Letter To The Antisemites

From time to time, I am approached by an anti-Semite hoping to convince me to join their thing. Most people, of course, think antisemitism is the worst, but anti-Semites think otherwise. Recently, a person calling himself Lawrence has showed up in the comment section, inviting me to join the world of antisemitism. Given some posts related to this topic are in the queue, I thought it was a good time to respond to this generous invitation to become an anti-Semite.

First off, I do not think antisemitism is a great crime against humanity. I once worked for a guy who hated Greeks. Anything wrong in the world, according to him, was the fault of the Greeks. He was a bigot, of course, but as far as I knew he never caused anyone harm, not even Greeks. He was just a weirdly eccentric person, who had unusual opinions about the world. In the grand scheme of things, there are many worse vices a man can have, than a bias against another group of people.

Here is my favorite way of explaining this to people puzzled by my indifference to the great crimes of antisemitism and racism. Imagine moving into a new house. You find out the guy across the street is an anti-Semite. Now, imagine you learn that the guy to the left is a methamphetamine dealer. Which neighbor troubles you more? Only a nut would say the anti-Semite is the bigger worry. The point is there is a long list of things that are worse than holding negative opinions.

Now, as far as my opinion on antisemitism, I must admit I have a negative view of it, just as I have a negative view of racism. The mistake people make is in thinking that race realism is the same as racism. If I were a racist, I would not live in Lagos. I can be quite realistic about the nature of blacks, without holding black people in contempt. In fact, I have a great deal of sympathy for black people. The reason for that is I am well aware of the biological reality that underlies the plight of blacks in America.

Similarly, I am a realist, with regards to Jews in America. I have written quite bit on Jewish exceptionalism. I did a long podcast episode examining the alt-right’s arguments on the JQ. I have written critiques of Jewish social customs. I have had debates with Jews about Jewish issues. I stood in a room full of Jews once, explaining and defending the humor of Andrew Anglin. The point is that you can discuss, even as a non-Jew, all the issues involved in the JQ, without being an anti-Semite.

Now, many anti-Semites have encouraged me to “take the red pill” on the JQ so then I would come to appreciate what antisemitism brings to the party. The claim is that once you accept their claims, antisemitism fits like a glove. I generally assume to this to mean the theories of Kevin McDonald, the retired professor of psychology, who wrote the book Culture of Critique. John Derbyshire called him the Karl Marx of antisemitism, which is turning out to be prophetic.

Well, I have read Kevin McDonald. I think he makes an excellent case against Boasian anthropology, Freudian psychoanalysis, and Frankfurt School critical theory. In fact, his arguments against these intellectual movements should be required reading for anyone trying to understand the current crisis. Further, there is no disputing his observation that these movements were dominated by Jews. In fact, all of the monstrous ideologies of the last era had an over representation of Jews.

The truth is though, Jews are overrepresented in everything that requires a high level of math and verbal skill. Every intellectual movement, which was not explicitly anti-Semitic, saw an over representation of Jews. Movements attract smart people. They also tend to be located in urban areas, where Jews have always lived. Therefore, no one should be surprised that Jews are overrepresented in political and cultural movements, especially those of the radical variety.

The main argument of McDonald is that Judaism is a “group evolutionary strategy” engineered to promote Jewish interests at the expense of the host society. He argues that Judaism promoted eugenic practices favoring high intelligence, conscientiousness, and ethnocentrism, so Jews reached the late Middle Ages with these qualities in extraordinary surplus. Once Jews were allowed to participate in Western society, they were uniquely equipped to dominate intellectual movements.

This is possible. It also strikes me as a bit like intelligent design. This unique tool kit for undermining Western society evolved for the purpose of undermining a Western society, that only came into existence recently. In fact, this group evolutionary strategy came pretty close to getting all European Jews killed half a century ago. Jewish dominance today is entirely due to America opening up the country to Eastern European Jews at the start of the last century. Apparently, Jews really plan ahead.

The bottom line, with regards to Kevin McDonald and the general idea of Jews being a hostile and subversive people, is that it could be true. It could also be true that Jews have followed the pattern of all minority populations and gravitated to the people in charge, seeing them as protectors. In America, which means Yankee progressives, who have, in one form or another, dominated the country since Gettysburg. Jew just joined the bets club in the country.

As you can see, I am well acquainted with the arguments and I am not instinctively hostile to most of them. Like everyone with some knowledge of human evolution, I am a bit skeptical of group evolutionary strategy. It could be a real thing. It could also be total nonsense like phrenology. Within my lifetime smart people were sure you could be talked out of insanity. There have been a lot of nutty fads in human sciences, so skepticism is a prudent position until more data comes in.

Obviously, my resistance to antisemitism is not based in ignorance of the material or fear of the morality police. The main issue for me is that anti-Semites think “the Jews” is the answer o all problems. They are like a man who has only mastered how to use a hammer. He sees every problem as a nail. In the case of anti-Semites, everything is blamed on the Jews to the point of absurdity. It seems to me that in order to be an anti-Semite, one has to commit their life to it, like joining a gang.

While I bear no ill will to those of you who have become anti-Semites, I just do not think it is the place for me. My group evolutionary strategy, as it were, is to enjoy the fullness of life, even the parts that are not so good. Obsessing over Jews all the time seems like a waste of time. If there comes a time when I have to obsess over Jews all the time, then I will do what I must, but for now, I have lots of other interests. No hard feelings and the bets of luck in your project.

Warmest Regards


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6 years ago

“Jews are over represented in everything that requires a high level of math and verbal skill.” Except things that are pro-white and pro-Western culture. In all areas related to these 2 things they are far behind the average. And the few who do “support” such things virtually always turn out to be subversives. How helpful to conservatism did neo-conservatives turn out to be? If the 2% of the population that are Jews controlled 90% of the media, and 50% of the media was conservative and 50% liberal, I doubt many would be bitching. But its not, instead its 80% liberal… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Antisemitism according to whom?

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Neo-Thomism! (haha)

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

JET magazine ?

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Generation Identity in Europe

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Are you seriously suggesting that jews are pro-West/ pro-White in any proportion to the numbers of them that are anti-West/ anti-White?

Other than going back to the time of British Empiricism and German Idealism, I can’t think of any recent pro-Western intellectual movements. Perhaps because jews control the academies, and so such things aren’t allowed to rise?

What pro-Western movements were you thinking of?

Patriotic American Jew
Patriotic American Jew
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Z-man is correct sadly. As a jew I find this very embarrassing!

D&D Dave in the Bubble
D&D Dave in the Bubble
Reply to  Zorost
6 years ago

“Jews form a network to advance jewish interests, as do most groupings of people. They do it better and at a higher level, and in a way that is virtually always harmful to the host society.”

The LGBQTWRDSZEIA community does it just as good if not better. Especially if you’re a male willing and able 24/7.

Patriotic American Jew
Patriotic American Jew
Reply to  D&D Dave in the Bubble
6 years ago

“Jews form a network…” <— wrong. this jew has been in America from birth (51 yrs old) and has never even heard of such a group. Your opinion is unfounded by any available facts.

