Because We Say So

Our great challenge in this age is getting white people to think that their preferences are valid. That is, white people can want a public policy or a social custom for no other reason than they want it. Instead, whites are endlessly searching around for some external standard against which they can measure their preference. Only then can they declare that desire valid, because it matches that standard. Whites no longer feel as if what they want is valid because they want it.

The best and most comical example is the sacralization of blacks by conservatives. At C-PAC every year, they bring in a black conservative to bless the gathering with their presence, like a visiting dignitary or aristocrat. You could get rich charging these people for a selfie with a black guy. The attendees would empty their bank accounts for the chance to show they are not racist. In fact, Candace Owens is getting very rich by going around and telling whites it is OK to want what they want.

This tendency has now reached the absurd with white politicians criticizing non-whites based on the Israeli standard. If Trump wants to mock a dingbat like Ocasio-Cortez, he has to frame it as a defense of Israel. Senator Josh Hawley says he would give his life to defend Israel and the Jewish people. He’s not Jewish. He just accepts that he cannot have opinions of his own. They must be signed off on by some group outside of white people in order for them to be valid.

Hawley is a hero of dissidents, so it is tempting to try to explain this in more favorable terms, but think of it this way. Imagine him tweeting out “You’ll have to carry me out on a slab before I compromise my defense of white people, their greatness, their history, their safety, and the state of Missouri.” Even if you strike the “white people” part it is inconceivable that any white politician would say such a thing. It would be assumed that he implied white people and he would be forced to grovel.

We now live in a world in which white people no longer have a say. If whites want to live like white people, they have to prove it is not racist. That means finding some blacks to bless their activity. This is not just something the Left imposes on the Right, in order to control their opposition. Confront liberal whites about gentrification of their cities or the extreme whiteness of their neighborhoods and they will go into convulsions trying to avoid discussing it. They don’t get to be white either.

Here’s an example from National Review on the immigration issue. You would think that the alleged flagship of conservatism would have a lot of cultural arguments to make regarding immigration. You would be wrong. The only thing they can muster is that the economy is not happy with open borders. These are people who have come to worship the pivot table, as it allows them to validate their desire to live as they want to live. If Excel, peace be upon him, blesses it, then it is OK.

The end point of the war on white culture, starting after World War II, is that whites no longer feel their desires have merit. If whites want something, they must first find a non-white to bless it. When a black is not available, then the next move is to prove it is good for Israel or Jews. When that fails, then it is an appeal to the Holy Spreadsheet. It’s as if the tastes, the preferences and the desires of white people are so anathematized, white people are ashamed to acknowledge them.

This is the mentality of a conquered people. This is the slave trying to convince the master to allow him a little room for himself. This is the outlook of people who no longer have a self that has aspirations, desires and a future. Instead it is the attitude of a people who see themselves at the mercy of others. That is exactly the situation of white people today. To say, “This is who we are and this is how we live, because it is the way we want it” is outside the shared reality of white people.

Fundamentally, this is the heart of the fight. All the stuff about demographics, race realism, ethnography and so forth are window dressing. The real battle is to break the conditioning of whites, who have been trained their whole lives to see themselves as fundamentally amoral, therefore in need of external moral standards to justify their desires and their preferences. The end point of this is that time when it is natural for white people to say, “Because we live here and this is how we do things.”

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186 thoughts on “Because We Say So

  1. i’m afraid i have failed to run this cultural algorithm. i’m still stuck in the mindset that if they want a War then let’s give them one. Keep it simple.

  2. ” If whites want to live like white people, they have to prove it is not racist.” The problem is in logic you cannot prove a negative. The Prosecutor/plaintiff has the onus of proof to go forward with the logical positive, which may be a grammatical negative, not the defendant. The same principle applies to any cases under logic. So for example someone claims that xyz is a racist thing or person. Get the nerve to calmly say you or anyone (most people do not know logic anymore) cannot prove a negative could you please be specific with how or when or where or who or what. Leave out why which can be confrontational is some languages. Then calmly say you disagrre if you genuinely do and leave it up to others to make up their own minds. Whatever you do do not deny a logical negative because it seems like in math you times a negative by another negative it makes a positive.

  3. We can see this with the farce that the Congressional Black Caucus is the “conscience of Congress”. A sop that is duly repeated, without a snicker or a skeptical word, even as every member is investigated for ethics violations.

  4. Along the same lines, is there such a thing as a white community? We constantly hear that the “black community” in South Bend is upset with Pete Buttigieg, as if they all live in the same place and all think the same. Certainly white people live in communities, but their needs, concerns and opinions don’t seem to matter as much to the MSM and other woke types.

  5. Been reading your stuff for awhile Z and have to say this is one of the most spot on postings yet !

  6. need of external moral standards to justify their desires and their preferences.

    But to some extent, it IS white to compare tastes or preferences to an external moral standard. The use of reason, objectivity, etc. is a highly “white” thing. Being able to compare X to Y and judge Y is superior based upon objective criteria is very white. It’s why liberals can be accurately classified as crazy for believing (or pretending) rapping about ho’s and murder is equal to listening to Palestrina in the Sistine Chapel. What whites need to do rather than seek approval is simply recognize the that they apply the correct moral standards to these judgments and stand by them.

  7. That’s true about what you said about white guys today, Z man

    Many white American feel like Frankenstein who do not belong to living or dead
    Such as doctor Moreau’s creatures who do not belong animal nor human

    white guy happen to live in the United States can’t recognize his root any more

    he doesn’t belong Anglo nor European therefore he has no culture and don’t know who actually he is

    Its made him a bastard son of America which no one want him

    its natural to bastard think why he should live or exist at all

    And all of this situation made up due to post war propaganda which believe white are evil and think Jew as god chosen people

    white men have two option

    becoming loser exploit and abused by others or just claim his right as part of Anglo American who found nation and own this nation

    hmm, become Mighty Anglo American like Patton and Macarthur or be loser because he has white skin color

    tough choice

  8. “The end point of this is that time when it is natural for white people to say, “Because we live here and this is how we do things.”

    You are SOOOO right! This is the goal in a nutshell, and thank you for summing up so succinctly. (This is why I do choose to support this blog — well worth a small monthly outlay. Thank you for your excellent work.)

  9. These white people don’t have a problem validating THEIR choices. I’m betting they’re being in crews already puts them ahead of most here- right?

    This is of course the Guardian signaling the hive mind to arm their organizations.

    They’re already organized.
    They already adjusted to violence by street fighting.
    Now they’re arming.
    Then next they’ll probably start shooting, and the Right will not respond in kind.

    ? I wonder how many are going to post now that the right wing isn’t violent; The new Dems are the real racists blah blah. ?

    • Truth is the most important thing for us is permission, that is to say legitimate authority saying GO. We’d better make sure we keep the GOP in the white house. In war no other office matters.

      Cuz you ain’t the outlaw, the rebel, the hardscrabble living types.

      You aren’t.

      Trump 2020, GOP forever as POTUS. Don’t kid yourselves.
      If you were gonna do it you would have already,

      Its not time yet is eternal.
      Don’t kid yourselves.
      You need it to be legal.
      Vote GOP and hope for the best.

  10. White is a composite of ALL colors. Black is the lack of any colors. Next question dumbheit.

    • Only when dealing with light. Paint, on the other hand, is a completely different animal – look up additive vs subtractive colors. And this is a ridiculously silly argument to begin with (yeah, yeah, the left uses it, and it’s just as silly).

  11. A lot of you sound like losers, like you’ve givin up. Fuck that . Fight like a motherfucker till you;re dead. That’s your job. Your ancestors didn’t fight their way thru blood and shit for you to be a pussy.

  12. “You’ll have to carry me out on a slab before I compromise my defense of white people, their greatness, their history, their safety, and the state of Missouri.” Even if you strike the “white people” part it is inconceivable that any white politician would say such a thing. It would be assumed that he implied white people and he would be forced to grovel.


    It has gotten to the point that the terms “America” ‘United States of America” or even “the nation” or “the country” have become synonymous in the minds of the SJW Left with whites or white people. In other words, any defense of the American nation has become the equivalent of white nationalism, white supremacy and oppression of minorities.

  13. Then it’s a fight against Social Media and the MSM that are the principal weapons against us. They function as a amplifier allowing a comparatively handfull of people to terrorize our side at will via doxing, killing off revenue streams, getting people fired, etc.

