They Hate You

The Sarah Jeong story has probably been the best thing to happen to our side since Trump came down that escalator. The challenge of this age is in convincing typical white people that it is not socialism they should fear. It is extermination. There are still people waddling around talking about socialism. Mention race to them and they start hyperventilating about their constitutional principles. What the Sarah Jeong story does it make it impossible to avoid the elephant in the room.

It’s not that this Asian airhead hates white people. Blacks have been out in public talking about how much they hate white people since the Civil Rights era. White people have been trained to accept this, by assuming it is meaningless. Blacks are powerless, so their hatreds are no threat. Then you have the subversives like Ben Shapiro telling them that black hatred of whites is bad for blacks because it keeps them from showing up at CPAC every year to take selfies with adoring white people.

Asians are supposed to be different. They are the model minority. White people just assume that Asians are on their side. They work hard, avoid crime and social dysfunction. They come here looking for a chance, give their kids nice names like Sarah and send them off to good colleges. You’ll note that you never hear anyone suggest we should end immigration from Asia. In the blossoming race war, Asians are never in the discussion, because white people assume they are good people.

Suddenly one of the model minorities has revealed that she hates white people and even more disturbingly, the people known for eating dogs apparently think white people smell like dogs. It adds a whole new element to what the coalition of non-whites has in mind for us once they get total control. More important, this white hating Asian migrant is defended by so-called conservatives. Ben Shapiro wore his tiny little fingers raw tweeting out defenses of the Times decision to back Jeong.

The initial response from white people was to celebrate progressive values by howling about the racism. When that went nowhere, they moved onto howling about the hypocrisy. When the response from the left was to laugh in their face, white people were forced to face reality. The other side are not socialists. They are a coalition of non-whites and some traitors, who are held together by a hatred of white people and the fantasy of a non-white world. They hate white people. That’s it.

White people will try hard to rationalize it and force themselves back into the comfortable role of doormat to the left, but the scales will fall from the eyes of many whites. Many may have already come to terms with this reality, but it is the behavior of people like Ben Shapiro that is the eye-opener. The guy who recently said racists should be hounded out of their jobs, is now defending Jeong and the New York Times, either from a position of solidarity or out of craven opportunism.

Another aspect of this is that it undercuts the argument made by conventional conservatives about their vaunted principles. The other side has no rules, and they have no intention of limiting themselves with rules. All the breast-beating about racism was a lie and it always was a lie. Since the left controls the moral framework, they have just taken the first step toward normalizing tribalism. Jared Taylor is now Ben Shapiro’s moral superior.

This story also offers a chance to point out to white people that there is no bargaining with these people. A bargain requires a degree of good faith on both sides and some way to hold both sides to the deal. The Left thinks it has a moral duty to do whatever is necessary to destroy the rest of us, so they are not just allowed to break the rules and lie about it. They are morally obligated to use any means necessary to win, which is why they named one of the activist groups By Any Means Necessary.

Now, white people have been finding ways to roll over and play dead for a long time, so this event will not suddenly turn them into identitarians. Whites have a habit of internalizing each Progressive outrage. It’s important to remind the normie white person in your life that the other side never quits, they can never be shamed into giving up on their goals. They lost over 30 votes on homosexual marriage but kept at it until they won one and then got the courts to enshrine homosexual marriage as a founding principle.

If you think the defense of Sarah Jeong by subversives like Ben Shapiro is an end point, you are mistaken. Now that they have established that it is okay to hire virulent antiwhites, the next step will be the firing of whites because the antiwhites find them upsetting. In other words, the presence of whites will be grounds to claim the workplace is hostile to non-whites, so the whites must be fired. How long before Justice Roberts claims the Founders always wanted whites to be non-citizens?

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Toddy Cat
Toddy Cat
6 years ago

When the tombstone for Anti-White Leftism is put up (and it will be, in the lives of those now living) the inscription will read “They tried to boil the frog too fast”. First, the NFL Anthem protests forced normie whites into recognizing that their football “heroes” hate them, then the Trump-Russia madness forced them to recognize that the CIA and FBI hate them, and now, it turns out, even cute little Asian girls (yeah, Jeong was cute once, before hatred and alcohol twisted her face like it has probably twisted her mind) hate them! Is there no where to turn?… Read more »

Reply to  Toddy Cat
6 years ago

Yeah, Toddy, and a sub-inscription could have the killer quote
“White people… you’ll all go EXTINCT soon. This was my PLAN all along.”

Reply to  Toddy Cat
6 years ago

At some point you need to use that faith in G-d and proles to produce a better ruling class or protect yourselves.

6 years ago

“You’ll note that you never hear anyone suggest we should end immigration from Asia.”

I do. And I have for decades. In graduate school I saw them sponging off of the labors of Americans, taking resources and adding to the corruption of these institutions.

Kentucky Headhunter
Kentucky Headhunter
Reply to  DrTorch
6 years ago

Any white guy in IT who doesn’t have his head up his ass would agree with you.

Reply to  Kentucky Headhunter
6 years ago

Funny you should mention white IT guy with his head up his ass. A commenter on Boomer Con stated a few weeks ago that his friends that work with him in IT are real Americans, they just happen to have heritage from India.

As Vox Day has said, Conservatives are no longer right wing.

Reply to  DrTorch
6 years ago

I’ve opposed all immigration for at least ten years, as well as getting rid of all birthright citizenship…

Reply to  pyrrhus
6 years ago

I agree. Time to close the doors to this country. We’ve had nonstop immigration, mainly nonwhite, into America for decades. It’s way too much.

Reply to  pyrrhus
6 years ago

I’ve been arguing that we don’t need ANY further immigration for a good 10-15 years now. To much opposition. I’ve found support for that position to be few and far between – pretty much exclusively among people who most so called conservatives would call “Alex Jones worshiping nutjobs”. One effective tactic I’ve used though over and over again – especially when dealing with liberals, is to point out that all the illegal aliens and immigrants from other third world countries we let in – are DIRECTLY competing with American “native” blacks for jobs. I look at it this way :… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  pyrrhus
6 years ago

Birthright citizenship has to be ended via constitutional amendment. I know some contrive specious arguments that the 14th does not or does not have to include foreigners’ babies born in the US but the text itself is pretty plain. And if it can be ‘made’ to mean something it simply does not say, the constitution is dead in the water, might as well be a bag of tealeaves for SCOTUS to sort through. And leftie would love nothing more than if the constitution, ‘for this very advanced reason’, does not say what it plainly says. Admittedly, the gay marriage decision… Read more »

Andy Texan
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

The text of the 14th amendment is plainly written. The supremes contrived to discover the right to anchor baby-dom.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Andy Texan
6 years ago

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” That’s pretty plain. Now, the specious arguments to bar anchor babies from citizenship usually follow the logic of ‘and subject to the jurisdiction thereof’ means if they were not ‘supposed’ to have been in the US they are not subject to the jurisdiction thereof. That’s plain nonsense b/c if they are not subject to US jurisdiction, they cannot break American law, including immigration law, hence they are no longer illegals. This plane… Read more »

Mark Taylor
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

Jacob Howard, the author of that amendment wrote “This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States.”

