Radical Parallels

At the end of President Trump’s State of the Union speech last night, the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, dramatically tore up her copy of the speech. Given the state of left-wing politics, it is smart to assume it was a well-rehearsed stunt cooked up by an army of pollsters, drama coaches and consultants. On the other hand, the woman is so feeble minded now it is unlikely she could remember where she is, much less a carefully constructed role. It was probably authentic.

Pelosi is considered one of the more sober minded people in the Democratic Party, but that speaks to the derangement of the party and the political class. Not so long ago, she was a member of the fruitcake wing of the House. That was the collection of far-left goofballs that everyone joked about, often to their faces. Her district was known for being the most left-wing, and whitest, districts in the House. Now she is the Speaker and the head of the “moderate” wing of her party.

This is not without precedent. In the 19th century, radical anti-abolitionists started out as the extreme fringe of social reformers. These were mostly women and effeminate males coming from reformed Christianity. The sober minded reformers wanted to find a practical way to wind down slavery. Even Lincoln saw the radical Republicans as a threat to sanity, but eventually the radicals were able to push their way to the center of American political life in the aftermath of the war.

It is a useful parallel to this age. The story of the Civil War was recast in the 20th century to please the vanity of the new managerial class, so most people have no idea what happened before or after. The impeachment of Andrew Johnson, for example, should be a popular topic today, given what is happening, but that incident does not fit the modern narrative. It was not much of a topic during the Clinton impeachment either, which speaks to the larger issues involved in the narrative.

In the run-up to the Civil War, the radical abolitionists were every bit as delusional about human nature and how society could be organized, as the radicals of this age. Their experience with blacks of any type was limited to those they experienced in their salons and meeting houses. The “magic negro” phenomenon was probably born in this era, as it both titillated and encouraged the radicals. The radical was not ending an immoral practice but saving a glorious people from bondage.

The radicals were sure that defeating the South would not only end the practice of slavery, but wipe out the culture and people that maintained it. This was the birth of anti-white hatred among Northern radicals. These people imagined a South that was literally run by the former slaves, while the white remnant lived under their rule. Of course, the reality of war and its aftermath did not sway them. The reality of reconstruction only made them more fanatical and angrier.

If you look at the history of someone like Henry Winter Davis, a radical from Maryland, you see the decent into radicalism. He was an Episcopal clergyman, then as now a common source of radical madness. He was a slave holder and Whig, then moved into anti-slavery politics. He then flipped into abolitionism, siding with Republicans and eventually becoming a leader of the radicals. He co-sponsored the infamous Wade–Davis Bill, which even Lincoln thought was too much.

It is a useful parallel to now. The radicals of today really thought the election of Obama was the dawn of a new post-white age. They even talked about the parallels between him and Lincoln. The new post-white world would no longer have to tolerate, much less placate, the bad whites in places like the old South. Further, the elevation of Hillary Clinton as the first female president, would complete the circle. The door would finally be closed on old white male America.

Just as the reality of the war and its aftermath further radicalized the already radical Republicans, the election of Trump sent the modern radicals into a frenzy. In the 19th century, the frenzy led to the impeachment of Andrew Johnson, for the crime of holding office and following through on Lincoln’s reconstruction plans. Today, the radicals have impeached Trump for the crime of existing. In both cases, impeachment is a cathartic tantrum or a moan of agony of the unrealized destiny.

Interestingly, Henry Winter Davis wrote a book early in his career, titled, The War of Ormuzd and Ahriman in the Nineteenth Century. In it, Davis described the American Republic and the Russian Empire as the opponents in a global struggle for the salvation of humanity. Given that America could barely guard its own shores at the time, it was quite a grandiose vision. It is a good reminder though that American radicals have had an obsession with Russia for a long time.

Historical comparisons are only useful as rules of thumb, rather than precise, point by point, comparisons. The radicals of the 19th century were operating in a different world than the radicals of today. Even a fanatic like Henry Winter Davis would have recoiled in horror at what passes for normal now. Even so, it is a useful comparison that helps explain the current year. Then as now, radicalism must burn itself out in the destruction of that which it seeks to reform.

In the fullness of time, this age will most likely be viewed as the end point of a cycle that began in the last century. Perhaps the end of several cycles. The end of the Jewish century in America will be a cabal of paranoid Jewish radicals failing to remove the last white male president. Impeachment will be the last gasp of the old order, ushering in an age of reform. Maybe it will be the end point of order itself, setting off the final battle between the radicals and the defenders of civilization.

No one can know, but the Civil War was both the end of a long cycle that dated back to before the founding and the start of something new. People living in the age of Lincoln could easily relate to the people who lived through the Revolution. Two generations later and the people were entirely divorced from their past. They were the product of a new founding, a new republic. Something similar probably lies in store for the people two generations from now. This age will be foreign to them.

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Cool for Cats
4 years ago

“This age will be foreign to them.” Hell, it’s foreign to me. This is not even the country of 1999, let alone 1979. I wonder if your radicals have not already succeeded in their great project of destroying America. Sure looks like toast from where I sit. The amount of pure destruction that has happened in only twenty years is utterly mind-boggling. That so much of it was deliberate rather than the product of stupidity or unwisdom is staggering too. (Technically I suppose it was the product of deliberate scheming preying upon the weakness of stupidity and inattention.) That which… Read more »

Reply to  Cool for Cats
4 years ago

You took the words right out of my mouth, Cool for Cats. I graduated high school in Philly in 1968 and immediately went into the Army and Vietnam. Now I feel like I’m living in an occupied territory sometimes. The nonsense with Nazi Pelozi last night just one instance of the crumbling empire. They want to put people like Sanders and Occasional-Cotex in charge of energy and healthcare. Nothing solves those problems like handing them over to Stalin-style tyrants.

Reply to  Hoagie
4 years ago

that anyone thinks bernie will grow a spine when “the squad” comes to bully him…

Reply to  theRussians
4 years ago

In the last election cycle, Bernie had a rally in Seattle and a bunch of female blactivists took his rally away from him. He sulked in the corner of the stage.


Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Cool for Cats
4 years ago

Every time Im back in America it feels more alien. I HATE this. I have a smoldering anger, like witnessing a giant, historical crime, and can do NOTHING about it.

Reply to  Cool for Cats
4 years ago

“This age will be foreign to them..” because “The past is (always) a foreign country, they do things differently there “

4 years ago

It’s clear we are living in the end of the Enlightenment period. the enlightenment required white people, white people are disappearing like the dinosaurs, the future is 20 billion browns on the planet squatting in mud huts telling each other stories about the olden times when the White Gods bestowed Magic upon the world’s population before disappearing like Atlantis

Reply to  Jr15
4 years ago

we’ve also extracted all easily accessible oil, gas & coal. there will never be another enlightenment without that. this is it. we are living through the end of peak human civilization.

Autoadmit thread on this here:


Reply to  Jr15
4 years ago

Peak civilization only if we erase/diminish our core intellectual base, which resides in the White and East Asian populations. This is not entirely preposterous. With Whites, we see/fear an immediate overrun/replacement by Browns. But with East Asians (Whites as well) we may simply see a loss of intelligence through dysgenics.

Resource availability requires intellect in gathering and use. You are correct—such is no longer sitting on top of the ground waiting to be picked up.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

One of the many reasons for developing resources (of both energy and materials) off the earth is that if the Brown Wave on Earth crests as high as our masters seem to want the only advanced civilization left may be in space colonies. Even if high intelligence evolves again among humans or some other species there will be no easily accessible energy or minerals (on Earth) to start a new scientific and industrial age. Perhaps this is what Elon Musk is secretly up to. As a white South African and a very smart guy who isn’t afraid of conventional wisdom… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

Seems too late, to be honest.

But, I fully agree. The white man needs to be exploring and conquering. There is nothing left on this earth for us. I hope Musk gets there.

The sky really is the limit for white men (when we don’t get distracted by sex, drugs, r&r). I have no doubt we could colonize space.

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

You can run – but you’ll only die tired.

Are you going to outrun mosquitoes?

Are you going to outrun locusts?

Or is the solution to bring back DDT ?

