For most modern Americans, the issue of “rights” is talked about in spiritual terms, more than practical or legal terms. The concept of Natural Rights has lost all meaning to the modern person, even though our system depends upon the concept. That is not necessarily a bad thing. As Western societies have evolved since the Enlightenment, the concept of rights has expanded and evolved as well. Today, what we think of as “our rights” fall into three general areas, civil, political and social.
For Americans, the concept of civil rights has been tangled up in racial politics, mostly because of baby boomers nostalgia. As a result, three generations of Americans have been steeped in the mythology of the Civil Rights Movement, thinking it only applies to black people. Putting that aside, we expect equality before the law and due process. The law should apply to everyone equally and the administration of the law should follow a transparent and predictable process.
While civil rights are about equality before the law, political rights are about equality in formulating the law. That means having an equal shot to participate in the political process which creates the laws. Equality before the law is not worth a lot if your enemies have the exclusive right to dictate the law. The real change in the Civil Rights Movement was in the political realm. Blacks are now fully included in the nation’s political process.
As civil and political rights have expanded, social rights have contracted. The right to live your life unmolested by others is increasingly difficult. It used to be a given that a man had a right to anonymity. That is just about impossible today. More important, it is increasingly difficult to hold unorthodox opinions and beliefs. Half a century ago, people dreamed of a colorblind future, but today, people dream of not getting fired for posting FBI crime stats on Facebook.
This relentless intrusion on our social rights is in the news on a daily basis. This story from Tampa is a representative example. Here is a woman, hounded by bigots, because she holds unapproved opinions. You can be sure that the ululating fanatics will be badgering her school system to fire her from her job. We now live in a society in which thinking things that were commonly understood a generation ago, is used to ruin a person’s life, making them a pariah in their own community.
This erosion of social rights is not just in the public sphere. If a group of people holding unapproved thoughts wants to socialize privately, the bigots will seek them out and call down the rock throwers on them. This story from Michigan is typical. These people are going to great lengths to avoid drawing attention to themselves, yet the local progressives are hunting them down, hoping to prevent them from having a private dinner together. Iran has more social liberty.
Of course, the war on social rights is just the start. The orchestrated assault on the nation’s oldest political rights organization is one example of the effort to extend the denial of social rights to the denial of political rights. The ongoing legal effort to deny Americans their civil rights, based on their thoughts, is another aspect to this war on our general liberties. The plaintiffs are asking the court to create a new legal status for heretics, which denies them the rights and privileges of citizenship.
Now, the reason Western societies evolved political systems that respect civil rights and allow for near universal participation in politics is to reduce political violence. When the working class can organize around the candidates of their choice, they do not have to stage bread riots. When minority groups can expect equality before the law, they do not have to make war on the majority. Participatory democracy, in theory, gives everyone a stake in the system and a reason to defend it against subversion.
What is happening today is a unilateral declaration that a growing list of opinions and ideas are off-limits. Anyone that embraces them, or is suspected of embracing them, is outside the sphere to which civil, political and social rights apply. These outside people become fair game, as they have no legal avenue to seek redress. A person who loses his job because he agrees with what his grandfathers thought, is quickly becoming a man without a country.
In this Tucker Carlson profile, he makes the point that he lives in a great neighborhood with smart wonderful neighbors. It is America as it was in 1955, so naturally the people living there are deeply satisfied with their work as a ruling elite. The reason for that is they have no idea what is happening out in the hinterlands. They avoid the consequences of their preferred polices. If hordes of migrants show up in their schools, they will not be so self-satisfied.
The same logic applies to what is happening in this social war being waged against political dissidents. The people hounding schoolteachers out of their jobs can feel self-satisfied, because they get to avoid the same treatment. The people harassing companies to break ties with the heretics, have no skin in the game, so they are free to overindulge in righteous indignation. At some point, this leads to violence, either against the victims or by the victims.
That is why the current climate is so dangerous. Nature supplies more men with nothing to lose than any society can need. A political system that systematically marginalizes large swaths of young men, telling them they have no place in the world, is a society begging for political violence. Rebecca Klein of the Huffington Post may be feeling smug, for having “outed” a bad thinker, but she is not going to be so smug when her Prius blows up when she tries to start it.
