Given the facts emerging about the Chinese flu virus, the panic should be subsiding, but too many people are too invested in the panic, for personal and political reasons, to let this thing go away quietly. Instead we have a new round of drama as the heroic politicians listen to the heroic TikTok workers about when they can safely stop tormenting people over what is looking like a real life example of this famous quote. If it ever was, it is no longer about public safety. Instead it is about the drama queens.
Here in Lagos, the local dictator has issued an edict requiring everyone to wear their underwear over their heads if they go outside. That’s a slight exaggeration, but not that much of one. The requirement to wear masks, something unavailable for months, means people are wearing all sorts of outlandish get-ups. More than a few times I have seen women with what looks like feminine napkins on their face. There have undoubtedly been men wearing briefs on their heads just to go outside.
At this stage, demanding that people wear masks is nothing more than a punitive measure to humiliate the public. That move may have made some sense two months ago, but at this point there is no health reason for it. Instead, the politicians and TikTok heroes have got to justify what is turning out to be something closer to the infamous War of the Worlds panic than a legitimate public emergency. To admit reality at this point risks bruising their tender psyches, so we suffer on.
The plague of heroes is just not limited to crooked politicians and portly women in hospital scrubs. Corporate America has decided to remind us that they are not there to make money selling product. That’s crazy talk. No, they are here as a good steward of the community, because they care. They really care. You see, we’re in this together and in this time of crisis, nothing is more inspiring than videos of corporate commissars looking concerned while wearing masks and standing six feet apart.
At the retail end, it appears there is a race to see which company can come up with the most ridiculous ways to torment their customers. At the market I normally solicit, they now require people to line up outside, like the Soviets were fond of doing. That means an hour wait to enter the store, not because it is busy, but because only if we are united can we beat the virus. That’s on a sign outside the store. There’s a good bet the senior management is not heroically standing in any such lines.
I can’t help but think that is part of what’s happening. By turning the nation into a weird form of North Korea. the new class gets new perks. Instead of standing in long lines dressed like idiots, they will soon have private shops where they can shop like normal people in a normal society. The next phase of liberal democracy is concierge shopping to go along with concierge health care. You see, who we are is a nation of equals with one set of rules for the Cloud People and another for the Dirt People.
The hero nonsense does not stop with the boot to the masked face. Just as happened in communist societies, fanatics are now rising up among us to hector the rest of us about our adherence to the new rules. This plague first started on-line with the “Cucks and Karens”, as one commenter called them, tone policing anyone questioning the mass idiocy we see all around us. Now they have spilled into the real world, furiously looking to heroically tell people to keep their distance.
Since I will not stand in the idiot line for the market I usually solicit, I went to another market that is not as heroic. They have a fat broad making sure everyone entering is dressed like a train robber. The greeter has not become the enforcer, but you don’t have to stand outside like a moron. This store serves the working and middle-class, while the really heroic store serves managerial types. There is a strong correlation between class and the willingness to suspend the sense of disbelief.
Inside the store they have arrows on the floor, meaning you have to walk up and down every aisle in a specific order. Apparently, heroism now means having to examine every product on every shelf before you leave the store. This is actually dumber than the Soviet-style lines to enter the store. No one is going to traverse the whole store because they forget to get something in aisle one. As a result, people are violating the edicts and going about their business like sane people used to do.
I was one of those sane people, going against an arrow to get something when a Cuck and Karen in their TikTok costumes said something to me about the arrows. The Cuck did the “Sir! Sir!” bit, but I just ignored him. After I got what I wanted, I turned around and he was saying something, but I could not hear it because my hearing is not good and he was talking through his sissy rag. I was ready to ignore him, but then he did the same “Sir! Sir!” bit to an old guy who was violating arrow policy.
Having reached the age where I no longer bite my tongue in public, I said to the guy, “It is bad enough we have to put up with nonsense, we don’t need idiots like you pretending to be the police of us.” He then heroically said something about it “being about all of us” and I reminded him that the most likely way for him to end up in the hospital was to keep talking. The old guy, heroically chimed in with a vigorous “Fuck you, asshole” and a middle-finger at Cuck and Karen.
The Boomers get a lot of grief from certain people and some of it is surely justified, but the only rebels I see in my travels these days are old-timers. This was not the first time I’ve seen an old person tell one of these prissy heroes to do an unnatural act when confronted about a mask or other dumb stuff. All the butch young guys are sheltering in place, heroically self-isolating while whining about the Boomers. The growing protests we see are almost all old people. Zoomers ain’t our heroes.
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I’ve mentioned before that I’ve lost friends over this – people i used to respect as level headed and practical who turned themselves into the Junior Volunteer Thought Police at the very first opportunity. I’m Gen X – all that “slacking” we were famous for is finally coming home to roost. It’s the first time these people have ever felt important and effective in their lives (despite the fact that we’re all middle aged now and fairly high up the career ladder). This is our Woodstock, God help us all. It’s really just lightly disguised cowardice.
I have a lot of e-mail from “former fans” telling me I’m a monster for not going along with the panic. One of my few lefty friends is now a former friend. He started repeating some nonsense he saw on TV and I unloaded on him. I no longer think I’m required to humor these idiots.
My internal “Honey Badger” is getting loose from his cage more and more often these days…
I have lost all patience at this stage. I’m now actively avoiding situations where I may say something I’ll regret.
There it is. Some days, the only thing keeping my worst impulses in check is the certainty that if I shoot some Cuck or Karen who’s wagging xzhyr finger at me, the news will cover it as a “COVID-19 death.”
Good 1 Prof. Sev, good1.
I cleaned my gutters yesterday and told my physician neighbor if I fall off the roof to make sure it gets marked down as a Covid 19 death.
The thought of creating a COVID Hero of The Social Justice Soviets is indeed just reason for restraint.
If anyone still believes half of what they hear in our state media, especially, NY Times, Wash. Post, PBS/NPR, CNN, then they are fools, because it has been demonstrated endlessly, that they lie to us.
Fair and honest information is so precious because it is so rare. If you have a few such sources of information, treasure them.
The state media isn’t about accuracy or truth. It’s about telling the masses what’s “right” and “wrong” at the moment. Consumers of these outlets don’t fact check them. They couldn’t care less about that. They watch to know how to act, whom to hate and whom to adore.
How do I stay on the right side of the tribe. That’s what these outfits are for.
At this point, the only thing I really trust is my finely tuned BS detector. I’m deeply skeptical of just about everything I hear.
Yep. I trust the Prez. I only pray that all Boomers start injecting themselves with bleach.
Fuck you, Zippy.
Looks like you’ve developed what the Derb called Elderly Tourette’s Syndrome.
This is the excuse I’ve been using for years for writing under my own name. But fuck ’em all, I say!
I am taking a similar avoidance approach. I will still communicate with people who can still think logically and are polite, even if they are from the left. As for the others, there is a saying that if one argues with a fool, there are two fools to the argument.
Whenever I go grocery shopping, I feel like I’m in a rough bar where fisticuffs are a distinct possibility. I’m on edge, just waiting for trouble. Of course, I’m scowling like a Georgetown Hoya from 1985, so nobody is about to give me any trouble.
I actually remember seeing that guy on TV. Best scowl ever.
You mentioned not biting your tongue and “said something” in the store. I was in the nearest W-mart yesterday afternoon to grab a few things like finch seed (essential for finches), some food items and a new nightgown for me (essential as husband is tired of looking at the old one). Standing on the approved spaced taped floors I had the opportunity to observe my neighbors sharing the lanes nearby. One pasty-faced fat slob, tattooed arms and God knows what else, and her darker-haired sister were sharing a shopping cart, filled to the top, unbelievably with a huge box of… Read more »
Dr. Dre: I see the same tableau in the Wal Mart here in Rawles Land. As much as it disgusts me, I focus on the fact that these tatted-up, stupid, morbidly obese white trash will be the first to be culled.
