
The weather last weekend was not very good here in Lagos, so I tuned in for some of the football games. I used to watch a lot of college football, but that has waned quite a bit over the last few years. When I consume college football, I’m usually doing something else, so I half listen and pay attention when I hear some excitement. These days, you can rewind the action if you miss something, so this sort of consumption is a lot easier than in the old days. You can watch the highlights in real time.

One thing you quickly learn when you cut the cord, which I did years ago, is that regular TV watching habituates you to the degeneracy. I’m not sure if you get used to it or your mind just learns to filter out the offensive garbage. Take a few weeks off, come back to it and you’re appalled at what you see. It’s not just the degeneracy, which is a big part of it, but the stupidity. Television has always been aimed at the 90-IQ crowd and that jumps out to you when you are away from it for a while.

Something similar seems to be true with televised sports. Once you take a break from watching these shows, the warts become obvious. Last weekend I could not help but notice the volume of commercials in these broadcasts. I was working on something and every time I looked up to see what was happening in the game, it was a commercial and usually for something alien to me. At some point I looked at some other games and sure enough, they were all in a commercial break.

Of course, the commercials are atrocious. This is where you see the propaganda effort behind all of this. Most likely, the typical viewer of college football is a white middle-aged male, living outside the Cloud People zones. That means suburban and exurban. That also means the sort of guy who voted for Trump. Yet, they blast ads featuring race-mixers and homosexuals. The products are things this demo is not buying, like AIDS drugs and cloud services. It’s ruling class porn as advertisement.

At some point, I decided to watch until I saw an ad featuring anything resembling normal people doing normal things. I gave up after about thirty minutes. If a space alien tried to understand America based on television, its conclusion would be that we are ruled by frizzy-haired mulatto lesbians and homosexuals. Their main task is keeping the simple-minded, almost retarded, white males under control. The TV ad world is the complete opposite of reality and any possible reality.

As far as the presentation of sports, it is pretty close to unwatchable. The endless commercials are a big problem for a casual viewer. I wanted to watch the Ohio State – Penn State game, but the presentation was so bad it was hard to watch. When it is not commercials for lesbians enjoying their work at Amazon, it is insipid airheads talking constantly while the players wander around between plays. Turning the sound off makes it worse, as you see how little is happening on the field.

It used to be popular with the sporting press to bad mouth baseball for being too slow and boring. The real reason they are told to bash baseball is the game has not been Africanized. It is not a running and jumping sport. There are no opportunities for the blacks to draw attention to themselves with the usual antics. Putting that aside, the slow pace of baseball makes sense in the context of the game. The slow pace of modern football is just a way to squeeze in more agit-prop.

The ruination of televised football is one of those examples that point to a deliberate, well thought-out war on white people. For a long time, football and baseball were things most whites could share as a cultural item. Despite the color on the field, the audience has remained stubbornly white. It was the thing white people could talk about at the office, without having to fear the PC police. Instead of leaving that as an oasis, the usual suspects seem to have targeted it for degeneration and destruction.

That said, the television ratings for this stuff have held up. There was some decline, but the usual suspects have convinced normie white males to return. The new thing now is the celebration of the black quarterback. There’s nothing that stimulates the normie whites in America more than worshiping blacks. White guilt remains a powerful delivery vehicle for the repulsive propaganda around it. Watch an NFL game and you get why the usual suspects hate white people so much.

That said, there is no way the country survives wholesale cord cutting. Once you are free from this stuff, it is impossible to come back. The old gag about baseball was that if it did not exist, no one would invent it. Something similar is true of TV. If the nation was not already hooked on it, no one would become hooked on it.  It is so trashy and so degenerate; you can’t get past the revulsion long enough to get hooked on it. My rainy weekend experience was just enough to turn it off for good.

That’s why television watching will eventually be mandatory. Orwell got most things wrong about the dystopian future. The one thing he nailed was the video monitors installed in every hope. It may not be as heavy handed as he described, but there is no way the usual suspects allow the public to cut the cord. Without the daily dose of poz, there is no way white people go along with their dispossession. The revolution comes when the televisions go dark for any length of time.

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5 years ago

Someone, I wish I could recall who, quipped (paraphrasing) that commercials debunk the myth of black poverty because every black family in a commercial lives in million dollar home with a father and a mother, two kids and a purebred dog.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

The only time you see a healthy family it’s non-White or mixed. The White wahmen are “finding themselves” backpacking in some exotic location or you’ll have two White men obviously fudgepacking. If you watch older TV shows you see how many more ads there are now too. I’ll watch an hour show from the 60’s and it’s fifty-three minutes. Today it’s what? Ten more minutes of commercials? Even if the show somehow isn’t pozzed you get a load of it anyway. Kill your Talmudvision subscription. I know the cable company tries to entice you with package deals, but all I… Read more »

Reply to  Nathan
5 years ago

For myself I didn’t make any big resolution to kill my TV. Since the late 1990s I’ve just slowly watched less and less. Where I live now I can get fairly affordable fiber internet without being tied to Comcast’s bundling of TV with internet so I just don’t have cable and don’t really even know what’s on broadcast TV until it gets to YouTube. I think if high speed internet without TV was available to more people a lot more would also just ignore TV entirely. Of course this won’t prevent YouTube from pozzing us during their ads but that’s… Read more »

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  pozymandias
5 years ago

I remember distinctly, waiting for Neil Armstrong to step out onto the Moon, sitting around the new (my family was late-adapters) color television. The doorbell rang.

The young liberal couple from next door, the only ones who didn’t go to church in the neighborhood and made sure you knew that they didn’t have a television, wanted to know, very sheepishly, whether they could come in and watch.

Reply to  pozymandias
5 years ago

Liberals hated TV when it was aimed at the Average American. For example, in the 60’s you had lots of rural comedies, and the Liberals REALLY hated that.

Reply to  pozymandias
5 years ago

Download Adblock. No more ads.

Duke Norfolk
Reply to  pozymandias
5 years ago

Ads, on YT, what’s that. Use an ad blocker. I’m surprised they haven’t banned their use yet.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

When I see ads like that on TV I snicker and say “that never happens” The wife will usually respond and say “what are you talking about now”. Me: ” look at this stupid commercial – they’ve got a black kid, with his black father, and the grandfather is there too – that never happens”. She’ll still be a bit perplexed ” I’m not sure what you’re ranting about now” ” a black kid whose father is raising him and the black grandfather is ALSO around as well. Three generations of a black family all together – how often does… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

Wonder what she will say when you finally pick up the TV and throw it out the window 😂

Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

I’ve shot one with a gun. Gave me street cred with the ol fam.

paul scott
paul scott
Reply to  SidVic
5 years ago

Yes that’s cred alright. I would like to see that on youtube, without ads. Our switch to non TV video is a continuation of the addiction, Sometimes the same vile ad stays in front of your you tube clicks for weeks.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

Sigh…Basic Husband has gone all BoomerCon. I’m now a football widow. He even watched football when Kapernick was taking the knee. He’s particularly hooked on the 49ers. His 92 YO mother watches too and they text back and forth during games. I can’t stand the Imperial Capital race mixing commercials, celebrate fat women and gay/lesbian commercials. I read a lot and come January, it’s back to the gym using up time for me. The Husband has pics of Trump and Devin Nunes on the dining table along with a mini flag. When I dissed Charlie Kirk and walked away from… Read more »

Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

RFF, he can’t be too bad if he’s with you. When push comes to shove, I’m sure he’ll see your way of thinking. Never mind the words you’ll be saying… Life will show him. Per those who know Michelle Obama, like our Establishment’s best girl, Dana Perino, there is no chance she will run for president. I believe it. Barack got his money for serving and now they’re rich and she just wants to enjoy the good life. There enters the drawback when people like Obummer enter into Faustian agreements for piles of money: you are always on-call — forever… Read more »

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

Ursula. Agree. She’s already told herself “I’ve done enough for America by not executing half of them for raycisms. I have suffered so for America, my dues are paid. Time to cash in.” No way she runs.

If she did, she’d plumb new depths of unlikeability in record time. She’s at least Hillary-tier hateable. She may as well pick Kabbala Haaretz for VP out of the gate and have the hatiest-hateable-hater ticket in U.S. history. Accelerationists would rejoice and two more nails in democracy’s coffin would be struck.

Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

Hang in there, RFF. I have similar issues with my husband, although he is usually happy to listen if I ask if I can read him a Zman post. He doesn’t always agree, but he’ll listen to it. The problem is he doesn’t connect it to his life. He agreed with today’s post re t.v., but insisted “That’s why I’m always changing the channel, to avoid the crap.” He refuses to cut the cord. He doesn’t identify as a Libertardian, and is fully on board re race and identity, but still holds tight to capitalism and muh free market. Just… Read more »

Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

RFF, can I adopt you as my second Mom?

Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

Well I like to watch the occasional movie on it and there is still some stuff out there that isn’t pozzed that I like to watch. Plus I paid for the TV and I’m not in the habit of breaking my own toys. I’ve found it’s pretty effective to just point out the insanity to people – and then let it all slowly sink in. Eventually they get to the point where they’re figuring it out on their own.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

Been there. White women want a pat on the head from society. They instinctively know that noticing these things and, even worse, pointing them out will not be good for them socially, so they simply don’t think about it. Mrs. Citizen isn’t a big fan of my pointing out the inane stupidity of Nice White Lady shows.

