How Not To Be Boring

There are few things worse than conversing with a boring person. I’m not talking about quiet people. A person who keeps his own confidence is often thought of as mysterious or complex. Their silence makes them interesting. A boring person is almost always someone who talks a lot, revealing that they are not very interesting. Boring people are such a menace, that there is a whole area of etiquette about politely getting away from the boring guy at a social event.

So, what makes a person boring?

More important, how can you avoid being seen as a boring person?

The first thing you notice about boring people is they never seem to have a point to their stories and anecdotes. Stories must have a point. No one cares about what you had for lunch, unless it was something bizarre or unusual. If you had a delicious turkey club for lunch, that’s not something anyone wants to know. Now, if the waiter stripped naked and ran screaming into the street after serving you that delicious turkey club, then you have a story with a point. That’s an amusing tale.

Your stories and anecdotes don’t have to be amusing.  What’s important is you have some reason for telling the story. This is a courtesy to the listener. By having a point, you are showing respect to the listener, whether it it by sharing information with them or making them laugh with an amusing story. When your stories are pointless recitations of mundane events, you are, whether you realize it or not, insulting the audience. At the minimum, you are wasting their time, which is just as bad.

You should also avoid unnecessary details. That story about the waiter stripping down and running into the street is a good example. If you spend five minutes describing the menu and the turkey sandwich, then thirty seconds on the naked man, you made an amusing tale into misery for your listeners. Sure, a little setup to the big reveal is a good way to create tension, but a little goes a long way. In a social setting, a good story is one that avoids extraneous details.

The easiest way to avoid loading up your sixty second story with ten minutes of tedium is to never explain the obvious. This is the most common error boring people make when telling a story. For some reason, they think they need to explain what everyone on earth has known since childhood. In the case of our turkey club, the boring person will actually explain what he means by turkey club or maybe even talk about the history of the turkey club. When in doubt, skip it.

Another way to avoid being the boring guy everyone avoids is to never tell a story that requires a back story. Boring people often start a story that should last three minutes, then veer into a long back story. For example, the they will veer into a story about how they met their lunch companion in the turkey club story. The result is a dull story about the lunch companion, plus a dull description of the turkey club. This is misery for listeners and is an unacceptable price for the pay-off.

The boring also have a funny habit of talking over people. They ignore the little things others do to signal to the boring that they need to stop talking. The boring are strangely competitive in their dullness. If you notice people starting to speak as soon as you take a breath, or they start looking at their phones, you are the boring guy. You are not going to improve this situation by talking louder or talking over any interruptions. Take the hint and wrap up your story.

A good way to stop yourself from being that guy is to always invite others to tell their story or comment on the topic of conversation. People will find your turkey club story more interesting if you showed interest in their lunch story. A little active listening goes a long way. It not only keeps you from droning on about the delicious turkey club, it makes you seem more interesting to others. Boring people are selfish people, in that they are only interested in their point of view, in far too much detail.

Finally, if it is a story you tell often and the listener is someone you know well, assume you told them the story, because you almost certainly did. Start with “If I told this before, stop me” or maybe, “I probably told this story before…” This gives them the right to stop you from boring them with the 80th retelling. This is a courtesy to the listener and it makes you seem more interesting. This is flattering to the listener and and they will think better of you for it.

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Tax Slave
6 years ago

Zman, did you hapoen to run into George Will?

Reply to  Tax Slave
6 years ago

A never-ending kvetch is the foremost judeo-christian value.

Random Dude on the Internet
Random Dude on the Internet
6 years ago

Another way to not be boring in 2018: stop talking about craft beer. Craft beer is no longer interesting and hasn’t been interesting for some time now.

Reply to  Random Dude on the Internet
6 years ago

I’m reading Witness by Whittaker Chambers and when he describes his shabby genteel upbringing he says the three rules that his mother taught him growing up is gentlemen never discuss religion, money and food. Food? That’s a new one to me. I was taught about religion and money in my shabby genteel upbringing but it was almost 70 years later. I guess the food one dropped off

Point being, I agree. Let’s stop talking about food and craft beer so much. It’s really tedious

L. Beau Macaroni
L. Beau Macaroni
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

When someone calls himself “progressive” I hear “asshole.”
When someone calls himself “woke” I hear “nutty ignorant asshole.”
When someone calls himself a “foodie” I hear “bore.”