This whole Plandemic is a precursor to a massive economic correction which is on the horizon. Meat sacks such as the ones in the China Mart check-out line will be among the first to assume room temperature. Plan accordingly. Bleib ubrig.
Howdy neighbor..
across the river from Marble, decent folks over there.
Radio free redoubt, Liberty state.
Z, don’t lose your cool. You are too valuable, and I can tell you that certain people are itching for an excuse to shut us up. Trust me, I know how it is: I’ve been fighting a relapse this entire panic, and I’ve had to be talked down multiple times.
You’re a dirt person. They get the faintest whiff that you’re a “threat to public health,” and who knows what’s going to happen. We may be more like NK than we realize.
Hard to keep it restrained, isn’t it?
The more this great nothing is unfurled, the more I am convinced the northeast US is lost. Our state might just be run by literal gangsters. Many of them ignore their own edicts. This is meant to beat us down.
I feel like I must flee deep into the old heart of this country, or far, far away from it.
One of my income streams comes from online sportswriting for a major college website. The publisher of the site and I were very good friends for about six years. Alas, on the site, I made my contempt for the Hysteria and its purveyors abundantly clear. The publisher forbade me from commenting further on the Hysteria, and now we no longer speak to one another. My days on that site are numbered. At some point I quit or get fired. It’s just a matter of when. And I sincerely doubt the publisher and I will ever speak to one another again,… Read more »
Just another example of the division between us and them.
Although I was never good at humoring idiots, I’ve become less willing to tolerate their shite as I age. Other than for meat and produce, I don’t know that I’m even going to bother with the store any more – most products I’m looking for aren’t there, or they’re now double in price (lack of sales/coupons). Given the commissars and arrows and masks, I think I’m just going to order cases like all the AWFLs do. Then I can shelter in place – from the Karens and the cucks.
Deleted all lefties from friend list years ago, immediate family are not insane, other relatives… hopefully someone else will shoot them.
“Junior volunteer thought policing” may be a permanent feature of human nature, and could be a positive for society if aimed at appropriate targets. (Indeed, it probably used to be, its ubiquity suggesting some kind of evolutionary fitness.) We live in Weimar II. There are so many obvious horrors for the petty tyrants to police, and yet they go after masks, “social distancing,” and trips to the park. But maybe that’s part of the anarcho-tyranny dynamic: the petty tyrants are in part bullies, and when social evils become too big, petty tyrants don’t have the courage to police them any… Read more »
petty/anarcho-tyrants (same thing) don’t even need courage to police social evils, just enough desire to use social evils as a tool to squash dissent among the innocent – either by accusing the innocent of flouting useless rules that would prevent the big social evil, and/or by allowing the big social evil to occur to a lot of innocents to claim the mantle of protector and squash innocent dissent in the process. on the other hand, snitching on witches and marranos was quite easier and appropriate tbh. so maybe, if we are to have a tyrannical element in society, as evolutionary… Read more »
This is our Woodstock, God help us all.
Have an upvote.
I was at a public park in a rural town of 9500 yesterday. There was police tape around every exercise area, every shelter, every…bench. How sad that most people take that nonsense (I’m sure most people think it’s nonsense) and don’t at least tear down the tape. The ones that ARE resisting are the flag-waving Fox news and 2A Republican dorks that way too many people on our side are making fun of.
I’ve noticed that. Especially the anti-vax ones. There’s a big strain (no pun intended) “guv-mint poisoning us with the vaccines” among the same people. You’re not supposed to take Alex Jones seriously. And these are the same people who poison themselves every day with Ruffles and five layer Costco dip.
the antivaxers may have a point in this one, the corona shot will be just as or even more useless than the flu shot – except that reception of said corona shot will be tracked by way of your friendly smartphone and/or readable ink/microchip.
Tear down the tape and do a stretch in the pen. It would almost be worth it, though.
Round here it wouldn’t be in the pen but it might be 6 months in county lockup. That and/or a $grand in fines. Drove by a park up in the hill country t’other day and the parking lot was chock full. That park is pretty much nothing but hiking trails and it was a beautiful day. Guess they were practicing social distancing out in the fresh air.
What would Coke Stevenson think?
He’d think LBJ stole the election.
Now is a great time to make friends with the MOOGAs IRL. If things go really bad, they’ll have the things we need to not die: guns and numbers.
I see a lot of people here and around the DR bashing those Fox News and 2A guys too. I even remember someone here attacking the protesters for being “too late” or something. What I see is that those Civnat type Fox viewers are at least doing something. Yes, they were “too late”, we all were though, about everything. Why didn’t people put up more of a fight about the gay stuff, the trannie stuff, or all the other insults to sanity and decency over the last few decades. The guy who goes to a protest is already in the… Read more »
This post should be the default response to any fool who makes. Posts about police refusing to enforce gun confiscation
They will HAPPILY do it.
Marko, yes, the protesters are the type of normies that the Dissident Right despises. The keyboard warriors who are going to save the day for white people seem to be too busy online commenting about their hate for boomers. In particular, the Zoomers who are going to lead the rebellion area MIA
In their defense, Zoomers have not really felt the pain of this yet. The groups that have are small businesspeople, and wage slaves whose jobs are about to disappear into The Matrix forever.
Both of these groups trend 35+, and more often than not 50+.
many zoomers are wage slaves too. thing is, they have relatively less debt and, more importantly, they hope to remain alive longer to collect more Trumpchecks. the earlier talk about appealing to dirtbag Bernie Bros (as opposed to poaching from them, the correct approach) seems to stem from all these zoomers perhaps subconsciously wanting the #boomerremover to finally deliver that UBI. ergo i think it’s dangerous to encourage them, as i’m pretty sure we are not going to get fertility checks for whites like Orban does, but rather gibs for us to be lulled into safety by spending on the… Read more »
“The ones that ARE resisting are the flag-waving Fox news and 2A Republican dorks that way too many people on our side are making fun of.”
You disdain 2A Republicans? Please tell me, which side or what side are you on? Who is “our side”?
meanwhile the brave rational HBDers and the Arminius-Thor-Caesar-SavitriDevi-loving counter-currents chads are huddled up quite nicely. the former keep busy throwing shade at Dr Ioannidis and praising Greg Cochran’s brave replies in the Unz comments section. the latter are bravely discussing the importance of (liberal-created) Earth Day for Aryans, and how corona can help us focus on the climate… for no one to enjoy while being locked inside, that is… i know, the Fox News crowd can usually be dumber, but there are times like right now where those who are more basic show the way to the intellectuals, so the… Read more »
It’s getting harder and harder to take Steve Sailer and Ron Unz seriously.
Steve’s comments numbers have dropped significantly, as in straight off a cliff. Unz still thinks we are mere days away from millions of deaths, and has talked of banning the “hoaxers”, meaning anyone who looks at the real numbers, and not doom models from a month ago. Even Birx, Fauci’s right hand woman, said last night that by the end of May, deaths will have dropped precipitously. Unz and Steve have done serious damage to their brands, as it were. I used to read that site daily. Now, maybe twice a week, and that’s just to check in, not read… Read more »
That byzantine comments section Unz is so proud of waved me off years ago.
I stopped reading Unz as well. This virus has become a religion for many people. It gives them purpose and way to feel strong emotions. Like opium addicts, taking long hits off the virus pipe is the only way they feel normal now.
Steve Sailer is a numbers guy, so the nonstop deluge of stats coming from various official and unofficial sources is catnip to him. This makes for something of a contrast as John Derbyshire is also a numbers guy yet hasn’t nipped at the stats bait. I concur with Mr. Derbyshire in that none of the stats is trustworthy.
And that’s Sailer’s problem. The tests are faulty, and the reporting incoherent. He should realize that it is junk data. Instead, it is a stream of panic and how we might have to stay locked down for a year.
the difference between a mathematics fan and a sabermetrics fan.
