AmRen Diary Part II

One of the things that is not appreciated, at least I have not full appreciated it, is just how lonely it is to think about the stuff we think about on this side of the intellectual universe. By that I mean, much of what is discussed here, for example, is never discussed at your office or your church or at social gatherings. When we can discuss this stuff with fellow travelers, it is in hushed tones and care is taken to make sure no one is listening in on the conversation. It’s the cost of having so much of reality made off limits to discussion.

That’s probably the biggest value of events like AmRen and why our side needs to start cultivating Jacobin clubs, so the like minded can do this locally. It is refreshing to be able to sit at dinner with other people interested in the same material, going back and forth on something like black crime, without having to constantly look over your shoulder. At lunch on Saturday, J’Onquarious pointed out that this is the only place on earth where we could have the sort of conversations we were having about social science data.

A good example of this is a conversation I had with a Jewish guy on Friday night. That’s right, there was a Jewish guy at AmRen. In fact, there were quite a few. Something almost no one knows or thinks about is that smart Jews are having the same debates among themselves about the roles of race and identity in Western society. My sense is that race is the trigger point. Smart Jewish guys grow up in nice safe middle class towns learning the egalitarian faith, only to get into the world and see the reality of race.

Just to get this out of the way, in case it is not obvious, I’ve always been on the side of Jared Taylor when it comes to who is white in America. His line about Jews is “They sure look white to me.” That becomes blazingly obvious when you talk to a conservative Jew about religion or race. Long before I came into hate blogging I knew this, having had this conversation with conservative Jews in the past. I’m also fine with people who think otherwise and are into the JQ. So are the Jews I met at AmRen.

It is at a thing like AmRen where you can appreciate just how oppressive and stupid our intellectual life has become in the West. There are few places on earth where a Jew and non-Jew can talk about something like racial identity or the realities of black life. The guy I was chatting with was like a lot of people I met at AmRen. He was bursting to talk about this stuff because you can’t do this anywhere anymore, other than in the comment sections of sites like this. We really are living in an age of madness.

If one is looking for the little green shoots, a place like AmRen is a good place to start. No where else in America can a guy like Richard Spencer have a jovial and thoughtful conversation with a Jewish guy about whether Jews fit into white identity. Spencer thinks Jews are a separate identity group and he thinks Jews will figure that out on their own and do their own thing. The Jewish guy in this case, is unsure, but that’s why he was sounding out Spencer on the issue. Try having that conversation on a college campus.

That’s where the optimism lies. In the fullness of time, the smart kids get to be right. That’s the lesson of history. The people who rule over us are trapped in a frenzy of purging anyone who notices anything about the world. They are systematically and aggressively estupidizing themselves, by driving off anyone with the temerity to ask a question. By herding all of the smart white guys into the Dissident Right, they are not saving themselves. They are creating the army that will destroy the prevailing order.

After attending something like this, it is easy to come back high on your own fumes and there is some of that with me. I know someone into lacrosse and every time he comes home from a tournament, he is sure lacrosse is about to sweep the nation. That’s never happening, but believing it keeps lacrosse from dying off. That’s the benefit of networking and socializing to these sorts of things. Being a biological realist is a lonely life at times. It helps to know that you are not alone in the struggle.

Even so, I’ve sat around with grad students at places like Yale and I’ve been around a lot of smart people in STEM settings. Often, the most striking feature is the oppressive lack of curiosity and the fear of saying the wrong thing. The core of Western civilization, dating to the Greeks, is smart people openly discussing the hard subjects of the day, trying to push the rock of humanity up the hill. That’s what’s happening on our side. On their side, it is struggle sessions and the slow boiling off their best assets. There’s the green shoot.

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7 years ago

I love hearing about this stuff, as it makes me think our team might win a few here in the near future. But, the rot is very deep. You write of having sat with grad students, and seeing nothing but oppressive fear. I’ve taught a lot of undergrads, and they’ve never even heard word one against the prevailing dogma. Example: SJW is going on and on (and on and on) about the “unjustified exclusion” of this or that group. So I ask, “could there be such a thing as *justified* exclusion?” I let the whole class pile on with “wow… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
7 years ago

Tenure can be a wonderful thing…

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

It can. Wish I had it! I can get away with this stuff because I’m a lowly part-timer who only teaches because I enjoy it (the teaching, I mean, but also the deep-cover shitlordery). I’m beneath the notice of the *real* eggheads; to my students I’m just that cranky guy who says outrageous, but funny, things.