Reply to  Zorost
6 years ago

“Cofnas argues that Jews were over-represented as Bolsheviks because they were also over-represented in business, science, and art – as if being a regicidal violent radical were just another career choice”
-AJ Joyce, @TOQJoyce

I’m convinced. Mea maxima culpa.
We should ignore Europe, South Africa, and our own SJWs.

Merit must be the underlying cause.

6 years ago

A: Jews cause problems in the West. B: No they don’t. You’re just jealous. A: Jews cause problems in the West. B: No they don’t. You’re ignorant. A: Jews cause problems in the West. B: No they don’t. You are crazy. A: Jews cause problems in the West. B: No they don’t. You are full of hate. A: Jews cause problems in the West. B: No they don’t. You’re a Nazi! A: Jews cause problems in the West. B: No they don’t. I know a Jewish guy who’s just great. A: Jews cause problems in the West. B: No they… Read more »

6 years ago

“The real issue for me is that anti-Semites taste Jews in their sandwich.”

This, my friends, is the triumph of cultural engineering at work. When you can get people to dismiss arguments solely because they believe that believing those arguments makes them ridiculous — that is to say, it lowers their social status.

Pretty pathetic, even for ZCuckMan

Reply to  Observer
6 years ago

Just because the Birchers were paranoid didn’t make them wrong.

Reply to  Observer
6 years ago

As if that weren’t the single most important determinant of what socio-culturally programmed people (i.e. normal people) will “think”/see/remember/believe. Plato said: those who tell a society its tales are those who govern. People will believe whatever appears “mainstream” to them — as a result of their instinctive, biologically programmed, adhesion to power. This is a universal psychological reality of humans. Then you can reflect upon whom societies, and smaller groups likewise, choose as their story tellers. And it is they who lie the most and best. This is another universal psychological reality of humans, as individuals, and therefore of every… Read more »

George Orwell
George Orwell
6 years ago

The obsession over the JQ on behalf of some parts of the dissident Right remains a stumbling block for normies. Zman’s approach sounds much more lucid and palatable. Magic Jew Theory isn’t much more useful than Magic Dirt Theory. Let the mothership from Planet Zion Prime arrive and beam up every Jew in the West, and shitlib pozzed whites would rush in to fill up the vacancies with no gap in the narrative. The WQ remains the larger problem; the white question. Or, as John Derbyshire has put it, “What on earth is the matter with white people?”

Reply to  George Orwell
6 years ago

The fact that white people have an ethno-masochist problem has no bearing on whether Jews are, on balance, bad for our civilization. These are two distinct issues. You are using the existence of white ethno-masochism as a reason to avoid the question of what the cumulative impact of Jews on Western civilization has been.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

Jews share the white ethno-masochist problem with whites, if they are not in fact more greatly endowed in it. The difference of course is that they are also a small minority, which grows that peculiar seed from a different soil.

Reply to  james+wilson
6 years ago

“Was all this killing necessary?”
We share guilt based on the same seed of doubt. Different soil, agree there too.

Reply to  George Orwell
6 years ago

I think it’s entirely fair, and not antisemitic, to suggest diaspora Jews had an enormous influence over the cultural degredation of America.

Whites are a vast genetic grouping by comparison. If you want the white corollary to the JQ, it is the Anglo Question.

Reply to  Issac
6 years ago

What is your best guess for the percentage of American Jews who share your sensibilities? I was about to say opinions, but opinions begin with sensibilities. Not the percent who have left the them-us reservation, but those who would be good with the gatherings Z is attending. I would know the answer from fifty years ago, but no longer.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Single Jewish women—where soul-crushing angst collides with rabid self-righteousness.

Spare me, Lord.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

Even though I am a big fan of a full pelt, jewish women bug the shit out of me. Do not know how Jewish men can put up with them. Like the little fish that can swim amongst the sea anemones without getting stung.

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

“Single Jewish women—where soul-crushing angst collides with rabid self-righteousness.”

For a while I thought all the on-line fuss about SJWs actually referred to them.

Reply to  james+wilson
6 years ago

I’m not American. Those who share my views are a minority. I don’t claim to represent anyone. I only wish to present the arguments I believe to be reasonable.

If more of the diaspora picks up on such reasonable ideas when they come to read “the filthy antisemitic gentiles,” all the better.

Reply to  George Orwell
6 years ago

Whites are ideological in the extreme and lack nuance. When their ideology is based on correct theses they are unstoppable. When their ideology is based on abstract values like equality and humility, they are pathetic. Their greatest strength and greatest weakness is that they believe things completely or not at all. They worship the profession of Thespians (historically low status) because acting/lying is the skill most coveted by a people who innately lack duplicity.

Reply to  Ivan
6 years ago

Ivan – you rock.

6 years ago

Z Man’s resistance to the argument that, on balance, Jews have been a very negative force on Western civilization is based on an inconsistency in his thinking. We all agree that there are a small number of smart, law-abiding blacks. However, this fact does not negate the fact that blacks in large numbers are corrosive to any society. Z Man’s inconsistency is that he uses the existence of a small number of right wing Jews as a reason to avoid the conclusion that Jews in large numbers are corrosive to Western society. Further, when Z Man says that Jews are… Read more »

6 years ago

No rush. 🙂 I never began to suspect that Jews (or a subset of Jews) might have a habit of degrading or undermining goy nations until the beginning of this year (and I’m 53 now). But Jews also seem to have gotten themselves kicked out of places an astonishing number of times — at least 350 times over the past 2700 years. A newcomer to the JQ would have to wonder why.

Reply to  Aitch748
6 years ago

Because they were weak and the weak get beaten to quote the man. Pretty much the history of every weak people.

Anti Semite = witch burning to stop the plague. Idiot superstition for 75 iq types.

Missing entirely the Admin state growth and capture by dynasties as the frontier closing and end of imperialism turns destructive dynastic struggles upon us not foreigners or Indians

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

The word “racist” was coined by Leon Trotsky to use as a weapon against Whitey, so I reject it. The word “anti-Semitic” was coined by Moritz Steinschneider to be used as weapon against Whitey, as well. I would never call someone who hates another race or hates Jews a racist or an anti-Semitic, for that reason alone. It may be their weapon, but I don’t have to pick it up and use it myself. If you want to learn what kind of Zionist tribalist Moritz Steinschneider was, I suggest you all read his wiki page. He was a Bohemian bibliographer… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

How can you claim to understand Realism and the concept of relative power, while simultaneously acknowledging Jewish power, cognitive ability, and ethnic identity, and not atleast hold counter Semitic view points?

It’s one thing to not hate Jews and view them as rational actors participating in a zero sum game. Actors who’s victories in the game harm your interests. But to claim an understanding of Realism and shrug off Jews seems disengenuous to me.

Kevin MacDonald’s thesis has no bearing on a successful ingroup competing against those who they see as outsiders.

Reply to  Whiskey
6 years ago

Whiskey, there are two types of thinkers, basically, as Isaiah Berlin once had it, the fox and the hedgehog. He came to this by way of Greek lyric poet Archilochus, who said: “πόλλ’ οἶδ’ ἀλώπηξ, ἀλλ’ ἐχῖνος ἓν μέγα” Or, “a fox knows many things, but a hedgehog one important thing.” You are a great writer and thinker when it comes to one big thing (which I wish you would return to on your blog, especially regarding the sexual element of the culture war; you got some ‘splaining to do regarding White Women backing Trump), but you’re always rudderless on… Read more »

The Critical G
The Critical G
Reply to  Aitch748
6 years ago

@Aitch748_the_Дeplorable Don’t be such a cocktease, tell us why, my good friend.