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Easy there, Z. I consider myself a “foodie”. All it really means is that I appreciate good food and wine, know how to cook, and prefer to eat at home because my food is better than what I can get in a restaurant. And a hell of a lot cheaper, too.

Boston B. Tocks
Boston B. Tocks
Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

Enjoy. Go forth and shill for Dionysus.
I Just Do Not Want to have to hear you talk about it… I certainly wouldn’t ever listen.

Reply to  Boston B. Tocks
6 years ago

I don’t talk about it. I also don’t talk about cabinet making, wilderness hiking, diving, and skiing. Unless I’m around like minded folks.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Contract brewing is now a massive business. Would love to be a fly on the wall in one of those factories…

Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

“We make hte absolute best artisanal craft beer in the same factory that produces Black Label. Sounds like a grift and a sell-out, but it is actually cool, because we are having it brewed next to Black Label ironically.”

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

My wife works for a craft brewing company. You’re not far off Z. They’re beers are pretty good but they also brew for some of the German discount retailers. There’s a small difference in hop percentage but minimal in taste. I like trying different food and beers from around the World but what crept in through the last 10 years was the ostentatious hipsterism and pointless snobbery. Piety through consumption is the rite of liberalism.

Juss Saeyin
Juss Saeyin
Reply to  Shane
6 years ago

Three/four years ago shopping observed a proper looking fellow with round spectacles and a bow tie place a single six pack of Becks in his buggy. How proper, made in Bremen, he must have been thinking… Didn’t expend the breath to inform him to check the finest tiniest print there on the bottle – see, right there… made in New York by Anheuser-Busch/InBev. This one’s for you! – And… has InBev bought out your local microbrewery like they have ours?

Juss Saeyin
Juss Saeyin
Reply to  Shane
6 years ago

Shane wrote, “There’s a small difference in hop percentage but minimal in taste.” As alluded to, three/four years ago I ordered a Becks in a restaurant and took a sip and thought, “Blaghh – what’s this piss-water?” Hence, reading the bottle label and my quick education —

Reply to  Juss Saeyin
6 years ago

“Blaghh – what’s this piss-water?”

When people say that, it always begs the question: “How would you know? Have you ever drank piss water?”

Juss Saeyn
Juss Saeyn
Reply to  Roy
6 years ago

Well there’s always that………..

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Yep. Take a bottle of concentrated hop juice with a teaspoon of fermented barley malt mixed in, put a wise-assed label on it and you’ve got a craft beer.

Reply to  Random Dude on the Internet
6 years ago

Well, if you hand me a cold craft beer, you’ll immediately have my full attention. I’ll even listen to you talk about for a few minutes.

6 years ago

This is tangential to the “boring” issue as such, but relevant to the “repeats the same stories” comments. Ever since I can remember, certain triggers (such as the sight of a particular building) would result in my father repeating some associated story or anecdote, pretty much without any point or relevance to whatever else was going on at the time. As an example, on driving past the house at 52 Linden Street, “You know, your ‘uncle’ David lived there on the second floor when we were graduate students together.” Sounds innocuous, but after the 200th or so repetition it gets… Read more »

6 years ago

This post should be the first page in every HR communications training manual. And then you could throw away the rest of the manual.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
6 years ago

The most annoying person is the one who happens to sit next to you when you’re both with a larger group and corners you, talking quietly about something boring while you’re trying to listen and participate with the more entertaining larger group. I think everyone knows someone like that.

6 years ago

There’s got to be a story behind how “How Not to be Boring” became today’s blog post.

Bill Jones
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

That’s never stopped you before….

6 years ago

There are some people who are more than just normally boring, they seem to have some sort of mental condition. I had a co-worker once that everyone did their best to avoid talking to. We worked with mainframe computers, and he was perfectly competent at his job. But he would explain an issue, then he would explain his explanation, then he would go back back and explain the problem again, and at some point you literally had to order him to stop talking, because there was no other way. One evening, just for kicks, I let him go on about… Read more »

Reply to  JEB
6 years ago

I had a similar co-worker from the tax department. His last name was McNabb, so we used to refer to the experience of getting cornered by him as being “McNabbed”. Even if you turned and walked away, he would follow you down the hall and keep talking. If you were the one being McNabbed, other co-workers would walk by and smile at you.

6 years ago

Z just did this so he could avoid naming the Jew. Coward!

Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago


I spent all day yesterday at work, toiling on this or that task for a salary…just so I could avoid naming the Jew.

