My Heart is an Alligator

The meteor that just slammed into the Clinton campaign thanks to the FBI is one of those events that is both wildly entertaining, but also a bit baffling. The FBI director is not a moron so he had to know that this was an unprecedented act. He’s not just putting a new story into the political bloodstream, but he is putting himself and the FBI into the presidential election in an unprecedented way. In other words, he knew before he sent the letter that he was setting off the mother of all shit storms.

The question then is why has the FBI Director taken this step?

Assuming he knew the consequences, the only logical answer here is that the alternatives were all deemed to be far worse than setting off this scandal. This assumes he is not some sort of sadist that enjoys being in the middle of political pissing matches with skunks like the Clintons. It also means that waiting was not an acceptable choice. Waiting two weeks to send this letter would have avoided this and perhaps buried the news in the post election celebrating. For some reason, he decided this was not a viable option.

If we start from there, the question then becomes what could be so bad that the Director believed he had no choice. The first thing that comes to mind is that we have the story that money moved from Team Clinton to the number two man in the FBI, through his wife. Clinton helped raise money for a PAC that Terry McAuliffe controlled, which then handed half a million to the campaign of Jill McCabe, who is the wife of the number two man at the FBI. He was also working the e-mail case.

This is the sort of the thing that results in expensive lawyers getting phone calls from DC’s power players. It is possible that the game is to throw the Republicans some red meat by getting butch with Clinton over her e-mail. The problem here is Comey says they have new information and that will have to be disclosed. It also means tangling with Team Clinton, who could be in the White House in a few months. If you are going to strike the queen, you better kill the queen or have plans to leave the country.

Another possibility that comes to mind is something that was revealed in the daily WikiLeaks e-mails being dumps. We now have proof that the White House knew about the secret server and Obama was getting e-mails from Clinton’s private account. They had successfully played dumb on this but this steady release of e-mails has to be making people nervous. John Podesta is not some clerk. He is one of the biggest power brokers in Washington. He knows things that are not supposed to be known.

The other angle here is that the Obama people have always hated the Clintons and a lot of people on the Left of the party still hold a grudge against Hillary. This could simply be a case where the Obama people are using this as an excuse to execute the kill shot on someone they truly loath. Politics is a blood-sport and Obama’s people play rough. They cracked open sealed divorce documents twice to help Obama win local campaigns in Illinois. They would not flinch at doing the old bag like this.

That’s the other piece of the puzzle. It’s very clear that Team Clinton had no idea this was coming. Clinton looked poleaxed giving her statement to reporters and what she said bordered on nonsense. This was a well orchestrated hit job. In a town where keeping a secret is nearly impossible, the FBI managed to spring a total surprise. That was not an accident either. This was done for maximum effect. It either means the White House was in the dark up until Friday or the White House was orchestrating it.

There is also the lesson of Watergate. The caper was done for the most mundane reasons. John Dean acted as he did out of purely personal motives. Mark Felt talked because he had his feelings hurt. Alexander Butterfield was just an honest guy asked the right question at the right time. The point being, serendipity and personal grudges often count for more than Machiavellian scheming. Some last straw may have finally caused Comey to go rogue and take out Clinton at her most vulnerable moment.

Right now, my heart is an alligator.

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Christopher S. Johns
Christopher S. Johns
7 years ago

Let me put on my tinfoil hat so that I might better come to grips with this profound disturbance in the force. I have no conclusions, just a few observations: 1) A couple of weeks ago four-star Marine Corps General James Cartwright pleaded guilty to mishandling classified info after he leaked details of cyber sabotage operations against the Iranian nuke program to reporters. He hasn’t been sentenced, but faces a maximum of five years in prison; 2) The Clinton campaign and it’s hired mouthpieces (CNN, ABC, WaPo, etc.) stridently assert that the Podesta and DNC leaks are the fruits of… Read more »

Christopher S. Johns
Christopher S. Johns
Reply to  Christopher S. Johns
7 years ago

That should of course be “precedent” in the last sentence, but “president” will do.

Reply to  Christopher S. Johns
7 years ago

Well, let’s hope you are correct.
On the flip side, the new investigation can be thought of as the Burning of the Reichstag.

Dan Kurt
Dan Kurt
Reply to  Christopher S. Johns
7 years ago

re; “The Clinton campaign and it’s hired mouthpieces (CNN, ABC, WaPo, etc.) stridently assert that the Podesta and DNC leaks are the fruits of Russian espionage, but to my knowledge there has been no detailed exposé published linking Russian intelligence to these cyber thefts.” Christopher S. Johns

Wikileaks, released information this past week, that John Podesta LOST his smart phone getting out of a taxi. It apparently fell out of his phone carrier. No Russians were involved in this. See:

Reply to  Dan Kurt
7 years ago

They got a serious problem though. Lies only work long as the lies stand up with the support of the narrative. There is no fall back. Lies are just that, lies, unlike the truth that requires no backup. With no fall back, the only requisite is to deny deny deny. but you need a major plurality who buy into the lies for it to e effective. Soon as that plurality withdraws tacit consent your fucking toast.

Wayne Parker
Wayne Parker
Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

The Russians have a saying. You can only go forward with a lie, never backward.

Reply to  Christopher S. Johns
7 years ago

RE: Christopher’s point #2: Unfortunately, the deluded masses are so clueless that I doubt they’re paying any attention to the fact that “there has been no detailed exposé published linking Russian intelligence to these cyber thefts.” Anyone who gets their information from traditional sources is hearing nothing but crap about the Russians being the bad guys in all this. The media” are nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party, and so they dutifully spout Hillary’s crap about Russia, and repeat it and repeat it until people actually believe it. I fear that most of the population is… Read more »

King George III
King George III
7 years ago

Obviously, Trump is involved in some form or fashion. Let us not miss why he is so extraordinarily rich and why he has been so extraordinarily effective: he knows how to talk the pants off of elite men and women—in some cases figuratively, in some cases literally. He has contacts and assets throughout the present system, as well as many natural allies who are simply fed up with the bullshit they labor under. This is quite clear by the way that he has in some limited ways already exerted power over the system. When we consider the magnitude of the… Read more »

Reply to  King George III
7 years ago

From Trump’s tweets of over a year ago, it seems he had the Hillary/Huma/Wiener e-mail trail sussed out way back when… Either impressive instincts, or his bunnies have very good noses.