During the Civil Rights Movement, there came a point where the people in charge faced a choice. They could let reasonable men on both sides find an accommodation, or they could let the unreasonable men on both sides fight it out. Today, the people in charge have that same choice. They can put their unreasonable people on a leash and deal honestly with the reasonable people in dissent, or they can continue to wage this social war and invite the war into their streets and their neighborhoods.
This will not end well.
But, very few people “on the Right” are willing to see how the progressives structurally changed the society to make this nightmare possible. You want to be successful in this society? Get into Harvard Law or Harvard Medical or at least some reputable law or medical school. Except… even if you are perfectly well qualified, the system is rigged so that the majority of people who are indeed qualified will not get in. The system is intentionally designed with “choke points,” so that the people who are, largely arbitrarily, chosen to pass through those choke points, will feel grateful to… Read more »
Sherman’s March Through The Institutions.
Maybe a good theme song for the dissident right would be a remake of “While we were marching through Georgia”.
Fine post.
That was one of the stupidest things the Left ever did, It tends to encourage vengeful revolutionaries to burn the institutions instead of saving them
Historically in a religious war like we are in, enemy institutions get destroyed, C.F Henry the 8th and the monasteries , churches etc
I’d prefer that not to happen given these institutions have failed at their primary duty , continuity of western values for the leaders for half a century or so no one will miss them anyway.
I think the elite can be counted on to double-down, and make things worse. Awhile back someone pointed out that Kevin MacDonald’s writing about a “hostile elite” doesn’t show the existence of some kind of new nefariousness, but is rather just a restatement of something that has unfortunately been blindingly obvious and true throughout most of human history: the people in charge hate, fear, or at least distrust the people they rule over. We’re at some kind of breaking point, and near physical violence because of the estrangement between classes, as Carlson, you and Charles Murray pointed out with his… Read more »
They figure to crush us utterly with the combined power of the state and mass immigration and NAMs plus H1b types in the executive suyite. Sundae Pinchai and India Noori team up with the FBI, ms 13, and Louis Farrakhan.
That you Whiskey? Or another guy with that name? In any case easier said than done, US infrastructure is crumbling and the city support system is fragile. Just a couple of guys horsing around with an AK a few years ago were able to shut off power to a good chunk of Silicon Valley for a time and they were never caught If/When power plant workers start getting ala the Taliban or it goes red Dawn on the food supplies , Fed Gov and its putative janissaries are humped The unfortunate thing though is the left are religious crazies and… Read more »
Disagree. Coordination between dissidents is compromised heavily and the average gun toting white good ol boy isn’t savvy enough to coordinate a campaign to keep a city dark for long. Arab terror cells in the mid east have foreign support and liberals turn a blind eye to much of their coordination. They also enjoy vastly more popular support than most dissident in the west. The comparisons just don’t work. A better parallel would be anti-soviet partisan fighters in eastern Europe. They were mostly unsuccessful, but did eventually lead to underground markets of low level subversion. Sadly for the west, most… Read more »
Insurgents either adapt or die off and building tight networks that can’t be compromised is a learned skill. No doubt its ongoing now and the Bundy bunch debacle has if nothing taught people to be less trustful Besides the Right has tons of people with actual counter insurgency and urban warfare experience on the side of the Right and we’ve seen time and time again how brittle the system can be , one rogue cop willing to die can paralyze a state as happened here in California CI is especially valuable since such people can just as easily build an… Read more »
You don’t need coordination. That stuff went out after OKC bombing when it was made known the the FBI had infiltrated every anti-government group in the U.S. Get a pissed off utility worker and box of dynamite(which isn’t hard) and he can turn a city dark for weeks, ensure the gas and oil lines are blown and no water for the populace. You see a city is like a giant exposed nervous system Break a few things in critical places and it all shuts down hard. Others may choose the a variation of the beltway sniper(which comes out of a… Read more »
Plz. Between the crumbling infrastructure, (and what money was allocated to maintain these structures siphoned off to pay for more taco benders & kebab imports), along the low IQ diversity and female hires who either dont know WTF they’re doing, or who don’t do Jack diddly in regards to basic maintenance and repair, you don’t need pranksters sabotaging anything. It’s all falling apart before our eyes. See: Marine vessel crashes, train wrecks/ trains mysteriously splitting apart, false doom alert warnings, airport electrical fires, airport overbookings, planes running into one another, sinkholes in highways,the Oroville dam, untold number of FBI suspects… Read more »
Let’s see. Murdering white farmer in S Africa. Murdering white rancher in Oregon.