    20 years ago this wasn’t possible. A hard line conservative could say what he wanted in public and he was either ignored or if he was a political figure, the local news would do a 30 second spot on him and waving their finger at him saying what a horrible retrograde person he was. That was it. There were no SLAPP suits against cake bakers, doxing, etc.

    In general, they simply made sure our side had no voice. We were relegated to self-published newspapers, obscure magazines, pamphlets, etc.

    We can’t fight Big Tech head on unless we go kinetic action. So we have to work around Big Tech and it’s minions.

    In regards to Conservatism Inc. What did you expect? They have always been anti-white blue collar and middle class post Reagan. They’ve been the party of big business, off-shoring and globalization as long as I can remember. They never met a free trade or off-shoring deal or amnesty bill they didn’t like.

  14. A few days ago, Instapundit linked to a tweet, that despite being an obvious, simple metaphor, stuck with me for some reason. It’s by a guy called Wretchard: “PC is like Jonestown on a civilizational scale. There’s enormous social pressure to drink tne Kool Aid. Future archaeologists will be unable to explain what they find.”

    I think that captures so much. For example, why are libertarians now a joke? Because they finally succumbed and drank the Kool Aid. Corporate America drank the Kool Aid. Most of the Republican Party drank the Kool Aid. And those of us who refuse to do it are loathed. And some who did drink it have found a cure somewhere on the internet, which has caused panic in certain quarters.

    • Max, “wretchard the cat” is Richard Fernandez who writes The Belmont Club. Part of PJMedia. He’s a brilliant man with an amazing background. He is one of the Good Guys. In my opinion. Z has a link to Belmont Club in his ‘sites I visit’ area above.

  15. People need to get an education on some of the tools that cults use on subjects to indoctrinate and keep minds where they want them. Think, for example, about words and phrases that are used as “thought stoppers”. The left, in concert with POC and others, have successfully used these tactics for years. The average white tries to logically combat the mental onslaught but continues to be held captive by the ruse.

    • Nailed it! The Left uses cult tactics. Just like the cults indoctrinate people to hate their families (to keep them under cult control), so the left indoctrinates whites to hate whiteness (to keep them under Leftie control). The “thought stoppers” are part of it, along with the constant drumbeat of indoctrination, and the demonizing of healthy and happy alternatives that are logical and obvious choices.

  16. White liberalism is, at its heart a disease of affluence. It’s a social disorder, like anorexia. You don’t see too many anorexics walking across the border from Mexico. Its people from comfortable suburbs who resent the structured suburban immaculate world in which they were raised. All human beings are built to struggle. We have an innate need to struggle. So the white liberal will buy a condo on a fifth floor walkup in trendy urban area. Something that used to house the poor in 1947. But then, they transform the space into granite counter tops and Viking appliances (Viking is overrated). They want it both ways. They want to struggle, yet transform their surroundings into minor luxuries. They live their whole lives this way, in a hypocritical vacuum. They claim “diversity” but their neighborhoods are full of pale white children named Megan and Ian. They dine on Indian food, and call it Nepalese, which is just overpriced chicken and cauliflower. Their entire world is ghettoized. If one pierces the bubble they’ve created, you get shrieks and howls. They claim they love immigrants, but keep wages depressed through unlimited immigration so they can have cheaper organic kale. If they have space they’ll grow hops to make their own batch of craft beer, which will be undrinkable to everyone but them. They love “public transportation” but only if it’s on rails, because they want to ride the choo-choo train to work like they do in Amsterdam. I know these people quite well. In the 50s or 60s they would say that these people have a “Peter Pan complex (or Phoebe Pan).” When you have the disease of affluence, your growth is stunted. You’re perpetually taking Ukulele lessons to be interesting, yet you are the most inauthentic person there is, and your Mexican housekeepers laugh and laugh as they leave your gringo abode.

    • JR, Wirh,

      Good post. Almost spot on. Particularly about Viking being overrated. Where you were off…?

      It should read “a ghost town of pale children named McKenzie (a proper name only as a Scots surname people!) and boys named Jayden.” Funny thing about Jayden, I’ve never met one of these poor boys that were named that and had anything but a single mom as a family or a completely-didn’t-get-a-say-in-namimg-their-son soyboy Dad.

      Otherwise spot on observations.

    • There’s a reason why liberals tend to have jobs with no discernible responsibilities or measurements of performance,

    • JR: “They dine on Indian food, and call it Nepalese, which is just overpriced chicken and cauliflower.” Hehe, that was good. I’m with Penitent Man on your choice of names though. It’s a lot worse than Megan and Ian now. I was at a Target in Orange County the other day and this middle-class mom in t-shirt and jeans was calling out to her son, “Sterling”. It used to be a cool thing to name (or call) a girl Sam. It really is kinda cute-cool. But I heard a girl going by “Bill” the other day. Not a dyke either. Coming soon, beautiful prom queen named Clyde.

    • Excellent post – and I am absolutely serious: I know the exact couple you describe and their names are, in fact, Megan and Ian! Totally cracked me up! (I know that was supposed to be the kids, but the coincidence of it being the parents’ names floored me).

  17. Great column. I always find it incredible that when White people argue about History, for example, they always think the Killer argument is to say “It helped/hurt Black people” Were the 50s great for America? “Nope. what about black people”? Did Reconstruction split the country and help crooks ripoff the South? “So what, it helped Black people”. 600,000 people died in the civil war? “Well, that was a small price to pay for helping Black people.” And it applies to other minority groups. Who cares what Andrew Jackson did for the country, he hurt the Cherokees! And you’re celebrating FDR? Who cares about Pearl Harbor, don’t you know what he did to the Japanese Americans.

  18. FYI
    Sailer has a post regarding Amy Wax doing a discussion at a comedy club. My curiosity was raised, and I stumbled onto an interview on, that had Brian Lam interviewing her regarding her treatment for noticing that blacks don’t do as well as whites in law school.

    The amount of badthink and hate speech was huge!

    She even used the phrase “magic dirt”.

    I thought the visitors here would enjoy it.

    I would post a link but, alas, I am woefully inept regarding these newfangled electric gizmos.

    June 5, 2018 Q & A with Amy Wax on

    • Lots of respect for Wax. Will watch that. Separately, Brian Lamb died recently. Poor guy was so damned simple. He had this incredible platform which he could interview anyone, and the time was mostly wasted. Few follow-up questions, because I don’t think he could actually follow what people were saying, or didn’t care. Typical exchange: Interesting Guy: “…and so the revolution had many unforeseen consequences. A few of which, to my mind, we’ve yet to experience.” Lamb: “How many kids you got?” If I recall, Lamb was just a businessman. Why c-span let him be the interviewer is baffling. Maybe he owned c-span.

      Charlie Rose was such a dolt. Only worse because he had intellectual airs. The type of interviewer who would talk more than the interviewee, to try and show the nation and the interviewee that he wasn’t just another TV dummy. Despite how dull he looks. Turns out most of his questions were written by the female underlings he was harassing.

      The problem was no one would ever criticize these guys, or suggest they should be replaced, because these two held the platforms they needed to plug their books, movies, documentaries, etc.

      • Agree. I kept expecting some question along the lines if “Do you really believe that shit”? from Lamb but it never happened.

        I recall him having the official Senate historian admit that the 16th Amm was never ratified, merely “went into effect” and he just let it slide.

        What a fucking waste.

        • Yeah. Brian Lamb, nice guy. Average American neighbor. But like an accounts’ manager interviewing medieval scholars.

        • Her Jew honesty should shame other Jews into living up to their pretense of being the only hardcore honest humans. By the way, she’d beat the fuck out of Jonah Golberg in a fight.

  19. White people have shown themselves to be very susceptible to shaming. Dissidents need to start calling whites “pussies” as frequently as possible. If you talk to some self-loathing white progressive — or even a cuckservative — make it personal. Emphasize how they don’t have the balls to stand up for themselves. Things in the West are getting desperate. We can’t afford to soft-peddle these matters much longer.

    • Wjkathman said: “White people have shown themselves to be very susceptible to shaming. Dissidents need to start calling whites “pussies” as frequently as possible.” Ya know. One of the main reasons the left keeps beating our balls off decade after decade is because they have a vision of the future that they keep red hot and never let go of. Without a vision that stimulates the imagination people are simply not motivated to act. Even if it’s only the hope of paying the rent. You have to give people a good reason to walk out the door in the morning. I’ve given the situation in America a good hard looking over the past few years, and I’ll tell you, it can get pretty damned overwhelming. So yah, calling people pussies seems to me like a poor way of trying to get someone involved in the cause.