Dr. Mabuse
Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

As he said at the end of the convention, he’s the guy who knows how the game is played. We’ve never had one of those leading the Republican Party, and it makes quite a difference.

Yankee Girl
Yankee Girl
Reply to  Dr. Mabuse
7 years ago

Something I’ve realized after almost a lifetime hanging around w/ politicians and trying to get them elected, is that the Democrats go to war to get people elected. HRC’s signs: “Stronger Together” and “I’m With Her.” They aren’t ashamed of their advocacy. The Bush-ite Repubs want it to break their way because of their wonderfulness, which should be obvious to all of us peons putting up yard signs, manning phone banks, attending fund-raising dinners. They really won’t fight for their backers — and vice-versa, sadly. They are just faux warriors and get elected b/c from time to time the Dem… Read more »

Dr. Mabuse
Reply to  Yankee Girl
7 years ago

Can you imagine Cruz surviving the onslaught over his OWN sexual escapades? Look at the riot the media tried to raise because Trump said a few dirty words a decade ago. Cruz had an affair, for God’s sake! MULTIPLE mistresses, they said ! AND he was a holier-than-thou Christian! I feel sure that the muted press response to the scandal during the primaries was because they wanted to save that ammunition to use against Cruz if he became the nominee. He’d never have survived.

Yankee Girl
Yankee Girl
Reply to  Dr. Mabuse
7 years ago

Sad but true, Dr. Mabuse. Cruz was a slender reed for Repubs to base any serious hopes of victory on. Glad he was found out relatively early. Kasich is the real troublemaker as Governor of an important state. He could still cause problems. POS.

7 years ago

Some thoughts come to mind. One is that the slow roll of the Wikileaks reveals means that there is a lot more coming. While the rest of us can guess, those on the inside, probably both the Clinton and Obama clans, know what actually is in there, so are acting based on what is going to come out. This might be a pre-emptive take-out of the Clintons. After all, do the Obamas really want to play second fiddle to the Hill and Billy show? Also, if the next few years are really going to be the sh*t-show many of us… Read more »

Ron Snyder
Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

The Clans know what could be in there. Nothing I’ve read indicates that they know exactly what Wikileaks has.

Reply to  Ron Snyder
7 years ago

Because Wikileaks slow-rolls the distribution, they can’t rest easy. They know what “could” be in there, and it might be in the next batch, or the one after, or…

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

Well ya, feed out a little line, get them in more lies, and then reef like no tomorrow on the rod setting the hook nice and deep, watch them try to shake of the hook, then just when they think they get loose, drop a half a stick of 80% into the pool and watch them float to the surface like dead fish.

7 years ago

Zman brings up a salient point about serendipity. There’s a great saying about not attributing malice to what you can incompetence. In other words, just because these actors running things have this political power right now doesn’t make them necessarily smart. Hell, as is being revealed, most are sociopaths or psychopaths, pathological liars, sexual deviants, idea logs or just plain can’t fix that kind of stupid stupid, the systems is rife with them. After all, politics today is so closely related to corruption and nepotism, ideology like cultural marxism, and all the rest of truly bad human nature, they are… Read more »

Ofay Cat
Ofay Cat
Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

I keep thinking we are getting closer and closer to where the ‘people’ will have to kill their government and start over. That’s a common occurrence in history is it not? Like a coupe …. or civil war … Sometimes those megalomaniacs just don’t know when they have worn out the welcome mat and need to be taken to the door.

Reply to  Ofay Cat
7 years ago

I’ve read a number of others thoughts on that, one line of reasoning is to deliberately vote to elect the psychopath in a pants suit to assure it all burns down. Because that may well be the only way to redress and reset the consequences of the Leviathan. It is a pretty dark and ugly propersition, yet there is a certain validity contained within the notion. I’m not an advocate of it, but it sure has a kind of battlefield combat humor to it. But something certainly has to give here. These idiots running things have to be done with,… Read more »

Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

Do not pose voting for Hillary even as a hypothetical. The woman is so evil she terrifies me.

Reply to  Kathy
7 years ago

Rightfully so, she is a truly diabolical character. She should terrify every sensible person in this great country. She is the crowning achievement of decades of cultural marxist corruption of everything that stands for this republic and its principles of will of the governed. Me, I’m looking at the next genocidal mass murderer when I see her. this is where these things lead. When a constitutional republic has been usurped past the point of legitimacy, force is all that remains as power to govern over people. So the next stage is to kill everyone who refuses to submit. Great problem… Read more »

Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

“Love or hate Donald Trump, right now, that guy is the only brakes on this out of control ruling class runaway train.”
And Doug, I hope enough voters wake up to that before they cast their vote. I live in a town with Gary Johnson yard signs all over…. and have friends who are planning to write in Darrell Castle. If all of them, plus the Evan McMullin voters in Utah, would just vote Trump, I am convinced he’d win in a landslide.

7 years ago

I love this, I really do. Were this a Republican candidate, any ONE of HRC’s many, many, many scandals would get approximately all the journalism prizes in the world (and probably a Nobel Peace Prize to boot). As it is, it’s just a fun Saturday’s speculation for badthinkers about the precise mechanics of what should be blood-in-the-streets-level corruption. It’s mortal, but not serious, because we must always remember that Donald Trump said “pussy” once. Fun times.

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I don’t know; the msm were already trimming back their lies/polls before this fbi story broke. hillary is dragging a lot of names out into the open, with her thrashing about. powerful names. they will shut her candidacy down just to keep from having *all* their dirty laundry aired out. the final act now, is for hillary and bill to go down into the bunker and sat their good byes (and then checking out permanente).

Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
7 years ago

If only that would indeed happen. What do you think would happen if they were left with one gun and two bullets? Who would go first? One shoot themselves or one do the other first? Either way, good riddance. One can only “hope.” Hey, the first time I have enjoyed using that word “hope” in eight years!

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  LetsPlay
7 years ago

Think Bonny and Clyde…at the end 😛

Orange hat
Orange hat
Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
7 years ago

I think it’s gonna be every man for himself and a fight for the lifeboats – run for your lives!