Chalk me up as another that is done with Unz and by extension iSteve.
unz is only good for HBD content. the other stuff is too conspiratorial for my tastes
Unz is the typical “Russian asset” that will publish any conspiracy theory just because. the FSB remains the same. still, sometimes some gold can be struck, simply due to the wide variety of writers. plus, the vast library can be interesting. i read Lothrop Stoddard’s book about his visit to the Third Reich and Gustav’s Kubiszchek’s memoir of young Adolf there. however, when taken with the comments and multiplied by all the authors, and with the ever higher volumes of content under the Trump era and corona, it’s become tiresome to even check for interesting bylines on the side of… Read more »
Isn’t Ron Unz Jewish? Being a bit neurotic seems to be intrinsic to every American Jew I’ve ever met. No idea if its culture or genetic or both. Hell I’ve seen many many Jewish comedians joking about it. The Israelis OTOH don’t seem to be like that. The older Sabra I’ve met are tough as nails and the younger, ass always a bit less so but mostly alright within limits As far as Steve Sailer , dude is old and in poor health. Of course he’s a afraid of Corona Chan, a common cold or flu could kill the guy… Read more »
Israel has more sodomites than any other country.
yeah, i bet for every hardass IDF type bullying Muslims and Christians away from “their settlements” in “Judea and Samaria” with their American-funded-and-sometimes-even-made guns, there’s also the one given to lusts in Tel Aviv luxury flats. Palestinian and even Israeli Arabs are beating them in demographics, after all. i do fear for the Holy Places regardless. Christian soldiers or at least shields may return in our lifetimes. that is, if the Prots don’t give it all away to the Jews for the Third Temple heresy… please don’t, dear evangelists, though thank you for being brave and hold car services at… Read more »
i thought Unz was a Russian Jew. interestingly, he has so much anti-Semite stuff. either way, fits pattern. Israelis are divided, some love Netanyahu, some love Natalie Portman and hate Netanyahu. there is a wide gulf it seems, at least from the few people who visited Israel told me. i mean, i’ve been told Tel Aviv can be as decadent as any Euro city. of course Jerusalem has more of the hatheads. yeah, one outgrows sites. i used to read takimag, not as much anymore. Vox is too Prot, ergo believes he is a pastor or something, he does have… Read more »
Ron Unz follows a standard template in his usual conspiracy theory nuttiness:
1. I never knew much about X and always accepted common beliefs about X.
2. The I read this author.
3. That lead me to read a lot of other obscure authors who are completely credible and had huge followings in the day. For some reason they have been banished.
4. Now I believe this conspiracy theory.
His latest is that the US used a bio-weapon on China and it came back to get us. Before that it was Tiannamen square didn’t happen.
As a doctor, I usually am weaning my hospital scrubs when I go into Lowes or Home Depot. yesterday, at Lowes, it was 92 degrees outside and I was the ONLY one of 500 people in the store without a mask. I sensed the people around me were surprised when some older lady asked me why I would not be wearing a mask as a doctor. I told her it is a free country but I am not obliged to participate in their fantasy. Alas: Even I keep a mask in my pocket and usually wear it when I go… Read more »
Wheeling a cart around the supermarket I have begun to sense a budding comaraderie between strangers without masks. The cashiers where I shop didn’t wear masks until they were required by management two weeks ago. No one had become ill–I asked. It is as if people who work hard and fast with a line of customers waiting on them, some of whom are undoubtedly obnoxious, have little patience for the fevered imaginations of people with time on their hands.
I wear a mask only because that’s the price of admission pretty much everywhere around here these days. No mask, no entrada. That’s the rule.
N95 mask with exhaust valve has ended allergies. I feel great without drugs.what’s all this CCP Virus stuff anyway?
To paraphrase Yeats, the best are meek and quiescent, while the worst are filled with passionate intensity. Slouching toward Sheol.
when i go out i try to be as maskless as possible, which is 80% unless they won’t serve me (happened couple times, gas station, sp*cs at food takeout – they are panicked of course), and open all my car windows to breathe the fresh Florida air and sun these days. it does help that Di Santis is not as brainwashed as others. the supposed crisis in the state got much better also, proof that the virus is not that deadly if thousands of spring breakers from last month didn’t carry death back home. though there are some affected in… Read more »
In my neck of the woods – it’s right across the board. I got thrown in with the boomers by a matter of months – and I am now ready to start mass murdering my demographic peers wholesale. All I want to do is walk my dogs – I don’t want to be harangued and brow beaten by every neurotic grey haired idiot that is using the Chinky Pox for entertainment. I’ve lost all my liberal friends and family years ago. That’s not a good thing, but between having them in or out of my life… I am definitely better… Read more »
The parameters of Boomerdom are far too wide. Someone coined the phrase “Generation Jones” to cover roughly 1956-1964.
Coward-19, like the flight 93 election, the Russian collusion hoax-coup, and every other existential threat to our democracy manufactured by the cloud has a way of exposing the weak genes among us. Like some obstacle course or progressive polygraph, each iteration poses a slightly different mental challenge or logic trap. An opportunity to rise above the sheeple or to be folded into the flock. Some genx’er, otherwise sound on the matter of identity politik, suddenly buckles under the weight of the coward-19; he can manage the monkey bars but can’t climb the rope. And so his real fitness is exposed;… Read more »
There it is. Provided I or a loved one don’t actually die from Chinky Pox (about as likely as dying in a car crash), the great tragedy is I’ve lost real friends – the kind I thought would gun up and get in line with me if the worst happened. Instead, they put on the jackboots to go along with the mask and face shield … And they did it earlier than most. Glad I know better than to rely on them in a *real* crisis, but damn it hurts.
Sev, indeed. For me the disappointment response in the friend filtering that results from these events is still there, but rather fatigued at this point. The early days of realizing that some friends would sell me and my culture and people out for a chance to rut with a manic hulu hoop girl they met at an EDM festival while high on chemtrails was just the beginning. Seems rather quaint at this point. I’m left with a triage approach, which is why I am not that interested in pulling those guys from Bernies pink teat either. Makers and takers, builders… Read more »
Sorry for your pain and disappointment, Sev. I’ve jettisoned so many people over so many years – if I can’t without-question trust them to have my back, then I’m not going to waste my time on them. If their behavior/beliefs in the present favor a vision of the future that is antithetical to mine, they never really qualified as a ‘friend’ in my book. I don’t mind being a loner, but I realize most people have a really hard time cutting ties.
I was once an optimist and thought 80% of people were generally placeholders, looking for a cause. Kungflu has me raising the estimate to 95%
+1 for “Chinky Pox”
I wish I could upvote this more. This is basically what I was saying above before reading your comment. The most telling mantra to come out of this from the Cloud is “we’re all in this together.” The people who don’t go along with the hysteria are the ones who’ve gotten to the point of being able to say – there’s no “we”, just you.
The most Orwellian saying I’ve heard is the repeated mantra (after those obligatory radio community service blurbs), “Remember we are all ‘Alone, together’”.
It’s actually “because we’re all, hashtag, alone together!”
Jesus wept.
A silver lining around the quasi-cloud people…
Your post reminds me of the character of “Himmelstoss” in Erich Maria Remarque’s “All Quiet on the Western Front”; Himmelstoss – a postman in regular life – is called up & becomes an Army Drill Instructor & goes ballistic with the authority, becoming a sadistic martinet.
