What Comes Next

There was a disturbing report the other day from Pew Research which claimed that 91% of Democrats think political violence is what comes next. In the same study, 61% of Republicans said violence is inevitable. The poll was done in the context of Trump spat with the foreign women in Congress. There’s no break down by race, sex or age, just party self-identification. Usually, the lack of demographic data invalidates a poll, but people willing to self-ID as either party these days are going to be easy to generalize.

The report is disturbing, because of the well-established pattern of the Left signaling what they are going to do, by warning that they fear it. For example, in the Bush years, they regularly told us they feared the government would use these new powers to spy on Americans and subvert the political process. As soon as they had the chance, the Obama administration began widespread abuse of the government surveillance powers and tried to subvert the 2016 election.

Of course, the game the Left has always played is to use violence as a pretext to impose their preferred policies. We’ve had waves of left-wing violence since the Obama administration, all intended to elicit a response. Those responses are used to justify what amounts to political terrorism. The toppling of statues and the ruination of people, who hold unpopular opinions, was all justified by one or two incidents. Charlottesville is still used to justify anti-white pogroms by the Left.

Given past patterns and the trajectory of the country both ideologically and demographically, what comes next is important to consider. Most insiders assume Trump loses the 2020 election to whoever the Democrats pick. Last time they could muster a few million illegal votes in key states. This time it will be more than ten million, as they have been working the problem for four years. The tech oligopoly has been hard at work to make sure there will not be a repeat of 2016.

There’s also a good chance the Republicans lose the Senate. Even if they hang on, the senate GOP is so easily bullied, they will offer no resistance to the Left. After 2020, the Left will have complete control of the federal government. More important, given the demographics, they will be the dominant party for as long it matters. The future will be one in which people like Ilhan Omar and Ocasio-Cortez gloat about their ascendancy, while championing anti-white policies. The future will be vibrant, but not bright.

In order for such a world to stagger on, expect the tech giants to ramp up their censorship operations using anticipatory censorship. They are tinkering with this now on platforms used by children and stupid people. Instagram is now preventing users from posting things that they prohibit. Instead of the user posting it then having the post taken down after complaints, the system censors the post as they submit. You can expect this technology to become widespread, even in e-mail.

Dissidents tend to respond to this stuff by arguing that there are ways around it and alternative platforms will inevitably spring up in response. That’s not really what they are doing with this type of censorship. It’s about nudging the frame. Even if in the narrow area of social media, people get used to self-censoring, anticipating what happens with this technology, that habit will carry over into their daily life. This is something the tech giants have learned from their Chinese communist engineers.

Of course, semi-permanent control by the Democrats will usher in the demographic collapse that immigration patriots have been warning about for decades. Record numbers are crossing the border every day now and that is with a political atmosphere not welcoming of migrants. Just imagine what happens when President Harris gives a speech inviting half of the world to come to America for free health care. The rush to the border will be unprecedented.

That’s the thing to keep in mind when contemplating what comes next. The pattern thus far has been that the future comes faster than expected. In the 2000’s, people warned that homosexual marriage would have all sorts of negative consequences. In a little more than a decade, parents are being forced to take their children to drag queen story time at the local library. In a flash, we went from “let them get married” to little boys doing drag shows at gay clubs. Cultural collapse tends to accelerate.

That really is how to think about what comes next. When you are in the avalanche, every minute feels like a lifetime. In the crisis, time slows, but in reality everything moves quickly. Two decades ago, immigration patriots warned that America would lose its white majority by 2050 at the earliest. In all probability, it will happen by the middle of the next decade. Today, dissidents are warning about the coming left-wing authoritarianism, as if it is far in the distance, when it is right around the corner.

There are two types of coping strategies that will emerge. One is to over-estimate the awfulness of what comes next. People insulate themselves with hopelessness in order to avoid facing reality. The flip side of this is to dismiss the warnings about what’s coming, a sort of whistling past the graveyard. Even today people still say that the radicalism of the Left will destroy itself. You see this with the “go woke go broke” chants that fly in the face of reality. No woke corporation has suffered in the slightest.

The proper response, what must come next for those on this side of the great divide, is to accept the reality of the situation and act accordingly. That means getting involved in social activities that allow you to recruit, building social networks of likeminded people and working to always be the reasonable voice in the room. The vibrant future may look like a dark age, but the future is not written. Even in the depths of the dark ages, communities thrived, even prospered, and people lived good lives.

Support the media that supports you. While all of us toiling in the fields of dissident media are motivated by a sense of duty, having a place to sleep and food on the table still requires money. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. Or, you can send money to me at: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. I now have a PayPal setup for those who prefer that method to donate. Thank you for your support!

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Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
5 years ago

On twitter one of the major themes among the patriotic MAGA Trump crowd is to remove Omar, citing her sham marriage, possibly immigrating illegally, etc. They also spend lots of time and energy bashing AOC and Tlaib. You get the impression that they think everything will be fine once we get “the Squad” straightened out or silenced or whatever. There’s never any talk that AOC, Omar, and Tlaib are just a sneak preview of what’s coming, and there will be many more like them or worse, because of the biggest problem of all, demographics.

The Babe
The Babe
Reply to  Wolf Barney
5 years ago

The inability of normie to think demographically is an infuriating problem.

Of course the gatekeeping media, both left and right, want to keep him not thinking demographically.

As Zman has said, however, just telling white people that they’re going to become a minority is a very upsetting thing. We need every white person to know it, just as our opponents need people to not know it.

Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

I’ve posted countless times, in countless places, the true demographic numbers to the best of my knowledge, but I still see the same old myths (Whites a minority by 2045, Asians are natural conservatives and White allies, Mestizos are mostly White and totally assimilated by the 3rd generation, etc.) almost daily. Even Zman, in his last podcast (which I listened to in its entirety – whooohoo a first for me!) said the 2020 census would show Whites down to the low 60s percent–wise. With due respect, official figures (not that I trust those, but if anything I think they overstate… Read more »

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

We’re already an effective minority. There’s a significant percentage of whites who will never ever take our side no matter what the circumstances.

Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

Math is hard for many normies.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
5 years ago

The point of attacking the Squad is to make them the face of the Democratic Party. That’s why Trump does it, and it’s working. Pelosi and the DNC are rallying around them, even though they alienate vast numbers of moderate voters (and Jewish DNC donors). Yes, the GOP needs to keep the Senate and retake the House, and the emerging DNC message of open borders, free healthcare for illegals, trannies in women’s sports, etc. is going to help them do that. As for Silicon Valley, I’m sure Trump is aware of the threat. I urge everyone to read the PDF… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  PapayaSF
5 years ago

Trump is aware of the Silicon Valley threat, and he’s tweeted about it, but no action yet. What Trump’s not aware of, is the demographic threat, which he hasn’t even tweeted about. In fact, many times he’s bellowed in front of his MAGA crowds that we need more legal immigrants.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
5 years ago

Legal could be code for white…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 years ago

Some people aren’t supposed to understand what you are saying, but communicating in code doesn’t work if no one understands it. If Trump’s call for more legal immigrants is code for more white immigrants, you and Trump are the only ones who understand it. When Trump talks about more legal immigrants, everyone understands it to mean more Pajeets and/or Mestizo peasants.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 years ago

Not likely.

First, there are no surplus White people in any nation to send here. All developed fertility rates, White and Asian are below replacement and less developed nations are getting there too . Mexico may be there soon if they aren’t already

Second, the Cheap Labor/Chamber of Commerce crowd has its hands on the nuts of a lot of Republicans and as such if it comes to changing the business model and raising wages and benefits a little by the market or ruining the US with labor arbitrage they always choose the later

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
5 years ago

” Just imagine what happens when President Harris gives a speech inviting half of the world to come to America for free health care. The rush to the border will be unprecedented.” I pray for this nightly. This slow motion train wreck we are in now is untenable and anathema to my person. It is like watching your body slowly rot from cancer but you are forbidden from either radical surgery or chemo by TPTB. You must simply watch agonizingly as you wither and the organs of the state protect the ‘cancer’ with threats of violence and incarceration. You can… Read more »

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Apex Predator
5 years ago

And all of this happened WITH a Trump victory. I wouldn’t be surprised at another Trump victory. The rulers get what they want and YT still believes in the plan so he remains in semi-paralysis. They need another 4 years just like the past 4 years. We won the Tweet War the anti-whites took home the prom queen. Shifting the Overton window a bit here and a bit there is a great way to get the goyin to blow off steam…and do nothing else. Trump was an accelerationist. The problem is our enemies hit the gas peddle while whites tapped… Read more »

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Yves Vannes
5 years ago

This is rhetorical question so don’t answer but if all of this is so terrible, why haven’t you organized a death squad and gotten started ? hell if that is too far why haven’t you started a Bund of some kind? A club? whatever No multiply that by everyone else who doesn’t want to fight a goddamned civil war for unspecified goals and no personal gains. We could purge the US of every cuck, every Cultural Marxists, millions of foreigners and all the globally focused types, corporate and otherwise and end up basically as Bulgaria or Yemen Being White helps… Read more »

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  A.B Prosper
5 years ago

“why haven’t you started a Bund of some kind? A club? whatever” Many people have been doing just that, and for a while. I think we don’t have any other realistic options right now except to make connections and build upon them. Make sure you’re ready to survive whatever comes. If we’re ever going to get back to a place where most whites want to start a family (your measure of a healthy society as I recall) we have to make sure we aren’t simply adrift as simply another voice on the internet. I don’t mean paramilitary groups either. People… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
5 years ago

And Yves if someone can’t do that where they are at then they need to have the courage to be a Pioneer and move to somewhere that is conducive to that…

Reply to  Apex Predator
5 years ago

Don’t hold back — tell us what you REALLY think.

