While the public becomes increasingly dissatisfied with the current order, the ruling class becomes increasingly hostile to the people. By encouraging this sort of mayhem we see outside public events, they are encouraging a response to it. I don’t have much interest in Spencer and the preppy Nazi stuff, but if I’m forced to choose between him and the anarchist rioter, it is not a hard choice.

I’ve been making the point for a while now that Trump and his election are a warning shot across the bow of the ruling class. The public is increasingly frustrated by the unresponsiveness of the ruling class. Reform is long overdue. The support for and election of Trump is that message. If the ruling class ignores it or actively subverts it, what comes next will be much worse. The status quo is untenable, but we are not at a crisis. More videos of citizens being assaulted by leftist mobs and people start thinking the time for half measures has passed.

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8 years ago

The DoJ is now in the hands of people who will be more likely to infiltrate these groups and make preemptive arrests and prosecute those who fund them, including parents of trust fund babies. Some of these creeps are actually funded by non-profits. Confiscating assets of backers is an idea whose time has come. Can you say RICO, Mr. Soros? I’d like the Congress, which has jurisdiction over DC, to pass a law making it illegal for anyone to have their face covered for non-medical reasons, and to be required to pull their medical mask off at the request of… Read more »

Steel T Post
Steel T Post
Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

Melania may give us a clue to her husband’s plans on wielding the big stick that is D.C.: “Punch Back 10x Harder!”

“Melania Trump makes a rare campaign speech in support of her husband, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, in Wisconsin on Monday. Mrs Trump says while her husband is fair and treats everyone equally, he will ‘punch back ten times harder’ if he is attacked.”

I’m as excited as a hummingbird in a flower garden. 🙂

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

Agree. Just as the most effective method of controlling immigration would be to bang Sheldon Adelson up for 5 years for cleaning his casinos with illegals.

Reply to  teapartydoc
8 years ago

Right on Doc! Follow the money. Soros, as a dual citizen of Hungary and the USA, should have his American citizenship revoked for the domestic enemy he is. The MSM talks up the Russian hacking, of which there has been little evidence to corroborate although everyone is certain, but there is ample proof of Soros and his well funded organizations messing with American politics and elections and funding of subversive elements across the land, and around the world. If there is one guy who should be taken to Guantanamo, it should be Georgie-boy.

Reply to  LetsPlay
8 years ago

The Russians and French will gladly take Soros. No beach resort for him!

Tony Petracelli
Tony Petracelli
Reply to  LetsPlay
8 years ago

i ask myself, why haven’t the russians killed soros? what purpose does he serve?

anyone have a plausible reason?

Reply to  teapartydoc
8 years ago

Asset confiscation is certainly the way to go. Well thought!

Reply to  Montefrio
8 years ago

Not only of all his organizations, but also of the employees of those organizations. Senior managers to the super-max, except for those who cooperate and provide substantive evidence.

Reply to  teapartydoc
8 years ago

Here are two pieces on funding of these 5th column groups. The first an ex WSJ reporter digs into the the Soros rabbit hole and discovers 50 connections. The second is another take on monetary backing of the astro-turf, our tax money funneled to fund these actors. But the last link is something interesting indeed. MAGA is not only for making America Great Again, it is a beautiful hedge against the US Treasury bod market collapse. This is how Trump the business man is going to start making America again the valued economic force. By that I’m saying instead of… Read more »

James LePore
8 years ago

The fix is easy, 1-2 years in prison for a convicted rioter and RICO suits against the funders. It’s a matter of will, which brings me back to why Trump won: because normal people finally saw someone who they believed had the will to stop all this insanity.

Reply to  James LePore
8 years ago

Start with the underlings and make a few draconian examples to show we’re serious. Then look for a couple more who will turn evidence to save themselves. And then work the chain upward. Those street people who were doing it for pay are mercenaries. They should have no reason for loyalty and should fold quickly.

Reply to  Rurik
8 years ago

Yes, Judy like any serious prosecution.