So we don’t have to guess what they meant by “jurisdiction thereof.” If you’re correct, then the term “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” has no meaning and removing it from the sentence would not change the amendment.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Mark Taylor
6 years ago

Then he should have written that into the amendment b/c ‘subject to the juristiction thereof’ is generally taken to exclude the US born children of foreign diplomats but not ordinary foreigners. Diplomats are not under US jurisdiction.

If I am NOT correct then the constitution does not mean what it says it means. And then the rule by 9 justices just became absolute and unbounded. A council of 9 absolute kings and, even worse, queens.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

the 14th was never ratified.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  bilejones
6 years ago

Now that could be an interesting approach although I strongly doubt you re right about that.

Troll King(-36)
Troll King(-36)
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

Hey Moran, do you understand what Kentucky headhunter and tykebomb signify?

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Troll King(-36)
6 years ago

what do you mean?

Troll King(-36)
Troll King(-36)
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

The handles that recurr are mocking someone?

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Troll King(-36)
6 years ago

Not sure what you mean

Dave smith
Dave smith
Reply to  pyrrhus
6 years ago

You are so correct

Reply to  DrTorch
6 years ago

Coworker sponsored both his brothers from India. Now, 12-14 years later we’re about to be enriched by 17 new Pajeets. Parts of central New Jersey have a Mumbay feel to them where builders quickly erect boxy Taj Mahals (formerly known as McMansions) for newly arrived IT specialists.

Ris Eruwaedhiel
Ris Eruwaedhiel
6 years ago

Whatever your opinion of the various groups of European immigrants who poured into this counttry from Colonial times through the 20th Century, with one exception they lacked a grievance against America, Americans, Christianity and Western Civilization. The one exception was the Jews, especially the Eastern European ones. Jees were also the first group to demand that America radically change in order to reflect their values, serve their interests and gratify their 2000-year-old hatred of Christianity and even more ancient hatred of the Goyim in general. Jews were the pioneers leading the way for the cultural, political and physical dispossession of… Read more »

Reply to  Ris Eruwaedhiel
6 years ago

Yeah, the integration of Germans, Irish and Italians went just swimmingly, none of them radically changed the culture at all.

Ris Eruwaedhiel
Ris Eruwaedhiel
Reply to  Lance_E
6 years ago

They changed America, not necessarily for the better (e.g., Irish political corruption), but they didn’t hate this country and its people. German-Americans fought their relatives in Germany in two world wars.

Strike a nerve, did I?

Reply to  Ris Eruwaedhiel
6 years ago

No, Ris, the pioneers for this crap were the Wilson-era WASP Do-Gooders, whose constitutional amendments (esp. the 16th, 17th, and 18th) started the emergence of the Deep State, etc.
A few super-rich E. European Jews got to jump on board the speeding train which clearly had BigMo.
Reply to  Jaqship
6 years ago

The founders where overwhelmingly WASPs of various flavors. (Carroll was the lone RC signatory to the DoI.) Widespread political corruption came in on the tsunami of late 19th/early 20th century immigration. (Prior to which there was no “Cosa Nostra,” “Tammany Hall,” etc., etc. . .)

Ris Eruwaedhiel
Ris Eruwaedhiel
Reply to
6 years ago

Yup. Even the massive European immigration of the 19th – early 20th created problems beginning with the Irish Catholics.

6 years ago

The worst Asians for this are South Koreans and high caste Indians. There is a reason..they are both from very status conscious cultures with a strong sense of their own superiority and undercurrent of butthurt. What this chick is doing is trying to signal status through the anti-white shit. She is saying “I am one of you. Give me a good job”. That is why we need to bear down on this stuff. Its not about free speech. Its about removing the anti-white option as a means to signal and socially climb. The fact the the NYT and our Elites… Read more »

De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Dirtnapninja
6 years ago

The New York Times should always be prefixed from now on with “The Anti-White New York Times”.

In the spirit of fairness, the Amazon Washington Post should give an editorship to Richard Spencer.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Lets be honest it’s no coincidence that under Hispanic billionaire Carlos Slim’s control, the Times has amped up the Trump hate and anti white rhetoric exponentially.

Reply to  Dirtnapninja
6 years ago

Dirtnapninja, I’m with you on the high-caste crowd, who I see as worse than the Koreans. (I live in a KoreaTown, and they’ve raised this hood from its prior Hispanic problems.) The high-casters seem to have really started to express contempt for us, once the Establishment started to tout Ghandi as MLK’s mentor. I’m with Derb on Ice People vs. Sun People, as long as Orientals acknowledge that they’re (quite welcome as) the junior partner, in a white-run USA. On the mainstream conservatives, it looks like the rage at this NYT policy is starting to get them to face music,… Read more »

George Orwell
George Orwell
Reply to  Jaqship
6 years ago

Poor, cucky, foolish Jonah. That porcine scribbler *still* finds himself incapable of recognizing the real world. Whiteness is a thing, Jonah, and always has been. No one is “making” it a thing. Plain biology isn’t that abstruse, but then science seldom crosses paths with National Review.

Reply to  Jaqship
6 years ago

Sounds like the Jews are getting scared now. Maybe they remember what happened the last time they pissed off white people.


Wilson McWilliams
Wilson McWilliams
Reply to  Dirtnapninja
6 years ago

>>>The worst Asians for this are South Koreans and high caste Indians.
Personally, I’d rank the wealthy Pakistanis as the worst of the worst.

“Heathen scum that think they’re better than you” may be overstating it, but not by much.

Toddy Cat
Toddy Cat
6 years ago

It also helps that this chick is obviously a head case, with serious obsession issues. I mean, it’s not like she tweeted a few anti-white male things when she was drunk, or pissed off – there are literally thousands of these things, going back years. If she had been employed by an anti-male, Asian-Supremacist “Der Sturmer”, her output could hardly have been higher. So either she is actually a hate-obsessed racist anti-white loon, or she pretended to be a hate obsessed racist anti-white loon on twitter, in order to impress people like the editors of the NYT. Either way, the… Read more »

Reply to  Toddy Cat
6 years ago

NYT’s full-knowledge embrace of this chick can be interpreted as a reliable indicator of two things:
1. The degree to which the city elite are out of touch with the rest of the country; either that or their willingness to alienate more than half the country
2. The advanced state of the process of “choosing of sides” which started quite some time ago but which Trump’s election accelerated.

Toddy Cat
Toddy Cat
Reply to  SWRichmond
6 years ago

Correct. Also, the two are not mutually exclusive.