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

Well i’ll admit to being a bit of a horse’s ass but i can’t help to point out the poz. The fam doesn’t like watching with me. Oph look the sassy, yet wise, black woman, is reining in the dumb clueless white man! See its cool and hip to be a slut! etc….
Although i have had the satisfaction of seeing them noticing the matrix. You can only watch so many heroic black physicists before starting to notice that it doesn’t match up with reality.

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

Women are always perplexed, clueless or outraged. Yet for some reason they think they could run complex societies, Lord have mercy.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

I beg to differ with you Carlsdad. I have first hand knowledge of several generations of Joes being together in a group setting. However, it was the result of a block blowing up when a tactical team decided to arrest the youngest of the Orcs. Daddy, granddaddy, and great grandddaddy all poured from the house to defend the poor yewf, who “din do nuffin”. As a result there were four generations of the same family in the lockup being processed. The fambly that bangs together stays together! And in the end, every one of them had an extensive rap sheet.… Read more »

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
5 years ago

Somehow your post had me thinking of some sort of horribly racist ghetto Christmas story where Santa consults everyone’s rap sheet to see whether they’ve been naughty or nice – “Hmmm… little Jamal only has a new misdemeanor for vandalism, maybe I’ll bring him that new Glock he’s been wanting and can’t buy legally. His brother’s got a shiny new felony assault and armed robbery though. Guess it’s a 40oz again for him.”

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Z, I always hear this (“blacks should be relentlessly shamed into knowing their kids”) from white guys. I get why since it would obviously help the black community in terms of crime and general functioning of life, but in many ways, you’re thinking and acting like those color-blind and HBD-denying CivNats. What you’re really saying is that blacks should be shamed into acting more white. But they’re not white. They’ll never be white. It’s just like when whites quietly whisper that blacks could do as well at school as whites if they just studied harder. It’s simply not true. They… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

It didn’t help when the federal government started subsidizing this behavior in the 1960s. Black women do not require black men to commit before sex and children because it pays more if they leave. If black women had to support their own kids, I suspect it would mitigate the pathology somewhat.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  DLS
5 years ago

Agreed. The govt is actively pushing all people to degeneracy. But at the end of the day, black men don’t naturally get too involved in the raising of kids. Look at Africa. My point is that whites have to stop trying to remake the world in our image. Let other peoples be what they want.

Of course, we push non-white to act white now because we live around each other and it bothers us when they don’t act like us. But the solution isn’t coercion but separation.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Perversely, it seems whites are being pressured and propagandized to adopt the dysfunctional black culture.

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

No “seems” about it. Those to whom we have outsourced our popular culture (and academia, and much of the law) are doing it deliberately.

A stupid, vulgar, violent, low-empathy, materialistic, immediate-gratification consumer culture is easy to control.

Pip McGuigin
Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

Exactly. Where did the wearing the baseball cap backward come from? And the high five? And the queer act of jumping into another person’s body to celebrate? They want to be different and they damned sure are.

Mike Ricci
Mike Ricci
Reply to  Pip McGuigin
5 years ago

Those trends were fresh in like, 1985.

Whites who are about 30 and under right now are much less wiggerfied than older millennials/ late GenX were even as recently as a decade ago. Young blacks today might be more influenced by Whites than the other way around with them adopting aspects of geek culture, skinny jeans, androgyny. Even today’s hip-hop is heavily influenced by alt rock/ indie shit.

Ghetto influence in pop culture peaked years ago.

Reply to  Mike Ricci
5 years ago

I agree with this. The peak of rap influence in white communities was during Eminem/50 cent era.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Citizen, that is exactly right. In much of Africa, it is the women’s job to raise the children while the men are off doing whatever it is that they do.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Spreading Aids hither and yon.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

In America it has more to do with welfare than culture.
Black woman kicks black man out da house cause government welfare > black man income. After da Black kid reaches 15 years & becomes feral(cause he was raised by single mother) Black mother kicks him out as well & starts prowling for some thug to impregnant her again.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

I’ve known more than a few Black folks with intact families and decent incomes . They were functional citizens, decent people but not like Whites and assuming they think like White people do is nonsense. We certainly need as a society to encourage intact families for everyone but its not Y/T’s job to do this for Black folks. They don’t really trust our people with this with good reason. As for the fantasy, 911 on Fox has to take the cake. The Grant Family , Black people, affluent , a police sergeant and an architect smart and not a racist… Read more »

Reply to  DLS
5 years ago

I don’t know about that DLS they might of exacerbated the problem but they didn’t create it…

Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

“I don’t know about that DLS they might of exacerbated the problem but they didn’t create it…” My position exactly. It is unfixable, but we could at least stop making it worse.

Reply to  DLS
5 years ago

I’m all for the whole “let them live how they want” thing , except for the fact currently – that living how they want is something I get forced to support. How about I get to live how I want – which is with an extremely low tax rate, so I’m not working my ass off to support Israel, and illegitimate black children, and refugee importation, and really high living standards in Mordor on the Potomac, and needless wars, and ridiculous retirement benefits for government employees, etc. (the list is very long). Separation of communities means no financial support flowing… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago


True. We pay the bills, so we can demand that they act how we want. Except of course, that’s not how democracy works. Z talks about becoming helots some day.

We’re already helots. It’s just a question of how much our masters will take from us.

Grisly Atoms
Grisly Atoms
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Except we DON’T pay the bills, Citizen. National debt is well over $20T now.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Exactly right that period of time was not normal for them it was like a drunk being in rehab they are good as long as they are there but as soon as they get out the temptation usually gets the best of them and they fall off the wagon…

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Let blacks be black. Fine but you cannot feed them or you will quickly have a feral cat problem. Paying young black women 5k to get tubule ligations would be a bargain. I wonder what the fallout would be if Gates set up a foundation along those lines. heh

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  SidVic
5 years ago


All true. But we’ve lost control of the government which means we are truly helots and it’ll only get worse. Separation or slavery. Those are our options.

Reply to  SidVic
5 years ago

Make it $50k USD. Still would be a bargain.

George Orwell
George Orwell
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

“They are fantasies for the white people making the ads.” 100% correct, based on my experience inside advertising. Advertising is mostly about telling little stories, not selling you stuff. Furthermore, what ads portray usually reflects merely the biases of the advertiser paying for the ad. If the advertising managers at Next Awesome Product Inc. believe that some particular bit of poz is chic, the ad agency will sell you that. There is an ad running for a pharmaceutical that features a clean cut white dad going out for family fun with a very young vibrant daughter, possibly adopted. How this… Read more »

Reply to  George Orwell
5 years ago

White people making the ads

Reply to  Vegetius
5 years ago

(((White))) people making the ads.

There, fixed that for you.

Ant Man Bee
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

The one that snapped it for me was a commercial showing an all-black pit crew at NASCAR. Yeah, you heard me.

(((They’re))) just gloating about it now: full-on genocide.

“Just imagine, Fellow Negroes: an entire world without White people. Yup, not even at NASCAR. We saved a few of de wimminz for you, though, as a reward. You’ve been such good pets after all.”

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Blacks gonna black. But for their tiny smart fraction, it takes iron-fisted rule to keep them in line. South Africa style, and even then the demographics caught up with them. Separation is the best kind of apartheid. We’re eventually going to have to Lesotho our orcs in America and let nature take its course over a long timeline.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

Hence, Jim Crow. Now demonized as we decriminalize the country. As someone else speculated, maybe they’re clearing out the prisons to make room for white men unwilling to give up their guns.

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

The more Blacks they let out, the less Whitey wants to give up his guns. We have the edge in that equation.

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

Your periodic reminder that Thanksgiving is a great time to remind your NormieCon relatives that “The Blue” are the ones will will be doing the “coming and taking” when the time comes.

Christian Attorney in Ohio
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Even on Fox News, half of the commercials are black. I wonder how many blacks watch Fox News other than those they employ?

Reply to  Steve
5 years ago

I’ll tell you what debunks black poverty – the fact that every one of their impoverished dwellings sprouts a myriad of satellite dishes and antennas.

Reply to  Steve
5 years ago

Or struggling with their investment and life insurance choices. Come on man, many of them consider scratch off lottery tickets as their solution.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

It’s remarkably unfair to expect an 85-IQ people to handle financial issues. Let on their own, blacks would create a very simple society that fits their abilities. As Sailer has noted, for our entire society, the right half of the bell curve has abandoned the left half over the past 50 years. Instead creating a world in which both sides can thrive, we’ve made society ever more complicated to take advantage of them.

But that’s what happens when you no longer think of yourselves as a people, a family.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Unless you have a separation that involves a barrier that takes a 100+ iq to get over or through then you will always have strife…

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

There’s something to be said for that. As Z has said before, slavery worked for a portion of that population who can’t handle modernity, not that anyone wants the responsibility or baggage that comes with shepherding today’s farm equipment-tier Blacks.

