Stranger Danger

I don’t have a television subscription anymore. I use the Amazon Fire for my video entertainments. It’s a useful device for those who have cut the cord. One of the apps on the thing is for SkyNews, the Murdoch propaganda platform that is the retarded little brother of the BBC. It’s pitched as the “conservative” alternative to the government run BBC, which means it is pretty much just a ruling class echo.

I was working on a small project in the living room so I put on the television to see if there was something worth watching. SkyNews had a program on about the latest Muslim mayhem in London, so I thought I’d give that a go. It was some sort of panel show, hosted by a guy who looked like a homeless man. He was an old guy kitted out to look like a college professor, but he was so shabby, he looked more like a bum than a professor.

The Mr. Chips routine remains popular on television news. They take a stupid person, dress him up to look like a college professor and then have him say his lines with an avuncular voice. Hilariously, the actors they have playing these roles on the news are almost always as dumb as hamsters. I guess a degree of dullness allows the actor to play the part without any self-regard. Maybe it is just one of life’s little ironies.

Anyway, the old gasbag droned on for a few minutes at the start, reminding us of the proper way to virtue signal about these Muslim attacks. He was also careful to make clear that no one, under any circumstances, is to speculate about why Muslims keep going bonkers and attacking people in Western cities. In fact, he was careful to not use the word “Muslim” and even suggested that the man’s identity remained a mystery.

Then, it got ridiculous. It was a panel show so the hobo went around and introduced his panelists. It was four women, all in their prime powerskirt years. These are the years when a powerskirt is still feeling the biological clock so she is not entirely without hope of being a women, but she is at her maximum anger at reality for not yielding to the latest feminist pieties. Of course, one was black and another South Asian, because that’s who we are!

The first powerskirt to speak sounded like a JohnRivers parody on Gab. She opened with how much she cares about the victims and how passionate she is for victim’s rights. Powerskirts are always passionate about stuff, just like Hitler. She then lurched into a tangle of sentences about how this incident opens the doors for hate and how any assault on London’s multiculturalism is far worse than a few white people being murdered.

What’s striking about watching these modern lunacies acted out with British accents is it makes the lunacy so much more obvious. What the hell does “open the door for hate” even mean? I bet the stupid twat who said it has no idea either. It just appeals to the fevered female mind. Similarly, they have deified the word “multiculturalism” as if it is a real thing, when in fact, it is just a word for the nullification of culture.

The funny thing about her little performance was that you could see her nostrils flaring and her cheeks getting a bit flushed. Maybe she is well-trained, but my take was she really meant every word of the nonsense she was saying. That or she was sexually aroused by it. Who knows, maybe the thought of being slaughtered by Muslim savages is arousing to these people. It’s not entirely out of the question, given the state of men these days.

That really is the issue. The men of our ruling class have no pride or self-respect. They got to where they are, largely untested as men, so they have no sense of achievement. As a result, the women have no respect for them or the culture they are supposed to symbolize. Consequently, we have a ruling class populated by hand-wringing pussies and terminally pissed off women, looking with envy at those swarthy guys on the border.

I snapped it off, thinking that it would probably be a good thing if an Exploding Mohamed walked into the station and ended things for all of them. Frankly, if I was walking outside the studio and Mohamed came running toward the entrance, I’d offer to hold the door for him. The people inside are hostile strangers to me. The only thing I know about them is they hate me for reasons I cannot address. Otherwise, I don’t know them.

That is the the final resting place of multiculturalism. A people without a shared past cannot have a shared future. The Muslim invader cannot look around the landmarks of London and feel pride. His people did not build these things. His ancestors were on the wrong end of a bayonet charge by the people who built Big Ben and London Bridge. The people who made these things are strangers. Their descendants are strangers to him.

Men cannot live as isolated, transactional economic units. Nature abhors it. It’s why the gray featureless world our rulers imagine is so horrifying to the Mohammedan. It’s why populist movements are sprouting up all over the West. Man is a social creature. In order to have strong bonds with each other, we must share strong bonds with our past. The people who rule over us must share those bonds too. They cannot be strangers.

It’s why, after every one of these attacks, the powerskirts and hand-wringing pussies rush out to fret about The Backlash™. At some level, they know that the real threat to their position is not the random muzzie, strapped with explosives screaming “Allahu Akbar!”, rushing into the offices of SkyNews or into Parliament. The real danger, what they truly fear, is that guy deciding to hold the door for Akmed. Then it’s all over for them.