Reply to  Toddy Cat
6 years ago

Sorry to put it so crudely but she aches for a strong, white man to tell her to pipe down and come sit down next to daddy. Sour grapes.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Walt
6 years ago

Yup, she’s shittesting, seeing who will put up w her running her mouth like that. The beta blue pillers at the NYT predictably failed.

6 years ago

Every year we get invited to the Asian Culture Center event at the local university. Several years back we went because some friends from out of town were going to be there. An ex-friend has been running the shindig and she was trying to get as many non-Chinese to go because she was concerned that they were beginning to dominate things. I am sure they are by now. They have practically taken over that part of town. The blessings of cash out of state tuition. Anyhow they were having some kind of talent show, and these things are usually dominated… Read more »

Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

Yeah, Tea Party, they can see the hypocrisy of hating on white men. And, as Derb points out, they’re generally far more culturally COMPATIBLE with other Ice Peoples, than are any of the Sun Peoples (esp. most US blacks, with their huge resentments about slavery etc.)

6 years ago

Sarah Jeong is the New York Times’ big, florid neck tattoo. An unmistakable–and apparently now unremovable–signal of who they are. The problem, as discussed in recent Zblog posts, is that redpilling is actually a long journey, years for most, and that it’s starting to turn into a race against time. Clock is ticking. I don’t want to sound dramatic, but I think the “redpill level” of the police and armed forces will eventually come into play. Lone dissident righters with guns isn’t going to be enough. It’s going to be organized guys with guns, too. Smart and not-so-smart white guys… Read more »

Reply to  George
6 years ago

There a lot of blacks in the military and the police. And, I imagine, a growing number of Hispanics and Asians. They will not be on our side.

Reply to  MBlanc46
6 years ago

The only people on the side of white people are white people.

Reply to  Tykebomb
6 years ago

The only people reliably on the side of white people is some white people.

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

An uneditable “is”. Grammar Nazis shoot me now.

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

An uneditable “is”. Grammar Nazis shoot me now.
Nah you’re one of the good ones;)
And no not Wichita but I stayed in a Holiday Inn there;)

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

Amen…excellent clarification Dutch.

Reply to  MBlanc46
6 years ago

Look at the elite MIL/ LEO teams. I’m in the firearms biz – we were at the Intl SWAT competition, and besides the Haitians, essentially all white. SOCOM ( Army/Navy/AF/ USMC. SP. Forces) look like the Duke Lacrosse Team. Army is 30% warriors, 70% jobs program. Enlist the former.

J Clivas
Reply to  George
6 years ago

The way the Byzantine “allies” went over to the Ottoman Turks at the battle of Manzikert.

6 years ago

We also need to recognize what a profound tool the internet has been in bringing these truths to the light of day.

They’re trying to silence us, but so far they haven’t. Just keep going: comments, tweets, blogs.

Out of sheer desperation, I started tweeting recently, and already some have been re-tweeted by Steve Sailer, VDare, etc., and I know it gradually works its way into the “right bloodstream” from there, and then into the bodily tissue…

Just keep going, any way you can.

6 years ago

As someone who has lived in several heavily-Asian locations, and whose family moved away from multiple neighborhoods after they got taken over by Asians, I can definitely attest to the need to reduce immigration from that continent. Interestingly, though, the current (1965) immigration system of flat quotas that admits so many third-world migrants is arguably holding back an even larger tide of Asian immigration. It’s a common opinion among imported elite (or at least imported tech elite) that the quotas should *scale with population*. The Mexicans and Central Americans want to work here, hoard capital and ship it back across… Read more »

Ris Eruwaedhiel
Ris Eruwaedhiel
Reply to  Lance_E
6 years ago

Moslems are the worst. Even secularized Moslems are frequently anti-American. The situation is worse in Europe and the Uk.

IMO, every Moslem is one reading of the Koran away from at least supporting terrorism.

Reply to  Ris Eruwaedhiel
6 years ago

To speak out against Islamic terrorism, as a Muslim, makes you an apostate. There are specific death sentences for such a thing. Islam appears remarkably unreformable. To renounce Islam gets you treated exactly as if you renounce your ghetto street gang. You can get in but you can’t get out.

Dale Bisson
Dale Bisson
6 years ago

About six years ago I was a cosmopolitan urbanite working on the campus of an elite private university. I had been teaching myself Chinese for over a year and had become proficient at speaking it. I had some Chinese coworkers whom I considered friends and they helped me practice. I frequently walked through campus and there was a sizable population of students who were Chinese nationals. Every other sentence out of their mouths was some sort of racial hatred about every group around them. The only exception was when it was a group of Chinese females. At that point it… Read more »

Reply to  Dale Bisson
6 years ago

Do all chinese speak the same language?

Ris Eruwaedhiel
Ris Eruwaedhiel
Reply to  Dtbb
6 years ago

A former co-worker of mine spoke Cantonese. I learned two Cantonese words from her: “Wong How” means Empress and “panty hose” means panty hose.

I think the closest thing to an official Chinese language is Mandarin. I assume that there are various dialects, as well.

Dale Bisson
Dale Bisson
Reply to  Dtbb
6 years ago


Reply to  Dale Bisson
6 years ago

I had a friend who could understand Chinese and he told me the same thing.

In essence they are alien colonists. No different than Muslim, just better behaved

6 years ago

The scales are falling from a lot of eyes and the process is accelerating. In this regard, my sense is most white men (married or single) are now aware of how things are or rapidly becoming aware. They know who the enemy is. Let’s not concern ourselves with the traitors since they may never get it, but hopefully they’ll be less than 20% of the tribe. Next comes white married women waking up, which aligns with the Z-man’s podcast remarks about marriage making women more conservative. Yes, they can be won over and can understand where their interests (and their… Read more »

Reply to  Eduardo55
6 years ago

Spot on, Eduardo, esp. about single women, whose asses are kissed by the Ad Industry, thereby warping the whole culture. See esp. , e.g. “… To destroy the Super Zips, it is necessary to destroy its ecosystem, the FEMALE driven consumerism. And all that is needed to do that is, frugalism replacing consumerism. Buying only when needed, and on value and price, not STATUS. The dirty secret of the Super Zips is how dependent, either directly or indirectly, they are on female-driven consumerism. Network and Cable TV, much of the movies, advertising, marketing, and whole swaths of government, depend… Read more »

David Wright
6 years ago

For a good current take down of Shapiro watch Vox Day’s latest podcast. He was on to him years ago as a fellow columnist at World Nut Daily.

There are a few Youtube channels with expats living in China and other asian countries. They will disabuse you of any notion that these people are our friends or will be accommodating when they get power in the US.

As a side, this goofy chick sure has a penchant for really white dudes.
Men have tamed the world and now everbody is now willing to return the kindness.

6 years ago

The NYT hiring her is great. It helps lay down the battle lines in a way that more whites can see.

She is building her resume and visibility, and will burn the Times down on her way out, whenever that is. They deserve each other.