The only “inhumane” aspect of apartheid is leaving less-capable Blacks to the mercies of their own communities. But the alternative is the destruction of Whites along with their rescue-exotics. Not acceptable.

Reply to  Steve
5 years ago

Like the great Edith Bunker once said, blacks have become very successful…..on television.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Peter
5 years ago

I’m stealing that one.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

One of my favorite lines from that series

Reply to  Steve
5 years ago

Its not just the liberal social engineering and fantasy. Marketing research proves that Blacks will buy more of product when you have blacks in the commercials. Whereas white consumers don’t care who’s in the commercials. Most Normie Whites have been brought up to have positive feelings about black folks. (Quick, name me the last Movie that had black villain and a white hero). So, there’s that.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Rcocean
5 years ago

What product do blacks buy more of (in total, not per capita) than whites? Malt liquor? Realistic marketing would be pitched at white normies. Even with the middle class close to collapse, whites are the big spenders even if they have to borrow to do it.

What you see on the screen is liberal social engineering.

5 years ago

The race-mixing, homosexuality, and degeneracy in commercials convinced me that the free market defenders are wrong when they say that the market delivers what most people want.

Large corporations will leave money on the table in favor of reshaping society. This is one more example of how libertarians are entranced by a mental model that doesn’t apply to our world.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

Show me on the doll where all of these corporations you’re referring to are 100% being funded by the government (and therefore your tax dollars)….. and then maybe you’ll have a point. But until that day – the corporations stay in business by giving somebody what they want – otherwise they don’t get paid. Just because it’s not what you want – is irrelevant. I think Dodge trucks are pieces of junk. But decade after decade they just keep producing them and people keep buying them. It’s not a free market problem – it’s a stupid consumer problem, or probably… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

You’re a good guy, Carlsdad, but you sound exactly like my husband re muh market and muh capitalism. You really need to rethink your economics.

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

Government run economies and economics simply don’t work. I see a bunch of people in this tread pissing and moaning about corporations – but they can’t seem to admit that corporations ALL OF THEM – are relatively easy to eliminate – just stop buying their shit. That’s something you simply cannot do with any level of government. Go try telling your town “you don’t plow my road, I don’t use your schools, and I my house is built out of stone so I don’t need your fire department – therefore I’m not paying my property taxes”. And then let me… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

You’re both correct.

LTSs complaint was about commercials being propaganda, and probably turning off more people as a result than the number of new customers they create.

You are correct that a business is selling what a customer wants. In this specific case it is the ad agency selling what the marketing buyer or ceo wants – a reinforcement of his own moral superiority. The potential customers the ads are ostensibly aimed at are a third or fourth level consideration at best.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
5 years ago

And you can always turn off the commercials.

Try telling the local school that you don’t want your 3rd grader watching the school mandated “educational video” about transgenderism and homosexuality – emcee’d by a drag queen.

And then get back to me about how the police visit with the Child Services representative worked out for you.

I just can’t take anybody who bitches about corporatism – without acknowledging that at it’s base there is government power FORCING the issue – seriously. Quite frankly I think they’re either trolls, fifth columnists – or just plain morons.

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

IMO both you and “they” are buying into homo economics to too great a degree. The corporations are neither good not bad. They’re tools. Wielded by executives. Who can realistically be categorized as a class of people in the same vein as national pols and their media propagandists. Theoretically that doesn’t matter because the executives are driven by the necessity of maximizing shareholders economic value. But As they say, in theory theory and practice are the same in practice they are not. I do agree that the easy solution is to turned the damned boxes off. Works at the individual… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

Of course corporations go out of their way to shape our tastes and values. They have to in order to sell us shit we don’t need. They most assuredly do not give us what we want but what they are selling. Why do you think PR/Advertising is a $200 billion a year industry. Take Apple, Jobs created a cult following around vastly over priced products made by Chinese slave labor in a country no better than North Korea. A true triumph of bullshit and marketing. Nike is no different. They convinced people that tennis shoes that cost them $5.00 a… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

Government-Corporate “libertarianism” was invented to diffuse the nationalist sentiments of 1910 libertarians, of Tenth Amendment libertarians, the same as Buckley Conservatism was.

A corporation is a fictional legal entity, same as a government agency is. Neither are born citizens.

And unfortunately, this proves Sand to be correct: “a mental model that doesn’t apply to our world.”

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

LineInTheSand: Very true. There have been numerous dissident right posts illustrating this – lost revenue on movies or t.v or books that have been pozzed. The point is (((they))) have enough money that pushing their messages of degeneracy and defeatism are far more important than adding a few more shekels. Sure, there will always be people who will watch whatever they’re pushing, but that passive acceptance is not the same as active consumer demand.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

I wonder if there are two reasons for these types of commercials: 1) Appealing to upper middle class and wealthy suburbanites who consume a lot and are socially liberal 2) Gain favor with the rabid left to keep them off their backs

5 years ago

We pulled the plug a while ago, and then after having kids we thought, well what can it hurt a little tv here and there (lazy parenting). Our kids to into addicts always asking for the idiot box, having tantrums when we refused. Then my wife decided one day enough is enough (stay at home mom) and we killed it as well for the kids. They are happier, reading, playing and sometimes being bored – but at 3 and 5 that can just mean go outside and play. For us adults in the house we do a bit of Netflix… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

About 14 months ago I bought Hulu for $39.99. Six months later it was $34.99. Two weeks ago I cancelled when they announced I had to renew at $44.99. When I move way up north in 20 days I won’t be getting any services except internet, cell, and landline. It’s good to be busy and meeting with people in small groups, and end the day with reading and classical music. Regarding your article, when I was raising 3 kids as a single father, whenever they started to argue with each other, I assigned them chores to do, and they would… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  ProUSA
5 years ago

Hulu is like $12 a month so not sure where your figures come from.

Share service login info with friends and family to starve the beast and get free tv.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
5 years ago

California. I did cancel.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
5 years ago

Hulu with the live TV option is $44.99 and going up to $54.99 a month in December. It is their second price increase this year.

Reply to  Barnard
5 years ago

You are correct. I erred on the first bump when I wrote my comment.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

That’s good Z. With all the quality content you crank out each day, I don’t see how you have time for anything else.

Reply to  Chaz
5 years ago

We cut the cord years ago. We had the streaming services for a while; now we’re down to Amazon. My kid just watches YouTube. I’m not sure he even knows what TV is.

Reply to  Marko
5 years ago

Same with my kid, but YouTube is just as bad if not worse. I’m always asking what she’s watching; I have to, its easy to stumble onto something inappropriate.

Reply to  Rogeru
5 years ago

I’m always trying to overhear what he’s watching. It’s usually gamers and young bros talking memes. It’s probably harmless, except that it might destroy one’s attention span.

Reply to  Chaz
5 years ago

5-6yrs without cable. go to youtube and type in film noir or Highway Patrol

Reply to  Chaz
5 years ago

We have Hulu, Amazon prime, and Netflix. 99% of it is subversive garbage. I watch a few older movies, the occasional documentary, Cops, and Live PD. Between Culver Military Academy for high school, University, and eight years in the Marine Corps, I spent nearly two decades of my youth watching zero television. Reading non fiction has remained a life long joy and I have more reason now than ever to complete one to two books every week. The wife loves watching moronic chick shows that I simply cannot tolerate. I’m afraid the appeal of most television programming is utterly inexplicable… Read more »

5 years ago

There must be a plantation of mixed surrogates in California spawning all the females in commercials since they are light caramel skinned, white featured, young pretty-faced mulatto’s with that frizzy/puffy hair (I’m told that is called a “comb-out” since that is what occurs when the braids are combed out of negro hair). And about 70% of ad actors are black, mostly female especially the portrayals of doctors, teachers, lawyers, and scientists. And as Sleepy pointed out they all live in beautiful million or more dollar homes. No ghetto blacks here. No fat ugly angry black women either. Almost every new… Read more »

Reply to  Hoagie
5 years ago

LOL, now that you mention it, I’ve never actually encountered one of those caramel frizzpuff black beauties in my whole life, despite TV making it look like they should be everywhere.

Maybe she is the mythical black unicorn: the open-minded black voter just waiting for the right arguments to come over to our side!


Reply to  Edgar
5 years ago

I had one hit on me at a Huey Lewis concert sponsored by a tech convention I was at in Boston. She was charming and interested until she found out I wasn’t an executive, lol! Weirdly, she specifically mentioned to me that she was mulatto — twice. Like it was supposed to be significant.

Reply to  Hoagie
5 years ago

Slightly off topic: When black chicks have blonde hair – is that “cultural appropriation” ?

I’ve been wondering that ever since I saw a bunch of blacks getting all pissed off over some white guy who had dreadlocks.

Back to your normally scheduled programming……………….

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

I don’t know about appropriation, but it looks ridiculous. Ladies, unless you are castizo-light-skinned or straight up white, don’t try this. I know Italian and Spanish (actual) chicks who can’t pull this off. Blonde hair with dark skin looks about as natural as green or purple hair.