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7 years ago

“Consequently, we have a ruling class populated by hand-wringing pussies and terminally pissed off women, looking with envy at those swarthy guys on the border.” Lots of commentators suggest that these powerskirts are lusting after barbarian menfolk, but I think it’s slightly different. Part of it is displaced maternal instinct from childless women on the cusp of menopause, manifesting as solicitude for the “half devil and half child” barbarian. To the extent that there’s a sexual aspect, it closer resembles the unstable women who flirt with strange men even though they’re not really interested, just so their boyfriends will have… Read more »

7 years ago

I get my dose of real Brits from a Facebook group. It’s for folks with springer spaniels. Many of the men are clearly in the military or have a military background. Politics aren’t allowed, but they did sneak in some support for Brexit during the vote. I can’t imagine for a minute that they would allow any Muslim to harm a dog. In fact, I think a good documentary on how Muslims treat dogs would turn even the power skirts against them.

Bill Jones
Bill Jones
7 years ago

Solution to the Birth Dearth.
Start playing football and win
“International football can have serious long-term repercussions: according to this Icelandic obstetrician this weekend there were a record-smashing number of births in Iceland, precisely nine months after their victory over England.”

7 years ago

I know this is off topic, but it still may be of interest. Jim Quinn over at the Burning Platform has done his own version of the Z-man’s “Trump is the Mule”:

7 years ago

Living out in the boonies, I’m grateful for the culture and mores of the community as a whole here. At the same time I shake my head in wonder at the self destructive hive mentality. Those jihadists exist because, after all the signaling and other fucking bullshit, those people in them cities, whatever their reasons, want a jihad on their arse’s. An oft neglected truth to musloid terrorism, is a majority of those who reside in the target rich environments where the spectacle value of butchering westerners makes them such an optimal choice, is they voted for, or do not… Read more »

Brother John
7 years ago

I snapped it off, thinking that it would probably be a good thing if an Exploding Mohamed walked into the station and ended things for all of them.

If I were you, I’d stick a “TM” after that one, like you did the “Backlash…”

Brother John
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Yeah! I was sure I’d heard that before *some*where……

7 years ago

The real insanity is the notion that a group of panelists talking on TV is going to solve the “problem.” Our current societal structure is caught in a vicious cycle of rewarding this type of messaging, not experiencing any negative feedback, and therefore continuing to get even more extreme in their virtue signaling.

Perhaps a win-win can be obtained by enlisting the Muslim fundamentalists to purge our culture of this dead-weight. Convert the disease into an antidote.

7 years ago

The women thing is not that complicated. Dark rich guy=Kanye. Swarthy rich guy=Disney animated character from Aladdin. White rich guy=Mark Zuckerberg.

They prefer a caricature of some sort of unreal rich exotic guy with high sexual market value (in the eyes of the other females), rather than a preening, overweight, pimply, dorky white guy with no SMV other than his money. Case closed.

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

Zuckerberg is not white.

Rich people are rarely fat.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
7 years ago

The level of BBC programming, and especially documentaries and commentary, has been declining for decades. Watch any of the BBC documentaries currently on TV or YouTube, and you’ll notice how the commentator fills the screen with themselves sitting, walking around or staring off in to the distance as if in deep contemplation on the topic they are presenting. When more often that not, they are often completely uneducated on the topics they present and can only add the “…and that’s awesome” or “…it’s so fantastic”. David Attenborough they are not! Imbecilic narcissists more so. The multiculti-do-gooders (e.g. feminist women, LGBT-whatever,… Read more »

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Ah, Top Gear. Very entertaining. How can you not enjoy a show that combines automobiles and a trebuchet!

I always enjoyed your Carl Sagan – “…billions and billions!”

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Connections was great. Wrapping a narrative around a series of seemingly unrelated historical events and processes. The narrator of Connections, James Burke, was so earnest about his work, and about Western Civilization, that it was a joy to watch.

Many of the TED Talks try a similar format, but the “aren’t I cool for figuring all this out” posturing of the authors is such a turn-off.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I loved The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin!

Terry Baker
Reply to  Ganderson
7 years ago

Amen.It was brilliant. Mitchell and Webb are carrying on.

7 years ago

Has there ever been a successful case of Muslim assimilation?

I don’t think so.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  John the River
7 years ago

Depends. I’m sure that Muslims have considered their assimilation successful.

Reply to  John the River
7 years ago

Sure. The Muslims assimilated North Africa and Spain.

7 years ago

Mr. Molotov meet Herr von Ribbentrop.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
7 years ago

I strongly share the desire to turn the jihadi’s loose on the power skirts of both sexes in their gated communities, but why would the jihadi’s oblige us_? They are about Islamic supremacy not retributive justice. So they will use any means available, most definitely including the apparently boundless stupidity of degenerate elite pussies. Jihadis’ are all about jihad even if they cannot help but hold these degenerate elite pussies in even more contempt than we normies do. After all, it is we who are the obstacle to Islamic supremacy, not the Cloud Folk. And we see by the CAIR… Read more »

7 years ago

I’m trying to determine the various camps on the issue. 1. Those who instinctively know Islam is the problem and distrust the mainstream bs, 2. People who have studied Islam and history and intellectually know Islam is dangerous. 3. Low information consumers of media who believe the crap they spew. 4. People who know how dangerous Islam is but seek to import Muslims for their own aims (such as destroying the culture and political power of the natives). In the political world it is hard to separate the third and fourth groups. People like Soros and Valerie Jarrett know what… Read more »

7 years ago

The thing is, they count on themselves being the guys opening the door for exploding mohammend into your church/home/work/stadium.