Reply to  The Critical G
6 years ago

I can only guess that they kept getting kicked out of places because they kept causing problems for the people who lived there. Kind of like how, if everybody in a town hates this one person, maybe the problem isn’t all the haters, maybe the problem is HIM?

Anyway, I made a spreadsheet listing where and when Jews were expelled from places, based on info I found on Gab (if will allow the link). Feel free to download and comment.


The Critical G
The Critical G
Reply to  Aitch748
6 years ago

EDIT: I considered whether I was too harsh on you in my reply, especially in light of your stated age (53), but then I remembered how the intellectual laziness on display in your argument and spreadsheet, which typifies JQ proponents, makes it almost impossible to find sensible persons to discuss the JQ with. I would rather not call you stupid or unbalanced, but a man of your age should know better. I hope you take the time to remove from your spreadsheet the entries that make a joke of it, and also work out a compelling argument. I guarantee you,… Read more »

Reply to  The Critical G
6 years ago

Is this an example of the culture of critical theory?

Reply to  The Critical G
6 years ago

In other words, DISQUALIFY!!! How very SJW like of you.

Reply to  The Critical G
6 years ago

(1) It’s amazing how you can spend paragraphs implying that I’m “stupid or unbalanced” while missing the point. The spreadsheet is a list of expulsions (successful or attempted), and most entries give a source; the spreadsheet doesn’t analyze WHY Jews were expelled. That’s why I began my reply to you about why Jews kept getting expelled with “I can only guess.” (2) You don’t actually ever say that any of the entries are wrong, i.e., that Jews were NOT expelled from such-and-such a place in such-and-such a year. You claim that line 330 is “the most strikingly stupid.” You pour… Read more »

Reply to  Aitch748
6 years ago

thats Step 1 Aitch748, if you persist in bringing up subjects that make Critical G uncomfortable he’ll have no choice but to call you a raging antisemite who’s worse than Hitler.

Reply to  Aitch748
6 years ago

Right, so you’ve been looking seriously into this topic for all of 3 months now, but we should just take your views as the last word on the topic. While the democratization of knowledge and opinion is a huge net positive, it also leads to people dramatically overestimating their own intelligence and abilities to comprehend and analyze complicated issues. That’s why when people don’t agree with their generally monocausal and simplistic views, the anti-Semites of the alt right (who compose essentially none of the serious scholars in the movement, besides MacDonald), respond with autistic screeching reminiscent of SJWs. Anybody truly… Read more »

Reply to  FleurduLine
6 years ago

Funny how you lament SJW tactics, yet here you are with your very own version of DISQUALIFY!!!

dead letter office
dead letter office
6 years ago

You are clearly familiar with the topic and you have articulated your views and conclusions clearly. However, it strikes me as a bit of a conversation with Lawrence the Scarecrow — a IRL straw man — that serves as a frame within which you can deny that you are anti-Semitic. Basically, ya’ll are more critical of Jews than I am; therefore, ya’ll are the anti-Semite and I am the rational thinker. I mean, where’s the line? Do I cross the line into ‘anti-Semitism’ if I have different conclusions on group selection theory? I appreciate and respect your views because they… Read more »

Reply to  dead letter office
6 years ago

Zman made me see that libertarianism doesn’t scale beyond ingroup- you should see what he was doing to us! Ovens don’t describe it.

John Derbyshire
6 years ago

I didn’t call MacDonald [sic] “The Marx of the Anti-Semites.” That was the editor. Title-wise, writers propose, editors dispose. I submitted that review under the title “The Jew Thing.” http://www.johnderbyshire.com/Reviews/HumanSciences/cultureofcritique.html

6 years ago

One question that the anti-anti Semites never seem to be able to answer is… How is having a ruling elite that is composed of a tribe that is hostile to me and my people good for me? If it makes no difference who our rulers are then we can replace the Jews with high IQ Indians and Chinese and everything will totally work out fine. Oh wait, that is what we are currently doing. Wanting to be ruled by your own people does not mean that you hate every other tribe. Mr Z states that he is not a racist,… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Perhaps the best historical example of a population being ruled by a hostile elite would be England after the Norman invasion. That was not exactly a stable society or happy time for the Anglo Saxons. It took the 100 years war, that cut off the Norman nobility’s connections to France, to finally force them to assimilate into Anglo culture. As bad as the Normans were, at least they did not bring in a bunch of foreigners to try and replace the native stock.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Rosie_73
6 years ago

Rosie; That’s a good historical example of rule by a hostile minority elite and there are many more. Spartans ruling over Helots, Mughals in India, English in Ireland, Vikings (the original Ros) over what’s now Russia, Mongols and _____(fill in your favorite steppe tribe) in China, the ‘Tartar Yolk’ in Russia. Broadly, there seem to be three patterns: 1. The conquering minority assimilates, as you point out, in England with the Normans, Russia with the Scandanavians and China (over and over again) with the various steppe tribes. 2. (Temporary) Rule by separatist oppression as in Sparta (a vey looong temporary… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
6 years ago

Great points. I agree that intermarriage and assimilation is slowly working on the Jews, just like it did with the Normans in England and Vikings in Russia. Given time, the issue would have fixed itself. The problem now is that the gates have been thrown open and a lot of other unassimilable people have been invited in. The Somalis will never assimilate into Minnesota and Indians are not going to assimilate into Northern California. As Z is fond of saying…“this will not end well.”

Reply to  Al from da Nort
6 years ago

Now that’s more like it.
Ironically, I almost wish we were having spirited debates on Spartan media, Mongol economists, or Rus Viking revolutionary movements.

Reply to  Al from da Nort
6 years ago

Agreed. A good model might be for high fertility communities of quietist Hasidim to continually boil off more secular minded to enrich the nation. That’s what be a truly symbiotic relationship could look like. At current intermarriage rates, we seem to be evolving in that direction.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Rosie_73
6 years ago

They didn’t need to; within a few years of arriving (say, four years) they had taken over virtually 100% of the assets in Britain.

Patriotic American Jew
Patriotic American Jew
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago


6 years ago

My feeling on the JQ: You will never convince Jews in general that the anti-Semites are partially correct, and you will never convince the anti-semites that they are not totally correct. To engage the issue is to court an argument with two groups who will not give, regardless of what evidence you proffer in rebuttal. Real-world example: I remember one day my Jewish professor saying it was an anti-semitic conspiracy theory to claim Jews were behind the cosmopolitan-mercantile culture of Berlin; when I raised my hand, and he called on me (he liked me) I said that, as a matter… Read more »

Reply to  joey+junger
6 years ago

The “Jews are behind literally everything!” crowd seems to be a very vocal minority of “anti-semites”(whatever that means)
in my eyes. I am actually surprised and disappointed that Duke reacted that way.

6 years ago

Jews are assholes but they don’t have a meeting at the synagogue to discuss how to take over the world. To be honest I’ve had enough of Jews. I wouldn’t mind never talking about them again, but that doesn’t mean I want to shove them into an oven.