Reply to  Orange hat
7 years ago

I think the fuckers are so crazy, they will take everyone down with them if they can.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

That’s what I’d go with — her support is rock solid because the American people have, yet another wild accusation from the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, etc. That, and I’m sure they’ll come up with something else Trump said 20 years ago that’s the new Worst Thing Evar — “I hope the Cubs never make the World Series!” or something. I just find it funny that amid all the accusations that it’s the Russians hacking doing all the hacking, nobody credits Trump with anything. Isn’t one of #NeverTrump’s endless talking points the fact that he knows all these people… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
7 years ago

Trump peed in the sink once.

Reply to  Severian
7 years ago

Don’t forget, he called a girl “fat” too. Millions of women haven’t.

They understand being called “fat.” And I bet most of them, with the encouragement of the media, will see this as just a rehash of the old email thing that was already settled and buried.

7 years ago

Why is this happening? Here’s my two cents: Obama has now been shown to be is involved and tacitly complicent and has been shown – to the real surprise of no one – to be a liar. Do you honestly think that Comey will do anything without the President’s knowledge and consent? He has been told to get Obama’s name off of this and if it means Hillary goes down, then so be it.

Yankee Girl
Yankee Girl
Reply to  BiggBear
7 years ago

Excellent point. Love how Team Clinton knew nothing about this until their plane landed in Iowa. Someone got a picture of Hillary looking dour and Huma’s face all red and eyes brimming with tears. OT, I had a friend send me a recap of the aftermath of the First Debate, w/ the screaming meltdown of HRC reaming Matt Lauer while still in the studio. Can this be verified as true? It’s probably a frosty morn in Chappaqua today.

7 years ago

I take ONE day off from following the news about the campaign to help my girlfriend get her house ready for the next NE winter and All HELL breaks loose?

We’re going out to dinner (date night!) and now I must wear my best jacket over my “Hillary for Prison” t shirt.

Yankee Girl
Yankee Girl
Reply to  John the River
7 years ago

You will freeze to death for sure. Good luck. Maybe she’ll take pity on you;-)

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
7 years ago

Guess all those “conservatives” that endorsed Hillary are feeling a little queasy just about now.

Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
7 years ago

I doubt it; everybody already knew she was a criminal, fraud, lying, dishonest bit*h, who was ALREADY under FBI investigation, yet they STILL supported her!!!
They just looked at their investment/ bank / influence accounts and saw it could be maintained/grown under Clinton, but maybe not with a Trumpian president.
Voila, they are all in for Hillary.

Yankee Girl
Yankee Girl
Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
7 years ago

You mean like General Colin Powell. He’s a famous backstabber from decades ago. Another mistaken appointment of GHWB.

Reply to  Yankee Girl
7 years ago

How much you wanna bet me Colin is a cross dressing closet commie?
He is a contemporary of Secretary of State Lurch and Sen. McCain.
Both got to be old comintern manchurian candidates. It is just too cute how they both turned out. There are no unrelated, unintended, spontaneous natural coincidences in obama’s amerika.

Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
7 years ago

Sucks to be Cucks.

walt reed
walt reed
7 years ago

Razzle Dazzle with Lucy putting the football on the tee…………….again. Comey finds backbone, does the right thing. Jimmy Stewart lives. I think not. Pucker up everyone, you are going to be kissed before you are fu_cked………..again. Boobus Americanus on the roller coaster………..again. One mans’ humble opinion based on the long term Clinton “experience.” Best regards everyone.

Yankee Girl
Yankee Girl
Reply to  walt reed
7 years ago

Remember the photo from Thursday showing Moochelle’s long, simian arms wrapped around Hillary? HRC looking positively blissed-out? Positively Godfatherish! I had a bad feeling looking at that;-)

Reply to  Yankee Girl
7 years ago

Matriarchy ain’t Patriarchy.
I mean that in that best traditions of long held legacy of the human race learning the hard way how each half of humanity best serves to thrive in provincial and proven traditions.
This age of unicorn farts and magic diversity beans fucking sucks ass in no uncertain terms.

7 years ago

The only theory missing so far is the one about what this does to the legitimate conclusion of the election? What happens if Hill is “taken out” before Nov. 8? Who is on the Dem ticket? Is the election valid? Or does Barry get to use his powers to declare some kind of situation where he continues as de facto prez for who knows how long? It’s good to be king! And his mama-in-law don’t wanna move!

Reply to  LetsPlay
7 years ago

The DNC would have to quickly decide if they wanted to go ahead with Kaine or throw in someone new…like say..Michelle?

Reply to  firefirefire
7 years ago

Hmmm… If the Obumbles want the first evah female President to be one of their own, then it makes sense to clear Shrillary out of the way, concede the next four years to Trump and come back really strong with Michelle Owookie

Orange hat
Orange hat
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Be interesting to see how he sticks the boot in. His “legacy” is about to be pounded to dust so no doubt it will get nasty.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

If Obama really is the clinically diagnosable narcissist many of him have thought him to be, that would make sense. And he DOES despise Hillary.

Reply to  LetsPlay
7 years ago

What we are facing here as dirt people is not a constitutional republic based on the rule of law, but a lowest human common denominator banana republic based on the rule over a people for pure unadulterated wonton hedonism and profit.

7 years ago

My bet is on the Ghost of Directors Past. Can you imagine J. Edgar Hoover hounding you at night? In drag? So, I think he saw that the Clinton’s had even publicly tied in the FBI to their little criminal enterprise with the #2 guy’s wife, and it was a bridge too far.

Reply to  Allen
7 years ago

I believe you are correct, or close to it. Comey was under so much pressure from past directors and subordinates over his capitulation to Lynch and Obama that, to keep any respect for the bureau alive, he had to do something. That’s also why the first disclosure was to Congress, not to Lynch/Obama. To make damn sure they had no opportunity to stop it or deflect it. Again.

james wilson
james wilson
7 years ago

My bet remains on apathy. This way, after Hillary is elected it can be said the people already knew and expressed their will, sort of like electing someone from prison. But I hope to be wrong. It’s worth a big smile in any event, and on top of the Oregon verdict, two smiles. A good day for the Deplorables.