Reply to  Severian
7 years ago

As we like to say, in loose moments around our workplace, “it is amazing what you can get away with when you don’t appear to give a shit (what other people think)”.

One just needs to choose the right moment and audience. Survival strategy.

Sauron\'s Squinty Eye (or something)
Reply to  Severian
7 years ago

Well, I have tenure, and while it does give a general sense of cover, it certainly isn’t full protection. I’m sure my colleagues have some sense that I’m not a card-carrying SJW, but I bet they’d be horrified to learn the full extent of it. I was tutoring a grad student in a funny language a few years ago, and one time she tagged along for a meal out with a visiting speaker. In front of a limited number of regular faculty members, she decided to blurt out that I was “right wing”. Afterwards, I told her off for this,… Read more »


I remember watching Evan Maloney’s “Indoctrinate U.” They had this female psych prof who got outed, and all her students said “oh yeah, we all knew she was conservative — she actually taught the subject matter and didn’t spend the whole class time preaching politics at us.” If you actually want to make a career out of it, fuhgettaboudit. The open-minded, ever-tolerant Left, who love Diversity as much as they love science, will run you out on a rail… and that only because they can’t have you lined up against a wall and shot (yet).

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort

Wow, just wow, I can’t even … thank the military enough for yanking me out at the master’s level in 1970 from the middle-tier Midwest State U ‘social studies’ grad program I was then in and showing me that I could comfortably do things that people were willing to pay real money for having done. But it’s sad to read how things went left after I left. At the time, it was actually mostly white males. We used to be able to have the sorts of discussions described above as now only possible at AmRen. And we did so regularly… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
7 years ago

Well, the pluses are still there to some extent, and it has to be said that I have tried in my own restrained fashion to instill in students something of an open-minded attitude about even “difficult” topics. But the all-encompassing need to adhere to (or at the very least not openly challenge) the leftist orthodoxy is undeniable. As for job prospects, it varies by discipline but I’d say these days the odds of getting a tenure-track position are a lot less than 50/50. Except for opportunity costs, I paid nothing for my PhD and (even given the overall situation) couldn’t… Read more »

Reply to  Saurons_Lazy_Eye
7 years ago

Agreed. I followed a very strange path to get where I am, that can’t easily be replicated (even if one wanted to, which one wouldn’t). I cherish my access to a big university library, but that’s it — and it’s certainly not enough to go through all the bullshit. The only people in grad school now, in my fairly extensive experience, are as fanatical as they are socially awkward – they literally can’t do anything else.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Severian
7 years ago

But did you thank them for the inspiration_?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
7 years ago

Events normally are credited for sudden intellectual shifts and major political upheaval–and rightly so. The Obama Administration and the Far Left’s decision to become blatantly anti-white certainly focused many minds. You are correct that it is easy to overstate things, but the Dissident Right is growing at an exponential rate for the same reason firearms sales have exploded. Someone has to lay the foundation for the moment the ground shifts. Think of people like Jared Taylor, Peter Brimelow, and John Derbyshire in the context of the time when they began to emerge as then-fringe thought leaders. They had no way… Read more »

Senator Blutarsky
Senator Blutarsky
7 years ago

It really does seem like all the intellectual ferment in our culture is on the non-establishment right.

7 years ago

Not to be monomaniacal, but I can’t just let this slide…. “Spencer thinks Jews are a separate identity group and he thinks Jews will figure that out on their own and do their own thing.” Historically speaking, Jews have already figured out that they are a separate identity group. And they’ve already got “their own thing”. It’s living in other societies, excelling in cognitively-demanding occupations, and using their wealth & intelligence to expand their influence over those societies. To further generalize, historically there appears to be a sweet spot, where that influence is mostly benign, and benefits both the Jews… Read more »

7 years ago

don’t get too comfortable, Z.

I can see the day when such meetings become the stuff of treason, conspiracy and plot… and will be punished that way. We live in a time to when everything you say is captured forever – and can be used against you by whoever comes plopping out of that political sewer pipe next.

Having said that I am probably on a dozen hit lists as well…

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  Glenfilthie
7 years ago

only your family wants to kill you, not the government.