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

There are still enough of us and enough time for a multipronged approach. For the Earth DDT is one option but so is draining the swamps (i.e. stop feeding the Third World and then letting them use the West as a release valve). In the event that fails having a redoubt in space is another option. In any event we will be forced to expand into space eventually whether we want to or not by resource exhaustion. Finally, think of the sheer demoralization that knowing that Whitey is out there among the stars with infinite room to expand and grow… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

I’m betting on the Chinese. Indeed, we are sending/exchanging much of our knowledge and data wrt HBD with them. Their government has no qualms about breeding a better, smarter Chinaman. That’s where the reversal of our present dysgenic decline may lay. Hopefully, such knowledge may be shared with barbarians like us.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

The Chinese are certainly going to expand their presence in space as are the Russians. The only question is whether we will be there too and the Solar System will be divided.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Total Fertility rate in South Korea is 0.93 this year. That is a worse than suicidal level.

Reply to  Jr15
4 years ago

If this is peak civ I’m glad. They can keep it!

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jr15
4 years ago

I agree that we’re witnessing the end of the Enlightenment period. It was a white male thing, really an Anglo-Saxon or, at best, a NW European white male thing. It helped advance science and dramatically improved material wealth, but it also sowed the seeds of its demise.

The Enlightenment quietly and slowly destroys the core of a strong society – religious belief and solidarity of tribe. The Enlightenment was a shooting star in man’s history, burning bright but destined to disappear quickly.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Agreed. And really since the 1960s (though perhaps the seeds were sown before), white enlightened society hasn’t stood a chance at surviving. A people focused on sex, drugs, and rock and roll over family, God and country, are never going to last. And as that generation is aging and dying, so is that lifestyle (and our people). Most just don’t realize it yet. It’s so easy to be reasonably successful in our countries yet we’re being outdone by the mudhut people. Don’t do drugs, don’t sleep around, pick a profitable field of study and work hard at it. Most white… Read more »

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

There are a core of people who keep this shitshow on track—the rest depend on them, whether they know it or not. “Mudhuts” and now increasingly our own kind are dependent upon this shrinking core. The welfare State (in all its forms) is our undoing. A new balance must be found, but it may be too late. Welfare is now less a helping hand than a bribe to ensure peace among the unproductive. And we all know what eventually happens to those who submit to blackmail.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Yeah. I am, by nature, part of that core. But I increasingly wonder why even bother. The better the job I do, the more the mudhut people will benefit. So, I basically just focus on making money and getting promoted. Extra energy goes into church, dr, and family/other groups I’m part of. Fuck general society. Enough of us follow, and everything collapses. A huge loss for tptb and society in general. In fact a large number on the DR would have been prominent and respected people in the past – instead we shun mainstream society as it has let us… Read more »

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

I started wondering why mainstream society seemed to want to screw me over – as far back as my mid 20’s. That was the 1980s. Once I got out of school – actually even before ( I worked my way thru college) – it became blindingly apparent that most of what I had been “taught” – was just plain bullshit and in fact was often in direct contradiction to the way the “real world” actually worked. For decades now – when I’d bring this topic up – Joe Normie would excuse away the questions with answers like: ” it’s just… Read more »

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

UFO. As usual a fair and honest statement. I too have those feelings—you are not alone. I begin to envy those folk more and more who can remain upbeat in times like these. I believe that’s why people like Z-man and Jared Taylor have so much of my attention.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

I think it is easy to let everything bog us down. For instance, here we realize “man, society really hates white men”. Topics like this. But we keep that thought with us, while we drive, while we socialize – and it keeps coming back and bringing us down. If we consider this clearly, there is no basis for these thoughts to interfere with our daily existence. So yeah, some crazy elites do actually hate us, but it’s abstract in the daily life. I’m just going to live, kick ass, and not worry about it too much in the day to… Read more »

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

Bullshit. The mudhuts were subsidized. Every white man carries his own family on his back – and the leftists loaded up a black family on his back as well. When that didn’t break them – the lefties then decided to import a whole bunch more POC and load them up onto his back as well. This finally did the trick. More and more white men started saying “phuck this” – and dropped out. The constant screeching of their women didn’t help either. I remember as a kid there was an awful lot of “phuck you” going around. High school was… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

The long march of the Anglo-American Enlightenment principles of greater individual liberty and equality eventually led to gay marriage and either a choice of 80 genders or non-binary. Emphasis equality and end up with Communism, emphasis liberty and end up with Libertarianism. It atomizes society and leads to the rejection of religion – after all, if we’re all equal so no one has the right to tell me what to do or not to do. Everyone’s equal, everything’s equal – every person, behavior and attitude. The only “sins” in today’s world are offenses against the holy trinity of Diversity, Inclusivity… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

The other take away from that is this:

Yes, you are going to have to fight.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

The tragedy of the Enlightenment is that the Christian churches didn’t know what to do with it and couldn’t integrate its rationalism and empiricism into traditional Christian morality. Then the Marxists and other lefty hooligans came along, grabbed some baking soda and cooked it down into a cheap smoke-able form for mass consumption. Once you cook off all that ponderous philosophical gunk you get a hard little nugget that any moron can enjoy – “God is dead, now you can drink and fuck all you want and if your neighbor has something nice that you want, just take it!” This… Read more »

Reply to  Jr15
4 years ago

that, Jr15, is a keeper

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Jr15
4 years ago

And like the gods in so many mythologies, they destroyed themselves by fighting each other. WWI&II were perhaps the real life Ragnarok, the battle of the gods.

I have to admit that, once loving the Enlightenment, and partly still do, I do wonder if it is at odds with man’s Darwinian nature and intrinsically dysgenic.

Black-pilled but amazing comment.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Perhaps the Enlightenment and its Industrial Revolution should be considered an example of plateau evolution.

(And thanks yet again, white people.
I insist we are the tool of the Increate.)

Reply to  Jr15
4 years ago

LOL – the Pacific Islands after WW2 , a dry run for the planet’s future:
comment image

4 years ago

The greatest irony is that the belligerence of the North just made the South stubbornly hold its ground until the war that slayed 6% of the male population.

If slavery was abolished peacefully like it was in almost every other country, probably doable within 30 or so years, blacks and well as whites would be better off today. The radicals couldn’t wait though, just like today.

Also worth noting that the Northern army was something like 25% Irish, foreigners of the time. We’ll see this play out again as well as rural whites forego military service.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

That would get real bloody. Real fast. I hope it doesn’t really come to this, or anything similar.

Reply to  whatever2020
4 years ago

Don’t make your stand fighting the bottom of the pyramid. Better to focus on the locus of the disease. The numbers are fewer, more fragile, and far more vulnerable in this modern age of technology. Knock down one bully and you won’t have to fight the whole neighborhood.

Reply to  whatever2020
4 years ago

Read Matt Bracken did a write up on this in “what I saw at the coup” of how to deal with the opposition correctly.

It’s a similar tactic to what the Pentagon Counter-terror ops do to the Jihadis – take out the leadership and it takes the fight out their goons.

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

A smart movement might also have diplomatic channels to remind the foreign nations that if you aid our enemies the consequences to your people will be very bad indeed.

You must not forgive or forget. War to the Knife, Knife to the Hilt.

This is why I push and promote sane solutions even a mutually agreed up end to the union is better than that.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

Braken’s piece is a great short story. The part that was/is different than what most would think, is that the dissidents target media figures first, in an attempt to change the narrative, vis a vis, quashing fake news. They have little or no security, and are well know. Let’s just say it doesn’t end well for Leviathans mouthpieces.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I used to think that the other side would never be that stupid, that they’d send white cops with a nice pension and a family that needs to be taken care of to do the dirty work. But now, I’m not so sure. The other side’s leadership is getting weaker and weaker. Hell, even the Jews in leadership slots, like Schiff, are bizarre.

I wonder why the quality of people running the Destroy Whitey show has fallen so much,

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Given the hard-on rural whites still have for cops, this would be the smartest. Even that hallmark is now losing its luster as more realize what we already know, that cops look out for other cops(and their pension). My redpilling came when I came across a story in a town adjacent from mine. A local teenage kid was pulled over on a Friday night. His teenage buddies were drunk so he panicked and took two minutes to pull over, in which time the cop called another cop in the area for backup. The other cop, who was taking anger management… Read more »

Reply to  ChetRollins
4 years ago

Chet. Tragic to be sure, but there are opposite stories to be told. Here, just the other day, a women who had to be forcibly removed from car after a drunk driving stop was sentenced. During the removal, she kicked an officer in the face with her heels—partially blinding him for life! She was convicted of drunk driving and aggravated assault on an officer.