Old Codger
Old Codger
Reply to  james wilson
7 years ago

Every little bit helps sway the low-info types. Recent polls show Americans in general, feel “corruption” is their number one fear. Mark this up as an anti-corruption PSA.

Ron Snyder
Reply to  james wilson
7 years ago

Totally agree. The Oregan verdict was immensely satisfying, the FBI’s October surprise of immense importance.

Reply to  james wilson
7 years ago

Mmm, should I vote for candidate under investigation by the FBI for a myriad of corruption, felony and espionage crimes, or… aaa… mmmm… a candidate that has never broken a law or been under suspicion of, what, treason, or taking multi million dollar bribes from foreign dictators, left 4 of her employees for dead in a decimated former sovereign nation in north africa, one an ambassador fucked up the ass with a broomstick then murdered by musloids … jeez, what a pain the the ass having to make a decision like this. Hey, I’m going to run my credit card… Read more »

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
7 years ago

Let’s look as some simple explanations. Carlos is looking at a long Federal stretch for his antics. He now has no friends and no money. But he does have an incentive to minimize his time locked up with “Bubba”. I’ll bet he’s helping out. Second, I’d reckon the FBIs didn’t breathlessly rush into Comey’s office saying they found 10s of thousands of emails and quick get a re-open memo out. They found them and the initial reviews are not pretty. Third Comey is now stuck with maybe a constitutional crisis now or certainly one later if he holds onto this… Read more »

7 years ago

What’s past is prologue?

As the US Attorney General for the Eastern District of New York, her office crafted a sweetheart deal for HSBC after they has been caught in the largest money laundering scheme in US history:

A few months later, James Comey is appointed to the HSBC Board of Directors:

Then there are major clients of HSBC contributing $81 million to the Clinton Foundation:

Let’s move on folks, there’s nothing to see here.

Reply to  MSO
7 years ago

Holy fucking crap! I never even heard about all that. Thanks for all the links. This should be broadcast everywhere.

Reply to  Kathy
7 years ago

Goes deeper than that. Why do you think they hate Trump so much. There is no way to hide or cover up what these criminals have done if Hillary is not installed as the Red Queen. They only thing is a continuation of the same people holding the levers of power.
This election is for all the marbles. There is no turning back if she is the next usurper.
It will be pitchforks and rifles of the dirt people verses Hobbes Leviathan.

Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

Well, if you look at the details of Walsh’s 1992 indictment of Cap Weinberger 4 days!!! before the election, and read this little article from Forbes and ask yourself, is Trump lucky? or are we missing something? Is Pepe more than just a meme? Is Pepe an agent of the Trump?

7 years ago

My bet is it’s chaos theory at work. All of the Clinton bullshit and all of the moving parts that have orchestrated it have become so complicated that the fluttering of the wings of the Weiner penis, the Weiner weiner as it were, have made it an uncontrollable disaster.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Zman, I appreciate your point on the CCF and deceit… I was thinking too though, the old wisdom of what happens to liars. They get away with it, and then can’t stop. They become too smart by half and believe their own BS. Then they cannot stop. We are living in a Greek tragedy … The smart pair of Clintons , who lied and grafted their way to power and money, only to be undone by first their own daughter uncovering fraud and kickbacks at their family foundation and then by the magnitude of lies and smug liars who ultimately… Read more »

Reply to  James LePore
7 years ago

Order out of Chaos. It is the Fabian way, hence the cultural marxist way, the William Ayers final solution, the Alynski underlying standard operating procedure. Clovin/Piven advocated it application via the welfare state. Marx and Lenin used it to effective results, obama is nothing if not a order out of chaos disciple. Remember we are talking about progeny red diaper babies and their sycophants running things. Regardless of their greed and avarice, they are little commie crotch droppings first. Born and bred to whats going down. Only have to look at who their decedents are. It reads like a ho-down… Read more »

Ace Rimmer
Ace Rimmer
7 years ago

I’m long on popcorn futures. This couldn’t be happening to a more appropriate set of characters.

Time for a win for the good guys? Stay tuned.

Reply to  Ace Rimmer
7 years ago

Lord bless you, I’m with you Ace. Dirt people win in the end.

7 years ago

It must be a lot of fun to be in D.C. this morning. Everyone has a hand in the game, nobody knows who is about to get nailed, and it’s all coming down fast. Like cockroaches when the lights go on at midnight.

7 years ago

Take this into consideration: Comey never seized any electronic devices violating SOP yet the FBI agents involved in Weiner’s sexting with the 15yrs old girl – seized all electronic devices located at Weiner’s/Abedin’s residence incl a lap top they both shared. According to agents involved in HRC investigation they state in their notes – as released (accompanied by the chief of espionage) – “Huma Abedin took it upon herself to often change or override security protocol and hoarded thousands of classified and other emails on her private laptop located at her residence”! Anonymous and WikiLeaks announced 1 November the date… Read more »

Reply to  cali
7 years ago

We’re hearing now that the Clinton aides’ devices – initially said have been destroyed when their owners received immunity – may not have been destroyed after all.

7 years ago

My read on this is that Comey has lost control of the Bureau after his blatant conspiratorial collusion in spiking the investigation of the Clinton email investigation. It’s been widely reported that the Bureau is in open revolt against Comey’s leadership. He went public with this because he can no longer trust that his agents won’t leak to the press. These things happen when one loses their moral authority to lead a law enforcement organization. Comey will go down in history as the man who destroyed the credibility of the FBI. At minimum he must resign. In Imperial Japan he… Read more »

Yankee Girl
Yankee Girl
Reply to  Gues
7 years ago

Just the other day I learned that Director Comey is not an FBI Special Agent. So a lot of people hate his guts.

7 years ago

Weiner tried to increase his chances of getting laid by sending the nuclear codes to a 15-year old Gaston County, NC girl.

Red Headed Stranger
Red Headed Stranger
7 years ago

I just read a link on THE DRUDGE REPORT that said Huma Abedin had gone into hiding. Completely understandable given her soon-to-be-ex-husband’s latest monumental screwup. But I’m wondering if she’s in a Clinton-controlled compound somewhere or if she took off on her own and is hiding in a hotel room somewhere. Or, even worse for the Clintons, possibly to her CAIR mom and/or dad. If she took that last option this thing could go nuclear.