6 years ago

A new form of boring person, thanks to the smartphone, is the person who has to go through all the pictures they took since the last time they saw you, and “share” all the wonderful experiences they had, none of which are interesting in the slightest.

Thanks, Steve Jobs!

6 years ago

The way things are going, we might have a whole new topic to bore each other with- after we win.
“This one time, during the second Civil War…”

Reply to  Tamaqua
6 years ago

Ha ha! “Oh gawd, the old man’s telling war stories agin…” as they hunted the ruins for their next victim and meal

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

“So there I was, at the Battle of San Francisco, when we were attacked by the notorious 25th Genderqueer Battalion! I’m telling you, they charged straight at us, rainbow flags flying, waving great purple dildos, crying and screaming at the sight of white men!

That’s when the artillery FO called out “immediate suppression” and 30 seconds later, the shells started impacting…”

Reply to  Tamaqua
6 years ago

Gives a whole new meaning to “turning tail”.

Reply to  Tamaqua
6 years ago

I don’t think they charged “straight”…just sayin

Reply to  RedoubtRenee
6 years ago

As my great gay friends said in 1988- “Never straight ahead, always gayly forward”

E. Lee Ghoulmehii
E. Lee Ghoulmehii
6 years ago

Years ago I coined, “talk victim”… its easy to identify the person scanning for potential talk victims. And when the “talker” successfully attaches to their talk victim, difficult to get them off. Particularly annoying is when a “talker” is a Leftist. “Well! Let me tell you what I heard on NPR!!!…” I think, STOP right there – you must pay me a $5 stupid tax if you’re going to blab about commie droolings you “heard on NPR.”

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

That was my father. He could make the most mundane things seem interesting and funny. My mother, on the other hand, could bore you to death complaining about what someone had said about her or did to her. And she had no sense of humor. Did I mention she ended up insane? Egad.

Dr, Dre
Dr, Dre
Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

I feel for you re: Mom w/ no sense of humor. Mine was mean but could be funny and got the joke, most times. Being around our family was generally a laff riot, lots of teasing (mean!) and ethnic jokes but def better than boring. I got the story telling bug in the 2nd grade when introduced to “Show & Tell.” Not sure they still have this in the elementary schools;-)

Reply to  Dr, Dre
6 years ago

So there I was again, sitting on the stool in the corner with the dunce cap, with duct tape over my mouth- until I learned I could lick the tape loose, so it would flap as I whispered, making the other kids laugh.

The good kid got to wake the others up after noon nap with the Magic Wand.
I wanted to be the Magic Fairy, and I never got to be the Magic Fairy.

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

Also, my first lesson in politics:

“Do you know who this picture is?”

“Nooo…” (abashed)

“That’s John F. Kennedy, the President of the United States. And do you know what the President would like you to do?”

“Nooo…” (worried)

“John F. Kennedy, the President of the United States, would like you to SHUT UP!!”

Dusty Bottoms
Dusty Bottoms
Reply to  E. Lee Ghoulmehii
6 years ago

In the Army we perfected what we called a “hand off”. If you were stuck as a “talk victim” from the “talker” you would find someone near by and bring them in with a point of interest “Phil, you used to eat turkey sandwiches right?” then back away and watch as the new “talk victim” realized his fate. It became a great game to play.

Reply to  E. Lee Ghoulmehii
6 years ago

I call it conversation rape.

6 years ago

To be a true bore, I think you have to be unable or unwilling to read the expressions and body language of your victims.

At work or in social situations, I always try to read my audience. If I see them losing interest, I get to the point fast then shut up.

6 years ago

Yeah, you just described both of my parents perfectly. My mom’s primary conversational sins are 1) pointless stories and 2) excessive detail and backstory. For example, she’s getting rid of an old car that no longer runs by donating it to one of those Kars 4 Kids-style charities. She asked me to meet the person who’s coming to tow it away and take care of signing over the title, which is fine. But of course, she can’t just ask me; instead, I have to hear the entire story of every interaction she’s had with them up to this point, including… Read more »

Spud Boy
Spud Boy
6 years ago

That post was boring.