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Karl Hungus
7 years ago

I don’t know why this comment was so downvoted. After reading all about poor Glen’s family, I tend to side with Karl.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
7 years ago

The Left was preparing to do that after the inevitable HRC victory a few months ago. We get 1 more presidential loss, then its go time.

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
7 years ago

The hushed tones began in the presence of Obama’s thought police and still persist in the Trump era, but not for the two-digit IQ, low-impulse control pre-frontal cortex damaged screamers. When they shove their nothing burgers in my face and demand I share a bite, I politely decline. We’ve reached critical mass, and there will be no turning back. The future looks bright.

7 years ago

Hey Z-man…all these comments about fraternity and solidarity made me a bit dewy eyed I guess. As a long time, years, reader of alt right sites but always silent and reticent to get involved in the comments; inspired now to publicly say hello and like so many others: thank you. I empathize with the loneliness. I have taken your podcast and listened as I walk around my city (I live in australia) and it’s hard not to be struck by the profound split in what is said and what is. I live in australias davos essentially and sometimes it feels… Read more »

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

I regularly visit American Renaissance, the Unz Review, and American Thinker. I appreciate what they do and respect Jared Taylor. Sure, occasionally they have threads written by some propagandist, but those come across as “Look how stupid some people can be!” What concerns me about the Alt-Right, or whatever you want to call this population of like thinkers, are the things that divide us. Everyone seems to understand HBD, but there are various degrees of “civility” concerning it Much of the conflict seems to revolve around miscegenation, for lack of a better world. As you have said, John Derbyshire has… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

Just think of the extremists as those who are pushing the Overton window to the right. Their particular version of “our” views becoming more common place makes the moderated version of “our” views seem more acceptable. Leftists do this all the time with great success: the freaks come out and suddenly five years later catering to them is practically the law of the land. My view is that fascism is coming, but our version of it will still incorporate an American sense of fair play and that the transition, while uncomfortable, will still be liveable and something that ordinary people… Read more »

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  Rhino
7 years ago

True, but I was thinking more of the internecine online fights that occur that make common ground impossible. For instance, someone says that all jews can’t be part of some monolithic conspiracy and then they are labelled a shabbat goy. Or someone trying to find some common ground with blacks so that we could both separate in a mutually beneficial way is reviled because he doesn’t want to forcibly remove all blacks from the West. Immediately. And once these squabbles start, you have online articles popping up trashing whoever has violated someone’s personnel red line. John Derbyshire has a Chinese… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

Please go read the 16 points of the Alt Right: at “What the Alt Right is” here (in any of the 23 languages folks around the world have translated it into (including Hebrew!): Vox Day (“The Supreme Dark Lord of the Evil Legion of Evil” as we half-jokingly call him) may seem very hard-line (and thus uncomfortable) because he is DEscribing, rather than PREscrbing, what is to come. However, the concepts of ‘no shooting to the right’ and working with folks who are attacking our ENEMIES rather than joining our enemies and shooting at our allies (Conservative Inc, anyone?… Read more »

Reply to  Rhino
7 years ago

I think the disagreements are just more visible than the agreements. Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if many of the biggest drama queens aren’t really alt-right. I keep up on a wide range of alt-right sources, and there is far more agreement on the important issues than disagreement. Some in this comments section seem to think the Jewish Question is a matter of debate within the alt-right, but its not. We love to debate it with others, but if you think jews are white or that they belong in a white ethnostate you aren’t alt-right. I agree about the fascist… Read more »

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

You all may, (or not), find this interesting, my son in law, who’s 29, came for a visit this week. Ten of his close friends from HS came to visit at our house. Of the 10, FIVE had an Asian spouse/long term relationship.
In a suburb of Atlanta. When they were in HS, the Asian population of the school was about 2%. My son’s first serious GF was also Asian. I’m rambling, but it was just visually odd.
Does anyone know if this redneck Yellow Fever is widespread, or an isolated phenomena?

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Zeroh Tollrants
7 years ago

Its been around since the 80’s at least. Japan-Mania was everywhere in my youth I’ve seen inklings in 70’s movies as well, Live and Let Die has some of that It also seems to work both ways though , a lot of Thai and Filipino and other Asian people prefer Whites as well. Its anecdotal but a mixed race Thai /White lady of my acquaintance was getting married, lovely girl, smart, throughly Americanized was setting married to a White guy of the same religion . I asked her how her parents felt about he marrying a White guy. She laughed… Read more »

7 years ago

Fun fact, google returned exactly 2 hits for the word “estupidizing.” I volunteer to help it catch on as best I can.