Reply to  DFCtomm
6 years ago

I strongly suspect there are a great deal of alternatives between choosing never to talk about Jews again or choosing to shove them into (preheated) ovens. Decisions, decisions.

Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

Agreed. If they’re helping us pull the oars is one thing. If they’re the smartest guys in the room for our opponents, well then it’s always quickest when you take the head off the snake.
Their choice. It doesn’t get any fairer than that.

Patriotic American Jew
Patriotic American Jew
Reply to  DFCtomm
6 years ago

Well, thanks for that I guess

Reply to  Patriotic American Jew
6 years ago

You can be expect to get treated like everyone else. Until you cock it up, then you get treated in an entirely different way. Not personal, just business. I liked your comment earlier about fighting for your country, I hope you pick the same side I’m on.

Mr. Frosty
Mr. Frosty
6 years ago

There is truth in stereotypes, otherwise they wouldn’t exist. You can go pretty much anywhere in the world and say “Wow, that Jew really Jewed me” and the locals will know exactly what you mean.

It’s the sociopathic nature of the Jew that makes him such a threat. Of course, not every Jew is a sociopath, but the pornography and the endless lies demonstrate an overall sociopathic nature. Either this trait was selected for, or inbreeding caused genetic damage.



6 years ago

You didn’t give a specific definition of anti-semite, so I guess it means irrationally blaming everything bad in society on Jews. But I can go through just the last month where the NRA is anti-semetic, if you aren’t a rabid philo-zionist you are anti-semetic, and if you don’t think Caitlyn Jenner is all-American, and even better an example of how everyone should be toward Israel https://www.timesofisrael.com/caitlyn-jenner-receives-jewish-groups-champion-of-israel-award-at-ny-gala/ you are anti-semetic. That is the problem. You don’t get to define the term rationally when others have been defining it for years as anything against whatever any Jews, some group of Jews, or… Read more »

Patriotic American Jew
Patriotic American Jew
Reply to  tz1
6 years ago

Well, there is no real conspiracy amongst Jews as far as I can tell – but the rest of your post is thought-provoking

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Patriotic American Jew
6 years ago

We.Get.It. You aren’t one of the elite Jews that has been socialized to be a negative parasitic force on your host. However, with your 50th defensive response, explaining your NAXALT special snowflakeness, you’re becoming just as unlikeable. I like my Jews honest and straight forward, without any pitiful/annoying defensiveness. There are a handful who have told me some straight dope about life, about Jews, about a lot of things, since I was very young. In fact, the person who “red-pilled” me on the “JQ” was an elderly Jewish politician, a man with some considerable clout, back in the day. He… Read more »

Klark Sunshine
Klark Sunshine
6 years ago

I don’t think Jews are hostile. They are unequivocally subversive and ethnocentric. It’s not so much that they purposely seek to ruin the host, its that they never purposely try to get along with it. They really are high functioning gypsies. White Protestants, Catholics, and Lutherans are settlers. In other words, cosmopolitan rootlessness is incompatible with settlement. Family structure, wealth extraction rather than wealth settlement, rootless shell companies rather than lasting community investment via the regional bank, vile (((porn)))… All incompatible. Very truthy, cannot be denied.

Reply to  Klark Sunshine
6 years ago

Excellent. So well said.
Different operating systems indeed.

Patriotic American Jew
Patriotic American Jew
Reply to  Klark Sunshine
6 years ago

And this folks, is the very type person the article was written about. I got news for you Klark, there is a subset of Jews who are not all of those things – and you’re ‘lumping us all into the same pot’ makes you sound like an idiot… although I don’t think you are. Think things through a little more before you post.

Reply to  Patriotic American Jew
6 years ago

Just because you might be different doesn’t mean he is wrong about the majority

Reply to  Patriotic American Jew
6 years ago

Jeez, you’re as bad as Tax slave with your monomania.

6 years ago

I agree that “its (only) the jews” is a vastly troglodyte appoach to solve all the “wests” problems. However its brain popping to recogonise how many jews are in and have been leading the anti-european/anti-white movements over time and today. The obvious conclusion is that “jews” are not part of our european race (although they like our money).

Capitalism is the only problem!

Reply to  Berk
6 years ago

What Europeans see as a metaphysical bedrock of existence, Jews see as a word game for naive children. Jews can say one thing and do/believe another in ways Europeans cannot.

Imagine two domesticated dogs. Both act the part. One dog thinks he serves a great master and earns his keep barking at strange noises. The other dog knows his keep depends on pleasing his master and acting the part.

The second dog will appear the better dog to the master and the first dog will come to resent the second dog for not being a true-believer.

Old Surfer
Old Surfer
Reply to  Ivan
6 years ago

Envy probably has more than a little to do with it.

Reply to  Old Surfer
6 years ago

Envy as a reason makes no sense because there is no such hatred against successful Asians or any other successful group there.

Old Surfer
Old Surfer
Reply to  Anon
6 years ago

Seriously? No hatred or resentment against asians? Chinese are called”the jews of the pacific” and it’s not a compliment in places like Fiji or Polynesia. Even in Hawaii there’s intolerance, though it often goes both ways.
Envy is a powerful emotion.

Din C. Nuffin
Din C. Nuffin
6 years ago

Spending several hours preparing a presentation to a firm with a Mormon purchasing agent, and watching my Mormon competitor receive the contract even though his product is inferior, is frustrating, even though I personally like most Mormons I know. I seem to be playing a “Business” game, while they play “crony”. The Jews are world masters of “Crony”. They occasionally pay a price. (The Mormons got run out of Illinois. Non-members sometimes get testy.) Team up with another poker player sometime and watch the reaction of the losing players when they realize why they lost.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Now extrapolate that out to the hiring of professors, judges, major media (Ted Turner got same treatment as you when he tried to buy Viacom back in 90s), Fed Reserve chairs (hedge funds live or die by Fed actions; academic paper has proven that Fed leaks info so consistently as to be predicted by market movement before an announcement; 14 of top 20 hedge fund managers are jewish), political influence, etc. etc. Now realize all those people in all those positions of power have no scruples about using that power for the advancement of their group at the expense of… Read more »

6 years ago

“Jews have followed the pattern of all minority populations and gravitated to the people in charge, seeing them as protectors.”

And when there is a change over of people in charge, they can get burned.

Jews were highly valued as scribes, clerks, accountants, and administrators in the early Muslim caliphates. They got stuff done and left the Muslims in charge with plenty of time to spend with their harems. When the Muslims got kicked out of Spain, the Jews suddenly found themselves deeply unpopular.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Drake
6 years ago

Drake; They also played the role of financiers for the various feudal rulers in Europe during the middle ages and for the same (not-so-optional) reasons. The office was known as das Hofjude or the court Jew. It was not specifically a term of opprobrium but rather the title for a highly useful functionary in most courts of any size. That functionary was was necessary because the Church in the middle ages had outlawed ‘usury’ which they defined narrowly as lending money for any/high interest, depending. Now, in addition to compensating for the time value of money, loan interest must always… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
6 years ago

So important. On the one hand, it evolved into making risk predictable- leading to present day pension systems. On the other hand, mugs like me suspect that it fed an appetite for warmaking. Once those debts could be laid off on the national populace- the Anglo-Dutch system of ‘national debt’- one needn’t worry about the king losing, dying, or being deposed. A two-edged sword. As with so many Jewish ideas. They seem comfortable with exploiting ridiculously dangerous territory. In this case, if the king lived, he might pogrom his way out of debt. If he fell, his tax collecters would… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

PS- about that commodity based loan sharking, what we call ‘commodity futures’: rice futures go back as far as written records in China. Another mercantile culture.