Her sentence? 90 days in jail and 5 years probation. Her race? Well, guess.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Since the logic of their ideology is so weak and destructive, I don’t think many of them are true believers. They are rather like mercenaries riding a gravy train. It’s their pay masters that are really running the show.

Reply to  Ifrank
4 years ago

Certainly, any number of people who run for public office first stick a wet finger in the air and feel which way the wind blows. Live in a Democratic area and they run on the Democratic ticket. Live in a Republican area and they run on the Republican.

Reply to  Ifrank
4 years ago

Respectfully disagree. Maybe that’s true of the hacks and Congress critters, but the moon bats I live among are true believers. And they hate hate hate other, non moonbat whites. And love the vibrants.

Reply to  Ganderson
4 years ago

Hard to know how the real numbers break out, Ganderson. Certainly there are those as you describe, but then there are those imposters who like being known as the kind of person who believes sanctified things.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Oft Evil Will will Evil Mar.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

If we had lost the Revolution, those swarthy platoons would be confiscating knives, gardening tools, and hate tweets.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Actually, I wonder. A UK successfully riding here over the American continent wouldn’t be the UK we have today.

The UK once had a strong ethic of civilian weapon ownership. They only became gun-grabbers long after they lost their empire.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Wasn’t it it true that a bobby didn’t carry a gun, because a few hard tweets of his whistle would bring the local homeowners running to his aid, rifles in hand?

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

The British police have never been routinely armed because, traditionally, there was never deemed to be a need for it. Up until the 1980s there were plenty of guns in Britain but no “gun culture” as such.

There is quite a well-known story about a policeman chasing down an armed robber in 1920s London who borrowed a gun from a passing member of the public to take down the miscreant.

Police are still not routinely armed in the UK but you do often see militarised cops with HK machine guns on the streets.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Not at all. The UK had loose in the 1920’s and quite reasonable gun laws into the 1930’s and tolerable ones into the 1980’s or so. The 1930’s was the age tyrants basically when most States started to see its citizens as tools to be used and all traditions as expendable for the industrial state. Can’t have cogs be free men. Also the Left exists to break tradition for world socialism and the Communist industrial state and arms bearing was a tradition so it had to be broken. The key is for the Right to embrace tradition or just fake… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

A man was arrested, and imprisoned for 16 years in Iowa for burning an LGBT flag. You can be fined 30 grand and have your house forclosed for lawn grass being too long. Asbury park NJ- a man was killed by the cops for carrying a pair of scissors in his own house. Eating a sandwich in a public place in California can lead you to be arrested. The education dept has SWAT teams launching no-knock raids on apartments that used to have somebody renting who “may have been ” delinquent on student loan repayments. On campuses there are no-whites… Read more »

Reply to  Eugene
4 years ago

Willpower and Will to Power are needed not guns. With the former you can end a regime sometimes without a shot. If you doubt me? Brexit. Far from optimum but a hell of a blow. Also its getting easier by the second to make firearms. A little street treat https://www.reddit.com/r/guns/comments/cqzlzd/first_peek_at_semiautomatic_fire_in_the_fgc9_the/ Cheap all unregulated ,basically unregulatable parts, printable magazine, semi auto 9mm . Far better than the Luty BTW Once ammo manufacture is made easy anyone with a few bucks can have a cheap accurate effective suppressed 9mm whenever they wish. The key isn’t guns but a plan and a will… Read more »

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

. It’s a matter of competing time lines as to what will happen. Consider: today’s radicals are mostly hard left. Sure, they were experts at marching through the institutions… but they can’t run them and more often than not, will eventually destroy them. When I was a young man, California had a bigger economy than all of my country – Canada. People were hauling up stakes and moving there from all over the country and it was the place to be. Now it looks like Mexico and is on fire while Nance throws hissy fits in Washington. Bastions of leftist… Read more »

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

“Baltimore, Detroit, and other black run cities would make excellent movie sets for Planet of the Apes.” Funny. If the temporary usurpation of powers, more appropriately reserved for Mr. Z, is excused, I would nominate that nugget Quote of the Day!

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

There are often scenarios drawn of UN troops mixing in the fray. My general thought is, “great”. A conflict which takes the form of White against White, or citizen against citizen is a much tougher one to initiate and maintain. The more obvious the non-Americans taking part, the easier for one to chose and differentiate sides.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Historically, a minority group might cooperate with a conqueror or oppressive elite and gain favor. Parsis in India worked with the British and Jews in Poland worked as tax collectors.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Thus the old (but very true) online saw, “Your skin color is your uniform.”

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

They’re insane

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

They’re not insane, they’re their own nation.

We DR speak of a separate state, but, as always, the Left got there first. The growth of government, unbridled by profit-or-loss, has given them the numbers.

Separate religion, economy, ‘science’, history, and increasingly, a separate language.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Fantasizing about an army of swarthy men subjugating Americans sounds nuts to me! Especially if they think that army won’t turn on them.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

These people are historical imbeciles.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Bugmen look at rednecks like Jason from Fri. 13th – one of the many (((Hollywood))) depictions of heritage Americans.

Eagerly awaiting the inevitable Tarentino flick lionizing the gun grabbers. Jaime Fox rides again. Every ticket comes with a red pill.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Right. Don’t grovel before people who find you intimidating.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

If you want to see how that plays out – you can roll back to some Revolutionary war reading to get a sense of how much the colonists hated the Hessians. My grandparents lived in Lexington – so every April 19th when I was a young kid we would stay over and attend the re-enactment of the fight on the common (it starts early). One of the things I distinctly remember from reading – even as a child …….. was that the colonists really hated those damn Hessians. You can count on the same dynamic happening again if the new… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Could be. At the same time, nobody has been better at slaughtering whites wholesale than other whites. Ww2, ww2, civil war, 30 years war, basically all of history… we cling to our ideologies over race and just don’t get along.

Sending mudhut people to boss us around might actually unite us as one…

Felix Krull
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

The image to keep in mind is a platoon of swarthy men, some maybe even wearing turbans, going house to house in rural areas to confiscate guns.

Here’s a little gem for the Robert Crumb-fans:


It’s supposed to be satire of course, but it’s not so funny any more, is it?

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

I honestly believe seeing this cartoon would cause cardiac arrest in most Normies.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

It’s pretty close to contemporary South Africa. From there one could extrapolate.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

That peculiar brand of New England religious zealot with their condescending missionary zeal was bad enough. But when you couple the hysterical New England church-lady type (and that’s exactly hat Pelosi, Warren and Clinton are regardless of where they grew up) with Jews, look out. You now have well-financed, well-organized army of true believers (admittedly one believes in doing the equivalent of God’s work while the other believes in protecting their people) They’re like some harpy, Jewy Terminator. To quote the great Kyle Reese: Listen, and understand! That Terminator is out there! It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Time to print the “Einstein Was Black” posters.

Cool for Cats
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

That is a hilarious strategy. “Freud Was Black” (which is to siay, wrong about everything), “Marx Was Black” (also wrong about everything). Every prominent 20th century Jew was really black. Gershwin. Salk. All those patriotic hedge fund managers. It is high time for everyone to start paying back Jews with their own poison, and by the metric ton. We must end the toxic whiteness of Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods, by flooding them with Blacks, Latinos and Muslims. Diversity is our strength! Hasidic Jews must NOT be deprived of our greatest strength. We can end the black-white achievement gap by busing blacks… Read more »

Reply to  Cool for Cats
4 years ago

Cool: Thy will be done.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

“Einstein was a black slave woman”

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Alzaebo. You are missing out on “intersectionality” points. Perhaps more powerful to state: “Einstein was a Black, Jewish, Autistic, Homosexual”. 😉

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Don’t forget Einstein was a transsexual.

Reply to  Gravity Denier
4 years ago

What were Einstein’s pronouns?

Felix Krull
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Moses was a woman.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

The Church Ladies will be thrilled.

We’re going to have a choice between a Jewish billionaire, a Jewish Communist, or a gay guy with a Jewish husband.