Reply to  James LePore
8 years ago

Just like…

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  Rurik
8 years ago

kill the chicken in view of the monley

8 years ago

I watched my local news last night. A couple minutes of perfunctory coverage of the inauguration, then endless coverage of the action: cars burning, trash cans through windows, brave protesters marching in the streets. Followed of course by a graphic of where to go to attend tomorrows protests in our area, like it was a civic event or something. I live in Idaho for God’s sake! Gird your loins people, the establishment is about to go all in on keeping the power, and a few cracked eggs will be a small price to pay in their view. It didn’t end… Read more »

Reply to  Herrman
8 years ago

Of course it is a cheap price when it is paid by us and not them. IN so many cases, the snowflakes went into “journalism” in order to “change the world”, i.e. the same basic intent professed by the riot organizers. Same team.
I regard the Media as the real enemies. They should be treated accordingly.

El Eff
El Eff
Reply to  Rurik
8 years ago

Rurik: Agree entirely that the main stream or legacy media are the real enemies and that they should be treated accordingly. They are no small part of this attempt to destroy traditional Western, Enlightenment societies. And like the Masters they serve, they offer nothing to any “rule of law” society in return. Nothing. The people who “work” for them are not only “useful idiots” they are clueless idiots. I never tune or click into MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC or NPR anymore and I only sparingly do so with FOX (although FOX appears to be “turning the corner”, so to… Read more »

Reply to  El Eff
8 years ago

Hear hear! Ditto on the nixing of the Lame Stream. I recently started tuning back in to Fox since there is finally something good to hear about. And there is. But alas, they still have pukes like McCain, Rove, Graham and Rivera (Geraldo variety) on as regulars. Why? Still seems like Fox is a bit tone deaf for some things.

Tony Petracelli
Tony Petracelli
Reply to  LetsPlay
8 years ago

murdoch is an uber globalist. he reeks of evil. but i have to laugh at Tony Blair putting horns on old Rupe! The whole world know that Rupe *literally* is a cuck!!

Reply to  LetsPlay
8 years ago

And President Trump also agrees with us. I noticed that from beginning to end of his campaign, his main target was the Establishment Media.His attacks on Hillary, Bernie, and his pseudo-Republican rivals, even Obama were always secondary to his attacks on their Media champions. It is much like the Nimitz/MacArthur strategy of seizing Pacific Islands primarily to draw out the Japanese fleet into battle where it could be annihilated by air and submarine. President Trump identified the main enemy and focused his fire on them. And from what I’ve seem this weekend, that is still President Trump’s (I still like… Read more »

Reply to  El Eff
8 years ago

Yes, I’m shouting for you to post that paragraph from Schirer’s “Rise and Fall.” Thank you. And for the good post, too. Agree that media are the enemies. I consider them Public Enemy #1 in terms of being the most powerful and damaging tool of the ruling class. (Politicians are #2. Then Think Tanks, NGO’s and Schools.) Through the media, a giant PsyOp has been imposed on the American people, successfully. A good number of us see it, but many do not. We need to show them whenever possible. When I’m (rarely) asked, I try to but there’s a lot… Read more »

Tony Petracelli
Tony Petracelli
Reply to  Chuckie
8 years ago

#1 #2 and #3 are/is the public education system

Reply to  Chuckie
8 years ago

Scott Adams has done some interesting posts on his blog about how to break the grip of the MSM on people’s minds on a one-person-at-a-time level.

El Eff
El Eff
Reply to  El Eff
8 years ago

Here is the quote from Schirer’s “Rise and Fall”. It helps if you know who Schirer was and why and what he was doing in Germany in the 1930’s. The group here at ZMan seems intelligent and well read enough to pass this condition so I won’t expound. Chapter 8 is entitled “Life in the Third Reich: 1933 -37.” It has sub-divisions within it. Go to the one entitled, “The Control of Press, Radio, Films”. The quote is the last paragraph of that sub-division: “I myself was to experience how easily one is taken in by a lying and censored… Read more »

Reply to  El Eff
8 years ago

Shirer is a “must read”. “The Rise and Fall…” was written after the fact, but his “Berlin Diary” was written in the thick of things, and published in 1941, soon after he was thrown out of Germany. I dare you to read “Berlin Diary”, which was a bestseller upon publication, and come away doubting that it was well understood what was going on with the German Jews, even if the mechanics of the process were hidden. Not to hijack. Shirer’s “Berlin Diary” chronicles the day-to-day life in Germany that he reflects on later, and helps one understand who the real… Read more »

Reply to  El Eff
8 years ago

Hits the spot, indeed! Nailed it. Thank you.