Dr. Mabuse
Reply to  Red Headed Stranger
7 years ago

You thinking what I’m thinking? The first instinct of Muslims when the net starts to close is to run for safety back to the Dar al-Islam.

Reply to  Red Headed Stranger
7 years ago

Breaking open the Muslim Brotherhood link to the Clintons (that is, Huma) may be the unexpected payoff here.

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

The Clintons will sell anything for money, and it is well documented that the Saudis, in particular, love to buy influence with wads of cash. Abedinomics 101.

Christopher S. Johns
Christopher S. Johns
7 years ago

What if the FBI has uncovered evidence on Weiner’s device that Huma is a spy, and has been passing on intel to the Muslim Brotherhood and/or others? A shocker, I know, considering her background.

That seems to be what’s shaping up this morning. This is the headline from ZeroHedge:

FBI Found “Tens Of Thousands Of Emails” Belonging To Huma Abedin On Weiner’s Laptop

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Humagate. (Rymes with fumigate).

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Weiner is already in a Trump safe-house, that is fully stocked with lube and pr0n! Top of the world Ma!

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

you know what would be funny? If weiner is a patsy in all of this. that he was picked as a weak point in clinton’s inner circle, and enticed into the sexting? And the emails were “injected” onto his computer; after all, they aren’t forgeries, they are indistinguishable from the originals. once a state actor had the emails, it would be easy to reverse engineer a way to use them to sink hillary.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

You got to think like a ruling elite in a super sized banana republic. Comey is afraid of something that is worth having a contract put out on his arse by the clinton crime syndicate inc. The guy is by any standard a corrupt associate of the CCS inc. He was appointed as a fixer and enabler. His associations and conflicts of interest make him controllable. So boy oh boy, something pretty bad must be afoot for him to run to congress as an insurance policy he doesn’t end up taking a dirt nap. Somebody is going to spill the… Read more »

Orange hat
Orange hat
Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

Yeah that’s why it’s not so smart for Bobble to request the release of the docs. All Comey has to do is provide a general idea of the content and she is finished. Which is a good thing because her anywhere near the presidency would destroy the last remnants of the US and she’d give the crazy clown smile and blame it on the deplorables.

Reply to  Orange hat
7 years ago

Telling you, you got to think like a transnationalist corruptocrat. They have so many irons in the fire, Weiner and Huma are a glimpse on the tip of the iceberg. Whats going on with these people is on a scale most of us can’t fathom. I don’t mean to say we are ignorant people, I’m saying we are ignorant, and unaccustomed to the scale and scope of the corruption and criminal nature of these people. There is no precedence in human history of the scale of what they are doing. They are strip mining the world of it’s intrinsic wealth.… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

There is nothing unrelated in all this because the players are all related and connected. We just aren’t permitted to see how connected. But take this news about Loretta Lynch pleading the Fifth. Something really stinks here. Wait a second here, you mean to say, THE, Attorney General, of The United States of America, the most trusted judicial entity in the entire country, who is required by federal law to sign off on those billions in “ransom money” sent to the Iranians, like Hillary Clinton is the only entity in the federal government who has cross border signing authority, that… Read more »

Christopher S. Johns
Christopher S. Johns
Reply to  Christopher S. Johns
7 years ago

It struck me as a little odd that the FBI would be so conspicuously involved in the Wiener sexting stuff – yes, it was with underage girls across state lines and he is a high profile figure – but it could be that they were looking for this all along.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

That’s the funny part… how insane is it that Huma and Anthony… people of means… “shared” a laptop.. even when she knew he was creepy… and he knew she was connected. I think there is nothing more here than serendipity …. oh, and Weiner… hes a political hack and I bet there is more dirt there. Also, I cannot imagine if the FBI finds compromising evidence of Huma passing info/intel on to the Muslim Brotherhood, or her Mom, etc… There could be bad stuff there. I’m also hoping that someone has hacked Valarie Jarret…. now that would be so awesome.… Read more »

Yankee Girl
Yankee Girl
Reply to  Uncle_Max
7 years ago

Yes, the “talented tenth” mulattos who have so little regard for the 90% A-As “beneath” them. Interesting, but I’ll bet BHO, Valerie, Loretta, Eric Holder, Jeh Johnson and so on, probably share an IQ in the range of 110. Aren’t they special? I will bet that Moochelle is probably at 100 and that the previous group mentioned roll their eyes when she gets going. Her so-called thesis at Princeton was pathetic. The faculty let it pass, misspellings and all. Skip Gates from Cambridge is part of this group. Remember how he referred to the “Ink Well,” a bathing beach near… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago


Christopher S. Johns
Christopher S. Johns
Reply to  Christopher S. Johns
7 years ago

Comey appears to have broken with Lynch over the public announcement of the reopened investigation: “According to the Administration official, Lynch asked Comey to follow Justice Department policies, but he said that he was obliged to break with them because he had promised to inform members of Congress if there were further developments in the case. He also felt that the impending election created a compelling need to inform the public, despite the tradition of acting with added discretion around elections. The Administration official said that Lynch and Justice Department officials are studying the situation, which he called unprecedented.”… Read more »

Reply to  Christopher S. Johns
7 years ago

Consider this: at the height of the Cold War, the daughter of the editor of Soviet Life magazine moves to the West and marries the heir of a department store fortune, but keeps her Soviet passport, travels freely between the West and the USSR, and is never denounced by her parents. In addition to all of the above, she keeps her job as an assistant editor at Soviet Life.

That’s what Abd al Deen (the non-anglicized version of her name) represents.

Reply to  el_baboso
7 years ago

el_ baboso, Abedin (or ‘Aabidiin, to make the transcription more “scholarly” within the means offered by a normal keyboard) is a legitimate Arab name, translatable as “worshippers.” Due to its semantics, it tends to come up more in compounds — wasn’t Zayn Al-Abedin (Ornament of / Paragon among the Worshippers) the name of the Tunisian dictator toppled by his country’s “spring” — but it can also appear in isolation. In case you read Arabic, have a look at H.A.’s Arabic Wikipedia entry Having said this, it sure would be nice to find out what that Oriental beauty looks like in… Read more »

Reply to  Herzog
7 years ago

Thank you, Herzog. I’ve hung out with some Lebanese whose ancestors moved here before the 1923 cut off. Typically, Abu Haidar became Buhidar and Abu Zayd became Abizaid. I made a bad assumption based on that

Given that under sharia she is apostate for marrying a non-Muslim, that her folks are part of the Wahhabi Comintern, and that neither her mother or late father have disowned her speaks rather loudly to me as to who she really works for.