Gen X has been useless since Nevermind (the Bollocks, if older) and Dookie and the Downward Spiral and Badmotorfinger. all that apathy went to feed (((them))). they fed you materialism back. and now that you grew up and are into the age where you can command power in institutions, you can feel materially special as Corona Thought Police. Boomers were run thru the same process, but with Sergeant Pepper and The Dark Side of the Moon as brainmolding agents. also, they had happier drugs. Gen X had depressive or intense drugs. Zoomers, they have all of them, so now their… Read more »
Locally, now that we have some basic denominator data, the actual infection rate is likely pushing 20% which would yield a fatality rate of <.1%. But the local Karens are getting a real chug out of their new found power, exhorting the masses to distance and shaming people on FB. Of course, most of them don't have a paycheck at risk…yet. I have to spend too much time looking at economic data and trying to figure out ultimate impact on my firm and as much as we're we insulated so far…staring down a second quarter GDP decline of 20-30% (quarterly)… Read more »
“Of course, most of them don’t have a paycheck at risk…yet.” Bingo. The Karens enforcing this garbage either have secure jobs or, more likely, they don’t work and their husbands have secure jobs. They have absolutely no skin in the game. (In their defense a little, I’m sure many have parents who actually could get hurt by this.) They’re willing to let the economy burn to the ground, but their life won’t be impacted. Their inability to look outside their world is stunning. But then, these are the same women who give their husbands zero points for giving them an… Read more »
Karens are our modern day “cargo cult.” My general rule is the the more a Karen wants to “do something for the children,” the more she is immune from the travails of every day life. The pandemic scare allows them an increased opportunity to flex.
The Karens are inexplicably forgetting about the children whose parents are being thrown out of work by all this and who may end up homeless or hungry. I’m just itching for a chance to point it out to one of them.
And they accuse we subversives of being selfish…
The Karens’ interest in “the children” is in the abstract only. They have absolutely no interest in any specific children aside from their own – if those!
I know a lot of these wealthy women, they don’t work and they’re really happy to have some excitement though they would never admit that. If you bring up all the people that are going to potentially starve because of the economy tanking they will start talking about the trillion-dollar stimulus package and how that’s going to save everyone. So your argument won’t work on them. You could try to go further but they won’t let you. These are very shallow people. I’ve seen Michelle Obama’s autobiography in more than one house. Unread of course. Probably for the best. I… Read more »
The same phenomenon applies to diversity. Hence, those who most loudly proclaim the glories of diversity are those who can most afford to avoid it.
The is no secure job unless it’s job. The people in corporations make their money by selling to middle class or proles. Maybe they don’t realize it yet but they advertise to the rest, gather statistics for the rest help the banks make loans to buy stuff etc. They are just a little better insulated. Soon when the proverbial Joe Paychek wont have money to buy their job will evaporate.
People are notoriously poor at understanding second order effects until they get smacked in the face. Saw the same here in 2008. Why I’m spending so much time trying to see through economic data–as it comes in–to understand the most likely post-crisis scenarios. Am not optimistic.
Become a Lineman and you will always have a job…
Tough—but honest—way to earn a living though.
Thank you, ZMan, for writing what so many of us believe/feel. Friday I was supposed to have had an appointment with my V.A. Primary Care provider but it turned into a “phone appointment” because the V.A. clinic (actually a private company under contract to the V.A.) to which I am assigned is not seeing patients at this time. After hearing of some problems I have been having (including occasionally pissing blood and throwing clots) my PCP ordered me to the clinic for blood and urine work. As I drove over to the clinic,I drove by a nursing home with a… Read more »
Ouch. I’m sorry to hear it, brutha. Take care of yourself best you can.
“If everyone is a hero then no one is!”
That’s the whole point of intersectional racial communism: to elevate the mediocre dregs of humanity by bringing the white man down.
Trayvon Martin becomes a hero for getting caught in a burglary. Michael Brown becomes a hero for being a fat robber. Eric Garner becomes a hero for being a belligerent fat vagrant. Freddie Gray becomes a hero for being a drug dealer.
But the white guys who sent a man to the moon? “You didn’t create that!”
Bravo, Bill!
Fine line between Hero and Dupe in the military.
It has been said by a certain group of bad thinkers on Gab that every nurse they had dated held a heroic opinion of herself.
“or she’d call the police.”
This is the feminist imperative boiled down to it’s raw essence. You committed a ‘thought crime’ and no -actual- crime but the first thing Karens and Cucks want to do is summon the burly armed men to ‘enforce’ their beliefs on you at gunpoint. Until this paradigm shifts, we are 100% f-cked because the State’s monopoly on violence is what keeps this sh-tshow in forward motion. I have ‘lived experience’ with the most extreme endgame of this and it isn’t even a little bit of fun, I assure you.
Lmao. Uh, lady, I’m pretty sure it’s not illegal to correctly identify that you’re not a hero. It is illegal to refuse to draw my blood, though.
But you know something, Bill: I bet that a (female) judge wouldn’t take your side. I’d even wager there’d be some punitive measures coming your way for “disrupting public morale” or something similar.
This is what happens when you marry women to the state. They still do “let’s you and him fight” but their hubby is the police, so you always lose.
No one who fights in an illegal war is a hero. Nada, not, zilch. So soldier has fought for freedom since the Confederacy.
You brought up another inadvertant thing this virus has done: increase my respect for some boomers. Some boomers. Ive noticed this for years, but the millenial generation and zoomers have absolutely no rebellious spirit. None. Remember the rebellious punk scene with fast trashy music and colorful hair? Remember goths in their awkward trench coats with brash loud metal that you had to force yourself to pretend to enjoy but didnt really? Pick a “rebellious” subculture the millenials had and its now obvious it was all just a costume, fashion. Ive tried getting younger people round my age to group up… Read more »
In my normal travels around town lately (because I’m not really allowed to leave town), I keep asking myself in absolute wonder, ‘Is this how it happens?’
It’s been a lovely Spring so far, and it doesn’t fit all the bleak dystopian movies I’ve seen. The military isn’t rolling down the streets and there aren’t armed enforcers on every corner. Yet, it seems to be happening all the same.
It’s far more subtle and insidious that I ever imagined.
It is commensurate with how wussified Americans have become.
“It’s far more subtle and insidious that I ever imagined.”
Youre right. Its surreal watching the worst of human nature just move like an inevitable tide.
What do you mean your not allowed to leave town?
Just calmly tell the truth. That’s the biggest push back of all. And it’s the one people fear the most.
Everything hinges on people not allowing themselves to even think about whether what they’re being told is the truth. When you speak the truth, you’re not only waking people up to that specific truth but to the act of questioning the orthodoxy.
Exactly. Calm, measured, rational. Gently but firmly speak the truth.
“Yes. …”
They so desperately want you to just shut up and leave them alone. But once it’s in their head it rattles around a bit.
Do you suppose any of them are praying for a sudden spate of deaths so that they can be vindicated?
In the match between COVID-19 and the human race, they’re cheering for the other side. Betrayal of any sort comes naturally to a certain sort of person.
They quite clearly want virus deniers to die. They come right out and say it on FB.
There’s little doubt the virus is seen as a silver bullet by most of the Marxist Left, the vehicle to take out those pesky few who won’t fall into line on command. The collateral damage just helps heal Mother Gaia.
Yesterday I politely told a highly educated liberal friend that I would gladly take a 1% chance of dying vs. losing my freedoms and prosperity. That did give my friend pause to think about a half minute.
The break between Xers (and everyone before them) and Millennials (and everyone after them) really is remarkable. It used to be self-evident that the youngest were the most rebellious, the most likely to question authority and official narratives, the most impulsive and risk-taking. That was true of Boomers and Xers and the generations before them. But something broke between the Xers and Millennials. Millennials, and now the Zoomers following them, have been some of the most timid and compliant generations in history. No rebellious subculture among them whatsoever. No sexual adventurism, no licenses, no risky businesses, no musical reaction, no… Read more »
“Was the triple cocktail of the iPhone, Ritalin, and internet porn able to neuter two entire generations? If so, that’s incredible!” There is a little acknowledged benefit of some kinds of Christianity: constant moral introspection. Whether you think its true or not, having a belief that you should constantly monitor and improve your moral life and having something transcendant you care about is an antidote to this nonsense. If you dont believe there are boundaries around your own behaviors and even thoughts, then why would you believe there are external boundaries around your environment and the people around you? How… Read more »
The generations you mentioned have never experienced hardship. That’s about to change.