Reply to  El Eff
8 years ago

El Elf-

We live in an electronic cage. We also live in a ask for permission society.

8 years ago

The “riots” and the public response to it shakes out like this: For all those lunatic miscreants, there are thousands of pretty normal people sitting back saying to themselves, “Oh really? Watch this shit,” and then they lower the boom on the disinherited. Trump’s election was two parts reform, and five parts revenge. His speech couldn’t have been more of a direct “F.U.” to the people sitting behind him without Trump literally turning around and giving them all the finger. It was glorious. Those rioters? They’ll eventually sober up and go home. The PMS-brigade marching today? Same thing. Nothing… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
8 years ago

Hokkoda: Love it! “Trump’s election was two parts reform, and five parts revenge. His speech couldn’t have been more of a direct “F.U.” to the people sitting behind him without Trump literally turning around and giving them all the finger. It was glorious.”

Hey, how come I can’t upvote this 10 times?

8 years ago

Aunt Maude who, let’s say, has voted democrat her entire life, watches the entire show yesterday and notices the contrast between the handsome, polite and well mannered Trump family against the rude, unwashed, green haired crazies and makes a judgment about what kind of family she wants. Perhaps she will vote differently in the next election.

Reply to  Chazz
8 years ago

Yeah, but then she’ll watch the March for Women today, and get all teary-eyed about her Sacred Abortion Rights (and be reminded of Trump’s “pussy” comment — which was taken out of context, but SHE will never know that since the media will never tell her.) And as soon as Trump nominates anyone to the Supreme Court who’s not a dyed-in-the-wool pro-abortion maniac, Aunt Maude will be receiving hysterical fundraising appeals in the mail every day from Planned Parenthood, NARAL and all the others… And no matter how many positive economic and other changes the Trump administration working with a… Read more »

8 years ago

These “protesters” are protected by the police.. and usually do the severe stuff in cities where they know the mayor or police chief has given them the nod. So police ENABLE these punks to disrupt and inflict themselves on normies. AND if normies finally push back the cops intimidate the normie or even arrest them to “diffuse” the conflict. It’s only a matter of time, like you say Z and history is replete with examples. Normies have assets, generally respect the rule of law (heh) and have jobs to lose if they do stupid stuff. I think they, we, will… Read more »

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  Uncle_Max
8 years ago

if I ever get a fatal disease I am taking Ayers with me.

Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

Yes, just how is it that POS is still sucking O’s after all these years?

Tony Petracelli
Tony Petracelli
Reply to  LetsPlay
8 years ago

it suirs the uniparty

Reply to  Uncle_Max
8 years ago

In schools, the leftists call what you describe “zero tolerance”. Meaning punish the bullied; the normie victims. Now we see the grown up consequences of their insidious leftist experiment with the kids. Time to drain the swamp, indeed!

8 years ago

The favorite tactic in the country in which I live is blocking traffic with burning tires and club-armed, face-covered “piqueteros”, as they’re known. The police stand aside and actually protect them, or they did before the government change here. I’ve had a number of encounters with them and on one occasion grew angry enough to get out of my car and begin to approach them. The police immediately stopped me and told me to return to my car. “I’m protesting, I want my human rights!” I shouted, then addressed other drivers. “We’re being denied our rights and he cops don’t… Read more »

Reply to  Montefrio
8 years ago

Reminds me of the Trafalgar “protests” in England- 400,000 Muslims shouting “Death to the Queen!”- with the bobbies protecting them from offensive ogling by Brits.