      • I admit that such a tactic might prove ineffective. It would be a gamble. That doesn’t make it any less true, though: people who won’t defend themselves are pussies. Sometimes it’s fun to state the truth with no regard for the consequences. And pussies deserve to hear it from someone.

        • Wjkathman said: “Sometimes it’s fun to state the truth with no regard for the consequences. And pussies deserve to hear it from someone.” Fair enough.

    • WJK, if you want to win friends and neighbors to your side, insulting them is probably not a good first step.

      Imagine that you’ve walked into a car dealership. If the salesman calls you a pussy or some other insult because you don’t like his recommendation, you’re not going to stick around.

      I’m sure the people you are concerned with are tired of being shamed. Maybe you can offer them something better.

      Like it or not, the task ahead is sales, not invective. At least where friends and neighbors are concerned.

  20. “….comical example is the sacralization of blacks by conservatives…..”

    I don’t think it’s comical at all.

    The more conservative blacks that are in the limelight, the better off the conservative movement will be. After all, blacks can say things that any whites are prohibited or condemned from saying. And maybe these conservative blacks will change the minds of those blacks who 1000000% of the time vote for some communist POS.

    Blacks have been F’d over forever; even when LBJ said, ” they may be ni**ers, but they are our ni**ers.”

    Let’s be clear; hispanics and blacks do NOT get along; they really do despise each other. Minority groups can in fact be exploited – the demonkrats have done this with great skill and results since 1700.

    What is totally comical and really stupid is that some “real” conservatives are criticizing and marginalizing other conservatives because they are not “true” conservatives or
    because …..pick whatever reason one identifies.
    I mean , how stupid can you be.
    Conservatives/pro-Constitution folks have had their ass kicked since 1933 (or was it since 1913 when Woodrow Wilson took office; a leftist SOB who hated the US Constitution and got the USA into WWI) , and leftists have progressed with their agenda fairly steadily.
    So what are “real” conservative bitching about?
    Oh, certain conservative blacks or whomever are not “real” conservatives.
    Give me a F’n break.
    I do not have the vocabulary to properly describe the stupidity of this strategy (idiocy).

    The REAL enemy – and I mean very dangerous enemy – are the liberal progressives, socialists and communists (but I repeat myself). Do not think for one moment that if they took power, the USA would not be turned into Venezuela or Cuba within a month.

    Whatever and whomever are hoping to eviscerate these Stalinists-to-be- should be encouraged; black, white, hispanic, Buckley, non-Buckley, martians…. whomever.

    As for Trump suggesting that certain folks should leave the USA, he did not go far enough. Those targets of his comments (including many others!!) should literally be rounded up – along with their ENTIRE extended families – and DEPORTED (yesterday).
    Cuba, Venezuela, Iraq, Syria, Somalia would be suitable destinations for those deported.
    Bernie Sanders – and his ENTIRE extended family, ALL of them – should be sent off to live in their heaven on earth, utopian dreamland of Cuba.

    The conservative movement had best wake up and welcome any and all who wish oppose the demokrat/socialist/communist agenda.

    Once the left is defeated, well then, and only then should the conservative movement be more specific about what the real agenda /goals should be.

    • You believe that we can persuade a significant of non-whites to support conservative or pro-white policies. I have given up on that but I acknowledge that the point at which one gives up is personal.

      I have heard outreaches to blacks and Hispanics since Reagan and it has produced nothing because non-whites generally want tribalism and the GOP is not a vehicle for that.

      If you are fishing in a part of a pond where the fish rarely bite, at what point do you give up?

      • LineInTheSand said: “I have heard outreaches to blacks and Hispanics since Reagan and it has produced nothing because non-whites generally want tribalism and the GOP is not a vehicle for that.” Like I’ve said before, the Republican party is just a cluster of exclusive, politically active country clubs. How in the world could they think they would ever appeal to large voting blocks of color? It just boggles the mind. I’d love to see a mob of hebrew israelites show up at some big Republican event and ask around to see if there was anything they could do to help out. 😄 Do you think the organizers of the event would say, “sure, come on in.” “The Repulican party is a big tent.” 😂

      • Quality over quantity. We’re not worried about capturing a majority to reform the Empire, we’re looking for a smart fraction to split from it and form the core of something better.

    • One of many Georges asid: “This Morgoth is really good; he gets more attention now because of his YouTube videos; if you don’t know him, you should!” Hahaha! Your right. This guy is great. I just Bookmarked him.

    • I didn’t know Morgoth had a blog. Just a video channel. That’s good to know.

      The title of that post is funny as hell.

      In that post he used the phrase, “a healthy sense of racism.” That’s good. I could see using that in real life arguments with Progs. “So you’re a RACIST then.” Me: “I try and maintain a healthy sense of racism, sure.” Too funny. Might try it sometime. Can you imagine using that line during a college class discussion? heh

  21. “The mentality of a conquered people.” Strange to say, the Allies both won and lost World War II.

    • Patton supposedly said that, “We defeated the wrong enemy,” but that quote is difficult to source.

    • It was impossible for anything “Conservative” to have come out after WW2 for long since it was essentially a war of 3 socialist powers , Social Democratic Allies, Socialist USSR vs National Socialist Germany with one semi Conservative. power , Imperial Japan in the mix

      Thus we were prepped for socialism over tradition.

      We might have had a chance but technology, immigration and urbanization breed leftism on a huge scale

      It’s going ti implode sooner or later, certainly faster than the Western Roman Empire fell but who knows how long that will be.

    • We lost the Cold War, HUUUUGELY. The Russians got their internationalist problem under control. They still have a communist party, but my impression is that it is mostly nostalgia for lost social stability. They are making slow steady progress with economic and social stability. Birth rates are still a problem, but they are a problem for everyone that will only be solved when the natal natural selection process we are in finally finishes in another 10 generations or so. (all women want sex -> not all women want children ->pre-birth control they had NO choice, now they do ->anti-natal women will gradually remove themselves from gene pool)

      Our elites joyously leveraged the global machinery accrued over a half century of Cold War and transformed it into the understructure of a globalist empire. Then the stupid shits got mostly supplanted by a Jewish-led coalition of multiculturals because they didn’t hang together to defend against them. We stupidly thought that the demise of Soviet Union discredited Communism, but it only emboldened ours. They thought: “those damn Soviets who are always making communism look bad are finally gone. YES! now we can get along with doing it right!” Our stupid cuckservatives were all too busy making money to notice.

      • I’ve said for years that the Cold War was a Pyrrhic victory for the West – we destroyed the USSR but only after it had injected us with slow acting cultural poison, as a result of which we’re falling dead on Lenin’s corpse.

    • T. B.
      Likewise the USSR. It occupied E Europe and threatened W Europe for more than a generation. Yet it collapsed, mostly unaided by us, after it supposedly won WWII. The infamous Ms Somesay attributes this to the enormous casualties they suffered from that ‘victorious’ Great Patriotic War. As a Cold War military guy I had no idea this was coming. Nor did the vaunted CIA. Amazing_!

  22. Z: “Here’s an example from National Review on the immigration issue. You would think that the alleged flagship of conservatism would have a lot of cultural arguments to make regarding immigration. You would be wrong. The only thing they can muster is that the economy is not happy with open borders. These are people who have come to worship the pivot table, as it allows them to validate their desire to live as they want to live. If Excel, peace be upon him, blesses it, then it is OK.”

    I don’t know how National Review writers read stuff like this and don’t just walk over to their office windows and jump out. Like decent losers did back in ’29.

  23. Nice.This is really a timely post. The subversion and corruption of all of our spiritual, social, cultural and civic institutions along with the ever expanding soft despotic managerial state making you fell about as big as a bug, has striped millions of Americans of their courage and self-confidence. This process has been going on for decades and most people simply don’t understand that they have been enslaved. White people have been hit the hardest, because were the scapegoat. And we still want our masters lies to be true.

    Morpheus: “The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work… when you go to church… when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
    Neo: What truth?
    Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison… A prison for your mind.”

    Here’s a short Youtub vid I’ve posted before. It’s a former KGB agent talking about demoralization in America. The childern are the key to our future.