Inventory might have been the origin of writing, whether cuneiform or ideogram.
Trader magic.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago


Trader magic for sure, but mostly ruler magic. How ya gonna’ feed al yo war horses if ya don know iffn Brown Knight of Misthaufen paid his dues dis year ar no’_?

Marquis of Swampsea be lookin yo way, Ya gonna need dem ponies ready ta ride. How manni dem I gots anyho_?

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Al from da Nort
6 years ago

No usury and no women voting-proof the Moz aren’t wrong about everything.

Plus, it’s gonna be interesting watching them convert all those feminist cat ladies in Europe to Sharia law.
Things are really starting to get dicier and dicier over on the Rape Isles.
Not much longer now before it breaks.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
6 years ago

Z Man; Adam sure was right about this thread opening the spillway gates and creating a flood of ‘whatever’. I get people being angry, feeling like they’re being conned by somebody pushing their ‘white guilt’ button for their own gain at your expense. But it’s no different with the large black female panhandler at the local grocery store. Her con is that ‘you raaassis’ unless you drop an Abe or Alexander on her. Difference is, I’m long past jumping for my wallet when she or her ilk pushes the ‘white guilt’ button. I just smile and waive goodby. Works the… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
6 years ago

You destroy the social cohesion provided by some hard-to-define but easy-to-see White Christian foundation, and this is how things come out. The Mainline Christian denominations bailed out on the agreed-upon foundations to sow greener pastures among the non-white and non-settled gender and gender preference crowds, and there you go. That’s how the “cloud” lets people get away with it.

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

They certainly cheered us on for murdering our ancestral continent, too. Assured us we had done the right thing. Now, time for some Civil Rights!

Reply to  Al from da Nort
6 years ago

“Hell, how is this different from the feminists_? They demand equality when it’s to their advantage and chivalry when that’s to their advantage.”
I am for Jews having Israel though, all people should have a homeland.

6 years ago

Has anyone noticed that we are using the term “anti-Semite” incorrectly? Taken literally, “anti-Semite” would imply ‘against semites’, all semites. That is, members of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs, but also include others. Yet, it seems that the term “anti-Semite” has had its definition molested to mean only ‘anti-jew’. Who benefits from this? I suspect it is the antigoyim crowd. If one dislikes Judaism and jewish people, which would be a religious issue and not a racist one, then one should be referred to as ‘antijew’. However,… Read more »

6 years ago

What galls me most-
That bolshie anarchists demand that we apologise to them.

That people who were here first- including western Jews- bow down and explain themselves to THEM.

That we must prove our good intentions!
To arrogant, hostile squatters!

Klark Sunshine
Klark Sunshine
6 years ago

December 17, 1862, General Ulysses Grant wrote to the Assistant Adjutant General of the US Army: “I have long since believed that in spite of all the vigilance that can be infused into post commanders, the specie regulations of the Treasury Department have been violated, and that mostly by the Jews and other unprincipled traders. So well satisfied have I been of this that I instructed the commanding officer at Columbus to refuse all permits to Jews to come South, and I have frequently had them expelled from the department. But they come in with their carpet-sacks in spite of… Read more »

Reply to  Klark Sunshine
6 years ago

So, they are good traders? And have been for a long time as they didn’t fit into the slots of medieval Europe.

Klark Sunshine
Klark Sunshine
Reply to  Drake
6 years ago

(((Progressive projection)))

Reply to  Drake
6 years ago

Slaveherders are always sharp traders.
The herd feels differently at gelding, harvest, and culling time.

Greg Bacon
Greg Bacon
6 years ago

Pay no attention to the ‘Semites’ behind that curtain that are in charge of the FED, the US Treasury, Hollywood, the MSM, have pretty much taken over State and Tubby the Grifter’s WH. Pay no attention that the ones cheering for the complete destruction of Syria, then on to Iran, are mostly neo-CON Jews. Pay no attention that the ones cheering on the Muslim invasion of Europe and demanding that more be let in are Jews. Yes, pay no attention to those FACTS, because that would be anti-Semitic and by golly, we can’t have those GOYIM thinking for themselves. From… Read more »

6 years ago

The Jews are a symptom so to speak. They’re great game players, they’re smart enough to figure out the game of life and work it to their advantage. I respect that. I respect that they look out for each other as well. I wish whites would do the same. But they didn’t cause the destruction of Europe and it’s colonial empires – the European elite did that. Jewish bankers didn’t create NAFTA and hollow out the white American middle-class, it was a bunch of CFR Ivy League educated WASPs under daddy Bush that got the globalization and off-shoring of industry… Read more »

Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

Don’t you think that the jew-dominated education system that those elites attended had anything to do with it? 1971: “Twenty-five percent of Ivy League school professors are Jews noted Dr. Seymour Martin Lipset, professor of government and sociology at Harvard University. Speaking before a division of the 1971 Allied Jewish Appeal-Israel Emergency Fund campaign here, Dr. Lipset discussed the role of the Jew in the academic community…” https://www.jta.org/1971/04/22/archive/harvard-professor-says-25-percent-of-ivy-league-school-professors-are-jewish “Elana Kagan, now a Supreme Court justice, was appointed to Dean of Harvard Law School by the Jewish President at the time, Lawrence Summers. Kagan went on to give over 50 percent… Read more »

Reply to  Zorost
6 years ago

It’s not just the Ivy League. Jews completely dominated the university department where I received my degree back in the sixties.

Patriotic American Jew
Patriotic American Jew
Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

More ‘complete domination’. Wrong wrong wrong. The Z-man is correct in stating ‘over-represented’ wrt to general population. Your incorrect statement betrays you to be one of Z-Mand’s Anti-Semites ergo. irrational.

Patriotic American Jew
Patriotic American Jew
Reply to  Zorost
6 years ago

“Jew dominated” …”25% of professors” you discard your whole main premise in your second sentence rendering the rest of your post meaningless.

Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

Right. Iimmigration is all due to big business wanting cheap labor. That’s why you see see all these Progressive Democrats fighting so hard for cheap labor. Nothing at all about changing the demographics of the country.

Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

I’m coming to hate political apologia- excuse me, unscalable Jewish economic theory- such as Schumpeter’s creative destuction.
Neighborhood and tradition mean nothing to them.

Patriotic American Jew
Patriotic American Jew
Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

‘Jewish Economic Theory’. Hmmm – was it all written and implemented exclusively by Jews then? Go back and read the article above.

Reply to  Patriotic American Jew
6 years ago

I certainly hesitated writing that.
Then I considered who dominated the field. I’m looking at economics in a new iight as well as history.

But you’re right, I had to read it again.
I see that Z delivered another haymaker that I didn’t see.
Those slippery, clever Jesuit devils.