VP Stacy Abrams for the win, and Fukuyama will have been proven right.
This really was The End of History. For us.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

I don’t see Pete as particularly “gay.” I’m not hearing jokes or laughter at his speeches. He is, however, “homosexual”…and he does think he’s “married” to another male homosexual.

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

When mayor Pete brings up his “husband” on stage for a big congratulatory “kiss” (he did this once I am told), we’ll see how liberal the nation is wrt homosexuality.

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

Butt Plugs is going nowhere. Blacks and Mexicans will not vote for a fag. Neither will a lot of straight whites. Sure he’ll get the white woke coastal vote and the MSM crown but that’s it.

And no the MSM won’t mock his gayness anymore than they mocked Obama for being black. Plugs is off-limits.

Walrus Aurelius
Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

There’s footage of an older White Woman handing in her card for Buttigieg at the Iowa Caucus. When the young AWFL who recieved the card thanked her for voting for a homosexual, the voter looked confused then, upon understanding that Mayor Pete was a queen, requested her card back.

Petey has tried as much as possible to avoid the revelation, but I don’t see how they expect to get around it.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

The lovely and gracious Chasten Glezman Buttigieg isn’t Jewish, but was raised in a Roman Catholic household and his brother Rhyan (strange first names) is a pastor.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

The Tent Revival known as NPR sent down a tweet on Nancy The Ripper. The comments were significant majority in support. And white. The goodwhites are indeed like some machine programmed to destroy the truth. They turn up again and again through time, each time more steeled in their mission and more detached from the reality that exists outside their rigid lines of code. I still wonder if reality split when they fired up CERN. These people are absolutely convinced that up is down. Racism de jur is the anti-racism which of course is anti-white because privilege. And aw heck… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

The sh*t-test of civilization is hard and not everyone’s going to pass – those of us who don’t volunteer to be eaten b/c Love have answered the First Question correctly. Success is often the strongest adversary and it’s ripping through untested bugmen harder than Genghis Khan. Baizou Death will serve as a cull like Dutton’s Knot did for the British Empire. Sh*tlibs, kill yourselves, because it’s the right thing to do. No one can top offing yourself as a virtue-signal and you’ll trend for at least 15 minutes. Many likes, many followers. Just lean forward & show us you’re a… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

Screwtape. Before they fired up CERN, I was secretly hoping for a Black Hole to open up and swallow Earth.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

I too felt it was a bad omen when she tore up the speech. She just helped anchor ‘civil war’ inside Overton. I increasingly dont see how there can be reform without the utter defeat of them, or of heritage America. What a bitter cup to contemplate.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Just out this morning: Angelo Codevilla, “Facing Up to the Revolution”. I am lousy with links, maybe someone can link it here.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago
Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago


Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Here is Angelo de Codevilla’s article in American Greatness:


Angelo de Codevilla himself is terrific thinker.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

I’m sure Mr. Codevilla is as aware of the rumors surrounding Justice Roberts as the rest of us are.

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

Do tell…

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

I don’t think her action was scripted. You could see the genesis of the action when Trump refused, justifiably, to shake her hand. I would have been tempted to spit on the cackling bitch; but, I digress. That act was the culmination of raw anger over someone not acknowledging her in all of her glory and power. She revels in it and does not handle anyone who will not fall on their knees before the all knowing and powerful wizard of congress. You could watch her seethe the entire speech. Her act was the act of a 10 year old,… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  WaitingForTheStorm
4 years ago

My normalcy bias struggles to see the other side for what they really are.

Reply to  WaitingForTheStorm
4 years ago

Her actions—last night and in the past, to me, are one of dementia. Not excusing her, but I’m seeing way to much of this in the leadership posts of Congress and the Judiciary. If some of the would-be presidential candidates get elected, well it’s game over.

Reply to  WaitingForTheStorm
4 years ago

Senility and childishness go hand in hand.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

I had that thought too. But bad manners are excused pretty much everywhere now. I reckon it’s more of that “white privilege” certain parties keep going on about. 😉 BTW, my elderly relatives (none of whom suffer from dementia) all have exquisite manners and would be appalled if anyone in their family/acquaintance behaved that way in public. I loathe Pelosi and yet I was embarrassed *for* her.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Absolutely. The wife’s mother has dementia of some form (the doctors say it’s not Alzheimers) – and she often acts like a child.

Whenever I see Pelosi in front of a lectern talking – she looks like she’s half in the bag , with a little bit of a shake – and the mannerisms of an old person who isn’t fully in control of all of their faculties.

Reply to  WaitingForTheStorm
4 years ago

His very existence is an insult to the Queen!

Mark Auld
Mark Auld
Reply to  WaitingForTheStorm
4 years ago

Storm, unless you’re an accelerationist.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Failure is not an option.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

We are already in a civil war. We’ve been in one since at least ’68 and arguably much earlier. It’s one sided for only the anti-whites have been actively fighting it. Not by marching down Main Street and taking over (because they can’t, not even yet), but by preying and corrupting our ideals. They pervert our sense of public morality and our cooperative nature and spin an alternate reality in which it is now our moral duty to serve the needs of everyone who is not a descendant of what was once called European Christendom. To not accept this made… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Very well said Brother…That was poignant!!!

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Lineman and I have been working up some notes on how to do a meet-up, from the Jan 18th SoCal one we did. If you are one of us (we are vetting the responses), drop a line and we will send you a copy. I think everyone at the meet-up would agree that it was completely worth the effort, will do again, and really important for f2f community and trust building.


Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

I’ve left California. Have returned to the rural Northeast.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Lot of guys that comment here live up that way to get together with YV

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Just to be clear, these are notes on how you can do a meet-up, anywhere. We hope to see a bunch of people jump on this and start doing them around the country, and perhaps in other countries, too. You could parse this stuff out at your kitchen table in an evening, but since we have done one already, just learn from our experience and get a head start on ways to get it done.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Dutch, I will be e-mailing you for the notes. I have some SoCal roots and so I get out there a couple times a year. Saw the build up for the meetup last time around but was laid up due to a health issue so no travel for several months. Back on my feet now. Will be looking to start making IRL traction here in CO front range, especially once I move out of my current city to slightly more friendly territory. Its not quite the Bitterroot Lineman, but it will have to do for now.

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

Screwtape contact me here


I know some good people in your area that you could meet with…

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Interesting. Thank you for doing this.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Spot on. The old saying goes that most fights start long before the first blow is thrown. Problem is most whites don’t understand that and by extension your argument that we’ve been at war for over 50 years with the Left and it’s allies. One main problem is that our side does not understand the Left views politics for the acquisition of wealth and power by means other than war. Worse the GOP and Conservative Inc went out of it’s way to keep us in the dark since the 60’s about the continual encroachment by the Left across the board.… Read more »

4 years ago

I think the civil war talk is just LARPing, our people did nothing when abortion became legal, they did nothing when perverts were allowed to go to the bathroom with their little girls, they do nothing when millions of illegals invade our country, they do nothing when their sons die in forever war…what will wake them?

Reply to  zugzwang
4 years ago

Food prices and gas prices.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

People don’t care until it hits them personally.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

American refugees

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  zugzwang
4 years ago

All sadly true. But the fact that nothing HAS triggered us does not mean nothing “can” or “will.” Some possible examples: An electrical grid collapse; ending the provision of potable water; a breakdown in the food distribution system. We wait.

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

People are believing animals, without a real moral athority that gives us the right to be a people and have legitimate concerns, I’m not sure we can sway our people with out it. Otherwise we just sound like nut jobs and Nahzis to the people we are trying to win over. Anything out there that can challenge pozzed Christianity? I’ve been looking for any church that cares for its congregation/community more than the third world.

Reply to  zugzwang
4 years ago

This would be my argument against the “the other guy is worse” voters. Remind them that the GOP holding both houses and the presidency continued every neo-liberal policy in existence. Even the ones they explicitly campaigned against.

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  zugzwang
4 years ago

A higher golf handicap.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

One larger issue is the state of the white female. In 1865 that white female by and large still married and had children. Today marriage and having children are on the decline. Except in third world nations. Lots of children are happening there. In 1865 we looked across the pond to a Europe teeming with lower class whites just waiting to come here. In 2020 that does not exist. If the radical left gets its way or even if the moderate right does not recognize the danger of legal and illegal immigration we will be swamped by sheer numbers. I… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

White, the traditional color worn by brides, now used by feminists. The rainbow, a symbol of God’s promises now stolen by those who refuse to follow the Bible.