Its me. Establishment controls police and military who will fight for their paymasters. They have Goolge, Ford, Pepsi, the US military, the beuarocracy, media and political party both wings. We have ….
Good ta have ya back mate. At the moment team freedom has a growing bunch of pissed of people, many of whom have recent urban warfare experience. They don’t have something critical though , a real idea of what they want and how to cooperate to get that The US military is in bad enough shape. 71% of the young people in the US can’t even qualify for service and even with the drastic amount of money we have spent, we are in piss poor shape for another war Also putting soldiers on the streets or kicking in doors feeds… Read more »
One of my other favorite bloggers made an observation that may well apply to all this. Quoting almost verbatim: “Women are fascists and socialists by nature. Most are not mature enough to rise above that – and realizing this, the founding fathers wisely deprived them of the vote.” To the cat ladies of the Huff n’ Blow, they are not stifling rights, they are simply ‘enlightened women seeking consensus’. Nor are they making war on the NRA; they are simply trading freedom for security as women always do. (Those icky patriarchal founding fathers had some nonsense to say about that… Read more »
Just look in any HR department…
Lorena Bobbit got a standing ovation from all the crazy harpies on Steve Harvey’s show.
I don’t think they really think they are trading freedom for security. They are simply trying to destroy something men with different political beliefs like for spite’s sake.
Well stated. Black Pigeon’s video on this is always worth reposting.
What’s wrong w/ a little fascism? If it was good enough for the Founding Fathers, Mussolini, Franco & Uncle A, I find quite a bit of it quite appealing, & I’m a woman… I’ve said for many years if I were in charge, I’d burn down every public school, university, right down to the daycare & preschools in this country & salt the Earth where they stood. Public schools are state sanctioned child abuse, college is an indoctrination center that leaves you 5-6 figures in debt to start off your adult life, all while you probably are working as a… Read more »
We just saw what choice the powers that be in South Africa made.
South Africa – the definition of Democracy is Majority rules. We have the same authority as South Africa.. As long as whites remain a majority, why should we have any minority judges? Screw Schumer.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner….
Funny that Michael Savage noted that bit of news on his show maybe one day after mocking anyone believing that the Second Amendment was intended to protect us from totalitarian government action like this. Spit on him. You heard me.
Weird, so he doesn’t believe his fellow tribesmen would’ve fared better in the period between 1939-45 if they were a populace as well armed as the American ppl? Huh. Seems a bit callous. Btw, I’ve lost the link to it, but one of these smart nerd types went back through gun manufacturing records from the 1800s-current day, looked at weapons imports, records of guns confistcations, relinquishments, destroyed, the guestimated numbers of ghost guns, guns smuggled in illegally, etc., and according to him, this figure we’ve been hearing for many yrs now that there are between 270-300K guns in America is… Read more »
I’m sure all your Ks should be Ms. And I agree, the number of guns in this country is probably at least twice the common estimates.
Who would have thought that one Jefferson Beauregard Sessions of Alabama would be the kind of gutless cuckold to allow downtrodden white working class men to have their lives destroyed by a motley crew of trustafarian diaspora chic hipsters and mystery meat junky thugs? I’ve often stumped a bit in defense of the Trump admin’s political manuvering, but this absence of a crackdown on the violent left is without any sort of reasonable explanation that I can discern. Leaving antifa and shitLib HR hens to destroy a part of the base could very well sap all the political capital gains… Read more »
the feds, and some states, have clamped down hard on antifa. they are charging them with serious crimes and locking them up. won’t see it reported in the msm however.
Line in the sand has already been drawn.
Plan accordingly.