Reply to  Spud Boy
6 years ago

Somebody wake me when this is over

E. Lee Ghoulmehii
E. Lee Ghoulmehii
Reply to  Spud Boy
6 years ago

Tisk, tisk – hatin on The Frip

Reply to  E. Lee Ghoulmehii
6 years ago

No, no! Thought Spud was spoofing the Z

6 years ago

I probably spend too much time in bars, but you do meet a variety of people. You learn to appreciate those who can maintain self/social awareness even after far too many drinks. The flipside of this is a type I refer to as an Ei-sig. He’s had too many and now thinks “Everything I say is golden.” He starts to dominate the group conversation. It’s tolerable if he knows what he’s talking about. But painful when he’s just a shallow BS’r who simply loves the sound of his own opinion. If you’re going to try and take the floor or… Read more »

6 years ago

Even worse is the bore with no restraint. I knew a guy like this, he would regale anyone about everything including his medical conditions. You haven’t lived until you’ve had someone describe in excruciating detail their latest colonoscopy.

Reply to  Allen
6 years ago

BTDT, With a diagram on a white board showing where the obstruction/polyp was found in his system..

Reply to  Allen
6 years ago

Just had one this AM. Would you like to hear about it?

Reply to  Allen
6 years ago

Yes, endlessly talking about medical problems is something I’ve noticed about many of the people in our area–they’re significantly older and retired. It seems to be a game–the winner has the most pain or worst malady. My wife and I call it “You Think That’s Bad?”

Reply to  Shrugger
6 years ago

“Sun City Syndrome”

Reply to  Shrugger
6 years ago

My late father used to call the conversations he had in assisted living “Organ Recitals.”

Reply to  Allen
6 years ago

I once heard that older people only talk about what they recently had to eat and the latest medical procedures that have been done to them. Damn, that really seems to be true!

BTW, you can now poop into a little box instead of getting poked and prodded. That’s going to take a lot of the drama out of the stories.

Reply to  Allen
6 years ago

Ch yeah, something about women over 50 want to recount all their medical history to you. THAT is boring.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
6 years ago

“The first thing you notice about boring people is they never seem to have a point to their stories and anecdotes. When telling a story in a social setting, you should always have a point. No one cares about what you had for lunch, unless it was something bizarre or unusual. If you had a delicious turkey club for lunch, that’s not something anyone wants to know.” When we can point out how “boring” Facedouche and other social media sites are, we might be able to get some people to abandon them. “You’re boring. You posted on Assbook the other… Read more »

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
6 years ago

Watch a guy like Ron White for a few of his routines. Simple story teller, but with impeccable set up and timing. Anyone can learn something there.

L. Beau Macaroni
L. Beau Macaroni
Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

Maybe anybody could learn something there, but if anybody could do it, then Ron White wouldn’t have a career as an entertainer.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  L. Beau Macaroni
6 years ago

Had a conversation with him once where he made sleeping in his car outside a comedy club (couldn’t afford a hotel) in weather so cold his toothpaste froze in the tube, sidesplittingly funny. You are right. That is a God given talent.

Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

One of the few who could go off on a tangent was Billy Connolly. His take was that it was like having a lovely conversation but the audience weren’t entitled to a word in

Monty James
6 years ago

I so very badly want a turkey club sandwich now.

David Wright
Reply to  Monty James
6 years ago

Mitch Hedberg had a good routine on club sandwiches.

Reply to  Monty James
6 years ago

Ha ha ha! You devil!

Reply to  Monty James
6 years ago

Tell me more.

6 years ago

Ah. I see you’ve met my friend Peter, who never misses a chance to mention all the people I don’t know and haven’t met, and the circumstances of which I couldn’t care less.

He does get around!

6 years ago

I can’t be the only one here. Tell us more about the delicious turkey sandwich. Cheese?

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
6 years ago

Just about every story I tell my kids results in, “you already told us that one, Dad.” I really need to get some new stories.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
6 years ago

Or new kids

6 years ago

We have a couple at our parish who talk about themselves incessantly; you ain’t seen boring until you’ve met Bill and Dorothy.

Dr, Dre
Dr, Dre
Reply to  dave
6 years ago

I think I have. I’m laughing just thinking about Bill and Dorothy!

E. Lee Ghoulmehii
E. Lee Ghoulmehii
6 years ago

Yes – the worst are the people who tell the same stores over and over again genuinely thinking you’ve never heard them… Anyone paying attention is like, “Here comes that one again”. But – most people aren’t paying attention so… oh well.

Reply to  E. Lee Ghoulmehii
6 years ago

Getting older, i worry about doing this alot. I see a expression flicker across their face: Ohh i already told you this one. “Yup several times.”

rudy brix
rudy brix
Reply to  Sidvic
6 years ago

And the thing about your peers getting older – sometimes you take a chance because you figure they probably can’t remember the other telling anyway. Seriously, it’s a kind of modesty – why the hell would they remember it?