Reply to  Apex Predator
5 years ago

THANK YOU for reiterating he word that is not said enoUgh: No. NO. NO.

I see it not being used with even my friend’s children. She is soft on them. And will reap what is being sown.

As a woman, I will do what I can to support our like-minded brethren in the coming Troubles. I live in the den of iniquity. (Close to the Imperial Capital.)

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Carrie
5 years ago

Me too. I’m in DC (Sodom on Potomac). Shall we start a revolution? 🙂 man ain’t far away either so I say that jokingly but only half so. One never knows these things and ‘organic / grassroots’ is how to attack this thing in actuality. Big telegraphed moves like CVille are a disaster waiting to happen. Small groups. Small attainable goals. (And to Henry, I can walk and chew gum you can do the things you are asking for whilst also pouring gas on a fire, they bring about the same result if done properly.)

Reply to  Apex Predator
5 years ago

Accelerationsism is an idiotic “strategy” (it is really more of a fantasy). The people on this blog, and in other DR meeting places, are only hurting our cause by indulging in this stupid idea that we can make things better by making things worse. 1. We should be figuring out how to wake up more whites to our situation and what it will calls for. This is not easy to do. We should also be devising feasible plans for organizing into activist groups. Accelerationsism amounts to giving up on these tasks, and instead hoping that some good will come out… Read more »

One of many Georges
One of many Georges
5 years ago

One big problem: the very nature of modern leftism is that it selects out of the general population the most vicious, sociopathic, and degenerate. (Who could possibly come up with such an insidious, mass-murder-making sorting scheme? I (((dunno))).) Thus, in very general terms, left vs. right is the battle of bad people versus good people. The problem is that bad people are much more willing to lie, cheat, and kill. We want to do productive work and read good books. They want to plunge society into chaos, set up a totalitarian gangster state, and kill us. It’s the battle of… Read more »

deplorable me
deplorable me
Reply to  One of many Georges
5 years ago

We will have to lay down our principles and pick them up again after we win.

Exactly; Queensbury rules don’t help when the other side is fighting by any means necessary.

Reply to  One of many Georges
5 years ago

This will require some racial awareness in our Folk.

5 years ago

The crux: “accept the reality of the situation and act accordingly.” The time for debating and proselytizing is very near its end. I think we’re looking at increasing low-intensity conflict which will grow outward from the blighted urban areas, and at some point a trigger event which causes the mayhem to spill into suburbia and potentially beyond. The key phrase for us is KNOW YOUR HISTORY. Not American history, but the history of mankind and the depravity that erupts when cultures collapse. I used to think financial collapse would precede cultural collapse … no longer, for the very reason Z-man… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

Your financial collapse seems to be spinning up.

Go lookup Deutsche Bank and it’s current troubles with derivatives. I just saw an article on Zerohedge about this – and they’re throwing around the “It’s the next Lehman Brothers” moniker.

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

The problem in the financial world is that they have all the money and customers they are going to get for a while, things (stocks, bonds, real estate) have been mostly bid up as far as they can go, and QE/money printing has lost its oomph. So it is a big fat flatline from here. What that means in the real world, we shall see.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Those derivatives they’re referring to are a real problem. I don’t pretend to fully understand the whole thing , but I’ve seen the explanation that they’re bets placed on bets that were placed on other bets. When they unravel they do so in spectacular fashion. From what they’ve elaborated on – it sounds like Douchebank has exposure to something like $47 trillion worth of derivatives – in a world where the entire Earth economy is only something like $80 trillion. So they’ve got a potential financial blowup worth more than half of the entire world economy. Pretty sure that’s going… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

Calsdad, most of those derivative positions are covered; that is, they own both sides of the trade and they cancel out. But it doesn’t take much out of $47 tln to put a dent in things. And there is no way to build a book and not take a stand on how things need to play out. One can cover most possibilities, but not all of them. There is also the potential for things to snowball due to counterparty risk. That’s why the Fed walks on eggs and Trump’s attacks scare the bejeebers out of bankers.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Worse for them, not that these guys are exactly long term focused future customers aren’t being born and the few that are, are how shall we say far from ideal customers

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

You can always find somebody predicting a financial apocalypse, and 99.999999999% of the time, they’re wrong.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 years ago

I have no idea about a financial apocalypse, but our financial institutions (as well as the government and many corporations) are built to either grow or wither. Stasis is not part of the equation. What it means and how it all plays out, anyone who says they know what it means is blowing a lot of smoke up peoples’ arses.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

OK & D, you’re right about fiscal worries. We’ve fought every war and build most of our civilization under fiscal conditions that make our ancestors seem like paupers compared to todays paper wealth.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 years ago

Ostei, You are correct of course. I’ve made choices, some good some bad, based on predictions of economic holocaust… going back 15 years. Yes, it will eventually collapse but I no longer trust anyone’s timeline. As an addendum, the good choices were: having an arsenal (I enjoy plinking), precious metals which I sold at a profit and plunked a fat down on my rural property, and I picked up some useful skills. Downside: I have a ridiculous amount of ‘survival gear’s that is collecting dust in storage. I didn’t sell my metals at peak price (just a small profit price)… Read more »

Reply to  Penitent Man
5 years ago

Yeah, I got burned in a similar way. Listened to some scaremonger named Stansbury and went all in on gold. It was a bad move. Lesson learned.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 years ago

I’ve been hearing this crap since I was a kid probably starting with Ravi Batra’s Great Depression of 1990

The family ended up calling him Ravi Bankrupt figuring that is where you’d be if you listened to him or any of the other pop “financial planners” out there.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 years ago

http://www.market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=236418 The Federal Government is 25% in the hole right now on a budget basis — that is, it is spending 25% more than it can afford. Every dollar of deficit spending has produced less than a dollar of GDP since roughly 2001. This is an exponentially-accelerating series, and we are now in the terminal phase of it. My rough extrapolation is 2024 before it all goes to Hell in a bad way. That assumes we get there, and the market doesn’t figure it out first — specifically, the debt markets. If they do, then it all goes to Hell… Read more »

c matt
c matt
5 years ago

the radicalism of the Left will destroy itself

It will, but not before it destroys everything else if you let it.

5 years ago

I suspect the white Rhodesians told themselves as much as Zman has written here. The problem is it doesn’t work when your a hated minority with no real rights that the other groups view as either a resource or for target practice. Really WTF is whitey going to do when social infrastructure collapses under the weight of a 100 million more 3rd world low IQ savages while at the same time watching their jobs taken over by Hindu and Chinese imports? Go kick back smoke a blunt and be “reasonable” and hope the hell that some savage doesn’t rape your… Read more »

Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

Yes, that is a realistic prediction about the future (especially for California which is now a province of Mexico). Now extend your prediction. At some point, the veil falls away and a militia-based opposition will arise. Since government is the apex predator in a democracy, LEOs will be deployed to put down the insurgency. The incipient tyrants want Blue-on-Green decimation in order to pave the way for the jackboots to mop up. Don’t play their game. Don’t waste energy or resources targeting the wrong enemy.

Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

Rod’s bedtime stories to his grandchildren: “Despite all, the townsfolk held fast to that glimmering spark of hope. But they were fools. The darkness came and devoured them. Some children escaped to the forest. “We will live on through the young ones,” it was said. But, trust me, they’ll be killed too. Or drown in the bog. Or slowly die of starvation. Everyone’s gonna die. The End.”

Whistler's Mother
Whistler's Mother
Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

I like it, Frip, with a slight revision to the denouement.
“And the ones who called it correctly rubbed the tards noses in it forever, but the tards were all dead so it wasn’t much fun. The End.”

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

Whew…I needed that…. to be dragged away from the all-consuming Black Pill!

Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

Whites in southern Africa were not just a minority, but a tiny minority, far smaller than what whites in the US will ever be. For that reason alone, their plight is not analagous to our current situation.

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 years ago

Furthermore they were besieged by the entire Western world.

5 years ago

The Dissident Right’s most glaring weakness is its atavistic, visceral disdain of illegality. Even the most redpilled & disillusioned among us regard unlawfulness as the preserve of ruffians and ne’er-do-wells. Traditionalists value order, which in the American tradition means lawful order. In the pioneer context of local democracy which they idolize, the law is the embodiment of communal sovereignty. The discrepancy between legal country and real country, obvious to any European, doesn’t compute with Americans. It’s tough recruiting revolutionaries when you worship the law. Even when talking rebellion, the Right will point to 1776 or 1860 as their inspiration, which… Read more »

Reply to  Anon
5 years ago

So I guess you’ve never heard of neighborhood watch? When the violence get’s widespread and frequent, Whitey will use his “guns” to protect hearth and home and the outnumbered police will do nothing in response. We have seen this time and again in emergency/disaster situations—Katrina was no exception, despite the hoopla wrt attempted gun confiscation by “visiting” police units in the field. Those incidents drove out the dozens of examples of folks sheltering in place and protecting their homes and supplies.