It seems like the other side obtains energy from twisting good symbols.

Reply to  TheLastStand
4 years ago

“It is not enough that we die; that will not satisfy them. They must make the things we deem precious seem grotesque and ugly” –from the book Awake in the Night Land”

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

The Pence applause for team woman is the “conservative” version of diversity is our strength. Its pavlovian. Daddy’s little girl is a strong independent womyn who doesn’t have time for a family (yet) because she is too busy living an awesome busy life. The result, at best: “I heart my grand fur babies” bumper stickers as they drive off into the progressive sunset. Meanwhile, she hates her job, pops pills for anxiety, sells her body on an app for a dopamine hit, and wonders where all the good men went. There just aren’t any real men at pussy hat marches… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

Yeah it was mentioned here before that these women want a man with traditional values, but one who espouses woke ideology.

They want a man with a respectable career, money, somewhat dominant, protective, doesn’t do drugs, etc. Basically, a conservative. But they turn 100% bitch as soon as you tell them you’re against homosexual marriage, or abortion, or race mixing, etc.

So basically as usual they don’t know what they want. We know what they want but who really has the balls to speak up? Easier to just white knight it.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

I shuddered watching Trump’s virtue signaling on behalf of The Other. This will not end well.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

I wonder if POCs, when assembled in their safe spaces devoid of anti-diversity whites, tell each other proudly that “one of my best friends is white and is hardly even raciss” whenever the discussion inevitably turns to rail cars and re-education camps?

How much of the tribute paid to the others is empty platitudes of media salve vs legitimate pandering to the elusive “black vote” and cowering before the prog god of anti-racism?

Does it matter?

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Historical demography is certainly an interesting subject. But you can’t compare an agrarian society that had high maternal- and infant- mortality, before the advent of antibiotics, where most of the population originated from within the Hajnal Line, to what’s gone on since Hart-Celler.

4 years ago

Johnson’s impeachment was nominally triggered by the firing of Edwin Stanton, which violated the recently enacted “Tenure of Office Act”, passed over Johnson’s veto. The act was an egregious usurpation of Executive privilege by Congress, mandating that the President get the approval of Congress before firing his own appointees. Stanton was a Radical Republican, favoring harsh treatment of the South.

Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

Egads. We forget that some Radical Republicans planned for Negro administrators, ensuring their loyalty depended on the Union North, and to quell Southern resistance with the gallows and secret informers.

Worse, much worse, is that these were White people who wanted this.

Just as today. Sadly.
Can’t Whitewash all of it as Big Nose, although their banks fund the script.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

It’s all ways white vs white, nobody else has the economic, technological, military or political where withal to defeat us. So one white group sides with an outside group to gain advantage over his white opponents. Voila! Clownworld.

Reply to  Rogeru
4 years ago

A late comment, Rogeru, but you’ve solved one of the great mysteries. Hats off!

4 years ago

Very instructive column, Zman. OT, I want to share an experience from this morning. I got into a text debate with a bunch of lib friends. I usually avoid these like the plague–it’s so useless. Usually when they’re going on about “Orange Man” I don’t even take notice. But today a longstanding pal asked me “seriously” about Trump and “conservative values.” I gave a polite, terse answer (Trump acts to support some mix of old conservative issues, but times are changing and the current age is less about ideology than prior ones)–and almost immediately the knives came out. Understand I’m… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  ChrisZ
4 years ago

I don’t use that one very often, but here’s a ploy I’ve had great success with: When they start on muh racism, you reply: “What’s wrong with being a racist?” (This is what we in the trolling business call “the bait” – the trolling metaphor originally being about fishing.) Leftist screeching ensues. You then pick the alpha-leftie and proceed with “the hook” – something so self-evidently reasonable that he HAS to reply or be seen to flee the debate: “I love my own children more that I do my neighbors’. That doesn’t mean I hate the neighbors’ children, think them… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

One more thing: take your time. One of the main strengths of social media, is that you don’t have to shoot from the hip, you can think your reply over, so try to control the impulse to fire back immediately.

And never post when angry or upset, walk it off, have a cuppa, and only press the reply-button when you’ve calmed down.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

The latter half of your comment was my very experience, Felix. The guys I was texting with are very talented, but looked childish as they descended into name calling. We’ve all been friends for decades, and at a certain point I almost felt embarrassed for one of the guys, who really went off the deep end. I was very aware that a crowd (as I mentioned, my gentile lib friends) was “listening in” but not responding, just observing. I can’t imagine they were oblivious to the childishness of my opponents, no matter how much they feel in tune politically. At… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  ChrisZ
4 years ago

Thanks, and thanks for sharing.

at a certain point I almost felt embarrassed for one of the guys, who really went off the deep end.

A sure sign that you’re winning. Since they’re your friends, I figure there’s a limit to how hard you want to ride them, but the more potty-language you can coax out of your opponent, the better.

Godspeed to you and your country – we’re going to win this war.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Good stuff Felix. I utilize a similar strategy.

Another essential thing to do. Your target has more ammo and allies than you do. You must convince your antagonist that the MSM is untrustworthy. Otherwise, even when you best him, he will go away unconvinced. He will believe that there exist somewhere out there, an argument he can’t invoke because he can’t find the exact essay at the NYT that would put you in your place.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

I’m heartened by your words, Felix. Especially those last ones.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

My line when accused of racism is “You say that as if it’s a bad thing”.

That gets the bats flying.

I like to take the 95% of the worlds population disagree with you. line.

You can usually throw in in a “don’t you believe in democracy?” just in case things quieten down.

Milestone D
Milestone D
Reply to  ChrisZ
4 years ago

The Left’s increasing disinterest in dissenting opinion is the central argument in the Flight 93 Election article that proved to be fairly influential among the Trump-skeptical Republicans in 2016. But most Boomer CivNats still labor under the delusion that things like tradition of civil discourse and First Amendment (Muh constitution!) will protect them even as they play Foil for their Leftist masters. I think much of the Left’s growing intolerance stems from their response to Obama as Failed Messiah. Most Leftys I know really did believe that Black Jesus was the final revelation and see no reason to continue politics… Read more »

Reply to  Milestone D
4 years ago

Great point, Milestone. Deep down they know that Obama was “peak black”–and it ain’t comin’ back.

I’ve floated the idea of printing up T-shirts for depressed liberals, reading “My country had a black president, and all I got out of it was some lousy gay marriage.”

4 years ago

It is my hope that the moderate, virtue signaling Republicans and the crazy-as-hell leftists manage to kill each other before we dissidents get in the fight.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

The virtue signaling republicans won’t fight.

Reply to  Rogeru
4 years ago

Good point. Virtue signaling is Lordosis Behavior. “Bent backwards” Aka “presenting” in animal husbandry. It is also no cohencidence that it is a distinctly female behavior. The Repubs have been taking it like a bitch in heat for ever. Thats how we got 26 (and counting) genders. Some kinda island of doctor moreau back there in the swamp. The cringe reflex is a natural response to seeing a presumably grown man present. Its arguably the only natural thing those things create. Also a good tell for those who may still be sane. I look around the pub during the stupor… Read more »

4 years ago

People living 2 generations from now in America won’t be Americans. They will have no tie to America’s past because neither they nor their ancestors were part of America’s past. Even now, there is a large % of the population that has no past in America. Either they or their ancestors came to America in the 70s or even more recently than that. We do not have a shared history for them to ever forget. I don’t think Nancy Pellosi and the rest of the feak-show in the press or Congress are all that radical. She and her ilk mouth… Read more »

Reply to  Tarstarkusz
4 years ago

In the most recent McSpencer Group I believe Ed Dutton said that no Americans lived in America; it was just English people who happened to live there. Etc. I agree with this sentiment. America was colonized and the idea that it has been a ‘nation’ is bogus. It’s merely been a multi-ethnic economic zone, especially after the Civil War. This is not an argument for civnattery, rather I think it’s an argument that ‘America’ should go away and be replaced by independent ethnic enclaves or other agreed-upon unions of people.

Cool for Cats
Reply to  Tarstarkusz
4 years ago

“People living in America 2 generations from now won’t be Americans.”