De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

Will we see the worthless Charlie Kirk-types even holding a token protest outside of the Anti-White New York Times headquarters?

Tax Slave
6 years ago

I, for one, look forward to the “cold” civil war going “hot.”

comment image

Reply to  Tax Slave
6 years ago

Initially, it certainly looks like it’ll be a target-rich environment. My plan is to start with harsh language and a slingshot, and save the real firepower for later.

Gerard vanderleun
6 years ago

“Listen, and understand. That terminator is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.”

Tax Slave
Reply to  Gerard vanderleun
6 years ago

If we only knew who will utter the words: “come with me if you want to live.”

Reply to  Tax Slave
6 years ago


Reply to  Whitney
6 years ago

The real life time travelling savior.

George Orwell
George Orwell
6 years ago

Probably about a year ago I listened to a podcast that interviewed Jim Goad. He noted specifically that Asians, when going SJW, go hard SJW. He phrased it as “they take it to the hoop.”

Ris Eruwaedhiel
Ris Eruwaedhiel
Reply to  George Orwell
6 years ago

Asian single-mindedness

6 years ago

Even the normally risible Jonah Goldberg of all people recognizes that this is serving as a wake-up call: “But there’s a bigger problem. The social science is mounting every day that the more often people make these arguments, the more they are making white people think of themselves as white people.”

On the other hand Bill Kristol tweeted his disappointment in his “fellow white men” so things maybe haven’t changed that much.

Reply to  Arthur Sido
6 years ago

Arthur, don’t mind Kristol, he’ll be the last to catch the train

Glen Filthie
Glen Filthie
6 years ago

I’m already on it. Yesterday I put the black powder Retirement Rifles aside, and went out to the range with the mouse guns. Both the AR and the XCRL are dialled in and good out to three hundred yards. Other preps are underway, for as you like to say – this is all going to end badly.
How bad will it get? I’m not sure. The wheels are already coming off the progressive bus. When Lefty finds out who the Useful Fool actually is and was – it will be mutiny on the bounty.

6 years ago

Jared Taylor was ALWAYS the Littlest Chickenhawk’s moral superior…In fact, it’s hard to think of any traditional “conservatives” that Jared Taylor, a learned man of principle, isn’t vastly superior to in every way.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

Oh yes, they are playing for keeps. This is also why we should not ‘soften up’ on issues like women’s vote (since the podcast’s many thoughts Ive come down on ‘NO!, Women should NOT be in politics’). B/c that is caving to leftie, losing the first Schelling point. And then the ball rolls until we re all apologizing for slavery.

And, zero your f*cking rifles while you’re at it.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

Not presuming to speak for all women and not intending to hijack the subject of this post, but I’m afraid disenfranchisement could be a red pill deal breaker for women. Women feel much the same about the 19th as men do about the 2nd, pry, cold, dead hands, etc.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Bunny
6 years ago

Women wont be asked. The whole point is, we are approaching where this cant be solved amicably anyway, between us and leftie. And if we cant stand up to our own women, we cant stand up to the combined wrath of NWO, islam and brownie hatred.

Interestingly, women will say no and object and such. But subconsciously they will prefer that men decide this over their heads. It’s instinct and biology. However most, even in here, are still pretty blue or purple when it comes to the delicate sex.

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

What you say is true, but you’re ignoring an elephant. Women only gained the right to vote in the early 20th century. But gain it they did. That couldn’t have happened without the consent of men. What stops it from happening again? You’re problem is that democracy always metastasizes. First it was landed white males, then all white males, then all males, then women, then all citizens over the age of 18 (that one happened within my lifetime). I expect if I live long enough, I’ll see the franchise will be extended to illegal aliens (in progress), and children. If… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
6 years ago

I think the heart of the problem might be biological, we’ve simply gone too low on testosterone and become wimps. I think these guys are on to something fundamental. We’re too damn soft.

Reply to  Bunny
6 years ago

Bunny, I’m curious how you respond to the argument made by some women, like Ann Coulter, that she would gladly give up her right to vote to prevent the large number of liberal women from voting.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

Disingenuousness. Perhaps she has convinced herself that disenfranchisement is theoretically a good idea. She would most likely hate it in reality and she admits it is a “pipe dream” and “personal fantasy”. She has no argument for disenfranchisement other than it would prevent liberal as well as conservative women from voting, enabling her party to consistently win the Presidency. If she has another argument, I haven’t found it. In essence, “I want Republicans to win so badly I would surrender women’s votes”. Not very compelling, imho, when balanced against the advantages of having the franchise. White women voted 43% for… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Bunny
6 years ago

” admits it is a “pipe dream” and “personal fantasy”.”

Woman speak for “the men are too pussy to set things right.” So far that’s true. If it keeps being true, bullets will eventually replace ballots.

Bunny, you’re against it b/c you dont believe we can do it. You’d be impressed if we did it. But your pride won’t permit you to admit to that. You might even be angry at yourself for being impressed. But impressed you would be, with or against your will.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

No. It could be done by force if, as you say, bullets replace ballots. “Impressed” is not the proper term.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Bunny
6 years ago

You’re supposed to say that. But your instincts are different (assuming you re a mentally healthy human female). It’s called a ‘shit test’ in the PUA community and thousands of guys can verify that the concept makes sense. Women would protest in the street but stop resisting once they realized it was for real this time. Like I said, it’s biology.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

I generally say what I think and I don’t do shit tests. But, mkay, nothing I say could convince you that women wouldn’t secretly relish having their rights abrogated, so don’t stop believing.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

Simba your condescension would be tolerable if you were at least smart.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

Jeez, this comment field is getting more and more blue pill lol

Bunny, you don’t shittest?? That’s like saying a guy doesnt look at boobs lol Point of fact, you’re shittesting here to see if I, and ppl who agree w me, strict to my guns when the first girl who doesnt want her vote taken away, shows up.

Frip, first blue pill, now uber beta haha

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

The girls who don’t want their votes taken away aren’t likely to show up in these comments, but trust me, they walk among you. No, I don’t shit test IRL, I experience garden variety conflict, and people usually stick to their guns and disagree here. That’s fine with me. At the first hint of agreement, they would be accused of white knighting anyway. Back to the topic at hand, this conversation is probably boring the others.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Bunny
6 years ago

You’re misunderstanding what shittests are. They are not you being fake or lying. They are sincere enough but are an emotional female impulse to challenge a male, see if he’s strong frame. You do it real life, same as I look at a woman’s rump, it’s natural biology and nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, the pathology would be not doing it. You’re responding to my suggestion to repeal the 19th exactly as a healthy, self-confident female should. And if there were more healthy, self-confident males that would of course not save the 19th but that’s a different story.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

So what you are saying is (hah)…anytime a woman disagrees with a man it’s a shit test? What if I disagree with Ann Coulter or 3g4me or another woman? Is that a shit test, too?