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

A favorite TV line:

(Whoopi Goldberg, staring hungrily at Fabio)
“So… how do you feel about blond-haired black children?”

Reply to  Hoagie
5 years ago

“…they are light caramel skinned, white featured, young pretty-faced mulatto’s with that frizzy/puffy hair”

As our host said, the ads are fantasies for the white people making them. That holds for their fellow travelers in the audience, too.

The black women in ads so frequently have this appearance because that is how the white progressive woman imagines her ideal black friend.

Reply to  Hoagie
5 years ago

I remember not long ago when National Geographic, Time, and the rest had a hardon for the future browning of America. Their graphics and photo collages Probably base on AI “predicted” that everyone would look pretty much like those fuzzy headed cafe con leche types that are doing all the print and tv ad work. It is no accident. Z is right about the white guilt. Especially white women (shoppers). They get all tingles over these mulatto women. Makes them feel woke and cosmopolitan. But there Is also the propaganda of softening whites toward accepting out minority status and the… Read more »

Reply to  Hoagie
5 years ago

An 11 AM update: I was just solicited via email by my favorite local restaurant, Ruth’s Chris Steak House to a Holiday at their bar celebration. The accompanying photo was of two couples, one white and the other a white guy and a Frizzy haired, cute light skinned AA female. Et tu, Ruth, Et tu?

Reply to  Hoagie
5 years ago

Which goes to show Hoagie that it’s not about marketing anymore it’s about virtue signalling because who is Ruth’s market it sure isn’t the blacks…

Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

Cadillac sold out the same way.

Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

CEO: “Will this help us sell burgers?”

Ad Dept: “Burgers?”

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Hoagie
5 years ago

A plantation does help explain the phenomenon. In a plantation system, the people running it would be better able to explain and educate the surrogates on the mysteries of white culture.

Christian Attorney in Ohio
Reply to  Hoagie
5 years ago

“Blue Bloods” is one of the few shows that promote traditional values (family prays together at Sunday dinner.) There were things I liked about “This is Us’. The dad is a Vietnam vet who saves his family from a fire and then dies saving the family dog. The adopted black child being the smartest and most stable of the “triplets” was a stretch, but hey they got lucky and won the gene lottery. Now the 13 year old granddaughter decides she’s gay and parents and extended family are all fine with it. Time to watch the old “Blue Bloods” and… Read more »

5 years ago

When I see members of my family huddled around the TV on Sundays I just shake my head and walk by because I know I’ll never be able to convince them of what they’re really doing to themselves. I haven’t watched TV in years and I avoid visiting establishments that display TVs. I’ve more-or-less reprogrammed myself to instinctively avert my eyes whenever I see a large screen. There’s a weird sense of fear/disgust when I turn my head and suddenly realize there’s a turned-on television in my line of sight, like my soul is going to be sucked out or… Read more »

Reply to  Kindola
5 years ago

Might be time to move to a different area…It’s a needed thing to be around people that are like minded that you can fellowship with…

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Kindola
5 years ago

You will get used to it, Kindola. I adjusted by diving into my Bible and focusing on self improvement. At my age it is kind of late, but the social vacuum out here is no worse that that inside the hive, truth be told. And – it’s far more healthy if you make the effort to make it so. Getting off the couch and hiking beats sitting on it and drinking beer and eating potato chips. Don’t be afraid to look around for a new church either. There are plenty of others that see what is going on and are… Read more »

Reply to  Kindola
5 years ago

Glad you don’t watch TV but not leaving the house is not healthy either… find a hobby or do some volunteering

Reply to  Kindola
5 years ago

Kindola. You are not alone, but indeed in the minority. Watching my parents, and now just my mom, commit slow suicide by TV and lethargy, was a big motivator in my own cord cutting and rejection of the culture at-large. Even business. I have also stepped away from mainstream biz bit when I do get pulled in I can’t believe how faggy and banal it is. When I first started my career in the mod ‘90’s PC was a big thing but it was more like looking out for the cops while you drank by the river. We talked about… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
5 years ago

When you can enjoy the quiet outdoors, all by yourself, you have hit that “as good as it gets” zone. You have to train yourself to do it.

I suspect hunters and fishermen get that, too. They are just framing and justifying the moments with the quest.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

“They are just framing and justifying the moments with the quest.” I realized that about my “bird photography” a few years back. It was mainly an excuse to kit up and go walk in the woods – or wherever – for a few hours. (And, admittedly, to buy gear I don’t really need.) Makes it easier to explain what you’re about as well. “I decided to sit by the seashore, in sub-freezing weather and 20 mph winds, to watch the birds and the waves for four hours” comes across as plain weird to most people, but “I was out photographing… Read more »

Reply to  Mike_C
5 years ago

I used to enjoy the 7-8 hour drive to and from college as a time to think and be by myself, no radio necessary. If I listen to music it’s because I want to actually listen, not because I need background noise. I grew up with non-stop music (my father’s symphonies or opera) and I just prefer the absence of noise. That’s one of the things I loved about scuba – the peace and quiet beneath the waves.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Dutch: can confirm re: hunters & fishermen. That’s when I do a lot of Big Think. There’s an atavistic energy to being “on the prowl for lunch” that engages parts of the mind where Wild Things Dwell and opens you to true mystical experience. https://www.counter-currents.com/2018/07/how-to-know-if-you-have-had-a-mystical-experience/ ST: I know the Insty-thot Career Gurls all too well. Like the Bugmen working on their “brand,” I shudder at the lack of inner life these people seem to have. I have plenty of buddies who you could uncharitably call “shallow,” but they’re whole people, not soulless NPC’s. You can tell the difference on a… Read more »

5 years ago

No white person should be watching a game played by a bunch of negro multi-millionaires who openly despised white people

Reply to  whitney
5 years ago

Should be obvious right Whitney but they just can’t let it go…

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

I’m another rugby guy. Played a bit and then refereed a bit more. Can’t quit watching, even as the game has become pozzed.

For the recent World Cup, Australia had to leave one of their stars at home because he believes what the Bible says about homosexual behavior.

I got to thinking. Sports are having to go farther and farther to prove they aren’t tainted by association with all of their straight, white male fans.

What next? Players engaging in intercourse at halftime? Maybe at some future Big Game President Butt-plug could spit out the first load.

Reply to  The Right Doctor
5 years ago

“Can’t quit watching”

Yes you can

Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

Yes. And once you start adding chores to your life (e.g. gardening, food preservation, livestock management, wood splitting … and don’t forget reloading!) there’s no time left for the nonsense.

Reply to  whitney
5 years ago

That works for me Whitey. I was sitting in my Club on a Sunday watching a game with some of the members in 1999 when it dawned on me I was patronizing a gaggle of anti American, anti white multimillionaire blacks playing a kids game for a bunch of Billionaire Jewish owners who also hate my guts and that was the end for me. I no longer go to taverns during games. ANY games. Even the beer ads have become offensive to me.

Reply to  Hoagie
5 years ago

Good for you

Reply to  Hoagie
5 years ago

Reminds me of my dad who stopped watching boxing when Cassius Clay hit the scene. The Clay-to-Ali conversion to Islam sealed the deal. My father always said that blacks ruin every sport they enter.

Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

Do you think that MLB decades ago thought this and that is why they kept blacks out?

5 years ago

On Hockey Night in Canada, every ad featured a black male, white female couple – as if the viewers watching the Toronto Leafs in rural Ontario wanted this. This year, they’ve switched to Asians being in almost ever commercial for some reason. Still aliens. Hockey is good because they can’t get non whites to play it. However, I suspect that the ptb are just going to destroy it. If you can’t co-opt, destroy. Any gathering of white men is clearly a sinister white nationalist plot. Cord cutting has been great for my mental health. I cringe now when I hear… Read more »

Reply to  UFO
5 years ago

ESPN is the main culprit with 9 out of 10 commercials featuring blacks. Glad I cut out Hulu and TV altogether.

Reply to  UFO
5 years ago

Hockey is one of the last bastions of men-being-men in our modern society in which real hardship and existential threat have become extinct. Do not let it die. Winters can be tough in Canada and the weak tended to die off quickly in the old days. You are descended from the toughest of those survivors. Hockey should be learned on pond ice with a 50 mph subzero wind in your face. Modern fitness selection.

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

Did you move to Las Vegas for ninth grade? If so, I’ll email you – we’re great friends.

Reply to  UFO
5 years ago

Funny UFO, I was passing thru a pub for a quick ale with a client and hockey was on the big TV. No sound though. I just glanced up a few times, as the moth brain is wont to do, and they were apparently doing some protracted ball washing piece about some black player who is undoubtedly one of only a handful in the game. Just like the NFL is doing this year vis a vis the black QB. So yeah, if they can’t turn it they will break it. As for cord cutting I have noticed that it is… Read more »

Reply to  UFO
5 years ago

I always find it strange how middle-aged, seemingly intelligent professional men can talk about the on-field exploits of Laquan and Jamal with such seriousness and gravitas. Any sportsball discussions (if you have them at all) should be done with a sense of bemused detachment. Just saying those goofy “African-American” names out loud should elicit a little chuckle.