The Critical G
The Critical G
6 years ago

This will be required reading for all my redpilled friends. The JQ is of great personal interest to me, and I have thought long and hard about it. Ultimately, I think Jews should be looked upon as foreigners, and that foreigners – just like other European foreigners in the English-speaking countries – should be treated with suspicion. If there were a party that promised to revoke my citizenship and force me to go back to Israel AND do the same to Europeans (Greeks, Italians, etc) I would vote for them.
t. Redpilled Jew

Patriotic American Jew
Patriotic American Jew
Reply to  The Critical G
6 years ago

HuH? I am an American Patriot, 2A advocate and a veteran. I also happen to be Jewish. I am middle class and come from very humble stock. My fathers family was murdered in the holocaust. Wanna try relocating me from the country that I and my Dad (WWII) fought for?? -Bring it assholes.

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Patriotic American Jew
6 years ago

Pssst. Just as an aside, we didn’t win WW2.
We didn’t “win” anything.
There were no winners, only losers.

My family has fought in every war since this country’s founding. Which one(s) did we win?

Reply to  Patriotic American Jew
6 years ago

another holocaust whine. This, like the race card, is losing any power it once had cause you guys played almost as often as blacks cry racism.

6 years ago

These things are all paradigms with a certain amount of explanatory power. If the information available fits into the paradigm, it seems to be working and retains that power. Once the information begins to run counter to the paradigm, it is no longer viable. Since, in this case we are dealing with human behaviors that tend to exist in statistical distributions that are not measured, the observational information is entirely subject to perspective and frame of reference, so specific tests of validity are not possible; one exception cannot be construed to invalidate the rule. Unless one so desires, of course.… Read more »

Slovenian Guest
Slovenian Guest
6 years ago

It’s counter semite z, counter!

How do you critique the ADL&APAC then, and not be antiass?

That’s the problem, it makes you more of an ass when right.

Just like crime stats are more racis’ than memes, much more!

George Orwell
George Orwell
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Consider the following about holocaust revisionism amongst those devoted to the anti-Semitic question: if you could prove to their satisfaction that it happened exactly as advertised and the concentration camps were actually concentration camps and not places for resort vacations, it would still not alter in any way their views of the Jewish question. I prefer Jim Goad’s point of view on the matter. Yes, it happened, however compared to the many millions of non-Jews in many other places and times who were victims of slaughter, it seems peculiar to focus on this one single event, for example the case… Read more »

Reply to  George Orwell
6 years ago

No. It would matter. It mattered, deeply, to all of us Boomers. It defined our worldview. 8000 Holocaust museums means deportation, or even some degree of seperation, are not possible. Our rage comes from the fact that we, as a people, a generally very good and decent people, were lied to. Lied to. Lied to. Our moral systems are now devoted to sustaining lies, rather than reaching higher. Fixing problems. Finding what works. The dishonesty is killing us, erasing all we have built. We, unique, are becoming like all the rest of this degraded, feral world. Ruled by liars in… Read more »

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

Funny how in a country filled w/Ulster Scots, or Scots-Irish, we NEVER get beautiful films depicting the true causes of the Irish Potato Famine. All of us half-breed potato niggers never get to see the horrors that our ancestors were subjected to, rolled out, year after year, yet 2% of the pop of Johnny-come-lately Euro Jews, and the 13% pop that *DEFINTELY* doesn’t need to be constantly kept astir with thoughts of cotton pickin’ & Ol’ Massa, do. Funny how I’ve never heard a single Boomer get emotionally overwrought over the Holodomor. I wasn’t born until ’66, so I’m not… Read more »

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Zeroh Tollrants
6 years ago


Knowledge of the many crimes of communism was actively suppressed by the Left in every part of the West of all ethnicities until the fall of the USSR temporarily opened the archives ca 1990.

Post Putin it is once again a crime in Russia to make Mother Russia look bad in any way, present or past.

Reply to  George Orwell
6 years ago

I agree there has been more than one holocaust. I refuse to watch another movie about the Jewish holocaust until Hollywood covers some other holocaust ground.

Reply to  DFCtomm
6 years ago

Hotel Rwanda?
What we need is one about the (historical) Young Turks killing the Armenians …

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  NAJALT
6 years ago

Not to defend the Turk roaches, but Armenians really are dollar store Jews.

Reply to  Zeroh Tollrants
6 years ago

Love ya, but they aren’t importing Turks by the boatload.

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

In my country they are

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Yes, that would make a good separate post.
The best indication of just how cultlike anti-Semitism is at present are the responses on Twitter to the just-published paper by Nathan Cofnas.

That paper can and should be critiqued, as all scholarly arguments can and should be, but the shrieking hysteria which with it was greeted demonstrate that we are in fact dealing with a cult, one that MacDonald himself as a serious scholar probably isn’t very happy about.

Reply to  FleurduLine
6 years ago

“Anti-semitic” as in tearing him a new asshole? A guy quoting Frankfurt School Marcuse as an authority?

Of course Jews are supremely intelligent!
Seeing as how 2 Jewish psychiatric scientists invented the I.Q. tests to help socialists Dewey and Cole ‘reform’ the nation’s school system.

Can’t wait for Zman’s post on this.

Reply to  FleurduLine
6 years ago

“…shrieking hysteria which with it was greeted demonstrate…”

To be fair, there are few things on twitter which see anything but a shrieking and hysterical response. Only topics of no consequence would miss the mark.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

We’re just making it up?

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Antisemitism by the ADL definition is simply the existence of gentiles with their own opinions. Using a better definition like “actively seeking to harm Jews,” would make the phenomenon very difficult to discuss as even most outspoken critics of us don’t advocate a pogrom solution.

So far as cults go the most virulent strains of antisemitism are pretty weak. I’m far more concerned about the cult influence of Jordan Peterson.

Patriotic American Jew
Patriotic American Jew
Reply to  Issac
6 years ago

Completely agree with this sentiment – when leftists took over the ADL the organization lost all credibility

6 years ago

This idea of being an “anti-semite” is as foolish as the notion that one can be a “racist”. They are both nonsense terms. Both are artificial labels used by Jews as psychological tools against Whites (particularly Christian Whites)! …All irony aside, I really do not understand how educated and intelligent people can allow themselves to be labelled with such a vacuous and really ignorant curse. Denying that one IS one of these imagined things gives it undeserved validity. Do all of you also introduce yourselves by disclaiming that you have a demon? Who’s asking? It’s odd. In the case of… Read more »

Zeroth Tollrants
Zeroth Tollrants
6 years ago

Meh, I hate most people.

I am struck by one thing you said, talking about Yankee Progressives running America. So, basically, the Puritan Jews? 😁

Other than outward physical features, (and maybe surname), how does one go about differentiating the two?

Wait until December to see if they put a menorah or Christmas tree up?

I propose we do away with both sets, just to be sure. I’ve always felt quite strongly about equality and fairness.

Reply to  Zeroth Tollrants
6 years ago

There’s a reason Catholics call them “judeo-protestants”. I wasted half a day trying to uncover more about Calvin’s funders in Geneva. More hints today that others know more, with the same conclusion.

Two ruthless strains feeding each other.
Yankee smugglers helping J slave merchants.
I see Pappy Bush and Georgy Soros keeping up the old traditions of Newport and Boston, where the Africans came in and the textiles went out.