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

“Protecting their homes and supplies”. As in, lawfully defending your property? Tepid, feeble and inward-looking in the big scheme of things. The mentality of the besieged responding to immediate stimulus. The ethos of the rooftop korean. Yes, people will take up arms in a defensive capacity if the authorities give them the nod, or in situations where the fear of legal jeopardy is greatly reduced. Not much of a conquering spirit. Face it, we are first and foremost law abiding. We take pride in that. That will be the end of us. To my earlier point: observable reality being increasingly… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

Compsci: My older son was with the Texas national guard. In addition to overseas service (albeit not combat, which he greatly regrets) he served on the border before wheelchair gov pulled them off, and was mobilized for a few weeks for the last hurricane (Harvey, I think?) and all the Texas flooding. On the border their hands were utterly tied and he had to watch illegals cross and merely advise the largely Mestizo Border Control and wait for them to react (or not). Re the hurricane, most of those who “sheltered in place” were utterly unprepared and there was a… Read more »

Reply to  Anon
5 years ago

Seems like WWII was started in Poland with some fighters disguised as “the enemy”.

Reply to  Anon
5 years ago

Anon: Very well said.

Reply to  Anon
5 years ago

I’m pretty much in agreement and have been since I used to read prepper and threeper sites 10 years ago. However, in the interest of autism (mine) I need to point out the first Klan and some other groups, both organized as well as ad hoc, acted outside the law when state law enforcement and election law was corrupted during reconstruction.

Reply to  Rogeru
5 years ago

The Klan is interesting, though I doubt it has much contemporary relevance. It is a spent force with little to teach us in terms of tactics or organization, because it could not have endured without the connivance or at least beneficence of Southern Democratic machine politics, kind of like “the Resistance” today.
It operated within the system instead of existing in opposition to it.
Still, I’m open to being educated on the early days Klan, as I’m sure what little I know about it is full of liberal embellishments.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Anon
5 years ago

he just doesn’t have much regard for the figure of the righteous outlaw which so completely permeates leftist lore, from John Brown to Che Guevara. Both not only broke the law but killed people. The first to grab their guns, will end up like John Brown. Whatever you think of his specific beliefs, he is the historical model of what you are asking for. He threw it all away for what he believed in and he took the stand that a man is not bound to respect perverted law. It is an interesting question if he hated slavery more than… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

The conventional bravado on gun grabbing goes like this: If you come for our guns, patriots everywhere will go Turner Diaries on your ass. Yet through their mastery of salami tactics, the Left has been whittling away at the Second Amendment since the mid-60s with no conflagration to date. People got used to the hurdles, the exceptions and the red tape, and meekly fill out their paperwork. Ask a gun enthusiast, one of those don’t-tread-on-me types, to describe what additional anti-gun measure exactly would be a step too far. He’ll invariably tell you about that fantastical scenario wherein gun confiscation… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Anon
5 years ago

N/p, in an, even by Z blog standards, very interesting post and comment thread, I thought yours was one of the best comments. I think you are 100% right, we re too much suckers for rules, whether principles or laws. And you re right about guns. One little step at a time, they make it harder.

5 years ago

Demographics = destiny… there is no escaping that. We are being outbred by people with whom we have no cultural commonality. These are people who are quite comfortable living under the thumb of oppressive dictatorships and totalitarian governments. First and foremost we need to embrace self interest and White Identity Politics, we realize that we will soon be the minority “Boers” of the world. Surrounded, hated and besieged by savages.

5 years ago

It will be interesting to see how these deluded MAGA types react when reality hits them in the face. Right now Daddy Trump is in charge and all is well. Israel is safe from Muslim Nazis, gays are everywhere, and he’s owning the libs with based tweets. What happens when it’s obvious that no conservative can ever win the Presidency again and the Cohngress is in permanent Democrat control? I used to dread the day, now I cannot wait. After seeing just how stupid and deluded the average normie conservative is I will just laugh and say “we tried to… Read more »

Reply to  Nathan
5 years ago

Before Trump came along everybody was wailing that no white man could ever again be elected president of the US. I was one of them.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Nathan
5 years ago

I still dread the day there’s permanent Dem control. Maybe it’s just me, but I’m not looking forward to saying “I told you so,” THAT much.

Reply to  Nathan
5 years ago

Nathan – well said. Most normies are unreachable and not worth the attempt. A great reset is coming, want it or not, and then they’ll be running to badwhites for protection. I will smile . . . and decline. Not merely actions and beliefs but also choices have consequences.

5 years ago

Re: ” Cultural collapse tends to accelerate ” …. and Re: ” Even today people still say that the radicalism of the Left will destroy itself “. There is however some truth in this. I don’t know of any historical examples of where the lunacy that we’re seeing currently didn’t reach a crescendo and then implode. Maybe the lefties are bitching so loudly and persistently about Nazis because they know damn well that their overreach is going to enable and legitimize the cleanup crew into social acceptability. At least among the whites. Lefties tend to think that certain things just… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

And here I thought I was the only one who referred to her as “The Cunt”.
I guess great minds think alike….

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

Good points Carlsdad, I don’t think it can be emphasized enough that Trump’s win demonstrates that, at least in 2016, a VAST number of people were no longer mentally tuned in to our versions of Pravda and Izvestia (the two big soviet dailies). So many people didn’t “do the right thing” and do what they were told that almost all the polling organizations got the outcome wrong. Does that mean that this will happen again? My feeling is that, really, all the Dems need to do is run another woman, black, or mysterious-neo-Obama again and they will lose again. It’s… Read more »

5 years ago

The 2020 election will be the defining, crystallizing, moment in the cultural battle. And anyone who doubts that democrat controlled urban America will not manufacture millions and millions of votes will be rudely awakened. The same urban enclaves that openly ignore the law don’t give two shits about fidelity to election laws. I’ve got some beautiful swampland in eastern Iowa to sell you if you think Trump can win Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and even Texas, where lawless Democrat hegemony is the majority report. Once the Democrats have total control in Nov 2020 all the crazy rhetoric you hear being… Read more »

Whistler's Mother
Whistler's Mother
Reply to  JZs
5 years ago

“They want to plunge society into chaos, set up a totalitarian gangster state, and kill us.” That’s quite the dystopian fantasy you’ve got going there. Undoubtedly, a few would like to see us dead. Well, please answer these dissonant questions. Where are those shock troops going to come from? Antifa? Not very many of those, what percentage of the population do you imagine is Antifa? Even the most fanatic, dyed in the wool generic “liberals”-say, for instance, some extended family members I know-would be loathe to go about attacking their dissenting friends, neighbors, and relations. Black ghetto dwellers? Not sure… Read more »

Reply to  Whistler's Mother
5 years ago

China is the big beta test for everything that is coming to my doorstep and yours. Note how the Chinese media shows the vandalism, not the million+ people in the streets. The triads are sent out to rough up people, not the army. Here, that means organized vibrant gang bangers with a list of names and addresses doing the deed on you and me.

Whistler's Mother
Whistler's Mother
Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Besides the fact that U.S. big tech is working with China, what evidence is there that an even more leftist future U.S. gov would follow the Chinese model?

Reply to  Whistler's Mother
5 years ago

China is a centralized, communist oligarchy pretending that it has the best interests of the common man at heart. Exactly what our Uber-leftists aspire to. That the Chinese culture is basically high-IQ and has an identifiable specific cultural history, it lines up fairly well with ours. One big difference is that China is systematically eliminating its minority populations, while our Uber-left is intent on eliminating our majority population. That’s because our majority population is either less tractable than theirs, or it still has too much power. Or both.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

All that means is a lot of dead, vibrant gang bangers…

M. B. Lamar
M. B. Lamar
Reply to  Whistler's Mother
5 years ago

They won’t kill us en masse, although I suspect the more effective dissidents are on the chopping block. They will instead rob us en masse, I’d say. Of everything: real estate, funds, businesses. There’s ample precedent in past communist revolutions to make that prediction an easy call. And we are heading swiftly, like others have commented, far more swiftly than anticipated, to the endgame for this one.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Whistler's Mother
5 years ago

“That these events are held in a public library at all is disgraceful, but attendance is not yet mandatory.”

Making attendance mandatory isn’t necessary. All that’s needed is for non-compliance to be perceived as risky, socially awkward, expensive in time and effort, and apparently futile.

That kind of pressure is what we’re up against, and it’s not a dystopian fantasy. Not even a prediction, but the status quo.

Reply to  Whistler's Mother
5 years ago

I hate saying this, as a former police officer, but the “shock troops” will be military/police following orders in order to keep their pay, pensions and special privileges…along with millions of just plain niggers.

Reply to  JZs
5 years ago

The talk about millions and millions of manufactured Dem votes is overly alarmist. We’re not yet a banana republic, there are still very real safeguards to control voter fraud, and most of the fraud that does occur will happen in states Trump can’t win anyway.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 years ago

Ostei: You are naive, at best.

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

3g4me: You are hysterical, at best.

Reply to  JZs
5 years ago

On the upside, the left has a fragile coalition based on defeating the GOP. Once that’s done, there’s a good chance the left’s coalition will crack.

5 years ago

OR… The Left is actually afraid of a fight. We won’t know if we don’t fight. We do know what peace is getting us; extinction. Peace is death for us. As to “coping” …. uh…er.. have a good friend punch you in the nethers. That will refresh your ‘gender’ coping skills, Sir. As to thriving during the Dark Ages … yeah if you were the winning warlord. Of course those warlords wanted captive populations as a form of wealth. Not genocide. Except when they did, in which case they got it. I can name a couple of totally depopulated regions… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
5 years ago

I think we re eye to eye here

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
5 years ago

That’s cold as Hel but it’s true in every way.

Still its along ugly path from a prosperous nation with Christian albeit a Lefty version as ideal to filling the trench graves with teenagers because nits make lice and I can’t blame anyone for not wanting that.

Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
5 years ago

As AB says Join or Die…Stop focusing on the Left and focus on the true enemy which is the State which has brainwashed white males as it’s enforcers… Without them the left and Islam would fade into the dustbins of history…

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
5 years ago

Z Man; In broad *political* outline, your 2020 scenario sounds broadly like the run-up to the Spanish Civil War of the late 1930s. TlDr, The Spanish Left, consisting of Socialists, Communists and Anarchists ‘won’ what turned out to be the last election and began aggressively persecuting their enemies, most particularly the Catholic Church. Priests were murdered, nuns were raped, etc. The Spanish Right, most importantly including (much of) the military revolted, staging a coup. The coup failed, but not decisively. So Civil War ensued. The right eventually won because they became just a vicious as the Left, plus had better… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Al from da Nort
5 years ago

China very well could play in California the same role Stalin did in the Spanish Civil War.

William Williams
William Williams
Reply to  Al from da Nort
5 years ago

>>> it would be a good idea for your readers lose any militant anti-CivNat hostility…. we are going to need the loyalty of the US military very badly: Likewise local police rank and file…. Two excellent points. There are certainly DR members who express considerable hostility towards the military and (especially) the police. These elements are a mixed bag, but both include sizable numbers of folk who will, when TSHTF, be on our side, and not on the side of the NYC-DC-California axis of tyranny. We need to get and keep those numbers as high as possible. I’d even go… Read more »

5 years ago

Your writing, always good, has been exceptional lately, I think because dealing directly with the so-called “nationalists” and the likes of Harzony has sharpened your senses. Conflict does that. While I think there are no small number of your readers who are accumulating a good sized pile of ammo and canned goods in the basement, I think the future is not an apocalypse but a long grind in a multiethnic empire, very unpleasant at the vibrant edges, like living in a borderland in the Austro Hungarian empire. Getting to a white area like I have isn’t a practical choice for… Read more »

Reply to  TimNY
5 years ago

Here’s a link to an interview with James C. Scott. Thanks for turning me on to this thinker.


Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
5 years ago

“the well-established pattern of the Left signaling what they are going to do, by warning that they fear it.” “the game the Left has always played is to use violence as a pretext to impose their preferred policies. “Last time they could muster a few million illegal votes in key states. This time it will be more than ten million, as they have been working the problem for four years. The tech oligopoly has been hard at work to make sure there will not be a repeat of 2016.” Am commenting about the deep fear on our side of the… Read more »

Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

Range Front: “Are you guys out there coping with D&D and the upcoming future? Am having to do the facing of the future for two of us.” Interesting that your husband just shuts down – sounds like he’s stuck in the “denial” phase of coping. My hubby took longer to come around to reality than I did – his basic American patriotism and beliefs, as a result of growing up with an Army officer dad, were really hard to let go of. Plus he kept insisting Texas wouldn’t fall because of all the White men with guns. He now accepts… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

3g….appreciate your thoughts. Yes, life is messy. My Husband unit is normally very realistic and tuned into the messy darker aspects of human nature, and can see long-term trends. However, some of his future is now Now, agitation is growing. Can’t say anything negative about Trump. He knows after Trump, the St. Francis Dam collapses, so to speak. He’s wishful that The Orange Man gets 4 more years and therefore so do we. I’m betting on Big Tech and Big Left and Soros and all the other minions contriving and insuring to throw this election. They lost once. Won’t lose… Read more »

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
5 years ago

Great post Z Man. Nicolás Gómez Dávila said: “To be a reactionary is to understand that man is a problem without a human solution.” White, heterosexual, traditional Americans need to stop fantasizing about restoration. Our America is gone forever. We have to make a full, clear eyed assessment of where we’re at and start thinking about practical solutions. Survival will mean accepting reality for what it is. So stop calling the facts “black pills.” That’s a defense mechanism. It let’s you off the hook from doing the hard thing. I’d rather be associated with one tough minded person with lots… Read more »

5 years ago

There is ancient wisdom to be shared. Don’t be in a city when the chaos erupts. Practice and demonstrate tangible skills that offer a productive contribution to your community. Possess at least one firearm and ammunition for self defense. Do not whine or complain loudly, or otherwise draw attention to yourself. Do not get entrapped in Blue-on-Green (LEO vs Patriot) warfare. Be patient and alert and anonymous.

And always remember, the fish rots from the head. Simple/secret/solo/spontaneous. Tyrants are cowards, not warriors.

William Williams
William Williams
Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

I’ll vouch for simple, secret and solo;
spontaneous would be better restated as opportunistic.

5 years ago

Violence comes next? Have these people been sleeping? Political violence started a long time ago. There was a brief hiatus in the 80s, 90s and aughts, but it came roaring back in the 2010s, first with BLM and then Antifa. There is no telling where the violence would be right now if not for the arrest and imprisonment of any members of the right who fought back. If we get arrested and imprisoned under a Republican government, just imagine what will happen under a radical anti-white Democrat like Obama. BLM was not “natural” When BLM started getting out of control,… Read more »

Whistler's Mother
Whistler's Mother
Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
5 years ago

Political violence in the 1960’s was much worse than today and eventually receded. It could happen again.

Whistler's Mother
Whistler's Mother
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

True, the situation now is not identical. But neither is escalation of violence inevitable.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Whistler's Mother
5 years ago

Am sure you’re a nice person….but you’re living in the world of fluffy bunnies and unicorns. And even they will become activists and get quite nasty. When animals are pissed, they can be most unpleasant. My folks were Trots….they NEVER stop, they just Shapeshift. My father would tell You to live life as he thought you should. By any means necessary.

Whistler's Mother
Whistler's Mother
Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

Oh, if it comes to that, I’m sure I could could get quite nasty myself. But the Doomers don’t have a lock on the future.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Diversity breeds contempt, but so does familiarity

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Whistler's Mother
5 years ago

I see this often on right-leaning sites, and here’s why it’s irrelevant in addition to the demographics change Z cites below. In the Sixties the Left didn’t control the institutions and levers of power and had to use violence. They control all those things now and use violence as gratification and punishment. But the need to wield violence to gain power is gone.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
5 years ago

But the need to wield violence to gain power is gone.

Their violence didn’t gain them power, they achieved it through cultural warfare and through The Long March Through The Institutions.

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
5 years ago

Excellent summary of what is happening.

Here in CA. the state has redefined many felonies as misdemeanors so the police won’t even response to many calls because they know nothing will happen to the criminal. Also the homeless are out of control in the state and can do as they please.

Our ER’s look like a TJ clinc. Our schools are in total collapse. Social services are pulling their hairs out dealing with all those Mexicans. The police having no support from the white Dems political leadership are demoralized as hell.

Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

Can confirm on CA hospitals. Blacks and Hispanics in CA already receive free socialized healthcare and UBI. Cops are either converged (many homos) or so bitter and burned out they do their jobs with great disdain. The number of gays and mystery meats in our public services in general is staggering.

Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

And the downside ?

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
5 years ago

What is next? Just more of the same, perhaps with more intensity.

If things just keep on getting ‘steadily’ worse, w no ‘phase transition’, we re on the way to Brazil. But I believe, and I frankly hope, for something a little more dramatic. The slow, nihilistic whithering away of all that makes sense is, to me, worse than bloody drama. And I neither savor war nor imagine it to be ‘fun’ or ‘adventurous’. But it is worse than just wilting, the same way a fight is better than a depression.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
5 years ago

The IRA had an interesting approach. Much is made about their attacks on Britain but what is often glossed over is their handling of opposition and turncoats among the Irish themselves. They cleansed the voices opposing them within their own people. The process didn’t draw much international outrage and it solidified the idea among the people the only true Irishman was one that wanted Independence. Where they used violence I am, of course, speaking metaphorically here. Attacking, in any form, the diversity or their leadership will buy you instant condemnation broadcast 24/7 over their propaganda networks. Shaming and verbally nullifying… Read more »

Reply to  Penitent Man
5 years ago

Interesting, but as a side note, you really need to get on gab and read John Rivers on internet security, anonymity, etc.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  TimNY
5 years ago


Have we reached that point already? I guess I am not quite ready to let go of the fact that the 1A is dead. Perhaps I should do.

Reply to  Penitent Man
5 years ago

IRA is a Leftist organisation; it’s the main reason for their success post-independence.They could get away with things because they were supported by the Left so I’m not sure how useful they are as a template.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Fred
5 years ago

Fred, dont see where the leftism plays in. The Soviets were commies but became petty good at tank warfare. Point?

Reply to  Penitent Man
5 years ago

Their most effective tactic however involved far far fewer casualties. The planted bombs in the City of London proper, the financial district, phoned it in, and basically shut down trading and cost millions. Before, murdering elderly national heroes and blowing up bands in parks hardened British resolve. Thatcher even let some dogs off the leash and there were plenty of mysterious “Irish nationals found dead” stories. But nobody was really willing to go hardcore over no dead bodies and bankers being inconvenienced. It made it really much easier to say yes to them. The IRA did do what you suggested… Read more »

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Hoyos
5 years ago


I bow to your superior knowledge of the subject… though what I am suggesting is in the abatract and with a very American twist.

5 years ago

I’m guessing that 2020 won’t be that bad despite the Democrats best efforts to cheat and steal. 2024 will be the disaster.

Carl B.
Carl B.
5 years ago

It’s coming, there is no escape. To everything there is a season…..

5 years ago

A necessary question: what are the scores of Republicans going to do on November 9th? EVERYBODY to the Right of democrats have been saying Trump will win and how much they hate Democrats. Meanwhile, The Z Man speaks true, the senate map looks terrible.