  24. The usual suspects’ huffing and puffing about the use of the anti-Semitism card to attack the Democrats is, after the first obligatory signaling, a demoralizing waste of time and energy. There is no example of a rightwing movement approaching power anywhere in the West without the support of conservatives.

    We’d be better off if everyone shifted their attention to rubbing Minnesotans’ noses in Omar 24/7 until November 2020.

    For once, at least, a few Republicans have found themselves in the unfamiliar position of being on the offensive over an issue where race is front and center. We ought not to get between them and the other guys because their motives fail to meet some purity test. They may not be fighting for whites, but they are at least fighting against nonwhites.

    Because it is causing a lot of anxiety in the left’s camp. Their leadership is not coordinating strategy but is instead spending all its time trying to keep their ranks from breaking. They are not used to being attacked from this direction, and they do not like it.

    Finally, all this keeps the fellow whites in, rather than scripting, the news. This is important. These people are both their own and our worst enemy. Even Hawley’s boot-licking can be made to serve a purpose. Where the Tribe are concerned, there is truly no such thing as bad publicity. I think we tend to forget that just noticing their presence is many people’s first step.

    • “There is no example of a rightwing movement approaching power anywhere in the West without the support of conservatives.”

      There are a number of European right wing movements who assumed power before WW2 who regarded conservatives as relatively worthless because conservatives value personal wealth, comfort, and stability above all else. I am sympathetic to that appraisal.

    • Vegetius said: “For once, at least, a few Republicans have found themselves in the unfamiliar position of being on the offensive over an issue where race is front and center. We ought not to get between them and the other guys because their motives fail to meet some purity test. They may not be fighting for whites, but they are at least fighting against nonwhites.” If I thought we could derail the leftist crazy train by pitching the entire Republican party under the cow catcher, I wouldn’t hesitate for a second.

    • >>>We’d be better off if everyone shifted their attention to rubbing Minnesotans’ noses in Omar 24/7 until November 2020.<<<

      This assumes a majority of Minnesotans don’t want and enjoy having Omar rubbed in their faces 24/7.

  25. A girlfriend repeatedly expressed concern about Indians (dot not feather) moving into her northern NJ neighborhood. She said that she and her husband didn’t want to be the last White people in their neighborhood. I know a luxury housing development in the area that is mostly Indian with a few east Asians. No Whites, Blacks or Hispanics at all.

    One idea that I hear from civic nationalists is that non-Whites more or less vote for the Democrats because Republicans haven’t reached out to them. Non-Whites also supposedly share our values. A civic nationalist thinks that the Moslem woman wearing a black robe and headbag that I saw earlier today might be or would be a Republican if we explained what we stand for (free enterprise, limited government and that magical document known as the US Consitution).

    I think that non-Whites largely regard the US simply as an ATM machine and figure that the Democrats will cater more to them, There is also the high rate of at least partial welfare dependency among Blacks and Hispanics. On top of that, many non-Whites have a grudge against the US, the West and/or Christianity. The first group that we permitted to enter the US with a historic grudge was the Jews, especially the eastern European ones.

    We need to recognize who our enemies are.

    I prefer the White America of my childhood.

    • The idea that the GOP “doesn’t reach out” is a victim-blaming tactic. Liberals don’t want to acknowledge that non-whites are acting in bad faith, or voting for tribal reasons.

      That said, there are some socially conservative invaders that would be inclined to vote GOP if not for the rube bait dished out; and even more would vote GOP if the party was economically more interventionist.

      But would it ever comprise a majority, no. The Canadian Conservative Party panders much more from an already more leftist position. And they still get blown out.

      We may need to look into exile; Argentina, Russia, etc.

      • Civnats forget that Trump-hating Black Republican Michael Steele was Lt. Governor of Maryland and chaired the Minority Business Enterprise taskforce, actively promoting the spread of Affirmative Action in the corporate world. Affirmative Action is a Republican value? He also served as Chair of the RNC from 2009-2011.

        At one time, Asians voted predominately Republican, but no longer do. I don’t know why.

        • >>>At one time, Asians voted predominately Republican, but no longer do. I don’t know why.<<<

          Who were they, how many of them, and where were they from? I’m guessing that there’s a divide between the Asians referenced above (few) and the Hart-Celler “Americans” (many).

          Pre-65 Hispanics (many of whom are simply White Spaniards whose families passed through Mexico on the way to the US) also vote GOP at a much higher rate.

    • There is a certain tendency of “self-reliance” that results in many working class whites not taking advantage of government programs. Liberals have historically wrung their hands about this, spending money on trying to get more people to enroll.

      Immigrants have none of this sense, they don’t view welfare usage as shameful, in turn they also don’t mind paying higher taxes as much if they advance economically. Simply being in a First World country is worth quite a lot compared to the relatives in the Old Country.

    • I have noticed two notable exceptions to the non-white adherence to the narrative. Tejanos and Filipinos. I’ve worked and served with numerous old time Texan Hispanics and they are an odd duck. Dating back many generations they tend to be extremely pro-America (nay, pro-Texas then pro-American). Most despise the illegal invasion. In the service, the combat units (actual fighters) seem to be comprised entirely of whites and Texicans. As for Filipinos, they are called the silent majority of asians. Outside of the post office (and I chalk that up to being Gov worker-slobs more than anything) Filipinos tend to the right, and I know of no Filipinos that keep their language after the first generation. A bit OT, but thought the subject fit in here a bit.

    • One idea that I hear from civic nationalists is that non-Whites more or less vote for the Democrats because Republicans haven’t reached out to them.

      That’s crazy talk. Since Reagan, at least, the Republicans have tried to pivot to POC, albeit with next to no success. The Orange Savior himself has often “reached out” (i.e. kissed ass) to POC – “our wonderful black community”, “the beautiful Hispanic people”, blablabla, but never once has he said ANYTHING about “white Americans” or “European Americans”.

      • Any politician that so much as hints at “pro-white” is risking either impeachment in the executive, or expulsion in the legislature.

        White (Jewish) postgraduate liberals have the power to veto anything we want. That’s why such cringeworthy pandering exists.

      • “The Orange Savior himself has often “reached out” (i.e. kissed ass) to POC …but never once has he said ANYTHING about “white Americans…”.

        That is because the target audience of these comments by President Trump is not the diversity to which he refers but the stupidly nice white people who voted for him and whose votes he needs again. The commies are trying to make them feel guilty for voting for him. PDJT is trying to inoculate them. These whites have not yet given themselves permission to pursue their own legitimate self interests. They are still slaves in their own heads.

        This is why it is batshit crazy not to support him next time around. If it turns out we have been played and he really is just an “Orange Savior” merely trying to repair the empire, we have lost absolutely nothing because there is no way in hell anyone is repairing this train wreck. If he is more than his public persona, then another four years of pre-conditioning the battlefield might be critical to our civilizational survival.

        • These whites have not yet given themselves permission to pursue their own legitimate self interests.

          I dunno. People weren’t chanting “hug a POC now!” at his rallies. It’s “build the wall” and “send her back”.

          If it turns (the) “Orange Savior” merely trying to repair the empire, we have lost absolutely nothing

          If I were to play Devil’s Advocate, I’d say his job is to kick the can down the road and stop a real nationalist from occupying the nationalist ticket. Give the proles some half-assed nationalist tweets while you accelerate the replacement, and people will say “well, at least we get tweets”.

          It’s SOP here in Europe: Nigel Farage, the Danish People’s Party, the Norwegian Progress Party all serve the same function: as pied pipers for dissatisfied voters, corralling them in a safe space, making sure they’re not voting for real nationalists. I suspect the same is the case for Front National and the Sweden Democrats.

    • “…concern about Indians (dot not feather)…”

      I had a conversation many years ago, when I was a young Dem, with two educated, credentialed dots. They said that Indians GREATLY favor Republicans (as they did back then, but it was news to me). I realize now that it was because back then they came here to loot our country not colonize it.

      Presently, most dots are coming here as colonists, not raiders, so they vote Dem for max gibs. (90% i think) Those with looting/raiding objectives (who might go back) simply want to squeeze as much money as they can as quickly as they can, so those vote Republican to minimize obstruction to profit.

      • Didn’t know that.

        I realize that the Indians vote for the Democrats because they want the free stuff and legal privileges. A business owned by an Indian is a minority business enterprise. They are very socially conservative, but don’t care about social issues because they only care about their tribe and homeland. They don’t care about what members of other groups do nor the US as a whole.