Reply to  el_baboso
7 years ago

baboso, it speaks loudly to anyone with half a brain. Those of us who pay attention to the islamification of the world have been pointing out this stuff FOR YEARS. We even got 5 brave Congresspeople to call attention to the problem. And they got reamed and ridiculed. And ignored.

Jim VA
Jim VA
Reply to  el_baboso
7 years ago

Not just a non-Muslim; a Jew. Makes no sense. Probably arranged by Hillary so she could remain here as her aid.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
7 years ago

So the SMOD that entirely too many were hoping for hits only The Clinton Crime Family and looks like James Comey with his hazelnuts in a vice_? Surreal_! I say Comey’s hazelnuts must really be in a vice because unlike Watergate (which I saw as an adult) the Cloud People and the elite media are (for now) still Ready for Hillary. (Then they had been Nixon’s sworn enemies since day 1 despite his many efforts to buy them off – e.g. EPA, etc.) Comey knows all this and has no doubt enjoyed his time being one of them. Now he… Read more »

7 years ago

I just released that team Grifter bobblehead has two sex offenders on board – dollar Bill and the Wiener.

7 years ago

My contention is that Comey was forced by the reaction of his subordinates and criticism in respectable right-wing legal circles. First, the revolt among agents at the FBI is growing. Line FBI agents realized that Comey threw the investigation and are furious. Comey probably thought he would have to throw the investigation, but did not expect a revolt based on the espirt de corps of the FBI. Agents took it as a personal insult giving the obvious failures to seize evidence, allow multiple subjects to be interviewed at the same time, and other investigative failures, all aside from the refusal… Read more »

Reply to  Federale
7 years ago

The problem for the FBI and Comey… the Clintons never stop with the lies and graft, and with the email leaks, they can’t have any confidence of keeping the lid on information getting out , much less a revolt within the agency, which I think is there, but they’ve so far kept a lid on. So the Podesta emails and the threat of more…. and even the rumors that some hackers have found Clintons’ deleted emails… this whole thing is spiraling out of control. The folks that have controlled the narrative up to this summer have lost control… ( plates… Read more »

7 years ago

Check out the speculation at the end of Jake’s link. Could this be a “hey everybody, look over here. Never mind those wikilinks, this is really hot. Give us all your attention.” Then at 12 noon on Nov. 4 we get a never mind, it was really nothing, wish we had time to catch up on the email leaks.

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

My guess is Weiner had a video of Alma and Hideous, en flagante! (and his is not the only copy)

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
7 years ago


Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

It is clear from camp clinton’s shell shocked reaction, that they had no idea this was coming. it may still turn out to be nothing new, but it definitely has the media scrambling to get more info. No one would risk the blow back that staging this kind of thing would entail, especially not if you thought you were leading.

Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
7 years ago

They didn’t know it was coming, but I believe she knew on the plane. Photos show a very disturbed-looking Hillary Clinton, standing in the plane, talking with aides. She was caught by surprise, but it was before she landed.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

FatCowOne is a good one Z Man. But I heard recently that the actual Secret Service name for the aircraft in question is BroomStickOne. Too good to check, I’d say

Reply to  Al from da Nort
7 years ago

I recently heard that it is called Hospice One

Reply to  Lulu
7 years ago

Looked more to my like the look of now we are really bagged, and it’s growing too late to wiggle and spin our way out of this one.

Yankee Girl
Yankee Girl
Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
7 years ago

Michael Savage said this bombshell will have more staying power b/c it’s got the “sex” element in spades. They tried to “trump” Donald with it but it ran out of steam. Media such as People mag and that sort of thing love to dish the stuff up, steaming hot.

Dr. Mabuse
Reply to  Yankee Girl
7 years ago

That’s because people want to read about it. State Department placements, security details, field reports – it’s boring to LIVs. But sex? Heck, everyone understands that, and they want to know more. And if the bigfoot media won’t tell them about it, they’ll go looking for the information elsewhere. Just like teenage kids, their parents’ clamming up about the subject will just make them more determined to hunt down the info. The press knows this, which is why they tried to make such a big thing about Trump talking dirty 11 years ago. The problem was, there just wasn’t enough… Read more »

Reply to  Yankee Girl
7 years ago

Old Chinese proverb, “Don’t throw rocks in glass house”. Oh ya! Revenge, a dish best served cold. Lot to be said for Trump. The guy is a Mensa child, IQ of 165. Intelligent people like Donald Trump are five or ten moves against the mental midgets that pose for “elites”. It is why amassing a fortune is second nature, why going up against the psychopath political class and having a great time doing it is possible, all the while doing it on the legacy media’s dime and gas lighting them to boot. Old Ronnie Raygun got nothing on trump in… Read more »

Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

Wish there were a way to give you three thumbs up!
And… I sure do hope you’re right!

Reply to  Kathy
7 years ago

Above comment in reply to Doug.

Reply to  Kathy
7 years ago

Hope so to.

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

Are there glass ceilings in these houses?

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Right, ZMan. Amidst all the frenzied chatter “there’s not time to find out what this is all about” there is the overlooking of the effect this has on those who have not yet voted.

Reply to  Lulu
7 years ago

It’s just hanging out there…

Yankee Girl
Yankee Girl
Reply to  Lulu
7 years ago

Re: effect on voters. I noticed that at Clinton/Kaine events earlier in the week, the signage backdrops had been changed from “Stronger Together” to “Vote Early” and that these had been set up across from libraries and other polling places. Trying to pack as many in as possible before possible SHTF.

fred z
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

The mutineers mentioned by Smitty, or someone, knew Comey was a weak man, susceptible to pressure. No doubt a way was found to put even more pressure on Comey than Clinton could. Indictment? Loss of job, status and pension?