Funny how similar these coincidences are- can’t possibly be a subterranean, choreographed political economy at work.
We don’t acknowledge or measure it, therefore it doesn’t exist. How Newspeak.

Reply to  alzaebo
8 years ago

400,000? in your dreams maybe.

Reply to  Thud
8 years ago

Nope. Real numbers. Why do you scoff?

Steel T Post
Steel T Post
Reply to  Montefrio
8 years ago

If I ever drive into a blue-voting county, and they’re blocking traffic, I’m taking this advice from a cop: Run them over. Keep traffic flowing and don’t slow down for any of these idiots who try and block the street. Here is the deal, you continue to drive and if you hit someone make sure you call 911 to report the accident and meet the cops a block or two away and you can justify stopping further away because you feared for your safety since the past people in this group has shown a propensity towards violence. Since they are… Read more »

Tony Petracelli
Tony Petracelli
Reply to  Steel T Post
8 years ago

if only the jihadi crowd crashers could be maneuvered into going after these jackholes.

Tony Petracelli
Tony Petracelli
Reply to  Montefrio
8 years ago

what country is next to the one you are in?

8 years ago

My worry, Z, is that the progressives don’t understand violence (90% have never been in a fight would be my guess). If this starts to go high order, they will do what they always do, which is to throw money at it. That will bring out the very worst elements who will ratchet up the violence more. Lather, rinse, repeat. Of course they are already throwing money at the problem by employing anarchists to break up store fronts and BLM to shoot cops. They’ll get cocky and eventually try to go into an area where the folks are armed and… Read more »

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  el_baboso
8 years ago

it’s time to drive the drones from the hive.

Reply to  el_baboso
8 years ago

Get to KNOW the cops, vets and Guardmen. I don’t know about the Guard, but I do know that not all cops and vets are good. Discern.

8 years ago

Common sense tells you it is the ring leaders, aka the political and economic elite, their ideological and financing backing, who must be rooted out for what they are, what they are trying to accomplish. I don’t care what anybody says, this shit stirring is a mark of evil intentions of people who use others as proxies so they don’t have to get their hands bloody, it is the mark of all tyranny’s and tyrants. Dirt people do not do these kind of things. It just is not in their nature. That is not to say dirt people are not… Read more »

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

when Zman says “what comes next” is much worse than Trump, he is correct. what comes next is 4th gen death squads. Professors and loud mouths disappeared without a ripple. Celebrities whose homes burn down around them (with shims stuffed under all the doors so they can’t be opened). Children of opposition politicians drowning. That kind of thing.

Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

Can’t wait! Let’s get to the nut cutting.

Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

It is going to be interesting seeing how far the deep state is willing to go. That will tell the tale. Personally it is apparent to me irrelevance and illegitimacy has become a very serious crisis for the actors behind the astroturf. So they are having to fight a two front war on the will of the dirt people. For us dirt people patience is a paramount virtue, it is everything we hold the moral high ground and defend it. If we have to put up with this circus of astroturfing, all the more reason to keep our powder dry.… Read more »

Tony Petracelli
Tony Petracelli
Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

i’ve got my list ready 🙂

Reply to  Tony Petracelli
8 years ago

And checking it twice

Tony Petracelli
Tony Petracelli
Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

the more interesting (to me) question is how the deep state has been hauled into the light, due to factional in-fighting. this spy-vs-spy stuff with all kinds of new ‘connections’ between graph nodes. the dumbass media — like poor befuddled peggy noonan — presumes that Trump has no institutional support. sure as shit looks like somebody big is looking out for The Don. What if only the tip of the Trumpberg is showing? When the Normans took over England, something like 90% of the previous nobility/elite had been reduced to peasantry within 4 years. That is what I see Trump… Read more »

Reply to  Tony Petracelli
8 years ago

Peggy and her friends are the ones that don’t get it. Trump was The Great Fuck You because of the millions of dirt people who voted for him. We don’t need no steenkin’ “institutions”, and hither does Trump, that was the whole point of why he was elected. And Noonan and the rest of the cucks don’t get it? Ya right, in a pigs eye she doesn’t. What is killing them is us dirt people gave them the flying fickle finger of fate award. It’s called you are irrelevant and you got nothing to offer us. And PS Peggy Noonan,… Read more »

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

peggy just can’t deal with the fact that Trump is a big FU to her as well as the left.

they should include a coupon or recipe with each of her columns, just so they aren’t completely worthless.