        In Malaysia, about 67 percent of the population is ethnic Malaysian, almost all Moslem and still dominates politically. About 25 percent is Chinese and 8 percent Indian. From what I can see, neither the Chinese nor the Indians care about Malaysia as a whole, only the wellbeing of their tribe. That’s not surprising because they have little or nothing in common with the host population. Even Indian Moslems have their own mosques.

  26. Z-Great thought provoking article. How does your brain fire up day in and day out, and put pen to such incite?!

    Coincidentally, just watched 1942 Keeper of the Flame (Tracy-Hepburn), directed by George Cukor. Look at this script. The playwright, Donald Ogden Stewart, was a member of CPUSA. Cukor was a Hollywood homosexual, actively plying his trade. The Tribe. Yet the scrip could be pasted into today. Look at the projection of the Hollywood and Leftist cabal in 1942. Their projection is Them. Is Now.

    “Each of these groups was simply to be used until its usefulness was exhausted. Hates were to be played against hates. If one group threatened to get too powerful, it would be killed off by another group.”

    Nothing has changed. Update to today. Their plan keeps expanding decade upon decade. This is much bigger than Get Whitey. Now the international press is captured. This is the Globalist Cabal! Our turn to eat dirt now and be thrown away. They will do this to their current pets that eventually get too powerful. Thrown to the ground in favor of the next pet to used.

    KEEPER OF THE FLAME 1942 Script

    This is what I found.
    The key to Robert Forrest’s fascist organization.
    They didn’t call it fascism. Painted it red,
    white and blue, and called it Americanism.
    In here are the funds to see it through.
    Fantastic amounts subscribed
    by a few private individuals…
    …to whom money didn’t mean anything
    but wanted political power.
    Knew they could never get it
    by democratic means.
    There’s a list of their names.
    This was the essence of their plan.
    Here are some articles ready for release…
    …to stir up all the little hatreds
    of the whole nation against each other.
    This was an article to be published
    in an anti-Semitic paper attacking the Jews.
    This was to be used in Farmers Gazette
    to stir them up against city dwellers.
    Here’s one attacking the Catholics,
    anti-Negro, anti-labor, anti-trade union…
    …subtle appeal to the Ku Klux Klan.
    Here’s a list of newspaper editors
    who either sought to occupy public office…
    …or sought to dictate
    who should occupy public office…
    …and when they failed, felt that the public
    was a great, stupid beast.
    Here’s a list of men
    who served their country in the last war…
    …and were failures in business,
    and longed for power of rank…
    …and the prestige of a uniform.
    In there are the names and addresses
    of the men…
    …who were designated
    to be America’s first storm troopers.
    But what was really shocking to me
    was the complete cynicism of the plan.
    Each of these groups was simply to be
    used until its usefulness was exhausted.
    Hates were to be played against hates.
    If one group threatened to get too powerful,
    it would be killed off by another group.
    And in the end, all these poor little people
    who never knew…
    …to what purpose they were lending
    themselves would be in the same chains…
    …cowed and enslaved…
    …with Robert Forrest and his handful
    of power-thirsty henchmen…
    …cracking the whip.
    But he envied the dictators
    and thought that all governments…
    …of the people and by the people
    were soon to perish from the Earth.

    The premiere served as a fundraiser for the Outdoor Cleanliness Association (a group dedicated to public lighting and enforcement of trash laws). The premiere did not go well: MGM head Louis B. Mayer stormed out, enraged by his having encouraged the making of a film which equated wealth with fascism. How did he not know this? Was this a head-fake?

    • The film had good insight into how radicals might subvert a country. It was an attack on “right-wingers” and certainly pleased the commie-loving Roosevelt administration. The pro-Soviet film “Mission to Moscow” was made at the request of Pres. Roosevelt.

      Jews did well in pre-War Soviet Union and later dominated for a time post-War Soviet-occupied Poland and Hungary. The Hungarian revolt in 1956 at times resembled a pogrom. They were eventually pushed out of power and the natives regained control of their countries, at least as far as Poles, et al., controlled their countries under Soviet occupation.

      • Ris;
        Re USSR & The Tribe doing well: Yes and no. The old Bolsheviks were *disproportionally* but not majority Jewish in some form (ethnically, culturally but not religiously) or other. This was understandable given that local Tsarist officials directed pre-revolutionary popular discontent caused by their own corruption and incompetence into Pogroms against the ‘Yidds’ and away from themselves and the Tsar. Find a scapegoat that is both fiendishly clever and powerful but somehow can’t really fight back: Oldest trick in the world.

        But ‘Yidds’ or not, Stalin killed almost all the old Bolsheviks in The Great Terror in the 1930s*: Also killed most party cadre’s, which might have also been disproportionally ‘Yidds’. So the ‘Yidds’ also perished disproportionally as well as ‘flourished’.

        And Stalin was gearing up the (Jewish) Doctor’s Plot Purge in the early 1950s to finish the job that ‘you-know-who’ started.** He had the freight cars lined up and ready. Then he found out there really was a God in early 1953 and the purge was aborted.***

        It’s very important to not let half truths lead anyone down back alleys that have a really bad look, IYKWIMAITYD.
        *He was pissed that they had supported Trotsky.
        ** He was pissed that they supported Israel and not just Russian Communism.
        *** It was rumored that he spend his last minutes cursing God.

  27. Our species didn’t ascend to the top of the organic pyramid by “asking” for validity. Our race didn’t become the most innovative and adaptable member of the species by “asking” for anything. Throughout evolutionary history, what persists is what works (and I mean that in the tangible sense).

    We now live in an exceptionally affluent environment in which reproductive fitness is enhanced by dependence, conformity, and skill at whining loudly (PC crying). Those chickens will eventually come home to roost and thereafter, once again, competitive fitness will arise and determine what “works.” Would you rather be robust at self defense or the best whiner on the block like Ocasio Cortez?

  28. Inspiring enough to make me multi-post, Z. Your post resonates so well with a lot of what I’ve heard on various TRS shows of late (ASOB, Collett on FTN, and this week’s TDS’s among others) – what our people need is permission to simply be themselves. The passions we are condemned for are shared by the majority of Whites – not surprising considering they’re natural/instinctual. When they see someone who is a sympathetic, normal-presenting figure that is willing to say “It’s OK to be White” and has a credible, coherent message for why so much of Clown World seems to disagree, their Big Other conditioning breaks down in a big way. At the risk of over-using the pill theme today, you’re White pilling me bigly this week. The white-knuckle levels of social pressure Big Other is applying are both a signal of their inherint weakness and a catalyst for spreading dissent.

    Apparently having a shitty week sharpens your shiv, Z. For our sake, I wish you further interesting times.

    • When they see someone who is a sympathetic, normal-presenting figure that is willing to say “It’s OK to be White” and has a credible, coherent
      message for why so much of Clown World seems to disagree, their Big Other conditioning breaks down in a big way…
      We have to be ready and willing to support them when someone stands up we can’t let them do it alone…

  29. In a sense; even I feel at times that we deserve what we are getting. That its just no longer our time. And maybe we will just have to accept the loss, as the least bad option.

  30. White oppression entered a new phase when, seemingly overnight, it became necessary to show Africans in advertisements, magazine covers and article illustrations, movies, and TV shows.

    At first I was puzzled. I understood virtue signaling, but what possible advantage could including these icons in mass media offer the sponsors? Logically it seems irrelevant, if not counterproductive, to the sales pitch or response among non-African consumers.

    Now I get it. The requisite images of Africans are an imprimatur, a racial Good Housekeeping seal of approval. Although non-Africans are understood by producers to be the real audience, it’s now taboo to speak to them directly — they aren’t entitled to their own media. The message must be delivered through minority proxies.

    Whites urgently need their own, alternative, forms of information dissemination and entertainment.

    • Blacks watch more TV and use social media at a higher rate than other races.

      That this appears overseas, however, indicates that something else is going on, as you suggest.

      The only chance for the classical liberal project to hang on, with increasing authoritarianism, is to find ways of morally shaming non-whites.

      • Oh, something else is going on, alright. Ask yourself this: why is one member of mixed-race couples in advertising ALWAYS white? Why don’t we see Blaxspanic couples? Sino-Indian couples? Arab-Amerindian couples? I’ll tell you why. Because the object of these images has nothing to do with influencing POC or even selling product. The object is to convince hangdog whites that they are required to provide sexual reparations to POC. And if fewer pure white offspring result, well, that is a nice side dividend. It’s all part of the AWR narrative.