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Bunny
6 years ago

Not every time, this was.

Reply to  Bunny
6 years ago

I strongly disagree. I would be ecstatic to give up my purported stake in the franchise if it meant all the damned air-headed women couldn’t skew the results. Now try to deny me the full import of the 2nd amendment and we’d have problems. Other than that, I second Mora ya Simba No women in politics!!!

Reply to  3g4me
6 years ago

Rara avis.

Reply to  Bunny
6 years ago

The 19th amendment (and other topical issues) remind me of my cat. She is leash trained, and will happily go no further than the limit of her leash, barring the occasional tug to reach some tasty grass, or a lunge when a lizard or rabbit appears. But allow her to go someplace, a place she didn’t have any particular interest in going to, and you won’t get her back from there, barring scooping her up. She goes into the contrary cat-tripod cross up stance and gets very angry. “I am HERE, dammit, and you can’t make me go “OVER THERE”.… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  3g4me
6 years ago

Your mind and instincts are in good sync it seems.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

Moran I agree with you and just want to say my wife would gladly give up the right to vote because it would benefit her…Im guessing Bunny doesn’t have a strong man in her life that treats her like a lady should be treated so she wants the power of the government on her side so she can use men for her bidding…I agree her though in that women won’t be giving that up until they are put in Burqas or we win…

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Lineman
6 years ago

I think Bunny’s responding like a girl’s supposed to respond, shittesting to see if we’re serious or just prancing around. I think she’ll come around but she doesnt think so. Women are often like that, part of why they dont belong in politics lol

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

No, I’m responding like a BoomerCon CivNat normie who still believes in muh Constitution, the American Dream, voting and all that good stuff. I’m too old to use men for my bidding, dang it.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Bunny
6 years ago

lol and here I thought I was chatting w a cocky 20 yr old hour-glass shaped tough country gal from ol Texas and not her grandma haha

On a serious note, the ppl who made ‘muh constitution’ would have agreed w me.

Reply to  Bunny
6 years ago

I’m too old to use men for my bidding, dang it…
So I take it your single then?

Reply to  Lineman
6 years ago

You would be incorrect. I have enjoyed 43 years of matrimonial bliss with my one and only husband and it would take an act of Congress to get him to do my bidding.

Reply to  Bunny
6 years ago

Well I guess he doesn’t provide all you need if you need vote for the government to do something for you…

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Bunny
6 years ago

“muh Constitution, the American Dream, voting and all that good stuff. ”

Even if female voting is turning it into the North Mexican dreamos??? Coz that’s kinda the fundamental problem here, in case we werent on the same page.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

Even if female voting is turning it into the North Mexican dreamos???
I don’t know if that would matter to her… People won’t let go of delusions even if it’s to their detriment…

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Lineman
6 years ago

She’s a civnat patriot. She think’s it’ll be the same w non-white majority. That also explains her position female franchise, she’s a bio blue pill, both w race and w gender.

She should visit Cali, from world tech leader to sh*thole on the left coast in 20 yrs.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

Red pill, blue pill, both want to kill off the heritage nation. A nation doesn’t live by blood and soil alone. Whatever transmogrification occurs in the future, it won’t be the old America we knew and loved, so be careful what you wish for.

Tully Bascombe
Tully Bascombe
Reply to  Bunny
6 years ago

“A nation doesn’t live by blood and soil alone” that is what a nation IS. You’re confusing nation with state.

Reply to  Tully Bascombe
6 years ago

Depends on what definition you use.
Black’s Law Dictionary: “A community of people inhabiting a defined territory and organized under an independent government; a sovereign political state.”
Ernest Renan: “A nation is a stable community of people, formed on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life, ethnicity, or psychological make-up manifested in a common culture.”
There are more.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

Bunny’s responding like a girl who hasn’t got a man so she needs that power of the government to be her man…

Reply to  3g4me
6 years ago

3g4me — we should be friends. I am with you. All of those idiot women out there can have their desires, but as Moran (Ron someone’s ) said, when s**t get some real info he streets, their pink push cat hats won’t protect them,.
No women in politics: I second that emotion. Heh.

Reply to  Bunny
6 years ago

BUNNY: I,m a single, white female Gen X’er and love sharing (with other women!) that I would be most content to have the 19th Amendment repealed. No death necessary. Most women are too stupid to see that they are already disenfranchised. Suffrage was for bored bourgeoisie women (and the Christian Right Prohibitionists) with too much time on heir hands while the men were out working.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

M.y. Simba; You may well be right in an abstract, Libertarian, ‘should be’ case nostalgic for our options from 100 + years ago, this idea of Female disenfranchisement has no salience today. Obviously that ship sailed long ago. So, we should not be centering our present efforts on repealing the 19th Amendment, however desirable that might be. We should be using this story to point out to all and sundry female relatives and acquaintances, “So, see the NYT_? What kind of future do you suppose these Cloud People have in mind for your very own children and grandchildren_?”* If you… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Al from da Nort
6 years ago

I agree repealing the 19th should certainly not be the center of our efforts. Now it is slowly moving into our Overton and I think that’s good but the real problem remains loss of our historic homelands.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

Just because some far right wackos mention repealing the 19th on far right wacko websites doesn’t mean it’s getting anywhere near Overton. Denying women the vote is still under a rock at the bottom of the Indian ocean. But keep talking about it so the world can keep writing us off as a bunch of old timer asshats.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

You’re punching right. You should join Shapiro’s controlled opposition op. Probably better pay than here too.

Never punch right, that’s the only way to not slide left. We dont share Overton w leftie or ‘MSM’. Women’s vote is coming over the horizon here. Fear of discussing it conceded moral high ground. Stand by your views, and then handle hell or high water. Women in politics was a disasterous idea.

Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

Frip — you,re right abou the issue being at the bottom of the ocean. As a single white Gen X female, I just like to bring it up to other women to make them foam at the mouth. It’s amusing. (But I still am ok with it.) I think the only “true believers” who can rightly broach the subject of repeal of the 19th are people liken Ann Coulter and me, precisely BECAUSE we are women. Coming from men, it just won’t be received the same way. But our discussion is a moot point because, as you have rightly pointed… Read more »

Drinking Justice Worrier
Drinking Justice Worrier
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

I have no idea what you’re talking about. Just me, I guess.

Random Dude on the Internet
Random Dude on the Internet
6 years ago

Excellent entry but I am still pessimistic about how the whole thing played out. The wails of “racism” from the boomercons and BBCs (basic bitch conservatives) are sad if not expected. However the mind of the boomercon doesn’t work in the way we would hope it would. The response from many boomercons I know is to be even more committed to being non-racist in order to stick it to the racists at the New York Times. Many still follow the Romney-style playbook of thinking that the way to win is to beat the left at their own espoused (but not… Read more »

Toddy Cat
Toddy Cat
Reply to  Random Dude on the Internet
6 years ago

That’s very true, but BoomerCons can be turned by reality, especially if it hits them hard enough, enough times. That’s what happened to me. Just like doubling your bet when you lose in gambling, eventually the huge cumulative losses start to get your attention. This will happen to more and more of them as this crap escalates.