“But something broke between the Xers and Millennials. Millennials” Yes (((something))) did. The propaganda that had been drip fed early on was opened to full fire hose by ‘interested parties’. When you are told 24x7x365 you are scum and responsible for all the world’s evils you just -might- start to believe it. When you are told to shut up and have no active voice because ‘muh victims’ you might start becoming meek. If you think about the effort, time, and money that has been expended keeping white males in the Harrison Bergeron ( style shackles they have been wearing for… Read more »
Home schooling was my answer to all that.
Yup, and they’re terrified of even individual whites who aren’t cucked. ALL non-whites know who’s cucked and who’s not. They’re scared, or at least uncertain, of me. They know right away what sort of person I am, despite looking normal and speaking politely. They don’t like being around me. Whites can’t tell. Just as they are naive to the intentions of the ethnocentric non-whites, they’re also naive to ethnocentric whites (who aren’t Nazi spergs, at least). But non-whites, yeah they can take one look at you and determine if you would stand up for your people or not. I pray… Read more »
One of my coping mechanisms to avoid the regular mass hysterias has been not to have a TV. That has been one of my better life decisions.
The “crisis” is being used as a go-round in testing how closely the masses can be controlled and by what means. Is this done again this winter if there is a new flu and a Covid-19 resurgence? Greta and the UN would love to try this out on Climate Change. Why stop there? Use it for “excessive” racism, hate crimes, religion, or any other pet project. The masked, quarantined masses that don’t bother with common sense and real numbers are making the cooking of the frog easy.
I think the generation that deserves credit are the remaining Silents (ie 75 and up). They’ve behaved with dignity.
A great many Branch Covidian Boomers have put themselves at elevated risk due to their own poor eating choices. The issues with the Xers and Millennials are already pretty well established.
A group of Silents and Boomers gather every evening at 7pm at the end of my street, keeping a distance of 6 to 8 ft between each other and they all bang pots for 3 minutes in celebration of the lockdown.
Total guess, but it felt like something broke yesterday. People were out, talking, playing pick-up games. This is done. It will start to fall apart, and the politicians will move to get in front of what people are going to do anyway so they can take credit.
Don’t get me wrong. The politicians and health experts will never admit that they were wrong. They’ll still claim that we’d be burning stacks of bodies if it wasn’t for the lock down, but they’re going to start backing off – and soon.
It will also be a practical thing, in that they need plenty of time to start planning for next year’s shutdown.
There is a critical mass where to enforce the Rulers’ edicts even symbolically is to admit to mass defeat due to mass defiance. I earlier commended Boomers for being among the few who aren’t estrogen-drenched cowards. Let me add to that list the Zoomers who went on Spring break and immediately became Emmanuel Goldsteins for the Cucks and Karens, a/k/a the other 89 percent of the population..
The tipping point here in SoCal was reached on Friday. For weeks nothing but a pin drop at night. No traffic, few people. Friday – families out, motorcycle gangs, people acting normal. It has continued on and it is Sunday.
Good to read.
It is humiliating to wear those masks. The only thing I can do is rip it off my face the minute I exit the store and wad it up in a little ball. I had a conversation with one of the white guy grocery store workers smoking outside yesterday. He had his mask around his neck. I’m sure that’s really sanitary. He told me it’s awful to have to wear it 8 hours a day. I can only imagine. I told him to keep smoking because apparently nicotine’s good against the virus. We had a good laugh.
Then wear a Kotex over your face as per Z. Way visual and gives a crotchy third finger. As much as I’ve pounded on my sheepie Mormon neighbors, we’re opening up in Utah. 1 of 8 states that didn’t shelter in place. The last remnants of the old ancestors fierce belief in personal liberty. As globalist money grubbing the Mormon rulers are, a blind pig gets a truffle now and then. Thank you Gov. Herbert. I never once wore a mask. Only a few oldsters did. I just grinned at them doddering along and breezed right by. The state parks… Read more »
In response to all this, my boys installed some rudimentary workout equipment in the garage and are preferring that to going back to the gym.
WhereAreTheVikings, you’ll get a kick out of this: Years and years ago I built a bench and squat rack of my own design and making. It consisted of 1 1/4″ square tubing cut and welded together in such a way so as to eliminate the need for a “spotter” since, at the time, I was the only one in my social group who cared to keep lifting, and thus ‘keep up my girlish figure.’ About a year ago two of my sons resurrected this ‘work of art’ and put it to the use it was intended for in the beginning.… Read more »
Gotta let those young whippersnappers know who the Boss Man is, T. I’m sure they’re great kids, like mine.
just went to the store and eschewed my mask and I’ll be damned if I did not run into someone who said, where’s your mask? I said it’s bullshit. She said that’s what her husband thinks and I wish I’d had the wherewithal to say it’s actually what you think also and that’s why you’re wearing a fashion statement that someone you follow on Instagram makes instead of a real mask. Frigging Karens.
This whole thing has also created a get-out-of-jail free card for rudeness. That woman’s asking you that would have been called a “lack of upbringing” in a better day here in the South.
Damn right. Plus, unsexed.
Southern women used to know how to be subtly, very subtly catty to mask ill will and rudeness That apparently is also now a lost art.
My Southern to the core wife advises the art is not entirely lost.
So relieved. Tell her I’ve got her back in the Indian Territory.
I was helping some older lady reach something on a high shelf in the grocery store (I’m 6’4″) the other day and some 20-something growled at me to get out of his way. I told him “No!” and turned back to helping the woman. He said something like “I have somewhere to be. ” (as if that would impress me) to which I responded “Eat shit and die, asshole.” He didn’t say anything else and hurried on his way. Reminds me of Robin Williams’ great line from “Reality. What a concept!”, “Assholes do vex me!” T shirt I’d like to… Read more »
To confirm your statement, I shop at a working class Smiths and I see a fair number of couples with only the female wearing a mask. The need to conform overcomes the obvious futility and self-mockery of her conformity.
The fact that the official line is now that you can make your own mask should be enough to clarify for everyone that the purpose of the thing is to humiliate people by making them obey arbitrary rules rather than anything about health. What’s the maximum particle size that can get through your Mexican gangsta stick-up guy mask there esay? I really am tempted to buy one of those President masks like they used in Point Break and then say “hey, I’m wearing a mask”.
Or the V for Vendetta one…I haven’t wore a mask this whole time and no one has said anything to me or anyone of my family…I guess having a good Community is good for a few things 😉
Upvote from me. I haven’t worn a mask either, (nor will I ever, under any circumstances, but that is another story) but I live in a little corner of hte country where ‘seldom is heard a discuraging word, and the skies are not cloudy all day.’ So, there’s that. I rreally just want to peacably separate from the Karens and the cucks, and to bid them ‘fare thee well.’ I perfectly understand such is impossible at this point, but I’m authorized, I should think, to ‘hope for the best and prepare for the worst.’
Saw an actual gas mask (Soviet surplus) on a checker at Cabelas…. Not sure if ironic.
“Used only once, People’s District of Chernobyl.”
“If I had your face, I’d wear a mask too.”
If you’re forced to wear a mask, use a Sharpie and write on the front of it. I have one that says “Hoax”, “Fake News” and “Police State” depending on where I need to shop.
Governor Elf in the great state of Ohio mandated that everyone must wear a mask from here on out. He quickly changed that, who knows maybe somebody with a brain told him it was a bad idea.
Anyways I have not worn a mask yet but if I had to so that I could get into a grocery store I was gonna write big letters on my mask Dewine= and then draw a bunch of big red swastikas all over it.
That would have been good for several laughs on each grocery run I think.
Pretty sad state of affairs when refusing to stay locked up in one’s own house counts as a rebellious blow struck for liberty’s sake.
Range, re: pestilence-chic facewear, LaFond says he’s been wearing Varg bandanas with an eyepatch while traveling back to Lagos. Amish guys didn’t flinch, young Blacks thought he was an ISIS executioner, Portland phags increased their social distancing to 30 feet.