7 years ago

Z, I recall you writing you are very pro gun but you dont seem to write about it much. I am too. I find the best place for or really only place Ive had very frank political conversations is at a meal with a cocktail after a tournament shoot with like minded people. There is nothing like seeing your heritage legislated against to make common cause with strangers. One of whom is Jewish. Great guy. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if he reads this blog. He is a realist. We are both from a liberal paradise on the East… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

It is a groundswell. Slowly but surely. As I have mentioned before, in France, Australia, Canada, the UK, the “official” Jewish societies that represent the Jewish people are already aligned with moderate rightist parties. In private, in discussions with these types, their personal view is much more aligned with the ZMan. In USA, it is moving this way too. Once ADL and other groups lose influence, it will gain velocity.

Reply to  Hypercacher
7 years ago

I was thinking in French, by “societies” I mean the organizations (in French the word is “societe”

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Hypercacher
7 years ago

Funny, but one of the few people I’ve been able to have frank conversations with would be classified a classic liberal Jew. But as he points out, were it not for his uncle spending some quality time in the basement of Gestapo HQ on Prinz Albrecht Strasse in ’35 and convincing the rest of the family afterward these guys meant business would not even be here today. Dad fought in the Palestine Brigade and was one of the guys rounding up Nazis and shooting them in the dead of night after the surrender. So for all his liberalism has a… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I dunno if you’re referring to me or someone else but taking the series of red pills that have led me to the Dissident Right has been an interesting path. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Believe me, I am very much aware of the shortcomings of my tribe, the JQ is very much up for intelligent discussion. But reading alt-right sites means constantly coming across douchey comments like “National Hebrew” — Billy Buckley a fellow tribesman, who knew? — and the ubiquitous triple parentheses. It’s harmless — alt-righters aren’t about to get together and round up me… Read more »

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Sounds a bit like the Hotep Brothers who seem to be friendly with the .Alt Right and of course the relations between Black and White Nationalist/Supremacist groups are surprisingly cordial Why not, after all both groups share the same goals Hell Muhammad Ali attended a KKK meeting back in the 60’s , the gave him s a scare like hazing kind of but otherwise got along pretty well since again bit were against race mixing and they respected his skills I’ve seen this in person too, I met an old Black dude who was Nation of Islam long ago .… Read more »

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ripple
7 years ago

My question is you don’t like all the folks who’ve determined that you are poison to any society, why don’t you go? You have your own country. And don’t tell me,”that’s not who we are”, I would remind you we’re not what we were because of you and your ilk. You can hardly complain if we don’t treat you as an individual after decades of spending countless shekels telling us all Whites are racist, evil, Nazis. There’s no wall to keep you in like your people built to torture the Russians. No one to shoot you if you want to… Read more »

Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

Would you go to AmRen and, as opposed to ranting from the safety of your keyboard, and say what you just wrote to Jewish participants faces?

Reply to  Ripple
7 years ago


That wouldn’t have been a good thing. There are events and sites where JQ stuff is a prominent topic. Amren is different, in part, because it takes a different stance. It would’ve missed the point of the event for him to do that, just as it would’ve missed the point for a Jewish member to get into Richard Spencer’s face.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ripple
7 years ago

I wouldn’t go on tape like the Jew editor of “Race Traitor” and call for the extermination of Whites. I don’t want to exterminate the Jews I want them deported. Let them live in their shitty little country.

Notice that the Jews feel they can say whatever they want, including genocide but Whites must grovel for the Jews. Another reason to depot them.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I hear you. Part of the problem, maybe just mine, is that all the media IS the ranting of the Jews. Answering them back only seems fair. Yet I understand you’re position.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Ripple
7 years ago

Z covered the douchey comment thing in a recent piece. “…it is defensive signalling to ward off entryists and the posers…” “The offensive memes and the racists language are mostly signalling. If you freak out over Hitler themed twitter avatars, then you are never going to be in their thing.” In other words, no more neocons under the tent.

Reply to  james wilson
7 years ago

Its more than that. Jews are natural subverters and nation destroyers. They are always either at your throat or at your feet. Now that whites are reasserting our dominance, some jews are trying to play the pity game so we let them stay amongst us. This will inevitably lead to them doing what they always do to nations they reside in.