Reply to  Toddy Cat
6 years ago

That’s very true, but BoomerCons can be turned by reality, especially if it hits them hard enough, enough times.
They are definitely waking up and arming up…I have helped quite a few with choices and builds of rifles, carbines, and pistols…The great part is they have to listen to you while your helping them and I feed them pill after pill;)

6 years ago

So would Little Benjie still demand the head of Joe Sobran, or PJ Buchanan, on a platter?

Don’t bother answering. We KNOW the answer.

Reply to  dad29
6 years ago

Surely you mean P.J. O’Rourke? Buchanan is a mensch. (SWIDT?)

Reply to  BestGuest
6 years ago

No, I mean PJ Buchanan. He, too, was hit with the “anti-Semite” smear guns–when he was running against GHW Bush and scaring the poop out of Bush. Buchanan never recovered from that.

It all had to do with Pat’s clear-eyed editorials making it clear that the interests of Israel and those of the USA were not congruent in most cases (not all.) THAT was not tolerated by the Israel Lobby. Perhaps you recall his use of the term “Amen Corner” when referring to the Israel Lobby in Congress??

So when did he become a mensch?

6 years ago

(((Ben Shapiro))) is defending another High-IQ nonwhite group saying Whites are the problem?

6 years ago

“The guy [Shapiro] who recently said racists should be hounded out of their jobs, is now defending Jeong and the New York Times, either from a position of solidarity or out of craven opportunism.”

Hopefully, this will get Zman to round third base and head to home plate.

Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

It really is a thing, you know? I know Z’s like, “Whatever,” but it is a thing. Kristol, Shapiro, Boot, Rubin, etc. Even Goldberg’s complaint is that this sort of thing makes whites think they are white, which is a bad idea.

I mean, shit. Right?

6 years ago

It’s not that big of a deal, and will be forgotten next week and overshadowed by the next allegation of Trump evil. But, every little bit helps.

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
Reply to  MBlanc46
6 years ago

Yeah, that’s how I see it. It’s already falling off of the news feeds. I’ll be surprised if I’m still seeing the columnists flogging it in a week. It’s probably been forgotten by most people already. Whitey is a slow learner.

Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
6 years ago

No, Bruno, this ballgame won’t be decided by news feeds and MSM colunmists. Rge cat is out of the bag, and, as long as the NYT sticks to its guns on this, it will be the gift that keeps on giving, esp. for those of us who can make dents with Normies, e.g. by reminding them
“if the NYT’s continued backing of this twat’s tantrums doesn’t show you what the MSM really is, what could possibly dent you?”

Reply to  Jaqship
6 years ago

Typo alert: I meant “the cat is out of the bag…”

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
Reply to  Jaqship
6 years ago

And if isn’t decided in the news feeds and MSM columns, it won’t be decided at all. Try an experiment. Get out from behind your computer, and go to the white working class bar of your choice. See if this even comes up as a topic of discussion. (It won’t.) Try bringing it up yourself. “Yeah, it’s a sad world. What are ya gonna do? Hey, how about dem Cubbies!” This may be a cause celebre amount the chattering classes, but truthfully, not much of anyone else gives a fuck about what the New York Times does. It might as… Read more »

Toddy Cat
Toddy Cat
Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
6 years ago

That’s why the ongoing NFL Anthem protest is still more important than Jeong. It got right in the white working class’ faces, they couldn’t ignore it anymore. Little Miss Dog Mc Nugget is more important as a wake up call to the white middle classes.

Reply to  MBlanc46
6 years ago

MBlanc. I disagree. When making our case to normies, the Jeong affair will at the very least make it harder for them to dismiss us as loonies. That’s no small thing in this rhetorical war. The NYT just made my conversations MUCH simpler.

james wilson
james wilson
6 years ago

This is a good sign. We are all aware that newspapers are increasingly marginal, this signals that the Times is no less so and is desperate to stay relevant, or to even know what that is. The things they want to say paying subscribers increasingly don’t have the need to hear. Sounds like National Review. If there is a business model in there it must be named Bezos or Gates.

Reply to  james wilson
6 years ago

The NYT hire reflects their survey of their readership. It wins them nothing, but sets attitudinal boundaries that exclude ever more people in the middle. We are beneficiaries of that, in perhaps a smaller way than we would hope. But getting their bad attitudes written down has value, somewhere, sometime.

6 years ago

This article has great points. Very well written! I have always disagreed with whites, including pro-whites, who claim that Asians are a model minority and are NOT racist. The Asians do have anti-white hatred in them; however, unlike the Blacks and Browns, they tend, unlike Ms. Jeong, to express it subtly. This makes it harder for White people to detect this anti-white hatred, especially since most whites are predisposed to thinking very highly of Asians. Also, if we allow high numbers of Asians into our country and Whites assimilate (that is, miscegenate) with them, this would contribute to our being… Read more »

Maa Shyuejinn
Maa Shyuejinn
Reply to  Stefania_Says
6 years ago

My French-Chinese daughter looks European in every way. More importantly, she has been raised as a “white” person and thinks like one. Culture is way more important than superficial racial traits.

Maa Shyuejinn
Maa Shyuejinn
Reply to  Maa Shyuejinn
6 years ago

What’s with all the negative votes? Traditional Biblical values (respect for our elders, teaching children to behave ethically, the prohibition of false testimony, forbidding covetousness etc.) become objects of condemnation when expressed in a body that is not 100% “white” (whatever that means)? Or do downvoters also have a problem with French people?

Reply to  Maa Shyuejinn
6 years ago

There are a shit-ton of Asian and half-Asian shitlords out there that most people would never suspect were not rednecks. This idea that the Jeong chick represents any Asian majority is pure bullshit. I told the story above because it fit in with Z’s narrative and it is true, but what is the moral of the story? The people in the room took the cue from the white conservative, not the Asian hate-monger. If I had sat there and clapped the whole room would have done so. If I had stood they all would have stood. How much of this… Read more »

St G
St G
6 years ago

If you aren’t dropping pics of #oldwhitemen Korea Vets versus #SarahJeong in threads everywhere, you might be fucking up.

6 years ago

I spent time with a friend who represents the task before us. He sees that whites are under attack as a group, but believes that we have been uniquely evil and thus there is nothing the enemy can do to us that we don’t deserve. When he recounts our crimes against the Indians, his lips curl in hatred for his own. I want to say, “Is there any group that wouldn’t have done the same if they could?”