Stay dangerous.
Plenty of Punisher, Venom, Joker, Guy Fawkes, and skull bandanas available out there.
I’m more than happy to wear a face covering to make others more comfortable. 😉
To be fair, everyone in Portland stinks of weed and B.O. anyway so staying 30 feet from them is good advice anyway.
I’ve begun making a point, anytime I am given a mask to wear and have to actually wear it, that when I am done I just throw it on the ground. I will not find a trash can for it. Because, fuck them, that’s why. It’s my own little protest. I like to think that accumulating mask litter might cause some frustration for the “enforcers”.
Fortunately, when I’m out in the woods or fishing I don’t need to wear one, so I don’t litter the places that I care about.
Another minor form of protest–if you’ve got American flag stamps, place them on the envelope upside down to show your contempt for postmodern America and its architects.
An upside down flag should become a symbol of mourning, much as a black veil.
I thought I was the only one who did that.
I sold four goat does on Friday to a farmer and his daughter. After they were loaded up and he paid me, there was an awkward moment, then we both chuckled, he took off his glove (leather work glove, not exam glove) and we shook hands. Because that’s what men do after a transaction. I haven’t worn a mask once, so far. However, the equine dentist is coming out in late June. He’s a huge lefty and sent out notices that all his clients have to wear masks when he is visiting. Ticks me off that he can force me… Read more »
A lefty large animal vet. In the dictionary under “feminization of the United States”, there he is. Whip that mask off the very second he’s through. Although then he might not ever come back. Yes, you must take one for the horses. Leave it on.
Equine dentistry is kind of a specialty practice and the horse world is absolutely dominated by crazy Karens with expensive OT Thoroughbreds they can barely ride or handle, but who are super eager to lecture you about everything you are doing wrong. They all have their horses in boarding stables that ring the city and the atmosphere at those stables is toxic — know-it-alls and barn witches galore. But that’s where all the equine dentistry money is. So it is not surprising that if you are going to find lefty large animal vets, you are going to find them specializing… Read more »
Back in the ’80s, I called them Krystles, after the season Krystle Carrington on Dynasty was shown loitering about stables full of Arabians. I’m sure these women have taken on a much nastier edge since then. I’ll bet they can’t handle those hot-blooded Thoroughbreds. Raising Quarter Horses, I’m pretty well-insulated. It was rodeo folks who set their collective foot down and said no more Muslims giving the prayer at the 2015 Ft. Worth Stock Show and Rodeo. Barrel racers aren’t going to put up with that nonsense.
Oh, there’s no shortage of barn witches in the Western riding world.
Just put something on that is blatantly mocking the whole thing, like a sock or tighty whities. Then act like it’s normal.
Can confirm. The horsie-chicks around Del Mar are Real Housewives-tier (Joe Exotic voice) beeetchez.
What, don’t your horses brush and floss after snacking on potato chips? Tsk tsk tsk. /Karen
This post pretty much matches my experience–at a local store in a county that supposedly has only three cases (in one family who went on a shopping spree in NYC). No one died. As an act of protest, I leave the mask and garb home and purposefully go the wrong way on those one way aisles with my fit boomer-aged body. A couple of old dudes were doing the same and one gave me a thumbs up and both laughed with a broad grin. At least with masks on you don’t have to see the older women (who are dressed… Read more »
The older (and middle aged) white women are even more unpleasant and passive aggressive than usual. They way they speak to their beta husbands is unacceptable and deserves a hard smack, at least.
I don’t know why so many white women become miserable hags as they age. Not all, but a significant portion. Don’t know if that’s built in genetically or if it’s due to modern society.
But you do notice that Arab, and Indian women never treat their men like that (in public, at least).
We are now seeing what can best be termed as aggressive passive-aggressiveness from the middle-aged and older harridans. The beta husbands must be relieved that there are now other targets.
It is because we have these cucked husbands that we get those women.
Fuck man, I couldn’t deal with that.
My wife will be treating me better because if she treated me like these shrews do, I would hit her, hard and without mercy, and failing that, dump her. No question.The way they treat these Boomer guys is horrific.
We get a little different varietal around here. Just a function of the demographics. Two basic parcels–formerly married to alpha husbands who traded them in once they started getting long in the tooth. But left in comfortable circumstances and need to vent their seething anger on somebody. Second group are the former tiger moms whose kids are gone and have decided to put their energies into tiger-momming society as a whole. But having never missed a paycheck or meal their entire lives–and most “liberal” educated, are perfectly happy to try and turn the rest of society into their personal Lethal… Read more »
I stopped at a supermarket yesterday and they were doing the line up around the building outside 6 feet apart bit. I decided I didn’t need anything that bad.
I ran into the same problem. I went over to the working class side of town. No lines there.
It really is funny how quick we pick up on the working class distinction in all of this. My town is basically working/middle class.
Yesterday we went to the based working class town for dairy farms outlet. One young guy with mask, the rest just queuing up all together without masks in a store space of 500 square feet.
The Proles and the Party.
As Orwell points out at least the proles have a little bit of freedom from monitoring as they have no hope of formenting a change in society.
Being in the party and a few more resources means 24/7 monitoring. Always hoping to get into the inner party and never quite managing it.
You take your choice.
Good article on that topic.
Great piece. Thank you very much for the link.
The outdoor shooting range my family frequents had 6-feet-apart tape on the floor of its sign-in building yesterday. Unbelievable. The personal injury extortionists’ ever-present threat probably brought that on.
Can’t put my finger on it, but something very ironic in that.
The problem is, around here I cannot even get into the store to do my job (shopping for people who cannot or will not) unless I am wearing a mask. The first thing the local tyrants did after Gov. Abbott started relaxing restrictions was to make masks mandatory.
Yeah, I refuse to wear the mask,too. I feel so subversive, heh. If anyone says anything, I’m going to tell them I have shortness of breath and can’t wear one. This week, the few people at the grocery store without masks were old guys. Our eyes would meet with the twinkle of recognition of kindred souls. The masked cashier gave me the stink eye.
Its just yet another example of the crime of noticing. Noticing reality was illegal for some things already. This is just the same only more so. You cant notice crime differences, or behavior, or nepotism, or in your face conspiracies, or outrageous political inversion, fake history or the destruction of your whole country. Now its turning into a crime to notice the lack of dead bodies and the fact there is no plague. Its a war on reality. I sometimes wonder if its an in-joke to see how far you can persuade people to ignore reality. Almost like each time… Read more »
That’s exactly what Dalrymple said in the quote Z linked to. Noticing reality is now a crime.
“When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is…in some small way to become evil oneself.”
Forcing us to wear masks, especially when this supposed pandemic is on the wane, is just a form of forced submission. The Dalrymple quote is always a good explanation for the varying ways our timid oppressors try to control us to submit. M. Night Shyamalan’s movie the Happening comes to mind. A virus that numbs the mind and makes people suicidal. So the physical virus is not as harmful as this retardovirus. (zman). My boomer wife comes back with stories from the front. She really gives it back to these people being the based Polack that she is. I have… Read more »
No panic here. We saw this coming in February and simply augmented our somewhat meager supplies for a short term supply disruption. We lived thru hurricanes in Texas and we were snowed into our valley here for almost a month once, so we always have a stock of food and other supplies suitable for these kind of disruptions. We make our own bread. We still have a stock of canned veggies and fruit preserves we put up from our garden last year. We are old enough that food goes a long way for us as our appetites have fallen off… Read more »
At my store, it’s always a black or indian security guard monitoring the entrance, and a black or Indian person directing traffic through the cashiers.
They looove lording over the white shoppers and being able to tell them what to do. Huge attitude and power trip. And this is just from minimum wage losers working at a grocery store. Get ready for hell as their numbers explode.
Anyways the Karen’s are destroying society and maybe China will take over. Would living in a Xi dictatorship really be worse than the Cuck and Karen 3rd world shithole?