        • Sexual reparations, eh? That gives me an idea along the lines of setting up a bogus twitter campaign for a new law that would prohibit white people from marrying or breeding with other white people. I could call it the Campaign for Reproductive Justice.

          See if the leftwaffe pick it up and run with it for real.

          Acceleration, baby. Yeah.

  31. “This is the mentality of a conquered people.” The opioid crisis of white American men is like the suicidal alcoholism of the American Indians under the USA and the Russians under Communism.

    And I agree with others that this post is especially insightful and concise.

    • The fact that the Chinese shrugged off the mass opium addiction of the 19th Century gives me hope.

      • Another thing that marked China’s turn towards shaking off its servile status and becoming a modern superpower: the mass expulsion of foreigners.

      • Meme, yes the Chinese did eliminate the threat of the opium addicts to society, but a bullet to the head is not a “shrugging off”. However, definitely more effective than our current measures. 😉

        • >>>Meme, yes the Chinese did eliminate the threat of the opium addicts to society, but a bullet to the head is not a “shrugging off”. <<<

          Truth is, it’s probably too late for most of the already addicted. It’s about saving the kids now. We, as a people, must do the shrugging off.

    • “This is the mentality of a conquered people.” The opioid crisis of white American men is like the suicidal alcoholism of the American Indians under the USA and the Russians under Communism.

      The alcoholism under the Commies was old-fashioned Russian power-drinking, a cherished cultural tradition; up until the Second World War, being an alcoholic was almost a requirement for becoming an officer, and even Stalin had problems curbing binge drinking in the ranks.

      The real suicidal alcoholism emerged under Yeltsin, where the average expected lifespan dropped ten(!) years – i.e. after the Soviet Union had been destroyed and Russia taken over by (((oligarchs))).

      I wonder how much obsessive gaming can be ascribed to the same state of anomie?

    • The opioid crisis of white American men is like the suicidal alcoholism of the American Indians under the USA
      and the Russians under Communism.

      Is there any hope of rescuing those men Line or are they too far gone…

    • We weren’t conquered.
      We were tricked.
      We are waking up.
      We man up so many of our problems fade.
      We man up all our problems are quite solvable.
      For the enemy has only tricks, bluff and scolding. The enemy has no intrinsic force.

  32. If the American idea/proposition/creed was real and vital, you wouldn’t need to teach a nation of ostensibly proud individualists a moral justification for their existence. Unfortunately, the American CivNat creed was synthetically imposed rather than organically evolved It means so many things to so many different groups that it has become a source of discord rather than cohesion, secular sectarianism run mad. We need to re-ground ourselves on a firmer foundation if we are to resist the tide of atomization and Blue Pill temptations we and our children have to face.

    As I continue to study how tribes form, I’m becoming more optimistic that there may be a way to forge an American White identity after all. Z’s hit on a number of the critical ingedients lately. The raw ingredients are race, culture and shared adversities, tempered and refined through the techniques used by religions and secret societies. Its “hero’s journey” ala Campbell is a stylized version of our own Red Pill stories. NIck Jeevy’s “American Sardaukar” piece from Counter-Currents is a good description of the proto-American White identity from which we can build. American Whites have been ill-used and brutally dishonered as Janissaries for the Empire and those who pull its strings, and this can be an effectively bonding story of shared virtues, sacrifice, oppression, persecution and exodus around which to start building a core American White mythos. This narrative worked pretty well for a disparate group of herdsmen who served as Pharonic mercenaries back in the day. Using our exodus from this empire as a core unifier for a new people also has American precedents, most notably the Mormons.

    By year’s end, I will roll out a site where we can share ideas, open-source style, for building a new American White tribal identity. I’ll lay out some core concepts and goals and see where the community takes them. More on this in upcoming weeks. Z, peace be upon him, is already a Wise Elder in the community to come. Keep teaching, White Man.

    • What you’ve mentioned sounds a lot like 5th Political Theory (5PT), which I happen to be a big proponent of.

      I’ll be looking forward to adding your site to my daily reads and contributing to your comments section.

    • Exile the only thing better would be to do it in the physical realm so I look forward to reading it…

  33. This is the description of a culture that has been all but entirely neutered, completely crashed on its testosterone. Lost the masculine side of human nature. When I was in my early 20s a New York lady taught me a saying ‘from the big city’ (it was about a year before I moved there), “never apologize, never explain”. It is largely true.

    This all also ties in very well w r/K biohistory stuff. White males have to become men again. Today most are not. If most became men again, we could handle a lot of our problems.

    • If most became men again, we could handle a lot of our problems.
      Only working in concert though Brother otherwise it would be just a lot of flashbulbs going off and bloodlines lost that can never be brought back…So much more I could say but until we realize that, nothing else matters…

      • Folks here seem to be of a mind that our current lack of “men” is permanent and irreversible—at least in the immediate term. I can understand this. But I’m not so down beat. In most of our past great conflicts; WWI, WWII, Korean, etc., we sent a lot of boys to the fray who became men pretty quickly in the field and rose to the occasion. I seem to recall photo spreads in Life and Look mag’s showing GI’s in the Pacific literally eating C-rations in the field next to dead Jap’s. Yeah, we’re a bit out of shape, easy living does that, but three generations seems way too short to breed out the grit our fathers had (and passed on through their progeny).

        • In your veins flows the blood of conquerors who wiped out other tribes and fucked their women. They did not sacrifice and prevail so that we would let go of our father’s gains with a whimper. Unleash the best you have inside of you.

    • It’s a truncated version of an English saying common in the Army for a century and change.
      ” Never volunteer, Never apologize, Never explain”.

      I avoids a lot of shit,

  34. I think at a subconscious level a lot of goodwhites want to hold on to the idea of their mission in life being to help “minorities” because it implies (as all noblesse oblige does) that you have the power and are deigning to help the less fortunate. But to recognize that whites have interests that need defending is to admit that fighting on behalf of people who aren’t you (for three generations now) is to score an own-goal against yourself and your posterity. “It’s embarassing,” as Elizabeth Wright used to say, “to admit you’ve been complicit in your destruction.” It’s too hard for a lot of older well-meaning whites to reverse course now because their entire worldview is built on this lie. Someone like Bernie or Biden would mewl, “But, but, I marched for civil rights!” while being hacked to death with a machete rather than doing something reasonable like fighting or fleeing once we get to a Rhodesia-like tipping point. A lot of whites are “chasing their losses” in the culture war right now, as the gamblers say:

    • With respectful apologies to Kevin MacDonald, your citation of noblesse oblige is a more accurate description of what drives GoodWhiteness than his concept of pathological altruism, which would manifest itself in self-destructive altruism toward Whites and non-Whites alike rather than being entirely Other-focused as we see in practice. NobOb is a trait that could be evolutionarily selected for leadership fitness through the elimination of purely selfish, Hobbesian brute-leaders by collaboration of the tyrannized tribe (something Jonathan Haidt touched on in “Righteous Mind” in a somewhat different context).

      • Unlike the concept of black identity being entirely negative, its hard to say the same about white liberalism. It doesn’t need to continuously conjure up monarchist scarecrows to prove itself. But a good part of keeping the 40% of whites that are leftist in line is the fear of “Confederates in the Attic”, which we could extend to fear of “the demons within”.

        Woke isn’t so much an ersatz religion, as it is a religion in full. One might ask why people follow something with few rewards, but those who build the pyramids thought only the pharaoh was getting an afterlife, fwiw.

      • This is an interesting, but I really don’t think we need a biological theory to explain modern manifestations of NobOb. I think this is just a kind of silly status signalling, borne of decadence. Steve Sailer has called this “leapfrogging loyalties.” At any rate, we need a way to convey the malign nature of this way of thinking and posturing.

  35. Life is still too comfortable for too many. Too much bread and too many circuses. Justification for what? Most are at best only marginally aware of what’s going on.

    We are long past the point of fixing anything through our cultural and political institutions. This makes having to face facts even more difficult.

    The balloon needs to go up. That’s the only way. Which means things are going to need to get a lot worse.

    Look at Paris. Why aren’t there 10,000 muslim heads on pikes lining the Champs this morning?

    • Comfortability will be our downfall…Look even here at zman most are still to comfortable because they aren’t doing much more than just commenting on the state of things and how mad they are about it…When I start to see people coming together and building Communities only then will I know that the frog knows it’s time to get out of the pot…

      • Whites are fractious, but pull together when things get tough. The trick is to start pulling together now, rather than waiting for the tough(er) times.