Reply to  Armin
5 years ago

I love watching the gorgeous blond interviewing Laquan after the game, spouting the usual brain-dead cliches with that false look of interest on her face.

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  UFO
5 years ago

I was at a store a few weeks ago and overheard a white guy talking to white woman “You like Tampa Bay right? Look WE won” showing her his phone. I thought what do you mean “WE” white man. I wanted to puke.

Reply to  Judge Smails
5 years ago

Wish I could upvote this more than once. It’s one of my pet annoyances as well. A ladyfriend used to respond to people saying “we won” by asking, in a sweetly venomous tone, “We? What’s your jersey number? Did I see you on TV, or were you sitting on the bench the whole game?”

Duke Norfolk
Reply to  UFO
5 years ago

“Don’t be like those cuck white males in every commercial”
Or like my fat-assed BIL and his son. It’s pathetic.

5 years ago

I pulled the plug when we first moved to AK in the 90s. It was a case of doing the right thing for the wrong reason … cable TV was too expensive so we dropped it. When we came back to CONUS we opted to reconnect the cable box and were shocked by the inanity. The 2-year fast had changed us, so we disconnected cable and never went back. It’s the best thing we ever did for our children. Television is a sociological tool – a propaganda tool. Their main task is keeping the simple-minded, almost retarded, white males under… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

The thought I’ve always had is would they change/shut it off if they knew what we saw or would they just double down on the denial and keep on watching it…I haven’t had TV in my home for almost 10 years and when I watch it in a hotel room my disgust and anger for those pushing this shit grows stronger…It’s not just commercials either it’s the shows also pushing the hate whitey/normal people…It’s so blatant that I just don’t know how any other person can’t see it…

Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

I remember kicking my younger sister out of the house and away from the t.v. back when I was in middle school, so I claim to be a t.v. hater of the first order. Even when my husband is watching an old movie, I notice the usual themes – more subtle back then, but they’re there if you look for them. Aside from the endless degeneracy, it’s such an enormous waste of time! I can always find something better to do. If I’m going to waste some time in front of a screen, it will be reading evilracissbadthink online or… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

Absolutely. I was just sharing a beer with a buddy the other night. We talked about just that. I have been out of the kulture and its entertainment tentacles for well over 10 years. Plunging back in for weddings, parties, sports events, etc is nearly unbearable. The ugliness is rampant. But what gets me is that people don’t seem to notice. Football is painful to watch for many reasons. The latest one that makes me cringe is the excessive celebration of even routine plays. It is juvenile and even feminine how they all run around then do some ‘pose’ for… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
5 years ago

>>>one of those keychain tv killer universal remotes.

I am sufficiently removed from the world of TeeVee that I was unaware that this valuable product existed!

If I ever fly in the USA again, I’ll be sure to carry my new acquisition with me, and use it at every opportunity.

Reply to  Screwtape
5 years ago

Going to buy one of those. That’s a great crypto-symbol for dissidents in a crowd of normies. Just show your Screen-Silencer and flash the Covington Smirk. Our Guys will mark you as a Goyim Who Knows.

Reply to  Screwtape
5 years ago

My husband’s high school friend has one of those. It’s on my Christmas list (although I always carry earplugs in my purse and will now usually bring my MP3 player and walk around outside rather than waiting in a waiting room).

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

“Orwell’s boot isn’t on our neck” – It is actually, it is just wrapped in velvet. (For now) But step even a bit out of line and the iron spike cleats come out for added effect. Ask the Proud Boys or James Fields all about it. Our ‘chains are resting lightly upon us’ for the time being, this will end when they have the super majority. They’ve learned well how to play the long game and just the right temp to boil the frog at after the failures of the early 20th century attempts.

Reply to  Apex Predator
5 years ago

The larger point, though, is that imposed boot-on-the-neck tyranny is rather too easily noticed. The smart Marxists recognized all the lessons-learned from their earlier catastrophes. It’s worth reading up on the Frankfurt School. Like Huxley, they decided it was much more effective to anesthetize the masses through degraded culture, dumbed-down education, and a myriad of opiates for the masses. Huxley’s vision of tyranny was the velvet shackles you’re referencing … it’s a tyranny-trap into which sheeple amble.

Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

Capt S: The classic “The Pig Trap” post at TaxicabDepressions.

5 years ago

The problem with handegg, baseball and, to a large extent, basketball, is that only Americans play it. This means you don’t get to have a meaningful national team so, at all the important games, fans wave corporate colors rather than national ones. This is what football looks like in Poland:
comment image

Also, handegg is gay. I mean, what’s with the spandex? It’s like watching a gang bang at a turtle fetish party.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

>>>Also, handegg is gay. I mean, what’s with the spandex? It’s like watching a gang bang at a turtle fetish party.<<<

Now Women’s Volleyball on the other hand makes for excellent television…

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

My only complaint with beach volleyball is the lack of a minimum cup size rule.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

In Europe, mud wrestling is for women.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

That’s why you watch European club soccer. A better game played by better athletes. Of course provincial rubes will cackle and hoot at that, but that’s how those types roll.

Sam detente
Sam detente
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

> girls and pussies

Had a couple of white yanks turn up in one of my stores in Yokohama this past weekend. Tourists who wanted to rent bicycles (don’t offer that service, but directed them to a guy who does) Allegedly they were a married couple, but the “dude” had a lower T count than his lardass of a wife. What’s worse, they looked like they could’ve been brother/sister. There’s a certain homogeneity to unhealthy people I can’t put my finger on, but it used to be infrequent with gaijin visiting nippon. Nowadays it’s almost the given.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago


Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
5 years ago

TV has been a weapon of war since its inception. Maybe by design, maybe by accident. When white flight began in the ’50s TV was there to keep them occupied in their homes as their cities became overrun by blacks. When Whites took flight for the suburbs it was the escapist entertainment and the assurances of fatherly and grandfatherly figures that read the news that all was well; so no one felt the need to do anything except sit in their Archie Bunker chair and grouse. It worked so the floodgates opened. Suburbs remained suburbs and never became villages. Our… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
5 years ago

Television would not have taken off (in quite the manner it did) had it not been for the atomizing effects of surburbia, as you stated. James Howard Kunstler has dedicated his career to explaining how disastrous suburbs are on the psyche, and how they are the antithesis of a community structure. I live in a farm house on a few acres in the middle of nowhere (near Lagos), and it is quite pleasant. Recently developers have been razing what used to be farms and are building mcmansionvilles in their place. These sell for over three quarters of a million, are… Read more »

Ant Man Bee
Reply to  Tacitus
5 years ago

“Race doesn’t matter too much: white, oriental, Indian, negro…” You are missing the point entirely. This is YOUR country, your land, your culture. There shouldn’t be ANY orientals, Indians, or negroes. None. They are here to mooch off of what YOUR people built. They themselves built nothing here. They have no past here, and thanks to the Jews talking you into accepting them, you now have no future here. Do not accept the presence of mooching “orientals, Indians, negroes…” (one would add Muslims too of course.) They have no business here, none whatsoever. No relation to this country at all:… Read more »

Reply to  Ant Man Bee
5 years ago

The context of that statement was with respect to the nu-behavior described above. Of course race matters, and I agree with your point entirely; my point (perhaps not worded well) was that the meat grinder of nu-society turns all races into vapid materialistic slaves of common archetypes known as consumer demographics.

Reply to  Ant Man Bee
5 years ago

Try to control yourself. Immigration will never stop. It’s time to celebrate the wonders of soy, TV and feminism…. for the POC hoards. Let them become “American,” that uniquely contemptible creature of consumerism and saturated fat.

The important thing is to liberate the White race while ensuring the PoCs maintain that nihilistic lifestyle. It’s the only tactic to repair this lands demographics.

Reply to  Tykebomb
5 years ago

Tykebomb: yes, yes, yes!
Time for alt-tactics to counter the assault.
We must build redoubts for Gen Zyklon.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Tacitus
5 years ago

Kunstler is a moron. The suburbs are idyllic.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Tacitus
5 years ago

I’m unfamiliar with K. but it sounds like he’s taken up Lewis Mumford’s criticisms. Another forgotten figure who should be more widely known and more widely read. Thanks for the suggestion. A taste of Mumford: In the suburb one might live and die without marring the image of an innocent world, except when some shadow of evil fell over a column in the newspaper. Thus the suburb served as an asylum for the preservation of illusion. Here domesticity could prosper, oblivious of the pervasive regimentation beyond. This was not merely a child-centered environment; it was based on a childish view… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
5 years ago

Will have to read him. A guy who also did a good job on this is Alan Ehrenhalt, “The Lost City.” How we lost a sense of community, the loss of community authority figures in our lives. Fascinating book.

Reply to  Tacitus
5 years ago

You are looking white urban upper class professionals and they are by nature a bunch of assholes and snobs who almost all vote Democratic.

The suburbs didn’t create them, they created themselves. Those men gelded themselves so they could work in corporate America without blowing their brains out. Being lonely they married social climbing bitches who are only attracted to them as long as they make $$$$.