I re-read this one multiple times, laughing each round. At least you didn’t have to pass the cart allocation test administered by the ancient fag taking his charge *very serially, EXCELSIOR!* at our local grocery.
You aren’t gonna kill them, yet. Time to move forward with your day in this interlude of deception and fake fear.
Here’s a often imagined fantasy:
Boomer and the Zman
The all-new, bird-shootin’, fuck-youin’ dynamic duo!
Episode 1: Z-Man gets a haircut
A commotion ensues as Boomer flips off the stylist while Z-Man quotes Theodore Dalrymple to get out of wearing a mask and gloves. Rated TV14 for language and sexuality.
You guyz are making making me lol!
Episode 2: with his new sick fade, Z attains alpha status and picks up all the grocery store Karen’s. They flock to him unlike Thirsty.
Best comment board on the internet. =)
Episode 3: Z-Man goes riding
After our protagonists decide to ride bikes on a nice afternoon, a police drone sets upon them and orders them home. Little does Z know that Boomer has his shotgun, and a game of cat and mouse ensues! Guest starring Dominic West. Rated TV-MA for language and nudity.
Hey, do you work for Netflix?
“I reminded him that the most likely way for him to end up in the hospital was to keeptalking. The old guy, heroically chimed in with a vigorous “Fuck you, asshole” and a middle-finger at Cuck and Karen.”
Now there’s a TikTok worth watching.
When this thing started it didn’t pass the smell test. As time has progressed the smell has only gotten worse.
One of the more interesting things that I have observed is that those that live in the “country” and are able to take care of themselves recognized the smell. Those that live in the “city / suburbia” and can’t function without someone holding their hand didn’t and still can’t.
This thing shows how much we have dumbed down the citizenry.
I took a walk downtown a couple of times this week at lunchtime. Invariably, I saw cohorts of usually two women and one man, the women masked, Karens and Jr. Karens. The men (and I use that term advisedly) were sometimes masked, sometimes not. They were ambling along cuckishly, having been unable to tell the women, “I have better things to do than to be seen in public with mask-wearing psychos who are enjoying losing their liberties way too much.” And it occurred to me that these threesomes were somewhat representative of those two Washington Karens, Fauci and Birx, standing… Read more »
I think he has at least ceased the televised updates and MSM Press Dem PR shows.
Look, here is my problem with all these “heroes”. The same “heroes” that told me to hug a Chinaman…. The same “heroes” that told me not to wear masks …. The same “heroes” that told me that millions would die … The same “heroes” that told me to hundreds of thousands would die …. The same “heroes” that pimped death porn stories and still are … The same “heroes” that told me the mortality rate was 30x what it apparently is …. The same “heroes” that told people that their livelihoods were canceled while others could go on unscathed…. The… Read more »
I share Z-Man’s frustrations although I hesitate to unload on workers doing their jobs. What is particularly maddening is the apparent lack of any exit plan by the local dictators. They seem happy to continue with this nonsense until the last virus is extinguished and socialism reigns supreme.
As for Z-Man’s references to corporate America’s collaboration with this regime, I notice that Amazon’s stock has risen from $2,134 on February 10 to $2,410 on Friday. Nice to see “essential” businesses doing well!
The virus cops in the market were just customers. I agree about employees, just doing what they must to keep the job.
Cut Bezos some slack. After the divorce, no doubt he needed a few more billion. Wouldn’t everyone?
Jeff Bezos instructed the help at Whole Foods to place a sign telling me cash was accepted but that I would not be getting change back. When I expressed my disbelief, the sacker told me, “We just want you safe.” My life flashed in front of my eyes. I managed to get out of there without committing a felony. But I want to thank Jeff Bozes for spurring me on to find alternative outlets for the healthy products he offers. My freezer is now full of local grass-fed beef straight from an Enid ranch, which tastes far better than what… Read more »
WhereAreTheVikings said: “Jeff Bezos instructed the help at Whole Foods to place a sign telling me cash was accepted but that I would not be getting change back. When I expressed my disbelief, the sacker told me, “We just want you safe.” My life flashed in front of my eyes. I managed to get out of there without committing a felony.” The abolition of risk was the death of greatness. The nanny mentality was the pussification of American culture.The food police are a pain in the ass but the self esteem training for school kids was pure poision. When teachers… Read more »
You should go into the store everyday with a mask on so they won’t know who you are. Load up your cart to overflowing with expensive meats, caviar, anything that needs refrigeration. When you get ready to pay tell them all you have is cash and you can’t finish the transaction without getting change back. The just leave your cart there and walk out of the store. They will have to scramble employees to load up all your stuff and put it back. They may not even legally be able to restock some of the items. Do that every single… Read more »
Funny AND sad, Zman. I singled this line out in particular: “There is a strong correlation between class and the willingness to suspend the sense of disbelief.” The United States has been culturally Marxist for some time. To paraphrase one of the luminaries of that bloodthirsty cult, Trotsky, propaganda is more easily sold to the educated classes if you simply attach some authority to it, no matter how spurious. The uneducated classes will recognize bullshit as bullshit no matter how many Harvard-trained epidemiologists swear their model is accurate. I’m using “educated” loosely here but the point stands. The only resistance,… Read more »
Excellent summation. This is generally how I am observing things. I don’t what to do with my 11yo son. other than educating him on the values of freedom and what this country USED to be about.
I am an American born gen x son of Indian immigrants who is as conservative and patriotic as they come. There is not really a tribe for me in this country to easily fall into….not counting the conservative friends that I keep company with.
No matter. We will thrive. My boy will be ready for anything that comes his way.
Because magic dirt, magic paper, and magic propositions an American make . . . not.
wtf is that supposed to mean?
Boomers are fully indoctrinated by info-whores sitting on Fox News couches in stripper pumps. Or some by a butch Lesbian on that blue network.
You could have put a “many” or “most” at the beginning of your accusation. Please don’t include me.
Nor me.
The generational sniping is among the stupidest things I see on the right and people who stir it up, like you, Fuentes, Vox Day, etc. I have nothing but contempt for when I see you do it. Don’t you know when you’re being used? Don’t you know when someone is playing divide and conquer games with you? Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials, Gen Zs, these are your fathers, children, grandfathers and uncles. They’re not your enemies. It’s the worst kind of lack of self-awareness to look at the men of a generation — any generation — and think you would have… Read more »
This is a form of the doctrine of Original Sin, which I thoroughly believe in.
Seeing the same thing here. Maybe a third of people would wear a mask in the store. Now the local Stop & Shop wants to make it mandatory everyone wears a mask.
It’s really weird. Like a big snow storm that never happened but they’re still making people stay off the roads. Speaking of which traffic has taken a real uptick. Hopefully enough people will eventually grow tired of this nonsense and the petty tyrants won’t be able to enforce stupid rules on us.
The scenes at the California beaches are fantastic. One person could get arrested maybe two maybe a dozen. Thousands are going to be hard
In California of all places…
A big part of it is the underclass. Lots of mexicans, poor whites, blacks etc that don’t have the luxury of hunkering down in a nice suburban sprawl and continue to collect their paychecks.
They’re working poor, and they’re living 8 people in a 2 bedroom apartment. Unreasonable to ask them to hunker down indefinitely.
The sheriff says reports of domestic violence are way up here in Tulsa.
Good news for future lawyerin’ biz?
Just think of all the people locked in abusive relationships, with either husbands or parents, who used to seek refuge outdoors, but can no longer do so. They’re now like fish in a barrel.
Speaking of which traffic has taken a real uptick.
Same here in Copenhagen. The weather has been fantastic this week, and people have been congregating at the waterfront.

Nobody wears a mask here – I’d like to think it’s because it looks uncool, but the fact is that we haven’t been asked yet.
The masks don’t come in black yet. They are not complaint with the Law of Jante.
Who just sits on a pier like that? They don’t even appear to be bored.
The whiteness on display there is highly problematic…
Those are the only ones left. The Muslims probably have them there to ship them out.