I’m with you. “…and let God sort ’em out”.
Predators, unfortunately, gotta be sharp.
They enjoy outwitting the prey.

Reply to  Zeroth Tollrants
6 years ago

“how does one go about differentiating the two?” One group is sociopathically selfish and the other is strongly ethnocentric.

“I’ve always felt quite strongly about equality and fairness.” That’s how we know you’re a goy.

Zeroth Tollrants
Zeroth Tollrants
Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

My comment should be taken as it was meant, mostly tongue in cheek, but not fully.
Of course, especially you, FBI, If you’re monitoring my posts.

6 years ago

https://www.google.com/search?q=globalism+is+anti-semitic Between that and your previous post, there’s a reason ”anti-semitism” is on the rise.
Hi Wiskey! Here’s a podcast you might be interested in: https://therightstuff.biz/category/the-daily-shoah/

6 years ago

Those who think “anti-Semites taste Jews in their sandwich” might want to look at who was behind yesterday’s National Student Gun Grab: https://twitter.com/Somerset_Blvd/status/969791412408586241

Christopher S. Johns
Christopher S. Johns
6 years ago

Can I still be an anti-semite (with a small “s”) even though I don’t blame the Jews for everything?

Frankly, I can’t let pushy Jews hog all the glory for messing stuff up, not when blacks, women, and homosexuals loudly and proudly demand we acknowledge their respective roles (affirmative action in action) in turning a once great country into a shit hole.

6 years ago

Collective salvation vs individual salvation. This was the argument between the Hebrew priests and Christ. The 80% – 20% mentioned above is because of this historical difference in culture and faith.

6 years ago

We’ve had something in the neighborhood of 100 pogroms in the West. The ancient Babylonians, Akkadians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and probably many others also found the Jews troublesome.

They aren’t about to change their nature. We aren’t about to suddenly find their nature tolerable.

Let’s just separate and spare us both a lot of discomfort, irritation and bloodshed.

6 years ago

[…] a number of categories. One group wondered why I would go on a show run by anti-Semites, given that I am not an anti-Semite. My view is antisemitism is just an opinion, with the same moral currency as tastes in ice cream. […]

6 years ago

Letter to the Z Man
Spencer J. Quinn

“Dear Z Man,

Like most of your articles, I thought your “Letter to the Antisemites” from March 11 was perfectly reasonable and well-put, yet I believe it missed a few crucial points.”


6 years ago

We need another category called, “judeo-critic”, which would be someone who is not an anti-semite, but nevertheless shines a bright light on Jewish behavior. This needn’t be an “obsession”, just something one does as one of their interests. Think Steve Sailer.

6 years ago

I appreciate Zman’s warning that he doesn’t want his blog to be a raving echo chamber.

I cannot believe that a hapless humanity casually stumbles into epic wars and depressions.
Why are they determined to kill us this time?

I’m rather ashamed at my own contibutions.
Been pouring out my heart, as I am bereft.
Found out I’ve become David Duke, ffs.

I’d hoped to do better, with more focus on epigenetic economics, supranational infrastructure, and group mechanisms.

So limited. My apologies to Zman.
I keep telling myself to tone it down.

6 years ago

My intractable bias has always been to assess the people I meet as individuals as much as humanly possible. Rarely have I ever encountered anyone who was a genuine threat to me or (in my assessment) to the world-at-large. I’m not naive, I know these types of persons exist, but luckily I have largely avoided them. If we ever return to an environment of real hardship or existential threat, having intelligent friends and allies is not a bad thing.

Reply to  TomA
6 years ago

You err in thinking people are individuals. They are not. It’s an illusion of sorts compounded by modern economics and liberation philosophy. Biologically programmed behavior becomes very obvious in large racially homogenous groups as group-think overrides culturally programmed individualistic behaviors. This is why it has historically been illegal for outsider groups to congregate in large groups, lest the differences between peoples become too obvious and agitate the status quo. Go to the next black night at your local club. The blacks there will be displaying a completely different behavioral set than when you see them at the office or hardware… Read more »

Reply to  Ivan
6 years ago

Yes, I understand innate behaviors and the potential danger associated with herd activity. Situational awareness is a valuable survival skill, and I actively avoid the kind of tribal gatherings that you describe. More significantly, hive behavior is on the rise and these situations are becoming more prevalent, hence more difficult to avoid. Nevertheless, most of the time when we meet new people, it’s individual or close to it.

6 years ago

The term “antisemitism” is a propaganda phrase of Jewish Supremacy-it has no place among intelligent people (so-called Jews (an innapropriate term in the first place) today are not related to Abraham-these are ethnic groups that assimilated Phariseeism millineum ago)

6 years ago

[…] Letter to the Anti-Semites got a lot of action and more than a few complaints. In fact, there were so many comments, e-mails […]

6 years ago

Many seen to feel they must blame some . . . media-identified “label”. Such are the ones imprisoned by their own self-delusion. For those with “discernment” – even laughing at such is a waste of One’s time. IGNORE that which is of no “consequence”, AVOID [remain aware]/PARRY that of adverse/ill intent, NEUTRALIZE with whatever means available/necessary, that which represents an imminent threat to any-One else’s continuing personal “presence”/well-being.

6 years ago

It’s because they’re just smarter goyim!

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
6 years ago

Z Man; My final thoughts, FWIW. As a Christian, I have to be respectful of the fact that Jews have ‘persisted’ for over 3,500 years on the face of this messed-up earth, just like the Bible promises. How did that happen_? One ought not be a philo-semitic (or a philo- anything else but Jeshua the long-promised Messiah) but one ought to wonder if, *maybe*, there’s some ahistorical force or other involved in that persistence. I don’t know about you, but when I see some of the mono-maniacal obsessions with da Joos running and ruining everything but yet paradoxically so easily… Read more »

D&D Dave in the Bubble
D&D Dave in the Bubble
6 years ago

It’s what happens when they let people live in their heads “rent free”. Anti-Trumpism is the best example right now, but some of these anti-semists (and other groups) not to far behind.

Reply to  D&D Dave in the Bubble
6 years ago

That’s what happened to me.
I can’t seem to stop finding evidence that J-culture has had an overlarge hand in historical war and civil revolutions. On slavery economics. That communism is a secular religion, a version of Talmudic Tikkan Olam supremecism.
(Fix the world. It’s broken, because we should be on top. A natural to slaveraiders who select for such traits.)

It’s nearly like an SJW sniffing out white privilege.

But is it wrong?
Am I making it up?
What’s your cure?

Celebrating diversity and inclusion?
Struggle sessions?
Massacring Jebusites?

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

When it all gets too much, I just turn on the TV and watch the inevitable Seinfeld rerun. Oh, wait…

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

Dammit! I am trying to be insufferably smug here!

6 years ago

Jews are overrepresented on the left, but we’re hardly the majority of the left. Get rid of the Jewish sociopaths in Washington and Wall Street and you’ll just wind up being ruled by white sociopaths instead. I don’t really have a problem with anti semites holding us partially responsible for the decline of the west but many of them refuse to admit white people are responsible for most of it.