Old Codger
Old Codger
Reply to  fred z
7 years ago

How about a recently discovered pre-appointment “pay-to-play” for Comey himself?
Sorta like that $500K payment to the wife of the #2 FBI deputy.

Reply to  fred z
7 years ago

If he didn’t say anything about this new evidence until after the election, he would be the one taking all the heat for protecting Hillary-when he didn’t want to in the beginning anyhow. This is payback and CYA simultaneously.

Dan Kurt
Dan Kurt
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

re: “There’s no way the Feds wrap up their investigation and exonerate the fat cow in a week. Whatever they have, warranted the most extraordinary option being the only option.” thezman

I can not think of another alternative to the following and I have been thinking on this non-stop since yesterday. There is only one kind of crime committed by PIAPS to warrant this action by Comey:


Dan Kurt

Reply to  Dan Kurt
7 years ago

Dan, there’s treason, all right, but will it all come out?

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Ya but Z, Comey was before anything expendable, a cutout. He is a political animal before any job description. no other wauy he gets the job of Director of the FBI. The Clinton’s have used nefarious components of the FBI for decades to do their wet work. That makes you cannon fodder in a worst case scenario, right? Like or hate the guy, sometimes you got to do what you got to to stay alive. That right there is some mighty serious motivation to do things you normally wouldn’t do. Like pop up in front of your fellow weasels unannounced… Read more »

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
7 years ago

Over and under for Hillary dropping out before next Friday?

Over and under for Hillary dropping dead before the election?

7 years ago

Of course the fix could once again be in; Comey can wrap up this “new” investigation one day before the election and proclaim that; ” I, director Comey, Gauleiter of the Geheime Staatspolizei, now known as the Stasi, or, for the benefit of the ignorant , foolish, American voters, the FBI, under the orders of our beloved, dear, Schwarze Fuhrer, Herr Obama, have concluded that the Fuhrer’s top candidate to succeed him, Mann-Frau Hillary Clinton, is totally innocent of all charges.” Hillary can then proclaim, one day before election day, “see, the false and spurious charges leveled at me by… Read more »

Reply to  JohnTyler
7 years ago

My guess is the House of Obama has decided to burn down the House of Clinton. In part because Hillary could take down Obama too, and he needs to obliterate her before she pulls the trigger on him. Game of Thrones, it is not just a book and movie series any more.

Old Codger
Old Codger
Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

Never was “…just a book and movie series…”. It was dead serious and real to anyone with a knowledge of history.

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

LOL, Hillary as Cersei Lannister!

Reply to  Omega3
7 years ago

ugly division

michael martin
7 years ago

You are overthinking this. It is quite simple, field grade agents got assigned to the Weiner case. They discovered the devise shared by Weiner and Abedin with thousands of Clinton emails on it. Rather than reporting this fact, they investigated and dug deeper. When they had a shit ton of incriminating evidence, they produced an official report and dropped it on the desk of their OIC. That report shot up the chain of command. James Comey read the report and faced a decision, try to squash it and go to jail for aiding and abetting or, reopen the case. I… Read more »

Nam Marine
Nam Marine
7 years ago

Hillary, Huma, Barry and comey all belong in jail !

Mark Matis
Mark Matis
Reply to  Nam Marine
7 years ago

You should also add Lynch and Holder and Lerner and Pelosi and Reid and Lyin’ Ryan and Post Turtle and Valerie and Sheryl and Moochelle and…

Nam Marine
Nam Marine
7 years ago

Comey did this to cover his own butt !

7 years ago

Maybe this is just a bureaucrat balancing his career options. While Hillary looked likely to win, he swept her problems under the rug. Now Trump looks to have a good chance of winning, Comey claims he now has reason to think again. If Trump wins, Comey finds reason to prosecute Hillary, keeps his job and stays out of jail. If Hillary wins, he decides there’s no new reason to prosecute her, keeps his job and stays alive.

Reply to  cynic
7 years ago

I really like the idea that Comey doing this reflects a cool calculation that Trump is likely to win. We can only hope!

A.T. Tapman
A.T. Tapman
7 years ago

Hey Z, why alligator?

Reply to  A.T. Tapman
7 years ago

See my above post- often used by Boston Herald columnist and talk show host Howie Carr. let’s hope this means that, politically, anyway, Hiltron “will not be down for breakfast!”

7 years ago

Love the Howie Carrisms

7 years ago

Jeebus! Z man writes like Niccolo M. and quotes the Buggles??? From their hardest-to-find-album ca. 1980s? Kept me up all night trying to figure it out, better watch your step, Z, and better watch their steps in the vermillion sands :-))))

Reply to  Jake
7 years ago

Right, but then there is the possibility of an “FBI mutiny” driving all this.

Reply to  smitty
7 years ago

“One Email To Rule Them One Email To Find Them One Email To Bring Them All, And In The Darkness Bind Them” It’s called auto-delegitimization. The layers of lies, or is that emails, is so vast, the law of unintended consequences are beyond their political power to control any longer. And it is not just the lies, it is the entire “regime” of corruptocrats running things. You can’t rob an entire nation the size of America wholesale and not create consequences. Another thing is that barren vagina can not be allowed to be president. Lot of people understand that fully.… Read more »

Reply to  smitty
7 years ago

I think the FBI rank and file have gone berserk on comey due letting H walk and the number two guys overt corruption. He can’t keep the lid on any longer. This coupled with the rest of Zs and ideas here are just too much. She’s gonna blow…or she’s blowing”………..

Reply to  Steve
7 years ago

I think this accomplishes some things that favor team Hillary: 1. Huma takes the brunt of blame for email gate. Officially, Hillary only made a rather big mistake by having a private server. But Huma played fast and loose by sharing classified info with a sex predator (this will sell with lo-fo fence sitters). 2. Huma also happens to be married to this factory of embarrassment for the Clinton side (Bill is bad enough), who is also the subject of an ongoing FBI investigation which the Clinton camp knows is not going to go well. Huma falls on her sword… Read more »

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  gshocker
7 years ago

too late for all that now.

Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
7 years ago

At a certain point you run out of people to throw under the bus. And you really can only shut so many people up by “assisted suicide”, otherwise known as the Vince Foster treatment, before the consequences of that begin to come back to roost.