Reply to  Tony Petracelli
8 years ago

President Harding cot the fedgov in half in under 18 months. Imagine.

Buckaroo Banzai
Buckaroo Banzai
Reply to  alzaebo
8 years ago

…and died in office for his trouble.

Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

That be the kind of stuff that makes for the Marine Corps motto “No better friend … No worse enemy.” With Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis defending our country, he will make sure that he and his Corps have the proper skills, material and attitude of both Statesmen and Dirt People. And of course, when I refer to his “Corps” I really mean the entire military.

Reply to  LetsPlay
8 years ago

Lets hope so LP. They keep screaming Trump is a fascist, racist, well really it is us dirt people, guilty in their minds by vote and association. They seem to think the easy cop out of violence and destruction gives them gravatis, when it is to be tolerant and endure is the noble and virtuous path, they have no legitimacy or reverent beef, while us dirt people have graciously put up with the deep state and political class as they strip mined and raped America for decades, for longer than is prudent. Well maybe it is time they are accommodated,… Read more »

8 years ago

What’s that old Chinese curse? “May you live in interesting times!”. Well? Is it getting interesting enough for you? In so far as Federal prosecutions are concerned, why wait for new offenses to be committed and begin new investigations? The lack of a past action and delayed indictments does not mean that the files can’t be opened for previous acts of criminal obstruction and funds paid out for illegal activities cannot be traced and used now, collect ‘The Usual Suspects’ and start the subpena machine. I’m sure I could sit down and whip up a couple of pages of well… Read more »

8 years ago

I think the time is long past. I am not in favor of deliberately hurting anyone, and I will support your right to protest until you threaten other lives . The people who have brought traffic to a stop with their arms in concrete need to be taught a lesson. Don’t free them from the drums; just pick the entire assembly up with a front end loader and clear the highway.

Reply to  thor47
8 years ago

Obstructing the legal movement of other people is an act of violence and should be treated as such.

Reply to  teapartydoc
8 years ago

I thought I said that, tpd. 🙂

Reply to  teapartydoc
8 years ago

217 from the DC riots where arrested and charged with felony rioting. That should put a damper on a number of the astroturf rioters on George Soros’ payroll. It’s going to be hard as hell trying to find a job with your Wimmens Study’s diploma, add a felony rap to your employment history in this day and age, your toast.

Clayton Bigsby
Clayton Bigsby
Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

Great news and good point… Maybe Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn will have to open an employment agency .

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  thor47
8 years ago

pour gasoline on them (while they are all locked together)

Reply to  thor47
8 years ago

I had heard of these anarchists chaining their arms together inside a section of PVC pipe, but I hadn’t heard the concrete option yet. All chained together and cemented up? I’ve got a 4×4 with tow hooks fore and aft. Allow me to assist them to the edge of town.

Clayton Bigsby
Clayton Bigsby
Reply to  thor47
8 years ago

After watching one of Foxes “embedded reporters” with the rioters all throwing rocks and photographing themselves and each other being “badasses” in one giant circle jerk, it crossed my mind that it was really rediculous for the police to defend with a phalanx…. when in fact a fire truck or water canon would make short work of them….particularly when the phones and recording devices mommy and daddy paid for are destroyed, and……. most candyassed progressives wouldn’t find the party to be much fun being SOAKED in 40 degree weather. Also why aren’t they using 12 gauge bean bags? One of… Read more »

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  Clayton Bigsby
8 years ago

the police department is an extension of the city administration.

all of the cities are dem run.

all the police are dem run.