So this morning they shut down the harbor for loitering…
When the weather gets a little better, they’ll probably shut down the beaches too.
I was born in 1979…. so either late Xer or early Millenial here. In my anecdotal observations most of the “Stay the F—- Home” and “don’t let the lockdowns end” hysteria is coming from two camps: a subset of Boomers who are spooked by their vulnerability and lazy ass Millennials and Zoomers who were never fond of the whole get-up-and-go-to-work-every-day routine to begin with.
Maybe I’m just emotionally sluggish, but I haven’t gotten too angry at people yet. Remember, when that thing was first tearing through Wuhan, it looked like it might be Black Death 2.0. But the strange thing is how people are unwilling to let go of their initial impressions. I suppose that “to admit reality at this point risks bruising their tender psyches,” as you say. I suspect that it also shows that these psychopaths were immediately building evil schemes upon the virus, and to admit the virus wasn’t as bad as expected would undermine those schemes. But the psychopaths always… Read more »
You’re exactly correct that people are unable to release their first impressions of this situation.
This is the psychological concept known as, “anchoring,” which I first encountered when trying to learn more about the art of negotiation. In those scenarios one party is typically trying to, “anchor,” the other party to a certain price or outcome that benefits them and preclude the possibility the other party will initiate an offer outside the potential zone of agreement.
I’m in a mandatory mask area, and mostly all ages are following the rules, except the some of the Mexicans. Not their fat diabetic, anchor babies under 25, they have them, but if you’re not going to pay attention to a meaningless, toothless law that tells you not to hop over the border, why pay attention to a mask one? Maybe it’s the illegal aliens who understand freedom after all. I went into a gas station without one yesterday and the cashier started muttering something with her mask on, I ignored her. You can’t be offended if someone sounds like… Read more »
I admit I have some newfound respect for the non-whites after this situation. They. Just. Don’t. Care.
Mexicans, Arabs, Indians, working class whites, blacks – all live as normal with perhaps an occasional nod to “social distancing” – just enough to keep the Karens at bay. The problem really seems to be Karens, Jews, and Asians.
When I look around, all I see is the infantilization of absolutely everything and everyone. It’s like being in a room full of children, whenever I need to interact with people in any way. I sort of get the mask and isolation stuff at Costco and the grocery store, because of all the mental children that shop there, but making people line up and wait outside to go in is simply overkill. Where the mask and line-up-outside thing really bugs me, however, is at Home Depot. That’s supposed to be the guy store, where non-children shop and buy. Maybe it… Read more »
Looking at Home Depot’s diversiphilic TV advertisments, I knew the jig was up, so to speak…
Home Depot is, of course one of those places where The Jig is not up. Not when I shop there anyway.
Which makes the ads all the more absurd.
Hear hear! The one very positive and potentially helpful and productive (I can only hope!!) aspect of all this nonsense is it makes the now gross and massive infantilization of everything plus the rest of the social sicknesses very concretely visible. While not everybody picks up on stomach-turning SJW toned ads, direct experiences of all the sickness in everyday life in the real world are not so easily ignored. Many people are now noticing things they previously didn’t, things which we around here may have noticed long ago. This is a good consequence, although of course entirely unintended by those… Read more »
If ordered to wear a mask can you be ordered to remove a mask that is in itself thoughtcrime (stars and bars, windmills of friendship and tolerance, SS lightning bolts, skull teeth)?
I’m thinking about decorating my masks with profanity.
I think I”ll write in black magic marker on mine, “Hi, Karen. Happy now?”
“Fuck (Governor/Mayor/local zealot of your location)”
“Hogan’s Zeros”
Already use a Sharpie to write on mine if I go somewhere that requires masks. They’re the simple white N95 masks. “Hoax” or “Police State” suffices. People look but no one says a thing. Write whatever you want on them.
I noticed something similar my 80 year old mother and my step father of 79 years are providing more push back to the Branch Covidian harping oppressors than my own kids. The younger generation has been carted around in a mini vans and sent to public schools ran by the gynocracy all their lives. Not all of them grant you. The next generation of young people have some warriors among them. But all of us baby boomers are not push overs either, nor have some of us been pleased with the direction that we are going. The advantage old baby… Read more »
All this talk from Boomers imagining themselves as John Wayne tellin’ it straight and not wearin’ a mask doesn’t impress me. You’re not moving the needle. I’m glad a hand full of you could step up for our mask rights now that the country is an empty shell of what it was, no thanks to you. Karen is your daughter by the way, and she needs a good slap. No wonder she’s in therapy. She’s getting too old for bangs by the way. You should write that in her moleskin notebook.
I read these sorts of comments and laugh. Later generations post-boomer definitely got fucked over, but the game was rigged from the start. Everyone is always looking for someone to blame for their woes and there no shortage of people to lay blame on.
That’s true. I just reflexively saw some commentary about “muh mask freedum” and imagined some engineer on the Titanic in a life raft clutching a dinner plate and thinking he somehow saved the entire ship.
The mask thing is bullshit on both sides of the issue. It’s symbolic, both to Karen and to the Brave
Individual Freedom Fighter but it means diddly squat. The real problem is Great Depression 2.0 but everybody is diverted to quibbling over whether or not to tie a piece of cloth on their face instead of revolting against the people who wrecked the economy.
The US elites wage class warfare constantly hence tobacco a sgreat evil but the lower classes solidarity and efforts at a push back was broken by the government, by fear of “reds” and by mass immigration and so they don’t get to wage class warfare back. I suspect Corona Chan may well change this and a lot of nominally middle class people will find out their true allies are not the rich but the working class. Buying them off and letting them believe they were just temporarily displaced millionaires was the old strategy but to borrow a line from Firefly… Read more »
I suggest we get up a petition drive to change our national motto from “E Pluribus Unum” to “When in trouble or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout” 😀
Excellent essay by Z. It’s a little more aggressive than usual, which is warranted. I’m getting mighty sick of listening to Cuomo speeches emanating from strangers’ cellphones at the store. About a week ago, I was contacted by a leader of a political movement via email. I won’t say which. Now I’m nervous. In the days preceding, I had been trying to get people together for the rally. Apparently, that’s how this guy got my information. He wanted me to “come out for Trump and [the movement].” I told him no; that polarizing the rally would strengthen the media’s narrative… Read more »
The arrow thing happened to my wife at Walmart. Some Karen started to berate her for not going in the direction the arrow was pointing. A similar thing happened to me at the mother of all TikTok stores, Costco. My cart was a few inches over the yellow line and the older Karen in front of me, who was wearing a mask of course, yelled at me for being too close. I just laughed. Meanwhile, she was so afraid that she was at least two yellow lines behind the guy in front of her!
Oh how the masses have fallen.
The masses are fulfilling Mencken’s assessment to a tee.
And what, pray tell, about that precious form of government that relies on the “wisdom” of the masses?
I refuse to wear a mask to enter a Walmart unless I am robbing it. I paid them $7.95 to deliver. I plan to order only once every 5 or 6 weeks even after the calamity. It is a bargain.
On the up-side, what glorious time to be a robber!
The overlords will never totally outrun American ingenuity and craftiness, practiced by those with robust American DNA.
Gen Zed kids are barely 18 these days. Its Gen Y that are the frady cats
Understandable as they were raised like mental hospital inmates more often than not in broken homes.
The few Zeds I’ve talked to seem alright to me.
I love reading or hearing Cuck and Karen stories like this. A couple weeks ago, a buddy of mine was in line at the supermarket. He was not wearing a mask; thankfully this is not mandated in our little corner of the world. The store does have the Xs taped on the floor, indicating where everybody is to stand for “proper social distancing” of course. My buddy complied with this, because per common sense when the nonsense is this minor it’s best simply to go along to get along. Karen objected to his not wearing of a mask and so… Read more »
Your buddy should of told the cuck to put a leash on his bitch…
These same idiots are the first to show up with their diseased reusable grocery bags.