Reply to  Zorost
7 years ago

I see it as half and half.
Every group has trouble controlling their sociopaths- such as the white neocons and SJWs.

Reply to  Alzaebo
7 years ago

it’s more than that. We can’t define our own strategies because we are co-opted from within continually by Tribe members LARPing as whites. They, however, have no problem organizing Tribal exclusive events, creating Tribal exclusive organizations, and arguing for policies that are pro Tribe and sometimes anti-white. They are also, on average, both smart and vocal, and so we end up with Jonah running NR and Bill Kristol at Weekly Standard telling us what *we* must do to conserve our civilization (which, amazingly seems always to include massive stipends to Israel!). It doesn’t mean we are at war with them,… Read more »

7 years ago

I hope your 401k is stuffed to the gills, because you will be unemployable in polite society if you attendance is outed.

I have a few more years of the grind before it’s safe for me to attend. Hope to see you in 2020 or 2021.

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Now that, is the first thing you’ve ever said that I vehemently disagree with, Z.
You only need to scratch the radar of one of them, then you’ll become immently interesting to them.
Please safeguard yourself.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

For some of us, the “mentally unstable community” IS the community. Pugetopolis, e.g.

Look at The Evergreen State College for an example of how safe it is even to dissent from the idea that a college degree should be a guaranteed outcome for anyone who demands one. Because racism.

7 years ago

It is interesting to me how people can open up in private and in a receptive environment. The depth of thinking, and the various elements of the worldview are allowed to come together, be shared with others, and get modified and refined through respectful give-and-take conversations. In general, the public only sees little glimpses of our beliefs and understandings. It makes me wonder what is really going on with the left. Just as we only share tiny bits of what we really think, I suspect that a significant number of lefties are actually openly genocidal and aggressively eugenically-oriented in private.… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

” I suspect that a significant number of lefties are actually openly genocidal and aggressively eugenically-oriented in private”

It’s a reasonable assumption given how much the propaganda organs endeavor to hide things yet they still leak out. It was just a matter of months ago that a leftist audience in Maine erupted in applause when the number of white deaths due to heroin overdoses was announced, by way of example.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
7 years ago

They call these people “professors.” That Whitey needs to die for the good of the planet is standard issue on campus; the only question is whether to shoot ’em outright or banish them to labor camps first. (That the people who say this are themselves white as mayo on wonderbread goes without saying, as does the fact that they weigh 115 lbs soaking wet (the men) or over 300 (the women), at least half of which is dreadlocks and face piercings).

Reply to  Severian
7 years ago

Remember, Bill Ayers until his recent retirement was a professor of education at the U of Illinois at Chicago. Not only that, but he was in charge of curriculum studies for the professional association of education professors, i.e., those who are teaching the future teachers. And he is Mr. Genocide:

Reply to  Heartlander
7 years ago

“[t]he goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists.”

Harvard Professor Noel Ignatiev

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

The way so many openly revel in the idea of “white genocide,” leads me to think that their feelings aren’t terribly “private.”

7 years ago

“On their side, it is struggle sessions and the slow boiling of their best assets.”

I think we’re beginning to turn up the heat on these guys considerably. Full boil is on the way.

Reply to  Epaminondas
7 years ago

They think they have a kryptonite for us. It is called “cognitive privilege”. “It’s not fair that you are smarter than we are”. Hmmm…

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

What I find interesting about the acknowledgment of “cognitive privilege” is the the recognition of the fact that intelligence is largely genetically determined. And that it also varies by race. My, my, that’s a shift.

I’ve often thought that eventually the left would have to recognize this, in the face of so much evidence, and that they would then shift their approach to justifying socialism. It changes the look of the game, but their end point is still the same.

7 years ago

Bible, rifle, Constitution.

(I don’t have a thoughtful reaction to this post, so I’m just posting what you can never go wrong with.)