(show me where i am wrong)

Reply to  Clayton Bigsby
8 years ago

Mr Bigsby I like the way you think.

8 years ago

People have forgotten or obscured the real lesson of the 70s. Riot at the Democratic convention and you get a “police riot”. Get violent on the campuses and regular folks shrug when the Guard shoots a few.

Block traffic enough and someone will eventually get hurt. I can’t tell you his many commenters I’ve seen that want a RICO investigation of Soros. Regular folks lose their tolerance for this nonsense. It will not end well.

Steel T Post
Steel T Post
8 years ago

Just reading over at… “Mrs. Trump cares deeply about issues impacting women and children, and she has focused her platform as First Lady on the problem of cyber bullying among our youth.”

With that little shitbird from SNL tweeting that Barron will be the “country’s first homeschool shooter,” here’s to hoping that soon NBC will have to broadcast a cold opening with, “Live from Rikers, it’s Saturday Night!”

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  Steel T Post
8 years ago

you know, a lot of “funny” things happen nyc. like writers walking in front of subway trains.

8 years ago

“The struggle myth remains a powerful force in Progressive politics.” Does it ever! This is one of my favorite campus tropes – the ponytailed history professor preaching to hungover 18 year olds, whose spiel makes it sound like Haymarket Square was only yesterday and President Cleveland is about to turn the Army loose on the Homestead strikers. The grad students in my program loved “the struggle” so much that they unionized themselves right out of pay, bennies, and in some cases jobs. The “capitalists” in this country have been Proggie stooges for half a century now, and you’d think **history**… Read more »

8 years ago

There will be no response from elected officials in America. Organized, low-level political violence has been a constant of left-wing politics in America since the 1800s. There was a brief lull during the WW1 and WW2 era, but it picked back up in the 1960s and has been a mainstay since then. Low-level violence has become an accepted form of politics for the American left. The right has abandoned low-level violence as a political tactic. I can’t recall an instance of political violence instigated by the political right in America since the hardhat riots in NYC in 1970. Perhaps the… Read more »

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  Guest
8 years ago

he who dares, wins.

so that leaves conservatives on the trash heap.

8 years ago

Watching some you tube footage of people in some Washington demonstrations, I couldn’t help but notice how everyone was holding their phone up to record a mostly boring gathering…I struggled to fine one person who was not recording their awesomeness and being a part of something so righteous! Most people were standing around playing with their phones, waiting for someone they could hate to wander by. The Deploraball demonstration is a good example of the righteous hatred and the hypocritical irony lost on the holy children of Obama. I’m more irritated at the women’s rights march today where the interviews… Read more »

Tony Petracelli
Tony Petracelli
Reply to  allgrwnup
8 years ago

march a million trumpers through SF if you want to see the splodey heads go boom. oh, and have them all armed.

8 years ago

Saw an interesting comment- that the suddenly shut-down Clinton Foundation Global Initiative was a CIA front like Ford Foundation, the one Obama’s mother and grandmother worked for in Indonesia and Pakistan.

It would be reasonable to assume that Soros, like these endlessly multiplying ‘nonprofit’ fronts, also have the imminity and backing of the Deep State. His cofounding partner of Carlyle Group, Pappy Bush, certainly did.

Reply to  alzaebo
8 years ago

Has, immunity- woopsie

Reply to  alzaebo
8 years ago

Yes. The worst mistake made by the man-child #44 was his petulant swipe at the Clinton’s by not giving Hillary a pardon. But in doing so, he opened up himself and the Deep State to a world of worry that will have bodies dropping like flies in order to keep the truf from outing.

Tony Petracelli
Tony Petracelli
Reply to  LetsPlay
8 years ago

pizza anyone?

look for obama to expire within a year

Reply to  Tony Petracelli
8 years ago

From your mouth to GOD’s ear!

8 years ago

A rioter with a Molotov should be treated by the cops as a rioter with a pistol and shot on sight. There is something very un-PC about setting people (cops) on fire for the sake of some street theatre.