Being just old enough to remember portions of the Civil Rights era seems there is one difference here. You are right, the sides there decided coming to an agreement was preferable to some sort of Klan v. Black Panthers race war. But slather on a layer post modernism and the very act of even listening to the other side is characterized as “violence”. Kinda hard to have a dialog when saying “good morning” to a post modernist leftist constitutes an assault if you are a member of the white patriarchal power structure. What is bizarre is watching otherwise decently educated… Read more »
The largest battle we need to win is to reclaim moral authority on behalf of whites. The leftist cultural revolution has completely eradicated any amount of moral authority for European descended people on most major social issues. Most white people unknowingly accede all points to minorities on issues of race, religion, immigration and human rights. The cudgel that the leftists use is an arbitrary construct of morality that has little basis in reason or logic and is arguably the antithesis of civilizational survival throughout human history. That it is more righteous to reject your countrymen in favor of outsiders is… Read more »
This is the reason we should be spending more time defending and or ignoring Nazis than giving rein to the left over them. Every time a conservative normie joins in with the left in dissing Nazis he digs another shovel full of dirt in his own grave.
Once in a while I do drop in on Rush. He was doing a good job explaining the college debt and usefullness. Then he digressed and went about some female speaker being shut down again on campus.
You know, all of the established righties like him never come to defend anyone like the aforementioned teacher here. Too far right or touching the ethnic divide is a bridge too far. Until they come for his ilk.
Rush and Mark will only talk about “Americans.” Mostly. The melting pot Dream. We’re at the point where it’s all race all of the time. However.
Regarding the Tampa area teacher, I saw the original video with her and Bre Faucheaux. They were denouncing Chris Rock’s hateful statements on whitey. Sent it to my adult daughter who is not political and her comment to me was she liked those girls. I now sent the update on this shyte that is happening to her and my daughter’s response was, What happened to freedom of speech?
Yeah, she actually asked that.
Take pleasure in the fact that your daughter isn’t a ‘democratic socialist’ and that her instincts, though uninformed, are decent and sound.
Over the years I’ve had many frustrating conversations with my then, now past coworkers. When something would come up that they didn’t like it was always “why”. As in “why” do we have do it this way. There were procedures and ways of doing things that had been worked out decades before and there is a saying if it’s not broke don’t fix it. Often if you explained the history they would accept it. One of the problems with many people in our country is a complete lack of history. How do you know where you are going if you… Read more »
To leftists that lack of history is a feature not a bug. It creates the “blank slate” perfect for imprinting their ideas. I’ve semi joked about being only three degrees separated from the American Revolution. My grandfather, a veteran of the AEF, told me the stories from his grandfather, a GAR vet, of the men he knew as child that were the last veterans of the Revolution. We’ve lost those connections.
My gradfather was a captain with the MTC of the AEF first with the British 5th Army and then the 5 Div and then 28th Div. He was gassed in Cambrai on March 21, 1918. He died in the Dayton VA hospital years later in 1952 and is buried in Arlington. My father enlisted in WWII with the Third Army XX Corps 69th Signal Batallion. He survived and fathered me many years later. Unfortunately, I never met my grandfather and have very few memories of my father.
One grandfather was old enough to enlist in the Union army in 1861. That span still amazes me. Same with my dad. I knew him but not much as a young man.
I have a very short list of ancestors who fought in the Am Rev. My heritage group started “Constitution Week” back in the 1950s and continues the commemoration today. Also supports American History essay contests in the schools and ROTC awards as well. Join one of the many such organizations today!! The 250th anniversary of the Am Rev is coming up shortly.
Those in charge will have no incentive to act reasonably until their lives and fortunes are endangered and even then they will engage in a war they cannot win. They will reap the whirlwind and once things reach that point circumstances will spiral out of control.
No, it won’t end well because the people in charge this time are inherently unreasonable as are most Marxists.
Martin Luther King is now an idea to the left, not an historical person. They actually despise much of what he said and believed – the man was a Baptist Ministered and thought all people should be judged by their character, not their skin color.
They haven’t gotten around to formally dumping him only because most people are so poorly educated, they don’t really know much about King.