Reply to  nil
6 years ago

Whites govern through shame, thinking everyone else is equally susceptible to it. It worked when we were 90% white but is losing efficacy rapidly. Jews know that if they aren’t bothered by being shamed and they don’t egregiously break the law, they can do whatever they want. The holocaust fudd is simply weaponized shame-guilt and is useful as a canary in the coal mine. The coal mine being Western culture.

Patriotic American Jew
Patriotic American Jew
Reply to  nil
6 years ago

As a jew I completely agree with this – we are over-represented in loony circles but hardly the majority. And I do feel responsible partly (even though I have no relation to them) and ….embarrassed by them (again, even though I am not related to them).

Reply to  Patriotic American Jew
6 years ago

That’s a terrible argument. The sole reason Jews are not a majority on the left is because they are limited by the arithmetic of population. At any rate it is a small fraction of any organization that does the heavy lifting. What every Jew who Zeroh has referred to, and Issac, who comments here, have in common is this–they are not embarrassed by Jews because they maintain a detachment from that as a personal identity. So long as you remain embarrassed by Jews you are on the fence.

Reply to  james+wilson
6 years ago

It’s not supposed to make sense, it’s just supposed to obfuscate

Reply to  nil
6 years ago

Nil –
Yes. I am not Jewish and remain forever astonished at the number of whites who are utterly convinced that the Jews are the source of our problems. In order to believe that you have to believe that whites are stupid and easily duped into supporting what harms us. They don’t seem to grasp that we have plenty of whites who are more than happy to promote ideas that will destroy us in the end.

Garrett Timmermans
Garrett Timmermans
6 years ago

Out of curiosity (and being retired with time to pursuit it), I’ve spent a week watching YouTube videos on what critics of the official September 11th story say actually happened. Bottom line: it’s all the fault of the Jewish suspects, neoconservative plotters in the Bush administration, who, with the exception of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld are nefarious Jewish followers of the Jewish intellectual,Leo Strauss, and dual-citizen types more supportive of Israel than of America. Included also are the Jewish think tank members and Jewish businessmen who with alleged insider trading, happened to make a killing in the stock market or… Read more »

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
Reply to  Garrett Timmermans
6 years ago

Prepare to be covered in spittle from JQ loon rants.

Reply to  Tax Slave
6 years ago

Freudian slip of an abasement fantasy. You tipped your hand Woody Allen.

Reply to  Tax Slave
6 years ago

We heard you the first time, schmendrick

Reply to  Garrett Timmermans
6 years ago

The official 9/11 Truth movement purports only to explore what actually happened to the buildings and planes, not whodunnit. The who is a completely separate question that can’t begin to be answered until the what is established (which will probably never happen). The goal is simply to follow where the truth leads, whether unpalatable or not. It takes all kinds of conspiracy theorists.

Reply to  Robin
6 years ago

The “official” 9/11 Truth movement…

Words fail me.

Reply to  gebrauschund
6 years ago

Referring to Architects and Engineers-the granddaddy, so to speak, and the most organized of the Truthers.
“We do not know who the perpetrators of this crime are. Identifying the culprits is the purpose of a real criminal investigation. However, we are able to provide overwhelming evidence of a cover-up of this crime. ”
But, as I said, that ship has most likely sailed. There will never be a reinvestigation, so everything is up for speculation. Anyone can be a “conspiracy theorist”, including anti-semites. There are no admission requirements.

Reply to  gebrauschund
6 years ago

That’s them chemtrails startin to take hold!

Reply to  Garrett Timmermans
6 years ago

Nobody would have the slightest interest in muddying up that issue.

6 years ago


I wrote a similar piece a few month ago on this topic. Prepare yourself for a comments meltdown.

Reply to  Adam
6 years ago

Please share the URL

Reply to  Adam
6 years ago

Here ya go. Z, if linking is not cool just delete.


6 years ago

Excellent boomer post.

Reply to  Fitzgerald
6 years ago

You pissed the Boomer 😂

6 years ago

Nice work Z in kicking over the anthill, you do take a few chances here and that’s why I keep coming back despite all the jq zombies.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Thank you for that, Zman. I sometimes think that this is the only place I know where people are trying to find solutions rather than just admiring problems — or worse — fanning the flames.

Reply to  el_baboso
6 years ago

True. Where else do you see people who stand corrected? Change their minds?

Spud Boy
Spud Boy
6 years ago

I’m not Jewish, but I’m turned off by the anti-semitism I see on some Alt-Right web sites, particularly in the comments sections. As far as I can tell, Jews achieved their status in Western institutions on merit, not by claiming victimhood and demanding affirmative action and other handouts. My only issue with them is that they tend to vote Left, but I could say the same thing about single women.

Reply to  Spud Boy
6 years ago

Let’s grant for the sake of argument that Jews are intellectually superior to whites in every way. Nonetheless, they have been the driving and decisive force for open borders since the beginning of the twentieth century. What good is meritocracy if the most capable want to demographically replace the host population? Clearly, meritocracy cannot be the highest good or the final arbiter of policy, if one values the host population.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

Right. If someone is running me over with their car, I don’t really care if they stole it, got it from their dad, or bought it. The issue is what they are doing with it to me, now.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

“superior” is a strong world. I would say their brains and work ethic generally puts them in the top quartile.

Patriotic American Jew
Patriotic American Jew
Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

Huh? Your post is full of inaccuracies…. pick up a book

Reply to  Spud Boy
6 years ago

You must be a conservative.

Reply to  Spud Boy
6 years ago

I used to instinctively ignore antisemitic comments. Whenever I saw the J-word, I’d skip right over the comment. Why waste time with a raving lunatic.

That’s holy Holocaust conditioning.
The foundation of Boomer moral authority.

Then I asked myself, “Well, what are these loons bitching about? Why?”

So I decided to glance at some of their claims.
Thought it would be slightly entertaining, like reading a rave on reptilians or Satan or some such.

Wondering, really, what makes people bark what is obvious nonsense to all right-thinking people.
Of course we should bomb Saddam, amirite?

Reply to  Spud Boy
6 years ago

They didn’t achieve it be merit, they achieved it with ethnic nepotism. Check out the whole article for statistics, look up the sources if you doubt them.

“Elana Kagan, now a Supreme Court justice, was appointed to Dean of Harvard Law School by the Jewish President at the time, Lawrence Summers. Kagan went on to give over 50 percent of her faculty appointments at the most important, the pinnacle law school in America, to her fellow Jewish tribalists.”


Patriotic American Jew
Patriotic American Jew
Reply to  Zorost
6 years ago

So one exception proves the rule… NOT. <–Discredited by you're own utterances

Patriotic American Jew
Patriotic American Jew
Reply to  Spud Boy
6 years ago


Reply to  Patriotic American Jew
6 years ago

One study demonstrated a key difference: High verbal intelligence, suitable for scribes and courtiers. A legacy of millenia of alephbets and upper tiers. Asians showed a much higher degree of visuospatial (3D) intelligence. The dogged engineers following the orders of the king’s official. Jews tested in the average range, while Asians tested average in verbal. A legacy of millenia of ideograms. Smart. Focused with military intensity. Clever toungued. Independent. A very effective, dangerous enemy once it’s time to swap out the livestock. (Patriot, if that “This” had anything to do with me, I offer deep apology as you rightly love… Read more »