It’s pretty much a living hell in a gilded cage.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
5 years ago

I weep when I think of us 60s kids, every one who wanted to be an astronaut, and of the squandered opportunity of what could’ve been the greatest educational format ever.

Mark Taylor
Mark Taylor
Reply to  Yves Vannes
5 years ago

I think television and widely distributed newspapers mark a unique era in history.

At no time in the history of the world have our rulers been so able to send out one mass message to the masses. And the message went basically uncontested.

The 20th century was the age of propaganda.

Albino Walrus
Albino Walrus
5 years ago

I would encourage everyone reading this to cancel all their cable and streaming TV services. Hit our enemies where it really counts: in their wallets.

If everyone on the right cancelled their TV service, these folks would lose enough revenue to take notice. I don’t imagine they’d start creating content again that would appeal to us, but at least it would be a small step towards “not financing our own destruction.”

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Albino Walrus
5 years ago

Sorry, but Whitey loves his cell phone and HD TV to death.

Reply to  Carl B.
5 years ago

I’d have to say your right Carl even Christians let that abomination in their home and will justify it to you on how much they need it or they will say they never watch it anyway and when I ask them why keep paying for it they will usually blame it on the wife or kids needing it…The thing is I will then have my wife ask their wife about why they have it and she will blame her husband for having it😂

Reply to  Albino Walrus
5 years ago

I love the thought. It would be a double whammy because they would not only lose viewership, they would lose their best advertising demographic. Ad revenues would go down twice as much for every cancellation.

The Babe
The Babe
5 years ago

For me, the really unacceptable part is the invasiveness. A TV is like having a huge Globohomo Orchestra in your living room. I don’t want these scummy people or their garbage in my house. Don’t even have a TV now.

(Not to mention the giant HD TV’s that people have now: it just makes it all the more lurid.)

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

TV is very creative – at creating monsters.

The Babe
The Babe
Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

Now I just get classic movies and TV shows I think are worth watching via torrents. I’m not giving companies that hate me one single cent.

Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

When I go to the gym, they have a wall of tvs blaring the usual nonsense. I put in my earbuds and focus on what I am doing

Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

I was doing some shopping at the walmart, another rare occurrence, and saw a young-ish couple wheeling out their giant tv.

They didn’t even look particularly excited. The same kind of face I see on those people leaving the liquor store down the street with a handle of bottom shelf on a tuesday afternoon.

Something about seeing a couple with a big tv just makes me kind of sad for them.

Reply to  Screwtape
5 years ago

Something about seeing a couple with a big tv just makes me kind of sad for them. Amen on that because it tends to isolate them as well as rot their brain…Which is what they want us to be isolated and dumb down so we don’t or can’t resist being slaughtered…It damn hard though to get people to release their chains and actually do something about their slavery instead of just being resigned to it…Also getting real tired of those who sit there and tell us that we can’t escape so don’t even try or the guards might get angry… Read more »

Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

They’re already in your phones, on your computers, and suggesting content to you based on your personal tastes. They are manipulating you both overtly and insidiously, and it’s only going to get worse.

5 years ago

“The real reason they are told to bash baseball is the game has not been Africanized. It is not a running and jumping sport. There are no opportunities for the blacks to draw attention to themselves with the usual antics.” Baseball stopped being black in the 1990s, and even then the blacks were adhering to the white baseball player’s ethos of sportsmanship, stoicism, and humility. Usually. What killed my interest in baseball was the influx of Hispanics (and the overt marketing as well). Hispanics, unlike blacks, did not adopt the white ballplayer’s ethos. They turned it into a circus. Even… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
5 years ago

There is a whole lot more showboating and dancing around now than even a decade ago. I see guys hitting meaningless homers in May hopping around like they won the World Series. I wish Nolan Ryan was still pitching so I could watch them take one in the ear next at-bat.

Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

What annoyed me this year was the over the top celebrations for routine accomplishments. For instance having a champagne party in the locker room because you won a wild card game?

It all seems contrived.

Reply to  Flair1239
5 years ago

Exactly. I particularly hated how a walk-off win in game 57 or whatever warranted a bunch of dudes piling on each other and ripping off jerseys. Then the postgame interviews with Dominicans who can’t pronounce “n” from “ng”.

Reply to  Marko
5 years ago

We have enough Cabreras.

Reply to  Marko
5 years ago

White men invented football, basketball, and baseball. Black men said, “Just give us a chance and don’t discriminate when we need to be put up in hotels,” as you might learn by reading about Lombardi. So Lombardi fought against discrimination, which most of us would have done in those days; the problem is that they are just too stupid to understand that there’s a difference between being allowed to play and prosper, and knowing how not to destroy that which made you a participant and wealthy. Dumb, just dumb. And Vince would have bitch slapped Kappernick. It always starts out… Read more »

5 years ago

Orwell got a few things wrong and a whole hell of a lot right. “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others” remains a perfect summation of the outlook of our oligarchic ruling class. “War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength” could easily serve as a slogan for today’s America. Finally, ideas such as newspeak, double think, and thought police are as relevant as ever in our thoroughly pozzed culture. Don’t underestimate Orwell — in numerous ways, he was a sage. P.S.: Huxley too was quite prescient, arguably more so than Orwell. Both were… Read more »

Reply to  Wkathman
5 years ago

Most of Z’s elbows are thrown accurately and land hard. But that jab at Orwell was just ornery foolishness. What Orwell got right about language propaganda and conditioning makes what he got wrong (the wallpaper) beside the point.

5 years ago

My few remaining elderly relatives who grew up in Mayberry will, when asked directly, say that way back, long before even the before times, there might have been a local bachelor or two who was viewed as ‘funny’ – but who were understood to be permanent members of the community nonetheless.

Now enfeebled and stuck in front of a screen for all their waking hours, these old folks will, when asked directly, guess the homosexual population at around 25%, and already seem to think that whites are a minority.

Sperg Adjacent
Sperg Adjacent
5 years ago

The political shows on TV are fascinating in their terribleness–crude morality plays that need to be intelligible for people with a double-digit IQ: Bad man did bad thing today. But how bad is it? Let’s ask famous Harvard Professor Goodieberg about it. Goodieberg: Oh, it bad, very bad. These people bad. Bad people like this no place in society. The plot twist to this post, and I hate to say it, is: we also have to develop versions of our own arguments for all IQ levels. We have to have “us good them bad” talking points for all common issues.… Read more »

5 years ago

I still watch, but only pre-recorded stuff, including football games. The commercials are unbearable.

Reruns of The Office, especially the early seasons, are surprisingly good. The show lampoons early 2000’s PC culture. It even has a lazy black guy and a woman who is the target of fat jokes. The most compelling story line is whether the young white salesman and young white female receptionist will ever get together.

Can you imagine how pozzed “Office: The Reboot” would be?

Reply to  Shrugger
5 years ago

I loved the episode where they plan a basketball game with the warehouse workers. Michael thinks his ringer is Stanley (lazy fat black guy). His reaction when he sees Stanley try to dribble is priceless.

Grisly Atoms
Grisly Atoms
Reply to  Shrugger
5 years ago

Hi Shrugger, I am new here – this is only my second comment. I’ve noted quite a few uses of “poz” or its various forms, by multiple people. Urban Dictionary says it means “HIV positive”, but that doesn’t work in any of the contexts. Can you (or someone) give me the meaning?

5 years ago

“The products are things this demo is not buying.” Of course. The purpose of such ads is NOT to sell to you, the purpose is to demoralize you, to make you feel isolated. I tend to listen (on-line) to baroque music while doing routine work, and was struck by how many commercials feature blaring rap or hip hop music (looking at YOU, Apple). My first thought was, “People listening to Bach are generally not the hip hop crowd. This is poorly targeted advertising.” Then I realized that they aren’t trying to sell me an Apple Watch, it’s just an in-your-face.… Read more »

Reply to  Mike_C
5 years ago

I think the purpose of the ads is to annoy average Americans. It is almost like a moral dare. “I dare you to complain about this. If you do I will accuse you of racism.”

5 years ago

Since we’re on the topic of sports, I’m surprised the Don Cherry incident didn’t get more attention in the Dissident Right.

Old White Man (not even a Boomer, a Silent Generation!) notices something plainly truthful and obvious about 3rd World Hordes, followed by Yids flipping lids.

10 years from now, there will be more than a few Canadians saying that this was the moment they were Redpilled.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Yep. But with the mouth Don has – you know it had to happen eventually. I think the reason it blew over so fast was just as our blog host says – people have become used to seeing Whitey humiliated or demonized by the Usual Suspects, and just accepted Don as yet another sacrifice to Diversity. We are next, let there be no doubt. I personally cannot boycott the mainstream any more than I already am. I went to getting my entertainment from Netflix (I can filter out most of the poz with it – the second I see propaganda… Read more »

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Once we liberate everything west of Ontario and east of Vancouver, we will outlaw the Dixie Cup and in its place establish the Cherry Bowl.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Vegetius
5 years ago

Yep. As long as we are in Confederation with liars and cheaters, nothing will change. It is time to call some bluffs and see how stupid they want to get out east.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

I saw it as a red pill as well. The more icons they smash, the more people start Noticing. Mess with a man’s last creature-comfort and quite a few will bite back.