That MLK wasn’t seriously considered for the new $20 bill, and that his statue in DC represents an Asiatic God-King, and not a real human being, proves your point. That the Left cannot dispense with him completely – yet – recalls the awkwardness that Stalin felt about Marx and Lenin, as he built his cult of personality. Too much of their actual work and writing conflicted with his program of self-deification, yet he required from them that vague and mystical “origin myth” to support his absolute power. Letting the kiddies read and learn from the complete text of MLK’s great… Read more »
My reply is the same as 3g4me’s, except that MLK is considered a saint in this country, right & left, when he was a total POS. He was engaged in many sexually/physically abusive relationships w/young white women at the time, (while married, a father & man of God), along w/close friendship/sympathies w/a Commie Jew who wrote the bulk of his speeches. If’d you read much of his writings, you’d know he was pro-reparations, & totally prepared for street violence as far as it needed to go, to further his ambitions. I’ve lived between Birmingham/Atlanta all of my life, and consider… Read more »
Michael King was a plagiarist, a communist, and an adulterer who enjoyed having sex with White whores while beating them. He wanted full-scale economic ‘reparations’ and endless ‘affirmative action.’ Your claim of his belief in judging people “by their character, not their skin color,” is just as much a fable as the left’s view and use of King iconography.
We don’t have an adequate supply of helicopters to provide rides for everyone who deserves one. We will need to employ other methods. Excuse me, I meant “Synergize alternative methodologies, and leverage unexplored efficiencies.” (I’m in a management training meeting at work.)
It’s very easy for the elites to double down due to the technology. The temptation is that it’s easy to block people due to advances in AI and keep track of them via social media. The feeling of power plus all the progressive advances they have made will make it all go to their head.
It’s also easy to see something like the IRA emerge here among the disenfranchised. The IRA after all was started by Catholic Irish in Northern Ireland who were discriminated against by the Protestant Irish in terms of jobs, housing, etc.
You know, back in the 90s when I was still a liberal the Palestinian question was often stated as young men with no hope in their lives and what choice did they have except to resort to violence. I hadn’t even noticed the parallel until you wrote that about young men today here
Are we firing rockets from cover of daycare facilities?
Maybe not, but they have been effectively bulldozing and settling white cities with their people for generations. Vae Victis.
What’s worse?
Somebody with nothing to lose?
Somebody with everything to lose?
One of the first corporations to jump onto the anti-NRA jihad bandwagon was the First National Bank of Omaha (FNBO), which is the parent company of my friendly community bank in DeKalb IL. Of the seven states in which FNBO or its subsidiaries operate —Nebraska, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, South Dakota and Texas— five went for Trump in the 2016 presidential election. Seems like they may have set themselves up for a nasty consumer boycott from here in the heartland. If you are a client/customer of an FNBO affiliate, I strongly encourage you to send a note explaining your likely… Read more »
They also provide credit card services for smaller community banks. A card I have from a local rural bank chain is actually serviced through first Omaha. Guess what I’m canceling and telling my bank why?
People have not handled the free flow of information, enabled by the internet, very well. The internet has changed some important elements of living. One is that most people, one way or another, have an identifiable identity on the internet. Staying anonymous to the wider world is not an easy option any more. It can make you a target. Another is that there is a lot of information out there, and some of it is actually true. People can easily collect up all sorts of ideas, theories, concepts, and philosophies. They can join the political or social “in” crowd by… Read more »
I often think about how things will go when the time comes for bombs under Priuses. In the beginning of that war there had better be impeccable methods used because the resultant investigations will be more robust and intense than a thousand Mueller witch hunts.
Sure. The first few men will be the kind willing to die, quite elderly, terminally ill or just crazy determined This is often how these things happens elsewhere Also a lot of them will be one and done operations, its a lot harder to catch someone who doesn’t repeat the things they did before After it goes on awhile, it will become so common no one will be investigating with any intensity any more than there is widespread investigation of a grenade attack in Malmo Sweden or some random homicide in Mexico. Really important people and cops will get effort,… Read more »
“The first few men will be the kind willing to die, quite elderly, terminally ill or just crazy determined
This is often how these things happens elsewhere.”
Finally a use for the aging boomers who want to make amends for the decay they championed. Kamikaze boomers wearing Japanese pilot hats and goggles and a Kek emblazoned white headband. The final boomer act of self-actualization.
The next decade is when the SHTF for real, you gonna see widespread political violence in North America and Western Europe.