Reply to  Scotty
7 years ago

Dare to doubt the Jews’ chauvinistic superstition and the risible notion that one of them is so special that you ought to worship him.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

“…there was a Jewish guy at AmRen…” My assumption is this guy is a spy either sent there or on his own initiative to see what you people are up. I fully realize this sounds ridiculous. “Why that nice fellow”, you say? I have, if you step back from your emotions, perfectly valid reasons for saying things like this. 2,000 years of them screwing us and every single community they weasel themselves in to. They have been thrown out of EVERY single country they have ever been too in any large numbers. The Jews are a tribe of psychopaths. Not… Read more »

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

How is what they are doing now any different from Lucy pulling the ball away as Charlie Brown kicks it, what could be more predictable? What could be different now as compared to 2,000 years of them screwing every one they possibly can? Nothing that’s what. With Jews you lose and any effort to “bring them into the fold” will just cause you grief and heartache. I’ve seen psychopaths operate before. I was on the fence about this one Spath being a weird guy or a psychopath. Most friendly person you’d ever met in your life but had a habit… Read more »

Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

Actually, this sounds like quite a few individuals and some other prominent cultures I can think of. Maybe it is as much of a “human” thing as it is the product of a specific religious/cultural heritage.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

“…Actually, this sounds like quite a few individuals and some other prominent cultures I can think of. Maybe it is as much of a “human” thing…” Uhh…not really. It’s an “inhuman” thing. There’s White psychopaths too. It does seem to be genetic and passed down to some extent. Alcibiades was a psychopath. Psychopaths can destroy whole nations. Hence the strong hatred towards him. It was Alcibiades that pushed the great idea of attacking Syracuse. The failed Syracuse attack was THE downfall of Athens. The same Alcibiades went from city to city in the ancient world. In Sparta he was more… Read more »

Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

Sam, all that you said is true. But most here will not receive it, principally because it is “a hard saying”. Not because they *can’t* believe it, but because they don’t want to. Likewise, many disciples “no longer walked with Jesus” because of some of His hard sayings. The soil had not been properly prepared. But the seed was planted nonetheless. What bothers me, as much as I do admire Jared, is his apparent ignorance of the facts and history of the Jews… He is too smart of a man. I think what is most disconcerting is the likelihood (in… Read more »

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Tekton
7 years ago

“…Jared, is his apparent ignorance of the facts and history of the Jews… He is too smart of a man…”

I’m sure he knows he just doesn’t want to pick that fight. I don’t hold this against him. Doesn’t mean I won’t note that it will probably fail. Maybe he thinks giving people a small portion is better than feeding them the whole story at once. He may be right.

I’m pro ANY person or group that promotes the well being of Whites first. Anybody.

I may whine a bit about some tactics but I’m certainly not anti anyone pro-White.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I’m disappointed. Snarky strawmanning is beneath you, Z.
The disproportionate influence of Jews in Western societies is a pattern that can’t be missed. Nor is the tendency of that influence to weaken that society’s traditions, norms, culture & morals.
It doesn’t have to be a conspiracy, any more than the Chinese diaspora are conspiring to dominate retail trade in the countries they spread to. Or the gypsies are conspiring to be their host countries best pickpockets, thieves & fortunetellers.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I get that. And we’re in your house. As for the retards. To be charitable, it’s pretty frustrating when you see an obvious pattern that everyone around you refuses to see or even consider. In fact, they tell you that the pattern that you see is a figment of your imagination, proof that you’re crazy, evil, a loser, etc… It’s especially frustrating when you get that from a group who has already seen the forbidden patterns regarding sex & race issues and is getting called crazy, evil, a loser, etc… for that. It’s like “Dude. You’ve come this far breaking… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I feel you. And I will agree that it should be the very last pill. From my experience, someone needs to see that feminism is a poisonous lie & equality is a poisonous lie, and socialism is a poisonous lie, and political correctness is a poisonous lie. And that the media and academia is how they force those lies down your throat… Then they often notice for themselves who is most actively involved in the creation and dispensing of those lies. Until then, yeah, it scares them off. I just think that there should be a way to tell the… Read more »

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I feel you but… “,,,complaining about the Jews is a pointless and self-defeating endeavor. Frankly, it’s loser talk…” It’s loser talk until…it isn’t. When we start treating the Jews just as aggressively and just as prejudicial as they have us, including mass legislation to protect and allow Whites to flourish, then it ceases to be loser talk. Right now that’s not true and you can easily bandy about the term loser talk and not be incorrect. The problem with this is that it takes a lot of talking(just look at the Jew talk) to get to the point where loser… Read more »

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Like the Russian ambassador in the “War Room”.

Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

Not a spy or psycho. Amren opened my eyes about race and I like their Jewish-neutral stance. Obviously I won’t be attending the events of groups where I’m not wanted. Also, I will never betray any confidentiality of anyone I met at the conference and I don’t think anyone there would dox me.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Scotty
7 years ago

This all raises an important issue for me. I am for inclusion. It is true the vast majority of Jews who enter conservative or right wing company do so to improve me, not themselves, but if I am actually right wing it’s not difficult to identify them; it’s the “conservative” who is easy prey. The ability and need to discriminate will never diminish by becoming uniform, otherwise the English would never have endured a long and viscous civil war. Excluding Jews who have the same interest that I do is saying I cannot trust myself to discriminate. I discriminate bigly.

Reply to  james wilson
7 years ago

I had my real full name and real home town on my name badge. Was it naive? Probably. I approached it as a matter of trust. Even the people who hate me have not broken that trust back.

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
7 years ago

I suppose as a White Nationalist, I’m something of a lightweight. While I’ve certainly encountered the treacherous Jew of the stereotype, that hasn’t been my experience of them in general, and I grew up in a neighborhood that was about 1/3 Jewish. Having a Catholic upbringing, I suppose I simply regarded them as another flavor of Protestant. Even if you assume the worst of the Jews, they’re only 2% of the population. Obviously any damage they may have done was aided and abetted by a large number of whites. Realistically, my concern with minorities is with the ones that routinely… Read more »

Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
7 years ago

It sounds like you still have a few more red pills to fully ingest. Russia, Poland, Germany, Spain, England & many of the nations which have felt the need to expel the Jews from their borders over the last couple centuries did not have other, more visibly harmful, minorities present. What they had were Jews who became successful, used their wealth to expand their influence, and used their influence to change their host society in ways that the natives eventually found intolerable. To give one example: Blacks living in non-black societies do not turn their host nations’ entertainment industry into… Read more »

Dupont Circle
Dupont Circle
Reply to  Observer
7 years ago

“Blacks living in non-black societies do not turn their host nations’ entertainment industry into a propaganda mill for anti-traditional & immoral behavior.”

Of course they do. Ever heard of that idiot Spike Lee? And what exactly is an entertainment industry and why are we supposed to have one? Stop supporting it.

“Nor do blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Indians or whites transform universities from places where elites are taught to lead their society into institutions where elites are taught to destroy their society.”

You’re joking, right?

Reply to  Dupont Circle
7 years ago

You’re retarded, right? Do you believe that Spike Lee and people who look like him have a great deal of influence in what films, TV shows and advertisements get made today? Or that that they were the ones who pushed the envelope over & over regarding what constituted obscenity & could be legally be portrayed in motion pictures? I advise you to research the history of obscenity laws in the US. As well as the demographics & behavior of theatre owners in Weimar Germany for a historical parallel. As for universities… as late as the early 1960s Ivy League schools… Read more »

Dupont Circle
Dupont Circle
Reply to  Observer
7 years ago

No ones forcing you to watch or listen. Make your own “entertainment” whatever that is and stop being a stooge.

Reply to  Dupont Circle
7 years ago

I guessed right. You really are retarded. The viewing habits of one individual will not change the demographics of the entertainment industry, nor their effects on the larger culture. Jesus, you are stupid.

Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
7 years ago

But its often jews behind the coloreds flooding into neighborhoods. Only reason we aren’t still a 90% white nation is the jewish pushing of the 1965 immigration act. They can act nice, but when the chips are down they always side with their own people against others. This is why they promote each other, why they control the Fed Reserve, which leads to why they are so successful at managing hedge funds. An academic study proved that the Fed leaked into on such a regular basis and to such a massive degree that they could tell from the effect it… Read more »

7 years ago

When is the next event? I wish to attend.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

VDare’s conference will be next April in Colorado. Details now up at their site.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I like the Jacobin Club idea. if we compiled a list showing where people live maybe we could self organize into local groups? Philly area here.

PV van der Byl
PV van der Byl
Reply to  iFrank
7 years ago

Jacobin Clubs? Perhaps, you are thinking of Jacobite Clubs. Jacobites were reactionaries who tried to restore the Stuarts. Jacobins were French Revolutionaries.