I have several choice lines lined up to rub their noses in it like the retarded puppies they are. But, I cant help but hope that this breaks something inside the scores of white people and they wake up.

Popcorn Cobb
Reply to  Tykebomb
5 years ago

I have completely lost faith in the right’s ability to react correctly to the current existential crisis. Ten years ago I thought that the true battle of the future would be between Islam and the left. Discovering the alt-right back in 2013, I had hope for a while that it could be different and all was not lost. I am now drifting back to my original position, that it will be between the left and Islam with what’s left of the right being willfully impotent bystanders. There is some truly broken in the right’s psyche that makes it impossible for… Read more »

Reply to  Popcorn Cobb
5 years ago

Go back and read Zman’s essay on “killing” Lincoln. Many Republicans can’t bring themselves to contemplate doing anything about multiculturalism or thinking anything bad about multiculturalism. Because Lincoln. Because black liberation. Unless these whites can be brought over to our side, they will simply continue to look like deer caught in a headlight. Whites must get past historical inertia. Or else.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

When so many are getting shot and their throats slit that it is impossible not to notice or the media to cover it up, then some cucks might start to wake up.

But probably not.

Reply to  george
5 years ago

Why predicate our survival on cucks? Bet it all Coward sellouts? Or normies? They are NPCs to war, or anything outside their own existence. Cucks are to be treated as traitors. Normies to be brushed aside or in war told to dig ditches and fill sandbags. Both of the above are eternal truths to war, to life, to man. If you know your duty (and you do) do your duty and others will follow or fall silent. It has always been the few. Even in WW2 only 9% of the population served – most of them conscripts. In the Revolutionary… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Popcorn Cobb
5 years ago

The Left allies up with Islam….the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Most of the Right will just piss on themselves and corrode into a fetid puddle of useless acid pee….some will ally with Islam. So what happens to 40 M Hispanics? Hispanics are the pets of the day to be used, then humped and dumped when bothersome, at first fed then told to fend for themselves. Post victory, Islamists won’t be all warm and fuzzy with the Squatamalans. Thoughts?

Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

At this point they are brought together by mutual hatred of the White Aryan people. That will dissolve into self-interest, maybe sooner rather than later.

Reply to  Tykebomb
5 years ago

Do not “rub their noses in it,” or call them retards, or give up on them, or do as Zman has suggested before and try to bully them. It is human nature to prefer pretty lies ugly truths. Patiently explain the demographic facts (the comments section here: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/07/21/axios-not-single-demographic-trend-favors-republicans/ is a good place to start) and offer an alternative plan of action. The second part is key. The failure of the right through the decades has been in not offering a set of concrete steps that should be taken. Instead we mostly just complain. The sort of people we are trying… Read more »

Reply to  Tykebomb
5 years ago

I think it’s likely that even if trump wins the election , which I doubt, the GOP establishment will join with the dems to remove him from office. probably impeachment or article 25 , but the donors who pay them will not allow 4 more years of trump, even if it means taking off the mask.

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Tykebomb
5 years ago

You really think that white people are going to wake up if Democrats take the Senate? Wasn’t it just a year or so ago that some perky college Becky in the US was raped and murdered by a Mexican immigrant and, before her body was even cold, her father was out denouncing anti-immigrant sentiments?

If these people are actually sanguine about sacrificing their own children, then just what do you think it will take to “wake them up”? A higher golf handicap?

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  King Tut
5 years ago

White liberals still exist in South Africa. Despite overwhelming evidence that should have eliminated such delusions.

About 5-7% of SA whites appear to vote for the ANC, and at least 70% for the left-wing DA party. The VF Plus separatist party gets 2% of the total vote nationwide, and part of their voters are actually Afrikaans speaking Colureds.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
5 years ago

The highest the VF Plus has ever gotten in any election, was 6% in one province (1994). This year there highest score was 4% in NW province. The population is about 4-5 points less white than in 1994. Anglo whites also don’t seem to vote for them.

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
5 years ago

The South Africans could have saved themselves. When the Soviet Union collapsed they should have sent agents to everywhere in the former Warsaw Pact nations and offered a passport, a house and start-up cash to anyone who wanted to start a new life in SA. By now there would have been 20-25m white South Africans. Enough to separate and form their own viable nation.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  King Tut
5 years ago

The Group Areas Act was repealed in 1990, the fall of the USSR in ’91, the Berlin Wall in ’89. There wasn’t much time in between, and even then they would have been rendering themselves a minority to a bunch of Eastern Euros weren’t Protestant and didn’t speak Afrikaans.

The reality is that the US and W Europe could have threatened military intervention unless the Boers got the volkstaat. They didn’t, because of their dramatic unpopularity. But we did do this for Bosniaks and Albanians.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  King Tut
5 years ago

The National Party government was basically doomed from the moment the Shah was overthrown. That cut off their oil supply, and a link with their Israeli allies. They had to start using coal-to-oil after that. They never exploited the Sino-Soviet split either.

Or we could point even earlier than that, as the demographers in 1948 had no understanding of the Green Revolution driven population boom for blacks, or the contraception pill reducing European fertility.

5 years ago

Moving away from the cities and “desirable” suburbs is one way to lower your antifa/poz exposure. Take a pay cut & enjoy the unmonetized sanity and antifragility. This summer I’m traveling, camping & fishing/hunting near small CA towns that buglords in Sacramento, LA or San Freakshow don’t know or care about. It’s like being in another state – strong White majorities of friendly industrious people, no street shitters, etc… Nevada, Wyoming & Montana promise to be even better as I head north. I want to learn about the places and people who live largely apart from and forgotten by Kamela’s… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

Keep the zip codes to yourself. Under the radar is how to fly.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

No matter where you are in California, the Overlords have you by the gonads with Big Taxes. Another giveaway supplying guide dogs to blind polka-dot lesbians. Utah is 20 years behind Calif, importing lots from Californians and Las Vegas, and groveling for once being bad Whites, virtue signaling by moving rapidly to being Woke. 5% state tax and small towns, stay away from the Salt Lake corridor, St. George sprawl, Cedar City is lost-endless development, explore hwy 89 central to east utah. Moab/Bluff is Lefty enviros, climbers and mt bikers. I’m surrounded. And so quickly it happened.

Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

Range Front Fault: Darn, I drove through UT a lot on business and thought Cedar City was a nice place. I guess it’s gone. There’s no real chance I would ever move there (spouse, etc.), but snowy mountains and farms are my thing.

5 years ago

I keep thinking about the now defunctish organizations like Elks, Masons etc

Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

YES! In the Before Times these organizations fulfilled many functions now taken over by the state. This includes medical insurance. The Elks (Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks) included a medical Program wherein the Elk Lodge contracted with a physician who received an significant annual stipend and took care of the day – to – day medical care of the families of that lodge. Imagine a sizable lodge paying for the medical school costs of a young M.D. in exchange for concierge medicine from that doctor. I bet that would be quite popular with doctors interested in family practice. Otherwise… Read more »

Reply to  Firewire7
5 years ago

When he had freedom of association, small government and relative racial homogeneity, we also had civil society. Now that freedom of association is outlawed, the state is a behemoth, and we’re diversified to within an inch of our life, we’re an atomized, angry society artificially soldered together by the Deep State. Behold the fruits of AWR Leftism.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 years ago

Read an article (can’t remember if it was the Atlantic or NYT) where black men in that city were starting a black men’s social club. The ideaman behind it stated that they wouldn’t prohibit white men from joining (CYA I think) but they would only be discussing black issues and culture in the club, and whites who wanted to join had better be prepared to be quiet and just be schooled. (I paraphrase). I hope they succeed in their quest to start the social club. We can model ours after the same thing. Nobody is prohibited legally from joining, but… Read more »

Reply to  Penitent Man
5 years ago

The blacks will do fine, the Jews will leave them alone, Honkies? not so much

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 years ago

Sorry for my ignorance, but I can’t find any explanation of “AWR” online. What is this thing called AWR?

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Gravity Denier
5 years ago

I think it means Anti-White Racist/ism. But could be mistaken.

Reply to  c matt
5 years ago

Correct. Or, in other words, a “liberal.”

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Firewire7
5 years ago


Thank you for the info on the Elks. They seem to be very active in the small rural community I am moving to. The wife and I will check into them.

5 years ago

Technological control requires the lights to be on. Keeping the lights on requires YT. I think we’ve seen the high water mark for clown world. So color me as not being overly apocalyptic.

99 Year Blues
5 years ago

Something I like to do that gets both normies and leftists all worked up is to tell them, quite calmly, that anti-semitism does not exist in America. Which is true, of course. The non-hoax instances of some tepid grumbling about Jews, or the occasional badly-drawn swastika that isn’t a fraud, are, in a nation of 330 million people, the merest whisper of statistical noise. There are about as many of these anemic, timid “anti-Semitic” occurrences each year as there are instances of people with a mole on their index finger getting a bad haircut. There are more people in America… Read more »

Reply to  99 Year Blues
5 years ago

In the words of Ann Coulter, It’s not always about the f-ing Jews!! I get your point re comparative levels of violence and media whores, but facts and numbers rarely change anyone’s mind who isn’t rational enough to notice to begin with. Newsflash: Most people are idiots.

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

If his post leads to just one inquiring normie to go to Kersey’s blog, his post was a success.

Newsflash: the moral narrative always carrying the day sans facts and numbers and reasoned argument does not always apply.