8 years ago

The Women’s March in cities around the world today reminds us of another immortal gem by Zman: “First the women take over, then they let in the crazies.”

8 years ago

I’ll go ahead and say it NOW: the time for half measures has passed.

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  Epaminondas
8 years ago

old ways are best ways.

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

when these mobs show up, stay on the fringes and wait until it disperses and then follow one or two of them for awhile until they are away from the pack. then beat them so bad they are on a ventilator. rinse and repeat. and the first rule of fight club is you don’t talk about fight club.

Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

I don’t want to pay for their medical care and disability. Break the hand they eat with.

Reply to  thor47
8 years ago

The hand they wipe their butt with would work well too.

Reply to  RDittmar
8 years ago

Maybe a matching set?

Reply to  Rurik
8 years ago

Be interesting to know how dedicated their fellow revolutionaries are. Feed you? Yeah, I’ll do that. Wipe your butt? Well . . .

The Bagman
The Bagman
8 years ago

Leftists used to think of themselves as provocateurs. Someone like Spencer provokes more outrage standing quietly than whole mobs of brick-throwing slobs. Interesting things ahead.

8 years ago

Interesting development. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to riot in the Fed zone???

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  John the River
8 years ago

where they will enjoy being Dindu prison brides

Steel T Post
Steel T Post
Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

Brides? You sexist! Snowflakes say gender is just a social construct…

So one of the Soros thugs, first day of his 10 year sentence for felony rioting, meets his Dindu cell mate. Dindu asks, “So it looks like we’re married here; you wanna be the husband or the wife?”

Snowflake thinks for a second and says, “Um, I guess I’ll be the husband.”

Dindu replies, “That’s good, now get on your knees and suck your new wife’s dick.”

🙂 Heard that one watching F-16s take off many moons ago.

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  Steel T Post
8 years ago

the sweet sweet irony of it all; the white sjw will either have to “get married” or join the Aryan Brotherhood, in order to survive.

Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

Oh damm. AB got started to fight prison rapes in Florida, 98.4% black-on-white (that’s a literal statistic)

Reply to  alzaebo
8 years ago

Shucks, forgot- Dindu gangsters in DC loved that joke. Son-of-a-guns actually flagged me safe passage thru Crip territory (they were Bloods), delighted to for a chance to do a neighborly thing.

Even had Crips in Detroit salute the vehicle flag 3 days after 911- after I spent a frightening hour at a seething, hate-filled Ford plant with a nearly all Muslim workforce.
The Crips might be gangsta, but dammit they were also Americans. I got tears in my eyes.

8 years ago

The right to peaceful (!) demonstrations was quasi-sacralized in Western political culture at a time before the internet and even before widespread television. At a time, therefore, when people showing up on the streets in large numbers often really was the only effective way to let the rulers know about popular sentiment on given issues between elections. So originally there was a good reason to make the right to demonstrate pretty much sacrosanct. Today though, in a completely different communication environment, the original rationale for this has disappeared, and I don’t see why we must look at demonstrations with the… Read more »

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

i was just fantasizing about Soros being pushed off a building, and then it hit me. Soros and the other uber assholes of the left are “canaries in the coal mine” for their side. As long as they are drawing breath, then nothing to untoward is going on deep-state wise. If a bunch of Davos cock suckers start getting visits from the Parallax Corp, well, then something epic is afoot.

8 years ago

Soros and his ilk will use paid agitators to provoke Trump and civil authorities until they finally need to crack down on the violence with militance. The media will be there with cameras and present the story to the world as, “See, Trump’s an authoritarian! He’s killing his own people! He must be removed for the sake of human rights and democracy!” Much of the public, having their human compassion exploited with misinformation and not aware it’s a deep state operation, will feel bad for the rioters and agree that Trump is a bad man and we should have someone… Read more »

Reply to  Chuckie
8 years ago

Sad but so true. Still, I hope that you (and I) are proven wrong. (There is ALWAYS hope!)