They’re the Indians who see the white man with his firesticks as a strong ally against that other tribe of Indians, the real enemy.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

I realize that the masters can’t allow their slaves any contrary opinions concerning their own slavery so there is no real “point/counter-point” in the MSM. I just don’t understand why the internet doesn’t have any head-to-head debate. It doesn’t matter if it is conservative, fascist, liberal, stinky pinky, or whatever. You have two or more people from the same position pointing out the absurdity of the opposing coalition. I think we should pick who we want to present their views, kidnap them and place them online with a topic for discussion. The only rule should be that you get your… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

I’d buy that for a quarter!

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

Best pay-per-view idea I’ve seen in a very long time.

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

There used to be a guy on L.A. television, nominally a newsman, who would stage debates on current affairs, which would (by the script) degenerate into chairs tossed and punches thrown. Can’t remember his name, he had a hot daughter if I recall correctly. He was about 25 years too early.

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

The one and only a Wally George.

Reply to  el_baboso
7 years ago

and his daughter was rebecca demournay from Risky Business

Dan Kurt
Dan Kurt
7 years ago

re: “I don’t have a television subscription anymore.” Z-Man

Getting close myself. Watched with wife only one show on TV cable last night, an old (new to us) Antiques Road Show. Only saw Whites, artifacts loved by Whites, treasures saved by Whites. I kept thinking, how did the USA abandon the culture that produced the Antiques on display here? For what reason? To what end?

Dan Kurt

Reply to  Dan Kurt
7 years ago

Dan – I have thought the same thing. How could this have happened? How did men get this weak and passive? Was it all the result of feminists? Was it the overwhelming luxury and comforts our culture achieved? Has there ever been more greatness and success squandered in so short a time? I suspect many are asking these questions and starting to develop interest in genealogy and history. My husband and I barely watch TV. We read. We go to work. We garden. We take care of our pets. Hike. Kayak. Anything other than pay attention to whatever is coming… Read more »

7 years ago

I’m from Melania land, where during the summer of love hundreds of thousands invaders came through, and we too had many roundtables and panels on TV, none of which EVER featured a contrarian voice, the reasoning was that they couldn’t find someone mannered and polite enough, you see, we are all brutes! One fun thing i enjoy now is taking visitors to a local museum, showing them weaponry the Turks left behind, and ask if we should give it all back / bend over. Every refugee shall get a free scimitar, it would only be fair! Edit: Why not leave… Read more »

7 years ago

That was downright Swiftian, Z man. Once, the backlash starts, the powerskirts and their drones immediately become irrelevant. Then it’s mostly about men who can recruit, train, and employ a militia. So that part of their stance seems rational. What I never get is why they want more immigrants and don’t want to do anything about the ones they have. That’s getting into the weird psychosexual territory, I guess. I still remember the first night of the LA riots. A bunch of white goodthinkers from the west side and the San Fernando Valley had shown up at LA police HQ… Read more »

Reply to  el_baboso
7 years ago

I’ll stick with one of my recurring themes here that we keyboard warriors on the right ought not to hold our collective breath for the coming of a muscular backlash. The last meaningful example of a muscular backlash by normies was the hard hat riots in NY in 1970. It took seven years of riots, burning cities, looting, hippies, crime, and war drafts to awaken the Saxon. America in 2017 is not even close to the social conditions that woke the Saxon in 1970. In 1970 NYC was a crime-ridden hellhole. In 2017 NYC is a playground for young, credentialed… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
7 years ago

California is a particularly toxic example of what I am increasingly seeing as an urban vs rural divide. What makes it quantitatively different than the Acela Corridor, Chicago, Seattle, Portland, etc. is all the vote buying — Bay Area, Hollywood, and Silicon Valley money purchasing the votes of Mexican pols and voters. The California example tends to support the theory that large-scale Muslim immigration is a form of large-scale vote rigging. It’s been very successful, so why wouldn’t other politicians imitate it? There is a certain desperation that precedes systemic failure. To me, the power skirts at some level know… Read more »

Reply to  el_baboso
7 years ago

Megan McArdle at Bloomberg has a fascinating article about Utah, and the work of the Mormon church in applying church doctrine on issues such as marriage, along with privately sponsored charity work, in helping everyone in sight. Once one gets past the obligatory racial criticism (Utah and the Mormon LDS church are, wait for it, mostly white), the system appears to work remarkably well. Unsaid, but elephants in the room, are that the big inner-city underclass ghettoes and all of the people who capitalize on their suffering and strife are not part of the picture. We have, in the larger… Read more »

Old Surfer
Old Surfer
Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

The Mormons are all over Polynesia, starting with Hawaii. Utah may be mostly white, but the church is very multiracial in Hawaii and the South Pacific. Really good people!