They aren’t already.

Typical swearing-in ceremony: “Yes yes, 1776, free speech, railroads, Indians, something destiny, civil war, slavery bad, Something Depression, WW 2, holocaust bad, JFK, civil rights, I have a dream, white privilege, diversity something strength. Okay fine, I am now an American, can I go now? Also, please where is my welfare check, my college scholarship and my free white girl? Also, where is America application for my fifteen cousins and their children?”

4 years ago

Didn’t watch the SOTU, can’t stomach a self-congratulatory speech on “look how high muh stock market is” and “look how many Jamal’s I let out of prison”. Trump has been a big fat 0 on the only two issues that matter: trying to stave out demographic suicide (which we are on the brink of) by kicking out muds, and throwing enormous amounts of traitorous liberals in prison. When Texas turns blue in 4 or 8 years, it’s game over and what happened to California (mud importation = permanent democrat majority) will happen to the country. 100 years of deranged, insane,… Read more »

4 years ago

That sinking feeling when you realize the radicals have been here a long time and don’t intend to go away

(Superb. Historical Z-nalysis at it’s best)

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Liberalism means giving crazies and criminals a legitimate place in society. We might want to rethink it.

4 years ago

The worst tragedy of the Civil War was how unnecessary it was. The country was chugging along just fine with a state-by-state approach to slavery. Muh Constitution 1.0 was working. If radical abolitionists and carpetbagging opportunists hadn’t forced the issue, no war. The idea that the war was fought over slavery is a half-truth. Slavery mattered, but practically no one who fought wanted Civ-Nattish union with Blacks. That said, without the war, slavery itself would have become Jim Crow on its own, a generation or two later. Was the Jim Crow South a worse place to live, for Whites or… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

North-South was a troubled marriage from the beginning, and slavery was an issue from colonial times. The only thing that’s ever united Americans is war. The half century antebellum of peace and easy victory exposed the cracks in the union.

Out of control financial interests, mass importation of non whites, mass legal immigration, foreign interests, disunity… nothing much has changed.

America hitched its wagon to the Enlightenment’s endless revolution. Though the nation is there it’s never allowed itself to mature because that would be illiberal. And somebody somewhere might not make maximum profit.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

It wasn’t supposed to be a marriage: the Articles of Confederation had them as members of the same posse.

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

Sure. War was what brought the states together. First the Articles for the revolution, then the Constitution for strength against the continuing threat from the UK, the Union victory in the Civil War cementing union by force, then military/industrial/big government complex for WWII. Always war leading to unity.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Most wars are unnecessary.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

It beggars bellief that the Civil war was about Slavery bullshit is still promulgated. Here’s what Lioncoln said in his First Inaugaral Address. The one you don’t get taught in school. ” I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so. Those who nominated and elected me did so with full knowledge that I had made this and many similar declarations and had never recanted them; and more than this, they… Read more »

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

Lincoln made slavery THE issue because the Union was losing the war. Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves in the Confederacy— where it couldn’t be enforced. But it got the zealots behind the Union cause.

4 years ago

You can and should cause psychological damage and physical discomfort to the Enemy by wiping your ass on all he holds or pretend to hold holy.

That MLK poster? Scrawl RAPIST across the it. Those nice cars parked outside their temple? Pay an illegal to put Smiling Adolf flyers under the wiper blades and then call ICE on him.

If everyone in this thing brought in only one person and made a single anonymous high-viz act of defiance every year, in three years we would begin to see mass copycatting by our own people & withdrawal by the Enemy.

Clayton Barnett
4 years ago

Jesus H Christ, ZMan! This one is out of the park and over the parking lot! I’ll be re-reading it for days. Fantastic work, sir.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

I wanted to add, the actions by your Chairperson Pelosi was both appallingly rude, and immature. An absolute no-go! It was discussed at work and even here people were embarrassed for Trump that someone in your political elites would actually do something like that. It’s just incredible. Her actions are a poor reflection of herself and bring discredit to her party. Although many Europeans were very much against Trump in the beginning especially after 8-years of a wishy-washy man like Obama, But after watching what the Democrats have been doing against Trump and his family, opinions are changing and Trump… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Don’t be embarrassed for Trump. Be embarrassed for the rest of us. Such childish behavior by Pelosi (all through the event) reflects on her, not him, but also gives insight into the level at which much of our politics and culture now operates. Given that wide swaths of people agree with what she did, it means that big parts of our culture are shallow and know nothing of manners and adult behavior. We are a nation of children, led by children, which, sooner or later, turns into “Lord of the Flies”, and is also why separatism is so popular in… Read more »

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

A friend sent me this. Can they enforce it against her? U.S. Code § 2071.Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally U.S. Code Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Karl, the “Code of Law” in the US is subjectively interpreted and applied selectively based upon the political affiliations of the parties involved. Judges letting illegal alien poison pushers out the back door lest they be deported. . . .

Felix Krull
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

In Pelosi’s defense, she probably thought it was the Constitution she was ripping up.

4 years ago

After Pelosi tore up the speech Pence should of grabbed her by the scruff of the neck and turned her over his knee and paddled her backside…In a normal country that would of been the right thing to do…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

I watched the State of the Union address with friends and remarked that I would like to grab Nancy Pelosi by the scruff of the name and kick her butt.

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

In a normal country, Pelosi wouldn’t have been there.

4 years ago

When you have serious University intellectuals arguing feverishly over whether there are 16 or 17 different genders, and fellow-traveler politicians ready to imprison anyone who fails to use the myriad of new pronouns associated with these newly discovered gender variants, then we have truly crossed into a Twilight Zone of institutional insanity. It is not improbable to think that Sanders will be the next president and Ocasio Cortez will be the next Speaker of the House. If that doesn’t trigger the revolution, nothing will.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Ireland currently has a homosexual Indian as Prime Minister. I think you give white people at large too much credit. This is not a heroic age.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Ireland is a very interesting case study (to me, anyway.) I grew up seeing the NorAid billboard and hearing justifications for the bombings and other acts of terrorism against civilians. “Ireland for the Irish.” Now, just in the last few years, it’s refugees, asylum seekers, and the whole multi-culti agenda because Ireland needs people. Meanwhile the Irish Envoy travels around the US arguing against deporting Irish illegals and granting more work visas to Ireland. Makes one’s head spin.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Marko, I see your point. The abundanceof dumb whites makes me wonder about the worth of building Honkeytopia or whatever the Dissident Right is trying to do. Plenty of white people are fully complicit in everything wrong with the country. Why not Notice that also?

Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

That’s actually a liberating realization. So, most of society is useless. Stop wasting your energy trying to save society, then. Focus in influencing your immediate surroundings, starting with yourself. A self-actualized white man shines brightly, believe me. Focus on creating DR networks and subtly spreading our gospel. Yes, 97% of whites appear to be brain dead. We can build ourselves around that. More will join the strong horse, later on. We get depressed because we want it all to change and we are powerless on such a large scale. Focus on smaller things, which are actually under your control, and… Read more »

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

I applaud your attitude. I am over feeling overwhelmed by how much the world has changed, and, now just focus on my own life and my local community. I already went John Galt and live on a great rural farm with like minded neighbors. We always counsel each other, over beers, not to pay too much attention to the MSM as we make our own world here. I believe we can and need to start at the local level and move up. The top tiers will probably disintegrate down and the resulting level will probably be County or maybe State… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Tom, I’m not hopeful either, but would caution that we should not paint all University “intellectuals” with the same broad brush. The University folk you most decry—and myself as well—are *not* intellectuals. Time and time again people in this forum rightly point out that a “degree” does not make you an intellectual. For the most part, the majority of advanced degrees you can wipe your ass with for all the good they will do you (and the country as well). A weak, meaningless degree in Grievance Studies, or Medieval Lesbian Poetry does not make you an “Intellectual”. Indeed, I would… Read more »

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Who’s going to benefit from your plant pathologist’s New Grain? Mainly Africans, so they can breed more and send more ant-colony migrants to the Western world. Sorry, but “humanitarianism” heedless of consequences is not a “life well lived.”

Reply to  Gravity Denier
4 years ago

Famous scientists invented nuclear weapons, poison gas and the like. Such is the use “others” put to such invention. That Africa is fed and expands beyond reasonable carrying capacity has nothing to do with better gains in farming yield, but rather charitable organizations supplying such aid outside of reasonable population control measures.