Andy Texan
Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

I saw it suggested (at another website) that the FBI acted because Huma Abedin is passing state department secrets to the middle east (all spy-like).

Reply to  Andy Texan
7 years ago

Gee, what a surprise, Huma Abedin who’s been neck-deep in the Muslim Brotherhood all her life might actually be a spy! Remember the letter sent around back in 2012 by Michele Bachmann, Louie Gohmert, Trent Franks, Lynn Westmoreland and Tom Rooney, asking for an investigation into Muslim Brotherhood penetration of our government, and what a hysterical fainting fit the Establishment had? “Ooooh, you’re saying bad things about that nice Huma Abedin! You bad, racist, islamophobes!!” But that letter [] did nothing more than state in a succinct way the issues that people like Andrew McCarthy, Steven Emerson, Paul Sperry and… Read more »

Reply to  Andy Texan
7 years ago

The FBI just figured that out?
OK, right.
Next the FBI sniper team, who was at Ruby Ridge and blew Vicki Weavers head off while holding her baby, at Waco with trophy photos of each of them standing on the carbonized remains of the children incinerated in that bunker, and who shot LeVoy Finnicum with a foam bullet in the kidney to cause him to reach down in pain so it looked like he was reaching for a pistol to justify executing the man, will all volunteer to be held accountable for the deadly violence they committed.

Reply to  Steve
7 years ago

Comey asked the FBI not be called weasels when he testified in Congress. A weasel pleading with weasels. That is so rich it defies contradiction in terms. It is akin to what Romanian communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu’s wife Elena pleaded as the Romanian patriots put her and her husband up against the wall to summarily execute them by firing squad:
“I treated you like my children”

Reply to  Steve
7 years ago

LeVoy Finnicum, Randy Weavers wife, and 76 woman and children who where burn alive in a bunker in Waco Texas where unavailable for comment.

Reply to  Steve
7 years ago

Sure looks to me like indications the entire regime of corruptocrats is beginning to crumble, aka crisis of legitimacy. It’s a monster of their own making. Hillary Clinton for the next anointed POTUS is plainly “a bridge too far”.

Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

From your lips to God’s ears!

Reply to  Kathy
7 years ago

Well I sure hope it is as said we are a God Blessed Country Kathy, because lord love a duck, we need all the help we can get before this ruling elite crap is done away with. If not these maniacs are going to take everyone and everything with them in their insanity.

Ron Snyder
Reply to  smitty
7 years ago

The cops I know would not forgive a crooked cop just because he did the right thing after folding to undue influence.

Reply to  Ron Snyder
7 years ago

The question is, how similar to an organized criminal gang cops are when the political class is as corrupt as it is. After all, who signs the paychecks, buys the toys, and writes the “laws”?

Reply to  smitty
7 years ago

My thought on this is that Comey was being leaned on by the Clintons because obviously they’ve got something on him. But he never really anticipated the Insurrection that he would cause amount the rest the straight up people of the FBI. And once he got wind of what Assange or Kim Dotcom were about to drop on the Bitch’s head this coming week, he basically pulled the “I did what I could” act on Team Hillary and Loretta Lynch and tossed them the seeping bag of Hillary’s feces. Self-Preservation runs very strong in D. C. And expect lots and… Read more »

Reply to  Chiefillinicake
7 years ago

Coney is a career executive. He has zero law enforcement creeds. So he is a political appointee first. A political critter in essence. What else is he going to do but run to fellow weasels and plead for help with his dick stuck in a ringer. You know these people are cannibals. They eat their own for a mid day snack. Comey was always an expendable asset. It is the second half of his usefulness. If he has a brain cell still functioning he knows he is a deadman walking.

Reply to  smitty
7 years ago

That’s what I think. I think the FBI agents who found Clinton’s “lost” emails while working on the Weiner thing got together and told Comey that he would reopen the investigation or they would go public.

Reply to  Jake
7 years ago

The Clintons are going down and Mr. Comey doesn’t want to go down with them. Makes sense, considering his shadowy financial connections to their shadowy enterprises, that he should look after himself.

Reply to  fodderwing
7 years ago

Another dynamic effecting how these things unravel involves how complicit and dirty everyone involved is. At some juncture in the exposure of corruption everyone involved begins to think how they are going to cover their own butts. We are talking about a veritable den of thieves here, there is no honor among them. Greed and staying out of the limelight are the motivating imperatives when the skids of corruption glide smoothly, they all get along so they can feed at the trough of public largess. Thing is there is so many of them, and the money is beginning to dry… Read more »

7 years ago

I am thinking that this release is a Plan B for the Globalists who fear that a Clinton loss will be seen as part of the world-wide rejection of their agenda and thus fuel similar movements in Europe and elsewhere. So much easier to regroup and sustain the narrative if the loss can be blamed on the crass corruption of the Clintons.

Mark Matis
Mark Matis
7 years ago

One more time: Obama CANNOT let Clinton get indicted. As SoS, she was in the middle of every one of his treasonous actions during her four years in office. A partial list, in case you may have forgotten: Fast and Furious and the other similar operations out of the REST of the twenty-five BATFE Field Divisions across this country Libya Iran Benghazi Syria If she is charged, do you REALLY think she will “take one for the team” and “go quietly into the night”??? Or will she instead do a public dump and bring down this entire Administration? Obama will… Read more »

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
7 years ago

Is Anthony Weiner the Samuel Pepys of the 21st century?

7 years ago

Looking forward to these: BREAKING=> Julian Assange: NEXT LEAK Will Lead to Arrest of Hillary Clinton Jim Hoft Oct 28th, 2016 12:09 pm Looks like Comey has a mutiny on his hands: In Leaked Memo, James Comey Explains Why FBI Told Congress About Reopened Clinton Probe …and the hits keep coming: James O’Keefe: Will Be Releasing Video Of Democrats Disparaging Black People Former FBI Asst. Director Accuses Clintons Of Being A “Crime Family” Bernstein: FBI Would Not Reopen Case Unless New Evidence Was “A Real Bombshell” Anthony Weiner Said To Be Cooperating With FBI Investigation… Read more »