Reply to  Libertymike
5 years ago

Yup, Liberty, yesterday I couldn’t keep a lid on the weekly mention of Israel’s Supreme Wonderfulness (with the obligatory negro worship tacked on), I burst out, “screw Iz, Denmark contributed more soldiers, they’ve never lifted a finger to help us,”- the brother, a vet, ended up agreeing. He’s still white enough to accept contrary factoids.

(Even though I actually burst out with “screw Iz, that crime syndicate with nuclear weapons”…! Never went that far before.)

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Last week, I was reminded how much of a cuck Tucker Carlson remains. He had an opportunity to distinguish himself last week from the Donald, Pence, Hannity, and countless other cucks.

If one’s principal response to the squad’s grievances about heritage America is condemning the same as anti-Semitic, one is at once conflating America with Eretz Yisrael and seconding Ms. Omar’s motion that it is all about the Benjamins.

Lars Emilsson
Lars Emilsson
Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

“It’s not always about the f-ing Jews.” Well, ok, not always. Just 99.8% of the time. They have been directly involved in causing or at minimum exacerbating nearly every major harm to our country and culture that I can think of. And they have made no contribution indispensable to our race or culture that I can think of. Even when they are seemingly subordinate, they always and everywhere manage to subvert and parasitize. We don’t need them. They are nothing but trouble. If Aryans and jews are somehow to peacefully coexist on this planet, they must do so separately and… Read more »

Reply to  Lars Emilsson
5 years ago

Absolutely! Thank you!

Reply to  99 Year Blues
5 years ago

Thanks, Blues, I really needed that. So goshdam hard to keep my mouth shut on the JQ, especially with the uber Cuck Zionist brother.

The way to bring dire home is to talk about the demographic carnage. That, others can relate to.

5 years ago

Dissidents tend to respond to this stuff by arguing that there are ways around it and alternative platforms will inevitably spring up in response. Alternatives already exist, but most dissident content providers seem to suffer from Stockholm Syndrome. They piss and moan about YT censorship and exhort their minions to follow them on Bitchute, but when you go to Bitchute, you notice they themselves only use Bitchute as a backup, and that their videos are made to conform with YT sensibilities. So what’s the point of me following you on Bitchute, if what I get is a bunch of YT-compliant,… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

The pattern thus far has been that the future comes faster than expected. In the 2000’s, people warned that homosexual marriage would have all sorts of negative consequences. In a little more than a decade, parents are being forced to take their children to drag queen story time at the local library. In a flash, we went from “let them get married” to little boys doing drag shows at gay clubs. Cultural collapse tends to accelerate. Things are certainly moving faster than I think anyone had imagined. I do see a risk of things degenerating into a Jacobin-like frenzy that… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
5 years ago

While this indeed is what the insiders think, my gut and thinking (and it’s not wishful thinking) is Trump narrowly wins. Obviously if he loses there is no way the Republicans keep the Senate. I’m uncertain who will have the Senate majority even with Trump re-elected, though. It’s a tough map for the GOP. Conversely, the Democrat’s House majority also is up in the air as of right now. Trump very well could lose but the odds are he will be returned to office.** THAT written, the rest is rough news. The Left even more violently will react and make… Read more »

5 years ago

Keep the faith. Despair is a sin

Popcorn Cobb
Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

Oh really? What about all the happy talk from the MAGA crowd that has lead to complacency and inaction? Is that a sin too?

Reply to  Popcorn Cobb
5 years ago

Actually yeah, presumption. If you’ve characterized it correctly and I understood you.

5 years ago

Can I whitepill for a sec? Thanks. Z says, “There are two types of coping strategies that will emerge. One is to over-estimate the awfulness of what comes next.” I think you are over-estimating. Watching social media and the news will do that. It’s meant to do that. But even my liberal boomer NYT-reading mother thinks “The Squad” is often ridiculous. And to be fair, I live in Oklahoma, but I have spoken to no white person who would give away this country quietly. They may not be white advocates, or even know that thing exists, but they do have… Read more »

99 Year Blues
Reply to  Marko
5 years ago

“no whiter person who would give away this country quietly.” They ALREADY gave away this country without a peep. That is why we are having this conversation in the first place. Reality is already here. America as previously understood is gone. You are now merely standing upon a blank piece of real estate, the ownersip of which is being squabbled over by various gaggles of hostile foreigners. To repeat: this is the reality. Your country has already been given away. For decades now, again and again and again, pundits and analysts have been quite calmly saying in public, to anyone… Read more »

Reply to  99 Year Blues
5 years ago

The fact that America is gone may actually be a good thing. We now have growing latitude to “make other arrangements.” And it may be possible to do so with a minimum of violence.

Reply to  Marko
5 years ago

Thanks for providing a sensible corrective to this consistory of Cassandras.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 years ago

Huh? Cassandra’s curse was that she had the gift of prophecy but nobody would believe her.

Reply to  Gravity Denier
5 years ago

In popular parlance a Cassandra is a radical pessimist.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Marko
5 years ago

The only way we can avoid widespread violence from becoming manifest is if enough whites come to understand the importance of white group interests and show group solidarity. This would be…not a use of force but a show of potential force. This would force our enemies to reconsider their dive into the abyss. Maybe. Then we’d have at least some chance at turning things around through our cultural and political institutions. The critical pivot points are (1) can white actually achieve a degree of solidarity and take real world action beyond bitching on the internet and voting now and then?… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
5 years ago

I think that’s a pretty good assessment, YV. My hope for some sort of reasonably non-violent solution springs from my rather firm belief that a white consciousness is dawning. I simply do not believe that our survival instinct has been amputated. It is dormant, but as the threats to whites become more manifest, and they are becoming more so every day, the survival instinct will revive.

AWRs believe this too, BTW, which is why they are in such a panic.

5 years ago

There is no doubt that there is going to be major change, but I have no idea what’s going to happen. Suppose the Dems to take full control. Are these virtue signaling but incredibly soft upscale suburban liberals going to let their wealth be confiscated? We can’t pay for what the government does today — let alone tons more free stuff. Speaking of free, what will these liberals do when their virtue signaling is no longer “free”? At some point, there’s going to be complete chaos with adults no longer being in charge in the West. What happens after the… Read more »

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

Re: ” can’t pay for what the government does today”. Martin Armstrong has covered this – and his reading of the tea leaves is that socialism collapses. There is a simple rule that rears it’s head over and over again in the affairs of human beings: “what can’t be paid for – won’t be” I think the lefties are going to bump up against this restriction – and they’ll probably try to vacuum up as much money as they can to try and save their asses. The problem is that their empire is already running on financial fumes – and… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

Slightly OT to the thread, but I was watching the triads in HK attacking the people in public places this weekend. In a country with armed civilians, that crap would not be happening like it did.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

You’re not familiar with Antifa in the US?

Reply to  Fred
5 years ago

Point conceded. Our side does not bring guns to bike lock fights.

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Fred
5 years ago

Particularly as Antifa have armed bodyguards (police) and a phalanx of lawyers to protect them.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  King Tut
5 years ago

This would be easier if our side actually wanted to take the cities back. I suspect that a lot of people on the Dissident Right hate cities even if we have to live in them and while we can’t bring ourselves to destroy them we also can’t figure how to rebuild them to our values and may not want to. Collapse Porn and Urbex are still things This attitude makes us passive as we’d rather let them decay in hopes they’ll soon be Detroit Also our mindset of individual rights/individual justice is stupid . The Left is correct in that… Read more »

Reply to  A.B Prosper
5 years ago

Also our mindset of individual rights/individual justice is stupid . The Left is correct in that it is a collective problem , us vs them and anyone associated with anyone enabling them has to be held accountable for the crimes of those people.
That’s one thing that frustrates me the most about the right they don’t realize when you have a collective problem you have to have a collective solution otherwise it will remain a problem…

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

This is because most what we call “Right” is “Left Lite” and the founding fathers even though great men were Leftist to the bone. The assumption that the states could maintain a conservative foundations was sound but our Constitution was written for a time that had more in common with Medieval Europe than modernity It also doesn’t surprise me that it didn’t really survive telegraphs and railroads , the middle 19th century was something of an inflection point, when information and transportation got fast and modernity kicked in Fundamentally a new system will have to be authoritarian at its core… Read more »

Reply to  King Tut
5 years ago

Ding Ding I don’t know why people can’t realize that all groups would be rolled up in less than a week if the state wasn’t protecting them…

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

Correct. Which is exactly why they remain protected.

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

Didn’t the quantitative easing over the last 10 years convince our rulers that can print money forever, so that there is little need to antagonize people by raising taxes? I don’t believe this policy is sustainable but they seem to.

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

Calsdad, the sign that what you fear is about to happen will be when a “wealth” tax is passed. That will be the road to direct confiscation to transfer $$$ from the productive to the unproductive.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

What happens is that people become less productive. This is not a bad thing, much materialism is fed to us to compensate for global overproduction of crap know one needs. The less people commerce above all else and consumption as native religion , the better. More Jesus (or Thor and Odin if that’s you bag) and less Mammon would do all us some good. In the end though, it comes down to all those rifles and that ammo people bought. A general attitude of fuck this bullshit “democracy” I want power for my goals and the willingness to sacrifice will… Read more »

Reply to  A.B Prosper
5 years ago

100% Thor, Odin and Frey for me!

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

Yep, good post. The running out of money crisis is going to hit FIRST, and it’s hard to see a way out politically. As you indicated, there is a limit to how much taxes people will pay (even rich liberals). But at the same time, what happens when EBT cards don’t work? In a big way, all this stuff is related — the West was completely unprepared for long-run effects of women not having kids. And now the long-run is just about here.