We need a moral justification for people like my friend. We need guys like him on our side.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

People will not see what they don’t want to see. Think about some race-based stress he might suffer now and again, an action that could be taken against him, a slot his child does not get in school, a job promotion that goes to the affirmative action hire, not him. Whatever it might be. Frame his pain and anger for him, ahead of time. When it happens to him, the light bulb will go off. This hypothetical stuff just bounces off his cranium. Make it personal for him, and you get somewhere. People create their own realities in their minds,… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

Some people wake up due to a personal threat, but there is the tragic counterexample of the white South Africans turning their eyes away from death stalking them. Further, the time is short. By the time many people’s instinct of self-preservation engages, it may be too late. Many people, including Z, have argued that a providing a moral justification for whites to organize as a group may speed up the awakening. What else can be done? We’re trying to dismantle a ticking bomb.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

LineInTheSand, in the long run, normalcy bias is nobody’s friend.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

There is no moral justification. People act in the space and time in which they exist and no other.

One of my favorite moments from the movie Zulu is when a private breaks down crying and asks the sergeant major, “why us?”. The sergeant major answers, “Because we’re here and nobody else.”

When the shit starts hitting the fan these people will know who they’ll have to stand with or end up someone’s lunch.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

Uniquely evil. How absurd. That’s someone that has no knowledge of anything but European history assuming they even have that

Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

Instead of saying ” I want to say “, just say it. I’m sorry your ” friend ” doesn’t have even a basic grasp of world history, but when confronted by the evils the white race has perpetrated, bring up the Mongols, the Ottomans, the Arabs and the Japanese. The first 3 groups established huge empires via violence and slavery. The Japanese chased the Ainu to the fringes of Japan and nearly erased them, with conscious intent, through war and intermarriage. In the 20th century, the Japanese kicked ass all over Asia and engaged in horrific torture of POW’s, among… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

Does your friend realize several of the Indian tribes practiced ritual torture and cannibalism?

Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

Your friend hates himself for what other people have done to other people…I don’t know if you can reason or provide justification for people like that…You might ask him just as a joke if he was any other race would he feel bad for what that race has done to others…

Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

Right on the mark line in the sand. My girlfriend constantly complains about florida’s health care. How it’s so much better in Mass. I told her it is because of all the mexicans and haitians etc etc that live here. If it was made more to her liking I told her it would encourage just more to move here. She thought a moment and said ” I think they should go back so americans can benefit”. I’m using similar tactics on other issues and can see a change happening slowly. It can be done I think with patience and can… Read more »

Reply to  Dtbb
6 years ago

Sorry my comment was meant for Dutch.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

Be careful with fanatics. Often times they are so emotionally invested in a position that noting will change it. I’ve seen the same fanaticism play out in the human potential movement in Silicon Valley back in the 90’s. Some people you can’t change. You can lead them to water back can’t make them drink. These are the people who will let the guru a**rape them , take all their money and the victim will somehow justify it. You can try, to get him to question what he’s been taught. But it’s hard work and he may hate you for it.… Read more »

6 years ago

I don’t think the fact that a particular Asian hates white people means much — after all, plenty of Lefty white people hate other white people. The thing that matters is that the Times hired her even though they knew about her tweets, and they have defended their decision, and refused to back down in the fact of criticism. This makes the double standard — “It isn’t hate when we do it” — difficult to obscure. That’s not quite as big a thing as what Z is claiming, but it’s something.

Reply to  JEB
6 years ago

And, JEB, the NYT could’ve defused some of the heat for this, had they gotten her to issue an utterly-abject apology. But, to my knowledge, they’ve not come close to such a move, and, the longer they delay, the less weight any such apology will carry.
Fine by me!

Toddy Cat
Toddy Cat
6 years ago

What really funny is that, in the midst of all this “Hate Whitey” BS, white men remain the most sought-after demographic on the planet, when it comes to women. Despite decades of anti-white propaganda, almost all white women, and significant minorities of Hispanic, Asian, and Black women all say that they prefer to date, and want to marry, white men. Even this Jeong chick says, in one of her tweets, that her preference sexually is for “CisHet White Boys”! Of course the supply is limited, and most of that will be taken up by white women. No wonder so many… Read more »

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
6 years ago

Thought of an old quote from Mike Vanderboegh, a bit of a nut, but also a former Commie, so worth listening to on some things. “When white people get scared, the don’t burn down their own neighborhoods, they burn entire continents”. Back in college did some RA work for my adviser that consisted of abstracting about 16 hours worth of transcripts of interviews he did with Curtis LeMay prior to his death. Proved Mike’s point. This will not end well.

John Derbyshire
6 years ago

“You’ll note that you never hear anyone suggest we should end immigration from Asia.”

Dunno about ending it, but I have warned about the unwisdom of importing an overclass:

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  John Derbyshire
6 years ago

I agree. At the end of the day, this is about Darwinian biology, not universalist principles of ‘justice’.

6 years ago

“An angry Asian person has a right to their rage.” – HuffPo

She was hired *because* of her “hillarious” racist tweets, not in spite of them. If she were a negress, she would just be more unassailable, and have even more juicy defenders.

Reply to  JoeSuber
6 years ago

Maybe, Joe, but they may have to eat crow anyhow, see , Comment 22: “Jack D says: August 4, 2018 at 3:46 am GMT • @midtown I’d call it 50/50. OTOH, more stuff is coming out – the NYT thought they had vetted her, and knew about all the bad stuff and was prepared for it, but I’ll bet that they MISSED half of it. The idiotically embarrassing defense of Jackie that she deleted, but that Steve found in the wayback machine – I’d bet a dollar that they didn’t dig deep ENOUGH to find that. They already have… Read more »

Reply to  Jaqship
6 years ago

The longer they double down, the better for us, esp. if Trump gets involved.
This thing has the smell of the most bizarre, but nation-shaking, cause celebre in US history (aside from Harper’s Ferry).

Reply to  Jaqship
6 years ago

I hope you are right. Maybe her woke asian self-agency supplies NYT with the illusion that the poison can be tolerated longer, even taken as a tonic, but to eventual deadly effect. Muhuhahaha. Cheers.

Reply to  JoeSuber
6 years ago

A gripping view of the NYT mentality, in Comment 67, at : “Michael S says: August 3, 2018 at 8:17 pm GMT @Forbes Yes, the Times is growing its revenue, but you’re missing the big picture: they’re merely CANNIBALIZING the #Resist readership, snatching away scraps of an ever-shrinking pie, with increasingly clickbait headlines and articles. Who *else* is growing aside, from the few biggest players? And as the quality degrades into trashy tabloid spew, so will their reputation, even among the cosmopolitan New York ELITE. Entropy does not reverse. Once a business goes down-market, it’s very difficult to go… Read more »

Din C. Nuffin
Din C. Nuffin
6 years ago

The rise of “Patriot Prayer” and the “Proud Boys” is a reaction to leftist BS. The rally in Portland was interesting, the venue chosen so Oregon members with concealed carry permits could legally carry. The Portland police responded correctly by going after Antifa, after incorrectly ignoring the ICE occupation on the orders of the leftist mayor a week or two earlier. Shots will be fired soon. The Bundy Ranch standoff came close, with the Oath Keepers, another patriot group. Men are waking up. It’s not so much about race, it’s about liberty. Little Korean girls and feral blacks are obnoxious… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
6 years ago

Whites who now deny what is planned for them either are self-deluded or think they will be somehow exempted. Self-proclaimed conservatives like Shapiro who have come to Jeong’s defense have done all of a public service with their self-immolation.