For American White-collar dudes, it’s going to be golf. When they turn the scolding Black sports-broads loose on golf full blast, our ranks are going to swell. Yass, Slay Qwainz

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

I was not even remotely surprised about the Don Cherry incident. I’ve had to sit through the last few years worth of Canadian New Years, 150 celebrations, etc and the only takeaway I get is Canada’s official state religion has become “all diversity, all the time”. It’s pathological.

5 years ago

Are you familiar, Z, with the story Dr E Michael Jones likes to tell of the conflict between the IDF and the Intifada? The IDF placed snipers on the rooftops, keeping everyone inside. They also took over the tv station and broadcasted hardcore pornography. This is one of the first documented cases of overt military use of television/pornography as a mind control weapon.

Degeneracy gives the mind tunnel vision, it loses the ability to see things for what they are. If you choose that which is wrong, you lose the ability to discern right from wrong.

5 years ago

It’s been said that, according to advertisers, the average American family is an hispanic father, a black mother, and 3 gay Asian children. From what little TV I watch I’ve seen nothing contradicting that. I cut the cord about 15 years ago and don’t miss it; couldn’t tell you what’s on because I don’t watch it so I don’t see the ads for the shows. I like the DIY stuff, but I’ve noticed that – thinking of This Old House, etc. – it’s less on “how stuff is built” and more on “SJW heaven.” I figure it’ll piss me off… Read more »

5 years ago

Apropos Z Man’s comments about all the commercial breaks during football games, I had the same experience years ago, but in reverse. In the seventies my dad used to a set of NFL tickets about once a year through his office, and we could go. Then he retired. Sometime in the mid/late eighties, my brother and I got a set of tickets to a game, so we went. I was taken aback by all the standing around — for minutes at at time — during the game. Of course, it quickly became apparent that it was all for the commercial… Read more »

Reply to  Sleepy
5 years ago

If you add up the actual gameplay in an NFL game, it is less than 11 minutes. That means 169 minutes of 1) commercials and 2) analysis of the 11 minutes by former players.

5 years ago

We pulled the plug on TV more than 20 year ago, when our first child was born. I’ve only watched it during college football season, and yes, what has struck me most are the incessant and ludicrous commercials; Cars or car insurance, Big Pharma ads, and of course, mixed or gay couples playing house. Corporate America assumes viewers of college football games either have one foot in a nursing home, or belong to the Psychosphere of Progressive Clown World. Talk about missing your target demographic! It’s about as effective as running anti-gun ads during a televised NASCAR event, or pitching… Read more »

Reply to  Backtable
5 years ago

“Talk about missing your target demographic!”

I used to think that also. Now I believe that it is deliberate. The purpose of these ads is NOT to sell to you. These ads are an in your face to make you feel that you are isolated, out-of-touch, strange, and unwanted.

5 years ago

I cut the cord more than 30 years ago when my first son was little. It made me a different person. I no longer had my head filled with the subliminal and overt brainwashing of the boob tube. I stopped being conditioned to cheer for the heroes they told me to cheer for. It took a bit longer to experience the same break with conservative internet media — there were cracks even before Trump, but Trump blew the whole thing open. I realized more every day that the Shapiros and Goldbergs they sent to placate me were really my enemy.… Read more »

5 years ago

Another thought, somewhat related, is the fact that TVs are no longer a passive device … they transmit. The problem is compounded when we add phones, Alexa, and “smart” appliances and utility meters. No sense in grumbling about governmental pervasiveness when we voluntarily welcome corporate snooping. This is definitely trending down Huxley’s path.

5 years ago

I used to be addicted to watching Fox News in the morning while I exercised. Then I decided to cut the cord when Direct TV jacked the rates up again and I switched to podcasts. Now when I happen to see Fox News I find myself involuntarily yelling at the TV. It is so incredibly lame, with really lame talking heads all saying same stuff that is completely beside the point. The advertisement for the fat, black, childless lady who apparently is able to consume her home, clothes, art and job all courtesy of some sort of nonsense named AIDS… Read more »

Reply to  Locustpost
5 years ago

The great thing about cord-cutting and ignoring cable news in favor of podcasts is that your opinions get more conversational and nuanced as opposed to narrative-molded or poll-approved. (Everyone knows the Fox News Uncle who spews the most predictable “muh war on Christmas” nonsense.) I’ve borrowed quips and BTFOs from the assortment of pods I listen to, and I’m able to thunderstrike a shitlib from time to time.

5 years ago

Once you see that any given TV show is either New York angsty Jew or L.A. angsty Jew, or the true crime or Hallmark “flyover people are dumb and/or criminals”, it’s all over.

The eggball Chargers leaving San Diego was the best thing that ever happened to our city. We have big league baseball and minor league hockey, and that seems just right.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

I think the eggball team moved to HellA – not sure though, haven’t seen a single fan north of Oceanside since the Big Move.

5 years ago

“For a long time, football and baseball were things most whites could share as a cultural item.” And with non-Whites to a large degree. I used to use muh sportsball as an ice-breaker and bridge with guys of all tribes – and the occasional sports-gurl. The amount of brain-space, time & energy I used to invest in sportsball is embarassing to recall, akin to drug addiction or alcoholism and now that I have some perspective, serving the same purpose. Flashback – sports-bar Sat-Sun, 30-40-somethings wearing kids clothes & shoes, an unbecoming look unless you’re full Am-Black – even Jeets &… Read more »

5 years ago

I have convinced older family members to cut the cord. I am not sure about your prediction of a revolution of any sort because of that.

My brother had to keep his wife happy, so they purchase Sling tv, over the air antennae with HD digital recorder and a few paid apps on Roku. They are just getting it in a different dose. From heroin to methadone.

Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

Fills the void of a meaningless, joyless, atomized life. Take Prozac and turn on the idiot box.

Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

David-Wright: Excellent analogy.

5 years ago

Corporations and Ad men are evil. Once they sniffed hope and change in the air, they became whores to the new money masters, and so they easily ditched American values, mom and pop, and apple pie. For them, it is always the almighty dollar. They can just go flock themselves.

joey junger
joey junger
5 years ago

After I took my father home from an outpatient operation the other day (where I was forced to watch the impeachment proceedings on the monitors) we went to a T.G.I. Fridays to get him lunch, and there, on all the monitors, were the idiot commentators like Jason Whitlock and Steven A talking about nothing very loudly. I spent the next few hours wondering literally who was stupider and had less to say, the political class and political commentariat or sports commentators? They might as well have the impeachment proceedings on “The View” and have the American public vote via 800… Read more »

Diversity Heretic
5 years ago

I cancelled cable in 1999 and never regretted it. My family did have cable TV outside of the United States, but there are some good programs on French TV and the commercials are not as frequent or as proselytizing for degeneracy. Last year I watched some football and Jeopardy with my 90-year old father and found precisely the situation that Z-man describes. I’m leaving the U.S. in January but I cannot imagine the circumstances under which I would get cable or satellite TV.

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
5 years ago

“I’m leaving the U.S. in January…” Expatriating?

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

Yes. My wife is French and we lived in Europe from 2011 until 2018. We moved back in 2018 but now we’re leaving again. Except for family visits I do not plan to return to the U.S. “America–love it or leave it.” I’ve made my choice.

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
5 years ago

I know how you feel. My wife is Canadian, and while it’s not that much different from the US (at least Western Canada), we’ll probably be moving up there soon. It’s not that they are better off (they certainly aren’t), it’s that I just can’t stand seeing my own country go through its rapid decent.

5 years ago

Go watch the old ABC series MaxHeadRoom – mostly social commentary/satire set in the near future where TV’s had no “Off Button” and anyone caught turning a TV off got a 10 year prison sentence. Books were almost non-existent in that future as well.

5 years ago

Too many of us finance the enemy and/or giving them our head-space. I cut the cord in the early 2000s. I have a roof antenna, but almost never watch TV. You are right that after being away from it for a little while, it seems repulsive when you have a weak moment and try to go back. I would rather slit my wrist than cut a check to Comcast every month. I used to work in their main headquarters in the 90s and even then it was loaded with degenerates and freaks. I was placed there in their IT dept… Read more »

5 years ago

Great quote from Steve Sailer in his Taki’s column:


In Serotonin, old-fashioned trade protectionism serves as a metaphor for life and love, while the ideology of free trade represents depression and death. The purpose of property, whether private or national, is to shelter you from relentless competition.

5 years ago

I have yet to formally cut the cord, which is stupid, because I am wasting money. I have just stopped watching tv because what they are broadcasting is so dumb. I just gradually drifted away from it.

Reply to  Mike
5 years ago

The fact that my cable is bundled with my internet and phone, which I need for work, is the only reason I still have it. When I move (and escape NJ) I’ll just be looking for good internet access.

Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

Preach it brother. I am a refugee from NJ for several years now

Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

Its sneaky how they do that isn’t it…They know what they are doing is going to turn the ones with half a brain away from having TV so they bundle it with the things you might actually need…Get out as soon as you can Brother…

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

you don’t have to take that bundle. I get internet only through my cable tv company (who have a monopoly in my area).