Reply to  rudy brix
6 years ago

well, you obviously got it worse than me! You nut.:)

Reply to  E. Lee Ghoulmehii
6 years ago

On the other hand, I have half a dozen stories which people have been asking me to re-tell for years. Some of it is in the telling, but it requires good stories to begin with.

I do always wait to be asked and hang back a bit to be sure.

Pimpkin's Nephew
Pimpkin's Nephew
Reply to  Lorenzo
6 years ago

If a story is good, and you’ve heard it before, when the details are blurry, and you like the company of the storyteller, you say stuff like “Yeah, I kind of remember that one, but tell me again”. It’s one of those ineffable elements of true friendship. You overlook the changes in detail because you like the person, and know that he or she – like you – works a limited repertoire. An able raconteur can turn any common experience into a story: Taking out the trash, walking the dog, brushing one’s teeth, enrolling a child in summer camp, cashing… Read more »

6 years ago

This perfectly describes my in laws. Both of them talk non-stop about mundane nonsense and will never listen to anything you say; they also regurgitate the same things over and over. They subconsciously know they are insufferable so they resort to bribery and guilt trips to get others to spend time with them. It is so bad that their own children have all moved far away from them and refuse to see them except once or twice a year on holidays, if then. I thought that blabbermouths like this must have a kind of known mental disorder but I cannot… Read more »

Really Boring
Really Boring
6 years ago

Have a bit of sympathy for those of us who are objectively boring and can’t seem to improve ourselves. What hope do we have?

Juss Saeyn
Juss Saeyn
Reply to  Really Boring
6 years ago

Really Boring – just go deeper… you’ll get there

Reply to  Really Boring
6 years ago

Start hanging around dumber people than you so you’ll sound interesting. Or at least people on your level. Are you associating with really smart people or something? They’ve no use for average guys like me, or perhaps you. Picture meeting Zman or some of these top guys. Unless you’re on his level, what could you possibly say to him that he’d find interesting, or that he hasn’t thought about 50 times already.

Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

Just when some of us were starting to feel safe

6 years ago

Z: “For some reason, they think they need to explain what everyone on earth has known since childhood.” Similar to this is when someone eagerly touts conventional wisdom, or a passe idea, as if it’s still fresh and impactful. See: younger Leftist women who never seem to get the memo from the edgier Leftists that the talking points have morphed. “You ever notice that old men are considered “DIGNIFIED”, while women are just OLD? No one ever talks about how George Clooney looks now.” –“Well, first of all hon, tough shit. Secondly, everyone, and especially women, talk about how old… Read more »

Rabbi High Comma
Rabbi High Comma
6 years ago

I had a workout partner who concluded a rambling, five minute story with, “And so I had mayonnaise on my sandwich.”

Juss Saeyn
Juss Saeyn
6 years ago

Hey Z Man, why don’t you throw a big party at your house and invite everyone over to continue the discussion? And I swear I’m not with the federal government’s new Task Force to Eliminate Non-Immigrant Love Inciting Hate Speech on the Internet.

6 years ago

Have I never told you about the time . . . ? (LOL)

Phil Ossify
Phil Ossify
Reply to  BestGuest
6 years ago

Now you’ve done it. I’m having “Welcome Back, Kotter” flashbacks.

6 years ago

I think what women call mansplaining may be just boring conversation. They will gladly listen if the explanation moves along or is entertaining. Also, please have mercy on elderspeaking. Half of these people have mental issues.

Reply to  Bunny
6 years ago

She will gladly listen if you describe how you feel about her and her issues. If you suggest actions to correct those issues, she’ll immediately lose interest.

Reply to  Drake
6 years ago

Only if all she wanted in the first place was sympathy. Mansplaining is perhaps more like pontificating, which women can certainly do, too, right? My sons accuse me of constantly restating the obvious. Mansplaining is passe anyway, the new thing is hepeating.

Reply to  Bunny
6 years ago

Half of all people have mental issues. It explains a lot of things.

Da Lurker
Da Lurker
6 years ago

One of the worst things ever is recipes. Once worked in an office with a lot of women, who would recite recipes to each other. “Last night, I made the most fantastic meat loaf! I got the recipe from my neighbor, and you start out with just a little ground beef, oh maybe a pound, and then you add…”

Bizarre. Truly.

6 years ago

Great advice. A nice departure from your awesome political and social commentary musings. I enjoy all of it.