The term “natural” rights is really just a root level identifier for the concept of most fundamental right as viewed by the individual (e.g. it supersedes all other types of rights). In practice, it means that the individual will fight to the death if necessary in order to defend this perceived essential condition. It represents an evolutionary success strategy as opposed to a compromise made in service to a large group or social interest.
Tom; You forgot the preface the Founders used for ‘natural rights’, namely that they are God given: As in ‘God-given Natural Rights’ from the Declaration of Independence and the preamble to the Constitution. Why does this matter_? This concept is absolutely critical to the current struggle. If our natural rights are God-given, then we do not hold them at the sufferance of other people, period. This is true, regardless of any other theory of how else said rights might have come into being. IOW, overweight, blue haired, fish-mouthed feminists got nothin’ but their shrieking. As soon as the new oppressed… Read more »
I have been waiting a long time for someone to clearly point this out. Thank you, well said.
I think we are in agreement. God gave us evolution.
I agree. Might even be true about evolution. But if true, then ‘evolution’s not actually random 😉
My only quibble is with your end piece . It will end well, with the Left removed from power or hell if it comes to that is exterminated we can rebuild a healthy civilization. It won’t be pleasant for a few decades but hard times lead to better men and frankly as long as their is food, medicine and basic comforts we’ll be fine. The first few decades will be rough and I expect to see hardship driven behaviors and cultural oddities as most kids will be raised by traumatized parents And yes we could lose half the population? assuming… Read more »
Comfort confuses, calamity clarifies.
Fairly spoken.
“When the working class can organize around the candidates of their choice, they don’t have to stage bread riots.” Exactly. But the left’s “activism” culture requires that there be people outside the system for whom “peaceful protest” — i.e., riots — is the only way to get the attention of the ruling class. It started with the working class; now the working class has the vote. It continued with women and minorities; now women and minorities are inside the tent. So what’s an “activist” to do? Perfectly simple. Organize illegal aliens and Muslims. Because they are the only people still… Read more »
“reasonable accommodations”…Are you high? Everything since 1964 has been whites getting screwed, nothing more….Fuck “Reasonable accommodations” give them NOTHING….Take from them EVERYTHING.
We really, truly, no doubt about it, need a full blown worldwide war to rectify this steaming mountain of bullshit that gets shoveled higher every day. Otherwise our children will inherit a world of real shit. Better me that fights and dies than them.
How about like Patton said, the “other guy dies for his cause”?
I noticed that the writers of the linked Michigan article have unwittingly but correctly identified themselves as the new shits.
the Metro Times is a soft liberal commie rag that you pick up free around here. Nobody reads it except for restaurant reviews and openings.
[…] Another aspect of this is the moral role of corporations. It’s one thing to have your name plastered all over the internet as a heretic. It is quite another to find yourself banned from the internet. Social media companies are not just companies selling your personal information.They see themselves as morality police. Instead of jailing dissidents or banning inconvenient speech, the ruling class uses its social control to threaten the social capital of their enemies. Whatever you want to label it, ours is the age of social war. […]
[…] As I pointed out the other day, these people are playing with fire. What a Rebecca Klein is doing is creating people with no choice but to become a guerrilla, at war with the system that dispossessed them. What Rothman is proposing to do is de-legitimize wide swaths of political opinion, and thereby exclude the people who favor those opinions. He’s proposing to make half the country enemies of the faith. That’s how you end up in a world of car bombs and targeted assassinations. That’s not a world for soft men like Rothman. […]
I long for the old days when Men were Men and the rest of the niggers stayed out of sight.
Saying “this will not end well” every week is all well and good, but the $64,000 question is, when? Vox Day has been predicting the collapse of the financial system and degeneration into something resembling Thunderdome for about the last 20 years; the predictions are starting to ring hollow.
In the long run, we’re all dead.
The current assumption is the 2030’s or so I’ve heard this from a lot of people That said everyone including the power that be are surprised by how robust the bubble has been. The irony in my mind is that its mostly propelled by thrift (corporate savings and cost cutting) and not growth like they want you to believe Any growth there is in the hands of a very few and every developed nation has below replacement fertility , many have actual population shrinkage The only pool of human capital remaining appears to be in Africa and even the elite… Read more »
Join the discussion No way. TSHF shortly after Trump wins
2nd term. Guaranteed