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

What happens when EBT cards don’t work? That’s simple. The inner cities riot and burn themselves down. They will overwhelm the police. MAYBE they start ranging outside the cities. All I know is there’s a lot of much richer suburbs between me and my local leftie blue hellhole. I expect them to get raided first. If a few suburbs burn – expect the police to be overwhelmed. Sooner or later dead brown bodies will not have much attention paid to them. I REALLY do not expect people to put up with that shit (free ranging dindus) – for all that… Read more »

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

It’s a comforting scenario but the US unlike Venezuela has a sovereign currency and can by emergency order inflation index and mint enough money to pay for SNAP indefinitely The US could stop imports of almost everything if we wished and we’d still make it You cannot rely on a crash to do the heavy lifting for you as it may never happen and as the saying goes, the economy can stay irrational far longer than you can stay solvent As an aside to this, the modern economy is highly deflationary and policy choices that should cause 10-15% inflation or… Read more »

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

Nobody has any idea of what is actually going to happen. Predicting the future more than a few years out, while fun, is a fool’s errand. Human society is far too complex and chaotic to know what’s in store. And if you’re wringing your hands over predictions of doom, you’re paying a dividend to disaster before its due. What’s more, that disaster may never even occur.

5 years ago

What else we can do:

Work on the persuadable to win hearts and minds. Many have not been exposed to the intelligent arguments made by many of our thought leaders.

Provide financial support to Zman, Steve Sailer, John Derbyshire and others.

Don’t patronize left wing media sources. Newspapers are dying. CNN viewership is way down. Let’s support these trends.

Forward essays like Zman’s to your list of persuadables.

5 years ago

Quite right that “Get Woke, Go Broke” was a soothing wishful thinking bromide for our side. Most likely we are headed for something a lot like Sao Paulo & Mexico City. There will be a 3 or 4 tier caste system. 50-60% will be in the lowest caste while Kamala Harris ` Mark Zuckerberg will be with the 1%ers in an Anti-White, Anti-Christian Ruling Class. The composition of the middle castes is a bit murky & will likely depend a lot of the region.

Smokin Asses
Reply to  Quicksilver75
5 years ago

No chance! They will be lucky to survive their lunacy. America will never stand for it.

5 years ago

Not only will Trump not lose, he will win in a borderline landslide. Even election models authored by AWRs show Trump with an extremely high percentage of winning reelection. Hell, the insane attempt to impeach Trump despite no evidence he committed impeachable offenses, is borne of the recognition that no Dem can beat him in an election.

As for the rest of this doom and gloom, we shall see.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 years ago

Ostei, I don’t know if Trump will win or not. But, let’s say he wins. That just puts off the Left’s complete control for four more years. Then we’re in exactly the same situation.

In terms of action or accomplishments, Trump did nothing. But at least he talked a good game (relatively speaking). After Trump, whether in 2020 or 2024, we won’t even have that.

Reply to  Federalist
5 years ago

We cannot know what the political landscape will look like after Trump’s second term, and whether or not another, perhaps even more potent Trump appears on the horizon. It is not foreordained that the Left will soon, or ever, obtain total authority in America, although I’ll grant that the trends don’t look promising. As for Trump’s accomplishments, there are two that are more important than anything else any president could have done: he has robustly defended Western, i.e. white civilization and he has cast grave doubts on the supposed “benefits” of diversity. From such rhetorical kindling I expect a white… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 years ago

In an honest vote, I totally agree with you. But we don’t have honest elections any more…

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
5 years ago

The coming dollar crisis (Yen will be first in a year or two) will be the wild card and send all of this on an interesting trajectory. It will be 2008 except without safety nets. It will unleash all sorts of social convulsions that have been bottled up for years. The future is a big question mark but this will also trigger all kinds of strife world wide. In reality we’ve reached an end to globalism and the unwind will stun the world. Look at what happened today with the debt ceiling negotiations. Unsustainable yet rapidly accumulating debt is the… Read more »

5 years ago

Left is going to war.
Prepare for war then.

Now when they want you extinct and they want your lands there are only 2 coping skills; Fight or Flight.

Flight will quickly exhaust.
Fight is usually the better choice when marked for genocide. No…NZ even if you can afford it cannot shelter you.

Refugee? They’ll look at what that got us. If they have any sense they’ll sink our boats.

They’ll find the sense.

Will you?

5 years ago

In AD 400 Britannia was a cosmopolitan multicultural diversitopia. In AD 500 it was a unicultural patchwork of Anglo-Saxon kingdoms. Dark ages are fun when you’re the barbarians, and white people can be pretty awesome barbarians when they get around to it.

Jonah Kyle
Jonah Kyle
5 years ago

To be blunt, violence would be a positive step, believe it or not. I mean real kinetic violence that precipitates an actual civil war. Reason? We have both rationality and firepower on our side, and if it can be done early enough in the transition, at the very least it would speed up the process of knowing the specific point in which this country either survives, or more likely, falls, as we don’t have the numbers of committed patriots pre-destruction. Unfortunately I believe we will never get to that point, and the country will be systematically be plundered while a… Read more »

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Jonah Kyle
5 years ago

Jonah Kyle said: ” To be blunt, violence would be a positive step, believe it or not. I mean real kinetic violence that precipitates an actual civil war. Mr. Kyle. Please allow me too be blunt as well. Urging people to violence is an extraordinarily stupid idea. Even if your just thinking out loud. The last thing the people on this site needs is for someone to suggesting that they go out and face an overwhelming force that is massivly armed and expertly trained in the sloughter of millions. If you want to commit suicide that’s your business, but don’t… Read more »

Smokin Asses
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
5 years ago

In the beginning, the patriot is hated and scorned, but after he wins, all become patriots, for then it costs nothing.

Jonah Kyle
Jonah Kyle
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
5 years ago

Of course, I don’t advocate violence/kinetic action. That still doesn’t alleviate the impossible situation we are in. The boiling frog trope is usually the way we can explain the process, but I believe we are way past the point where the frog is able to leave the water increasingly getting hotter. The difference is that with a boiling frog, we have physics to determine actual threshold points that the frog will be officially boiled, or officially unable to leave the water. The oppressor’s greatest weapon, as always, is enforced chaos.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Jonah Kyle
5 years ago

No, any violence against the state will get you destroyed like Waco. Any action against the government can only succeed at a point where it is considerably weaker, and with the active support of Russia and China to train and arm insurgents. Yes, lots of people own small arms. But many of those people are also overweight. Or old. The presence of combat arms veterans in these movements is basically nil, especially officers. We are a movement that can’t manage to merely persuade single white women. There is no room to talk of insurrection, not with a newly aggressive FBI… Read more »

Smokin Asses
Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
5 years ago

Want some cheese to go with that whine?
CIVIL WAR II, Who would win? https://youtu.be/aJh7Ye1Qvc8

Smokin Asses
Reply to  Jonah Kyle
5 years ago

CIVIL WAR II, Who would win? https://youtu.be/aJh7Ye1Qvc8

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Jonah Kyle
5 years ago

To be blunt, violence would be a positive step, believe it or not.

Let’s at least be honest, the ones who use violence before everything spirals out of control (if it ever does, the future could be Brazil, not Bosnia), are dead men. If you want to be some of the first ‘grapping your guns’, well I cant stop you. But just know what’s gonna happen to you; you will die for your cause. Either 6 feet down or in a concrete box in a supermax.

Whistler's Mother
Whistler's Mother
5 years ago

I finally read the linked article on which today’s Zblog topic is based https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/07/18/americans-say-the-nations-political-debate-has-grown-more-toxic-and-heated-rhetoric-could-lead-to-violence/ and I’m failing to see where it says anywhere in the article “that 91% of Democrats think political violence is what comes next. In the same study, 61% of Republicans said violence is inevitable.” What Pew Research said was that 91%/61% believe “‘heated’ rhetoric by politicians raises risk of violence.” RISK, not ACTION (what comes next) and not INEVITABILITY. I believe what Pew Research and the article actually report is misrepresented here. Basically, the poll found a majority of people on both sides believe we should… Read more »

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Whistler's Mother
5 years ago

I’m not terribly worried about the level of violence or the upcoming risks of same. Compared to the 60’s and 70’s , the current era is downright placid. While certainly possible that things could go pear shaped and society is more heavily armed , it doesn’t look to me like anything more than a slow collapse An attempt at Leftist score settling after Trump might be an exception but my guess is the Democratic party leadership will be wrested away from the Left if only to avoid a party implosion No way in hell are the Neo Libs going to… Read more »

5 years ago

What comes next? Basically one of two scenarios.

1. Leftist singularity or
2. Caesarism, ie, Pinochet, Franco, etc.

Will we be recapitulating Weimar, Republican Spain, Allende Chile?

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  cloudswrest
5 years ago

Or a collapse/civil war where the US exhausted from infighting or just not in the mood for mass death , falls apart like the USSR

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  cloudswrest
5 years ago

No, the Ottoman Empire of the 19th century

Carl B.
Carl B.
5 years ago

“Borat director Larry Charles took to Twitter Monday and compared Trump supporters — or as he described them, “Maga people” — to the violent, pro-China “triad” mob who attacked peaceful pro-democracy protesters Sunday night and essentially encouraged far-left agitators to arm themselves for “war.”

Bring it on, (((boy))).