Reply to  el_baboso
7 years ago

You don’t seem to get the point. We’re nowhere near systemic failure or collapse. We’re not even anywhere near the conditions that generated a muscular backlash in NYC in 1970. And far from being in a situation of desperation, most of the cities you reference are thriving, at least on the surface, courtesy of borrowed money made possible by unlimited, fiat dollar financing. Long before any sort of apocalyptic collapse besets us, demographic change is going to slowly drive America into a single-party soft totalitarianism under the Democratic Party. None of the values Conservatives care about (e.g., small government, individual… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
7 years ago

Always hard to make your point on a phone. I was being indirect earlier, but what I am suggesting is kicking all of the big, corrupt cities out of the Union. That way we can fix our demographics while starving the urban elites out. I’m really not interested in a 50 year solution. I want a 500 year solution. Plus I’d like to keep the Sierras and the Adirondaks.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  Guest
7 years ago

California and Vermont are two blue states talking about seceding. That’s all it is. Talk. Like the “entertainers” that were going to move to Canada if Trump was elected. Leftists are pansies that have no intention of separating from the productive citizenry whose taxes pay for all their retarded schemes. “Contrary to standard accounts, the birthplace of American secessionist sentiment was not Charleston, South Carolina in 1860, but the heart of the New England Yankee culture — Salem, Massachusetts — more than half a century before the first shot was fired at Fort Sumter. From 1800 to 1815, there were… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

You are correct, sir or madam! Calhoun developed his theory of concurrent majorities and nullification at Yale.

Reply to  Guest
7 years ago


As in “seal them off in their urban hellholes and let nature take its course”.

I ain’t givin’ up the Central Cali Coast to nobody…particularly when giving up California would result in it becoming a beachhead for foreign enemies, such as the Celestial Empire, who would be only too eager to fill the power vacuum.

Ed Gruberman
Ed Gruberman
Reply to  el_baboso
7 years ago

My fellow ministers working in the Projects in the months before the RK Riots were quite mystified by the gang truce in evidence at the time. When all hell broke loose, then went quiet on Entitlement Check Day, and a car full of gangbangers up front and gas cans in back got busted by LA county sheriff’s deputies, it was pretty obvious (20/20 hindsight) that the riots had been planned well in advance. Smash, loot, burn. In that order. Assault, rape and murder too, for extra kicks. I was in Whittier at the time, and someone tried to spread it… Read more »

Reply to  Ed Gruberman
7 years ago

Something strange was going on. For months beforehand, the LA Times was printing the “community’s” propaganda almost unfiltered. Maxine Waters, Yvonne Brathwaite Burke, and some other pols whose names now escape me were making some very inflammatory speeches. In fact, they very specifically targeted the contingency ammo stocks at Los Alamitos and got them removed on the ground that their very presence was “racist.” Bradiy’s televised speech on the first night (the community is “justified” to be angry and act out violently… heard it with my own two ears) may have been part of the plan or just fortuitous. I… Read more »

Reply to  el_baboso
7 years ago

Sort of a collective version of lack of impulse control/lack of long range thinking. The “smash and grab, because I can” mentality. Really depressing to think that everything we know and are tought to think and to believe in is not relevant, in a world where premeditated “smash and grab” is the reality we actually live in.

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

That was pretty much it, Dutch. One of the saddest moments in my about two-thirds complete life, was during the riots. We were patrolling out of a parking garage somewhere in the Heart of Vibrancy when some barbers came by to cut our hair. Now the gangstas and pols weren’t too happy to see us, but the community – the real community – was happy to have us there. I was chatting up the barber and asked him why he came by. He said he didn’t have any business. I tried to cheer him up and said that the streets… Read more »

7 years ago

The only quibble I have with this post is the statement that multiculturalism is the negation of culture. It is the negation of the host culture for whatever country it is introduced to.
Otherwise, yeah. I’d hold the door for Mohammed, too.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

@ teapartydoc – True. That was certainly the case for Europeans displacing native Americans across the entire American contentment. It’s just more obvious when you’re the culture that’s being displaced. At the current rate and numbers, it seems clear it will happen in Europe eventually, it’s just a matter of time. If history has taught us nothing else it has taught us the one constant is change.

I wonder if I can get a Halal Jägerschnitzel? 😉

Richard Kreul
Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

You hit the Bullseye.