Reply to  Kathy
8 years ago

It’s critical that Trump prevails. When he said this is our last chance before we lose our country, he was not exaggerating. Do you think actions and words by media and assorted individuals amount to sedition? I do and I hope it gets brought up — soon. They need to cut off the head(s) of the snake(s). They can do this by enforcing the law on past criminal behaviors that were allowed to occur under corrupt leadership, can’t they? “That if any persons shall unlawfully combine or conspire together, with intent to oppose any measure or measures of the government… Read more »

Reply to  Chuckie
8 years ago

No wonder they hate the Constitution and don’t want people to read it!!

Reply to  Heartlander
8 years ago

Chuckie is quoting from a totalitarian statute pushed by a guy who thought he should be immune from criticism. The Sedition Act of 1798 was the antithesis of the spirit of 1776.

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  Chuckie
8 years ago

in 1980 it might have worked. in 2017 we will always have independent cameras where trouble starts.

El Eff
El Eff
8 years ago

There is a good video, just posted two days ago on January 19, available on You Tube entitled, “America Under Siege: Civil war 2017”. From Capital Research Center, written and hosted by Trevor Loudon, 22:36 in length.

Goes into some depth about the working of these subversive groups, names names, and organizations. Was very interested in the Russian involvement but don’t know the veracity of what is implied in that section. Worth your time to have a look, listen.

8 years ago

IMO, the Richard Spencer attack is a serious test for the alt-right to determine whether there is any muscle behind the movement or whether they are simply keyboard warriors. If the alt-right is to be taken seriously, there needs to be a focused online effort to publicly identify the attacker, publish his address and employment information, locate him, and ensure that swift and brutal justice is delivered to him. The next would-be attacker will think twice if he knows the payback for a sucker punch is tallied in broken bones.

Reply to  Guest
8 years ago

Ha! Clicked on your twitter feed and saw you just posted similar thoughts on Twitter. Great minds!

8 years ago

Hey kids, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Remember Wisconsin. Think back to the ordeals of Governor Scott Walker.  The “wymen” activists will use the same tactics against the Trump administration, but they will be on steroids.
Who are these people? NEA, AFT, SEIU, and their allies, various and assorted lefty organizations, NGOs, as well as, anyone else who is dependent on the government trough. Noble, nah; self serving, YES.

Doug Nouts
Doug Nouts
8 years ago

Ive been thinking that a lot of folks patience is wearing thin . There’s a progression here that paralleles politics. 10 or so years ago when the Bushies went on a spending spree a group called Porkbusters organized to protest. The establishment sat on them. Then came the Tea Party. Obama sicced the IRS on them. So Trump got elected.

Reply to  Doug Nouts
8 years ago

Trump is the last, best shot at resolving all of this peacefully. If he folds or is carried out, the backlash of the “normies” will be quite a thing to witness. White males do two things very well. One, they organize and connive to be as deadly and fearsome as possible, and no one else does it as well. Two, they go “all in”, one things get underway, and will not be deterred, once the organized violence starts. I hope and pray that the weirdos and easily duped are so completely shunned and ostracized, that we never get to that… Read more »

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  Dutch
8 years ago

that’s like saying “I hope this near fatal fever never breaks”. the status quo cannot hold, and who would want it to anyway?

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

a couple of excellent movies that I think are very appropos for the situation here in america, now, are:

Missing 1982 Jack Lemon

Salvador 1986 James Woods

and a little gem I suddenly remembered, that made me giggle:

Z 1969 directed by Costa-Gavras (look for the dubbed version)

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

Has anyone noticed that Jews and Hasbara are egging on the Right to have open war with the Left? I have. In numerous places WN hang out. Vox Day linked to a article where a Jew went on and on about how the Left bombed the hell out of the country and got away with it. Of course he says the obligatory, you shouldn’t move to violence, but the whole rest of the article is rubbing the noses of the Right into how they’re such pussies for letting them get away with it. The link. I would remind people… Read more »

8 years ago

Down under, the Sydney Telegraph has a cartoon depicting the marchers, pink “pu$$y” hats and all. It may not be their intent, but it is what the other half of America is hearing.

8 years ago

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