However, as the situation now exists, what do you think will happen if and when food runs short and famine appears on the dark continent? Migration in the extreme.

Cool for Cats
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Great, more tidal waves of monkeymen, who will all want to come here. We need scientists developing more deadly strains of malaria, not curing it.

Reply to  Cool for Cats
4 years ago


We don’t need a deadly strain of malaria. We just need to stop rescuing them from their tin boats once they get 500m off the coast of Algeria.

They get better boats? Blockade.

Literally the 18th century British Navy would have easily kept these Africans out. We are just cucked (actually our elites want them coming in, that’s why they are coming in).

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

I do not care about “developing” countries or the UN agenda. What precisely is this woman doing to secure a future for White children? At the very least, she should be tending to a husband and raising children. A new fungal-resistant grain is not a top-tier priority for White people at this juncture.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

A very significant amount of the Left’s support comes from a new class of people that has been growing dramatically in urban areas since the 1960s and really exploded in the last 20 years. What to call them? Smart but Useless? Midwits? (Vox Day’s term) They aren’t just the stereotypical Gender Fluid Dynamics types who hang around college towns (often for their whole adult lives). They are also the sainted public School Teachers, “Civil Servants” (what a term!), NGO employees, and those whose jobs rely on there being lots of the other 3 types around (coffee houses, pretentious bookstores, etc…)… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

As noted before, we as a society reward products of the mind rather than physical labor. This leaves the ability to earn the good (productive) life to a smaller and smaller proportion of the population on the right side of the Bell curve. It is quite a challenge to pull the rest along. UBI is just Welfare under a nicer sounding name for those of us still adverse to the concept of dependency. It’s just survival money, but will never provide the life we all aspired to a couple of generations or so back (hence I suspect a lot of… Read more »

4 years ago

Great analogy of what were the roots and fruits of Civil War I with what is happening now. I guess we are just waiting to see if there will be a Civil War II.

Reply to  ExNativeSon
4 years ago

Maybe Z said this or someone else…not my idea, but a good one…but civil wars start when there are two opposing elite factions. Our country has only one elite. And the Dirt People are not all on the same page either. Totalitarian oligarchy is much more likely than civil war.

Reply to  ExNativeSon
4 years ago

If it comes to war, CW 2.0 will likely be fought out in large urban areas. Cutting these areas off from power and resources will be the order of business.

Reply to  ExNativeSon
4 years ago

I doubt actual war. It’s a different world. The slave power was agricultural, flesh and bone. This power is technological. It’s a war of ideas in the matrix, the matrix itself being a product of the ideological age. They call it LARPing, shitposting, fedposting, meme-ing, whatever, but it has its own bizarre reality.

As a northerner, I hope northern cities collapse in the aftermath like the old plantations did. It’s getting crowded up here!

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

I agree. There will not be a “grand” war with uniformed soldiers on opposing sides. If we are to survive it will be the result of the death of the US by a thousand cuts. Sanctuary states for illegal criminals on one side and sanctuary counties supporting 2A on the other until there is no United anything. For example, CA will not pay for travel to conferences in states which have laws our anointed gods deem sinful. https://www.oag.ca.gov/ab1887 As more and more states reciprocate “the mystic chords of memory” that bind will be lost to the extent they even exist… Read more »

Reply to  ExNativeSon
4 years ago

The USSR just fell part with minimal violence. Even the 1919 coup to remove Gorbachev had little effect on average citizens.

If we are very lucky, we’ll get the same.

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

from your mouth to god’s ears . I don’t think we will be that lucky because the complete loathing of part of the population by the elites was not present in the USSR as it is in the us today. I mean look at Antifa for heavens sake . they want everyone not completely pozzed to the max dead. . they are not rational actors. They are not shy about saying they want us dead. I believe them . They clearly e nation wide and sanctioned by the government. It will be very dangerous for normal people if they are… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

With power being technological, what happens when the banks shut off deplorables’ accounts, like four banks recently did to Martin and Brittany Sellner? A technological war can turn physical very quickly when you can’t pay bills and feed yourself and your family.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

I’m not sure the economy could absorb a mass de-banking. I’d expect them to keep the numbers low and be selective about it. Deplorables might consider voluntarily de-banking a la BDS. It was very effective.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

It would probably be a good idea for everyone who can to open a brokerage account and keep most of their money there. Brokerages are less likely than banks to close a client’s account. They know it would be devastating to their financial well-being if people started fearing for the safety of their accounts. Stock and bond investors tend to be more affluent than bank customers and have more political power.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

That will go on for a bit on a small scale since large scale uncertainty would as Paintersform suggested cause havoc up to an immediate unavoidable economic collapse. Also people with nothing to lose might frightful soldiers. If this situation goes hot 100% this will be regarded as a dirty tactic and people engaging in it will end up facing horrendous reprisals probably for decades to come. Given the bankers have made enemies of Left and Right alike so they won’t be safe even if they fake wokeness. As for protection, cash when possible. It wouldn’t be long before a… Read more »

Reply to  ExNativeSon
4 years ago

For the north, the Civil War never ended, and never will.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

That’s yankees, not northerners. You’re talking Boston-NYC corridor.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

Damn Yankees aren’t Northerners. These days you see the Stars and Bars flown in upstate New York sometimes and in Redneck areas all over the country.

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

I too have seen the Stars and Bars flown in my upstate county. It’s not a rare sight.

4 years ago

Next up- the Preston Brooks Moment, where a sitting member of the House attacks a Senator on the floor.

I can definitely see the three unhinged women Representatives (The Puerto Rican, The Palestinian, or the Somalian)
trying to club Mitch McConnell into submission in the aftermath of the inevitable acquittal…

Reply to  Pickle Rick
4 years ago

I remember there were audible “F-You”s in Congress during the aughts between the neocons and leftists. But yeah, I’m thinking we’re not far from a physical assault. The problem is that males of both parties are cucked and would not throw down. I can’t imagine any man being that belligerent, even over the 2A. The only remote possibility is a physical assault (or at least one of those face-to-face invasions of space) between a POC female and a white male, most likely started by the POC female. That would be our Preston Brooks moment.

Reply to  Pickle Rick
4 years ago

I mainly tuned in last night to see if she would lose it completely and direct the Sergeant at Arms to arrest Donald Trump.

Civil War 2.0 aside, that would’ve been some great television.

4 years ago

Curious, this Rousseau like appeal of the noble savage. Like the ghost in the machine, and the blank slate, some ideas die hard. Maybe it’s that it allows us to say that there is something numinous, something special about mankind that sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom, that we have a soul, and that even in our most primitive, we can be noble.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Ifrank
4 years ago

Rousseau was, in a way, the philosophical father of multiculti insanity.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

I vaguely remember reading somewhere about an Indian rights group founded in Massachusetts sometime in the 1830s. It was easy for bleeding hearts in Massachusetts to sympathize with the Noble Red Man because the few Indians left were in no position to terrorize them. I don’t think that settlers in Wisconsin had any illusions about Indians because they might end up dead if they did. There was still fighting between Indians and Whites at the time.

Today, both liberals and cuckservatives love Blacks, love them, love them, love them, and the further away they live, the more they love them.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

And g-d help you if these folk “know a good one”. They will begin and end all reasonable arguments you make with their one proud anecdote.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Not all cucks are like that.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

Happen to be on an F&I War kick right now—something I neglected over the years. And to understand the various alliances and grievances have to go back to King Philips War and prior inter tribal conflicts. It wasn’t pretty. Doesn’t make the Indians bad or good. They simply had their own particular morality.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

I doubt a civil war will unfold in the US, it would cause too much economic havoc and the corporate elites won’t stand for that. Just look what a little pandemic did to China’s economy over the past week or so. While you may be armed, your guns and ammo are irrelevant. The State doesn’t even need to show up at your house with armed officers or para-military. They’ll just shut down your bank account, terminate your credit cards, turn off the power, water, cell phone and internet and you’re done. You’ll all be compliant under the new order after… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Correct, Karl. The setup of the modern economies, governments. communications, legal and financial systems gives governments and their business-world enforcers so many tools to control the populace that overt violence isn’t necessary.