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
Reply to  Mike
5 years ago


Cut that cord.

My grandparents use to tell that, in Tennessee at least, Baptist preachers would preach that “where you see the antenna of a TV you see the horns of the Devil”. (this was circa Korean War)

For a long time I thought that was just plain over the top — but around 2001 I came to see TV is Evil. All of it.

~ Mark

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
5 years ago

The obnoxious, race-mixing, black dominant-promoting commercials are why you have to record football games or anything else you want to watch on TV. Zip through those commercials.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
5 years ago

Or just not watch it at all😉

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

Not watching is the best choice. I’m a lifelong huge sports fan in the process of working on my stupid addiction.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
5 years ago

Just watch your favorite team’s highlights on YouTube.

Mark Taylor
Mark Taylor
5 years ago

I see FB stories and memes about some random black person doing a good deed. Help someone across the street, or stop a theft or something. I see them all the time, and people randomly hit like so they are spread. Conservatives love these stories. Someone has to be mining for these unicorns on purpose. It’s designed to give a false impression of black Americans. The opposite tactic would be for stories and memes about blacks committing crimes against whites. While we should definitely do that it’s not as viral as a feel good story. Nice white ladies love these… Read more »

Reply to  Mark Taylor
5 years ago

A twitter, Whitey McPrivilege, noted about a dozen new “black attacks white” per day.

They have not thousands, but hundreds of thousands of likes and retweets.
Somebody is recruiting.

Mark Taylor
Mark Taylor
Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Just looked. Account suspended.

My suggestion for something more viral is spreading pictures of picturesque white Europeans towns like this to remind people what kinds of places whites create.


Reply to  Mark Taylor
5 years ago

Commies hate beauty…

Pickle Rick
Pickle Rick
5 years ago

If you want to know how cucked Goodwhites are, look no further than the Rooney family and the Pittsburgh Steelers.
They could not be any more flagrant in pushing poz and negrodolatry and the idiot yinzers in Pittsburgh still stuff money into their pockets which they then give to the people who hate white Steelers fans and what them dead.
Even kneel-o-rama couldn’t break the conditioning.
But what can you expect from a city that hasn’t elected a Republican mayor since 1933, and who re-elected (without opposition) Bill Peduto.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Z, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Try watching Nice White Lady shows like Heart of Dixie. The writers of that show must stare in amazement with what white women will put up with. It’s almost as though they’re trying to insult their intelligence and they keep lapping it up.

5 years ago

I too find it difficult to watch football – college or pro. I have to have the remote in my hand and regularly switch to another game during the constant time outs.

I did watch a lot of World Cup rugby and now I’m watching the European League playoffs whenever they are on. (I played back in my younger days) Much more entertaining to watch since there are far fewer timeouts, the action only stops when the ball goes out of bounds or there is a penalty. The players’ uniforms are NASCAR-like advertising billboards, but fewer commercials.

5 years ago

OT, but since I won’t be back until later this weekend: I Thank Z for giving us such interesting topics, takes, and a place to bounce ideas around with each other. Thanks to all the regulars (even Tiny, in all xis iterations) and newbies who post their reactions, experiences and ideas. Have a good holiday and drive carefully. (P.S. If you’ve ever been or cared for an invalid, TV can be a godsend.)

5 years ago

“The new thing now is the celebration of the black quarterback”

Yeah, but Tom Brady is still the GOAT with his German wife and Aryan kids. Only that New Orleans cracker has any hope of catching up in tge foreseeable future.

Since my patriotard days I’ve been saying there’d have been no American revolution if the internet had existed in 1776. Two weeks without media would force us to talk to our neighbors and the country would explode. Distraction is the opiate of the people.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
5 years ago

With the commoditization of video the upside is we can now record our cats or catch a communist AntiFa in the act of violence. The downside of it is broadcast programs have become a lot lower quality. Sports used to be more entertaining but squeezing in as many beer commercials and ATT homosexual happy married guys has ruined the experience, Z is right.
Automation and TV News on every channel has also devalued news programming too.
Now everything is Breaking News!!!
If television wasn’t a wasteland 50 years ago it certainly is now.

5 years ago

Keep your TV off for a few days and when you turn it back on, the first thing you notice is the noise. Then you notice the preponderance of blacks, hispanics, Asians and Jews. We’re becoming invisible.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Guess I am the only one here who actually chooses what they watch. Just don’t fukking watch or listen to anything that you don’t want to. I know all these things are going on on the shit channels, so I don’t watch them. Consequently my view of the world is not nearly so gloomy as most of the sad sacks here.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
5 years ago

My wife and I watch cooking shows while preparing food. That’s our haven.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
5 years ago

Your still paying for those things you hate and don’t watch so you’re still feeding the beast…I thought you would of understood that…

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
5 years ago

NBA ratings have collapsed, and were never that large to begin with. NFL tv ratings are supposedly stabilized, but who knows if the ratings are not lied about. A shit-ton of empty seats in the stadiums though. Even with Tivo technology (record-and-skip) the games are unwatchable. They actually stop games to let a commercial happen?! None of this is sports any more, it’s WWE++ I find it strange that suburban white guys still watch this crap though, with all the other entertainment options available. I would watch old games from the 70’s before I would watch this rancid slop. I… Read more »

Reply to  Karl McHungus
5 years ago

I watch euro footsie. I like it as a game but I especially like the lack of commercials .

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Rogeru
5 years ago

me too

Reply to  Karl McHungus
5 years ago

Same with Rugby. Non-stop action and masculinity.

Reply to  Gunnolf
5 years ago

Me and some Sanchos were watching a bit of rugby in the breakroom. The futbol channel had switched it up.

Repeated cries of “Holy sh*t” and “Mira le! (Watch out!)” were forthcoming. “Didya see that?!”

We were rather intimidated, I must say, by the defiantly undiversified players. Big, tough white boys, they were- and they didn’t stop.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
5 years ago

I prefer rugby, less sissy than soccer.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
5 years ago

The NBA has decided that China is their future. Something like 40 million Chinese watched the NBA Finals. They really don’t care about USA ratings or local ticket sales. Plus there are 36 million blacks – and they love it.

5 years ago

The last time I was in the U.S. the hotel was playing a cable news channel in the breakfast room. It was too loud to ignore and very partisan in favour of the Democrats. In the 20 or so other countries I’ve been to this decade I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before – at least not with the volume turned up. Apparently even restaurants now have that stuff on. This is disconcerting because everything bad about your country eventually spreads to the rest of the West. (The good things about the US never seem to spread beyond your… Read more »

Reply to  Avery
5 years ago

Yeah, that’s so ubiquitous in the US it almost seems mandatory.

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

I’ve actually talked to several hotel managers about it, politely, as in “Can you turn off the TV? Hardly anyone seems to be paying attention to CNN that’s playing in the breakfast area. In fact, there are people trying to talk over it. And it’s just making a lot of noise.” In each case, I was told that “it’s on CNN by corporate orders”. (Sometimes they said “head office” but you get the idea.) One woman in particular expanded her remarks with, “I’m sorry, I know it’s annoying. *I* have to listen to it every day because of this job,… Read more »

5 years ago

Word. How do we throw a life ring to our friends? I’ve tried to point out the ridiculously retarded crap there watching and the fact that they used to be someone of disciplined character that wouldn’t be caught dead wasting time that can’t be recovered. It (TV) pulls their IQ down to sewer. TV is going to need a new market of rehab centers. Betty Ford clinic for TV addiction. One week with no screen will fix it, like Z said. You won’t go back.

Reply to  Thisisme
5 years ago

Get them outside – far enough for no cell coverage. Take a week-long group hiking, hunting or fishing trip. Better yet, two weeks. Then give everyone a challenge – keep the TV off for another two weeks. No JewTube on the phone, no browsing for muh shows or muh sports. Then get together and watch some TV with them after a month. It sounds too easy, but a week to a month off from the Truth Screen will help a lot of Possibles progress to being at least Prospects for Our Thing. Like a cult, Big Other needs full-spectrum 24/7… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

It helps when you live in a rural area because it gives you more options…

Barn Jollycorn
Barn Jollycorn
5 years ago

The great Moo Moo Cow (ne Frogwave) had a great gedanken experiment the other day, re: sportsball. If your favorite team were to acquire all the players of your most hated team, and vice versa, whom would you root for?

Ask your normie sportball-devotee. Watch the cognitive dissonance.

Reply to  Barn Jollycorn
5 years ago

MMC is Frogwave????!!!!!

Reply to  Barn Jollycorn
5 years ago

Seinfeld wasn’t wrong: “We Cheer for Clothes”


5 years ago

Yes, television-based memetic reprogramming is pretty bad, and is disproportionately targeted at the few remaining robust males in our society, but by far the most insidious and destructive methodology of indoctrination is occurring via cell phone addiction. And it’s happening all over the planet, not just here in the USA. We are morphing into insect-like drones in real-time. As an example, the Harvard Yale football game was delayed by 48 minutes by hundreds of SJW climate change protesters.