      • I would say it’s not just ‘too comfortable’ – it’s ‘have a “good enough” thing and a hell of a lot to lose, not just for oneself but for one’s children’.

        I would say that things will change quickly when there is no longer a suburb and middle class job to flee to, because the (dot) Indians won’t let any white folk in.

      • There have been some tentative efforts to build up networks, but safety is a concern. The more who get involved with these semi-clandestine communities, the easier it will be for others to get involved. Let’s not just sit around waiting for some powder keg to ignite. Have you heard of natconnect?

  36. This is FANTASTIC! I have some thoughts on the subject but they would just water it down. Bravo!

  37. Best post in a long time. This cuts to the heart of the matter.
    Laser like focus on what the real problem is, and it’s something that any reasonably intelligent white guy can focus on in his everyday interactions.
    No need for snark or whining. The overwhelming majority of whites, including liberals and leftists, prefer western European standards and sensibilities, and we can only have those in a majority European society with Europeans in charge… forever.

  38. Not only do white liberals tend to live in gentrified white neighborhoods, the few non-whites who live there have white mannerisms. It’s odd. For instance, a black guy won’t be “keeping it real,” he’ll be wearing a scarf with a corduroy sport coat or something, with the old fashioned wire spectacles. Even the Asians are sort of vanilla Asians with all kinds of white people eating disorders, gluten free etc.. White liberalism has a culture and ethnicity all its own. Like Sunday brunch and reading the paper in a coffee shop, carbon fiber bikes, etc. It’s very materialist, but specifically so, with each material item symbolizing something. Someone desperately trying to be interesting and worldly. Yet collectivleay it has a feel of an upper middle class ghetto of provincial, undeveloped, brainwashed people. They travel, but to all the same places.

        • I was wondering about that. I have a vague impression that it’s a Japanese invention, but perhaps that’s just the name.

          • Let’s see – a game that requires smarts and patience, done quietly and alone, with a quiet, private reward of satisfaction upon ‘winning’, no mugging for the cameras and gloating… sounds pretty white to me.
            And, sure enough, it was invented by a white guy from the Midwest (of the US), a retired insurance salesman who wanted to stimulate the minds of his grandchildren, back in the late seventies.

          • I see, thanks.

            But the grid above the angel doesn’t much look like a sudoku to me: it looks more like some alchemic symbols. Also, I don’t see why Dürer would place a sudoku in that picture.

          • “The order four magic square Albrecht Dürer immortalized in his 1514 engraving Melencolia I, referred to above, is believed to be the first seen in European art. The square associated with Jupiter appears as a talisman used to drive away melancholy. It is very similar to Yang Hui’s square, which was created in China about 250 years before Dürer’s time. The sum 34 can be found in the rows, columns, diagonals, each of the quadrants, the center four squares, and the corner squares (of the 4×4 as well as the four contained 3×3 grids). This sum can also be found in the four outer numbers clockwise from the corners (3+8+14+9) and likewise the four counter-clockwise (the locations of four queens in the two solutions of the 4 queens puzzle[50]), the two sets of four symmetrical numbers (2+8+9+15 and 3+5+12+14), the sum of the middle two entries of the two outer columns and rows (5+9+8+12 and 3+2+15+14), and in four kite or cross shaped quartets (3+5+11+15, 2+10+8+14, 3+9+7+15, and 2+6+12+14). The two numbers in the middle of the bottom row give the date of the engraving: 1514. The numbers 1 and 4 at either side of the date correspond respectively to the letters “A” and “D,” which are the initials of the artist.

            16 3 2 13
            5 10 11 8
            9 6 7 12
            4 15 14 1
            Dürer’s magic square can also be extended to a magic cube.

    • They like traveling to third world countries, and on more than a few occasions, wind up getting kidnapped, raped and murdered by their pet vibrants. **smh**

      • Yes, and Japan would be the exception. You must go to Japan at some point. Usually between Peru and Nepal trips.

      • Most of those who have been killed on such pilgrimages appear to me to have believed their own shit and mistakenly put it to the test. Good riddance. Darwinian selection in action.

        • I have a bit more compassion, at least for some. The two Scandinavian girls killed in Morocco, they videotaped their murder.
          The second girl died crying out for her mother while some Islamic wooly-bully sawed her head off. I used to force myself to watch these things, to help me keep clarity on what we face. Couldn’t do it this time. The writer describing the video was enough, too much, for me.

          I dont blame the girls. They were reared to despise their culture, adore the diversity and suffered like sheep. Sheep. They were led to the slaughter by a string of teachers, politicians, newsmen and pulpit pretenders.

          No. In a sane world and a saner time they would have been better prepared and informed by the very people we place in positions of trust over our children. I hold them responsible.

          I hope we have the chance to hold the betrayers accountable for these young peoples’ deaths. Vengeance and high Mercy are His alone. In truth, I won’t mind witnessing their earthly comeuppance though.

      • I am one of those global travelers and issue no apologies. I was raised with National Geographic mags inter alia and afflicted with the vagabond bug. I was built to be an explorer and, until my wife’s cancer diagnosis this winter (she recently rang her treatment gong, we’re okay), I visited some place other than where I live up to twice each month, camera or hunting rifle in hand.

        I formally studied ancient Greek, Latin, Japanese and Russian languages in addition to STEM ug and grad. I have taught myself tens of other languages.

        I have never taken a cruise and seldom “luxuriate.” Yet, I have visited all 50 states, ~100 countries, and all seven continents (three weeks on the Antarctic continent from Brown’s Bluff down the panhandle). I have motorcycled solo from Antanarrivo Madagascar over the channel by rickety schooner and up to Kinsasha with food drops and a pistol under my shirt. I skydived across Russia from Kolomna Aerograd and then west. I scuba dived from Lady Elliott Island Oz to Cairns along the Great Barrier Reef. I didn’t just jump in the Swiss Alps I have jumped _off_ the Swiss Alps. The motorcycle diaries, well, I motorcycled a sizeable chunk of the route depicted and drunk enough pisco with newfound friends to fill a small swimming pool.

        Blah blah blah blah blah …. I have learned tremendous things about life and survival under alien circumstances and hardship. Several people have attempted to kill me up close and personal.

        I would not trade a single effing minute of it all, and still hope to travel more while I can, for a fancy car or car collection, private aircraft or yacht, big home, or even children. No way I could have gone the consumerist route like some of you, that’s just not my bag baby.

        • Glad your wife has is recovering. You are a man, and were prepared to deal with open eyes the challenges encountered. Most of these young people are woefully blind to the hazards of third world countries.

        • “I would not trade a single effing minute of it all, and still hope to travel more while I can, for a fancy car or car collection, private aircraft or yacht, big home, or even children. ”

          “Or even children.” I doubt it. You are too invested in entertaining yourself to have to give it up for children.

          May the surly hatian nurse’s assistants be gentle with you in your lonely last days on Earth, as your family line dies in a nursing or assisted living home.

          • I am a bastard, literally. Outwardly different demographic than my Armenian namesakes, a freakishly-talented family. I knew at age 14 that nobody would ever take care of me as an outcast. Fortunately, I earn more each year than your entire neighborhood in all likelihood. In any event, I can take care of myself and I choose to be a part of “our thing” in the Z context. Carry on, and mind the gap.

  39. This must be an urban white problem because out in the rural parts we whites do what we want with our evil guns and carbon-spewing V-8 pickups. What we bemoan is that we can no longer tell the uppity brown folk to stay on their side of the railroad tracks. And we stew in impotent rage when the liberal urbanites use tax policy to confiscate our wealth and redistribute it to the brown filth or regulate our lives based on an unwelcome globohomo agenda centered on Nanny-state concerns like climate change, transgender rights and the glories of multicultural diversity. Hell, most of that shit doesn’t even exist in my neck of the woods; but I still have to pay for it and hear about how “good” it is incessantly. Enough! I refuse to give anything to those forces freely; and I begrudge, resist, deny and delay when coerced. If “they” want to interpret IT’S OK TO BE WHITE as a racist F.U., so be it. That’s on them.