D&D Dave in the Bubble
D&D Dave in the Bubble
6 years ago

Out of curiosity from a comment (Ann Coulter?) that was made about Sarah Jeong forgetting it was white men who risked their lives to help keep South Korea a free country, I looked up her Wikipedia to see her bio just to confirm her birth country. Sure enough it was South Korea. Then I looked at the rest of her bio. Of course no shocker that she graduated from Berkeley and Harvard Law school. Can’t find finer institutions for brain washing and indoctrinating our youth. I’m sure she did very well in their popular classes “AmeriKKKa the Not So Beautiful”,… Read more »

6 years ago

If this is peak anything it’s “Peak Excuses” for being ignorant to this wider culture war. If you’re white and you’re aware of this whole affair, or been made aware and had enough time to rub 5 thoughts together, you’re out of excuses. It’s the end of the line and you have a choice to make.

6 years ago

I am contemplating if the latest absolutely blatant anti-white rhetoric being openly published is the emotional last gasp of the “progressive experiment,” or do these people truly believe this is a good strategy? If it is their strategy what are they going to do when white women and white liberals figure out they are included in “the enemy” category? To link the last 2 Z-Man topics only women and feminized white men could hold this cognitive dissonanant concept of “all white people bad but of course not me.”

Reply to  Dansidea
6 years ago

If it is their strategy what are they going to do when white women and white liberals figure out they are included in “the enemy” category?
They are hoping by the time the above group gets it there will not be anything they can do about it except submit or die…

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Lineman
6 years ago

They havent’ thought that far. They are responding like lemmings in a herd.

Just a passerby
Just a passerby
6 years ago

“This story also offers a chance to point out to white people that there is no bargaining with these people. A bargain requires a degree of good faith on both sides and some way to hold the both sides to the deal. The Left thinks it has a moral duty to do whatever is necessary to destroy the rest of us, so they are not just allowed to break the rules and lie about it. They are morally obligated to use any means necessary to win, which is why they named one of the activist groups By Any Means Necessary.”… Read more »

6 years ago

No whites no welfare. Be careful what you wish for.

6 years ago

Great column. Three quibbles: 1. Jeong may actually not hate whites. I live in Asia and Asians have intense loyalty to their family and, secondarily, their tribe. When they live in a country where their tribe is in power they are also loyal to the country. Asians, as we all know, are driven to succeed and make money. Add in female desire for attention and what you get is Sarah Jeong. Asians see that in the US, the way to succeed in any SJW related field, such as journalism, is to hate whites. So, they gladly hate whites. Since whites… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  My_Comment
6 years ago

She probably hates whites now but who knows why. She probably learned to hate whites from….whites (leftists). I dont know that much abotu East Asians. But I know Indians in India and in America. Indians in India LOVE whites (if you dont believe me visit India: )

In America, Indians learn that they are ‘supposed’ to hate whitie, so they become far more tribal and annoying. Indians in India are our best (potential) friend in this world. And we re gonna need them to avoid becoming China’s b*tch.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

She may have learned how to hate whitey but I wouldn’t be surprised if it is just a case of gaming the system. My hunch on this was backed up by a twitter thread Steve Sailer posted of an Asian writer for the Guardian who admitted that building a brand on hating whitey was an easy route for an Asian chick into a staff writing job.

‘Young Asian “Guardian” Writer Explains How Anti-White Tweets Like Sarah Jeong’s Are Career Path to Staffer Job’

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  My_Comment
6 years ago

“She may have learned how to hate whitey but I wouldn’t be surprised if it is just a case of gaming the system.”

For a girl, often same deal. They first intuit what the herd feels, then they start feeling it themselves and then they eventually think it as well. But it came from our traitorous fellow whities.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
6 years ago

I would say more our (((fellow whites))). They are the ones who originated the whole idea of hate whitey and make whites a minority and they are the power at the NYT as well as most of the mainstream media.

Reply to  My_Comment
6 years ago

My_Comment, Jeong is definitely on a personal brand building exercise. This has been a “thing” in recent years, and Trump is the ultimate practitioner of it, perhaps for all time. People need to be “edgy” to build their brand, they can’t be boring, and she is taking it all the way down the court.

6 years ago

I’ve been clear on the hate Whitey situation for a while but I have to admit you opened my eyes to Ben Shapiro. Thanks for that

Reply to  Whitney
6 years ago

What would you say to my normie conservative brother who loves Shapiro because he attacks college SJWs?

Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

Everytime shapiro’s name comes up Just say “he’s the enemy” and let it ferment in his brain. It’s the truth and eventually it will become obvious. Anyway, that’s how it works with me

Reply to  Whitney
6 years ago

We must do better than that. I suggest: Shapiro belongs to a tribe, many of whom practice a dual morality. They privately place the success of their tribe above all other concerns while publically denouncing those who advocate for the white race. While we may find common cause with them on some issues, like limited government or traditional sex roles, their highest goals are massive non-white immigration, the defeat of traditional white culture, and the defense of Israel. If people support them when they fight college SJWs, those people are fooled into supporting massive immigration and endless wars overseas.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

I simply call them what they are. I post this on Twitter quite often: “fill in the blank” is a true Conservative with Judeo-Christian values.

Hopefully being labeled as a Conservative with Judeo-Christian values will be an insult sometime soon.

Reply to  Highspeed2
6 years ago

How about shortening it to Judeo-C values? Emphasize it the way they do. After a while it’s just Judeo- values.

Tully Bascombe
Tully Bascombe
Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

How about pointing out his defense of the anti white bitch the NYT just hired? or maybe point out how Lil Benji is just fine with the “browning” of America but Israel must remain a jewish state? there’s lots of material here if you just look for it, the littlest Chickenhawk is a veritable gold mine of hypocrisy.

6 years ago

Hate me? Thats fine, i will just hate back.

Troll King(-36)
Troll King(-36)
6 years ago

Re Asian immigration, it’s a huge deal in the western sea board of Canada. There is a huge white flight from places like Vancouver to mid central Canada sending house prices to the stratosphere. Makes sense: in a mostly white environ, little Johnny would be salutatorian and acquiz boll star. In a predominantly Asian school, he is fighting for fortieth place and may not get a spot in college. Our wise overlords are guiding us the right direction, I have faith! This article, while excellent in the first paragraph, is a little hysterical. The dangers are the above and miscegenation.… Read more »