99 Year Blues
5 years ago

“To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.” I hope Z’s book is coming along nicely, because what DRs need right now is a small, but steady and growing, set of foundational documents. We need clear, lucid, calm, well reasoned manifestos and pamphlets and short, sturdy blasts of argumentation. We need a version of “Common Sense.” We don’t need squawking, or The Turner Diaries. We need The Federalist Papers, as well as Poor Richard’s Almanack, and the Committees of Correspondence. And eventually we’ll need a Declaration, because the only real solution to all of this is Partition… Read more »

Reply to  99 Year Blues
5 years ago

Greg Johnson’s “White Nationalist Manifesto” is unlikely to be surpassed with respect to your criteria. If anyone thinks we can survive without being explicitly racial, they don’t understand what led us to this desperate time.

5 years ago

Nudging is big among leftists. A couple of Prog academics wrote a book about it. It’s a way to advance the agenda in a seemingly benign, even helpful, way.

William Williams
William Williams
5 years ago

Worry not. Pope Francis will save us all.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
5 years ago

Z Man said: “… Even if in the narrow area of social media, people get used to self-censoring, anticipating what happens with this technology, that habit will carry over into their daily life. This is something the tech giants have learned from their Chinese communist engineers.” Mass surveillance in china was normalized decades ago. But of course, that wasn’t good enough for the “Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.” They had to take it one step deeper with their “Social Credit System.” Here’s the Wiki link. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Credit_System How do you suppose the feds will justifie doing that here?

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
5 years ago

The feds will outsource it to banks, credit card systems, colleges and others. Oh wait, they already did.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

Moran ya Simba said: ” The feds will outsource it to banks, credit card systems, colleges and others. Oh wait, they already did. ” I see your point.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
5 years ago

Moran ya Simba said: “The feds will outsource it to banks, credit card systems, colleges and others. Oh wait, they already did.” Wait a minute. I can still see your point somewhat, but the fact is the banks can’t denie you air travel if your account is overdrawn, nor the colleges if you flunk an exam. In China, if your social points fall below a certian level you go nowhere. Big difference.

Lars Emilsson
Lars Emilsson
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
5 years ago

“…the banks can’t denie you air travel if your account is overdrawn…”

But the airline will if your credit card is declined.

“… nor the colleges if you flunk an exam.”

Well, the colleges can, but they won’t, because their objective is no longer academic but monetary.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
5 years ago

OBT, It is not as bad as in China, yet. But the point is, they found ways to do it that are ‘legal’ in a narrow sense. Just let private business handle the social credit system, no need to get authorities involved. And that model is infinitely expandable, so it ll get much worse.

5 years ago

Lordy I envy Dutch his ability to go grey, Bologna Tester the simplicity of his studio!! I finally revealed to the missus my secret plan all along, and she was delighted! (The plan is working, is why.) That plan is: places for more pretty white babies to be born and raised. Since I’m of limited means, skills, and intellect, I go with cheap but doable, and avoid mortgages. Buying or securing dead relatives’ homes, cheap land and trailers with used cars, that sort of thing. This way I can also pay the light bills and provide for the endless stream… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Plus, they might be old dumps, but that’s Grandma’s house, that’s Granpa’s, that Aunt Tata’s- the emotional attachments make those family bonds much stronger, gives them roots. “We’re from here.”

Put your name on the title with a quitclaim deed by a paralegal.
That doen’t affect SSI payments, and there need be no sale or change in prop taxes after decease. Title will be tied up until after probate, but that can wait for a long time. You can’t sell it or loan against it, either.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

PSS- those white babies aren’t blood kin, but that don’t matter. Our family and neighborhood chains are broken, so I don’t blame kids for everything.

Everything for my People.
Nothing for the rest.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Welcome to the neighborhood! Some more pieces of the puzzle. Keep in mind that you are unlikely to be able to directly fend off The Man. We had the pleasure of a visit by two uniformed Sheriff Dept. process servers some time back, who were looking for someone residing at a similar street name somewhere else. They were armed, armored, and twitchy. A good lesson. So choose a neighborhood that is collectively somewhat defensible, with good guys willing to work together to defend it, and don’t be situated at the edge of it, but in the middle somewhere. Also, if… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Have copied and saved. Best to you!

Din C. Nuthin
Din C. Nuthin
5 years ago

Complaining about our lot on websites doesn’t accomplish much. Do something a bit more radical, join the Oath Keepers if you qualify, or find a patriot group to support. The Bundy Ranch standoff made the news, but many more incidents (Sugar Pine Mine for instance) are kept quiet. Put your money where your mouths are.

Reply to  Din C. Nuthin
5 years ago

To each his own. But at every meeting of proto-militias there will be at least one informant or undercover Fed, and in some cases the majority of participants may be Fed. Such is the nature of government with unlimited resources. They also prefer the easy pickings where the targets do all the work. What they fear most is the Walter Mitty that flies under the radar.

Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

Not all groups have been infiltrated – some are very, very careful re vetting and operate via small cells. Patriot Front

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

I hope you’re right. Regardless, if you’re solo and operate solely within your own headspace, betrayal is not a possibility. Take care, and have a Plan B.

Reply to  Din C. Nuthin
5 years ago

Organizing in meatspace only makes you a target, you might as well report yourself to the feds for wrongthink.

Bitching on the internet hones your alt-white arguments, so they’re ready to be deployed casually and confidently when you talk to your blue pill acquaintances.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

I don’t think we should do much of anything to recruit. People have to seek us out and join of their free will (sorry determinists). As mentioned above, the idea is to join legacy fraternal orgs like the Knights of Columbus. In the US we also have things called “volunteer fire departments” in many rural areas. A Dem admin that seizes power in 202(4) will give the FBI an increased budget and a new mandate to go after domestic terrorism. That means a tranche of cash to recruit informers everywhere, and setting up front groups. The example of MI5 is… Read more »

Behind Enemy Lines
Behind Enemy Lines
Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
5 years ago

Same holds true for the leftist groups. Infiltrated from top to bottom, and very likely funded by the respective governments as well. That’s why it drives me wild with rage when the leftists commit terrorist acts and don’t get prosecuted for it.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

I think local somewhat covert chapters of Zman acolytes is a good idea. Nothing like real face to face conversation, support, comraderie. But, how to recognize one another and organize w/o being infiltrated – Trojan horses. Neutral places like public library could be found.

Reply to  Din C. Nuthin
5 years ago

Oath Keepers are part of the problem because they are color blind. If you reject race realism, any solution you come up with will likely make things worse, for example, “We oppose illegal immigration but want more legal immigration!” or “The problem with Detroit is that it’s run by socialists!”

There are many videos of Oath Keepers initiating conflict with WNs at protests.

5 years ago

Realism about the demographic trend is one thing, but the recent trend among the DR of calling an election 469 days out is misguided.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Biden is still the most likely Dem nom and he doesn’t inspire a fraction of the enthusiasm among Dems that Trump does among non-Leftists. I expect the white turnout to be historically large and for it to break overwhelmingly in Trump’s favor.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

I despair that the “credible” alternative will be Michelle Obama, showing up after most of the debates are over but before the primary votes are cast, first because she’s an Affirmative Action moron and they’ll need to limit her mic time, and also because she’s too royal to stand for being roughed up by the other 20 candidates. I think ValJar and Barry are busy keeping the seat warm for her with their shadow gubmint. There’s a reason the Obamas never left Washington DC. And I truly despair how the women of America will respond when Michelle hits the scene.… Read more »

Reply to  Chief
5 years ago

Your scenario is not all that far-fetched, and it is worthy of concern.

Reply to  Chief
5 years ago

Ah yes, “the most admired woman in America”. Why? I don’t know. I’m not even positive she’s a woman.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Chief
5 years ago

Yep, my money is on Michelle, the angry eyed Magic Negress. What with the high tech tricks and ballot stuffing and a GOP congress that won’t challenge her because they’re too busy peeing on themselves and corroding into a puddle. Picture Romney dancing on a piano bench, clutching his pearls, screaming and peeing ….at us…while all platitudes for her. How did McCain reincarnate so damned fast?! Didn’t he have some shit to take care of up there! Like being turned over The Big Guy’s knee and paddled. And then made to write 5,000 times on the chalkboard, “I am Songbird… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

I’m not sure the Dems have an alternative that is credible to those not a part of the unhinged Dem base. If I’m right, The uninspired Joe “The Only Adult” Biden gets thumped by Trump, or Killwhitey Harris scares even left-center whites so badly that, again, Trump wins in a laffer.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

It’s not even clear he wants it. Since Kamala’s Llyod Benson ambush moment, he seems to be acting as a resigned placeholder. Maybe he’s doing his party duty, but with the bare minimum of effort.

Reply to  AnotherAnonymous
5 years ago

That’s the only consolation if he/she does get in.

Big Mike is also very, very lazy.

Reply to  Chief
5 years ago

But the people who actually run the show, behind the scenes, will be very busy indeed, and will write the teleprompter scripts for Big Mike. All the while hoping that xe doesn’t go off script and rant.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Everyone needs to be prepared for the mostly likely outcome, while doing everything they can to prevent that outcome.

Reply to  Vegetius
5 years ago

The demographic trend certainly matters, but the propaganda megaphone since Trump was elected matters even more regarding the 2020 contest. And what matters most is the Democrat willingness to utterly ignore rule of law. Thus massive election fraud is a no brainer.

They’ve painted Trump as the literal incarnation of Hitler, so fraud at the ballot box is a moral imperative to these cretins. Zman is 100% correct. The lessons of 2016 have been learned from all swing states that Trump unexpectedly took. There will be no mistakes like that in 2020.

5 years ago

Hmmm … Time to read up on the General Strike tactic.

Just in case …