    • Brother if we had enough whites in one area that understood what was going on then we wouldn’t even have to worry about paying them…Wish more white people understood that…

      • Physical proximity and face-to-face interaction is a necessary part of building a real core white community. The nay-sayers here think I’m talking about civil war, prepping or a Benedict Option when I say this, but it starts with simply having like-minded white neighbors, then neighborhoods. Worry about the rest later – if we start coming together, there will be a natural synergy of goodwill and strength through cohesion. We will be better positioned to either weather the storm or bring the thunder ourselves if we’re actually standing together, not scattered over an internet which can be bottlenecked or roadblocked by Woke Capital at a whim. Just having our kids grow up together and share an education we control would be worth the move.

          • Will do. Camping, hunting & fishing CA national parks this summer, was planning on dog-legging through Glacier National Park then down into CO by September. Not much of a detour.

  40. Look at Trump; breaking the conditioning is easier than supposed. It should also be noted we weren’t conquered- we were tricked.

    We were betrayed.
    The emotions indeed instincts that arise from betrayal are powerful; that’s power.

    The Left of course does not react well to challenges and boldness is rewarded.

    Its difficult not to respect someone who stands their ground (normies will respect) but far more difficult to forgive groveling; or long endure it.

    It also cannot be overstressed that they have little to no intrinsic force. They have scolding, shaming, social pressure. The occasional judge. Standing up for yourself isn’t illegal. The Left does act as if they were Bolshevik Commissars but they are not.
    Usually they’re weaklings too- this is not our Fathers Communism.

    Its mostly bluff. Why do you think they need foreigners?
    They’re cowards.

    • “It should also be noted we weren’t conquered- we were tricked. We were betrayed. The emotions indeed instincts that arise from betrayal are powerful; that’s power.”

      Damn straight. Exactly the kind of power we can use in building an American White identity. Thesis – the present virtues and proud, if largely obfuscated history and traditions of the White American Sardaukar. Antithesis – our subjugation by Globoschlomo and the betrayal of GoodWhites. Sythesis – a new American White identity.

  41. “Our great challenge in this age is getting white people to think that their preferences are valid. That is, white people can want a public policy or a social custom for no other reason than they want it. Instead, whites are endlessly searching around for some external standard against which they can measure their preference. Only then can they declare that desire valid, because it matches that standard. Whites no longer feel as if what they want is valid because they want it.”

    Indeed. I argued this is an essay on Max Stirner: “I would suggest some clear advantages in pursuing the Stirner option. Most of all, it obviates the need to engage in tedious and mostly futile justifications for our various positions. Why do you take your own side? Why do you privilege European culture? Why? Because it pleases me to do so.”

    • I was reading some Stirner the other day and thought, “Shit, he’s hitting the exact same points as Z.” “Revolution is aimed at new arrangements; insurrection leads us no longer to let ourselves be arranged, but to arrange ourselves, and set no glittering hope on ‘institutions'”
      ― Max Stirner

      • @joey junger. According to wikipedia, Max Stirner “was a German philosopher who is often seen as one of the forerunners of nihilism, existentialism, psychoanalytic theory, postmodernism, and individualist anarchism.” Here’s the link.'s_Critics He definitely wouldn’t be a good role model for young White people looking for a firm spiritual foundation. And to be honest, I don’t care for his thinking either.

        • “Take what’s useful and dump the rest” is a good philosophy. You’ll see plenty of alt-right people finding utility in at least examining Marxist philosophy sometimes (“seizing the means of production” from the tech giants doesn’t sound like a bad idea to me right now). And Stirner wasn’t ever a role model. He was a philosopher. Role models should come from directly in the family (usually the father).

    • Enjoyed it the first time, very heavy read, re-reading today. Keep up the deep thinking, sir.

  42. Take a look a the old Life magazines of the late ‘40s and the ‘50s. Also the movies of the era. By and large, they celebrate the white culture and aspirations of that day. All of those artifacts will be banished soon, branded as toxic as the Stars and Bars.

    • And you know what else? Even blacks wanted desperately to be a part of white culture. Jazz, for instance, and contrary to received wisdom, was heavily white in most ways prior to the 60s when it was rebranded as an act of Afrocentric rebellion.

      • “Jazz…was heavily white in most ways prior to the 60s when it was rebranded as an act of Afrocentric rebellion.”

        Lol, no it wasn’t. Unless of course you consider jazz to have been birthed in the 1940s with bebop, a more pop-centric genre with a definable beat to which whites could nod their head.

        • The first recorded jazz was Dixieland stuff performed by a white group. But even that’s beside the point. Jazz appeared in a definitively white cultural milieu, used western musical notation and western instruments. Never in a million years would jazz have appeared in Africa. It could only be born in a white nation, and probably only in America.

  43. That’s exactly right. I would add though, that part of its power extends from a blended motive of elite whites still being wealthy, comfortable and perceived by most of society as still being the ones with the man pants on. Rank and file liberals view bush and Chaney as the motive force behind the Iraq war, not the Israel Lobby with bush and Chaney as their happenstance tools. White elites, including your bushes, Clinton’s, and trumps, are sort of a standing class of house negroes whose status is very contingent on their vassalhood to minority races.

    As a corollary point, what about the Iranians seizing that British tanker? They did it in response to the British seizure of an Iranian tanker off Gibraltar at the behest of the United States. It seems we are perilously close to a war, huh?

  44. Your analysis is bang on, Z. One hopeful caveat, however. The phenomenon you describe, this whimpering whiteness, no longer applies to all whites. It certainly applies to white elites, and whites to the left of Ronald Reagan. However, I am convinced there is a budding core of militant whites who have somehow sloughed off the culturally imposed guilt, and are advocating for whites qua whites. Trump, I am convinced, is, deep down, one of us, and he occasionally displays his white chauvinism. And in the process, he has emboldened the rest of us.

    The Left is correct to fear white nationalism because it is a real thing, and it is a real thing because the white grass roots are finally rejecting then anti-white master narrative that has dominated the west the past half century.

    • Some politician (I forget who) just came out and said, “I’m a person of color. I’m white.” The old desiccated husk is cracking and something new and alive is emerging. Trump (as useless as he is a lot of the time) always starts punching again just before his corner’s ready to throw in the towel; this spat with the “Squad” is going to clarify some battle lines.

      • In my more hopeful moments, I like to think we’ll get a moment of tragic clarity from Trump where he provides an anti-example for much better standard-bearers to come, some moment where even that normiest of Chads will see the bait-and-switch, whether it was of his own devising or forced upon him. Let’s please get something good out of this shitshow.

      • Yeah the whole person a color thing is a terrible misnomer. Most of the world is filled with people with black hair, brown or black eyes and brown skin except for one group of people with pink skin, gold and red hair and blue and green eyes. That’s color!

      • “this spat with the “Squad” is going to clarify some battle lines.” And do not overlook the fact that Orange Bad Man has shoved the Overton window so far and so fast that I am surprised the damn thing isn’t hanging on its hinges. And he did it with one tweet!

        Is anyone talking about the Wall today? No. Now the talk is about sending them back. It’s gone from a defensive mewl to an offensive snarl overnight. That matters.

        I know that many of you feel let down by Trump and maybe with good reason but I have to ask, is there anyone else in this entire world who could have done that?

    • “…white nationalism … is a real thing…”

      Israeli hasbara is full of lies and half-truths, but I think that the claim that there was no Palestinian people in 1948 is correct. The tribes there had common language, culture, religion, and customs, thus had all the preconditions for being a nation, but they were not one yet. Then the Israelis came along and made them all suffer together. Now, they are a nation.

      New nations arise from the wreckage of multicultural empires. It has been said that American whites were not a real nation before the 1965 non-white floodgate-opening, only a collection of white tribes, but that we might have become one if the 1920 immigration moratorium had continued. Maybe that is true, but it is not going to stay true because our suffering is only beginning.

  45. “If whites want something, they must first find a non-white to bless it. When a black is not available, then the next move is to prove it is good for Israel or Jews. When that fails, then it is an appeal to the Holy Spreadsheet.”

    Total genius, Z.

    • Shrug;
      That’s why ‘It’s OK to be White’ is such powerful rhetoric. The key is to maintain ‘frame’ and innocently ask, “What’s wrong with saying, ‘It’s OK to be White.’. I’m fine with *anybody* saying ‘It’s OK to be ______, if that’s what they are.”

    • Seconded. Of all Zman’s posts this year, this is my favorite. It cuts to the very heart of the current American kulturkampf.

    • Agree. This addresses the heart of the problem rather than the symptoms or coping strategies. Brilliant post, Zman.

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