The Beans, Bullion and Bullets crowd had a chance to effect change and survive until the late 19th Century, but those days are long gone.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

We will see a rise in criminal gangs controlling their territory. If they become too aggressive we’ll see vigilante groups arising in opposition to the criminal ones. Once you have two different sides that are willing to shoot things can escalate.

Very few people ever saw the next war coming. Ever.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Doubtful. It’s impossible to control anything when you’re food and water supplies have been cut off. And bringing down a grid (shutting off power) is easy. If you’ve ever driven past substations, you’ll notice they are only protected by a chain-link fence. Throw a bicycle onto a transformer and see what happens. The French underground did it with great success during our little “misunderstanding” back in the 40’s and took down more than one or two industrial sites. It’s a lot easier than you think. Not to mention American the majority of power and communication lines are on poles. Which… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Karl, you postulate a government that can take away everything—which assumes a government that can provide everything. That is an assumption not supported by facts. For example, how many folk will be using banks after the process of confiscation of accounts and assets becomes widely used? This is one of the reasons we must fight a cashless society. But even so, alternatives to cash currently exist and can be used by dissidents for trade. A government that seeks to punish the dissident to the extreme you envision must become so totalitarian that it will be counter productive to its goals… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Compsci, how do you explain Venezuela?

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

You assume access to water, electricity and communications are a protected right. They’re not. None of these services are protected by your Constitution. Your federal banking is owned privately, so they have no obligation to the government. There are already plenty of laws on the books to seize your property (and money) if and when they see fit. Look up “Civil Forfeiture”. You’re country has already outlawed the ownership of gold once before, so it’s not a new idea.(Executive Order 6102).

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Then at that point a man has nothing to lose by hunting down local party functionaries for sport. Remember under our law after the first one all the others are free.

Seriously it’s a foolish idea in a land where those targeted ate the primary owners of guns. Sure it makes sense in say China or England where the people are disarmed and harmless. But to hack off men who can place a shot at 500 yds it’s asking for major payback.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

You might want to look up the definition of Siege Warfare. Because that’s exactly what they will use.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

“They’ll just shut down your bank account, terminate your credit cards, turn off the power, water, cell phone and internet and you’re done.” They will? Let’s see, several States recently tried to pass or have passed laws rolling back the 2nd Amendment. Local law enforcement and governments though have just told them to fuck off. Once employees of banks, power utilities, and other service providers see themselves being ordered to cut off services for basically political reasons all but the stupidest will figure out they might be next themselves. Then there’s the fact that those organizations themselves rely on delicate… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

You have a surplus of unwarranted faith in the intelligence, integrity, and intensity of the American populace.

4 years ago

One of your best essays Zman! The deep-seated commitment to “Equality Or Bust” was a uniquely American phenomenon well underway in the 1820-30s. Almost 2 centuries later, Blacks’ failure to thrive, in spite of the nation devoting itself (twice) to righting our Original Sin, simply can not and will not be recognized for what it is – literally, diversity among humans. It’s no one’s fault – it just is what it is. And that’s not acceptable. Some 8-10 generations past rectifying the Original Sin, we are fixing for a third re-enactment – with an additional bunch of POCs here who… Read more »

4 years ago

One last OT thought before I sign off:

If anybody wants to see perhaps the last whitetopia in North America, head over to Quebec City. It has sparkling demographics – 93.6% white out of a population of 531,000. The strict French-only attitude and xenophobia has worked here. The metro area is 800,000 and is even whiter. Really is a beautiful place with beautiful women.

88.9% White Sherbrooke, Quebec is also a good bet.

Check it out before it’s gone!

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

It’s been 30 years since I was there , and it was amazing then. ..

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

Is there enough bourbon in Kentucky to get you through their long cold winter? Sorry, but you know there’s a wise guy in every crowd. I have been to Quebec. Very charming. In the summer time.

4 years ago

Blacks were elected to public office (largely at the local level) during Reconstruction, but how many of them were simply pawns of White radicals?

4 years ago

Someone made a gif showing Pelosi doing a test rip


This was post Trump refusing the handshake, so it still may have been overall impromptu.

Reply to  Ryan
4 years ago

I imagine that The Big Rip will now be a meme. I also expect lots of right wing YouTubers to be doing their own variants on it ripping up left wing documents, pictures of Pelosi, etc… This is clearly a call out for the PLA (Pepe Liberation Army) if you ask me!

4 years ago

maybe this can be the start of a trend of who can put on the most outrageous display for the media .

Reply to  greyenlightenment
4 years ago

for me, it’s going to be hard to top suggesting a 9yr old tranny will be picking the head of education for a nation….(I expect that to be eclipsed by the end of the week given the past year)

Reply to  theRussians
4 years ago

Might as well. Dont think that it would make a difference.

Reply to  greyenlightenment
4 years ago

It’s already started. The question is whether the public will pay attention to the displays or laugh/shrug it off. I do think most people laugh it off.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

You laugh it off, I laugh it off (sort of), but many are not. What does this mean? I think it means people are beginning to wake up. I used to get mad, but that was because they should have known better, been more respectful, been more informed, etc. Then I caught wise. But the first step was anger, not laughter. That’s perhaps the last step, but not the first.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

If the first step is anger I’ve been on the stoop for a very long time. I just cannot bring my self to laugh yet.

Reply to  greyenlightenment
4 years ago

Best candidate for dousing themselves with gasoline on the Capitol steps is…

4 years ago

What a complete and utterly disrespectful hag ! Can you imagine the howling and gnashing of teeth from the left if anyone tore up the magic negroe’s speech ? The whole democratic party should be under investigation at this point.. Sadly the intelligence community is just more of the same DC swamp things. And that’s the problem. We have the DC crime syndicate working against the people of the United States. They’re desperate to disarm the peasants so they can rule with impunity. Do we end up like Mexico being terrorized by a handful of sadistic drug lords ( Okay,… Read more »

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  sirlancelot
4 years ago

Remind me again how politicians get into office? Last time I checked it was by the citizens voting for them. Which means “we, the people”, and a lot of them, think what these leftist are doing is a good thing.

What you’re seeing is not so much the evidence of a corrupt government, it’s evidence of the mentality of the majority of American voters.

Which is exactly why democracy never works long term.

4 years ago

Z Man, I think you have it slightly offset, Trump’s election in 2016 is equivalent to Lincoln’s election in 1860, it triggered the all out war from the other side. If Trump wins in 2020, it will feel like Sherman’s March to the other side.

James J OMeara
4 years ago

Some valid points, but surely, (although strangely reminiscent of crypto-Jew Moldbug’s anti-WASP distractions), but logically and morally, the onus of guilt belongs on that part of the country that brought them over here, and actually fought to keep them here.

The real parallel to impeachment is the South’s fight to preserve its “peculiar institution.” A similar doomed, self-defeating obsession. And just as today, we could ask the legislators of the 1830s-1860, “so, I guess the country must be pretty well off otherwise is THIS is all you have to spend your time on.”

4 years ago

The modern empire is simply a collection of Radical Whigs role-playing two parties with opposing worldviews. Trump is virtually identical in his politics to Nancy.

4 years ago

The thing I have trouble squaring is how the radicals were on the free labor side. They were the ‘progressives’. Todays progs are the throwbacks. Or progress is down the drain. It’s like a snake eating its tail. Makes no sense.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
4 years ago

An interesting historical thesis. I wonder how this vision fits into the Fourth Turning template. Are the two nearly congruent, complementary, or wholly differing alternatives?

4 years ago

I often dream of what America would be like if we had sent the former slaves back to Africa.

4 years ago

These last two posts have been some of Z’s best. The Good Whites have been so conditioned to not notice anything counter to the narrative that the left is becoming free to openly discuss their conspiracies. A little while back a co founder of Extinction Rebellion felt safe writing an article for Medium where he openly discussed how his goal was to destroy White societies because he considers Whites evil. Now another co founder had gone on record on an interview that he also wants to destroy white societies and return them to pee industrial wild societies. He said that… Read more »

Reply to  My_Comment
4 years ago

To: My_Comment:

I’m a little unclear on your comment. It does not make sense. You describe the Rebellion in one way, but then it reads like Bramwell has a totally different view.
Could you clarify?

4 years ago

“radical anti-abolitionists” ???