Reply to  PV van der Byl
7 years ago

I don’t know. Was just agreeing with zman who made the suggestion. Jacobin? Jack o’lantern? I don’t know. 🤗

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I would like to attend AmRen first. I would be more content attending an event like you describe, with discussion and collegiality, than one organized by Spencer – at least without having met him at somewhere like AmRen, where I can discuss with him first.

ZMan, may I email you? I have further questions about this.

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Hypercacher
7 years ago

Fall NPI. It is usually a bit younger and more raucous than AmRen. I think it’ll be huge, this year.

Joey Junger
Joey Junger
7 years ago

I’m all for our green shoots and an insurgency, but the left is so deeply rooted in our soil that it’s almost as if they enjoy a form of political deism. It’s as if FDR and Johnson were the Gods who set the watch in motion and now just stand back and laugh as we try to hold back the day/stop the ratchet. Both of your Amren posts have been about community, which is the key, but that’s also why I bring up FDR and Johnson, because they, more than anyone else, committed the artificial communities that co-opted and finally… Read more »

Reply to  Joey Junger
7 years ago

The left invested the time to do the “long march through the Institutions.

Meanwhile in what passed as Conservatism, the equivalent was being done by Neocon’s

7 years ago

Did Derb bring Mandy, Candy or Brandy?

Brother John
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Presumably with all three, then.

Curiousity: Did Audacious Epigone reveal how his moniker is correctly pronounced?

7 years ago

strangely enough one of the only people i could talk to at work about race realism was a black guy. when i told him that his own personal experience would dispense with high flying falsehood that all men are created equal, he told me i sank his battleship.

7 years ago

I wanted so much to attend Amren this year but just could not work things out, so thank you for your Diary posts as the next best thing. Being with other like-minded people is, indeed, a huge change from a dissident thinker’s normal experience – even at a small local VDare event (where I was definitely more radical than a number of other attendees) it was obvious how cautious everyone was at first. Glad to hear you met Greg Johnson – I’ve been reading him and contributing a very modest amount for some time now. I’ve read so much that… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Reading all the amazing Alt-Right thinkers has lead me quite a bit of intellectual humility. The breadth of thought and education really is staggering.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I score 4 SD’s up on Stanford-Binet, I was, for reasons I won’t go into, somewhat imperfectly socialized. I would gladly have given up 20 points on the former to have cured the latter.

7 years ago

Are you going to attend H.L. Mencken Club conference? It’s always in Baltimore.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Was the Jewish guy the guy from JewAmongYou?

Reply to  Lurker
7 years ago

Nope. I read that guy a long time ago. Is that blog still active?

Reply to  Scotty
7 years ago

Yup. But he hasn’t posted in about a month.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

If you haven’t read Mencken, it’s fun and informative to begin with The Vintage Mencken: gathered by Alistair Cooke. There’s not much editorial filler by Cooke. It’s basically just samples of Mencken’s writing throughout most if his life.

The BCPL reports that it has three copies, all of them available.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Well, movements always want members, both followers and leaders. You have extra value as you come with a pedigree and a following of your own. You are a thought-leader, to use a slightly out-of-date term. As a long time reader it has been interesting to watch your interactions with the AltRight over the last few years, from the first tentative probes to the obvious deep immersion in many of their sub-factions, and ultimately your appropriation of some of them as your own. In what respects do you not line up with “them” demographically? Are you a Jew? An Asian? Or… Read more »

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

“…a hot topic is how we all found ourselves in this place…” I assume you mean race realism, red pilled about the Jews, etc. for me it was 9-11. After I realized what went on there..I knew. If we allow them to get away with this then we may very well find ourselves in the same boat as the Russians where 60 million of them were killed. If you feel this is about to happen,(it’s going the way of the Russia), then remember what Solzhenitsyn said and understand that you’re life is over anyways. “And how we burned in the… Read more »

7 years ago

When that army that is now being assembled decides to act, it may look something like this: The book is a plan to restore constitutional government and western civilization. It got good mention at WSRA:

7 years ago

Z- we’ve had this argument before, but I think lax is growing quite a bit- I don’t think it will become one of the big 4 (assuming that hockey is) Compare it to hockey (which is my other sportsball obsession). Hockey has somewhat broken out of its regional bases in the US, but the hockey hotbeds remain remain MA, MI, MN and upstate NY. Lax, on the other hand really is expanding in places like CA, the Upper Midwest, CO and TX. Here in New England it has grown to the extent that it’s not just a prep-school sport anymore.… Read more »